JHE OMAHA DAILY BEB: FTttT)AY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Liidi on Bor3 of Trad and Closes . j., 8ting and Higher. WHEAT ADVANCES FIRM FROM OPENING Onla Arr Untrl nml Slrnilr rrHli Sninll OnVrlnft Ir'vlsliuiN llnc Aclle Cash I) (-in nii! nml l.nril Clnsrsj . with Ik-tier I'rlcc, CHICAGO, 8ept, 6.-Corn wn imder on tho Honrtl of Tunic todny nnd llu clor,.? wns strotiB ami IiIkIht, December clos ng wltli ft guln of 1 December wiiait I cIoo'mI c IiIkIiit, ont were irQrte h.Klwt, I with provlxloiiH running from J4c to 15o ' lilKlicr ut tho clone. Wheat showed 11 HtronK undertone nnd flnlnlied firm, the utretiKth belnK lnrgely In I Kyrnputhy with the better feeling in contiu I (,'rnlim mid on bulllHh Argentine n w . I NorthwtBt movement:) showed mi Increii e. lint the quality 'nn dlaniiolntlim. 'I he u i wan more disposition on the part of out h Merit to bu, nlthouKh tr.di Ir in tint quarter uiu Htlll umnli. Dccimbir opoi.ed unchanged to n shade lower at 71',W'1-Hc to 71i', nnd nfter selling down to 71H'if 71t4c advanced to 71i'( Jlfto, closing a slutdo below the host ilKuru at 71ic, with u gnln of e. Heabourd clciiriiiiccM of wheit and llnur were equal t.i llti.nw bu. Primary celpts wen; l.Jtil.OO) tin., compared with l,lfc7,WiO Int. a year ngo. Mlnneapo In and Duluth reported receipts of S70 ear, nun list tWO earn Inst week nun MS it year and. I.oe 1 receipts were, I'll cum, with only oil'1 of ecu trnrt grade, Disappointing cables enus.-d hcuvltuss In corn at the opening and prices were nbowt ntcHily. Theic wan scarcely any corn on fale during the first hour and thos who did el early wero eager to buy It buck later. The bull Inlluenccs were fear of trout to night In the northwest, heavy shipment ycitcrdny and reports of deterioration In the crop condition an compared with Au gust. December opeiifd unchanged to tl lie lower at fWifl jJ'4o to Wic and unuer good ciiiiuiilMhlun house buylnK and coverll.g by shorts, there was an advance to BiVa fic. The clofe was strung and finer ul 67n. HecclptH were J51 cars, w.th the of I'ontraet grade. Oats were quiet and sternly, with only rmall offerings on tlto market. There was a fair comuilhslnn house demnnd, wl.lie telling was seatt rd and largely local. December sold between aiie and KjV. cIobIiik 'Ml'tf. higher at 3Vie. (Strength l.l corn was the main strengthening feature, Jtecelpts were 111 cars. Provisions were quiet nnd steady, vu h lard lending In strength. Compirn Ively light stocks ami an active cash deman I won- tho bull factors. January pork closed with a gain of 1214c at JID.tiT'.i. lar, corci IS'&fflfic higher at JJ.Oj and r.bs 72f(le higher at ii.OV.i. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Who it, lf(i cars; dim, 3i3 enrs! oats, ISO enn; hog , head. Thu leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.) Open. High. ffow?"l Close. Tes'y. Wheat Hept. Dec. May I )ec. May Dee. May I'ork- Hept. Oct. Jan. I.ard- Hept. Oct. Jan. Itlbs- Hept. Oct. Jan. N'n 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: I'l.onllt-'Jiilet and dull: winter patents, 3.IO'ci3.60: spring patents. J3.WH3.30: clears, $2.71)43-10: spring specials, $4.2ofjt.30: pat ents, 1.1.1053.70: straights, J2.fc0O3.20; baUers, $2.20(fi2.l. VI I HAT No. 3 spring, 67!4dt?ie; No. 2 red, iOic. P'ATH-No. 2. 341435110; No. 2 white, 37Q' 37e: No. 3 white, 2Gfc37c. itVK-No. 2. E6e, JIAKM3Y Fair to choice malting, 5T 60H(. SKKDS-No. 1 flax. J1.3S; No. 1 north western. Jl.io; prime timothy, J5.40; clover, contract grade, js.75. I'ltpVIBlONH-Mess pork, per hbl $14.53 ftp-TO-, Kurd, per 100 lbs.. 9.27l4fl9.30. Short ribs sides Moose), $8..V)tj8.rn. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). J7.2.V&7.50; short clear sides (boxed), J9.U)9.10. WHIHKV-Hasls of high wines, J1.S0. Tho following are tho receipts and shin ments for tho last twenty-iour himrs: tr!!lcl?,i HecclptH. Shipments. F our. bbls io.om) i6 u '';aV , ' - 392.001) MIOiw 410.fV) 24.W) ""t- 33O.0OO 35 000 Jlye, bu 200 l (iai Hnrley. bu ! ! I T ! ! !! !l uloot! On tho Produce exchango today the but- rtMlir!HJr,iv .-nM ''ri?,er! creameries, llf.vc. dairies, 131(Uc. Cheese, steady, IPilflWic Kggs, llrmer, 13l4'(ntc. ',u"'c' JiKW VOIIirilTlXHHAI, MAHKKT. Qiiotntlnim of (lie nr on Vnrlnnn C'omiiioilltles, ..SynK' B- FUQUH Recelp s. SI.149 bbls.; exports, 12,355 bbls,: sales, JS.OX) pkgs.; market win tinner nnd a trifle moro nctlve. Hyp Hour, dull; sales, 40o bills.; $3 30fl3fi0KOO(1' ,2,S5B3,15'' ch",co ,0 finc' ..(i?ltM,!LA,'1',rmer! .yellow western, $t.20; city, $1,19: llranilywlne, J3.35f73.IO. HYK-Qulcf, No. 2 western. COlic, f. o. b afloat; state, 555jBCc, c. 1. f New York, carlots. HAHM3Y Steady; feeding, 52c. c. I. f Bl.'.7il.1.",:."1,11"ne Mp, c. 1. f Uuffnlo, ,c.NUnII':.ATnp.,:',l,u' 7s50 b-: exports, 181.S.3 bu.; sales, 3.270,(00 bu. futures ami SO,") bu. spot. Spot market llim: No. 2 red. .7,ic, I, o. b ntloat;- No. 2 red, 76;c. elevator; No. l northern. Duluth, 77?ie, f. o. b ailoat; No. 1. hard. Duluth. ac. t. o. b., ailoat. Optlona opened steady and was advanced later on n strong rlso In corn, firm continental markets, Vall street buy ing and locnl covering, In face of heavy deliveries on September contracts. Cios-d firm at HTl?ic net advance. Sales Included No. red, May. at 79MfWWVic. clos'd at 80',4c; September. '74 13.1Cjf?54c, closed at i514c; October. 75l4ffi75ic. closed at 75c: December. 7(1 11-lGfi ;7Ue. rlns..,l m 77;,. COHN-Heeelpts. 31,00) bu.; exportt, W.3 0 bu.; sales. 3S5,o() liu. futures. Spot, tlrm; No. 2, 62T4c. elevator, and G3T&C. . o, b.. afloat. Options market was strong ami active, on covering attributed to n bul hh llllnolH stnto report, upon predictions of smaller receipts and support by western provision Interests. Closed strong at le tut advance. .May, 62,fcG3!4i closed at iRtjc; September closed at 62Jc: October, fi'ij,-,,' 6!e. closed at 6l;c; December, Cl!ifi62itc, closed at 6iic. .OA!'8,U'c,.lI,," X2-m Spot, quiet; No. S. 3o: No. 3. :i7Ui.' N. u-iiitn .-n-,- No. 3 whllo, 39e; truck mixed western, 37'4 39c: track White western. MitiTf 17... white state. 3M447c. Options active an 1 higher with corn. 1 ''AV Weak; shipping, t03c: Ko0d to FI3KD Weak: surlni: brn jnnM!i7r.. Middlings, JKO0jj20.ro; winter bran. $17.fCi HOPS Steady: state, commnn in ,.i,,.i..a 19.0 crop, lltil5c: 1W3 crop, dfUc; olds. ff?3c: Paclllo coast, 1900 crop, lU15c; 19 cion 1199. filfllc; olds. Iift3c. ' ' 1 UIUKH-Ptrmiyt uaiveslon. 20 to 25 lbs o; Laurornia. si to 3) ins., wvjo; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 1414c UEATHKRi-Stcadyr hemlock sole, Huenos Ayres, ubiii iu ncuvy, ;J',4H-414c; nc d. !31iM241?e. PHOVISlONS-nerf, nrm: family, lu.o) Mi;.uu; mess, u.miui;.mi; oeet nams, j:o.o w 22.01); iiackot. J10.00410.W; city, extra lud a mess. J16.004llS.00. Cut meats, steailv: nlrk ni bellies. JS.75810.5i); plc'.ded shoublirs, J7.00W 7.1'Sr pickled hams, J10.750U.(0. Lnrd, llrm: western steamed, 19.30: refined, stronger; Bi'ptcmter clohed ut J9.60. nominal: ronll neiit. $.175: South America. 110.23; emu. pound. ?' "SfiT-M- I'ork. tlrm: family, J1B.73 ft 17.00; short clear, J1S.25(1S.(0; mess, $15 M 5 , n ri CIfl3K813 Venk; fancy largo colored, fc; fancy large white, 9c: fancy small colored, V)jc; tancy sinau wiiiie, ;r. TAl.LOW Firmer; city, 5Sc; country McfhS'Ie. ht'TTER Hecelnts. 6.9V5 pkus.: firm: ntnto dairy, 1419c: creamery, !Cfl2)c: Jure packed ruciory, iiisniiwc. Kisris Hecelnts. 11.20.) pkgi.: market eteady; statu and Pennsylvania, 1 82 r; western candled. I7iiitc western unc.uul.ed, J4fil7c Mni.AORKft Stead v. POI'ITHY Alive, Heady: springers. 11c; turkeyB'. 10c; fowls, 1014c Dressen, Irr-gu- lar; springers, ii iuwib, i v. ni.-TAi.Klliislnes In the local metal mmkot waa very slow. Tin was rattier unsettled and slightly lower In sympathy with the dcpreBston ubroud. Bpjt cloatd C7H f.0',4 fSOJiWiflfiD 711tf7'71i5it71V45' 71 7U, 7o i4li i5?i 7o 75 Sli4 B5?1j MJi Bi5U?; 33 33'Jfl'i, 33 33H 32 3li XA 3I Xa,,3IW 37'i 3741 37d 37-1?i 37UVi U 10 14 I71i II 40 It 47U It 3S liri2',4 14 r.2',5 14 6214 11 '12 Vi 14 4714 15 ft) 15 C7V4 15 60 15 6714 15 35 0 1214 f 30 9 12'S 9 30 0 10 0 1214 30 9 1214 9 30 9 074 8 93 9 03 S 93 9 05 S 9214 R 10 8 4.'. 8 40 8 43 8 S7U 8 4714 X M S 4714 8 53 8 45 8 0214 8 0714 8 0214 8 0714 S CO unsettled and easy nt $2.7.50. At London . ' '1 1 1 . A .1 JnnllM.J 1 r .. hhh. ln..MH,nH 1 I to i.wtiiicn itn ,,uiut uillll null, V-I?II1S with spot quoted nt $ir,.5Q17.00 for hike CJ . . n .l 1 ,- o-. J 1 m . . . .. . . . ouviiur hmu -?'fi iQ.oi-j nr casting ann electrolytic. In l-uiiilmi copper wbs 2s 6.1 higher on a scarcity of sellers, rather than tn an Increase In demand. Spot cltscd at litfi 15s and futures nt AI67 2s Cd. 1a ad continues dull at $4.37's here, whllo values jt London wero also unchanged at 11 17s 6d. Spelter ruled dull and nominally un changed at home and abroad, icl s n; at J4 nnd j:i respectively. At Pittsburg Hcfuemtr pIr Iron was wenk nnd quofd nt J15. Ixically, however, trade was quite slow, with values still without chang . Pig Iron warrant 4, t9.f-OHI0.0O; No. 1 north ern foundry, $I5.H01M'.M; No. 2 southern foundry, soft, $14,751(15.25. Glasgow war rants closed at 6.1s Ul and Mlddlesboroilg.) closed at 44s 10l4d. o.maii.1 wiiot.r.s.vi.t: maiikiit. Condition of Trade inn! (liiolndons nil Mnple nml I'lint')' t'riidiiee. KOClS-riccclpts, fair; loss off 1214c MVi: POLLTl'.V-llcna, 7c; young and old roosters, 3c, turkeys, cafcc: duckr and geese, 6!!4c; old ducks, 4c; spring chick ens, per lb. Oflluc. tl(Ji"il3H Common to fair, 1114c: choice dairy, in tubs, iSyldc; separator, )9c. KuliSH i-'ISll illack uass. isc; whlto bass, 10c; blucllsh, lie; bullheads, 10c: blue litis, 7c; uulfalous, 7c; cattish, 12u; cod, 10c; oiapples, luc, halibut, lie; lim'rlug, 7c; had docK, luc, pike, luc; red snapper, loc; sal mon, lie; BUiillsh, uc; trout, luc; whllullsh, we. OYSTLHS Standurds, per can, 30c; extra selects, per cun, 37c; New York counts, per can, 45c. PiOhONS-Mvc, per doz., 60c. V13AI.S-Cholcu. Si9c. llAjr-Prlcis quoted by Omaha Wholcsalo Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, $9.50; No 2 upland, 9.oo; medium, $s.t0; course, $7.Co. ltye straw, $4.50. Thito prices aio lur hay jt good color und quality. De mand fair. Hccclpts, 3 cars. WHKAT GOC CuitN 31c. OATS-Od, 31c. UHAN-$ltf.50. VliGCTAULES. UHI313N COHN-Pcr do2., 10c. ."TTTs l AllHUTo Per doz., 2Uc. Ui'.13T8-Pu hall-bu. basket, 35c. i CitiN'tPri Per basket, 30c. CUCUMI113HS Home-grown, per doz., 13 LKTTUCI3-Pcr bu., 20c HADIHilKh-Per doz., 10315c. PAHSMSY-Per doz., 200. NUW POTATOKS-?1.105ll.2J. CAHHAU 13 Home-grown, 214c. TOM ATOliS - Home-grown. per IS-tb. basket, 00c. uwusd-uomo-grown, per in., zu-W. HI3ANS Vu.. per li-bu. basket, 75c; string, per ,4bu. basket, 60c. CANTALOUP13-liomu-rown, per doz., JDoiic; crates, $l.&0yl.7o. WATKHMliLoNS-Mlssourl. Iowa and Nebraska, 2(jj".ii as to size. C13LKHY Kulamazoo. per bunch, 2oa3oc: Nebrusku, per bunch, JuyiOc; Colorado, lOGOc. APPI.FS-Pcr bbl., $2.23B2.50. PKACHlS rnllfnrnhi freestone, ncr box. S3c; clings, 75c; Colorado freestone, 75Qo3c; rilburtos. 0-baskct crates, $1.40; 4-basket crates, 83B90c. PLUMS calirornin, per crato, jLiayi-w; homu-grown, per S-lb. basket. 15c. PI3AKS Hartletts, Vi.w; utan, iz.sa; .-sew York HarMetts, kegs. $2.50. OHAPICS-Cailfornla Tokay. 4-lb. crate. $2; Muscats, $1.50: Concords, homo grown, per is-II). basket, 15c. OHANOI3S Valcnclas, $3; Med. sweets, $4.00. MiJlOMi-f ancy, 4.js; cnnice. $3.10. HANANAS l'or bunch, according to size, j2.omil2.6o. FKJH California, new cartons, 73c; lay ers, do; Imported, per lb., 10ffl2c. DATlSB l'crsinn, in hmd. ooxes, bairs, uc. M1SCKLLAN130US. NUTS KiiBllsh walnuts, nor lb.. 15c: fil berts, ner lb.. 13c: almonds, ner lb.. Ifcif20c: raw ptanuts, po' lb.. 6y514c; roasted, 014' 714c; Htuziis, lac pecans, muc. f. ....... ..... .pr. l.l., n UlUttU 1 cr mil., l.oui liei- -.. ltlDKS No. 1 crecn. Cv?c: No. 2 green. 514c; No. 1 salted, 714c; No. 2 salted, 614c; No. 1 veal calf, S to 121j lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. h&ISc; sheep pelts, 2570c; horschldes, Jl.50if2.25. Nt. l.nuU (irnln nml Pro vlslmis. ST T.ntTtS Sent. B WHEAT HlKher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 7014c; track. 70 72e: Sentember. 70Wc: Decemlier. 72Hc: May, 7614c; No. 2 hard, 6914c. COHN-Hlghcr: No. 2 cash, 17i;c; track, BSc; September, 571ic; December, 69ltyi.')l4c; n.VTviniirlinr! No. 2!cash. 36c: trnck. 375( 37140; September, 33i; December, 37c; May, 33'.4S(.i9jc; iso. 2 wimc, Mftc. HYK Lower nt ww. Kt.ntTlt Dull, steadv: rod winter patents. J3.45ii3.55: extra fancy and straight, $3.05W 3.15: clear. $2.65fj2.90. SHKD Timotny, ensy, l)Ui noi quoiaoiy lower. COHNM KAi-steaay, is.au. Hit AN Dull; east track, sacked, 7oI?7iC. MAY Kasy: timothy. $9.0Mi 14.00; prrtlrle, $9.5i Kit 12.50. whisky-Hieany ai i..w. IHON COTTON'riKS-$l.32. HA(10IN(1-6V(l714c. HI3MP TW1N13-9C. PHOVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing. $15.75. Lnrd, higher, $9.03. Dry salt ments, strong, hlcher: boxed lots, extra shorts. $8.8714; clear ribs. $s.S7l4: clear sides, $9.1214. Uacon, strong, higher; boxed, pxtra shorts, $9.75; clear ribs. $9.6214; clear sides, $10.0014. MiiTALS i.eiici, quiet at jt.ziwtn-aa. apei ter. quiet nt $3.83. POI'LTHY Steady: chickens. 7c: springs. 814fi9c; turkeys, 6c; young, 7il Sc ; ducka, Oljo; geese, 3c; springs, 4c. HUTTI3H Stendy; creamery, 1002114c; dairy. 13ffl6c. K(HiK iiigner; western, ltc. H13CEIPTS Flour. 40.000 bbls.: wheat. 97.- 000 hu.t corn. 22.000 bu.: onts. 55.000 bu. SMIPMISNTS-Flour. 9,000 bbls.; wheat, ui.vaj uu. ; corn, -i,u"j ou.; oais, lo.wj ou, Liverpool tirnln Mnrkrt. LIVEHPOOL. Sept. 5. WHEAT - Spot, quiet: No. 2 reil western, winter, 6s fid; No. 1 northern, siirlmr. OsSd: No. 1 California. 5s llHd. Fututes, qulut; September, 0s6?d; Ueeemoer. oh nysU. uoiiN spot, quiet; American new, mixeci, 4s livid: Amcrlcnn old, mixed, no stock. Futures, quiet; September, 4s914d; October, 4s95id: November, 4s 10(1. PHOVIBIONS-Heef, extra India mess, firm, 70s. Lard, American refined, In palls, llrm, 45s fid, Hacnn, Cumberland cat, flrm, 4!'s. Short ribs, flrm, 47s; long clear mid dles, light, llrm, 47s fid; long clear middles, heavy, tlrm, 17s; short clear backs, tlrm, 15s 3d: clear belllcB, llrm, 56s. Hl'TT EH Finest 1'ntted States, steady. 93s: good I'nlted States, steady. 77s. FLOl'H St, louls. fancy winter. 7s 6d. I'EAS-Canadlan, 4s C14d, Hecelpts of whent In the last thrco days, 314.(H) centals, Including 209,000 American Hetclpts of corn In tho last threo das, 1,300,000 centals. ICansnM City (irnln nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. B. W 1 1 13 AT He celpts, 129 cars; September, (Vl?lc; December, 6;Mn"ltc: May, 71t7H4c; cash. No. 2 hard, 65V4fl'Wc: No. 3. folijffiVjc; No, 2 red. (ISc. COHN Sentntnher, 5HTttI57c; December, 57c; May. 69Hri5!4c: cash, No. 2 mixed, 56ft 0614c: No. 2 white. 6014c OATS No. 2 whitP. 35y3S14c. HYE-No, 2, Bflnr.6V4c. HAY Choice timothy, $12.60; choice prnl rlo. $12.oo. Hl'TT 13 It - Creamery, lfiViGlOc; dairy, fnncy. 145lfic, EOGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'chnnge, 13c per doz,, loss off, cases returned. nKCElPTS-Whent. 103,300 bu.; corn, 12, COO bu.; onts. I.ikmi bu, SHIPMENTS-Whc.at. 193,0 bu.; corn. 21,010 bu.; oats. 9,ooo bu. i ' Toledo (irnln and Sped, TOLEDO. Sent. 5,-WHEAT-Qulet; Sep tcmber. 72ie; December. 7H4c. COHN-Qulet; September, 57V4o; Decem ber, 57Tc. OATS Dull; September, 58c; December, CI ,0 V E H S 13 13 D Fa I r 1 y $3.5,3. nctlvo; prime, Minnrnpolls AVhent Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 5.-WHI3AT-Cah. (fc; September, SSUffMHc; December, GiTic. On track: No. 1 hard. 71Jc; No. 1 north wn, cn: No. 2 northern. 6fic. FLOL'H Firm: first patents, $3.8)0595; seeind patents. $3.63513.75; first clears, ,80 second clears, $2.20. 111 UUIK, J12.B0. Duluth (irnln Market. DULUTH. Sept. 3.VHI3AT-Cash. No. 1 hard. 71c; No. 1 northern. 69Hc; No. 2 northern. bttUo: ftentnmiio ,tZ iiAIAi..- OWio: May. 73-4C. ' " ' OAT8-iiMi35ic. COHN 55'ic Penrlit 3lnrLet. PEOniA, Hept. 5.-COnN-Hlgher; No. 3, OATS IrtfRular; No. 3 white, 34if?35e WHISKY-On the basis of $1.30 for fin Ishcd goods. lMilliulrlpliln Prndiice Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 5.-HUTTEH- rirm. w uigner; tancy western creamery, 21c: fancv nearby rrlnts. 2le. EQas Firm, good demand; fresh, nearby and nestern, 18c; fresh touthwestcrn and b 'ithern, 16c. ( HEESE-Diill nnd 'tc lower. New York full creams, fancy smnll, 9ic; New York 'U.I creams, fair to choice, 8'i9'c, MJW VOMK STOCKS AM) IIOMI.H, Oiern(lons of Protean lonnl Trnders .lln I.lttlR Impression on Mnrkrl, NEW YOHK, Sept B The operations of professional traders, to which business on the Stock exchange Is now almost wlnlly confined, do not make moro than n super ficial Impression upon the market. The object nf tho Waders Is achieved If prices are moyed, whether In one direction or another When the professionals percehc that In tolling stocks they lire getting In sparse company they turn with the utmoit cheerfulness to the buying side, an iney did yesterday nnd for a time this morning, and when the buying demand shows di minishing power and there seems danger of becoming loaded up with long stoiki they begin to sell with equal alacrity, us they did this nfternonn. Tho news from day to day may continue much the same without erfect on tho nature of thu narrow tlucttiatlons In such a market. As a background to the market, He tho strong general conditions of business, the prospect that tho Interruption to t In pros perous conduct of the steel Industry will not be much longer continued und the de termination with which controlling Inter ests In the great properties cling to their hnldltiL's. ti is itui fibvlou tiollc.v of large capital nt this time to discourage nctlvo speculation, pending the clearing of tho HUtunin money requirements and at thv same time offer effective support for pr.ces of sccurltcs when threatened. Tho principal development today was the renewul of tho Interior d-inand lor our. renev. There was deposited $7I.CC0 nt tll subtrensury for transfer to Chicago nnd J20,0u0 for transfer to Now Orleans. Yes terday'n subtrensury operations yl.?ldi d n small bnlauco to the banks on account of payments for gold dcpoMtcd nt Paclllo coast points and thero was further pay ments for the sumo uccount today, but It Is obvious thnt the curront government surplus will render nugatory these relieving inuucnces. The subtrensury had In fact taken $7,253.- 000 from tho market up to last night, ul- innugn ino movement of currency to tne Interior was suspended up to that time, The offerings of I'nlted Stntes boncH 'o. redemption under the terms of the secretary or the treasuty have slightly Increus d tn the last few days, but they are Inslgnltlcnnt as mi offset to the drain on .nccnui.t of the government revenues. Wall street s discussing relief by some new action of tho Treasury department, as Is Invariably th case In periods of money dltllciilty, but there wns nothing announced to give color to tno expectation, Money worked llrmer In all dcp.irtm"nts today and sterling exchange fell an addi tional frnctlou and reports were In circula tion of n JBXV.'i1) engagement for Inirort. Discounts hardened In London, hut the re lease of funds following today's payment of an Installment on consol subscriptions may relieve that market. The woklv statements of both the Hank of England nnd tho nnnk o Franco show losses In gold reserves. Todny's early show of streng h was confined to the coalers, Vunderlillts, grangers and Paclllcs-nmong the rallrNi Is nnd Sugar and a few minor npecl'iltl s among the Industrials. Hrnoklyn HnnM Transit was weak throughout on the poor Biiowing or juiy net earnings, tho mnrKei closed weak at declines running up to 2 points. Hnllroad bonds were Irregular In tone nnd dull, Total sales, pur vu'.tt Jl.455.O0O. United Stntes bonds wero unchnnged on the last call. The following are the eloJlnc prices on the New York Stock cxchnr.se: Atchison n So. Paclllo . 978o. Hallway . K'i . 33', . SS, . 4C . W:i . 31 . 99', . S3 . !2T, . i0 IS'k . 30'. . :2 b . 41 . 71 .liD .P'J . 95 .ICo .117i . 30U . S7 . 27 . 1.3 . .too'.; 137?i . OJ . 71i do rf) IliiKlmore & Ohio.. 101 do pfd. do nfd Texas & Pacific... Tol.. St, L, & V. Cnniiilliin Pacific. . Canada So Cnes, & Ohio ChlcuKo & Alton... 5? 39 W ;s t)?i 3 l".Vi 211. SI U do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabusli do pfd do pfil CIilcnKo. 1 nil. & L. till Mil Wheel. & L. 13. Chicago d K. III... ChlcaKO O. W do 2.1 pfd.... Wis. Central . Jo pfd I. l ('. & St. do 1st pM fir 2il pfd Chicago A; N. XV... C H. I. & 1 Chicago Ter. & Tr. 19 1 Anams 1.x... 144i'Anierlcan Hx Mil 17. S. Kx. 4: Wella-Forgo Ux.. Dili Anial. Copper .... U'.i Ainer. far & P.., M do pfd , M Amcr. Lin. Oil ... 167'i do pfd ::j Ainer. rt. & It.... , 43 do pfd K'i Amcr. Tobacco ,, no Hid C. C. C. & St. L.. Colorado Ho do ttt pM do :i iri Del. & lluili-on Del. L. & XV Denver & It. CI in I'M Krlo , 43'i Anae. Mill, Co.... , 71i Hrooklyn It. T M'i Colo. Pui-1 & Iron. 1W (Con. Ons , M'-i Con. Tobucco TS' I do pfd 141 (4en. Klecrtlc -1 (llucose SilRar 75 Hucklng Coal Bl Inler. I'.iper .127 do pfd 10IS Inter. Power IIS iLiclnle (las i. ,Vft Nntlonal lllscult .. 20 Natlunal Lead 13', Nallor.nl Salt lOT'.i do pfd lOHn No. American , Mt Paclllo Coast . 571. Pacific Mnll tin 1st I'M da 2d 1M .105 at Nor. pM Hocking Valley .... .22a M?i .US .26", . . 13 . 2t'i . 73H . 911, . 90 . 4l'i . 20',, . 4J'i . "'I 99(i . Cl . 42"i .111? . .:oh . is; . ,3 Id pM Illinois Central .... low ii Central On nfd Lake Krle & XV.... do ptd..... I j. & N Manhattan L Met. Si. lty Mexkan I'entrnl .. Mex, National Minn. & St. L Mo. Tactile M., K. & T do nfd N. .1. Central lfil (People's (Ins .... .154'tiPreucd H. Car.. N. Y. Central Norfolk & XV m ilo pru S3 Pullman P. Car.... 74 Hepul.lle Sleel 3'k do pfd ,145'4 Sugar , (Pi Tenr.i Coal & Iron. . " Union Hag k P 53 !i do pfd . 4 V. S. leather H do pfd . "I U. S. Rubber 31 do pfd . CIVi.U. ft. Sleel 161), do pfd do pfd No. Paclllo pfd Ontario A XV enntvlvanla 133' k Heading no 1st pfd do ;t pfd . 74 . 13l . H . 19'i . at . 43'i . 9) . 93' St. L. & H. V do 1st pfd do '.'J rfd Rt. L. Soutliw...... do pfd St. Paul- Mo pfd .131 Wistern Pnlon Offered. "Trust receipts. The Commercial Advertiser's London llnunclal cablegram says: Tho stock mnr ket today, while Idle, was noverthel-'ss more cheerful. Tho nilvlco of tho kaiser to the sultan to como to an understanding with Franco caused a cessation of selling from Purls, Tlntos spurted to 53 on : rise In the metul. Amerlcun stocks opened above purity, but business wns narrow, There was some hesitation before New York prices wero received nnd then the market hardened, closing at the top. Tho favorites wero Canadian stocks, Erie, Chi cago Great Western, tho latter on largo nrbltrage buying, Call and future rates are l per cent, owing to tho transfer to tho treasury of .1,500,000 on consols. Tlu nank of England has received 10,000 gold and has engaged 100.000 from Egypt. Sliver Is dull, on New York sales. Xw York Money Market. NEW YOHK, Sept. 6,-MONEY-On cull, firm nt 3',4fo"4 per cent: lust loan, 4; prlmo mercnntllo paper. 4m5',.. STEHLINO 13X C II A N G 13 We a k . with actual business tn bankers' bills ut $l,S5'i(( $l.83i for demand nnd ut $I.S3ii for sixty Jly: J"'ti'il rates, $4.Suyi,s7; commercial bills. J4.N2V 1.8.11;. SILVEH-Uar, 58Vc; Mexican dollars, HONDS Oovernment. stendy; stute. tinner, rnllroad, lrreg.ii.ir. Tho closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. ref. 2s. reg .. 107'i Hocking Val. 4'is,, 1C6H 101', 83 344 103 9H 53i 105 a, 1MH 130 103 75 102?, 911 10(1 97 97i 77 S64 92'i 117 119 81 i03; 107 V, 113U HO'.i 1131k do coupon do 3s, res do coupon do new U, reg.. do coupon do old (". res.. do coupon do !, res do coupon Atchlion gen. 4i.. do adj. 4 mi-, i,. ai m. uni. (a HSH Mex. Central 4 .lOS'i do la Ino 137 'Minn. & Si. L. i, 137 M., K. A T. 4a ,112 I do !s 113 N Y. Central is.... ,lu7; do gen. 3!i..i... ,107, N. j. KQn is ,104 No. PaclUo 4a , 91i dn 3n Ilalthuore & O, 4s,. 103 N a xv. con, 4a..., Ol'j Heading Ken. 4a 106V St I. & I M c. 5a.., 107 St L & S V a ,107'j St L Southw. la..., M4 Oo la 101S Ran A. & Ar P. 4a 84 So. Paclllo 4 97'i8o, Hallway Sa JlOUiTex, & Pa "ino la,., 1 l; T.'- 81 & W .IMUiL'nlon Paclfle 4i..., .101 ilo conv. 4a, 93'i Wabash la . do 2a ,IOJi,i ru iifli do 31, do conv. 4s Canada So. 2 Central of (la. ii... do la lnc Ches. & Ohio 4'js... Chi. .t Alton JVii,. C, II, & Q, new ( C, M & St P k. 4.. C. & N. W. c, 7.., C, H. I. & P. 4i,., C C C & St L I. 4, Chicago Ter. 4i Colorado So, 4s Denver & H, O. 4, Erie prior Hen l, . ni. West Shore 4i W Wheel, i L. K, 4s .104 I ' ito general .. . K. XV. & I). C. 1 Offered. II ii nk Clenrlnsa, OMAHA, Sept. 5. Hank clearings today, J1.145.S31 ; corresponding day last year. J1.om.449: Increase. Jf'J.Stfi. CINCINNATI, Sept. 5.-Clearlngs. $3,464. 200; New York exchange, 15S203 dUcnint; money, 37j5'4 per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. fi.-Clarlnv. $19,50S.550; balances, $:,206,174; money, f4H per cent. CHICAOO. Sept. 5,-Clearlngs, J30,5:8,(H1: balances, $2.750.W1; postrd exchange, $lff 4.87H: New York exchange, 50c discount NEW YOHK. Sept. 5.-CIenrlngs, J2C7. 4C0.928: Imlunccs. $13,U6.759. HOSTON. Sept E.-Clearlngs, J22.59J.429; balances, $1,950,193. ST. LOUIS, Sept, 6.-Clcarlnsi. $10,337,976; balances, $?2.9S2; money, 41J6 per cent; Now York exchange, 2Se discount bid, loc uls count asked. HALTIMOHE. Sept. 6-Clear.ngs. $5,1l, C2I; balances, $tl6,S7h; money, 4',ig5 per cent. Huston .Stock (liiolntlons, HOSTON, Sept. 5.-Cnll loans, 41?5 pr ceiii; time loans, 4WJ6 per cent. Ofrlcul closlne; A.. T. & S. F 77H Westlngh. Electric. do pfd 94 Atchison 4a Amer. Sugar 1J3 Jf. 13. O. &. C. s.. American Tel lei Adventure ilostou & Albany., ,IJs ll.ngliani Mln, Co. Dominion Coal 42 Amal. Copper do pfd 113 Oil. A Hecla . Ti'i .1024 . 84 . 304 . 41 .I17"i .730 . 304 . 20 . 50 . 524 .1M . 7 .337 . 3D . 34 . t5 V. a. ateel 4) Centennial do prd Pltchhurg pfd anKllll .143 HumboMt .230 Pnrrott i:. Kicc. ill.. .Mex. Central !ii Qulncy N. 13. O. & C 76 Santa Ke Copper... Old Colony 5)1 iTanKirack Old Dominion 33'k'r(nh Mining Pnlon Pacific ....... M' Winona , t.'n.on Land .. 3 iWolverlncs West End 93 London Mock (Inofnt ftins. LONDON, Sept. G.4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money do account ... ... 93i N. Y. Central 91 13-ls Norfolk & XV ... 9V do pfd ... St-lNn. Paclllo nfd.... ,.Wt ,. .-.', . : .1014 . 374 . 73 .. 2.': . 33- ,. SVi ,. 34 .. 91 . 61 i ,. 914 . 4P, . Ml, . M4 . 41 . 71 ,. 414 Anaconda .., Atchison do pfd HaltUnorc A Ohio Ontario & XV IOTVl'cnnslvnnla llTH Heading 4 S" b ) do 1st ptd , 2d,i do 2d pfd .173 So. Hallway 51 I do fd Canadian Pacific. Cli.s . Ohio Chicago Q. V.... ('., .M. & St. P... Dener & It. O.. do pfd Erie do lt pfd do 11 pfd Illinois Ccntial .. ! & N M., Iv. ,t T do pfd 93, .So, l'HClllC ,. 11 Union Paclllo V. S. Sttcl .. do pfd , Wabusli do nfd pfd. ,. tin ,. tii ,,i;oh ,. 31", ,. its Spanish 4 Hand Mines . SIIA'EH Hnr. quiet, 27il per on, MONI3Y-lUom per cent. The rate nf discount In thu open market for short bills, 2U per cent; for three months' bills, Zm Srr York MlnliiK Ntnckn. NEW YOHK, Sept. 5. The following are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adams Con Alice . 20 . 40 .14) . 8 . .173 . W .173 . t8 Little Chief .... Ontario , Ophlr rimtnlx Poltsl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .... i: ....90(1 .... 73 .... S .... 3 .... 4 .... 10 .... 30 ....323 Ureeca Hrunsnlck Con.... Comstock Tunnel.. Con. Cal. & Va... Deadwool Terra .. Horn Silver Iron Silver Lcadvlllu Con l'orcli(ii I'lntiiiclnl. LONDON. Sept. 5.-Money was In fair de mand toibiv. notwlthstandlni: considerable preparations for the payment of Installment on tho :i00,5oO,oiHi of consols. Discounts worn llrm under the liilluence or tne wenu ness of New York exchange and the de mand for gold for Austria. Apart rrom tho strcngtn ot Americans there wns little or no feature on the Stock exchange. A revival of the nervousness re garding the future of money hntl n dampen ing effect. High class Investments and con sols were easier nut steaciy. Americans opened Mini unci hardened, especially after the receipt of New York's opening prices. Missouri. Kansas & Texns common und picferrcd. Pnlon Paclllc, common und pre ferred, nnd Erie common nnd preferred were the features, Pricey closed steady. Cuuudlaii Puclllcs were strong nnd Inter nationals wero llrm. The weekly statement of tho Hank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, 03.1,- dsi; circulation, increase. 3io.ooo; million, derrenst", 323,537; other securities, Increase, .CHl.OOO; other deposits, decrease, !H7,Ooo; public deposits. Increase, 162,000; notes re rorve, decrease, 550,000: government se curities, unchanged. The proportion of tho Hank of England's reserve to liability Is 55.30 per cent; last week It was K1.41 per cent. Hate of discount, unchnnged ut 3 per cent, Gold premiums aro quoted nt Huenos Ayrea touay nt I3i.su; .Mnurid, 3'j.u.; i.isiinu, 38.50. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of England on balance to day wns 90,000. Gold premiums nt Home, 4.10. PAHIS, Sept. 5. Prices opened firm on the bourse today, hut afterward relapsed In consequence of realizations, nccentunted by n decline In Sosnovlce. Near the close, however, there was a general rally. Gov ernments were Irregular: Brazilians were wenk, while Spanish 4s, Itnliuns und Tlllks were supported on favorable news regard ing the sieel strike In the I'nlted States and tho higher price' of copper. Delloors llnlshed llrm. The weekly statement of the Hank of Franco shows the following chnnges: Notes In circulation. Increase, 85,250,000 francs; treasury nccounts current, decrense. 63.07S.(X) francs: gold In hnnd. do- crenso, 29,100.00o francs; bills discounted, de- tii-iinv, j iu,vi ,""V iiMum, putt, in iitiiiu, in:- crease, 1.150,(st francs. Three per cent rentes, lOlf SJiAc: exchnnge on London, 25f 21c for checks; Spanish 4s, 72.05. BERLIN, Sept. 5,-Prlc.s on the bourse today opened llrm on New York advices; mines wore higher; banks were maintained; governments were quiet and Chinese wero tlrm: home funds wore weaker on realiza tions; Cnnndlau Puclllcs were nctlvo on fuvorablo crop reports; at tho close prices wero generally weaker In sympnthy with Vienna. Exchango on London, 20m 43 Pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short hills, 2'i per cent; three months' bills, 2H per cent. MADHID, Sept. S.-Spnnlsh 4s closed at 79.35; gold was quoted at 39.97. Cotliin MnrliPt. V !.,!' T f1 f . I ' . . . . r r. r ... r. . it ii'iwv. c?eiu. ii. i. u i i u ajioi, steady, l-ltic advance; middling uplands, fcn.llln! mlilrlllnn. eitlf b11.1i:,.. oa1a 1CL bales. Futures closed steady; September, 7.74c; Oitobe.". 7.7i!c; November, 7.7&"; De cember. 71! Jununrv. 7.S?! l.Vhrlinrv 7.82c: March. 7.S5C; April. 7.SSc; May. 7.S7c. , ST. LOCIS. Sept. 5,-COTTON-l-liic lower, quiet; middling, Se; sales, .Whales; receipts. 452 bales; shipments, 611 bales; stock. 33,982 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. B.-COTTON -Steady; sales, l.SfiO bales; ordinary, bko: i;ood ordinary, fi 13-lfic; low middling. 7c; mlndllng. 8 7-lfio: good middling. 8 13-lfic: Middling fair, fi 1-lBc. nominal; receipts, 456 bnlc-M; stock, 45,fiS bales. Futures, steady: September, 7.94fi7.9Se; October, 7.7157,7. 73c November. 7.71(f7.73c; December. 7.7K27.72c: .January. 7.72Ji7.73c; Fobruury. 7.720i7.74c; ".''J".0," " 72a7.74c; April, 7.72ti7.74c; May 7. i3iii7. me. GALVESTON, Sept. 5.-COTTON-Hlgh?r, n"A'i.V,:SP901" H.Q' 6'-4 P' m.-COT-TON Spot, modernte demand, prices llrmer; American middling fair, 511-32.1; P1 mldillliiK. 5. 1-32d; middling. 4 25-.12d lov middling, 4 9-16d: good ordinary. 4 O-lOd ordlrnrv. 4 l-16d. Tho sales of the dny wero 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for rpec ul'itlon and export and Included 7,200 bales Aiirriciin. Hecelpts, 2.000 bales, no Amer lean. l-iiturcH opened quiet nnd cloied Mrnd; Amerlcnn middling I. m. c: Sep. tember. 4 41-Bld, se lers; September nnd Oc. Hibcr. 4 27-0l(f7l2.S.6ld. buyers; October am November . 4 22-filcf. buyers; Novem- , i io'iiijci j;'iiu, feiier.-i! Doccmbor aiul Jnmiary. 1 17-CI(f7 is-ftltl, wyl 4 lS-fild; March and April, 4 17-6I4 lg.fiiT buyers; April and May, 4 176IRI 18-64(1, Vuyi f'offec Market, ,KW . 8eP- B' COFFEE Spot nip. quiet; No, 7 Invoice. 5 9-10c. Mid, quiet; Cordova, sgittjc. Futures opened stendj". with prices unchanged In the ab sence nf lntluenthtl factors of nny descrlp tlon nnd ruled very dull throughout the early half of tho session, but ubout steady on light professional buying, ForelKii spec illative markets, aa a rule, were unchanged, Receipts averaged up bcnrlshly nnd the local spot situation contnlnod nothing of feature. In tho nflemoon the market eased off 5 points under heavy bear selling and closed net unchanged to 5 points lower nnd steady. Total sales were .15.500 bags. Including; September. 4,7fe; October. 4,,6c; December. 5c; January, 5.05c: IW Myyfc46c ,nrcn' 6-"Soi Apr"' 6-303.35ci Sugar MnrUri. NEW YORK. Hept. 5,-SITOAH-naw. dull and easy: fair rellnlng, 3 5-16c; centrifugal, M test. 3e; molasses s.ignr, 3 1-1 fie, Re. lined steady; No. 6, 4.65c; No, 7. 4.55e; No, 8, 4.45c; No, 9. 4.40c; No, 10, 4.35c; No. 11. 4.30c; No. 12, 4.30c; No, 13, 4.20c; No, 14, 4.20c; stnndard A. .V05c; confectioners' A. 5.05.!; mould A, 5.60c; cut loaf. 5.75c; crushed, S.iric: powdered, 5.35c; granulated, 5.23a; cubes, n.fiov. LONDON. Sept. C-Sl'OAn-Muscovado, 9'v3d: centrlfugal.v I0s3d; beet sugar. Aucust, Ss. ' NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 5.-SlTOAR-(Vtv trlfugal yellow, 4f?4c: seconds. 2a3ic. Molasses, steady; centrifugal, ftflOc. X'"V4 York llry GnoiN Mnrkel. NEW YORK, Sept. 5.-DRY OOODS The market Una presented u generally quiet appearance today and business has hardly been up to prevlojs dnys of tho week. There has buen no changes In loans and prices nre maintained throughout. Wide print cloths have it hardening ten dency. The local Jobbing trade Is good In general llnw, Wool Market, ST LOIMS. Sept. 5.-WOOL-Generally strong; medium grade. 12HWie. light nr.", HUi! -c- heavy line, lOflllftc; tub washed, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Rfceiptj f Outlo and Trade RnWd Active tad Fnlly Eteady. SHARP ADVANCE IN HOG VALUES Sot llnoiixh JUicph nnd l.niub Offrrrd for .Snlr Tnilny to Jlnkr n l'nlr Test of .llnrket, tint Memlj- l'rlces Were Pnlil for Pen on Sole. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 5. Hccclpts were: Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep umciai .Mommy.... 4, mi OMlclal Tuesday 5.03S Olllclal Wednesday 2.111 Official Thursday 1,555 2,513 8,2m 5,870 13,0 4 4,621 D 943 4,573 310 Four days this wecU..13,Sll 17.08 27,633 Same days last week. ...13,620 22.993 20,001 Same week beforo ll,59tl 2U53 27,150 Same three weeks ugo... 15,319 27,511 32.S25 Same four weeks ngo. . ..13,197 35,160 19,991 Same days last year 17.SS2 23,732 24,277 Average prlco paid for hogs ut South Omaha tho past several doys with com parisons: 1901.11900., n9J.'1593.jl897.lSDO.ilS93. August August August August August August August August August August August August AUgUGt August August August August Sept. I Sept. 2, Sept, 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 5, 151 5 77H! 4 97 4 9S 4 41 4 32 3 2 831 4 42 4 47 4 53 llli f 77', 171 6 83',! 1S 3 73i 3 70 5 00 4 3GI 3 74 3 71 2 84 4 95: 4 47 .1 66 3 67 3 69) 2 921 19 S 89 6 03 6 02 5 01 4 50 3 73 6 6Ti 3 75 3 701 2 79 2 85 i 66 I ( u iSl, 5 S7l(i! 4 42 4 42 3 76 3 69 2 97 4 36 4 36 231 6 91 i 4 971 3 74 3 83 ")1VI r. o: 4 4Z z mi a rj 2 c$; 2 79 2 76 2 75 6 03 4 40 4 38 4 40 3 fl 3 91 5 974 6 007, 6 CO 4 31 4 24 4 26 t 22 4 24 4 20 4 37 4 31 4 21 4 9S 4 021 6 02i .1 97 2 0 ti02i 6 02 4 4 3 70 2 84 6 ll'i 6 12U 6 n; 5 0) 4 401 3 72 3 63 3 61 3 CO 3 91 C 05 5 01 5 02 4 ?7 4 20, 4 14 3 99! 3 99 2 81 2 77 1 0, 4 o; 2 51 077s 4 19 I 221 3 65 81 71 ti 15 6 26U 6 06 3 62! 1 01 5 os; 2 iC 4 13 Indicates Sunday. The onicl.il number of cars of brought In today by each roa.-l was: stock Sh'p. 'i 'i Cattle. Hogs. C, M. & St. P. Hy.... u. i i. i.. tty Mo. Paclllc Ry i Union Paclllc System 12 27 C. A- N. W. Ry I., E. & M. V. H. H S. C. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O. Hy.... 11 II. ,Si .M. It, l(. K C, 11. & Q Hy K. U. .w- St. J C. H. I. & P., cast Illinois Ccutrnl Total receipts Gl 6S 2 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 7 11 1 lfili 1,332 9S 761 .1 793 1 16 1.993 19 110 IDS 85 30 :u 75 .... .... ,." '237 217 .... 312 wwin ami company Cudnhy Packing Co Armour & Co O. 11. Hammond, K. C. H. Hecker & Degan J. L. Cnrcy I. olmian Co W. I. Stephen Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. IHisz Krey Packing Co Other buyers Totals 1.631 4,01fi 1,253 CATTLE There was a light run of cattlo hero today for even this time of thu week. The big end ot the receipts today was corn ted steers, eomparallvely tew westerns i,c tng on sale. Packers all seemed to want the cattle and as u result trade wns active and fully steady all around. There wero quite u few com fed atcers here today and tho quality was exception ally guod, us high lis Jo. 75 being paid for a number of bunches. Tho demand on the part of all the packers was active, so that steady to stronger prices were enslly ob tained and tho yards wero cleared ut an early holit. Even the less dcslrahlu grades sold toduy without dllllculty ut fully steady prices. Thero wns hy no means an over supply of cows today, so tho market waB tally steady. As compared with yesterday's close, It waa perhaps a little stronger. Huyers wero, nil anxious for supplies, so that anything ut all good wns disposed of at nn curly hour. Them was no particular change noticea ble today In thu prices paid for bulls, calves and stags, though the better grades sold reudlly at very satlslactory prices. There wero only u few stockers and feed ers on sale and what few were offered wero montly of rnther common quality. Huyers wero not very anxious today owing to the fact that this Is the last end of the week, and also because they have quite a few cattle on hand. Besides that, the com moner grades have been slow salo ull tho week and hurd to dispose of nt any price. Western cattle wero rather scarce today, but thu murket was Me.uly all around. Packers bought up the few beef steers tint wero offered at fully Heady prices, and the same could bo said of tho cow stuff. Tno feeders were, of course, more or less neg lected owing to tho fact that thu qual.ty waa rather common. Representative sales: HEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. 1 jeo 5 no No. Av. Pr, CO 1094 s is 1 1010 : 50 19 H4I S 40 1 Kl 2 5" 37 127S J 65 2 ') 2 50 20 131') 5 65 1 730 2 75 Cl 1345 5 7 4 1112 4 00 ES 1346 5 7S 3 1J00 4 50 36 1773 5 65 1 1200 4 M (! 1279 j ;j 2 1330 4 50 71 1371 5 75 STEERS-TEXAS. 2 930 3 75 23 lOCtl 4 45 COWS. 3 1C16 1 25 1 S20 2 40 2 1130 1 50 s fcll 2 50 1 870 1 SO 1 1(V 2 50 1 SCO 1 50 1 looi) ii) 2 975 1 73 4 833 2 c3 5 931 2 00 3 r,i -i 65 4 930 2 00 1 10SO 2 & 2 1150 2 0) 4 1050 2 75 1 040 2 2.i 16 K 2 75 4 762 2 2', 3 inn 2 po 3 103i) 2 25 4 975 2 SO 3 913 2 2 8 SS2 2 SO 3 936 2 25 3 630 .3 50 S 1-13 2 25 1 970 3 75 6 C05 2 40 1 1030 3 75 HEIFERS. 2 6f,0 2 ( 2 8J0 2 S9 1 COO 2 65 25 4(2 2 so 5 576 2 (0 1 2S0 3 00 HULLS. 1 1220 2 00 1 1450 2 60 1 720 2 35 1 SW 2 75 1 1230 2 45 CALVES. 1 ISO 4 00 2 150 4 50 2W 4 00 STAGS. SO0 2 50 STOCK CALVES. Slii 2 00 72 370 3 65 i07 3 40 e... 74... 2... 1... 2... 3... 1... 1... 1... 17... 9... 1... STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS 6W 12 538 3 00 6S0 015 C66 es , C90 , 510 - & 2 75 2 50 2 50 2 CO 2 75 2.... 3.... 15.... 3.... 4.... 2.... 635 673 3 00 3 00 Ml 3 Op) If A 3 10 .. 732 . 993 . 50 .1CS0 3 10 3 20 3 50 3 75 C5 3 80 o:c 3 nu 810 3 00 NEHRASKA. 4 cows.. 14 steers. 4 steers. 1 cow... 4 cows,, 2 cows., 1 cow.,,, 4 cows.. . .1065 .. 793 .. 852 ,.1000 ..1117 .. 540 .. 960 .1 15 .1 () .1 00 2 90 2 90 2 25 3 steers. 2 steors. .. 7.11 ,. 810 . 9.15 .1060 . 9W 3 00 3 01 2 90 2 90 2 50 2 10 3 15 2 60 2 61 2 75 2 60 2 75 14 cows.. 2 cows.. 4 cows.. 21 cows.. 949 2 73 1 cows 1065 3 55 1 cow 770 3 00 3 cows 770 3 00 U feeders.. 934 3 35 3 feeders.. 1070 ..1225 1 feeder... 730 1 feeder... 730 12 feeders.. 825 2 hulls 1 bull.. 1 stag, .11!) 2 35 1 feeder... 1010 .1150 2 35 2 feeders.. 785 .910 2 50 L. Vltamvnfc Neb. 1 cow 970 2 25 2 cows 880 1 cow 1090 3 00 1 cow 1120 COLORADO. 25 steers.... 702 .1 10 9 steers.... 972 14 steers. ...1116 3 .15 1 cow 990 2S cows 1030 3 15 John Mnrlry Colo. II feeders.. 1117 3 20 25 cows 955 2 (!) 2 50 2 75 2 50 3 10 2 80 2 10 1 stag 1170 2 50 32 cows 1000 I stags. .1500 2 50 cows, .1000 P. Mullen- Wyo. 23 cows 922 .1 10 3 cows t'50 2 25 10 cows 947 3 CO 13 steers.... 970 3 65 Delmer & G, Nob. 40 3teers....l000 3 C5 8 steers.... f41 2 f0 6 steers,.. .1016 J 63 1 steer..... 830 3 fS HOGS-There was a very light run of hogs hero today, and ns packers wore nil anxious for supplies tho market opened active and 10fjl6o higher than yest. rdny. The general run of hogs sold at J0.25 and 16 27!j. with the choicer grides going Inrgcly at 16.30. At thoso prices the hogs chanced hands rapidly nnd It was not long before the hulk of th receipts was out of first hands. Along toward the last, however, packers seemed to weaken a lit t lo on tho lute arrivals, ns they thoueht they wore paying too much for their hogs ai com pared with Chicago. At that point the advance today was reported as only QlQc. Thu Improvement In prices tod.iy carries the market to tho highest point slnco October 21, 189.7, The close of the market today wns very stow and weak, as packers were not wll Ing to pay over J6.23 for good hogs Sel'crs were holding for the morning price-, to that It was a lit t In lato beforo everything was out of first hands. Representative sales! No. AV 22 190 67 :y 0 224 61 228 Sh, Pr. ... 6 17'i 200 ( 20 210 0 20 I) 6 20 160 6 20 12") SO ... 20 10 6 20 ... 6 20 ... 6 20 SO 6 214 ... C22, fO 6 2.1 2 6 26 120 6 25 160 6 25 280 2". ... (1 23 10) 6 a ... 25 80 6 25 120 6 25 HI 6 25 120 C 23 121 6 23 ... 6 25 M 6 M 4) 2.". No. Av. Sh. IV 120 6 271J 87 236 Cl.. ..232 ..261 ..234 ..233 ..231 ..193 ..231 ..2J ..253 ..592 .,241 s 27', 271, f. 27'i 6 27'a 6 27', 6 27'i 17't 6 274 6 27 S7'.i 6J7 4 6 '7'j 6 27'i 6 27'i, C 27i 20 6 ?0 6 30 6 30 6 30 C 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 39 fi 30 6 !') 14 67 M C! (H 64 50 63 54 Cl 62 ..231 ..1?7 ..301 ,.:i2 ..237 IS 264 67.... .223 -1 10." to.. 50.. .216 .192 .211 .212 .284 .222 .233 1 6... 71... 67... SO... 6J..., 47... 61... ....197 ....261 ....216 ....310 ....336 ....273 120 210 4) ' 120 80 12) 1(0 120 40 120 61 93... 71... 63... 61... 56... 5S... 70... 59... 71... 56... !9... 57... ...211 ...211 ...221 ...236 ...216 ...241 ...270 ...275 57 2 72 254 86 271 67 M CO 2 62 247 6S SI6 209 249 f,7 23? 31 244 . 2-. 67 24S 72 21 81 217 78 207 50 2S7 120 6 23 7(..( W) JO 6 55 tc 217 80 6 15 C'J S4 HO 6 50 ... 6 39 . . . 6 4) ... 6 271, -There were verv f,v khe.m on SHEEP- sale today ami hardly enough to test tho iiminui. iiiijcrs ccemeii in want n lew, ami from the way they noted It was evident thnt they would have bought good stuff today at strong prices. Lambs were nlso scarce today and there was practically nothing offered to make a fnlr test of the market. Feeder shcop and Inmhs were In fairly good demand today und sold ut steady prices. There has been n good trade nil the week on feeders, und that fact has pre vented tho market from breaking u great deal worse than It has. Quotations: Choice yearlings. tf.IOIJ3.60: fnlr to good yenrllngs, .30i)3.IO; choice wethers, J3.25G3.40; fair tn good withers, f3.10'(j3.25; choice ewes, J2.75y3.00: fnlr to good ewes, J2.255J2.76; choice spring lambs, Il.30fi4.65: fair to good spring lambs, 84.15ff 4.30; feeder wethers, 12.75-5j3.25; feeder lambs, w.uvga.&u. Representative sales: No. 65 cull ewes ' .1 cull ewes , G cull ewes 1 cull ewe 2.1 stock ewes ... 17 cull lambs 43 western owes 42 feeder lambs 4S yearling owes 71 ewen and wethers G western wethers 2 western wethers 17 feeder lambs 5 feeder lambs 17 western lambs 10 weorcrn lambs 1 western sire 2 ewos and bucks 146 western ewes 8 cull wethers 37 feeder wethers 3.S western ewes 113 western wethers 118 feeder wethers 5 western wethers 143 western wethers 37 western lambs 183 western lambs 2 western yenrllngs 92 wethers nnd yenrllngs 47 western wethers 118 foi der wethers 29.1 feeder wethers luo feeder wotliers 140 feeder wethers 115 feeder wethers 71 feeder lambs 8 cull lambs 10S cull lambs 70 western lambs LATE YESTERDAY. 11 cull ewes 142 western ewes 53 western ewes 2 western ewes 7 western ewe , A v. Pr. 8S l CO 83 1 73 8S 2 W 80 2 00 101 2 G) 42 2 75 95 2 83 49 2 90 77 3 (0 Cl 3 15 96 3 25 !) 3 23 69 351 72 .1 50 61 4 0) 52 4 fO 100 2 73 90 2 75 101 2 73 88 2 80 82 2 80 97 2 90 83 .". 20 9) .1 20 76 3 33 9S .1 33 63 I 33 70 4 33 70 3 20 82 3 20 53 3 20 90 .1 20 9) .1 25 00 .1 23 IC) .1 23 87 .1 25 (il .1 35 63 3 50 61 3 50 69 4 00 102 2 00 lni 2 23 10S 2 73 80 2 75 10) 2 75 flllO.UiO LIVE STOCK MARKET. (,'nt(le nnd Horn Arr Illnhcr She r p Slemly. CHICAGO. Sent. 5. CATTLE Recclnts, 9,000 head, Including 500 head Texans and 2,000 head westerns; generally 10c higher; nilicners stocu tlrm; Texans and westerns, UhJ higher; nctlvq: good to nrlmo steers, $5.616(6. 43; poor to medium. $4.0(Vff5.r0: stock ers and feeders, J2.25ft4.25; cows nnd heif ers, J2.35ij 5.00; canners, $l.50'ff2.25: bulls, M.00ji4.tW: calves. 23(fj40c, higher, 3.005?(i.lO; Texas steers, J:!.30?i3.10; western steers, $3.8,Vni.25f HOGS Receipts today. 21.000 bead: tomor- row, 20.000 head, estlmnted; left over. 1,000 Iienu; marKot oc niglier, active; mixed nnd butchers. J5.93fi6.S3; good to choice henvy, J6.30fi 6.921,4; routh henvy. J5.9.V(i6.25; light, J5.90fii6.75: hulk of sales. J6 20fi6.60. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 13.000 head; steady: good to choice wethers, J.1.63 KM, m; tair to cnoice mixeu, ?.7.;iwi.l.7U; west ern sheep, J.1.25fi 1.00; natlvn lambs, J3.0u& 1.83; western lambs, Jl.oOfllO. Kniisns City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 5. CATTLE Re ceipts, natives, 9.000 head; Texans, 700 hend. nnd calves. 700 head: cornfed cattle lOfllSc higher; cows nnd heifers, steadv to 10c lower; heavy feeders strong, othors slow; choice export nnd dressed beef ulcers, ,i,oikim.iii; lair io goon, f i.kirh,i,4o; stockers und feeders, J2.40fi3.S5; western fed steers, Jl.5(j!fj'5,75 ; western range steers, J3.25ftl.S5; Texans and Indians. 52.70773.85: Texas cows, J2.25Ji2.80; native cows, J2.50f 4.00; heifers. J2.75ru5.23; canners. J1.505T2.40; bulls, J2.1W74.50; calves, $3.50175.23. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market SfflOc higher; top. J6.63; hulk of sales, JiUOfirt.00; heavy, J6.50!;6.65; mixed packers, J6.33iSfi.f5, light. J6 0O5JIS.50; pigs, J5.0OMH.00. SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts, 2,000 head; sheep steady. Iambs weak; lambs, J3.5CQ4.50; native wethers, J.1.25Q3.60; west ern wethers, J3.15ft3.no; ewes, J2.50fl3.53; ttockers and feeders, JS.OOfl.l.lS. St. Louts Live Stoelc Market. ST. LOTUS. Sept. 6.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4,000 head, Including 1.80O head Texuus; market steady; nntlvo shipping nnd oxnnrt stefrs, J3.00r6 10; dressed beef nnd butcher sieers, w.isTfiD.w; steers under 3,000 llis., J3.1.VT5.00; stockers and feeders. $2,25fv3.8; cows and heifers. J2.fr3 1.63; ennners, Jl.OOff 2.25; bulls. $2.40i(f 4.00; Texas and Indian steers, J2.8504.OO; cows nnd heifers, J2.00fp HOGS Receipts, 5.900 head; mnrket strong on ik'bi, sieany on oiners; pigs nnd llgnts. Jii.2MtC.oo; packers, $6.25ftfi.60; butchers, JCOO (i(6 95 SHEEP AND LAMHS-Hccelpts, 2.300 bend; mnrket strong; native muttons, J3.00 !?3.25; lambs, J3.50fil.63; culls nnd bucks, J2.0C(&'3.W; Btockers, JJ.l5fl2.60. Xoir York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YOnK, Sept. fi.HEEVES He celpts, 406 head; nothing doing, nornlmlly steady. Cables unchanged; no shipments today or tomorrow. CALVES Receipts, 377 heud; veals, steady nt J5.tmffS.O0: grasFcrs nnd buttermilks. J3.00ft3,75; fed calves, Jl.00ft.50; city dressed veals. 9fil2e per lb.; selected slock, 12V4c SHEEP AND LAMHS- Receipt!-', 701 head: good sheen steady, common lower; lambs opened 10Ji25e off, closed 25fJ35e lower on nil butcher stock; sheep. J2.5C(fil,0; culls, J2.00; Inmbs, J5 O0f6.12!i. few early sales nt J6 25fffi.40 for choice; culls, I3.6WI.00. HOGS-Hrrelpts. 1,876 head; barely steady; good stato hogs, 17. St, Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. G. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.500 head; good corn beeves, strong to 10c higher: natives. J3.00fi6.50; cows nnd helfeis. Jl.OOff 1.85; bulls nnd stags. $2.orfi 4.60: stockers and feeders, J2.O0f(4.0O; venls, JJ 25ffi3.23. HOGS Receipts, 6,700 head; morket 6W 10c higher: light and light mixed. 6.1Cff 6.55 medium and henvy, 6.40fj3.63; prH, J.I.MWid.OO; bulk. 86.37V45rn.ftO. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 234 bead; market quiet, steady; top nntlves, J5, Slock In SIkM. The following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho five principal live slock mnrkets September 6: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 1.655 4.673 340 Chicago 9,fmi 21.000 13.000 Krrsas City 9.7im 7,(i 2.coo St. Louis 4,000 6,900 2.30) St. Joseph 3,600 0,700 231 Totals .27,755 45,173 17,871 1)11 nml llnsln, OIL r-ITY, Sept. B.-OH.S-Credlt bal ances. 11,25; certificates, no hid; shipments. 6.S00 bbls.; runs, 95,081 bbls.; nvernge, 72,025 '''nEW YOHK, Sept. 6.-OILS-Cottonsced, steady. Rosin, steady: strained, common to good, JI.40. Turpentine, utcady at 3Gttfj 36,c. Petroleum, dull. LONDON, Sept. 6,-OILS-Calcuttu Un seed, spot, 61s 3d: linseed, 30s 3d, Spirits of turpentine, 26s 6(h Evaporated nml Dried Krultsj, NEW YOHK. Hept. 5.-EVAPORATED A I'l LES Demand wa moderate today and tho tone was qulto firm nt fully maintained prices State, common to good, 5f8c; prime, M,98V": choice, 9c. fnncv 9Vc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Qulet and steady nt old prices. Prunes, 3ff'C. Apricots, Royal, 84ii 13oj Moor Park, SiflSc. Peaches, peeled, llylSc, unpoolcd, 609VjC MINING MEN'S ASSOCIATION (litm-ri In Illuck Hills Orgnnlsn to l)eelop Resources of the Country. DEADWOOD, S. D Sept. C.--(Spcclal.) The Mining Men's Association of tho Diack Hilts completed Its organization In this city last night. It wns Incorporated at tho tlnio of the Deadwood carnival. This or ganization taken In alt the mining turn of the Hills and It will bo a strong factor In the development of tho resources of tho country. Tho directors nro: S. W. Htis eoll, Harris Franklin, W. S. Elder, O. V. Prycc, Deadwood; Ocorge M. Nix, Lead, J. I). Hardin, Two Hit; J. E. IUIchcr. Cut ter; John Illntchford, Torry: Charles H. Fulton, Rapid City. Tho association has a strong membership to otnrt with nnd many things are contemplated which will bring tho Hlack Hills to the front. Woiunn Nurn for Pulso Accusation. DEADWOOD. S. D.. Sept. 6. (Special.) William Ooss, an employe of the Ilomi Btako company, camo to this city n few nights ago nnd got drunk. Tho rules of tho company nro rigid In respect to being on time when work begins. Ooss hired a doctor to tlo up his head and made the excuse that he had been shot by a girl In one of tho resorts. Tho girl wns arrested, but no wound wag found, She is now suing him for damages. To Try Indian for Child Murder, DEADWOOD. S. D., Sept. 6. (Special.) Tho United States court is in session In this city, Judge Carlnnd of Sioux Falls presid ing. Tho session will probably bo tho longest ever hold in Dendwood. Rod Ears, tho Sioux Indian who 'escaped Jail at Sioux Falls, has been brought hero and will bo tried for child murder. Tin: iniALTY MAimirr. 1NSTRI" MENTS placed on fllo Thursday, September 5, 1901: Wnrrnnty Denis. Arthur Eust to W. C. Schmidt, lots 1 nnd 2. block 1, Matthews' subdlv....J 825 J. K. Shropshire, nnd wife to F. W. Hippie, lots 16, 17 nnd IS, Windsor Place I O. F. Davis Co. to W. 11. WnddclL lot 35. Oak Hill mill JOO Sumo to L. C. lliitclilivoii, nil feet lot 2. block 9. S, E, Rogers' add 1 L. C. Hutchinson to M. I. Crelgh, lot 16. block I, Omnhit View 1.0 Clara Snvlllc and husband to A. M. Kitchen, swVj lot 9, block 11, Park Forest add 400 A. H. Kelly and wlfo to H. L. Colin, lot 6, block 128. South Omaha 3.C00 H. M, Zug atid wlfo to A. A, Thlclc, n50 feet of w'.i lot 11, block 15, Im provement Association ndd 1,2(0 (In 1 1 CIiiIiii Deeds. E, R, HumoJind wffo to H. S. Thomas, e3 acres of nlO acres of sl5 acres of s50 acres of swVi 21-16-12 KO Tntul amount of transfers $6,022 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA ALEXANDER JAGOBSEN GO. BROKERS AND MANIFACTIJRERS' AGENTS. SUITE 105 Bee BIdg., Omaha. Correspondence, solicited with large MV ers and manufacturers Interested tn oui method of personally Introducing and fob lowing up the sal of first-class merchan dise of all kinds TO THE TRADE In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Uluffs Nebraska and Western Iowa. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. W astern Furnace & Foundry Co. 1218 Harney St. Mtnu The Under Feed Furnace Uotureri I. BURNS SOFT COAL. Davis & Gowgil! Iron Worki ICANTJPACTURBItB AND JOBBBIUI OF MACHINERY, OBNERAL REPAIRING A PSCIALTI IRON AND BRAB9 FOUNDERS. It Ol, 150a 1BOS JMkrai Itrevt, Onaaha, Nab. Tel. OSS. EabrUkla. AcanL J. B. Cwtll, Un, -KANE CO. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam and Water Supplies Of AU Kinds. 1014 and 1010 DOUGLAS ST, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, Uestern Electrical V Company Electrical Supplies. klKtrto Wlrtig Belli ul oi Usktl&a .0. W, JOHNSTON, Mgr. U10 Howard BU DRY GOODS, HE. Smith & Co. importers and iobrl Dry Goods, Furnishing Oooii AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go, HOWARD STIIKIET, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE,. TENTS AND AWNINGS, Omaha Tents Awning Co., OMAHA, NKn. TENTS FOR RENT. TENT8 AND CANVAS GOODS, SISND FOR. CATALOOlK KCMUBH Tt-fitoiift tuiin, Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Ilo yd Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION (JHAI.N, I'HUVIHIO.VS AMI) STOCKS, Uoard of Trnae Hnlldtug, Direct wires to Chicago and Now York, Cortcigondcncc, John A. YVurtu A Co. if 1