Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Jlodsra Camp WJnt Piiu in Competitit
Drill at Stats Fair.
Homo DmlKiinlnl fur Compnnles
S!rnilV-(I for Stnto (Jump i v
crnnr Mnrnue Iiniea
(From ft Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 5. (Special.) From a
financial point of view tho success of the
Hlato f Air has exceeded tho expectations
of the managers. Today tho total paid at
tendance was oinclall) reported as 19.19 0.
about 2,000 greater than on the tame day
last year.
M Jem Woodmen camp No. 120 of Omaha
won first place In thu competitive drill of
that order on tho grounds this morning.
Tho next lucky team was from South
Omaha, No. 1,0!).'. Tho olllclal score was
lot computed this evening, but from tbo
latest returns those two teams would easily
lead. Klght teams wcro entered In the
contest and flvo competed for the prize.
Secretary Furnas has ordered a grand re
view of nil the prize-winning llvo stock lu
tho State, fair grounds. Kvcry animal that
tan bo led or driven must appear In tho
parado. Th lino of march will bo around
tho fair grounds and past the office of Sec
retary Furnas, where tho display will bo
seen by the dignitaries of tho state, tho
fair managers and the spectators.
Today tho grounds wcro In much bettor
condition, owing to tho slight rainfall last
night. The dust wan less annoying, but the
huge, pushing, jamming crowd mado sight
seolng tlrcsomo In the extreme. About tho
middle of tho afternoon the visitors began
moving toward tho city and abandoned the
Excursion from all parts of tho stato
brought In the vast throng of visitors, lly
far the most traillc fell to tho share of thu
Iltirllngton officials, but nil tho officials
v.ere Jubilant over tho receipts.
At noon tomorrow tho exhibitors will be
gin tearing down "tho booths and by night
tho Stato fair grounds will bo practically
deserted by nil excopt tho larger exhibitors.
It was I.ln-oln day at tho fair today and
In the afternoon most of tho merchants al
lowed their clerical force a half holiday.
Tho main events tomorrow will bo tho llvo
stock review at 10:10 In tho morning nnd
thi races In tho afternoon. The speed pro
gram for tho last day Is said to bo fully
ns good as the speed events nlready pulled
off and many visitors aro expected to wit
ness thu list of events.
for State Ciiniii n Omnlia.
Adjutant Oenprnl Colby today Issued the
following order designating tho routo to bo
followed by each company going to tho en
campment of tho Nebraska National guard
at Fort Omaha, September j 10:
H. & M. KAlMtOAD.
Leave. Arrive.
t o. A. 1st rest., York G:0 urn 10:10 am
Co, c. 1st regt., He:itrlcc... f.tfOnm :i5nm
Co. E. 1st regt., Wilbur 7:lSnm fl:6um
Co, II, 1st regt., H'k'rt How 0:2a nm 3:0Jpm
llrst regt. band, Lincoln. . smo nm 10:10 am
l o. A, 2nd regt., Kearney . 9:05 nm 3:00 pm
t o. H, 2nd regt., St. l'uul.. 0:05 am :i:00pm
Co. j. 2nd regt., Lincoln... SM0 um lOilOnm
Co. 11,2nd, regt., Aurora .. fi:0i)nm lOilOnm
Co. I, 2nd regt,, Tecumcoh. (i:30nm Mum
Second rgt. band. Beatrice 0.3u am 9:4S am
Hnttory A, Wymorc '0:00 am 9:15 am
Co. n. 1st regt.. Fullerton..ll:3S nm 3:23 pm
Co. F. 1st regt., Mndl.ion. .. 11:37 nm 3:25 pm
Co. K. 1st regt., Columbus. 6:33 am 9:35 am
Co., E, 2nd regt., N. Platte 7:30 am 3:15 pm
Co. K, 2nd regt., Schuyler.. 7:05 um 9:35 nm
Co. M, 2nd r.;gt:A Albion. t.;ll:05 am 3:25 pm
F. K. H M. V. It. R.
Co. a, 1st regt., Geneva.... 6:00 am 10:20 am
Co. 1, 1st regt., Wnhori 8:00 nm 10:21 nm
Co. L, 2nd regt., Norfolk. . 6:30 nm I0:20nm
'IToop A. Scwnrd 7:00 am 10:20 nm
C. n. I. & P. HAILnOAD.
Co. H, 1st regt., Nelson 9:50 nm 4:50 nm
Co. D, 2nd regt.. Falrbury. 12:05 pm 4:50 inn
Co. D, 1st regt.. W'plng W'r 9:05 nm 10:45 nm
Co. C, 2nd regt., Neb. City. :0G nm 10MD nm
Hrlgndo staff officers, regimental Held nnd
staff officers, will move to Camp Omaha on
the first regular or special train leaving
their respective millions on tbo foreniou
of September 10, 1P01.
Transportation orders. In duplicate, will
be furnished brigade, regimental, Held and
staff officers and also ench company com
mander. Hy command of tho governor nnd com
minder In chief. L. W. COLI1Y,
Adjutant lleneral.
Hntertnln I.eKlalntara.
Fifty members of tho legislature who had
como to Lincoln to attend tho Stato fair
wore ontcrlalucd by tho Union-Commercial
club last night in Its rooms at Thir
teenth and N streets. Tho object of tho
meeting was to show the appreciation felt
by tho people of Lincoln for tho notion of
tho legislature In appropriating money for
a permnnent fair slto near this city. Tho
entertainment cloned with, n banquot, at
which H. M. Dushnoll presided as toast
master. Among tha speakers were: Scero-'
tary Robert W. Furnas and President Vance
of tho Stato Board of Agriculture, Speaker
seara or tho house, Senators O'Neill and
Young. C. II. Rudgo and Frank Hall. Rep
resentatives of Omaha nowspapers were
among thoso not Invited.
Fire nt the Stntn Fair.
Mischief wrought by somo ono not yot
discovered threatened tho entire exhibit of
agricultural implements at tho State fair
this morning. Tho Jannoy Manufacturing
company of Ottumwn, la., has had a corn
shredder on exhibition and has been giving
dally illustrations of Its work. LaU night
nfter the display had shut down somo mis
creant crawled Into tho shed nnd flllod
tha oil cups on the Janney shredder with
Uour of cmory. This morning when the
machine was started up flames broke out
from the journals and for a time the wbolo
array was In danger. Vigorous work of an
Impromptu bucket brigade prevented any
Ecrlous damage to other machinery.
Two Sent Ilnek tn Mlsxtitirl.
A requisition was Issued by (lovernor
Savage today for tho return of Leon Loslor
and James Chorry from Jasper county,
Mo., to Cuming county. Neb,, whoro thoy
will be tried for obtaining rmoney under
falie pretense from Fred Sonnanjchcln. Th-j
Indictment charges the men with represent
ing to Snnnenscheln that they had been sent
by Henry W. Phillips, his friend, to obtain
a loan of (85. The rnun was an easy vic
tim and he willingly gavo the money asked
for. Ixalcr, It Is alleged, got $45 nnd Chorry
lucceeded In getting $40. SonnetiBChetn as
lerts (hat fie gavo them tho money with tho
understanding that they were to deliver It
to his friend Phillips, which ho says thoy
fixllid to do. Immediately after receiving
thu money the men departed for Missouri
and they wore finally located In Jasper
county, whero they wero apprehended by
tho county sheriff and placed In Jail. They
will be brought back tomorrow.
It rIii iHlt I tilt tin IIIkiiiii)' ClwirKC
Governor Savage today honored a requisi
tion from tho governor ot Kansas for the
return of Elbrcdgo Gerry, who Is wanted
In Leavenworth to answer to a charge of
blgnmy. Ho Is now under arrest In No-
The tubor'nf washing is lml
Uon away with. Fels-Xapthii
Knap does half by soaking.
Your grow returns your
money if you don't tind t his true.
FeU & Co,, rnVKfrw, l'lilludi'lplila.
braska City, but he will be taken back to
his former homo tomorrow by tbo sheriff
of Leavenworth county. According to tho
complaint the unlawful marriage wss with
Angelina L. Hoxlc In Leavenworth on May
10, 1901.
Tvo Otunlin Inoorporntlons.
The Voegelc & Dinning company of
Omaha lllr.d articles of Incorporation with
the secretary of state today. The company
Is capitalized for $100,000 to manufacture
und deal In, at retail and wholesale, vari
ous kinds of groceries and cigars. The
stock h held principally by Robert J. Din
ning, J. C. Cunningham and C. W. Close.
Articles of Incorporation of the J. It
Hamilton company of Omaha, organized
with a capital stock of $300,000, were re
corded In the secretary of state's office to
day. It will transact a general grain and
lumber business. Tho principal Incorpo
rators arc: J. II. Hamilton, N. II. Brown
nnd J. II. Brown.
The Ansley Milling company of Anslcy,
Outer county, filed articles of reincorpora
tion today. Stock amounting to $15,000 is
held by C. J. Slovens and C. M. Stevens.
ItPimtillrnii Httite Crn trill Commit (ft-.
Chairman Lindsay will tomorrow Issue a.
call for a meeting of tho republican state
central commlttco tho later part of next
week. Ho 1ms not determined finally Jus:
when tho meeting will be held, but It will
probably be Thursday evening. Matters ot
Importance will como before the commit
teemen for consideration nnd the campaign
In tho various districts will be outlined
Chairman Lindsay expects a full attendance.
Drmncrnts nnd I'onnllntM.
Democratic and populist committees havo
been called to meet at 10 a. ra. September
17, the day of tho stato convention.
Ontrnl City Farmer Itnlilivd.
W. J. Burk, n farmer living near Cen
tral City, was relieved of his watch by a
swindler on the Stato fair grounds yes
terday afternoon. Burk was accosted by a
stranger standing In front of a cafe, who
represented that he owned the establish
ment. They talked about the fair and
other things and finally the stranger sug
gested that there was great danger of being
robbed by pickpockets. Burk assented and
handed tho man his watch to keep for him
In his enfo until ho returned for It. Ho
discovered his mistake when he went back
after the watch about two hours later.
To Act na Interpreter.
John H. Farwell of this city, who for
three years has been United States consular
agent nt San Luis Potosl, Mexico, Is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Holmes.
Monday morning ho will depart for the
Philippine Islands, where he will act as
Interpreter for Governor Taft.
Join I.nvr Kncnltr.
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Ladd entertained a
small party of friends list night as a faro
well to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine, who
will leave next week for Ithaca, whero
Mr. Irvine will Join tho law faculty of
Cornell college.
Ilrltle nnd Groom from York.
At tho homo of Mr. and Mrs." Charles
Ross, 1845 O street, yesterday, Miss Hottle
Southworth and Guy E. Klunib, both of
York, Neb., were married. Dr. B. M. Long
of tho Second rrcsbyterlan church offi
ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Klumb will resldo In
Tito ttaenpe.
Frod Plorson, under sentence of ono year
for forgery committed In Lincoln county,
and Newton Houck, under sentenco of three
years for crlmlnaKassault committed In
York county, escaped from tho ponlten
tlary last night by climbing over tho
prison wall. Both wero employed In tho
bakery. The guard on duty In the building
was absent from his post when tho men
escaped and this morning ho was dis
charged for ntgtcct of duty. The convicts
started In an easterly direction. Blood
hounds wero put on tho trail, but they
soon lost the scent.
Tony W. Wlna Ttro-Nlneteen Trot
nd Jennie Kllnic Tiro-Twenty-Threc
LINCOLN, Sept. C Stato fair races:
2:19 Trot, $400 Tony W. won In three
straight heats. Best time. 2:21; Naval
Chlof second. George !?. third.
2:23 Pace, $300 Jesslo Kllng won first,
third and fourth heats and race. Best
time, 2:18H; Little Doctor second, Arma W.
third. H. D. Parson and Jolly B. also
State Commission Appoint Her to
the OIHce for One
LINCOLN, arpt. 5. (Special Telegram.)
At a meeting of tho State Library commis
sion today Edna 1). Bullock was elected
librarian. Sho will receive n salary of $75
per month, beginning October 1 and con
tinuing until January 1, when she will re
paid a salary to bo determined by tho com
mission, but not to oxeced $1,000 per year.
Her appotntment Is for one year.
Tbo temporary officers of tho commission
wero mado permanent, J. I. Wycr, librarian
of tho University of Nebraska, being mado
president nnd W. K. Fowler, stnto superin
tendent of public Instruction, socretnry.
Permanent quarters for tho commission
will bu located in the capttol building, but
havo not yet boon selected,
Conncll Wlsltea to Italne Ilia Snlnry,
lint Cannot Without DlaclmrK
Iiik Him.
OnAND ISLAND, Nob., Sept. 5. (Special.)
At the meeting of tho city council last
evening tho ordlnnnco fixing tho salaries
ot city officials, In compliance with the
new charter, was placed on first reading.
A general reduction was made, according
to tho provisions of tho charter, and an
Intorestlng situation was found In refer
ence to the sexton of tho ceraotery. When
tho city bought the cemetery and began
Its administration, tho ordluanco providing
for tha nppolntment of n sexton was so
drafted that succeeding mayors could not
use tho offlco for politics and tha sextou
could bo removed only by a vote of the
The council desires to raise tho pay of
tho sexton, who Is now receiving $40 a
month and freo residence In the lodge,
but finds that tho statutes provide that tho
salary cannot be changed while tho present
sexton Is holding olllco nnd they do not
wish to remove him. It Is believed that It
will bo necessary for him to resign and
later be reappointed In order to havo his
salary raised. ,
I'repurc for Chnae Count)' l'n I r.
IMPERIAL, Neb., Sept. &. (Special.)
The managers of the Chase Couuty Fair
association ore making preparations for the
fair, which meets September 25, 26 and 2".
They say a larger display of tho products
as well as stock will be made this year
than ever before. The prizes offered are
attracting a large number of good race
.Harried nt Slstren.
HASTINGS. Neb., Sept 3.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) George Walters and Llllle Fencer,
each 16 years of age, were mairled today.
Superintendent Fowler Sendi an Addreii for
the Opanlns; Year.
Ittirnl nml Village Sfhool to llccrlre
Special Attention AppnllhiK
Sltiiutloii HeRiirtlliiK Ab
sentees. (From a Stnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. ft. (Special. Superin
tendent Fowler In sending out an address to
county superintendents nnd principals, call
ing their attention to suggestions nnd rec
ommendations relative to educational mat
ters during the current year. Tho addresu
reads: , .
The opening of another school year is
upon no. We extend to you our liuattKst
greetings and best wishes for the suocos?
of the schools under your supervision.
We hope that each county nud ;ll' "".'"if
Inti-ndeit and principal will rF.u curefJllJ
cM-ry letter, circular and pamphlet sent to
him (nr lion trom this ollicc, and thon llle
tlio sanvi for future: reference. Rf"d n"'0
the not'. and oltlclul decisions published In
the stulc m irlntundent's department or
tin Nclrasku Teacher.
Ilnml newspaper editors and reporters
pailft o. this nnd other circulars and nun
llcntlons of this department that you l.i'iik
woul l be of ir.tttcrfl to the general public.
You nve Vielcomo lo extra copies for tins
purport:. ...
Duplicate copies of the enclosed circular
on Some Provisions of School Law Not
aetiernlly Known, Etc.," may bo procured
nt this olllco In nny quantity.
Wo can furnish you with copies of the
new game laws of tho state.
Wo would bo plcnuctl lo receive copies of
all printed matter emanating from your
ofllco or your schools.
Lot us rmphnslzo ugnln the recommenda
tions ol this department relative to promo
tions trom the Eighth grndc to the High
school nnd the course of ctudy In villages
employing from threo to six teacher!1, t'ee
our circular of May 10, 1P01. Note also our
circulnr of March 14. 1901. We also com
mend to your careful conslderntlon the
stato coursis of study for high schools .is
outlined in tho Nebraska lllgh School
.Manual, Ist.utt Jointly by the State univer
sity und this department. Heed tho criti
cism innilc therein by Inspector J. W.
C'rrtlitiTo In that purt of his report entitled,
"A Bad Ttnc'.ency." Tho university au
thorities should also give serious thought
to this part cf Inspector Crabtreo's report.
Improvement lu Attendance.
Wo nro sending to the principals of all
scIkioIh employing ten teachers or less suf
tlclcnt copies ol tho teachers' report book
for use. during the coming year. We truwt
that every teacher will keep this record nu
cuiately trom day to day. It will take icss
than two minutes ti day, and by Ita ura tho
weekly, n.onthly nnd term summaries will
no longer prove a burden. Besides, nn nc
curntu knowledge of the nttendnnco nnd
punctuality of n school usually brings about
n united off irt on the part of tho teacher
and pupils to ralso the per cent nnd ktep It
as high as possible. There Is much
room for Improvement In tho matter
of nvcrngo dally nttendnnco. All principals
or superintendents not receiving these re
port books, who desire them, may obtain
the some by addressing this department.
Till book Is the same as Issued by former
(Superintendent Corbett.
"A stitch In time saves nine." When
looking over tho textbooks did you notice
thoso torn pages ami loose, covers? Attend
to them now, before they go Into the hands
ot tbt children, and you will save yourself
much future labor, tho district mnny books
nnd the taxpayers many dollars.
Many cases of sickness may be nttrlbutod
to Impure drinking water. Remember that
In tho majority of cases tho wells or
hydrants at tho school houses havo not
been used during vacation, nnd that tho
water is very likely stagnant nnd unlit for
use. See to It beforo school begins that a
supply of pure, fresh water Is available.
Mnny of the textbook publishers doing
business in the stato of Nebraska havo had
printed nnd havo furnished this depart
ment with copies of their price lists for
distribution to the school districts of tho
stnto through the county superintendents,
under tho provisions of our freo textbook
law. e will bo pleased to forward Uiem
on application.
It It possible to order a variety of text
books from different publishing houses In
tho snnie city (Chicago, for Instance) nnd
lia;ij them nil come In one package or box
nnd shipment. Ask ono llrm to send tho
packngo to another llrm for enclosure, end
ask thi. other llrm to enclose a packngo
from this firm. County superintendents
Bhou.,.d.. ,lfor,n lnclr district boards of this
A'eRllKenee In ItepnrU.
Oris hundred and fifty superintendents
and principals failed to till out and send In
their graded school reports at tho closo of
tho lari. school vear. When tho biennial
report of this department appears many
will wender why a report Is not given for
their schools How enn It bo when the re
port has never been sent In, even after
being asked for two and three times? Wo
send blnnks forthwith for this graded
school report to all schools yet In arrears
an.l trust that overy superintendent and
principal who receives the snnin will Im
mediately rectify his own or his predeces
sor s negligence by tilling out unci mailing
to this department tho report lor tho
?iC,iu"Lih?Cm no1",w J- IJ "ot confuso
this with tho blank for the educational
directory, which Is nlso enclosed, but which
asks for different data, und Is for a wholly
different purpose. r
tm,SHnHlJn,.?nt,on. ! P-iMlnh at somo
jnio during tho winter a pamphlet on
Rural and Village Schools, T "eir Arch"
,,?'AIate'm- Grounds. Furnishing.
Etc." This pamplct will he well illus-
rated. It will contain Illustrations of he
i.nt,ii,1'e nl'eri'Ko and tho poorest school
buildings of ho stnto that nro made of
f ,,,rlck', "f W001 "f Ho," yl
wan photographs of typical nnd rep econ-
itlvo.fhool,.t,l"lI,"s:!' from secrtons of
tho state. Wo want nlso Interior view"
lepresontlng the two extremes ol ? tasteful
decoration nnd of crlmlnnl neglect Wo views that will show the condl
tlon of the grounds and the outbii 1
lnV, .. Th. "bllc-ntlon wllf be n graphic
?hl?U,t.f tKnct'J,ul ,cl,0l condtfo''
tho state, designed to Inform the ii ibllc
nnd show them the advantages iiiiVl !i Lmi-
i',gcs ",ml,cl; w,"e Mm schools nnc
school peoplo labor In different parts of tho
hiv .i?cru .,ls ponc l'hotogrh ,il T Vc win
havo tho cuts made, and the photoicrnnM
this ""n. ',)f ft Ppnnnn..nt exh'lbu1 In
thrm 1 an 113 Cl,ts lf y havo
Wo Intend to call n business meeting of
tho county superintendents and the i coun'v
superintendents-elect for Alonday ovcnmL
and Tuesdny. forenoon and nftcrnnon De
cember 30 and 31. nwi (Just prVc"dl,?g The
sessions of tho Nebraska State T oners1
association), for tho purpose , f , "usTln.
e teaohern' county institute. .olnt instf-
tltes, imes nnd places of holding e th r
Ins ructors, etc.; also the rural school, , tha
building und grounds, furniture, npparat us
etc. All county superintendents of at t for
he ensuing term (IMl-llOji' will l o , tc,i
to attend this meeting and outgoing MipVr
Intendents will bo welcome. "P-r
Co-Opeintlou i,t t. Home.
The proper co-operation of the heme U a
necessary factor In tho turcess of' th'
school. Patrons' meetings offer a cplencild
opportunity to enlist the Interest ni:!l sym
pathy of parents In school mntters I,m
the homo Jcln hnnds with tho school on this
motto: "The tchool soo ety af "r.
wards." Lot tho home a4iiul hy the s.lnol
in a reasonable nmount of home study by
pupils In tha grammar grades and In th'
high school. Hon. H. II. Shedcl. president
of tho Ashland Hoard of Hd'tcitlou. h"
this to say for home study:
"If the high school bad no other pun ore
except to furnish the young with constant
emp oymant in the evening It would be no
small advantage. Insofar ns It rjqulres
their close nttentlon nt home, It Is n n on.
did co-worker with the parent It woiil
be a moral calamity If there were no study.
Ing nt night. It Is u safeguard to inunv
young people. Welcome tha bnrd st wo-k
that the high school requires If It fhull be
t,"f..lne,;I,,,v'tM:it ktei'!i Vting l.erson
faithfully at home and at work durliu 'ho
evening. There are no bad cnnipamoiWil"'s
mixed up with Latin or algebra. There Is
tin fnf . f nltn.p . ......
of literature or science." 1,1 jy
School Ceiimiit Shorn, nn Army.
The school ceiirus' of Nebraska for 1'0
was 377,711. The enrollment In the pubHu
schools for that year was 2SS.227. Till
would leave W.SSI children of sehoi I age
I").1 IVc'J?'1, Tne nvrage dally attendance
was 1S1.S71. This would r.iako tho nvera e
dally absences, ns based upon the total en
rollment. Add to tnU the numb r
not enrolled and we have nn nrmy of lffi.017
bpys and girls between the ;iglB of S and .1
absent from the school In thl Mnto o ,ch
nnd every half-day while kchool was In
session during tho school year of HnooO1'
And let It be remembered Hint the nvor.iga
dally attendance for that year wns not cut
down by tmallpoN- epidemic its It was dur
ing the past year. AfUr every r.-ii:-onui o
excuse possible, thes figures ttlll prereu
an appalling situation. Wo hope ilmt a
strict observance and rigid enforcement of
the compuleory attendance law will rermdy
this evil,
We hope to meet many of jou In Lin
coln during tho superintendents' and
principals' section meeting the sr"iid
or third week In October. A splcndl I
program Is being prcpnrtd. A rare treat
Is in store for nil who attend. This meet
ing means more to city superintendents
iui-ijuis iiuin even me atace lvit' ii-
vta association. You cannot afford to miss
We, or either of us, will be plei'sed to ac
cept any and all Invitations to intend i.nd
addrefo county, district and other teachers'
associations, whero dates do not eontllct
nnd where olflce and other duties will per
mit, but we are compelled to ask these as
sociations to bear our local expenses. The
pace maintained during the last Institute
season has nearly exluusted the meager
legislative appropriation lor traveling ex
penses, and the smnll amount now on hand
wo wlrh to reserve for the next Institute
season This request, or arrangement
therefore, for our local expenses, Is lor the
period from September 1, l!fU, to June 1,
Onmiiuc to lliiltdliigs.
.i1 ""V, Person shall wilfully nnd inn
llcitusly Injure or defaco nny church edi
fice., school house, dwtllng house or other
ujiidlng, its fixtures or nppurtenanccs, or
shnll commit nny nuisance therein, or shall
purposely and mallclojsly commit any tres-pa-a
upon tho enclosed grounds nttnchtd
thereto, or any fixtures placed thereon, or
any enclosure or sidewalk about the fame,
such person shall be fined In any sum not
exceeding jioo. ,sCc. 3, chap, xlv, Criminal
190?)' t01n,)lletl bt!,lules Nebrnska for
i T.n.? -''"' Fillmore and Webster Countv
institute announcements appear with
Picture of Henry Clay. Millard Fillmore
and Daniel Webster, respectively, on tho
covers. This Idea might bo followed In
other counties with similar nnnounccmenls.
lhero are tho counties of Washington,
Adnms, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln,
Int. eti.
.,m , wou,,l "k, '," llnve " 'He In the stato
olllctf a school district map of each nnd
PA.".1. Voun,', I" the state of Nebraska. It
wcultl he an Invaluable assistance In under
7io.L .n.B.1L't,cr.tl10 problems nnd ques
!i?i,.Vihnt co,mc. 11,0 tn( 01''ce. Send us, if
porslble, n duplicate of the mnp In your
(county superintendent's) olllce.
nip nnmo or number, or both, of tho
f,chS? ,.1,m,sc .r "f'f'ct .""Kilt with profit
be ofttlmes pnlnted on tho building. Thin
w Jul.) be appreciated by both patrons mid
stiangers. Ilef.rtlly nn.l fraternally
J. L. M'URIKN, Denjy,t0Plntendent.
llnptUl Association Conuliides nt
Teknmuli nltli nn Open
TKKAMAH, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Omaha Ulptlst association con
tinued Its sessions last night and today.
Last night was devoted to young people's
work. The speakers wero: J. C. Johnson,
Rev. E. F. Jordan, George Van Wlnklo, II.
W. Davis, R. F. Fellmnn nnd C. K. Rent
Icy. Special music was a feature. This
forenoon Important subjects wcro discussed
by Mrs. J. B. Daley. C. S. Lnughlln, R.
C. Walker, Rev. F. M. Sturdcvant, II, F.
Fcllman nnd A. A. Adams. Mr. Adams, a
colored gentleman, was a witty speaker.
The session closed with an open parlia
ment, In which mnny took part. From
reports of the churches of tho association
thsso statistics are gathered: Churches, 23;
membership, 2,467; value of churches, $124,
000; paid for new buildings and Improve
ments, $22,000; current expenses, $17,3u0;
beneficence, $10,030; total, $42,390. Twcnty
threo deaths wore reported for the year.
Tho afternoon wns devoted to woman's
work. Reports wcro rend by officers and
nn address was dcllvored by Miss Annie
Uuzzcll, a returned missionary from Japan.
Tho next meeting will bo held with Calvary
church of Omaha, September 3, 4 and 5,
John finnan of Itentrlce After DrluU
InB Ileavllr Kxplreii ttnddcnl
In Grand Inland.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. E. (Spe
cial.) John Ragan of Beatrice, Neb., at
least It Is supposed fiom the address found
on his person that that Is his namo, ato
a meal in a restaurant at 1 o'clock last
night after drinking heavily. Ho sat down
on a settco outsldo and suddenly died.
Ragan had been around town with a man
named Allstndt. Ho had registered at ono
of tho $1 a day houses. Coroner Roeder
held an inquest today The coroner's Jury
found that death resulted from heart and
liver disease. An autopsy was hold, which
showed that ono of tho vessels of tho heart
was bursted and that the liver was ab
normally largo and In very dlsenscd con
dition. Up to an early hour this even
ing his relatives had not been found. Ragan
had evidently been drinking very heavily
for two or three days.
II. Mnntln Plendn Guilty for the
Second Time tn
cen y.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Sept. B. (Special Tele
gram.) It. Mastln, the pickpocket who was
arrested last Friday In the act of picking
a pocket In tho crowd at the St. Joseph
& Orand Island depot nnd who pleaded
guilty and wns fined $50 and costs, was
taken beforo Judge Rowon again today upon
the charge of having picked tho pocket of
Mr. Anderson of Edgar. Some of the
papers taken from tho person of Mastln
proved to be thoso lost by Anderson.
Mastln's friends succeeded In running olt
somo of tho state's witnesses and ho pleaded
guilty to petty larceny. Ho was fined $15
and costs, which ho paid.
I'lnttsmoiitli 'Worn n n iiirenteiiN to
Shoot OHloer for Moving Fur
niture Into Street.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept. 5. (Spe
cial.) Constablo J. R. Dcnson went to tho
houce occupied by tho family of W. T. King
nnd daughter, Mrs. Albert Rrlttnln, today
and nfter rending tho writ of ejectment
tho ofllcor started to remove tho house
hold furniture, when Mrs. King confronted
him with n loaded revolver and threatened
to shoot him If ho mado nny further at
tempt to move the goods. Chief of Police
Slater finally persuaded her to give up tho
gun. Tho goods were then moved Into tho
I. arn .loiirnenmin of Adiimh llepontca
Despondent Over llusliiesit it ml
Commits Suicide,
RLAIR, Neb., Sept. C (Special Tflo
grnm,) Coroner E. C. Iierco wns sum
moned this morning to Admnh, twenty
miles north of niatr, to view tho bedv o'
Lars Jourgenson, aged 61 year, who hai
committed suicide by hanging himself to a
rafter In the barn somo time Tuesday nhht.
Despondency over business matters led hln
to take his life. He lived with his daughter,
Mrs. R. Hcnrlcktcn. He was nn old s?t
tler In this county. Tho coroner decided
not to hold an inquest.
MortKUget In .Nniikolls t'nunty.
NELSON, Nob., Sept. 5. (Special,) Tho
mortgage record for Nuckolls county
shows: Farm mortgages, filed, $19,431.15;
satisfied, $7,345. On town and city prop
erty, filed, $5,S90; satisfied, $963. Chattels,
filod, $20,117.10; satisfied. $77,187.09. This
Is a net gain of $39,233. 84,
Mvh, ft, A. Spelts llinniie,
ULYSSES, Neb.. Sept. 5. (Special Tele
gram.) The wife of G. A. Spelts was pro
nounced Insano by the luaanlty board today.
Sho will be Ukcn to the asylum at Lin
coln tomorrow. Mrs. SpeUs Is well known
In Rutlcr county. Sho has lived here many
PopuHiU and Demiomts Diiagree Orer
Name f the Partj.
M. A. UtltterfU'ld llend of the Inde
pendents' Tlclcet I'. W. Seiiiilnti
of it If in .ntned liy Their
. Opponents,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D. Sept. 6. (Spechl
Telegram.) The outcome of the democratic
and populist Judicial conventions held hero
this afternoon for the purpose of uomtnU
Ing a candidate for Judgo of this, the Sec
ond Judicial circuit tho mcst populous In
the state will have Important tearing en
the future relations of thu tio patties lu
the state. Confercnco commutes to ar
range fusion between the parties wero ap
pointed. The report of the democratic ctn
forces, to the effect that the popu lsts
wanted the two parties to adopt tha namo
ot Independent, was what caused tho split.
Tho democrats wcro opposed to surrender
ing their party namo and the wishes of the
populists wire treated with scant courtesy.
Thu convention nominated P. W. Scnnlan
of Salemn for circuit Judgo as n straight
democrat. When tho populist cone:itl n
wns luformcd of the nctlou of thj demo
crats tho delegates became very angry nnd
democrats In general . wcro bitterly de
nounced on tho floor of the convention. M.
A. Uuttcrficld of Montrose, was nominated
ns tho populist candidate for circuit Judge.
Illiif kiniillcr Try to Kztort Money
from n llleli Yankton
YANKTON, S. D., Sept. 5. (Special.)
Mr. Groom, a clothing man hero and ono ot
tho rlchost citizens, last Saturday recilvei
a noto threatening to kidnap hla son. Tho
note reads:
Mr. Uroom: We nro going to kidnap your
10-year-old son and hold him for $500 ran
som, sooner or later. Now, you can avoid
this by doing what I tell you. You place
tho money In the chalk-stone cave one mile
up tho river bottom road. You leave tho
money there September 1, Come along nt
3 o clock nnd leave at once. Put a lantern
in front of your buggy so we will kfiow vou.
If you don't do this It will be ono of tho
saddest things you over done. Now you nro
up against it you had better settle and
keep It quiet and don't offer any remarks,
for If you do you will have to suffer for It.
Mr. Groom hns served notice Hint ho 1
ablo to take care of his son. All Yankton
will back him. Ho will pay no attention to
the communication.
. ,
Mine Fnretunn Fnlls to Ills Dentil.
LEAD, S. D Sept. 5. (Special Telegram.)
John Treewck, assistant foreman of tho
Homestako mine, was Instantly killed at tho
Highland shnft. Ho fell through an open
winch, Bovcnty-flvo foot, and was covered
over with seovral tons of rock. He had
worked In tho mlno twenty years. Ho
leaves a wife and four children. A brother,
Richmond, wns killed in Homestako mlno
fifteen years ago.
Lose All Cliiliun In Fight for Hntnte.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Spt. 5.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Judgo Campbell today handed
down a devlslon which knocks out nil tho
claimants of the cstato of John McClel
land, a wealthy pioneer resident who was
accidentally killed two years ago. It leaves
tho matter In such shapo that tho stato
may, If It chooses, step In us a claimant
of tho estate.
.New Claims lu HiiRKed Top District.
DEADWOOD, S. D., Sept. 5. (Special.)
Colorado capltallnts havo taken up a bond
on n largo group of claims in tho Ragged
Top district 'through O. V. Pryco of this
city. The deal calls for a largo cyanide
plant and moro development work for the
lime ores of tho Ragged Top district. Tho
ground bonded shows a largo amount of
cyinldlng ore.
To llcwfn Aberdeen I.lhrnry In Spring.
ARERDEEN, S. D Sopt. B. (Special.)
Senator A. R. Klttredgo thinks It Impossl
blo to begin work on tho Abordccn public
building this Bcason. Plans aro practically
completed, but by the time bldo can bo
secured and contracts mado It would bo
too lato to begin construction. Work will
begin early In tho spring.
n. I' Jones Agnln on Plinrmney Hoard.
PIERRE, S. D., Sept. E. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Hcrreld has Issued n
commission reappointing D. F. Jones of
Watcrtown as a member of tho State Hoard
of rharmacy.
llenkelinnu I.enritu of Three Men In
jured liy Ilestrnctlnii of
Itnneli llulldliiK.
DBNKELMAN. Neb., Sept. C Reports
from the country show that last nlgh"s
tornado was worse than at first repor.ed.
Farmhouses wero wrecked and crops dam
aged. At tho J. B. Reynolds ranch a num
ber of men who had been threshing took
refuge in tho stables. Every building ou
tho placo was torn to pleccH and four men
wero Injured, as follows;
James Manso, probably fatally.
Richard Plgg, seriously.
John and Jacob Phillips, slightly.
Trimmer Ilrenkn .lull nt Stnutnn.
STANTON, Ncb Sept. 5. (Special Tele
gram.) Tills morning when Snerlff Ed
wards went to tho county Jnll to feed Paul
Adol, a prisoner bound over to tho dis
trict court on a chargo of stealing wheat,
ho found tho Jail securely locked and tho
prisoner gone. His escapo Is a mystery,
but evidently somo person has a set of
dupllcato keys to tho Jail, as there was no
other possible means of escape, with tho
steel cago Intact.
A Sninple Dottle Sent 1MIKI1 hy Mali.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney lomedy, fulfills every wish in promptly
curing kidney, bladder and uric acid trou
bles, rheumatism and pain In tho back
't corrects Inability to hold water and scald
ing pain In passing It, or bad effects follow
ing use- of liquor, wlno or boor, and over
comew that unpleasant ncccfslty of blng
compelled to go often during iho day and
to get up many times during tho night.
Tbo mild and tho extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Hoot Is soon realized. It stands tho
highest for Its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases.
Swamp-Root Is not recommended for ev
erything, but If you have kidney, llvor,
bladder or uric acid troublo you will find it
Just tho remedy you need.
If you neeil a medicine you should havo
tho best. Sold by druggists In fifty-cent
and ono dollar sizes. You may havo a sam
ple bottlo of this great kidney remedy,
Swamp-Root, and a book that tells alt
about It and Its great cures, both sent abso
lutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Illnghamton, N Y. When writing,
mention that you read this generous offer
In The Omaha Morning Rce.
A The fcclinn of being delightfully clean rervadcs the entire
The feeling of being delightfully clean pervades the entire
person when the bath is accompanied by this
Freo Lathering, Floating, Fragrant and Pure Soap.
It has a place in the household economy no other soap
approaches, being ideal for all purposes for which a soap is
used, in Hath, Toilet, Shampoo, Nursery, Laundry and for
removing spots from garments. Sold by all dcalets.
THE CUDAHY PACKING CO., Omaha... Kansas City.
"I cure Vnrfcooelc
without cutttug, thus
avoiding the horrors
of Surgery."
I do not treat all diseases, but cure nit I treat,
treat MliN ONIT, and cure them to stay cured.
An enlargement of ths veins of tho scrotum, causing a knotted or
swollen appearance, of tho scrotum mort frequently.
Of ton Indiscretion, but sometimes blows, falls, strains, excessive
horseback or bicycle riding or excosslvo dliatpation.
A dull, heavy, dragging pain In small of back, extending down
throuch loins, low slllrlts. wcnkncp of limit- nnd lirnlii nrrvnus
ucuiuiy, paruai or complete loss cu visor ann oncn rnnure or general ncaitu.
ml HIlHF if. yxx ure n victim of varicocele, como to our office and let mo ex
) UUIIL plain to you my process of curing. It. You will then not wonder why
I have cured to stay cun'fl hundreds ot cases of varicocele during tho past u
mouths, t'nder my treatment tho patient Improves from the very beginning. All
pain Instantly ceases. Soreness and swe lllng quickly subside. The poolH of stag
nant blood am forced from tho diluted veins, which rapidly nsiiunio their normal
sire, strength nnd t:oundne?s. All Indications of the cllscnse and weakness van
ish completely nnd forever, and In their stead comes tho prldo, tho power, und
tho pleasures of perfect health and restored manhood.
The I'lcctro-.Meilicnl Specialists of the DllTcrctit Departments
of this Institute, by thotr special combined Electro-Medical Treatment nro making
many wonderful cures In clltenscs of the
Kidneys, Ithenmntlnni, I'nrnljsls, I'lles, etc., Prlrnln niaenara, Cnntnxloiia
Dlooil I'olson, Ncrvn-Sovuul Debility, Kunttirr, Strlctnrr, Hydrocele Had
All Allied nnd Associate UUrnsea of Men.
Treatment by Correspondence
One personal visit Is proforred, but If It Is Impossible, or Inconvenient for you
to call at our of firs, write n full and unreserved history of your case, plainly stat
ing your symptoms. We mako no charge for private counsel, nnd givn to each pa
tlont ii I.urnl Contrnot to hold for our promises, lf you cannot call nt the
Institute today, write. Addreas all communications to
1308 Farnam St., Bet, 13th and 14th Sis.. Omaha. Neb.
nafarenceai neat Hnnha and Lending- llnaliirsa Men
Selling Agents for
n thla City.
Office Hours 8 to
S. Sundays 10 to t
U?e Famous
Climate, Waters, Scenery, Hotel.,
Ilaths, Amusementi, ou will find
are all right.
The route to this resort i "The
North -Western Line" with
trains equipped with the "Hc'st of
Every thiiiR."
Ticket Office, 1401-03 Farnam Ct.
Depot, 13th and Webster Sts.
The World's Greatest
Ideal French Tonic.
Stimulator, Invigorator
The only RenulM Imported French Tontc nnd positive
remedy for ncblllty and Impotrncy. A NrCUVB TONIC.
IlrlnKs the pink glow to pnlo checks and restores tho lira of
youth. Ask for our book of testimonials.
TKMI'TATION TONIC has ffioctcd cures In either sex
where all other known treatments havo fnllcd,
TEMPTATION TONIC has Ionic enjoyed the reputation
as a tonic for men and women of weakened vitality.
Compounded by
V. M. t.AOAAIlD,
'arl France.
Temptation Tonic Is for Sale
In case your rtnaler should not have our soods, wrlto to
us for prices and full Information, Corcfpondencj nnswered
In strictest confidence by our American agents.
Madison Specially Go
America, Omaha, Neb.