Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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minor mbxtion.
Davis felli (imps.
Btockert e'lls curpcli nnd rugs.
Fine AH C brer, Neiimuyei'i hotel.
Uaa fixtures nnd plobes. Ulxby & Son.
Woilniun, nclrMiilc oiitlclun, 4W llrouday.
C. U Alexander u cu., picture! anil
frames. Tel A
Missouri oak body, wood, 15.50 cord.. Win.
Welch, U N Al.nn l. Tel. KS.
W. T. Van Drum y.'icht Kid was tnkrn
buck to .St. Jurcpn I interna j
del jour work done at iho popular E3g!
laundry. Jit Uri.iulwuy. Phonf 17.
Tor rnli, two good milch cows. Terms
rciiMinuhle. lull till! Hroudwuy, Coumli
Woman's Iltilf corps N ). IS") will iiwt
Friday afternoon In Uriind Army or thu
ltepubilc hull.
T. II, ltrook pleaded guilty In Jus lc
Terrier's court yeMeiduy to nssiiulting lhio
Hellln nnd wiih (Im-'d VI and costs.
Miss Ethel Illtchrotk. iftjl Wci-t Hrniid
wuy, repotted to the police last evening ho
theft or a gold watch Mid chuln frjin her
II II Cutler. cU.'f c!erk In Cie lo nl
freight olllcc of th Chicago & Northw-i-ern
railroad, haa bieii apiiolntcd asent at
Harlan, In ' "
President Danl.W has called n meeting
of the newly organ!. il Hi'titll Clrocer ns
aoclntlon for Tliursdiy night In the c ty
council chamber.
Colonel C. a Fnund?rs Is home from De
troit, where he attend il the I'nitcriiil eo.
grrss. On his way home he was t ik -n I I
nnd had to stop over In Chicago for
Supervisor Terry Kermy. accompanied ly
All ft. Kerrey, left las. vcilng for Fr
Collins, Colo., ca'lul the o ly the hi id n
death of Mrs. Kerney's Mslcr, Mrs. 11.
In the per mini Injury dntunxc Hi t f
W. E. lloyt ngnliut the Illnfls C.-ntra,
railroad u petition was. MUd by the de
fend;! I t yestirduy for a removal to tip
federal coii't.
Major II. J. (InllaKher, P. 8. A., arrived
from San Krnnclfco last cvcnliiK 'id Id
visit his rmithtr at West-jn and Mis (1 t!-
lngher's parents. .Mr. and .Mrs. lie .ry
1'aschel of 71" Willow avenue.
Oim Oruhen and MIfm IMIth Smith nre to
be married this evening at the home of the
bride's parents, l-3l Seventh uve xo. Mr.
IRriihcii Is an Insp ctor and MIfs Sin th an
operator In the employ of the .ocil x
cluinge. of the Nchjaslcn Telephone com
pany. The case against Wllllrun Thompson, atlas
Hert Tracey, and W. O. Clark, charged
'with hnidlnR up and :itt mptln; to ro i
Jim Johnson, a small boy, .Sunday i Ik it,
was dismissed In police court yisterday
mornlnR on motion of the assistant county
Willie, fi-year-old son of Mrs. Knt- New
combe, Twenty-ninth street and Avenue A,
win struck by n motor car at Twcii y six h
utreet Monday nfternuoii. The too boa d
Htruck thu boy In the face. Several teeth
were knocked out and thu little chap wiih
badly bruised.
J. A. Wlatt llled his answer yesterday lo
the ilamaRe suit brought against him In
the district court by 10. J Urant, der.y'mr
the hitter's cliurgu of nien.ttlng M s.
II runt's affections anil asserting that tr.e
eult was brouRlit for the express purpufu
of cxtortlnR money.
Frank Allen was dlsch.u.rKe.1 from the
county Jail yesterday after tcrvins a six
months' sentence for entering the Dem'ng
residence on First avenue. Allen trltd o
work the sick racket to securu his rd us
by sucklnR nicotine from an oM co.j p pn
ncveral wiekH aRO, but It failed.
The receipts In the Rcneral fund of tho '
Christian Home last week amounted' to
JH7.&6. being belaw the estimated
needs for Ihc current expensen of the w ek
ami Increasing tho deficiency In this Mind ,
to $.143.23 to date. In the mun.iger's fun i
the receipts were J19. being J10 below tha
needs of the week. The deficiency In th.s
fund Is Increaacd to iiO.75 to ilate. . .
Jsmes Kvnns, n farmer of James town
uhlp, was before the commissioners for the
Insane yesterday afternoon. While It wua
evident that the man was not nltwthor In
his right mind, the board dcctd.d to c'.ls
charRe him, as ono of his brothers nuru'd
to look after him, Kvans Is 45 years o A
nnd has six children. Ho has been suffer
Iiir from melancholia several imnth. nl
tliotiRh no cause can be assigned for his
Harry Clemens, keeper of n Turkish bath
house In Omaha where three men lira said
to have been robbed of It) Moudiy nUht,
Is under arrest at the city Jail hsre. One
of the men robbed saw Clemens board n
car In Omaha for this city and f Jlliwed
him. Clemens, who was accompanied ly !
n woman, entered n Ilroadway saloon nnd
when Chief Albro entered to arrest him he
ran out of the back door and down thu
street. Chief Albro tired Mfter h!m and
this hrouRht Clemens to u sudden halt.
N. Y. Dumbing Co.. telepbont 359.
Mnrrlnifc Llcrnsen.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following;
Nnme and Itesldence. Ago.
George Mnrshnll, Omahn ...M
Annie Ilechold, Omaha 37
Walter Spurlock, Council Illuffs 21
Mary Sherlock, Council Illuffs 17
Can you rend this jiiint easily, with
out any of tlu orbs of vision?
No? WVU, Hit' KiiKllsh of It U tlmt you
nooil kIiissch or spi'i'taoK's. Nuvor know
tlmt Unit mcouiitoil for your lii'iuliu'lios
inul Innblllty to Klt'cp o' nlfdits, did you?
Hotter not- us pii'tty uulok and llnd out
tvlmt'H thJ. ntlittvr.
Graduate Optkian.
S'dH ltio..Mii., tipp. (ileu Ave,
Council Illuffs.
Wtit (or thmo who kno w'm't qoaj.
Ganymede Chocolates
ail Opera Bon Bon s
Mnde By
John 6, Woodward & Oo,
"The Candy Men."
Council BlutTs
15 -
low Steam Dye Works
1UH- Uro.ulw.ty.
Mike yem aid clothes Inolt like new.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Bopnlrlux.
Funeral Oiroctor
Itiuccvaaor 10 H. C. r:tt,
as t'i:ii,x.i'itia;i, t'nunv
Itvcotlattiil In un.urn .,uriu
nil Iowa. Jamea N. Caady, Jr.,
CC Main St, Council Bluffs.
Judge Macy Ettik'seTsnty-Nint Lingering
Cuea from Lilt.
First Al;iiniiil rincen 'lty Nults
fur .'lu-ffdy Trial I'rlcr lllcf
l'nrelilllll nf tirillld
I tiry.
I Ono of the first nets of Judge Macy on
'convenltiR the September terra of district
court yesterday morntiiR wrs to strike from
the docket forty-six equity and thirty-three
luw causes, Thuso cuscs have encumbered
the court dockets for over a year without
any attempt being made to brine them to
Tho grand Jury was Impaneled In tho aft
ernoon with l'ctcr Met as foreman and
thcEe members: Louis Shields, X. Swanson,
A. C. Orahaui, Fred Hcnwcnklc, A. U.
Howe and F. II. Chambers. Walter Joseph
was appointed clerk of tho Brand Jury.
Judge Macy's Instructions to the grand
Jury were on the customary lines. County
Attorney Klllpack has an unusually large
number of criminal cases to present to tho
grand Jury this term, although none of
them Is for any serious crime.
John Clark was appointed commissioner
by the court to take tho answers of gar
nishees. Today will bo the last day for
filing trial notices "In equity causes and
Monday tho last day for law actions.
In the suit brought by William Short
against John Short, the court appointed
John M. (ialvln guardian ad litem of John
This first assignment of equity causes
was made by Judge Macy:
Wednesday, September 4 Massachusetts
Mutual I .Ue Insurance company ugaliiRt
Itedman and others.
Thursday, September 5 Uenjamln against
City of Council iiluffs (two cases); uillcer.
administrator, against Olllcer & I'usey and
others; Alexander against City of Council
Friday, September C lowa Hulld
Ing and I.ouu Association against Diamond
and others,
Saturuay. September 7 Hrown against
Urown; Saguln against Wlckham and
Tuesday, September 10 Heynolds against
James; Olllcer & I'usey against McCilll and
others; In the mutter ot the estate of
Thomas Olllcer, deceaB'd.
Wednesday, September 11 Doshe against
Jueknelsp; McOee, administrator, against
Seldentopr nnd others; yueal against I'er-
niim linn iiuivm.
Thursday. September 12 Hleakley against
Santord, trustee; I'cterson against t'eter
son (two eascsj. t
Friday, September 13 Davenport ncatnst
I.emon nnd others; Hjrllngton Havings
Hank ag-ilnst Walker uid others; Short ,
ugulnst Short and others.
Saturday. September 14 Parish against
Motor company; Webster- against Arnd nnd
others; National liisiiruuco Company '
llb"l'ol V..IDUU J ,11, U UllieiB.
' Gravel 'roofing, a. H. ltOud, 541 Droad'y.
Ocoriif T. Mlllrr In Appiilutcd liy
Hoard ot MComitr i-i
prrvlsorn, i
The Board of County Supervisors yester
day appointed Oeorge T. Miller ovorseer of
the poor of Kane township for another year
at 50 a month. It. B. Wilson was reap
pointed soldiers' relief commissioner for
Carson at $50 a year.
C. H. Norton of Avoca, II. H. Wilson of
Cnrion and Oeorge T. Miller of Council
Muffs, comprising the soldiers' relief com
mission, recommended that a tnx of not lesi
than 51 of a mill bo levied for this funl
and the board decided to levy It. The ro
ports of the three commlrsloncrs for tho
year ending September 1. showed theso dis
bursements: Norton, Avoca, $217.68; Wil
son, Carson, $351; Miller, Council Bluffs,
County Attorney Klllpack, Audjtor lnnes
and Supervisor Matthews, the special com
tulttco to whom tho matter 'had been re
ferred, recommended that the following
rates be charged peddlers In I'ottuwnttnmlo
county outside of the cities nnd towns:
Peddlers on foot, $10 per annum; peddlcn
with vehicles drawn by one animal, $25;
pcddltrs with vehicles drawn by two anl
mali and less than four, $50 per annum:
peddlers with vehicles drown by four or
mor6 nulmalM, $75 per annum. This tariff
was agreed upon.
Supervisors Hansen, Auld and Matthews
were appointed a committee to buy coal
for the county court house and poor of
Council Muffs. The purchase of fuel at
Avoca was left In tho hands of Supervisor
The Crescent City Hoard of Health asked
for an advance of $50 for health purposes,
but as the board did not know whether It
hod the right to advance funds beforo levied
It referred tho matter to the county at
torney. ,
Clerks and Judges for tho November elec
tion w'ero selected for the country precincts
and the list will be completed at today'3
'Tin board expects to take up tho tax
levy for 1301 today,
Davis sells paint.
I'nhlle OiieuliiK l Therefore Deferred
li- the llonril of Indu
ration. Tho Board of Kducatlnn linn decided lo
piibtpone tlu public op;iii3 of tho new
High school building, which had been ar
ranged for Thursday, until n later date.
Thcro has been a delay In completing tho
Installation of the heating end ventilating
plant through trouble In securing loroe ot
the material and tho hoanl preferred to
have the building In n complete'! state be
foro throwing it open to the public.
The High srhool will be occupied by (hi
students on the opening if tho new bcliol
year Monday. Superintendent Clifford has
moved his office Into tho new building and
1 a meeting of the principals of lha el'y
1 tcliools will bo held thcro Thursday after
noon at 3 o'clock. A meclng ot all tfce
, tenchers of th city schools has bein nallc J
by Superintendent Clifford fo? Saturday
morning nt 10 o'clock In tho auditorium cf
the new High ajhool.
Davis sells class.
Ilelli-f Tlint Humor of Imllnn Creck
llnute In Only n ltru
i:tntr Mime.
Interest In the building of the Great
Western railroad Into Council Bluffs has
born rovlved by tho announcement thnt the
real citato firm ot arornthlelds & Everest
bits been employed by the railroad company
to secure options on residence property
along the north bank of Indian creek from
Frank street to tho Illinois Central depot.
The options call for tho purchase of tho
property January 1,
The securing of theso options Is taken to
Indicate that the Orcat Western Intends to
use the Indian creek route through this
city. The cost of a right-of-way along
this route would be Immense and there aro
pcoplo who express the opinion that tho
Great Western will never build along tho
creek, but that Its securing options along
the creek Is simply n ruse to cover up Us
real routo In order that It may secure Its
right-of-way without the property being
boomed to ruinous prices. It Is believed
tho (Ireat Wetsern will follow the plnn of
the Illinois Central and secure the greater
part of Its right-of-way through the city
through ngents purchasing tho property In
their own names. Tho Illinois Central man
nged to buy tho greater part of Its rlght-of-way
In this manner nt ordinary prices. As
soon, however, as It became known that a
railroad wnB nfter tho property lots along
the proposed right-of-way lncrcnsed bov
eral times In value,
Ilmiril of Kilnrntlon Aim Vote to lut
TpIpiiIkiiicr I" Threr
Tho Board of Education held a special
meeting last night, there being several
matters renulrlng action beforo the opening
ot the schools next Mondny.
It was decided to buy pianos for tno
Bloomer, Second avenue nnd Avenue B
schools. Tho commltteo having the matter
In ehargo reported that It could Becure three
good second-hand pianos for $115. Hcro
intnm thn imn r,l hnft been rt-nttn? nlanon
for these buildings r.t $33 n year each. It
was also derided to place telephones In the
new High school, Twentieth nvenue, Wash
ington avenue, Bloomer nnd Second avenue
Tho resignation of Miss Paula Kreldler
was accepted and Mlrs Hannah Beck was
elected to (111 the vacancy. Miss Cathcrlno
Sullivan, onn of tho newly elected teachers,
having failed to secure n llrst-clses certifi
cate, was ordered dropped from tho rolls.
The board decided not to fill the vacancy
at present.
Pupils of tho 6-2 nnd 7-1 grades living In
the district east of nnd Including (Hen
nvenue south of Broadway nnd Including
the south side of Broadwny, will bo accom
modated at the Hill school, by which namo
the old High school building will henceforth
be known. Superintendent Clifford colled
attention to the fact that the pupils could
reach the school on tho cast from Glen
avenue nnd thus avoid climbing tho steep
steps r.n tho High school nventio side. The
class rooms will all be on the first floor.
llrnl Ilstnte Trnnsfcra.
These trnnsfers wero filed yesterday In
tho nbstract, title and loan omco of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
J. W. Roy and wife to John Hlero.
lot 8. block 3, Mr drove, w. d. ....$ 275
Cora Plate to Lula 13. Doty, lot S,
block 17, Beers' stibdlv.. w, (I J .
I,. A. Spencer and wife to 13. D.
and C. M. Burke, lots 12 nnd 13,
bmck 10. town of Wnlnut, w. 1 1,000
C. R. Hnnnun und wife to Sriictto
Royer, lots 1 and 3, block 2. Pros- ,
pect Place, w. il 200 1
City of Council Bluffs to Wllllnm Tel
ler, lot 10, block 40. Ferry ndd.. d.. 100
John Helro and 'wife to Lottie C.
Bmnrt. lots 4 and 5, block 11, Ouk
land, w. d 330
Lars Jensen and wife to A. O. wy
land. lots 5 and 6, block 6, Under
wood, w. d 4.0
Seven transfers, total .....$ 3,455
;otn Ills Initial Iimerted.
Dannls J. Fnrrcll was granted naturaliza
tion papers in the district court here
November 30, 1872. The papers, however,
wero mndo out In the name of Dennis Far
rcll, the clerk omitting the middle Initial.
Yestcrdny Farrell secured an order from
Judge Macy to have the records corrected.
Farrell was accompanied by Wnl McFadden,
who acted ns his sponsor In 1S72, when tho
papera were granted.
KlUt: for Falrmnnnt I'nrk.
The meeting of the Board of Park Com
missioners last night was devoted to routine
business, Including tho auditing of hills and
tho allowing of the payroll. Chairman
Peterson reported tho purchase of a pair of
elku for Falrmount park, which aro ex
pected to arrive from Teknmah, Nob., this
Mimentlnr North mid Sonth ltollirnr
Files Deeds of Purchase nt
BUR.L1NOTON, In., Sept. 3. (Spoelnl
Telegram.) Deeds for right-of-way land
through Des Moines county north of Bur
lington, wero filed today by the Muscatlnu
North & South railway. The lond is deeded
under condition that tho railroad Is to bo
running January 1, 1903,
It is believed the project Is hacked by tho
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the objoct
1 being to securo traffic connections with tho
Santa Fo at Fort Madison, or soino point du
Illinois across tho Mississippi. A number of
leudlng Burlington business men ore in
terested in tho matter, nnd It Is probable
the work of construction will begin this fall,
KtruiiKC (Jiilncliloiiec In Snlcldc.
ANITA, Ia Sept. 3. (Special.) A little
mora than a year ago Dnvld Hume, n
traveling barber, drifted Into Anita and
secured work In n shop on lowor Main
street. A good workman and Jovial follow,
ho soon made many friends, but ho was n
henvy drinker. In his search for something
that would Intoxicate, ono day he drank
soma bny rum nnd wood alcohol, nnd In a
1UH UUt'l n ntIB v, v. 1 V
a lot nnd gave him a decent burial, and
tho Incident was almost forgotten, when a
fow days ago thcro camo along unother
barber who secured work In tho sarao shop
nnd nfter disclosing his Identity It was dls
covered thai ho was a brothor of David
Hume, whom he had not seen for eighteen
vetrs. They had mot In Des Molneit, quar-
relad, nnd each expressed tho wish that
they might never meet ngnln. Ho had not
heard of his brother's death until he ar
rived In Anita. Yesterday Charles Humo
was laid lo rest bcsldo his brother' In Ever
green cemetery. He too, Indulged In wood
alcohol and bay rum with tho samo re
sult, thus ending the strangest coincidence
over occurlng In Anita. Hume leaves a
mother rt Roblson, 111,, from whom several
' letters woro found on his person, each
breathing ft mothor's lovo nnd closing with
tho wish that ho might lead a better life.
Churned ulth Mtinlernim An'iiult.
ONAWA, In., Sept. 3. (Special.) CeorgJ
Williams, n machinist ot Alna, la., was on
trial before Justice C. M. Boss Saturday,
charged with atsault with Intent to commit
murder, He Is one of n gang here at thu
Woodmen's picnic. Ho was drunk nnd dis
charged bis revolver several times, one shot
hitting Morrl Marley in the foot. In de
fault of $500 ball ho was sent to Jail.
.lur- Kind (or t'oinimii)'.
ONAWA, Ia Sept. 3. (Special.) In th
case In which Burrcll JIvldcn succj the
Illinois Central Ilalroad company for $5,000
damages for causing tho death ot Mlddleton
Jlvlden nt the trestle near Konnebe Bid
ing, the Jury found tor the company.
Chairman Bpenc of Stat Committta Optni
Eet jqaarttri in Di koiiei.
MlecttlnR Cnr Torler'n Clrnvc Offcnae
LcUon Ilnlllet to Dp Tried In
Ilea Miilne for SI In In it
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOlNKS, Sept. 3. (Special.)
Chairman Spcnco of tho republican stnto
committee nrrlved In tho city this evening
to take charge of tho republican state cam
paign nnd tomorrow he will open headquar
ters hero In tho Equitable building. Tho
work will be In charge of tho exocutlvo com
mittee, of which he Is n member and Mr.
Spenco nnd Secrctnry Phillips will person
ally have charge of headquarters. A. F.
Dawson of Jackson county will bo In chargo
of tho speakers and John Briar of this
city will look after the literary end of the
business. Tho speaking campaign will not
bo commenced for nearly a month, except
the few speeches thnt Mr, Cummins will
mnkc at various meetings where ho has been
The chairman of tho prohibition atate
committee today sent a request to tho sec
retary of the state for COO nomination
blanks for securing signatures to nomina
tion papers. Tho prohibition party haa
cast so few votes that it Is not legally a
political party In Iowa and tho names of
nominees must go on tho official ballots
by nomination. The prohibitionists havo
had their headquarters open a month and
ns they nro well supplied with money havo
been conducting a vigorous campaign with
speakers nnd literature.
Tho democrats havo mado no move ns
yet toward starting a campaign and the
democratic committee has not selected a
Accused of Swindling.
A warrant has been Issued for tho nrrest
of "Madame Zambcda," alleged to bo a resi
dent of Omaha nnd believed to be In that
city now, charging her with obtaining
money by false pretenses. She bad a tent
at Iugersoll park and engaged In fortune
telling. She was consulted by a widow.
Mrs. E. O'Neal, from whom she Is alleged,
to have obtained $5(0 by somo process
known only to tho profession. Mro. O'Neal
has been prevailed upon to prosccuto tho
fortune teller and word has been sent to
tho Omaha authorities to cause her arrest
Xmv Cnriiornttnns.
Tho Dcrman Savings bank ot Guernsey,
Poweshiek county, has been Incorporated
with $10,000 capital, by J. H. Wherry old
Tho Lost Nation and Keystone Telephone
company has been Incorporated at Lost
Nation to provide that town with a tele-
phono line. The capital Is $1,000 nnd tho
president Dan Hammer nnd secretary, Free
man Current.
There will bo a mooting; of tho State Agrl
cultural college trustees on Thursday for
business pertaining to tho opening of the
new term.
Collqaje Muddle.
Tho offlclal8jpt Drake university are In
serious trouble over tho law department In
this city. The law school was organised ns
a Beparato institution nnd has beon owned
by a group of Des Moines lawyers who
havo merely leased It to Drako university
people. Thoy have had trouble over pay
ment of the rents on tho rooms occuplod and
tho university faculty havo Insisted that
tho college should bo taken from tho rooms
In tho city out to tho university proper.
Tho quarrel culminated In the Drake
trusecs reorganizing the faculty of the law
school with new men, but tho old members
of tho faculty claim that tho college Is
tholr personal property nnd thoy will not
be put out. Efforts aro now being mado
by the university officials to purchase the
college outright and take It to the unlvor
slty. Peril of n .Sleeping Cnr.
As tho Chlcrgo sleeping car on tho North
western wns standing at AmcB last night
waiting to be hitched to tho Des Moines
train an nttcmpt at crime was made by
tho porter. Conductor Mike Sullivan of
Clinton, ono of tho oluost conductors on
tho lino, had started his 15-year-old daugh
ter to Des Moines to nttend St. Joseph's
Bchool. Instead of taking a berth for her
ho left her lying on the couch In tho
woman's compartment, wrapped In a shawl
nnd with a note to tho conductor on the
DeB MolneB branch. Tho cnr had to wait
for somo time. Ex-County Superintendent
W. A. McCord of this city occupied a berth
on the car and ho was awakened by tho
cries of tho girl, who had como Into tho
alBle. Sho told him that the porter had
demanded her tlckot. Sho explained who
she was. Then tho porter demanded she
should go Into the smoking room at the
other end of the car. Sho started to do
so, so she says, but finding tho porter hod
put out nil the lights sho became fright
ened, nnd as sho started away ho seizes her
and tried to drag her into tho smoking
room. Then sho nwoko McCord. Ho cared
for her and upbrnlded the porter, who
tried to scaro her Into changing her story.
McCord also found all the outsido doors
locked. Conductor Sulllvnn was notified
nnd ho sent word to have tho porter ar
rested. The porter deserted his car and
fled, but later was arrested and taken to
Ames. Tho little girl was frightened so
that sho shook nnd trembled and could
scarcely tell her story.
Ilnlllct lie Tried Here.
Letson Balllct of this city, nn operator In
mining companies In Oregon, who Is under
Indictment in tho United States court for
nlleged fraudulent transactions In connec
tion with some of his mining projects at
Bnkor City, will bo Riven n trial In Des
Moines at tho next term beforo Judge Me
Phcrson insteod of nt Council Bluffs, as
had been Intended, Balllct was Indicted
once before, but the Indictment was re
garded as defective and the United Stales
attorney had another brought to cover the
case. His attorneys secured nn extension
of tlmo nnd the case wns set for trial at
Council Bluffs. Balllet was Indicted for
sending advertising matter through tho
malls, representing his Whlto Swan mine
to ho a rich, paying Investment when.
cording to the witnesses for tho govern
ment, It Is morely a hole In tho ground
without any paying ore. Ho Is n son of
Judge Balllet of this city and Is reputed
to have mnde a good deal af money In
mine promoting In the west.
Chicken llnntcr Fined.
Judge Trimble of Kooku'K, who with Judge
Hubbard of Cedar Rnplds was caught with
prairie chickens tho day before It was
legal to shoot chickens In Iowa, was fined
$100 by Justice Clarke of Algonn. Their
coming to Kossuth county had been nn
nounctd In advance and a gamo warden
caught them with the chlckons. Judge
Trimble took to himself full responsibility
for having killed the chtckenu nnd in the
trial Judge Hubbard, general counsel for
the Northwestern, acted as nttornry for
his fellow hunter nnd contended that In
asmuch as the first day of September fell
on Sunday It was legnl to shoot chickens
tho day before tho first. Tho Justice of
tho peace refused to tnko this view and
fined Judge Trimble, Tho Incident hns
created great amusement In tho stale.
Mnkc Hole In Wall nt ItnckTrcll City
with Stove Damper nnd
FOBT DODOE, la., Sept. 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Bert Oraham. Indicted beforo the
grnnd Jury nt Fort Dodge for tho theft of n
bicycle, dug his way through tho brick wall
of tho Jail nt Rockwell City, with n damper
from a stovepipe last night. Ho is still at
liberty. Oraham, who was taken out of the
cell with tho other prisoners, slipped off and
hid In a large stove standing In n corner
His disappearance was not noticed. After
dark he took the damper from the stovo and
dug his wny to liberty. Later ho returned
with a crowbar nnd attempted to frco other
prisoners, but wns frightened away. Ornhnm
wns to havo been brought to Fort Dodge
today to stand trial. It Is thought that ho
had nld from the outsido In opening the wny
through tho wall and that a whotcsnlo Jail
delivery was planned.
Three Men Bildly Hurt mid Three
llnndrcd tint of Work nt
MUSCATINE, Ib Sept. 3. Tho lumber
mill of the Musscr Lumber company was
wrecked today by the explosion of a boiler
and Robert Carter, chief engineer; David
L. Dulgar, assistant engineer, and John
Dulgar, fireman, were so severely burned
by escaping steam thnt It Is thought none
of them will recover. Threo hundred men
are thrown out of employment.
StoeUtnnn Dlsappearm.
ALTA, Ia Sept. 3. (Special.) More than
three weeks ago David Clarkson, a prouil
nent stockman of this place, started for
Sioux City to buy stock. Stnco ho hoarded
tho cars hero bis relatives have had "no
tram nor word from htm. Clarkson Is a
wealthy bachelor. Ho had n largo sum of
money with htm when ho started, with
which he intended to buy stock In tho yards
at Sioux City. So far as can be learned he
transacted no business at Sioux City. His
relatives fear ho has mot with foul play.
Ho In 53 years old.
Horae Thlcvrn In .Mills Connty.
OLENWOOD, In., Sept. 3. (Special.) An
organized gang of horse thieves has been
operating In Mills county the past two
weeks and In that tlmo five valuable horstM
havo been stolen. But little traco has been
had of tho stolen animals. Heavy rewards
have been offered, but to no avail. Blood
hounds were put on tho trlnl ot some of the
horses nnd they were followed through
several towns, but tho scent was dually
lost. The hand of thieves Is supposed to
havo headquarters In Nebraska.
Mononn ltepnlillenn Convention.
ONAWA, Ia Sept. 3. (Special.) Tho
Monona county republican convention has
been called by S. B. Martin, county chair
man, to moot In Onawa Thursday, September
20, to piece In nomination candidates for
county offices. There will bo 167 delegates
Onawa has twenty delegates.
Cedar Falls State Norninl.
CEDAR FALLS, la.. Sept. 3. (Special
Telegram.) The fall term of the State nor
mal school opened today with the largest
enrollment In tho history ot tho InstitU'
tlon. Sixty teachers nro In tho faculty.
Eighteen rooms ot tho new building are
ready for use.
Consumption Threatened.
C. Unger, 212 Maple street, Champaign,
111., writes: "I was troubled with a hack
ing cough for a year and I thought I had
consumption, 1 tried a great many reme
dies and was under the care of physicians
for several months. I used one bottlo of
Foloy'B Honey and Tar. It cured mo and
I have not been troubled since."
In ICastcrn Mehrimkn It'm to He Fnlri
Fnrther Went It Will llnin
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Forecast for
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska Fair In enstern, showers
and cooler In western portion Wednesday;
Thursday, partly cloudy nnd probably
showers and cooler In tho eastern portion;
southerly winds.
For Iown Fair Wednesday; Thursday
partly cloudy, probably showers and cooler
In northern portion; southerly winds.
For Illinois Fnlr Wednesday and Thurs
day; light easterly winds.
For Missouri Fair Wednesday and Thurs
day; cast to south winds.
For North Dakota and South Dakota-
Showers and cooler Wednesday; Thursday
fair In western, showers In eastern por
tion; varlablo winds.
For Kansas Partly cloudy Wednesday;
probably showers and cooler nt night on
Thursday; southerly winds becoming
For Colorado Showers Wednesday, with
coler In western portion; Thursday, gener
ally fair; varlablo winds.
For Wyoming Showers Wednesday, with
warmer In southeast portion; Thursday,
fair; varlablo winds, .
For Montana Showers Wednesday, except
fair In northwest portion; Thursday fair;
variable winds.
For Western Texas Partly cloudy
Wednesday, probably showers; Thursday
partly cloudy; east to south winds.
Local Itrcord.
OMAHA, Sept 3,-Offlclnl record of tern
pernturo nnd precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the (mat three
inoi. iroi. isw isn
Maximum temperature.. . S7 H fl R
Minimum temperature..., 6) 60 fit 73
Mean temperature 71 C9 7 S
Precipitation 00 .00 .10 .w
Record of tempernturo nnd preclplta'l in
nt Omaha for this day and since March I,
Normal tempernturo , 70
Excess for the day 4
Total excess since March 1 IC9
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
Deficiency for tho day lulnoh
Tntnl slnco March 1 14 0.1 'nchrH
Deficiency wince March 1 9.(3 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.... 2.t5 Inch, u
Deficiency fur cor. period. 1809.... 2. 16 Inches
Report from Mtntlona nt 7 p. ni.
5c r
: D
Omaha, clear
North Platte, part cloudy...
Cheyenne, ruining
Halt I -like City, cloudy
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear.
Chicago, clear,...,
Ht. I-miU, clear
Kt. Paul, clem
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Helena, part cloudy
Havre, cloudy
Iilsmarck, cloudy
Galveston, part cloudy
K S6I .00
78 K , 0
Mil 7.l .18
70 70 T
all .(0
901 . 0
9)1 . 0
Ml .
fOl Ml
M, f .'0
6 .(1
7l T
91 .no
60 Ml .10
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
I,. A, fc,l,nM,
Local Forecast Olllclal.
September 10 wo will romovo to our new
location, 17 and li) South Main Street.
From today you can buy anything in our
ptoro at a Big Sacrifice, an prices in some
instances have- beon cut squarely in two.
An especial cut in prices lias been made in
This great sale will save you money. Gome
in and inspect our goods and get prices.
Wo want to clean out everything to avoid
moving tho goods and tho people will
got tho benefit.
Bilfi Rrnnrlwnv.
Dtciiitn of Htuie tf Loral 6tin Up British
Tradoi TJnitn G'onjrm.
Altrrntlnn of Union Const Itntlnn Ad
vooMtrd 11 Mrnn of l.linltliiK
Llulilllty In Ciinch ot
ThU Kind.
SWANSEA, Wales, Sept. 3.--A commotion
wns caused at today's sctslon of iho
Trades Union congress here by tho nctlo-j
of somo employers In endeavoring to re
cover damaKCH, under the House ot ixirds
decision of July 22 last, from labor organi
zations for picketing by their members. A
delegate trom Illackburn as served with
a writ yesterday restraining hi in and tue
members of the Blackburn branch of thu
Weavers, Winders and Warpers' association
from picketing Uaiilstcr & Moore' works,
where a strike Is now In progress. Dam
ages and costs were claimed, ilesldrs this
suit the Tall Vale railroad Is suing tho
Amalgamated Society of Hallway Servants
for 20,000 damages, Incurred nj a result
of the strike of 1900. These suits will b
strenuously defended, but their
puts In tho shado almost every other topic
ot discussion.
Judge llowerman todny delivered his ad
dress, declaring that unions wero threat
ened with demolition and that their position
was Intolerable. Ho said tho parliamentary
committee favored an alteration of the con-
Ftltutlon ot the unions with the object of
minimizing their liability.
Imllnna nt Arnold I'nrk Aarnln Mnkc
Thonins A. Mnrnhall High
ARNOLD'S I'AItlC. la.. Sent. 3. (Special
Telegram.) Tho Indluns openeu tneir miru
annual tournnment here today with nn at-
, 1 ...... f r,,T-1i' ultnntnfa A ll 1 I'll W 1 tltl
nindo shooting dlfllcult. It wns tho only
unpleasant tenture or mo uy.
averages, above 90 per cent, were made:
mil..... ic. t m ttiiMiou fiR' lllirhv. f.5:
Crosby, !U; I'armclce. Scott and ffJS
Ilugncn, !; neicKen, vi; niiwii, V"..
mnn. iimlrt. Mnrnhnlt. Townsend and fccol,
m . 1 Mnbt.ii ,1. nil
The Indians held their annual pow-wow
touay anu re-eiecieu minims
of Ketthsburg. 111., high chief; ; Frank C.
Ilcllil or Aiion, in., Brunu scum, ...
Ti...i.t nUd Mninn, fhlnf nf wumnum.
x... in,iin,,u niiinimi ii rn rifithlnf. Knnins
City; iTnnK llnrrison. inow lorn; wiuj
Woodwnrd, New lorn; j. u. .
T .4 t I.-, I IlnnlO rvntlf llrK n. Villi AIIL'li.
T I I T lalim. t II C 1 Ill-HP. IV Mill.
., ir t. nituMiAll WniiKnnUntt. Tt. I.:
Clarence Norman, San Francisco; Harold
Mnncliy, St. Iiu!h: j. v. uurnu, oior.uiw
Springs; (leorRe Aiccurint'- uv wuuira.
Stanley Hhories, Columbus, O.; H. 8. Mc
Tn,.i,i nm.iln tti Viirfu f!rnwfnrt1ftiHl.
Hid.; 13. O. Shaner. Pittsburg; C. W. Whit
ney. Den Moines; u. A. loung, npriiiRii iu,
: , r 1I..IIID Mnntinnlnuhlirtf ft I). H.
Johnson, ' Minneapolis; Dick,
Uncoln, Neb.
Weatcrn Aaaoclntlmi.
At Wheeling Wheeling, 6; Marlon, 2.
September la n most delightful month
In which to make nn out-of-town trip.
The following excursion rates of the
HurllnKton Itouto may assist you tn
planning some little Journey.
September 2 to 0.
fli'itiNriji on punni.o A?in
September 1 to 10.
September 1 to 10.
Ofil)i:.V AND nKTUIlN.
September 1 to 1C.
in.OO HOT Hl'IUNOH, . Il
September 1 to 10. DB AD WOOD OR I.BAD
Ganlamhr 1 tn 10.
Good for stopover going at
Custer (Sylvan ik.j CliBVRLiAND AND nB
TUUN. September 7 to 11.
sas.Tn nui'FAi.o and iib-
Every day. Tickets with
longer return limits cost a lit
tle more.
Every day. Oood for stopoveri
at Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Washington, Ilaltlmore un3
1B02 Furnnm St,
Telephone -fin,
Ilurllnman Ntbtlon
10th A Mnaon Htn
Telephone 12H,
f.nimril Klnffu
From Omaha
Tho Illinois Central has announced tho
following very low round trip tutes to
eastern und northern points from Umahu;
St. I'aul. Minn., nnd return, Soptom-
tier Inf In llltli t nil
Minneapolis, Minn., und retiiriV, Bep-
...!... ... . in.i. . .
icmuui ini tu ........, , V.O.I
Dtiluth, Mln and return, September
1st to 10th 13.8)
Wnsecn, Minn., nnd return, September
1st tn loth r in
Wntervllle, Minn., nnd rut urn. Septem
ber 1st lo 10th , , 8.10
Madison Luke, Minn., and return, Sep
tember 1st to 10th 8,io
New York und return, every day 4I.00
Cleveland, o, and return, September
"th to Uth 21.6)
Uuffalo nnd return, every day 2x75
Circuit tourH via (ireat I.nues to Buffalo
und Intcrmedlatu points. Stnte rooms re
served In ndvnnce. For full particulars, cnll
City Tlckot Offlco, 1102 Kurnrtra. or writ
W. H. Drill. D. P. A., Omaha. Neb.
DR. McCREW (Age 52)
! the treatment of all forma of Dls
aaea and Dlanrdera of Men Only, 2(1
reara experience, in yeara In Omaha.
A permanent cure guaranteed In less than
10 days, without cutting or pain.
CTDIPTIIDC cured In less than S days
01 nlUlUnC without pain or hindrance
from business. Kidney and bladder diseases.
CVDUIMQan(1 a" Hlood Diseases cured
OlrnlLiOby a treatment which Is far
more satisfactory and successful than
"Hot Springs" treatment, and at. less than
half the cost. All breaking out and slgmt
of the disease disappear at once. A cure
that ts guaranteed for life.
flUCD 0(1 nnil cases cured of nervou
UVtn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vltalltv
and MANHOOD, banhfulnean, Qlcet and all
unnatural weaknesses nf men.
Carea (laaranteril, Conmil tnllon Free,
Treatment by mall, P. O, Vox 7(4.
Office ove' 215 South Hth street, between
Farnam and Douelas Sts. OMAHA. NKU,
$9-35 '"-rr'iwc 59.35
til III HufTulo and return til III
illilU on sul Hupt, 8 to 12 Oil. IU
$13,00 auBr..r $13.00
t'j Nw York City and re. OI
JO I turn, on sulo dully Oul
The abov rates via tho Wabash
frorr Chicago, ror the CI, A. It. n
cam.inint at Cleveland, O., have your
tickets read Via tin Wabash to De
troU and thence via the I), & C. Nnv.
Co to Cleveland, u beautiful trip
acros l.K K'K'. rlle Wabush runs
en It- own tracks from Kansas City,
Ht Louis and Chicago to DunTalo
ujry special rates will bo given djr
in.' the summer months. Stopovers
allowed on ull tickets ut Niagara Falls.
He sure your tlckuls read via the
W AFIASH HOUTE. For rates, fold
ten and other Information, cull on
your nrarm ticket agent or write
llarr E. Moores, Qenl. Agent, Van,
l'Pt., OmuhA, Neh., or C. S. Crane,
O. P. & T. A., SU Louis, Mo.
a rviiaajia Muirti nrifii
1 tmm Plf Ifllll.'U'ririrUi WtlW IUII
Mat t :Z ..i.rLi. 'n.: .... t.
l ItKK i1 iinld miullU im in
IlllUuirltUn. Tallin glkrr. Hit
mgtrut frubtlllutUni anil Iml
tlfta. Bur Qt ;ur liruiiiti. r 4i
niM Ui I'.rlleuUri, l'llatal
4 "l(llr far l.adlr-tn l.lllr, b,
) ltKI n1 Jnld rutUllU tola,
tlutrltUn, rLi n other. Kcfii
i. ic
aM U all
10,0110 TrillDaUt. 'ftt.l4t
ulna) tsa wqii a
,11 1