THE I L LUST II AT 15 1) BEE. September 8, liMjl I'H'Wi IBM t4 In KSPHHH ("tout MH SHWINCI MACIIINI-: llHI'AUT.MHNT KI ItASKA CVCLH CO, OOItN'Kit KlKThK'-TII AND IIAUN'KV TIiIh company has the largest Miwlug machine innlc of any house west of Chicago, lialng u branch at i12 Nortn Tweuty Koiirtli street South Onuiliu ami R.I I Ilroail way. Council IUiiITh, Iow.i. At any of them, places mippliis ami parts for ny w lug iiiaehlno mamifaiH ire.l may bo juirch iihciI. They push as their It-ail -r th- well-known ball bearing Whei It r & Wilson, but ran fnrnlHh you any other machine. Tiny nlno carry a large line of bicycles, mppli ami typewriters, (ieo. H. Mlckcl, the nmiuigrr of IhlH progressive establishment. I s nu ciitci prising citizen ami a prominent ineinl er of the Knights of Ak-Sar-llen. PRIMO RYE 10 years old. Tho Gem of All Rye Whiskies (Jul I inn) Hon mo when you come to the AKSARBEN PARADE S I will Hblp four full (imrtw for $3.10 Charges prepaid. T1HH WIIIHKOy Ih bottled ex pressly for my trudu ami h Hold direct to t b u consumer, thus saving all rtitnll dealer's proilt 1 guar antco It to bo a line, iiure, old r y u whiskey, aged I n wood ami the eiiual of a n y wlilskoy sold for twlco tlio money If not absolutely satisfactory, re turn to me and I will refund your money 1 give a llni sou venir with every order. l'ucked ami shinned In plain boxes, MEYER KLEIN, nun .urtii mill si., omaiia. Inferences All banks In Oimiha or any express company Orders from states west of Nebraska niUHt call for 3 gallons to bo prepaid. Everybody Knows Wo curry the BwolloBt and most coinploto stock of Elk Jowolry in tho city. Wo also munufucturo and repair any thing to order. Watches for AkHar-Ilcn week 10 to pur cent dlHcount JUBt to see them go. (That week.) T, L, COMBS & CO., 1520 DOUGLAS STRUCT. , i ' w'riSaWlffi FREE m m M T.M1l 1 MM .SA.MtCltSO.V, I'ri'Nhlciit. i.. ni:i.ritit:n, StM-'y-Treim. I,. MiWT(l,V, Siipl. I'onmlry. Otllcu 'Phone 1 1 til Foundry 'Phono 2132 i'i i it ni :iAitTM i:t.s (,'iiinirlliiu Machine .Simp, Iron mill HriiHn I'ounil r , Cleetrlenl Department. Ollleo and Works Mi. i iimi-n now vitn vi'uhkt. foundry .Ml. hOU .iackmi.v sTi(i:irr. DR. J. ROY, Kluotrolysis and Chiropodist. Wnrts, Moles, Illrtluimrki.. 8iiporlliinus Hair ami ull fiice 1IciiiIIhm mu' I'Htfully icmovcj with electricity. OraJimto of Nullum! iVIWro KU-ctro-Thera- p.'tltlcH IUimm 12, KriMuer ItlK . Opp Ol.l l O. OMAHA. NKU Tel. lit. Mm, VIiimIii'h SimiIIiIiik Syrup lias been used for over lrIKTV V10AUS by MILLIONS of MOTH Kits for their CI1IL IMtUN WIIILK TKKTIIINd, wltli 1'lClt KRt'T Sl'CT'KSS. IT SDOTIIKS the IMIILP. SDl'TKNS the (It 'MS, A LI. A VS nil PAIN. ITltRS WINP t')LK' ami Is the best rem edy tor DlAllltllOICA Sold by dniKKlsts In iiverv Dart of the world. He suro ami ask lor "Mrs Wlnslow s SoothltiK Syrup and take no other kind Twenty-tlve cents n tiottlu. 1 ' 1 1 8 SkrEf ' OMAHA, KB. Buyers WANT ONE OF THESE 1901 BICYGLES An huiiiMt odvrrtlwiiu'iil. Woaruiletcnnliuil to IntnHtuiv the wonderful lcum Ilen.tiu'lui tlieiu liiiiulroiiii'ly. uiiciuiwl u linil .MiHkl llh'jrlii, with Inn- "-in. ih'u Aim liwiit iiutu'iuii, iur M-iiiut; nur U'liutlr. Wo luivo a ri'iuitiiUon for homt ittviliutr, mul to nroe it, cury IXTKOII Willi H 114 Kll iHltt'Hot ll'lint lllwIlU'llllTHlillOlHt Cl'lltH it liomlll mrlio our crni'tvu oiri rof thla U.Im1Iu whirl. 14.1111 ll, ., .tli. ... tMl nillllliui II lUlZl'lt tllMllHti 1IUIIIII1 TcmmniiwliUliwti;lo ntwoluh'ly txva for Nlllnir only nix Ihixi'M. lkm't M'lltl n crllt. otllor tiwlnr. ntnl un Mml tVi., iMl,ltd liy limit lien wM wild untlitSI.Vuiiil n mmnuiUv If vim will comply llli our olfer wo 111 wnj yon with th Jm KHHinii,tho lioiieni, tlm Hell, iiml tlio Pli'yi li', any lro frmmu,wHh al4uti'r lllryi'ln to 1h it IVUI inmlel, t'niitiilnliitr "11 of tlio lnlint Imimivn. ICUBl BEMEOY CO., iiniko, wiiiiii(riri'iiitiiMiiiiii'iv intMu,iiieiuiitr we truAmiittHi Uio will placo their orders for Tall ami Winter garments where they are sun to obtain fair value for their money. We offer you a tempting opportunity to dress well nt a moderate price. Hundreds of economical buyers are placing their orders here. They real ize the saving In having their gar ments made by Nlcoll The Tailor. $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10 for Trousers - made to your order. $20, $25, $30, $35 for stylish ami up-to-date uultli.g: All garments made by the best skilled tailors of Omaha TAILOR 209-21! South 15th St KARHALII BLOCK. I TitiAi.TitKAT.nt:. r rit:i:. will iurrvltsaudir miy cam. cf IntfTnal.r.slrriiHlur llrliluic Illr Ihovrm I'llf I'un fall toruro,ln(aiil iul pernmniiil rolirl Write at onrx. -:Jrran .nrtllrml t'u., JI5 K. 3.1 ft.. Onrliiiintl. , " Blccle Dept.- mmml. m m fc. E241 New Haven. Conn. Look! Gentlemen Look! All our Pipes its well us our liniiids of Clours besir this Trwlr Mark its :i unniiitct' for piml qual ity. Our .Motto Is: In every man's mouth a ooil cluur. Wholesalers anJ .Manufacturers. Wo Iook for mail oulor.. PERFIELD Agent for the famous Weber, Julius Bauer & Co., Hazelton, Schiller Pianos. Pi Organs and tho Cocilian self the latent ami most reliable made. Special It Everything Considered Speed, grade of work, cost of keeping in repair, dura bility, etc., ours are by all odds the cheapest type writers on the market. THE BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY Sent Tree to Any KLEIN'S M FULL I QUARTS Direct from Distiller tii co sinner to save MUkl. cm. m's l'rolit. KLtlN'S APEX RYli. lias proved, for the short time it has been on the market, u Kreat Hiiecesa Wo uro now busy illlliiK orders for family and medicinal use, us It Is hlKhly recommended by physicians and nurses as u mild and mellow whis key, absolutely p.iro and tree from adulteration. Olio trial will convince you that you cannot at' lord to bo without It. References Packer s National Hank, South Omaha; South Omahi National Bank, South Omaha; all lixpnss and 11. It. Co's. ."11 )1 -il.Ll Stipes, mmmsy . jp'.'.i.'i.."Mk(i.. "inM , . i J K OlD JQtJMp't' WHITE TO J, KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, N. E, Cor. 26th & N. Sts S, Omaha 1 1 TUAOH MA His Store A 1104 Doiiulns htore ll-'2'Jil S. Kith St. Store S. lnth St. Shnw, Wheelock, Ludwl - playing piano attachment! prices during carnival week .om 7, Hee Building. Kutrauce Main CoJ Typewriter New Deiismore Ne vs Century New Yost We sell, rent, exchange and repair typewriters. For information regarding typewriters address or call on United Typewriter and Supplies Co 1611 Fa rn a in Street, OMAHA. APEX RYE FOR s3 .15. Express Charges Pre. paid. We will send 4 full quart liottlen of Kleln Apex Hye, 9 years did, extra copper distilled, for 13.15, express prepaid. We ship In plain packages no murks to lndlcato con tents. When you get It and test It, If It is not satisfactory return It at our cxpenso and we will refund your $3.15. This samo grade of whiskey we offer for 13.16 cannot be purchased olBewhere , fo- less than 5.00. Orders for tho Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Col orado, Washington and Arizona must call for 30 quarts to be prepaid. .