Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Hospe's Surplus Stock Re
turned From Agents, New
and Odd Styles, all
Must Bb Cleared Out, Sale to Posi
tively Continue But Ten Days
SupuiaUident Downs and Numbir f
Laborers Perish in Wreck.
Crash Into n Conch on (IrcnC Northern
Wreck Catches Vlrc iuil
lluillci) nf Mont f Killed
Arc Creiunteil.
Best Makes, Best Styles Still On
Hand, and Will Be Closed Out
At Greater Bargains
Than Ever. Monsy Suving OpportunU
ty For Piano Juiyors Evjr l'rc
aunteU, Easy I'uymcnts To
All if Desired.
Necessity Is the mother of action as well
a Invention.
We arc compelled to elenr out nil this
tock of good pianos, returned from agents;
now pianos of all makes, odd styles and
manufacturers' samples styles. They must
As a tmslncss proposition It Is .hotter
to closo out this surplus stock at factory
cost and less than to carry It until such
tlmo as we would need It for our regular
retail trade. This Is the beginning of tho
third week of the most successful sale of
plnnos ever conducted In this country.
Moro Instruments have been sold, more
pcoplo have attended tho sttlo than at any
similar tlmo In tho history of our busi
ness. Hundtcds of country patrons have written
us they could not bo here till this week. Wo
do not htsllato to say that you will find
ovorythlng Just as advertised.
Tho best makes of pianos at almost cut-in-two
pi Ices. 'Twill pay to como. hun
dreds of miles to attend this sale.
Klcgant now cabinet grand upright pianos
that ro.ail tho world over at $ 100, $130 and
$500; salo price, $213, $268, $208 to $327.
Torms, $25 cash, $10 per month buys them.
Everybody knows thcro nro no better
pianos la tho world than "Knabe," "Kim
ball," "Kranlch & IJach" and "Hallett &
Davis." They head the llbt of all good
pianos of today.
Handsomo styles of tine $325, $350 and
$375 upright pianos, various mnkes, marked
to clear out at $173, $187, $218 to $237.
Terms, $10 to $20 cash, $7 to $10 per month
'buys them.
Several standard made plain cased pianos
with first-class Interior, that sell regu
larly at $225 to $275; sal prices, $U0. $158
to $173. Torms, $10 or $15 cash, $6 to $7
per month buys them.
Soveral good upright pianos, cases
marerd by shipping from country, well
worth $300 each. Como and get them; tako
your choice for $150. Payments to suit.
Used upright pianos, several left that
havo been roturned from renting. "Victor,"
dark case, $90; another like new, $100, and
Btlll another simply shopworn, $135;
"Hlnzo" oak case, rented some time, $S5;
"Uoyal," largo sl?c, $110; "Kimball," dark
case, does not show wear, $190; '"Whit
ney," oak caso, splendid sliapo, $148;
another, $176; "Llghto & Co.," $100. Terms,
$10 cash, $5 por month buys these bargains
Oroat bargains In good organs; thoy go
nt half-price; $60 organ, $32; $70, $37.60:
$80, $42; $95, $47; $110 organ, $56; $130, $63;
$140 organ, $78. Terms, 6.00 cash, $4 per
month buys them.
Attend the salo early Monday for choice
ST. PAUL,, Aug. 31.-Ocncral Su
perintendent T. Edward gave tho Associ
ated Press tho following statement of tho
wreck on tho Great Northern near Kal
Ispcll: The accident occurred at 8:30 p. m. August
30, ut- Ussex, Mont. Eighteen curs bioko
loosu from the runr end of u freight train
and run down the lull sixteen miles to
Kyack rtallon, where It overlook passen
ger train No, 3. which wns just starting
out from the station, in the collision l 'i.
Downs, nssistanl general superintendent,
In charge of lines west of Mlnot, N. D., was
killed, together with his son, Kirk. Downs,
his cook. Henry Dialr, und about twenty
live laborers, who were moving west, were
in a coach attached to tho rear of the truth.
None or the regulur passengers on tho truln
was Injured. The wreck took lire and tho
remains or all except live of those killed
were burned. It Is thereforo not known
positively how many fatalities resulted, in
uddttlon to those killed twelve laborers aud
Ltrnkeman liurke were Injured.
Mr. Downs was born Apdl 8, 1847, In Ire
land. Ho entered tho railway servlco April
1, 1868 as a brakeman on a passenger train
on tho llurllngton branch of tho Central
Vermont railroad. In, 1886 he becamo mat
ter of trains on the Louisville division of
tho Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo railroad, then
comprising tho main lino of tho Uardc
town & Glasgow branch of tho Knoxvlllo
division nnd tho Chesopcako & Ohio
branch. May 1, 18SC, to December 31,
1890, he was superintendent Qf tho same
division and branches on tho. Loulsvlllo
& NaBhvllln railroad. For a year, ending
April 30, 1891, ho was trainmaster of the
Gulf, Colorado & Sauta Fe railroad. Ho
was made superintendent of this road on
May 1, 1891. From May 17, 1893, to July
1, 1896, ho was superintendent of tranapor
tatlon. He was mado assistant superln
tendent July 1, 1896, which ho held for six
months, when ho was mado assistant super
Intcndent of tho Atlanta & West Point rail
way and tho Western Hallway of Alabama,
at Atlanta. In September, 1899, ho was
appointed superintendent of tho samo
roads, which position he held until Novcm
ber, 1899. At this tlmo he camo to tho
Great Northorn, being made assistant gen
ernl superintendent December 11, 1899, for
tho Great Northern lines west of Mlnot,
N. -D. His appointment os vlco prcsldont
of tho Spokane Northern railway would
havo become cffcctlvo tomorrow, Scpttmv
ber 1.
Thirty-Six Arc Killed.
KALISl'ELL, Mont., Aug. 31. Later ro
ports from tho wreck nt Nyack, on tho
Great Northern, thirty miles west of here
aro more serious, thirty-six lives having beon
lest and thirteen persons Injured. Assistant
General Superintendent Downs of tho Great
Northern, his son, cook and thlrty-threo
Scandinavian laborers wero killed, and thlr
teen laborers wero Injured. Downs and his
son abd twcnty-olght laborers were burned
In the wreck. A freight train broko looso
on the mountain grado and crashed into tho
rear of the passenger train, fifteen miles be
low. The laborers wero bound from Duluth
to Jennings for railroad work and occupied
tho rear car. No passengers wero Injured
Threo passenger and ten freight cars wero
Iliiaalnii Admiral Ahandons Attempt
to Ilench I'ntc nnil Deelnrcs the
Tusk lmimllilc.
HAMMEItKEST, Norway, Aug. 31. The
teamer Frlthlof, which nrrlved hero yes
terday after having successfully landed the
Ualdwln-Zetglcr Arctic expedition at Camp
Zclglcr, on Alger Island, spoko tho Ilusslan
Ice-breaking steamer Ermak threo weeks
ago. Admiral Makaroff, tho originator of
the Idea to reach tho polo with tho Ermak,
said his experience had convinced blm that
it was impossible to force a way ttirougn
to tho Polar sea. The admiral wns then
homeward bound. Ho saw Mr. Baldwin.
1515-1513 Douglas.
We beg leave to announce the opon- i
Ing of the
Lilliputian Bazaar
at 1415 Douglas St,
on Tuesday, September 3. 1901.
Tho public li cordially invited to
ccall and Inspect this now and up-to-date
consisting of tho newest and most ex-
cluslvo novelties In
Suits Overcoats
and Waists,
also Shirts, Under
wear, Neckwear,
Collars, Hosiery, etc.
for the boys, and a complete lino of
beadwear for girls and boys of all
Benson & Thorn,
1415 Douglas St.
Oppcalto Orchard & Wllhclra.
.liicoli liltiKcr nnil Wllllnm Wcllinrt
of ClilcnFto tiltfk Corn K Inn's
,cw 1'rojcct.
SPRINGFIELD, III., Aug. 31. The secre
tary of state today issued article of In
corporation to tho Gcorgo II. Phlltlps Grnln
company pf Chicago, with a capital stocK or
500.000. Tho Incorporators nro ueorgo ti.
Phillips, the lnte "corn king," Jacob Ringer
rut William Wllhart, all of Chicago.
The new building of tho Colvary Baptist
hurch nt the corner of Twenty-fifth and
Hamilton streets Is rapidly approaching
imnietlon. The frescoing of tho malu
nuoltorlum and the Sunday schiol room haa
Just been completed nnd It Is a beautiful
nleco of work. Nearly all of tho con
tracts for tho completion of tho church
havo been let. Including that for tho pipe
organ, and It Is expected to have the dcdl'
cation early in October.
Tho building, when completed, will cost
nearly $30,000, which Is considerable In
excess of tho original estimate, but the
society feels Justified In Incurring this cxtr.t
expense In order to put up a building that
will be an ornament to the city.
The old building of tho church has been
old to tho Presbyterians of Dundee, but
services will bo held thcto every Sunday
morning and evening until further notlco,
Tomorrow night tho pastor will discuss tho
subject of "Lying."
The tent services at tho third location,
Park avenue nnd Leavenworth street, will
begin at 7:30 o'clock on Sunday evening,
September 1. Thero is seating capacity for
early 2,000 people, but during tho last
Ight weeks tho tent's capacity has bejn
taxed to tho utmost, not only Sunday, but
on week nltfhto. Thoso desiring seats
should como qulto early. Tho music and
singing will begin shortly after 7. Rev,
Merton Smith will preach about 8. A cor
dial Invitation Is extended to all to co
opcrato In these services.
Tho duration of the mission at this
location will bo two weeks nt most.
Yonng Vnnderhllt Make Vnmt Time
an Automobile In Competition
with l'oxhall Keene.
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 31. Tho autcmo
bile races held bv the National nssocll
Hon wore run ofT at the halt-mile tracK
ut Aquldneck park this nfternoon. Wll
llnm K. Vanderbllt. Jr., president of the
organization, wns altogether tho star par
rormcr or tno any. no arove nis owi
machine In four races, made tho best ttm
on the track nnd won tho championship
cup. laiuy 7,uw people went to mo irnc:
it was a noiuD e soc cty luucuon nr.
nearly every prominent family living lure
wns represented.
In all there were sixteen racej. but th
one nttrnctlng the most Interest was th:i
between young Mr. Vundcrblllt. In his ne
Qermnn racer of thlrty-llvc-horso nowe
nnd Foxhnll Keeue, in n machine of fu'ly
sIxty-horHo power. Each had won prelim
inary heats. Mr. Vnnderbllt quickly shot
ahead at tho start and nt the end of tho
tlrst lan wus nil or nn eighth or a mile
ahead. Aided uy n very clever chaneu
who nt tho sharu turns took every chain
und leaned far In with only a small strap
to support him. Air. Vanderbllt added t
his lend In the first mile. He wus 56 sec
onds nt tho half nhd only 1 mlnutn nnd
seconds nt tho mile. His third hnlf-m
was made In 41 seconds, the rustest Inn i
the meeting. Hair way over tho course ho
had Mr. Keenu surely ueaten. imrr nc nc
cldent, nnd finished tho five miles In line
rorm, ti wimer in minifies nnu ao see ni
the fastest live miles or tho dny.
Tho lost event of the day was the ch im
plonshlp for the winners of all elites
ten miles, or twenty limes around t
track. This Mr. Vanderbllt handily won
15 minutes and 23ty seconds, A noteworthy
competitor was Kenneth Skinner on n
motor tricycle, who wns second, coveilng
the ten miles in it minutes und second
A. Mayer Co.,
Tkoae 171
Re-No-May Powder
relieves and cures all disorder of th feet
au to excessive perspiration.
Price 50 Cents.
Sold by druKilits and lov dealers every
where. Sent by mall lor be additional U
cover potag
A safe, palnlcsi, per
manent cure guaran
teed. TiventT Ave
year' experlenoe. No monojr accepted until pa
tient Is well, ConmUatlan and Book free, by mtU
or at offlre. Write to Doutoh o. M. COK,
1 Waiant Mwt.KAMAB UITT, MO,
Taken First l'lncc Among l'rnfcaalon
ula In Contest nt Arnold
ARNOLD'S PARK, la., Aug. 31. (Special
Telegram.) The tlrst week of tho shootln
tournament closed with today s events
The amateurs have had their Innings. Nex
week the Indians occupy the stage. Today
averages were tho highest of the week
There wero twenty-one entries havlnc r
prcentago during four days of 85 or better
in the shoot-on. 1,. iiinshaw fit OkoboJI
la., made u clean score or so. It then dc
velopcd ho wns sick the first day nnd
missed two events, malting him Inellglbl
for the cup.
Guy Burnslde of Knoxvllle, III., and J. M
Hughes of Palmyra, wis., wero tied with
49. They shot on and tied twice. Hughe
Dually won with 48, In the class below 85
per cent, l. M. emeus or Wllllamsbtin
In., won tho cun. W. O. Crosby of O'Fii
Ion, 111., who mado tno best record against
the uritisn team iasi spring, won the pro
Tcsslonal cup, with an average of 93 per
cent for four days. Fred Gilbert scored
91ft; i a- i'urmeice, w,t; Hughes, Klein
Tlurnstdc, White, limy, Llndermann
Rogers, Holden, Croutcup nnd Wottlof
avcrugcn udovc w per eoni-ior tour aays,
Onkdule Wins by Heavy Ilatllnir.
OAKDALE. Nob., Aug. 31. (Special Tel
uram.l Oakdale defeated Crelghton at hi
ball todHy ut Nellgh, 21 to 6. Harry Welcli
wns put oui m wir uux in wie iour n li
ning nnd Cheatwood wns put In and tat ed
Just ns hard. Datterlfs: Oakdale, Letncby
and Wllklns: Crelghton. Wo'ch, Chcat
wond nnd O'Donnoll. Struck out! I)
lcmeny, li; y woien, j; uy intatwood,
Triiele liAirt fin in Nahraelro
I Udia VUII I WW III HbHl HllCli
o . o
The people of this state are protected from the curse of combines by stringent laws on our statute books o
, w
M HMBH - -n
Rev. Dr. A. C. Hirst, pastor of tho First
Methodist Episcopal church, has been ap'
pointed n member of tho Ecumenical coun-
11, which convenes next week In London
England, but on account of his Important
work in Omaha ho wob unable to be away
during September und, therefore, bad to
decllno tho honor. Dr. Hirst returns from
his vacation full of energy and renewed
hopefulness In tho success of hU work
here, having been greatly refreshed by his
much needed rest. Ho will preach nt both
morning and evening services today.
Compare Thest Prices
$3.75 Malted Milk, hospital size $'1"
$3.0) I'sychlno 1213
$2.00 Chichester Pennyroyal Pills $1.75
$2.00 Curl Cramer's Cotton Hoot, Tansy
and Penny roynl Pills, genuine ..$10
$2.U) McDnde's Succus Alterans ll.Bi
$1.75 S. S. S II 25
11.50 Vln Mnrlunl $l.l
S1.50 Fellows' Syrup HypophosphItes....1.15
Jl.W Imperial Hair Dye II.. 5
$1.50 Kennedy's Medlcul Discovery $1 2i
$1.25 Warner's Safe Cure 9 c
$1.00 Pcrunn 75a
$1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 75o
$1.00 Plnkhnm's Compound '5c
$1.00 King's New Discovery 5o
$1.00 S. S. S 75c
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription .. "if
$1.00 Pierce's Golden Med. Discovery .. 7."o
$1.00 Dr. Miles' Remedies 7io
$L00 Mnltlno Preparations l6o
$1.00 Temptnttnn Tonic Tfu
$1,00 West's Drain and Norvo Treat
ment 17c
$1.00 Sexlnc Pills 75c
$1.00 Swtimp Hoot 75c
$1.00 Duffy's Mnlt Whisky S c
$1.00 Iter's Malt Whisky i3e
$1.00 Stearns' Wine Cod Liver Oil 73e
$1.00 Wine of Cnrdul 7 c
$1.00 Pond's Extract 75c
$1.00 Glides' Pepto Siangan sfo
$1.00 Pnlno's Celery Compound 73o
$1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor 75a
$1.00 Hu-Cnn Hair Tonic "f.o
$1.00 Heef, Iron nnd Wine (Wycth's) .. 75c
$1.00 NcwUm's Female ncgulutor i5c
$1.00 Haifa Hulr Henewer 75.1
SIM t'nele Sam's Tobacco Curo tV)J
$1.00 Mnlted Milk "5c
$1.0) Mellen's Food Wo
$1.00 Valentine's Meat Juice ffo
$1.00 Allen's Lung Balsam 7Eo
$1.00 Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient 75c
$1.00 llromo Seltzer 752
$1.00 Plnaud'H Hair Tonic i 3c
$100 Hood's Sursnparllln 7fo
$1.00 Schnefcr's Sarsapurllln Tc
J1.00 Ayer's Sarsupiirllla "5c
$1.00 Green's Ncrvura 3a
$1.00 Sanmcttc "c
$1.00 Llstcrlno fcu
$1.00 Indian Sagwa 75c Hamlin's Wlznrtl Oil c
$1.00 Munyon'M Remedies "5a
$1.00 Humphrey's Remedies 7fc
75c Hottle Port Wine Wo
75c Rottlo Sherry Wlno 5"c
75c Rottlo Claret Wlno 50c
75c Rottlo Catawba Wlno' 50c
50c Syrup of Figs ?fc
50o Pond's Extract 4nc
50c Cutlcura Resolvent 40c
50c Cutlcura Ointment 40c
50c Tnrrnnt's Seltzer Aperient -K'c
50c King's New Discovery ... 0;
50c Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin '0o
50c Kilmer's Swamp Root i lrc
50c Gem Catnrrh Powder Mc
50c Williams' Pink Pills 40c
50c Donn's Kidney Pills 40o
50c Kld-no-oidH 402
50c Dlrney Catarrh Powder 35s
It Is not generally known that n drug trust exists In Omaha, but
such Is tho fact. Wo havo all felt tho effect of the coal and tho too
combtno nnd now wo havo n drug combine. Tho public will remem
ber tho light that was 'made against the earlier efforts of tho drug
trust In 189S by sonio of our local dealers, tho result being tho over
throw of tho trust. In that fight tho druggists who stood out wore
aided In their efforts, not only by the good wilt, but by thu gener
ous patronngo of this entlro community. Strung, ns It may appear
ono of tho former untl-lrust lenders In that fight Is now the presi
dent of tho local drug combine. Wo bcllccd then, nnd wo still feel,
that tho public has an absolute right to tho benefit of unrestricted
competition, and that wo should enjoy tho privilege of entering nn
open mnrkct to purchase goods. This tho combine seeks to deny to
tho public and to us. It has arbitrarily said yoif must advance tho
prices on certain articles to thoso fixed by tho combine. Wo ap
pealed to reason nnd fair dealing nnd Insisted that tho public had a
right to demand tho benoflt of it competitive market. Wo wero told
that all tho dealers In Omaha, except our selves, had agreed to the
prices as fixed by tho association, and that we could either comply or
go out of business. Aftor duo dcllbciatlon wo have concluded to do
neither, nnd wo so Informed tho trust, feeling confident that wo aro
nmply protected by tho public, who havo so generously patronized us
In the pnst, receiving In return tho benefit of our reduced prices.
Tho first step towards carrying out Its threat was notice to tho Job
bers that wo refused to enter Into tho combine or to bo bound by
the prices It had flxed; which notification was promtly met by tho
Jobbors positively refusing to sell us nny nrtlclo used by us In our
business. Two days later we woro advised that tho embargo was
raised on drugs, but wo could buy no proprietary medicine, stating
that whllo they regretted tho necessity of taking such notion, yet
having been "locally advised" that wo refused to ralso our prices
thoy must act In this wlso or loso tho trndo of thoso In tho com
bine. When wo refused to bo coerced by tho action of tho JobbeM
wo wero Informed by tho trust that If wo do not comply with Its de
mands It would retallato by reducing prlcos below tho cost prlco
nnd thus ruin our business. Wo simply say In reply wo havo heard
such threats beforo.
Wo were truly surprised that tho Jobbers of drugs In Omaha
should acok to aid tho local comblno by refusing to sell us their
goods, nnd v.o hesitated beforo making this announcement to tho pub
lic. Wo feci, howovcr, that wo havo un nbsoluto right to buy in nn
open market and that tho public has tho samo right. Wo bellcvo
that tho action of tho local association of druggists and of tho Job
bers Is unfair to us, that It Is unfair to tho public that they should
be compelled to buy such lndlspcnsnblo articles as drugs as they buy
coal at an absoluto and flxed prlco. Wo bellcvo that tho notion of
tho drug trust Is In direct violation of tho statutes of this stato and
that each member of tho comblno Is llnblo to tho penalties prescribed
for a violation of tho antl-triiBt law. Relieving ns wo do wo shall
deal with tho public In tho future aB In tho post. Wo will glvo you
tho benefit of tho lowest poastblo prices, which aro consistent with
sound business principles. Wc nsk you in return to nld us by your
patronage In our efforts to opposa the encroachments of tho trust.
Tho nbovo Is a very brief statement of what has occurred In tho
city of Omaha In drug circles within the past week. It Is current
and to tho public most important history.
m o
Compare These Prices
foe 1'nrker'a llnlr Dnlsnm 40c
'J Malted Milk 4V.
tK Mctlcu'tt l'iod 0c
5oc Nesttc's Food t 40o
be Swifts Extract of Reef 35..
tjCv Mebls's Kxtrtct of lnef 4 o
6V Marshal's Extract of Reef 15
50c AJ.ix Tablets 4(o
W'C Dur-fh-i 4iV
50c JchiiMon s Digestive Tablets 40c
Wc I.lthla Tablets (5-gr) 3oc
50c llromo Seltzer 40c
50c Chambeil.tnrs Cough Syrui 40c
50c Chntnberlfiln s C. C. nnd I) 4)c
5c Pltinuil's Hair Tonic .o
50c Coke's Dandruff Curo 35c
50c DomMchlnky llalr Dye 40e
50c St. Jacob's Oil 40c
tVo Hamlin's Wizard till l"o
50c PhoMplmtu Snilu 4 'n
Wc Mitchell's Kidney Plasters
Wc MunyonV Retredles
B3e Wakefield's .U. H. Imlsam
25o Carter's Liver Pills
::e l.nxMthf llromo Quinine
.tie Mninio Seltzer
rc Miles' Pills
25c Ayer's Pill
25c Jnyne's Pills
25c 'lecclmm'M lMlls
25c Miles' Autl-l'filu Pills
25c l.lttlo Liver fills
25c Relliidontiii Plasters. 2 for '.5c
25c 4711 Souti 12c
25o Cutlcuni Soap 20c
25c Juvenile .Soap lie
25c Pucker's Tnt Soap rfc
Sic Clininbrrlaln's Cough Syrup 'JV
2.V (.'liimibri'luln'H C. C. and 1) 20c
25c Quluiicetol 10c
IW itniisoiu's Illvii Syrup 30c
25c Electric Plasters 20
25c Humphrey's Remedies .eo
25c Munyon's Remedies 2lo
25c llallentlno's Remedies 2)c
23c Rleksecker's Dug Soup 19u
25c Schlltz Extract of Mnlt, 2 for 2tc
or... Inl.t., .I,..., 'r.itili. it..
25c Malt Nutrlno Vc O
25c Sozodont I'.'c O
25o HiohiI'h Dentifrice l!u n
25o Hhellleld'H Dentifrice 19a
23c Enthyniol Paste I'lo
25c Hood's Tooth Powder 19c O
25c Siililtol.Tontli powder ... 19c. n
25c Rulilfoam 1'Ks X
25c I'nsturlno Tooth I'asto lie "
25c La Violet Dentifrice 19o O
25c I.lstcrliic ;ra O
25c l'.'irnxldc Hydrogen :0c r
25c Plso Consumption Cure 2'e "
25c Slump's Cough Curo 20c O
25c Indian Oil rcc O
25c Menncn'H Tiilcum Powder 12c n
25c, Pears' Soap ((fronted) J3c
25e Pcnrs' soau (unsconted) lc u
15o Allcnck's Pliistors 12- O
1 dnz. 2-gratn Quinine Cfpulrs "o o
1 iloz. 3-gruln Quinine Capsules lc n
;? O
1 doz 5-grnln Quinine Capsules l!c
All mail orders will be promptly attended to nnd no charge for cartage or boxing order any quantity you want.
The cash must accompany the order. On PRESCRIPTIONS wo will save you in same proportion we do on patent medi
cines. Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.
Cor. 16th
& Chicago
Tel. 747.
Schaef er's Cut Price Drug Store
chaplain at St. Louis Unl- n.JegUg ana tiie Luwyer." Ulble school nt
English Lutheran, Twenty-
Rev. Thomas H. Miles, formerly rector of
Crelghton -college
vcrsuy, was given a goiucn juuute uy mo i noon.
T . 1 . TI .V.nV. n a, T n I o loaf T nn I M. It . .
day. It being tho fiftieth anniversary of his first andm' and' 8 p. m. minday I Captain Slgsbe. Tublishes Eeport of Id
entry lnt& tho order. IlaJ . Unnrl' Younir oconle's meeting at 1 W..V V. P,ln Vmbt.
Piihllr. sntmn htffh rnnfl, wnn relehrntel I n n
i . i. . i t i . i. n n .. . I ... . n .!,(.. Un Rnvpntcentn anu
iu iue uiwjuiub. 4i3i 111 mo . '." i i irst x ffau ..'. - -"--"'i,,.., ....
...o. n whiv, invito miq i Tintiirp Service nt a. iff... i;'""'""."
Hue "..a t,..". ....-v.. .m..- . ri.. t t WIlBon. D. D.l subject, "tiiiui-
were present. When the moal was cnaca, i-VSI' " fiivlne." Christian Endeavor mcot-
the younger brethren of the Society of ,nit at 7 p. m.
t a uii.j i,u , , T'reslivtcrlan. fli'
jcauti icsiiuvu in jjiuou uuu I'uovij luvi. xioneiiuuii ,, "ni,i,i Huh.
regard for Father Miles. His enviable ca- .M oTa. m, "Love Thou Me;"
mnmlipr nf ihn orrlnr wns re
vlnweil In the ntldrcsscs and his exalted t-,.'...r 'in lis.
character was extolled in verse. First United livnngeiicui, r " "v"
tween Twcnty-iourin uuu iwyuu-unui
u T-xnnu Pnalnr-PrencniUK ni u a,
The choir of tho First Methodist 8,, ,n. Sunday school at 10 a. m
vn V. ...Int. Vina hmn finvlntr n vnrtiflnn I r 1.- nt 7 n. In.
for tho past, few weeks, will bo In Its Plce auni
U....,ln.. mnrn nK I tOH I lUtt, Z; Unit, nm.
.Linlnn lit 7?M 11. 111. HOlV COm
munton and sermon at U a. m. livening
prayer at 8 p. m.
St. John's, xweniy-sixui ,onu "
rov fihBrl-.s Herbert Young, Pastor-Holy
communion at 7:30 n. m. Sunday school ut
9115 n. m. liign ceieuiuuuii
Evensong at : p. in.
Grace Baptist. Tenth, and Arnor. u. v.
.limnn Pmfnr-Prenchlnir ut 10:15 n. m.
und 7:45 p. m. Sunday-
school nt noon.
jjaptist, xouug
Sunday morning.
Miss Helen Burnbam will sing tho offer
tory solo at Trinity cathedral this morning.
Y. M. O. A. Notes.
A testimony ecrvlco will bo given nt the
regular men's meeting at 4 p. m., Sunday,
Thn cnnrntnrv V. I.. Willis, will he OrCS-
cnt and lead tho meeting, which will be Junto; ; unlor at P. ni.
given to testimony and song. Peonle's. Tenth nnd California, Charles
Last Saturday evening tho members ol w. Savldtfe. l'nstor Subject at iu:30 a. m;.
Geneva club, tho new organization mnde up "Tho Holy Spirit obl,"1"0'i'r;
of those who were members of the Oman. T-,J;rAT Things."'
Camp ill Xrftlve uvil Him emumvi, ii. u
nlcnlc at Lako Manawa.
During the week thero has been consld
crable interest In tho members' tennis
tournament, which Is being played ot the
Athletic nark. There were thirteen cn
tered In the singles and six teams in the
doubles, ii.mtiat rrvnutv-HiYiii nno ocw
nrd. Thomas Anderson, Pnstor-Servlco at
10:30 n. in., followed by Lord's prayer; topic,
"Tho One Who Goes Before." Evening serv
ice nt 8 n. m.: tonic. "Lying.
Trlnllv rintlmilrill fnnltnl AVOIIUO nnd
Eighteenth Street, Dean Campbell Fulr
Holy communion at 8 and 11 n. m. Hunuaj.
school ut iu a. m. ana a p. m. ouinwu m.u
sermon ut 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Tho educational committee Is at present TUvmmith pnnirri.tKitinnni. Twentieth nnd
engaged In tho selection of teachers for Spencer, Rev. Frederick A. Hatch, Pastor
the night school -th- -U. SSTSS lmg svlcp the' pas-
pletcd. It has been decided this year to t0f fcpenh on ..Rullica Wells."
open tho educational work on Monday immamloi Baptist, Twenty-fourth and
evening, October 14. Blimey. H. W. Davli Pastor Morning sub-
n . . . th t I'lnia n rum v rn. i iitf-r. " i nn n un I'liiii: uvrimiK. icuuiio wi
accreiary ' delegates who attended tho Baptist Young
turned Saturday morning from a vacaiiou j,c0l7le.B un0 convention ut Cnlcago.
vUlt In Hartford. Conn. sti Andrew's, Forty-llrst and Charles,
Tho association's committee has been ap- nev. Fruncls 8. White, Pustor Holy com-
nin,.,i for hn comlne year's work and the munlon ut 7:30 n. m. Sunday school ut 10 u.
"-- " i,,., ,. I m. Holy communion nnd sermon nt u a.
plan is to noiu me nuiciai wuu, m Evening prayer and sermon nt 7:45 p. m
ngs wltnin ino ncxi ien i.-ira, Methodist Knlscona I. North Twcn-
The cony for the general prospectus oi tleth anil Davenport, Rov. ur. a. c. iiirsi,
the association Is In the hands of tho IPastqr-serv ces ut 10: ) a m. n. m s p. m
printer. The prospectus contains matter of 3la0;ff0TO
general Interest concerning tho association, m-
Including plans ol worK, ecneouies ni Mission, Seventeenth Street nnu ynpnoi
classes and tho pbyelcal nnd educational Avenue, Boy. J. A. Dooley and Wife in
classes, anu uio i u) Charge-Holiness cIbbs ut 9:30 n. m. and 4
work. It will be a boole or auoui sixty Preuchlng nt 11 u. in. nnd h:30 p. m.
panes. Sunday scnooi ut .:i;u p. m. nireui iuuuuiik
Thx mnmhKri til tno "UOYB tiOl Will) CI 11 11 ul I lit III.
Cftitrnl llnltml Prpslivfprlnn. Dodco ond
nein n meuuiiK m m - :..r,h- u'r.;. T,',hn M ' lioR. Pus-
last Thursday evening, It Doing mo nrsi tVpreuehtng nt 10 u. m.; theme. "Tho
meeting of tno yeur, aim umuuia .nu jsyes or the Lord." sauuatn sctiooi nt noon.
.--..i n,. . . nlphnnl Pnttpnson. tires- The canarefratlon will unite In tho meeting
aii'i'iru un mi un-t .....-.. -- . - w-- -- .- . -
J n.v.n. vlrn nresldcnt- Justin at 'he tent on Twcnty-nuun una heaven-
Idcnt; Paul Havens, vice president, 4usun w(jrth (reeta , ,ho evsim)gl
Lowe, secretary; Harry Strawn. trensurer. Boward 8trcot Methodist. Twenty-second
Tho meeting was a very pleasant ont, and nrul Seward-Love feast ut 0:30 a. m. Ser
mon uy itev. wiusnire li, i-cms ni ii.
Tines in Work by Foreign Powers.
New Gerninii Ilnttlc Fleet Will Be
Completed Much Sooner Than
Inspected England Leads in
Amount of Appropriations.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Captain Charles
D. Slgsbec, chief of the Oftlco of Naval
Intelligence, has mado public that buroau's
publication entitled "Notes on Naval
Progress," which sots forth in a completo
way the advanco that has boon made In
naval work among tho- foreign nnvles. . A
noteworthy statement Is that the now Ger
man battle fleet will bo practically com
plete when tho vessels laid down In 1905
are completed, Instead of In 1916 as for
merly proposed. Vessels laid down after
1905 will bo either for foreign servlco or the
nbn-acttvo' fleet.
To civo an Idea of tho fighting strength
ot thu seven principal navies of tho world,
a tablo is submitted, showing tho following
total of tonnage of ships built, building
and to bo built: England, 1,766,855; Franco,
781,065; Itussla, 552,546; United States, 607,
494; Germany, 458,482; Italy, 322,707; Japau,
Naval appropriations for tho present fis
cal year are stated as follows: England,
$149,765,620, an Increase of over $10,000,000
as compared with last year; Franco, $03,
244,658; Itussla, $50,005,297, an lncreaso ot
over $5,000,000; Germany, $40,822,732; Italy.
$23,703,695; Japan, $18,557,633, and Spain,
$3,860,000 to bo devoted almost exclusively
to ship building.
One woman Iidh had her mon
ey returned for FelH-Xaptha
soap in live months!
We don't know why. Tf it
didn't do as we say, she didn't
f:llow directions. May bo, she
only wanted to know if the gro
cer really would give her the
money. She found out.
Fels & Co., makers, Philadelphia.
rfrf.shments were served. The next meet
ing will be held Septombcr 27.
Miscellaneous Announcement.
tt Mary's Congregational Sermon nt
10:3J by ills F ,. Hatch. Sunday school
U VVrsTchurch of Christ. Scientist-Sunday
school ot 9:45 n..m. Morning servlco nt 11;
lesson topic, "Mnn."
Park Avenue United Presbyterian-Sermon
at 10:30 n. m.. "Tho Tongue of tho
Learned." No evening service.
Walnut Hilt Methodist-Sermon at 10:30 a.
m. Quarterly meeting at 8 p. m.. with scr
inon by Itev. J. L. Vnllow of Blair.
.First Baptlst-BfV. H. W. ltydcr will
preach at 10: ro. A nicotlng of the ad
vdsory board will bo held at tho closo of
the service,
Hillsldo Congregational. Thirtieth and
Ohio, Bev. Jacob Flook, Pastor-Services ut
10:30 a. m. und S p. m. Sunday school nt
11:45 a, in.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian. Lowe Avenue
nnd Nicholas Street-Preaching at 10:45 u.
m by Hcv. Stephen Phelps. D. D. Sunday
school at noon. evening service.
Grace Lutheran. Twenty-slxth Strreet,
Near Poppleton Avenue, Bev lAUner Jl:
Kuhn. Pastor-At 11 a. m.. "The Trinity;"
at 8 p. m., "On Knowing You Are Saved."
Kountse Memorial. Edward Frederick
Treft, Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:3o
p, m. Sunday school at 10:30 n, m. Voting
People's Society Christian Endeavor at 6:30
p. m,
First Christian, Twentieth and Capitol
m followed by sacrament of Lord's supper.
Epworth league ut 7 p. m.
C. N. Duwson at 8 p. m.
und Labor."
Sermon by Hov.
topic, "uupitai
Arapahoe Women Win.
AltAPAHOE, Neb.. Aug. 31. (SpeonI
Telegrum.) Tho Arapahoe women's buso
bidl team defeated a picked nine of heavy
weights. The gate rocelpts wore given to
the Arnpahoo Base Ball association. Scoro;
Women 0 1 0 2 6 3 0 2 317 ' 6 " 3
Men 0 4 0 0 4 1 0 0 0- 9 9 13
Attendance: 400, Umpire: ltutcllrf.
IodK Defeutx Hurlhucr,
DODGK, Neb., Aug. 31, (Specml.) Tho
base ball game yesterday between Dodge
and Scrlbner was won by Dodge, 6 to 1.
Dodge 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 -6
Scrlbner , 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Batteries; Dodge, Nnggengast and Kudd;
Scrlbner, Boll and Bobertson. Struck out:
By Nuggcngast, lb; by Boll, 10.
llnaki-IU Take Another from Slirltnn,
8HELTON, Nob., Aug. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Thc'Haskell Indians won tho second
pame of base ball from Bhelton todav.
to 6. Moore and BhodtH of Mlnden played
with Bhelton.
Batteries: Indlnns, Gravel. o ami Feu;
Bhelton, Mllllken nnd Mooic. Hits: Off
Uravelle, lir oft Mllllken, 12. Error: In
dia ns, 4; Shelton, 5.
Floyd M. Smith leaves tonight for New
Mrs, J. Schlegel nnd daughter, Miss
Myrtle, nro visiting friends in Chlcngo.
Miss Jessie Falkenberger has been tho
guest of Mrs. F F. Booso during tho past
W. M. Burgess left last night for Wee
(juetonslng, Mich., for a vncatlon of two
Mrs. Silas B. Iike, wife of the superin
tendent of Station A postofflce, Is visiting
relutlvi.'H ut her old home, WaukcBhu, und
Oconomowoc, Wis.
nichurd W. Plndell of Hannibal, Mo., Is
vlsltng his tlHtcr, Mrs. S. II. Bush, at
49JI Webster street.
C. W. Murdock Is In Chicago on ft short
trip connected with tho work of tho fed
eral building, of which ho Is architect In
J. E. Hnutz, ex-collector of tho Internal
revenue, la In the city today from Lincoln.
He has Just returned from a trip to Mon
tana on a llshlng expedition,
Mr and Mrs. Cadet Taylor left Inst
night on n trip to Portlund, Ore., where
they will remain two weeks. They wera
accompanied by Mr. Taylor's father.
Hnud Fiirrlsh. secretary to the chief nf
tho lire department, returned this mornlnn
from u tour or the east,
visited his old home In
Island. Manhattan Beach
N'cw York nnd tho Buffalo
says the exposition Is a great show. Spud
has gained ten pounds during Ills vocation.
lFcal brevities.
Frederick, lending hatter.
Dr. A. W. Naron, dentist, 446 Bee building.
Dr. J. It. Durdlck. 4W Bee Bldg. Tel. 20U
Dr. Qulnby, Homcopathlst, 334 Bee bid's.
Dr. W. H. Hanchoit, 418 Ben Bldg. Tel.
A42I and 161.
Ladles' and Minces' suits, skirts, walsti,
wrarpers, underskirts, millinery, etc., cash
or credit. jPeopIe's Store. 10th and Farnam
Miss Mnck, principal of the Vinton school,
1ms nslgned her position to take effect Im
mediately, i lei successor has not yet been
chosen. '
Anna D Peterson lias sued Soren P.
Peterson for divorce, alleging non-support
and cruolty. They were married In Omaha
In November, INC.
Thomas It. Kimball of Omaha bus been
invited to submit pIhiis for tho construction
of a library building nt Galveston, Tex.
Three firms In tho country, ono ut tcw
September 11 to 21.
Batida Rossa
Of 45 Pieces, Sept. 12, 13, 14.
Spectacular Daylight Parade, September 18,
Grand Electrical Pageant, September 19.
Court Ball at the Den, September 20.
. Oriental Carnival Every Day and Night.
Reduced Rates on All Railroads
York, ono nt St. Louis and ono nt Omaha, fastidious tastes. "A Society of the Sons
wero selected to enter u paid competition. nn,j naughteis of Do Soto" was the out
ClmrlEH Kwlm.' lias brouuht suit for ill- I 411 ftin hnat npnnlA In ihn vll Inert
vorcu trom Altlm Kwlllg oil tho ground of ' ' ..v ollelhln and wern
enrolled ns charter mombcrs.
Howovcr, thcro wob ono man on the outer
frlngo whoso proof of descent wns not ac
cepted; In short, 10 wub blackballed. This
mado him angry and ho started to Investi
gate tho subject. Ono day ho published
his findings in the local newspaper. Tho
principal fnct was this: "F. Do Soto died
a bachelor."
Tho Sons and Daughtots of Do Soto aro
now known ns tho Rllto Kuohro club.
Moral Thero's a wholo lot In a name.
abandonment. They wore married In Doug
las county In July, l&SS.
Jnmes V. Hogg has begun suit In tho
lluti'lpt r-nnrt nirnlnRt Ihn ('lllcnuo. IIOCK
t, during which he Island & Poclllo llullrimd company for $10.-
In VlrBlnla. Con y 0. Ho sayjj thut ho had throe ribs broken
such, Washington. nd was otherwise injured In on
'aid exposition. Ho tnn rond near Kremlin, Okl,, on July M.
'I'l.o tlutu lini'u l,...n rlnnoil which WLTC
open to applicants for government positions
under the civil servlco at the South Omaha
poHtofllce. But ten applications wero re
ceived, making thu total number of persons
to bo examined at the cqminx session nf tho
locnl civil rervlcu board about- M. Lxnm
lnatlons will bo held two dayH. heptember I
and 3. half of thut number being examined
each day.
Pride Hud Its full.
Tho Smart Set: Onco thero were some
very swagger pcoplo In nn ultra village not
far from tho metropolis who decided that
no society yet bunched together was ex
clusive enough for them. Kvcn the Colonial
Dumes failed to meet tho requirements.
80 thoy determined to stnrt a now aggre
gation that should bo tho rcHl thing.
After eonldcrnblo thought thoy con
cluded that If they limited membership to
direct descendants of Fernando do Soto It
would bo sufficiently cxcluslvo for their
To Cri-mute I,uillou' llody,
WASHINOTON, Aug. 31. Information has
been received nt tho War department that
tho remains of Brigadier (Jeneral Ludlow
will bo cromatod. Services will bo held
Tuesday In Trinity rhiirch, New York. Tho
ashes will be Interred ot tho old home of tho
Ludlows on Long Island.
Iloer Lender Cniiired.
LONDON, Aug. 31, Lord Kitchener, tele
graphing from Pretoria today, says:
"flnrratt has captured Plet Dolarpy, brother
of the ns3l3tant commaudant general."