10 THE OMAHA DALLY 1JEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn fit tt Attraction en Board of Trad. rntCES MAKE APPRECIABLE ADVANCE Wlirnt Opens WrnU, liut llnlllea After vrnriU Onts fllet en,,r Mttle Cliiine I.ntcr On Provision Active. CHICAGO, Aug. 27,-Tho corn pit was the center of attraction on the Uourd of Trade today and prices on that cereal jmtdc an appreciable advance, December cloning lHBlc higher. December wheat clofid He higher, ontu wcro lic hlBhcr, but provisions closed unchanged to 7bc '"hower cables, combined with bearish re ports of the enormous Iluslun crop, caused a weak opening In wheat. A rush if h-IIIiik onli-rn during tho tlrst few min utes of the trading curried prices below vcsterday'H closing llgurcs, but tho sharp advance In corn helpeil hrltiR about a rally. The market was dull after tho opening jires.iuro to sell was over, which fact wiui partly responsible for tho advance. De cember opened unchanged to ,ic lower at '.I'fril'nu and under the heavy selling prices dropped to ilftc, but quickly rallied, the high point being reached at 72MC 'J ho closo was strong and V4C higher at JZ'jC. Ilradstrcefs visible supply statetnent showed nn lncieimu of 1,.H.000 bush-Is. B aboard clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to C20.UO0 bushels and 69 loads were reported taken for shipment. I rl mary receipts wcro l,S31,00o bushels. Ile cclpts at .Minneapolis and Duluth wero H4 cam, against 391 last week and 314 a year ago, while local receipts wcro 323 cars, with 15 of contract grade. , ... Corn opened somewhat easier, but strong local buying sot In and tho market ml vanred rapidly and sharply. Hot weather In the southwest caused somo apprehension ami was partly responsible for thu ad vance. Fair buying orders fnun outsiders were also factors In frightening shorts and the result wus one of the best buying mar kets witnessed for moro than a ween past. December opened MtUc lowor nt fwp boUc and Inllueiiced by a nn of liquidation prices receded to MUu. but when general buying set In tho ndvanco was protlt, top llgures being reached at Slc. The close was slightly below tho high mark at S7Hf f.7-c. a gain of lH01?ic. Hecelpts Were 43.1 cars, 9 of contract grade. Oats opened quiet and steady. Iluylng by outsiders early In the day ca.unod mia glvhms to ahortrt. who hastily .took to cover and n rally sot In which carried prices from c to lc hlshcr. Th adrnrtre In corn, however, was the main bull fac tor. Prices were well maintained through out the entire session, nlthough trading was rather quiet during thu latter part of tho day. December ranged between 3l',il' 3l'o and 3.-c, closing lic higher at 3oHc Hecelpts wcro 312 enrs. Provisions wero moderately active, but easier on fair liquidation of both nearby anil deferred deliveries. The opening was steady, but large receipts of hogs at west ern points created a weak tendency, which would have been' greater but for tho strength In corn. January pork (sold be tween $15.40 and J15.47H, closing with a loss of 7'4c nt the low point. Lard ranged be tween and JS.82. closing a shado lower nt S.77HHS.M. Hlbs closed un changed at J7.92&. after soiling between V7.!hi and $7,971. Katlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 10." cars; corn, 15.1 cars; oats, 175 euro; hogs, t.0fO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: ,' Open. Klgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. I i i i '. jffli(,t?H 69-ytff?Ti 6914 6-ami f9Vi !7WK 72U 71- i2'.i 71s 75 7C', 75U 76-376 75 MMflVi bit. ray mt, kih 554C(iN 67, KBlVteH 55 HMtK B9-ff4 B7? C9Mf 57!4 33g33V4 3lfl3V4 33 34 3IU 3$3inV, SuVt 34!4 36037 3S 35 37 .17 H 23 14 25 14 2214 H 2T. 14 32V4 H32V4 14 ?G 1I32V4 14 35 14 42W 15 43 15 17'A 13.40 15 42 15 4i' 8 90 8 95 8 87 8 90 8 92 8 95 9 ft) S 92 8 97 9 00 8 82 8 S2 8 7 8 10 8 SO, R 42 8 43 8 37 8 37 S 42 8 62V4 8 55 8 45 8 47W 8 47 7 92 7 95 7 90 7 92 7 95 Wheat Sept Dec. .May Corn- Rept. Dec. .May Deo. May Pork Sept. Ooct. Jan. Uird Stpt Oct. Jan. Ribs 'Sept. Oct. Jan. "No. Cash quotations wero ne follows: Kl.OUU-Qulnt. dull: winter patents, $3.40 W3.50; spring patents, tt.ontfiso; clears. $2.70 1(3.10; spring specials, J4.20ft1.30; patonlo. a. 103.70: straights, $2.8083.20; bakers, $2.20 W2.&-. WI 1 13 AT No. 3 spring, 6SQC3c; No, 2 red, 71c. COHN-No. 2, 55c. OATS-No. 2, 35i35io: No. 2 white. 37 5(.17c; No. 3 white, 36(ff37c, HYB-No. 2. 54ff5lc. llAHI.KY Knlr to choice malting, C83r?c. SKUDS-Nn. 1 tlax, $1.4S; No. 1 north western, $1.52; prime timothy, $3.50; clover, contract grade, J9.7Efll0.0O. PnoVtSlONS-MesK pork, per bbl., $14.23 RH.39. U-ird. per 100 lbs.. $?.S7t?8.10. Short ribs sides (loose), $8.25(f?8.45. Dry salted nhoulders (boxed). $7.254t7.50. Short cleur sides (boxed). $8.Mfl8.W. WHISKY-nasIs of high wines, $1.30. SL'QAn-Cl't loaf. Co; granulated, 6.52c; confectioners1 A, 5.39c; off A. 5.24c Following are the receipts and shipment! fni today: Hecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21,000 29 000 IVhent. bu 29S.CO) 312,'CCO Corn, bu 335,0V) 30,r) Oats, bu 372, CO) 23),DC0 rtye. bu 6,C00 l.uoo Ilarlcy, bu 73,000 1,000 On the Produce nxchnnge today the but ter market was steady; creameries, lII2)c; dairies, 134iT7c. Cheese, steady at OSifillOVc. Kgga, steady; fresh, 136Hc. KKW YORK GRNRHAI, MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various , Cnmmotlltlra. NEW YOnif. All. 27.-FLOUn-ne-celpts. 28.3S7 bbls.; exports, 12.275 bbls.; quiet but steadier, closing steady; win ter patents, $3.00f3.S0; winter straights. $3.30iK50; winter extras, $2.502.80; winter low grados, $2.30i&2.40; Minnesota patents. $3.7o4.00; Minnesota bakers, $2.854f3.15. llyo flour, firm; fair to good, $2.85!r3.15; choice to fancy, $3.30y3.C0. COHNMKA1 Quiet; yellow western, $1.19: city. $1.17: Hmndywlne, $3.30ff3.on. HYB-Stcafty; No. 2 western, C2o f. o. b. nftoat; state, WittCc, c. I. f New York, carlots. IIARLBY Dull: feeding. 62c c. I, f Huffalo; malting. COQfific. o. I. f., nuffalo. WIlBAT-HccelDts. 167.550 bu,: exports, 12a,03fi bu.; spot tlrm: No. 2 red, 77c f. o. b. afloat and i6c elovntor: No. 1 northern, Duluth. 78Wo f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard, Du luth. 84o f. o; b. afloat. Options oponed ateady, developing a later shnrp advanco on liberal clearances, light offerings and n rise In corn. After reaction under larso primary receipts nnd weak cables the mar ket flnallv rallied ngaln on covering and closed tlrm nt UtfUo not advance; Boptem-i'.,r:J?.?,:jT?5,c- clo nt VMc.i October. 7m5Ta'c, closed at 73c; December. 76T4W 774c. closed at 77c. COUN-Itecelpts, 98,800 bu.; oxnorts, 81,030 bu.; spot strong; No. 2, 00Wu olevator and ClUc f. o. b. nl oat. Option market opened Hteady nnd made a later actlvo .advance on a bad scare of shorts. Thero was active support west, hot wind reports from Kan sas City. From light offerings tho market closed strong at lflHc net advance; Sep tember. 59ffiOc, closed nt 60Hc; December 59--;flKc. closed at 6Hio. OATS Hecelpts. 91.600 bu.; exports, 8.9(3 bu.: spot firmer; No. 2, SSc: No. 3. SSc: No. 2 white. 41dle: No. 3 white. 40c; track mixed western. JStflHOc; trck. whir. SKWlc. Options tlr.ru Ml day. with corn. n.VY Dull; shipping, 7ftff7Io; good to choice, 85.1790c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1900 crop, 13015c; 1899 erop, 7012c: old olds, 24f4o; I'acltlc coast. 1900 crop. i3C'15c; 1S99 crop. 7lM2c: old olds. 2fi'tc. HIDUS-Steady; Onlveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. 18ot California, 21 to 25 lbs., 190; Toxas dry 21 to 30 Iba., 14c. LKATHKH -Steady; hemlock sole, rtuenos Ayros, light to heavyweights, 2Ja2lc: acid. 21ST24c. l'HOVISIONS-Ueef. steady; fancy, $11.50 8IU00; mess, $9.5vor 10.00; beef hams, JM'OH 22.00; packet. $10,50; city extra India mess. $t6.l18.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled hel lies. $8.75?10.50; pickled shoulders, $7.007.23; pickled hams, $11, I.urd, steady; western steamed $9.20; rellned, steady; continent, $9.35: South America, $10; compound, $7.12 7.32. Pork, tlrm; short clear. $lfi.2518.00; meffs. $15.6016.G0; family, $Ifl25R17.00. TALI.OV-8teady; city ($2 per package), 6c: country, packages free. 64i5Uc. nUTTF.U-Itecelpts, 11,198 pkgs.; Just nareiy tieany; state aatry. ltsrisc; cream ery. ltWWOc; June packed, factorv. 2028c CHnnPK-nceelpts, 10,697 pksts.; dull awl weakj fancy, larifo, colored, 9)4c! fancy, large, while, OUGOHe; fancy, mall, eolnred, 9H'u9vic, fancy, small, white, fft9Hc. LOOS Hecelpts, 12.414 pkgs., steady ti firm; state and Pennsylvania, l'fHZues west urn, candled, 1717ci western, uncandled, HITlic. MOl.ASSKH-Steady. MKTAI.8 Utiyera were rather scarce In thu tin market nnd values cased off about 12 points, closing easy In tone with sellers for spot at $25.76. The London market also declined 1 spot, closing at 111 1H and fu tures at JC111 2s 2d. Copper In the local market was dull and more or less nomlnil at $10.6?n7.00 for lyiko Superior and $16.37fllfi.62 for casting nnd electrolytic. In Indun copper cased off 3s 9.1. but the undertone was quite steujly, with spoi quoted at the close at W 13s Pd nnd fu tures at 67 Is 3d. Iead was quiet and unchanged here, while at Iondon valurs advanced Is 3d at 11 13s 9d. The close hero .was at It. 37 Spelter was quiet and un changed at home nnd abroad, cloMns at $l.0i) and 17 respectively. Iron was dull and featureless; pig Iron warrants. $10) fllO.Oj; No. 1 northern foundry. JIS.'JCQT 15.60, No. 1 foundry,,,outhurn. $11.751115.15; No. 2 foundry, southbrn, $14.75f15.25. Glas gow warrants closed at 53s 3d and Mid dleborough closed nt 43s ld. OMAHA WIIOI.tlSALE .MAIIKHT. Condition of Trade nnil Quotations on Mtnplr it ml Fancy I'roilnre. KOQS Hecelpts, fair; loss off 12c. LIV13 POULTHY Hens, 7c; young and old roosters, 3c; turkeys, SffSc; ducks and geese, 66c: old dUclt.i, 46; spring chick ens, per lb., 10c. Ht'TTKH Common to fair. 12c; choice dairy, In tubs, I5jlfic; separator, 20c. FHKSIt FIHH-Hlack luss, 18c; wltlto bass, loc; blucllsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; bluo 11ns, 7c; buffaloes, 8c; cattish, 12c; cod. 9c; crupples, 10c; clscoes, 6c; halibut, He; her ring, Cc: haddock, 10c; pike, 9c; red snap per. 10c; salmon, 14c; sunilsh, 5c; trout, 10c; whltMlsh, 10c. PiaUONS-Uvo, per doz 60c. VKAbS-Cholce, S9c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, 310: No. 2 upland, $9.50; medium, $9; coarse, $8.60. Hyo Htraw, $5.60. There prices are for hay of good color and qunllty. Demand fair; receipts, C cars. WHHAT-COc. COHN-52c. OATS-Oln. 3Jc HUAN-$17. Vr:OKTA13I.KS. OHKKN CORN-Pcr do., 12c. C'AHHOTS-Per doz., 2Jc. HKHTS Per halt bu. basket. 40c. Tl'HNIPH-Pcr basket, 30c. CUCUMUKHS-Home-grown, per doz., 20 4j30c. IjKTTUCH Per bu 20c. HADISHKS-Pur doz., 15G20c. PAHSUKY-Per doz.. 20c. NUW POTAT01iS-$1.25'(1.35. CAIIUAOK-Home-grown. 3c. TOMATOKS Home-grown. per 18-lb. banket, 75c. (iNIONS-llome-gTown. per lb., :Ca CAU1.1FIXVKR Homo-grown, per doz., 76c, HKAN8 Wax, per -ba. basket, 75c; string, per -bu. basket, 75c. CANTALOUPE Home-grown, per doz., 75cff1.25; crates, $2.50. WATERMELONS Texas, 2023c, as to size. CKLEItY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 2535a FItUlTS. . APPLES-Per bbl., $2.252.50. 1'EACHES-Callfornla, per box, 90c; free stone, $1; Elbcrtos, 6-lb. basket, $1.40; 4-lb. basket, 90c. PLUMS-Callfornla. por crate, $1.23Q1.K); hume-grown, per 8-lb. basket, 25c. I'EAHS-llartlotts, $2.75. OHAPES-Callfornla Tokay, 4-lb. crate, $2; Muscats, $1.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANaES-Valcnclas, $5; Med. sweets, $4.60. HA NAN AS Per bunch, according to size, $2.00g2.50. FlOS California, now cartons, 76c; lay ers, CJc; Imported, per lb., 10ijl2c. DATES Persian. In 60-lh. boxes, SalrH, 6c. MlHCELLANKOt'S. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18Q-0o; raw peanuts, per lb., 6rf6c: roasted, 6f 7c; Urazlls, 13c; pecans, 10022c. CIDHR-Pcr bbl., $4.50; por -bbl., $2.75. HIDES-No. 1 green, 614c; No. 2 green, c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; Nn. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tic; dry hides. 8i313c; sheep pelts, 2o?5c; horschldes, ,$1.60if2.25. St. LoiiIm Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 27. WHEAT-Recelpts, 166,584 bu.; higher: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70c; track, 71i872V4c; September. 70c; De cember, 72?ic; May, 76c; No. 2 hard, 69 69c. CORN-Hlgher; No. .2 cash. 56c; track, 66-Hc; September, 66c; December, 68o: May, 60c. OATS-Hlgher: No. 2 cash. 37c: track. 37 38c; September, 36?ic; May, 39c; No. 2 white, 3S39c. HYE-Lowor at 68WQ69c. FLAXSEED Nominally $1.45. FLOUR Dull, easier; new red winter pat ents, $3.46fr3.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.05a.20; clear, $2.75tf3.00. CORNMEAI-Steady. unchanged. TIMOTHY SEED-Flrm. $5.25 for average to $5.60ff5.75 for best. BRAN Dull, nominal; sucked, east track, 7778c. HAY Dull, easy; timothy, $13.O015.50; prairie, $7.5O11.00. WHISKY Steady. $1.30, HAaOING-6ifi';c. IRON COTTONTlES-$1.25. HEMP TW1N13-9C. PROVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing, $15.75. Iird, lower nt $8.70518.72. Dry- salt meats (boxed), steady: extra shorts, $8.62; clear ribs, $8.75; clear sides, $9. Ilacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $9.62; clear ribs, 9.73; clear sides, $9.87. METALS Lead, steady at $4.30f4.40. Spel ter, dull at $3.80. POULTRY-Qulet: chickens. 6c; springs. 10c; turkeys. 6c; young, 78c; ducks, 6c; geese, 3c;.gpr1ngB, 4c. 13 UTTER Lower; creamery, 16321c; dairy, 13U10c. KOOS Steadv: western. 11c. KECEIPTS-Flour. 9,000 bbls.: wheat, 167, 000 bu.; corn, 62,000 bu.; oats. 49,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls.; wheat. 66,000 bu.; corn, 63,000 bu.; oats, 39,000 bu. Liverpool Grnln nnd Provision!. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 27,-WHEAT-Spot, quiet; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s 61; No. 1 northern, spring, 5s Sd; No. 1 Califor nia, 6s. Futures, steady; September, 5s 6d: December. 5s 8d. COnN Spot, quiet; American mixed, spot, new, 5s JOil; American mixed, spot, old, no sincK. .ruiures, sienuy; oopiemDer, is 8i; October. 4s 8d; November, 4s 8d. PROVISIONS-Inrd, American refined. In palls, firm, 44s 9d; prime western, In tierces tlrm, 45s 3d. Bacon, Cumberland out, strong, 47s; short clear backs, tlrm, 4: clear bollles, strong, 66s. Pork, prime mesi, tine, western, tlrm, 72s, Cd; shoulders, square cut, firm, 37s. HOPS Pacific coast, at London, steady, 3Tf3 10s. TALLOW Australian, In London, firm, PKAS-Cnnadlan, 6s 6d. necelpta of wheat for tho last three dnvs, 318,000 centals, Including 249,000 centnli American. Receipts of American corn for .the last three dayu, 28,100 centals. Clmnicea In Available Kanpllcn. a NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-Hpecial coble and telegraphic communications to Dradstrect's show the following changes In available Bunnllea from thu last account: WHEAT United States nnd Cnnnda, eaBt of Rockies, decrease, 0".9,OX) bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increase, 1,800,000 bu,; total suunlv. Increase. 1,131,000 bu, CORN United States and Canada, cast of Roekles, decrease, 774,000 bu. OATS-Unlted States and Canada, cast of Rockies, tncrense. 627.000 bu. Among tho moro Important Increases re-' ported to Hradstrect's nro those of 300,000 R.u5filB a.1 northwestern Interior olevntors, 66,000 bushels at Omaha' and 60,000 bushels each at Loulsvlllo. Nnehvlllo and Akron. .J-S." londlnif decreases Include those of 230,000 bushols at Chicago private elevators. 110,000 bushels at Newport News, 110,000 bushels at St. Joseph and 105,000 bushels In Manitoba. I'eorla Market, PEORIA, Aug. 27,-CORN-FIrm: No. 3, 64e. OATS Inactive; No. 3 white. Mo, billed through. WHISKY On the basts of $1.30 for fin ished goods. llnlnth Grain Market. DULT'TH. Aug. 27,-WHEAT-No. I hard, cash, i2c; No, 1 northern, cash. 70.ic: SS!'tem ,or' C91c'' October. 69ic; Decembsr, ATS N- 3 nrthern' K(4C' CORN-54C Mllvfaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 27. WHEAT Stronger; No. 1 northern, 71e; No. 2 northern. 6911'tOc; September, 69ic. RYE-Dull: No. 1, 65e. HARLEY Dull: No. 2. 62c: sample, 45ffllc CORN September, 54o; December, 57e! Kannaii Cltr Grain and I'rovUlnna, KANSAS CITY. Aug. 27.-WHEAT-Re-celpts 181 cars; Septomber, 65c: Decem ber, 68ic: May, 72d?72Uc; cash No. 2 hard. 65fi66c: No. 3. 654$."io; No. 2 red, &SJiCSc; No. 3. 6767c. CORN September. 65;053c; December. IjJ!itf$6o; May, 6bHHc; cash Np. 2 mixed, 6ClfSc; No. 2 white, 6G5SVe; No. S, 67c, OATS-No. 2 white, 3Sa39c. RYE No. 2, E7c. HAY Cholco timothy, $12.00312.60; choice prairie, $13.00. IH'TTER-l'reamery, 15gi6c. EOOS-Flfm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'change. 12c dozen, loss oft, cases returned RKCElPT-Whoat, 144,8"0 bu.: corn, 31.300 bu.; oats. iM bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 246,400 bu.; corn, 27,200 bu.; oats. 19,000 bu. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. TOLEDO, O.. Aug. 27,-WHEAT-Dull find tlrm cash nnd September, i2c; Dcem her, ,4c, CORN Active and higher; cah, 67ic; September, 57c; December, 57c; May, 69c. OATS Active and strong; cash, 35c; Sep tember, 35c; December, 36c. RYH-,Mc. SEEDS Clover, active nnd higher; cash prime, $6.00. Minneapolis Wheat, Flour nnd Drnn, MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 27.-WHEAT-Cash, 6SHo: Sentember, 67?4c! December, 69c; on track, No, 1 hard, iOHc; No. I northern, Uic; No. 2 northern, C6c. FLOUR First patents, $.1.2503.50; rccoikI patents, $3.65li3.7o; first clears, $2.65lj3.75; second clears, $2.20. URAN-ln bulk. $14.00511.50. NEW YORK STOCKS AMI no.MIS. Prices Toppled Over anil Itecent Ilnll Movement Muds. NEW YORK. Auc. 27.-Prlces of stock wcro toppled over today and tho recently prevailing bull movement nnuarently came to an nnd. The liesltntliiE tone which de veloped yesterday continued this morning. After the first recesnlon In prices strenuous efforts were mado to check the reaction, which met with u degrcu of success. The character of tho buying In St. Paul was a largo Inlluencc In the temporary upturn of tho market. Very largo amounts of this stock wero taken by brokers supposed to act for the group of financiers, which has been foremost In forwarding projects for tho community of Interest In railroad own ership. Operations toward supporting the maiket elsewhere wero attributed to the most conspicuous operator In the street nnd the npparent confidence with which they wero conducted served to lntlmldnte the professional operators of u smaller class, who wero Inclined to take a bearish view of tho market, Uut when this latter class detected the diminution of tho out- Mn )..-(.,,. . V, I. M , , I 1 "...v. uiiuuftii iuuiiiiir.siuii iiuunun aim some evidence of profit-taking by the longs um-ii'u juiuen uubii uuiuiy anu oy un covering stop-loss orders dislodged very heavy offerings, under which the market broke badly. With the downward tendency established the traders gave a pessimistic twist to the current news, as Is their ,wont. Thero was. however, little news to account for th course of Iho market. The Infer ence clearly Jutlfld that the buying and bidding up of stocks for two weeks past represented an experiment by stock market nni.nln.i wV 1. ....... 1 ... ...... .. , . outside Interest by this means to mako nn Yesterday's moderate demand from out- Irl, Dnllrn... ., 1. 1 1 1 .. .) . . ..... . ... bulls and what long lines hud not been, sold .vuiiu i.iumn w,.tu iurccu to saio moro urgently today with tho still further dimin ution In tho outside demand. Naturally the stocks which havo been rcntly bulled the most were the weakest on ..iu reaction, the Pacifies. Atchison, Amalgamated Cop per. Norfolk & Western and tho coalers suffering tho widest declines. Y'esterdny's story of n settlement of tho steel strlko was clearly shown this morning to havo b,fe," mil. out . nold ,h0 market and tho United States Steel stocks dropped with tho rest in tho market and are 1 lower for tho day. The rally In tho corn market was also an Influence nnd thero was renewed selling from western sources, which have been covering In stocks during tho period of renctlon In corn. The most potent Influence in checking tho speculation for the advances was the grow Ins conviction that requirements to move the crops must be met to a largo extent by tho New xort money mnrket, with the prospect of n continued drain at the same time on account of United States treasury operations. Ihero was no striking new de velopment todny to cmphaslzo this convlc ;Ln.' hlli tlle '"ctors recently nt work to that end continued In force. Tho market had a substantial rally from Its break caused by short covering, but the recover ies wero not well held and tho closing was tone Irregular, with a heavy under- ,3" r1,lr.on.1 bond mnrket continued quite active, but turned weak In sympathy with fl ocks. Central of Georgia Issues were strong on tlie declaration of tho full In terest on the first Incomes, which rose 3tt and tho third Incomes 3. Total sales nor value. $1,715,000. United States bonds werS ull unchanged on the last cull. following- are the closing pnees on the New York Stock exchange: v Atchlion , do pM Baltimore & Ohio,, do pfil Canadian Paclflo,.,, Canada So Chen. & Ohio Chicago & Alton..., lo pf.1 Chlcneo, Ind. & I. Chicago & E. III..., Chicago O. W do 1t pfd do 2d pfd Chlcngo & N. W.., C It. I. & r Chicago Tcr. & Tr, do pfd C. C. C. & St. I..., Colomdo So do 1st pfd , do !d pfd , Del. & HtidKon Del.. U & V , Denver A II. O do ptd , nrle do 1st pfd do Id pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley do ptd , Illinois Central ... Ion a Central do r.rd Lnke Kilo & W.... do pfd L. & N Manhattan L Met. St. lly Mexican Central .. Mex. National Minn. & St. L Mo, Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd N, J, Central N. Y. Centrul Norfolk & V do ptd No, Pacllle pfd.... Ontario W Pennsylvania ltadlng do liit ptd do 21 pfd , St. U & S. F do in pfd do 2d Pfd , St. 1.. Soiithw , do pfd St. Paul do pfd 7 So. raclflc 9S So. Hallway 103H do pfd 91 Texas & Palflo... HOT Tol.. St. L & V.. M ' do pfd Union I'acllle 33Vi do pfd 7?4 Wabash 38V do pfd US Wheel. & L. 13 22 do 2d pfd S3 Wla. Central do pfd 1W p. c. C. & St. L.. HIV; Adams Ex 2Ht American Ex 4'.',l U. S. Ex 85 Wella.rargo Ex,... 15'A Arnal, Copper . ST Anier, Car & P.... ' do pfd 16SH Amer. Lin. Oil.... S'-1 do pfd 4&?i Amer. S. & It . 4 do pfd 41 Amer. Tobacco .... 7 Anao, Mln. Co 5CH lttooklyn R. T 18(h Colo. Fuel A Iron. Mln Con. Oas i "6 Con. Tobacco 1441 do pfd Qen. Electric ' 7IH 01uc4ise Sugar .... 61 Hocking Coal 15 Inter. Paper lOoVlii ilo pfd .119?; Inter. I'ower tC7'i National lllscult .. . ?J National Lead .... . HH Nntlonal Salt .107141 do pfd .l05-i No. American . StVi Pacific Coast fl Pacific Mall lp People's Oas .154't Pressed S. Car .... W!i do pfd i Pullman P. Car ,, . Ss llepulillc Steel . 3.'H do pfd .148 Sugar . ESH . 3?H . 87 . 4f . :i . Si .101H . 31 '4 . 4(i . 19H . 38 H . 21 . 42 . 74 1,5 .191 . U .11,0 .mi . 31 . 87 . 2IH . C1H . UH .toon .133 . 17 . 7'.i . 91 Id .2:34 . 67 .118 .218 tVi . 19 . 21 . 7ST . 92y4 . ii . . 54 . 7 .101 . CO . UK .11354 . 42 MH .:o . itK . 7.1V4 .I33',i . 63 . 10U . 73 . 13Vi . &2i . lfli . :s . 41. . n linn, Coal & Iron. 7S?i Union Hag & P. U 4t SI fi 31 61 U no nfrt P. 8. leather .. do pfd U. S. Rubber ... do nfd U. 8. Slee 1CH do pfd. 1SD Wcftern Union Last sale. The Commercial Advertiser's London nnanclal cablegram says: Settlement was easy, but absorbed attention. The tone of the stock market was good, although thero is somo uneasiness over the renewed talk of a fresh war oan. The American Htocks o malned hard, but without public support lnl , tl New York opening, when, on prol t-taklng, Chlcngo. Mllwaukeo Sc St. ful Jvclopcil strength, spurting upward 1M. Tho genernl list, however, was Irre sponslve. After the market's close there was an attempt to rally stocks on the curb, but they relapsed, closing near bottom. Tho genorui contnngo Is 4H. fully on Chi cago, Mllwaukeo A St. Paul. 111?. Copper stocks were heavy on the absence of con tlrmatJon of tho great combination, which Is scouted here, tho Rothschilds denying any knowledge of t. Iloaton Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Aug. 27,-CaU loanB, 344V4 per cfoVlii fit'a PCr cont Ortlclat slnz: A.. T. & 8. P.... do pfd Amor. Huirar ..... Anitrtoui Tel llonten ti M Dominion Coal ,, do pfd II. S. Steel do ptd Kltchburg pfd.... Ed. Elec. Ill N. E. O. A C.... Old Colony Old Driilnlon .... Union Paclflo .... Pnlnn Lund West End " 25,.lw'lnh. Electric .. V.AIchtion 4a i.Ut'i Adventure '' Iflnham Mln- Co. ..t3Vi Amat. Copper .. iH Atlantic ., ,.1U Calumet A Hecla.." .. 41H Franklin . 91 Humboldt ,. Oscaola ,,150 Parrot .. 7iQulncy , ,.8 Hanta Fe Copper... .. 33 Tamarnck .101'i Utah Mlnlnt; ,. 3 Winona ,., ,, ., 9 IWolvtrlnes . 7CH .10: 2I8i . 4114 .1181k . 37 .730 . is; . is .10OIJ . 61! 1 .173 . 7 .349 . 21 . 3 . 6JU Hank Clcnrlngra. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 27.-ClcarlngE. $1G.01.307: balances. $2,052,623. I1ALTISIORE. Aug. 27.-Clearlngs, $3,513, 2S4: balances 13I2,21. ClKCINN,r-'I, Aug. 27.-Clenrlngs. $2,757. 150; New York exchan,e 30iff40o; money, 34J5 per cent. v ST. LOUIS, Aug, 27.-Clearlng, $,344,161: balances, $760,014; money, 4f0 per cfttt: New York exchange, 25c discount bid, pit r. naked. CHICAQO, Aug. 27.-Clearlngs, $22l499,567i balances, $1,706,807) posted exchange, H.M sixty days, $I.S7H on ilcmnnd; New Y'ork exchange, 50c discount. Sew York .Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-MONEY-On call, steady at 2Vj per cent: last loan, 2V4 rcr cent! prim mercantile paper, IHS Ier cent. STERLING EXCIIANQE Easier, with actual buslnecs In bankets' bills nt $4.(6,'; for demand and at $I.S4'j for sixty dnyrfi posted rates, $1.SSyJ5?4.M commercial bills, $4.S3U'ri4.S4W. SILVER-llar, E8lic: Mexican dol.ars, 4SHc IIONDS Oovernmcnt, stendy: state bonds, Inactive; railroad bonds, weak. Tho closing quotations on Ponds are as follows: U. S. ref. Is, rcg... do coupon do 3s, rejr. , do coupon do new 4, res...' do coupon do old 4s, reg.,,,, do coupon do ts, reg do coupon I), ot C. 3 6..s , Atchison gen. 49.,., Mo ad, 4s Cnn-.ln So, 2. Ches. & Ohio 4i8,. do f C. &. N. W. c. "s. do 8. V. deb. is, Chicago Tcr. 4s Colorado So. 4s I). & It. O, 4 Erie general 4s 1 W. A D. C. Is.. Uen, Electric 5s..., Iowa Central Is U. & N, unl, 4s,,,.. M.. K. A V. 2 do 4s , ,io;i .io;4 10S .10S14 13TH int. 113 113 ,PJ7V 1014 .121 104 I'T't 109S 107', 151 ,l3i ,t23'4 K , l .1014 ,py. Ml Hi iul 3 , 98'4 N. Y. Central Is,.. N. J. C. gen. 5... No. Pacific 3s do 4s. N Y. C & St L 4s. N. A W. eon. 4s.. Oregon Nav. 1 do 4 Oregon H. U 6s, I do consol 5s 'Reading gen. 4s.... Uto O. V, Is Ht I. A 1 M C 8s.. 105'; ,130 . 72 104U .IQVi lu2',l 110 103 121i 117',4 IM'.i it: ,U6W ,181 nt , 9i',i ii:v Ht L A 8 K g. 6s. St. Paul consols .. St P, C A P la.... do 5s So. I'acltlc 4 So. Railway Zs S. It. A T. 6s Texas & Paclllc Is .11SH . 9M, .105H .119 .110 .mi . 8M, . 94H Mo 2s Union Pacific 4s.. Wabash Is do 2s.,. West Shore 4s.... Wis, Central Is... Va. Centuries .... Rid. Offered. London Ntnck luti tn t tons. LONDON, Aug. 27.-4 p. m. Closing: Console, money. ... do acount ...... Anaconda Alchlnn do pfd llnltlmure A Ohio, Canadian Pacific. . 9I4 . !IV . 9S . l4 .lot .lOT'i .115 Norfolk A W .. 5SH ... 90yt ...WH4 .. 374 ... 75'i ... 2J .. 40-vt .. li .. 34S .. W)i .. 62S ..106H .. P4 .. 47 .. 97i ... 23 .. 42t .. 40H 4i'( do pfd No. Paclflllc pfd. Otitatlo A V Pennsylvania .... Heading do pfd do 'ii pfd fhes. A Ohio 49M, 211 Chicago O. V.. O.. M. & St. P... Denver & R, II., do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central ,. L. A N M K. A T do pfd N. Y. Central ... So. Hallway 173 lo pfd. 4'. "4 So. Paclllc 9U: Union Paclllc do pfd U. 8. Steel ... do ptd Wabash do pfd.. I'.i.mlili 4s,.,. . 44 . 73U . i.'J .131n .10H . 23 . 4kiUnd Mines .. Vol MONEY 10H4 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market lor short bills Is 2H per cent; lor thre months' bills, 2 3-16 per cent, New York Mining; Stocks. . NEW YORK. Aug. 27,-Tho following are the closing quututluiiii 011 mining stocks: Adams Con Alice llreece llrunswlck Con... Comstock Tunnel. Con. Cal. & Va.. Deadwood Terra Horn Silver ...... Iron Silver Leudvllle Con.... .. 2) .. 4i ...140 .. 8 .. 6 ..170 ,.. to ...175 .. 60 .. 7 Little Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix .... II ....931 .... 70 .... I .... 3 .... 3 .... 7 .... 30 ....:so Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .., Standard , -Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, Aug. 27.-WOOL Prices nro being fully maintained J11 the wool market and the buying continues stendy. Although manufacturers are purchasing large lots yet It Is only for Immediate use and the continued absence, of speculation ts notice able. Speculation continues In the territory grades. Fine medium at. 42Q'43c. Fleece wools are quiet, with moderate sales nnd prices nomlnnl. Australian wools nrc quiet. The better grade of merinos are costing on the scoured basis 73i75c to Import nnd available spot lots ore held on about this basis. The following nre the quotations for leading dcHcrlntlons: Ohio and Penn sylvania fleece: X nnd X nbove, 23If24c; X and XX above, 2ri((f29c; coarse and braid washed, 2324c. Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.: X Michigan, 20Q2lc; No. 1 Michigan comb ing, 23Q21c; No. 2 Michigan combing, 23 24c; coarse and braid washed, 23c; fine de laine, 24Q25c, Unwashed medium, etc.: Kentucky and Indiana, 4-blood combing, 20c; H-blood, 20c; Missouri Vi-blood comb ing, 19c; -blood,.-vl3c; braid combing, 17c. Territory, scoured , basis: Montana fine. 14 4il7c: scoured, 44ff46c: tine medium, ltfilGc; scoured, 42043c; staple, l&fil7c: scoured, 46 (iHSc; Utah, Wyoming nnd Idnho fine. 13W loc; scoured, 44ft40: tine medium, 13011c; scoured, 40043c; stnple, 16017c; scoured. 460) 47c. Australian, scoured basis: Spot prices comblr.g. superfine, 74075c: superfine, 71 72c: good, 6SW70c; average, C,)067c. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 27. WOOL Steady; medium grades, ll',4017c; light fine, UViO1 14c; heavy line, 9',tllc; tub washed, 1J 24c. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 27. COFFEE Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, CV4c. Mild, quiet; Cor dova, 8011V4c. The coffeo market opened stendy, with prices unchanged owing to luck of buying or belling orders, or Influen tial cable news. Room selling on a mod erate scnle developed soon after tho call, under which prices gradually eased off until a net decline of 5O10 points won noted. Trading on the decline wns fairly active, with foreign business declining. The market closed steady. Total sales aggre gated 32,500 bags. 8not supplies In the street market nre held at old prices. Sales In futures Included: September. 4,E0c; Oc tober, 4.8c; December, 5.05c; March, 5.30c; Way, 6.D0c; July, 6.0c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-COTTON-Spot, steady: middling uplands, 8c; middling gulf, SHc; nnles, 265 bales. Futures closed barely steady; August, 7.79c; September, 7.76c; October, 7.S5c; November, 7.S6c: De cember, 7.89c: January, 7,91c; February, 7.91c; March. 7.94c; April, 7.94c: May, 7.95c. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 27. COTTON Steady; no snles; middling, 8 9-16c; receipts, 275 Dales; stock, 36,000 bales. GALVESTON, Aug. 27. COTTON-FIrm, 9c. Suirnr Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-SUGAR-Rnw, steady; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4c: molasses sugar, 3 5-32c: quiet: No. 6. 4.15c: No. 7, 4.45c; No. 10. 4.55c; No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12, 4.30c; No. 13, 4,20c; No. 14, 4.20c; standard A, 6.05c; confectioners' A, 5.U5o; cutloaf, 5.75c; crushed, 6,75c; powdered, 6.35c: granulated, 6.25c; cubes, 6.50c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 27.-SUOAR-Qulet: centrifugal yellow, VcHMc; seconds, 2 l-16Q3Hc. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 10c. Eviipornted nn,( Dried l'rnlts. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. EVAPORATED APPLES A small Jobbing lUmanil v. as noted for choice grades nnd they held quite firm In prices; stnto, common 'o goud, 607'4c; prime, S0SHc; choice, 9c; fancy, 9,4e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT3-Ru'ed Inactive, but about steady at old prlcB; prunes, 30'7c; apricots, roya 814011c: Moore park, 8012c; peaches, peeled, 11 ISc; unpeelcd, fO'Ac Xcw York Ilry (Jooilsi Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-DRY GOODS-Tho market for cotton goods Is steadily Im proving. Drown cottons nro firmer nnd ,n blenched some leading tickets are ta'.t n; orders at valucH only. Wide sheetings nro advancing In the lower grndoi. Pi In' cloths are tlrm without further change .n prices, Prints nro nl o firm with some staples against buyers, No chnnge In glnghnms. Bilks aro steady with a mod erato demand, Oil nnil Rosin. OIL CITY, Aug. 27,-OILS-Crcdlt bal ancos, $1.25; certificates, no hid; shipments, 119,918 bbls,; average, 97,616; runs, 106,382 bbls.; average, 83,631 bbls. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 27.-OILS-CottotiBeed, Hull rollned, firm. Ms '3d, Turpentine spirit, Mcady, 27s. Rosin, common. stendy, 4s l,4d. Linseed, ateady, S3. 61. Petroleum, steady, Wic. St. Joseph I.Itp Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo Aug, 27 CATTLF Receipts, 3,101) head: mnrket steady to 01 lower; native, $3.0'O3"5; cows and hlfo"s, $1.0004. SO; bulls nnd stngs. J2.00gi.C0; stock era nnd feeders, $2.0:03,9); veals, $2 21 16.25. HOGS Receipts, 8.300 head; market steady to a shade lower; light nn-1 Iliht mixed, $5.85011.20: medium and heavy, $6.05 0t!.35: pigs, $3.2506.35. SHEEP Receipts, 2,7(0 head; mirket ateady; Iambs mostly 10015c lower. Stunk In KlKht. Tho following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the live prin cipal live stock markets August i; Cattle. Hngv Sheep. South Omaha 3.811 6.473 f.oos Chicago 5,500 21,oo lfoo Kansas City .20f 8,50 4,000 St. Louis 6,100 6,700 2.001 8t. Joccph 3.K0 8,300 2,7(0 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ettf Eteora told About Steady ind Cow8 Etody to Strong. HOGS OPENED STRONG, CLOSED WEAK Sheep to In Active Demand nnd Stendy Mrong, but l.nmlio Were Itatlier Slow nnd a Trifle Weak. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 27. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Otnclal Monday 6.V3S 3,i5J U,n3 7.0a) Uiuciat Tuesday 3,314 6,jt8 2 128 l,6i2 22 875 lu,j:s 15.163 1.1, .,62 SoUtu loin- Two days this week.. 8.S53 10.232 Same duys last week..., 9.6&J 12,isJ Same week before 8,200 13,22 Hume thtce weeks ago.,. 7.2.1J lf.UJ Same four weeks ago.... 4,231 14,5 16 Same days last year ll,oi2 10.J76 Avonifco price paid for hogs at Omaha tho past several days with purisons: 1901. 1900.1S9J.1893.U897.U96.1U95. August August August August August August August August August August August August svUxuat 6 66Vi 5 15! 4 19 3 "9. t 2 77) 4 41 3 45 I 4 45 3 47 2 8J. 4 54 3 57 2 85 3 6j, 2 1 4 f 1 3 4J 3 021 4 57 3 46 2 92 4 66 0 ,u 5 84 5 80 5 65 5 18 4 -6 it Mi 6 15, a 10 1 M it 01 4 43 3 HI 4 C 04 l 14 5 15 1 10 4 38 3 71 3 ;i & 85H 4 37 3 SI 2 76 3 491 I 4 (0 4 45 4 67 6 73-Vl 5 04i 4 32, 4 2.1 4 29; 3 SI 3 67 3 271 6 74fc, 6 001 ; 4 V9 3 13 2 16 3 51 2 80 6 74 a 7741 4 95 4 35 3 4S 3 66 2 80 4 60 I 3 74) 3 t4 2 7 ia August 14 4 431 3 681 2 8J; 4 52 VUgUHl 10 August 16 i'TSI ' 91 5 77Ui 4 9S 4 3 7o 4 4i 4 4 4 5i 4 51 4 W 1 49 4 3li 4 36 4 32 4 36 3 3 70, August 17 5 83U 6 00 3 74 3 71 2 84 August 18 August 19i 4 951 4 47 4 50; 3 C6 3 68 2 921 5 t-0 6 86-i 3 b7 3 Ti -i M August 2ui & 03 5 02 - 3 75 3 70 3 76 2 79 August 21 0 l4 5 87V.I 4 42 2 80 2 97 August 221 5 01 4 4: 3 CO August 231 5 91.l 4 9, 4 411 3 741 3 831 August 2I n 91',4 5 02 August 251 16 05 4 l-'l 4 40 4 38 3 811 3 ;v 2 68; 3 si 2 79 3 911 2 76 3 73 3321 3 70 August 20 5 97W 4 32 4 24 August 27 6 00! 4 9S 4 02 2 75, Indlcntcs Sunday. The. official number of cars of stock urougnt in today by each road vas: Cattlc.Hogs.Sh'p. C M. A St. P. Ry 4 7 2 u. a: si. 1.. iiy , Missouri Paclllc Ry Union Paclllc system ... C. ft N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. It. R 8. C. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. R. Ac M. R. R. R C, II. & Q. Ry K. C. & St. J C, R. I. ei P., enst C. R. I. & P., west Illinois Central 8 30 4 17 '3 64 3 11 13 19 9 1 11 Total receipts 148 94 The disposition of the day's receipts wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 445 754 1,397 790 62S 215 Swift nnd Company. 1,681 912 2,323 400 Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co G. 11. Hammond Co.,K.C. 652 530 R. Rccker & Degun 231 Lobmun & Co 25 W. I. Stephen 177 Livingstone & Schaller... 126 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 126 ..' . I). F. Hobblck 3 'vVolf & M 159 Oilier buyers 530 .... 2.145 Totals 3,724 6,140 5.075 CATTLE There was not a heavy run of cattle here today as compared with last week or with the preceding week. Wcstirn rangers mado up the bulk of tho ollcrings, though there were quite u few cornfed cut tle on sale. Packers' orders seemed to ce fairly liberal, and as n result the market was In good shnpe and thu better graced were. soon out ot tlrst hunas. Packers started in this morning nnd bid Just about stendy prices for tho good to choice grades of cornfed steers. Thy seemed to want good cattle, and ns a resuit sellers had llttlo trouble In disposing of such grades. TheooiMmoner kinds, how ever, such as come In competition with the western grnss cattle, were rather hard to dispose of, and sellers In .some cases found It difficult to get steady prices. The mar ket, however, shows but llttlo change as compared with yesterday, and a fairly early clearance was made. There were about thirty-live cars of cows and heifers on-sule this morning, nnd tho mnrket ruled actlvo and steady to strong on anything at all desirable, Canners also sold nt Just ubout steady prices, and so did the medium grades. Thero was no particular change noticeable In tho prices paid for bulls, stags and veal calves. The demand for stockers and feeders this morning was limited. Yard traders have a good many on hand and the demand lrom tho country belnir rather llsrht. thev slow to take hold of fresh offerings. Some of tho choicest bunches sold at fully steady prices, uui asiuo irom mat prices wero generally a shade lowcf; and anything on 1110 commomsn oraer was very nartf to dig POSO Of Und sellers had to tnkn nnnulrinrn bly less than the samo kind sold for yea- icruil) . Packers were all anxious this morning for the better grades of western beef cattle and anything at all desirable brought Just ubout yesieraays quotations. The commoner Kimis were, or course, more or less neg lected and In somo Instances feeder buyers uuium me i'nuicia. 1,01111 were in goon ue mnnd at steady to strong prices und tho pens were cleared In good season of all the uuiil'i Kiuues. Hulls, calves and stnirs brnucht atnnriv nrlccs. but stockers and feeders were lower nna mow unless iney were extra choice Representative sales: REEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No, Av. Pr 1 590 1 23 46 U02 4 90 1 820 2 73 19 10S6 5 00 4 1277 4 "JO 17 1203 5 00 1 1070 2 W 28 isn S 00 1 870 2 93 23 1118 6 CO 4 (60 3 ?o 19 1372 6 0u 1 880 4 CO 41 1170 5 05 1 10&J 4 OU 16 1130 S OS 2 680 4 25 63 1136 5 10 3 826 4 50 19 972 5 10 22 1047 4 35 21 HC4 3 23 38 1016 4 7S CO 1232 5 Jo 21 1041 4 fO 38 1129 5 ?u 28 873, 4 M) 20 1307 6 !5 37 1170 4 M 37 1287 6 0 42 1095 4 90 31 1223 5 SO 20 10C9 4 90 29 12(0 5 CO STEERS AND HEIFERS. 18 1011 4 V) 18 794 4 75 HEIFERS. 1 670 1 59 1 mo 2 C.1 1 700 2 2". 1 MO 3 75 3 716 2 M 3 WO 2 75 6 850 2 CO 4 Mi 2 St 2 740 2 CO 1 S80 3 23 1 544 2 ! 1 620 4 23 COWS. 1 "20 1 SO 2 10O0 2 CO 1 930 1 CO 8 834 2 14 12 Wb 1 90 4 8f0 2 C3 3 JWX) 2 On 2 783 2 3 1033 2 00 2 1133 2 65 1 10CO 2 CO 9 822 2 70 1 900 2 CO 10 1015 2 70 0 796 2 10 2 622 2 73 13 1030 2 13 3 (46 2 73 2 775 2 23 6 816 2 73 2 990 2 23 2 107S 2 (3 1 103i) 2 25 7 1017 2 V 1 1K) 2 25 J9 868 2 fO 2 930 2 40 5 842 2 90 1 1070 2 40 :6 1030 3 no 1 1000 2 40 4 997 3 00 1 1260 2 to 1 SS0. 3 00 21 tJ 2 !0 4 677 3 13 13 lll'i 2 -) 1 1050 3 a 8 ICO 2 SO 2S 972 3 23 2 1035 2 .V) 1,2 1125 3 14 973 2 K 19 057 J 55 4 932 2 23 1 KK0 3 73 49 SIS 2 fS U 1097 3 75 22 919 2 W STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 920 1 SO 9 837 2 40 1 830 1 50 2 870 2 1 3 3 (40 1 SO 3 C91 2 3 1 1324 2 i". 1 4U 73 STOCK CALVES. 1 SS0 I CO 1 JM J 13 1 340 3 0-j 4 140 4 50 CALVES. 1 21 3 P. 3 166 S M l 220 4 50 l no j oj 2 iso 4 fo 3 i;s s r 2, ISO 4 Sj DULLS. 1 7t0 2 01 1 m 2 'tt 1 1390 2 P, 1 1430 2 r, 1 1300 2 13 1 tm 2 71 1 1180 2 21 1 860 3 f) 1 120.) 2 25 1 1J20 3 23 :...! 641 2 41. 1 1450 4 IS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 .62! 30 II 877 HI 3 634 . 30 1 710 3 23 1 640 2 83 2 7M) 3 21 1 650 2 85 2 1,.,., 62', 3 23 3 804 2 35 23 933 3 40 2 930 3 CO 27 922 3 40 3 870 3 04 21., 7(S 3 10 37 874 3 (Vi 3 738 3 40 61 714 3 00 6 S73 3 44 1 1000 3 00 10, 917 3 10 22 733 3 !0 21 1033 3 40 17 994 3 13 34...., f73 3 SO 11 911 3 II 31...,, (92 3 SO t : ts j : 1 i 1 so IS... ... I .. II... I... , $2 Ml , 170 , 41 I0 I M 1 (0 3 (0 1 1 4 ;s 1 K NERRASKA. 41 cows,..,. 915 22 cows 911 14 cows 9,1 S heifers... 437 1 heifer.... 4V 1 bull 10,0 1 bull W) 10 feeders.. 611 3 cows k"X'l 25 cows Ml A 9 feeders.. 765 3 heifers., . 673 12 III cow..,,.10U $2 25 2 60 2 0) 3 35 3 00 2 50 2 00 3 W 1 50 2 fiO 2 cows 10(15 1 bull 1250 1 cow, .,,.,1050 1 row liu) 2 cowk F30 31 feeders.. 1598 0) 2 S3 2 25 1-W 1 t-0 3 00 13 cows,. 993 2 40 Hendricks Neb. o 40 3 feeders.. 742 3 00 8 feeders.. fC2 2 23 2 cows 775 2 W KANSAS. 3 40 8 cows 953 2 25 3 heifers... 546 2 25 2 bulls 1125 WYOMING. 4 35 5 cows !X) 4 35 1 cow 1010 4 33 2 COWS 1060 3 21 3 15 2 0) 2 Heifers. 2 cows.,. 910 810 11 feeders. 3 cows..,. 2 bulls,... 710 970 6o5 3 66 2 CO 2 50 3 70 2 73 2 93 7 steers.. ..1221 10 steers.. ..1241 1 steer 1200 1 bull 1420 oo Hums Wyoming. i steers, 6 Htcers. 960 3 90 1271 4 40 18 cows 007 2 S3 John Kernnn Neb No. 10 feeders 1 feeder.. 11 cows..., 1 cow..,. Av Pi. NO. AV. , 630 , &.' , 937 . 940 IT. 2 00 3 25 2 GO 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 63 3 W 2 26 402 470 967 860 3 83 3 25 2 l 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. 30 cows.... 60 1 cow. a. Russell rcn. 2 GO 1 cow. 17 COWS. ...,1000 !)O0 - . Jrcninouso A. walker Neb. 36 feeders. .1177 4 00 11 heifers... 761 t feeders.. 6C5 3 S3 3 heifers,.. "3 4 cows 1055 3 00 4 cows 97 J cows VJfM 2 Do 3 cows tdS.1 W. Richardson Wyoming. 41 steers, ...1085 85 4 15 A. M. Tyson-Neb. 12 feeders.. 666 3 60 2 feeders. 655 2 75 6 cows 925 2 00 1 bull 1260 2 25 U cows TOO 2 63 Jnmes Mitchell Neb. 12 cows 915 2 06 18 cows 955 2 60 s. stark wvo. 1 feeder... 800 3 33 23 feeders. .1122 15 cows 1022 4 03 3 00 10 cows 933 1 stag 1580 2 85 3 23 Wilson & 1 cow 1000 1 Si 47 Steele. ,.1111 4 00 W. Wyoming. I cow 860 1 bull 1150 2 60 2 23 2 75 3 60 2 50 1 25 J. II. Crlswell Wyoming zi steors,...ii39 4 io & steers. ,,.1146 4 25 3 steers.. ..1083 4 00 1 bull 1280 2 40 10 cows 1000 1 cow 1110 1 cow 9S0 1 cow 1UO0 2 cows 1033 2 90 Urennnn I3ros. Nebraska. 26 cows 992 2 to 21 cow 1047 1 cow 840 2 40 1 steer 9S0 1 steer 1050 2 50 C. 11, Strand Wyoming. 4 cows., ..1295 3 75 17 feeders.. 1203 2 70 2 60 4 00 l cow 1160 3 25 Charles O'Neill & Co. Wyoming. 64 steers. ...1251 4 30 E. Reach Wyoming. 25 f eiders.. 662 3' 30 HOGB There was rather n, lleht run of nogs here today and the market opened strong to 6c higher on tho better grades of heavyweights. Puckers wero willing on the start to pr.y $6.02M, and $G.05 for good hogs nnd the choice loads sold from $6.03 to $6.20. For the lighter weights thev wero bidding from $6.00 down, but not ninny of them changed hands on the opening mnrket. Packers, In fact, did not seem very anxious for hoRs this morning and as a result the market was slow and draggy and It was rather late beforo tho bulk of tho offer ings wns out of tlrst hnnds. The closo of tho market was very slow, tho advance of the morning being fully lost. Hogs sold mostly from $5.7H to K6.0214, which makes the bulk of all tho sales from $3.97!$ to $6.05. Lato In the fore noon there were still several loads unsold, for which packers were offering only o.9J. iii'iuesumuue suica; No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. A v. ...224 ..258 ...161 ...274 ...215 ...283 ...274 ...262 ...258 ...211 ...232 Sh. Tr. 80 6 02'i 40 6 02",i 1C0 ,'i!a ... 6 05 64... 43... 53... 65... 83... 72... 6S... 73... 92... 92... 56... 74... 64... 46... U7.. 54... 60... 44... 62... M... 66... 71... 64.... 74..., 63..., 6S,,., 26..., 69... 64... 75... 75..., 1..,. 4S... 81... 71... Si... 66... 69..., 59... 64..., 66.... 76.... 100 177 5 25 79.... 64.... 70.... 31.... 69.... 61.... 62.... 67'.... 64.... 44,... 74.... 74.... 64.... 62.... 66.... 6t.... 67.... 5 23 5 ti 6 'i2H 6 'J7li 6 S71, 5 97H 6 57', j 5 Ki'.i 5 921J 6 00 6 00 C 0(1 6 U0 6 00 6 CU 6 W 6 (V) 6 Co 6 00 6 00 00 6 00 6 00 5 9S 5 93 5 65 5 93 5 95 6 M 6 95 6 -r.'i 5 Mi E 471.4 5 97'J 5 ri'i t 024 6 02 1 j 6 01'i 6 024 ....176 ....213 ....245 ....222 ...,2J5 ....256 .....210 ....W ....270 ....SS4 ....223 ....284 .....261 ....221 ....213 ....281 ..,.193 ....217 ....219 ....230 ....:st .... ....234 ....153 ....2.', 8 ....224 ....208 ....219 ....210 ....K9 ....260 ....212 ....223 ....237 ....235 ....227 ....287 ....24 ....2.34 ....230 120 6 05 6 03 C 03 80 20 6 03 6 6 i 6 CO 120 218 244 210 231 2S1 .....241 233 217 264 .....314 2IS 203 .....247 255 ....243 ....571 40. 6 60 40 6 CO 6 (l 6 'JO 6 CO 6 10 6 CO 6 H) 6 0) 6 1)0 CI 6 0 6 M 6 00 6 00 6 0:4 6 014 6 024 6 0:4 6 024 6 024 6 0:4 6 U2.4 6 024 6 024 6 024 6 024 6 074 6 10 6 IS 64. 69... 63... 67... 64... IS... f.5... 66... 64... 57... ....237 40 42 205 ICO 5 95 37 238 120 5 S3 77 246 40 5 95 S7 227 160 6 914 69 236 40 5 n4 66 23S M 5 S74 SO 212 80 5 974 67 250 67 250 120 6 0:4 64 257 120 6 024 CO 271 120 6 024 50 2S9 80 6 024 40 304 6 01'i 20 430 6 20 SHEEP Thero was rather a llcht run of sheep hero today, and as packers were nil liberal buyers the mnn.et on good tuff wns active and stendy to strong. AVetheis sold today ns high as $3.55. which were the samo as sold yesterday at $3.50. Good to choice wethers were also In good demand nnd sold from $3.00 to $3.10. Tho demand for lambs, on the contrary, was hardly as nctlvo as that for sheep, and the market could bo quoted steady t a shade easier. Common stuff, In particular, In both sheep and lambs, wns neglected, ns packers hecmed to want only tho good sturf. , There were only a few feeders off red today, and they sold without difficulty nt fully steady prices. Quotations, choice yearlings. $3.50g3.G: fair .to good yearlings. $3.35ft3.60; cholco wetheis, $3.35J3.()0: loir to good wethers, J3.15W3.25; choice ewes, $2.76513.00; fair to good ewes, $2.25tf2.65; choice spring lambs, 4. 855j5.00; fair to good spring lambs, $l.40 4.75; feeder wethers, $2.76573.50; feeder lamus, k.wiuj.w. representative soles: .No. Av. Pr. 92 native ewes 125 Utah wethers .... 90 .... 92 ....110 .... 80 ....106 ....106 .... !'S ... (0 ....117 ... 100 .... 63 ... 60 ... 97 ... 94 ... 93 .... 9) .... 63 .... 62 .... 53 .... 51 .... 92 .... SO .... 63 2 20 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 30 S 20 3 ."0 3 25 3 3J 3 31 3 30 3 30 3 60 3 30 3 SO 3 50 3 55 3 65 4 63 a native ewes 1 ewo owes Idaho ewes , ewes cull ewe Idaho wethers ... Wyoming wethers. 155 16 214 1 22 328 6 1 buck lambs lamb 177 Utah wethers 306 243 450 Utah wethers....... feeder wethers feeder wethers E90 feeder lambs 684 3 103 209 1 861 feeder lambs feeder lambs feeder lambs wethers , wether lambs CIMCACiO LIVE STOCK MARKET, Native nml Tt-xnn Cnttle, IIoki nnil Slieeii Stendy. CHICACO. Aug. 27-CATTLE-Recclnts. 6,500 head, Including 0)0 head Texans nnd 1,000 head westerns; natives and Texans generally J'.ady; westerns slow; good to prlme steers, $j.305(G.3O; poor to medium, w.wiio.zo; morKorn nna feeders, wenk. J2.2.1 j4.2u; cows (3 cars cxtraa at $4.65), $2.3.Wi .2i; heifers, $2.4()f t.76; canners. slow, $!.25f 2.30; bulls. $2.2oiN,40; calves, steady to strong, $3.0CQr3.33; Texas steers, firm, $l.00 0.10; Texas grass steers, ij.him.ij; western steers. $3,7554.80. IIOOS Receipts, 21.000 head; tomorrow, 32,000 head, estimated; left over, 3,500 head; choice nearly steady, others weak; top, $6.15; mixed nnd butchers, $3.70516.45; good to choice heavy, J3.8-5i6.45; rough heavy, $j.0j4(j.8O; light, f..ftVQ.20; bulk of sales, $5.9'.ijG.25. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipt, 1S.A00 head: sheep and lambs, good to choice, steady; common lambs weak; good to choice wethers, $3.255!. 00; fair to clnlco mliod, l3.005rS.40; western sheep, J.1.0053.SO; yearlings, SC.iWI.CO; native lambs, UMV f.25; western lambs, $Z.80tf3.lO. 81. I.nnU Live Monk Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 27-CATTLE-RTflp's. 6,100 head, Including 2.C0I Texans; ma'k steady to strong for nntlvei; slaw, rn y and a shade lower for Texans; cat w shlppers aad export steers, ? 1 6517 ; nressed 'Deer and riutenors ncr'. "( 5.3J; steers under l.Offl pound', 13.03574. i5 cowh and helfert, $20j 1.60; strc'cer.4 aril feeders. $2.25571.00; ennnors. $1.0 17 2 25; bulls, $2,4052.70; Texns and Indhn sticrs, $?.9i 4.20; eows and heifers, $2.103 50. HUtiH Receipts. 5.710 ncnu; mnraei gen erally steady to strong, nigs and light , $6.005,0,10; packers, $6.005j.:6; butchcM', 16.25 6fA SHEEP AND LAM no Receipt", 7." head; market steady; native muttons, $2.50 5(3.26; lambti, $3.60574.76: culls and bucks, $2.00573.50; stockers, $1,60572.10. ICniikds Cltr Live Ntnnk Mnrket, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 27.-CATTLE-R.e- celpts: Natives. 18,000 he id: Texar.s, 2 had; ralvea. 1,600 head: best steers, otoady , 2 , 7U 44 41 1. itttl ft) II MJ 2 40 4.. I3i to 10c lower: cows, stendy; stockers and feeders, 105716c lower, choice export nnd dressed beef steers, $.V40t(5,70, fair lo god, Il.6i05 .15, stockers and feeders. $29i.2; fed westerns, $1.15115.2.!, western tnnge steers. $.Uo?H SS; Texans nnd Indians, $2,73 K3:''. l'.vxn cows, l2.3f.W2 fo, nnttve cows, $2 413.75; heifers. $2,751.15.00; Cj,nn tH. $. 6 t'tills. $.' 25571.25; calves, $3.lif 1,75, HOOS-Recelpts, 8,MO head; market gen rnf."y """"-'ty. but closed easy, top, $s.S5: bulk. $rt.e45ifi.25: heavy, $.30tiS.35. miied lffWSO ,6-WM'6,S6Wi "Knt' '6J.15, pigs. SHEEP AND LA.MRS-Recelpts, ,(0 head; mnrket steady; lambs, t4.255J4.fX), mi- iiUlVr0n,hf, w.,rl?.,3-f': e"tern wetiuri, $.Tl(Jff3.50; ewes, J2.75lf3.iOi stock sheep, J2.C0 57 10. .cvr York I, lie -Stock Market. NEW YORIv. Alt. 17. CATTLE Re celpts. none: nothing doing; feeling steady cables quoted live cattlo at lift 12V per lb, refrigerator beef, lower at Sv.JiOt per lb,: exports, ,50 cattlo nnd 3.1W quarters or beef, CALVES-Recelpts, 182 head, steady: veals, $.6ivfj8.C0: grass sheep and butter milks, f.t.60. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpts, 6.7o9 head; sheep stendy; choice, strong, prime Km.,'"?.,CII,,,y! medium. 105jC5c lower, sheep, $2.i65j3.,o; choice, $; lambs, $1,235.10.00: cull! ilOOS-Receliits. 1.011 head; tlrm. ordl '."I1'' vp1"l"n nogs. $6.10; state hogs, $tf.403 6.50; choice light. $6.60. tPisliliiii WABASH EXCURSIONS $13,00 ", $13.00 tfi RR Cleveland and return 0 DC j)OiOJ on sale Sept. 8 to 12 i)Di 00 CQI New York City nnd re- OI turn, on sale dally vol The above rates via the Wabash froir Chicago. For tho Q, A. R. en cnmpmint at Cleveland, O.. have our tickets read via the Wabash to De troit and thenco via tho D. & C. Nav, Co., to Cleveland, n beautiful trip across Lnke Erie. Tho Wabash runs on It., own tracks from Kansas City, St. Louis nnd Chlcngo to liuffalo. Mary special rates will bo given dar ing the summer months. Stopovers allowed on nil tickets at Niagara Falls. Uc sure your tickets read via the WA1IASH ROUTE. For rates, fold t.rs and other Information, call on your nenreat ticket agent or write Horry E. Moores, Genl. Agent, Puss. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. 8. Crane. O. V. A T. A., St- Lout Me. MONEY Refunded anteo Dr.Kay's lieaovator pitlon, liver and kidneys. Rest tonic, Umtlte, blood purifier known for all cbronlo diseases renovates and Inrlgorstcs Che whole system and eures very worst cases. Oet trial box at once If not satisfied with It notify us, we will refund money by return mill. Write your symptoms for Free Medical Advice, samplo nnd proof 26 k Me at drigglat. Dr. 11. J. Kay. Saratog.v, N.Y JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BROKERS. ALEXANOER JAGOBSEN GO. BROKERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. SUITE-105 Bee BIdg., Omaha. Correspondence solicited with large deal era and manufacturers Interested In out method of personally Introducing and fob lowing up the sal of first-class merchant dlse of all kinds TO THE TRADE In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs-. Nebraska and Western Iowa. MACHINERY AND" FOUNDRY. W estern Furnace & Foundry Co. 1218 Harney St. Msnu The Under Feed Furnace lioturert of. BURNS SOFT COAL. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works. HAKUFACTURCRB AND JOBBBM Or MACHINERY. OUNERAL REPAIRINO A PBCIALTi IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. ISOl, 1DOJ M 10O5 Jaakaon Strovt, Omaha. Nab. Tel. 039. at EahJtaki. Agent. J. a CtrwgUI. MQ OILS. urn PALACINE OIL "The bent In Hie world." No odcr, no smoky chimneys. Republic Oil Co, ELKLTKilAL SUPPLIES. Ui sforn Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Ulactrla Wlrlag Btlli aad daa Lffat!a ll. W, JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1M0 Howard Bu - a DRY GOODS. U E. Smith ft Co. ' 1 L Importers ind Jekbaraat Dry Goods, Furnishing Qooik AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA , VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. IIOWAIII STIUSKT, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE. T2NTS AND AWNINGS. Omaha Tent & Awning Co., OMAHA, NEII. TENTS FOR RENT. TENT8 AND CANVAS GOODS, ixiw fou CATAi.omtic rvuiimgn aa, Teieptinne OR. Boyd Commission Oo successors to James K. llojrd Co., OMAHA, NEI). COMMISSION OIXAIN, I'HOVISIONS AM) flTOCKt, Ouaril of Trade Balldla. Direct wires to Chicago and New York, Certcssondcnce, John A. Warrtn C.