September 1, 1001. 8 Time Turned Into Money Every man's tlmo has a certain vaiuo lo lilrn; that In, ho can so uso It an to Rot a financial return. Hut It has remained for una of tho rent rorporatlons to establish I hi) literal truth of Hi" proverb, "Tlmo Is money," by actually dcnlliiK In tho HoutliiK hour an a eommoillty. Arennllm? to care fully eomiiuii'il tlKuren the Western Union Telegraph lompany receives annually marly, If not full, $ 1 ,000.000 from Its trade lu UiIh IntniiKlblo medium. Ah tho company pays tioihlim for Uh ikiIm, nnd Is put to no expense hut that of delivery, the business Is a profitable one, and an Its operations extend from border to border of the country In all directions, the monopoly Is as ex lenslve us It Is remunerative. How can ho volatile a commodity as "cot rod time" be wild? I'rom tin I'nlted States Naval Observn lory In Washington tbe correct time, at noon. Is Klven every day. It Is free to any one for the simple asking. The computation of time Is earerully made by a staff of ox perls employed by the Kovcrtiment, and tho result of their work Is communicated by electricity to tho various government do piirtinents In the capital precisely at 12 o'clock every day. The timekeepers of the mil Ion likewise touch a button, which causes a Hpark anil a click In the, olllces of the Western I'nlon telegraph olllce In every city In the United States where their tolo Hrapti lines reach. Tho Western 1'iilou Telegraph company has ii concession from the Koverninent to keep certain Inst ruuientH In the observa tory. There Is an attachment leading from these Instruments to a largo announcer, or electric button, and when the tlmo bell strikes, the news of the correct noiiiil line, sent away to the Knverinneiit olllcis. Is transmitted simultaneously, and without even the aid of an operator, from tbe West ern Union Instruments, to points as far west as San Kraucisco and as far south as Now Orleans. As a matter of face, It requires but the astonishingly short space of one-llfth of a second to notify every state lu the union that the noon hour has arrived. In the very twinklliiK of an eye the little electric spark Is Hashed over thousands of iiiIIch of wire radiating toward all points of the compass. The wonderful feat Is accomplished only, however, after an absolute suspension of the entire telegraph business of the nation, livery wire Is cleared of work, no matter how Important It may be, Just before 12 o'cluck noon, eastern time, each day. For three and ouo-half minutes not a sound of n Western Union ticker Is heard lu the United States. Tho telegraph operators lu every part of the country cease HcndltiK or receiving messages and arrange tho wires so that there may bo an uninterrupted and unbroken connection with Washington to all points lu the United .Slates to which the wires e.loiid their Intricate meshes. .lust before the time bell Is to strlku n general warning Is Hashed along tho line, and tho instant the sun passes over the seveuty-llfth meridian the message Hashes with the rapidity of lightning to tho far thest clttcH lu tho United States, In nil di rections from Maine to California and from tho (lulf of Mexico to tho Canadian bordur, so that at practically tbe same Instant every city lu the United States knows that the noon hour, at Washington, lias arrived. This means for (bo western cities, 11 n. m., 10 a, in., or 9 a. in., according to their longi tude. The differences of actual tlmo lu tho minor divisions of tho hour have, for the sake of convenience, been abrogated, and the entire country divided Into four per pendicular Hi rips, each strip setting lis clocks by the tlmo of the meridian that bisects It from north to south. So, when the noon hour Is announced from Wash ington, It indicates 11 a. in. at Chicago, 10 a in. at Omaha ami ! a. in. at San Fran cisco. Tho Western Union Telegraph company has In this commercial device a unhiie monopoly of news service a service which sends out hut one Item dally and that Hem merely nil electric spark. Naturally there are many hundreds of Individuals and bus Inesi) concerns lu every largo city of tho country to whom exact time It of value and for tho accommodation of such cus tomers the telegraph contpnny, In return for a consideration of $1! n year, estab lishes connection with their clocks at their hollies or olllces nud malutnliis perfect of llclal tlmo all over the country by the electrical circuits centering In tho national . capital. , lu New York City alonu nro 8,000 such . electric clocks, from which tho company I derives a revenue of $120,000 a year. Hear ing in mind that New Voik Is only one of the nriiiy largo cities lu the country nnd that all the other cities combined have eight times as many clocks lu operation as New York. It would require no grent math ematical mind to estimate that the amount of money received by tho company from the sale of (line would bo more than $1,000, 000 n year. Considering that the only expenses In curred arc lu maintaining the Inexpensive apparatus lu the observatory nnd n few men lo answer complaints nun iuuko repairs. It will be seen that It Is a most protltnblo business enterprise. On tho other hand. It. should bo borne In nilnil that tho loss Incurred lu completely stopping telegraphic eominunlcntlon every day nt tho busiest hour Is u matter of no small loss lu dollars to tho company, yet It Is by no means tan tamount to the gain. Operators of prlvalo observatories have hud their cupidity aroused by tho work of the Western Union Telegraph company nnd hnvo offered cut-rate terms for guar anteed correct solar time nnd while It U JJIIIjl The above Is a halftone from a photograph taken of tho business department of the Omaha Commercial College during the writing period. There weru over two hundred students In other departments not shown lu the picture Truly tho O. C. C. leads while others follow. LARGEST MERCANTILE SCHOOL. It Is now conceded that the Omaha Commercial Collego is not only tut largest school of Its kind west of Chicago but tho best equipped. Mh courses of Btudy are complete, Its methods modern, Its tenchers experts and Its facilities unequalled. Tho maintenance of a College Hand, a Collego Orchestra, a Collego Printing Olllce, a Literary Society, a I.ecturo Course nnd n Hoard of Trade, provide cntertnlnment for Its students of a high order. Other new features nro soon to bo added. FA 1.1 TERM - Opens tomorrow morning. Many now students havo already registered. Ucgln tomorrow so you can bo properly classllled. New class In overy department. NK1IIT SCHOOL Hcglns tonnrrow night. You can havo any study desired. Gregg Shorthand wltl bo taught and It Is so easy you can master It in our Night School lu n few months. Call and Investlgite. PRIZES WOIITH FIVE HUNDHED DOLLARS For solving certain problems. A $200 diamond ring or $200 lu gold for Ills' prize. Send for problems. You havo until Sept. 30 to Bend answers. Wrlto for particulars. Klght other prizes. You can get one of them. CATALOOUIS Free to any nd dress. WORK FOR HOARD Hoard for three hours work each day. Wrlto for particulars. SOCIALS, LECTURES AND ENTERTA I NM ENTS We have a number each year and tbev aro all freo to our students. I.'nr fnr-tlmr tin rl letilnrn nili!nan. I i i i . . , I a IlOHRHOUliII IlltUh., UMAIIA, .Mill, J probably the slmon puro nrtlcle, ns time goes, it Is not olllclal and the commodity, fresh from the naval observatory at Wash ington, has the call and tho "scalpers" on time havo fared but 111. Tho government Is hut too willing to give away time to anybody who calls for It and carries something to take It away In unit anyone who wants It can hnvo the very same article and privileges which have ben granted to the Western Union Tele graph company. Tho reason why nobody else can mako money from Its sale, how ever, Is obvious. The proccHs carried out by the telegraph company was one of tho principal objects of the naval observatory. It was originally Intended by the government olllclnls that time balls should be dropped exactly at the hour of noon In all tho seaport towns. so that seafaring men might set their chronometers nt tho truo solar time. This the Western Union anticipated nnd offset by their ptesent system of flashing their noon tlmo to their thousands of clocks throughout tho length nnd breadth of the nation, by which tens of thousands of watches havo their hands turned backward or forward to tho exact hour mark. She Knuw Amos Keeter Cleveland Plain Dealer: Sho was n vory talkative old oiintlo nnd her memory was romnrkable. Her nephew from tho city soon realized the strength of both of these characteristics. "Say, aunty," ho put lu when ho found an opening in tho old woman's continuous chain of reminiscences, "did you ever know tho Skeeter family that used to live around hero somewhere?" "Know 'em all," cried the old woman without a moment's hesitation. "Yes. In deed." "Did you know Aiikh?" continued the Joker. "Amos Keeter!" cried the old woman .igaln. "Well, I should say I did. Many's the party bo's taken to me. Amos Keeter'' Deaf, dear, how his nntuo does call up the good old limes!" And then tho wicked nephew hail to go out behind the woodshed to laugh. Blue Ribbon Beer. As pure as the blue in t'e skies. Physicians recognize nnd ndtnlt the fact that n pure extract of malt and hops Is tho most benetlclal to humanity of any bever age. While It stimulates, It also leaves Its Impression In an Increased nerve force. In creased vitality, u healthy digestion nnd, best of nil, n prosperous smile on those who have dined with "llluo Rlbbon"-tho perfect brow. I'm i) bops and malt, perfectly blended, thoroughly sterilized and made In tho cleanest brewery lu tho world, with tho purest of wntcr. Why not the best? Order a snmple case nnd you will never ue without it. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12 (JO. "A Household Word." F Hiller's Pure Rye 8 Years Old 41 TV I in the coffee bin - not f I a pleasant thought, VU1V I Kepi upeu iii mini on Knows wnai ouierem "things" come climb ing and floating in ? Lion Coffee put up iii sealed packages insures cleanliness, uniform quality, Iresliness and delicious flavor. 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO The Chicago Record lias 61 of these Type, writers in daily nsc YOST jjjj Choice Confectionery GOLD MEDAL. Chocolate Bon-Bons STRICTLY IIIOII OHADE. Sent by Express In 1, I, I and (-pound boxes 60 pound. W. S. Balduff, 1B20 Far n am St., Omaha. Mi WIiimIih'n SimiIIiIiik Syrup has been used for over KIKTY YEARS hi MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their I'MIL OK UN WHILE TKKTIMNO. with PKIt l.'l.'i'T Ml'i'i'l.:s IT SOOTHES tbe (MIILU. SOFTENS the Cll'MS. ALLAYS all PAIN. immikh wivn i'iii.U' and Is tho best rem oily for niAHUIIOKA. Sold liv druggists In every nart of the world, lie sure anil ask for "Mm. WIiihIdw'b Soothing Syrup' and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KEARNEY. NKH ,. boarding school for boys under the military system Gymnasium Manual training Uept Prepare boys for college Ideal climate Terms low on account ot eudowipent Send postal card for lllus trated catalogue to HARRY N RUSSELL. Head Master $3.20 per gallon Charges Prepaid. Pure, health-giving, Invigorating. PREVENTINQ DISEASE. Pre-eminently a MEDICINAL WHISKEY. Put up In four full quarts, or one gallon Jug. HENRY HILLER. '-- No. IOIIi Street. Oimilin, Neliranka. Orders west of Nebraska must call for 3 ganoni to ue prepaid. wmtt&m THIAItTltlLaVTStllT Fllt.r, nuwiu (urioii ko ur uircuwtil Internal. KslrriiMl or Urlilng lira Iti Urru I'llrt'urr falla tucuro.'liiitaiil '"l ixriimnont relief Write nt mire, Jrrm Jletllrul Co., Jl K.3.1 St,,t'lrliinll,0. THE II HI .Mbbbbbb .a. tarn MAKER to WEARER New Fall Styles ot the famous Herein Shoes havo Just arrived- they come In many exclusive stylos and leathers IneludliiK tho new natont viol kid, enamel, calf, etc.- overythlni; now nnd different, but tho price still your cholco lor jj.jv. Regent Shoe Co, am south i.vrn stukict Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. irothirwl I-'-llv iMiim illy iiii i-iiiiiuii ii rrcriVWl. All CUAH tli'MikHiiiKHilvi'rtUlnii In manilni'M tirn cnvl'itu lie im'wnt it liow on r ifnixlu. Ifynii' 10,000 RAZORS GIVEN AWAY! Miullrlil llaiorj known world OTtTiulrotmiulc. To . , ..."... v.., r.ii-viMu imwii runvinir rioHli Hnn!Ttp hnnrinnmt, ltutuirtiil Klu.ttll.t Biw.l . i...?'. tr "jtiiij mi- jOnir l h lo mtv, itlwmuit. only one In n Krldn iSl vi ti,i-cu,a aUAVQ, Xmr York CI t v ON II' 1 1ON V Ith nourarnlleallnn rmi mint nln iMm mitiilHTiil coupon to your lmino.t ndilrvi. in,i with ii in. i. illvi rurHKiiiin.toliflpiMTpoMav'e.iiiAlllnir, packing, eto , & ou 111 rm i o Irro puclace ot Uwtrlo Balm Shaving A Compleilon Soap U l ciiUDi tlin tl In, prm nta punpli ,blttcb a A all facial eruption, to- mi COUPON NUMBER 6054 If you want a typewriter, why not como first where you can sco EVERY OOOI) SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever Issued is yours for the asking. Write or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Co., 1014 Fn en n ill St., Or.mliii. 4 ..aatW' eto" Ti.3e-tnt .vt " i9 U"'"i:0 " tt'V.tvJ0'; i no i ROOT, Printer 414-4:6 South Twelfth Street Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. aaaaaaaHHOl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbb aaal BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKlvy ' rriiH Htttiit Kisses are Sweetest when tnken from moutlm that know dullciou Arnica Tooth Soap ulntH or liv mull, . II. hTKO.M 1 I'rtervH anil wliitmin tho lerth, IH'iiKllicn tho tiuinn, nweiiM Ui iiu'.iiii. ihhii tlK....ll.. ......It.,.. .urrnul,li.,r larirpeiTrlfrlciiforaiiar. Lo ut nil ilruu- x o., 'iiiciio, r. k ,