Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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at the People's Store means that regular
values, for the time bsing, ceasi to exist
that value giving is the order of the
day. If you want to mike your money
go farther if you want to savs 50c on
every dollar's worth of goods you buy
trade here, Extraordinary conditions
place us in a position to do this. We
invite comparison and even dify anyone
to equal this week's matchless bargains.
We know what we say is trice. We know
our solid oak cane seat, brace arm chair
at 49c cost any place else SI. 00. We
know that tho full size whito iron bj:l on sale tomor
rovat$1.85 cost3 elaewhore $3.50. Wj mow that
the hardwood drop loaf breakfast tables we offer at
1.95 coat finy playa else $'3. 50. 0j.11 and iou will
know it. Hundreds of other itenu in furniture, oar
pet, drapery and stov3 departments at equally low prices.
TEOI'I.K'S FUlt.WTlHin AM) CAItl'ET CO. ," "
closely woven cane
seat largo brace arm
highly polished worth
regular 1.00 Septem
ber sale price
Qolden Oak Center Tnblo 24x21
Inch top with heavy skirting under
top with lower sholf and nil highly
polished for S5c. Wo have such a
tnblo on salo tomorrow, worth regu
larly September salo price-
UlIU ly llko cut. baa 3
coata of whlto enamel full tlzo
with ball bearing castors
worth regularly $3.60 Septem
ber sale price
$ 1 .85 f
95c HJ
Leather looks as good and wears
almost as well as leather 30 Inches
wide by 6 feet long deep tufts
worth regular 120.00 September salo
highly polished oral mirror-
now design worth regularly JIS.OO
September sale price
KnlguU of Ak-Si-Ben Girt Omaha Fslks
Chtncs to Join.
Inillenttou Denote Hint AKKrrgnli
Meinbcrahlp la In lie Strrlled lle
yurul (lie IllKhml l'olnt
fteneliutl Lnat Venr.
The last Initiation of the Knights of Ak-
8ar-l)cn will take place Monday evening and
for that occasion the entire work of tho
committee Is centered upon Omaha. A
member of the Board of Governors said;
Tho season for Initiations has been short
this year by reason of sotting the date for
the festival ten days earlier. So far, con
sidering tho number of nights wo havo
worked and the hot weather of July, when
practically nothing was done, wc nro In bet
ter shape so far as Initiations are concerned
than lost year, but for total membership wc
aro behind. The people of the stato havo
really shown more Interest In tho matter
than they did last year, but It remains for
the men of Omaha to mako Monday night
a record-breaker If wo are to do all that Is
expected of us.
"There may be some guests at tho den
and they will be welcome, but wc aro going
to devote our time and our labors entirely
to tho people of the city nnd wo expect to
havo a larger crowd there than on any night
this season, if not n larger crowd than has
ever been Initiated at tho den on nny one
oocaslon. The men who will bo taken Into
tho Order Monday night will probably bo tho
last to bo Initiated at tho present den and
we all want to make that night a meniora
bio one In 'tho history of the order.' '
I'lfCiirra .Submitted liy l.ucnl Dealer
Slum n Coimlilernlile Variance
In Price Schedule.
At tho meeting of. the county commis
sioners yesterday bids on coal wcro opened,
as follows:
Coutant & Squires 300 tons Pennsyl
vania anthracite, $9.31 per ton.
Coal Hill Coal Company 300 tons Penn
sylvania anthracite, 19.33 per ton; seventy
flvo cars soft, $3.39 per ton, $2.10 per half
ton, $1.45 per quarter ton; twenty-flvo cars
Cherokee steam, $2.19 per ton.
Victor White 300 tons Pennsylvania an
thracite, $9.33 per ton.
C. U. Havens & Co. 300 tons Pennsyl
vania anthracite, $9.20 per ton; seventy
flvo cars soft, $2.05 per ton; twenty-flve
cars Cherokee steam, $2.08 per ton.
Union Fuel Company 300 tons Pennsyl
vania anthracite, $9.18 per ton; seventy
five cars soft, $1.68 per, half ton; twenty
flvo cars stoam, nut, $3.24 per ton; pea,
$2.21 per ton. .
C. W. Hull & Co. 300 tons Pennsylvania
nnthraclto, $9.27 per ton; twenty-five cars
steam, nut, $2.90 per ton; pea, $2.44 per
Omaha Coal, Coko and Lime Company
300 tons Pennsylvania anthraclto, $9.15 per
ton; twenty-flvo cars steam, $2.19 per ton
South Omaha Ico and Coal Company 300
tons Pennsylvania anthracite, $9.28 per
ton; scventy-flve cars soft, $1.67 per half
ton; twenty-flvo cars steam, nut, $2.47 per
ton; pen, $1.87 per ton.
Nebraska Fuel Company 300 tons Penn
sylvania anthracite, $9.20 per ton; 75 cars
soft, $1.50 per half ton, 85 cents per quarter
ton; 25 cars steam, nut, $2.25 per ton; pea
$1.80 per ton.
Tom Collins Havens 300 tons Pennsyl
vania anthracite. $9.35 per ton.
The bids were referred to tho proper com
mlttco for tabulation and report.
Tho committee on court house and Jail
was authorized to purchase necessary new
file cases for the offlco of the clerk of the
district court.
Aatoundcil the Kdltor.
Editor S. A. Drown of Dcnnottsvllle, 8. C,
was onco Immensely surprised. "Through
long suffering from Dyspepa'" he writes,
"my wife was greatly run dbVn. Sho had
no strength or vigor and suffered great dU
tress from her stomach, but sho tried
Electric Dltters, which helped her at onco
aud, after using four bottles, she Is on
tlrcly well, can cat anything. It's a grand
tonic, and Its gentle laxatlvo qualltlca are
splendid for torpid liver:" For Indiges
tion. Loss of Appetite. Stomach and Liver
troubles It's ft positive, guaranteed cure.
Only 50c at Kuhn & Co., corner 15th and
Douglas streets.
Sen Method of SrlllMK liy Wrlulit Di
stent! of by Hunches I n-antlsfnctory.
Danana dealers of Omaha are up In arms
against the new policy of selling that fruit
by the pound, adopted by the Fruit De
spatch company two weeks ago. These deal
ers handle many cars of bananas In a
month and every small Item which Increases
the cost has a great effect at the end of a
week s business. One of tho dealers said:
As long as tho company sold by tho old
method we had somo chance of getting the
fruit we ordered, as there can be no mistake
made whero everyone Is familiar with the
designation and the character of the Btork,
but now that tho new system has been In
troduced and ttie old lines obliterated we
cannot set tho fruit wo order, and the ro-
suit Is that at times wo receive stock which
wc have to dispose of at a loss. Under the
old method the bunches of bananas weto
sold by count nnd when you bought 1,000
bunches you got that many, or only paid
diminish their ravorlncis. and therefor.'"
to Impart an agreeable flavor for the pur
pose of making the food more appetizing we
resort to somo means of tempting tho ap
petite of individuals not endowed wllh a
digestion that needs no "whet" to relish
their food.
The list of preparations which come un
der the head of relishes, and Intended only
to stimulate by their pleasing aroma and
varied flavors, nro considered cstenltal to
an agrccablo cuisine by professional ccoks
and caterers, but nro not classified among
the foods that are deemed cither ncceisiry
or wholesome for man.
nottled Tnblo Sauces Many of the meat
relishes and savories are known under th s
head. Many of them nro expensive and for
this reason arc not found commonly on tho
family table. Hut thcro Is no rcns;n why
the housewife thould not mako thcao re
parations herself If she has time, and can
obtain the materials at much less cort than
she enn buy the goods already prepared.
Pepper Sauce Hemove stems nnd so.ds
from thrco dozen green peppers nnd throw
them Into salted, cold water, let tnem
stand half an hour, then drain and chop
fine. Chop two heads of whlto cabbage fine
for what you did get. Nowadays you buy by und mix with tho peppers, then add a hoisa
radish root grated, sprinkle white and
brown mustard seed thickly through If, add
ealt and sugar to taste, cover with two
quarts of vinegar nnd boll until tho vege
tables aro soft, then rub through a coarie
Green Tomato Pickle Four quarts of
green tomatoes and ono pint oi omens
chopped very line. Mix together
two cups of sugar, ono tnblo
spoonful of cinnamon, two tabloipoon-
fuls of salt, ono of mustard, two tenspaon
fuls of allspice and cayenne to tasto. Add
two quarts of strong vinegar and heat to
boiling point; ndd tho chopped vegetables
and cook until the vegetables nro ory
tender. Ilottlo same as chill sauce.
Chill Sauce One peck of perfectly rlpo
tomatoes, tho deep red meaty Kind; one
cup of salt, ono tablospooutul of clnnnmon,
ono ounce of whlto mustard, quarter of a
cup of celery seed, ono largo cup of grated
horseradish, ono cup sugar, six largo red
peppers, ono quart of onions, ono tabio-
8poonful of cloves, one of nllsplce nnd ono
quart of 30od strong vinegar. Scald, pool
and cut the tomatoes up and remove tho
reeds; strnli, tho liquor and return to the
tomatoes: cook tho tomatoes gently for ono
and one-half hours, then ndd tho peppers,
chopped very fine; tho onions nnd horse
radish, grated; tho spices, tied up In a. bag
to prevent discoloring tho sauce. Iloll tho
sugar nnd vinegar a few minutes and add
to other Ingredients. Iloll until It begins
to thlckon, but not too long or tho flavor
nnd color will bo impaired. Ilottlo while
Horsiradlsh Sauce To ono cup of grated
horseradish add a tablcspoonful of mustard,
ono of sugar, ono of tumeric, four of salad
oil and four of vinegar, lleat all together
until thoroughly blended. Nlco to sorve
with cold fish.
Indian Chetney Pare, core and chop
enough tart apples to weigh half a pound,
scald, peel and rcmovo seeds from half
n pound of rlpo tomatoes, seed and chop
half a pound of raisins, mix together with
a cup of salt, a cup of brown sugar, quar
ter pound of ground ginger, half an ounco
of cayenne, two tablespoonfuls of chopped
garlic, two of shallots, three quarU of
vinegar aud ono quart of strained lemon
Juice. Mix nil together, put Into a large
Jar, cover closely and let stand In n warm
place for a month, stirring each day. Then
strain it on Into bottles and It Is ready for
use. More cayenno can bo used It you like
your sauces very hot.
Peach Chetney Take one nnd one-half
pecks of peaches, flvo pounds of whlto sugar,
three pounds of raisins, quarter pound of
salt, two ounces of a pound of small red
peppcre, bruised, half-pint of green ginger
root, three-fourths of a cup of whlto
mustard seed and two quarts of good cider
weight nnd have to accept tho weights of
tho company as final for tho amount of
goods recolvcd. The flrst carload seemed
to be light In weight, but wc let It go; the
second one we weighed and found that It
was short 1,500 pounds, llcfore we could
get tho complaint registered tho third car
arrived and we found It 1.S00 pounds short.
Claims for allowance of this shortage have
been met with the statement that the com
pany must take Its charges upon tho re
ports of Its weighers nnd no claim for
shortngo can bo considered. The discrep
ancy In weight amounts to considerable in
a car of bananas, which are sold upon
small margins, nnd the handling of which
Is accompanied by considerable risk from
"Wo havo about made up our minds to
quit dealing with this company. There nro
a few Independent dealers who have re
fused to enter tho combination. Their bus
iness Is such that they havo not been nblo
to handle tho better grades of fruit, but
wo think that It Is posslblo for several of
tho larger western dealers to comblno In
tho placing of orders with ono or more of
those smaller concerns nnd that they will
thus be enabled to get the stock we desire.
Thcro Is one thing Biiro nnd that Is that
If tho plan works In all parts of tho coun
try like It does In Omaha some of tho deal
ers will have to go out of business or suc
ceed In getting stock from somo other
Vt'lint n Tnte It Telia.
If that mirror of yours shows n wretched,
sallow complexion, a Jaundiced look, moth
patches and blotches on tho ekln, It's liver
trouble: but Dr. King's New Life ITU regu
late tho liver, purify tho blood, glvo clear
skin, rosy checks, rich complexion. Only
25c at Kuhn & Co., corner 15th and Doug ai
rtoae Tliomnmin See Her .Stolen
I)re on the Street, Worn
by n StrnnKcr.
Miss L. Mach and Roso C. Thompson had
never met until yesterday morning, and then
It was In an Informal way upon the stroJt,
but a bond of sympathy was at onco estab
lished botween them. "Good morning, lady.
Whern did you get them rags?" asked
Rose. Then explanations followed.
Three weeks ago Rose's room at Seven
teenth and Burt streets was looted by a bur
glar and among tho plunder were several
dresses. The goods were traced to a second
hand store on North Sixteenth streot, but
when demand was made for them the dealer
denied that they wero In his possession
Nothing more was seen of them until Rose m naIf ,ho pcacheSi Bprinitlo with
observed one oi mem uu wio ,. .. ... ., nInrn. phor) flno
casing the form of Miss L. Mach.
Miss Mach eald sho had bought the dress
at tho North Sixteenth street second-hand
store, nnd now a warrant la out for tho
dealer, charging him with having received
atnlen tironcrty. and Mrs. M. Addis 1b In
Jail charged with stealing tho goods.
Would Ilnve Coat lllm Ilia Life.
Oscar Bowman. Lebanon, Ky., writes:
Boy Dlacnverer of I.oat Treaanre Geta
flOO If Paelllu Kxpreas Com
pany Gets the Money.
Johnnie Stltt's happy accident in stum
bling upon a roll of bills while picking up
chips In tho Lee lumber ynrd last Wednes
I day morning will net him $100.
This amount has beon laid aside for him
by the Pacific Express company, though its
payment a8' a reward Is contingent upon
that company's proving title totno pacK-
ago of money, which It Is now agreed Is
worth somewhere In the neighborhood of
$2,200. When notified unofficially of his
good fortune Johnnie, who Is only U years
old, seemed somewhat dared by the magni
tude of the sum. Twenty-flve dents was
'the largest pleco of money that had ever
been his before and thcro was a vague
suspicion that he might have been better
pleased If this reward were So cents in
stead of $100. His attitude was much like
that of tho underpaid actor, who was con
soled by a brother thesplan thus: "Yes,
I my salary is $300 a week and yourB Is only
$5 a week, but you get yours.
Johnnie Strtt's mother says that If no
gets the money she Is going to hold It for
him In trust until he Is big enough to make
the proper use of it.
Nothing has been aone during me last
twenty-four hours toward proving claim
to the mutilated money and tho I'acinc
Express company still soems to have the
lnsldo track. '
High living, intemperance, exposuro and
many other things bring on Drlght's dis
ease. Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent
Brtght's disease and all other kidney or
bladder disorders It taken In time. Be
sure to take Foley's.
Charge la Made that Itelntur Did Mot
llrlns; 1'rocccdluua In
Good Faith.
The Scleroo mandamus case against the
chief of police was calld for hearing be
foro Judge Kcysor yesterday morning, but
was continued to the flrst day of the Oo o
nor trem of court.
mijr Attorney t,onneu n ed the answer
of the chief to tho affidavit of the relator.
in the answer the chief avers that Seleroe
did not begin the action In good faith, but
for tne wrongful and mercenary purpose
of obtaining personal satisfaction kgalnst
an individual against whom he lmaelnu
he has a grievance." Further, the answer
sets up the fart that the section of the
city ordinance which the relator wants
the chief to enforce Aas repealed by the
council on August 30.
have been using Foley's Kidney Curo and
tako great pleasure In Btatlng it gavo mo
normnncnt curo of kidney disease, which
certainly would havo cost mo my life.
Tako none but Foley's.
Dank Clenrlnn Are More Voliinilnoiia
Than for the CorrcapondluK
Period of Lnat Year.
Tho bank clearings for tho week show a
small gain over the corresponding week
last year, the figures being, 1901, $6,342,
113: 1900. $6,190,648; Increase, $151,463.
For the month of August the figures aro
much moro cncournglng than for tho week,
tho gain over last August fully bearing out
the statements of the wholesale ana retail
denlpra as to tho Increase In business. The
total gain for this month over tho corrc
snondlne month last year Is over $1,000,.
000, tho exact figures for the two months
being: August. 1901, $27,198,488:'' August,
1909, $26,175,759; Increase, $1,022,729.
Table and Kitchen
Practical Suooestlons About Food and
the Prtptntlons of It.
Dnlly Mcnua.
Cereal. Cream.
Dried Beef with Scrambled Eggs.
Creamed 1'otutocK.
Toast. Coffee.
Eggs n la Buckingham.
Fried Egg Plant.
Fruit. Sponge Cake. .
Vegetable Soup.
Macaroni uu Orntln.
Baked Tomatoes. Nut Stufllng.
String Bean Salnd.
Iced Melon. Coffee.
Baked Apple. Cream.
Thin Slices Boiled Ham.
Fried Peaches.
Entire Wheat Gems. Coffee.
Egg Plant Farcl. Cold Catsup.
Peach Cobbler. Cream.
Cerent Coffee.
Okra Soup.
Broiled Stenk. Horseradish Sauce.
Escallopcd Potatoes.
Macedolne of Fruits.
Cereal. Croam.
Tanned Fish. Cucumber Catsup.
Baked Potatoes.
Rolls. Coffee.
Pntnto Omelet. Creamed Peas.
Blackberry Short Cnke. Cream.
Iced Melon.
Fresh Potted Beef n la Jardiniere.
Baked Onions. Cold Slaw.
Pineapple Cream. Coffee.
two pounds of the raUlns, chop tho peppers,
ginger root and remainder of tho peaches;
mako a syrup of half the quantity of vine
gar and the sugar; add tho chopped ma
terials, tho mustard seed and tho rcmnluder
of tho raisins wholo; boll until clear and
then Bet aside until following day; then
drain tho salted peaches and boll the
peaches In remaining quart of vinegar for
fifteen minutes, then set nway; on the
third day, mix both quantities together and
boll briskly for twenty minutes, put up
In llttlo Jam pots and cover with waxed
Canton Soy Half a gallon of malt syrup,
two nnd one-half pounds of molnsses, two
and nn eighth pound of Ealt and a pint of
mushroom Julco; put together over the lire
and heut very gently, stirring until all ma
terials aro well blended; then lot stand
closely covered for two weeks beforo
Btratnlng Into bottles.
Plum Soy Four quarts of plums, meas
uring after the seeds aro removed; scald
nnd rub them through a colander; add a
pint of vinegar, n teaspoonful of black pep
per, ono of ground mustard, ono oi cloves;
half a cup of light brown sugar and salt
to taste. Boll gently for an hour and bot
tle whllo hot.
Tomato Soy Half n peck of rlpo toma
toes, ono largo popper, two medlum-slzod
onions, a tablcspoonful each of celery seed,
black pepper, two teaspoonfuls of ground
allspice, quarter of a cup of salt and a cup
of vinegar. Scald, peel and cut tho toma
toes Into ptrces, removing tho seeds, but re
taining the Juice. Tako tho seeds from tho
pepper, chop fine nnd grate the onions. Put
all tho Ingredients together and boll gently
for nn hour and when cold bottle for use.
Tomato Mustard Slice half a bushel of
ripe tomatoes, bruise halt a dozen small red
peppers and add to tho tomatoes; boll for
one hour, then rub through n coarse sieve
add two tablespoonfulB of black pepper, two
ounces of ginger, an ounco of allspice, half
an ounco of cloves, eighth of an ounce of
mace, quarter of a pound of salt; boll gently
for an hour. When cold stir in two ounces
of mustard, two of curry powder and a pint
of vinegar.
Aromatic Mustard Brutso an ounco of
green ginger root aud flvo long red peppes;
add a tablcspoonful of horseradish, grated.
Over these pour a pint of boiling vinegar;
covor closely and let stand two days; then
mix well together flvo teaspoonfuls of
ground mustard, one teaspoonful curry pow
der and a level tnblespoonful of salt. Strain
the vinegar over this; mix smooth and bot
2 a
White Smoke
Irani Soft Coal
Round Oak Furnaces have large fccil iloors,
burn wood or coal; but whatever they
burn, give greater heat than nnv other
furnaces, because nil the gases and nearly
nil tho smoke is consumed. The smoke a
white from n Round Oak Furnace burning
Bof t coal ; that means no waste fuel. Tho
principle is not new, but the application
to me Kouna uaK 13 new in that, no
holes ore cut through the fire pot.
Round Oak
uy a
to dlfforont
nom nil others
In tunny other
thlnvn In solid
construction, iu
of price. If you
nro going to uuy
furnace, sonu
our froo furunco book;
contains usoful Infor
mation nbout hcntinff.dl-
moniton,nuuaco regular
tton, ventilation, etc,
xhtati: or
Itowaaiat, MUh-
Ju"arfj ef Bttkrtl't Bovni
ink, in mn$t ramoui
tfnie In (Ac uvrUt.
Itouad Oak Ktirnarc are fur ate la
Omnh tv Milton Ttncrra ft Bon
Hound Oak TurnaM
with oatcr C2)lng rtmored.
Your Slomith 1$ not your slave. H'$ your Mead,
Don't abwe your friend. Help your friend.
is already partly digested (nil the wheat v (i 0
is already partly digested (nil the wheat
etnrcu uaving dccu turned townrus sugar j.
When taken into the ototnnch it is Instantly
nsphullatcdl Tho process la not unlike
pnasvflnkes settling on a vrarm sponge.
uraooia iinn tuc ncu nutty navor
of tho Trhect, nnd ia perfectly
dcliclmis. IT BUILDS BRAWN.
Every package erf genuine Gra
nola bears ft picture of the
Battle Creek 8anltarium. Ask
your grocer for it. Dc ware of im
itations. Drink Caramel Cereal
nnd sleep well it leaves the
nerves ctroug.
Send 3c for Grnnola sample to
r ill t. r. .
cattle irec!i sanitarium '
Food Co. Cattle Creek, Mich, j
Worn Out?
Marlanl Wine la a tonic prepared upon
truly rclentlflo principles. It Is safe nnd
benellclnl as well on ngreenblo.
Marlanl "Wine has moro than 8,000 written
Indorsements from leading physlclnns In all
parts of the world.
Marlanl Wine gives power to the brain,
strength and elasticity to tho muscles nnd
richness to the blood. It Is a. promoter of
good health and longevity. Makes the old
young; keeps the young strong.
Marlanl Wine Is specially recommended
for General Debility. Overwork, Woakness
from whatever causes, Trofound Depression
and Exhaustion, Throat nnd Lung Dis
eases, La Grippe, Consumption nnd Malaria,
It Is a dlffuslblo tonlo for the entlro system.
Mnrlanl Wine Is Invnluabte for over
worked men, dellcato women nnd sickly
children. It stimulates, strengthens and
sustains tho system nnd braces body nnd
brain. It combats Mnlarln, and La Grippe.
May be used effectively In form of a hot
Sold by all druggists. Beware of Imitations.
$43,75 New York and Return daily
$2b, (b buttaio and Keturn daily
$15.35 St. Louis and Return
i sale TueDdaya and Thursdays, Sept.
U to Oct. 12.
$11,50 St. Louis and Return
on snto Oct. 7 to 12.
$21,60 Cleveland and Refurn
On sale Bcntembcr 7 to 10.
Tickets to Cleveland mnv bo used
Wabash to Detroit nnd D. & C. Nnv
stcamerx to Cleveland, a delightful
across Laku Lr:o.
Home-Seekers Excursions.
On salo 1st und 3d Tuesday of each Month.
Tourist Kates on snlo DAILY to all sum
mer resorts allowing stop-overs ut Detroit,
Niagara l-aus, uurraio nnd oincr points.
For rates. Inke trips. I'aii-Amerlcun cln-
scrltitlvo mntter and all information call
ST11KKT, (l'axton Motel lilouk) or write
HAituv js, Aiuuiius, u. a i u., umanu,
if wan hitram't av rcrulmr. ho&lthr movement of tha
boweu titry day, you'roJH or will be. Kocp your
powoifl open, adu uv iisii. i uigv, hi iu
Unt niiviio or tttlt io lion. Ii d&nirbrou
nt.eaileit. most iorfoci way of kocploff tho boireU
clear na ciem "
Kplcurrnn fnoha filinrpcn ivltli Cloy-
Iraa Snore tlie Appetite.
uota meats no not navo as pronounced a
flavor as those hot from the oven and fire.
OTer-cooklng and ro-cooUIng meats also
riraiant. I'alntahls, l'otont. Oood. PoCood,
Nerer Blo'pn, Weaken, or Orlpo, 10, B. onl M. rente
per bos. Write (or ireo .ample, but booklet an
boalth. Address
Pale Weak Women.
Iearn how to he cured at home. Wrl
Ur. byou Metllulne Co., C'oldwatcr, Mich
nQ IIIDR'Q improved
Una K.UDD O compound
Slakea Mntily Men. l'rlce BOc. a tix, tioics
forli Money refunded Knot .ailsfaruiry. Ur mall
on receipt of price. Samples free. Address
rtr U lAJ t nhh Years-continuous rraouoe
Ur.H.W.LQDD Ht.i-hiio.i'ii.
Bold by Bherman & Mcuonneu uruit ta.
B. V, Cor. itilli anu uoqk wis., uinuim.
There is
No Escape
Old ago overtakes tho best of
us. It has it way of creeping
on us tinnwarc, llko tho first
frost of autumn, nnd ero wo
rcatlzo wliut It menns the last
stage of life's Journey lies Just
.ahead. Human Ingenuity has
devised many plans for the com
fort of old age good, bad nnd
not worth mentioning and of
theso life annuity Is the only
ono which time has demon
strated to bo snfo nnd satis
factory. i'Jfo annuities aro as safe ns
n government bond and yield
a much larger rato of Interest.
In Uuropc, whero Inverters
nro very conrervatlvo nnd caro
ful In tho selection of Invest
ments, life annuities hnve for
ccncratlons been a very popular
method of providing for old ngo
for dependent relatives nnd for
old servants.
There nio various kinds of
nnnultles, ond their payment
may lie made conditional on a
groat variety of events, accord
ing to tho desires nnd require
ments of those Interested. Tho
four principal kinds nro 1M
81111 ANNUITIES. The follow
ing nro the rates of Incomo
yielded by an
nt tho nges named.
At 45 the Investment will yield
0.43 per cent.
At 60 tho Investment will yield
7 12 per cent.
At r5 the Investment will yield
8.0C per cent.
At CO tho Investment will yield
!i.3S per cent.
At m the Investment will ylel.l
11.215 per cent.
At 70 tho investment will yield
13.18 per cent.
No medical examination ie
ciulrtd for nnnultler,
nnnkers, lawyers, physician"',
ministers, school teachers and
business men who nro at nil In
terested In life Insurance mat
ters will tlnd It to their Interest
to apply to
Assets, $304,000,000
Surplus, $66,000,000
StronKcst In the World."
Manager for .Nebraska,
200.208 Hec JUdg., Omaha.
Two Carloads of
"Buckeye" and
Carriages, Station Wagons, Rockawaya,
llunabouts, Iluggles, etc.
Our assortment Is complete
Our prices aro right.
miiuuinii inn kuuikii i uuij
1UTII AMI I'.Ml.VtM bis.
Relieves Kldnov!
, uiaatior;
troubles at once, i
Curos in
48 Hours a"
r.aeh Cr
.ule bean the
nirae t37"
fleware nf iilflm rounlf ilf ll
MEM. If jo bare .mall, weak
orgaoa, lost power or ruiuci
drain., oor Vacuum Organ Pettloper
will tutor, jou wllheu. Cmci or
leetrlrlti Stricture anil Varicocele
permanently carta la t to i wctkei
TI.M9 In n.ei Dot one failure i nol
one returned effect Inimedlatei do
O.O.D. fraud i writ (or free pattloo
Ian, .eat .cale4 la plain eareb. ja.
MU. APrlUNCl CO. 110 Utn lit-, U.