12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1901. MAY BUILD WESTERN LINE PmUI Telegraph Compny Ktgoiintes Ux Bight of Wj on Union Ptcifio. WANTS TO RUN FROM OMAHA TO OGDEN Application for I'crmlimloit to Con- triint In I'llril III the OITU-e of (Icn ernl Kolltiltiir Krllr nt the Overlnml Route. Upon the result of a conference held at Vnlon Pacific headquarters lest Saturday depends the fato of the ti-lcKrqph line which the PoBtnl Telegraph-Cable comrany ue IrcB to build from Omaha to Ogdcn, General Counsel Mcintosh of tho tele graph. cable company was nt headquarters to make application for permission to uso the Overland'a right of way for tho new line. Ho conferred with General Solicitor Kelly, but did not see l'resldont Hurt, as lie was out of thy city. It Is understood, of course, that tho Unloa Pacific will refuse to grant the permission. It will be compelled to do so by reason of Us Ironclad contract with tho Western Union Telegraph company, oven though the Union I'aclflc Is favorably disposed toward tbe Fostal. When permission la formally refused, as It will bo at no distant date, tho Postal's attorneys will bring suit In the federal courts to compel tho Union Pacific to grant Its request for tho use of the right of way. Then a long legal battle will fol low, during which tho Western Union will exhaust every resource of the law to pre sent tho Postal from getting what It wants. It Is not oxpected that the Union Pacific will mako moro than a perfunctory resist ance In court, as It Is the desire of tho con trolling Interests to have tho Postal on their lines, ns well a tho Western Union. Attorney nrr Confident. Tho Postal's attorneys feel sure of the outcome. They bollcvo thoy will win tho legal battle. If thoy do, construction gangs will be put to work at once and some record breaking work will ho dono to push tho Postal's Hum through from Omaha to tho coast. The Omaha-San Franclseo lino was first projected over two yenre, ago. At that tlmo such progress was made In tho pre liminary work that managers were seloctcd for tho moro Important offices and the promise mado that tho Oraaha-Ogdcn lino would bo ready for uso In sixty days from the tlmo construction started. Put tho Western Union got wind of tho Postal's plans and succeeded In blocking them for the tlmo. Now tho project has been revived and tho Tostal Is determined to build through to the coast, no matter what It may cost. At torneys of the company aro preparing to bring condemnation proceedings In tho Wy oming courts for tho necessary right of way through that stato. Judge, 0. W. Powers, tho Postal's attor ney at Salt Lake City, says It Is tho Inten tion of tho company to connect Butte and Salt Lake City as soon as a decision In the Idaho cases now pending at San Fran cisco is given, provided tho decision Is In favor of the company, as he bclloves It Will be. Butto Is now connected with the 'Atlantic and Pacific coasts, so that this would place Salt Lake City In touch with both seaboards through tho Postal. The Jlne through Wyoming will also be started as soon as a decision In that case Is had, providing It bo favorable to the company. QUINCY ROUTE ON THE BLOCK It la Possible Hint narllngton May Iluy Knuana City A Northern. Tbe salo of tho Kansas City & Northern Connecting railroad under foreclosure has been, set for October 12 at Pattonsburg. Mo. It will bo bought In by a committee, of tho bondholders, headed by T. L. Chadbourno, a Chicago attornoy, and will bo reorganized kr aa Independent property, ntter which It will probably bo sold to ono of tho large western systems. Tho Kansas City & Northern Connect ing lino Is elghty-ono miles long and' runs from Kansas City to Pattonsburg, wbcro It connects with the Omaha & St. LouIb, run Ml'ng to Council muffs, with tho Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern, running to Qulncy, 111., and with tho Wabash main lino to St. Louis. Together, tho first throe linos comprise tho Qulncy route, which Is oper ated from Kansas City by General Manager Brlmson, who Is also acting receiver of the property. Tho salo of the Omaha & St. Louis to the Wabash being already assured, the disposi tion of the other two lines Is of more than passing Interest to Omaha. Rumor says the Burlington will buy both lines. Rumor also ays that tho Rock Island will buy tho Northern Connecting lino and thus secure a Kansas City Inlet over Its own rails. Burlington control of tho Omaha, Kan sas City & Eastern und tr-n Northern1 Con necting would strengthen the position of that road greatly in tho territory local to It. The Omaha, Kansas Cliy & Eastern 4s tho only eaBt and west lino between tbe Iowa main line and the Missouri main line of tho Uurllngton that ts not already under control of that system. It must always bo n more or less disturbing cle ment for tho Uurllngton while, It remains under other management nnd for that reason It Is but natural that the Burling ,ton officials would be anxious to secure control of it. But whethor the Burlington buys tho re raalndnr of tho Qulncy linos or what may be their final disposition, there Is no doubt that tbe Wabash Intends to manago the Omaha & St. Louts energetically and for all there Is In It. An Instance of this Is In the separation of tho local froight agencies In Omaha and South Omaha from those o the Illinois Central, which was dono this week. It Is said that tho Wabash will tnaugu rate a flno through service between Omaha and St, Louis on January 1. Two trains are to bo run dally In both dlrec tlons and their equipment Is to equal tho best of any road now running Into Omaha, ' nnllriutil Convention. Tho following conventions nro' scheduled to be held during the next three months September 11 International Association of Ticket, Agents, at Toronto Canada. September 12, 13 American Academy o Railway Surgeons, nt Chicago. September 17, 18 Eastorn Maintenance o Way association, at Rochester, N. Y. October 8. 0. 10 Roadmasters and Main icnance of Way Association at Washington D. C. October 15 American Association of Gen era! Passcngor and Ticket Agents, at Ashe vllle, N. C, October 15 Association of Railway Su perlntcndente of Bridges and Buildings, at Atlanta, Ga. October 16 American Society of Railroad Superintendents, at Buffalo. N. V. October 23 American Railway assocla tlon, at Bt. Louts, Mo. November 12, 13 American Association of Traveling Passengor Agents, at Los An teles, Cat. Union I'Mrlflo Karnln. A comparative statement of the earnings of the Union Pacific for tho fiscal year, re cently closed, shows that tho net earnings for that period wore 11,136,127 In excess of the net earnings for tho preceding' twetvo mouth. The groia earning ot tbe twclvo months ending June 30 showed an Increase of It. .12?, 000, and the Incrnaso In expenses amounted to $3,191,873, TALK OI )li;itl,l.(lTO.V CHANGE!, Reported Project to CoiiKollilnte It Vnrloim I. turn, It Is understood In Chicago railroad cir cles that one of the plans being consid ered by tho new controlling Interests of the Uurllngton system Is the consolidation of tho lines of that company with those of the II. M. The so-called "Durllngtdn route" consists of the following lines! Chi cago, Uurllngton & Qulncy, B. & M-i Uurllngton & Northwestern, Uurllngton & Western, Burlington & Kansas City, Uur llngton & Northern. Uurllngton & Qulncy, Hannibal & St. Joseph, Kansas City & St. Joseph and St. Louis, Keokuk & North western. Several of the above lines have during the past year or two been absorbed by th! Purllngtnn company proper, but others still maintain their Individuality and aro operated Independently. Tho D. & M., with headquarters In Omaha, comprises a majority of all the tracks of tho system west of the Missouri river and tho lines oper ated west and northwest from St. Louis. This system Is still operated with an In dependent staff of officers, except the presi dent. It has a gcntral manager, general upcrlntcndcnt and goneral freight nnd passenger agents. Surveyor Eti'ltc Comment, The Loup country Is all stirred up over the npprnrnnce of what Is said to bs a Burlington surveying outfit at Burwell. The sand hill people sea In this a determina tion on tho part of the Uurllngton to ex tend tho branch from Aurora which ends t Burwell on up the Ioup valley. It was said at Burlington headquarter this morning that nothing was known of thr- matter there. Surveys have been made In past-years for vnrious extensions In the Loup country, but there Is no present In tention of building. ( Hnte to Cleveland. Railroads are preparing for the thirty- fifth annual encampment of tho Grand rmy of tho Republic, to be held at Clove- land, O., September 10-14. Tho Uurllngton has Issued a neat folder, giving details of Its train rervlcu and rates and much other aluablo Information. It has made a rate of $21.60 from Omaha for the round trip. Hnten for Ak-Sar-Uen. Ak-Sar-Uen rates of ouo fare for tho round trip from nil points In, Nebraska Ithln 200 miles of Omaha bavo been adopted by tho Nebraska lines. The rates for tho Iowa tines havo not been settled, but will probably bo higher. These special rate tickets will bo on sale September 17 to 20, good for return until September 23. nnllwny Brevities. The Union Pacific land department an nounced tho purchnse yesterday of 2.S00 cres of crazing land In Wnllnce county. Kansas, by Lyman 8. Curry of Mnrcellne, Mo. A number of sales of smnllcr tracts of western lands were nlso made. The Illinois Central. Burlington. North western, nock Island nnd Eastern Illinois systems all employ expert electrical nnd mechanical engineers, who nro devoting the greater part of their tlmo to electricity, with the object of applying It to the subur ban service of the railroads as a substitute for steam. Dyaentery Cared Without the Aid of Doctor. "I am Just up from a hard spell ot the flux" (dysentery), says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and wns cured without having a doctor. I con sider It the best cholera medicine In the world." There Is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy Is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint In any form, either tor children or adults. It never falls and Is pleasant to take. For sale by all drug gists. Sacrifice lumber sale at Hoagland's. The north ventern i.lne. $12.65, 6T. PAUL AND RETURN. Aug. 10-31. DULUTH AND RETURN, $16.95. Aug. 10-31. HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN. Aug. 10-31. 118.40. DEADWOOD AND RETURN. $21.25, Aug. 10-31. LOUISVILLE AND RETURN. Aug. 24-26, 821.50. CLEVELAND AND RETURN. Sept. 7-10. Lest than half fare. VERY LOW RATES to the BUFFALO EXPOSITION. CITY OFFICES. . 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. Via nnltlmorn A Ohio Itnllrond Ac count Concntennted Order of lion Iluo. Soptembcr 7 nnd 8 tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad company will sell oxcurslon tickets from Chicago to Norfolk, Va., at rate of $20 for tho round trip, good for return until September 15, account Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo. For further Informa tion call on or address J. C. Burch, T. P. A., Omaha, or B. N. Austin, general passen ger agent, Merchants' Loan and Trust building, Chicago. Re-No-May skin food ror facial 'massage. Re-No-May cream Bottens and whitens hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Bee building. Consultation free from 2 to 4 dally. Send articles of incorpoiatlor., notices et stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Special low prices Ilcag'asd's .lumber rale. Publish your legal not!.,- tn The Weekly Dee. Telephone 23S. Difference Thre Is a difference between a good shoo Boll at a low price and a poor shoe sold at a high price. Sorosis are tho party of tho first part In mis case, and every woman has had expo, rlcnce with the other party In the argument When you buy Sorosis It Is a conceded fact they are good. Tho price never changes $3.50 always, Thb value Is the high grade value. Whether In patent leathers, vlcl kids or cair, Eorosts coat you tbe same $3.50. Tbo price of Sorosis Is not higher when you need shock and lower when you don't. SOROSIS SHOE STORE, 203 South 15th Street, Krunk Wilcox, Jlr. Write (or catalogue, REPAIR SIXTEENTH STREET Beard of Pnblio Works Anxitai to Freottd with the Work. WANTS SPECIAL ORDER FROM COUNCIL ff JInyor Jlnnrn Approve Itcsolntlon Adopted Tiicftdny Hole In Aphnlt rnvenient Will He Killed nnd ChnrKed to (Senernl Fund. Unlets the mayor vetoes tbo resolution adopted by tho council Tuesday, directing tho Board of Public Works to cause the asphalt streets to be repaired, the 991 holes In tho pavement on Sixteenth street, be tween Douglas and Izard streets, will prob ably bj filled up and tbo cost paid out of th-s general fund. A contract for the repair ot this strip ot pavement was recently let to tho Grnni Paving company, but Its performance was stopped by proceedings brought by Charles Knrhach In the district court. Judge L'stcllo granted a temporary Injunction re straining the work on tho ground that tho city comptroller had not certified to the Board of Public Works that thero were sufficient funds available to pay for It. It Is said that tho comptroller Is now ready to certify that funds aro available for the work and It will oe dono at once unless tho mayor vetoes tho resolution of the council. Tho members of tho Board of Public Works bcllevp they havo tho authority to go ahead and repair the streets without any specific direction from the city council and the mayor, but they hestltntc to proceed with the work on Sixteenth street without such particular direction, because of the known opposition of the mayor to the work being dono as repairs. Mayor Moores could not be seen this morning and It Is not known whether he wll veto the resolution, but it Is generally thought that he will. Ask your druggist or glove dealer abont Re-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures excessive perspiration saves gloves, parasols and flno dress goods. No dress shields needed It you uso It Dr. PrUs, 1513 Dodge street, specialist In diseases of women, after an absence of three 'weeks from tho city, haa returned and re sumed his practice. Nothing llko Re-No-May powder for ex cessive perspiration ot hands or feet; posi tively cures tender and swollen feet, corns and bunions. Lumber cheap at Hoagland's removal sale. For tired feet Re-No-May powder. Lumber Cheap Now isthe Time to Build To all consumers of (um ber in Omaha: I have decided to mako sonic tmnr' and necessary changes In my lumber yard here In Omaha that will mako It necessary for mo to raovo a large amount of lumber. This lumber is under COVER, BRIGHT and DRY, of SUPERIOR QUALITY and ready for IMMEDIATE USE. I offer this stock to Omaha consumers at prices REGARDLESS ot cost. George A. Hoagland What We Got- When we went to, Langdon. Mo. Wo cot back wo got tired wo got wet we got n basrf To got HUnllshes but tho. worst of ull we got sunourueu oui we ve got a ntmrdv for that Everybody iiio.s it one application does tho business that's our Ktptlnn Lotus Cream There nro Imita tions which Hell tor more money but thnv'rn nut In It. 10c a bottle. 25c QUINACETOL FOR COLDS AND HAY 1'liVttll WO si .on TKM PTATlON TONIC Via $1.00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE 75c 11.00 PERUNA 7Go 11.00 Iter's Malt Whisky 75c jl.vo nu-uun rmir ionic vac J1.00' Uncle Bnm's Tobacco cure 60o WC ucm !Huirrii ruwucr sue 60c Blrncy's Catarrh Powder..,..,.,., 35c 60o Diarrhoea. Cordlul 25a 60c Syrup of Figs 40c 35c Casturta lie le Malted Milk 403 Mr. Mullen's Food 40c jz.ou can uramer s uouon iioot, xansy ana rennyroyai i-ms 11.00 SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Drug Store. Vel. 74T. a. W. Cr. lCith and Chlaaaje, Seeds delivered FREE ts ear part of ettr. WE HUE TO 00 IT rtnt it is a case of must. We liked the sood old way of celling good goods for nothing, but others say, nit; dome othT fellows kick, not themselves, but to the nubile: nevertheless. THEY KNUCKLE DOWN und ecll just tno same as we uc ii m follows: 8. a. ti. cargcj u.mi S. 9. 8. (small) 8Go Pluknam'u uompouna sa Swamp Hoot (large) Ka Hwnmp Hoot (small) 45a Hyrup of Figs tuo WnkolUld's li. B. Balsam 30c Chamberlain C. & D. Remedy 23c liromo Qulnlna 20c Carter's Pills 20c MellliiB Food 40c Hire's Root Beer 18c Llstcrlno 7&a Cutlcuru Soap 20a Eye Cream Balm 75c Ely Cream Bulm 7Sc Compare tho prices above with tho fel lows tint kick and 'don't" and see how near they aro ullko. FULLER ffi CO., 14th and DuoKlna SU. Honest Work and Honest Prices! raying more than wo ask will Insure you no better work or material. You can't do better you may do worse, TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL j ROOMS, ""P"""- m 1.50 ladies' kid gloves, noc. i 20,000 Pnlr of Lnille' Fine Kid (Hove on Snln Tod nr. AT BOSTON STORR, OMAHA. This Is one ot tho grandest lots of high grade Imported real French kid gloves wo ever placed on sale. It's the stock of ono of New York's cxcluslvo retailers of kid gloves who retired from business and In cludes all the well known brands. They are $1.60 valuer and' go on snlo today at 59c a pain To give every lady an opportunity to se cure these bargains wo limit tho selling to thrco pairs to a customer. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. J, L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Pcet ft Co. Men's Clothing. Hoagland's removal lumber salo, attend It. Ktineriil Notice. The funeral of Patrick Mnhonoy will take place from the residence of T. J. Mahoncy, 22 South Thirty-eighth street, on Friday morning, August 30, nt 8 o'clock, with requiem high mass at St. John's church at 9 o'clock and Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. ' Clan Gordon basket picnic at Pries' lake Saturday. Carryalls leave Thirtieth and Ames avenue every half hour. Round trip 50 cents, Including entrance. It brings relief Ho-No-May powdor. Ask your druggist. If your feet trouble you try It. ReNo-May powder brings relief to tender feet. Murder nnd Sulnlde In Ohio. nELLAinE, O., Aug. 28.-At Bealsvllle, near here, last night William Montgomery, u well-to-do farmer, while Intoxicated shot his wife and then turned the revolver on himself, committing suicide. mill), DIED-Cutslmll, Wllllnm Earl, Tuesday, August 27, aged 21 years 6 months. Funeral from First M. E. church, 20th nnd Davenport streets, 3:30 a. m., Thurs day, August 29. $1.98 for your choice of 8,000 pairs of Ladies' Shoes . worth from $3 to $5 Over 60 stylesblack. tan button and lacel , "5 f Tomorrow, iH Stlilftibii to tlic 8,000 pairs (over (iO 1 O Q styles) Ladies' f 3, 4 and $5 We place on sale 900 pairs children's and misses' $1.50 O Q-i and $1.75 shoes for school wear at Jiair vJV 600 pairs Women's $5, $0 and $7 JJaker & Uowmau for Hunan others go ut $3.00, $3.50 and 1,200 pairs .Men's shoes at 1,500 pairs Men's shoes at BOSTON STORE, Omaha. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Peet & Co. Men's Clothing. HAYDENs FUR SALE. The manufacturers of the large cities of the east submit for comparison each season a line of sample fur garments, to enable us to make up our annual order which by the way was most ex pensive this season. They then allow us to keep the goods for a certain time with a discount of 25 per cent off the prices. This season we had sample fur garments submitted by ten dif ferent manufacturers twice the number we ever had before. THE SALE OF THESE FURS COMMENCES THURSDAY, AND WILL LAST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. This is an opportunity offered only by nayden Bros, of all the houses in the west. Gives you an opportunity to buy a fur gar ment at less than the manufacturers' price. Saves you fully 50 per cent on your purchase. This stock is compossed of beavers, otters, Persians, martens, and all other furs down to the Coney. OVER 1,500 GARMENTS IN ALL. The greatest fur sale ever produced or thought of by any western houses. Almost impos sible to quote prices, but we give a few: Women's otter costs, very best duality. warranted for four years service, worth $150 for 1100. Women's genuine sealskin, worth $159 for $100. Women's XXXX Alaska seal, tho rery best made, fully guaranteed, others ask $300 our price IJ60, Women's PeriUn lamb coats, very flnost trimmed with Haun Marten, a $200 gar menton sale at $110, Very finest beaver coats, worth $90 for $57.50. Blectrlc coats, with beaver or blended HAYDEN t.itUn Okoholl. The Ideal rummer resort. Quickly o Mlly reaehed from Omaha via the Mllwau ke railway, the only through line. City office, 1504 Faritara street For excessive perspiration May powder. try Re-No- jf The Chicago Record Has 61 of these Type. writers in dall) nse YOST If you want n typewriter, why not come first where you can see EVERY OOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER in tts best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machlucs. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued Is yours for the asking. Write or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Co., Kil l Fur ii nm St., Omiihit. shoes at LZKJ shoes, made by Gray Bros, and and De Muth and si CC TKJJ Q8c 1.69 mink reveres, collars and cuffs, lined with tho famous Skinner's satin at about half price $22.C0 Ladles' mink scarfs, with six fox tails, al ways sold fur $8.50, samplo saIo price $3.50, Flno largo collarettes with crlmmer yokes, and mil Moon edges on collar, satin lined, always sold for $7.50, sample ealq price, $3.95. Women's coney collarettes, 12-Inch capes, only 95c. Hundreds of other garments too numerous to roontlon. If you Intend buying a fur garment this season, step In and examine tho wonderful bargains wo havo to offer. Any woman Intending to purchaso n gar mont may secure It by PAYING A SMALL DEPOSIT DOWN. This will enable those not wishing to huy now to mako their se lections and secure a bargain. SPECIAL SALE ON FLEISHER'S SHETLAND FLOSS In all colors at Sc. A full lino of yarns at reduced prices $1.00 and $1.25 gloves at 49c. 500 dozen ladles' and misses' kid gloves, In all sizes aud colors, ulso black, worth up to $1,25, on sale at 49c. 200 dozen ladles' stockings In black and fancy colors, seamless and fast colors, made to sell at 25c, on salo at 12,4c. Children's Shaw Knit stockings, at 25c. Ladles' 35c stockings at 19c. Ladles' 50c purses Thursday at 15o. BROTHERS. 4 Jill School Commences September 3rd. Is Yoir Boy R,eady? SEE THE BIG CORNER WINDOW Showing the most complete line of boys' clothing ever shown in Omaha. Makiug you better prices than have ever been made in Omaha. True clothing economy is in the buying of good clothes. True clothing economy has made this bus iness what it is. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $1.25 AND UP. IIIiii'!I:.J.I.HIUIMPIHP1VH1 r iMMsii High Grade Dress Goods Wo havo now on hand tho finest stock of high grade Droits Goods west of Chicago. We onn show you everything sold in ove.-y other Htoro in thlH town, iia well ns 10,000, things that the others do not carry. We will duplicate uny price mado by any other Htoro nt 28 iwr cent lean than they can. Hrlng along your aamplcf. Here are goodx you can't 11ml In any other store In this city, 1'rlestley'a Cravenettcd Suiting, ull colors, all weights: will not spot. Water will not' havo nny moro effect on them thnn If mado ot rubber. Thoy ure CO Inches wide, and sell ut J1.2J, $1,110, J2.50, tt.GO und f5.00 per yard. FOil l'Ol'UbAlt l'HICKD GOODS S1SH UARQA1N ItOOM. THURSDAY IN THE BARGAIN ROOM CI-EAHING OUT WASH GOODS A havo a few tine etylea still of our ive. 25c ure closing them out nt Bo n yard. A large All must go Thursday und Frldny. Wool Dress Goods IN THIS BARGAIN ROOM. 19c novelties, Jaciiuurds, nlca bright col ors, all new goods, 12c 25c fancy novelties tho nicest goods mado for a handsome chcup school dress, new goods, 15c. Fancy nice worsted plaids, 38-lnch wldo, made to sell for Sue yard, 15c. $1.50 French novelties, last yenr's goods, extra weight, will close nt 25c. All our lust year's $1.00 and $1.15 novel ties from high grudo dress goods depart ment, will go nt 49c. All wool German henrlotlas, 30c, All wool, all colors In our 75c granlto cloth, will go nt 4'Jc. Black novelties, fold at 75c, 49c. The greatest line of dress goods ever seen In Omaha at 496. ' Cotton Dress Goods 12'iC cotton plnlds nlco bright colors, VAc. 19c imitation French llanncls, soma bor dered, JOc. 15c Imitation Frnnch flannel, 7'ic. 19c lino Imported percales, luc. 35c druperlea, 7',4c 10c draperies, 6c. SPECIAL SALI3 ON SILK REMNANTS. ALL HAMMOCKS Pencil Sale Large fancy freu atone peaches. fZSl,-, at per cuso u" Meats and Lards No. 1 sugar cured picnic hums, Sic. Good salt pork,' 7!o. Chipped dried beef, 15c. 10-lb, pulls puro lnnl, $1.05. Vcul loaf, per can, Sc. Cheese Sale Iowa's creameiy cheese, per lb 10c. York sttito oheeso, per lb., 10c. McLaren's Imperial cheese, per Jur, 10c. Sup Sugo chetisu, cuch, Sc. . Grocery Bargains Granulated corn meal, per suck, 15c. Ull sardines, per cun, 6c. Tnree 3-lb. sacks table suit, 10c. Lundon sauce, per bottle, 12Hc Thrco large bottles Tomato Catsup, 25c. Concentrated lyc, per can, 6c. Large lledlnnd prunes, per lb., 8 l-3c. Orlund evaporated peaches, 12&c. Golden evaporated peaches. 7'4c. Bins evaporated apples, 12VSC California evaporated pears, 10c. Large muscatel raisins, 10c. Butter Fancy separator creamery, 20c. Choice dairy, a good tnblo butter, 16c. Country butter, u good cooking butter, Eggs, we guaruntce them to be strictly fresh. HAYDEN It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE r mTmMM Is Now Being Made From Fine r Make iiMiiiriMiiiii iiiiiii HAYDEN s T A TRIFLE OF THEIR VALUE. We und 35c Batistes, Dimities, Organdies, and line of iju Wash Uoous going ut 3Vjc yard. Clothing Wo now have tho most popular of men's and boys' clothing In our burguln room. Men's $3.00 all wool punts, $1.50. Mi.n'M n.inln. IT.f. Boys' $2.60 long wool pants, 98c. Doya' $1.50 wash suits, from 13 to IS years, 00c. Men's $1.25 pants, 56c. Boys' $0.(10 all wool suits, $1.45. Boys' $2.60 woolen suits, 00c. Boys' $1.00 wash suits, 45c. Boys' 35c cloth pants, 15c. Boys' 50c nnd 76c wool pants, 25c. Furnishing Goods The most popular department In Omaha. 60 dozen men's and boys' shirts, all sizes nnd colors, worth 50c, 19c. Men's 75c and $1.U0 shirts, with separate collars nnd cuffs, 29c Boys' 25c suspended, lOo. Men's -oc suspenders, Sc. Men's 10c hose, 4c. Men's 15u hose, 7',4c. Ladles' J5c vests, ic. Linens, Towels, etc. VAc towels, 2Uc. 10c towels. 3Uc. 12',4c towels. Sc. 15u towels, VAo "Sc turkey red tnblo damask, 15c. 39c turkey red table damusk, 26c. Tea and Coffee Sale Wo sell tho best grade of coffee In Omaha, Arabian Mocha, 31c. Juva a.id Mocha, 33V4C. Epicure blond Juvu-Moclia, 25c.' ,H Jumosu Juvu-Moclni, 20c. ' ..; . . . We sell good coffee for much leu. Golden Rio, 15'ic Santos blend, li'Ac. Crown blend, 11c. Common Rid. 10c. A broknn Moclm and Java, 7Vio. Extra choice Jupan tea, only 4So. Sun-cured Japan tea, for Ice tea, 35c. English brcukfa.it, a choice drink, 890. Moyunu gunpowder, Jlrst crop, 3Sc. Flrbt crop Jupun tea sittings, 19c. Candy Department All our own mako from granulated sugar only. Tho lincst oils and pure vegetnble colorings. Pcpptnnlnt kisses, Cc pound. ... Cloves Cnssleu, 7',ic Lemon Dips. SVic Fancy Peur Drops, 8c. Old-time Cut Stick, Co. Fancy Mixed Chocolate Caramels nnd Creams. Sc. Flno Cream Mixed, lie. Chocolate Maple Cream, SSo. Chocolutn Fudge, 15c. Cream Drop, 16c. Almond Cream Dainties, assorted, 25c lb, Roso Creams, 25c lb. BROS. WORK to Make a Good I Oo CIGAR lLj mm mi Cuban Tobacco Crop of (SCO. S&t