THE OMAHA DAILV BllE: SAT TIM) AY, A l GUST 21, 1001. It SPECIAL NOTICES A4rrtlrenta tmr thttm column win taMea aatll 12 m. tar the -renins tlltle-a d taatll BiUU p. an, fur morala-c tad Sunday 4lllna. Rate. 1 l-3o a word Ural Insertion, lo a war4 thereafter. Kothlac takra far lea than s& far tho Brut laser ttna. Tars aa ertUeacata aaaat b raa enaaeeatlveljr. Advertisers, ar reanaallas a aaaa- rheck, cam have anawara aa to a aaakrrtl latter la car at Tne Rae. iaintrt aa addrvaaed will delivered a araaaataUaa ml (ka aaeak aalr WASTED SITUATIOJt. HOTEL clerk desire position, either day or night i reliable: good reference!". Write E 37. Bee. A-gg iS WANTED, hy extx-rlenced saleswoman, po sition In dry goods store, Ixii-k tlox M, Orlswold. la. A-! 21' WASTED MALE I IK LI'. WANTBD Stark nursery pays ensh weekly If you sell Stork trees. Louisiana, Mis souri. Danavllle, Now York. o-Maa 810 PRINCE OF OMAHA cigar. Our own manufacture: union made, straight. W. I atoeckcr Cigar Co, U-i-V, 21 i COATMAKHR6; permanent Job: nt Ho'lly. Ui 8. 11th St.. UncOln, Neb 11 5j !6 WANTKD, good bookkeeper, reliable, sober, InduNtrlon-vgnod penman, accurate, ydung mun. Addrean In own handwriting, stat ing nge, experlcnee and salary wanted, B 31, Bee ll-SK 2i WANTKD. all-around printer, "ad" and Job solicitor, Republican. Wnyno, Neb. J-M7 51 TWO experienced solicitors: something new. Apply between 10 and 4. Flat D, lili Doditc L B-M61J IP WANTBD, experienced sign and card writer. Boston Store, Omaha. Jr L. Hranrtelx & Son?. U-MSB 23 WANTBD, blacksmith, must be Rood horse hor anil plow work, good wage f.r itobor man. Address H.insui & Templln, Archer, -Nob. IJ M65S : WANTBD, man to travel and appoint agents on our superb line pf hoi day books; no experience necessary, but ap plicant raun furnish three referenced and security; absolutoly guaranteed salary and -ominlsslon cxtni under four month con tritely reply nt ones It you mtan buslne s, aa we miist have Immediate action. Mgr. Holiday Dept., 000 Star bids., Chicago. II M63I 31 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade. Now I the time to take It up: we teach the work In two months, present complete outfit of tool. give wages and shop ex perience Saturdays, grant dlulotnHii and assist to 'positions when competent. Uuod wages paid graduates. No trade offers better Inducements, Comparatively no expenn-s Hoard furnished for applicant from distance. Call or -write.- Moler Bar ber College. 1U23 FMrnam 8t. B Ml S6 WANTED, man to travel In Nebraska; reasonable 'salary and expenses: cxpcrl-nr-e imni-ces.ary: distributing, collecting; reference; age over 21; self-addrcsscd en velope for reply. Mgr. B. Wlmmer, 360 Daarborni Chicago. B-JIM) 24 WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED.200 glrla. 1534- Dodge. Tel. 878. C-3 W GIRLS, nil klnda work.- Canadian Offlcs. . C-SJ WANTED, by or before Sept. 1, woman housekeeper In small family; pleasant and permanent home to right party.' Addre.i ;B 3, Dec. C-MJ31 COMPETENT girl wanted; 2 In family. 13 8. Mth. t ? LV8 2i Lt&YlN&th city Jn-a' few daya will sell my beautiful hall tree, also .-maheguny chiffonier and dresser, usd two months; jklso a. line ins rogr,ltchen table. Ice box and feather bcus.- Call at once. 260S Dodge St. O-tW n. WANTED, at once, C young ladles to travel with burlesque show; fair salary; no ex perience required; .send photo at once If desirous of position. F. Montgomery, gen eral delivery, Fort DOdge, la, C M6M 31 WANTED, ladles to learn the best paying work that a girl can do. Wc teach halr dresslnff. manicuring; facial massage itnd 'chiropody In four weeks and guarantee 113 to tla weekly In best establishments when competent. 'Comparatively no ex pense; 'Good Held for resldonce work also. From $3 to IS per day made bv graduates. No capital required. No exnense; big prlceu.' Not so confining aa salaried posi tions. Now Is the time to learn. Busy tJeiiso'tt soon. Call or write, Moler College, lt Farnam street. C-M6M IV FOit RENT-HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented placo them with Denawa It Co. D M TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage .Co.. olilce 1 H14 Furnam, or tel. 1-M D-esi HOU$E3, stores Bemls, Paxton block. D-tiSJ SEE HENRY' B. "PAYNE, 601' N. T. LIFE. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Welti, lilt Douglas. ' - DSKI UOUSK8 a ild (lata. JUngwalt, Barker blk. D-M HOUSES wuntcd. Wallace, Brown block, D w -ROOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jackson. I'ekphone A, xravnor, -Ul br L.-'asi. V-93 213 8. MTU AVE., 8-rooru house, ALL MODERN, In good condition; rent, notu how close in this house U to be mod vrn ul thu price-, it Is u bargain; want only At tenant, with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. (tlh and Douglus at a. D-M79J 10-ROOM, east ront, brick house. 313 N. ZXi St., near Davenport. Inquire at No. an. D-M2, FOR RENT, house and barn, all modern. 2137 hoith J3d t. Apply Ml Jiarchanu .-National Bunk Bldg. D-a 7-KOOM Hat,. 17 South 16th. Clark Powell, 3U Now lorn i.110. uVH ERY desirable flat In good repair, well located. M. J. Kennard.ct Son, 310 Brown block. , u kh 1IJ7 VINTON atrcet, store with two Ave loom flats above. The whole building has Juki been painted ana paperea tnrougnojt. Will make a very rcasonaoio rem to a good tenant, or will rent separately. THE OMAHA LOAN TRUST CO., Ittb and Douglas at.,. D-Mli) MODERN '-room bouse, near park. 1509 ONE i ii o-rooni flat, modern, 1113 8. 11th. D WJ HOUSES for rent In all parta of the city. Iin,n.l .a ti tl rt Qnn.t. ,,.u . . I-CM (ROOM modern cor. flat. 201 Leaven- worm. i 3W sis TO LET. after September 1. -room modern houic. with barn. S. W. Cor. Kd and Pa- vine sib. i auug CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern, seven room house; hree-room cottaae. Tlxard. 0 ROOMS, good repair, furnace, bath, elcc- nam, -sic, a, -m uiciiur; via.w. Phono i D GJS :ti FOR RENT, elegant B-room hojse. nil mod ern Improvements. 404 N.'SSd. D-MCI3 8-ROOM modern house. 11$ S. 31t ave.; flne location, tniormation, pnone l- wj. D-S07 Ji THREE new six-room cottages, entirely modern, furnace, hath An. I invutnrv. N'us. 2623, 2fil!, WJi N, tUh St. Cor.. JK7.50; oth ers, 13. Inquire ws N. Y. Life. I TEN-ROOM Louse, all modern. 2206 Har ey st. D-MS-M tf for ket t-'iitsisiiEit- rooms. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam B-tiM TJIK THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-WI , THREE rooms, light housekeeping, lltl South 11th. E 345 LARGE front room and alcove, well fur nished, modern; suitable for two. siB Cass si. r aisn NICB rcom, gas, both, etc UK Davenprt. E-J61 S13 UOOM, steam heat. bath. 13: room tV. HI N 13th. E-M2W SID FOR teachers, large front room with al cove and deep closets, near High school; board alsr furnished. 207 So. 21th St. Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2G23 St. Mary'. E-MI0 S2f FURNISHED or, unfurnished rooms. T33 6lh ave., Council Dluffs. E MW rL'RMSIIBD ROOMS AMD HOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport SU F-C97 DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 8. 21th St. . F-700 ROOMS and board. Tha Rose, 2020 Harney street. F-MW0 SJ OLBNCAIRN, transient H.2S day. 1600 Doug THE Merrlam, summer resort, Sth 4 ; Dodge F 6W TWO largo front rooms, with b0"1'.'.?49 Capitol Ave. F-Mt DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board, rrtt llarr.uv. . F-h 27 FOIl ItBJIT-l'.IFURJilSIIED HOOMS. DESK, room space, 3 per month, cround floor room In The Bee bujldlng. facing Farnnm street; no expense for light, haf or janitor service, R..C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Bee Building. O-410 FOR light housekeeping. VTA 8t. SIiry'B. Q M617 FOUiTroOMS, with city water, fii , and furnace heat. 7'H 8. 36th st. 0-M653 25' WANTED, good girl for general house work; small family; good home for right party; call Sunday after 3 o'clock, at 1W3 N. 17th st. G-.MC51M' FOTl REST STORES A?ID OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co.. cround tloor. Bea Bldg. lWi FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 1 Farnam St. It has four stories' and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretory, room 1W, Bee Building. I 2il FOR RENT, office with vault and part first floor or all top floor, HH-16 Harney St. Midland Glass and Paint Co., U10 Ilarncy St. I 133 FOR RENT, store building. 703 S. 13th st.j electric elevator; first floor. 20x30; second and third floors, 40x90. Enquire Anheuncr Busch Brewing association. 1215 Jdnca at. I tot 21 AGF.XTS WASTED. WANTED, canvatalng agents In every county to solicit suosenpuons iior inc. TWENTIETH CENTURY FAHMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA jjF LIVE BTOCK and COMPLETE STOpK DOC TOR. This splendid book; contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, fl object-teaching engravings and is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical, money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ, mcnt with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy es- peclally desired. .Canvassers make .easily tea to 1100 per month. . Address, Century Farmer. Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. - ' J' 457 WASTED TO REST. WANTED, furnished. house. 8 or 10 rooms, dress E 29. Bee. K-610,24 WANTED. 7 or 8-roofn' modern house, close in; detacnea preierrea. u reiercnccs, no children. Address E 17, Bee. K MS27 !4 5 UNFURNISHED rdoms for light house- Keeping, central, moaem; Dest reiercnces. Address E 34, Bee. K-633 WANTED, room and board In 'Private fam Ily, vicinity of Hign scnooi, by young lauy; can xurnisn reterenccs. Aaaress v. in Tt. K-MMI s STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 911 Jones, general storage ana lorwaraing. -70V OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Farn. Tels. 15J9-863. .v. STORAGE Household goods and other articles arorea at low rates, j. j. uerignt & Cq., 1U8 Farnam St. Tel. 353. 7u3 WASTED TO BUY, .WANTED, to buy, piano, good make and cheap, taaress n 30. Bee. u zt FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAQO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. :vm rsew ana zanana luroiture uougnt, sold, exchanged. O 704 FOR SALE, furniture at a bargain; dining .-com, revolving oooKcase, loiaing Dea, etc. t2 S. 22d st. O-WJ 21 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. LIGHT omnibus and buggies for sale at H. Frost s, lttn ana leavenworin. i .Mtsss St)ME secondhand buggies, good as new. and other bargains -in , mat line, at VM Jones St. Ask lor O. M. Hart. P-M161 ONE hand-made, top delivery wagon. 2' horse jtxe, tor uaggage, naKerv or gro cery use; nearly new and at a bargain; auove is our own mane, urummonu car rlage Co., ISth and Humey. i' MW0 31 MULE8 for sale. In carload lots or spans uik biuck iu neicci irom. aiwortn-lill' llker Co., Union block yards. P-M605 820 FOR SALE, good open buggy and harness, dJtl null. J--01600 .3- FOII SALE MISUELLASEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1113 Farnam 4-7vJ SAFES, standard makcs,sold,rented. lit 8. 13 BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3, 13, is, no. urnaiiu ivjtiu miit auii vmcago 2JIS, W 7W TRADE your old wheel In on a new one Umnha Bicycle Co., ltith ana Chicago St VI-71U FIR Umbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 11 It., criuuuiK iut ivnee. 5V1 uoug las. y-MSi CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap, s. T. v.impoeii. m -wcuier ot. y si rtfiii SALOON and store bulldlnsr: 7 llvlnn rooms upsUtrK: ground WxtM; corner 16th una uuugiaa. tMiucr iirus, xjy CLAinVOVAXT. MRS. FRITZ, clulrvoyant, K19 N. lth. S-613 PERKOSAI.. DR. ROY", chiropodist; corns and supertlu ous hair removed hv eleciriritv. n. i? 12. Frtnier block. . tj; i run. list av x. or .. i t T. T. . 13 eordlon pleating plant In the west; mall vtusn iuiivhcu. ouiie .-w, uougias DIOCK. V . . U III PERSONAL. -I. I viAVA, scoman'i way to health; rational, ! wnulcsome home treatment. 3ls lice Bldg. ! 1 it ?i i U-;n FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; malt orderh solicited. Omaha l'leatlng Co., lift IWimI.. I, -,m I PRIVATE hospital for ladies before and ! during confinement; babies adopted. V i ' Oram street. U lit I jniET8MITH, baths. US N. IS, 2d floorTnT I U-M12J SI' I PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. rc.'O I Burdttte St. Mrs. Burgct. U-17 S3 DO TOU want a, claim In Oklahoma? For n small fee 1 can locate you on gosd Lovernmeni janu. ti i3, woria.Jieraia. C-M3i7 3 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rint. White Sewing Machine, lev Doug las. Tel. 2251. U 71i OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co.. U2I Douglas U-71S NOTICIntcndlng puroliasers at tax sales of any ot the Linton properties are hereby notlfW that the validity ot such sale will bo contested to the highest courts. (Signed) A. F. Linton. U-MI5S- WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per ween; we repair ana sell needles ana onrts for every machine manufactured. Phone 1CC3. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 & Harney. U Ml!3 S17 DON'T ask your dealer to sell you the jiiivt? ui umana at six ior a quarter, as he cannot sell it to you. It sells for 5c straight. 337 per 1.000. W. F. Stocckor Cigar Co.. makers. U 24 WE will sell plums on the trees to pe pie -nu unve time to come out ana p ck them. Theodore Williams, Benson, Neb. U-M632 0" MOSEY TO LOAS-HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 162t Dc-ugjns. 11 tiW 5 AND 5H per cent loam. V. U Thomaa, t-"l 1 - t. I ... 1 1 .1 1 fT I C W-721 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgo ec company, iwi tarnam street. W-724 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. tarnam amitn & uo., 1320 Farnam st. W-7M WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, it. c. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W 731 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay liw or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brchnnn-Love Co., a.-3 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 726 IS0.000 SPECIAL fund; loans 1500 up; lowest rates, uarvin uros., iuh arnam. W-905 too, 1400, fKCT private money to loan; 1, 2, 3 or a years, w. 1. ceioy, uoaru or Traao Bldg. W 723 MONEY to loun on Improved Omaha real estate, .urcnnan-iove wo., n south 13th. W 723 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 727 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. U W 730 W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 15th 8L, loans money uu rcsiuciicpruperty at a per cent. A W 124 MOSEY TO LO AS CHATTELS. DO TOU NEED MONEY? We loan 310 and up on furniture, pianos, norsee ana otner cnatteis. SALARY LOANS Without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions, xou can get tne money in 'a few hours after making application ana tako 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 6 months or more in which to pay It back, and ,1'ou need not pay for It one day longer than you keep it. We charge nothing for papers and we give you the full amount in cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms' are the easiest; our -business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please." . , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN Co., 119 Board of Trade Hide. Tel. 22. (Established 1S32.) 306 S. 16th St. A. 731 On household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc, in two noura time; also to salaried people on, their plain notes, with out security.' Easiest payments and low est rates in Omaha. Private Interviewing room. Americas Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, cor. 18th and Douglas 8ts.; entrance on 16th St., opposite. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X-733 LARGEST BUSINESS in LOANS TO BAL.AU1UU ftoi'LE. merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prtncl- Sal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade ldg. X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live biock, etc. wuick service ana lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, G33 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16tn and Farnam; entrance on 10th street. X-7-K MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- ! tin-Mae - a..- 1 " T II.aJ lis 1 1 X-73$ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, x-737 WE LOAN money to salaried people on ineir note at lowest rates: stnctiv conn- dentlal; pay' weekly, semi-weekly or montniv. itoom w, x-axton oiock, 3a floor, Reliable Credit Co. X-733 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried .people; nusincss connuentiai; lowest rutes. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-731 THE MOST SATISFACTORY. PLACE to maxe loans on turniturc, piano or salary. BOOM 314 BROWN BLOCK, entrance op posite Y, M. C. A. Bldg., 16th St. Try It and ycu will be sure and repeat the doso. X-MS19 BVSISESS CIIASCES. FOR SALE or trade, half or whole in urug siure, jmruvvuuu uuur, .uaiinews lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 Bee Bldg. Y-740 TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL, TELL Mr, WHAT IUU WANT TO BUY, IF I DON T t l.-U IUU A UGAli YOU MAI MAY I SBVBK TRY. J. 11. JOHNSON. 1 New York Life Bldg. ' The Real Estate and Business Chance Man, Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and Itoomlns UllUliS A UU1 CUB, I1UUOCB V WV W -AV,ti'UIlf'U Y-fH2 a- vv.nv attractive Investment Is offered in tnj stocK 01 tne ooiuen ium uu com pany of Omaha; absolutely safe und ure m nav large dividends: only a llm.ud amount for sale ut par. Call or write for full information, umce uu uavtnpori at Y-M153 LIN DELL HOTEL, flrst-clasu, good busi ness, furnishings complete: nrlci. 12.'j0: investigate. William Madgett, Hastings, eD. y iliw WANTED. ladles of ability to mnnaci branch offices. Thyrold-Lymph Co.. M lite uiag., umana. Y M12Z FOR SALE, furniture of H-rnom flat, com pletely equipped; tilled with flm-clasi roomers and boarderx! ifrnvu inmm, n? month liwj rent, J5; tine location; steiim heated; lady obliged to go east; a rare oarguin; seeing is relieving. J. H. John on, N. Y. Life.. Y-M350 HARDWARE stock, 13.000; staple goods; best location In city 23.0-o population; an nual sales, 115,000; must sell on account oi oilier uusine.i. nne uroDOsltlon. J. H Johnson, N, Y. Life. Y 5S3 WELL-ESTABLISHED-corner drug store tn vumiia tur suie, iixiures, I?id. r. it. Bee. Y M5SJ 820 FOR RENT, only blacksmith shoo In small iun ii. uurvoa r- uvv. XAissys '-3-' FOR SALE. 2dl tonB corn and cane fodder. In connection with 10) acres choice win ter pasture In Nelson county, Call or ad- ur-:ts v-. .. r-owurus, ijotncnnurg, Neb. Y-613 24 FOR SALE, hotel furniture and three-year leant- in live luwn 01 i.imi; junction 01 two roaas. .10 competition, new notei. Aa dress E 33. Ber. Y MB3o-2i" WANTED, physfclan, excellent opening for competent physician. Address B.x J53, Newcastle, Neu. Y-M6 0 2V FOR SALE, tin shop In Denver. Colo., on arcount oi sicKness. siock ana ioois, ff tlood trade Tin Shop. 170 Chamtm rtt., Denver, Colo. Y-MW 27 DRUG STORE In VastcrnNebraVka"dolng good business; good reasons far seltltitr. Invoice, J2,tw; easy terms. Address B Jl. nee. l .msji a.- ' FIRNITURE of 15-room flat, completely equippeu, nne location, revenue rtom roomers. J133 per month. If you wi' t n bnrgaln b quick. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Llfe V-MU6 AN EXCELLENT opportunity to buy an electric light plunt in good town of l.fcw IKjpuliitlon; a good Investment for n small nmojnt of capital. B33, Bee. 1 .M6ii sr FOR SALE, furniture of a 12-room board- , ing nouse ana lease on bouse; everything tlrst-clasit, new furniture and rugs, ml ready for party ta take possession at once; purtlef leaving city. i 1st ave., Council Bluffs. Y-Mrs 24 COMPLETE patent medicine business for sale cheap. A snap. E 4. Bee. Y-MW4 2-j' FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE FOR A HOME IN DETROIT. Desirable k-room modern residence in Han- scorn parK uistrlct; enst.tront; n.-nrly new. PAYNE-KNOX (JOMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Did. X-Mt.' .t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, 2,500 FOR 9-room, all modern, house; best burguln In Kountio fiuce; iliiu location; ll.U.'j i-ush, buluncu long time, deo me quick it you want It. J, li. Johnson. N. x. Life. RE-Mi31 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 .N. L. LIFE. KB-743 FOR stock ranches, hay lands and irrigated lurm in Lincoln county, .-seurasxa, write to Bucnunan it Patterson, real estate agents, North Plutte, Neb. RE 331 lb' :. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life, buy and uelt. inquiries luviteu. RE 71 A30 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; ulso acre property anu tarm lanus. iiiu u. t . Davis Co., Room &s2 Bee Bultdltig, HE 711 HOUSES, ldts, farms, ranches, loans; also nre insurance, uemis, x-axton RE-7U RANCH nnd farm lands for sale by the uiiiuu i-uciiic rauroau company, li. A. McAUaster, land commissioner. Union Pa-i-ltlc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KE-743 CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. Kli 113 FOR SALE. IRRIGATED LAND. Why rent when you can buy Irrigated land tor -j per ucre, witn a perpetual wuter right that guarantees you u crop every year? Lund within live hours' rlUu of Hie uest market In the country. These lands can only be bought of W. II. ureen or J-. it. buck, v& n. y. Life bldg. KB M 103 A31- TWELVE ot the tlnest and cheapest lots in tne city, in uiock it), wucoxa i-irst addition. 1 block north of Vinton at. Lou facing 21th street, east front, all on gruue 6u0 Lots racing 25th street o"j-j livo cash, balance on easy terms. Also homes in apy part of tne city, cheap, on easy terms, juii ana see . Jl. UUb SELL, 420 Bamgo Bldg., city. RE Mm THE Sutuhen home. In Kountza Place, a ucsirauie i.-100 in, mouern remaencc. 21.1t ana Emmet, hara wood rtnlsh, gooa burn, largo yard, lour lots: housu unusually wen built ana decorated, beautttul yaru. Price, only 112,000. Owner might con stuer part in trade. Uyron Iteeu Co., 212 S. 14th st. ' KE-MW7 27 FOR HALE, 9-room house and lot near jiign Bonooi, .,iw. .lot anu twu nouses win rent for J.u per month; gooa focutlon, 1,duo. these are Dargaina. j. A. Lovgren, z Paxtcn block. V '. HaUia 2J IF YOU WANT TO rioVA-.-ilOME- Lmi us snow you an iitst tront. nearly new, -rooin, mouern restoence,- just nortn of tnose three new houses "now fiolng up at 2a tn and Pacific, t The owner of this place 'lias instructed us to sell It before September 1. Lot, .40x140! house built In lblf?, and In the uest possiuie conumon; newi- naintea: street paved. " . " ' Make us your best offer 'OU CAN'FIND NO r'AUbT WITH THE PROPERTY, beo us at once. " " " PAYNE-KNOX' COMPANY. Main Floor New York Lire Bldg. r . BE MUiJ :l TUKEY WILL BUILD HOUSES. For parties having front 300 to sow cash we win uuuu nouses in trillion 11111 or Bemls park, costing about n.wi. The balance lo be paid in monthly payments ot Irom 112 to":s. Here Is an opportunity to get a new house, arrangou to suit your sell, on very easy terms. A. P. TUKEY &. SON, BOARD OF TRADE. 11 E 7 26 A. P. TUKEY anv. Six acres, with burn and outbuildings, on Grand Ave., west of Central I'urit .rhnm Four acrea In Fundi Place, with house and barn, very cheap. This Is n dvnirn.i place for ualry purposes or chicken ranch. A. P. TUKEY : aON, BOARD OF TRADE. HE 647 26 BICYCLES. CLEARING sale' at big reduction In prices; ..uu.c.i, -,w, nun tu.w; onapielgn Speciul, wO.lro, now 2J.0o: Hudson, iu,w, now l.0u; FeatherEton, M. t sum, now .uu0; Featherston Al. .', fj.i.v, now jj.w Audrae, 4u.uu, now -M2.ou; itugoy Roaustor. HO.W, now; Rugby Racer. Juj.w. now -hSj.oo. Heconahana wheels from . up Tires, jLciO una up. lieuuquurttrs tor r. pairing und sunurlcn. LuUia Fl.tidCUER, 16J8 CAPITOL AVE. - 4H 24 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 NVY. L. Bldg Tel. tlld E. Johnson, Usteopathlat, .Mgr. i DONOHUE, Osteopath, I'dxton Blk. Tel lito: -713 A. T. HJJNT, D. O., 3.'5 Karbach Blk. T1.25o3 u; MRS JOHN R. MUSICK; D. O., osteo putnlc phyolclun, Douglas block. tw NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., replated. Omaha Plating Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. HIM. -Mi.f ITIIMTCIIi: HEPAlRlNO. TEL. 1331. il. S. Walkllii. 21J1 Cuming St. - 57 On Account Of restocking our repository " "' l number of other styles of woll built ami up-todato vehicles which It will pay you to oxan.lno at tho price offered. Right now Is tho host time of yoar to drlvo, and now Is your op portunity. We alio offer sorno blfr bartrulm In necoBd.hanil Conoonli, PI actons, Traps and Family Carriayos 6 passengor carrluges, etc. DRUMMOND lotn ano warnoy otroota. VltOHTHAMI A.M TVPHWHITI.XI. A. C. VAN SANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -753 IIOYLBS' College, court reporter principal. ! Beo Bldg. 7 NF.U. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd s Theater. ) GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., IS it Doug 7iil I'lSHISn AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy flshtn? go to Lnngdun, Mo. Very best of h tel accommodations. Plenty ot boats a id minnows. Write R. A. Dlttmar for rates. 72 LOST. LOST. Thursday morning, between ISth nnd Jackson and the postotllcr. or between the postoltlce and 12th und ltownnl sts., la dles' smill, open-face gold watch. Finder please return to D. J. O'Brien Co. nnd re ceive reward. Lost M6S3 2S DETECTIVE AOESCV. CAPT. V. MOSTYN. S17 Karbach Block. ; Omaha, Neb. Reliable operations; bul ness conlldcntlal 576 StS" BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bol'crs, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and lztrd Sts. 753 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Box 760. Des Moines, la. -7)4 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS, vltrlfled brick. Drop me a line. Geo. It. Crandall. 6707 N. 20th St. -031 26 I'AWMIROKEIIS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -751 STAMMERING AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn 430 Itornge Bldg. -755 CARPESTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and lJike St-. 370 LAUNDRY., OMAHA Steam laundry; shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; suits, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. -752 Gold Crowns, $5 A VISIT TO THE DENTIST! Putting Jt off from dny to day Is poor economy, tooth decuy Eoes right on If not stopped, clay may mean the loss ot one or more teeth. See Bailey the Dentist Third Floor Paxton Block. PHONE 1085. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested, as changes may occur at any tlmeA -Foreign mulls for the week ending August 24. 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In nil casos) at the general postolllce as follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than clos ing time Jhown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close nt 5 t. m. Monday nnd Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. ' Trnuimtlniitlc Mnlls. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Maasdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Maasdam"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla via Queeni town; at 9.30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Furncjsla (mnll must bo directed "per s. s. Furnessla"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Hekla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ilckla"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers and Sumples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europe wl'l not be sent by this ship unless sperlully directed by It. After the closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary malU are opened on tho piers of tho American. English. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of suiting of steamer. Mnila for South mid Central America, West Indies, Eto. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. (supplementary 9.30 a m.) for PORTO RICO (via San Juun) CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per i s. Maracaibo (mall for Suvanllla and Cartha-jena must bo directed "per s. a. Maracalbo"); nt 9j30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. S A VANILLA nnd CARTHA GENA, per- s. s. Athoa (mall for Coma Rica must bo directed "per . s, Athos"), at U.30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MAHTA, per s. 8. Alps; at 10 n. m. for CL'IIA, per s. s. Mexico via Havana: at 12:30 p. m. for MATAN25AS, CAIRARIBN. NUEVITA8. GIBARA and BARACOA, per . s. Curltybu (ordinary mull only, which must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba"); at 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:3) p. m.) for BER MUDA, per s. b. Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, und thence by steamer, close at this oillce dully ut 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday. Wednesday und Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon, by rait to Boston. u)id thence by steumcr, close ut thin orUco dally nt 6:30 p, in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Purt Tampa. Fla., und thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally ut "6 a. m. (the connecting closes nre on Monday, Wednesday and Satur day), JIplls for Mexico City, overland, unlea specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, Close at' this oltlco dally at l;'M p. m. and 11 p. m. Malls for Casta RIcu, Belize. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by stcumer, close nt this ofllce dally at 1M p. m, (connecting closes hem Mondays with fall and winter carriages, depot wagons, rockaways and broughams, we will commence, Monday next, to offer every open carriage in tho house at a price to close out. This will (include surreys (open and canopy top) Traps, Golf, Outing and Boule vard Wacons. aud quite CARRIAGE CO., I'OSTOFFIl'K SOTICU. for Bell". Puerto Cortes and Guatemala and iiiesduyi for Costa Rlca "Reel' tcred mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day Trrtnu-rruiino Jlnllt. Malls for Australia (except' West AustralU. which coes via Lurunc. im.l sv -.,., i.,.i which noes via ban Francisco) nnd Eui I Islands, la ancouvcr. close here dal.y 1 at : p. tn. up to August inclusive, ' mentury malls, via Seattle and Victoria, close at 6:30 p. m. August "is (mall must be directed "via ancouver"i Malls for Chln.i and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust "IS, IncUslve, for dispatch per s. s. ulyinpln. Malls tor Hawaii. China and Japan nnd rnillppincs, ia san rrnncisct, ens., hero dully at ti:30 p. m. up to A-ujrust in. cluelxe, for dispatch per s. s. Gaellu Malls for Hjwatl. via tiun Kranclsco, cl sq 1 here dally at '6:30 p, m. up to Ausust i IikIusIvp. for dispatch per s. s. Murlii. s. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China and Thlllp. daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August "30, in clusive, for dispatch ier s. s, Hons Kong Maru Mulls for China nnd Japnn, via Vancouver, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Sep tember Inclusive, for dlpatcli per s. s. Empress of China (registers d mall must bo uirirteil "via Vancouver ). Mall, except merchandise which cannot bo forwarded via Canada, for the L. S. Postal Agent at Shanghai, closes at 6:30 p. m. previous day. Malls for Australia (except' West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hnwiiil, vln t-un Francisco, close here dally nt fi.-!! p. m after August "15 and up to September 7, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. t I'm brla, due at New York Heptcmbcr for dispatch per s. s. Ventura. Trans-Pacific malls arc forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is nrranged on the presumption of tholr uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at tf p: m. previ ous tiny. CORNEMt'S VAN COTT. Postmaster Postortlce, New York, N. Y , Aug. 1, 1M1 fr.MI)lM.lll?IJ Record Vo)tge d Pan. 7Hour2MtniitT BOSTON to LIVERPOOL vlj OUEENSOWN I Commonelth, Twin Screw, 12.000 oni. ua. 28 New EngUnd. 500 Tom, Sept. II Vsncouier ...Sept. 5 Cimbromin . . Sept. 21 Dominion . Seat. 14 Aincouirr For fartlcr taloraitle. iMrtts Cess'i 0k. Dtirbors St. Ctklfs, Ills. IIAILWAV TI3I12 CARD. SS ILLINOIS CENTRAL 9K ncc 10- barium Street, t-SCfflP-T Telenhone. i!5. Dmoi Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. ChlcoMTxpress a .w am a a:iw pm Chicago Limited... .......a 7.4a pm u 4: um Mlniieaiiolls A: H'.. "aul Express vb ,M am D '!W pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 'IMSpm u S:01 am Fort Dodco Local from Council illuffs b 4:M pm a S:15 am' Fort Dodge Local from Council Illuffs 5 6:00 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and,Qulncy Local a 7;W am a 9:00 pra a Dally. UNION PACIF1C-THE OVER, land Route" General Offices. N. a. uor. iMintn and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce. 13J Farnam Street. Telephone. 316. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts Telephone, 613. , , arrive. The overland Limited.. a 0:20 am a 7:30 nm The Chicago-Portland Special -m a 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mall 1 :6 am a 3: pm The Mail and ixpress .all:3j pm a tvx pm Tho Colorado Special ...all:b pn a 6UpO um Lincoln, Ueatrtce and Stromaburg xpress..b tax. pm bl:3 pm The Pacific Expreis....a t:23 pm Tho AtianUu Eicresa... n 6:60 am Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 3:33 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City A Kastern Hnllrn.irl "Th. mm Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of fice, HIS Farnam St. Tele phone. 3U2. Depot, Tenth 5-7 and Marcy Sts. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a S!liJ nm !20 atn Kansas City and Qufncy Local a am a 8'W Pm a Dally. CHICAGO St NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, (61. Depot, Tenth anu Marcy Streets. Tele phone, IS. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chlcaso Spe cial a 7 :) am all:30 pm Chicago Pasingjr a t:li pm a 8:40 am Eastern Express, Des Moines, Marshulltown, Cedar Rapids and Chicago alO:5J am a 4:06 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago and last a 4:55 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mull, Cblcago to Om..ha a 2:45 pm Omuha-Chlcago L't'd...a 7:45 pm a -iiuu am frust Mall a vm um Cedar rapids fas-nser. u !:m pm a Dally. FREMONT, ELKHORN At Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Utncea, United btutes Nutionai bank Uuilutug, S. W. Corner Twelf tn unu Fur- ium bis. Ticket Oltlce, HOI Furnam St. 'lek-phor.u, LCI. Depot, 15tn aim WeDSter bis. J .'lepbune, Uitt. Leave. Arrive. Black mils, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:v0 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Cusper 'and Douglas d 3;W pm e S:00 pra llustlugk, York, Duvld city, eupeitor, Geneva, ilxetvr und 3ewuri.,..o 3:0) pm b 5:00 pro Noriolk, vciuisrru ana Fremont b 7:3; um blO.:3 um Lincoln, v, ai.50 & Frt- Miont b 1:3) am blU:35 am Fremont Local.,,.. c i:a: um c L'atly. I, Dally exec;:, auiiu.iy. c Suu duy om d Daily ipi acturday. Dally except ilunau-,-. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Mtnneupalts & uniuhu Ratlwuy "Tho Norm western Line" General U!!i(., Nebraska Dlvl .moil, litti und W'eime. Hts. City l'leket Ultice. uul 1-urtiatn SL Telephone, 6L Depot, Uln una Webster Sts. .telephone, His. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... .a am a a:Jo pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a Z:i3 pm ull:iu um Emerson Local b b:M pm u k;ij um u Dully SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Utllce-), United dimes National Bank Building, b. W. Coiner Twuittii . n'l Farnam Mts. '1 IcKer umce, Farnam SU Telephone, Wl. De pot, lenta and Murcy Sts. loicpncne, uv. . , .-. Lcave. Arrive. Twin City rJxpres3 a 6:00 um al;25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm u i;U um Stoux City l.oca, a bM um u i.lj pm a 1 ally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad The Burlington Route " General Omces, North west Corner Tnth und Farnam Streets. Ticket Ottlcu, XUTi Furnum btteut. Telephone i30. uuriington station, Tentn and Ma-on Stieeta. Telepnonc Ul. Leuvw. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings und , McCoo a :t0 am a i:3i pro Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado, UUh, Californla.a i:5 pm a J:W Pm Alliance express a l.ij pin u 3:uu pin LlneJin & Black HIIU..U 9:ai pm a 6:15 am Montana, Puget Sound.. a :VJ pm a 6:4j um Lincoln Fant Mall b SiW pm a iH um Wymtirc, Beatrice and , ..... Llncoli a 8:40 am bll:5i am Denver Colorado, Utan and California a 6: la am Fort Crook-, So. Bend. Louisville. Plattsm tn.b 3:" pm bll:03 ara Betlevue. i.attsmouth t , , Pacific Junction a 7; pm a S:M am Betlevue. PUttsmouth it Pacific Junction a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except dunaay. Pl.'llif M me? tummem. RAILWAY TIME CARD. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO sepn ft council mutts Railroad "The llurllngton Route Ticket Utllce, 15C3 Farnam Street. Telephone za. UciHit, Tcuth and Mason Streets. Tele phone lis. Leave. Arrive. a J;(0 pm a 6:15 am Kansas City Day E " p Kansas CltJ Nltfhl Ex .alO M pm Joseph and St. Eouts.a t:l pm nllili ara a Dally. CHICAGO, nt'ItEINQTON K -uinux iuiiiunu 1110 Uurllngton Route" Ticket utllce. liOJ Farnam Street. Telephone .'io. Depot, lenin und Mason Streets. Telephone 11$. lcave. Arrlv Daylight ChUaj;o Spe- . clal a 'M am al0:X pm Chicago Vcs'.l'.'Ulel fix. a 4;W pm a 7: am Chicago Eoeal Express. a mn a :0S pm Chicago Limited a l;jO pm n 7:15 am Fast MsJl a 2:i pm a Dally, CHICAGO, ROCK ISL. anu t-acino Railroad The Ureat Rock ,?.laJld.rt.,..l0U,'-,-'ity viince, 1x3 Far nam Street. Telephone. ft:.?. vmihlini iiarcy streets. Tele. pnune, ouf. KAsl. ' Arr,V9- Chicago, D.tyllght Bpe ..a 6:00 am a ::00 am Des Mnlnes nnd Diven- m port Local .a 7:23am a9:J5Dm Chicago ExPrtM bll:15ani bllcoSS Des Moines Local 1 iiwpm bli-wint, Chicago Fust Express. .a 5;iw i.m m "inn. Ds Moines. Rock 1st- ' l"4 "" and and Chicago. a 7:4 pm nS:i0am Rocky Mountain Mm... a 3:00am aSSSnm i..ncoin, cotormo spgs.. ntm Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 nm Colorado. Oklahoma & !" pra Texas Flyer a 8: pm a 9:50 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road-Genera! Offices and Ticket Omces, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas bts. Iclcphono, 104. Depot. Union Station. ' '-"r-fTT- . v,u. arrive. St Louis and Kansas City Express 10:00 nm a GiU pm lv. C, St. U Express. .a 10:50 pm a 6;li ara Leave from 15h and Webster o '.recti: Ncbrasxa Local. Via Wjeplnc; atep b 4:10 pm aiOMS am a Dally. 1 Dally exceot Sunday. 4- , WABASH RAILROAD CJ3f31 Ticket Oillce. 141J Farnam tX.lWM.V s,rt' Telephone. 3. De" J)VMmV pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. V11 - Telephone. tSi. Leave. Arrive. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Kxprta a S:15 pm a S: am CHICAGO. M I LWAUK K l! Xfff2?- Bt. Paul Rallwav-city i?StPAllt Depot, Tenth und Mason UtlkVlB. IVIJIIUIIO, U.J Leave. Arrlvt. r-v.i, r. ,imnha F.X..U tla am D 3.-40 om Chicago Limited, Ex.. ...u 6:00 pm a 8:03 an. a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. POTATO PRICES GO HIGHER (Inoit ((unlit)' of Toilers In II rink l)e mnnil nt to f t.2.1 Per nushel on Loral Market. The price of potatoes in Omahi reached an unprecedented point for the season yes terday when top grades brought $1.15 and J1.23 was asked for one lot, which was re fused by the owner, a local gardener, who took his ttibors home with htm, saying that be expected to get his price within a week. Previous to this tho highest .price offered on the Omaha market for potatoes was this summer when they sold at $1.10, with the prevailing price of the season being $1. Gardeners do not remember a time when the price was so high at this time ot the year. Last year at this time potatoes woro selling In a retail way at 40 and 45 cents a bushel for stock much better than that which Is bringing the top price this season. People returning from western and .central Iowa report a still worse condition and yet ' higher prices on tho local market. At Wnvijrly, a town which usually ships large quantities of potatoes, the price last week was $1.50, 'and dealers would not contract to supply local consumers at this price for any length of time. Northeastern Kansas reports a similar condition, Atchison papers telling of n potato famine where there Is usually a large number shipped. Aside from the advance In tho price ot potatoes the local vegetable and fruit mar ket presented no features, all vegetables selling at practically the prices prevailing for the last few days. There was a further decline In the price of cantaloupes, the best melons selling as low as 60 cents a dozen, with fair stock nt 40 cents and small melons at 25 cents. Peachcn sold at $1.33 to $1.0 per crate for good shipping stock in six-basket crates. Tomatoes wen slightly higher, good shipping stock com manding $1 per basket, with over-rlpo to matoes Belling as high as 50 cents. Maldenblush apples from southern Ne braska are on the market for the first tlmi and bring $2 per barrel. Dysentrry Cured Without the Aid of n Doctor. "I am Just up from a hard spell ot tht flux" (dysentery), says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. "I used ono small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy an-J was cured without having a doctor. I com slder It the best cholera medicine In thi world." There Is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy Is used," for no' doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint In any form, either foi children or adults. It nover falls and It pleasint lo take. For sale by all drug, gists. RAPIDLY NEARING COMPLETION Cnnlrni'tiir Anniium-rn (lint Crrl-flilem C'iIW-kc Ailillliirliini WH It rally In a Mouth, ( The contractor In charge of construction at Crclghlon collego announced .yesterday, that tho new auditorium would bo ready for use In n month. Tho south wing has been built as high ns the second floor an! tho work of tho mavons was suspended yes terday pending tho placing of woodwork by carpenters. At the same time work om the north wing was started and as soon as the carpenters get the woodwork on the south wing In place construction on both wlngB avIII be carried on. The new foot ball grounds arc now about complete and foot bill enthusiasts con nected with the college say that they are to be the best In tbn state. These grounds were formed out of the sloping' ground north and west of the college building. Next spring. It Is said, seats will be built for the accommodation of spectators, but for the coming season they will not Im used. Tho prospect for a crack foot ball team at Cretghton collego next season Is said to be good. The physical director has ben In Chicago and announced that twfc or thres ot tho heat men In the west have signified their Intention of attending Crelghton col lege this fall and will undoubtedly be given places on the team. Ono of them comes from St. Mary's college, In Kantas, and Is pronounced by Prof. Stagg of Chicago to be one of the best fullbacks In the west. Keep iho body healthy at this season by using Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is a neces sary condition to successfully resist ma larial germs.