Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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MioajorB Dfolnrs it Frmiais to Brtak Be-
ordi f Atttcdnce.
Pure and Swcetarc the Skin, Scalp,
and Hair of Infants Purified
and Beautified by
MILLI0N8 uhk Ccticuka Soap as
itO(l by OUTICUKA OlNTMK.1T, fot
preserving, purjfying, and bo.iutlfy
Injc tho okiu, for demising tho scalp, ami
tho .stopping of falling lialr, for softening,
TIiltoiilnx, nnd soothing red, rough, and
soru tinndi, for baby rashes, Itching, and
clinflngs, and for nil tbo purposes of tho
toilet, batli, and nursery. Million of
Women uso Cuticcka Soap In baths for
annoying Irritation, intlainniationn, and
excoriations, for too (rco or offeimlvo per
Bplratlon, In washes for ulcerative weak-ni-nsci,
and for many sanative, antiseptic
purposes which readily suggest tlicmsel ych
to women, especially mothers. Cuticuka
Boat combines In O.iis Soai- at Ohk I'uice
tho r.r.sT skin and complexion soap, and
the nrsT toilet and baby soap in tho world.
Cot.ipleta Treatment tor Every Humor.
CtiTU'itiiA Soap, to clcau!t the l;ln of criistn
anil c.iU'K itml niiften the thickened cutlclo,
Curiam Oi.vrMK.vr, tn instantly allay Itch
!ng, Inllitiniuation, tmtl Irritation, ami soothe
and heal, anil Cuticuka Kesulvknt, to cool
and eloansn tli'i lilooil,
Hold thronrhout lh world nritlih lnoli T. Nw
(I it Sons, sir Chtrltrhimt 8q., lnrxinn Iott1
UitmiuCiu, Coir., bull fron., Motion, U.S.A.
Cleveland, 0.,
The Buffalo Exp'n
tour He will ucKln in Webster county ami
go nest through the southern tier of coun
ties and then work back from Chase to
Adams. He expects to begin the auctions
about October 1,
lelil fur .Murilrroun Aimnnlt.
Debnls Harry was bound over to the dls-
trtct court this morning for making a mur-
YORK WINS VOLUNTEER FIRE TOURNEY ileroua nseault on Mllllo Oatcs In a resort at
30 I, street last nlsbt. To Judgo Com-
Otoe Count)- School Ilonil tlntmht In
state Tremurer-Convict K
capm from 1'rUon nnd
la !oon Itctnkrn.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 3. (Special.) With an
attendance variously estimated between
S.000 and 10,000, tho state fair managers
were Jubilant this evening and declared
that with continued fair weather tho cxposl
tlon would be a record-breaker. Whllo
there were many visitors as early as Sun
lay afternoon and over 1,000 yesterday, the
fair did not really begin until this morning.
stock he gave- this an an excuse for the
attack: "She's after n new lover and wants
to get me Into tho penitentiary to get rid
of me. I know It, for I heard her say so."
Darry threatened to shoot the woman, but
ho compromised by throwing a lamp at her,
causing a, severe wound In her head. The
revolver was taken away from him beforo
ho had an opportunity to use It. He Is
held under 1000 bond.
Hucnnrri L'tuitlct HelnWrn.
8rath AtUitio and Gulf Statti Hat To
Much Moisture.
Complaint of Itnut nnit Shedding In
JnriiiK Cotton Apple Orncrnll-
Scnrce ntul of I'oor ltinlit
Soil Favorable lor 1'IoivIiik.
ventlon to meet In tho county commission
era' room, leaving tho court room for the
populists. Kaeh party has a full ticket In
tho field, unless they ftiso the republic
ans will sweep tho county. More republic
ans were entitled to scats In tho conven
tion than ever before.
DcmocrnM nml l opullsti Divide Nom
ination nml Hrnfltrnt Nn
tlonnl Platform..
DEATMCE, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.)
The populists and democrats held their
county conventions hero today. Tho demo
crats assembled at 10:30 a. m. and when
called to order by Chairman C. C. Parlow,
seventy-threo were present, Including a few
republican spectators. Judge Hardy pre
sented the name of Supervisor George Camp-
c. it .v w. nr. ,
Omvlnt I, In for Nebraikit
. A. It
i -ITCH Till: flit EAT
G. A, R.
blll'TKMHICIl 7 to 11.
vrtthont change of car. from
Omaha B p. m., Septrmtinr 7.
tJ-enornl Agent.
l-IOl Farnani St. Omaha.
Zfl l!l tv-
Do not mrtlic a mistake. All
western atnti'M an.l points of
Interest roiiclio.l witli Iciiht in
conveniences vU this line.
Omaha and Pueb!o $15
Omaha and Co!. Spgs. $15
Omaha and Denver $15
Omaha and alnZaD $25
Omaha and Salt Lake 30
Omaha and Ogden - $30
Tlokota on anlo Sopt. I to IO.
Cood for roturn to Oct. 31, IOOI.
City Ticket Ofiice 1324 Far nam,
Telephone 3(0,
Union Station 10th nniJ Marcy.
Talepbonw 020,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Tho weather
bureau's general summary of crop condl
tlons Is as follows;
While tho wpnther conditions nf thn wcpt
1 . i,. I. M,.A..t t .. - n linu.1 I ... .
ner n wnu cuuse casuiis uuvuv cnainz Sentotnber 2. 1301. liavn linen ennor. ,,. . .,... .l., ,..
rh,l- .,H nnnvlo from ..... . . . ' " . . .. "T V uc" al iu ic it,.. u..,-..
...,v ,.UUi r.- . . - mvorame in a nuraoer or uisiricts. nnrarv nhnlrmnn. Cnmnbc was e ectcd nnd
iuo pcniicnimr-, wan uiiuKin i i ,ov iu. neaw rains fin somn n nees exeesn vel havo - -.i. f,, n-ol. of
afternoon near r'ry's greenhouse at Twenty- injured crops and retarded work In portions tientV.icn wa8 lnnde secretary and K. .
neconaanuu streets, ine prisoner wa, ,,ul 0, tno 80Ulh AMantlo and BuU gtatcSi and Mnrtlll(lale o Uberty a88gtant secretary.
Ui, WUIR 11113 iituiuiiib ft.iv i'uuiwcihhh j lirv. nOL WPAthPf JlflH l(rtl 11 H Tn Vnril 111 n 111 mi.- . tl ,1 t r.n nrmlnn
- i . I t . . ... I . - J .1.-1 " ' I 1 11 U L'liair n it tt HIIUHIU IV lift ill u v -u.
" i"0 eu"on in. own io arr,ve. rarrn una at umv ne wok auvanuiBc d iu Ue Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys ,,, rcsolutlons and conference commit
throngs hastened to tho grounds, fakirs be- confidence placed In htm by tho penlentlary nnd on tne nortll incm0 coast. Kxtreme tees
Bn in k.t, uiuir wures, oxinuim were auuiormes oy neparuug. ins escape hta and droucht In oca tips nf Olilnhoma .i .- i Mmln,. tn rnn.
, . t I. .. . . . . . .. ... I " " ft ill? u li till uuiiii.t nn a u ....... v ..
opencu anu a regular program ionowea.
At 11 o'clock the Pawnee City band gav
a concert In the bandstand. The music
listened to by fully 1,000 people. Thcro
Kcnerour appmuse unn many oi ine seicc- aioio an overcoat, who wnicn ne coverea Late corn continues to show lmnrove- .i,i, n,.n., ,nmniliiM h tn the
"" .""; ci'i nun.... ..iu.t ui Binpiu uuuonii. umcers were in pui- ment, aitnough It was Injured by droutli distribution 0f candidates. These were on
given several times during the afternoon suit by this time and the man was finally and heat In portions of Kausas, has suf- , nnnii.i mmmittn- J. R. Johnson.
nnd at night thero was a concert by the caught by Captain Hathaway. fered further decllno In Missouri and needs 0lM. j, c. James, Wymoro; D. C. Quackcn
band at the auditorium. ?,, v,.,i n nn.i. ruin In Nebraska. In Iown corn Is matur- . n a, .,' imi,i.,.i o,i
. ll I I.I... ... . . -I . U,1B" ". - !, -
. m.7 dvviu w. M...V. . .... ... .... . ..... I i"S injiiuiy uuu lue cumuK ui cany inuuit-u
exhibits Among those making an excellent ,n unnersuy or weorasKa root "a ' M3 gencral In all sections of this state and
showing aro: Saline. Cheyenne, Merrick, iuaa, accompaniea uy .Manager towgin, Missouri and the more northerly tactions
Cuming. York, Hitchcock. Thomas, Dundy, puPtnl " cstovor and a corps of tralnors, nnd ,8 progrt.spng raplilly In Kansas. Fur-
immeuiaiuiy rcponeu oy a xeiiow irusiy nd Texas hsvo also been very detrimental (cr ,vlh ti10 ,)0pullsts: V. O. McOlrr. lleat
c and n chase was begun. Hcnnessen got to crops, Cool weather has retarded tho Li... n.i ah..,,. mhLmdr A. n. Morris.
was fully two miles start. He went through matuilng nnd drying of fruit In California UUlg Springs; J. O. Oartrcll, Adams, and T.
was alleys Into the city and at 1030 O street nnd Unlit frost r.riMirrPil In NVvndn. II 1 I tin .1.1 n.ilr TIia WIl (fl
left this morning for South Ocnd, where
they will remain for three weeks In train
ing camp. Hlngcr and Drew of last year's
team will meet the party later this week.
immwllnielv on onterlne the Erounds the -chmor, who was quarter on last year's corn will ho safe from any frost from Sen
fish oxhlblt uttracts tho attention of tho Omaha High school team Is expected to tcmbcr 15 to 20, but thnt some very late
Ilrown, Hurt, Gage, Washington and Lan
caster. Agricultural products make tho most
attractive part of theso displays and Indl
cate wealth In the way of farm products,
thr Improvement In late com Is reported
from the Ohio vulley, but It has suffered
Injury by floods on all lands In Tennessee.
ItcporU Indicate that tho bulk of tho lato
Oeorge A. Wilkinson, Logan.
The democratic committee on resolutions
consists of: J. H. Dodds, Wymorc; O. P.
Marvin. Beatrice; T. U. Demott, Liberty; W.
A. Foreman, Logan, and K. T. Mansfield,
Wymorc. Eight precincts were not repre
sented, nnd tho call was for a convention of
256 delegates. The populist call wns for 260
delegates. Tho different precincts were
LLiUUVi 1U IU a.Vj L U k 111 IK. OWIUD -1 J lOlV I . . . . , . ,
visitors. Came Wnrdcn Slmpklns has arrive ai mo camp tomorrow morning. J. fields will require until October 1 to luny "V , .,, ;;", ,.
...t. .11 1... l ...1,1. li. TriCKftV. H PffH IT Of tlllK PltV hn mnliirn Ihn n.nn I" IIUlHtHUIt)
cnarge oi ini.i inapiuy uuu ui tuiiii'iiw mtn 1 - .....ku. ."v v.u..
Fish Commissioner O'Drlen, has succeeded ""reu a jo goiu meuai to ire man wnose spring wucat tnresmng continues witn
In nlnclne tn the tanks of the fisheries performance In all departments of the gamo generally satisfactory yields, except In
building specimens of nearly all tho fishes docs tho most to advance tho Interests of North Dakota, whero they aro light and
common In the waters of tho state. The tho team. The prlzo will bo awarded at tho of poor quality, the berry being shrunken
tinier nnnlr thu vi-nr U eirnllent nnd no end or tlie seuson. ana nieacncd
Huh ulll Iia Inxt nn nnrmint nf a saltv hath
as was tbo case last year. All day long the I hA I AL LA Mr
visitors poured through the building and
seemed delighted with the exhibit.
StHtr Fnrm linn n WIiir
Tho Stato university fnrm has an entire
wing on the east side of the agricultural
building. In this It is showing the people
of the state tho nature of tho work It Is do
Ing. The chemical department has a
laboratory fitted up for the analysis of soil,
Hall of Fairfield Killed anil Two
Othern Hnilly nurncd by
Another generally unfavorable week for
EXPLOSION cotton. Continued complaints of rust
uuu Buuauiug aro rcccivcu irum laa greater
portion of the eastern and central sections
of the cotton belt, while Arkansas nnd
Oklahoma report Injury from premature
opening. In Texas tho early cottons con
tlnuo to open nnd Is being rapidly picked,
FAIRFIELD, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.) but the lato crop li greatly deteriorated and
Mrs Henry Hall was killed and her daugn- In a critical state, with complaints of rust
tor, Mrs. Rose Preston, and a 2-year-old and shedding. Picking, whllo retarded In
son of Jacob Morris were so badly burned Ocorcla and Dortlons of Florida. Is In oroc
milk and sugar beets. Tests will bo made by tne eXposton of a gasoline lamp In the ress In nearly all sections and with favor
In public from day to day. A sample or. me unqU0 restaurant that their recovery is able weather will soon be general.
different Ingredients aro snown. mo sou doubtful. Very favorable reports concerning to-
annlysls department has prepared anout bacco are received from all sections except
fifty sets ot bottles, each set containing a Drerverr Still llunnlnn at Fremont. Maryland, where It Is not curing satlsfac
samplc of a soil and Its ingredient parts. puEMONT, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.) torlly, and Virginia, whero tho yield Is
Another section shows thirty-six different Th.. or n , ,i.v,innm,nt, in ho variable. Cuttlntr Is eennrnl nml thn hulk
I..-.- .1... t. tm Mnlirttalfa I .... I . . .
pruuuein mm uu u u.uc brewery strike. Moro of tho old men went oi mo crop is in sued in Wisconsin.
corn. Glucose In various stages oi renno- t0 WQrk th,g jnning and BOVerai new men The condition of npplcs still continues
ment. corn oil expressed from corn by haV(J beeQ Becuredi A coramltteo from the unpromising In nearly all sections. Somo
great pressure, tho residue, known as corn nmnhn ninn u ,mnitAii hrn tomorrow improvement Is renortcd from Kansas and
on caKo wnicn grounu up is kuuu mornlne to confer with Manaeer Ourab nnd iir to good crops aro Indicated in por
on meat ana giuien ioou, aro u no lt is thought a compromise of somo kind tions or ArKansas, llllnoiB, muinna nnd
products, corn starcn i snown in armuB . ., Thn mnn lnBiHt on a west Virginia. Elcsewhero npplcs aro
stages and vulcanlrcd corn oil made by ...,., n. (hn T.htl. of lh .., nm, scarce and generally of poor quality.
adding sulphur to corn oil are others. The wou,d probably yle,d n tnclr other deraands So11 conditions nre favorable for plowing
effect of tuberculosis on animals Is made . , rooocnlied. The hrowerv an(1 seeding, which aro in progress and
usuuiiy wuii uuvuuceu iu uii uiairici, ex
cept In Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma
whero the work has been retarded by the
drouth, and In portions of Virginia, where
It was interfered with by wet weather,
tho subject of an oxhlblt of special Interest wag nmn,nK ye8ter(lay nB usua, and Mon.
Just now owing to the discussion current Qumb gaJ(, ho wafl havlnR no dfflculty
about tho contagious character of that dls
ease. Some samples of the poisonous
sorcum which Ib causing considerable
trouble nmong cattlemen are on exhibition.
The contest or tno volunteer nre ucpan
In getting what men be wanted.
York facta More Itnln.
day nnd tho republican convention held
August 13. when over 700 were in nltenu-
nnce. Thcro was no enthusiasm In evidence.
At tho afternoon session of the
county couvcutlons tho Joint committees cn
conference agreed upon this distribution ct
oinces: Tho democrats to hav.i trojjurer,
sheriff, coroner nnd surveyor and tho pop
ulists clerk, register of deeds, county judgo
and superintendent of echools. This report
wns agreed upon by both convention?, in
committee on resolutions realllrmej tno
Chicago and Kansas City platforms and
condemned the Gage county legislative del
egation for enactment of tho law taking
away tho power of tho township collec'.ors
nnd vesting It In the hands of tho county
After tho reading of tho resolutions nom
inations were In order and for treniurtr
D. G. Ruby, R. C. Pearson, Jacob Klein an!
J. S. Rutherford were In the race. One
ballot decided It. Tho vote: Ruby, 112;
Klein, 33; Ilyers, 31; Rulhelford, 17!
Pcthod, 10; Pearson, 8. Ruby was declared
the nominee. Tho name of W. A. Wadding
ton, the present sheriff, was the o.ily (no
presented for sheriff and he was nominated
by acclamation.
Tho populists nomlnntcd George A. Wll
klnson of Logan township for county clerk,
T. P. Tcagnrdcn for register of deeds, A.
D. McCandlcss for county Judg) and J. S.
Hall for superintendent of schools. The
democrats endorsed tho nomlnattoti-i. The
democrats nominated A. J. Pcthoud for bur
veyor nnd Louis Lambertl for coroner.
Roth conventions passed rcsolutlonc cn
dorslng the candidacy of E. O. Kretslngor
of this city for the nomlnatlou for su
.BULLETIN premo 3udge-
YORK, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.) Satur- RIPRRA'sKA
' . .. . ,. ,. . ..iu dav there was a llcht shower which bene-
made a ibO-ynrd dash, laid 150 feet of hose Ited the pastures and also maturing corn. liU,, Planted Corn Need .Itoln Larue FUNERAL OF FATHER JUDGE
ttni.wi viih nnzrln in H2V, seconds. This A Jl Wchardson of Dcnedlct, who has
. . . . .u,n ii i.s Just finished threshing seventy acres of
leal iueii:u uiu omtu ... . , ...
held by Grand Island. The Havelock, Uni- wheat, says It yielded forty-four bushels
vru.,J Pit. nnd r.r.ind Island teams re- acre. John Rremer, who has cbargo
fused to inter the ra. Their protest that yrk county's exhibit at the state fair,
Acrcmce of
tr i
LINCOLN, Sept. 3. (Special.) O. A.
tho York team Included professional sprint- keP account of tho proceeds of sales of his Loveland. Nebraska section director of the
trrs was overruled by the Judges
These premiums wero awarded In the
fruit division of tho horticultural depart
County Collective Washington, 1; Ne
maba, 2; Saline, 3: Otoe, 4; Fillmore, 5.
Individual Marshall Rros.. Arlington, 1;
Creto nurseries, 2; C. F. Rarnard, Table
Rock. 3.
Peaches J. M. Russell. Lincoln. 1; O. 1
Dovcll, Auburn, 2; John Drcslcr, Auburn, 3.
Grapes Creto nurseries, 1; G. N. Titus,
Nemaha, 2; Marshall Dros., 3.
Plums C. N. Smith, Lincoln, 1; Fred
Dchlen, Columbus, 2; Nat Titus, 3.
tlnnd Time on the Track.
Tbo opening day of tho Stato fair races
brought out a good crowd. Tho track was
not fast, but the time for a half-mile
track, particularly In tho 2:33 pace, Is con
sidered excellent. Results
L'lnss 2:Lr.. tinttlntr. nurse 1300: Colonel
Woodllne won the last three heats and mce.
Rest time: '2:Zli. Tom Well won the
Ural heat Time: 2:2iH. Pat Sherman
was third. Red Cattery and . Elisor also
Class 2:35, pacing, purse t"M: Olympla
won thn last three heats and race. Uest
lime: .n.Vj. Captain Mas won the. first.
Time: 2:2'.'. Lottie Lee was, third. On
Tlmj nnd Ogonbe also started.
Running, half-mile and repeat: Druggist
won, New Moon second, Hob Leo third.
Uest time: u:wvj,
lnlt-ct Mite for Ntntp Camp,
Adjutant General Colby, nrlgadlcr Gen
alfalfa. Ho threshed tho second crop, government weather nnd crop service,
making four bushels of alfalfa seed to tho makes tho following report for tho week:
acre, and Is selling It at $6 per bushel.
Fnnlnn Candidates In Itlzon County.
PONCA, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.) Tho
populist county convention has been called
to meet at Allen, September 26. The demo
cratic county central committee has been
calld to meet at Martlnsburg, Splcmbcr 11,
Tho fuslonlsts will probably renominate
Sheriff A. H. Maskcll and Superintendent
Miss Mary McKlnley. W. H. Gibson of
Ponca, editor of the Grit, Is a candidate
for clerk, nnd James McLaughlin of Emer
son may bo nominated for treasurer.
Eplnropnl Minister ItmlKna.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.)'
Rev. C. A. Weed, paator of Graco Episcopal
church, has resigned and accepted a call
from southwest Missouri. He will be ad'
vanced to archdeacon and have Jurlsdlc
tlon over twelve counties, with headquar
ters probably at Joplln. Rev. Mr. Weed
came here nearly Ave yeors ago from Sharon
Springs, N. Y. He will entor upon his new
duties October 1.
Divorced Couple Itemarrle.
FREMONT. Neb.. Sept. 3. (Special.)
Saturday evening Frank Grecnllcf and his
former wife, Emma Oreenllcf, were re- generally well advanced, but tho
mnrrled by County Judgo Wlnterstcen. soil In now rather dry for plowing. Vory
Their first marriage ceremony took place In llttlo winter wheat has bejn sown. Coin
era! Harry, Colonel Hayward and Colonel Vermont eighteen years ago. Two years Is ripening unevenly nnd some will bo bc-
Arrher went to Omaha this morning to In- ago Mrs. Grecnllef obtained a divorce from yond Injury from frost by "scpti'iaber 20,
(ienernl .Suinninry.
The week has been warm, with light
showers In tho eastern counties nnd heavy
rains In western counties. Tho dally mean
temperature has averaged 5 degrees nltove
normal In eastern counties and 7 degrees In
Only light showers occurred In tho cen
tral and enstern counties, but heavy rain
fell In tho western counties the last of tho
The dry weather of the week has been un
favorable for corn, and the lato planted Is
now In need of moro rain; considerable
corn has been cut for fodder. Fall plowing
has progressed but slowly In most counties,
as tho soil Is too dry to work well; how
over, In somo localities considerable plow
ing has beet, done; In the southwestern
counties the ground was placed in good con
dition for plowing by the rains at the end
of the week. Reports Indicate that thu
acreage sown to winter wheat will be large,
but as yet but llttlo has been sown becauso
of the dry weather. Haying has progressed
nicely In northern counties.
Soutlieimtcrii Section.
The week has been a dry one, with only a Ho apo'o eloquently of tho strong faith and
few scattered showers. Fall plowing Is devotion of tho dead priest to tho work of
Dlslitip and Twenty-Six Catholic Cler
ic men Attend Kervlccn of
1'rleat at Fremont.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special.)
Tho funeral of Rev. Father Andrew Judge
was from St. Patrick's church this morning.
Yesterday afternoon tho body wns taken
to tho church and tho casket placed on
a Dler in rront oi mo nuar. mo snruuM
was tho purplo robes worn by him during
mass. His hands clasped a rosary and
crucifix. His chalice and bcrctta wore
placed on the coffin. Low mass for tho ro
poso ot his soul was said at 7 o'clock and
every half hour after until 9:30, when
offices for tho dead wero chanted by the
clergy. At 10 o'clock solemn high mass
was celebrated. Right Rev. Ulshop Scannell
of Omaha occupied tho episcopal throno.
Seated at his side were Vicar General
Colonarl and Deans Jcnette and RusBlng.
Tho celebrant of the mass was tho Rev.
James Aherne of St. Potor's, Omaha; deacon,
Rev. J. F. McCarthy of Schuyler; sub
deacon. Rev. Joseph Casey of tho Sacred
Heart parish, Omaha; master of ceremonies,
Rov. P. McGovcrn of St. Phllomena's cathe
dral, Omaha.
Rev. R. F. Corcoran, S, J., of Crelghton
unleralty delivered tho funeral sermon.
His text was: "Blessed are the dead who
dlo in tho Lord. They shall rest from their
labors and their works do follow them."
spect the site decided on for the encamp
ment of tho Nebraska National guard. Tho
officers will probably make arrangements
1 for putting tho ground In condition for tho
troops. General Colby estimates that there
will be about l.uOO soldiers at tho encamp
Mule lln.i Oloc Count)- lloitiln
State Treasurer Stuefer today bought $41,
000 of Otoe county refunding bonds for tho
permanent echool fund. They will produce
a revenue ot 3.2 per cent. Treasurer
Stuefer whs offered theso bor.d3 two weeks
ago. but dolnyed purchasing them until ho
could get nn opinion from tha attorney
general nr to their legality. The Issue wns
made under Judgment of the United Slates
clrrult court and it was this fact that
caused the Investigation by tho stato au
ScUrd ut AVI. tier nnd Went I'olnt
Deputy Game Warden Slmpklns today re-
reiveu notice that u consignment of hoop
nets, seines und other unlawful fishing ap
points had been sent to Lincoln from Wis-
nor, Neb. The nets wero dflied at Wlsner
and West Point. Tho special wnrden who
tho ministry and of Its effects, which had
lasted beyond his life on earth. Bishop
Scannell then spoko briefly of Father Judge
as a priest of tho diocese, of his zeal and
energy nnd strong splrltunllty. At tho
her husband on the grounds of cruelty and but somo late fields In all Iho count lot of close of tbo services tho body was burled
their Inability to live peacefully together, tho section will requlro until about Oc
tnhnr 1. Pe.-inliet and cranes arj vlelillne
Undent Home Picnic .. Trenton. Bomewhat bettcr than expected earlier in
TRENTON, Neb., Sept. 3. (Spoclal.) The the season.
t'bisifs IU be reaumfd Wednesday, Sep
tember lib. Tho tcouro contains evory
branch of a thoroughly reCned aud literary
annual harvest home picnic of Hitchcock
county will be here September 21 nnd 22
Races, ball games and other amusements
will be on the program. The Modorn Wood
men win nave their first log-rolling thf
same day. Trenton camp Is the lnrgcst and
the youngest In this part of the state.
(nod Corn in Otoe fount)-.
NEBRASKA CITY. Nob., Sept. 3. (Spe-
AiirtlicHNleru Section.
The continued dry weather has retarded
plowing and caused lato corn to ripen 100
rapidly for best results. Iu somo lccallilcj
in the extreme northeastern '.ountlba com
will bo nearly or quite an average crop If
uninjured by frost during tho next two
fViitrnl Section.
In Calvary cemetery. Tho pallbearers wero
John Huuser, James Murray, Gcrhardt
Brunnlng, Patrick Carey, John McGlnnls
and Cornelius Council. At tbo request of
Father Judge, there wero no iloral offerings
In tho church which, however, was draped
in black. Tho only relative of tho deud
priest present was his brother, Father P.
.1. Judgo of Omaha. Thero were twenty-
six visiting clergymen present.
olnl.) Farmers aro progressing at seeding Tho week hns been dry and .ilowln;; b-is
tall wheat. Tlio acreage in Utoe county been retarded. Very little winter whiu.
will bo tho largest yet. The corn crop
Improved greatly during August. In many
suctions farmers report that almost an
r.verage crop will be husked. Much of the
poorer corn has been cut for fodder.
Fnnernl nf Mm, Annn II, I.nvrrcncc,
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Sopt, 3. (Spe
cial.) Tho funeral of Mrs, Annn B. Law-
has been sown. Considerable corn has beeu
cut for fodder.
Souths cNtern Secllnn.
Heavy rains In tho western portion of
the section have placed the ground In ex
cellent condition for plowing and seed ng
Lato corn will bo Improved by .h'3 rain und
especially so If no injurious ,'rost occ. r.s
found tho nets Informed Mr. Slmpklns that 1101 0arvln conducted tho services. Mrs.
It wns Impossible to obtain suJneieut evl- I'awl'encu wna 'h mother of J. F. Law
denco to warrant prosecuting the suspected rcnco of tllls clty sho was an 0,(1 rea1'
rence, who died Sunday In Council Bluffs, during the next three weeks. Pas'.urei, nl-
was this afternoon in this city. Rev. Sam-
It Icliiirdnon DcmncrntH for llnll.
FALLS CITY, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special
Telegram.) The democratic county con
vention held hero today mnda these nom
inations: For treasurer, W. R. Wyatt; for
clerk, Georgo Sraellzcl; for Judge, John
Gagnon; for superintendent of public In
struction, J. O. Houtz; for coroner, F. C.
Wiser; for recorder, G. D. Schcldcr; for
shorirt, Aaron Culp; for surveyor, M. N.
Hair. Tho delegation to the stato conven
tion was Instructed to voto for Hon. T. L.
Hall of this city for regent of the State
Mate Library ('nniinlaklon.
Tho Nebraska Stato Library commission
will meet in the ofiice ot the state super
Intcndent of public instruction Thursday
morning, An Omaha newspaper today er
roneously asserted that the commission
held a meeting at the state house yesterday,
t'lnfmii of State liiatltiltlonn.
The State Hoard of Public Lands and
Buildings held a monthly meeting this
morning and allowed claims of state in
stitutions for last month. The meeting wai
without uny other feature.
Forfeiture of School Laud.
Tho annual forfeiture of school lands has
been declared by the Hoadr of Educational
Lands and Funds and the clerical force of
tho commissioner's olllco Is now engaged In
preparing the list of dollnquonts. As soon
ao this work Is completed Land Commis
sioner Follmer will stnrt out on a leasing
dent of the county.
I, mine Picnic nl .McCool.
M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. Sept. 3, (Spe
cial.) The Ancient Order of United Work-
falfa, cane and all forago cropa have b?on
Improved by the rains.
WcHtern unit .ortliuctrrii Sections,
Haying has proceeded nicely. Tho range t
aro In good condition for tha season of
tho year.
As the weather for tho rest of tho fall
Hoy Shoot lllinm-If In the Arm
BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 3. (3pcclnl Tele
gram.) Channlng Williams, jon of Major
Williams of this city, accidentally shot
himself this afternoon while .Tuntin? on th
Ellis farm iioriheat of tho city. Tho gun
which Williams was using was dlschirgol
and blew off tho thumb of his right band.
So much of tho charge took effect In lbs
men and the Woodmen of this plneo will will have but llttlo effect Upon tho -ropt fleshy part of his arm above tha c'bow that
hold a Joint picnic In McCool park Septem- of 1901 this will bo tbo last weekly cr p
ber 5 and havo arranged a program of music bulletin for this season, but crop corn:-
and sports. Bond's Concert band has been spondents are requested to continue send-
engaged for the occasion. Ing weekly cards for tho next Ihrco weeks
. , for us in preparing the weekly telegram
" "-" n. nunc. foJ. ,he nntona bulletin.
BUTTE. Neb., Sept. ?. -(Special To'o- Wo tako this opportunity to exprc.i our
physicians think amputation will oc ncccs
sary to prevent blood poisoning.
Old Settle Klcct Olllcem.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Sept. 3, (Spe
rial.) The Old Settlers' association has
rliif.tpi1 t!insn ntlloflrfi! PrnHlilpnt Jnripn
grnm.) Hutte precinct votd bonds today sincere thnnks to the correspondents for Paul Jessen; vlco president, C. U. Kars
to nld the Atkinson 4 Niobrara rallrocd. their assistance and co-operation dura.: tens: secretary. W. S. Hardlnc: treasurer.
ine voie who nenriy unanimous In fav r tne season. (j, w. Hawko.
of the bonus and unite is Jubll'an:. Mnny
new enterprises win bo stnnod Itnme
No FiiMlnn In Hitchcock Cnnntr.
TRENTON, Neb.. Sept. 3, (Special.) The
democrats and populists nre called to meot
In separate convention September II. The
CONCORD, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special,) first call was made for both parties to meet tory In the Fall3 City schools. Miss Rush.
The Concord Call will siupeni publication at the samo place end time, but after somo ton Is a graduate of the University ot No-
L,i)uo i . i-cHcr is uic cauor. i auucuity tne democrats caned tbelr con-1 brasUa.
('uncord Call Stop) I'nlillcnt Inn,
this week.
(race Itiiohton to Tcuch nt I'lilln CM)-,
FAIRMONT. Neb.. 8ept. 3, (Special.)
Miss Grico Rushton left hero Friday to tako
a position as teacher or English and his-
u -
"Just as good a Furnace as
the Round Oak is a Stove"
Hound Oak Furnares are n honrillr marts
tbo f.imoti Hound Onk Hlovo the mtno
cateful pAtttMnklng fitting of overy Joint, doot
and drnfl the same dally lnpeetlnn of nirv
iQrim nnu let or the completed licnter. Like
the Hound Onk Rtoves tbo
Round Oak
li gusranteed to give Absolute ntlifsctlon. It U
tho only furnace that burn any kind of fuel,
wood, hard and fori
coal nnd the
only furnnce
thnt burns all
the ueltU the
cases and moit of
tlio smoke. The
price I, reasonable,
fend for the free Round
Oak Furnace book,
Donaolac, Mich.
.VtlViTl of ftrfttdf Vl A'DunJ
CM. (, moit nmtnit
Jtotr In IV ti-orftl,
Hound (Ink Piirtir."? nvr for 11110 In
Oroahe by Mltton Rogers & Son.
CL'"T T II uni 11 1 ill
tie u nd Oak Viirnaf
witn outer CAsina rvmorod.
"I cure rupture
without cutting,
thus avoiding the
horrors of surgery.
The weakest spot In thn hu
man body are those first to be
come the seat of disease. Tho
construction ot the groin In the
male, which Is no formed ns to
purmlt the passage of nerves,
veins nnd arteries Into the scro
tum, renders this part of the
anatomy the wenkest spot.
These blood vessels nnd nerves
must pass out of the cavity of
the abdomen In which the bow
els nre contained, und It frc
quently happens that when the
tissues are put on tne stretch,
the bowels escape and form rup
ture. I do not treat all dlsca-?s.
but euro all I treat. I trent ,
men only, and cure them to stay
To cure rupture It Is neces-.
rary to apply the treatment so
as to cause new tissue to be'
formed, unltlnc the brenlt nn,i
strengthening the muscles and
tendons that gunrd the open-
tl ill Cdlials Which trmmmlr
the nerves anil blOOd VeXHnl.q. nn n In th. htiwitlfi from Mlltinltiir ntif llnAVr tti
skin nnd passing down Into the scrotal nac.
Tho hietory of a great many cases ot tho troublo Is thnt they either neglect tha
condition or wasto nrrclous time with unskillful treatment until their lives nre de
stroyed by tho bowel becoming strnngulnted.
1 Truss-tortured men, whose lives nre burdened with their affliction or whoso pow
crs of vitality nre wanlnir. should consult the peer of modern specialists in nil that
pertains to diseases which nfTllct men, endanger their llvos or cnsUvo and deatroy
their vitality.
Varicocele. Stricture. Nervo-Sexuil Debility, Rupture,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
And ell'nBsoelatA diseases' and weakness of men. We charge nothing for prlvoto
counsel, and gWe to each patient a I.UflAI, CONTUACT to hold for our promises.
Is It not worth your while to investigate n euro that has made life anew to multi
tudes of men?
If you cannot call nt our ofTIco write your symptoms fully. Addresn State Electro
Medical Institute, 13CS Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
IIEFEIIKNCF-Heat nnnkn und Leading; Ilnslneaa Men in Thin City.
Office Hours: From 8 A. M. to 8 P. At. Sundays, 10 A. At. to I l AI.
idim i-arnanui, m. win anawnsts., umaha, m.
Muster Specialist
September 11 to 21.
Banda Rossa
Of 45 Pieces, Sopt. 12, 13, 14.
Spectacular Daylight Parade, September 18,
Grand Electrical Pageant, September 19.
Court Ball at the Den, September 20.
Oriental Carnival Every Day and Night.
Reduced Rates on All Railroads