Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Streml Minor Eventi Echtdultd for Omaha
in Niar Future.
"Oniulm Kid" to Accamalnte
Honors Aero the Pond Xctt
Viirk Sport Will Try o
I.t-Killxr the Onme.
Among the local pugilists tho near fu
ture promises some busy occasions. Clar-
ence Forbes of Chicago will meet Ole
Olson at South Omaha at an early date
and several other matches arc likely to bo
Jack Uccbc, In behalf of Oscar Gardner,
Is after Al Ritchie's scalp and Is offering
to Rive him any kind of a deal that will
get him Into the ring. Uecbo offers to
put up any amount of side money, from
1100 to J2.G00, that Illtchlo may feel like
covering, tho light to tako placo beforo
September IS. It looks as It It were all
up to Hitchlo.
Oscar Qardnor leaves about tho middle
of September for England, where he will
meet Will Curley, the English champion
Tho go will bo before tho National Sport
ing club of London, and, win or lose, Gard
ner receives 13,000 and $500 for expenses.
If the Omaha Kid follows suit with the
other American sports and puts the Eng
lish champion out, other matches will be
made and Gardner's trip abroad may be
somewhat protracted.
Long-headed old Jimmy Wakelcy of
New York has a scheme for reviving the
fight business in the Tammany town, me
former manager of the champion of chara-
nlnna .Tntin T. fina a ltmnNn law fcclmniQ
which ho Is going to have brought before
the stato legislature next session, ma
plan would mako the llcenso money state
and not municipal funds. This, It Is main
tained, will have an Influenco on the up
state representatives, wunoui wnoso up
nnrl nn lli-nnun Inw will nVCP t0 a CO.
It Is estimated that at least 1100,000 per
annum would tnus no lurncu into ino siaie
treasury and could bo applied to public
Improvements, such as highways, parks,
tn it in thmisht If tho license law were
once enacted In New York, nnd a success,
thai nthnr ntnlpa would follow SUlt.
For Now York City a license of $10,000
per club must bo paid. Tnis would re
strict the metropolis to two or three flrst
elnHR chihn with nuctllstto proclivities and
be a guaranty of clean sport. Smaller
tAm u'nnlrl tinvn a lnwnr license.
Any club conducting anything but first
class fights between evenly matched men
nnd strictly on tho square would have Its
llcenso revoked. This looks all very well,
vm )ni what hn unions of the Empire
stato will think of It when thoy next meet
may bo an entirely different matter.
n. tv. rnnol of tho Morton law last Sep
tember the fight gamo was tabled Indcfl
nately. But even then It was not necessar
ily dnnil one. With tho law against It, It
was up to tho boxers and their backers to
sco that the ring lost nono of. Its standing,
but this soemod to bo Just what tho flght
nrnmnton uxomod nnwllilne to do. So Indis
criminate contests, smacking more or less
of tho fake, were permitted until things
culminated In tbe Gans-Mcaovorn ultra
fake fiasco at Chicago.
The antl-flght spirit that has recently
aaaartnd Itself U no renroach to tho legltl-
rnnu pAntmtt mrhnrn ffvnnlv matched men do
battle on tho square, but It Is an evorlaitlng
repudiation or tne Knaves ana laxcrs wuo
have been using the spuared circle as a field
of graft.
Thus far 1001 has been h mighty dry
season for the chaps that mako their living
in the roped arena. Tho land of flghtdora
would have been a land- of famine ere this
but for the abundanco of last year's harvest.
Flstlana still has a fair amount of left
over victuals of previous feasts In Its larder,
but this cold lunch business Is having a
mighty depressing effect on Its brawny
sons. What the fight boys want Is tho hot
bird and the cold bottle of public praise
and approbation served on a platter of
public gold.
Now wo have It that Jeffries and Iluhlln
once more have come to terms and that
wo may look for a big go out on the shores
of the ratine this fall. Tho terms aro
practically tho same as those agreed on for
their Cincinnati match that was not. The
winner takes 75 per cent and the loser 25
por cont of the gate money, the conteit to
go to the club offering bost financial In
ducements. That this will be a harder mill than tbe
previous Jeffrles-rtuhlln fray there Is no
doubt, for Ruhlln has filled out with good
bag-punching muscle and Champion Jlra
will havo to prepare for probably tho stiffen
go thui far In his career.
That Jeffries will not fight until he Is In
fit condition Is evident from tbe way In
which he has boon treating the talk of
boistrous old Billy Madden. A champion
heavyweight has entirely to much at stake
to fight at the drop of tho hat, besides Jim
Jeffries is entirely too wise to take any
long chances.
The fight chat down at Louisville socms
to bo largely a tropical product. Several
bouts have been promised, but thoy all
scorn to have fallen through, noot nnd
Louisville's wonder, Melvcrn Hart, were
to come together, but things broke loose on
Hoot demanding clean breaks.
Hart seems to have Insinuated that Hoot
was trying to crawl out and claimed to be
willing to meet Root at 160 pounds.
Now Root wants Hart to fix a match, for
160 pounds, with a sldo bet of $5,000, or
such portion of It as ho may bo ablo to
take, at Hart's own gamo, clean breaks not
being demanded. Root and Hart would make
a good fight and n lot of ring followers
would like to see them get together.
Since "Young" Corbott of Denver suc
ceeded In putting Kid Rroad of Cleveland to
sleep, his ambitions havo taken on cham
ploiuhtp proportions, and while tho thing Is
uot yet a surety the chances are good of his
ir-eilng Terry McGovcrn at Hutte In the
early autumn.
Plenty More Like This in
Scores of Omaha people can tell you
about Doun's Kidney Tills, Many a happy
cltttcn makes a public statement of his ex
perience. Here Is a caso of It. What better
proof of merit can bo had thau such en
dorsement? Mrs. Gusta Dohlman, No. 1913 Oak street,
says: "Doan's Kidney Pills aro a good
remedy, I took them for kidney trouble
which started about seven years ago,
caused by a cold settling In my back. I
procured them from Kuhn & Co's drug store
and they cured mo,"
For salo by all dealers. Price 60c. Fos
ter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agonts
ror the United states.
Remember the namo, Doan's, and tako no
.St. Jopph Ilont Will lie Pitted ARitltist
Hlieedy Aniliiver of Omnhn In
.cries of Itncea.
The most pretentious sailing race ever
attempted on Manawa waters will occur
the last of this week In a series of three
out of five heats, Tho local honors will
be upheld by the Andovcr, a fleet seven-
teen-footer, which has demonstrated
pretty conclusively that It can walk
away from anything at Manawa. The
boat Is tho property of A. Dickinson and
was brought south this spring from White
Dear lake, Minnesota. At the northern
lako tho Andover captured alt the honors
and was admittedly tho prize racing ma
chine In thoso waters.
In eight consecutlvo races at Manawa
the Andovcr has established a similar claim
to prestige In this territory, although there
were some speedy ones who crossed tho
lino a creditable Interval behind. The
Andover Is built on similar lines to the
Milwaukee, the Lako Michigan favorite
which competed for tho honor of defending
tho . Canadian cup. Its build is not for
beauty and Its long, square prow Is sug
gestive of a barge. Tho lines nro eloquent
of speed and sail-carrying potentialities
and when In action tho boat has a business-
llko symmetry of its own.
Although It comes within the regula
tions of the seventeen-foot class, Its long
rectangular prow enables It to cover a
water surfaco of twenty-eight feet when
It keels over, thus giving it staunchness
under a heavy sail. The bout will bo
manned In the races by A. Dickinson, Lou
Clarke, James Wallace and C. Sadler.
Tho Missouri yacht Is a New Haven racing
catboat owned by Mr. Van Brunt. It Is tho
best craft on Lake Contrary, and its owner
longs for new worlds to conquer. The
Omaha sailors look upon It as a formidable
rival and bcllovo that good sport will be
The races will bo under tho nusplccs of
the Council Bluffs Rowing association, and
will probably begin next Saturday. The
regular triangular courso will bo adopted,
which, going twlco around, gives a dl
tanco of six miles. This courso has been
covered in about forty-two minutes, which
Is considered good time.
fltadr of Gnnie Presented In Nebraska
Game nnd In Contest Between
Knat nnd Went.
That crafty old archbishop, Ruy Lopez,
doubtless had no Idea that tho opening
which bears his namo would give him
greater famo than his preaching. All hands
are agreed that black has a difficult game,
but the question Is, why? Why Is tho movo,
3B-Qkt5 a strong move? 7s It strong
per se, or by Indirection? That Is, may not
Its strength Ho In placing Borne restriction
on black? Tho games given below afford
tho student an excellent opportunity to
study this question.
Tho first- gamo was played In tho big
match, East against West, C. H.'Akerley.
Now York City, for tho East, dofeatlng Dr,
Van Nuys, Tiffin, O., In a Lopez of thirty
eight moves.
White Akerley. lilack-VanNuys.
1- P-K 4. 1-P-K I.
2- .Kt.JC B I. S-Kt-Q II 3.
S-U-Kt 5. . -Kt-U 3. ,
4-Catle. 4-Kt x I.
fr-P-Q 4. 6-lt-K 2.
s-q-k 2. e-Kt-Q a.
7- 11 X Kt. 7-Kt I X B.
8- 1 x P. S-Kt-Kt 3.
9- Kt-H 3. -Kt-B 4.
10-Kt-Q 4. 10-Castles. '
n-n-K i. . n-Kt.ic 3.
12- B-K 3. 12-Kt X Kt.
13- B X Kt. 13-P-B 3.
14- O-U 4 ch. H-K-R.
1S-F-K I. 1-P X P. .
1 Q x P. W-fi-Q X.
17- 4-B 4. 17-P-K 4. .
18- U-K 3. 1-Q-Kt sq.
1-P.Q Kt 3. 1-B-Q 3.
-Q lt-Q q. W-P-K B 4.
21- 11-B q. 21-Q-K sq.
22- B-Kt 2. 22-J-R 4.
23- Kt-Kt . 23-B X Kt.
24- q X B. 24-P-IC I.
2J-P-K II 3. 15-Q-Kt 3.
28 Q-B 4. 2S Q K-Q iq.
27-P-Q It 4. 27-Q-ll 4.
25- K- 5. 21-Q-B 2.
29- U(K)-Q eq. 2J-P-K R 3.
30 K-B q. 80-B-K 2.
31 Q-U 9. 31 H X R.
32- U x B. 32-Jl-Q q.
33- n x n. sj-b x n.
H-Q x K It P ch. 34-K-Kt 1. ,
JJ-Q.Q 2. 35 B-K 2.
30 (1-U 5. 3 U-Q..3.
S7-Q x II P. 37-Q-U 4.
3S-Q-Q 4. lleilcns.
The second gamo was played In section A
Nobraska Chess association's third tourna
Whlte-C. B. Lurln, Et.Black-John U Clark,
Edward. Lincoln.
1- P-K 4. 1-P-K 4.
2- Kt-K II 3. 2-Kt.Q B 3.
J-B-Kt 5. 3 P-Q R 3.
4-B-H 4. 4-Kt-B 3.
6- 0-0. B Kt x P.
t-It-K. -Kt-B 4.
7- B X Kt. 7-Q.P X B.
-Kt X P. 3 B-K 2.
O-l'.q 4. fKt-K 2.
ltt-U-K 3. 10-O-O.
11- Q Kl-11 3. 11-P-B 3.
12- Kt-B 3. W-It-K.
13- P.Q 6. 13-P x P.
14- Kt X P. 14-B-Q 3.
15- P-B 3. 16-Q-Q 2.
14 Kt-K II 4. 14-Q-B 2.
17-Kt-B 5. 17-B-B.
15- U-Q 4. 18-Kt x B.
19- n x n ch. 19-Q x n.
20- Kt X Kt. 20 Q-B 2.
21- Q-Kt 3. 21-,11-Q 3.
K-H-K. 22-K-B.
23- Kt-IC 3. 23-Q X Q.
24- Kt X Q. 24-U-Q. 2.
25- Kt-U 4. 25-B-K 2.
SiV-Kt-Q 4. 2G-K-B 2.
27- ll-K 3. 27-B-Q.
28- P-Q Kt 3. iiS-B-Q B.
2D-P-K It 3. 23 B-Q B 4.
Sft-It-K 4. 30-lt.Q 4.
31- Kt-K 3. 31-BiK 4.
32 It X It. 32-P X B.
33T-KUQO-B 2- 33-B-K 3.
84-P-Q B 4. 34-K-K 2.
35-K-B.' 34-B-B 3. ,
3C-K-K 2. 36 B-Kt. 2. .
37-P-Q Kt 4. S7-U-Q 3.
3S-P.Q II S. SS-K-Q 2.
3-K-Q 2. 39-K-ll 3.
40- K-ll. 40-K-Kt 4.
41- P-U 3. 41-11 x Kt (B 2),
C-Kt x II. 42 It x P.
4J-P-Q II 4. 4J-K-B 5.
44- K-Kt 2. 41-P-K S.
45- P-Kt (. 4J-11 x P.
44 P X P. 4S-P x P.
47-P-Kt 4. 47-P-K 6.
45- KMC. 48-P-K 7.
By H, W. Barry of Boston, Mass.
White mates In three moves.
What It Menus to lie "IMucnted.'
Any man la educated who Is so developed
and tralued that, drop him where you will
In the world, he Is able to master bis clr
cumstances and deal with the facts of :ife
so as to build up In himself n noble, man
noon ana be of servtw to those that at
about him. That Is what education mtnns
that Is what it Is for. Knowledge of for
eign tongues, a list of historic facts ccn
corning tbe past, Information Dourcd Int
a man's brain these thlnas. are not educa
tlon. Therearo learned foolst Rev. Mlnot
M m m
am mm m
.M SHI wtk
mum mm
Nibrntka Plsjtrs Adopt New Methods tt
Acquire Form.
Minnesota nnd Wisconsin Will Be the
Principal Game ftoaRht hy
Home Team Moat of Old
' rinj-era Itcturn.
Coach Booth and Captain Wcstovcr of tho
Untvorslty of Nebraska foot ball team will
take tholr gridiron asplrnnts for a three
weeks' outing on the Platte river September
This rorly meeting will bo primarily for
tbo putpose of getting tho men Into shape
for real foot ball by the tlmo the uni
versity opens September 24. Tho squad will
be composed of tho men of last year's team
nnd the loading members of tho scrub ag
gregation who return to school this fall, be
sides several foot ball players from tho
high schools who will bo mehibers of this
year's freshman class.
This early practice has many, advantages,
If carrlod out with the right spirit, but tho
zeal that takes men out for early practice
lias to bo watched lest it develops profes
slonal or unscholarly tendencies in the
wholo athletic field. Many mon that onter
our western schools havo tho making of
first-class players in them, but they lack
experience, and consequently when tho sea
son opens they aro outclassed by Inferior
men with better knowledgo of the gamo.
This early practice will glvo such men
an opportunity to acquire tho rudiments
of tho play before tho scauon opens and will
doubtless materially Incrcaso tho number of
avallablo men for tho team.
Last 'year Nebraska turned out a team of
which tho wholo stato was proud. Much
credit In duo to tho loyal spirit of tho etu
dent body, without which no cotlcgo under
taking can be a success. For tho splendid
way In which tho team developed and Its
gradual growth until. It reached Its climax
for tho Thanksgiving gamo, commendation
Is duo to Coach Booth. Booth Is every Inch
a university man. a gentleman and a
thoroughbred athlete. Back In Tlgertown
he Is remembered as ono of the best lino
players that over woro the black and gold
Last year, from an almost demoralized be
ginning, he turned out ono of tho most
systematic and effective foot ball aggre
gations that has ever played In tho west.
With Inst year's splendid start It Is no
wonder that tho Antelope boys look for a
championship season for 1901.
This year's schedule calls for stlffer
games than woro played Jn 1900. Both
Minnesota and Wisconsin are booked for
n trimming. If by any possible means' tt
may bo dono.
As yet Minnesota Is an unknown quantity,
basing Its claim to premier distinction on
last year's most unexpected and creditable
showing, easily holding first place In tho
middle west. Wisconsin can always be de
pended on as a wholesome rival and will
glvo Booth's boys tho hardest contest of
the year.
Iowa Is Nebraska's natural rival and an
Iowa-Nebraska gamo at Omaha should bo
Included In tho schedule.
Petty grievances might bo tolerated be
tween preparatory schools, but certainly
university men have put away some of their
childish things. Iowa lost, much credit
last fall by having a grist of easy games
and In Its final gamo had tho limit of Us
strength tested In. a 5 to 5 contest with
Iowa linn No Advantage.
If scores stand for anything Nebraska
had a much superior team in 1900. Mlnne
sota defeated Nqrthwcstcrn 21 to 0 and
Northwestern played Iowa to a standstill
at S to 5. Nebraska rolled up tho biggest
score Minnesota had made against It In
the Thanksgiving game, 20 to . 12. This
was Nebraska's only defeat of the year and
It showed it right up, shoulder to shoulder,
with any of the other mlddlo west teams.
It would naturally suggest Itself, there
fore, that Iowa and Nebraska should havo
an annual contest. ,
Minnesota drovo Us opponents to the tall
timber so relentlessly last fall that half
tho foot ball men In the mlddlo west have
been troubled with a malady known as the
"Minnesota nightmare" over since. Some
of tho good people over around Lake Mich
igan that had tbo Gopher boys booked for
a practice game certainly got their
money's worth of practice before they got
home, holding the short end of C to 5.
That blow proved well nigh fatal to eomo
of tho Badgem, but they got a llttlo sur
cease for their sorrow by defeating their
oldtlrao rivals, Chicago, 39-5, The Wisconsin
men aro always out for honors, and they
always have tho goods on them for a good
stiff game. Tho boys from Lincoln load for
bear on November 12, tho day they mix up
with tho proteges of tho subtle Phil King.
Mnroona Work In Summer.
Chicago university has stolen somewhat
of a march on the other schools this sum
mer, and a number of Its gridiron heros,
who are attending tho university's sum'
mor session, have improved their time by
doing some preliminary punting and other
rudimentary tricks. From tho look of last
season's scoro it Is tlmo well spent, and any
ono who chases Stngg's boys, off tho field
by tho first of next November will belong to
tho class than can go some.
Michigan, too, was short on high grade
work and rather long on sore defeats for a
school with Us splendid material. Mlchl
gan has lots of reeorvo strength and somn
one is likely to feel It before the coming
season closes.
Right hero at homo is going to be seen
a mighty good article ,of foot ball befoie
tbe season gets nwny. Out at Athletb
club thoy aro planning all kinds of gsod
gridiron affairs, and with ths local colleges,
tho high school, and the medical school
teams, Omaha will havo plenty of pigskin
enthusiasm during tho autumn months.
The Young Men's Christian Association
will also bo out ncd as Director Barn a gen
orally managoi to turn out ptolty fa'r ath
letic products, tho association's gridiron
boys should bo right up with the leaders in
this neck of the woods.
Scores nt Tenpins.
High scores at tenpins for the week at
Clark s are as follows; .
I 13. Lucas. 201: Chnrloa ifum "tt
C. Conrad. 201. 209; W, C. Ilrunke. 200. 20',
, ..w, an ; iv it, wigman, 212, 214: u A
ntn o.o nrx tan a.. ' . ... ' -
nolds, 2H, 202: M. R. Huntington, 205: Jim
Reed. 202: Frank Fobc. "is? n n auinnr
iu ! 14 -Ml? -mm wnl'.
202. 203. 221: Illllle AmbriMtrr. is ? w.
Baden, 202, W. W. Cameron. 212. 216. 201. 201;
wmni. onu mii, j; A. Chandler, 201S
V. J. nengele, 206: V. 'vy. Schneider. 2'3:
J. F. Beerkle. 221s H. B. Molyneaux, 212;
Mark Kncoll, 20. '
Charles Seaman's 236 at tenpins gets a
weekly prize.
L. O. Schrader made 21 In three successive
games at ninepins and geta a weekly prlzo
W. E, Rlddell Is good for a weekly prlzo
bolng high with 128 at rubberneck.
M. R. Huntington, with 24S at tenpins. Is
itirtii, ou tut, tut tuc mummy prize,
Whnt n Tale It Telia,
If tlr.t mirror of yours shows a wpsi.h
sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth
patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver
trouble, nut Dr. King's New Llfo Pills regu
late the liver, purify the blood, give clear
nkln, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only
:c ai rvuon & co.'s drug store.
I made tin mv tnlmt. nnn after rrailnntlnir
from college, that no one man was great
enough to master the entire field of medi
cine and surgery. Many physicians have
tried to do this, but they have met with
results usually disappointing to themselves
and often disastrous to their patients. For
this reason I determined early In my pro
fessional career to confine my practice
strictly to a single line of diseases and to
originating and perfecting cures for them.
I therefore treat onlv what I am ahnltitlv
certain I can positively cure to stay cured
and URINARY DISEASES aiid all reflex
complications and associate diseases and
weaknesses of men. To these, maladies alone
mo ue years or my lire nave been ear
nestly devoted und on them all mv fanultina
are concentrated. Our consultation and op
erating rooms are thoroughly equipped with
OVerV arlnttn Qni,n,nlli fn..MH .,
., . . - .. . ......, ( uiiirill unit
aevlco essential to the mot modern methods
i iociico nnu our rcierences, notn pro
fessional and flnanelnl, nro among the best
citizens of this vicinity, who have been
cured by us nnd made happy. 1 wont
overy nftllcttd mon to freely and fully In
vestigate nur trrnfmrnt. TToi, ... ..
treated separately, scientifically, closely
watching It and rnreftitlv fnllntvlna- it.
symptoms with remedies varied through
every stage. The diseases that constitute
mi specialty aro more fully commented on
SS'oy nnd are well worthy the careful per
riisol of all men In need of medical atten
tion. Varicocele
ts Injurious effect Is well knoWn. It de
presses tho mind, weakens the body, rack's
V'cn,Jm,f.t Jlls ."'"case come to Iw
reatlng It. You will then not wonder why
have posit Ivcly cured hundrcdS of cJses
nnX,n.rlc0TCT0li durln'r ,he Pt twelve
nonths. Under my treatment tho patient
mnroves from the very beginning. All
nfn Instantly ceases, orencs? an5 swell"
ng quickly subside. The pools of stagnant
jlS?u nre .'weed from the dilate" I veins,
-vhlch rapidly assume their normal size
HsSnao nn'- All Indication, or
lseaso and weakness vanish completely
ind In their stead come the Wide tho
..owcr and tho pleasure of perfect Health
md restored manhood. "." ncaun
It matters not how long you have suffered
from Stricture nor how many different doc-
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Fnrnam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb.
REFERENCES Host Bunks and Lending Business Men in tills City.
CONSULTATION In person or by letter FREE. Office Hours 8n. m. to 8 p. in. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Fint Frii9 Howtrir, it Awards! to the
Chicago lueciation.
Home Tram Fulls (o Come Up to
Records Mnric In Prnctlce Dnnl
Meet to He Held Next Winter
in Chicago.
The Young Men's Christian association
track team has returned from the national
field meet at Lake Geneva, Wis., without
tho prize,- but with honor Intact. Tho local
association was represented by Painter,
Plnney and Morrison, who had been faith
fully coached for months by Physical Direc
tor Barnes In preparation for tbo event. In
practlco each man had considerably ex
ceeded tho best pentathlon record made at
former contests and tho team was confi
dently expected to bring homo tbe cup.
Tho contost developed into a struggle be
tween Omaha nnd All-Chicago, tho united
associations of the latter city putting their
star men into tho entries as one team. As
a result Chicago made 1,310 points, sixty
two moro than tbe scoro one year ago
when Chicago won with considerably less
effort. Omaha was only able to aggregate
1,115 points, the team making' a disappoint
ing showing In several ovents.
Tho time made In a number of Instances
was remarkable and spoke well for tho
preparation which the athletes had under
gone. In tbe dash Snow of the Chicago
West Side department covered the 100
yards In 9 4-5 seconds the first heat and
In ten flat the next two. Painter who car
ried tho Omfiha hopes, finished neck-and-neok
and In tho opinion of sev
eral attendants suffered Injustice at
the hands of the Judges. The officials
nro said to have ' been so occupied
with kodaks that they neglected to note how
close up the Omaha runner finished. It ho
had been credited with' a second place
only eighteen Inches to the rear, which Is
said to be his deserts, ho would havo re
ceived twenty points more than his ac
credited score of -11 1-5 seconds gavo him.
This assistance would have brought
Painter's score beyond that of Alvison, who
won tho individual contest with 478 points.
Painter had .a hard fall in tho pole vault
which almost put him out of the running In
the mile. He finished In 5:28 whon ho had
come close to tbe flve-minuto mark in
practlco work! Kinney was also unable
to make good in the polo vault and, alto
gether, tho Omaha mon felt grateful that
the fate of the day has reserved even as
good a placo for them as second.
Tho Chicago athletes were so favorably
Impressed with the showing of the Omaha
team that they Invited their adversaries
to compete In a dual moat In January at
Chicago. The meet will bo conducted by
the Central association, comprising 4,000
members, and a team of about eight men
will go from Omaha.
Tho regular Indoor events will be In
cluded on the program high Jump, broad
Jump, two and threo broad jumps, tho
hitch kick, putting twelve pound shot, quar-ter-mllo
potato race, twenty-yard dash.
A banner will ho presented to tho success
ful team and counts for place will bo
scored In the proportion of five, three and
Klrnt Long Shot Conlet Held on Aa
Mndntloii I, Ink Country Club
Pluya -vh Irons Only,
The first driving contest for tho season
on the Athtotlc association links occurred
last week and a dozen strong-armed en
thusiasts mounted the teeing ground to do
execution. Tho first prlzo went to Lynn
Kemper,' who sent the tiny sphere 225
yards, a creditable distance. Harry Mor-
rell fell short of this dlstanco about eight
reel antr otner nans were scattered gener
ally about tho neighborhood. Kuch player
was allowed three balls, the highest to
count for score.
In the elghteen-holo tourney a week ago
a record' for the coursq was established by
Harry Morrcll, who went the rounds In
99. Ills low scoro of 46 for tho nine holes
also stands good. The bogey tor the nine
holes is 45 and Morrcll Is now regarding
this mark with a menacing eye,
A unique contest was scheduled for yes
terday on the Country club links, the play
to pe entirely with Irons. This practlco Is
excellent for those who rely overmuch on
wooden clubs and the .scores contained some
surprises. As a rule an iron drive will
I do not treat all discuses, but cure all I front.
men only, and cure them to stay cured.
tors have disappointed you. Our treatment
will cure you Just as certainly as yon eomo
hi ouJiiWeo for tr"tmc"t. I will not do It
tayl. .or "ilnir. , My treatment-
5-?i..wi JMflrcl' original with me and per
u.,i&'nle'?' u completely dissolves the
Hi..-, YT?, ""J1 Permanently removes every
obstruction from tho urin.iry passage. It
?JnSmf.unnal"rnl ll"charKe' allays all
lnnammatlon, reduces tho postate gland
nil "n'W- clc,ftn" "'"I henls the blad
l,iyu,,kfJ,ncyi; wnen Irritated and con-
restores health and soundness to every part
of the body affected by the disease.
Nervo-SexuaJ Debility
Men, many of you arc now rcanlng the
result of your former folly. Your manhood
Is falling and will soon be lost unless you
do something for yourself. Thero Is no
time to Ipso. Impotency, like nil sexual
diseases, Is never on the standstill. With
it you ran make no compromise. Either
you must master It or It will master you
and fill your whole future with
fall fifty yards short of one made wit!
tho regular club, a long shot of 225 fee
showing up In tho neighborhood of 175.
Tho golf tourney nt Chicago last week
was participated in by players from all
sections of tho west, and, considering the
promlncnco of tio participants, the scores
were not notable. In tho Marshall Field
contest tho Glen View club won, 39 down
against bogey In thlrty-slx holes. Hota
blrd made the most creditable scoro with
one up on bogey In the morning and two
down In tho afternoon, a net scoro of ono
Holablrd showed to less ndvantngo In tho
western championship match, losing to a
new star, Raymond Russcl of Detroit, 3
up, one to play,
In Honor of Ak-Sar-Ben's Coming
Stablra of Fleet Horses Will Con
greKSte In Till City.
Tho entry blanks are out for tho Ak-Sar-Ilen
running meet of tho Omaha Jockey
club September 12 to 20, Inclusive. Stable3
of gallopers from every section of the
country have expressed their Intention of
spending tbe week In Omaha. Coming as
the meet docs before tho St. Louis and
Kansas City meets, a number of tho sta
bles aro going to stop oft at Omaba for the
Ak-Sar-Ben occasion.
The program calls for flvo events a day,
purso to be divided 60 per cent to tho win
ner and 25 per cent nnd 15 per cent for
second nnd third places. Purses nro guar
anteed and nothing but legitimate racing
will bo tolerated by the management.
Cresccus nnd Tho Abbot nro matched
once moro and on September i, on the vtn
erablo old Charter Oak raco track at
Hartford, Conn., these two kings of the
turf will again fight for victory. This meet
calls for best three In flvo with a purse of
7,000, J5.000 to winner and $2,000 to loser.
In their last raco at Drlghton Cresceus
took tho money In one, two order, with a
nice, long piece of daylight between him and
The Abbot In the second heat. Tho Abbot
followers aro most confident In their favor
ite's ability and look for him to turn tho
tables on the world-beating Cresceus.
A picnic will be given September 4 at tho
Council Bluffs Driving park by Eaglo lodge,
No. 104. A, gentleman's roadster raco, one
quarter mllo nnd one-half mile sweepstakes
will constitute tbo afternoon's card. Tho
quarter-mile swoop will be $5 to enter nnd
$15 on the sldo to winner. The half mllo will
cost $5 entry money and $20 side stake to
tho winner. Entries aro open to both
Omaha and Council Bluffs horses and a
lively contest Is looked for In the roadster
half mile.
China's exports of tea last seaon were
121.000,000 pounds, as against 115,000,000 In
the preceding year.
The French olive growers havo to reckon
moro nnd more with tho competition of tha
olive growers of Tunis.
All manufacturers of plug tobneco nrs
overwhelmed with home und export orders.
Tobacco chewing Is on the Increase,
Tho extenslvo water power ut Myorj,
India, generates nn electlio current that
operates gold fields 100 miles distant.
About 300,000 geese aro annually brought
from Rutsln to Saxony. A carload conBltts
of 1,700, and they havo no food or drink
during tho Journey.
A compressed ulr locomotive will ba
shipped from Home. N. Y to bo placed
In operation on the Urooklyn Hnpld Transit
system next week.
Now York Centrul Interests havo obtained
control of the Cupe Breton rullwny. The
price Is believed to have been 130J.OOO, thus
giving New York Central an independent
line Into Montreal,
A gusollne famine prevails tit Slemphh,
Tenn. The fuel cannot be hud for love or
money. The prevailing prlco recently has
been about 14 cents per gallon, but buyers
are now bidding 60 cents and cannot get ii
A Consolidated Lako Superior company
director says: "The actual output of our
Iron mine is now from 2,600 to 3,000 ions
of ore per day. This is being kept up
steadily and will go on until tho close of
the season.
The AVestlnghouso Manufacturing com
pany has Just completed u purchase of pig
Iron for which It paid J177.COO. the larjeU
purchase ever made by the concern. Tr.e
iron was of the grudo known as foundry
iron, and wue- taken at $14.75 per ton.
What Is alleged to be the best equipped
textile school In the world wilt be opened
in Mississippi In September, where' th tex-
- mo industry win no laugm in on ill
I branches. A mechanical college Is also tn
I be opened at Raleigh. N. C. October 1 and
i $25,0110 worth of textile machinery Is being
' NebrnHku, which has been enjoying n
large share of the Rcneral prosperity nlnce
U97, hus no bonded Indebtedness, During
I the last two years what remained of Its
bonded debt was paid off. Nineteen of the
' ninety counties of Nebraska canceled
. wholly or In part their outstanding bonded
j indebtedness last year.
I tront
nnd Indescribable woe. I
so many coses or mis
that I am as, familiar with them as. you
aro with tho very daylight. Once cured
ny us, you win never ngnin do nomer u
with emissions, drains, prcmatureness.
small or weak organs, nervousness, fulling
memory, loss of ambition or other symp
toms which rob you of your manh od
and absolutely unrtt yoir for study, bu 1
Hess, pleasure or marriage. Our treatment
for weak men will correct all the" ovlls
and rcstoro you to what nature Intended
a hale, hearty, happy man, with physical,
mental and sexual power complete.
Contagious Blood Poison.1
On account of Its frightful lildeousnes'
Contagious Illood Poison Is commons
called the king of venereal diseases. I
may bo cither hereditary or contracted
Once the system Is tainted with It. the
disease may mnnlfest ttxclf In the. form of
scrofula, eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or
swollen Joints, eruptions or copper-colored
spots on tho faco or body, little ulcers in
19,846-CURES LAST YEAR - 1 9,840
'Stricture Is Imtamtlr Relieved nnd tho Ohitrnotlon Sisaolvod Like SnoW
Beneath the SunIN FIFTEEN DAYS. ,
Vsvrlooeelo Is Cured smd Weak Mem Are Restored hy tho Matlo St. Jbm
Treatment Applied locally nnd Plrrotly to the Affected Parts.
HOMn? TDC AT HI RT M T byhh en be uitDbtkpTiin
V Ivl t 1Kb A I IV1 KS. HI I succtiSFuiiY as ii oumtvu.
"Grna-9olTeat" dissolves "trlrture Ilk snow beneath the sou, cures
iVAniCOntlLB nnd RNLAItntCI) IMIOSTATH, and strengthens the Seminal
Dnots, stopvlnc drains and emission IN PIKTICISN DAY!!.
No drnae to rain tlie atomneli, lint a direct local and positive applloa
iioii ii tne eniiro vretnrai i-raot.
tvery sufferer from Stricture, and tho offspring. Varicocele
Prostatitis and Seminal Weakness, should write to tho St,
James Association, 62 St James Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, for
fhA llliiHtrn.tArt wnrlc ihnwlnr thft nnrtit nf thA humiLn nvfltom
Involved In Urethral Ailments, which they
in piain pacxage, prepaid.
traCC TDEnTICC f A 1 1 ISA it
addrsis plainly written, whon thoy will
ocurUtr Illustrated In half-tone, ihowlcg
Ursthral AUnwnU.
Please send to roe noony of your Complote Illustrated Work upon ths
Male 8exual System, ee- I Name
curely sealed, PREPAID, I
We Sell
the finest Coffee In the world.
Courtney & Co,, 25th and Davenport Streets,
Omaha, Nebr.. Phone 647.
$43,75 New York and Return daily
$25.75 Buffalo and Return daily
$21.50 Louisville and Return
On Halo August 24-25-26.
$21,60 Cleveland and Return
On salo September 7 to 10.
Tickets to Clovoland mav be used via
Wabnsh to Detroit nnd D. & C. Nnv. Co.
Htenmers to Cleveland, a delightful ride
acrosa Lako Krie.
Home-Seekers Excursions,
On nlo 1st nnd 3d Tuesday of each Month.
Tourist UnteH on nalo DAILY to all sum
mer resorts allowing stop-overs at Detroit,
Niagara FallH, Buffalo and other points.
For rales, lake trips, Pan-Amerlcuu i0.
scrlntlvfi matter and nil Information call
BTHI2KT, (Pnxton Hotel lllock) or write
HAUUY B. MOOHES, Q, A. P. D Omaha,
Rat, Mlct sad all oth.r Vcraln
cannot live where
SrwrtiU ta4 Oroir. Zio. a bes
uiioa7. ill.
the mouth or on tho tongue, snre throat,
swollen tonsils, falling out of the hair of
eyebrows and finally a loprou-llkc decay
of the flesh nnd bone. If you have any of
these or similar symptoms you aro cor
dlally Invited to consult us Immediately, It
I find your fears are unfounded t will
quickly unburden your mind, Rut If youf
constitution Is Infected with syphilitic
virus I will tell you of It. Our specltt ,
treatment for Contagious Illood I'olson It
practically the result of our life work and
is endorsed by the best physlclnns of
America and Kurox. It contains no lnjufl.
ous drugs or dangerous medicines of nnf
kind. It goes to the very bottom of th
disease and forces out every partlclo of
Impurity. Soon every sign nnd symptom
of blood poison disappears completely anj
forever. The blood, the tissue, the fl all.
tho bones and tho wholo system ara
cleansed, purltled and restored to perf'tl
health and the patient prepared for tlO '
duties and pleasures of life.
Associate Diseases
In curing nn ailment of any kind
never fall to remove nil Rellcx Complica
tions or Assoclato Diseases. ' If the ea
Is Varicocele, the weakness Caused by II
dlsnppeiirs, If it is Strieturo and has de
veloped Into l'roitntlc llladder or Kldnef 1
Affections, tho Injured organs are nil r
stored to a perfectly healthful condition.
If It Is contagious Illood Poison, any nnol
all Skin, Illood nnd Hone Ultenses arising
from the taint are entirely nnd perma
nently eliminated from the system. If It I
Impotency. the .many dlMresMng symptom!
following In Its train nnd Indicating a pre
mature decline of physical, mental ana
sexual power are totally removed ntifi
rnpldlv replaced by the youthful energy
Of rOUUSt niaunoou. limn mi muni
Ills and reflex complications, which ma
be properlv termed Associate Disease and1
which. In fnet. are often more serious than
the orlitlmt nllmtlts thnt give rife to them
all, we sty. dlsnppetr completely and
forever with tho euro of the main malady.
One personal visit Is preferred, but if It
Is impossible or Inconvenient for you t
call at our ofllce. write a full nnd un
reserved history of your ense, plainly stnU
Ing your symptoms. We make no charge
for private counsel, nnd give to
patient c. LEGAL CONTRACT to hold fof
our promises. If you cannot call today, '
wrlto, Address
Cured While
You Sleep,
send to male applicants, securely wrapped
Out out this coupon and mall It to ths
St. Jmt Association with your nam and
ttniJ you k copy of ttilr exhsuslv treatlio
the parts of tho mala system Involved In
82 St. Jamea Dnlldlns;,
T5he Famous
Climate, Waters, Scenery, Hotels,'
Baths, Amusements, vou will find'
are all right.
The route to this resort is '-Thb
North - Western Line" with
trains equipped wilh the "Best of
Ticket Office, 1401.03 Farnam Cl.
Depot. 15th and Webster Sta.
Free Sample
-for ll--
Kidney Sufferers
In order tlmt tlion? who wish can koo
for tliuiiiHolvtiH tli. truth of the (insertion
that Onni'jr's Is tho greatest kidney
remedy In the world today, If they wl
icnd their address to tho Cramer Cheml-
w Coniimny; Albany, N. V thoy will '
be sent absolutely freo of cost a samplo
bottle. Should your dniKIxt not havo
It In stock and refuses to pet It for you,
send $1.(M) to tho Cramer Chemical Com
pany, Allmny. N. V., and they will send
you a bottle by express prepaid. Insist
on having Cramer's Kidney Cure. Tafco
tio substitute.
Cramer's Kidney Cure Is pleasnnt to
take. It stimulates tho appetite and In
duces sleep and 'when ono can sleep and
eat well It won't tako low; to restore
thu lienlth.
Superior to Aplol, Tanijr, Fennyroytl or Steel.
Sure Relief of Pain and lrrogularl
tie Peculiar to the Sex.
Aplollne Ctpanlet for three months coat $1.
prutglit or P. O. Hot SOB! , New York. 4