Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Higher Price3 Rule Oa tb Board of Trade
Corn Opens Unfite ns When!, lint fle
contr Drill IlnylnK Ailvnners Ont
Pro Inlonn Strong- In Snipn
thy with Hogs.
CHICAGO, Auk. 20.-1 IIkIit prices rulel
on the Board of Tr.nlo today, Decemlrr
wheat closing '4c hUher, Dp 'ember cr. n
fcWTio higher it nil showed tin ad
vance of NO'.i''. while January provisions
wctc from 74 to 174e at the Hose
Light Argentine shipments, tonetlm wltli
stronger cable tlian anticipate I, c used
wheat to opt'tt active and I lehtr. A .o
etnod prcssuro to sell Hftitembcr wns u so
a crrcrigthcnllig factor, the nbsmre oi anv
considerable offerings being taken ns evi
dence allowing that marly all longs in I
already disponed of their holding. 'I h re
wan also a good shipping dmnnd. I) h
fncllnatlon to make any contractH over the
three holidays resulted In bringing nix lit
a heavy feeling to the market, Docomli t
opened n shade to Vi-iie higher at 714
to 715r7lHc and on covering by thorts the
nrlca ndvunceil to 72Lc. hut renrted I"
711f71',4e on selling liy northwest. A
rally occurred toward the close, whlfh i
was '4c higher nt 71H'71ir. Arge t mi
enipmcntn ror the weeK were irvmj nusn-i.,
compared with 3.16,(00 hushes hint w ck
nd IWI.'nv bushels n year ago. Seahnrd
clearances of wheat Hml Hour were -cunl
to 1,316,(100 bushel, while slxtcon bo.itln d.
were reported taken for export. Primary
receipts were 1.123,000 bushels, compared
with 1,015.000 bushels n year ago, Mini"
apolls and Duluth reported receipts of f!"
csrs, ngaluxt 550 car." last week nrd SIS
ft year ago, laical receipts were 'A car,
with I earn contract. ,
Com opened nctlvo and higher, the lull
factors being high cables, which caused
noma uneasiness among shor s. who Im
mediately took to i over. After that de
mand wiib signed the market became d I ,
pending the holidays. Receipts wero mom
liberal and poor shipping and export de
mand discouraged holder!'. December nil
between M',iif(Wic and 67Wc, closing with a
gain of WAr at 5ii'i,H57c. Itecelpts were
4 12 carp, with It of contract grade.
Oats began the demand with prlceit n
shndo higher and there wan a fair nnirunt
of buying, which advanced prices 'iff-sc.
Trailing was again limited nlmnst ixcii
elvcly to locals and vas larg iy In the wav
of changing nnd evening up for the In l
days. December rahgr-d between S5c and
ISUfr3!Hc. clokliiK Utt'ie higher at S5H .
Receipts went 2IS cars.
. Provisions were strong, In sympathy wl.h
higher prices for hogs, thr 'day's, price
at thn yards being quoted at from 5c to loo
above yesterday's figures, which wero
record-breakers for the year. Packers wero
the chief supporters of the market, hut
the volume of business was light. Jnncnry
pork sold between $15.(5 and 115,55. closing
ut the high point, with a gain of 17'4e
January lard was up 7!4c at tho close, tlnol
figures liclng $S.f67i.R"tt. after ranging be
tween JS.M nnd $S.S5fl874. lUbs sold be
tween l?.921i and $7.'j7H, closing at the
high point, with a gain of 7!4ifil0c.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whent,
115 cars: corn, 415 cars: oats, 230 cars; tajr,
13,000 head
The leading futures ranged ns follows:
Articles. Opcn. Illgh.l I-ow. Close. Tes'y
, Dec.
. Oct.
Oct. ,
1UOV4 72H
73U 75i7t4
7l'i 71 71H
75H 75H 75
66W(fid win m
S3HYn 33UWH 33',4
ST. X,Vt 33i(,
( 371.4 37 37)
14 30 14 40 14 2714
14 15 14 60 14 40
15 45 15 65 15 374
8 874 8 97 8 S6
S 93 9 02U 8 92J4
8 80 8 87V4 8 1)0
8 32'4 8 40 8 30
8 424 8 50 8 40
1 9214 7 974 7 90
Wiffl3ll 54
56V,W 67HI
35 V4
14 35
14 40
14 50
n mi
15 50
15 53
S !0 I
8 97',4
8 SO
8 97V4'
9 14
8 874
8 3.5 I 8
.S424 8
7 92H 7
8 40
8 50
No. S.
nR!,.nv1IO,n,,on wro ns follows:
V.,AOU"Ql,,c, lull: winter patents, 13.40
j3.50; spring patents. J3.(XVH-.tio: clear", 12.70
Wi-f!"".'"'.''?'1'".'. -,.l.30: putonlr.
021A "tralBhts, l2.S01f3.20;' bakers, 2.20
renS?.0- 3 9 Hc: No. 2.
2AT?Vf vUWWu: No- 2 white, scijy-
8140; No. 3 white, 36U36,4c.
HVR-No. 2.'5li554c.
6inAItLUY-Falr to Choice malting, olif
SICRDH-No. 1 norlhwentern, U.43CT1.44:
&.8SJ7S& ,5,40! ClVCr COnUaCt
PnpviSIONS-MesH pork, per bbl., 814.40
V,l:U-1 11'"'!1. Per 100 .'. J8.95ff8.97H. Short
ribs sides (loose), l8.25(f8.45. Dry salted
houlders (boxed), J7.23ia7.50. Short clear
lldes (boxed). J8.85(5J8.95.
oV,Ws'v,na,,', :1f J''Kh wlnc. -3o-
syOAR-Cit loaf, 6c; Granulated. 5.52c:
tonfectloners' A, 5.39c; off A, B.24c,
Following are the receipts nnd shipment!
Receipts. Shipments.
.... 25,000 12,000
....169,000 tt3,O0O
....320,000 2J9.0OO
.... 4J.00O 258,000
.... 6.000 m.wi
Flour. bblH
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
oats, bu ,
Kye. bu
Harley. bu
63,000 1.000
On the Prnriiixo hnn.. .... J...
iJii.m'rt W..te'l,?' creameries, Hijf
19J4c; dalrleB 13Q17C. dheeie. steady, 9$
104c. Eggs, firm; fresh, lie.
Quotations of the Iny on Various
N.,V,yRK' Al,ff- 30FLOUR-Rcce'p s,
27.M) bbls : exports, 17,365 bbl.e.; tlrm and
fairy active; winter patents, W,i;C5f3.6;
K'rliSS vSlr,llB!".B' 3,-:lJlM.45: winter extras'.sO; winter low grades, 2.30fi)'0:
kcrs, 2MjJ13: ryei Hour, quiet; fair ti
,i?.UJ?l,I3A.,:r8l.:n,l': yellow wes o n,
,,n.',liv. A:i J'wndywlnc, 81.30'JXCO.
nrtont; stuto rye, 65tWc, c. I. fM New Yor
our lotrt.
w "EAT-Uecelpts. 26,450 bu.; export, 7..
f.VL1",1:1 y,0,''lrm; No- 2 r,'1' "o. f. o. b
ufloat No. 2 red. 751,4,., elevator: No
Duluth, northern. 794c, f. o. b.. nlinut; No
lihlinIi ,?l,,ullV NC t. o. b alhnt. Op
DiiMiig, large seaboanl learance, dannge
Vilifi,.1''01.". ,lu".la u,,(l ArBtntiiie, sninll
U,1V.Z ... , '""iMiiiius, covering ror the ho
dajs and the com adv.ince; closed firm
!m2u net higher; Septemb r. 75 M"fp rK ;
iv85f?' T:.0ctte ,I?6-lfi"73?ie. ell so:
;tV. i.'' . ' '" vn'i ;. Closed. 77e.
strong and higher ear y on n bullWh sn w
v.wj. ,, , n,iS xne cnne and tear.'
Of frost! II ImL.p ...ima.i rr ' "
but recovered agHln "and elns?d very "tlrm
ir'i" not!'h'".,H"',: Pept.Mnber. 61'
tlose'd. 6I;c.
OATS-Reeclpts, 99.00) bu.: export, -9)
y. , niiur, wif'iwijBi no. j wh'te, 39;
!X,'lr;k. m,xfJ .wr"lc,rn' track, while
wiiuimE, sicauy 10 tlrm wltn
wheat and ocrn, '
niAYii".L!: "hipping, 7Pr:6c; good to
8Ql.'!e.:. ",n,,, common to choice
IMO.rrop. lUilSe; 6Hllc; oU's, liljJ
olds B3c Cr"1'' Ut''15c: 1SW' 6Ue
MinK3"btrty: mvton, 20 tc B
nounon. ifc; vttiiMtni. Jl to 28 pounds
LEATHER Htes,dy: hemlook ye-le, fiuno
PROVISIONH-Reef. tlrm; family, $1 V
n:.w; mess, w.hogfiowi: neor hams. "0B
..vtit'innri, fiu.wiMMWi in), rxira inoia
inos, JfrfflSc. Cut meats, nulet; pickled
bellies. R10!4C! lcKlfil stiouldors, 7STTMc
pickled hums, lOUffilc. Iwtrd. tlrm; wet
pent, 89,10; ,H. A.. IIO.PO: I'ompound, 7i
..I ... tiji wcdiom, tlK CL1d tl
UUTTER Htendy: orvamery, lSMsMm
Itatlnn creamery, 14tfl7c; state dairy, u
CHEESE Iiarely steaily; fancy, larre,
colored, SwS'ic: funcy, large, white, t;e;
lanpy, small, colored, 9W, rancy, smnll
white 9'4c.
EGOB Firm; state and Pennsylvania IS
CfJoc: western, uncandlcd, Illlie; western
POULTllY-Allve, fhlcWens weak, others
about steady; sprlngr. 1112o; turkeys,
10c;; fowls, lOMc Dressed, steady; spring
ers, WJHe: fowls, 6'4t10Hc.
TALLOW Strong: city (2 per packagi),
4lc. country (packages frcej, 6Viii4c.
HICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
4',ifi6'i'; Japan, ic.
MOIiAHBES-Uulct: New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 85f.l2c.
PHANl'TS-Hteady: fancy, hand-picked,
I'je; other domestic, 2USIC.
METAIS The metal market assumed a
holiday appearance and tr.idlng was ot
an evening up character. Tin closed sleady
at lC5.W'fl.T?.W here and in London W1
(inlet at jCHS for spot nnd 114 15s for fu
tures, Copper In lsondon and In locsl clt
ties was unchanged at 60 lis 3d for spot
and jCtVUSsfol for tutures, while Lake Su
perior was nominally I16.o0tfl7.oo ana cast
ing and electrolytic at Jla.:Ufi. Lead in Lon
don declined Is 3d to i:il K.s nd.whlle home
prices were unchanged nt ll.:iV4, Speller
ruled ipilct and unchanged at home nnl
aliroid, Iron. (lull, pig iron, warning.
Olasgow warrants closed at 63s Id nnd Mid-
dicborough cioseii ui la?,
oM.iit.v vi7minsAi.iJ jiaiiket,
Condlllon of Trade inul tlnotntlons on
fStnple nnrt Kniiey Proditee.
UOOti- Herelpts, fair: loss off 1214c,
L1VJJ PUL trit, v Hens, 7c; young and
old roosters, 3c: turkeys, Cttsc; ducks and
geese, Ituc; old ducks, c; spring chick
ens, per lb., 10c,
(Common to fair, ll'ic: cholco
dairy, In tubs, ISJflGc; separator, vjo.
KKKHIi IMSIi-lllaek iiass. lie; white
bass, 10c: blucllsh, 11c; tiullheuds, 10cj blue
Ilns, 7r; buffaloes, 7c; cattish. 12c; cod, 10c;
crapples, loo; halibut, lie; herring, 7c; had
dock, luc; pike, 10c; reil suoppcr, 10c; snl
mou, lie; sunilsh, 6c; trout, luc; whllellsh,
OVSTKItS Standards, per can, 30c; extra
selects, per can, 37c; New l'ork counts, per
can, 4oc.
PjOKONS-LIvc, per dor... 60c
VKALS-Cholcc, SM&tf.
HAY Prices (uoleii by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association Choice upland,
10; No. 2 tiplanil, 9.5o; medium, 19: coarse,
J8.50. Rye straw, J3.60. These prices nro
for hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair, receipts, S cars.
OATS 3614c. old.
OHKI3N COKN-Per doz., 124c
CAItJlOTS Per doz., 20c.
IIKUTH-Pcr li.ilf-bu. basket, 35c.
1 UUNll'h Per basket, Hue.
CUCUMUKItS-llomo-Brown, per doz., 13
HAD1SI tKS Per iloz., lOGlJc.
I'AltHLKV Per doz., 20c.
NHW I'OTATOKH II. 1051.23.
CAI1IIAOK Homo-grown, 3!4c.
TOMATOUS Home-grown, tier 18-lb.
basket, iWc.
wj luivti iiome-grown, per 10., ii'c.
11EAN8 Wax. tier W-ua. basket. 75c:
string, per j-bu. basket, 0c.
CANTALOUPK Home-grown, per dox.,
r.'((5uc; crattB, J1.50W1.7.).
WATEllMliLoNS-Mlssourl. Iowa and
Nebraska, SOU 83c. as to size.
CISIKKY Kalamazoo, per buncn, :witf3.ic;
Nctiraska. per bunch. 30tfloc: Colorado.
AI'PLKS-Per bbl., 2.2J(Jf2.60.
PKACHKS California clings, nor box. 90c:
freestone. 11.10: Ktbertos. 6-basket crates.
11.40; 4-Uasket crates, 90c.
PLUMB-Callfoinla, per crate, I1.25S1.C0;
home-grown, per 8-lb. basket, 15c.
t'KAlia Jiartictia, .To.
tmAPKS-Callfornla Tokay. 4-lb. crnto.
12; Muscats, 11.50.
ORANGES Valenclas, J5: Med. sweets.
JjIsaiunh f ancy, js.oo; choice, jfi.50.
11 AN ANAS Per bunch, according- to size.
KICSb California, new cartons, 75c; lay
ers, 6.5c; Imported, per lb., 1012c.
dates Persian, in w-lb. boxes, Satrs, 5c.
NUTS English walnuts, ner lb.. 15c: 111-
bcrts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lS'fCOc:
raw peanuts, pc lb., Mt4c: roasted, liHW
W. Jirazns, jjc; pecans, ivu--c.
CIDER Per bbl., 14.60; per 4-bbl., 12.75.
HIDES No. 1 green. 6V4c: No. 2 green.
64c; No. 1 salted. 74e; No. 2 salted, 64ct
No. 1 veal cair, S to 124 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides. S13c:
sheep pelts, 2SJSc; horsehldcs, 11.502.25.
Si. Louis f'rain nnd Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30.-WHEAT-HIher;
No. 2 red cash, elevator. 69ic: track. 71w
714c; September, C9ic; December, 71T4c;
X 'I 1. n l CI fill '
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 55Kc: track.
C5iiiji6c; September, 65Ho; December, 6Sc;
May, fiCiytV)ic.
u.vrs-ingner; no. 2 ensn, sofic; track,
'iVSuMtu; Soptember, "JiHc; December,
:'.V.c: Ma, 39c; No. 2 white, !B4tff3Sc.
liYE Firm, 5Sc.
SHEDS Flax, nominally lower at 81.37:
timothy, ncarcc and linn: fair to good. 84.76
fi5.40: prime, worth 15,50.
r luuk Dull but steady; red winter pat
ents, 13.45(13.65; extra fancy und straight,
83.05lft3.15: clear, 82.65J'J.90.
CORNMEAL Steady at J2.9J.
1IRAN Quiet and easy: sacked, east
track, 7577c.
HAY Weak: timothy. 19.60715.00: nralrle.
WHISKY steady at 11.20.
TWINE Hemp, 9c.
PROVJSIONH-Pork. steady: tobblmr.
815.75. Lard, higher at JS.8J. Dry suit
meats, nominally higher; boxed lots, extra
shorts, 8.60js.624: clear ribs, S.624j8.75;
clear sides, $8.S74fi9.O0. Bacon, nominally
hlgherr boxed lots, extra shorts, 89.5009.624;
13.6244)9.75; clear
siaes, ta. isaj.
4a1 i 1 1 At i kill
dull, 84,274tt4.3S.
in, Mil IIU; t finit
PCL'LTltx Steady l
tinrlngs. iiUc: turkeys.
6c; youns, 7iiNc:
aucKs. s: ccese, ac; springs, 4c.
lll.'TTKK-stcady; crenmery, 16B21Ac:
dairy, 13Q16C '
EGGS-Steady; western, ll4c I
RECEll'TS-Flour. 8,000 bola.: wheat,
109.000 bu.; e-orn, 32,000 bu.; oats, 17,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Floiir, 9,000 bbls.; wheat.
60,000 bu.; corn, 36,000 bu.; oats, 62,000 bu.
Liverpool Urnln nnd Provisions.
T.t-l.Tlf)"WM. Aim . Tt.tTTinr. &
TS.n. red wpHtfrn. tfnfor m.lnt r.c,
No. 2 northern spring,' steady, 5s 4d: No. 1
i aiiiorota, ouiei, s nu. futures, steady;
Septcmbur. 5s 6d; Docember, 6s 84d.
CORN Snut. Sti'llllV! Amorlnnn mlviil
new, 4s 10jd; American mixed, old, no
Ktnek. llltllrrti utoniK., flMnt.,nili., J- o&'.i.
wu.Mui-i, in y,4u, .lurrinuir, 43 ylSiO,
niui iDiuno-nrpi, extra inula inesn,
Orm. KS!1 l.lir.l t.rlr,.,. ulnm I.. . I. .........
tlrm, 43s dd; American rellned, In palls, firm,
4.",M. IllimM Hlinrl tilt atnti,!,. Ulu u,l n....
Cumberland cut, strong, 47s lid; short clear
. nnn, 11s (hi. onouiaers, square,
4l!s 6d.
CHEESE American finest. 45s 6d.
HOI'S At London (Pniltlr- rmot
" " "-"
The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool for
ng 290,000 American.
1 lie imports of American corn into Liver
pool for tho last three days, 51,800 centals.
Kmisn Cltr Oral 11 nnii I'rorislona.
tembcr, r4til4ic: December, S74c; May
il'io; cash. No. 2 hard. 654fl'66c; No. 3
65iii'4c; No. 2 red. 6iiftSUc.
I 'flit V itnl at.i,... r. . 1 ,, . ,m . v
uo7.n"u53v;i oiimimu: casn, wo, v mixed
5oflfo$o; No. 2 white, 53W6Cc.
j n iii. . Willie, 5ri1C
RYE No. 2. 66ff66iiC.
HAY Cbolrn Ilm.illn- no ri. -u..i..
ri-.n '
BUTTER - Creamery, ICH-BIPc; dairy,
Rflfia IiMrtn !. fronh Mls..l .... ir
Htork, quotetl nt 12c ilozen, los ofr, cuho
iriui urn,
RECEIPTS-Wheat. 137.6CO bu.; corn. 30
400 Uu.: oats. 29.000 bu.
niiii-.ii.i in wucai, iM.&tiu bu.: corn.
tflfW UU., UtllP, .IRAT Ull,
Toledo Grnln nnd Seed,
TOLEDO, Aug. 30,-WHEAT-Dull and
llrm: cash and September, T.'c; December,
74c! Mhv. 77V.,.
CORN-Qu'lct. Arm: cash. 674c; Ssptem-
'v t nun wit U 1 4lul
P.T,"-""' avc' lec'mr, 34'ic.
ICY ifrf
Phlludrlphln Produce Market.
PHILADELPHIA. An. M llltn"f'tr'r
Steady; fancy western creamery, SH4C:
lancy nearhy, 23c.
EOOB-FIrm; ; fresh western, ISc: fresh
creams, fancy small, 99c: New Y'ork full
Mllnnnken (Jrnln Market.
uu, i jiiiriovrn, ia, no. . northern, 6
6Dc; September, 6'JVc; December. 7164c.
RYE-IIIghcr; No. 1. 51c. '
RARLEY Steady; No. 2, pample,
Daluth Ornlii MnrWnt.
DI'I.lITIl. Ann- jin'URiTro.i, v
1 hard, 7l7cj No, I nojthern,. 69ic; No. 2
JS.OOftlO.OO: No 1 foundry, nortnern.; No. 2 foundry, southern. $140)1
lt.RO; No. 1 foundry, southern, jlt.:ot lo.jffl;
N'n I ,.,, , .mifhrrn. soft. JH.uil ,.J.
northern. C6'ic! Hentember. 6S'4c: October,
C3c; December, 69Hc; May, 734c.
OATH y3j?4C.
Minneapolis Whcni, Klonr and Ilrnn.
6Skc; September, 67Hci Deceniber.
U.,.! in trnr.U Nfn 1 Imr.l TOUe! No. 1
northern. M'4e. No. 2 northern, 5c.
r , ii ,.' i -. ..... t r-,jn n; n a . n .1
Datents. 83.tiir3.76: first clears. 82.tC32.?j;
eecind clears, $2.20.
13 RAN In bulk, IH.OOfi 14.50.
Peorln Market.
PEORIA. Aua .m.-coRN-FIrm: No. 3,
304c. ...
uatb-inactive; No. 2 wnue, iovtc, oiueo
WHISKY On the basis of 81,30 for tin
Ished goods.
Visible Supply of Cotton.
NEW nnt.t'.ANS. Auk. 30. Secretary
Henter'n utittmnimt nf tho world's Visible
supply of cotton shows tho total visible as
1,611,626 bales, of which 913,626 Is American.
m:yv yohic "rocK.s and iiod.
.Market .Makes n Itntlirr Striking; Dem-
filistrntlon of .Strength.
'rw vniiw. a mr. ao The slock market
made rather a striking demonstration of
strength today. The Increasing disposition
to buy stocks ns the day progressed Indi
cated that thd demand to cover o.itstand-
Ing contracts came largely rrom mo ue-nr
party. There was, however, also a steady
absorption of a number of prominent
siocks wnicn was oimcuu to uaiu.uii mi
any other basis than as an acciiinulatloii,
for what purpose not disclosed. Tho buy
ing of this character was particularly ob
vious In the Erles. Tho buying here was
very concentrated and was by brokcis
usually employed by the Inside Interests of
the property. A single commission houso
took between 10,000 and 15.UU0 shares of the
common and considerable speculative In
terest was seen, some of the buying of this
stock coming from western sources. Union
Paclllc, St. Paul ani Atcliisnu snoweu tno
effect of the belated earnings for July, in-
lortod earlier in the week, nnn uanadlnn
'acl lc and St. Lou a & San Francisco con
tinued to movn upward from tho same
causo. This was a general Influence In
holding the whole railroad list (Inn. Tho
transactions and the movements in gen
eral wero lint conspicuous.
The Wnbashes roso about a nolnt each
and Denver & Ulo Grande preferred gained
2' upon Intimations of n coming favorable
annual report. The strength of tho Chi
cago Terminal transfer siocks was uuo to
talk of absorption by the Chicago tt Alton.
American Tobacco advanced 3i without
explanation nnd Colorado Fuel 2. The Now
lorK, cnicngo & hi. louik siocks rose -w
There war continued good absortitlon of
sundry stocks during the last hour, no
tably trie lines, wnicn went ut from l lo
14. St. Paul. Atchison, tho Walmshcs.
Amalgamated Copper and Tennessee Coal
also roir. about a point over lust nlrat. J
slight recessions In prices on profit-taking;
by room traders. The closing was mod
erately active and firm.
The railroad bond market was very dull
but tlrm. Total sales, par value, 82.018,700.
united states oonus were an unchanged on
tne last can.
The following are the oloslnr Drices on
the New York Stock cxchar.go:
i 8Ci So. Tactile
. h Ho. Hallway
101'k do pfd ,
i rlU Texas ft Pacific...
lt, Tol St. U ft W...
i t'J'.l do pfd
47H Union Pacific
. ('Hi do pfd
. 7Si Wabash
. 31V do pfd
.73 AVbeel. ft L. E
i-1 do 2d pfd
, 2i4 Wis. Central
i S34 do pfd
4T? P. C C. & St. L..
11(1 Adams Ex.....
:4l)i American Ex
. Ti V. S. Ex
, Wells-Kario Ex....
fO'S Atrial. Copper
do pfd
w m
33 i
tlaltlmore A Ohio.
do pfd
Canadian Pacific.. .
Canada So
Clies. ft Ohio
Chicago & Alton..
do Did
Chicago, Ind. & I..
do nfd...
Chicago & E. III...
Chicago ft O. W...
do 1st pid
do 2d Pfd
Chicago ft N. W..
C.. IU I. A V
Chicago Ter. ft Tr.
do pfd
. C. C. ft St. L..
Colorado So
IjH Ainer. car ft t ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
, 57',,
, 40H
do pfd.
Amer. Lin. Oil
do pfd ,
Amer. S., ft R ,
do pfd ,
Del. ft Hudson
Del. U ft W
Denver & 11. (....
do rfd
9?. Amer. Tobacco..
. 44!i Anac. Mln. Co
. 72H Urooklyn It. T
. ti Colo. lMel ft Iron..
ASH Con. (las
. tlv4 Con. Tobacco....
. 73't do pfd
.Uifi Oen, Electrlo
. 39 Olucose Sugar
. 7l',a Ilotklng Con)
. 64 Jnter, Paper1
.lit I do pfd
.1061 Inttr, Tower
,i:o',t Ijiclcde Oas
,Wi National lllscutt ..
. 23t National Lead ....
. National Salt
.10Si' do pfd
.l'J74 No. American
. iSS'l'aclfic Coast
. t6!i Pacific Mall
in: .'People's Oas
.155'i Presaed S. Car
. 6K1 do pfd
. 7M4
. Pi
. 67
. 19
. 544
. 79
. 9'A
. 90
. (IU
. 201,
. !
. 70
. C8
. 43
. 414
. 83
. 19U
. 7.1V4
. 66
. lf"4
. 73
. 13Ti
. 8:s
. 19
. 63
. 411,
. 93H
do 1st pfd
do S.1 pfd
Ot. Nor. pfd
Rocking Valley ...
do pfd
Illinois Central ....
Iowa Central
do pfd ,..
Lake Krle ft W....
do pfd
I ft N ,
Manhattan I.
Met. St. Hy
Mexican Central .
Mex. National
Minn. & St. L
Mo. Paclnc
M.. K. ft T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Norfolk ft W
do pfd
. k0 .Pullman P. Car
. tfW Republic Steel ,
. f., do pfd
.ll"'k Sugar
No. Paclfle pfd...
Ontario & W
Pennsylvania ......
4l!tlTcnn. Coal ft Iron
do 1st pro
do 2d pfd
. 77?,
. MU
. 47i
. S3
. 71
. 31
. 62H
Union Dag & P..
do pfd..........
U. fl. Leather ..
do pfd
U. S. Rubber ..
do pfd
U. H. Steel
do 'pfd
Western Union .
St. L. ft H. F
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd .
St. U Southw
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Last salo. Offered. Trust receipts.
The, Commercial Advertiser's Londrn
financial cablegram says: American shares
wero strong throughout the session. Ttieto
wns professional support, but nt the same
time the best people bought big blocks of
Erie, running tho prlco up to 45c, a new
record, whllo thero Is a strong tip here
that the stock w 111 touch 60c. The report
Is that the roud Is to be the eastern sea
board outlet for a southwestern consoli
dated system. Tho general list closed at
tne top on New rorn support.
New York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Aug. CO.-MONEY-On rail.
steady nt 2J3 per cent; last loan, 2 per
cent; prime mercantile paper, 4405 per
actual business In bankers' bills nt $l.ft(i
I'.sip; ror demand and at $4.84 ror sixty
dn.vs: nostcd rates. 8l.!5(rei.S7IA: commer
cial bills, 84.S3ij4.!3?4.
SILVER Uar, MVic; Mexican dollars,
UOND8 Government, steady; state, Inac
tive; railroad, firm.
The doting quotations on bonds or as
U. 8. ref. I. res..,
107,N. Y. Central U..
.107VN J. C. gen. 6s..
IbSVNo. Paclfle 3s ,
10S,' Mo 4i
137 i'N Y, O & St L 4s.
137 IN. & V. consol 4a
113 Oregon Nav. 1
113 Mo 4s
,1074 Oregon H. L. 6s..
.UU Mo consol 5s
,134 Heading gen. 4s,.,,
lu3i 'Mo ii, 'w. 1
, 974 St I, i 1 II c. 3s..
101 S
. 9
, 93
. 13
do coupon
do 3s, reg
do coupon
do new 4s, reg.,.,
do coupon
do old 4s, reg,...,
do coupon i
do f, ttt
An couDon
It. nt C. 3 63s
Atchison gfn. 4s,, .,
do ail). 4
Canada So. 2s ,
Cties. ft Ohio 4i.,
Wi St I. ft H P e. 6s.
107 V
St, Paul consols
do 6a
L A N. W. c. ".
do 8. P. deb, 3s
riii.ntrn Tr. 4s....
St P, O ft P ls.,
Mo 3s
So. Pa Ulo 4
So. Hallway 5s
Colorado So. ts
S. H. & T. 6s. ......
Texas ft Pacific la
Penvf & It. u. 4i
Krle seneral 4s
P. W. ft D. C. Is
nr. KUrlrlrt Ss...
do !s
Pnlon Paclfle 4s..
Wuhish Is..,..,..,.
Mo 2s
West Shore 4
Wis, Central Is...
Va. Centuries ...
. 39
. WH
. 9l'i
Iowa Central la...
L. ft N. unl. ...
M K. ft T. 2a..,.
do 4s
Hid. Offered.
lloaton Stock ((nnintliina.
UOSTON, Atiz. 30.-Call loans, 3i7l4 per
cent: tlmo loans, 45 per cent. Olllclal
A.. T. A St. P....,
do pfd ,
Amer. Sugar ,
American Tol
llosion ft Albany..,
lt.ulnn X- Mfl ,
. 7314
. rtu
. 41
. 45l
. 3
. 33U
. I
. 33
West End
Westlnsh, Eltctrlc
N. K. . ft C. (a..
Htiurham Mln. Co.
. t7
. 314
. n,
. 37
. 3l,
. 19.
. 33
. f.3
. 7'1
. i
. 3-i
Arnal. Copper
Calumet ft Ilecla..
Osceola ,, ,
Dominion Coal ....
do pfd.. ..,
V. K. Steel ,
do pfd 77,
FMtrhburr nfd
Hen, Electric
KJ. Elec. Ill
Mnlcan Central.,
N, E. (1. ft C
Old Colony
Old Dominion ....
Pnlon Paclnc
Union Iand
Qulncy ,
Santa Fe Clipper,.
t'lah Mining
,. 31
Hank Clenrlniia.
OMAHA. Aug. 30,
i. Rank cl.arln
gs today,
SM, (B0; corresponding day las'
US. decrease. $91,118.
last year,
. 303-Clca
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 30,--Clcarlngs.
$11,694,615; balances, $2,219,935. Y
CHICAGO. Aug. 30.-Clearlngs. $.M,S69.566:
balances, $3,7W,!$2; PQetca exchansc.l Ii."
for sixty days, $1.87 on demand; New York
exchange. 5oc discount.
RAL'l IMORE, Aug, .-CIearlngs, 82.S22,
2J; balances, II5S.230.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 30,-Clcarlngs. ,2I5,
000; money. 3$64 per cent; New York ex
change, 4oyf.Oc discount.
NEW YORK. Aug. 30.-CIearlngs, $178,
S96.697; balances, 9,4i2,453.
HOSTON, Aug. 30.-CIearings, $14,100,416;
balances, $1,268,234.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. SO.-Clearlngs, $S,3t;.240;
tulances, $419,011: money, 4fW por cent; New
York exchange, 10c discount bid, par asked.
London ntock Quotations.
LONDON, Aug. 30. 4 p. m. Closing:
ConfoK money..... 4!'S dn pM
do sccount 94 1.1-14 Nn. Picine rfd K'l't
AnaconJa 0H,Ontrlo ft V
Atchlaon S!l Pennnylvsnta TfH
do pfd 101i'Itadlnr 22't
llsltlmnre A Olilo..4 do 1st pfd 3f
rnnllsn l'nctnc....lUsl do :,l pM V
t'hes. fc Ohio l' Po. llallnay 3 1'4
Chlrngo (1. V 2JV4 do pM 9.'4
l. M. Ht. P 17! So. Paclfle
Denver &. 11. 0 93 iL'nlon Pucinu 101';
Krlc 4SH do pfd 3'l
dn pfd , THi U. . Kteel II
Illinois Onlrnl do pfd
L. Ik S ....lWi Wnhssl I.'S
M.. K. ft T Wj' dn pfd ii
do pfd nl'i Hpanlsh 4s 70S
N. Y. (.Vntrsl 1304 Hand Mines UVj
Norfolk ft W
SILVER Rar, steady, I7d per oz.
MONEY 1 per cent. The rate of dts
count In the open market for short bills Is
2?1(2; per cent,
Xen- York MIiiIiik Stocks.
NEW YORK, Aug. 30. The following tire
the closing quotations on mining stocks.
Ailnnn Con......
Ilrunswlck Con..
I.ltll- Chief ...
... II
... 10
... 1
... 3
... l:
... 3)
. 9
. 6
Cenntock Tunnel..
Con. Cal. .t Vn...
Sierra Nevada
Pmnll llopei ..
Dcsdwewnl Terra
Horn Silver ....
Iron Silver ....
I.eadvllls Con,..
I'urelan I'liinnelnl.
LONDON, Aug. SO.-Money was In fair
demnnd today, principally for month's end
requirements. Discounts were nulet. On
the 8tock exchange the tendency wns
good Americans had the monopoly on tho
sninll amount of business trnnsaclcd. Con
sols and llrst-class securities were In bet
ter demand. limine rails wero steady nnd
Inactive. Foreigners were neglected. Grand
Trunks were tlrm and nctlvo. Canndlau
Puclllcs were llrm. Americans hardened
but there was a scarcity of business. Erles
nnd Union Puclllcs were the features. The
closing was tlrm. Gold premiums were
quoted today nt Huenos Ayres at 131.00; at
Madrid, 39.72; at Lisbon, 38.50. American
eagles nro quoted today nt 67s 7d,
PARIS, Aug, 30,-Prlces on the bourse
today were tlrm, the feature of the trans
actions being the buoyancy of DcIU'crs.
Kufflrn were firm and advanced. Thre wan
good buying ot Rio tlntos and rentes. To
ward the close tlntos reacted slightly, but
rentes continued to Improve and at the
close were firm. The tramway wero
weaker. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 25c for
the account. Exchange on London, 25 f 20c
for checks. Spanish 4s, 71.40.
UERLIN. Aug. 30.-Uuslncss on the
bourse today was, more active and, prices
wero firmer, the cane of money Inducing
purchases. Home funds and Chinese Im
proved. Banks were well supported nnd
there was speculative buying of coal and
iron shares. Canadian Pacltlcs nnd North
ern PnciUcs were In good demnnd on the
Incrcnso In trafllc receipts. Transvaal bonds
Were neglected. Dlscojnt short bills nd
vanCcd to 3 per cent, duo to the demand
for money on account of the settlement.
Rxchango on London, 20m 43 pfgs. Dis
count rates: Short bills, 3 per cent for
settlement; three months' bills, 24 per
Cotton Market.
NEW Y'ORK, Aug. 30.-COTTON-Spot
closed steady; middling uplands, S4c; mid
dling gulf. 8c; sales, 6.064 bales. Futur s
closed quiet: September, 7.S9c; October nnd
November, 7.95c; December, Sc: January,
8.01c; Fcbrunry, 8.01c; March, 8.04c; April,
8.05c; May, 8.06c. Futures opened steady,
with prices unchanged to 7 points higher
on light outsldo buying, tho bulk of which
represented over-night accumulations of
winter order character. This demand was
gra tilted by local longs, who were made
bearish by the special Journal of Commerce
monthly report on crop conditions, the fat
ter showing 70.?, an against 77,2 by the gov
ernment InBthionih, and ns against gen
eral expectations of 67 or 68. Immediately
after the call nrlces weakened 7 to 8 points
under selling lor both accounts and an un
favorable tunr In tho Liverpool mnrket.
Ruylng ordersnfrom the outside were few
nnd far between, w;hllc room bulls were
contont to even up and rest on their orders
over tho three duys' adjournment. Trail
ing was qulot all forenoon, with the mar
ket rather heavy and narrow. Tho cables
were about as expected at the time we
opened, though at one tlmo Liverpool wns
excited nnd up 5 to 6 points on a scare of
Hhorts. Weather reports Indicated clearing
conditions over tho central und northern
portion" of the eastern belt and pointed to
cloudy conditions In Texas, with probable
rains In tho eastern part of that state. Yet
reports of rainfall for the , twenty-four
hours fnilcd to show any break In the
Texas drouth. Soon nfter mid-day the local
market steadied several points on a report
that the recount of the Liverpool stock
showed a decrease of 10,000 bales, as com
pared with tho official figures cabled this
moinlrg, 395,000 bales. Then camo n sharp
setback under pit selling for profits, fol
lowed by a sharp rise on bulling from
scalpers, Ruslncss wns dull and reflected n
smaller Interest to' be carried over the holi
days than has been noticed In mnny weeks,
If not mnny months. In the last half-hour
room scalping sales forced prices off the
top figures of the day. The market was
finally steady, net 4 to 6 points lower.
at 8 16-16C.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30.-COTTON-Qulet: no
sales; middling, S9-16c. Receipts, 1,76
bales; shipments, 1,031 bales; stock, 35,6:6
limited demnnd; prices firmer: Amer! an
middling, inir. iiw.'ii: good muid.'nir.
513.32d; middling, 63-3.M; low mldd'l tr,
4T4d; good ordlnnry. 4Hd; ordinary, 4-f.d;
Sales, 5.000 bales, of which too wero for
speculation and export and Included
American. Receipts, none. Futures opo ud
Arm nnd closed barely steady: August,
4 5S-6101 59-6ld, Kellers; August and Septem
ber, 4 55-04ti4 66-fild, sellers; September,
4 55-611(4 56-64d, sellers; October, g. o. c.
4 3D-6ld, sellers; October and November,
4 23-6lff I 34-6ld, sellers; November and De
cember, 4 30-C4d, sellers; Decembir and Jan
uary. 4 29-6lfi4 30-6ld, sellers; January and
February. 4-29-04. sellers: February nnd
March, 4 2S-6lftl 29-6ld, buyem; March and
April. 4 2S-etri4 39-6(d, buyers.
sales, 100 bales; ordinary, 6o; goo.l
ordinary, 7 l-16c; low middling, 7c; mid
dling, 8 11.16c; good middling, 9 l-lflo; mid
dllng fair, 9 5-16c. Receipts, 2,141 rales;
stock, 52.761 bales.
fngnr Mnrket.
NEW YORK, Aug. 30,-SUOAR-Raw,
barely sleady; fnlr refining, 3 6-16o bid;
centrifugal, 96 test, 3 13-16u bid; molasses
sugar. 3 3-16c bid. Refined, steady; No. 6,
4.65c: No. 7, 4.66c; No. 8, 4.45c; No. 9. 4.40c;
No. 10, 4.35c; No. 11, 4.30c: No. 12. 4.30c; No.
13, 4,20c; No. 14, 4.20c: standard A. 5.05c;
confectioners' A, 5.05c: mould A, 6.60c;' cut
loaf, 6.75c; crushed. 5.75c: powdered, 3.35c;
granulnted, 5.25c; cubes. 6.60c.
LONDON. Aug. 30.-8 UG A R-Muscoviulo,
9s 3d: centrifugal. 10s 3d; beet sugar. 9s SUd.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 30.-8UGAR-Qulet;
centrifugal yellow, iflilSc: seconds,
2 1.ltiJ3Hc. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 6Q)
Wool Market.
HOSTON, Aug. 30,-WOOL-Thc re.cHls
df wool In Huston since Jununry 1 late
been 187.459,825 pounds, ngnlnst 128,f6l.O 5
pounds for tho same period In 1900. The
Roston shipments to date are 171,6766f2
pounds, against sales of 9i,63,000 pounds
for the same period In 1900. The stock on
hand In Roston, Janunry 1, 1901, was 76
309.6o0 pounds; tho total stock today ,s
91.092.6i79 pounds. '
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30,-WOOL-Qulet and
steady: medium grades, Il4tI7c: light fine.
llHlic; heavy rtno, mtflie; tub washed
New York Dry, Mark;
The Improvement In volume of bualnei
this week wus maintained today on cotton
goods. There have been no changes m
quotations, but the lono ruled generally
firm. Print cloths are tlrm. Linens are
quiet, with an occasionally easier settle,
ment. Burlaps continue dull nnd prices
still contlnua In favor of buyers.
moderate nt htrdenlng prices.
Yards, nulet and btcudy.
Evnporatnl and Dried Fruits,
NEW YORK. Aug, 30. E V A PO R AT E D
APPLES Demand was fairly actlva for
evaporated apples today and the tono was
Arm; offerings were free, however, at cur
rent prices. State, common to good, 5Q8c;
prime, SUeso; choice. 9c; fancy, 94c
dull nt 3ic ror prunes. Apricots, Royal,
8ty13c; Moor Park. S12c. Peaches, peeled,
UtflSc; unpeeled, 61j94c.
All Iiidi f Tftt CtttU in Actire Demand
and Fire to Ten Cents Higher.
.Not Knnngh Sheep nnd Lambs on Male
to Make Test of Mnrket, lint It Is
Snfe to siiy thnt Good
Staff Is In Demnnd
Rccetnts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omcial Mcnuay ,WJ U,iu9 7,vi
Olllclul 'iuesouy 3.M4 J
Ufhclal Wednesday 2,0i9 'i.W3
umctal Thursday 2.6,0 6.7oO
uihcial Friday l.tuJ 6.M1
Five days this week.. 15,225 2S.796 20,128
Samu days last v,cck,...16,:.W 30.112 33,6M
ijnmu Week bulure 18,001 3.',7il U,M
Samu three weeks ago. ..15,203 41,708 21,l!9
t.unu lour wicks ngu,...10,96j 39,001 3.i,6j2
Ha tne days last year 22,4i5 :u,U49 40,613
Average price paid tor Hogs at South
Omaha the pust several days Willi com
parisons: 1901. 1900.l99.lWS.li97.lt96Jl95.
August 1. 6 664
August 2. 6 76
August 3. b 7i
5 15
i IS
4 19 3 79,
4 26l 3 U
2 77 4
4 45
2 HI, 4 54
2 ail
2 V6 4 j
3 46
i l&l JH 4 61
6 I0J 4 43, 3 til,
3 47
3 67,
3 63
AU),USl .
August 6, 6 84
August 6. 5 to
August 7. 5 66
August 8. b ess
August 9. o 73
August 10 6 74h
August 11
August 12 5 74
,lU.d( i... ,.
4 38
3 71
3 if
3 H:
1 61
3 67
6 04,
b 14
6 15
& 04i
1.431 3 021 4 67
2 2, 4 6i
4 37
4 32
1 71 50
4 45
3 19
6 00 4 2,
3 (3
i 7i 4 i7
4 Mi 4 29
3 271
3 111 2 B0
4 35 3 41 3 5 'i f 4 0
4 96' 1 74
2 toll
3 66
i4i 4 v
August 14 6 73,1 4 97(
I 43
2 3f 4 B41
ia i) l 4 Hi
4 4l 3 75
2 do
4 42
rtugusi lb b
August 17 5 S3
4 9S
4 321 3 78i
3 70
4 4
2 M 4 3i
2 92
2 68 4 51
2 79 I 56
2 K 1 49
2 Si 4 36
4 36
2 68
2 79
2 76 4 32
2 75, 4 21
2 W 4 26
2 64 4 22
4 24
5 00
4 3b 3 74
3 71
4 95,
4 4 3 SGI 3 6t
August 13 5 89
August 20i 5 86V
August 21 6 784
4 lJ. 3 til
6 021 4 42
'""( 'I O
6 Oil 4 42 3 69j
August 23 6 91?, 4 97 4 41 3 74 3 S3:
tUhLnt 24 n 91,i : U2. I 42 3 61
3 79
3 ill
3 91
August 25
5 05
4 40i
3 73
6 97V4
4 3S
3 72
August 2
August 29
August 30,
6 OOUl 4 9S
6 CO 5 02
3 70 4 02
4 40
I 3 Jl
H 02'S, 6 0.
4 4
3 70i
6 IPSj 6 0J 4 40 3 72 3 91
Indicates Sunday.
The oftlcial number of cars of stock
brought, In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
c M. & St. p. Ry...
O. & St. I Hy
Mo. Pacific Ry
u. p. system
C. & N. W. Ry
F E. & M. V. R. R...
S. C. & P. Ry....
C St. P., M. & O. Ry 10
R. & M. R. R. R 9
C, ii. & q. Ry 2
IC. C. St St. J 1
C. R. I. & P., eat 8
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts GO
Tho disposition of the day's recolpts waj
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Ruycrs. Cattlo.
Omaha Packing compuny 2
Swift and Company 1C2
Cudahy Packing company 493
Armour & Co 312
7 6
1, 63
R. llecker & Degan
J. U Carey 113
Iobmnn & Co 91
Livingstone & Schnller 20
L. F. Husz 23
II.- L. Dennis & Co 30
Wolf & Newman ; 82
Other buyetd 354 ...
Totals WIS 5,822
CATTLE-There was a light run of cuttlo
hero today and as the demand on the part
ot local packers was In good shape, the
market ruled active und higher ull around
on anything good enough for killers. There
were not very many westerns Included, as
thero were uultu a few corn fed cattle on
sale of good quality, as tho sales below will
"how. .
Corn fed steers wero In active demand
this morning and In fact It has been some
time since packers appeared us anxious for
supplies as they did i this morning. They
were out enrly' and It did not take them
long to. clear the yards. The market could
sately be quoted b10c higher and In somo
cases the advance wns more than that. A
three-lond bunch sold at $5.85 ntiL a few
brought $5. It Was a good market all
around and higher, prices were also paid for
tho less desirable grades, owing to the fact
that there were not enough good cattle to
fill orders.'
The cow market was also active and bit
10c higher. Good stuff In pnrtlcular wns
wanted, but still the medium grades nnd
even the canners sold without nlttlculty nt
good, strong prices und everything was dis
posed of In good season.
Hulls, calves and stags sold fully as well
as they did yesterday, but the undesirable
grades wero neglected.
Stockers and feeders were again slow
sale toda. Speculators have a good many
on hand und it now looks ns though a
largo number of them would be cstrled
over until next. week. The choice heavy
weight feeders nro well cleaned up and
prices on those grades have not shown
much change. The common klndu of
feeders, however, and stockers of all
grades are very slow sale and 15tT26o
lower than they were on Monday.
The western rnngo steers nnd cows wero
In good demand today and sold otfjiJc
higher than yesterday where the quality
was at all good. Stockers, however, were
hard to dispose of at any price and tho
same was true or tenders except wncrc
. , wuh ootn weight and quality. Rep.
rcsentativo sales:
Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
734 2 -.'5 19 1118 S 13
..930 2 30
., im 2 H3
.. HO 2 75
,. CM 3 .10
..1134 3 73
.. 930 .4 33
.. 943 4 73
.. 939 4 90
..1037 5 CO
19 1233 5 33
II 1123 5 23
33 1194 6 43
...12(0 5 55
3 Ml
...1363 5 t'O
...1164 5 70
...11411 5 fj
...1475 6 10
,.10S'J 4 '.'0
2 ,
1 M IS.
... 793 2 Cd
... 723 2 60
... 816 ii to
... U 2 K
...10)2 2 P3
... tSO 2 s3
... 933 2 93
... 9U 3 Ol
...1100 3 00
...1100 3 15
...1330 3 23
... 910 3 13
...1070 3 30
... 930 3 75
... 743 4 33
9S5 1 73
f ....
.. 820 1 73
... S60 1 W
...1110 3 00
...10Ct J 00
... DM 2 0)
... i'.K) 2 0)
...lino : ;i
,,,lio i ;5
... 983 2 10
... 930 2 30 ,
... 930 2 3d
. . . 911 2 33
...11M 2 60
... 7s : to
... 6M 1.75 1., 71 2 63
... 706 1 93 2 773 2 S3
... 540 3 33 1 760 3 33
... 676 2 40 3 730 3 36
...1163 2 CO
1023 2 43
KM 3 30
310 2 Ut
1020 2 30
,1370 2 00
,1S30 2 33 1...
.1510 2 33 1...
1320 2 30 1...
1360 2 30 1...
'...1J70 2 30
... 670 2 00 79 .3S 3 55
"'!.... 000 2 30 7 660 3 75
. , 370 3 f 0 1 330 3 05
M 3 10 1 200 3 30
... 640 3 U0 33 704 3 00
.. 780 2 :' 13 736 3 10
600 2 23 1 650 3 to
743 2 60 12 4t 3 10
"' 730 2 10 14 m 3 IS
" , 780 2 60 4 K0 3 13
' . MO 2 7$ 10 631 t 3
Hi M t 140 t
". no J IB i. 24 I 34
1 steer..
ju Z it) l str.
! bull 1650 3 25 1 bull 1110 2 25
I tUll...v..l'W - 2o 1 hllll...-...lW0 2S
J. Ualley Nebraska.
1 .tag 1290 2 65 11 steers, ..,1(64 1 00
1 2 1 hull 1460 2 36
J. O. Hall-Colorado.
a cows 990 2 60 7 cows 938 1 76
HOGS There was another light run of
hogs here today and the market opened
6M10c higher Jhan yesteroay. Good mlxud
nogs sold largely tit $0.50 and $6.124. .with
the choicer loads going at $6.16 and from
that up to $6.40. The lighter weights sold
from $6,074 down. Packers seemed to
want tho hogs, but still they did not like
to pay thn advance, and ns sellers hold on
for the full strength of the market trad
Ing was not particularly active on tho
start. The hulk of the receipts, however,
was out of tlrst hands In good season.
The last end of the market was not
much different from the opening and
$6,10 caught the long string of all thn
sales Today's advance tarries the mar.
kct to the highest point reached jo
this year. Representative rales:
Av. Bh. Pr.
No. .vv Hh. Pr.
CS.,, 232 120 10
7 JM 160 6 10
6..., ...2S4 SO 6 10
69 233 120 10
St.. 37S . . 10
SI....... :',h ... f 10
62 JlO 40 6 10
30.,,., ...264 40 6 10
75 Ill 240 10
71 349 120 10
69 lit SO 10
t 244 tf) 6 to
S2 tS ... 6 124
10 20 ... 6 it's
M .,23 SO 6 US
11 214 ... 12U
IS 227 ... 14
li 239 40 6 IP,
r9....,...230 to 1214
44 273 40 6 121.4
61 277 SO 6 121,
6 23 12) 6 12!i
r, 261 SO 6 '.l'l
S3 207 120 121,
63 2'.0 210 6 12i
74 243 ... 6 13lj
69 290 40 6 13',
60 236 200
3 234 40 6 11',
U 231 40 6 IV i
61 2tV, ... 6 16
69 273 SO 6 P,
65 37.1 80 1.1
66 2S0 ... 6 13
6 270 120 13
SI 3"7 ... IS
62 272 40 13
9 207 120 6 15
7S 2T,5 ... f 15
M 254 Irt 17H
66 23 SO S I'l,
10 294 W 23
SI 262 ... 6 3n
S3 2K ... 6 33
17 2S5 ... 6 40
6!...,,.., 99
33 139
93 20
4 So
i M
t o:i
M 120 6 024
..70S 40 6 03
..206 120 6 Do
93 313 240 03
tt 1M 120
36 20 40
77 13 120 fM
M 2 IS 10 ( o;ii
6.1 301
53 2.J
63 211
77 223
( 217
39.. 23
4) (t C7H
40 6 0J14
M OitJ
43 071,1
40 10
10) 6 10
6 10
fS. ...... .23 11 6 10
S 225
33 237
31... 230
30 6 10
10 14
0 6 10
.. 10
39 233
to 224
40 & 10
53 224 120
34 330
C( 242
69 213
M 21! I
40 6 10
6 10
SO 6 10
6 10
60 253 160 6 In
67 222 40 10
74 217
72 266
76 211
79 191
76 2.H
tl Ill
U 223
67 234
76 22S
74 214
SO 6 '0
SO 6 10
10 6 10
.. 10
.. 6 10
SO 6 10
6 10
6 10
SO 6 10
SO 10
66 316
6 10
.231 120 6 10
...239 SO 6 10
63 MS
80 6 10
SHEEP There were only n few sheep on
snip this morning of rather common aual
Ity, so thnt n good test of the market was
not made. It Is evident, however, from the
way packers hHVo been nctlng of late, thnt
good to choice stuff Is In nctlve demand at
good, strong prices, Tho common stuff, of
course, Is more or less neglected, but there
has been none too much choice stuff coming
to meet the demand. As compared with
the close of last week there Is not much
change In the prices being paid. This Is
true of both ewes nnd wethers.
The lamb market Is also lust about the
same as it was a week ago, with desirable
grades In active demand. Thn commoner
Kinds have been neglected and are, per
haps, a Mttlo lower.
Feeders have sold well all the week at
good, strong prices.
wuotniinns: unoicc yearlings, w.&oua.tios
fnlr to good yearlings, $3.25173.40; choice
wethers. M.X-ililUtfti fnlr tn irood wethers.
$.1,155(3.35; choice ewes, $2.l"01i3.10; fair 10
goon ewes, j.'; choice spring iam')s,
$t.C5j 4.S5: fair to good snrliic iamb. Jl.lMi
4.00; feeder wethers, $2.7503.26; lecdcr lnmb,
io.wiio.oo. iieprt'hentutiva sales:
Hirers Are nixhrr, Itngta Actire nnd
Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Aug. 30.-CATTLE-Rflcelpts,
2.600 head. Including (UD head Tcxans:
steers, 104fi5c higher; nctlvo; butchers'
stock, strong to 26c higher; Tcxans, lOSfloc
higher. $5.70M6.35: poor to medium. $3.8041
6.); stockers and feeders, steady, to slow,
$2.254j4.25: cows, $2.45(l.60; heifers. $2.60
5.00: canners. $1.50(12.40: bulls, strong:
emtchcrs, $4.2WH,Od; calves, steady, 13.004$
6.b5; Texas steers. $4.0O(fi6.10: Texas grass
steers, 33.30if l.uo; Texas bulls, $f.oof5.00.
iiuus itcceipts, ltj.ouo head; tomorrow,
13,000 head, estimated; left over, 4,000 heud;
active; good to cholco, 10c higher, others
steady; top, $6.70; mixed and butchers, $5.85
ri.70; good to choice heavy, $5.95ffjt).70;
rough heavy, I5.751i5.0O: light, $3.65U6.65;
bulk of sales, $6.10io-S0.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 5,000
head; steady to 10c higher; lambs, strong;
good to choice wethers. $3.40fM.25: fnlr to
choice mixed, $3.103.60; western sheep, $3.40
hiwj; native litmus,; western
lambs, $1.00Q5.25.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
celpts, 5,000 head nntlvcs, 600 head Tcx
ans nnd 400 hend calves; native beef steers
and cholco heifers strong, others steady:
choice export nnd dressed beef steers, $5.45
jO.00: fair to good, $4.73(85.40; stockers and
feeders, $2.804.25; western-fed steers, $1.45
5.60; western range steers, $3.3594.50; Tox
nns and Indians, $2.700.75: Texas cows,
$2.2503.25; native cows. $2.50(34.00: heifers.
$2,759)5.40: canners. $1.50(ft2.40: bulls. S2.254S
4.60; calves. $3.604.60.
HOGS Receipts, 0,600 head; market 60
15c higher; top, $0.40; bulk, $6.00(36.40; heavy,
$6.356.40; mixed packers, $6.086.35; light,
$5.5(H6.20; pigs. $1.505.70.
HllttUl- ANU I.A.MHH KecelptS. 1,100
head; market strong; lambs, $1.254(1. "5: na
tive wethers. $3.25ft3.60l western wethers.
$3.203'3.60; western yearlings, $3.40Cr)3.65;
ewes, $2.75(53.15;. feeder lambs, $2,7543.25;
stock, sheep, $2.00572.5.
St. I.onlsj Live Stock Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30.-CATTLE-Hecelots.
2,500 head, Including 350 Texnns; markot
steady to strong, beef catt'e rang ng a
shado higher: native shinning and exnirt
steers, $5.0Oit6.0O; dressed beef and butchers'
steers, $3.805.55; steers under 1,000 pounds,
$3.504.00; stockers and feeders. $3.2:l.75:
cows nnd heifers, $2.0DJ5.00; canners, $10
2.26: buns. lz.2W2.i6: Texas and Indian
steers. $3.15fi4.00: cows nnd heifers. 12 2'ili
HOGS Receipts, C.200 head; market fc
higher, with tho top for butchers' nt $5.7',
the highest point on this market in seven
years: pigs and lights. $6.1!i6.40: nackers.
$6,004)6.40; butchers', $6.45(fi6.70.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.000
head; market strong; nntlve muttons, 3.0
fr3.45; Iambs, $1.00,4.83; culls and bucks,
$2.0CK!3.00; stockers, $2.25(72.50.
Nerr York Live Stock Market,
ceipts, 3,322 hend; steers, active, 25c higher;
steers, $5.12i,i(ff5.00; stockers, $2.754.00;
bulls. 2.5O?j3.0O: cows, $1.90rg4.10. London
and Liverpool markets higher; live cattle,
lmfllSc per lb.: refrigerator beef. 9i.iffrloy,c
per lb.
uAtiVKB-iteceipts, 37s nonu; venis weak,
other calves higher: veals, S5.00fi8.00: gran-
sers. $3.1003.50.
8 IEKI" AND LAM1J a Receipts. 6.129
head; good sheep, 104? 1.1c, higher; lambs, 10
fj25q- higher: sheep. $2.50fi,00; culls, $1.75
2.00; lambs. $i.50fS.25: culls, $4.50.
nous-Receipts. 2io head: higher: state.
.St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 30. CATTLE
Receipts. 1,800 heud: market active, strong
to' 10c higher: others slow, stoidy: ra
tives, $3W5.f0: pows and heifers, $1,0)
4.75; bulls and stags, $2.01.60; stockers
nnd feeders, $2.003.90; veals, $2.255.25.
HOGS Receipts, C,5f0 head; market steady
to 10c higher, mostly. 5c stronger; tight
nnd light mixer), $6.O0fi8.35: medium and
henvy, $6.056.40; pigs, $3.23ff 5.10 ; bulk. 16.15
SHEEP Receipts, 2,200; market steady to
Stork In Sight.
Tho following tnble shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at tho Ave principal
live stock markets August 30;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Rnutti nmnliii 1.G23 5.601 7.060
Chicago 2,50(1 16,000 5,000
Kansas City o.ww n.wiu i,uw
St. Louis 2.600 6,200 1,000
St, Joseph ., i 1,800 6,600 2,200
Totals ,llii923 'il.CSl 16,300
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 30,-COFFEE-Spot,
Rio, ster.dy: No. 7 lnvolco, 5c; mild, quiet;
Cordova, 84(llHc. Market opened steaily,
with prices unchanged to 6 points higher.
Cnblo neWB contained nothing of oftlcial
Importance and primary receipts were as
(anticipated. Heavy domestic warehouse
deliveries and a steadier spot department
wero bullish factors which started room
huylng on a limited scale around the open
ing. Later In the session foreign houses
bought llbernlly. with local bears supplying
the demand, This afternoon session was
featureless. Prices did not vary more than
6 points all day; final figures were net un
changed to 5 points net higher nnd tho tone
stead; sales renched 27.000 bags, including:
Hpfimher, 4,70c; December. 5.50c; Fcbrunry,
6.10c; March, Cfec; May, 6.45c.
- ,
Oil aad neen.
OIL CITY. Pa Aug. 30.-OILrl-Crdlt
balances, $1.2S; certificates, no bid. Ship
ments, 70.693: average, 17,197; runs, W.2W!
average, 86.S64.
SAVANNAH. On.. Aug. 30.-OIL8-Tur-pentlne,
firm at 33le. Rosin, llrm: A, H, C,
96c: d. ti.oo;' k. $ f. $i.ii.I5: a,
$1,16411.20: H. $1.20ffi,26; I, $1.40; K, V.Kii
H, $2.10; N, $2,00; W. G $3.35; W. W.. $3.50.
TetepMene lOftfJ,
Boyd Commisiion Co
Successors to James E. Doyd Co.,
Hoard at Trade alldtas.
Direst wires to Chicago nrt New To'K
Carisspondencs. John A. Wairto 4s Ct
The Bee
Here is where
you will find it
in the princi
pal cities .
Kimball House News btand.
Publlo Library.
Vendome Hotel,
Boston Tress club, 14 Roaworth 8treet
EftS.".'0.?10'1 New'1 Stand.
Ruffalo Bureau, care F. J. rtckman,
Harvard University Library.
CahllJ Bros.. 1708 Fercuson Street.
Cheyenne Club..
Auditorium Annex News Stand.
Auditorium Hotel News stand.
Urana I'aclllc Hotel Sws stand.
Great Nortiiirn l.otel News titaod.
f,tt"ner House Nows Stand,
ostofrlcu News stanu, wo. 317 Dearborn t
Associated Advertuets' Club, Pslruor
Weddell Ifeuee.
The Wollotidi'ii
Comniiiiai ii velars' Aaeoelatlaa,
Masonic Temple.
I'rlntern' Home,
r'olta la,u
Briaco ot Amraerman.
W, A. Loptr. 32k Bennett Avenue.
Brown Hotel News Stand.
ilamlltnn a. Uahnri.b ..i.oln . .
MtLalii, i'ut tL Co., wo Siattentn Street.
7.7 nuuiv vu., cannier oireei.
SViuu.iur Hotel News HUnd.
Flshal & Co., Deudwood.
J. F. Carwlle,
Man FlshvU Deadwood.
Moses Jacobs, Rock island Depot.
W. A. Moore, 6th Avenue and Matn.Htrtet,
HOT spni.ius, s. o,
George Oibsou,
Emu iiarcens.
Blaine Johnson.
F. K. Murilu.
hot aPRiNasr. Attic.
C. H. Weaver A Co.
u. v. coopei a.yjo tm central Avenue.
llnkarl Ttnl.t ltW Mn. a . .
Cantes House News Stand.
oews oianu, union aiaiion.
Missouri Republican Ciuu, 906 Bultlmon
Public Library.
Railway Y. M. C. A., room 27 Union Depot.
Kansas City, Mo. n h
1. M. C. A. Reading Room,
C. E Applcgate, 123 O Btreet, Deliver
Oliver Sl Halms. 106 8. Spring Street
Charles A. Gllllg's American Exchange. I
Cockspur St., Trafalgar Sq., C. W.
MteiitelNe'w Bland.
Ernest Co.. 115 Royal Street.
Conner Union Library.
Fifth Avenue Hotel News Stand.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Reading Room.
groom. trSit Library.
Holland House Reading- Room.
IKlsl "otel News Bland.
W Club, 120 St.
Westminster Hotel Reading Room.
.& aAd andjh Avenue
W. Webb, 2405 Washington Avenue.
H. C. Fenn,
New York Herald Reading Room, 40 Ave.
Thosf Cook Sons, 1 Ave, de i'Opera.
W E. Jones, 291 Alder Street
Portland Hotel News Stand.
MercanUle Library.
rubllo Library.
Bait Lake News Co,, 77 We-t 2d Street
r v Hammell.
narrow Bros., 43 West Second Street
Knuteford Hotel News fetend.
Palace Hotel.
Ka.tern News Co., 306H Pike Street
j m. iyn Co- ,
-.ttson Ho'1 News Stand.
&rnrdeim?nn Hotel News Btand.
.i.i vindomo News Stand.
Hotel ve Knlclt,rbock,r.
pnw c .
ar ,
2wi. I treet
John W. Orabsm. TU-m Rrrtrview Arc
Bnaw m.
Henry Court
st. JoisrH.
Brandow'a News fluna. 731 ISdmortd dt
fjuf MtanUi I i mute, avuuw
JurtlonNews Stand. 601 Edmond
St. Joe Mercantile o.
Y. M.r.rA. Rdlns Room,
Press Club.
Windsor Hotel.
Ryan Hotel.
B. T. Jett. 80J Olive Street
New Btand. Southern Hotel.
Planters' Hotel News Stand.
Public Library.