Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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TLcm.ndi of Delltri Liioi u lUtrj Luft
a five Tsars.
uiiil.rr til ICtnplox lurrmM-il by 11- ,
t'onht)- ('oiuiul(.loner and Con
of Cntrjliic -tin Hud- I
nr Knhiinoed.
The Bee presents tossy the irst of a
snrlts u? .rut . which will irtw bow the
buuacs aeairs or the coumy are heirs
managed uj tbe fusion Boatd f Count
Commissioner It In a tale of extra tg
aat e in txpeadlttire of pablie mote is
which ail taxpayer will find in-.' re.- lag
information Tbn-e article will cover vac
detail of all offices
During the iant five years tbe t-tal
ijunibor of eu)piojci, is twdrt of 'be eouaty
oCicet but- lacreniiod from Mxt)-I"u'
'iRb'y.ic. aad tbe totul uaauai laarl'f
bave lacreUKefl from to t'ik.SH' ltl
The Duard of Otmaty Oommliwluuarn it
rerpuahible for all of ibli incra of J1C
Mh.Zh la tbe aaaual etpeaken o! tbe rouaiy,
fierptlEg fl.i'Ol'. tbe ultr of tc n all ion-;
aniUitaat coulij a: toraej autboruwl by
the lerUlature. Tbe exjoaH' of tbe eouaty
atloraey oflice lf Increased IS 220, bJt
Jl.'iSfi of tbe larrewe v'tt uutbtnsod by
the eouaty btiard, vhtcb created tbe pom
tioa if rn'BKciigor aad advaaeed tbe
of tbe uteatiprapber Juft how tbe eouaty
t'Oiamlcrloaera bate bddud J1C.IWF..2E to tbe
jenrJy expca.e of tbe eouaty durlnp tte
Ium five yeura H dbown by tbt folUv-iaE
lhWl. i 1P01.
Treasurer C J
Sheriff ,6'
Jail 'a
Kep. of D'ds., m
Co Court , Ci
Co. Clerk ... Ill
Co Auditor , Si
Court Houbc 4
1'oor Apelit . .! 1
J'oor Farm 4- i
T.110 W)' 7. K.itO.on.J
4.hW.fl 7 CTSeOO
:.3iO.Hi Fi 4,2(,l.l)i:
4,raj.(V 7 OC.S4
HiCU.IKi 7,
a.reo.(K) 11' idjOiW
a.OOh.Ml 4 3. 4bM
.8K. J, 4.Vilj.('0,
WO.WI, 3 S.lUO.U'lJ
1J20HO ,
l.kid.i 0
HO ' 0
7k(l '0
l.WW 0 1
Hospital . ;ifi, t.DSi ffi'a
Co Attorney . 6' C.h'UM 7
7.M"! nn
k.7!l! w;
ir,i(:a,r.7i ns,i!f. iir..s-s.a
ExciUElvc of heads of departments
There has been an lncreanee of only on
clerk In the county treasurer's office but
ralarlet In this department have been ad
vanred penerally. occountlnp for the ad
ditional expense of J1.3H0 a year It Is not
probable that tbe work of the office Is any
heavier today than It was in 1B!'6
A Preparation thnt AVIII Dextroy the
Dhiidrnff Ccrin I)lro-ered.
Finally tbe scientific Btudent has dlBcov
e.rcd a certain remedy for dandruff. When
It flrt became known that dandruff Is tbe
result of a perm or parar,lte that dips into
tbi scalp and saps tbe vitality of hair at
tbe root causlnp falllnp hair aad baldaess,
btolophsU set to work to discover some
preparatioa that will 1:111 that perm. After
a year's labor la one laboratory tbe dan
druff perm destroyer was discovered, and
H is now embodied In Newbro's He.rplclde,
which besides curlnp haldnesB and thlnalnp
hair, speedily and permanently eradicates
dandruff. "Defctroy the cause, you rraore
tbe effect."
Wallace, the Slaneater, Gcr After
l.orrnto at the State Fair In
Lin re In.
T. P. Geti, the Ak-Sar-Bca caralval r.u
perlntendeat, received a dispatch from Lla
roln last nlpht annouaclnp that Wallace,
tbe man-calinp lion, made a ferocious at
tack upon his keeper. Lorenzo, at the Btate
fair yesterday afternoon. Lorenzo escaped
serious Injur". Wallace Is billed to do a
stuat at the carnival In Omaha. He 1
said to have killed several keepers within
tbe last few years and Lorenzo Is one of tbe
few men with nerve enouph tc take cbarpc
of tbo hip lion.
Nebraska Itontrx Arc GrttliiK Special
AMrr.tlnn from the Po-to filer
W, E. Annln, special apent In charpe of
the wciitern division of rural froc deliver-,
made a flylnp trip to Omaha yerterdny from
Denver and left on the afternoon train for
his headquarter-.
Mr. Aanln said "I ran ia for conBUlta
tlon with Senator Millard repardlnp Ne
braska petitions for rural free delivery,
especially pundlnp north of the Platte Ne
braska has been well taken cacre of dur
lnp tbe last year, but of course there Is
the usual pressure for precedence In the
investigation of routes At Senator Mil
lard's urpr.u request, Social Apent Llew
ellyn will devote his time exclusively for
An Excellent Combination.
The pleahant method Pid beneficial
effects id the well tnowa remedy,
Syncr or Figs, niannfucturcd 1j the
CAUroiuriA Fio Svkcp Co.. illni-trntc
the value of obtainiDf: the liquid lnra
tive fir.Dciples. of plants known to br
medicinally laxative and iireentiiij;
tbem in the form mos-t rt-f reMiinp to the
taBtfi and acceptable to the syBttisn. It
Sfttheouc perfect fitrenpthr-nlng lnsa
ti , cletusintr the fyf.tem eUecfaally,
dipellinp colds, heuOaches und f eve.rr
pently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome hubaual oonstitistipn tier.
tn&nently Its perfect freedom from
every objeBtionuble quality and Bab
stance, und its tctmp ou the kidneys,
liver and bovceln, -without tveukenfnp
or trritatinp them, make it the ideal
In ths proces of manufacturinp fips
are uaeid. as they are pltuii-ant to the
taate, bntthcmc:diclna! qtiu:tiesof the
remedy are obtained from seuuu und
other aromatic plants, by ft method
known to the CA-iaroiuriA Fio Sviin
Co. only In order to petits lrneficial
eilecta and to uvoid imitations piease
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of e very puckupe.
i-aciBvn.t.T. jtt jotw rorE. k t
uraaic jy ail Iuckisu. PnctKc porhotUft
me week 'o the Bit'.b Thirfl flu
irn : whlrh are somewhat healed ID cr
tLbllshihebt lit tbe end of thl week
all but ten route peadlap is the Sixth
district will have bees reperted spar.
TfcM Apaiit Llewollyn v-tll put IE some
time Is tbe Third district.
'It ( no: oes to le genm-Ily under
nteod that the werk of establishment of
rorl free delivery route throughout all
tbe flirtsionf a-erage Hcvca tnomlif be
hind tbe ;ietltita. This It due to the eaor
mow naaibcr d! tppllcBtlout sent la our
tar tb latt year Cases we belag cleaned
up Jtwt a (not ns possible. Nebraska hoe
now tlKiui 100 routes established, or wb'ch
rin be by Ortceber 1 ThU U one-tenth
of all the routes fl west of tbe
Mleslsstpr. river durinp tbe last twelve
Usire Coninnn Will Remember
Letter Currier Who round tbe
Identification Mi p.
Aadjrw Nooatn. tbt letter carrier bo
fouad the "Ifleattficatiot Rllp" attr tbe
ii.stH) rau aest lc tbe Lee lusiticr yard
lat Wedardaj. it alno to come la for a
reward at the band ol tbt TadCc Erpreas
company Tbe slip ia question is a narrow ,
bond of lianer about etrht inehe in lfnrth
i.t..,t, .... 7 . i .J
upon which are written in Ink these
""'" citizens nam;, bt i-aui. Neb. FOp 0f three lcnptb. on the field, polnp
i-m " i around tbe flrist turn Tbe black whirl-
"This Blip was fully as Important to u , lt&. Imp. was teooud at this stape. with
as tbe hndlap of tbe money." nald an of- , xnr rtepeut third and others well bunched
Jicer of tbe etpresi company, "as without j Herbert as usual was Blow to bepln. hut
It we would probably have bad trouble in ht pradually Improved bis poaition polnp
provlnp claim to the bills Hut now Tranfc ' up ihp ijacl: Btretth ant ceupbt tbe pace
Hark, who was paytnp te41er of the Tlrst tnUtPr on tbr far tum. 7 en Caadles had
National bank at tbe time that institution rtl0Uf.B LDfl t2 imp aua The Repeat
latrusted the money to us. ldrattflcs tbe arp,,;.a back, beaten, while Gold Heels,
htndwrltinp aB his. whith. la my estlma. ' T:rmlt,Ue alia Tripper moved up and chal
Uon. ootnes pretty near clearlnc our title ) ,utlC(,(j Herbert Into the atretch they
1 understand tbe Tlrst National bank is nt. . ,.t pBr !pv Ktna,-t Gold
now prepared to turn over JCOO left there ,
by the persons who found it Notfciap will
hr ia ihe wr of W SE ,hf. rrr1rdf ,
until r. C GentBch. central Buperln-.enfleat I
of the western department ol our company.
returns from the east, but little Johnnie
Stltts and Mr Noonan, the mall carrier,
will not be lorpotten."
It In rlortr that MUoinc Girl M
Ilne Taken Soiue Clutb
Ihb with ller.
A new element has developed In ths
Lulu Wnymelrs case whlrh somewhat
chanpea its aspect, aad there is now a
question about the suppwed suicide. Mrs.
K J Vnanpst. with whom she bad been
llvlnp at Elphth street and Avenue F.
Courtland bench, Earn Omaha, has been
takiap a more thoroupb ia vest or) cf tbe
clotblap la tbe bouse since her ward dis
appeared, and from facts thus broupht ta
llpbt concluded that Lulu may not have
been In a nude condition when she left one
nlpbt two weeks apo. She took none of her
own clothlnp, but a black skirt and a linen
waist Id'lonplnc to her benefactress axe
It tin p.
This, however. Berves only to deepen the
mystery, a both skirt and walRt would
have been much too small for tbe plrl. Her
reaBon tor running away at nlpht Is also
obscure, as she had had ample opportunity
for learlnp durlnp tbe day, and had often
been entrusted with money Mrs. Caaapst
Is ricitiv the rlrl hud no monev at th
is pcw.ime tne pin una no money at ice .
time of her disappearance.
Krusv Park
The beplnnlnp of the last week of the
open siusou at ICrup park was marked by a
banaer crowd yesterday. The special at-
tractions offered in honor of Labor day wore
well received by the larpe crowd o! merry- ,
makers, amonp whom were a number of ,
picnic parties Ths Lorcnz orcheBtra made
Ha flrst appearance of the season and lis
propram was well received. Tbe other
musical i'cature. Chambers' Choir Celestial,
pave an lntcrestlap propram of rellplous
aad sentimental soaps, which were heard by
several thousand people. The bowiinp alleys,
r.hootlnp pallery, merry-po-round and many
other attractions on the grounds were well
Chrnp Trip Cant.
Only JSl.fiO to Cleveland. O.. and return
September 7. fc. P, 10 and 1L Splendid op
portunity to visit tbe Buffalo exposition aa6
Nicpara Tails.
Tickets. 1D05 Tarnam street and at Bur
llaptoa station
Secretary of Demoeratle Committer
Slijk Thokr Who Come Ont
Early Take Chance.
KANSAS CITT. Sept 5. C. A. Walsh.
secretary of the democratic natloaal com-
mitt!-, who Is here on business, said la aa
Interview today "There s no rea d scus- Third rare five and a half furlonps.
7 . . purse Sambo won. Talpa second, Harry
slon now of the candidates for tbe demo- ghlli,.r tnird Time. 1:0K'.
cratic nomination for president la 1SP4. Of Fourth race nix furlonps. selllnp: Lndy
course a great many are men'nned and . Curaon won. Horse Shoe Tobacco second,
talked about. There Is Hill and Olney and , gS VJatS da? handicap, one ml e
Dockery and Dave Francis and W. J Stone und stventy yards Monopraph won. Peafe
and Senator CocUrell, but It's a lonp time ful second. Ida Ledford th'rd Time It.
.c a rutii'iflBtf u-hn pptK l-itn tho ! Sixth race one mile, neliinc- an H;o-e-untll
1004. A cauaiaate wno pets uto tae i , . . t,vr,i. mnl irimn n thi-d
push too early Is liable to pet 'crystallred"
out before the campalpn is reached.
R W Peyton of Crelphton Is at the Her
James Lane of Nebraska City Is at the
O N Ewinpley of Beatrice Is a puest at
the Murray
T V Whltnc of Lincoln 1 replstered at
thr Murra
William McEver of Columbus replstered
at the Murraj yesterday
C W Rliarpc and Hans Zimmerman o:
Gretna nie Murray puest.
Georpc Lehman, proprietor of the Thurs
ton at Columbus, wa at the Murraj yes-tar-da
E E. Mathlas and wife of Ponea were in
the city yesterdB. The were at the Mur
ray. O Y Smith puperlntendent of the Indus
trial Bchoul at Kwnifj . was at the Mer
chants yesterda
The followinr were amonp the Nehras
kans registered at the Merchants yesterday.
J l" Howell. Lynn TlKitmiaan. Alesandet
Hower. Grdun B A Roberts Albion; M
S Herbert. J E Fulton. A L Gray. lUver
ton James Olark. Crule. J C. Miller
Slirlliptn-ld . F R Hewlett Merrlam. Jack
Cor'.v, HHStlnp J K Hall. Stronp. E. H.
Lrt Wls, Falrileld. W E Aker Wahoo H M
Welier, upallala W R Younp. Ansley.
A Har.zell. 1Ki Capitol avenue, has com-
plained to the police that his iiockets were
picked as he was bourdlr.g a street car at
krup park Sunday nlpht He lost Ui.
The Veteran Monument acsucdatlcin h Id
Its month) meetlnp at the c.4t bull as
nlpbt A total of IrG was rii(ort d In tht
treasury and a 7S puhscriptiim from Gra. t
S.inev Smith and a colors "woman Known
t. thr'yMili-e as "Supur Lump' created a
disturbance on u street car at the corner of
Slveenth und Farnam streets about M1
o eiocic lar: tilpht After ttiey had a tu b e
win, iht condurtur (fiffleer Lahey arrived
on the scene and towed the pair to the
pcillre statloti
Several younp boys living in the vicinity
of Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets are
In Jail booked a susjtect in connection
with the looting of Wlnestlne Bros ' store.
1611 Leavenworth street, Sunday nlpht It
oeneveo mat the Job wa done by boys,
Entranne was t-trn..d hv nrvinr off the
; lock r.f the front door Three boxe of
' cij,iij uub ti.ov ia mouey were itKcn
Kite f tbe Beet Cbaie Herbert U the
Ileal C aiueron a Head lu Slx-PurlonK
llirtit, and Later Lead the
lluiic-h In .Mile and Six
teenth Go.
NEW YORK. Sfpl. I A Wp bollflay
crowd but little i.mallcr thaa tbe record-
breaklac atteafiaace oa Futurity day en-
Joyed a rare day t spert at Sbeepfcbead
,.. .. -k, .... .t
bay toda. The weather w a dull tad
threatralap aad a llpbt abowcr fell durlap
the aftrraoon, but aot caouph to hurt tbe
track. Tbe Twia City haadicap wa the
featurt.. It resulted in oat of tbe bent
rtrupplet of the year. Ten blcb-clas.
bore. fared the garter, with Gold Heel,
ih favorite at S to aad Herbert second
rboice nt C to 1 The other raaped from 1
jo to 1 to SO to 1. The diBtancr was a mile
. .... '
froct in tbe first quarter and opened up a
HwU Bho t.a it lrolJt l)Ut ht ln(. jaBt fur.
lim ,lt)lr Tcra.lau, u.ok command aad
looked to be tbe winner, but Herbert, with '
ft determined' rush, was not to tejWK " " j
ArT,u.a tnfl runninc atronc and true, won L T1,Vlr v'ftory st tennis llchtened the ,
. . ,. - .. -
en tbe post by a bead, while Tripper was ;
third, only a Bcant half behind Terminus j
Another strlklnp feature of the day was
..I..... . t an !
UKDtU C UUU1 14LhU.j. .v.w -ww,
pounds and won the second rare, a six
furloap daBh. beatlap Cameron a bead after
a bard drive la tbe last time of 1 IS
He was cooled out aad sent to the post la
tbe last race at oae mile and oae-slxteentb
on tbe turf. He was made a stronp favorite
at b to 10 and Bcored his second triumph
by wlanlnp cleverly by a lenpth Results
Fln-t race, r-teeplerhase handicap, two
n... nx hnif- niiiminriTc won. sir u-
r. .
Second race, nix furloncs Opden won.
Cameron ptcond, Bellarlo third. Time
1 Third race, the Autumn maiden, five fur
lonps: ArHenal won. Mas.erman second
Hanover third Time: (cSH-t.
Fourth race. Twin Cltv handicap, one
mile and a Quarter. Herbert won. Terminus
second. Tripper third. Time. f.K.
ririh race. eeSllnp, five furlonps and a
half Schwalbe won, Eddie Busch second.
O'Hapen third Time 1:0G.
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, on
the turf' Opden won, Monarka second,
Klnnlklnlc third. Time: 1:4k.
At Harlem.
CHICAGO. Sept. I The Prairie stakes
were won at Harlem today by Ordnor after
one of the most desperate finishes ever eeen
on a local track t-tween Ave horses.
Stranpest was aecond and Star Chamlier
third, while Leonewell and May, the
favorites, were -but out ior piacr. xr
norses were wen ncmiercu ui tuc .;c.u v.
h .i,h rirrtnnr in front- leadlnc
Leo Newell by a neck From there to the
wire the strupple was a macnlllcent one
nnfl fivp hordes finished less than a
lenpth apart. The purse was worth JIJ-O to
the winner. . M
Robert Waddell finished second to Federal
In the fifth event at one mile. The Derby
winner has recovered from his split hoof
and deems to be in tils old form. Weather
perfect and track like a sheet of rubber.
First race, six furlonps: Master Mariner
won, Ranoo necond, Alee third. Time.
laiM . . ...
p?onta second. Jack Rattlln third. Time
Second race, live furlonps: iiarpis -won,
1:01 l-L.
Third race, steeplechase, full course:
Donation won, Flaccus second. Time;
D:W l-l.
Fourth race. Prairie State stakes, one
mile and an elphth: Ordnor won. Straiipest
second. Star Chamber third Time; l:ts.
rifth race, one mile, handicap: Federal
won. Robert Waddell second. The Pride
third. Time; 1:E1-L.
Sixth nice, nix furlonps. purse: Miss
Bennett won, Henry of rranstumur second.
Gonfalon third Time 1:13 f-C.
Seventh race., one mile and 10f yards, sell
ing Espionage won. Searcher second,
Synia tnlrd Time: 1:45
At Drlmar.
ST. LOl'ia. Sent. 5. A rerular Derby
day crowd saw W. M Hayes' ste.rllnp co t,
Monorranh. annex the Labor day nanan ap
1 at Delraar park this afternoon. AllhnupQ
the est horses In tralntnp in the w st.
Llic iiciiu la lllir rvtm cuiiiii inru iwiim i
Monopraph won with ridiculous ease Off
last, he made up a dozen lenpth In th
buck stretch, led Into the home Ftretch by
two lenpth and crossed the line three
lenpths before Peaceful, the lavorlte, who
cot the Plact from Ida L'dford bv ha'.f a
lenpth Every first choice wus bowled over.
tin, r-iirri nnlnc to Hecnnd choices and OU
elder In almost equal proportion. D de
carried off the rldlnp honors by wlnr.lnp
on three mounts and placlnc two others
Tirst race, four and a half furlonp.
purse: Clarena won, Pucurtha Becond,
Wy Ap Per third Time: WM'.
Second race, six furlonps. sclllnp: Charles
E. BilllUPBley won, Warren Point second.
1 Tcueer third Time: 1:1.
Time 1 -41
Seventh rare, one mile and twenty yards,
sclllnp Ipnls won Satin Coat seond.
Tickful third Time. 1:43V
At Klnloc-h.
ST LOI'IS, Sept. 5. rirst and second
choices eplit the card ecuall at Klnlnch
park this afternoon Ttie spectacular fea
ture of the day was the tierce duel lietwc-n
Arlpato and Stella Perkins in tbe third
event, the lormer pettlnp the decision by
h noxe in the last .lump W. n Gates was
a llpht eholr-e over Sevej in the tlfth race,
but Sevoj made Bennett's hcirse look Ike
a counterfeit winnlnp in a .--anter by half
u do&en lenptha. Robertson was the star
rider nf the da . piloting three mounts to
victory and con.tnp secot.d ,n anther. The
larnest atnuaancie 01 uie meeunp was,"- ,
, m. 1 T . t . Vnnl ) . H C 'fill. tVi-. 1 . - ...111 . -
Tiraxent Truck rood. Results
Firm race, one mil and seventy ya'd.
selllnp Plead won. Countess Clara second,
Muslcallonpe third. Time: :4K.
Second race., six furlonps.. selllnp: Braw
I.ud won. lClnley G second Hop Scotch
third Time- 1.10V
Third race, bve and a half fur-one.
purse. Arlpato won. Stella Perkins second,
Ravensbury third Time 1:0V
Tourth race, one mile and a sixteenth,
purse: Love's IatKiur won. Enghunrt sec
ond. Aloha II third Time : 1-4V
Tlfth race, stx and a half furlong, pur-e:
Sevoy win. W B. Gates scond, Mrs
Hrlnell third Time. 1:3V
Sixth race, one mile selling: Orphan Tky
wnn. Monos reootd, Joe Comns third. Time:
At Port Urlr.
FORT ERIE. Sept. S.-Traok slow. Re-
1 llltE '
First race sx and a half furlonps: Golden
Harvest won. Ldy Sliver sround, Drophsus
third Time: 1:ITV
Seonnd raee, for 5-year-olds, five fur
lonps: Wire In won ArtitlcliU se ond,
Ardlta third Time 1:04,
Third :ai-r for -yur-olds and up on
mile Gray Dally won. Ilteaway s-ecuid
uuiy iiieii inira nme: l:l
Hattn Davis third. Time 1:04
riftl- rac. etllnp. fur S-year-old and un
one mile and a sixteenth flarspamp wo.,
Infallible Beci.nd. Silo third "Mmc 1:64.
Sixth race, for 4-year-olds f id up. s'.x
furlongs Myrtle Van won. Tjrba sec-ind.
Prlnre Esher third Time: 1 17
. Charter Oak Marina" Delayed.
HARTFORD. Conn Sept S.-Raln th!
morning prevented racing at Charter Oak
park thi atternoon t.nd todav' pmgram
i war carried over unu. tomorrow,
lMtrlrt of Columbia lean JIUe
net.t of IJleien Good Seore
nt Sea Olrt. '
NEW TOKK. 5-jt i -The tt ara of the
iMstru-t of Columbia made up of twelve
mea, w-on the Hilton trophy match at Sen
pirt raacei. toda) from eleven tenmr of
twelve mea each, whe hot for thif prtre
The conteet wa eo U-!n that the result
-M in doubt until the lart bullet flanlied
throupb the tarpet. in wltftilnc the lif
trict of Columbia team broke the reeord
which it cMabiliihed in ISK, mul-Jnp a oeore ,
of i.m
The best individual Kbootinp in thif match
waf. that of S-rpeaat Corry nf the Twelfth
New Tork whe mude a "potwlble at the '
M-ard ranrt and wk cnl C points from a
"poMlble at all the runcer.. the dlt-latit-et.
btiini: i Sefi mifl ft Thr New Tort: team
had a lead of 17 points when it left th tlret '
of Columblb this ti the lnRt two
diftaneer A bull war made by Vell oi
Nw-orl: on the wrotin tatpet. and necord. 1
IC lo tht. rulci tht vlth raar,;ed
u it bad not ln ior this error the New 1
' Yorker would have had the aamt eoort a
TUiV who arrived yerterday.
-etc in elpbtb place when they left the -
, yard ratipe but their ebtxittup at foio and
District of Columbia. 1M, New York
Canada. 1.077. Pennsylvania l.uSS. New i
W"t. l.MT. Vnlted States Marine corps. I
1.014. .MiKsacnusetu sr... Maine, S-iH. Mary
.land, Wf. Rhode inland. SW . Ohio. h7C.
ll J. resell tHtli r of Athletie Club 7ukr
TeuuU Final from Mnux
FlOt'X CITT. la . Sent I 'Special Tele-
pram sThe lennlr playe's of tbe Uniaha
Athletic club won in the iinals ucalnst rep
resentatives of the Sioux OH Tennis aso- '
c.aUoti In ttie !mali ol ilie aincler Baker
was to have Plaved with Caldwell He did
not appear oa schedule time und 8ulue.r
tool; his place Calcwell. the Omaha man.
wen. f-:. b-1 In the doul.
oial" in tht fitfals 'Ihe
ut.ies Miles .nd Suit
led Hill and Dennett
re and 'aldwell
V, v. l. ....... '
umana men s puraer oi dr:ea at cricket ,
TUv visitors hud u pond time in Bloux City
and invited the Sioux City men to fend u i
delep atlon tc, - the interstate tennis tourna- ,
mem at Omaha September 24
LiirtrH Firt-I)u? Cro-rd In Fair'
History t-cr Glen Mont Win
Jl I T IN (-1 A I'fll .1 s t;r? " , lnri-lrt
crowd ever admitted on the opnnlnp day
witnessed the beplnnlnp of the race pro-
Eraro ai me fiaie lair at namune tins i
pact and the half-mile runninc race. Tbe
day was ideal, but the track was slow,
belnp soft and unrtrm Results.
Pacinp, S.40 class. tl.ino Glenn Mont won
three Ktralpht heats und race Time. ;.17,
Z.U. 1:17 Gule Neta and Nellie Bl also
took money Fattl Patchen, Daisy. Isabel
W and Aleene also started
Runnlnp. half-mile, best two in three, X200;
Diamond won. Jarvls second, Abbress third,
Nick Forest fourth. Time 0:D1, 0:UV
Willie Lutr to Snnthpan a.
The Southpaws defeated the Willies In a
match pame of tenjilns last nlpht oa Clark
alleys. Score:
Sd. Total.
Lehmann ...
Totals . .
4 Si!
WO 5,-10
3d Total.
Wlpman .
Emery ...
More Lanreli foV Holahlrd.
CJI1CAGO. Sept 5": Wttiam A. Holahlrd.
jr . crack amateur polf player, todav added
more laurels to his penercu supplv by
beatlnp all uma jr records at Glen Vlw,
in defeatlnp open Champion Lawrence
Auchterlnnle. Auchterlonle wa to attempt
to tieat the better ball of Holahlrd and H.
J. Tweedle, the Belmont amateur Hola
hlrd made It In seventy-one, which Is five
strokes better than the previous amateur
record, made recently by Bxuce D. Smith,
and beat Auchterlonle 4 up in elphtren
holcB. The "better ball" of Holahlrd and
Tweedle beat Auchterlonle f up.
w Hammer-Throw Iteenrd.
NEW YORK. Sept. S.-At the annual
Labor day athletic meetlnp of the Greater
New Tori: Irish-American Athletic associa
tion at Celtic par's., Lonp Island City, John
riannnpan. the champion sixteen-pound
hammer-thrower of the world, added new
flpure to his former record by throwlnp
-or iiusnue in ju t mcncE, nreaKinp me
i former record by 3 feet I Inches.
Senator Jnnr' Dnurhter Trinmpha.
NIAGARA -ON-THE-1-AKE, Ont.. Sept.
M1h Marlon Jones, douphter of Vnlted
j f tales t-eiiator Jones of Nevada, won the
I ladle International tennis champlonnhlp
, &'1i'dV hy batlnp Mis Carrie Neely of
I 9' ip fl'Jl i ll'fi i?"' Sere: Ladle'
! " V.!:1,A.fl"al I.ouna?!.1,'J .MK'" .Jone' t,eltt
i,llr,r v-"wr .-.ctij. . i-u. j-l, i-u.
Ambrnstrr Defeats Aeale.
Neale wa easy money for Ambruster in a
match pame of tenpins for J57. last night at
Clark's .alleys. This wa the first of a eerie
of three games to be bowled Score:
. v lt. 5d Sd. Total
Ambruster 1M IV, 5ip 55s
Neult 17P 1S4 141 4M
Boy Break niminlua; Reeord.
Bt'RLINGTON. la.. Kept. 5. (Special
Telegram.) Harlan McChesney, aped 17,
swam from Otter Island to Burllnpton, a
distance of five miles. In two hour toda
hreakinp the local record,
Tortlfy thr body to rraist malarial germ
by putting tbe system in perfect order.
Prickly Ash Bitters is a woadcrful system
Chlrniio Klented Matlon.
CHICAGO. Sept 5. Tht Logan Fquaie
terminal of the Metropolitan elevated road
was practically detreyed by Die early to
day. Tbe ticket apeat narrowly issaped
death lc the are. which destroyed about a
dozen cars, a tram shed, repair shops and
other railroad property.
A motorraaa waltlup with his train nt tbe
station saw tbe flames aad pullud away
rtticiiif elchti- pnrt mil rif flit, i- , i.-... .
TMrhng ,hm Th: ' .
the elevated road t-iate the Iocs will no:
reach $50,000.
Armor?- nt Wreplntr Water.
WEEPING WATEF. Neb.. Sept 5. (Spe
cial Telerram 1 rire broke out today In
the building occupied by Company D as an
armory, damaplap tbe company's property
by water and almost wrecking tbe building.
The loss la SSUIi. fully Insured.
Joeph Critr.
PLATTSMOVTH. Neb.. Sept i. (Spe
cial.) Joseph Crltes died at his home in
thil city today. Mr Trite was born near
Illoombburp. Pa.. February S4. H51. He had
livod la this state twenty-six years. His
wife died Htxteen years ago He leave
four children Judpt A W. Crltes of Chad
rou. Neb ; Mrs B S. Ramsey and Mrs
WlHiutn Foiwell. both nf this olty. and Mr
William Hatoblnson of Portlaad. Ore. All
are here bow. The funeral will be con-
Batrd of the Tim Preebyteriac church.
Dane Will Sell Wrt Indie.
LONDON. Sept 5 A dispatch to a news
agency from Copenhagen today says the
new Danish ministry ba decided to ac
cept tbe Vnlted States' ofier of 16,000,000
kroner for the Danlb West Indies, thus
announcing at an accomplished fact what
1 ... .
oipaicne 01 me associuico rress aaia
ihu sa.
....141. 177
151 153
....1U 1C
....IK 144
ia 146
. ....7TT 735
1st. id.
117 lffi
ids ins
....134 137
3U 156
.....1(1' 11C
j tbt ministry would do.
Ihtj Ooae U Omiba ud Giti Imltitios f
Kit Playirr Isll
At Cnd of Farce Comedy Omaha i De
clared Winner hj a Score of
Set en to Tn n-llun
It Happened.
Tbe people who paid their pooi cola yei
tcrdty to see a base hall pame st Vintaa
park fut the were mtitlcd to demand their
money t.-.k. Des Moines was oa tbe boards
to play, but it must bse been a panp of
farmer Maaaper Hlaet picked up at West
Liberty or some other country burg aad
brought over here to advertise the statu.
Tlx. way that buacb of ProMbillocirts
treated the poor laaocrnt bit of bor.-ohldt
was cruel. The seemed to have it la for that
bit o! sphere so that each one tried to put
It over the fence or oier tbe riier every
time bt pot hold or it. The Wizard wa
a little slow pettlep la motion and the
lowaas pot a couple on bases to start with,
but it didn't hurt anythinp Tbe lone
German struck out tbe next two and ended
their load dreams
Stewart, stranpc to relate, pot a drive
that landed him out la his owa territory.
Flemlnp hit to third. The Cbirapo youup
sttr tried to drop kick it to first and
stubbed his toe Instead Cal. with hi
broomstick tapped one out la tbe berth
country somewhere and then the comedy
op'-ned with a flourish of trumpets Stew
art ecoreil and rienilnp ran up and down
the line from third to home as tboupb It
was his turn to do a little clop trick. But
the farmer threw- the hall Lround. petttnp
a couple hip ripe errors, finally loslnc the
hall out la ricbtfield. so Flcminp bud to
Trom that time on it was a panorama of
icveiints. me wnole bunch ox HawKryes
did their little trick Perry, the promtslnp
younpsler whom all tbe ladlrs love so well,
was the star performer When the curtain
finally went down at the close of the Jar:
sccae of the apony seen blue jackets had
pone around tbe four prpt oa tbe hill.
It looked as thouph our eastern nelpbbnrt
w-ould have nothtnp to chow for their efforts
but Imprecatloas broupht flown upon their
tender cranipms by tbe buncoed patrons.
But alonp la tbe elph'h Pompadour Pluk
took a rest after two men had laid down
their arms. McC.uadt aad Thlel caupbt hlu
unawares and pot a small staple each.
Tbca Waraer, another roty-cbeeked bob of
tbe kaiser, walked up with a small rdltloa
of Cal's broombaadle. A beer slpn over to-
ward Iowa attracted his attention and he
. .
swathed one out there apalnst it Just for
luck. It broupbt la two mat, but that was
all tbe Misfit were able to make.
Tbe Middles have no mlsplays charped up
apalnst them In the error column, but Ste
wart made a bad break in tbe seventh. In
stead of snapplap the ball to Toman aad
petting a double, be chased 0'Ler.ry down
the line aad pot hut one man, wben be
should have had an easy double. McAn
drew pot his hands on a not oae, but it was
polnp some and away off to oae side and
was really a rafe hlt.
The only redeemlnp feature of tbe whole
mess was the base runnlap and ficldinp of
the Hurlites. Score:
AB. R. H. O.
Genlns. cf
Stewart, Sb
Flemlnp. If
Calhoun, lb.........
Letcher. Ti,..
McAndrews, 5b....
Toman, s
Gondlnp, c
Herman, p...
.... I
1 4 0
4 o 0
0 P
1 1 0
(i 0
S 1 0
0 10
Total E7 7 10 57
AB. R. H. O.
n i
(i :
o (
0 ;
1 :
McQuade, It
Thell. cf
Warner, rf
Klr.lnow. 5b
Werden, lb
O'Deary. ss
Callahan, 3b
Cote, c
Cox, p
De Moines . ..
5 S 54
0 1 0 S 1
0 0 0 0 0
5 0
0 0
7 I
" (t -
Three-base hits: riemlnp, Warner. Two -
base hlta: Stewart, Calhoun. Sacrifice hit:
Thell Struck out: By Herman, C. by Cox,
!....,l,fc!?i-K1n J'Vm.PA ",,TS5',Mr
Umpire. Ebripht
Denver Fifth Mralsrht Victory.
VT-V-T? Cent " Tlr-i-rr flnnn tltn
home- season today by taklnp Its fifth r. n-
secutlve victory from Colorado Sprlrps.
BcwifLl J?CM.a Rehf mM?S?eeal!id
a home run hit. Schmidt and Mohler now
leave the Denver to play In the Oakland
team of the California league the re-
mainoer 01 tne season. Attendance, .uoa
Denver 0001T010 f. E 0
Colo. Sprinps .00000000 1 0&0
Batteries. Denver, Schmidt and Sullivan;
Colorado Springs, Gaston and Ho.llncs
worth. M. Joseph I Hit Ilard.
KANSAS CITY. Sept .-The locals p:ayed
an errorless pame and hit the ball hard
today. Attendance, C.5X. Score:
Kana City... 50510001 0 150
St, Joseph. . .01001001 0 5U1
Batteries: Kansai City. Wolfe and Mes
Bltt; St Joseph, Mcradden and Ganin.
St. Panl's Good Flcht.
ST PAVL, Sept 5. But one pame was
played today and the locals won. Score
st Paul .. . . 5 0 0 s 5 0 0 1 1. s
Minneapolis OlOluOOOO-isc
iiatteries. st i-aui. uopan and Wlb-on
Minneapolis, Bwormstedt and Law.
Western Lrarur Stand Inc.
. 71
... (E
... &s
... E.
... t3
... -IH
... 41
... 45
1 Kansas City
, St. Paul
1 St. Joseph
1 Denver
I Omaha
I Minneapolis
I Colorado Sprinps
.41t '
Dm Moines
Norfolk Delrato U'Xelll.
O'NEILL. Neb.. Sept 5 (Special Tele
gram Norfolk won the bae ball pame
from O'Neill today While both Hide were
equal on the error Bide those made by the
home team were costly, allowing two runs
in the ceventh after two men were out
Norfolk 0 o 0 0 0 5 5 0 01. b 4
O'Neill 5 0 0 I) 0 5 0 (' 04 r 4
Batteries- Norfolk. Turner and Wilkin.
O'Kelll. Henry' and Carroll. Struck out: By
Turner. 2. by Honry. fi Two-base hits.
Julian. Greer.. Haynes, Steele. Rowe, Wil
kinson. .letter Defent l'lilfoe.
The 1'nlauei and the B. Jelter base bull
teams filayed a hard fought pame at South 1
Omaha yesterday afierno ,n. rs.ltnj in
lavor of the Jetters Soore:
R H E. 1
t'nlques 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 " 0 45'
Jetter 000 0 0000 ( Of i:
Ratterles. Vnlques. Eaf elder and Henry;
Jotters. McHale and Fltrcerald.
-Vetern Aanoclntlon.
At Tort Wayne Toledo. 4. Fort Wayne. 1
Second game- Toledo. I. Fort Wayne. 1.
At Dayton Dayton. 4. Columbus. 5. Sec
ond pame Dayton. 10, t'olumbu. 7
At Grand Rapids Grand Rapids. 10. Mat
thews 0 Second game. Grand Rapids. 14.
Matthew, 1
At Wheeling-Wheeling. 7. Marlon, C
Second game Wheeling 5. Marlon. 1
Three-I Lfwnn-.
At BlnomliiFton Blocimlngton. 8. Decatur,
At Davenport Davenport, 12. Rock Island,
" At Terre Haute Terre Haute t Evans
villi, 2.
At Rockford Cedar Rapids, 1; Roekford,
Thcrc is no 25 c. soap.
You may pay 10c. for the soap, and
15c. for the name on it. But you can
get nothing better than Jap Rose.
And it costs but a dime a cake.
Jap Rose
This is Kirk's ideal -- their utmost
attainment, after 62 years.
The most costly soap possible.
Transparent perfumed made of
vegetable oil and glycerin.
Yet 1 oc. is the price of it.
F-.5I.1 Inkittirm Meetn1; of At-tn-Pet
Etiphu Brmrt Ltrp Ortwd.
Amnne ew Member of the Order
General Ilate, Commander of the
Department of the Miofconrl
Prejmrlnc for the Itall.
The last intltlatlmi nf th tfnlrht. nf A-
Sa,.Bcu VI1 took plnt-e last nlpht at the
i aai-xicn u iodi; pinre last niphl at me
dcn Htl6 nn. on,. tbr lMt 0j ,hc pr6Hon
but probably tbe last laitlatlons which will
take place at tbe present den. for It Is be-
j llrved th&t nexl yctr th,, ,lM CoiIliruII1
be dUmantled and tbe Knlphts of Ak-Sar-
Ben will be located in Quarter more cen- , Plattevllle, Wis. ; W F Koehner. S. A.
tral. i Dunbar. Toledo, O. . Georpe S. Trant, E. D.
By noon today few pcrsoan will recopnlze ' Hurford, C A. Damoa, New York City,
tbe Interior of the bulldtnp. as tne scene R. A. Dltmaa, Lanpdon, Mo.; Paul Black
of the work of last nlpht. for this mornlnp burn. Annapolis, Md.. Ira Casey. Dayton,
Superintendent Rcnze will place a force of ,0.; R. E. Mooney, Kansas City, Mo., J S.
men to work dlsmaatllap the initiatory , Hlppins, Glen Rock, Wyo.; Lester Klup.
scenery and prrparlnp the den for the ball Casper. Wyo., S. A D. Keistcr, Lander,
to be piven on tbe nlpht of September 50 Wyo., E. M. Elom, C. A. Lewis Dr F O,
The lar.t nlpht of the present season was Burdlck, Chlcapo M, L. Hancock, Watc.r
one of tbr most successful of the year, about 1 loo. J R. Pound. Tekamah; C. H. Martin,'
fifty residents of tbe city and twice as j Broken Bow, R. A, Hodpe, Lincoln. Father
many people from abroad receiving tbe H. DeltosBe, Jamee Stone, Central City; D.
mysteries of Nebraska knlphtbood. The
' praad mufti at the close announced that tbe
total rrcmbership to date was 7M. serenty-
Ove less than tbe last nlpht oae year apo,
but more member according to tbe number
of nlphts of Initiation thaa were taken in
in 1000.
Sprrrhmakrr Get Dnj.
At the close of tbe Initiatory work
Peches were made by C G. Pearse, A. C
J Wakeley, and Major M. L. C. Fuakbouser of
j I Chlcapo.' Mr. Pearse lu his remarks cob
5 pratulated the knlphts upon the beauty and
1 1 completeness of tbclr work this season aad
p thaaked them for tbe Insipht they had plvcn
I ' him a to tbe ability of Omaha electricians.
1 Mr. Wakeley told of his experience as a
3 j kulpht of Ak-Sar-Ben in former years and
offered thanks to tbe order for the work
, - - -
If u"' 4U 'J "u-.r..
j and social relations between Omaha aad the
Burroundlnp country.
1 of bis remarks Major Tunk-
houser raferred to the record of General
Bates, who was Initiated Into the order last
nlpht and who occupied a scat on the plat-
, form. Tbe speaker told of the work of the
general In Cuba where be commanded tha
hrlgude in which the major served. He
" . .... . w
' tDl11 oi the esteem In which be waB held
j by both officers and men and the rcoldcnts
of tbe island. Tbr remarks of tbe gentle
man from Chicago broupht forth cbecrs
for General Bates and la response be cam-1
to the front and briefly thaaked tbe knlphts
tor their manifestation of friendship.
The rpeechrs were brought to a close by
the praad mufti, who announced tbe close
of the season and stated that the next meet
ing would be upon tbe Midway at tbe car
nival. Will Drill -W'rdnr-Brtay.
It wac announced that there would be a
meeting Wednesday evening at the den of
all person who are to take part in the
Rgp-jna Music Boxes
U6f,iiiu niuoiw uusbs
A Roplnn rauKlc hor is nn mvlnblf
IissefiBltia nnd a dullchtful resource
Its reportolrr If luuihnuntllilt as every
new tune lf added on jrtiblicutlon
Benutlful in lone Hlmide in ncTlnn it
is the only snaranteed raufik hex.
Our new hook showing cost of nil
ulses with llBte of muKlc rent free
liizes with llKts of inuKic sent frea
Music anil Art. 15!3-I5I5 Deuglts.
Here We Are-
und we've the prentef.t SH.fiO t,hoe ever
jiut on n rutin'- foot Fine hor. calf
relour calf Hussln culf und even jmtent
leuther its fine lookers us nn.v ol tlin
hicher-jirifed shoe! same lnsts same
style hut or course they're not S5.IK)
shoes A $$M shoe is a $8.50 shot ci
eejit in some stores, where it's h J'2..r0
value We claim that our Sa.M shoes
are worth every cent of $.V0 and that
the like of them cannot be had any
where else in Omaha for $3."i0 We
clve you your money back if you
want it-
Drexel Shoe Co.,
ratalavc lest I"r far th Aaktaav
Omaha' Li-tc-t aha Hona.
nlpht papeaat for the purpose of belnp as
F.pned positions and holdlnp the first drill
Tbe committee in charpe of tbe work ha
succeeded In securinp enouph men, with one
or two exceptions and hopes to have tbe
roster complete Wednesday evenlnp
It was stated that tbe question of havlap
tbe federal troops In the line of march
at the day parade 1 la tbe baad of tbe
parade committee, whlrh bow has the ca
tlrc matter In charpe, with f-" cr
act upon aay matter coaacctod with tb
Amonp those from abroad Initiated lart
nlpht Greenwood bears off the palm, send
ing sixteen men to the den as follows
Vr L Marr, John Wlldeman, John Ax
maker. Al Stotltr. Andy Parsell. M D Kern.
Orson JohasoB, Jake Stelnor, Will Finlay.
I M.r!!n Flnlav. Ktrl Rlrvniinn. E HtK
sook, Al Ethredpe. T. F. Carnes. E. D.
boor, ai .tareape,
, Crk,R E c Ct,,,,E
Pallnp. Other fro
man, Ira Funkham. W.
from abroad were C C
Carpenter, Cincinnati. O.; W. H. Evans,
Ra 0ak. Ia.; R, B. Kejes. Rlchview, Til.;
.FJcyd Toull, Scabrook, 111., Georpc Deck.
1 R. Gray. ClarkE; Dr. P. H. Darster, Co
lumbus; A. H Swllcr, Beatrice; Cal Swller,
CreBton. Grorpe Becker. Richfield; Joha J.
Paul, rioreace, J. M. Barton, Fremoat, W.
H. Davidson. Spriapfield.
A Msrbt f Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow
of the h.-ave General Burnham of Marchlar,
Mr., wben the doctors Bald she would die
from pneumonia before mornlnp." write
Mrs. fi. H. Lincoln, who attcaded her that
fearful nlpht, but she bopped for Dr King's
New Discover-, which had more than onca
saved her life, aad cured her of coa
sumptlon. After taklnp, she slept all nlpht.
Further use entirely cured her " This
marvelous medicine If guaranteed to curs
all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only
C0c aad 11.00, Trial bottles free at Kubn
1 Co.'s drug rtore.
The most usefnl arti
cle evur invented for
the comfort of an
invalid. The leaf can
be raised and
iworod, ex
nded nd
(astuued at a-ny ancle
Medical and Surgical Supplies
1408 Farnam Street. Omaha,