Dutch Methods of Governing in the East Indies gar- ('ENEItAL V ItOflSENIIOOM, (iOVEKNOIt OK Dl'TCH HAST INDIES. it ip rlKttl. l'J 'l. Iiy Frank 12 Carpenter.) BUlTENZOItO, Jnvn, Am?. 1. -(Special Correspondence ot Tho lice.) I Hpt'tit an hour hero IIiIh morn ing with (lencrul W. Ilousoboom, tho ruler of thu Dutch East Indies. Ilu hna been a soldier uf high dls t luctlon lii thu Dutch army, nml I In only a year or ho ngo that ho was t,t:nt hero to ba govurnor general of the vaat posses Ions which Holland owns In thin p:irl of liu world Tho words govornoi funeral glvo but a small Idea of thu extent of hla power. Ilu Is In reality a U 1 iik. and liu has moro power ever his subjects than nny ruler of Europe. He rules more than 31.000.000 peoplo, srnl terid over a territory moro than three t mes ns groat as CJermany or Franco mid greater thnti nny country In Eurnp except Hut-tla. Ilu hn.t thniisandii of olllclnls under htm; his standing army Is more than half ns Inrgu ns our own, and ho has Tor years b en carrying on a war with scmo of tho tribes of Sumatra as Burtons as our war with tho Filipinos. riuil ullli linvcnicir Cciu-inl. Thu governor general lives In great state hero In Java. He Is allowed $G0,000 a year for entertaining and his annual salary Is larger than that of our president. His pnluco Is as big as tho White House and It nyB it Is the only ono by which they can bo mado contented and happy. Upon leav ing liu gave me notes to some of his olllclnls and t'ln ce then has had forwarded me a general lettir to the resident governors of the various provinces, tho o 111 curs of thu military and others In all parts of the Islands, directing them to aid me In my In vestigations In every possible way. Civil Sen lei- In .In vn. Tho civil service of tho Dutch East Indies Is tho most remarliablo of tho world. There is no colony where the olllclals are so well educated nr.d of such a high standing In every respect. Tho system Is based upon thu native government, the native nobles and chiefs ruling the peoplo by their own laws, with th" Dutch us advisers behind them. The native rulers nro merely tho tools In the hands of the Dutch; they are ho strings which thu latter pull to Inllu enco tho people. In Java thero are twenty two provinces or residences. Each of these has Its native governor, nsslsteil by a Dutch resident, who Is known us his elder brother. Thu elder brother lives In lino statu. He liu a magnllleeut limine ami a fund for entertaining and his salary Is $0,000 a year. The native chief Is also paid a salary and an allowance, t'nder I lies residents the re are iiHslstiiut residents, cott troletirs and cbikH, nil of whom have their The native rub is are uf the nobility ami tho olllclals all lome from the b"st families Tho common people, thirefore. feel Hint they nro ruled by tho Javanese nobles und thu majority of them do not know that the foreigners ire in aitunl control. Somewhat the same system pr vails In thu Du'eh East Indies outside Java, al though some of thu Islands, Inhabited by savages, have to bo held with a firmer rein. Dutch nml I lie Xiillvi'N, Tho native olllclals aru also well edu cated. There are schools for them In nil parts of the country and tho higher-class natives often speak Dutch, French and English as well as tho Javanese languages. They are treated Just Ilka tho Europeans natlvo subordinates or younger brothers, and tho native chief's wife has tho same Htnudlng ns the wlfo of tho resident gov ernor. Tho salaries paid to tho natlvo chiefs vary according to tho provlnco and thu stnto required. Somo nntlvo chiefs have houses built for them at a cost ot from $.10,000 to $10,000 apiece and thoy receive salaries of $100 a month, I am told thai tho Dutch believe they can easily control thu natives If they can NATIVU OFFICIALS OH DUTCH YOUNQ Kit 1JHOTIIUHS. Is Bltuattd In a great park, n part of which contains thu botanical gardens, said to bo by far tho lines t In thu whole world. It was In tho palace that I met his excellency. Tho nuillcnro was held In tho morning, hut notwithstanding this I had to go In full dross und In ns much stato as though to visit a king. 1 wns met at tho palace door by soldiers mid olllclals In uniform and his excellency's secretaries passed mo from ono to another until I wns at Inst ushered Into tho nudletico room of the governor. Ills excellency addressed mu In Kngllsh nud wo chatted together for somo time nbout tho Dutch colonial empire and how nintters are handled In Jnva. Tho question of the Philippines enmo up and ho lutl matod that we hnd n big Job on our hands, but suggested that wo might learn some thing from Holland's oxpcrlcnco In handling tho people. Ho approved of the Dutch methods of treating tho natives and ho control the chiefs, but nt tho samo tluio thoy aru careful to let thu cinera Know that they themselves aro thu rulers, Thoy make It a principle to bo honest with tho natives and to protect thorn In tholr rights. Thero nro courts everywhere held by tho Dutch olllclals and In quarrels between na tives and Europeans tho natives aro given tho hcnellt of the doubt. I nm told that It will bo much safer for mo to strlko an Eu ropean hero than n natlvo, for tho native will bu suro to land tno In prison. Strlet AcciMintN mill Tiim. At tho samo tlmo tho government Is vory strict In keeping Its accounts. TaxeB aro honestly levied and must ho honestly paid. Every village and every house In tho whole Island Is numbered, tnd every pleco of ground pays Its tax. Every horso and cvory cart pays a tax. The govorntnont has Its tax Inspectors, who see that everything Is properly collected, It has Its account ants who go through the olllces ot tho provinces examining thu books, thu cash and the manner of doing business. There is a law for everything, nml the bookkeep ing Is enormous. There are Irrigation olll clals, rondmaklng olllclals, civil engineers and all thu machinery of n vast govern ment. Dutch iin .Superior IIcIhkn. Thu Dutch endeavor to Impress upon the natives that they belong to a higher order ot creation than tho Javanese. They. In sist that all of tho Dutch olllclals shall be treated with tho same respect shown the noblest of tho Javanese fillers. This Is very evident In out-of-thc-wuy districts. 1 havo traveled for miles through tho coun try where every man, womnn nnd child 1 met would squat down on the ground nnd fold his hands In an attitude of prayer until I passed. I havo met Javanese on horseback, myself riding at thu same tlmo, and tho Javanese ns soon as ho saw me would Jump down from his horse In order that ho might not bo on the same level as myself wheu I passed by. I have had women with great bundles on their backs lltt them down and scat themselves on tholr heels, putting their hands together, In my honor, and I bellevo that tho rank of su perior and Inferior Is nowhero greator than here. According to the old customs of Java which still prevail those of lower rank must not sit above those ot higher rank. There aru several native sultans In central Javu, and when the resident gov ernors wero llrst chosen to rulu with them thero was quite a discussion us to whether ihe sultan should not hen little higher than his older brother. The Dutch Insisted on absolute equality, but it is said that for a tlmo tho sultan had silver dollars nailed to tho legs of his chair In order that lit might bo a trlllu higher up than tho Dutch resident when tho two sat together. .Servants nml .Miitc-n. I havo a natlvo servant, n swell Javanese, who speaks broken English and who nits for mo both ns boy and an Interpreter Ho whitens my shoes nnd my helmet, and sleeps In front ot my door nt night Ho never smokes n clgnretto when I am pr. ent nnd ho never comes before mo without his turban. It Is ctlquctto hero for the servnut to keep his head covered, and It would bo quite as Impolite tor Slum, my boy, to come In without his turban as tt would bo for your hired man to keep h: hat on when ho enters your parlor. A na tlvo should not smoke In tho prcs nco of a European, nnd If ho Is smoking on the street ho should take the clgnretto out of his mouth nud hold It behind him whllo Europeans pass. Tho Dutch ollUinl never requests his servants to do thlngH, he com mands thorn. Tho Inferior U expected to uso high Javanese In fpcnklng to his su porlor, nnd tho superior speaks low Jav nnctso in speaking to him. A Javnncso should not speak In Dutch to a European without tho European especially requests it. Such trrntmcnt seems ridiculous to Americans, amongst whom all are equal Tho Dutch Ray that It Is a necessity In this part of tho world, and that It is on'y by menus of upholding tho old customs that thoy can maintain tho respect of the poo pie. Ono of tho richest of tho plnnters, n Dutch bnron, who has chargo of n prop erty worth several millions nnd who era ploys hundreds of natives, tells mo that th peoplo do not look upon such nctlons ns degrading. They do It ns n mntter of politeness nnd respect to their suprrlors Tho customs hnvo prevailed for generations nnd the employer who does not Insist upon them will soon lose casto with his peop'o They will think htm nn Ignorant boor nnd ho cm do nothing with them. Iu tho nntlvo states tho servility of tho common peoplo to their natlvo suporlors U ROVEItNMENT OFFICES AT I1ATAVIA. so great that one would hardly bdUvu It If he did uot experience It himself. 1 have seen princes kitting thu foot of tho.r fathers und crawling along to them on their knees, nnd at ono tlmo I saw 1,000 olllclals equattlng down on their heels In honor of the native chief, liter)' Clerk a Scliiilur. I have spoken of the education of the Dutch olllclals, but 1 almost ik'spulr of making you understand how wo.l educated they ure. Every clerk here Is a college ginduute. Thu Dutch have a university ut Delft, In Holland, for tho education of thel, colonial olllclals. Every clerk has to bu a graduate uf tho public schools and also ot this university, where ho takes a special couisu to lit himself for the colonial seivicu. Ho must bo able to speak Fieuch, Geim-n and English nnd at least two ot tho tin Ive languages of Jnva, one of which must be the Malay. There are four lungugen spoken In Java, hut tho Malay Is In common uso everywhere. Tho higher oIlLlals and those who act as Judges of any of the courts must be able to speak three languages and must also ho graduates in Dutch law, as well as thoroughly posted on the natlvo laws, customs nml religions ot Jnva. Tho character of tho clerks Is care fully looked after, and as a rulo only gentlemen aro chosen. trvli't' In .fiivu. After graduation tho would-be govern ment clerk Is sent out hero on trial. He must pass an examination for aspirant controleur nnd If successful Is assigned as nn nsslstant to n controleur or minor of ficial of ono of the provinces. He now re ceives about $S0 a month nnd a house, but ho Is as yc!. on'y on probation nud he inns' servo several years before ho can bo ex amined for the position of controleur ot the second clnss. If he passes this cxnm- (Contlnued on Seventh I'age.) Soft Harness You can make your har nc. its nolt its it rIovo nml m tough n wlrn by ustnt;EUKniiAIInr. mma Oil. You rim U'litUlicn Its llfo makolt last tt Iro im 1011$ us It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil mnkcnpoorlooklnc hnr nt's.1 llku new. Mmlu of puro. Iii'iivy IhmUocI oil, rs pccliilly prepart'd to with. suiud tho weather. Bold everywhere In cuna ull slzea. Made bj STANOARO OIL CO. Nebraska Business and Shorthand College lioyU lluiliiinn, Cor. 17th ami II inuy Sts., Om.iha, Neb. Section l View of Actual Himiness and It uiUIni; Dep irtmeiit. business from (irogg Sys- IIOOKKRKIMNO -Actunl tho start. SIIOUTIIA.NM) Oraham and terns. I TYI'KWKITINO The Touch Method ENGLISH Practical and Thorough. W ' W M f Ksmhllshed nlno years A school with out a superior. Employs tho ablest teach ers. Endorsed by High School Principals, Leading Business Men and Olllclal Court , Reporters. "ABSOLUTELY The Ilnext nml most thnrnuphtv nniiltimul I M.000.00 Invested In now Typewriters Inst year. $2,600.00 Hanking Fixtures placed in Actual Ilusiness Department. Another lloor has been leased that all may he nccoinmodated. Employs the ablest teachers. Situations procured for over 90 per cent of last year's enrollment. Wo securo work outsldo of school hour3 for students to pay hoard If desired. Fall term opens September 2nd. Write for elegant cataloguo freo. Address I. C. 0NG, I. M.f LL. B,, President, Omaha