Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 12

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    Thk 1ixustkati:i Bisk.
Published Weekly by The Hco Publishing
t Company, Hco Building. Ornaha, Nob.
Price, Cc per copy-por year, J2.00.
Entered nt tin; Omaha Postofllce iih Second
Class Atnll Matter.
For advertising rates address publisher.
CornmurilcntloriH relating to photographs or
articles for publication hIioiiM be ml
dressed "Editor Tho Illustrated Hoe
Omaha. '
Pen and Picture Pointers
"Labor Conquers All" lino been the
motto of many nn aspiring High scho'd
class, planting a thought In tho mind tlia
Is never qulto oblltnrntrd. '(linliiH Is harl
work," said a man who had been ci n
grnttilaied nn til.i surcorH in the wotld
From thti beginning until today thorn him
boon nothing worth whllo ttrcompltsliod
without Iniliilti! toll, rrom tho tlmo of
what Home nro pleased tit cnll tho primal
curse, when It was ordained of man that
In tho sweat of hln brow Rhonld his bread
bo eaten, honest labor Iiiir ndded savor to
the reward of patient ehori, and tho iiiikii
pessimistic will admit that that fruit tnfo
sweetest which rnnii'H as tho remit ( f In
diiHtry. Slnno Tubal Cain nllernatid his
ImiihIcmI nights with toll at tho forgo, men
havo honored tho artisan. All ages liavo
pahl deserved tribute to tho eraflHinan. no
matter toward which of tho constrintlvo
urln bo turned hln talent. It Ih dlllliult In
tin no days, when tho voire of the agitator
Ih so constantly heard, and tho dlspnrl'y
between tho rich and tho poor Ih ho Inudl
dinned at tin, to realize that liiinrnt toll Ih
Htlll fnlrly reunited, and that labor dink
reaflnnablo recompense. Vet tomorrow will
Hhnw that (hero nro thrne men who b. llivo
In Ihonwolves. who feel the dignity that
coiiioh to u workman conscious of h's own
Uncommon Events and Episodes
V .A s MKN till) KOVt'nior'H rnnntiliit?
1 V u-m n "T '"I l" ,,0,ul ,n "ml H"l's"'(1 o tho newest
1 y Wllllan.slown last week, says school of Journalists."
p. tho Huston Transcript, It ,;, .
'aturnlly attracted u consldera- General Wade Hamilton, tho one-legged
bio crowd to tho broad verandas. In this 'rro of South Carolina, when In tho United
gathering was a colored woman, wearing a Slates states senate u few years ago taught
capacious smile and accompanied by a little some, of IiIh colleagues how to inalco the
miss 7 or S years old. Tho latter advanced campaign when the dog star Is In tho ns
as tho party alighted and, holding out In r ceiidnnt. General Hampton went flshlnr
hand, said- 'How do you do. Governor 1,1 l"" mountain streams of North Carolina'
t. ratio; my father Ih a governor, too.' 'Who Tennessee or Virginia. Ho angled for the
Is your father?' asked tho governor. 'Gov- rainbow trout ami very successfully The
ernor Me.MIIIln of Tennessoe,' was tho ro- Instant tho llsh was landed It was dressed
it . .i , 'J'"1'1 H",,,,,L,,, lo assumo and a chunk of sweet, fresh butter, n pinch
mil lliu duty of enlertnliiliiK .Involved of salt, n shower of pepper and a illmlnu
argely upon her and she discharged It "ve rasher of breakfast bacon woro placed
with much sweetness ami unconscious Inside. A fnh corn shuck, out of which th
r ronstlng ear had Just been taken, was pro-
Tho wo,1derf.dIadaptahtv of n, V T ilw tTmit ",US """Parcel Pt In
years 1 1 V,n see r,". ho l r , ttn, UWCn"'- HUPh ",,r
ter of ar.a and hm serve a I , , o r,ri';1 f,,OW V,Mvm kn,,w ",nv ' mn"
I'rof. It. o. Graham wl, l oldH th, ba r "ro,,B,lt ",to '-nuUltlnn. The
of chemistry a lie Vesl vm, n Iver I tv l"",Hl ?W"" ,,,r',U 0nr" ln wntnr
it Illoomlngton, 111 ",H"a" ", "'f. ro he Ih captured, once In butter affr
H roasted ami again In whisky after It
Uobort M. Collins o ,h Associated I'ress e'njety's' a 'gre' n olx'n """ "n"""0"
writes from Pekln, July 2, 1-101: " Bnw 1 " Kro"'
5. : 'pfpL-zi ':stz -rs sri.: crr
mH f ho outsiders. Afterward I could Tho troops we" , draw', u, aw t ,
oH ly believe the stories told of ,Ih eon- arrival of tl o Emperor Wlllla,', u,
iljict In Pretoria. When I read them It Middently iho cr , ' J
yH recalled ,y last sight of him. Kmund and proceed e, tho si , Vl nre t o
nnl!: "f.; nW",!"0, 1,,,r0n', trnck ,nw"r" m""nrj' ro S
Manila w 1, a blanket and a canteen over tho occasion since tho war o S70 on
IIh shoulder, under a frlghlful tropical whirl, the F.ench army ha be?
hu.i, but apparently as happy one could "trd at manouvors 1,, (lenimnv Ti e
be. Many of tho English oillcers hero havo ""''Urate mission had been IntriiBted
eTr'r,' ,r,,,y.,0f '" r""'""" which ho (,''"",I (irandln. who afterward bora no a
earned In tho Transvaal, not only for KiwmX of division, and who, as was hut
bravery, but for coolness and good Judg- 'rnl. was feeling rather lost amid all
tuent under all clrcumstnnceB, most unusual ,llls assemblage. Addressing herself to tho
In a man of his ago. and their regret Is as Kallnnt soldier, the crown princess said
sincere as that of tho Americans." "Colonel. I an, particularly glad to see you
., , . 't1 today," and, as ho bowed low without umti-p
"Thero lsnn Interesting story behind tho ''llng tho point of the re L
Rpeclal star chartH which the equipment "Ves this Is the a. n ersrv of
ureau of , Navy department Is having "-. fall of Sebnslopol and o t '
printed for us,, In navigation." says tho to armies won a great victory together "
Now ork Tribune. "Miss Mary Proctor
tho astronomer, daughter of the, astron- Jn't, J- HIU's wonderful versatility and
omer, took to a publisher In Now York a !VT U)0" 11,0 '""Itltudo of details of prac
Plan for a child's astronomical calendar ,lrnl n,llr'",l nianagement have been a
and together they worked over tho plan. "m,rc ot '"cli comment among railroad
Finally tho publisher suggested: 'Why m0",!" r,,rrnt yi,nrs- w'"Ip a tour over
oannot w make, a simp!,, stnr chart for ,at N'"rtl,,,'- road, his train, which
ehll.lroM-not one clustered up with stars Wn 1' (,nw" n B,l,'' Krnde. became de
Invisible almost, but one containing only 12 ,, . lt1u,inl"K nt n low rate ot speed
the more prominent ones? And why can- Z 'L"'',1 ,w"s " ''"'""Ke was sustained
not w, oiiiko tiinun nimrt. .i... ... . " 1,10 iiicinis further than i itnni
..... ' uii nuim
visible at any tlmo during the, year may be
easily found by n child?' It is this chnrt
so simple that a child can use It, which the
department has chosen."
vIhIIiIii at nnv limn ...... .
In nn address recently delivered In Lon-
. " l.l'O-
...mi .-ir. squitn, mo well known member
of Parliament, mad,, felicitous use of Eng.
llsh when plen,llK for better IlngulsUc
eultiiro. Ho ook occasion to condemn "tho
uncouth and pseudo-classical terminology
of tin, men of science, the tortuous and
nebulous phrases of nhllo.nphers. the pre-
strength and td.i'l. and who aro proud to
nrray tlietiiNehes under tho r that
represents labor as the term has como to
bo undorctnod In them later days. Labor
day wns not Instituted 0 much for tho pur
poso of providing a holiday for the tellors
as to glv,. them a chaneo to hIiow ills
tlnrtlvely their position In tho social
world. It is essentially a day for irad a
unions, a time wh'ii "union" nun como out
to glvo the rest nf tho world sonio notion
of their strength. Not boastfully, hut )0.
entiHo people are apt to forget In the rush
of exlHtenco that ret much drprmls cn iho
man who "pays dues" This orenslon
servos as a goiillo reminder of the rml lin-
ti ...o i -
" "P- .'lr. Hill was tho flrt ...nn . n.....
. '"i limn in niimi
when the train stopped after runnlnc so v.
'".mls nl0K tho ties. He found that
the locomotive had been thrown from the
rails and stood watching the Ineffectual
ouorts of the train crew to nl
l., ..... . . - i,K.,iu
, . r"rK' "rl8,rews were used,
, , "J0" no' """i to thoroughly
un,','':r8,," work. " "
. , '!'0,,.'t ',0'" BnM Mr- "' "Your
i. . T!"' ' 1 ft 11 w"p" ,n t,mt I'oMtlon."
! ., '' l"''" n,,, tho thinking
, ,, ?hnw th(, Prosl.lont that thev
knew their business. The M spi,p,,
porianco to civilization of tho mechanic.
In choosing a subject for Its main Illustra
tion today, The Hoe selected an honorjble
representative of a craft whoso monumonts
have outlawted those of all others. For we
And evidences of the stono dresser's skill
before metal or woodworking was known
The young man who Is shown on tho fron'
page In a graceful but charactcr'stl- pise
Is an Omahan by birth, and In following In
the footsteps of his father, who has bcon
known for more than a generation to thf
peoplo of this city.
Thomas J. Phillips of Ottumwa, who has
been selected by the democrats of Iowa
to head their ticket as candidate for gov
ernor this year. Is one of the younger poli
ticians of the state, lie Is a ccal mine
operator, wealthy and connected with some
cf tho most extensive mines in the south
ern part of tho state. He has not been
deep In polities for long, but has served
as mayor of his homo town for several
terms. Ills nomination Is taken as Indi
cating the coming of a new generation of
democrats in Iowa, the hitter effect of
contlnuoiiH defeat having discouraged the
leaders who. year after year, havo walked
to political downfall In the llawkeye state
One of the most distinguished Masonic
Indies In tho world visited Omaha re
cently on Its way tit Louisville, where tho
triennial reunion of the Knights Templars
has Just concluded. California commandery
of the order has many things to recommend
It for Its high station In tho fraternity,
but none has attracted so much nttentlon
lit It us tho fact that the Initiation fee Is
J 1, 000. This very naturally precludes any
but n rich man Joining ami It Is safe to as
sume that not one of tho drill squad
which marched up I'arnam street Is worth
less than a million. It Is not nlono money
that gives tho commandery distinction, for
tlio examination of candidates for admis
sion Is said to ho most rigid nnd only
(hose of absolutely lleckles-s Masonic
letting the ponderous mnchlno down on the
ties with a hump.
"Let me set that Jack," said Mr. Hill;
"I don't think It will slip then." And,
grabbing the screw, ho set It at an Incline
to his own satisfaction, and, after throwing
a little sand on the top and bottom, ho
exclaimed. "Now go ahead."
The trainmen were a little dubious at
tlrst. but they applied the levers, and the
huge machine slowly lifted Itself into place
and slid quietly onto the rails The delay
was only twenty minutes.
Friends of the late William A. Newell,
once governor of New Jersey, havo rccal'ol
an old story In which ho figures na
Hie rock upon which tho presidential hopes
of James G. Illalne wero wrecked In 1S7G.
Tli,. ex-governor, whit was a physician as
well iih n politician, wns a dolegato to the
republican national convention In that year
and he wns prominent among the members
of tho New Jersej delegation whet favrred
Mr. Illalno's nomination While tho struggle
for tho various aspirants was In progrrss.
fays the New York Times the news enme
yIpm ft
lecords are admitted. Tho local command
ery gave the visitors a cordial welcome to
Omaha and the reception which followed
wns most enjoyable.
Shooting, under tho restrictions of tho
new game law, has been going on In Ne
braska for sonio days, tho upland plover
season having opened with a goodly sup
ply of birds. Not alone havo the men en
gaged In the sport, but, as the Illustration
shows, there aro fair disciples of Diana
in tho state whoso dainty lC-borcs are as
deadly as any "gasplpo" gun directed by
l ho boldest of masculines. Golf and all
that sort of thing nro good for exorcls", but
tho girl who knows tho ilMb-lit nf tmmti.
Ing a stuhblelleld behind a good dog will
Noted in the World
that Mr. Illalne had been stricken with wha'
was variously described as apoplexy or sun
stroke. This event was eagerly seized upon
by the two or three Jersey delegates who
favored Mr. Conkllng, nnd theso, heating
(hat Dr. Newell had expressed a fear that
the effects of such a "stroke" ns Mr.
Illalne hnd suffered might scrlous'y nnd
permanently affect his mental faculties, saw
an opportunity, as they thought, to help
their candidate. They secured a confer
ence with the delegation, and, when It hnd
met. they called upon tho ex-govcrnrr to
give hln opinion, as a medical man, as to
whether. In the cltciinistnnces, It would bo
prudent to nominate tho Maine statesman.
The answer, given with extreme reluctance
nnd regret, nnd of course, entirely sincere,
was In the negative. Mr. Blaine's hold up-n
the New Jersey delegates was Immediately
broken, but their votes ultimately went, not
to Mr Conkllng. but to Mr. Hayes. Those
who like to ascribe great , ffects to small
causes saw at the .am., time, In tho Inac
curate, long-distance diagnosis of Dr.
Nowoll tho explanation of Mr. ninlno's
fnlluro to reach the presidency, 'or thoy
the PMA ty n stnff MM
SopU'llllu-r 1. 1II01
never exchange her gun and game big for
any milder form of amusement while the
good shooting weather holds.
Whllo tho corn crop Is doing quite well
with Its second wind there Is much going
on In connection with ether work on the
farm. Much attention Is being given to
threshing out the small grain Just at pres
ent and In all parts of the state the pulling
of the engine and tho whirring of bells
and wheels make music Loin tho rising
of the sun to the going down thereof. Two
of our pictures this week were taken in the
Held where tho threshers were busy. They
show remarkably well sonio features nf
farm llfo with which not everybody Is
say that, though ho was deftated In 1SSI, If
ho had been nominated In 1S7H ho wcu'd
havo been elected.
Anxious Querist
Chicago Tribune: It was a fomlnlno
voice that came over tho telephone wlro
this time.
"Is this tho weather forecaster?"
"Yes, ma'am. Can I do anything for
"Yes. sir. I would llko to have you tell
1110 how much longer this humidity Is going
to last."
"Pardon me, but why do you wish to know
"DecniiEO I washed m hair a week ago
nnd I want to Hnd out how much longer
I've got to wait for it to dry."
Slightly Negative
Harper's Magazine: Uncle E hralm's
rusty hat droops humbly over Ills ilaek
and wrinkled forehead, his coat pockets are
sagging away from his coat, ono kneo Is
covered with a bluo patch, tho other ono
with a whlto ono sowed on with black
thread, his shoes are full of holes nrd It
would puzzJo anyono to declare tho original
color of nay article ot his apparel. Ho
pulls ort tho drooping hat as ho looks ovor
my garden fence and gives me a smile thnt
mnkes mo feel better for nn hour. "Miss
Alice," ho asks, cheerfully, "you don't
know nobody that wanUtcr hlro nobody to
do nothln' for 'em dls mawnln', does you?"
Labor's Point of View
Mv nnmo Is Labor! And tho' sonio despise
Me. I am proud of what I dm. of what
1 have achieved. 'Twas God who raised
mo up
And gave mo my mighty part upon
i bo stauo of llfe-tho same eternal God
ho, not ashamed to work, was occupied,
Ago after iiko. in fashioning tho earth,
lliu universe, and all that therein Is!
Heboid the cities of tho world 'twas I
Who laid their strong foundations nnd who
Their niasslvo walls. You tnzo with won-
1 ring nwe
Upon the pyramids, nnd qulto forget
that 1 cut those Iiuku stones and lifted
Seest that august cathedral where, for
sooth., '
A Carpenter Is worshiped? My own hand
Its arches, buttresses and soaring spire
tonosyL'S' "1Ul thu orBnn wll0S0 rlcl
Do make the place Indeed tho gate of
"There go the ships." My handiwork thoy
1 laid their keels and formed their ribs nnd
l'nnL'?l.thlU.".0n Ul? l00I: ''"I mo
t 'instructed those licet trains which glldo
The land upon those tracks of steel which I
"'lVOwr,;!,c.e:1? ,Aml w" "t "o hath
wrought and strung
i?h h.Ji:!,k' wl,lch .Metric currents lly
ltti nre,l message Horn rnnn to man''
I mniolk:'f ,,0PtS' "i,"l,t "rs noil Sora""yi't
blades ,,0,ls' "u '"Hlies and the
U1Ulmake ' thV 1,0 ,,l0lr worl- 'cn ns 1
Th scopes W 1,11,11 wnr,lors tho tele-
W,llCthe'SStr!s, 'on-'"rlHi..,l secrets from
And all tho Instruments of surgery.
ThiVcS1 t0U Un11- nor ls t'we need
tnlnk.10,,Kh' pcrclln"e,?' mnfco you
Despise mi. If you will! I proudly stand
1 eforo he world and point to what nm
m? in', 1 lnvo nchl0VMl from "o to age
And nnd a keen amusement In v"our sneers.
MlddleJboroV'Ky1 CARRV "'''PA HI")