THE OMAHA DAILY JIBE: MOXDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1901. 0 r SPECIAL NOTICES1,. Advertisements lor tlirir rolumm vrlll Ur tuliru nntll 12 m. lor the "ftilng edition ! onlll H :ll p. tn. fur morning and .iinrlnr edition. Rates, 1 l-2c n rrord firm Insertion, le a rrorrt llirrrnf trr. INolhlnic tnkrn for less (hnn ZTie fur the first Inser lion. Thfif tdTrrtUrmrnU mail b ran ronnprntlvclr. AilTrrllirn, by renursf In, bered eheekj n linrc nnrrt d rrai 1 a rnimlicrril letter l emrm I The Tier. AniMri no nddrr4 will ' Be delivered mm nrrirnlillal si uit kk oly. WANTED flTl ATIONS. AV ANTED,- BvnTRl nlUcr vurk by yqung , rami or experience, bent ruen Mcrs Ad 1 llrexn K 8, Bee. A-MSM8 S" AVANTED, by young man position an book keeper, 2 yearn' experb n.-c, references furnished. Address F 25! Dee. A-M994 3 av anted male help, Civil service, government positions; $.M ijil'oIiitmcntH' made last ytHr; probnti y JIMKPII i hln yeur. common ochnol edncitlon i'iuui'i lur uie ixHminHii'w ininni, ci of Information free. Columbian Co. re I rpondenee Collect, WuFhinKtori. D, C. WANTED, a younp man for uKHlstaut i(iokkeiiiur: refvruncea recjulred. Addrecu PtMiet ' n-M2iW2 AV A NTki),t-ti to learnUia'rhrr trade; we teach the wrk In two months, precent completf outnt of tiKiln, allow Saturday .Vfr sru,pvr IPlHBiat .utid KunranWe jioHluotiH wlnn eohix'(-nt; call or write Molcr lnrbur yolltc, 3 ruyiani st. WANTLD Stnrk nurncry pays cat"h weekly It you Hell,tark. trvKb. ..lxiulalmia, .Wis scuri. DunB1llc, NcwTorK. TKAMS wanted, at once, one mile south of Kort Crook. Jacknon ilron. ll MSS WANTED, olllce boy. S22 lice Cldff D S"i KXI'EKIH.NCED I'UKIH.NCISD-- anduMtrlal , Inattranco k'entw; JUhI' promoted touKAgentH to As- at' nlnlantn; wanted four nrodiicera to com pletn Htuff, transportation advanced; Hend references with ajipllcatlon. CharloK H. KonlBsbtTg,. Bupcnntendent, Kant I'ort, iand,10r. . .' II-.MISs 6 WASTWirvml Itwclnmr planer hantla to worK on tone pianerir; uteaoy won:. Fred Andrea &. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. t . . R MHO 10' WANTilD,. porjuuloo. jilumbys. KruKer JirtS-.'-I&l! neavrnworctiiFtf, rlty. H-M2W i WANTED I'EMAI HELP. WANTED,2fl0 girls. 1I24- Dodge. Tel, S76. - civa WANTED, girl for general housework; smtfll. family; good wages to a competent icr0ti 'tMU irpO Dbdge. St. C MISS 2 W mnCS, tfh'Mndi'v'ort:.' CanTdlairOfllceT C-Cb3 WANTED, ladles to le:lrn haltdressinc. .mnitleuflii?. -or ' facial nmssagc; we teach the work. In one month, present complete ojtlit or tools, grant dtnlomns nnd cuar- nntee positions when competent; join now for the busy season, call or write. Molcr WJF?'. jh-3 J' ltrnani.jjt. c MStu S" WANTJ-'il,), a ,capulxl, woman to represint I u thoroughly resjionslblc house in eaeh I uisirict as manager, tiio duties as manairrr. 'Ilio rliifieu nm mainiy omen work nnd corresnondenee. l,2Cl yearly. Mgr. Holiday Goods. 905 oiiir uiag., i. nicago. c 120 Is WANTED, cood girl for general hnuse- worK.Si(jyjjitii Jil, - 7 C 2,12 7 AVANTED, girl; must be good cook. Purk ave., Council Rluffs. C 27 03 AVANTED, two Indy amateurs for dra )natlc work: lrobd 1 chan'00 for ntivimv. hi mW,)li roil imffT nous us. IF -YOU wiyitrpyu. Houhisi -041 '.united jilacc them w-Ufrllcnav-a Si Co. D-ar SEE i"injNTtY- PAeT TSftlr if.' V. Ute. D CSS TSM9. iniii' lnrtiJU" V?nir."iB0 Co., office 15UJ 1' urnum. or tel. 165B-M3, D OSj 1 HOUSES, stores. Bemls.r Paxton .block. D-0S7' HOUSES, etc F. D. AVcad. 1521 Douglas. CENTRAL, steam heat, ull modern, seven room house; 'hree-room cottace. Tlzard, HOUSBa wmileO, "Wallaca, Brown block. D-tai b-ROOM brick ho'ise, modern, 2717 Jackson. Telephone A, u.uynor, 4111 or L-2S3. DCT3 J'OK RENT. 11-room stone house. 415 N. 2Stn st. 11. t. uinritc, itamce blk. D-.M764 l'OR RENT, house ten .rooms .and bath. r.tar High scb"0r,'jao." Inquire 304 North .-u. D 711 HOUSES und fluts. Ringwult, Burlier blk. . ,-. , D CJ0 A'EP.A' pleasant six or eight-room flat, well &e.f i?it ,n n" t'"a,r 1"c'H'ro-?t, Brow n bloisk. lO-Tt'OOM ' modern'delaclied. house, nice shade tn-es and lawn, No. 2513 Capitol rtve. 4ei. on. iiii. iioiuson. D 150 219 S. 29TIL AA'E ft-room 4iovse- all mod em. iii wniiei anu -vurnisn tnrougnout: ,-,. - tu jt iviium wiui i ril'reiices. , OMAJV LOANAND TRUST- CO.. 16th and Douglas Sib. D 815 5-uoum nouee in South Omaha; city Wo AV1LL1AM ST., a good thrc-room flat, with rlty wuter, $3 ' OMAJIA LOAN AND TRUST- CO . "36th .undTDOojglas 'Sts. . . tt ' D-S16 Bi5.viirwiuu.-u mouern, oetnehed. r.- k vJ,hi 8t-,m-,P; ?rs' t'lgwult. Urns., Uurkcr blu. - - . - - 'D-MS07 FOR RENT, houso and barn. nll"dLTrT 17 Kn-llh l,l u itmli Jn l . V, Nutional Bunk Blijg. , D 3o6 , " with two tlvo- 1707 VINTON street, store jopm llatji ubgyp. Thr--whoj. building hiwi lu. been' painted inld,rVuil,ri'd'tHtiiiiho.n Will make u very reasonable rent to a gooa tenuui. or win rent separately. THE OMAHA LOAN At TRUST CO.. w. ' ..Jtilb uud-Dougiaa dta. t ' D-M10 40u SO. 25TH AA'E., 9 rooms, all modern, will make whut repairs are necesiury; rem. Ji-.i). . t- , OMAHA LOAN .fc TRUST. Ca, 10th and Douglus Sts3'" D-14S ONE G-mora tlat.irriddcrn. TI112 S, ll'th' ; j-ws TEN-ROOM house, all modern. 2206 Har- FOR RENT, elegant 8-roora house; all iiiout-iu unto uvviiieuis, -en rv. .Jil. D M169 3' HOUSES fnr rent In all porta of the city. w,nmi.i-w... -. .u.- ovum wui sireei. , , '.'.. " r. ;V .' 1 ..D-cso FOR RENT The Putnam Co., 5M-5 N. Y. 1.. num. nat a iironm nut. nn.nn 1,..,. , water, modorn f long leasep.o bihI.i tenant! .twit C-ROOM modem cor. worth, " flat. 2401 Leaven- u sao sis 5. ROOM modern house. 1615 Mandcrson Hi Inqutru W14 N. 24th St, or telephone A 230k. 1J SiO FOR RENT, two fl1?-room brick hnuses. inoiierfi .uiruiiHiiuai. vvjijnj- ?tu jso. jrio pi, - - ' 1 1 11 I'.'r J '.' 'I " 1 -ROOM cottngof1 moilern. 3315 Ixa en- worth St. D-M271 7 FOR RENT, 6-rontn cottages. mo'lerh; lurm tor saio. w life build ng." D Ml!t5 ? FDR RENT r-rotm modern house rn So. Omahu cur line. Inquire 1557 N. 17th St D M135 3 ron hi:vi hoi ses. R RENT, elgh'-rnom lioutc; rotivnP nt! an modem, a ,n,a caiiiornis. wi, in tiu(re No WC, N. Y. ure OiilidtnK. D-MS Me SO. an ST.. 4 rm. city water. In good condition; rent. Iinfn. OMAHA U1AN & TRUST CO.. I6th and Douglas Bis. D-llS F"R run? 222 N. JWh, ll rooms, modern II ZVM N. loth, ll rooms, modern 'I0 617 N. soth. I" rooms, modern., KV) i Hfiriiev. S roomx. modern. 3J.0 3"SS California. S moms, modorn K' loumn ,." And a number- of good . housoa for IttB mrnej . IIYRON REED CO., Ill S. 14th. D-M1S2 4-ROOM house, 2722 S. 20th 1 block, from ear line, IS. AV. I Sclby, 231 Uoardi of ' Trade building. ' ' D-Mtfl TWO new, modern 0-room liousen 'Jilf-K Ulm fit ; completed Sept. 10. Thos H. rell, 4o; Merchant Nat'l Hank bide O-Mlfl ROOMS, new hmiRe, with bath, furnaee, lutmdry, cemented cellar. Ra, elt-ctrlctv, lio-ft. lawn, south front, conveniently. Jo rated near cur llpe,; Irt. Dundee V. 1 Selby. Hoard of Trade blflcl.r'i'htine V$. : - ELKOANT G-r houpe. new. mod' ern. nerfert iieiE'iMornouu anu con veniencep, 6 blocks from depot, nnd William, D M170 3 HOfSKS. AVHEATON. 42S Paxton nik. D-i:.S roit n i:t-ithmshuii iiooms. xlousckecplnc rooms it up. 2(C3 St. Mary'i. 3 IIOOM3 ior light ' house kc'cplnc. 1U2 S. llfli at. ' 1I-MSS4 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam E-&3 THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-C35 SMALD, neatlv furnished, well-heated rooms, cverythlnR modern. 116 S. St. E-127 THRIVE rooms, llpht housckecplnc 1111 South Uth. E Ui LARGE front room and alcove, well fur nished, modern; sultubld for two. 2013 Cukk t. E-M437 NICE rtom, cas, bath, etc.. OSU-Dnvcnport. B 3GS S13 FOR RENT, four furnished' rooms, flnle or cnsuite, in private lamliy, new House; near postoillee. Address F 11, life. 'TWO furnished rooms 'and two large closets, all modern. S12 Park Ave. li JUGS 3" FOR RENT, two large furnished or un furnished rooms. Address j- in, iiee. u 142 FOR RENT, furnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping. 110 S. 25th Ave. 1J 4 T FURNISHED room for gentlemen; de tached modern house! stcatn heat. 22lu Farnam at. E M230 2 FURNISHED HOOMS AND IIOARD. UTOPIA- 173 Davenport St. F-C37 DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 Harney ktreet. F M!0 Sa GLENCAIRN, transient tl.a day. 1603 Doug t UJ3 THE;lerrIam, aumracr resort, 2th & Dodge TWO large front rooms, with board. 1S0 capltol Ave. - rauMi DESIRABLE rooms, firm-class board. 2t4 Harney. a m-mi - " Fou-HKr;v.lrpKMinu3ii rooms T3ESK room -e, S3 per month, ground noor room 111 ine rec Dunuing, lacing Farnr.m street; no expense for, light, heaj r lonittBK f-crvice. - lu 'Cx, PfJt'en ' ru-nlal Agents, file Building.- 5 VoR light' 'housekeeping. 2024 St. - ( rvicio v,u., G 410 Mary . G MU7 FOR RENT, 6 unfurnished rooms; mtd ern: furnace beat. iraa. hot und con coid niitnr. rloa fn. Address F St. lira. G-M232 3 FOR RENT, 3 unfurnished rooms; furnace heut, gas; tnorougniy .oaeni; in pr. vate fumtly, on St. Muiy Ave. Address F 32, Bee. G M2!u 3' l"OIl RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store in first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply v. retcrs a Co., ground floor, Bee Bids. 1206 FOR RENT, the building tormeriy occu pied ,uy l ne isce ui siu ruxnam bi. 11 nus lour stories una u uuhemeni wnicu wub formerly used as The Bee press room. . This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once 10 c -. Kotc watcr, sucruiury, room iw, Bee Building. , l Ml FOR RENT, office .wlui vault und part first noor or uu tup poor, itiwo itaruey tit. Midland Ulusa und Palm Co., lllu Harney St. 1 1S3 CORNER 28th and Dodae too and I meat r Lmnd. c W to go Apply to Welshans MaiUel um good grocery ;ooa tenant. nd Tile Co.. 1-M21C 2 ' SOU S. 17th St. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, cauvuMSlng agentb In every county to boncii suuscriniionk tor inn TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK nnd COMPLETE- STOCK DOC TOR. This SDlcndld book contains !.) imsierlal octavo pages, vu object-teaching ensri-uvlncrs und Is the unh book on live i.tock ever published adapt yd. tc the every- duy, practical, money-saving use ot every luriner und stock owner. Steudy employ ment -wnn assurea gooa income. Agents In the country with horsa and buccv es- . peclaily drBlred. ,CanasseiH muKe enbiiy iw to iui per monin, Aourcss, century Farmer Solicllors Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 1ST SIORAGU. PACiriC Storage and Warehouse Co., S12- I'H Jonts, general storage and lotwardlng, -701 OM. Van Stoi. Co,151H, Kurn,- cls. 1559-&6A 702 iSTQRAGE Houtiihold goods! and other murra ai low rates, j. j. Drrlght A: Co.. 1119 .Furnam SU, Tl..-3J3. -7u3 WANTED-TO BUY. AVa.VTED, second-hand counters and bneivillg. joo N. 10th st. N MbOS SI AVANTED to buy, un estHbllshed lire In- riiiuiicu utipui-y ouue run iiartlculars In answer. Address F li. Bee. N-S&O S 5 AVANTED, to buy' a secmid-hdnd roller top desk, Address F a, Bte, N M2i3 .' TOR SALE rillNlTURlS. FURNITURE of 14-rooiu llat rninr.1,.!,.:. ... ....I , 41II...1 f.l. .1.... -r ' viiii,,ru , 111,1 u uiBi-cmiii riinmerJ nnu uoaraers; ;i mommy gross, rent J.VU tire locution, ludv calnc ua rvl'Honahle offer rected. J, II. John- sun, r. 1. i-lie. u M233 CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodire. Tel. 'irht ,.li trl ,!titmt flirnlfn.u ..... . U, ,,,,U( t miUHl, duiu, eAcnuiiKeu. u iH FURNITURE of "-room flut; tine locution; ii.-viy eiiuiiijieu, reusonauie rent, goon rea. son for selling; cheap, J. H. Johnton. jn. 1, uie. u JMiaiS. FURNITURE of. superbly equipped 12-rootn ivsiueiice, nas con t rou. u large rjomitig liuslness; located ofi i lots, surroundid v) hiiu uirge trees; also barn, bebt locu tlon for roomers In Council BlufTs. J. 11, Johnson. N. Y. Life O M ' NICKUL PLATING. bnnw, lamps, eic. replated. Omahu j iuniiii wi., iivu uiui, aei. ir.i.1. MS.T for .'.ale-houses. eiiicles, eh. LIGHT onmil'jf and buggies lor "ale at 11. r route, mil unu i-ueuwortti. t Mid T MULES for ml- in carload iota or span?, bic stock to select iroru. v ulworth-li.i-liker Co.. Union block .varus. I' Mfrfi Slv rtm .im-.misci:l,i,a.m:il. ;OUAND safq cheap. Uerltht, lllii l iirnatn. g-;u; BAKES, atanclurd makcs,told,rentcd. in S. l RIO line of secondhand wheels, ti, tl, S, Jiu. Umuha llkycle Co., ICth and CnleuKo an. y "to FIR timbers for house movers, etc, 40 to 71 ft., crl'ublnc and hog Ivnce. 'Ml Doaj, la. w MJi CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. S. T. Campbell, 4213 Center St. Q-3ai JlC.fiO SALOON and store buildiriR; 7 living rooms I'tp-ct.ilrs. Kround M,xt; corner luth and Douglas. Lauer Ilroi. g SSo BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bi cycler; big stock new, second-hand har ' gains. Fredrlvksou, 15th und Dodge. Q-ME7i 320 FOR SALE, square piano, good keys, In tunc, no broken legs or blemishes, JIU cash; bargain for somebody with children. Address F , Bee. Q Mlf FOR SALE, barrels, half-barrels, tierces anu Kegs ioi sorgnum moiasses, wine, vinegar, pickles, kraut, meat and lard; .oia ir any tua ntlty; write for prices. ' ge Co., South Oms.ha, I Qim a limHtiu uoopera Neb. SPECIAL bargains In ladles' wh?el.'. . Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor. 16th & Chicago Sta. Q 710 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, S19 N. ICth. S-C1J DON'T fall to call nnd consult the Rou manian gypsy, who reveals nil secrets arid reads and explains to you your en tire life. 1K23 Douglas st., cor. 20th. S-M21G 7' PERSONAL, M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall . orders sullclteu. Suite 2UU, Douglas block. U-717 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Krenier block. U 713 VIAA'A. woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 'Mb Bee Bids, U-T14 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orderb solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., U24 DoJglas. IJ 7W it PRIA'ATK hospital for ladies before and during confinement; babies adopted. 2300 Grain street. U 710 AVE RENT sewing machines for 75 centt per week; wc repair und sell needles and jarts for every machine manufactured. Phono IOCS. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 Ai Harney. U M4J3 S17 PRIA'ATE home for ladies before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2020 Burdttte St. Mrn( Burgel. U 17 6a MME. SMITH, baths, 11S N. 15. 2d floor, R 2. U-M125 S7 OMAHA Accordion Fits Co., 1524 Douglas. U-71S SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rht. AVhlte Sewing Machine, 1020 Doug lus. Tel. 2234. U-715 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE, 032 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-990 S.10 THEY cost per l.OCO, nnd It's cheap, too; they nre sold by dealers for 5c each, nnd that's cheap, too; consider qMallty and price and you will be ours forever; it's the "Prince of Omaha" cigar, union made. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. Save the bands of the Stoecker cigar; we Becd them. It-M2$7 7 WONKY TO LOAN UK At. ESTATE. SEJJ HENRY n. PAA'NE, 601-2 N. TT. Life. AV,-1K) C AND 6Mj per Cent loans. A'. H. Thomas, "Ffrst Nutional Bank' building. Tel. 1G4S. W-721 AA'ANTED, city loons, bono and warrants. George it Compuny, 16'Jl Farnam jreet. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A; Co., 1320 Furnam St. AV 72S AV ANTED, city and form loans: also bond und warrants. R. C. Peters it Co., 1702 Farnam St., Use Bldg. W 731 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa furm at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay lUw or any multiple; any Interest date: nd. delay. Rrennan-Love Co.. 300 S. :3tlr8t Omuha, Neb. AV 726 Wt TO 5 P, C. money. BcmlB, Paxton Blk AV-72J 150,000 SPECLVL fund; loans JM0 up; lowest rates. Garvin Bios., lOU Furnam. W-553 I0'J, 5Cf private money to loan; 1, 2. 3 or a years, w. i. oeiuy, uoara 01 iraue Bldg. W 722 MONEY to loun on Improved Omaha real estate.- urcnnan-Lovc uu., au south istn AV 723 PRIA'ATE money. Sherwoodj 337 N. Y. L. W 730 AV. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. loth St.. loans money on rebiucnce property ut t per cent. AV L-l PRIA'ATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas W 713 SPECIAL fund ut 5 per cent. F. D. AVcad, lb.t. uougius. v,-.. b z MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! DO YOU WANT MONEY? DO YOU NEED HELP? Money loaned suiarlsd pcop'.e on their nlulii notes at about ONE-HALF the RATES 1 HARGED BY OTHERS. Strictest pnvuey guarau teed. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY. Room 312, Brown Blk., S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance 011 16th St. X-152 L'AUGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TU SALARIED I'urLU, mercnuniE, team stern,, bourdlug houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In princi pal cities. -Tolmun, 440 Board of Truae . Bldg. t . X-731 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cow, Jewel':y. uun ureen, . u, warmer uik X-737 AVE LOAN money to salaried people on tneir nolo tt lowest ratefc; finctiy conn dentlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or munthiv. Room 303, Paxton block, 3d floor. Reliable Credit Co. X-72S MONEY loaned 0:1 plain note to salaried ueoplu: business contlacntia.; lowest ruten. U4 Puxton.biocit. Tne J. A. Itutton Co, X-791 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan no und up on luruiturc, piano:, horses and other cuattels. SALARY LOANS Without mortKuge to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the money In a tew hours ulter muKin; upplicullon and take 1, V. 3, 4, 5, 0 months or mure in which to pay 11 back, auu ou need not pay for It one duy longer than you keep It. We charge nuthlng tor paper und we give you the full amount lti cush. There are no lower ratt-B than ours, our (erms are the easiest, our uuslneSs is couhder.tlat und our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MUR'llJAUL LOAN Co.. 119 Board ot Trxdt Blug. 'lei. 2JS5. (Estubll.Ued 1W2.) A b, ibtn Bt. X 32 THE most batlsfuctory place to make loans on furniture, pianos, hon-es, etc., .s Room 314, Brown Blk . entrance opposite A', M. c ., uiug. on join ni. rry it und you will be sure to repeat the dose. X 153 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Uulck burvlco unit Iiiuk.i lates guaranteed. J. W, TAYLOE, 023 (top floor) paxtun blucK. northeast corner loin und Furnum, entrance on ititn street. X-723 MONEA" loaned on pUnos furniture, Jew- dry, horses, cows, etc. C F. Ried, 319 S. 13. 1 X 73C j m siaess ( I HUTKt. fnr sale, only one In town of l.oiw ! In iorthv,oetern Nebraska, dotnc itofi tur t inoiith. Klckne-y b-anon lor fi-ihn .vd- dress K Mi, Bee Y-M.TV r HOTEL, only J! house In live Iowa town, S.OHI souls oolnr gilt edse business, elegant ttimlture of rooitis for sale, modern house. J. II Johnson, N. Y. Life y-Mfi 2 FURNITURE of l.Vroom flat, completely equipped, line location, revenue ftom roomoTb. J1R Per month. It you want a bargain be quick, j. u. Junnson, N. T I Ufe. Y-M61G HARDWARE stock, stable goods, best I cation In city 2o,0oo population; an nual sales, tli.irxr, must sell on account of other business: fine pronosltion. J, 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y ofS DRUG stock for sale, Invoice K.KX) cssh, southeastern Nebraska. Address E ul, Beu. Y Mstl jjlu LIVERY, 6.(i( business, none better In city; line location, complete outfit, monthly revenue, to wv, exclusive of a regular boarders. Owners uttentlon em ployed Ht otner enterprise. J. H. John Kin. Ml N. Y Life. Y-235 2 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest in drug Eto:e, hardwood Hour, MatthewL gas machine, toda fountain, itc. , in a lively coubty seat. Tbyrotd-Lymph Co., Wu Ret Bldg, V-740 WANTED, ladles of ability to manage branch offices. Thyrolu-Lymph Co., b) Bee Bldg , Omahx Y M132 TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT lO BUY. IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL YOU MAY SAY I NEVER Till. J. 11. .lUM.-NMJiV Ml New York Lite Bldg. The Rial Ksfte and Bunlnes t nance Man, Solicits Your Business. Merchandise Stocks, lloteis und Roomtns HCUM't for Sale or Exclude. y-45 DRUG STORE In eastern Nebraska doing good business; good reusous for selling; invoice, $2,5uv; eusy terms. Audress E SI, Bee. Y-Mu24 S. A A'EP.Y attractive Investment is offered in the stock of the Golden Rod On com pany of Omahu; absolutely safe und uru to pay large dlvidulidt; on.y a Urn. ted iinount fur no at par. Call or write tor lull information. Office lill Davcunon s;. $750 DRUG stocl: and fixture for I50j ,f tnken soon. Address E 27, B?e. Y-MKS S20 roil nxcnjNGH. FOR EXCHANGE, good paying creamery for stock of general mdse , or will trade creamery a. part pay for btock of goods. Lock Box 10. Qulmby. la. 54-MS 2 S." TO EXCHANGE for stock of thoes, 2().0K- ucre ranch In northern Nebraska in the tlncu stream In state; price, $C,f(K). Ad dress F 14, Bee. 55 M10C 3' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 011-2 N. Y. Life. RE 712 FOR SALE, lS.WO-ncre ranch, nv.-r 30 mll?s fence. miles of rtvsr; If taken at oiict, 1,000. Addrets V 15, Bee. RE M 1(4 A SNAP In realty. The Miller house, 10 rooms, with curpets. heating stoves, bed room furniture, etc., three lots, one-hn.f block frotr Main St., Deadwood. 8. D ; for sale ut a barguln, RE M2i0 Si 4TC2 AVakelcy st. (street between Davenport unu vnicugni, r-room couuge, lot wxiau feet, well, 3 short blocks to car line; owner asks $500. but wants offer 4W Wakeley St., 3-room cottage, full lot, THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. HIS MBt'S S2 160 ACRES 1? miles northwejt of Flor ence, only "h miles Xrom Omaha P. 0.; M ucret. under cultivation, balunre in heavy timber; can nearly nil be culti vated it broke; price, $15.00 an acre. The Byron P.eeU Co., 212 Sj 14th St. RE-MSSJ RANCH and 'farm alids for sale by th e Union Pacific rallroiltl A. McAllaste.r, land cOwlione4'.T .Union .Pa ctlic HeudduarJlerL Offiuha, Neb. . .1 ll HV I1J HOUSES, lot?, farrqs. ranches, loans; also tiic tiibtiiaiiwe. X3CIUIS, I'aXlOQ 1J1K .;, RE-741 MINNESOTA. Soutip Dakotn. Cnnn-ln farms. AVHEATON, -128 I'uxton nik. RE-151 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnum St. RE-743 2.50O FOR 9-rqom. all modern, house; best frtA " i' """""o i-iace; rine location; S1.000 cash, balance long time. See me quick If you want It. J. 11. Johnson. N. i.Lifc. RE-M531 HOUSLS nnd lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552 Bee Building. RE-744 FOR SALE. IRRIGATED LAND. A hy rent when you can buy lrrlgnted land for 123 per acre, wllh n perpetual wutr right that guarantees you a crop evtry year? land within live hours' ride of the best market In the countrj.-. These lands can only be bought of W II Green or D. R. Buck, 105 N. Y. Life Bldgi Go see for yourself; one fare for round trln SPECIAL excursion Thursday. Sept 6 nt 4:20 j. m. Consult AV. H. Green inr par- tlculurs, T LLA'E of tho finest and cheapest lots In the city In block 16. Wilcox's Klrst addlltjii. 1 block north of A'lnton St. Lotb facing 24th Btieet, cast front, ull on grndu uxq LoIk facing 25th street ,'fjoo J1W caoh. balance on easy torms. Also homes In any part of the city, cheap, on eusy terms Call and see W. H. RUS SELL, 420 Runige Bldg., city. RE M49S 1,100-ACRE piisturo and wheat "ranch to rent. T McKIntiy, Hoxle, Kan. RE M2)5 2 ri'HNITIIRK IllCl'AIRING, TEL. 1331. M. S. AVulklln, 2111 Cuming St. -757 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 616 N. T. L. Bldg Tel 1CC4; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles- dent ; Gld E. Johnbon, Osteopathlst. Mgr. 74s' DONOHUE, Osteopath, I'uxtOn Blk. Tel. 1307 -74U A. T. HUNT. D. O., 305 Karbach Blk. Tel.2332 -750 MRS JOHN R. MUSICK, D. O., ostpo pathlc physician. Douclus block. 593 SlZOItTHAAD AND T 1 PEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S .school. 717 N. Y. Life. -75S UOYLES' College, cotirt reporter principal. Bee Bldg. , ;js NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Bovd's Theater, 700 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 10 & Doug. . -701 DETECTIA'E AGENCY. CAPT P MOSTYN. 617 Karbach Block, uuiu.iu, imu, jicuuuii ui'ciaiions; uusi1 neBS confidential 576 SIS BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler AA'orks. jiteam bol!eri. tnnks. stacKs, etc. jci. ioiv. una izard Sts, -753 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist tn dlseuses of women tn Omahu, would call the attention of nurturing ladles to his unsurpassed accommoda tions before and during confinement, arid his treatmen for Irregularities, no mat ter wht cause Call or addrest with stamp, ur. rries, jaia uouge omaha. Neb. M-30 827 riSIIING ANU PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want good baas and croppy flshlns 1 KU lu L,aoi;uuT, lu. l"l J liesi 01 n "el uccnuimodHtiuns Plenty of boats and minnows. AVrUd R. A. Dlttmar for latei. -7CJ I'.UVMIItOKr.ltS, EAGLE lyiar. OSlre. reliable, accommodat ing, ull buslics8 conlldcntlal. J3J1 Douglas. 754 TAMJIEII1NO AND STl'TTEIU.NC CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bide I)IU:SMAK1.(3. tv r.VMILIES. Ml-s Sturdy. 2R76 Harnev. am CARPENTER!. AM) .tOINEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree roth and Lake sts. 370 PATENTS. WILL BUA any good Invention or patent. Address Loci: Box 760. Dcs Moines, la -746 PATENTED and unpatented Inventions bought and sold. Lucas & Co., St Louis. Mo, -176 2 LAl.MlltV. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shirts, 7c; collars 2c; sufts, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth Tel 47 rovrorncn .notice. (Should be rend DAILY bv ail lnteresteu, as 1 hnnces tnny occur lit nnv ttme. Foreign malls fur the week ending Sep tember 7. l!Kil. will close iPROMPTLA" . In Mil cases! nt the general postoftlec as fo lows. 1 'a ret Ik post malls cloe one hour earlier than closing time shown be.on. Purcels post mails for Gernmny clos. ut 5 p. m AVcdncsday. Regular nnd supplementary malls clre nt foreign branch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trnnsnllniillc Mull. TUESDAA" At 6:3" a. m. for IRELAND (letter mall only), per . s. Servla v n Quecnstown mall for other r:irts of Eu rope niust be directed "per s s Srv'n' I. at S.jn n m for ITALY, per s. s Slrllla via Naples (mail must be directed "p.r s s. Slcllla") AVEDNESDAY At C:.W n. m. for EUROPE, per s s. st. uouis via Southampton, at M3o a. m (supplementary lit a. m. for lULLAM), per s. s uermuulc vu Querns town irpull for other parts of Europe I must be directed "per s. s. Gsrmanl ; I at in a m. for BELGIUM direct, per s h Southwark (mall must by directed " h. s. Southwark"). THURSDAY At C:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Doutschlnnd Cherbourg. Southampton nnd Hamburg (mall for France must be directed "per s. DeutMchland"); at 7 a. m. fnr FRANCE SWITZERLAND. SPAIN. ITALY. PORT UGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ. per s. s. La Chumpngne v'.n Huvie (mail for other parts or Europ- mint he directed "per h. s. La Chnmpugne"). SAT.URDAA" At 7:30 a. m for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s, .Vmsterdum (mini must be dllected "Per s. s. Amsterdam 1; at S:30 u. m. (supplementary 10 u. m ) fo EUROPE, per s. s, Campunln via Queens town; lit a. m. for ITALY, per .. Hoheiizollern vln Nnplfs (mall must b directed "per s. s. Hnhenzollrrn") . nt ;30 u m. for SCOTLAND direct, per i s . ity 01 imme imun must ne directed p"-r s. s. City of Rome"); at 11 u. m. for1 DUiNMAHK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per s. s. Islund"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pu pers and Samples for Germany only The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe wl'l not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Allantlc Malls nnmed above addi tional supplementary malls nre opened or. wie piers or tne American, lngllsn, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South nnd Cenlrnl Amerlru, AV-kt Indies, Etc. SUNDAA At C:30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE Mlyi'ELON. per steamer trcm North Sydney. - TUESDAY At P:S0 u. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costu Rica) und SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Advance via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "ior s. S Advance "1; at 10 n. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns AVm. Ill (mall for Curucao, A'oneruelu, Trinidad, llrttlsh and Dutch G11 In mi must be directed "per s. s. Prlns AVm. Ill"); nt 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA per s b. Admlrul Fnrrngut, from Boston; ut 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Barn stable, from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAA At :30 a. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Laueuburg, ut 12 m. for CUBA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE, TA BASCO und CHIAPAS, per s. s. Es perunza (mull for other parts of Mcxl'-o must be directed "per 8. s. Esprnnzu' ), THURSDAY At 10:30 a. m. for RRA'.IL, per s. s. Button (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay nnd Para guay must bo directed "per s. s. But ton 1; ut 12 m. fnr SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago dc Cuba; ut 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) lor TURKS ISLAND und DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per H. s. Cherokee, at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per b, s Admiral Schley, from Boston, FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. u Mutanzaa, via Tamplco (mull must be directed ' per s. s. Mnttinzae"); at 11 p, m. for NEWFOUNDLAND. per s. B. Siberian, irom Philadelphia (mull must be I directed "per ... s. Siberian"). SATURDAY At 7 a. in, lor ARGENTINE URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s Canova; ut 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:20 u. m.) for PORTO RICO (via San Juan), CURACAO und A'ENEZUELA. per h, B. Philadelphia (mall for Carthuguna and Suvanlllu must be directed "per H. s. Philadelphia"!; at 9:3o a. m. (sujiplc-im-nturj 10.30 a. rn.) lor FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VANILLA find CARTHAGENA. per s. s. Altai (mail 'for Costu Rlcu must be directed "per s, s. Altul 1; at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per s, b. Andes; nt 10 11. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND direct, per s. s. Silvia; ut 10 a. m, lor GRENADA. TRINIDAD and nor s. x. Ollndn "); at 1 p. m. (supplementary 1.30 p. tn.) lor BERMUDA, per s. b. Trini dad. Malls for Newfoundland, by roll to North cyunej , anu ineiico uy sieamu r. clobe ut mis ornce dully ut C:3o ji. m. (eonnectln clohe lu re every Monduj, Wednesduy and Saturday). Malls for Mltiuclou, by rail to Boston, und thence by sleumer, close Ht tliif uffice dully at K:30 11. 111. Malls lur Cuba, by rati to Port Tumnn Fla,, and tin ncc by stcumer. close nt thU olllce dully ut '6 a. m. (the connecting closes are 011 Monde., Wednesday unu Katur- 1 uu) Mi' lit for Mexico City, overlunu, unless spcciull) uddressed for dlsputch b Btramer, close at this office dally ut n. m. mid 11 p. in. Mulls tor Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Coitcz nnd Guulemulu, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by Bteumer, close nt this office dally ut 1 . p. 111. (connecting closes here Monduys lur Bella. Puerto Cuitcz and Guulemulu und Tuesriuv" for Costa Rls-uj. "Reglr. tcrcd mall clobcs at 6 p. m, previous day Trnun.Pneltlc Mnll. Malls for China and Japan, lu A'ancouvcr clobe here dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to Sep tember Inclusive, for dlsputch per s s Empresa of Chtnu (registered mull must bo u.i vim "iu i.cuMVer 1. Alan, ,.j,cei,i merchandise which cunnnt be forwurdt-d via Cunuda, for tlie U. IS. Postal Agent ut Shunghui, closes ut 6;So p. 111. previous duy. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, ,-ia Sun Francisco, close here dallv ut 6.30 p, m un to September "O. Inclusive, for dls putch per v. ft. Australia. Mails for Australia (except AVest Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zeuiund, FIJI, Samoa unu Huwun, via tiu Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p m after August "IS and up to September 7, Inclusive, or on arrival of s, k. I'm hrla, due ut New York September ior dlspatih pet s. b. A'entura. Mails lor lluwull, C'hlr.u, Jupan and Philip, pines, vlu Sun Francisco, close here dal.y ut 6:30 p. m. up to September 7. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Chlnu, Mulls lor China und Jupan, via Tucomn. ciose here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to Sep tember b, inclusive, lor dispatch per s. a, Tacorna Mulls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, close here dallv ut 0:30 n. m. up 10 Sep tember 11. Inclusive, for dlspHtch per s s Tosa Muru (registered mail must be directed "via Scuttle"). Mulls icr Auutrnilu (except West Australia wlil it gifs via Lurope. una rew zeuuna whlcl. goea iu San Frum isi-ci atid F'Ji Isiuiws via .iiuouver, ciosc iif-re nai.y at 0 p m ufier September und 1 to beptemer "it. inclusive, rnr dispatch pt,r t, Mloweru ((upplcmtntary malls, cu dad iiULiVAit, per a. s. Mamvel, rudo, utun, juihu'-"-i" nt ll'.:io ti. in. for MATA'7AR 1 A I u a . Alliance txnress n I'W u .uy i HI E.N. N I'EVITAS, GIBARA und UARA- ! Ltii'-in &t Black IIIIU..U 9:uo pm u o:4 a i'i-ia ,..-. u ini,i n,,ii.,. n ....1.. Mniiiiu. I'uact Sound.. a v.w pni u u;4j a which must' be directed "nor s. i. Lincoln Fust Mall .t -.w wu u u.i, a rosTdrrici: .mitici: Ma Seattle nnd A'lctorlai, close at C.30 r m Septemlwr It. MuMs lor Hawaii. Japan, China and PhilU -pttn Islands, via San Franrlsi o. cl 'sc h dally at Hp m. up to September 16, Inclusive, for dispatch per t s. Doric Malls tor HdWall, via San Krnnils, 1 r here dally at 6:.K) p. m. up f September 16. inclusive, for dispatch per s s Ala meda Trans-Pacific mails aro forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of t los ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit lleglfclered mall closes at t p. m. prew- 1 t'oRNELIUS A AN COTT Postmastrr PdF'tlll' C, New York, N. Y , August 30, nv: IIAILUAA TIM It C.lllli. CHICAGO, ST, PAUU Minneapolis A: umuhit Railway "The Nortn western Line" Geiu-r. Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, 13th und WcKstef Sts City Ticket unite 1401 FarnH'.p fct. Telephone, 501. Dupol, iitb und Webster Sts, Telephone, 1436. Leave. AirlVr Tw In . ity Pt.-'-'cnger. . . .11 6:tw utn u S.lo pm Sioux City Passenger ..a 2 4.". pm ull. In am Ltm rsoti Local i 5:30 pm b k.30 uta u Dally SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line' General Offices, Lulled Stute National Bank Building. B. W. Corner Twelfth .nd Furnum Sts. Ticket uthei', Farnam St. Telepli'itie, Ml. Do pot. Tenth und Marcy St, 'lilophcie, tm Leave. Arrive. Twin Cit Tixpres a C;jf am alu.23 pm Twin City Limited ... .a 7:55 pm n .1 am KI3UX City Locai .. ..a MOO uiu u S;50 ptii a I ally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Raitroau City Ticket ui llce, 1402 Furnam Street 'Itlepliune, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marc Streets VipiqK Leuvt. Arriit. nui, .T'..... ...... ' ,v i.o Mi":"V"'!""" " "...a i:w m b 9:40 pn. Miiii.i-Jpoi:r A: St. P"1 Limited ... , . . j 1 ,-., I from ,u ;:45pm u i:03 am CouncirliiKs; b 4:30 pm a k:l3 am Fun liodge lik-uI from C0um.1i Blurt. s 6:00 um u Dully, b Dally except sunuuy. Leuve. Arrive. St. Lou's Cannon Ball rxpress a 6:11 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Uulncy Local ...i 7:0) um u 9:00 pm u Daily MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL, riad General unices aim Ticket Offices, Southeast t01UtT iltll UUd Uouh.aa bis, j elejilione, lo-l. Dttut, U1IIOI1 slbllOll. Luie, Arrive. and Kansas City Express .a lo-.OO am a 6:25 pm K, C. St. L. Express.. u luiw piu u um ... . , - Leave from li" u"d Webster is NUeer,m? "X1.-. . b 4.10 pm ul0:4iam a Dally. Daily except Sunaay. FKEMCM', ELKHORN & Missouri Vuiie) ituuioau jiiu Northwcxicru Line ' Genurui unices, Lulled alums Nunuliu. Bunk Buuuing, S. W. corner iweuin uuu Fur nam Stb. Ticket unice, nui i-'urnum ot itlcphor.e, uOl Depot, loin una neustci jts. J .-lephulie, Hj. . . , Leave. Arrive Black liiils, Deadwood, . Hot Springs a 3:oo pm a pm yomlng, tucper unu Douglas ....d3:lWpm e a:00 pro HuBtltigb, York, David Clt, aupeilor, G'tieiu, , iCxeler und Sev.anl....o 3:00 pm b 5:00 pro Norlolk, ciuigie una ..... Fremont b 7:30 um bl0:2j aro Lincoln, w at.oo Ac Fre- tnoni b 7:33 am blU:2j um FTcmont Local .t 7:3: um c Dally, b Dally exeep'. aunuuy. c Sun day oni d Daily except Saturday. Dully except Alondai-. CHICAGO &. NORTH western Ruilwuy "The Northwestern Line" City Ttcnet Office, 1401 1-allium st. Uelepnoue, tOL Depot, Tenth utlu Murcy atrccts. Tele phone, Liuve. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- . cial 7 a 7:0u am all:30 pm Chicago I'ussngt a 4:13 pm u l:10 um Eustern Expiesb, Des Moines, Mursluilitown, Cedur icupids und Chicago ul0:55 am a 4:0j pm Eabtcrn Spoclul, Lhl- cugu und xaat a 4:13 pm u 4:05 pm Fust MulL Cliicuco to u 2:45 fm Omaha-Chicago L t u...a l:u pm u t:uy um 1'iist Mull u k-.M um Ctdur rupldi Pabicngor. u 5;3o pm u Dally. OMAHA A; ST. LOUIS RAIL roud Omutiu, ivuusus city A: Eastern italiroud "1 lie gulncy Route Tienct u: tice, H15 Furnum at. Tele, pbune. 222. .Depot. '1 tilth uuu .uuicy St., icieiuiuiic, Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball ,u 5:13 pm a k:20 uin Kunsus City and yuincy Local .. a Dully. ..u 7:00 am u y;uo pin BURLINGTON i Mis souri Itivur ltailrouu "The Burlington ituute General unices, isortu west Corner Tenth and Furnum Streets. Ticket Ullice, 1502 x-'urnum Mrcut. iliem,...iu J. liunillliiuu oiunuii, ltui nd Mu-jn Strccib. icicpuoiie 1. " -"" w ieuvt.. Arrive. 1 i Tl,iLMn-;s und "mS. " iM am a 7:31 pm 1 ,i,i in-over. Colo I' 01 in um 111 l. vmi.rr lw-uirlce UUU Llncoii 11 b:to um bll:53 um Ti,,ni'Wr Pnlnrnflri. utall and uailforum a 0:15 um Port Prmik. So. Belid. Louisville i'luttbiii 111. o 3:20 pm bll:03 am nniievue. i'.attsmautn it Pucitlc Juncttun u 7:40 pm u S:20 uta Bcllcvuti, i'.attsmoutli ai 1 uctni. Junction 11 3:10 am a Dally b Dally except iimaay, KANSAS CITY, ST. JO stph At Council Bluffs Rullroud "The Burlington Route" TlcKt t, 1W2 Furnum Street. Telephone 230, Depot, Tenth und Muson Streets. Toe phono 12i. umvc, Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex....a .. urn u o:u. pm Kanbus Cit Night Ex..uliUO pm a e-.U um Joseph und sV. LouU.u t:10 pm ail:l5 am u ualiv CHICAGO. BURLINGTON u.uiucy itunrouu "inu Burllngtun Route" Ticket unite, iw. rurnum stiver Telepnone 250. Depot 'lentil und tauson Sircctn Telcphono lZi. Lcuve. Arrive. Ill, . ,1,'lif t'ri;. fll-o Sue cial . ... 0 "u0 "'n 010:20 pm r'hi, -.,-. .vrtibulei jSx.u 4:00 pni u 7:45 um Chlcugo Locul Express. u n:3j urn u 4:03 pm Chlcugo Limited a cdo pm u 7:43 utn Fust Mull u -l Pm a Dully. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL undAt I'uclilc Rallroat -"Hie Greut Hor.k Ticket Office. 1223 Fur nam Street. Teini,,,' i;7,..f)t'1iut' 'niu utul """l oiieeis. 'J tilt; iiiione, br. ... Leuve. Arrive. EA01. Chicago Daylight Spe. ..a 6:00 um a 2:00 nm l'i M .ties und Duven- port Locol u 7:2a am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll.l&am bll,50uin Dcs MtineB Local a -il.'upm blLDJum ihicago Fust Lxpres..u ;iw i.m u i... um Dds Moines. RQCk Isl- H ' und und Chicago .... .a 7.40 pm usaoum WEST Rocky Mountain Um .u2:0jam u5,65uro ncoin. uuiorioo opgs., Denver. Pueblo and AVest a 1.30 pm a 4-15 pm Courudo Oklahoma i Texas Flyer , . ,u 5:20 pm & 9.50 am a uuiiy u Dany except iiao-rvi-,-.-., toWXTMBMiiS IIAtl.WAI I I.Mli ( A 111). L NK N PAriKU -'THK OVER, land Routt -i.etieial ciffices. N. L. Cor. NMith ,,, phrnra Lipot. lenth and Muter tm ucciiiioiiL, u:i w' al"- Liie. Arrlvo The Overland Limited ,n t.. urn a 7:M i I The ChfuutM-' 'ot iiann Special J f 'iln a 7;30 pm The Fast Mall. 1 k.Jtf am a 3 i,S The Mull and Express aliMi vta a The Colorado Special ..hILSJ Vm a LS Lincoln. Beatrice und vw um Stromsburc lirp'-e-. b 4:OR pm bll:3j ntn Tin lutlllc Exprejs. ..a4;2wp.n pn The Aliiiulc iix:.rrs. . a 6 V) nn. Grand IMaiid LocM b 6.30 pm b 9-K SH! a Lji.j b Dully c.tcep; Sunday. ci 1 n.iia "rnntinn llnll' Expn s a 5:15 pm a S.20 am C 1 1 1 1 ,H', MILWAUKEE k St Paul Rullwav-Clty Ticket Office, 1504 Furnam , nt telephone, .. Deiot. Tenth und Mason Mictib Telephone. 02S l-cuvf Arrive IMlLWAUA Chicago A. Omaha 1 Ex t' i-j m 1.1 urn b 3:40 pm n i:vi an CZAR WILL SOONJE IN FRANCE lliisklnti Uiuprioi- Arrle September ISO mid AVI1I Wnlrli Simla llnlllr nt Helms. PRIS. Sciit. 1 As the day srt for the arrival of the czar In France approsrlir in terest tn his majesty's visit Is qulckenmc Into excitement. The newspaper are de voting columns dally to the vurlous arrange ments undrr way. The official program ot the fetes Is still unpublished, but It Is now known that the czar will reach Dunkirk during the morning ot September IS. IU will proceed to Complegnc the same after noon nnd will 'go to Reims the following rtnv to witness the sham IlKht, with which 1 the grand maneuvers will close, from Vitry fort. The 20lh Is held open ami is spoiru of as a day of repose, but If the czar visits Pnrls It will be on that day. September 21 he will go to Iltetheny, near Reims, to be present at the review of the whole army engages In the eastern raatiouvrrs and will probably start on his way home eurly the next morning. In order to make the natal display at Dunkirk more Imposing, the French north ern suuodron will be reinforced by three bnttleshlps and u cruiser irom tne . lterranran fleet, giving u total of thirty- ... . t .l nine warships, Including eleven niiuic- IiIi.b live cruisers, three torpedo boat de stroyers, seventeen torpedo bouts and three nhnuirinr bnnts. The czar will be 00 board the lmperlul yacht Standnrt, which will be escorted by the Polar star, unies. e liivlien the grand admlrul. tne granu dul.c. Alexis, to accompuny nun. wncu cruiser Svletlnna wltl Join the escort. President Loubot will arrive at Dunkirk September 17. accompanied by the cabinet ministers, nnd will open the nrw city hall there during the afternoon. The following morning President Loubot and cabinet will mbark on the torpedo boat destrojer v-ub-i.,i -i,trli will nroceed to the Three-Mllo Limit, where the president Is expected to greet the czar between m aim 11. ou,. M. Loubrt will go on board the Standnrt, which will then review tne nect. Tl. sinmlart will afterward go to to dork near tho railroad and thero will br a lutichcon given In the hall of the of commerce Then the czar and M. Loubet will proceed by separate trams w Complegne una Loubct will anlvu there first nntl wi.i greet " guerts. There will no a unnywfi . vcnlng nnd probably a gnia ieiiiioim... t the Castle theater. Elaborate prtcau- i,,m m ensure the czar's safety during ins m Brunei, are being taken. All un desirable foreign! rs have been cxpclietl from Dunkirk nnd the cnnirau uu r-nmLTtir in rlnselv guard d by troops. Each hciute hss been examined and th occupants have heen compelled to glvo dftailed information regarding themselves. All acr-ss of visitors to the chateau U now forbidden, except to holders 01 bpeciu. pasbes. " llriui nl Hie Ilrenrr's ParU. tr A tor A R CITA". Sept. 1. AVIlllam J. Bryan Is expected to be tho feature of tho i.,.i.r.r inv eelebrntlon tomorrow nt Electric park and will deliver a Bpeech of special in terest to working men. rrcpuruuouR m. ,ltr unrude and a demonstration to bo held here on Labor Any hnve been made. GovT!iir' Partner Shoots Himself. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept l.-Judas Newhart of New Ulm. Minn., formerly 11 law partner of former Governor Lind. committed suicide in his room nt the Nicollet House last night, nhootlng himself through the hend. Seasonable Fashions 3H1Blnfnt'B Barrow Coat and Under Shirt, One Si:c, Infant b Barrow Coat and Shirt. No. 391S Flannel undershirts and warm bar row coats that can be slipped on with (iuba and folded round the Infant k feat make Im portant Items of tho first wardrobe. Tba models shown are correctly shaped, yot ab solutely simple und can be readily and cosily made. The shirt opens down the entire frcnt and can be high neck with long sleeves, or low at the neck with no sleeves, ub preferred. The skirt portion of the barrow coat Is simple and straight, but the body portion is shaped to nllow of binding the tiny body comfortably and to avoid the use of pins. The shirt Is cut with a seamless buck, straight fronts and plain sleeves. The body portion of the barrow coat l made double and shaped with narrowed ex tensions, one end of which passes through an opening cut for the purpose and Is tied to the other ut tho back. The skirt Is tree stitched nt ull its liemmud edges, gathered and Joined to the body To cut tho shirt ? yard of material 27 Inches wido will be required. To cut the barrow coat 2 yards 27 lnchea wide. The pattern S91S Is cut in one size only. For 'he accommodation of Tho Bre read ers these patient., which usually retail at from o 50 -ents. will be furnished at a nominal .rlcc, 10 cents, which covers all expense. ,n order to get any pattern en lose 10 rents give number and name ot pattern wauled ml bust measure. Allow about ten days from date of your letter before beginning to look for tho pattern. Adlrczs, Pattern Department, Omaha lie. L- VNLA ,n ASH RAILRUAD ft'X2 Ticket Office, 10 PurniTiii pot. Tenth nnd .i.. i.. V--1: telephone. ' Leave. Arrive. fill