THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TIIUHSPAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL . MINOR SI I J. NT I UK. Davis drugs. Stockert sells carpet and rugs. Augusta grove will meet tonight. I-lne A Jl C beer, Neumayer'n hotel. Oua fixtures and globes. Illxby & Son. Wolimun, scieiitlllo optician, WJ Broadway. U. 13 Alexander ii Co.. picture! and frames. To I. 366. J. II. Wcstcott Is seriously 111 nt his home, 730 MyiMter street. Missouri ouk body wood, JS.V) cord. Win. Welch, ia N Main at. Tel. 128. Gel your work done at iho popular L'agla laundry, 724 Hroadwny. 'I'hono 1S7. Horn, to Mr, and Mrs. W. S. IJnlrd, 5 5 Knst Uroadwny, yesterday, u daughter. Julius Johnson has resumed his duties ns custodian of thu city hnll, utter u ten day vacation. Mrs, Jlruce Urals of Chicago Is visiting her parents, Judge und Mrs. 13. h. Aylci worth of Fifth avenue. Miss llentrlcc Curtis of New York City In u guest at the home of J. II. Arthur, .it West Washington nvutiue. Mrs, l O. Mlkosoll, "3(0 Avenue C, who has been seriously III for some time, was much Improved yesterday. The regular meeting of the Associated Charities will he tomorrow afternoon at 2:W) In the I'lrst llnptlst church. Mrs. Harriott CJrlswold of the Klrst Na tional bunk left yesterday, for Denver and Colorado Springs to spend her vacation. Mrs. James Zimmerman and sons, who linvu been guests of Mrs. 13d ftcrguson, returned to their home In Avocu last even ing. W A. Mnurcr yesterday paid Into the customs houto of this city upwards of 14 0 as duties on a curloud of carthenwaro from Germany Congressman Walter 1. Smith went yes terday to Sidney, Ia where he will de liver an address before the Chnutauiiun circle today. In tho district court yesterday Judge, Mnc granted Mrs. Jennlo Mao .Mtirlln ft dlvorc.i from Ernest W. Martin and the custody of their minor child. Tho Infunt son of Mr, and Mrs. W O. Hnrrltt of Hazel Hell township died yester day afternoon. The funeral will be this morning and Interment will be In tho Hazel Dell cemetery. The democratic convention to patch up the holes In tho county ticket Is called for 10 o'clock this morning, but It Is not ex meted that the delegates will get together before '.' p. m. Charles Mlddlpton, who has been In tho county Jail since early June, was relented yesterday, having effected u settlement with tho Owl club, whoso funds he was charged with embezzling. These cases of contagious diseases were reported to the Hoard of Health yester day. I.lno lJirson, 1917 South Eleventh street, diphtheria; Johanna Jcrgensen, lh5 Avenue G, scarlet fever. Articles of adoption of Virginia Z. Mar shall have been tiled In the county record er's olllce by Mr. und Mrs. H. 1. Whlttoll. The mother, Mrs. Olllo Marshall, recorded her consent to the adoption. Mrs. S. A. I'lercc and daughter, Mrs. S. AV. I'nrnll, have gono to vnrlous points In Minnesota to visit friends and relatives. They will bo the guests of relatives nt Mat-on City before returning. A carload of enrthenwaro consigned to W. A. Mnurcr of Council niuffs and shlppfd from Germany was received at the custom house here yesterdny. The Import dullcs on the goods amounted to nearly $100. The l.adlrs' Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet Friday afternoon In the building occimled by tho Associated Charities, corner of Avenue V and Tenth street, to sew for that Institu tion. Tho Council Hluffs club will meet th's evening at the otllce of Assistant County Attorney Kimball, In tho courthouse, to complete the organization and arrange for the year's work. The club Is a literary organization. Miss Loulso Swan, daughter of tho lato Colonel Charles Swan, died yesterday after noon at St. Hemard's hospital, after un IllncsH of four days, Decenscd was a stenographer In tho ofllcc of Attorney Canine I.. Dodge. James Nicholas, a negro held on susplrlon of being thu assailant of Mrs. LouUo Heekemeyer of 303 South Twenty-first street, Saturday night, has been released, as tho police wcro unablu to secure evi dence ugulnst him. Hupert Fleming, aged r7 years, died abiut midnight Tuesday nt tho Woman's Chris tian Association hospital from intestinal paralysis. Ilia wife survives him. The funeral, which will bo private, will be this afternoon. Uurlal will bo In Falrvlew ceme tery. Harry M. Ilrown, chairman of tho re publican city central committee, will Issue u call for a convention of tho members of tho county central committee from Kane township to nomlnato a caudldnto for town ship trustee. The nomination was over looked by the republican county conven tion. ' II. A. Clemens, keeper of the Turkish bath rooms Ir. Omaha, where three patrons were said to linvo been robbed Monday night, refused to return across the river yesterday witnout requisition papers, tie s helm: held at the city jail here whllo nn effort will bo mude to secure the necessaiy requisition. Goorgo H. Iinrr of .Mortgomery county has tiled a petition of voluntary bank ruptcy In the. federal court here. Illi lia bilities aggregate M.'.'i'J.B", whllo his nsto h amount to and are claimed ns ex empt. W. 11. Maurer, tho Crystal mills and the Monarch Manufacturing company of this city are among the creditor.. Wlckhnm, llowman fl; Co.'s railroad grad ing outfit left last evening over tho initio's Central for Cnrbondnle, III., where Wlck hnm & llowman have a large contract. With the outtlt were fifty men and forty teams rt mules. It r quired fourteen cirs to carry the outfit, which was In churgc of II. 1'. Wlckhnm and ltuymond C. Wise. The failure of Miss Cnthurlnu Sullivan, one of the recently appointed teachers in the clty.schools, to secure a first-class cer tificate was due to the fact that she had not previously taught school for nine months. One of thu requirements needed for a llrst-class certificate Is that tho ap plicant must have taught school for nine months. Miss Sullivan linil only taught for two mouths nnd whllo able to meet nil the other requirements was denied tho certificate for this reason. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone S50. llnrncKN Thlcvcn nt Work. Harness thieves were abroad In Council Bluffs Tuesday night and succeeded In mak ing two good hauls. From the bnrn cf Secretary itoss of the Board of Education at 617 Willow nvenue, ono Bet of double nnd one set of single harness and a pigskin sad dle were stolen. From tho bnrn of James & Havorstock, tho Male streot grocers, the thieves secured one set of double and two sets of single harness. Mdc for thBis h3 know whf good Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates an! Opera BonBons Made By John 6. Woodward & Go. The Candy Men." Council Bluffs - - low. 3 Iowa Steam Dye Works 304 Uroadway. Make youi oid clothes look Ilk new. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director Ibuccuasor lo W. C. linttjt 3H 113.1111. sTHKKI-. Tkuso ilV, F ARM LOANS K Neiollawu in I'.amorn .WLmuxa end Iowa. Jmri N. Casadr. Jr., tii Main St.. Council Biuftt. BLUFFS. ATTACK PAVING CONTRACT Gitizini Etik t let Aside tbo Actitn of Oitj Council. DEAL ALLEGED AMONG CONTRACTORS Itonl nnd Mnrkct Value of llrlek Snltt to llnvr Hern Artificially Itulned to Ilruellt Thosr In the Combination. Suit won brought In the district court yesterday to have declared null and void tho contract awarded K. A. Wlckham by the city council for tho paving of Sixth, i Seventh and Eighth streets between Uroad-1 way nnd Fifth avenue, First avenue be- twecn Pearl street and Eighth street and Mfth avenue between Main and Eighth af.A.fu n nn lnt 111 rtl. tin M I streets and to enjoin Wlckham from pro ceeding with tho work under the contract. L. C. Baldwin, T. O. Foley, A. P. Faulk, K. C. Smith, Mrs. J. J. Ilrown and II. II. Knowlcs appear as plaintiffs, while th; mayor, city clerk, members of the city council and E. A. Wlckham nre died ns de fendants. The petition Is a voluminous one and re cites In full the records of the city council oppOTed the ,,vylllK of nny tax ,or tho pur. proceedings leading up to tho awarding ufn , ... ,., ,,,, iimmnr ,.,i the contract. It sets out In ilctatl nil the bids submitted. The contracts which It at- tacked cover about 3o,u00 yards o "V'"K. ! ho material designated be ng Oalesburg , block top course on Council n uffs br cki base. Wlckham. bid on aalesburg brick , . , 1 T brick $1,51 per sqiiare yard. After reciting the proceedings of tho city council leading up to the awarding of the . . . . . i .M . V. ., . .,. i J, , vk published paving resolution was defective nasmuch that It should have deslgna ted the kind of materia to be used on tho streets ordered paved Instead of rc erring. ns it is alleged it did, to specifications on fllo which it Is claimed did not provide for this particular paving. Alleged I. nek of Competition. Continuing, the petition alleges: "Thcro was no competition among tho .bidders for the uso of Des Moines or Galosburg brick, within tho city limits shall be expended by because the defendant, E. A. Wlckham, had tho county board under the direction ot the entered Into contract with the mnnufactur- city council. For tho last two years an ar-' era of Des Moines brick whereby they wcro rangement has been entered Into between to charge all other contractors proposing 'bo city and the county, whereby tho city to bid for tho paving herein referred to received 60 per cent of tho fund nnd ex $1.50 per thousand moro than they would 1 pended It where and how It willed, while tho chargo the defendant, E. A. Wlckham, nnd county did tho snmo with the remaining by the terms of this contract the 'manu-1 Per cent. Tho county board objected fncturers of tho Des Moines brick were'" continuing this arrangement this year to pay E. A. Wlckham $1.50 per thousand J nl Chairman Matthews suggested that the for all the brick furnished to any other entire amount be expended on county roads contractor In the city of Council Bluffs. The 1 leading Into nnd trlbutnry to tho city. Al dofendant, E. A. Wlckham, has also entered , dorman Huber, as chairman of the streets Into a contract with the manufacturers alleys committee, suggested an nr- of Galcsburg brick, providing that theyi wcro not to furnish any brick to nny other contractor In tho city ot Council Blurts excepting at such price as ho, the defend ant, E. A. Wlckham, should fix. Tho mem bers ot the city council had knowledge ot the existence of these contracts nt the time they awarded the contract to Wlckham. By reason ot tho contract between E. A. Wlck ham arl tho manufacturers of Des Moines nnd Galcsburg brick the market, nnd real vnluo thereof, was raised about 20 per cent, and tho defendant, E. A. Wlckham, was enabled to charge about 20 per cent moro than the mnrkct or real value thereof; all, ot which was known to the members ot tho city council nt the time of the awarding ot the contract. "Tho proposals tiled with the city clerk In the names ot Fanning and Rntclltf worn the bids of the defendant, 13. A. Wlckham, and tho said Fanning and Rntclltf witj act ing ns the agents of Wlckham at the tlmo tho same were made. Mnrkct Value Corruptly Hulanl, "At tho tlmo of the awarding of the con tract to E. A. Wlckham thy members of tho city counclt had full knowledge that the real and market value ot Galcsburg and Des Moines brick was corruptly and arti ficially raised and that the Coffeyvlllo brick was superior in quality to either ot them and fully met the requirements of the proposed paving resolution and the specifications; ond by reason of said knowl edge tho members ot the city council nbus;d tho discretion repcecd In them In awarding tho contract to E, A. Wlckham und In se lecting Galcsburg brick, and acted vlthout nutborlty and In violation of law." Tho petitioners nsk th.U tho pretend-id determination by tho city council of tho advisability and necessity of constructing paving along the streets named and utlng thereon vitrified brick bo declared to bo void nnd that the nccepUmo ot the pro posal of E. A. Wlckham to construct said paving, using thu materials spuclflid In hh proposition nnd at the prices named therein, be dcclnred to bo void and tint the (ex tract entered Into with E. A. Wlckham for tho construction of such paving bo can celled, set out and declared old nn.1 that tho city clerk be enjoined from filing .ho certificate of assessment ilt,i the county nuditor and that the defendant. 13. A. Wlck hnm, bo enjoined nnd restrained from tear ing up the present paving on the stiem named or proceeding with the ronetructlori of the paving accoiding to tho terms of tho contract. 1vel roofing, a. II, Head, 641 Broad'y. Ileal Mslntr TrnimlVrK. Theso transfers were filed yesterday In the Abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street! William Arnd and wife to Homer H. I- leld, lots 13 nnd 20, block 9, IMerco'H subdlv.. w. d j o o F. O. Schotlcld and wife to Dan'ui M . Braden, lots 8. 9 nnd 10. Itnllroad add., Carson, w, d., , -moo Heirs of Ia trick Leonnrd to Herman ' Itolfes. Int 6. block 3, Judson's 1st ndd. to Neolu. w, d g'j Joseph Jones nnd wife to Ernest Jones, nV6 neU lf7t-to, w. d -I.C00 George C. Hansen nnd wife to Jnmeu and Sue V. Hlalr, lot 5 and part of lot 2. Auditor's niibdiv. of lots 4 and 5. block 2, William's subdlv. of Mill lot. Council Bluff, w. d A,,.VJ-. Wymnn nm Wfa tn Hnttle M. Woodward, lot 3, block J, Curtis & unmtiey'H add., w. d V. . ; ut and wlfo to Elizabeth Quick, lot 4, block 16, Town of Car- 150 5,000 AsslKiiees of" 'iVtVr 8.' ' Vlel's Y 'nnd 'wife II ,u-,7,a J Ji""8"' Iot u- block'ii !- Cnunrll HlufTs, w. d. corci.'uffs':. d..?.:,k"ln,, P,aCC' John Mnden and wife 'to ' Jeannette SO 1.000 Totnl, ten transfers,,.. ....$ll,-6 Davis stilt glass. t'oum-ll IIIiiITh WeddluuR. Miss Jennnetto Ltnder was married yes terday noon nt tho home of her fnther, John Ltnder, to Dr. William M. Green, Rev. R. L. Knox, rector of Grace Episcopal church, officiating. Mls.i Nellie Groneweg was bridesmaid and Painter Knox best man. Among the many gifts received by tho bride and groom was a deed to a house and two lots from Mr. Under. Hobert 1). Wallace and Miss Edyth Thomas were married last evening at tho homo of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Thomas, on Eighth street, Kev. W. S. Barnes, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left last evening for an extended honey-, moon trip In Colorado. John Olson nnd Miss Lena Kelson, both of this city, wcro married last evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Schonbcrg, 1514 South N'lnth street, Itev. Q. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's English Lutheran church, officiating. Davis sells paint. LIBRARY TURNED DOWN AGAIN City Council l)lKnpiiln(ft Trii"lrea Who llnd Moped Tni Would lie Levied. Tho city council Inst night by n vote of four to three again turned down tho propo sition of tho board of library trustees to ovy ft 3.mji ta gt0 jor a pubi( np,ion .., tt ,iSil x for the purchase of a public library building. This netlnn wai n dlM.mnnln t niput in the library truillceS( who had been led to believe nt , conference held last Monday evening that tho council would rescind its former action In wiping out the proposed levy. Tho matter was brought up by Alderman McDonald, who Introduced a resolution favorlns the levy of tho 3 mills. Alderman Hammer amended It by making the levy li mills, expressing tho opinion that $5,000 would be sutllclcnt to purchase a sultablo site. Aldermen lloyer and Hrown ub wore 1(J onIy Uvo t0 vote n ,nvor lf ,ho , ,c A,,,ormen McDonald, Lovett nnd Clark voted for tho 3-mlIl levy n,m A1(lermcn oyeri Hr0WI1( Hammer and ,lul)cr nKnnst ,,rcsl(lcnt Uohrer of lho ,IIjrnry ,JOart, a(,urcl!9C(1 the councl, on bc. hnlf of tlle evy bllt to no pllrposl.. Alder man Iloyrr suggested that thu proper thing for , 1Iirary boBrd to woulr, ,J0 ,0 go before tho people at the next city clec- r" tlon wlth a propo8mon ,0 evy the tax and hUB , th() , , ., , the clt portlln,. t0 vote upou t,lc aucstlon. Th(J UMton o tho disposition of that , o taxation within the city limits wn3 brought beforo tho council by Chairman Matthews of tho bonrd of county supervisors, who de sired to learn the wishes of the aldermen In tho matter. The law provides that tho portion of tho county road fund raised rangement wnercby the city rccelvo GO per cent and tho county the same. Alderman McDonald proposed that tho city receive 65 per cent and expend It as it deemed best nnd the county keep the remaining 45 per cent. This was objected to by Alderman Boyer.'who was of the opinion that the city 'should receive at least 75 per cent and that ir it did not to follow tho law and let tho county expend the entire nmount under the direction of the city council. Alderman McDonald's proposition prevailed, but will havo to be approved by the county board. Colonel Charles It, Hnunnn's ordinance vacating twelvo Inches of Broadway to en able him to put in n modern front in tho Offlcor & I'usey property at tho corner of Main street and Broaway, recently pur chased by him and E. A. Wlckham, after being read once, met with opposition and was referred to tho commllteo of tho whole. P. C. DeVol, who owns tho adjoining prop erty on the west, nnd the Commercial Na tional bank, both opposed the granting of the privilege. Alderman Hammer, chairman of tho com mittee on bridges nnd city property, re ported that the bridges on Frank streot, Fleming avenuo nnd North Sixth street needed repairing, nnd the first two wcro In a dangerous condition. Ills committee was authorized to carry out the needed repairs under the supervision of tho city engineer. Poll Tax Collector Follentreter reported that he had served 2,513 poll tax notices; that SS0 persons had worked nut tho tax, while 283 had paid tho money, leaving 1,380 notices still unsettled. This report was called for nt the previous meeting of tho council. Tho matter of placing arc lamps near tho Madison nvenue school, at tho juncture of tho railroad tracks north of the Union Pacific transfer, In Babbitt plnce, and of keeping tho light at the Intersection of Pearl street and Broadway burning nil night, wns referred to the committee of the whole, which will meet this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. George Mnlone wns granted permission to conduct a saloon nt 1001 West Broadway. Aldormnn Boyer's ordlnanco providing for the transforming of Avenue C Into a boule vnrd was ngaln laid over as he stated he was not ready to submit the mntter to thu council. The resolution authorizing tho city auditor to turn over to Contractor Wlckham tho asssssmcnt certificates for tho paving of Sixth avenue, between Main and Sixth streets, was adopted. City Engineer Etnyre presented n bill of $S for his expenses on a recent trip to Kan sas City undertaken by him to examine paving laid with Coffeyvlllo brick. As tho trip was taken without authority from the city council tho bill was promptly turned dwon. The council adjourned to 4 o'clock this afternoon. TO POSSESS JVHNING SHARES Creditor Seek tn Set Anlri TrnitKfer tn Slcdeiitopf'n I'll Hi lly. Another chapter was added yesterday to the lengthy litigation over tho William Slcdontopf estate, which has occupied the nttentlon of tho district court for scvernl terms, J, 13. F. McOee, who was nppolntol administrator of the estate In place of William F. Sledentopf, began suit to have certain shares hold by tho late William Sledentopf In the Jupiter IMnlng company ot Utah, which during his lifetime he had trnnBforrod to his wife nnd children, de clared the prsperty of tho estate for the benefit of the creditors. It Is alleged that William Sledentopf at a tlmo when he wns Insolvent transferred these shares of mining stock to his wife nnd son and daughter, without consideration, and that such transfer wns a fraud upon the rights of his creditors, $30,000 of whose claims still remain unpaid. Administrator McOee alleges tant Wil liam F. Sledentopf and tho other heirs have recently disposed of these shares ot mining stock 'hrotigh the Council Bluffs Savings bank to the First National bank of Ot tumwa, which agreed to pay 25 cents a hare, lit asks that either the shares or the money derived from their sale be declared tho property of the estate and that the court order tho banks named to turn tho money over to him as administrator. Cotint- Tux Lev) Deferred. Tho session of the board of county super visors yesterday was devoted largoly to tho auditing ot bills and tho fixing ot the tax levy was deferred until Friday. County Recorder Smith filed his report for the qunrter ending June 30. It sho-vs that during tbo three months 1,530 instruments were filed and fcos to the nmount of JOS 1.1") collected ns follows; April, 605 filings, fees collected, $3S(.25; May, 501 tilings, fees collected, $322.20; June, 424 filings, tecs collected, $277.95. Tho report of Sheriff Cousins for the same quarter showed a deficit of $158.28 In the cash receipts after his and his deputies' salaries had been paid. The fees taxed were $1,618.09, ot which $1,073.(1) was collected. Tho disbursements wcro mileage, $74.80; sheriff's salary, $625; deputies' salaries, $531.97. Road nnd brldgo matters are expected to cngago the nttentlon of the bonrd today. .MnrrlnKP I.leeiiMrn. Licenses to wed wero issued yesterday to the following: Nome nnd Residence. Age. W, F. Hort, Kingfisher. Old 56 Abbli; Bailey, Council Bluffs 2S Robert II. AVallacc, Council Ululfs 22 Kdyth Thomas, Council Bluffs 20 W. M. Green, Council1 Bluffs M Jcnnnctte Under, Council Hluffs 21 Frank A. Sklpton, Council Hluffs 27 Stella L. Williams, Counclt Bluffs 29 John Olson, Council Hluffs ii Lena Nelson, Council Hluffs 25 Jnmes Porter, Omaha 2 Llda Corbln, Omaha .6 George McKcrman, Friend, Neb 21 Hattle Loqkhnrt, Council Bluffs 19 A. 13. Gruben, Council Hluffs 23 Edith M. Smith, Council Hluffs 21 Itne, Council Hluffs 21 Lllllc Sherman, Council Bluff.-t 18 FIRE INSURANCE IN IOWA State Akii(k (IrKiiiilr tn t'nrrj- nn n Movement fnr Hotter I.CKlfllntlou. BURLINGTON, la., Sept. 4. (Special Tel egram.) A meeting of stato fire insurance agents was held In this city today to d s cuss the subject ot securing rcasouahl-; leg islation In tho Interest of the tire insurance business In order that It might bo relieved of the burdensome laws which at present, It Is claimed, operate to the detriment of both the companies engaged In the Iiulii09 and the property owners of the stale. Executive Secretary B. L. West of CeJar Rapids, who presided nnd stated the pur pose of the meeting, cald that the anti compact law rendered It Impossible to se cure any uniformity In tho mothod-j of con ducting the business; it had taken 'he rate-milking power out ot the handn ot the local agents nnd relegntcd that Impor ant work to Inspectors living awny from the majority of the cities in the stnio end who can only give each city attention In turn, thus necessitating long delays in the tlxtug of rates. It was decided to form an association fo; tho purpose of carrying on a movemmt fur better legislation. Committees were up pointed and the coming legislature will be appealed to. WILL HAVE JflURDER TRIAL C.rrtnd Jury nt Ft. Dode Indict nrlekern fnr Killing the Guild. FORT DODGE, Ia Sept. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The grand Jury today returned an Indictment for murder In tho first degree ngalnst Georgo and Oliver Bricker, who ore charged with tho kllllug of C. A. Guild and eon, Clnrenecc Guild, In Veil township Inst June. Thu trial is expected to bo ono of tho most sensational ones In the history of Webster county. FOUND HANGING IN HIS BARN Ilody of Anton Mclmin, Knrmrr of Ccdnr Fulls, Discovered by III Wife. CEDAR FALLS, la., Sept. 4. (Special Telegram.) Anton Ncllson, a retired fnrmer, wns found by his wifo this morn ing hanging in the barn. Temporary In sanity, Induced by despondency, was the rause ot the deed. Hue firent Western fnr DmnuKea. FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 4. (Special.) Martin Solon has filed suit in the United States court In Fort Dodge for the sum of $25,000 damages from tho Chicago Great Western Railroad company for injuries al leged to havo been received by the plaintiff November 13, 1900, in tho yards of the com pany at Des Moines, Solon says he had to couple a Great Northern tourist car to a Great Western sleeper. He claims that neither car had an automatic coupler and that to was compelled to go between tho cars to mnke tho coupling. In doing this, he says, his right arm was caught at tho wrist nnd badly crushed. The caso will be tried at the United States court In No vember. It Is arousing much Interest, as it Involves the question whether or not tho railroad companies must provide automatic couplings for cars. !ln(lt AsKoelntinn nt Kt. Dndice. FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 4. (Special.) The Upper Des Moines Baptist association will hold Its regular meeting In Fort Dodge Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thursday, Septem ber 10 to 12. This Is ono of the largest meetings of tho Baptist church In the state. A number of delegates from other cities nre expected to bo present. State nnd national workers nnd missionaries from foreign lands will be nt the convention. DniuaKc Nult Continued, ONAWA. Ia Sept. 4. (Special.) Tho caso In which Stella S. Picket Bues tho Sioux City & Pacific railroad for $40,000 damages for falling off the platform at Mondamln, which was to bo tried today, was ordered continued by Judge Butellnson. . Tho sick ness of a. W. McMillan, who, with J. B. Shear of Omaha, represents the company, was the cause of the continuance. Ft. Dndire Win llnmnRc Hnlt. FORT DODGE, Ia Sept. 4. (Special.) Tho Jury has returned a verdict In the case of Mrs. P. D. Keim against the city nf Fort Dodge for $10,000 damages for personal Injuries alleged to have been rerolved by Mrs. Keim by a fall on a sidewalk last winter, for which It was claimed that tho city was at fault, Tho city won the suit. I'll liner Dlvorcr Suit nt Outturn. ONAWA, Ia Sept. 4. (Special.) Tbo divorce suit ot Richard Palmer against Nora Palmer, a case growing out of the Chris Harm affair at Ute, la., In Juno, will be tried In Monona county district court tomorrow, They were married In Omaha several years ago, Thore aro thirty-one witnesses to be examined. Minus Cltr I'nator (inr I3nl. SIOUX CITV, In., Sept. 4. Rev. Robert Bagnell of the First Methodist Episcopal church hu accepted n call to the pastorate of' Metropolitan Temple, New York. BUSY CAMPAIGN IN IOWA Republican Lenders Loek Alhe U the LegislntiTo Diitriots. NEXT SESSION TO HANDLE REDISRICTING Other Vllnl Mntter In llntidn nf Xuc cefnl Xnnilncr Complete 1,1 at nf the Mint? Cnndl. dale. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Sept. 4. (Special.) The republican stato committee will devote a great deal of attention to tho legislative districts In the campaign about to be opened nil over Iown. Half the senators and all tho representatives nre to be elected. Tho legislature may be of great Importance from a party point of view. It Is required that the legislature shall re district the state, not only as to congres sional districts, but also ns to senatorial and representative districts. The present congressional districting wns made espe cially for the benefit of men who are or have been In congress and It 's recognized everywhere that the districts are not equitably arranged. Some changes nre cer tain to be made nnd It Is Important from a party view that the republican majority in tho legislature shall be so lnrge that tho redisricting may bc done without consult ing tho opposition. The legislative districts need shaking tip also, because the growth of the state In tho western counties continues greater than In the eastern. Then there are likely to be before the legislature Important bills rclntlng to railroad and corporation tnx.i' tlon, building and loan and Insurance hunt- uess, the liquor lnws, large appropriations for educational institutions of the state nnd tho bill for an Iown exhibit nt tho Louisiana Purchase exposition ut St. Louis two yearn hence. The republicans have nominated thirty candidates for representative, of whom thirteen nro present members, and nine for senator, of whom only one Is a renomlna tlon, Tho democrats hnve nomlnnted twenty-two cnndldates for the house, one being a present member, and five for the senate. Republican senatorial conventions will be hold Friday of next week at Charles City nnd on Tuesday nt Logan. A representa tive convention for O'Brien and Lyon coun ties will be held at Sheldon September 21. County conventions will be hold ns follows, at which representative candidates will be nominated by republicans: Cherokee, Sep tember 7; Carroll, September 10; Floyd, September 20; Davis, September 21; Fay ette, September 21. The following are nominations ns far as mndc In the state: llcptilillf mm fnr Semite. Polk Casslus C. Dowell, Des Moines. Wnpello Captain S. H. Hariier. Ottumwa. Jasper Fred L. Maytlg. Newton. Muscatine-Louisa F. F. Molsbery. Co lumbus Junction. Howard-Wlnnlshlek E. I'. Johnson, De cornh. . , Cass-Shelby Jnmes E. Bruce. Anita. Hnmllton-Hurdln-Wrlght-Frank C. Hart shorn, Clrlon. Carroll-Snc-Grccne Warren Gurst, Car roll. Bucna Vlstn-Humboldt-Pocnhontas Ed Winnie, Humboldt. Democrat for the Srnnte. Polk n. B. Tarrott, Des Moines. Clinton J. L. Wilson. Jnsper A. M. Hnrrah. Newton. Louisa-Muscutlnc E. M. Wnmer, Musca tine. Wapello W. A. Mclntyre. nrpulillonnn for llotne. Adair W. II. McChire. Foutnnelle. Adams-Clinton S. Crousc. l'rescott. Appanoose Frank 8. I'nyne, Ccnterville. Benton-M. F. McNle, Vlntim. Calhoun IJ. J. Townsend, Lohrvllle. Cnss Dr Piper, Atluntle. Ccrro Gordo-U. W. Hum, Clear Lake. Dallas-George W. Clurke, Adcl. Dickinson Osceola-Emmet H. F. Robin son. Esthervlllc. Greene Mnhlon Head, Jefferson. Grundy William G. Kerr. Grundy Center. Guthrie Nate Wright. Stuart. Hardin Mark J. Fuiry, Allien. Harrlson-H. II. Kllng, Woodbine. Jasper Dr. W. W. Hawk, Colfax. Kossuth Gardner Cowles, Algonn. Mndlson Robert C. Greene, Knst Peru. Mahaska William G. Jones. Osknloosn. Marshall B. F. Cummlngs, Marshalltown. Mitchell Wllllard L. Eaton Osage. Montgomery C. L. Strntton, Red Oak. Polk H. E. Teachout, Des Mollies, and Emory English, Valley Junction. Union Charles Emerson, Creston. Wapello A. W. Buchanan, Ottumwn. Wayne T. P. Wnlden. Corydon. Worth-Wlnncbago Eugene Secor, Forest City. Wright J. S. Prltchard, Eagle Grove. Woodbury Slarlln J. S. Veclcy, Sioux City, nnd John T. Wlllctt, Oto. Democrat for the Huiimc, Black Hawk Isaiah Van Metre, Water loo. Cnlhoun L. F. Danforth, Lnko City, Carroll C. C. Colclo, Caroll. Cass A. 10. Hacr, Cumberland. Clinton R. C. Lnngnn. Clinton, and C. Mordhorst, Whentlnnd. Franklin A. Mever, Hnmpton. Greene P. M. Fltzpatrlck. Churdnn. Grundy A. M. HcWolf, Grundy Center. Guthrie W. 13. Evan, Bngley. Hamilton W. J. Bernatzkl, Eagle Grovo. Jasper E. B. Mncy, Lynnvllle. Keokuk A. M. Utterback, Hedrick. Kossuth Ed Kunz. Madison William Armstrong. Mills Benjamin B. Dean, Glenwood. Montgomery H. O. Hrysnn, Vllllsca. Polk J. 11. Mnthls, Des Moines. Union D. Dnvenjiort, Creston, Wnpello-H. F. Reed, Eldon. Wnrren W. II. Schooley, Indlnnnla. The prohibitionist: havo made nomina tions on lho legislative ticket In a number of counties nnd say they will make nomi nations In many others. In Polk county but one candidate for representative was named nt tho democratic county convention, and It is understood ho does not care to make the raco, The normal republican majority is nbout 4,000. The democrats havo mndo nominations In but few of the counties where they control, ' New I'relnht CIiinnIIU-iiI Ion. The railroad commissioners today received from the stato printer the now Iowa Freight Classification, No. 12, tho first which has been printed In full for four or flvo years. Tho classification goes Into effect October 1 next. Tho freight book covers almost every article which 'enters into trade nnd commerce In Iown. Tho new book comprises nil tho rhnnges In classification which hnve bcon made In recent years and is regarded ns the most completo classification ever at tempted by any state commission, Morn than $10,000,000 worth of freight business Is done ovcry ycai In Iowa on tho baBls of the rates made In this bonk, Tho classifica tion shows that manufacturers and dealers havo been favored in every possible way by tho commission, that rates on Implements, wnll paper, straw board, and many other things aro very low, and that tho classifi cation Is designed to encourago Iown busi ness. The annual report of the railroad rommlsrlon has nlso Just been issued and this shows that the commission tins done moro business the past year than over be foro and has disposed of nn unusually largo number of complaints or cases. This report was delayed by being In tho fire which de stroyed tho state bindery, but only a part of tho printed matter wan Injured by the smoko and watur, Snt'lnll! Wnnt n I'ltper. The state convention of socialists Is tn be hold In Des Moines tomorrow, when It Is expected that a state ticket will be placed In the field. The socialists have swallowed up what was called the social domocrntlo party In this state and but ono convention will be held. One thing which will receive consideration nt the meeting tomorrow will be a project for the establishment of a oclalUt newspaper in this state. It will likely be established nt Boone, ns that city is tho center of socialist agitation In this part of tho country, A county ticket hni been placed In the field there and also in several other counties of the state. Last year tho social democrats and social labor party received 3,035 votes In ' Iowa com bined. Sue fur Ilritvy Sum. Martin Solon of this city has commenced suit in tho federal court against tho Chi cago Great Western railroad for $25,000, the sum being claimed as damages for an Injury received In this city February 12 last. Solon was engaged In coupling cars In tho ynrd and because of tho fact that ono of tho enrs did not hnve a safety coupler he claims he was compelled to go between the cars nnd as a result his wrist and arm wero badly smashed. The suit will Involvo the question of tho duty of tho railroad companies to put on safety appli ances and their responsibility for accidents when they fall. Good llonil Delegate. Governor Lrslle M.. Shaw has been In vited to appoint a delegate lo represent the stat j of Iowa at tho International Good Roads congrcsn, which will be held in But fnlo September 16 to 21, Tho governor will select n delegate Immediately upon his re turn home this week. This Is to be tbo lint meeting of ttie congrcts and proml to h a very enthusiastic one, ns It will all tho states of the union and countries of Europe. There will be addresses ny states men, governors and the president. tw Ion a llnuk. Three applications for charters tor now savings banks In Iowa were received it th etato cnpttol yesterdny. The Formers' ard Merchants' Savings bank of Lone Tree will have $20,000 capital, with John A. Occtz president. The German Savings bnnk of Rlcketts, Crawford county, will havo J10.- 000 capital, James F. Toy of Sioux City president nnd I1. F. Flene cashier. The Weldon Savings bank nf Weldon will htvo $20,000 cipltal, S. L. Curry president tnl George N. Ayres cashier. liny linos Pond. Senator Flnsh of Humboldt county has Just purchased KOO acres of land, 'including uoose pond, near. Wall inke. nnvinc Jr.0 .in aero therefor. Ho Inunds to drain tho lake wun uio ditches nnd put about $1,000 im provements on the land. The pond has been going dry for several yinn, and hay h b nccn tut from it for sevornl yeats. Nu.iry all tho largo ponds and nhnllow lakes of northern Iown havo now betn ilrAincd ami nru under cultivation, thus reclaiming a large amount of land and making 't mcful. AV. C. T. ir. Convention. SIBLEV. In.. Sept. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The opening session of tho seventh annual convention of tho Eighteenth dis trict, Women's Christian Temperanco Union, wan held this evening In the Congre gational church. Tho nnnunl address wns delivered by tho district president, Mrs, Ustclle Ponnnian of Rock Rapids. Her speech was heartily applauded. Rev. Mr. Barker of Hartley made nn earnest address. Rev. Mr. Bowdlsh gave the address of wel come and Mrs. Brink of Boone the response. There was a vocal duet by Dr. Harvoy nnd Mr. Beaumont, nn instrumental duet by tt Misses Chambers and a vocal solo by Mr. Lansing of Omaha. The district comprises tho counties of Lyon, Osceola, S'.oux, O'Brien, Plymouth and Cherokee. Tho threo sessions tomorrow will bo taken up with reports nnd addresses. At the third nes slon Friday will bo the matrous' medal contest and the musical content. Deiuoerntn .niiilnnte IVIiltlnK. ONAWA, la., Sept. I (Spocial Tolo gram.) At tho democratic represontatlvc convention of the Idu-Monnna district nt Mnpleton, toduy, Will Whiting of Whiting was nomlnnted for representative by ncclnmntlon. He is the son ot nn old pioneer, tho late Charles Whiting. Plnn Antl-Snlonn Camiinlfrn. SIOUX CITY. In., Sept. 4.-(Spcclni.)-Rov. H. C. Marshall of this city thh after neon nnnouncod his acceptance of tlic. sun. erlntcndency of tho Iowa Antl-Snloou loaguo nnn mat ne would soon a vig orous campaign In Iowa cities. I'or SelllitK OlroninrKnrlnr. CLINTON, la., Sept. 4. (Special. )-On complaint ot Stato Dairy Commlsslcner Norton, Henry Ilader was arrested l.eie this morning, charged with selling oleo margarine. Dyarntcry Cured Wltliom tlir Aid of n Doctur. "I am Just up from a hard spell of tho flux" (dysentery), sayH Mr. T. A. lMnnor. n well known merchant of Drummond, Tcnn. "I used one small bottle of Chambcrlalii'd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy an 1 wns cured without having a doctor. I con sider it the best cholera medicine In tho world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy Is used, for no doctor enn prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form, cither for children or adults. It never falls and Ii pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. Artillery llnttvrlrn 10 Compote. MADISON, Wis.. Sept. 4. Arrangement hnve been completed for the artillery com petition between the military batteries of Wisconsin und Mlnnesotn. The competition will take plnce nt I.ako City, Minn., com mencing September is. Kaon side will fire a total of seventy shuts at u target 2,:') yards distant. The dizziness and fahitness from which women miHer may be due to one o( several causes. Hiit the most common cause is disease of the delicate womanly organism. The story of Mrs. Hrown, told in her letter below, gives a fair example of the conditions under which so many women work: " had a sick headache nearly all the time, was so weak around my waist could hardly bear any' thing 10 touch me. I would work a lit tie while and then lie down a while." Failing to obtain more than tempor ary relief from her doctor's treatment, Mrs. Erown bcRnn the use of Doctor l'lerce's Favorite Prescription, with the usual Tesult a complete cure. Dr. Fierce'a Fa vorite Prescription is the best medicine for the cure of dis ma eases peculiar to women. It establishes regularity, dries offensive drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female w.nkness. It makes weulc women strong, sick women well. "A few yenu B I "fferfI rely wi ll female weiknt" 'ad hart t hne dteartf I palnv" wrllfii Mr. .tary V. nrown, ofCrrwell, Harford Co., Maryland. "I wrnt to my doctor, and I he pavi me medicine which did me good far s wlille, but I would get wont Again. I had lick headache ueaiiy all the t niej waj to weak around my walat could hardly best any thing to touch me. My fret would keen cold and I could hardly do my work. I would work 1 while and then lie down a while : wa com. pletely run down, (Suffered from rtliagreeable alucharne and Mm eveic naln at tiiuei. After uliiff five bottle nf Dr. l'lerce's 1'avorlte Pre acription. three of Ida 'Oolden Medical PIkcov. cry' and one lal of Dr. I'ierce'a I'leacaut fel leu, nnd fotlowinr the advice yon Kvf regard. Ing the ' lotion Tableta,' I ran truly ay that I am cured. The doctor aild It waa uterine dl taae I had " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one -cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only, or H cloth bound volume is desired send jl stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. r ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PLUs. Muat Rear Slgnatur mt torn PacSlull Wrapper BUw. Yry at all d a rary tn take mi off. FOR NEADACHR. ran iizzimcss, FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OUKJE aiCK HEADACHE. Cheap Summer Excursions via tBaaaaaUaKaBaBVlBBBiBlBl From Omaha Tho Illinois Central has announced th following very low round trip rates t eastern and northern points from Omaha: St. I'nul, Minn., ami return, Septem ber 1st to loth 9.SJ Minneapolis. Minn., and return, Sep tember 1st to lUlh Duliith, Mln and return, September 1st to loth 13.8J Wuscca, Minn,, nnd return, September 1st to 10th 7.SJ Wntervtlle, Minn., nnd return. Septem ber 1st to lUth 8.U Mndlson I.uke, Minn., and return, Sep tember lht to loth s.lo New York und return, every day 41,09 Cleveland, u. and return, September 7th to 11th 21,6) Huffulo nnd return, every day Circuit tours via Orrnt Lakes to nuffnlo and Intermediate points. Slato rooms re served In advance. For full particulars, call at City Ticket Oftlce. 1102 Parnnm, or write W. H. Drill. I). I'. A.. Omaha. Neb. SUMMER SPECIALS. $43,75 New York and Return daily $25,75 Buffalo and Return daily $15.35 Si, Louis and Return on enlu Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. y to Oct. 1'.'. $11,50 St. Louis and Return on fiilu Oct. 7 to 12. $21.60 Cleveland and Return On sale September 7 to 10. Tickets to Clevelund muv Le used vlaj Wabash to Detroit and I). & C. Nnv. Co. steamer, to Cleveland, a delightful rlda across l.uku Krio. Home-Seekers Excursions. On sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of ench Month. Tourist Hates on sale DAILY to nil sum mer resorts nllowiin: stop-overs nt Detroit, Niagara Fulls, Huffulo nnd other points. I-'or rates, lake tilps, l'an-Amerlcun de scriptive manor und nil Information call nt CITY T1CKUT OFKICH, 1115 I'ARN'A.M HTKUKT, (I'axton llotul lllnclc) or wrlto HARHV U. MUUKKM, O. A. 1'. D Omaha, You Spend Half Your Lifetime In your office. Why Btnnd tho aggra vation of dirt of mlsernblu elovator eervlcebnd light and ventilation? Them Is no ofllce building In the town kept like THE BEE BUILDING Tho best Is nono too good for you, and you will find It a good business investment to take n half hour and look nt the threo or four vacant rooms, Wo keep them filled. WhyT R. C. PETERS CO., Ike IlllilillllK. Rental Ap,onts. (.round Floor Registered A. Mayer Co., 220 DEE BUILDING OMAHA, NtB. Pbont Hit Re-No-May Powder relieves and cures all disorders of the fl due to excessive perspiration. Price 50 Cents. Hold by druKflits nnd glove dralen every where Hrnt by mall fui tc additional ta cuyel Jjoalfcgu JrO )(& rJ; 9 9 tat 5 RESULTS TELL S Till: HUE WANT ADS j PRODUCE RESULTS. " CARTER'S vilify mm 4