4r r 1 $75,000 HP mm for your choice Ladies' Elegant Shoes none worl.li less tlian three dollars, and some worth 1 and $5. All sizes, till widths, all new full styles, and in the original cases and cartons just from the makers. Extraordiua Sale of Having purchased from a Chicago manufacturer over 5,000 boyt autl children's suits at 50c on the dollar, we are able to offer you the following I extraordinary $L5ft Belt Buckles, Saturday we will place on sale a very choice lot pf 'ladies' belt buckles its a saraplo line and we got them vory cheap. They come in -ii i..ij I),......., ,.,1,1 nl ii toil nil nnw lluaiffns vorv hnndsomo 10c-45c25c settings -worth up to $1,50 at .; BRINGS BODY OF MRS, ROSS BtMHirtj'HaUig Boan Viotim of the Iilander DUaiter. INDIANS. BOB ' CORPSES. WASHED ASHORE llnWo'd'sfiiVe .Mnrxlinl Seniln Dpimtlfn, M'lio Apiuolicml the UIiouIb Uoiitll lAnt' ItcvlNt'il o Include l'orty Nnmcii. ! " . VANCOUVKlt, 11. C. Aug. 23. The (tenmor HuttiiK arrived In port today bring Ing'tlio liorflDs of llvo victims of the Islander disaster. lit nil, jilnotccn liodlca bnvu been recovered nnd It Is authentically stnted'thui tho 'total number of lives lost wus forty. Tho bodies brought hero today were those of Mrs. ltoss, wits of Governor Uoss of the Yukon territory, und her Infunt child; Mrs. IIosh of Ban Francisco, . Director Joseph Cunnenan of Victoria, and Captain 11. H. Koote, muster of the Islander. The oiucial list of the" drowned Is as follows: Passengers" first class: KMEII.S. MISS KATK UAHN1JS. ' MltS. UOSS, malil and child. v. ii. noqoLASs. ' MRS. Dlt. l'lULLll'S and child. MUS MINNIB lOSS. MltS. NICHOLAS. Mil. K HATING. V. HATE. J. V. llELli. M. J; IHIAKUN. ' AHT1IUU K RATING. MltS. J. C. HENDERSON. UU. J. DUNCAN1. ..J. V. DA11U ' J. KEATING. Second claWi II. T. UOOKIt. . ' AVILLIAM MEADOWS. !N. S. CASl'EU. Crow; II. It. rOQTE. MILES 40ACH, wntter, II. rOHTEK, coal passer. 8. ,J. I'lTTS. cook. QKOHGE A.LEN, third engineer. JAMES, HATCH, fireman. JAMES MILES, aislstant pantryman. GEOnOE" MILES, barber. H. FOWLEH. Btoword. GEOrtHK UUCKIIOLDEIt, otter. NOKMAN LAW, wnlter. TWO CHINESE roris boys, A. KENDALL, laloon watchman. JAMES HATCH, nrenmn. TWO COAL. I'.A'SSEIIS. names unknown. IliiliHna lloli lluillra, Advices from Skagway of tho latest date. etato tfint after some of the bodies were washed ashpro ghoulish acts wcru com FINE SHOES & SATURDAY, EVERY ONE A BARGAIN for your choice of 1,800 pairs LADIES' KID SHOES on bargain equares in baaetn't of 0,000 pairs ry Boys' School Suits bargains Saturday and all next week. Boys' Knee Pants Suits Made for rough and tumble wear, small size, rondo with double breasted open vest, bandsomoly trimmed, of very cholco pries materials the suits are worth Just double tho prlco wo fv f ask for thorn Vf $2 values, for Jloys' Knee Pants Suits Ages 3 to 1C years, double breasted Nor folk and vesteo styles, tho materials aro all wool cheviots, tweeds and caBstmercs, tin all the nowest shades These aro 15.00 values s.t X10.1. $298 strong tweeds' nnd worth 50c n pair, on salo in basement at, per pair 10c, 15c, 25c. mitted by Indians. At that tlmo tho coast was not In control of patrolmen and tho bodies cast ashore wcro temporarily unpro tected. As soon as It was discovered In Juneau that tho work of robbing tho corpses was In progress tho United States innrshol dispatched a number of deputies to the sccno and at the dato of sailing of tho Hating It was understood that several of tho; ghouls hnd been apprehended. .Of the bodies recovered nine were burled In Juneau. It Is understood that the ma jority of Interred remains were those of mcmbors of tho crow. It Is thought that Borne bodies yet remain within the wreck. The task of raisins, tho vossel has not been considered but soundings will be made to ascertain at what depth tho Ilnnder lies. Should It provo to lie under thirty-five fathoms nn attempt will bo made to raise tho wrecked vessel. CARRIERS ON RURAL ROUTES 6rvrnl .Mnr AiMiliiiiienU Mnile In NrlirtiNkn, Iuivn nml Mouth Dakota. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (Special Tele gram.) These rural free delivery letter ear- Tiers were appointed today: Nebraska I'onca, J. I). Smith and E. E. Uowley, Iowa Shenandoah, II. T. Nflwcomb; Claj Inda, It. E. Miller; Anamosa, Mllo D. Bag ley; Muscatine, William Me'rdlck; Liberty Vllle, M.' D. Claypool; Marcna, F. A. Bene dict; Columbus Junction, J. F. Duncan; Carroll, H. T. Atken; Altoona, Charles Evans. South Dakota Ccntorvllle, W. L. Halns. Ipwa postmasters appointed today: D, W. Neighbor, Lafayetto, Linn county; O. Scrivener, Slam, Taylor county. The Hanover National bank of Now York1 was today approved as a reserve agent for tho First Natlopal bank of Alexandria, S, D. Malcolm W. Odcll, teacher, nnd wife, assistant matron at tho Indian school at Carlisle, were today transferred to similar positions nt the Sao and Fox Indian school, 'Toledo, 0. Ono additional carrier has been allowed the postmaster at Creston, la., to begin service on October 1. , V. J. Benson of Taulen, la., "was today nwurded n contract for carrying mail be tween Taulen and Leland, la. Chiiffrr'N Cimiiiillt)' I.Ut. WASHINGTON, Aug. I3.-Gcncral Chaf fee reports by mall the following casualties In tho Philippines. In engagement at Saninr, June 23, 1001 Edward E. Downs, first lieutenant First Infantry, killed In action; Harry Wilson, First Infantry, killed In action; Gust Fran kan, acting hospital iitownrd, elbow, mod crate; Edward Wllkon. Company II, First Infantry, chest, severe. In cogageuieut- at Slier, June 19 Albert THE OIAITA DAILY .BEEt SATT'UDAY, Our (iOmbined purchases of men's, women's, misses', boys and child's shoes, which form the sale that begins today, Saturday,are a combination of best shoemuking, best leather, latest styles and the lowest prices ever placed on such high grades. The sale is startling in the extreme. We have been obliged to change the arrangements of our entire shoe departments, and cases are piled one on top of the other like cordwood, but every thing is placed so conveniently that even a child can wait on itself, and find things quickly and easily. 0 3,000 pairs Moloney Bros.' Rochester Made Shoes -for Misses and Children Regular prlco up to 3 dollurs und half a at 50c, 59c, 75c, LADIES' SMART SHOES made by Gray Bros, and Baker and Bowman for Ilanan and De-Mnth and others, to sell for 5.00, $0.00 and 7.00 a pair. on at $3, $3.50 Boys- Knee Pants Suits l3oub1o breasted nnd 3-ploco vest styles, nges 3 to 16, all maJo of strictly all wool material, many of tho pants are matlo with double seat ana knees they Knees mey nro $1.98 worth fully up to $4.00 Special salo price .' Boys' Knee Pants Suits- Made of tho very best materials, serges, black clays and tricots mtida up In tho very latest worth fully J3 and $7.00 on salo Saturday at $3.98 Boys' and Youths' Long Pants Suits $4 black and blue elieviot suits, ages 11 to 19, $2.98. 7;fiO elegant all wool suits, ages 11 to 19, .$1.98. $8 fancy cheviot and worsted suits, ages 12 to 20, $8 98 $10 finest young men's suits, ages 14 to 20, $7.50. BOYS' KNKE rANTS Made of We guarantee our Indestructible fancy cheviots Kneo jinntH una givo you pair for every Pair not 4 4"w well made of best I VIC materlals-U.OO 25c and 50c Pillow Tops at 7jc We purchased 300 dozen pillow tops at a fraction of their worth and offer them today at a very low figure. They are made of cretonne and sateen PJ J and the patterns are" very beautiful, J "CT oriental designs, 25c & 50c values, at 2 C, Krausc, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry, killed In action. In engagement at Llntogo, Mindanao, Juno IS Charles W. Fischer, sergeant, Company D, Twenty-second Infantry, thigh, slight. In engagement at Loboo, Luzon, Juno 20 Gotfricnd Hug, Twonty-soventh coast ar tillery, slight, John A. Browne, sergeant Thirty-sixth coast artllley, chest, severe. THEY RECEIVE VICUNA'S BODY OrHvlfil nnd Dlnloinntu nt Wnnliliiit ton ICiivurt It to It Temporary Tomb. WASHINGTON, Aup 23. Tho body of Scnor Morla Vicuna, lato minister of Chill to the United States, arrived In Washing ton today from Buffalo. Tho funernl cortcgo was mot nt tho depot by a number of olfl clals and members of tho diplomatic corps, Including Colonel W. 11. Michael, In behalf of the State department: W. C. Fox, acting chief of tho Bureau of American Republics, tho I'eruvlan minister, Mr. Caldoron, the Costa Ilican minister, Mr. Calvo; repre sentatives from tho Mexican, Japanese, Venezuelan, Domlnlcnn and other lcgatlorn. Tho funeral party procoeded to Hock Creek cemetery, where tho casket was de posited in the receiving vault, pendln'g a de termination on the final disposition of the body. Over tho casket wero draped the Chilian and American flags, whllo a pro fusion of beautiful floral offerings wcro ar ranged about it. Thcro wcro no services nt tho cometory. It will bo decided later whether the body will be sent toXJhlll on board the Chilian war ship which will soon arrive or will go via j5an Francisco. Tho Bureau of American Republics was closed today. At tha Chilian, legation many offi cials and members of the diplomatic corps called during tho day to leave cards of respect nnd condolence. At tho request of the Chilian, government, tho Stnto department 'has recognized Senor Klodoro Infante as charge d'affaires flf Chill owing to the death of Minister Vicuna. Senor Infante has been first secretary of tho legation fcr somo tlmo and Is thor oughly familiar with Its affairs. Orreka to Ilt-cnmo Modern. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Tho progress of communication within Greece nt present Is marked and promises In, the near future to bring conveniences of travel to a level with those of any country In Europe, says Consul Jackson at Tatras, areeco In a report to the Stat department. The consul thinks tho" system of railways contemplated will bo similar to" those In general use In France and Italy. A I n haul a Toivn I a Afloat. ROME, Ga., 'Aug. 23.-Advlces from Col llnsvllie, Ala., statu that the town was visited by a cloudburst late yesterduy afternoon and greatly dnmaged, Several stores nre reported to huve been com pletely Inundated nnd mnny residences washed out from their foundation. pair QhirtifrirffTI'iV SI, $1.25, $1.50 and $4.00 . aro Including they are styles- n now weurliic f SlIC WISH LI HUNG CHASTISED Ohintse Officials Petition Empsror to Have Him Punithsd. NATIVE EDITORS ALL DENOUNCE HIS WORK Cull It Iletiaj ill of II Ih Country anil Uthertvlno tieelc to Adil to Un lllCIIHIIlltllfHN of IIIh llc tlrfmcnt. PEKIN, Aug. 23. Tho delay of tho Chi neso plenipotentiaries In signing tho pro tocol Is causing somo uncaslnesi In tho foreign community here, although tho min isters of tho powers do not think tho Chl neso Intend to defy the powers by ultimately refusing to sign. They believe China Is anxious to wind up tho negotiations Bpeed- uy. Decrees reciting tho punishments nnd sus pending tho examinations will, bo issuod be fore tho Chinese signatures are atflxcd. I'rlnco Ching," at tho request of tho em press dowager, telegraphed to her verbatim tho restrictions as to tho Importation of arms. LI Hung Chang, having practically con ducted all tho nctlve negotiations, has re tired Into tho background, leaving to I'rlnco Chlng tho responsibility of consummating tho 'work. Earl Li finds himself in tho same precarious position that ho occupied nt thu close of tho negotiations following tho war with Japan. Tho native press Is unanimous In violently denouncing him for what Is called his surrender to tho foreigners, nnd n number of ofllclals tmvo petitioned tho emperor to punish him for betraying his country. LONDON, Aug. 24. "Immense quantities of arms and ammunition nro. being manu factured In tho arsenals of China," says tho Pokln correspondent of tho Times, "nnd Immense quantities nro nlso being im ported, mainly by way of Ynng Tso Klnng." PHILIPPINE FOREIGN TRADE Iloth ImiiorU nml Ktport Show u I.nree Iiicrt'imc Over tliu I'rcrlou Yrur. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. A continued Increase in both the Import nnd export trnde of tho Philippines la shown In a comparative statement compiled nt the War department giving tho commerce of tho islands for tho seven months ending .January 31, 1901 and 1900. The total valuo of meichnndlso Imported during tho soven months ended January 31, 1901, was $17, 999,167, as against $12,071,705 for tho same period In 1900, and tho merchandlso ex ported was $12,637,3J9, u against S,305t- ATGVPT 2f, 1001. Your choice of 'J, GOO pairs MEN'S SHOES in patent leather, vici kid and calf skin, in basement Boys' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Little Cents' Shoes, 98c, SI.25, $1.50, $1.59 and $1.75 Men's !. all The balance of our suits will be closed out of the vct-v best Qualities in fancy striped and checked worsteds, cassimeres made and correctly tailored, the styles are new It's the choicest lot of IP men's suits ever offered at such a low figure No previous wnmt uomo aim cuooseiroiu mooo 9x v values Saturday, at Five Dollars. 50c Hair Bows at 10c and 15c The most popular " head dress for women are hair-bows. These we offer. for Saturday at such low prices are made of very wide taffeta, of - PJ good quality, nnd In pretty I I mC ml I 8huilo3, mountod or shell hair-. JL JL pins 50o values ut S30 for tho 1000 porlod. This shows nn lncrcoso of 42 per cent In tho value of Imports and 62 per cent In export values. Tho valuo of Imports of merchandlso from tho several countries respectively during tho seven months ended January 31, 1901 and 1900, exclusive of quartermaster's supplies, follows: United Stntes, 1901, iU 493.48S; 1900, 890,010, or 68 per cent in crease. European countries, 1901, $8,974, 183; 1900, $r,270,76C, or 70 per cent Increase. Asia, 1901, $7,327,582; 1900, $0,000,222, or 22 per cent Increase. Oconnlca, 1901, $197, C83; 1900, $507,702, or 61 per cent decrease. Exports of merchandise to various coun tries respectively during these seven mouths periods follow: United States, 1901, $1,477,011; 1900, ,$2,037,030. European countries, 1901, $7,983,751; 1900, $3,201,656. Asia, 1901, $2,543,410; 1900, $2,774,464. Oceanlca, 1901, $286,805; 1900, $242,450. Othor countries, 1901. $345,782; 1900, $49,523. The valuo of hemp exported during tho soven months ended Jnnnury 31, 1901, was $7,233,155, an Increuso of $2,661,110; sugar, $1,010,590, decrease $626,086; tobacco nnd 1 cigars, $1,509,623, lncreaso $244,296; copra, ! $1,906,215, Increase $1,671,856; miscellaneous, 1 $707,021, an Increase of $247,371. UNCLE SAM HJST LOOKS ON Wiicxueliiii-Coloiiililitii Trniihln Con cern Him Only In the Extent of Safety for CUIneim' Intermix. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Tho progress of tho complications between Venezuela nnd Colombia continues to attract tho at tention of tho authorities here, who oc cupy tho position of disinterested observers of an nffnir In which tho United Stntes has no direct concern, except In properly safeguarding American Interests. T4io ovent of an actual conflict between Venczuoln and Colombia thero Is felt to be no occa sion for action on tho part of this gov ernment, except In pursuing tho usual course of looking nftcr tho properjy In terest of our citizens In that quarter. The Stnto department has no official advices from either country. SCHLEY'S RETIREMENT NEAR Will lie on Tenth of October, Mnkliiif Way for AVIIile nml ;Iom. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 Important re tirements and' promotions In tho United States navy will occur within the next few weeks, ns announced at the Navy depart ment today. Among them is that of Rear Admiral Schloy, who retires from the nctlve list October 10. Other retirements nro those of Captain Farenholt, September 2; Captain Allen within a fow days; Captain Robinson, September 21; Captain Forsyth, September 25, nnd Captain Ide, Septem ber 27. As a result of these retirements forty- for your choice of 2, 000 pairs MEN'S CAIF SHOES on bargain squares in baeomont. On bargain squares. MEN'S Extreme Freak Styles HOPE STITCH, EXTENSION SOLES and OTIIEH NEW, BUT NOT FHEAK LASTS regular price up to seven dollars a pair. $3, $3.50, wool Suits, great purchase of men's Saturday A great number are still left Thev come offer compares Men's 75c, $i,$i,25 Negligee Shirts,25c Saturday we will close out all our odds arid ends and small lots of men's sum - mer negligee shirts. While you can't lind all sizes of auy certain style or pattern, you'll mp find all sizes in the entire lot 75c, "" $1.00 and $1.25 values for W flvo promotions In tho service, will be mado. Tho retirement of Rear Admiral Schley will promoto two captalnB to the grade of rear admiral. They are Captains Frank Wildes and Henry Qlass. H0WIS0N INCIDENT CLOSED Captain I.einly Iteturnit anil llciflnft ComiillliiK Llt of "VltncNRc to Ue Called. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. At the Navy de partment tho matter of tho retention of Admiral Howlson on tho Schley Inquiry Is considered a closed Incident so far ns tho depnrtment is concerned, and one which will bo left to tho consideration of tho court Itself. Mr. Hnckett stated today that ho had not received tho reply, which, It Is Bald, Ad miral Schley will submit In regard to tho action of tho department docllntng to refer tho original request concerning tho Howl son Interview to that olllcor for u statement. Captain Lemly, tho Judge advocato gen eral of tho nnvy and tho judgo advocate of tho Schley court, has returned from Canada and will nt once begin tho work of com piling a list of tho witnesses to bo sum moned before tho court of luqutry. It Is expected that this list will bo roady for submission to Admiral Schloy next week. Captain Lemly will glvo practically all his attention to the Schley case from this time on, leaving tho details of the Judgo ad vocate's ofllco to those who have handled them In his absence. I'KNHIONS FOIl WKSTKItN VHTI2IIAXH, War Hurvlvom Hememliereil by the General Government. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (Scclal.) Tho following pensions woro Issued: Ihsuo of Aucust (1: Nebraska; OrWnal-wnilnm Stephens, Juntatu, JO. Increase. Restoration, Reissue, etc. Jumes W. I'ruyn, IlnstlnuH. $8. Orlg I ii ul widows, etc. Elizabeth Mnhcr, North Platte, 8. ' Iowu: Original James 13. Carter, Sioux Rapids. $!; Martin Scurbrougli. Newton, $6; (Hpeclal, August 9), George W. Dejean, Dun hip. $6. Increase, Restoration, Reissue, etc, William J. Whoeler, Carson, $10; Clnrk son W. Adams. Luurens, $8. Original (War with Spain) George W. Sears, I'rescott, $8. Orlglnul widows, etc. Mary Morgan, Co lumbus Cltv, $8. North Dakota: Original Hetirv C. Green, Cavalier. $6. Original widows, etc Rachel Oleson. Blnford, M. . Colorado: Original John 8. Mulford, Roulder, $12; Jonn S. EldridKO. Denver, J6, Increase, Restoration, Reissue, etc. Orcg arln Lobnto, Biujuaclie. !):. Montnnn: Ordinal widows, etc. (Special accrued, August 9) Mnry K. Powell, liutle, S3 Ohio Kiirinem' Fatal Hal tie. MIDDLETOWN, O., Aug. 23Hcnry Gcpart and his son Rolln nro under nrresi, charged with tho murder of Wesley WclK The partlfiB aro ull farmers. They quar reled over a prlvnto road through Wells' farm. Wells attacked them with nn ax nnd they shot him. They then enmo here nnd surrendered. 'mmmmWmmmWSr Worth $2.50 and $3 a pair SHOES $4 and $5. $5 & COLOMBIA QUITS PAYING InitrnoU GoYinitra t Tak Whatmr is Neded fltriafttr. SAYS PRESENT CASE IS ONE OF NECESSITY Not Only Sanncnt l'nynieiit forWnr MnterlnU nml CoiiiicII'h Cniitltien tlon, but Iimtrnetn Governor to Force Contribution. COLON, Aug. 23. (Via Galveston.) An official decree dated Ilogota, July 18, ami addressed to tho governors of tho depart-, ments was published to'duy. It soys: "A now aspect of the war which seems to kindle anew with tho help of foreigners who threaten tho frontier, places tho govern ment under the necessity of assuming a different attltudo from that' maintained hlthorto nnd forces it to- proceedings which It has previously tried to avoid. "It haa been resolved firstly, to suspend tho payment of all accounts for mntorlai pending, and to limit tho expenses to tho puymont of tho armed forco and adminis tration. "Secondly, to proceed to npproprlato all tho necessary elnmintK fnf tho rnuiiim. equipment and tho mobilization of tho army. iniruiy, io lovy rorced nnd voluntary loans, according to circumstances, and to impose war contributions In order to meet the expenses of each department wRhout depending on tho national capital. "Tho governors nro hereby amply author ized to proceed In theso matters uccordlng ' to tho requirements of tho cases, without tho need of approval from tho govornmout nnd each governor must nssumo tho re sponsibility In order to eavo tha situation within his torrltory." Cuban Money Vnluc Fixed, HAVANA, Aug. 23. Tho official value of the centcn has been fixed at $4.78 and of the louts d'or at $3.83. Is. win"' i'Nwm YS. Lost Hair "My hair came oqt badly; and was fast turning gray. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the hair from com ing out and. restored the color." Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. ft. All rUU. j, C. AVER CO. i Uwlt, Mm