8 THE OMAHA DAILY Jm. SAITHDAY, AUGUST 21. 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL , Ml.OH MOTION. Davis dells drug. Btockert soils carpets and rilRt. Flnu A II C beer. Netimoyer's hotel. Vlctoi hcatem. Hlxby Son. nfitntt. W. F, Blcdcntopf 1.4 home Irom Chicago. Wollmun, Bclcntlllc opllcluti. WJ Uroadway. C. K Alexander ii Co.. picture and frames. Tol. 3;6. Mrs. I. (.'. Cook of Cac City i guest of her sister, Mri). H. J. Ollbert. Attorney John M. Oalvln returned yester day from two weeks In Colorado, Get your work done at the popular Eatle laundry. 724 Uroadwuy. 'Fnon. JS7. Mrs. James 1 Mulhollnmt and dRtiajhtcr Mumle left Inst pvvnltiK VlHlt ln! eastern part of the state, John W. Davis filed articles of ndoptlon of I.eola Pearl Jones, iiRed 6 yrur. In tlu stTlcc of the county recorder yesterday. The Chase-Lister Thenter company will present the sensational comedy, A Man of Mystery," In the Dohany theater Sunday DlKht. Members of l'. 8. (Jrnnt company, t'nl form rank, KiiIkIUs of l'ythlas, arc to ro- f)ort at the armory this evening, as there s business of Importance. Judxe Wheeler Instructed llecelvers Here nil el in and Murphy of the (Jfllcer & Puney bank to pay all court costs taxed to date in the receivership litigation. J. II. Louie, father of A. Louie, died last eveniiiK In Ht. llernard s hospital, lie nan been falling some tme ami death was mainly duo to Inllrmltles of old nge. ' ' County Attorney Kllpack hns brought I mil In the district court to restrain i arl. Km a line I nml William Neglthorn from i maintaining n Moating saloon on a steamer in Cut-Oft lake. Chris Anderson of 825 Kant Hroadway re ported to the police last evening that a iincak thief had entered his house and ap propriated his best suit of clothes and an extra pair of trousers, C. J. Hcanlon. charged by 0, J. Dobbins, his former partner In tho saloon business, with embeiillng $2fiO of the llrm's fund.', ,was discharged In Justice Hrynnt's rniirt yesterday. There was no evidence to show that Hcanlon was entitled ns a member of the llrm to the money. A. W. Dell, a young farmer of Treynnr, 3a., Is missing and his relatives have asked tho nsslstance of the police In finding him, lie left home Saturday, Intending to re turn Hunday. Ills prolonged absence has made Ills family fearful thai he has met With an accident or foul play. A team hitched to n heavy wagon be longing to 0. Iberii, a farmer living near Quick, ran away on nroadway yesterday afternoon and serious collisions were nar rowly averted. A buggy containing Mrs. J. Frost lost a wheel, hut Mrs. Frost escaped injury. The team, after running several blocks, was halted by a telegraph pole. Bister Mary Chlonii, mother superior of ! St. Francis' academy for tho last four yearn and connected with the Institution ) for the last twenty years, has been trans,, ferred to Ht, Joseph's academy, Des Moines. Hho hus been succeeded here by Hlster jwnrj- i.rociHuiu, wno comes rrom nn neademy of the order In southern Cali fornia. Oeorge O'Hrlen nml William Htlll wt-ro BrreHted last evening for engaging In a fight near I he Northwestern depot. Ac cording to mill's version of the trouble O'Hrlen was amusing himself pulling down the crossing gates at the Northwestern tracks. Htlll Is in charge of the gutes and he objected. In the light that followed Still was knocked down. Still was released on his promise to anpenr In police court this morning, but O'llrlen spent the night behind the bars. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. tcu-pbone 158. Lumber on sale at tho encampment (rounds. Woodmen's l)ny of Nnnrta. Several hundred members of tho craft and their families attended the picnic of Coun cil niufTs camp, No. 7161, Modern Woodmen of America, at Manawa yesterday. In the afternoon a program of sports was enjoyed. C. A. Tlbblts of Council muffs carried off the fat men's race and J. A. Klser tho seventy-five yards daBh. Klser also won tho hopping contest. Mrs. E. D. Wagner won' the stout woman's raco and Mrs. F, Tal bot the race for lean women. Tho boat race between Vencrablo Consuls W. B. Fisher of Council muffs camp and Charles Plnckncy of Hazel camp was captured by Fisher. The base ball game was won by Hazel camp team and the bowling contest by tho Omaha team. Dancing on the plat form In Shady Grove brought tho day's fes tivities to an end. i Tlargalns In land: Have Just returned from a long trip to Minnesota and North Dakota and can furnish any number of acres of choice farming lands at low prices. L. W. Tulloys. 102 Main street. (Irnriiintr of lllllndnlr. The members of the Oranha and Council Hluffs Hillsdale (Mich.) College association held their annual picnic yesterday at Lnko Manawa. The association, which has been organized seven years, has annually a sum mer picnic and a dinner on Now Year's day. Those present yesterday were: Mr. and Mrs. S. nogors, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. An drews, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Myers, Mrs. Ittner, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ittner, Mr. and Mrs. Parmaleo Prltchard, Mr. and Mr. Floyd J. Campbell, Omaha: Mr. and Mra. L. CutL-r. Mrs. George P. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lovorctt, Council Bluffs; Misses Lillian Dyer and Helen Brown, Minneapolis. The 100,000 feet of jurabor used on tbr loldlcrs" encampment grounds In for tali It 'figures far below cost. Pee C. Hafcr for Mrther Information. Dohany Theater THE CHASE-LISTER THEATER GO, ONE NK5HT ONLY. BUNDAY. AFO. SJ-In the Great Sensa tional Comedy, A MAN OF MYSTERY. 11 Y MAK1C E. SWAN Now niul Special Vaudeville Features be tweeii every net by Kdwln nnd Miidgrt Krnfft. Mr. Ernest F. Hoblson nnd Clint ind Beuslo HorMis. A big production nt popular nrlccs, 10c, Wc, 30c, Ktd for thott w'n kna whift onl. Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates . ani0pera Bon Bons Made lly , John 6. Woodward & Co. "The Car.dv Mm " Council Uluffs Iowa. tt Ml Iowa Steam Dye Work9 304 Urottuwajr. Makt yom old clothes look Ilk ntw. SIcadIob, Dyeing and Repairing. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (fcjucckor 10 W, c. iUtep) 3M PUAHL I'ltUUT. 'I'aun 07. FARM LOANS 5?r Negotiated In i:tern Nebraska nd low. James N, Caady. lr Ui Main. Bt. Council Bluff. ' BLUFFS. LAWSUITS THE FALL FASHION Oily Appears as Defendant in Twj of tht Nw Caiei. DETECTIVE WEIR SUED FOR AN ARREST Mini it Uli Itnndred Dollars Itesents lleliiK Classed ns Vngrnnt and Forced In Mtnml l'i In Oil All MKlit. Tho city of Council nt.,rr. hm- ... ' ional Inlurv ,in ...,. ..Ti, sonai injury damage suits anions tho grist v. hiuu yesioruny for the Septem-1 bcr term of tho district court. Mrs. Eleanor 1 Hlce, mother-in-law of Lieutenant Gov-, ernor Mllllman, appears as plaintiff In ' une, aoj ernest Marsh In tho other. Mrs. Rico wants la nnn f ',.... pallty's surplus cash fnr intnr . r.nT i which she and two fr crnls were driving was overturned down an emnkment on Third street near the nel ingh scho"" bulldlns. Mrs. Ulco suffered a fractu o of thyUht arm near tho shoulder and olher Injuries. The imhnnWmont n o .. i i... tho'gradln of nart of Third .i7 V T . StoTMreet nd Fl th , Mr,l nice contend, that the city Is l.abTe for tho lC sldcnt, as thero were no lights or danger signals displayed at the point where tins grading .iad been partly done. 1 h.rSfor rhTot,:h!leg:hCwh,cyhPne suffored as the result nf fniiin a c.. .- . " . vu , uhuiii ..nun uircei, near me st Joe house. Tho city, Marsh alleges, was negli gent In permitting the Ice to accumulate on, tho sidewalk and mako slippery nlaceo ror tho unwary pcdcstrlcn. f SPIRIT LAKE, la.. Aug. 23.-(Speclal.)- Illcrclc Detective n De.c itlnnt. M'ss Macomtier, dcujshtcr of Judge Ma Danlel L. Weir, tho blcyclc-mountcd de- nn cf mn,ha an,i' 3hrlteii.n of tectlve. attached to the pollcoTrae, was ,3, P fc "cnrl- lost their lives on Lake made defendant yesterday In a II 000 d"- ?kcboJI, "c,ln?s',ay cvcnln3- Tcy had or hl. II T n '"!8'C"ri,y Mor d" . ZZC "..! thn rh " 7. "I", , v JU" m.i n SU0I,lc,l0U8 ' WB c"'"cd ?m 8 l"0' . Ul thc ntxt morn- Ing this was erased and one of "vagrancy" entered In Its place. J. F. Hunt and Wll- Ham Brooks Reed. Heir's bondsmen, are named as party defendants In the suit. Ilurch In his pctltlci sots forth that his arrest was without warrant and entirely Uncalled fnr nnrl thn. Un . , ..r i uncalled for and that ho much shame and disgrace by boln-j en corted through the crowded puhllc streets by the ofllccr. He says ho raised a vfgoroun protest against his nn-wSt, but the o.:ic.r was obdurate and would not listen to reason. After being further humiliated b being searched at the city Jail. Iliirch states, he was thrown Into n cell In which there was no place to sit down cr a.;ep except an Iron bunk, which reekcj wl'.h filth. He says that he had to stand up tha entire night and consequently was unable to' sleep. Burch alleges that the cell was In' a state of nastlnrss and In a most ob noxious and unhealthy condition. F6r tho disgrace and humiliation to wliU'.i he was subjected by tho Hawhshaw of ilio Council Bluffs police department Ilartb wants $1,000, and Is not particular wheth r he collects It from the detective or from his bondsmen, so long as he gets it. Such thn IlllnoU Centrnt. W p iinv n mnin.n,nn i .,. .' Ec.eot, a repuDiican nominee lor reprcicnta ofl OMbiV m B' nhi? lpl y,,lvc' vl:11 u fh31 bslng mate, L E. Bridge ell' h In T V"nci f nicMncrn count', moved that 000 TJiZ the ni?iuUf.ht,'U t t0T, ,10;-'"le "ouilnntion of B. F Hohlnson of Arm Vlctor F Lahbe !Hv ii w'"' .I"' , lr- bo "nanlmous n-,d the motion railway LM ' hi tlcket aKat " 'hr- pr vailed with cheoK. The Lallct wh3h fendant Cmpany' belng named 08 ?aUy de','rr.u ted In Mr. F.ancU' motl:n stiod: B. co,ditw1f,hcr;r the mr w -!. vVbUS's a: coiuaen with tho motor car cf v.'hlch IIcv , . . ,, mtrm c, ; , i,ty' w l county, to noni nee fcr rcpresen'ntlve. nue anS. receive W. fu.l republican vote of the rom.i -m. i m , .lU . Taf f0rT ?C hr eountJe.. Thus ends one of tin of the moln ' n n . n vo1 b,ul ' -t JcgUlatlvo convention contests In other0 .X "rLiXuTt?: v ib cf r.-.jf rvr10?;- flr, face by broken glaEa. ilo L Td ,', Bcra,Sn wcs. at SXlrlt ke. July 17. and eeveral months. With his fno ...,:., - " " MP I v eeveral months. With his face swathed In t Kan ...1.1. t . . . .11 """b". wiiii upuiungs ior jtno eyes anu mouth, Hoyt wns a familiar sight on tho Btrceta for soveral weeks. Hoyt alleges thHt the switch cnglno foiled to signal Its, npptoach at the crossing' by ringing a bell or tooting Its whistle. Ho asecrts that his Injuries hnvc permanently disfigured him and that his face Is senred for life, all of which makes him suffer much mental anguish. Motor Coiiiniuiy Akrd to Pity. James F. Holden brought suit yesterday against tho motor company for $1,032. He alleges that August 13 last while alighting from a car ot Sixteenth street he was thrown violently to tho ground nnd acrosj a roll by the sudden starting of the car. He claims the negligence of tho motorman and conductor was responsible for tho ac cident, which laid him up for two weeks. The J32 of the amount sued for Is to reim burse him for what he expended for medical attendance, etc. The petition in the suit of John O. Ben nett against tho motor company was filed yesterday. Ho wants J3.000 for Injuries alleged to have been received whllo era' ployd as a guard at ths bathhouse' on Man hattan beach, Lake Manawa. Ho says that on July 21 there wero several thousand people at tho bathhouse and that whllo trying to keep the peoplo back from crowd ing Into tho steam launches he was crowded off the plntform nnd his foot caught be tween the steps and tho platform, vmashlng the fHsh and Injuring the bones of the foot and leg. Bennett also stioj for the salary which ho claims he would have re ceived had the company not discharged hlra In July. He alleges that under his contract ho was to havo employment until tbe close ot the season. Tho petitions In tbo suits of C. It. Hnnnan and Ira Ruffcorn against the motor com pany wero filed yesterday, Two 'Women Want Divorce. Mrs, Christine Wcstrom filed suit for divorce yesterday from Julius Westrom, whom she married in Hamilton county, Nebraska, January 3, 188C. She bases her , - n mmm hbixo iiimi she be awarded tho custody ot their four children, whosn mrm nm n . 1 1 I r"'"u" smuuory grounds ana asks that children, whose acra nnm from .1 in 11 years, alio that the title to eighty acres of land In Nebraska which they own hi decreed in her forever, Mrs. Oretchen Cochran alleges that a young woman named "Katrlna" has sup planted her In tho affections of her hus band. William T. Cochran, and for this and other reasons she filed suit for divorce yesieruay. in addition to tho divorce she . ... " " eM.drl-r CU,,0l,y. .0t th"r threVDr . 1 Z' ti0 l?onth PertnBnent "Umouy and $20 a month for the support of her children. The defendant Is a locomotive fireman ot this city. Tho Cochrans were married July 9. 1890. In this city. , Davit sella paint. SUPREME HEAD OF EAGLES President Del Cnrj- Winn 111 I'IIkM to till Council Illiifln Aerie. Supremo President Del Cary Smith of the Fiatcrnal Order of Hnples was the guest I. IrI:'. of the Council 11 luffs nerle and In consequence there wns considerable flapping of wings end other doings In his honor. Foll-ulng tie regular order of business, In cluding tho Initiation of several eaglets, a soc.nl session was held, nt which a general goul time v,as had and refreshments wero served. Addresses weremado by Police Judgo Ay1-.i-.vor li. City Attorney Wads wcr h, C. J. Dobli ms, Edward Sherlock, Alderman Brown and thcr prominent moni tors cf the r.ir'c. A ftwture if the enter tainment was l number of selections by tin Aerie quartet. " mmo" 0,1 " ?rc,,n,u r nt' B"llcr encampment is ror sale. A b.g s ap for some one. Gravel roofing. A. II. Head. 541 Ilroad'y. tinnier Decline,., lirltr Wllllnw. Jotn "rner, r who was nominated by be dcmocralc county convention for county rcfu,SM l bc " can,,,,,atf- " ! ' ,h, "om'natl,n "0W be ,om,orci1 Con 1 ? b Wllllng t0 TT..,he racc, "alnsl Wlllln" Arnd, th, , rcpubllcau not"': I T" one wno b"'8 lho ,C0'000 of lum- Sf, U,? bV, ,"3 ,,nlC "! ZZr a" C" C f0F ' ' . Davis sells class., - NARF'0WI-Y ESCAPE DROWNING .... ."""-"inner or iimtilm nml n Krlciiil Itosrneil from n I'erll- oiin PoiKIimi. cr" 8,art,,, 10 tMr "'of in his! !'..' Wh ho was a mile from them ,n saiiDoat capsized. Another launch put out. but after ten minutes was compelled 0,1 oc?ounl cf the n(,av- to put back. a small steamer pushed out. but soon blow Its distress whistle and the Hiawatha, a larger steamer, started to the sceno. Mr. Debscn, however, reached tho unfortu- nato' couple first and took them aboard his Inunch, landing them at Gllley's beach In - . lafetv When r.-arucd they were up to their uccl:s In watar. hanging onto the side of the capsized bent, nml every moment were cnculfcd with waves. Dobscn had n rough time getting to tho couple, having diffi culty In keeping from being swamped him self. Tho bailbcnt wr.s net a seaworthy craft, being built for racing, nnd In thfc hands cf skilled sailers would havo had. difficulty In weathering' tho stony. NOMINATION ivTADE AT LAST ItflniMifniiN' I, ii n u Content Kudu at Sililey In L' n ii n I in ii tin Declara tion for ItoliliiNon. riBLEY, In. Mig. 23. (Special Tole gia.u.) After "21 ballots bad ben ttken by H.l lnnlf!n ' I .... . . I n l ft ... : '.jl.mil . t I,,, , 1 1 Ull .11 Ull V1IU1 b IU ' , . . . f Nn.5 ,0"ow!" .Dy ainereni.ef.iona at spirit Lake and Slbloy until today. POSTS FOR POSTING FRAUD Uncle Sam' OfflcInU Cnune Arrel for I'rofmaliiK to Cure by Mental Science by Mnll. DAYTON, la., Aug. 23. Helen Post, her husband, Colonel C. Tost, and her son-in-law, C. F. Burgman, were arrosted today on Information sworn to by the United States postofflco Inspector, charging them with using tho mails for fraudulent pur poses. The offense alleged consisted In sending through the mails circulars pro fessing to euro patients nt a dlstnnce by means of mental science. Mrs. Tost claimed to bo able to heal all kinds of diseases, even rcsfdrlng the blind to sight, holding thnt no dlBeaso was In curable by her method of treatment. Johimon Comity Old Settler. IOWA CITY, la., Aug. 23. (Spccla'.) Thc thirty-fifth annual session of'the John son County Old Settlers' association was held hero tcday. The annual addresa was delivered by Mayor D. Mi Dixon of West Branch, la., president of thc organlziil-n. The nccrologlcal' report was made by Hon. John Springer. Jchn E. Jayne and Hcraco Sanders of Iowa City. It thowtd that, elnco the last meeting of tho asroclatlon, in l'JOO, there had been 106 deaths among Its mem bers, Thd following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Prcsldtnt, Captain Ralph I. Howell. Iowa City; vice president, Sam P. Fry. West Lucas; tccretary, Gil, R, Irish, East Lucca; treaturer. Henry J. Wleneke, Iowa City. lows Stnte Fnlr Open. DES MOINES, Aug. 23. The Iowa Stato fair, which will continue for seven days, was formally opened this morning, with n larger list of exhibitors than has been en tered upon the books of the association In years. Entries for OxblbltB close tonight nt mianigm. ine aitenaance today has con msicu lummy ui uAiuuunrs wno are Htlll engaged in arranging their goods. Whllo . v. . i . .. ,1 , I.. . LIU. . the fair was onened todav. tho nmi.n. does not begin until Monday, today and to morrow being devoted to the placing of the exhibits. Especial Interest Is taken this year In the race program, thero being only three classes which failed to All. ClMyton HrmU lawn Committee DES MOINES, Aug. 23. At the meetlrg fK .t 1. 1 1 . ... iri'uuiunu Dime central committee H. W. Clayton- of O.kaloo.a. repre.ntlng the Sixth district, was chosen chairman. Coler for Mayor of Xew York, NEW YOniC. Aug. 23.-John C Sheehan of the Qreiucr New York democracy Vu today tho noma of city Comptroller Bird H. "uu... wj lutBriiirii io me nntl-Tam- (many convention as a candidate for mayor.' FIFTEEN DELEGATES ATTEND Iowa Popnliiti Tut a Tioktt in tht Held and Adapt a Platform. 1. H. WELLER NAMED FOR GOVERNOR lleimlillcnii Stnte Committee Orunn Ilea tilth Spcnec ns C'linlrmnu nml C. W. I'lillU,.,, Secretary to Control the CamnnlKii. (F.'om a Staff Correspondent.) DHS MOINES, Aug. 23. (Special.) Tho r.:lddlc-of-the-road populists of Iowa held their state convention here today. It was a nnum by about fifteen delegates and Jo KrUer, national secretary. Andrew Mc t'h..kr lI ..adI8on county presided nnd S. M. Harvey of Polls county wns secretary. 'iho following ticket was nominated: Gov ernor, l. II. teller of Chickasaw county; lieutenant governor, Perry Bnglo of Jasper county; Judge of tho supremo court, J.' It. McDowell of Polk county; railroad com missioner, LuUo McDowell of- Shelby county; superintendent, I. C. Harlan of Woodbury county. Tho following platform was au'.pted: w. to populism of Iowa, In convention aBsetnbl".! in Des MolneK this 2d day of Au gust, 1901, do hereby give our unqualified Indorsement to that tlrpt great declaration of prlnclplLH promulgated I y our party, tin Omnlin plntform, and each subsequent na tional platform. Today we see the formation of glgnn 1" trustM to which th- people are compelled to puy enormous tribute while these hairl ess organizations urc using every ndvan tngu gained by their flnnnclnl power, aided by .subsidized press nnd. official favor, o crush with their lion heel the lul orlnK classes of our country. We sec a fnvoied few issuing their notes of Indebtedness and loaning them to the people ut Intctest io take the place of a sound, safe and stiihl, currency Issued by the government. We mco the railroad companies combining o further Increnno their extortion from the peop.o nnd to Increase their power nn.l au thority over their employes ns woll ns their Inlluence over the legislative, execu tive and Judicial departments of stnto and national governments. Wo se, nt the In stance of corporations, the formation ot vast corrupt and debauched political rims nnd combines In nation, stnte and cltl i, usurping the power of thc people to rob the people by using the franchises granted them to gnthci- from the mnsscs contributions to their corrupting campaign funds. And all thtEi; evil conditions wo ronllze to Le tho result of thn present policy of ntir na tional, state n.ncl city governments of con ferrlng the sovereignty of the people unm private Individuals that they may fulllll public functions for titer own private gain. Therefore, ns a remedy, we demand that they quit grantlnc public franchises to Individuals nnd corporations. o extend our sympathies to nil peoples struggling to establish more representative forms of government and wo condemn tho concerted action ot the preont ndmtnls'.ri tloti rind tho ndmlnls'r.itlon of England in tr-Y"."?, J? L'rUf,li out young republ c. and establlsh'ng In their place crown colon'es nnd Imperial rule. We especially commend and Indorst; that syHt;m of government known us direct legislation. On state Issues we, demand the equal tax ation of all property." whether corporate or private, and we further demand that no person ho compelled to pay tnxes on prop said proper"1! "bVi U' eaUlty he has ln Instead of the present system of having Individ". nPi Ptinss r(l bhMn "no by Z i "I'Jii Y, "Lnll,r unreasonable prollts ?h. ?."2'!ln5 '"".Pfflc-s and letting o it w rnvr i$l,,;.,5L1".!',?J.,.',y.e.st l"'ld?r. " . ic : -v" ,"",r i"uijrviBicin, io tno tui ' u?earnert ',.'Us ,,e olimlnnted and . I'criurminB me work rece.vo the. full nmount llold' tH?reforc. Mtnte' Committee OrRnnlsen. Tho republican 'state commutes today organized by electing R. j. Rpcnce of ,'iuuhi Ayr cnairman, and C. W. Phillips of Maquoketa, secretary. An executive com mittee was appointed to havo full charge of ilL0,.?0"1'"5 cnmPasn, consisting of Spence, Phillips, Clayton. Way and Bruce. This committee selected Phillips as chairman and he will, virtually control the entire stato campaign this year. Tho commltteo was agreed upon with tho candidates and has a majority of Ciimmlns men on the committee. The oxecutive committee will meet candidates and prominent republicans on September G and prepare for the cam paign. In tho representative convention of Osce ola, Emmet and Dickinson counties today tho deadlock was broken after 2,721 ballots by Osceola county throwing Its vote to B. F. Robinson of Dickinson county and elect ing him. Tho convention had twlco been adjourned. Xew Corporation. Tho Ottumwa Oil and Development com pany has been Incorporated with a capital stock of 10(000; president, W. M. Reeso; secretary, Joseph A. Mongan. Tho com pany will develop oil fields In Oklahoma. The People's Stato bank of Winthrop Buchanan county, has been incorporated with 125,000 capital; Thomas Thompson, president; L. N. Norman, cashier. Tho Pilgrim Publishing, Printing and En graving company of Dubuque has been In corporated with I1D.00O cnpltal, by F. P Oroe and C. T. Thomas. Killed on the Hnllrond. Clifford KelleyJ aged 20. of 1315 Fremont street, was killed on the Northwestern railroad at Vail In Crawford county yester day morning. His remains nro being taken to his parentn today, accompanied by an uncle. J. W. Lansing. It is bellecd that he fell asleep on tho track. A watch and $1.B0 wero found In his pockets. He was Identified by means of a packngo of cigar etto papers on tho cover of which his namo was written. Will He IlruiiKlit Illicit. Governor Shaw has Issued a requisition on tho governor of Oregon for the return to Iowa of Frank Kaufman, who organized nnd managed tho American Paper Stock company at Omaha and In Des Moines and worked a smooth swindle beforo he cut en tirely loose from It. Kaufman Is tho man who, after ho had got Into trouble here, went to various cities and got money on sight drafts from Junk dealers and bank ers. Ho worked his scheme nt Cedar Rapids Dubuque, Sioux City, Minneapolis, St. Louis' Denver and Colorado Springs and got nbout $1,000 before the officers headed him oft His confederate here In Des Moines was' never arrested, as there was no proof that ha shared In thc profits of the swlndlo; In fact, It Is certain that Kaufman failed to keep his word and divide up with his con federate. He Is now In Portland and tbo marBhal of Cedar Kaplds has gone to bring him back to Iown for trial on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Milwaukee Cnt-UIT n Certainty. Tho delay In the building of tho cut-off of tbe Milwaukee railroad from Davenport to Ottumwa Is at an end and this week tho right of wny ngents, Senator Titus nnd At torney John McKee, went out along tho llnodn Muscatine county and commenced paying for the right of way. Tho survey is all completed, but thore had been delay on account of a disagreement with the. Rock Island over tho use of a track to Muscatine from Davenport. Now this has been settled and the company Is buying rights of way. Thero, will be four depots in Muscatine county. The line runs through Washington. Confeaara to the Crime. Louis Busse of Alllon, Butler county, who Is In Jail awaiting trial for having killed his wife, is reported to have made a full confession. He claims that ho had had ropeated quarrels with his wife and this time they camo to blows, ln the fight ho killed bis wife. Then he tried to hide bU crlmo by burning the house. When he was arrested thero was danger of mob violence. Aiuea Child 5nvc u llntiy. AMES, la., Aug. 23. (Special.) A baby wns saved from fatal burns by tho 7-year old dnughter of Frank Foys, south of Ames yesterday. The netting on the baby's cnb was accidentally Ignited nnd the girl snatched thc Infant out thc flames nnd cx tlngulthed Its burning clothing by muffling it In blankets. Buys the Aolitnn Fnr in. ONAWA, la.. Aug. 23. (Special.) Inter state Commerce Commissioner J, D. Yeo mans has bought for $34,500 tho Ashton nursery nnd farm of 560 acres, which cou tains the original claim of Isnnc Ashton, tho third settler of Monona county, who located on It in December, 1851. ClinSK OF THE COCAl.MJ 1IA11IT. Characterised nm One of the Three Orrat fcournea of the World. In a lecture before tho New York School of Clinical Medicine Dr. Thomas D. Croth- crs of Hartford, Conn., characterized co- catnlam ns one of tho three, great scourges of tho world, alcoholism nnd morphinism being tho other two. Custom house reports, tho lecturer said. show an enormous Increaso recently In the importation of this drug, and not moro than tho one-slxtlcth part of what Is now sou Is used for legitimate purposes. Tho vice of cocnlnlsm Is spreading alarmingly nmong thc poor as well ns tho rich, ns tho drug ts becoming cheaper nil tho time. A ono ounce package, which less than flvo years ago cost 6, can now bc purchased for o cents. Ono result of this cheapening Is thnt tho Cocaine habit Is becoming common nmong tramps and paupers ns well ns business nnd professional men. It lsino longer nn aris tocratic vice, If It ever was. In New Or leans and other parts of tho south and west tho drug Is freoly bought In 5-cent pack ages. Dr. Crothera regards tho use nf tho drug, oven as a local anesthetic for surgical pur poses, as exceedingly dangerous, especially In rases where tho Bubscnucnt rcnctlon Is characterized by headache, lassitude and depression. Yet Its uso in surgery Is be coming very common. Tho lecturer nlso deprecated the fact that many popular pro prietary remedies contain cocnlno in largo quantities. It is almost a specific for catarrhal troubles and though using It ns a romedlal agent unconsciously many persons, charmed with Its speedy and delightful results, be come addicted to It habitually and finally become slaves to Its use. Its first effects n small doses aro to create a feeling of elation, of greatly In creased mental and physlcnl superiority nnd of freedom from caro and anxiety. The morphinist finds In It a substitute to rcllovo thc senso of depression following tho uso of that narcotic. Tho hard drinker Is charmed with 'ts effects, ns his depression yields to n sense 'of elation and abnormal exaltation. But In the uso of cocalno thero follows a sure reaction. In n short time thero are devoloped characteristic symptoms of tbo habitual cocalnlst. If ho be a lawyer, a writer or a, clergyman bo shows marvelous fluency and prolixity of speech. Ho has n raro fecundity of words, but they betray a tendency toward circumlocution and Ir relevancy. Ja letter writing ho betrays his secret vice by his dlffuasncss without direct ness. "There aro novels which nro highly popu lar today," said tho leoturer, "which show almost concluslvo evidence of having been written under tho Influonco of cocalno, nnd several poems characterized by marvelous rhythm and smoothness have had tholriln spiratlon 'in this drug. "Habitual use of tt Impairs the judgment and results In the grandiose Ideas often as sociated with paretic diseases. One's sense of right and wrong becomes impaired. A man formerly open and frank becomes se cretive, selfish and dishonest. A 'Wall street authority told mo that ho knew of threo of tho most reckless operators of recent years whose losses of fortunes aro directly duo to Impairment of tholr Judgment through the tise of Cocalno. "After the nbnormal senso of elation and power come delusions. Tho victim fears sudden attack. He sits up at night watch ing for burglars. He Is fearful of accident and abnormally suspicious ot Imaginary persecutors. Most victims ln this stago carry rnvolvers. "One ot them onco camo to me in this condition. Ho was a physician, who had lost hlo wife and family In tho Johnstown flood, nnd hnd taken to cocaine to sootho him In bis grent affliction. Ho hnd two re volvers when he told mo of the secret. Ho was rational enough In most matters, but thought be had hidden enemies. I finally persuaded him to surrender his firearms nnd tho first night ho compromised on a stout naio ball bat under his pillow. Ho finally conquered the appetite, but It re quired years of hard struggling." Dr. Cfotners nnrratcd many similar In stances, speclnlly among brain workers, Ho recommended as the best curatlvo method complete abstinence from tbo drug, combined with Turkish nnd electric baths, mineral waters nnd tonics,, Judicious re straint, careful nnd abstemious diet and a long rest. He Knows of no specific for tbo cure of the habit. NAMING Till: CKAIl'S DAl'GIITKIt. Iln'nl 8 ii in in rr Pnlnre the So cue nf nn IiiiiomIiik Kvent. Peterhof, the sumptuous summer palace of tho czar of Russia, which owes. Us origin to a caprlco of the great Empress Cather ine, a roynl abodo which for over a cen tury has been tho scene of so many im posing ovents, was ablaze last Sunday with tho utmost splendor nnd pageantry, says tho Chicago Inter Ocean. A solemn func tion took. place on that day, very different from tho ordinary gala scenes for which the palace hns been noted throughout tbo world, but resembling them otherwise ln tho pomp and ceremonial which distinguish tho court of the autocrat of tho Kusslas. Tho brilliancy of tho spectacle was tn great contrast to the simplicity and almost do mestic nature of the ceremony by which tho baby daughter of Nicholas II was chris tened Anastasla Nlcolasla a very popular Russian name. This ceremony will tako place onco more out of deference to the wishes of tho young czarina, who was very anxious to be present, but the physicians would not allow ot It. Even so august a sovereign nn the czarina of Russia cannot gratify all her wishes. Reasons ot stato accelerated the baptism ot the little archduchess, and Inflexible Russian tradition made It Imperative that hor christening should take place on Sun day, Czar Nicholas was also anxious to proceed forthwith to the summer mllltnry maneuvers nt Krnsnoe-Szclo, which will last a few weeks. For so gorgeous an affair as tho baptism of n daughter of Russia no more enchanting spot could havo been chosen than beauti ful Peterhof, tbo Versailles of Russia. The church of Peterhof, which Is almost hidden amidst shrubbery and foliage, Is a marvel of beauty. One traverses the whole length of tho gardens to reach It, through a mat of brilliant flower beds, and from every point of view glitters the gilded domo of tho little Ryzantlno temple, a gem of beauty. Within tho walls everything that meets the eyes (a of tbe most ornato and delicate workmanship. It 'is hard to do justice to tho splendor and glitter of the fete which marked the baptism of this little Romanoff girl. Thu Kodol Dyspepsia Cure People used to think that tho only way to overcome ludt petition was to stop citing' and manjr think so still. Iiut tho only trouble in that kind of treatment Is tho fact that to stop eating means to stop Hrlng, and vre can hardly call that a cure. But alnce Kodol Dyspepsia Cure has becomo known tho rvholo method of treating Indigestion has bcon chunuctt. It digest. i what you eat nnd permits you to cat all the good food you nerd nnd gives thc stomach perfect rest; nnd Its use constitutes a plain common sense method of curing dyspepsia and Indigestion. It can't help but do you good arrd by CO. Do Witt A Co., Chicago. Tbo 11. botllo contains times tbo 50c iltc Praparcd When you suffer from biliousness or DUls known as DeWltt's Uttl cortege Included crowned heads, princes. grand dukes, all tho higher ofllclals nf tho court, ministers nnd ambassadors, forming pageant almost medieval In Its plctur- esquoncss. The official Journal which pro vides for tho arrangement of such matters and for Inconcclvnbly small details regard ing public functions notified thoso con cerned that: "On tho day of tho christen- ng of tho Imperial Infnnt all the Invited guests shall repair at 10:30 to tho state re ception hall of tho palaco of retcrhof. Ap propriate positions ehnll bo allotted to tho holy synod, tho Imperial council, tho mln- stry, foreign nmbassadors, grnnd dukes. etc. All nro to wear full court dress and tho cordons of tho different orders as they may bo privileged to do. Tho women shall bo ln grand toilet." At 10:30 accordingly tho unconscious In fant was drlvon to the palace In a state carriage drawn by eight ' cream-colored thoroughbreds, with outriders, nnd n pro cession of poldlcrs, dignitaries and palaco attendants. Trior to tho commencement of tho re ligious Kt'rvlce n mastor of tho ceremonies conveyed to tho church tho Insignia ot the Order of St. Cntherlne. blazing with bril liants, valued at 1,000,000 roubles. Every thing being In readiness nnd tho czar hav ing Issued his final Instructions, tho bril liant cavalcade proceeded to tbe church. When tho church wns reached the czar withdrew temporarily, for a curious Hus. slon tradition prohibits tho czar himself lrom being present at tho christening of bis children. Tho czar's chaplain In a loud volco then proceeded to baptize tho little grand duchess, hor sponsors being tho empress dowager, tho Princess Ireno of Prussia, tho Grand Duko Serglus and the Grand Duchess Olga. After tho christening n to dcum was chanted by tho assembled choirs o' Peterhof and n snluto of 100 guns was ttred, Tho Imperial party thon received tho felicitations of tho clergy. Tho prtcoKslon returned ln the samo order to tho palaco. Prior to this, howovor, tho emperor was formally notified by the grand master of tho ceremonies of tho baptism of his daughter and ho then rejoined his party. A .solemn mass was celebrated by the metropolitan of St. Petersburg. Whllo the psalm, "Im plcatur vos Mcum Laudcm" was being chanted tho chancollor ot the Imperial nnd roynl orders carried tho Insignia of tho Order ot St. Catherine to the empress dowagor, so that sho might Invest tho In fant archduchess with the same. A grand banquet and ball, at tbe Imperial palace wound up tho evening. NOTHING GOES TO WASTE. Chemistry linn Hon nil I!e for What Were Once Itefuae Products. There is no such thing as waste product in tne industries of tho present day, Everything Is wheat that comes to tho mill of the manufacturers. In overy big factory now there Is a chemist, whoso busi ness It Is to And out what can be done with the refuse. In tho packing houso ovory particle of grease Is extracted from it and sent to tho soap factory. Tho residue is converted into a fertilizer and sold to tho farmer. Duttons and knttebandles are mnde from tho horns and bones and' tbo scraps nro ground Into bonemeal for feed lng poultry. Glue and gelatine come from uiq noois anu tno nristles and nalr aro used In making brushes and for putting into mortar. The hide, of course, Is tanned and made Into leather. In making coal gas, ammonia, carbolic acid, acetic acid, coal tar and various nltro gen compounds aro nlso produced. From coal tar many flno dyes ore made. From crude petroleum are made kerosene, gaso line, naphtha, paraffin nnd vaseline. A 'still heavier oil, loft as a residue, is used for axle grease and tho carbon is turnod into sticks for electric lights. The sul phurlo acid used for purifying the products of petroleum is recovered and turned Into fertilizer tor farms where there Is too much phosphato rock, which ln thus dissolved Crcntn of tartar Is made from the residue of wine factories. Cotton seeds ore stripped of lint for making paper. They ore then crushed for the oil and the meal Is pressed Into cakes for feeding stock or burning as fuel. If the cakes are burned the ashes are so rich In potash that they are used for fertilizing tobacco plants. From tbo oil comes a good quality of salad oil. Com blned with beef suet it makes cottoleno, which Is used as a substitute for lard. Tho crudest part of tho oil goes to the soap fac tory and the various washings nnd rcflnlngs mako it yield glycerine This ln turn, bo sides being used medicinally, helps to mako nitroglycerine, 'the explosive These nro only a few Illustrations of how tho chomlsts make profitable use of refuse, a branch of tho vnrlous Industries that peoplo In general know llttlo about. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Soar Signature f 5m FacSlmlM ,Wrappr Mew. Tar? aaaaU suad aa MT in taka a mgaj FOI KLAOACHL m IIRINISI. FOR IIUOUtNEtt. FIR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALIIW KIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION JtSJ OBKiimi imiiwh. YtttaW.x-Wtfl SURE KICK HEAfiASHJt. CARTER'S IP Digests what you Eat constipation, uso tho famous little llvei EARLY RISERS. They never griuo. SPECIAL RATES i.oi invii.u:, KV August 2tth, 25th, Mth. SAX A.VTOXIO, TI4X., September lith, 13th. ICth. CI,KVHI,ANn, OHIO, September 7th to 11th. iiomi:si;i:ki:hS. uxcimsm.v.s, September 3rd and' 17th, nFSLtmth?r Information address or cni; at company's TIC KMT ori-ici:, S. E. Cor. I4tii and Douglas, $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years InOmahs VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without Ciittlng. pr.ln or Ion of time. SYPHILID curd for Ufa and ths polnon JT . " 1 thoroughly cleansed from th system. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever, Ifa "BREAKING OUT" ot the disease onthe sklu or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or injurious modlclnt). WEAK MEN from Excesses or Vienna to Nkhvoub IHntMTT or KxHArjsnow. Wbaknkss with KAni.r DltCAT In Yonwo and Middle Aoan.iack of vim, vhror and strength, with organs impaired and weak. -STRICTURE ured with a new Iloma Treatment. No pain, no detention from busl nets. Kidney and llladder Troubles. p C0M.ltr5?.E?r.Vt b, Mall. Call on on or address g So. 14th St( Dr. Siarles&Searles. Omaha, Neb. DeWiTT'S Wltcia HazeB SALVE A well known cure for Piles Thltt salvo cannot be equalled whurovci asoottalntfand healing antiseptic appli cation Is needed. It quickly cures sores, cuts, burns nnd scalds without leaving t icar. For piles, eczema and all eklu diseases it is considered infallible. Beware of Counterfeits Unscrupulous persons may ofTcr you worthless Imitations. Tako only the or lglnal DeWitt's Witch HazklSalvb reD"ed hw E C. DeWITT Co Chicao Not in Nature for anvone to alwavs feel tired. Tlirre is no need to drag out an existence wunoui summon. Weak nerves are rennoiuthle for Inn guor, depression, debility and varico cele. Dlaeased nerves, whether due to over work, over-indulgence or any other cause, con oe miae iroug an sicci uy tbe ue of They tone and Invigorate every organ of tlieoody, soothe aud strengthen the nerves ntid transform broken down men and women Into strong, healthy, vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons, if you find this Isn't so, you get your money back. tl.OOperbor; A boxes (with guaran tee), 8.5.00. Hook free. kwr bT Kutan A Ca A. D1II0B, Vulltr i'aiut Drug Co., umalia; anu uavis urug uo.. vouncu jiunra. la. O R. KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates and rrno rates th System; purifies and curlche s tho blood; cures the worst dyspepsia, constipation, bnadaclie, liver and kidneys. Sftaandtl.ntdruggWlK. 1'rrs R aavice. s.im pic anu imoK. piuibbk Dr. 11. J. Kay, Suratoga, N Y. HPB EN0VAT0I-E CURE YOURSELF ii.m Itlff tfi fur unnatural I ac Iju I I li Ha t. lit it t l.i u a, IrrlUtloui t ulcerations of in li oo us meinliraiies r...ii nl.il. ' raliiloM. ami nm auiu. illCUCO. ''" i"""" Hum ny oruscliu, or "'tit in pinto wrapper. ii.no, or 3 liottlos, tlSv. OlrsaJsr not on nMC: rrcyain rs CHICHESTER 8 tNGLIDH icr i.iiii,iirHiii;u-rt K?((jl!rt Is ltKI) li4 IJild lu.i.llf. Ul.i ,,.1,1 lib U..NI.U., T.k. ,,p, Hrfui. Uaacrroas Hub.tllall... and Inlu. lion. ; f roar lia(i,t. .r ...I 4,. ia lara 11.11. IA.Alini...i....i.i. V.ij 1. II, . Bill.. 'L i.t. ... ... ' A HOME PRODUCT Bettor than Importnd. Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY Delicious InvlEorntltiB harmless. Ahsolutrly pure, MONEY Rrnnrlri We s . I 1 Pllhr- anteo l)r Koj'h Itcnovntor to cure (Ivkncml'i t.miti. Cation, liver nnd kidneys. Hem tonic, laxative., Uiod purlllnr kmmn for all chronic disease renovates and InvlKoratci) Mia rrholnayktem ami eurea very worstraion. Oct trlul boi at onco. If not satisfied vrlth It notify iih, wo will return) monjy hv return tnntl. Write jour nymptoms fiirl ren Medical -Advice, sample mid Proof. 2SA Mo at dnurL'lau. Ut. U. J. Kay, Saratonn. ffea AatV Id Io V afsW OotrtBt.t4 V- 3 rrtf.su Oonli TalTKEEVAliSCHfl AmcmCNKiTi.O.iPJI stal 57 -r .11 0f mttmmmm