Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1901, Page 8, Image 18

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Who Was the Man
is the Question
A small group of woll drcBsed women
wuru seated iirouml u ton Inlilu at a fault -louablo
hutul tho other afternoon, relates
tho New York Sun, when a very pretty
Klrl, passim; through tho room, stopped a
moment to speak to onu of them. When
sho IiiiiI h'ono on tho Imly luitKhod plcas
untly, and with that nolo of something
which makes tho hearer know there la a
story back of It. It wiih ho plain now
that every other woman at tho (able looked
lior question, and tho lady laughed again.
"You needn't nsk mu what It is," she
Hald, "hccauHU It Is such a romance that
If I didn't tell It to you 1 would actually
explode, I am sure I would. It Is cute
and pretty, too, with Just enough of Hit
piquant to make It sparkle. The girl who
spoke to mu Is the daughter of a long
time friend of mine, and she told mu tho
story herself. It happened one night about
Iioiho bIiow time, but ho far thuru Is no
sign of any further development. She
lives In this hotel, and the romance began
at a danco given hero as a birthday cele
bration. Qolug to her room after tho danco
was over she dropped In tho hall uputtMro
a very Intimate article of wear whoso loss
was discovered within a very few minutes
and tho maid was sunt out on n searching
expedition, thinking, of course, It would bo
found somewhere between the room and tho
elevator. Hut It was not, nor did Inquiries
made of tho halt servants throw any light
upon tho whereabouts of tho missing arti
cle It was a haudBomu thing of silk and
gold with a diamond In tho buckle, and Its
value was such that tho hotel authorities
woro at unco untitled1 of Its disappearance.
Tho girl wopt herself to sleep over her
bereavement, notwithstanding alio had had
a lovely tlino at tho dance, and nwoku In
tho morning restless and worried.
"She communicated with tho officii at
once to learn If anything had been heard of
tho bauble and was further depressed by
an answer In tho negative. Of course oho
didn't hnvu any appetite for breakfast and
wont back to her room determined to got
nil the pollen otlleers and dotectlvcH and
sleuths In town after It. Hut before sho
had tlino to do anything ditipcrnte a box of
Mowers from a llroadway florist's was sent
up, Shu was sure she know who had sent
It, because she recalled with a blush what
u certain very lovely young man h:id been
saying to her tho night before nml, of
courBo, there wasn't anything more natural
than that ho should send her a box f
(lowers tho very llrst thing rn h a way
downtown. Shu opened tho box at once,
Just to have something elso to think about
than her troubles, but, to and behold, there
was no card thuro! Neither was thero any
Indication from whom tho Mowers came,
but In tho midst of (ho bed of roses lay
the lost article accompanied by a poem
written In nn unknown hand and ono ap
parently not disguised. This poem tho girl
gave mo a copy of anil I carry It arcund
to be handy in case of on emergency. Let
me read It to you."
The woman took from her poekctbook a
typewritten manuscript and spread It down
by her tea cup to get tho effect of tho whlto
tnhlccloth on the thin paper.
"Listen, " and sho rend ns follows:
'Twns at a dance. In vain I tried
To fool less llko n social martyr,
When lying nenr tho door I spied
A thing of yellow silk, a '
I put n dash there, for 'tis said
To write It plainly out amiss Is,
Yet England's motto may bo rend
Upon Just such n thing us this is.
I stooped and hid It In mv hand,
And wondered who might liu the loser;
Sho could not ask mo for the bund
How such a question would confuse
Ituturnlns with It lo my place.
I wonder If my check were Hushing.
In turn I scanned each lovely face,
Until I saw how you were blushing.
My own perception I had wronged
To think thnt I would not have l
To whom this dainty band belonged;
No ono but you could bo tho owner.
Ho thus I send It bnck to you,
Around this bunch of blushing roses;
Ono found It whom you do not know.
Whose namo no hint of mlno discloses.
I would not havo you guess 'twas I,
For that might put constraint upon
Perhaps you'll know mo by and by,
Perhaps you'll lovo me when I vo won
I'd whisper that 'twas I who found
This ellnglng silken band of yellow;
We're strangers, still I will be bound
You, and no other, havo Its fellow.
And now may my respect for you
Plead pardon for theso rhyming fan
cies; Kor never motto was more truo
Than Honl sott qui nml y pense Is.
"Now, Isn't that Just too lovely?" asked
tho reader amid a chorus of commendation
which was almost applause. "And still It
Is a fraud, because tho writer, tho girl Is
sure, wasn't at the dance at all and sho Is
perfectly sure that sho novor dropped It In
tho ball room. It would havo boon too
dreadfully awful, besides everybody would
havo seen It. Sho has her suspicions of ono
of three young men who had apartments for
about two weeks on tho sanui door with
her and were coming in nt nil hours of
the night. Ono of tho young fellows was
from Chicago, ono from Huston ami ono
from Kan Kranclseo and they all went away
tho day tho (lowers camo."
Minister Wu's Deafness
Minister Wii TIngfang, tho ambassador
of China to tho United Stales, was onu of a
number of speakers nt tho presentation day
exercises of tho Gallaudet Collogo for tho
Deaf, relates tho Saturday livening Post.
Mr. Wu frankly confessed to somo degree
of embarrassment, this being his llrst ox
perleneo In nddrcsslng an audience com
posed largely of deaf persons. Ho further
Intimated thnt the prosenco of the presldont
of the collego by his sldo, Interpreting his
remarks, sontonco by, to the
mutes, wns not calculated to lessen his
Mr. Wu declared that deafness, though
n handicap, Is not so serious an nllllctlou
ns Is commonly supposed, and, further, thnt
tho mysterious law of compensation steps
In and bestows other tnlents nnd blessings,
Continuing, tho minister snld: "To most
of us a llttlo deafness nt times would bo n
distinct ndvnntago. I ran, porhup, more
clearly lllustruto this point by relating n
Chlneso story.
"About 1,200 years ngo a rovolutlon raged
In China nnd the reigning king retnlnod
his throno chlelly through tho sagacity and
valor of ono of his generals, Tho king
deeply felt his obligation to tho general nnd
In token of his gratitude consented that
his daughter should wed tho genornl's son.
"Tho wedding was duly solemnized and
tho hnppy young couple commenced house
keeping In their own home. For a time
everything wns harmonious, then the course
of truo lovo became disturbed, ns It some
times does oven nt this advanced date In
America. The young wlfo became haughty
and referred to her nnccstry; she wns tho
king's daughter, whllu her husband wns
only the son of a general. Tho young man,
nettled nt thU, reminded his wlfo thnt but
for the aid of his father she would bo the
outcaHt dnughtcr of a deposed king nnd
thnt ho wns therefore as good as she.
"Tho young wlfu hurried to tho king and
poured tho snd tnlo of her woes Into his
ear, not forgetting to emphasize hor hus
band's allusion to him.
"Tho youth went to his father nnd told
what ho had said about tho king.
"Tho general was Instantly overwhelmed
with tho gravest apprehensions, fearing the
vengennco of tho king when he should lenrn
of tho treasonable utterances of tho young
man and he made great haste to call upon
his sovereign to forestall punishment.
"Tho king listened to nil tho general hail
to Bay, and then, In a fatherly wny and
with a twinkle In his eye, remarked-
" 'That's all right, general. Wo fathers
nnd mothers of young married folk mint
bo denf and dumb u good deal of tin
time.' "
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Seventh Page.)
look I might, I doubt not, havo scon her. as
Sam Weller's father said of tho wonun f
tho tea party, "swelling wislbly before my
very eyes." At any rnto, sho took tho
wholu course nnd I tnailo n memoroni'a of
tho dishes on a visiting enrd on tho other
sldo of my plato as shu did so, First came
tho rice. Her ladyship gouged out a quart
of tho (laky whlto grains with a fhort
hnndlcd silver trowel, hero used for the
purpose, nnd then smeared two spronfuls
of curry upon It. Tho next waiter brought
forth a pyramid of snusngctt, swimming in
grnvy. nnd tho lady took n spoonful of
sausngo nnd somo of tho gravy. Sho noxt
took u leg and a second Joint of broiled
chicken, nnd from another waiter a spoon
ful of green peppers and meat cut lino and
then fried eggs, hashed beef, fried bananas
nnd fried fish. The plato was now pretty
well filled, but mademoiselle mixed tho rice,
hash and other things togcthor nnd sat bnck
until tho rest of tho food wns brought on.
This consisted of pickled olives, pickled
eggs stuffed with peppers, shaved beef
stowed, raw cucumbers nnd ono or two othor
things, tho names of which I do not know.
Thero must hnvo been a dozen different
ingredients In thnt rlco on tho plato and
when sho had smoothed tho pllo up It looked
llko a Chlneso grave. Her delicate lady
ship ato tho wholo with a fork and a table
spoon, working the two together to convoy
tho food to her mouth. Thero woro others
about her doing the same, nnd, strange to
say, nono seemed to suffer Inconvenience.
After this course thero wns ono of beef
steak, cooked In American style, nnd n
dessert of bananas, cheeso and eotfeo. Tho
bananas and cheeso were eaten together
In nltemate bites and tho corfeu wns of the
same cold, hot milk nature ns that I had
at my breakfast. Tho waiters woro un
lives, In whlto cotton Jnekots and bright
colored petticoats over whlto pantaloons,
trimmed with turkey red. They went about
In their bare feet and, although they
could not spenk English, thoy did very well
AtlL'llst litOl
ff are Glazed
with n cheap coating.
If glazing helps coffee
why aren't the high
priced Mochas and J.ivas
glazed also?
m Lion Coffee
is not glazed. It is per
fectly pure and has a
delicioti: flavor.
f i,i til M..llt i nu.l f rfeiilial
Gold Top
Ono of tho finest bottled beers upon tho
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nothing bettor for family use. Pure Ingre
dients brewed from tho choicest American
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It leaves tho brewery. Order a trial cose
from your dealer or Uio
South Omaha Brewing Co.,
Brewers and Bottlers of Fine Beer,
Rain and sweat D
have tlTcct un mtWl'K3tCmrM. H
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witliEureUHar. mtMBMr.
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tilts the clamp, .fcW.V ,
keep die le.ttli. fl M aTi 1
tr ...ft and .M- twMI,Jl
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Choice Confectionery
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Sent by Express In 1, I, I and (-pound
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Perfection in Brewing
Blue Kltibon Dottled IJcer, the perfect
brow. Perfection or beer can only be at
tained by the most perfect surroundings,
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Tho home of Blue Ribbon Is one of the
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ilising of Mug Klhbon Is the pride of the
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that the best, nnd only tho best, enters
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Storz Brewing Company
Telephone 1200.
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h,-s 61 of these Typt
writers In daily use
You Know
The usual price for swell tip-to-dato foot
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A. I. root. Printer!
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New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued is
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AT llimi; or TIIAVKI.INH.
Our KL'nlH nnd milodincn niiil- over
81)00,000.1)11 iii.t yinr Hiirtdylni; tlio
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pointing nH'Miln. Wimilertul oeller.
Mo nrlH-iiii or fiibi inpllioils.
WltlTK lixlny for v Propo
tlllflll. lima. cii.
World JlfB. -o.. r, W orlil ll lilV. 'lnrliiniitl. O.
H'e recommend above fit m as reliable. Editor.
Mra. Wlualou'e SouthliiK Srii
hus been used for over FIFTY TEARS by
CURES WIND COLIC und Is the best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by drugglata
In every imrt of the world. He eure and
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and take no other kind Twenty-five cents
hot tl.
We will rorreltsaoror any rnto or
InternMl.Kztrrnnlor llrlilntr
I I'llr the Urrra lll'iir lulls
lorure. 'luitsulnml permanent relief. W rllf t mien,
Sierm ilr.llrnl4'o..2l5 K.3J St., C'llieluunll, O.