Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1901, Page 2, Image 12

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    Tnii Iu.ustuati:i Bki:
PuulUhed Wwkly by The Hn Piilill-hiii
Company, Hep lliiUiHmc. Omaha, Jxl
Price, t cents opt copy -tier year, $2 00.
Ctiterpd nt I ho mnnhu Post Oflloe ns Second
i "Inns Mull Matter
I'or ndvcrtljiltiK rntrn address Publisher
'ommiitileatlons telntlnc lo phntogiaphs or
articles fcip publication slim. Id bo ml
ilrt-jfi'il "IMIlor The Illustrated Hie
ninalia "
Pen and Picture Pointers
Mm Is still pugnacious. All (In- sofi o
i in: Hilliti to cs nf i l Illat Inn lni i mi' n r I
to crndlcitc hi" pl'ltnolillnl tmdit' Hi
tin- 'III ri i Ion of trouble, ii'ir to l.ittit'-ii in
ardor when In' gets Into ii row lulu Ij
si 1 1 v iimt oolloi lively, his pn iIIIim i inn fr Hi
military Is ax strong how mm wlii ii t In- r
fission of nrnis wit" tin highest in win ii
imiii might nitnlii, only th" evidence tin n oi
ls not so patent lo nil. one of th- 1
proofs of Oils nssettloti Ik's In tin1 fan
ilint llii- I'tilted States, or rather t hi In
dividual slnli . have tuner liint n ii v trouble
in ni l iirlni; bright young nu n for tin- main
ti'iiiiiii'o of the cl'Uni soldi ry Prubnhlv
mi stale has n higher ii iip i i mil ing. ni
nf ill' National I in. nil ih in Iowa one I r
From Office Boy to Head of a
S.ll i:i. It. OAI.I.AW W lias ii o-i
In less than folly mmm from
I 111 oliseure po-llloli of olllie I oy
at the im'O of HI to the pni-l-'letn
y nf thn American Loeotnollve eonipany,
the greatest eoncern of ts kind In the
world. And yet there is no roniantle
itlaiiiour ,'ihout his llfi- or his works. Nolh
lni; siirrouniled his eatly elforts hut the
sliin realities of rallroii'l alT.iIrs and he
onust' he coniiueied tho.e early dlllli ult lea,
masti'tliiK the di'talls ih itouKhly. his inl
Miin o In late years has hn u rapid.
Mr Callaway is pre-eminently a s-elf-ni' man. He has attained his present
liluh position in the transportation Intsl
ins ihrouuh his own iIIIIkoiico and Intel
IlKi til elforts and hy no other means Nntli
li'U '.nit alisoluto merit has placed him
w here he Is today.
( ;tii la 1 1 1 y ami KraclinHiiess. hioad-uiiiid-edln
ss 111 I'M ry sense, kindness of Ileal I
and freedom fnnn oslentatlon are annuiK
Mi- Calliway's dlstlin t i e chaiai-ii rl-t ies
which enable him to win respect and o-
m. Ills Jiiilmneiit is oiuiM'rvatiM', yi I
di'i'lslve His m'.isp of all matters relat
ini; to executlM' nduiliiii-irntliin and trans
poriailon uianiinement is prompt and ahso
lule Allouether his iiiallties of mind ami
Postmaster Monfort of Cincinnati, ex--taie
coiumaiidir of the C i uiiil Army of ths
l!a pulillf . In his visit to Mi. MUt wn (1) )
Volunteer Infaiitty association tetinl u. dc
u lup d ipiiio a romance of Hit civ.l war.
'I'here he met Jacoh ('antic, now a fiuni'r
InltiK near l iankllti, O, hut who. on tin
sMiinl day of the hattle of (',. tty -huiK, In
July, ISC, was a woundcil soldier. Ciptnla
Monfort. then In cominand, and who, hy the
way, was wounded In that day's s'crvk'o In
distrlhutlni; the mall, found a letter n I
diii.sei to ('antic, Company V, Sevcnty
lirih iiKinient, Newci'eek, care nf Captain
Uin MniKan. As the soldier was in the
hands nf the ninny, Captain Moiifott pu
ttie lettir ill Ills hlouse. t n li . turned over
in the soldier when chance alford d. The
I h Use was put away, and the letter was a
. i h ntally found recently.
The captain hid Intended in advcrtlm for
the owner, hut some Inipilries nt Ml ldl -inwti
caused a mertliu; with the Fn'dlcr 1 o
had not seen for thlrty-clxlil years, a' d
whose letter Is now tn he r turinil to li'm
after that lapse of time.
('untie was then slm;p, and until he
.pens ihe letter is not certain as .to hM
I'oriespnndcnt. Thc'dale on which the let
ier was mailed was June II. 1 ::!. I hear
ill nld-tlme I'-cent Ftnmp.
Mayor I P. Stay nf Atlantic City last
Sunday olllclated al the marriage of Captain
William Andrews, the Intrepid navigator,
to Miss Mary South of Pleasontvllle, who Is
in uo wiih him across the ocean In a four-teeu-font
hoat. The weddim; took place In
tic Marine hall on Ynmm's pier hefore tho
i:ne oi s veral thniisanil people. The hl lde
was Klveti away hy Dr. I.awton Smith of
Philadelphia. She was attired In
while and
I he monni in full dress. The
weddlni,' trip will he undertaken
the latter
pari nf the month.
Tho hoat will he pointed first
for the
Vores Islands, some I'.fllMI miles il'stnnl frnm
the pier froin which the start will he made.
They expect to complete the Journey In six
weeks The hunt Is hullt of pine, with can-,(-
loveilii'.'. and will inn hnv a eenler
l"'iil I Us keel will In- wiluhlid with 300
pounds nf lead The rlc Is on the sloop
The provisions will he canned and sieril
ied wan r will he carried. A canvns will
he used lo Increase tho supply frnm rains.
There will lie a compass, quadrant and
hart in the hnnt and a small nlen
lin stove This H the sixth t lino Captain
ndriws has essayed the ilanKerous trip
ni a small hnat
One of the most popular men In the
"ountrv relates the Saturday I'mmiIiik
llt I' W
low i
i'oitTi:i!rn:i.ii nr s ri. vti'
gado of vlui!i u.i- i n. ,iiiipi. iiiiii- Council
Mutts dining ihi' I ii "li Mnny of tin
no n .iii.I iir.irli .ill ilir nllli i i's of tho tun
( i; i im lit - i oiii . sit'i: tin' brigade are Vet-
of tit- sp.itn-li tiicri-an war ii tut one
heart are those wlihh in.,ki him a railroad
man of the hluhesl and lust type
President Callaway was horn on Decern
her I, 1 x" ii. ai Ti ronto, nm. Ho on
tered railway service In m;:i and from
then lint 11 IM'.'.i was In the otllces of the
auditor, chli f accountant, secretary nnd
tronsnror of the (train! Tiutik railway.
I'totn l-'!!! to IsTI h- was chief r'erk to
tho sup 'rliilelidetil of the (treat Western
railway, ami from 1 vT 1 to 1"1 private si c
rotary to the general mananer nf the s-'itni
road. In 1.7I he licciiine superliiteti''oit
if th' liotroit Milwaike railway, le vims
in I.:, to acc pt the i;eiieial sup-rintetid-oticy
of i lit lii iroit. S.ik inw & Hiy City
railroad, which he held mil II Pl. The
latter yur saw him th Konotal iiiiimiKer if
tho Clihano (traiiil Tiunk rnllway and
p'osliletil if the ChleiKi ft Wesli ril lll
illana ratlr ad and Melt l.lue ral'win. from
which he liwlmied In ISsI Seplemher 1.
I"!. Il' was iiip.'lnt d s conil lc proi-l-ileiit
and ti ner.'l manauer of the I'nlon
Paelllc ra'lw.'y nul cmrrolled lines and ro
maiiud until .It ii I ST Tlon h" tie
iam, prciileiit at.. I re i,,r of the Tohd'.
St I.dii's K, in-ii cit'r ad until
.(.inn irv. IMi". He w i- pt"-ld if th"
N, w Yi rk chi iil'ii t.- Si l.i ills rillr' iid
fr. ii' that time imiii August IS. 1S07. Tho
Selections from
Post, Is (ieiieral John It. (lordon. (ii ori-la's
famous ex-confedcrato leader. He has a
happy iistom of which the world knows
little. This Is his sunrise review."
He was hum in 1 3-J, fmiRlit through the
civil war, w us shot elcht times and r s
frnm the rank of captain to that if II' u
tenanl Kencral. lie has heeu uoM'int r of
(leoruia. presidential elector and rutted
Stales senator. His homo Is still in
(icnruia and he lives at the old platitatli a
near Atlanta. Here cmne men of letters,
politics ami llnance to visit the (lord ti.
when the eiural Is not leiturliiK. Scat
tered nut nvi r the cotton Hold ale tin
cahins if the tieuroes who work fir th'
general and the !Ptl chapel where Mis
Ii nil u n and her daughters teach Sun.l.i .
school to the colored children (li th' farm
I'lvcrj hotly on thai idace microti the ten
eii'l. It is their highest delight and honor
lo live under the nil eondlt Ions and t"
brim; up their ehiliii'i'ii under them, and
they Billl eall themselves "the Cordon poo
pie." The older ones teii( h the little ones
that so h tiK tis liny live with the Cordons
they holiim? to "the I'inillty."
I'vcry n.oMilm; at sunil-o'. i x"cpt durliiK
the unpleasant weathir of the two winter
montiis. Cemral (lotdon has hl-i laiKe old
horse luoiiuht to the door for his niortiltiK
lido. He sits in the saddle as erect as in
the old day..
Hviry hand in the Held knows of the
review and hefmo every cabin stands n
llttl" m imp of eobr-d peisnns, the men
clean nnd smiling, ready lo o to work
the women "spruced" up. nnd every llttl
child washed until It shines, with Its
woolly hair done up In a dozen little knots
"MoiiiIiik, lioss," say all the men ns
they duck their heads.
".MnriilUK. loss" say all the women, and
every little pickaninny ducks Its head to
the Kroiind and says, "MnrniiiK, hnss," as
well ns It can speak.
The Kencral replies to every one hy
name, asks nfter the children, how they
me ki'owIiik and what tholr health Is.
Such Is the "sunrise review" on the Cor
'Ion plantation.
Arthur I. I 'a en n, a Chlcatin hoy of 17
has fairly won tho title nf champion life
saver. Yoiiiik lCanan has saved n life for
every year of his age, and lait Monday, for
tho sake nf rnundlm; off his record, jumped
Into 11 e lake nn the north side and pre
vented n man from commit tint; suicide,
much tn the hitter's dlsHUst and Indlmin
tlon. That ninde the elKhtecnth life tha
Arthur has sawd in the last three year
alotiK ChlonKo's lake shore and he hasn't
Knt a medal yet People who know nf th"
in is of lo lolsm ai'eomplihei hy ynutiK
r-gum tit, tin' I'ifty -ilt'-t long an i
(iriliions sii'Mii' In tho Philippines Th. i
'ln members of tin1 regiments who saw
ll'Ml.ll service ill'l not KlVe "if till' lift -f
tlir iiii.i'ti soldier Is further proof of i'h
iiiiiM. tton of military glitter for tin ymm
mi it Tin" camp was riiii li'il on sn,
,u'. oiiliim to in II It n fy l I r 1 1 ! 1 1 1- an I nia.
toi l '.m in tni'tli's were wotki l ii
ptMiMie marches, drills nllil oiler n.ani
II M (illM't'llOf l.l'Sllo M. SIl.lW ill I
iimni'il tin1 regiments on T In
mi unusually largo ctowd of visi i
ai'i.u 'nl to llii' camp.
w In
Hung so convinces n skeplii .1- ii n
That is why The llro this weik t"i lisln
it pi. 'uii' nniii from n photograph il.iii m
a i hrnska -c) I-1 1 11 1 1 1 iilmllt two wiil,'i
It it about ns good n ii'filtni" ii of 'h
s'li'ns sit alii at iliirlnu I In' On. ul Ii pi r.o I
i nl-1 li nsKnl Til' iniin mIiowii hi In
li 1 if- I- Anton IVntla. a farini r of "'iiih
.ontit. who, I'snspi'i ati'.l hy ttir n
p iris "f lilll'liril-otll riolis nllil thr 111,' ll.i I
a 'li"ini;raplii'i' visit I in fnnn ati'l tali--.omi'
iws In tho Immitiso I'otnlli M on.
of th si Tho Hco ri'ii'0'liiri's loilay It Ii
not only a kooiI answrr to tho ilronlh
storli'S, hut an oxcolli'iil t'samplc of tho
suit of rorn that mows In NVIiriisku yi'ar
after year.
oni' moii' Omaha Irl tins won a pi I." Iv
iti'liiMtry anil inti liii! ni ( ff. i" Ml--
Mi M ila he aeiip'od Ihe pre-lilelicy of th
l.iK. Shine Mn hifini Soutlierii railway
and held It until he itslmnd April T. l'.i.
to lake a similar place with the Ni v Ymk
'i ut i a 1 ,V Hudson Itlver railtoad. He left
the latter read on Juno I. Paul, tn t k
charui. of the American I imnllve com
pany. Well Iteineoiliereil li lltil-I'lineis,
o:d-iimers on the I'nlon Paclll rem ml or
Mr. Callaway well. HurltiK the early pari
if l.M he was asd"taut to th preild -til at
the lieai!iliartel s. which we e ill 'Il In Hn..
ion. Win n th" lat. S II II. CI irk n sinned
In the fall of that vcar as 'oinril vice pres
ident and general manauer Mr. Callaway
was appointed to the jii sill n. I'e h Id It
until P." and was siiceed d hy T .) Pol
ler. Th' admlnl-liali'in of the I ii I - ii P.icIuVh
a If ii Irs hy Mr. Callaway was marked hy the
sat'ie hlh di'Kree of nhlllty which hn-.
lirmmhl to him the host thiim-i In lallioid
lm,. The St. Joseph .: draml Island an I
the Oregon Short Line were tin n Impnr
taut parts of the parent sstom and it wa
durliu; Mr. Callaway's coiinei I ion with ihe
Otiilaiid that i iilllriil of th" One .11 It nl
road At Navigation lompiny was seeured
Peth ips Mr Callaway's nreiiiesi m Iiicm
the Story
Haunn think this Is a teptoacli to the city
and an effort Is IioIuk made by Henry A.
Wuivn1 to have the mayor nlllclally room;
nlze this brave boy.
A boy Is all that Arthur Is. althoituli h"
hiis the framiwnrk of a man and possessed
the nipialle nliility of n duck. The water
is his favorite element and he can't be kept
awav from H in the summer In the win
ter h Hoes In school, bill as soon as the
ae.itb n pi lb d arrive- he is eui:auid by th"
Hairy beaeh proprietor, to l,mk after the
' S lift
MiSi iM.niu'.vfi: m I'iiii:i.i:i: ni'"
dm u
I'lol'i to I'
S' III I.I I -lllp
II till ll'l' llll"
111 - Hi
ll! on
I li
iiw mli'il a
- Il'lti' of
Great Corporation
in-nl was tin- physii al r. i oust ni. t mn of the
N-w York whose . . i.. in In- lif
eline April :'7. I v.',. ciititlniilnu in llnii
position for more ihan three years
When W. K. Vnndcrhllt cnuseil the New
Yi tk Central to enter upon a new policy
of expansion thrmii'h the ahsorptlmi of the
Nickel Plate, the Lake Shite, the lli I'our
Cie Lake I'rlo A- Western and the Chesa
pi ake & Ohio ho called Mr. Callaway from
CleM'land. where he was president of the
Lake Shore, to New Yoik lo heeome the
load and front of tho new tenluie In a
t'cl M'tiso Mr. Callaway found tin- New
York Central hriek and left It niarhlc.
That Is to say. the road is vastly hotter
physically ntnl n nioripy-tnakcr to a much
greater extent than when he took charm1.
of course. Hie New York Central was a
Brent railroad hefore lii'X. Never!,
ill that year henn the physical recon
struction of the plant, which emhraceil
several distinct features. One of the
nolo tiotcHoriln was the pun has- in
tvifl of Jlfi.fKm.onn worth of new eiiilp
lii nt - ISO locoinol Ives, elnhly-one passen
ger iars. 1 i.ilnn frelnlil cars and so on.
Thi- rolllni; stoi k was ordered hecause
On- Kinnth of tralllc ih maudeil "prompt
and enerneii, outlay for Incomol Ives ot
Knater powir and iars of creator capai ity
Tellers' Pack
welfare of theit patrons ami see that in
their Incursions into the wanr the uiidcr
llow does not net loo strom; a mdp on them
ir thai a cramp d-es not carry them down
to di nth for want of aid. To youni; Cumin's
v kilnuee Ii is due that Harry hem Ii. which
Is lai'i-dv patronized by the people of Lake
View has not had a loss of life nn it tills
yttir, tie i.nh beach In that has
sin h an nn lable r n-d
The ipiesilnii of a life savini; boat wis
Allu'iWt 1 1 M 1
mcsllr 5i'li'tn'i' at U'otri'Mti r, Ma Slio
will ruler 1 1 1 1 1 1 hrr in w woil, Sept' nil i r I
Miss I'armi'li'o Is a ilatlKlitt r of K
rattni'li r, I'li'tU at army lii'itiliii.irti , amt
was Ki'M'lii.ili' I from tho Omaha lll!i s. ho ,
W I'll i ll'lllt.
Knilrs of Pythias haxo uc.ntly lit il
h r annual ronxi'llllou In Iowa, tin- pall I
1, .im tin " in at Collar Itnplil-. win r. a
Ki ut ill ill of Inisltii'ss of llilori si to t'o
mill r an. I Its ini'tiihi'ts was aili'ti liil t
Oi f tin- features was tho i le ' I n of
cratnl Inline olllrets for t hi lleM year Pr
I' W Porli lllehl of Attatllli' wa- i ll- en
to ho uf.iii'l I'liani'i'tlor.
Mil' h " Midi hy the husy t i i - 1 1 1 nun
ir tin Impatient professional m.iti wlen t'n
mail Is late, hut few iIhukIiim .irr i vi i
KlVetl to the llien ulmso oriupatioil In life
it I lo t.ilo' earo of the illspalih of I t
t rs fiotn point tn point. This wiel. T e
III e ijilN "uuio atletillou to th" r.ii w i nnu
letKt life of toll ntnl iliiiuor Ms I- e t
'alnh ill - hlreniious life Id w 111. I ntl
ho wniKs is shown In tho rem I iH'v
whli h tons an. I tons of mall mat r. n
i linlltiK millions of mlFclvis. pnihu-c- a'vl
parn ls of all Minis, lire hntnllul i . r .la
In tho year, with nltniM no hf-s nn I the
uilnlmum of mistakes. Tho pitnro n'
rniiipiliy Iiik tho arlli'lo wen. t.iK. n Ii i
lli' staff artist ilnrlliK Ihe teeent .'I trip
.iniMiitlon of railway mall ele'l, n
dm ih. i
than those in sen I,
Here, th n
reform No 1.
Ilelinlll Hi). Iliioil.
Hut heavier locomollves and iars made
necessary the rehnlldliiK of main In n
lulilnes that had heeti stnum enoimli f. i
the lighter eiilliinelll previously in i n
Ice. This was t list run Inn No L' Th
st reimtheliiim and reliuildini; nf I.m.Il'--ou
the main lines was heuuii In l In- sprmu
of l!li and will he carried on for
yea is at an estimate I aimn uate cost i.f
$i.ini(i. nun Simultaneously rnadlied and
track have heeu and will i-oiiiitni" tn l,e
linprfivcd tn correspoiiil.
In all this ureal work President Call.iwav
was the dlrectlni; Kcnlus. The wisdmn ,,f
the reeonslrilctlon has heeu ptnved heynti 1
dlspule and strikingly so hy ureaily in
creased i Ideiids ever since. In in . i ' iiil'
the presldelii v of the meicatl I mn'ivp
company Mr. Callaway took ad HHam . f
an oppm tutilty loni; ilesirid in net aw n
from active railroad life and Its wianiiii:
exactions. Hul his presenl position will
afford li I tn a field for efforts similar it
those used In hulhlltlK lip the New Yolk
Central, and in makltm the locumm no
ootnpanv a permanent success President
Callaway will no douht earn his haiid-"ime
tlrst discussed In the year ITvi. at the littl
shliiplm; town of South Sh.ebls Then
have been many so-calbd Inventi rs of tin
life boat, but the (piestlon was setlbd sa'i
f.ietoiily some years aun and ihe Inn or
Klveti tn William Wuuhlhave, lies, rll-d I i
friend as a "tall, uncouth. ( nt !ni-,a-i t
1 1 in it . " says the London Mall.
It was owIiik Ii Ihe loss nf the brie V
venture of Newcastle, at the mouth of I"
Tvne, In the month ol S'pleniber, l"v with
the lossnf all hands the men droppuiu fi. 'i
tho I'IkuIhk exhnustisl by the cold and fi
nunc and witnessed by thousands on shore
all powerless to Hive the least as-isi.m, e
this "tin villi; followed several dnadfnl ia
iialties. that a determltiat Ion was form, d to
try tn lessen the risk Incurred In Mssel
Ilritish or forciun, attempt Inn to nmr the
Tyne In rotiKh weather." The tlrst n ninv'
In the matter was a justice nf tin ne-u i
Nicholas Fairies, assisted by ,eM-ral ntln r
Shields gentlemen.
A public meetltn; was called and the whole
iiuestlon dlscusscil, with tho result that
prizes were iifTered for the best Invention of
a lifeboat. Hut of all the models enter. 1
for competition none satisfied the commit
tee. A model entered by a boatbuildei
Henry Creathead hy name was consblere 1
quite useless and another model of tin. the
Idea nf Wnuhlhave, was ridiculed. "So you
pretend to make a lifeboat?" said one of
tho judges. "Whnt advantimes do you say
this thlm; possesses?" "Well," was the re
ply, "I say It will neither sink nor no to
pieces, nor lie bottom up. Will any of
yours do ns much?" Hut the others were
far from helm; convinced. The two guineas
that were offered Wouldhave were con
temptuously refused.
It seems Improbable, nnd yet durltn; the
reicnt hot spell hundred nf butterflies
were killed by the sun in the vicinity of
Horticultural hall In Philadelphia The
principal scene nf these fatalities was over
the Kreenlmuses in which hrlnht Kcranlunis
and other llowerlni; plants are kept to re
pi tllsll the outdoor flower beds. These
are low Klass houses and the butterflies
siTini; the flowers, which radiated urea'
heat fluttered down to the ulass and
ptomi'tly died beneath the com nitrated
rays of the sun. Purlin; the heati d term
It was necessary to keep the spraying 1ms.
runnlm; night nnd day lo save t'n. palms
and other tropical plants In llortl iilttirnl
hall One bed of elephant's ears rcipilied
six gallons of water dally. Owing to till,
care nnd subsequent showers the grmitnls
look green nnd refreshing nnd the sunken
garden In front of the hall Is In ovcellen'