Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Lit Information at Hfacqnirtori IndlcatM
Wtgttrn'i Ixpuniion.
Former nrcnlcltrmit Take .More
Kindly to Idea .Now mul Arc
Willing In Meet Any
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 23. Information
received at Western Itague headquarters
hero todny points to the probability of
ten-club league next year, ljulsvllle iud
Indianapolis are willing to nucl any do
Hands for frnnchUca and as matters now
itond there la no objection from any city In
the leaguo to their ndmlialoti. I'rcsld.i.t
lllckcy worked very hnrd las', year for tho
eooiiiramatlon of a ten-club league, but at
the last minute hla plana fell throtwh.
Ex-C'nmlrlilK AHileles. Arc .
Aicrcenhle o Some ArrnnKriiiriitw
Mmle for llm Contest.
BOSTON. Aug. 23-The Oxford-OnmbrlJRo
athletes, who hnve crossed tho ocean on i
ateamer Commonwealth to compel-' n
the Canadians ut Montreal 8.p.iin J
and with u team of Yule and liri
men nt Now York September 21. were mil
down the bay today by representiit vea o
the two American universities named nnil
welcomed to the United Htntes. Tomorrow
they will bo to Montreal. .
Mr. Knowtes, the graduate manager, hai
n lively debate on IiIh hands with the An er
Iran gradunto manaKers nn tho two im
portant polnta of whether there ahnllbJ
more than nlno event In tho program nnd
whether or not any place; taken tlrit sn.ia
count In ncot-ing.
Tho Kngllah proponnl la for a iirogrim
conalntlng of 1(0, 410 and SM) ynnK onc-m.U
nnd two-mite runs, high and long Jumps,
high hurdler nnd hammer throwing. Mr.
KiiowlcV argument Is that nine events, first
only to count, Mettle- the question and glvcM
no reasonable chanco for a tie. The Am -r-lean
committee Iiuh nuggfatcd n relay rac
which Is not favored by the Hrltlshers, as
they know nothing nbout It and have never
trained for It
The Cambridge-Oxford iiRalnst Harvard
Yalo return games will take Plate on
Ilerkeley Oval. N. Y.. Hetitcmbnr 'JS, a t 4
p. m. This was decided tonight. Hie
hurdle race will bo run on the cinders a
pronounced disappointment to tho hngllsli
men. This provisional order of events was
ndopted, subject to amendment: One hun
drod yards dasn, 8so yards run. hammer
throw, 410 yards run. runnlne high Jump,
one-mile run, 120 yards high hurdler (3 ffct
6 Inches), running broad Jump and two
mile run. Tho visitors favor nine events.
Only firsts are to count. If tho games
should bo a tie by reason of n dead heat
In the deciding event the tie will stand.
At tho request of tho visitors tho up
rights, for the high Jumps aru to bo eight
feet tall.
Take .Nearly KverythliiK In Hlnlit nt
Ilnrst Park nnd XottliiRhnm
ItunnliiHT Meets.
IONDON, Aug. 23. The Americans wero
successful nt the Hurst I'ark club Aucust
meeting today. Frank Gardiner's Sand
Piper II (Clem Jenkins) won tho ore:i
plate, distance one mllo nnd a half. Wil
liam C. Whitney's Mount Vernon (I,. Itclff)
won the August 2-ycar-old plato nt !Ko
furlongs. Arch Duke II (I.. Hclff) won ths
JIamnton sclllnir nltito ut one mile. United
States (I llclff) won a 2-year-old selling
plate at five furlongs. ,
At tho Nottingham summer meeting today
Orphnn (Mailer) won the Krlar Tuck sell
ing plate, distance ono mile. William C.
"Whitney's Flying Jib (J. nelff) won the
little John elate at flvo furloncs. Friar's
Waah (Mahet) won the Welbcck Aboy
filate, dlstan-.-o six furlongs straight. Wll
lam C. Whitney's Dclnncey (J. IlellT) won
tne uunroru Abbey plate, tno straight num.
Wanderers Ileconie G'linmplons, with
Manitoba Ncciind, Minnesota Third
nnd fit. bonis' Last.
CHICAOO. Aug. 23.-The Northwegtern
Cricket association chamnlonshln was won
today by tho Wnnderers of Chicago, who
defcuted Manitoba by li runs In tho last
gamo of tho tournnment. The score: First
innings Wanderers, 97: Manitoba, 39. Sec
ond Innings Wnnderers, 9S, for seven
wickets. The game was called while Chi
cairo was at bat on account of darkness.
Manitoba gets second place, having won
two games and lost one. Minnesota comes
third with ono same won and three lost.
St. Louis takes last placo with four gnmo
lost. An exhibition game will bo played to
morrow naiwceu mo nest piayers pickcu
irom American teams ami aiunitoon.
Sheriff Arrostn Proprietor of Itooni
Opened Wednesday Jnst Out
side of Newport.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 23. The troubles o
the pool rooms across the river wero re
newed today when Sheriff Milter of Camp
bell eountv raided and arrested thu lr.)
pi-letors of thn room which was oponrd.
Wednesday nl Hubcr's garden, Just outside
or tne corporate line 01 cwpon, ivy. hi
rtoms closed out In Covlnuton Tuesday
owlnc to the onnosltlon of the local courts
nnd It was expected that they could ouerato
In their new location unmoleMcd. Aflldavltn
were made charging tho proprietors nnd
attaches with keening a disorderly house
Thyweni bound over to the grand Jury
anu retrnseu on itmu Dan.
. -
Drerfua lln Mulistnntlnl Proof tliut
American I.eamue linn Not Cut
lu on Ills Tram.
PITTSBURG. Aim. 23.-Tho Plttsburit has
ball club, which now leads In the National
league race, has signed all of Its players
xor next season. The nrst nincini announce
ment of this fact was made this afternoon
by President Barney Dreyfus In nnuver
to the Philadelphia claim that Beaumont,
leever nnd Wagner hnve been captured by
tho American league for next year. PrJtl
dent Dreyfus substantiated his statement
by exhibiting the signed conlrncts or hi
players and In addition showing a personal
agreement with each man for next year,
(ierninna Detent All-Anierlcua.
Tho All-Amerleas were defeated by tho
Germans last night on Clark's bowling
alleys. The Americas won two games or
the three, but total pins counted and tho
Germans won by 101 rlns. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Zarp 140 131 213 431
Wlgman 16 1 "3 40j
Lehmann 1 90 17" 2vi Mi
A. Krug 17s 150 1(19 497
Kolli 110 173 169 5K
Total S3i "7M $81 2I31
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Clarkson 117 121 195 43S
Lovell 139 ICS 172 476
Bmcad 13) l&S 161 443
Emery 161 167 211 545
"Plumber" Read 167 1R3 175 f21
Total 723 799 911 2,(31
Prises In AU-Aire Stake,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Aug. 23.-Prlres
were awarded ns follows today In the nil
age stake. Boulh Dakota Field Track asso
ciation: Flrat, Senator P.. owned by J. W.
Flynn, San Franclaco; second. Snort, owned
by J. U. Thomas, Jr., Philadelphia; third.
Robert Count Gladstone, owned by Attor
imv fienersl C W. Mullen of Iowa: fourth.
divided between Josle Brighton, owned by
fins Clav of S oux Kails, and K ne Cyrano.
owned by United States Marahul Morton of
' South Dakota Field Trlnls.
fllOITV FALLS. S. D.. Auir. 23 (Special
Telegram.) The second minimi field trials
of tne South Dakota Field Trial associa
tion ended today with the subscription
stake. The meet was a success, the only
complaint being In reference to the scnrclty
of birds 011 thu trial grounds, Winners In
the subscription stake were announced as
tollows. First, Doc Hick, owned by John
Consldcnc of Seattle, Wnsh.j second, Snorts
Solomon, owned by O. Thomas, Jr., of l'hll-i-'ielphlni
third, Senator 1', owned by J, W.
T-ynn of Han Francisco.
Older I'lnyers In Contest the l-'lnnl
nt Minnies In (lie (). A. A.
Touric) .
Notwithstanding the handicap Imposed
on the older players they both managed to
win their respective matches Inst night In
the seml-tlnnls and the finals In the tennis
singles at tho Omaha Amateur Athletic as
sociation once more rest between Austin
and Young. ... . ,
The first match to be played was that of
I'otter (recclvo 15) nnd Austin (owe 30), and
whllo tho younger plnyer put up a plucky
light Austin's greater experlenco Jlnnlly
won him the match, S-6, ".
Meanwhile Young (owe 15) seemed lo
have no trouble In winning the first f-ot
from Henry Clarke (receive 15), 6-0. In the
second set Clarke played n most careful
placing game and by Ills superior lobbing
ond passing his opponent at the net won
by the score of 6-3. The third set went to
YoiinR. 6-2 on account of Clarke sending
too many balls out of court. With n little
more practice Clarke will make n dan
gerous opponent for nny of tho older play
ers, nnd had he kept up the steadiness
that characterized his playing In the sec
ond sot tho match would have been his.
The finals will take place nt 5 o'clock
this afternoon and should be very oven,
considering the handicap Austin allows.
Young. Immediately following this match
the piellmlnnry round In the doubles will
ne pinycn ,uy me lonowing teams: aus-
in nnd Clarke (owe 15) aualnst I'otter nnd
Twortln (scratch): Youne nnd Caldwell (owe
30) against Tuber nnd Pollurd (scratch).
Ilnymnnil Iltixurl of Detroit 1'nts Ills
AVn- to Imminence at Mid
lothian. CHICAGO. Auir. 23. The honors In the
western nmateue golf championship tourna
ment will probably go to a representative
)i Detroit, iinymonn itussei, n yuunn
ilnycr who halls from that city, uns't nl
calculations at Midlothian this attrrnoon
bv defeat nc W. Ho ah rd. Jr.. thi Idol Of
Olcnvlew, by 3 up 1 to play, 11) the f-ccand
rounti or tne matcn piny ror me cnamp on-
hit) tun. Three Chleaaft men. Fred Haul In.
'helps H. Hoyt and 11. Smith, nr ull that
m mi netween missel and tnu cnampiui
hip. In the Heml-llnnls tomorrow moraine Ui'a-
eel Is paired with H. Smith of Onwentsla
and If the Detroltei shall keep up tho game
he has been playing throughout the tournn
ment he should land In tho finals In the
nfternenn and fight It out with cither Hun
nn or noyt or onwentsla.
Next to tho defeat of Holablrd. the t-reat
est HUrprlsc of tho day was the poor show
ing made by Will Waller, who won Hi
nnmplonslilp last year. Waller s noor work
put him In the third sixteen, where It was
conceded by everybody he would carry off
nrst nonors, nut no was pinyeu to n ktanu
still todny by IJ. F. Curnenter of Washlnc
mn i-arK. imih amis and i. t. uoya or
Milwaukee are in tnn scmt-iinnis ror iw
second curt nnd the third cun will be con
tested for by Thayer McMlllln of Detroit
und three Chicago men.
Southern l.enune.
CHATTANOOGA, Aug. 23.-Scoro:
Chnttnnooga ..0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 4-0 13 2
Selmn 3 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0-2 7 2
Ilattcrlcs: Chattanooca. Wolfe and Iloth:
Helma. Bailey nnd Moore.
l.itti..k ltuuK, Aug. zi. Hcoro:
Memnhls 6 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 D 11 1
Llttlo Hock ...0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-3 10 3
Itatterlcs: Memnhls. Rhnudes nnd Arm.
strong; Little Hock, I'opp, Lynch nnd Hut-
NA8HVILL12, Aug. 23. Score!
Nnshvlllo 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 -8 11 2
Birmingham .06000010 07 13 3
Batteries: Nashville. Blackburn. Hamnln
and Fisher; Birmingham, Kecfo and Kul
hoff. NKW OIILBANB, Aug. 23.-8core:
New Orlcnnfc.. 30001001 5 9 3
Bhrcvcport .... 10000020037 1
Bntterlos: Now Orleans. Dnnnehowop nnl
Abbott; Bhrcvcport, Fisher and McQuIre.
Hnmliolilt I'ltclier' Mnkes n Heeord.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Auir. 23.-(Srieclnl.i-
Humboldt'n crack base ball p'tcher has
made a tecord this season of which he may
well be proud. In n recent came on tno
Table' Bock grounds ho fanned out twenty
ono batters nnd only allowed three h 's
This record has never been equaled In thli
section, with the exception of eight yea a
oko, wnen i.on uowe, nnotlier llumroot
player, performed a almltar feat nt Peru,
Kan. In flvo gam s plnye-l I.lnn s'ruck
out eighty men and allowed hut fourteen
nits, tho homo club hna won every cnm
played on the homo grounds this year and
nearly all the others. Linn Is only 20 year
old, about six feet tall nnd Is a. native of
this place.
Will I'lny Aicnln In Oniiilin.
WEEPING WATER. Neh.. Auir. S3 fRn
clal Telegram ) The most hotly lontoned
game of base ball durlnir the Grand Armv
reunion was played hero todny. Weeping
"uii-r uuii-uicu DjiriiiKiiuiu. ncore:
Weeping Wnter 00003030
Sprlngllcld 00010003
0- 0
0- 4
Batteries: Weenlnc "Water. Rnef
Sltzcr: Sprlngllcld, Clement and Bates
Sprlngllcld teim made a proposition to play
mo kuiiiu inuii on wmanu Rrounus lor ?1WJ
a side, which was accepted.
Tom Jenkins Fall.
WORCESTER. Mass.. Aug. 23. Tom Jen
kins of Cleveland, champion cnteh-ac-catch-can
wrestler of the world, failed to
throw HJnlmar Jiindln of Hartford, Conn,,
twlco lu nn hour's wrestling nt tho Coli
seum tonight. The llrst bout, cntch-as-catch-can,
was won by Jenkins In ll:u2.;.
Tho remaining time was spent by tho
champion In vainly trying to best Jundln
Orneco-Romnn style.
'I'nkes Another from Albion.
ST. EWDARD, Neb., Aug. 23.-(Speclil
Telegram.) St Edward ngaln defeated
Albion In a game of base ball here today,
13 to 4. The feature of the game was the
excellent catching of Martin, who nls" mado
several home runs. Batteries: St. Edwnr!.
Nunnly and Martin; Albion, La wis n d
Burt. Struck out: By Nunnly, 11; by LewU,
9. Umpire; O. H. Flory.
Cheyenne Kiifeuiuhsj to Kearney.
KEARNEY. Neb., Aug. t3.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Kearney defentsd Cheyenne nt basi
ball today In another excellent game, 3 to 2.
Batteries: Kearney, S.illno nnd Burman;
Cheyenne. Pcndersraft and Brlerly. Struck
out: By Saline, 7: bv Pendorgrnft. 6. HI s:
on ballne. 3; orr Pendergraft, 8. Earned
runs: Kearney, 2; Cheyenne. 1. I'mnlro:
Ilnnornft Ten 111 I) Well,
BANCROFT. Neb.. Auc. J3 ISneeWl 1
inn uiim.Tuii naso nan irnm returned horn
lost evening, nrter demiting two of to
best teams In this part of Iho statp. Thd
first gamo was played at Wlsner. the fcotb
being 11 to 14. The rucond enmo wn at
Stanton, where they bested Stanton 12 10
n. T
Winners Neore Nineteen It 11 iin.
HEBRON, Neb., Aug. 23.-(8peclal,)-Tln
neuron Maroons nnd Davenport bnso bal1
teams met yesterday, tho game ending
19 to 7 In favor of Davenport. J. C. Marsh
wns tho umnlre. Batteries: Dnvenpnrt,
Brlttenhnm and Beaver; Hebron. Flowers
nnd Elder and O Brlen. It wns an rff dsy
lor Doin icnms anu many errors were maao.
Ilunibnldt Defenls Table Iloek,
IIUMBIX)DT. Neb., Aug. 23.-(BpecInl.)-
ino local nnse nan team went to Tab'e
Rock and had an exciting came. Tin
.vlaltors entirety outclassed tho Tnble Rock,
em, however, and the score stood 12 to 2 In
favor of Humboldt. Batteries: Humbo'dt,
Linn and 8egrlst; Tnblo Rock, Oylor and
Fort Ilodire Wins from Slonx Falls.
FORT DODGE. la.. Allir. ?3 fPnen'nl Tel
rgrnm.)-Fnrt Dodge defeated Sioux Fil a
toduy In nn Interesting base ball content,
3 to 2. Thompson, for Fort Dodge, strurk
ou uiieeu 111011. imirien; i-ori uodxo
rnompson aini writn, oioux 1 ails, t'art
rldgo nnd Blnnford.
Western Assitelntlon.
At Dayton Dayton. 3: Columbus, 2.
At Toledo Toledo. 2; Marlon. 1.
At Fort Wayne Wheeling, 4: Fort
Wayne. 0.
At Grand Rapids Matthews. 6; Grnnd
Rapids, 1,
Haskell Indiana tllnme I'mplre.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Auc. 23.-(Sncclal Tele
rrnm.) Tho Haskell Indlnna wero today
if-ated by Blue Hill, 12 to 6, The Indians
blume tno umpire.
It Brings ii Demout aid Wini Qtme for
Eoiton Nationals.
DuKKlealir Lanta Four Inning and
Toiritsend Just One, White Doing
Some tletter Through
Seieii More.
UOSTON, Aug. 23. U wai almost too
oark to sea the ball when Long made a
sharp drive to renter, bringing In Demont
from third and winning .tho gamo for Bos
ton Nationals. Duggltaby was knocked out
of the box In tho fifth and.Townaend lasted
only ono Inning. White pitched well for
tho reat of tho gamo. Nichols was hit
hard, but was steady. Attendance, 725.
K.H.O.A.E.' U.1I.U.A.K
SUI, rf..., 1 3 1 0 OThomM, cf. 0
Tenney, lb.. 1 ISO OJnckreh, 3b 0
Demont, lb. J 4 0 t 0 Kllck, rf i
Couley, If... 1 3 0 0 Delah'ty. If. 1
Hamilton, cf 0 1 2 0 0 McKarl'd, c. 0
0 1
a i
3 fi
1 i
1 11
2 1
.owe, 3b.... 0 0 12
Long, a 0 2 4 2
Klttrldae. e. 0 l 8 2
0 Jfnn'm, lb.. 1
1 Hallnian, 2b. 1
0 Croo, in 0
0 Dux'lesby. n 1
Nichols, p.,, 1 0 3
iTonnttnd, pO
7 M 11 lAVhlte, p.... 0
i"Orth 0
t 1835 It 2
Two out when winning run was made.
Hutted for Townscnd In the seventh.
Uoston 1 0003110000 1-7
I'hlluaclphia .1 0020011100 u 6
turned runs: Uoston, 4; 1'hllndclphla, 1.
Two-base hit; Coolcy. Home runs: Nichols,
Jennings. Stolen bases: Cross (2), Hall
man, Dugglesby, Flick. Double plays: CroiM
to Hull mil n to Jennings, Jacklltsch to HuTl
nian. Hacrltlcu hits: Hamilton, Coolcy (i).
First bcso on bullo: Oft Nichols, 7. Hit by
pitched bull: Cross. Struck out: liy
Nichols. 7; by White, 2. Fussed balls: Mc
Farlaud, Klttrldge. Time: 2:55. Umpire:
.Netv York Next to Hliutout.
NKW YOHK, Aug. 23.-The Brooklyn Na
tionals won their came today. A balk by
Kennedy whllo Vniillnltren was on third In
the llfth suved tho New Vorks from being
shut out. Attendance, Score:
K.U.O.A.E. It.lI.O.A.i:,
Keeler, rf...
McCr'ry, If..
Dolun, cf....
Kelly, lb....
Daly. 5b
Dahlen, s,.
Irw.n, 3b....
Farrull, 0....
Kennedy, p.
3 3
0 Vanll'n. cf.. 1
3 2
0 4
1 lu
1 0
0 DavIii, .... 0
0 Mcllrlde, rf. 0
0 Selbach, If.. 0
0 Muiphy, 2b. 0
u Iiower'n. c.. 0
OOdnzel, lb,., 0
o Strang, 3b... 0
OiTaylor, p.... 0
1 i:
1 0
0 1
Totalf .. 4 13 27 U 01 Totals .. 1 8 27 17 4
Brooklyn 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 I
New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1
Harned runs: Brooklyn, 2. First base en
errors: Brooklyn, 3. Left on buses: Brook
lyn, 7; New York, 11. First base on balls:
Oft Taylor, 3; off Kennedy, 1. Struck out:
By Taylor, 1: by Kennedy, 6. Three-base
hit: McCrecry. Two-base hits: Davis,
Selbach, Dahlen, Daly. Sacrlflco hit: Irwin.
Stolen bases: Strang, Keeler, Farrell.
Double play: Strung to Davis lo Uazel.
'Balk: Kennedy. Time: 1:49. Umpire:
National League Standing.
Won. Lost. P.C.
Plttsburir ES 37 .C0J
Philadelphia 5S 44 ..Vi
Brooklyn KS 45 .5
St. Louis 57 4 .551
Boston 60 51 .I'j
Cincinnati 40 56 .417
New York 39 57 . Cfi
Chicago i 40 6i ,CSi
GrlOltli of ChlcnKo Aincrlcnn Get
Curve FliiKer Broken In
Denting Baltimore.
BALTIMORE. 'Aug. 23. The Chicago
Americans defeated Baltimore In a well
played game here todny. Qrllllth's pitching
linger was broken by a drive from Don
lln's bat Attendance, 2,000. Score:
It. II. O. A. K.I K.II.U.A.K.
liny, cf 3
Jones, rf.... 2
Merle. 2b... 1
Hartman, lb 0
Mct'arl'd. If 0
Ubell, lb.... 0
llurke, m..,. 0
tfulllvnn, e.. 0
(Irllllth. p... 0
l'atttrion, p 0
V-Donlln. If... 1
3 !
2 1
0 4
1 3
3 12
0 3
1 2
1 1
1 0
0 0
0 Seymour, rf. 1
0 Wlll'ms. 2b. 0
0 n.-odle. cf... 0
O.IInrt, lb 1
0 Ilrein'h'n, t. 0
Dunn, 3b..
Nops. p..
Totals ..6 8 77 16 t
Totals .. 4 12 f; U 0
Batted foi Nop In the ninth.
Chicago 1 0 10 1
Baltimore 3 0 0 1 0
0 12 0-6
0 0 0 0-1
Sacrifice hits
Williams. Merles, Nops.
Two-baso hit
Merles. Three-base hit:
Maries. Stolen bufce: Dunn. Double plays:
lilnrtman to Merles to Ishell, Bunco to
t Merteh
I'irsi uise on nam: un uriiuui,
off Nops. 9. Struck out: By Nops. sul-
lvnn. Patterson, McFnriand; by urlllltn,
Nops; by l'ntterson. Williams, Hart,
Howell, Kclster. Passed ball: Sullivan.
W Id pltcncs: wops 12), rutierson. ien
on bases: Chicago, 11; Baltimore, 6. Time:
.-.'5. umpire: uneriaan.
lost on an Ail-Around Winner.
unsmv. A110. 23. Boston Americans
won todav bv superior all-around playing.
Both pitchers wero in tine form nnd hits
wero tew, especially In tho lutter part of
tno game. Attendance, ocuru;
Dflwd, If.... 0 1 3 0 0 I'lckrr'r, cf. 0 0 2 0 0
HUM, cf.... 1 0 2 0 uO'llrlcn. If.. 0 1 3 u 0
Colllne, 3b.. 3 3 0 2 2 Heck, 2b 0 0 3 2 0
"reeman. lb I 2 II 0 0 L-iCh'c, id. u z 11 0 z
lUmphlll. rf 0 0 1 0 0 llrailley, lu. 0 2 0 3 0
, u u 1 . v liarveTi ri.. 1 1 1
,0 0 2 8 I'BlllebeAi, . 1 0 3 3 1
, 0 0 & 1 O.Connor. e... 0 0 12 1
,0101 0:McNeal, p... 0 0 0 4 0
5 1 27 14 4
0 10 2
0 0 0 1
. 1 t4 14 S
0 0 0 -5
0 0 0 0-1
Earned runs: Boston, 3. Two-bnsa nn:
Bradley. Home run: Freeman. Stolen
bases: Crlgcr, Harvey, uouuio piny: ter-
ri tn Freeman, birsi Dase on Dans; un
McNeal. 1. Struck out: Bv Young, 2; by
McNcal, 2. TImo: 1:38. Umpire: cuntii
lion. . ...
rlilllles uii It iiic liiuo.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 23. Good work
with tho bat today gave tho home Amer
ican team nnotbor victory over ueiroit.
ltnin thin morninc renuercu ino ncm son.
Frazcr pitched n line gnme. keeping the
visitors' hits well scattered. Attendance,
2.23S, Score:
It.ll.O.A.C.I It.H.O.A.G.
Fultz. cf.... 00200 uarrett. cr.. 0 1 5 0 0
Davis, lb.... 2
zu u iioimes, ri.. v 1 u
2 11 4 0 Casey, 3b,... 0 1 1
lJole, 2b... Z
Heybold, rf.. 1
Mclntyre, If. 0
J OOlm.on. 2b. 0 1 0
0 0'i:iberl'l-l. s 0 0 2
niy, ,
O.Nance, If..., 0 0 1
rowers, c.
Ulllon. lb..
0 t
0 t
3 0
Dolan, 3b..,
Frazer, p..
Shaw, c...
Veotcr, p.
Totals, .. 7 U 57 11 I Totals
. 2 1 24 '3
Philadelphia 0 0 2 2 0
0 3 0 '-7
Detroit 0 1 0 u 0
1 0 0 0-:
Earned runs: Philadelphia, C,
hits: Casey, Yenger (2), Davis (2), Lajole,
Ely. Home run: Lujole. Stolen buses!
Holmes, Olenson, Fultz, Davis, Heybold
Double may: LaJolo to Djvls. Left on
bases: Detroit, 11; Philadelphia, 6. First
bnse on balls: Off lenicer. 1: off Frazer. 4
Hit by pitcher: Shaw, Casey. Struck out:
By Yeager, 2; by Fraier, 4. Wild pitch:
Xeager. Time; i;-iu. umpire: wonnoiiy.
American flame Postponed.
At Washington, with Milwaukee, post
poned on account of rain.
American l.cniruc StundlnK,
Won. Lost. P.C.
Chicago 61 4) .611
Boston (2 40 ,601
Baltimore 51 45 .545
Philadelphia 51 49 .521
Detroit 53 50 . 511
Washington 42 56 .42)
Cleveland 42 4? .421
Milwaukee 35 69 .f37
Triple Play at Cedar Itaplds.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Neb.. All. 23. fBne
clal.) The Cedar Rapids nnd St. Edwnrd
nines played a warm game of base ball nn
the Cedar Rapids groundt, which resulted
6 to 4 In favor of St. Edward. A trlp'e play
was tne teaiure oi tno game.
Omaha Mr'lna nt IkmlliiK.
PLATTSMOl'TH, Neb.. Aug. 23.-(8peclal
Telegram.) umana aereniea riatismnutn
In a bowline came hero this evenlnc. 2.3.
J to 2,175.
(leurite S Winn the Two-Twenty Trot
Monkey Balloonist Make
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug, 23.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tho Interstate fair closed here
today. The crowd was not as large as
yesterday and the races were not o
warmly contested. The only accident hap
pened whllo the pacers wero scoring for
the second heat of tho 2:29 paco when
Fnnnlcllno stumbled and fell under the
thills of her sulky Jjst south of the grand
stand. Neither Fannlellne nor her driver
was Injured and after a brief delay tho
race was again In progress. A balloon as
cension was made by Mrs. Murphy, . a
trained monkey from Chlcagu. Mrs. Murphy
went up one mllo ana maue a preiiy
drscent, landing nenrlv n mile west of the
fair grounds. Attendance, 4,300. Results:
2:29 nncc. three In five, nurso J250:
8crnps, b. g., by Karatus 1 1 1
Jolly B. b. g by Joy 2 2 4
Fanmenne, d. in., by wooannc s .
Lottie Lee. by Siegfried 4 3 3
Time: 2:19V4, 2:22, 2:21.
2:20 trnt. three In five, nurse S250:
Innm. U I. ... ......... I 19 11
Tony W, hr. s ,. 4 1 4 3
.Norvni (jiuer, D. s by Norval - 3 a 2
n 1.- w 1 .r i... i.. rt 1 .
Time: 2:22Vi, 2:21. 2:2P;, 2:2414.
Ono mile running, purse J150:
rcmernld 1 1
Fred Reed 3 2
Kirk 2 4
Clcn Camel 4 3
Time: 1:46, lKi.
l.anmin Gelding Is Little (,'roivded by
The Monk, KliiKtiiond nnd
READVILLE, Mnss., Aug. 23.-Wlth five
events on tho card nnd every ono cleared
up the Grnnd Circuit week came to n close
this evening. The races, with tho excep
tion of that for tho Neponset slako, went
In straight heats. Tho Neponset stako
brought out the 2:10 class pacers, Including
Sphinx S, the New York gelding, who wnB
tho victor, nnd Fred S. Wcdgowood, another
New York puccr, who set the talent talking
by marching nwny with tho Ilrst two bents.
Ho did not hold out. however, but broke
badly In tho third bent nnd was distanced
by the Judges In tho fourth. It was easy
for 8hlnx S In tlioiso two heats and ulso In
thn last.
Perhaps the chief Interest of the after
noon was attached to what Boralinn might
do In thu 2:0S class trot for a puree of
J2.K0O. The Lnwson gelding did nothing
wonderful, but equalled his record time of
2:0714 nnd won with enso from The Monk,
Klngmond and Toggles. Boralma won tho
pole In tho Ilrst bent nnd remained In pos
session ull round, Klngmond tried to give
him u race nnd stayed with him until the
three-nunrters. when, being nt Rnralma's
sulky wheel, ho lost his foot. Then The
Monk proceeded to give Bornlma a brush,
but never got within a length of him.
In tho second heat Boralma at the start
was several feet behind his comrades. He
soon went Into tho lead nnd was only
pushed In the homestretch, when Tho Monk
camo up ns far as Boralma's saddle as
they went under the wire.
For n gelding who hntl the Held ngatnst
him Pug did not show practical apprecia
tion of the honor given him In tho 2:16 class
trot. Mnurinc won the event In threo
straight hents. In the 2:19 class pace Ter
race Queen gave a creditable performance,
covering tho mile In 2:11;. This wns In her
second heat. The 2:11 class pace was it hot
one In each heat, Reuben H leading, with
always a big gap between him und Miss
Gertrude, and always a gap between the
mare and Carmcllta. The money goes an
named. It wns announced that on next
Friday nt Providence Cresceus would at
tempt to lower tho world's record. Results:
2:10 class, pacing, the Neponset stakes,
value S3.WM:
Sphinx 8. c. . g.. Sphlnx-Wln-nle
8, by Pa3acaH (Spear).,. 9 7 111
Daphne Dallas, br, m. (Her
bert) 3 11 2 2 4
Sophia, b. m. (Llndsley). ...... 12 2 3 11 6
Tho Bishop, b. g. (Berry) 6 0 9 5 2
uiavoio. or, g. (u isem i & 111 1
Bulmy L, b. m. (Turner) 11 -3 4 3 6
Animator. t. 11. (Bass) 4 12 6 4 3
Norvln O, br, g. (Olilles) 10 4 5 6 8
Betonlca. b. h. (Marsh) 7 8 7 8 U
ituua. ii. m. (Carnentcr) 13 10 12 7 10
Carllne, b. g. (Golden) 8 9 10 9 9
f'ren weugewood, r. h.
(Nob e) 1 1 11 ds
Early Bird 'Junior, br. g.
(Knnnn) C ds
Hal McEwaif. 'ch. g. (Gnrth).. ds
Roy Direct; blk. h. (Cecil) ds
Time: 2:u6t, 2-.iu"i, 2:w?4, 2:iu&, 2:iov.
2:0S class, trottlnc. nurse 12.500:
Borulma, ch. g., Boreal-Earlma, by
Karl matcom) 1
Tho Monk, b. g. (Noblo) 2
Klnsmonu. b. r. (Marsh) a
Toggles, br g. (Clark) 4
Time: 2:0s;., 2:u,i.
2:16 class, trotting, nurse S1.000:
Mnurinc, b. m Hinder Wilkes
Hn y B. by iovcr Turner)
1 1
Bella curry, cn. m. (Aiarsii) 2 2
Sybil II, ch. m. (Spear) 4 7
Free Silver. l. h. (Mcllenry) 7 4
Marion Wilkes, b. m. (Titer) 3 9
ue. k. a. (Barnes) 9 3
Irene, br. m. (Kane) 5 6
Burlington Boy. ch. g. (Ames) 6 8
I-J U. 1). g. (U'.NCIll 10 ft
Pirate, b. g. (Brady) 8 10
Time: s:i3V4. 2:i5V4. 2:11.
2:19 class, pacing, purso $1,000:
Terrace Queen, br. m.. Vnlpen-T.ady
Randall, by Mnmbrlno Swlgcrt (Shat-
fer) 1
Orln B. b. g. (Hudson) 2
Blnsa, b. g. (Kennedy) 7
Tommy Mc, b. g. (McCarthy) 3
Thornwny, b. h. (Mcllenry) 4
Hex, cn. g. (uyuc) &
Ralph R, b. g. (Pnlgo) 6
Annie I), ch. m. (Tyson) da
Buruhnm. b. k. (Brcnnan) ds
Time: 2:12, 2:1m,
2:11 class, pacing, purse $1,000:
Reuben 8, b. g Stratford-untrnccd
1 1
Miss Gertrude, b. in. (Hudson) .
Carmcllta, b. ni. (McMnhon) ....
3 3
Maude Emperor, ch. m. (Spear)
Time: zu-vi. siuft.
At flnleahurK.
GALESBURG. 111.. Auc. I'S.-Thls was tha
closing duy of the trotting meeting. Tho
track was fast and the crowd largo. Re
Trottlnir. 2:20 claFs: Tono won. Rns-n
second. Jean third. Time: 2:16, 2:19H, 2:17,
2:14i. Kieven starters.
Trotting, iiw ciass: uonnio Mcurcgor
won, Daisy sneiuon recond. uien Mont
th rd. Time: 2:lli. 2:11V4. 2:lHi. 2:14U. 2:12,
Twelve siariers,
Trotting. 2:17 class: Sunbeam won. Dor-
otnv itavmonn tecona. constant third.
Time: 2:iiVi. z:i2',i. 2:i3Vi, 2:i2Va. Four start
Diminutive Deleuntc from 'Frisco
Manaaes tn Make It n Drnrr
rrlth Oenrgf Dixon.
DENVER. Colo.. Auc. 23.-Georco Dixon
nnd Abo Attell nf Son Francisco fnni-ht
ten rounds to a draw at Coliseum hall here
tonight, up 10 ine last round the light wns
principally a sparring contest. Only once
or twice did the men undertake to mix It
un anu wnen mcv did neitner had tho ad
vantuge. In the tenth, however, they went
at eacn oiner with a vcniroanco, and In
this round Dixon npnearcd tn land two
blows to Attell's one, usually on the fnce
and head, hcveral punches on the Jaw
staggered the little Callfomlan. Tho only
knockdown occurred about a minute Hfter
thu Ilrst round, when Attell wr. tumbled
over irom.u nirniKiu rigni 10 inn jaw.
Tho preliminary was between I'hllniiei
phla Tommy nyan and Joe Cotton, colored
or uniiiornin, uotton was fearfully nun
Ished ror ten rounds, but stood un well
unoer 11 mm mo referee cauen the bou
a uraw,
Amerlonii I.ennue President Heulna un
Effort 'to niseoiiriiK the SIuk
kIur of Umpires,
CHICAGO, Aug. J3. President Johnson
of tho American league today oxpol'ed
Shortstop unugart of Cb raco for nrsauitii
Umpire Haskell at Washington. Mr. John
son ald: "Ench player of the Amoricn
leairue who In thn future sIues nn umn r
on thn ball Held will be expelled from the
Nelson Hents Moras,
8PRINOFIELD. Mass.. Aug. 23. Johnny
Nelson easily defeated Jimmy Moran In a
iwonty-mlle pneed race nt tho Coliseum to
night. Nelson lowered the track record of
32:37 to 32.U7 a-ft and was a mile anu two
thirds laps nhend of Moran nt the flnWh.
Wayne Colleve Wins nt Ilnse Hull.
TlLDEN. Neb., Aug, 21.-(Speclal Tele
eram.) WaVne collcre nnd Tl den clayed
game of base ball here today resulting I
11 nearei of 5 to 3 In favor of the collect
Batteries: Wayne, Letheby and Skein
Tllden, Gulloway und Currull,
giiii Beits Marjutrlte Haroman at Delmar
Inlshe Are the Most Spirited Keen
There This Srnson, Three of
Them Ilelnsr Won lt
Noncs, ST. LOUI8, Aug. 23. Bettors were badly
dumped at Delmar today, four outsiders
wlpnlng brackets and La Matcotta being
the only favorite to score. There was a
huge upset In the fifth event. Marguerite
Hngcman was backed off the bourds In
most of the books, but she failed to make
good, coming In a bad last. The victor
turned up In Ignis, tho longest-priced horse
n the race, who got, on even terms with
Utcrp, the prohibitive favorite, at the six
teenth polo nnd beat htm a neck In a driv
ing finish. Track very heavy. Hrsuits:
First race, six and a hnlf furlongs, sen
nit: La Mnscotta won, Gratln second, mils
third. Time: 1:28.
Second race, one mile, selling: Phosphorus
won. Burnett's Walkaway second, Thalia
Black third. TImo: 1:50-);.
Third race, six furloncs. selling: AVIs-
nenlno won, Colonial Girl second, Bntnbo
third. Time: 1:19.
Fourth race, six nnd a half funongs, sen-
nir: Santa venturn won. Stan scconu.
Grantor third. Time: 1:15V4.
Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: ignis
on. Uterp second, The Wng third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile nnd an eighth, sell
ing: outburst won, Tlckful second, Round
Turn third. Time: 1:5SV4.
At Klnlooli.
Tho racliiK nt Klnlorh todny wns charac
terized by tho most spirited finishes; seen
11 tho trncK mis season. The nrst inrco
vents on tho card were won by 11 nose.
Two favorites, two Bccond choices and nn
insider were nrst past the judges. TrucK
fast. Resilltt.:
First race, six furlongs: Kitty G won,
Merldn second, Evn'H Darling third, TImo:
Second race, flvo nnd n half furlongs:
.Ittle Scout won. The Four Hundred sec
ond. Rnvensbury third. Time: l:09-4.
Third race, seven furlongs: Hylo won,
Chorus Boy second, Siren Song third. TImo:
Fourth race, six fnrlonicH: Fleuron won.
'Ireslde second, Boundlec third. Time:
Fifth race, six furloncs: Mvra won. Hon
cotch second, Glove third. Time: 1:161-4.
At llnwthornr.
CHICAGO. Auk. 23.-Joekey Wlnkllcld's
well Indued ride on If You Dare caused tho
defeat of Educate, the prohibitive favorlto,
In the second race nt Hnwthornn today.
Gnrmlev. who had tho mount on Edlicnte.
showed bad management by racing tho lllly
on ner feet in the nrst nvc ruriongs. as a
result of yesterday's rain the track today
was n nuacmlrc nnd horses and riders wero
covered with mud nt the finishes. Results:
First race, live and n half furlongs: Bur
nett Wallace won, Dlsby Bell second, Hut
zah third. Time: 1:16H.
Second rnce, six furlongs: If lou Daro
won, Educnto second, Ural third. Time:
Thlrd race, one mile and a hnlf. nurso:
Strangest won, Dan Cupid second, Oxnnrd
third. Time: 2:53.
Fourth race, six nnd n half, furlongs, sell
ing: Prnlrlo Dog won, Sortie second, St.
Bluff third. Time: 1:29U.
Fifth race, six furlonirs: Amarnnto won.
JIarry Wilson second, Miracle II third.
ime: issava-
Sixth race, one mile nnd oeventv yards:
kittle Duchess II won. Gcnrirn Leo bccond.
Zack Phelps third. Time: 1-.66V4.
At Fort Eric.
FORT ERIE. Auc. 23.-Track fast.
weather showery. Results:
First rnce. six ruriongs: .Mupie won, i.u
tie Veronica second. Cheval Dor third.
Time: l:15.i.
second rnce. six ruriones: jnnnny Brown
won. samivei second, Ton Gallant tnira.
Third race, one mile: Obstinate Simon
won. All Saints second. Chanuunua third.
TImo: 1:41. v
Fourth .nee. four furlonns: Dnvie b Com
moner won, Wire In second. Kirk Living
ston third. Time: 0:49.
Fifth rnce. six furloncs: 'Comnetltor won.
Tyrba second, Maggie W third. Time:
Sixth race, six and one. hnlf furlonzs:
Edith Q won. Snry second. Foneda third.
time: 1:21.
At Windsor.
DETROIT. Auc 23. Weather cloudv
nnd track slow nt Windsor todnv. Results:
First race, selling, nix furlongs: Golden
Harvest won. Prince Ester second. Vltura
third, Time: 1:17.
Second race, selllntr. tlvn furloncs; Lust
KnlKht won. Balm of Gilead second. All
Gray third. TImo: 1:03..
inuu raco, six turioiu;s: vcima Clark
won. Charlie O'Brien second.. The Boer
third. Time: 1:14;.
Fourth rnce. sel Inc. one mile nml n mmr
ter: John McGirk won. Prince 7,eno second,
ionv ijicnizi mini. Time: 2:10.
Fifth race, seltlnir. six furlotms! Ttnttnr.
dnm won. Ruth Parks second. Lovul Prince
mini, iinie; 1:111.
I...L . .
nlH. , I . a .. , ..... . . . . '
iaiii nice. lour TiirinnirM. I'niinc
i urn i-viiiKiiL nct uiui. Milt tiirq inirri t mn
Seventh rnce. declared nti nn mrnnni nt
At SnrntoKa.
......... auK, 1 nc SUIKC
leuiure moay wns the Amsterdam, n sclllni
nl.'ltn fnr a.i'ni..nMa
buncle wns favorite nt 10 to 2, but he wai
frt.n.J .a In.. 1.1.. , . ' ... .... .
who nilNcrtllltrpil him In Vn .. .u... ,uj
, " , " 7 " ... .. tun unnu iiic
niii-ii-ii iiiiii won Dy a DOCK.
The mile and n furious: hnndlcan fi
rushed n lively contest. Six started. The
.-year-old, any Boy. made the pace for
r-j .uiiuiiKn. wuero i ne Amazon went to
tho front to be passed In tho turn by Ham-
.iiijn nun uuwn, a close nnlsh resultlr
Iho latter nalnlng the decision by a hca
t."""..' wus niy n icngtn nwa
r Irst rare, flvn fnrinno, t, n. t.i . .
' .-. ....... ftn, iwqc X lUlll!
uii. r.mmn a m second, Woden thl
1 iiuu; j ;u 1-0.
Second rnre. nne mltn Mn.i n ,,.tn.
hnndlcan: Lnbnn wnn ii.mmv
r-..., n. , .1. :i mi: ".. "'
U,i. ' num. lime: j-.oii.i.
Third rnce. nne mile nnri nvn( ,.'.i
selling: First Whin won. Carhiinnln S,n,i'
Mnlster third. Time: 1:16 4-5.
Fourth rnee. neven fnrinnu .
C$,0 ,Pi.1LePUno second, Lizzie A
(.iiuu, a unci i ,..f
Fifth rnce, five furlongs: Femsolo won,
Cornwall second, Batyah third. Time:
Joe flnim nnd Steve Crosby Put Vp
Twenty Rounds, ivlth Latter
IX)ttIKVII.T.R kV. An 9t.T nan.
colored lightweight champion of the worl I,
and Stevo Crosby, colored, of Louisville,
foucht a twenty-round druw here tonlsht
before tho Kmplre Athletic club. Oars wm
a decided favorite, but the locl man hud
a largo following, Crosby's tactics nt ll-st
were to rush matters, but nt the bfglnnln?
of the tenth round ho began hugglns nnd
cllnchlnir, UioukIi oecnslonnlly trying for 11
mmi-KOHi puncik nuns superior general,
ship, however, wns always In evidence nnd
ine mem man w:is nmcKon fverv limn he
tried tn land. In the tenth rnnmi n,,.,
wont nfter Crosby and for it whllo It looked
ns If the Ixiiilfvllle boy w-ns gnlng, but 'n
.lie I IIIIWIK- ll: ra,ui llunSCII ntlO WBH IlbU
to withstand Onns' rushes, QanB nut him
to the ropes time and ngaln. hut Crnsbv's
strength enabled him to camo ncaln rou'nl
after round, when It looked ns though the
champion was u suro winner. In tho nln
teonth round Crosby took n spurt nnd went
n ter Onns with a vlclousness that lonkcd
1 . n" . !. cnampion. but Oini
kept him off with some hugging nnd ellneh.
Ing and the referee declnrSd the men were
so oven y matched that he could only call
the bout a draw. " w'"
Thrcr-I l.eiiprtie.
At nockford-Kvonsvlllo, 9; Uockford, 0.
Thoiisnmls for t'hlenun HnnkM.
NRU .XPL1'. AUK'. M The bnnls trans,
ferred $000,000 by teleeraph to fhlnpo
through the subtreasury today. Tho oftlclils
estimate that the total nut'Of.tnwn cur
rency movement to Chicago nnd New Or
leans Is live times ci great as It wus nt thi
date last year. A large amount of money
was shipped to Philadelphia tndny In rnn
nectlon with the rale of bonds to New York
I'lirmlenl Compniiv Alisurlis II,
CIIAni.OTTI2. N. C. Aug. 23,-Accordlng
to a story published hern today the plant
of the Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer company
has been bought by tho company repre
Fels-Naptha soap needs no
argument with the woman who
uses it according to the simple
directions. She finds that with
no boiling and but little rub
bing, in half the time with half
the work, the clothes come out
whiter and sweeter than ever she
saw before. Not half the wear
either. Actual fact, or money
returned by your grocer.
Pels & Co.
FREE ADVICE by our rhyslclsns and n FREE
nf nnr merilelnn also Frnn Mnmn
describing symptoms and cause ot diseases
receipts and proscriptions In plain language,
Dr. Kay's
Cures the rery worst eases of Dyspepsia.
T.lver unrt if Innev
diseases and bad results
Write us about all your symptoms. Sold by
send us 25 cts. or 11.00 and wo -will fend Or.
Rest and Recuperation
in the
The cool mountain retreats of
Colorado and Utah reached best by
mako a mistake. AH western
ctctcs nnd points of Interest
reached with least inconvcnlonco
via the Union Pacific.
Round Trip Rates
Between Omaha and
Pueblo $19.00
Colorado Springs 19.00
Denver 19.00
Glcnwood Springs 31.00
Salt Lako City 32.00
Ogdon v 32.00
Tickets on Sale Aug. II to il Inclusive
Pueblo $15.00
Colorado Springs 15,00
Denver 15.00
Glenwood Springs 26.00
Salt Lake City 30.00
Ogdcn 30.00
Tickets on Sale Sept. I to 10 inclusive
RETURN TO OCT. J 1, 1901.
New City Ticket oftluc 1
1U2I I'll run in St. Tel. aiO.
Union Station
10th mid Mnrcy, Tel. USD,
senting tho Vln;lnIa-CaroIlnn Chemical
company, which has been buying up plants
nil over the south. Tho prlco paid for the
plant hero Is said to be $425,000, Tho plant
is ono of the lanrcst In tho south, enmbln.
Ing oil mill, ferulluer factory Hnd a cotton
batting nnd wadding mill.
Holdups Arc llolil.
Rl'fllfANR. W.-ish . Anif. 23. A sneclal to
tho fipokesmnn-Hevlew from Colfax, U'nsh,,
Bays: Word comes from Itlparla that n
bold holdup, which nenrly resulted In mur
der, occurred In tho railroad yards at that
place nt 1 o'clock this morning. Two men
were held up nnd robbed, nftor one of them
had been shot, less than fifty yards from
tho depot, whllo n freight trnln crew wus
working In tho yards. Tho robbers escaped
nnd tho wounded man wns Placed on nn
c-uglnu anu Bent nncK to titarbuck for
Rtircleal treatment. Klaht men wnrn belrl
up tho previous night nt Orange City, four
miles oeiow jupuria, anu roonen or J10I.
Two men did tho work nnd It Is believed
mat tno same men nm notn jobs, a
vigilance committee has been organized nt
Hlnnrla and tho announcement is mmie iimt
tno men win ne promptly nangeii if caught
Dinner Party nt .MKlnle
CANTON. O.. Auir. 23. President nml
Mrs. McKlnley cro entertaining t'nptnln
and Mrs. Mcwllllama of Chicago nnd Mrs.
itanti or wnsniiiRton. Mrs. McWllllams H
Mrs. McKInley'H cousin. To meet them n
dozen Canton relatives and close personal
friends were tonight entertained nt dinner.
Volney W. Kostor of Chicago, president of
tno union i-euguo ciiin. inn n snort confer-
enco with tho president today. Mr. Foster
Is a member of tho Pan-Amer can con
gress, Hclieduled to meet In tho City of
Mexico in uctoner, and somo matters in
connection with that conitrcss wero talked
lion lino floliiK to II 11 (Til 1 11.
NA8IIVILI.K, Tenn.. Aug. 23. The tonth 1
annual convention of thn Concntenatud 1
Order of Iloo lloo has beon called to meet ;
at Norfolk, Va on Hoptember 9. After ad- ;
lournment the mcmoern win proceed to
nuffnlo, where they will participate In tho
festivities of lumbermen's week nt tho ex
position. Cnloriiiln Toniplnrs Swirt.
DENVHIt, Aug. 23. About 2M Colorado
Knights Templars started this evening lor
i-oulsvltle. Ky to attend the triennial con
clave. They go In a special train oyer the
Hurlington railway via Ht. Joseph, kanta
City anil St. Iuls. They are accompanied
by the aorgc Cook drum corps,
CliurKril rltli l-liiiliesslrnirnt.
CI.RVKI.AND. Aug. 23.-J. A. Iloldt. for
merly secretary of thn Guarantee Havings
and Loan company, was today bound over
to the grand Jury by Justice Hrown upon
the charge of embezzling funds of that
Omaha, and St. Paul and
Iloffst OlirTstlon rrlor Car
-Thd bs.t of Krarrthlnt"
Trnnlmnnt A IIS Dare Illustrated nook
with best treatment, also many valuable
saving you hear? doctor's bills, sV for Ik
Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart
of La Grippe,
Send for nroof of it.
i, aon 1 1
accept any substl'uto but
Kay's Renovator hy return mall, Address,
CO., Saratoga Sprlnsa, N. Y.
DR. McCREW (A.i 52)
In the treat cut of all forma mt Dl
eases and Disorders of Men Only, 30
years' experlenco, IB years In Omaha.
A Derm anent cure guaranteed In lass than
10 days, without cutting or pain.
QTDIPTIIDC cured in less than S days
O I nib I UnC without pain or hindrance
from business. Kidney and bladder diseases.
CVDUII K'and all Hlood Diseases cured
OirnlLlot-y a treatment which Is far
more satlaraitory ana successful man
"Hut Springs" treatment, and at less than
half the cost. All' breaking out and signs
of the disease disappear at once. A cur
that is guaranteea tor lire.
flUCD On nnn cases cured of nervous
II En II, IIUU rlKltllltv. 1n nf vttnllfi.
and MANHOOD, bashfulness, Gleet and ali
unnatural weaknesses oi men.
Cures Ouaranteed. Conanltatlou Fret,
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 7M.
OfTlce ove' 215 South llth street, betwoetj
Karnam and Douglas ma. ohaua, Mtv,
MEN. If jo hT small, wsak
orfaas, lost powtr ar waaksalac
drains, oar Vacuum Organ Dasslaptr
will restart you -itntui aruft or
iscirieiiji stricture an a isnwtin
ermancntlr eurtd In 1 tatwttkti
i.OM In uitt not oat failure i aoi
ona raturnadi effct Ira madia U Da
O.O.D. fraud l wrlta for f rat parttos.
lare, tsnt sealed In plain taTtk.ja.
WCtLAPPUANCt CO. Ut Issts Ilk.. Inllisuslis, Isi,
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone lilt
Re-No-May Powder
relieves and cures all disorders of the feet
due to excessive perspiration.
Price 50 Cents.
Sold by druggists and glove dealers every
where, Sent by mall lor So additional to
cover postage.
Think It's
Your Move?
Just look around your oincel Are
your windows clean7 .Is the gas
light dim? Do you come up In a
dinkey, ciowded llttlo elovator
that doesn't run nights or Sun
days, and la run by a fresh clo
vator boy who Jars your break
fast every tltno yon rldoT If so
your odl ce is not In
The Bee Building
, , . i .I...., . . . . . .
and porfect elevator servlc
There nro no undesirable ofllc
111 l II tl IJ II I II I 11 LT. W H II T H u i rt I m
ure in snowms you them.
C. R. Peters & Co.,
Kuntul Audits:
Ground Flour, lice llulldln
jam w-