Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Team from No. 4 Eagins Honu Omi to
Compete at ManhallUwn.
"Will ne Pitted AKnlimt Crnck Tfnmn
from All (hrr thr Stutt fi
tnlti WnlH Sprints for
The team from No. 4 engine, houso which
will competo at .the state firemen's tourna
ment will leave for Marshalltown today
over the Northwestern road. Captain
Charles Watts will bo In command of the
team, which will comprise Driver Clarence
Iloff and Firemen It. W. Jones and J. K.
Oliver. T. J. Cady, tho veterinary surgeon,
will accompany them and will have charge
of tho pair of bays during; the trip and at
the tournament, that they may bo In tip top
condition nil thn while. Kclpar Hafer, It Is
expected, will also go with tho team as a
subatltuto In case one is needed. No, 4's
how hoso waKon has been carefully over
hauled and repainted for tho occasion. The
men have been practicing; dally and expect
to carry off somo of tho prizes.
Tlio main content In which tho Council
Dluffn team wilt bo entered will ba tho half
mllo raco for pnld fire dopartmonta, with
horses and hoso wagons. It is expectet
that teams from Diibuquo, Cedar llaplds,
DurllnRton, Denlstm, Davenport and Mar
shalltown will bo entered. Tho men of each
company at the Btart will have to bo In
their bunks and at tho tnp of tho bell will
get up, don their flro tog, olldo down the
brass pole to tho wagon room, hitch the
horses, mako tho half milts run, throw the
hoso from tho wagon, connect tho hoso with
tho hydrant and throw wator. The team
making tho shortest tlmo will win tho
largest slico of tho 27G purso offered.
In addition to this contest the team from
this city will enter a number of other spo
clal events for the paid departments.
Cnptaln Watts, who has the record of
being tho speediest man In the Council
Dluffn flro department, will enter tho Indl
vldual foot races for medals.
The tournament will open Tuesday with
a reception to tho visiting firemen and a
meeting of tho board of control of the Iowa
Slato Firemen's association. Wednesday
morning tho grand parade will bo held,
Tho raced and contests for the paid do
partmentn will bo Wednesday nfternoon
whtlo Thursday and Friday will bo devoted
mainly to events for tho volunteer firemen
Sovernl members of the Council Muffs
Veteran Firemen's association, who fought
ores when tho city was protected by a
voluntcor department, will attend the tourn
Davis sells glass.
Motor Cnmponny Seeks to Knrnnrsge
Ynrlitlnir at Msnnirs ! Offering;
Sircll Trophy.
To encourage yachting at Lake Manawa
the motor company, through President
Wells, has announced It will donato n hnnd-
loms silver cup to bo known as the Manawa
Challenge cup.
Tho terms and conditions by which this
cup may be gained are Identical with those
of tho America's cup. Beginning with tho
first race tho cup wjll remain in possession
of tho owner of the winning yacht until
wrested nwny In a successful challenge
race. Tho contest for the cup will bo open
to yachts from any part of tho middle west,
provided they aro not of a size to com
pletely outclnss boats of tho measurement
that are common at Lako Mannwa. The cup
Is of handsome design, heavy silver, gold
lined nnd stands fourteen and a half Inches
W. T. Vnnllrunt and his yacht from Lake
Contrary will arrive hero Wednesday from
St. Joseph. Tho race between the Vnnllrunt
boat and tho Andover will be sailed Satur
day, providing there Is sufficient wind.
Recent Tronblra of llotel'a Mnnaaje
mcnt nrlnif About C'lontnu of
Dlnlnar Iloom Tcmpomrlly.
A first-class hotel without a dining room
Is tho condition that will moot tho guests
of the Orand hotel of this city for the
next wook. During tho recent troubles In
the management of tho hotel the dining
room was leased to an outside firm of cater
ers, who found the venture ci losing one.
Tho dining room was closed Saturday night
and the guests at the hotel were yesterday
compelled to seek their meals at a nearby
boarding house or In the resturants of the
city. Receiver Hart Intondn to havo tho
dining room completely overhauled and
ronovated and open again by the end of tho
week, when It Is expected tho hotel will bo
under new management.
' llrinvim Uo It tin that Color.
Tho baso ball gnmo at iJike Mnntwa
yesterday afternoon between the Merchants'
Browns of this city nnd the Ix-c-GIusa-Andrecsen
team of Omaha resulted In a
victory for tho Council Bluffs players,
to 10.
tin Comrn thr Sldevrnlk Matter.
At the adjourned meeting of the city
council tonight Alderman Boyer will bring
un tho matter of a number of sidewalk con
tracts with a vlow of having the work done
this vear If potstblo. If tho work cannot
be done this year he will suggest thut the
Mids lor thoie who know what's go.
Ganymede Chocolates
andjpera Bon Sons
Mad By
John 6. Woodward & Co.
The Candy
Council Bluffs
Iowa Steam Dye Works
304 Broadway.
Make tout old clothes iook ilk now,
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
(Buccaaaor to W. C lOatSDl
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. Junta ti. casaay, jr.
u Main bu. council wiuoa.
contracts be rescinded, as many of the prop
erty owners Interested nro anxious to lay
the walks themselves. In the absence of
Mayor Jennings It Is not expected that any
action will be taken In the matter of tho
paving contracts recontly awarded to Con
tractor Wlckham.
Gravel roofing, a. I!
Read, 641 Droad'y.
Mojd Fnrgravm I.nys Open K. .1. llm-
miim' Hand nnd Oftlcrr Smith
Taken Hint In.
Lloyd Forgraves. Inmato of n dlsreputablo
resort nt 307 West Broadway conducted by a
woman named Irene Townsend, was arrested
nt 4 o'clock yesterday morning nftcr he had
slashed K. J. Jlmmons, n colored man ncroa.t
tho hand, nearly severing the member, and
had attempted to uso the largo butcher
knlfo with which he was armed on Ofilcori
John Smith, who arrested him. Tho officer
was forced to draw his revolver and
threaten to shoot Forgraves before he would
give up tho knlfo and submit to be takcu I
Into custody,
Jlmmons Is In the employ of Contractor
Wlckhum. Three white men employed by
Wlckham, who wcro somewhat under tho
Influence of drink, went to tho Townscnd
resort at an early hour yesterday morning.
Onq of the party meotlng Jlmmons and an
other colored man told them to come up
stairs and help him get tho other two men
away from there after a certain time. When
the party did not show up at tho time stip
ulated Jlmmons' companion went upstalns
as imilructcd nno told tho Townscnd woman
his mission. She called Forgraves, who
seized n beer bottle and struck the negro
over tho head. The colored man ran down-1
stairs and cnlled upon Jlmmons for assis
tance. Forgraves, who had been In bed,
hastily donned somo garments and arming
himself with the butcher knife went after
tho colored men on the sidewalk. Ho mado
a desperate lunge at Jlmmons, who caught
tho knife In his hand, receiving a gaah
which nearly severed it.
Officer John Smith was attracted to tho
scene by tho tumult and seeing how matters
stood ordered Forgraves to hand him over
the knife. With an oath, tho officer says,
Forgraves mado a lungo at him and un
doubtedly would havo carved him had he
not drawn his revolver and throaianed to
kill him If he came a step nra.'er.
Forgraves was later released on order of
Judge Aylesworth on putting up n bond In
the sum of $500, signed by C. J. Dobbins and
W. W. Itogcrs.
Forgraves has been arrested for assault
ing the Townscnd woman nnd the police
said last night that the resort would bo
Davis sells paint.
W. Htevena of Omnho. anil Ilia Krleniln
Are Ducked, but !Yot
Tho sudden windstorm which swept Lako
Manawa last ovcnlng overturned the yacht
Favorite, ln whlqh W Stevens of Omaha
and a party of friends were. One of tho
steam launches happened fortunately to be
In thn Immediate vicinity of tho overturned
boat nnd the occupants were rescued, aftor
suffering nothing worse than a wetting.
Tho usual Sunday yacht race yesterday
had to be abandoned for lack of wind.
Bargains ln land: Have Just returned
from a long trip to Minnesota and North
Dakota and can furnish any number of
acres of cholco farming lands at low
prices. L. W. Tulloys. 102 Main street.
Well I,onlel.
A. C. MahrcnhoU, claiming Red Oak ns
his home, was found drunk and asleep ln
tho alley back of a Uroadway saloon last
night. When searched at the city Jail he
was found to havo strapped around his
waist a 32-callbcr revolver with a ten-Inch
barrel, fully iloaded. Ho claimed to ba a
railroad man and carried a pass over tho
Crcston division of the nurllngton, made
out ln tho name of William Hartshorn.
Mahrcnholi wore a United States army
shurpshootor's badge.
Davis sells drugs.
Btockcrt sells carpets nnd rug.
Fine ABC beer, Neumayer'a hotel.
Victor heaters. Blxby & Son. agents.
Wollmun. scientific optician, 409 Broadway.
C. E. Alexander & Co.. pictures and
frames. Tel. 3.
Mr. nml Mm. L,. I. Edson and son are
home from n visit In Chicago.
Get vour work done at the popular Eale
laundry. 724 Broadway. 'Phone 157.
Misses Kittv Ldicy nnd Blanche enrrigg
nave gone to inux uuy tor a iwo wttus
visit with friends and rclntlves.
Tho newly organized association of retail
Brnrerx nr uminrll n una will ratei iu-
morrow nigni in mo county cuun nuuau.m
perfect tno organization.
Mrs. A. U. Annl, wno nns ucen serious y
lb fnr mtn llmr. llHH SUHlClentlV TO-
covered to be nble to be removed from the
Woman Christian association nospuai 10
hvr homo.
irrnnW itrlrknr has irone for a month s
viqit nt liin nlil homo In Harrodsburg. Ky,
Mrs. II. rlerco or First n venue is noma
from nn extended visit with relatives in
St. Joseph, Mo.
Wnnl hns been received from Macedonia
that Churls Dye Is in a critical condition
nnd that his death was momentarily ex
pected. Mr. Dyo had, Just previously to
nis illness. tiiKcn a position in wouniy
llocorder Smith s orllce.
Clifford, the infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
T I . r.1 r. nitnvml.. Vrt an...u VI-...
died yesterday morning. Tho funeral wlli
be this nfternoon ut 2 o'clock from tho
residence and Interment will be In Falrvlew
cemetery, ltev, Q. E. Walk, rector of St.
Paul s Episcopal church, will conduct the
E. I. Corbaloy of 214 Washington avenue
received word yesterday of the death of
his father. J. H. Corbaloy. nt San M miel
Cnl., Ht tho nge of 74 yours. His wife, four
sons and two dnughters Hurvlve him. Mr
Corbaley moved to Crescent City, this
county, thirty years ago and ten years ago
went to uniirornia tor ins neaun.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. telephone 251.
Ilecorder Otsnn'a Ilia; Job,
ONAWA, Ia Aug. 25. (Special.) County
Recorder Olson has recorded a mortgage
dated August 1, 1001, and given by tho Sioux
City & Pacific Railroad company to the
Farmers' Loan and Trust company of New
York City for $4,000,000, due In 1936, with
interest at 3H per cent. The entry covers
twenty pages of the record.
Crawford Prohlultlonlata Aatlr.
DENISON, la., Aug. 25. (Special.) The
first regular meeting of the Cruwford County
Prohibition club was held Friday night in
the Gullck building. Tho officers are: Or
lando Orem, president; J. M. Potter, vice
president; C. W. Morris, secretory, and Cllt
ford Merrill, treasurer. About twenty-five
members are now enrolled.
.Monona County Treasurer Qnlt.
ONAWA. Ia., Aug. 25. (Spoclal.)-C. W
wllley, county treasurer, has withdrawn
his randldacy for a fourth term. There aro
till three candidates.
Railroads Hard Nmr Baton Had So Larga
a Preliminary Business.
Custom Prernlllno; for Vesra Flnck Is
Varied from Thla Time and the
I'mKrnm I'roper fleicliia
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Aug. 25. (Special.) The
Iowa State fair, now open, Is tho forty
seventh annual exhibition of the society,
and with this experience back of tho man
agers It Is morally certain that despite un
favorable conditions for the Iowa farmers,
this fair will be successful ln every way.
Thero had been so much said about tho
crop losses and tho discouragements for
the farmers tho past season that tho fair
managers began to feel dubious about the
fair of 1901, but by Judicious advertising
nnd determined effort to get out tho ex
hibitors they secured the largest list of en-
trlfg ln lhe nlstory 0f the fair,
There are
nearly 1.R00 entries In the departments of
cattle, horses, sheep and swine. The speed
entries are fully up to tho usual standard
and nil races will bo given. In tho ma
chinery departments thero will not bo ns
much heavy machinery, but ln tho lino of
the smaller agricultural Implements nnd
novelties for tho farms nnd shops, the ex.
h 1 1)1 1 Is excellent. In poultry and brcs the
exhibit Is good. Tho fruit nnd agricultural
products aro smallor than usual, but In tho
matter of manufactured products the ex
position building Is well filled. Ono cause
of annoyance to the fair management has
been the fact that a change was mado ln
the time of closing ordinary entries, from
Saturday night to Friday night, with th
result that hundreds of exhibitors who
brought their stuff here wcro shut out. This
was especially true ln tho fruit depart
ment. No Nnnriny Fair.
For many years It had been tho custom
to have tho fair open on Sunday, but this
was not done and the gates of the fair were
j open todny only to those who havo busi
ness on ine grounus, i uo lair lu uKiuin
proper commences on Monday. Aside from
tho fair exhibits thero will be a line of
amusements and ln the evening fireworks,
Tho Centcrvlllo band. Is here to furnish
music during the fair week. Tho speed pro
gram begins tomorrow with a 2:14 pacing
raco for a $500 purse, In which thero aro
seven entries; tho 2:50 trotting race for
$500, In which there uro seven entries, and
the three-quarter milo running dash for
$100. The 2:23 pacing raco for a purse of
S1.000 will be on Tuesday afternoon. There
aro a sufficient number of races to make
good program every afternoon to Friday.
Tho railroads report that they have never
before carried so many persons Into Des
Moines tho first fow days of tho fair as this
year. Tho Interest ln tho fair Is great nil
over the state, and It Is expected thero will
be at least IKO.OOO visitors during the weok.
Coal fnr the Slate
Tho Stato Board of Control has awarded
contracts for supplying coal to the various
state Institutions for the noj:t year. Tho
coal to bo purchased Is a mixture of slack
and pea coal, and 03,350 tons have' been pur
chased. The awards go to H. A. Cox, Coun'
ell Bluffs; T. II. Juckctt, Cedar Rapids
Mendota Coal company, Mendota, Mo.; J,
B. Frahm company, Davenport; L. It. Hoso
brook, Oskaloosa; Whltebrcast Fuel com
pany, Chicago; Mulgrew & Phillips, Du
buque; Qregory-Brown company, Marshall-
town; Globe Coal company, Des Moines; W,
C. Smith Coal company, Lockrldgo, and F.
E. Plnney, Cedar Haplds.
.State Firemen's Tonrnament
Tho Iowa stato flremon's tournament I
to bo held this week in Marshalltown on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and will
bo participated In by nbout twenty teams
of firemen from over the state. Tho annua
meeting of the association for the election
of officers will bo held Tuesday evening.
Watann Estate Settled.
The final report of the administrator In
tho estate of tho lato Mott Watson of Jack
son county has been tiled. The entire
amount of tho estate with Interest accumu
latlons since his death, was I283.349.0S, and
deducting the expense of administration
and tho litigation 1217,270.10 was left to bo
divided among tho heirs. The litigation
covered about five years and was duo to the
claim of Goorge Nlles Walson, he .being
a son of the deceased, and a largo majority
of the people living In Jackson county be
lleve the claim was good, although th
courts decided otherwise. Tho larger part
of tho estato goes to relatives of Watson
ln Now York and Ohio, but thero are four
teen nephews and nieces ln the western
states who get some portions of the estato,
Too Many Unrslarlea
Not before In years has there been such
a large amount of petty crlmo ln Dos
Moines as, In tho past six months. For
time thero was Bomo lot up In tho number
of burglaries, but within the past two or
three weeks there has been a great renowal
of the burglaries, and almost every night
several houses aro entered and money nnd
Jewelry taken. The police havo been en
tirely unable to put n stop to the crimes.
Adams County Ticket.
CORNINO, la., Aug. 25. (Special.) Tho
Adams county republican ticket nominated
here Saturday Is C. S. Cronse for repre
sentative, J, T. Woman for treasurer, W. V.
Norrls for sheriff, A. B. Lewis for superin
tendent of schools and E. Y. Burgan for
Urnnimer Tnkea Hnbr'n Shiners,
CHICAGO, Aug. 25. A young woman who
gave tho name of Ruby Hall and who
claimed to be an actress from San Fran
cisco, asked at police headquartres today
for assistance In recovering $1,500 wor'b
of diamonds which she Bald bad been stolen
from her by a man whom she had supposed
to be a commercial traveler from Boston
and who had accompanied her to Chicago.
Sho told the police that she had eloped
from her Ban Francisco homo with the Bos
ton man, who had several thousand dollars
In his poMiesslon, but that he deserted her
after securing possession of her Jewels,
To Itevlve Murder Case,
BERLIN, Aug. 25. An unconfirmed rumor
Is In circulation In Berlin that a military
commission has gone to Gumbtnnen, Prus
sia, to reinvestigate the charges of murder
brought against Sergeant Hlckol and Ser
geant Marten In connection with the death
of Cavalry Captain von Kroslgk, charges
which have already beeu the subject of two
trials by court-martial.
Conduit to Ak-Har-IIen'a Den.
PLATT8MOUTH, Neb,, Aug. 25. (Spe
clal.) A number of tho business men of
this city have accepted an Invitation and
will visit the "den" of Ak-Sar-Bar tomor
row evening,
Cardinal Gllihons Heats.
NEW YORK. Aug. 25,-Cardlnnl Gibbons
spent n quiet day nt the Clermont avenue
residence oi ms mend. Major Jonn iveiiey,
celobratlng mass in the private chupel of
the Kelley's In tho morning. He went for
short urive in rough prospect parK in tno
fternoon. On his return he received sov
ernl visits trom the locul laity and clergy
und retired early. He will leave early to
morrow for Baltimore to attend the cele
bration In honor of his return from Home,
Captain I'omytli Nnya llnlxlnu of
Sampson Over Other Heads Is
the Cnnse.
KANSAS C1TV, Aug. 25. Captain James
McQueen Forsyth, U. S. N who
had charge of the naval station at Key
West during the Spanish-American war,
pent today in Kansas City whllo enrouto
from San Francisco to his homo nt Phil
adelphia. To a reporter Captain Forsyth
talked of tho Schley-Sampson controversy,
nd tho paper will quote him as saying:
"While wo havo been Instructed by tho
Navy department not to discuss the merits
of the caso, everyone knows that the navy
looks upon the controversy ns nn unfortun
ato affair. Wo believe thero was plenty of
glory for nil concerned.
"Tho fact that a Junior man was placed
In command above his seniors Is responsible
for tho wholo matter. Sampson was n cap
tain and tho seventeenth ranking officer of
tho navy. No one over thought him ns tho
successor of Admiral Slcard and I don't
bcllevo ho ever thought of It himself. But
ho was familiar to tho people, of Washington
nd they decided to placo him ln command.
Of course, tho officers who outrnnked him
did not like It. It Is not to bo expected that
thoy would. But Washington said Sampson
and that settled tho matter. Schloy was
among tho officers outranking Sampson nnd
as he was thrown directly under the Junior's
command, he naturally felt tho promotion
more than any of tho others.
"Tho battle of Santiago wns ono of tho
most brilliant In history. Regardless of
who was responsible for such effcctlvo exe
cution thero was glory enough for both
Sampson nnd Schley. Tho proscnt controv
ersy only serves to dim tho brilliancy of
the victory nnd It Is to bo greatly deplored.
That anyone should question tho bravery of
either of tho men Is particularly unfor-
Captain Forsyth, who will bo retired Sep
tember 15, under the forty-years' servlco
act, has been associated with Admiral
Schley nnd Sampson at different times dur
ing his long life In tho navy. When ho left
Key West he took command of tho battle
ship Indiana. Later ho was chief of staff
for Admiral Watson ln charge of tho Asiatic
squadron, and for tho past several months
has been second ln command nt tho Mnro
Island yards at San Francisco. Captain
Forsyth left tonight for St. Louis, where ho
will spend a few days beforo proceeding to
For .lohnnon Count)- .Sunday School,
TECUMSEH, Neb., Aug. 25. (Spcclal.)-
Tho Johnson county Sunday school conven
tion will-bo held at the Long Branch church
Tuesdny and Wednesday. A long program
has been prepared and a big attendance Is
Trcniuneh Cnlln New Pastor.
TECUMSEH, Nob., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Rev, O. P. Morse of Oberlln, Kan., has been
called to tho pastorate of tho Tccumsch
Christian church, nnd has accepted. He
will remove to this city with his family this
Chsngei Title of ReKlment.
BERLIN, Aug. 25. Emperor William has
ordered mat me mio Kmprcsi hroacricK's
Husear regiment shall henceforth bear tho
tltlo of Queen Augusta Victoria's regiment
1'nlsl Duel In Jail.
OHEKNV1LLK. TonnU Uug. 25.-Jamc
lloss ana waiter I'icrcrii.negTOns, wero
committed to jnll late Sunday night on
trlvinl offenses and put In the same coll.
Tho men fought with knives und lloss
killed Pierce.
Wenther Mnn Predicts Continued
Warm, Trlth Probably Vnrlahle
Winds Tuesday.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska Continued warm Monday,
nnd probably Tuesday; varlablo winds.
For Iowa Fair Monday, except probably
showers In southeast portion; Tuesday fair,
with warmer In southeast portion; easterly
For Illinois Partly cloudy Monday with
probably occasional showers; Tuesday gen
erally fair; light aasterly winds.
For Missouri Showers and cooler In the
western portion Monday, and In eastern por
tion at night or Tuesday; variable winds
For North Dakota Fair Monday; warmer
ln central nnd eastern portions; Tuesday
probably showers; varlablo winds.
For Kansas Local thunderstorms and
cooler Monday; Tuesday fair and warmer;
variable winds.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Monday;
probably local thunderstorms with cooler
ln eastern portion; Tuesday fair; variable
For Wyoming Generally fnlr Monday and
Tuesday; varlablo winds.
For Montana Fair and continued warm
Mondav: Tuesday probably showers and
cooler: variable winds.
For Arizona and Utah Gonernlly fair
Monday nnd Tuesdny; variable winds.
For Arkansas Partly cloudy Monday;
probably local thunderstorms nnd cooler;
Tuesday fair; southerly winds.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory-
Local thunderstorms and cooler Monday;
Tuesday falrnnd probably warmer; varlablo
For New Mexico Fair In southern, local
thunderstorms and cooler Monday, and
probably Tuesday; easterly winds.
For Western Texas rair Monday, except
local thunderstorms and cooler In the Pan
handle; Tuesday fair nnd probably wnrmer
In northern portion; varlablo winds.
I.nenl Iteenrd,
OMAHA, Aug. 23. Official record of tem
perature, niiu precipitation compared wnn
tna COI I uniiuiiuiiit, uu; u. iiiu HlBl uiicu
1901, 191. 1?99. 1SH
Maximum temperature... 91 83 so ill
Minimum temperature ... "1 5 CO 3
Mean temperature 82 75 70 77
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Record of tempornturo nnq precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 7J
Excess for the day 10
Total since .viorch l H3
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
uenc ency tor tne any in inch
Total since March 1 It. 03 Inches
Dtllclency slnco March 1 8. 1G Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900,. 1,71 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period, isoo.. 1.80 Inches
Reports Irani Slntlon at 7 p. ui
Omaha, partly cloudy ...
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, partly cloudy
Bait Lake City, clear ....
Haptd City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
ChlciiKo. cloudy
fit, LojIs, clear
fit, Paul, partly cloudy ..
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, cloudy
Helena, clear
Havre, rlear
Bismarck, clear ,
Galveston, partly cloudy
1 M
i .00
H' K
Z 'o P
5,3 2M
: r
i p : ?
T Indicates it trace of precipitation.
Sny They Will Not AutnKonltc Ornan-
Iseil l.alior h- LnpkliiK Ont
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Aug. 23.-N. W.
Kendall of the United States Brewing as
sociation tonight gave to the Associated
Press the following statement ln correction
of the published reports concerning a con
certed lockout of brewery workmen
throughout tho country on September 1;
"No such action on tho part of the brew-
cry proprietors has been thought of. Tho
well defined policy of tho United Stntes as
sociation and Its officers is not to In any
way antagonize organized labor, their pur
pose being to try to modify such arbitrary,
annoying and vcxntlous rules ns have from
tlmo to time been adopted by tho unions.
No nrbitrnry rule will bo resorted to to
accomplish this object. A recently pub
lished circular, which gave alarm to tho
brewery unions nnd which wns supposed to
havo come from tho United States Brewers'
association, was sent out without Its
knowledge and approval and does not re
flect tho sentiment of tho association."
Paper Wrapped Arniind the Htem the
Nuflctin of a Fortune.
Thero nro many titles of suddenly ac
quired wealth, but usually the facts lead
ing up to such financial successes aro dry
nnd uninteresting. To get riches and get
them ln a manner that tinges of romance.
relates tho Cloveland Plain Dealer, doos
not fall to the lot of many people, but
thero Is one womnn In Cleveland that has
crossed the J50.000 mark ln six months nnd
Is still nddtng to her wealth.
Last Christmas Mrs. M. B. Necdham, n
widow of 19S Dodgo street, received ns a
gift from a friend a solitary rose, mado
moro benutlful by Its loneliness; but at
tached to It wns a strango looking paper,
which declared that tho possessor was en
titled to 200 shares of copper stock.
This friend was a western gentleman
with whom tho lady had been acquainted
for years. Ho wanted to send something
as a token of their friendship, nnd. mnn-
like, couldn't think of a present that was
suitable, so sent tho stock certificates.
Mrs. Necdham laid tho certificates aside,
not thinking that they wero of any value.
A friend seeing them ono day told her of
tho truo valuo of them and excited her
Sho looked Into tho matter nnd found
that Amalgamated Copper was going up
rapidly. Then tho fuver of speculation
entered her veins, she Bcanncd tho stock
reports daily and gleefully watched hor
stock soaring higher. In the meantime
she was diligently securing all tho knowl.
edge she could on stocks nnd securities.
nnd tho further sho got Into the mysteries
oi mo game tno moro enthusiastic sho
grow. When copper got as high as, in her
Judgment, It would go, sho sold out, and
tno lounuation or her fortuno was laid,
iuosi. women would havo been nntlnB,i
with ns much as she had mado. hut nnt
Mrs. Needham. Sho was made out of differ
ent material. Tho game was too fascinat
ing, too delightfully glorious, you know.
as sho said, and sho loved to experience tho
oxcucmont it Drought. Sho now undor
siunas mo newllrlerlng terms, nnd, whllo
fiho didn't plunge, sho dabbled quite ex
tensively, ai nrst sho thought that tho
very orthodox folks among her acquaint-
ances would raise their hands In holy horror
at mo thought of her speculating and all
tho transactions wero carried on throuch
agents outside of tho city. Her courago.
however, grew with her successes and now
sho knows of no reason why tho matter
mould bo secret. Every parcel of stork
she has bought has gone up several nolnts
and sho doesn't hesltato to let eo when
sno tninKs it has rison nil that It can stand,
Sho has outstripped many of tho profes-
sionni siock DroKers that havo been In tho
business for years, as everything she
touches seems to Jump at onco.
"I don't know that I possess any nartleu.
1n ... I .. .1 ( , , ..
,ui niiuuui in ncivuiiug mucus; mero is a
good deal of luck in my success, though I
always iook into the matter very thor
oughly as respects tho probablo future
oi know thero aro a great many things
to consider. Tho slightest occurrences
often disturb stocks and ruin many neonle.
i aon i ibko much stock in tips; thoy can
bo had for nothing and every ono seems
anxious to glvo them. Of course I rely to
a certain extent on somo kinds of advice.
from somo kinds of people, but as a rule I
follow my own Inclinations. In following
mat plan I have been quite successful and
If I should fall my only regrets would bo
that I did not have better Judgment. There
Is no reason why a womnn shouldn't Invest
hor money ln stocks as well as men. It Is
truo that thero Is a great risk ln tho busi
ness, but tho gains moro than compensate
for the risks. I never Invest more than I
can stand to lose If my Judgment should
prove faulty. I foci that ono should novor
risk their all on anything. Never go ln a
thing hastily Is my motto, but drop a
thing hastily Is another. When I havo tho
slightest fear that my stock Is going to
drop I sell nt once."
With part of her earnings slnco January
1 Bhe purchased from tho Cleveland Im
provement compnny for 133,000 cash the
Victoria apartment houso on Dodge street.
whero sho resides. Immediately after th
purchase sho gave n flvo-ycar lease of tho
premises for a yearly rental of $3,300, tho
lessors paying all taxes and Insurance,
Sho thus has an Investment imvlne 10
per cent, without any worry on her part
and tho property steadily Increasing ln
Cnpnble nf Glvlnir Qnlte n I'nrml-
Inhle Mp.
With tho closest scrutiny, It becomes evi
dent that tho bee docs not, llko other crea
tures, houso Its tonguo In Its mouth, says
a writer In tho Chnutaunuan. but neatly
folds It back beneath Its head. Bumblo
bocs, when disturbed, have n way of threat-
oninK with tholr Jaws, whllo the honoy bee
has tho moro direct method of settling In
truders with her sting.
Tho Jaws of tho boo nro very creditable
organs and can glvo oulte a formldablo nip.
Catch a bee In a net and seo how viciously
It will blto at the meshes, working Its Jaws
sldcwlse Instead of up and down.
Wo call this wonderful Implement of tho
bco a tongue, but In reality It Is moro
than this, for tho wholo arrangement con
sists ot two slender filaments called
maxillae, tho under Hp and the actual
tongue. If a drop of honey lies near the
surfaco of o (lower tho slender, actlvo
tongue, darting out from tho caso formed by
mo maxiuae, iicks u up with tno samo
easo that a dog licks a plato. Should tho
tubo of the flower bo elongated tho beo has
nt command another length of tongue,
which Is shot out from within and shuts up
llko a telescope when no longer wanted.
io appreciato ruiiy this dollcate organ
you should watch the bee separato It Into
Its component parts and clean It out. Tho
lengthening process of tho proboscis, as the
tongue and Its allied parts aro sometimes
called. Is accomplished by n serlos of
springs nnd hinges. In addition to this
telescoping power the tonguo Is a hairy
member, tho hairs arranged In rings, tho
longest ones toward tho center. They assist
In lifting In the nectar and In pumping It
Into the mouth. Thence It goes to the
honey sac.
A I'nluiie Nuhjeef.
Difficult s It Is to bcllevo, says tho Liv
erpool Post, King Kdw.ird has an aged
subject, In these islands wno cannot speak
' nt.. I - . , I , r. .
our language, one m uuao niuiy oiewsn
(a descendant of tho Stewarts of Appln)
nud vas born nt Ardnamurchnu, Argyle-
shire, In 1701, so that she has seen flvo
sovereigns on tho throne. She has been
flfty-thrco years ln service nt different
places between Appln nnd lnvcrnry district.
She Is still halo and hearty and able to got
up and about. Tho old woman does not
know any English, but rpeaks Gaelic.
(lE.Ml'.s AM) II Kilt I.I.NEAlii:.
Mnny of the Most Talented of Unrth'a
Men Were of l.ntTly Origin.
"Tho puppies flcht well." exclaimed Wel
lington ns ho saw the foos and dandles of
tho Guards braving tho Frcnrh lire nnd .
dying like men. "Blood will tell, exclaimed '
tho British nation when the names of the ,
noble nnd commissioned dead appeared In I
the Gazette after Waterloo. Their meaning i
it,, a tint nnlilo nnrpxtrv beucts U name .
brood; that a lino of gentlemen for fore-
ftli..r vr. ii mnn ii rertnln stunt.
stamina and courage which tho veonuin and (
tno snopmcn incs.; mat me iiioiuumiui ,
mnn. iiko tno tnorousnnrfu norse, in u
jierlor to tho common mustang or cart
It Is true that the traditions of n nonio
famllv have n pertain Influence oil the
scions thereof and keen them un to certain
Ideals, especially In tho matter or physical
courage, says the Sun Francisco Bulletin.
Moreover, wenun, education aim generous
habits of living, with which most men of
good blood are familiar from birth, have u
tendency to create a keen sense of honor
and a personal prldo that have strong In-
lluenco upon conduct, vet examples prove
thut blood has ltttlu ndvantace over the
base-born, either ln the matter of Intellec
tual or physical qualities.
Tlio greatest men navo ueen the onspring
of lowly people. Tho most n.aacd Intellects
seem to havo como from the tillers of tno
soil nnd to have derived therefrom a cer
tain natural strencth that men horn in
castles and manor houses do not Inherit.
Of all kings nnd rulers tho strongest wero
the founders of dvnnstle.t. The Hint holder
of n hereditary tltlo nearly always is tho
greatest. This fnct was known to the
French wit who said: "Wo cannot all be
nobles. Some of lis must be ancestors." In
llteraturo and nil departments ut learning
tho mtlorltv of the masters weru plebeians
81iiikcsieiire,wns the son nf n wool-comber,
Johnson of a bookseller, Hornco of ti freed-
man. Socrates of n midwife but the list
would be too long If It wero completed hero,
un the point of physical courage the eaciei
of tho oldest family In Europe nnd the com
monest kind of a Plebeian nro equal, The
well-born "puppies" fouuht bravely at
Wutorloo. hut no more bravely than the
common soldiers, tlio sons of tenants nn the
"minutes " estates. Ah reckless and ilarlnir
a body of men as ever faced hissing gun
powder wns a regiment in mo civil war re
erulted In the lowest Hlum of the Bowery.
The stripling rough in tho cities of tlio
united writes s ono of tho Ilnest llg htiiiir
animals on two legs.
Alter tin pnysicai courngo is u very com
mon and not a very lofty attribute. When
tno - hix Jiuiuircir' mnuo thut ennrgo nt
Bnlaklavii tho horses went where the men
rodo them and six more horses than men
were killed, but the horses are not cele
brated. Yet physical courage will bu ad
mired until tho end of tlmo and nine
philosophers out of ten would rather have
their morals lmmmned than their cotirnuti
and nineteen nhllosonhers out of twenty
would rather ho the grandsons of great inpn
utun uo mo inmous lounucrs ut famines.
Number Thirteen In Coins,
I havo never been nblo to comprehend,"
said a veteran numismatist, "why so many
Americans should bcllevo thnt a vast
amount of 111 luck centers around tho num
ber thirteen.
"Tho commonest of nil our silver coins
Is the 25-ccnt piece. In the words 'quarter
dollar' aro thirteen letters. Thirteen let
ters compose 'B Plurlbus Unum.' In the
tall of tho eaglo nro thirteen feathers and
In tho shield nro thirteen lines. There nro
thirteen stars and thirteen arrowheads,
whllo If you cxamlno the bird through a
mtcroscopo you will And thirteen feathers
,n tho w,nBl"
Children' nf Ilooaevelt Improving;.
NEW YORK. Aug. 25. The children of
Vlco Prcnldent Roosevelt nro Improving nt
thn Roosevelt hospital. Tne vice president
spent a portion of tho day In the reception
Omaha 6:00 a.m.
Des Moines
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Chicago.. ..6:58 p.m.
Direct Connections with all Easttrn Trains.
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It Is highly approved for tho de
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receipts and prescriptions ln plain language, saving you hoary doctor's bills, ftsk for Ik
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'Is Cures thn vrv nt rii.a nf livinftTvda.
lu i'lTBr vdu jviuunr uncases luu Wil rcnuun ui t, uniiuu. rcim ur jiiwji ui u,
HW Write us about all your symptoms. Sold by druggists, don't accept any substltuto but M
Wentworth Military Academy
m m vcuirm wcoi.
flOTfrnmeot tuporvlnlon nd nqntrioent. Arrar oftjnrr dptalld. Protmrni for Universities,
NMIontl Aolralforfurlir,
nr jirr j--ru-'J' riii"r"i ri -"" 1
Dr. Lyon
Tooth Powder
Used by pooplo of rofinomont
for ovor a quarter of a century
The summer is not over. Flenty of
hot weather yet to come.
Why hot plan n vnontlon for Sep
tember? Tho following low rates via
the Burlington Iloutu may suggest
somu pleasant trip.
Kvery day. Tickets with
longer return limits cost n lit
tle more.
9i:t.7fi M4W
Kvery day. Good for stopovers
nt Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Washington, Baltimoro and
?ut. no cm:vi:i,am a.t
September 7 to 11.
Sin.oo nn.vvttit, coi.oitAno
September 1 to 10.
i oi, i:woon simii.vgs
September 1 to 10.
IjCtO.OO MAI.T i.aiu: TITV .wo nr.Tt UN.
September 1 to 11).
Oil hot si-iti.Nrjs, s. ii,,
September 1 to 10. i)i:adwood on li:.u
September 1 to 10.
Good for stopover going nt
Custer (Sylvan Lako.)
lriOU t'nrnniii .St.
Telephone il.'il).
IlnrllnKtnu Station
loth .t Mnson Nt
Telephone 1-S.
Boys live with masters In Christian
homes. Represented In best eastern and
western colleges. Intermediate detiartmcnt
for younger boys. Regular coaches for baso
nan, icot nun, iracK uuu gymnastics, uioo,
mandolin and dramatic clubs.
:s miles from Chicago on Lako Mich bran.
Head Master. LuKe Forest. Illinois.
tprC MEDICAL ADVlCE. 'VVrlteui
r all your symptoms. Rcnovatlngthe
system Is tho only safe and sum method of cur
ing all Cbronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator
ts the only perfectsystem renovator. Freesanv
flea and book. Dr. U- i. Kay. Saratoga. N V.,
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noffet OlMArvntlonFarlor Cat
"The Lo.t of Kt.rjlhlm "
TMt ilgsiture ti on ercrr bonis.
Constlnatlou. Hsadfcchn. PalDltatlon nf Heart
norator ny return raau, Anurois, ir-t
toga Springs, N. Y. H
I ft Til
Oldest and larrset
military school la
ouu. pinurum immi, m. a., supi,, Leungion, MO.