Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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8ptrtime Frsptre for the Open (.son
About to Tako Effect.
DuuI.'n mid (it'cup Will lie (,'omliiir
Soon, HiMviM i?r, mill IMfiity of
I'ontliriTil (Iiiiid- In Left til
Attrnct 1 1 ti ii ( m til ii.
Omaha eportsrrcn and othcr3 all through
Nebraska nrc now hard at work with oiled
rnR and steel wire brush and rust-klllor
on their favorite nhotRtino, while they de
termine meanwhile what size Hhot they will
-.-is acneon, whether they will take It
wft or chilled and Just, what proportion of
not and powder they will adopt for their
The approachlnK pralrlo chicken bIiooIIiik
In the caunc of all tho commotion among
field sports and It Is plain from prepara
tion!! already under way that thcro will ho
more huntumen out for the birds this sea
fion thnn for yearg past. Influenced largely
by the reports of vast ntnnbeis of the
feathered gamo oil through tho western
part of tho state and partly by an unusual
sufficiency of means, wing Bhota of all
clnsses nn-I nil ages will tukc tho night
trnlns on September 30 to the chosen locali
ties, to that they may start In early thu
next morning when tho law Is out.
Another thing that makes hunters so
eager after the chickens V. tho existence
In .N'cbraslin of tho two-year quail law.
None of thc-1 timall birds may bo tliot,
according to law, until two years from
the opening of tho next season, November
1. So with tho "Hob Whites" thus out of
their legal reach the sports arc more fervid
than over In their pursuit of tho one re
maining Nebraska Held bird.
IIiicIvn mill d't'i'i! (ii Come.
Of courrc tho ducks nnd geese will bo
coming on soon and In fact there should
bo a good many ready to shoot today, but
most hunters prefer pralrlo chicken and
quail nu . game to shoot. Lying half
frozen In n damp blind In tho reeds Is not
so alluring as a steady tramp acroes tho
stubble. Ono Is In action a great deal of
tho time, the other constant cxerclso and
With the rcctirrcncc of tho shooting sea
son comes again tho question of what size
shot to uso for tho different birds. Thnt
any dlsclplo of N'lmrod will havo tho
temerity to tako anything smaller than
No. 1 shot for geeso Is doubtful and some
of them will continue oven to uso tho nil
size. Hut with chlckotm thcro will bo somo
changes In style. In tho first place
chilled shot will doubtlcsit bo In more gen
eral uso tin n ever. It costs more, but
proplo reom to regard that Item less. Then
those who ranged from Nos. C to 6 In their
choice of soft shot will now settle definitely
upon tho 6 slzo chilled. Nothing smaller
Is Bafo with chickens nt tho maturity they
will have- attained by October 1.
Up In Wisconsin, Illinois nnd Minnesota
tho season began September 1, a week ago,
and tho blrUa being quite young and Immn
turo could bo shot with No. 7 chilled with
enuc. Hut tho difference In climate and
territory between Minnesota Is not equal
to a mouth's lopso of tlmo and birds will be
far stronger hero next month than they nro
up thcro now. Omnhnnn havo signified
their Intention of shooting for ducks with
shot ranging from 6 to 7, In 3lzc.
rump (Sun (In- Kuvorltc
Tho pumpgun, tho ropcator, shooting six
times with ono loading, has now becomo
the general fnvorlto for chicken hunting.
Up around Atkinson, Neb., where all the
men and boys and many women hunt, tho
orders for now guns of this pattern havo
boon very numerous this last two weeks.
One firm will ship 200 repeating shotguns
to Atkinson chortly,
For ducks, too, tho pumpgun Is becom
ing a favorite, but tho old double-barroled
standby still stays ns tho only thing for
geese.. It was olso used almost exclusively
for quail by trained sportsmen before tho
two-yonr law and will contlnuo In favor
nftcr Its expiration.
Popular choice of gun gauge among
sportsmen has experienced a decided change
during tho last year or two. It Is now cer
tain that the small slxtecn-born Is the
coming thing In shotguns. With Improved
ammunition, nnd also tho growing percep
tion that It does not tnko so much to kill
a bird ns might be thought, gauges nro
tending to the minimum In size.
Klvo yenrs ago many No. 10 guns wcro In
uso nnd everything smallor than n twelvo
was very raro Indeed. Last year twelves
wero used prominently and slxtecns started
to hnvo n run. This season a majority of
new guns ordered havo been of this small
slzo and In two yenrs moro this type will
bo tho prevailing one. It makes n lighter
gun, Is neater nnd morn compact nnd easier
to handle nnd Is effective,
All taking and killing of fowl or fish by
sportsmen or others Is limited to food pur
poses strictly nnd each person In one cal
endar day Is allowed to tako not more than
ten wild geeso or brants, twenty-five game
birds of other varieties nnd twcnty-flvo
fish. Tho dllfereut open seasons nro:
April I to October 1 All fish, except trout.
Blood Poison
There is no poison so highly contagious,
eo deceptive and eo destructive. Don't be
too sure you nre cured because nil cstcrrv.l
signs of the disease have disappeared, nnd
the doctor says you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
1'otasli for months or years, and pro
nounced cured to renlic when too late
that the disease wns only covered up
Uko Bogcis Uko. SlcftXS
out ngln, and to their sorrow nnd mortifi
cation find those nearest nnd dearest to
them have been infected by this loath
rotne disease, for no other poison id so
surely transmitted from parent to child
ns this. Often a bad case of Hlieumntisui,
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
on old sore or ulcer developing in middle
life, can be traced to blood poison cou-
In early Stn Of tho PaPCIttm
life, for it remains smoldering iu the sys
tem forever, unless properly treated and
driven out iu the beginning. 8. S. S. i
the only antidote for thlu peculiar virus,
the only remedy known, that can over,
come it and drive it out of the blood, nnd
it docs this so thoroughly and effectually
that there ts never n return of the disease
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards.
Pfc cures Contagious niood
Ik flt rolson in any nnd all
6tngcR, contains no
) J5 iie"l t break down
eV your constitution ; it is
purely vegetable and the only blood puri
Tier known that cleanscM the blood and
nt the same time builds up the general
1 Our little book on contagious blood
poison is the most complete nnd instruc
tive ever issued; it not only tells all
nbout this disease, but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and shoutd
be iu the hands of everyone seeking a
cure. Send for it.
Anrll 13 to Or tober 20 Wild nleeon. doves
and plover.
June 1 to October 31 Trout, not less than
eight Inches long.
aukusi ib to November 1& Deer Having
horns, antelope having horns.
October 1 to November 30 Prnlrle chick
ens, sage chickens nnd grouse.
November 1 to November 30 Quail, after
November 1, 1903,
September 1 to April 13, Next Ensuing
wild riuckri, geese, brants, swnns, cranes
and game waterfowls, Jacksnlptf, Wilson
Bnlpe and yellow legs.
Omnliu Hunt I'rim-n Too Mppeily nnd
.Hentvortliy for tlir Cntrlnited
Craft from M liiottrl.
A great event In Intcrlnko yachting cir
cles was the speed contest of last week
on Lake Mannwa between the Andover, a
sloop owned by A. Dickinson of Omaha, aud
the Kid, a cntboat from Lake Contrary,
near St. Joseph, Mo., the property of J. A.
Van Brunt. The affair was a new departure
In that It brought together In competition
for the first tlmo boats representing differ
ent sections of tho west Mississippi coun
try. In this It would appear to bo n posi
tive Indication of tho definite establishment
cf this sporting custom, new to local sall
ormcn. Hnces between the different crafts on
Lake Mauawa havo been common, but not
before has n strange boat been brought to
enter tho lists as n challenger. In honor of
tho beginning n beautiful challenge cup,
called the Intcrlnke Challenge cup, has been
posted. It Is over n foot high and gold
lined, being a handsomd trophy. For this
cup tho Andover nnd Kid raced on Monday
nnd the Andover won, so the cup Is retained
However, the prize may never become n
permanent possession of any boatman. I.Ike
tho cup which Sir Thomns Upton strives
so strenuously to secure, It Is always open
to challenge and must nlwajs be defended
by tho owner, nnd elthor won ngaln or lost.
Other western Intcrlnke sailors will doubt
less try for this cup nnd Mr. Van Urunt
fays he will bo here again next year with
a different boat to muke another attempt.
Monday's race demonstrated conclusively
the superiority of a boat of thu Andovcr's
peculiar build for making speed on small
inland lakes. Though Its sprjad of sail was
some 110 square feet less than that of Its
opponent, It had no difficulty In gliding
nwny from tho Kid In n breeze.
Watcrllne Is a thing to bo sought after
for n speed boat. Hy a clever freak of
construction tho Andover succeeds In se
curing an nctuul watcrllno many feet longer
than Its lino by measurement when up
right on tho water. Its class Is determined
by tho latter measurement, so tho Andover
rnccs as n seventeen-foot boat. However,
when Its Balls are set and It Is close-hauled
nnd keels over on Its side to tnko tho wind
It haB an actual waterllno of twcnty-elGhl
This strnngo result Is accomplished hy
thu long, squa'o prow of tho boat, a pe
culiar architecture, but nn effcetlvo ono
on giving oxtcuslvo wnter line. Tho con
struction of tho Kid docs not give this ad
vantage. Tho famous Indcpcndcnco Is built
nomcwhnt on tho lines described, and tho
Milwaukee, well known Chicago boat, Is
characteristic for thnt feature.
Six miles nnd n half was tho length of
tho course covered by tho two bonts.
After attempts to mako starts on Satur
day and Sunday tho boats got away suc
cessfully Monday, and tho first race was
won by tho Andover In 1:0G:39. Tho Kid
wns not far bohind, tnktng 1:08:21.
In tho second race tho Andover took off
a mlnuto and a half, making tho run In
1:0.":01. Tho Kid wan capsized on the last
leg of tho triangle becauso of tho sudden
reverse filling of n spinnaker. Mr. Van
Urunt wns handling tho boat himself at tho
time, nnd It Ik tho first tlmo ho has over
capsized, although ho has been calling for
twenty years.
Though tho Kid Is exclusively a rnclng
boat, built In every way for speed alono,
thnt did not nvoll against tho Andover.
Tho 4S0 squnro feet spread of sail and tho
thinnest nnd lightest of planking nil wore
ovorcomo by n lono watcrllno nnd clever
sailing on tho Andover. Tho latter Is truly
a wizard for speed, and Mr. Van Ilrunt
says ho will havo one like It next year.
His presont boat was brought from tho
Atlantic coast and will not do tho busi
ness on n small lake. Moreover, tho rules
of tho Inland Lnkn Yachting association
allow no dead ballast, but tho Kid, with
tho Andovcr's permission, carried 1,000
Sixth Aniiunl Mri't ill Cluli Ground,
Hunt 1 0 ti 1 1 of DiiiiuImn Street
Tho sixth annual amnteur tournament of
tho Dupont Oun club of Omaha will bo held
at tho club grounds nt the cast end of tho
DouglaB street bridge Septembor 23, 2(5
aud 27. Tho program for tho tournament
was Issued today. It includes ten ovents
each day, for fifteen and twenty targets
Entrance, feos in tho fifteen target events
is $1.G0, with $5 added and tho feo in twenty
target ovents Is $2 with $5 added.
Tho tournament will close with a twenty-llvo-blrd
handicap on September 27, twentv
slx to thirty-one yards. Tho cntranco feo
for this event is $10, with ono money for
every live entries, Hose system.
The money In fifteen-target ovents Is di
vided 35, 30, 20 and 15 per cent; In tho
twenty-target ovents, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10
por cent, Interstate, association rules to
govern. Tho grounds will bo open to prac
tice, Wednesday, Septembor 24.
It Is oxpected that tho tournament will
bring nmatour trap shooters from all over
tho west and that tho tournnmcnt will bo
ono of the largest ever held In tho city.
I.oeul Siiorlluir Note.
Owlnc to n illsncroomont about travel
pay, Oscar Gardner Is not going to Kng-
inuu to ugni nexi momu, nis uuie ine.e
being called off.
Oscar Gardner went to Kansas City from
here last Pililny night to tight Clarence
l-orues twenty rounds, Tlio contest tnKes
place this afternoon on n llatbo.u on the
Missouri river, nanny Haley accompanied
tho "Omnha Kid,"
Farmer Hums, tho wrestler, is nt nrcsent
busy mnnaglng his two farms nsnr H k
Hock, la. lie will return to' Omaha la
October to Instruct In wrestllnir nt Oscar
Gnrdner'H athletic club. Meanwhile Peter
Loch Is tilling tho position,
A warm light has been nrrnnced for tho
afternoon of next ttundny, September 15,
near tins cuy. apine i.eroy and it, Hmltl),
the lnttcr colored, will go fifteen rounds nt
12S pounds. Hoth are, local men and well
known. Hmilli wns recently defeated uv
Oscar Gardner.
Jnclc Heebe will leave shortly for the rnst.
On Senteinbor 111 be will roferco at Munclo.
Inrt.. the tic lit between (lus Hezsnnh ami
George Monroe for tho bantnin chnmplou-
snip. mo men win ugni ni no pnur.di,
Hexennh la from Clnclnnutl, while Monroo
hulls from Hrooklvn. In u former contest
Hezcnnh won through nn accident, Monroo
striking his hend on a board end In a fall
through tlio ropes.
I'mmnter Jack Heche has throe mon
whom he Is anxious to match, One Is
Mike Schreck. well known hero through his
victories over Oscar Gardner nnd runny
Holey this summer. Then thero am two
colored lads, ono of whom. Jesso Snlpp,
Heelii) will put neauisi any man in wiu
world at 12i pounds, not excepting Terry
McGovern. 8hlip Is 19 ytnrs old. Thn
there Is Kid Ashe, who Is anxious to mo t
either Joe Guns or Steve Crosby, the men
who fought n twenty-round draw at Louis
ville last week, Cans formerly defeated
"I had a running sore on my log for seven
yenrs," writes Mrs. James Porest of Chip
pewa Palls, Wis,, "and spent hundreds of
dollars In trying to get It healed. Two
boxes of Hannor Salvo entirely cured It."
Uownro of substitutes,
Toanti Miiten Gather nt Courts of Athletic
Allocation. ,
.Ml.nmirl Vnllc- Sliitcs Wilt Compete
for (.'liftiiipliiMlilt Oinnlin Hon.
or t' till eld Uy Worthy
The tennis season In Omaha will be
brought to n fitting close this week with a
tourmment, Including players from Ne-
braBka, Iowa, Musourl, Kansas and Illinois.
Tho contests will bo on n larger scale than
any slnco lfOC, whn the Chicngo contingent
went home laden with honors from tho
Harney street courts. The Omaha Amateur
Athletic association Is In charge of the
event and about forty players will bo en
tered. Conrad Young, A. Bennett nnd P. J.
Hill mnke up tho governing committee. Tho
contest will commence on September 11 and
last over till the next Tuesday.
The trophy to bo striven for Is a shapely
liver cup, six Inches high and richly
decorated. It Is supported by three handles
and has a vnluo of $75. To attain the prlzo
permanently the champion must win It
twice, another opportunity being given at a
tournnmcnt next spring. In addition to tho
chief r.rlzo a first nnd second nward will be
mAde In both singles and doubles, tho sum
of $100 being nvallable for this purpose.
A Kansas City delegation has made known
Its purpose to be present, under tho leader
ship of Dr. Vaughn nnd 1). I James, who
won tho local championship of thnt city.
Parnsworth nnd tho Haymonds, who had
things their own way In tho trlstato tourna
ment at Sioux City, will bo on tho ground
nnd n squad of Iowans will follow In their
trail In tho hope of securing revenge.
I.nenl NlionltIK In Slronjr.
Tho best local talent, with the exception
of Austin, will bo In line to uphold tho
honor of Omnha. Tho local champion Is
taking a vacation tour through the east.
Young and Caldwell will mako up the best
team of tho Athletic association and other
Omaha teams which nro fully their equal
will be entered. Webster and Hobb, the
champions nf the Young Men's Chrlstlnn
association courts; Captain VanVllet nnd
his son of Port Crook make up formidable
pairs and arc all In tho best possible form,
having ployed steadily all summer. Tho
committee has Just received n lottcr of nc
ceptnnco from players at North Platte, who
aro Bald to be a llttlo bit better than any
thing In western Nebraska.
An effort Iiob boon mndo to bring west
somo of tho Chicngo experts who mado such
nn excellent Impression hero n few yenrs
ago. Although tho tourney was Intended to
Includo only four stntcs tho rulo will do
stretched to include Illinois in the Interest
of good sport. Thero Is a good chanco that
at least Wnldner will bo prevailed upon to
Tho tournnmcnt has been widely adver
tised and notices are posted In every sport
ing club In tho middle west. Tho low rntcs
In voguo fpr Ak-Sar-Bcn week nro ex
pected to servo as a special Inducement.
Tho Athletic association has applied for
membership In tho National Lawn Tennis
association, which will glvo It standing
throughout the country. Events on tho ns
soclntlon courts will be nationally recog
nized and tho club will come In for a con
sldcroblo nmoun' of advertising.
Hope to Nccurr Trl-Stiitr.
Although thi) association Is not talking
for publication on tho subject it has a
secret hope of bringing tho trl-stato to
Omaha next year. Tho facilities at Stoux
City, wncro tho tourney wns Just .completed,
aro not ontlsfactory, thero being only threo
courts and these, not all that could be
wished. Workmen aro now putting tho six
courts of the association Into faultless
condition nnd they nro expected to shine
In contrast with Sioux City. Tho back
screens aro admittedly too closo to tho
lines,, but nn nltoratlon will bo mado In
this respect early In tho spring. Tho Trl
stato association Includes clubs from Iowa,
Minnesota and Nebraska. Tho meeting has
usually been hold at Sioux City, owing to
its favornblo location.
KmiNiin City mill I)i-m MoIiipm Trunin
Are KiirctMl to Hiikiikc Chum
Iilonn from Country Clnli,
Epochs In the local golfing llfo will bo
marked during tho next ten days. Teams
from two different cUIch will come to
Omnha nnd attempt to defeat thu champions
of tho Omaha Country club on tholr own
Knnsas City will come first, or rather a
crow of golfers from tho Country club
of that place. It Is supposed that this team
will comprise twelvu men, though that Is
not yet certain. Eighteen holes will bo
played on tho nftornoou of September 14.
The following Wednesday, September 18,
tho team from tho Dcs Molnca Town and
Country club will arrive. This will bu a
small aggregation of players, comprising
but six men. They nra said to bo stars In
tholr line, howover, nnd tho locals will put
forward their cleverest half dozen to do
tho visitors battle,
liayors at tho Country club aro more
than ready for the strangers already, and
aro practicing hard all tho tlmo. There
nro no less than a score of skilled players
from whom to select the teams for tho con
tests. After nil this excitement at homo comes
somo forolgn figure work. Soptombcr 26,
27 nnd 28 nre tho days sot for tho big Joint
tournament of tho Trausmlsslsslppl Oolf
association. This will be held nt Kansas
City, on tho grounds of the Kansas City
Country club. Team competitions and In
dividual contests in both match and medal,
play In handicap and handicap against bogey
and blind bogey will bo played. Thero will
also be somo women's ovents and some
mixed foursomes nnd twosomes.
A largo number of golfers will attend
the meet from Omnha, and tho local play
ers will enter tho different competitions
right and loft. This will bo the first meet
ing of tho Transmlsslsslppl association, and
everything possible will be done to make It
a success. About twenty cities of the mlddlo
west are included In the membership, nnd
most of them will bo represented.
Mcmlirrn of Hull Tcum Hope to UIo
tlip Srnnon In Third
Members of tho Omaha baso ball team
nro sanguine of ending tho season In third
plnce. With a long, series of games on tha
home grounds to closo the season, they
feel that thoy are now well past nil the
rough places In their path and can devote
themselves assiduously to winning a largo
majority of the remaining contests.
That tne Omahnns do not place, their
hopes higher thnn Is due .to a most con
scrvatlve spirit that has resulted from a
good many hind knocks during the last six
weeks In tho way. of defeats. St. Paul Is
doing too well for a boast from tho Oato
City men that they will pass the Tolar
Hears, to sound woll.
Howover, tho team Ib now certainly ou
a solid playing basis. Every man Is set
tied In bis position nnd no new ones are
I made. up. m mind, soon after graduating
from co iego, thnt no one man was great
enough to masu- the entire field of medi
cine nnd surgery. Many physicians hnvo
tried to do this, but they huve met with
results usually disappointing to themselves
and often disastrous to their patients. For
this reason I determined early In my pro
. ?'?.rml wcer to confine my practice
strictly to a single lino of diseases and to
originating and .perfecting cures for them.
I therefore trcnt nnlv Whnt I nm nhmlnUlu
CCir-,?!Ptr.Uc,HVl'i'sl,lvel' cure 10 tV cured
H1NAHY DISEASES and nil rellex
compllcntlons and nssoclate diseases and
weaknesses of men. To these maladies nlono
tho best yearn of my lire have been ear
nestly devoted nnd on them all my faculties
are concentrated. Our consultation nnd op
erating rocins are thoroughly equipped wlih
.i Zfx se"niine npparafjp, Instrument nnd
dewco essential to the most modern methods
oi practice and our references, both pro
fessional and financial,, nre among the best
citizens of this vicinity, who have been
cured by us and mudo happy. I want
every afflicted man to freely and fully In
vestigate our treatment. Each case lu
trented separately, scientifically, closely
watching It nnd carefully following Its
symptoms with remedies varied through
every stjiKe. The diseases that constltuto
..Lrr.ula.lty nro ,morc fllll' commented on
below and are well worthy tho careful per
nor! m'n "Cea of ,ncdlcal ntten-
ii ii.i.r- V; r "'""o vancoeo e,
us injurious effect Is we known. It de
presses the mind, weakens the body, ruck
nh0rV.U8 ,s-!"c'n nnd ultimately lends T to
a complc e loss of sexual power. If von
are r victim of this dire disease como to our
jfflce un.l let mo explain my process or
mnnM,.ctTTClL; ,urlt"? " "t twelvo
months. Pndcr my treatment the natleiit
mproves from the very beginning. All
mln In-tnntly censes. Soreness T o swell!
ng quickly subside. The pools of " tngnS
. lood aro rorccd from the dilated vein"
:vhuhr""l'!1)' nssume tlulr normal size
WZ'iVJ1 n"',1 """"i'n'"". All Indications o
nd in ?hiL"!cs" yaMl completely
nd in their stead come the pride tho
power and the pleasure of perfect health
and restored monhood. i,c"ect ncaitn
It mutters not how long you have suffered
from Stricture nor how many different doc-
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnnm Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omnha, Neb.
REFER KNCES-Hest Himks and Leading Business Men in tills City.
CONSULTATION in person or by lettor FREE. Oiiice Hours S a. in. to 8 p. in. Sundays 10 a. in. to 1 p.. in.
On tbrt hfvL- Tl.n..u . u - ...... .1
7" , -.""niii mu jnay or somo of
i uem uas dcci! disappointing In some par
ticulars, tho bovs nri nnvIMn,. , .u I
- . ....f, UUl IIU IUV '
toboggnn now and being really well on
.nun lapm course up tlio slope.
In batting, tho last Wppk nr Inn Aat-tt
has seen big old First Baseman Calhoun
lorging inr to tho fore. Tho good-natured i
mitt man has certainly nnt.lnn., t,i,..if
Hcllablo hanky Lotcher Is also keeping
iuo open mo eyes or tho fans and many
of his hits recently hnvo Wm r,t
portuno kind that seem to count as much
ns a nait-uoen others.
On tho fleldlne work, hnth in nn,i ,.
everything Is satisfactory. Tho team Is
wen naianccu and steady. Shortstop I
Toman has shown moro 1 mnrnvomnnl l,. I
any of them latoly, being now In fully ns !
goon iorm ao during his palmiest days of
last scaron.
Uncertainty is tlm chinf rntnm n n,
pitching rtaff. as Is tho easo with all such.
"Wizard" Herman has been showing up
In n wide, brlgnt light nnd Gordon stock
has also risen largely. Captain Stewart is
not worrying about his box artists. Nono
of tho men nro sick and everything points
to a line tinish if not a whirlwind one.
IIoiirIiin County CltiimpiiiH AqitltH
IU iiifhoI f "WHI lu WVMitii Oolf
Tourney nt CliIriiKo.
Omnhri wna rnnrr-Rrntnrl Ihla vrnr In ii
(ll pfTPflt lnl f niirnninnnt rf lrti u-nci
third annual contest of tho Western Oalf
nsoclntlon for tho amateur championship,
hold on tho links of tho Midlothian club
nenr Chicago August 23-26.
without saying n word to any of his local
colflnp nnKnrliit PS. William .f It'nvn li-ltn '
8iicccssIvoly tho champion of Douglas
county, cincned up his favorlto club3 In hi
long lenthcr pouch and hied to tho Windy
City to try Issues nt tho gamo with tin
stars of tho entire country west of tho
urent Lakes.
Mr. Povn did nnt hrlnfr hnMr nnv mmlnla
but ho did some work In that competition
that nrOVCS CnnelllslVolV Hint enmn nmnhn
golfers, and himself especially, nro rlgh
in mo snmo ciass witn tne cracks tho coun
try over. Thniich hn wna vnl nri.iiiiu
a novlco nt tho game, tho local champ! n
wont into a tournament with the bsat
players from tho old-established clubs In
Illinois nnd surrounding stntes, veteran i
nil, nnd acquitted himself meet crcdltob y
in mat rast company.
Just nlnetv-nlnn colfers worn mtnm.i rr
tho western amateur championship. They
represented twcntv-flvo different oinho Th..
first day's work was n preliminary rsur.d
iur inacc, oniy tno sixteen high men to
qualify. This was one of tho crucial tcsti
of tho contost, for If a player failed to
qualify ho could not compete further, ni
mnttor how gocd he wns. It was a womiino.
out of all except tho top-notchers.
ni'iiU nrr Wrrilril Out.
So by medal nlav over thtrtv.Ri
sixteen men wcro chosen from the 100 end
foyo wns ono of the sixteen. Thclps E.
Hoytiof tho Olon Vlow club, th Tnnn win
a few days later won tho tournament nnl
tno cnnmpionsiup by ndmlnlsterlng to
Druco I). Smith a sensational dofeat In th?
last round, led tho sixteen on nilnllf vlnr.
day with ISO strokes for tho two rounds,
ns ionows:
Morning Out 42
Afternoon Jut !!'.'.";;;!;;6o-58
1 4I-0I--.S)
William Hollablrd, Jr., tho 17-yoar oll
phenomenon from tho Oltn View club, who
has startled tho golfllng world with his
exploits this season, camo second with 1S2,
A fow days later ho won tho champ'onshlp
of hla club In open tournament. His icoru
In tho nll-westcrn contest qualifying round!
Morning out s
Afternoon Out"!!'.";)!)'-"
v, . in tl-SS-is.!
Next tamo nlno others ranging from thoso
scores down to 180, At the latter figure fivs
men tied. Foyo was one of th;se. Ho wa
absolutely now to tho courso nnd to Cblcagi
golf and for him to qualify among ro'f
veterans who had played on overy cour.e
In tho state and know tho ground by heart
was very commendablo and nrousod much
favorablo criticism from tho Chicago play
ers, to all of whom tho erect and Ml nt
stranger was absolutely unknown. Pcye's
scoro by holes on that day was:
.Morning., ..Out ...,6 15 6 6 6 6 6 5-H7
In 7 7 3 7 S & 4 4 4-K-fl7
Afternoon. .Out ....5 4 6 5 5 6 5 6-411
In 5 6 4 8 6 6 1 4 4 I0-92-1S!)
Ilnril Luck nu tin- Dm iv.
Hut tho moment that the draulng for
partners for tho play-off began Foyo met
with disaster. Ho drew for hU first opp
nent the star of the entire sixteen. Ho, t
I do not treat alt diseases, but cure all I treat. 1 trcnt
men on'y, and cure
tors have disappointed yon. Our treatment
will cure yon just ns c-rtnlnty ns you come
to our Dlflce for treatment. I will not do It
b dilating or cutting. My treatment
Mi1.' cnttrolj- original with me and per
a.iI,3;..Ii"lnIesf' 11 completely dUsolves the
stricture nnd permanently removes overy
obstruction from the urlimry passage. It
??,'nV,?i7 .unnn!u-"l dl-charge. allays nil
lnllammatlon, reduces tho iiostato gland
yii.1''! ,c,)ll,.r1K,pl1' cleanses and heals the blad
li ""''kidneys when Irritated and con-
restores health nnd soundness to every part
of the body affected by tho disease,
Nervo-SexuaJ Debility
Men, many of you aro now reaping tho
.result of your former folly. Your manhood
i.t iuiiuiK nnd win soon no lost unless you
do something for yourself. Thero Is no
tlmo to lose. lmpotency, 1IK nil sexunl
diseases. In n.-vcr on the standstill. With
ii j-uu iuii mime no compromise. Either
you must master It nr it will master you
laud 1111 your whole ruturo with
himself, tho champion, Thcro wcro fcur
rounds to bo played off, nil match play. It
was a foregone conclusion that tho Omnhin
would be stopped lu tho first round, becnuse
of the opponent ho had drawn, nnd ho wns
Hoyt beat him 6 up and 4 to play. Hut tho
champion said afterward to the golf sport
Ing editor of tho Hccord-IIeruld, Mr. Axel
son, that ho had never before In his llfo
plnycd such good golf ns ho did that morn-1
lng. Even no, Foye did not loje by much
of a mnrgin. Six up nnd 4 to play ts not a
very largo scoro of victory when thirty-sit
holes nro covered. Had tho local golfer mot
any of tho lower twelvo players, In fnct hal
ho drawn nnyono but Hoyt, Holablrd nnd
Smith for tho earlier rounds ho would cer
tainly have lasted till well toward tho end,
nt tho gait ho was going In tho first round, j
Tho peculiar thing about It w.i3 that
hardly anybody saw tho Hoyt-Foyo match. I
Tho reporters wero not there and very few
spectators wero present. Other players
wro all busy with their own troubles. No
ono knew Foyo. He wns registered from
tho nolmont club or Chicago, Instead of
from the Omaha Country club, so no men
tion of his homo club was mado In tho
newspapers. This -was a scheme of tho sol-dler-golfer
to keep his expedition quiet, lie
even had his nnmo spelled W. J. Fayo In
tho entries nnd so It went Into tho news
papers. Hut peoplo hero who know "Fayo"
nro certain that ho will go alter tho west
ern championship ngaln next year and with
another ncason's play combined with what
ho learned rrom tho stars at Chicngo ho will
certainly no a bad opponent by that tlmo.
UiiKUKrniriilh of Viirlonn fiuliM re
Mmte Public .VcliriiNKii City
T(i Miiiiii; fur l.licnls.
Tho Onto City tcanl plnys tho Omnhas on
September 10 at the Oato City alleys.
On September 12 tho AIl-Amerlcans nnd
tho Germans will competo at tho Gate City
Omaha Is not tho only plneo In Nebraska
wbero bowlers grow. Last Thursday nluht
a picked teom rrom Clark's alloys went
uown to iscurnsKa City nnd got It put to
them In tho rlvor town by a big margin, the
Otoo couuty rollers winning by 101 pins.
However, this defent was partly wiped
out by tho Germans, who accompanied thu
piCKcu team, .ney nail a gamo with somo
moro or tho rlvor town chnmplons and won
High scores at tenpins for tho week at
Jay Drlesbncb. 205: Charles Seaman. 211:
W. H. Iimcr.v. 211. 210. 217. 215. ami. 210! nmin
Ambruster, )7, 210; W. II. Wlgmnn, 212, 2(is,
211; M, It. Huntington, 202, 2i, 221, 203. 205,
207. 214; C. E. Selleek, 06; I U. Lucas, Sou,
201; C, Conrad. 211, 2u6, 234; II, II, Jloly-
neiiux, vn, zw, ;ia; j. i;nrson, an, ws; Harry
Yost, 2.'fi; L. Weymullcr. 233; J. C. ICauf
mnnn, 224; W. A. Chandler, 202; Henry
Hailen, 201, 210; H. Fiitseher, 201, 231; I). J.
O'Hrlen, 211: C, French, 201; D, S. Skinner.
&K; John Yocom. 20S, 217, 213; "Plumber'1
Head, 206, 200, i13. 225. 203; J. Kavldge, 204;
Tom Reynolds, 211; W. C. llrunko, 231:
Hyron Hart. 211: II. L. Fowler, 200; Frank
Fogg. 203, 200: It. A. Kolls, 210, 210, 217; W.
S. Sheldon, 203; F. J. Hcngcle, 211; Captain
Joo Outmunn, 210, 201.
C. Conrad and W. c. nrunko nro tie for
two prizes, with 231 at tenpins,
U. O. Shrrider Is high for a prlzo with
2i, made In three successive games of nine
pins. I. 8. Hunter gets a prlzo, being high man
nt rubberneck, scoro 133.
Captain Joo autmann's famous Oreon
Rivers met the Omuhas Monday night at
Clark s.
High teupln scores nt tho Onto City alley:
Hob Kncoll, 200, 200. 218, 245: Kit Carson,
202! I.. Weymuller, 213 T. P, Reynolds, 223;
A. F. Swensou, 20.'; F. Conrad, 200, 200, 208:
M'llltnm Vltvmnn 0,i1 OIA, d.. ....... onn. t-i.J
com, 212. 208, 206: Charles Rosenburry. 215;
j, siiuuiii;i , vij i. n. aeumau, ij(i. i'.o.
214! W. W. Hartley. 204 , 205, 233, 211.
Hob Encell Is high for tho monthly tcnpln
ball, with 243.
A Purist On m fnu nil ril,
Alfred Ayres, who Is such n purist re
garding tho use of tho English language
that be Is sometimes regarded as a crank,
wnndered into the ofllco of tho Applotons,
his publishers, the other day, and In
quired for Colonel Apploton, relates tho
Now York Press.
"Ho flew the coop, I guess," said ono of
the young men,
"Ho flow the coop,"
"Oh! If you had said 'ho has llown tho
coop,' young man, I might have under
stood you," and Ayres stalked away.
Working; Nluht mill liny,
Tho busiest nnd mightiest llttlo thing
that evor was mado Is Dr. King's Now Llfo
Pills. Thesq pills change weakness Into
strength, lletlcssness Into energy, brain fag
Into mental power. They're wonderful In
building up the health. Only 25c per box.
Sold by Kuhn & Co.
them to stay cured.
misery nnd Indcserlbnblo woo. 1 have
treated so many cases of this kind
that I nm ns familiar with tliem ns you
nro Willi win very iitiyiiKJii. I'nee rurr i
by us, you will never ngnln bo bother il
with emissions, drains, premntureness,
smnll or weak organs, nervousness, falling
memory, loss of ambition or otlv-r 'ivntp
toms which rob you of your nianh od
and absolutely unfit you for study, bu-1-iioks,
pleasure or marriage. Our tre.itmeut
for weak men will correct nil thest. t vi:o
nnd restore you to what nature Intended
a hale, hearty, happy man, with physical,
mental nnd sexual power complete.
Contagious Blood Poison,
On ncrount of Its frightful hldeousnesx
Contagious Hlood Poison Is commonly
culled the king of venereal illsonces. I'
may bo either hereditary or contracted
Onco the system Ih tainted with It. the
disease may manifest Itself In thu form of
scrnrula, eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff r.r
swollen Jelnts, eruptions or eoppcr-eoIor c
spots on tho race or body, llttlo uKo"i
With every pair of our legs we will
give a seat free during carnival week,
The Only Exclusive Pants House in the City.
1 9,846-CURES LAST YEAR - 1 9,846
'3 tiotnrs Is Instantly RclUvod and tho Obstruction Dissolved LtU Snotr
i lirlcocolo Is Cnrcd and Weak &Xon Aro Restored by tlio Mnc-io St. Juntos
Treatment Applied Locully aud Directly to the- Affootod Parts.
"firnn-Snlvrnt" illtsnlvrs Slrlrture like innn licnentli tho un, rnrti
TAUICOi;i:i.i: anil !3M,AltOi:i) t'UONT.Vri:, mill tritiiRtlirna the Hemlnat
JUincL, Mtnpplnft ilinliK unit ninUmlmiN I.V l'll'TT-ICN DAYS.
"r ... .... .a.,..-.., ..h. ..--.-. ...1. yuaillTD UJIJJIIUW'
tlim to lir cntlro Urethral Truut.
Itery sufferer fiom .Stricture, and tho offspring, Varicocele, W6! DM
Prostatitis nnd Homlnnl Weakness, should wiitn to tlio fit. LT L
James Association, di St. James llulldiug, Cincinnati, Ohio, for
the lllutttruted work showing the parts oC the human nyxtcin m HMI BM
Involved In Urethrnl Aliments, which they send to male uppllcnnts, socuroly wrappci
In plain package, prepaid.
.to ili'tiRH lit ruin I lie liiiuni'li. lint
iiiiii in i nr ciniro i rrinrui 'iruui.
CiiCC TDRATiCC (rill(Jfti Cut out this coupon and mill It to tht
ruCC IKUAIloU DlUUrUil Ht. Jmn A.-oclllon with your nama and
uddrent plainly written, when they will tnd you a copy of their cxtmualve, trtatli
t.:?urtely llluntrated In half-tone, thowlr.g the parts of the male ayatem Involved In
.Urethral Allmenta.
Please sond to mo ueopy o( your Coraploto Illuitratod Work upon th
Mulo Sexual Systum, bo- j Name '
curely seiilod, PRKPAID, 1 1 '
Pennyroyal pills
ULit'. n . ww Orl ifliiaT Mod Only Uenulne.
VftAFE. r.ll.b:. I.ill.. l, ..!-
k f. .if I lti i.u.ri,.u t.,.ul.
wrni ' kkiv i uia mtitiiii ecu. irtiai
T 'llktilutilbux., 'l ake lie alhtr. Ilt'iue
v WJ llancrrout Hub.lllullane unit Imlta.
lien., uc r 7ur Trunin, tr tela
Uja6 i tor 1'nrtl'utare, TmtliaenlttU
es4 "IJcllrr far l,r(',r,rln Irrl-r, fcr re.
lura iUIJ. l(l.llll(lT..lln.Bl.U. Koll far
II Dr..rl.,.. I'htul..f fl,..,l..l 1
the mouth or on the t 'tigue, snre threat,
swollen tonsils, rnlling out of the hair r
eyebrows and flnailj a leprotiilke dcay
of the flesh and bone. If yiu hnvo liny of
theso or similar symptoms you aro cor
dially Invited to consult us immediately 1
1 find your fears are unfounded I will
quickly unburden your mind. Hut If vnur
constitution l.i Infected with eyrhlllt'c
virus I will tell you of It. Our special
trmtmrnt for Cont.iglous lllood Poison I
practically the result ( f our llfo work and
Is endorsed bv the best phvslclnin nt
America nnd Hurnpe. It contains no Injurl.
pus drugs or dangerous medicines of nny
kind. It goes ti the very bottom or the
(Urease aivl forces out every particle of
Impurity. m ,p rvory sign nnd sympt'im
of blood pol-on disappears completely an1
forever. The blood, the llfsue, tho ll sh.
tho bones and tru. whole system nrn
cleansed, purltled and re-torcd to pcrf t
health nnd the patient prepared for th'
duties nnd pleasures of life.
Associate Diseases
In curing nn nllnunt of nny kind wc
never fall to remove ail ltciu. cnmpllca
Hons or Associate Dheasr- If the cnn
I Varicocele, tho weakness caused by II
disappears. If It l.i Htrb ture and has de
veloped Into Prostntlo. HlM.Ur or Kidney
Affections, the Inuirod orp.ii"t are all re
stored to a perfectly healthful condition
If It Is contagious Hlood )vis.n. any and
nil Skin, Hlood and llono Plteases arising
from the tnlnt nro enl'roly and perma
nently ellmtnntrd from thnsvtein If It Is
Imnoteney, tho many dlstrettiR svmptutn
following In Its train nnd Indicating a pie
innturo decline of physical, medal nnrt
sexual power nre totally rrninVid nm.'
rnpldtv replaced hv the youthful energ
of robust manhood. Hence nil resultlus
Ills and reflex complications, wnicn mnv
lie properly termed Associate Dlpeaso ind
which, lu fact, nre often more serious tbar
tho original ailments thnt glvo rife to tb-'m
- all. wo say. disappear completely i ni
forever with the cure of the main malady.
Ono pcrinnil visit Is preferred, but If It
Is lmpossiil. Inconvenient for you lo
ml' nt one rleo. write a full and nn
reserved h:si .. of your case, plainly stnt
Ing your symptom. Wo make nn charge
for private counsel, nnd glvo to cneli
patient u I.P.OAli CONTUACT to hold for
our promisee. If you cunnot call today,
wxito Address
Uncle Oscar Cigars
Only 5 Gents
and smnko tho I'nclo Oscnr, B-cent cigar.
You will like tho llavor too well to fa 1
nsleep over It. Smoking It Is tho perfection
of rcstrul enjoyment. It Is tho Ideal after
dinner clgnr and Is u plcusnnt smolco at
any time, Ilnnd made, Havana filler. It t
the best CIGAR for tho MONEY nnywhere.
Heue 6c Co., Makers
Allen Bros.,
DIstriluitMr.s, Omaha, Noli.
Cured While
You Sleep,
n ill reel loel Mini positive upiiliGM-
HICK. If jou here iniall, weak
orgici, Icit powor or rkeul!if
drilm.our VacuumOr-anpereloper
vrlll rtitore rou wltlieut drugi or
elrctilflti fitrlcture and Varicocele
permuhfiitly cured In I to t weeks
7,oo In uie net one failure i not
one returned effect Imniedlatei no
O.O.D, fravdi vrlte Cor tree te'tlcu.
Ian. lent icaled In olaln auT.u. i.
WC.'.ppu,fictC0.U8Tli.i-ilk.. In.liei;ili.,li(.