7 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY AUGUST 2, 1001. ATTACK ON SUPREME COURT I.lUlt field's Criticism of Ininlar Caui Etokei Coafl cting Dem.nitrationi. COMMITTEE UPHOLDS BANKRUPTCY LAW KernrlN to lint Aaaiidntlnn' Conten tion nt Delivrr (lint It 8(111 He llene Mni'li I.rKlnlndon Wise mill llcnvllulul. as nimcfit evenly divided on the nutation. tPniltU' AT CAI1TII ftl 1 11 woh imaiiy decided to let the matter AIT MIYJ rtl JUL) 1 11 Ulllrtllrt go over a year nnd then take up the que- uon oi appointing n committee to draft nn mcndmtnt to the constitution which will iru.t. i t. t,i..j oj. . .v make women eligible. Auoiucr uncu in uong uomj.u c- -i ius IXilltroiiU nn llnmlltiiii. nsmnuing ctaus. When the evening session wan called to rdcr Henry U. Estnbrook of Chlengo was CERTIFIED SESSION LAWS CALLED introduced nnd spoke on "Alexander Hamil ton n a Lawyer." He ald that next to the fact that Oeorge Washington was vfhat Mnor Intimates (lint Broker Itonliler UENVSII, Aug. 22. A sensation was caused at today's session of the American liar association by the nddrces of Congress matt Charles E. Ltttlefleld of Maine on "The Insular Cnsu." Mr. Llttleflfld'H uddrcss drew forth loud nnd long-contlnucd nn plauso and n motlun was made to t ndor him a vote of thanks for It, but thin was tlccla'ed out of order by thu president on the ground that the speaker Is a member of thd association. Tho vlow of the mover was not, however universal with tho members, for Just be fore recces wab taken Adolph Moses of Ohlcago made a vigorous protest against what he characterize! no nn "unwarranted attack upon the supreme court of the United Ktates." Ills remarks wcro cut short by a point of order, but his words wore greeted with applause In which a considerable mi nority of the convention Joined. I.lttlellelil'i. Muevcli Mr. Lfttlefleld's speech was tho feature of the forenoon. "ThcHi cases," ho said, "considered In the manner In which the results wcro reached, tho Incongruity of tho results and thd varloty of Inconsistent views expressed by tho different members of the court, aro without parallel In our Judicial htstury. Taking Up tho first ensu, known as Do Lima against indwell, stating tho oplulon of every member ot tho supremo court on the same, thu Bpcakur said: "Justlc Drown did, not nnnounco tho conclusion nnd Judgment of tho court, nlllrmlng thu Judg tnortt of tho court below, but rendered on of his own." Ilcferrlng to tho opinion of Justices Whlto Shlras and McKcuna, I the same case, the speaker said "Technically speaking, thero Is no oplnton ot the court to sustain tho Judgment the Dooloy case (known as Uootey against United Mates) Is controlled by tho Downes cases there would Bcem to bo no good reason why It should not have been decided That It was not raises tho Inference that would bo decided adversely to tho govern went, or that there was a greater difference of opinion than usual with rofcrenco to it. . Mr. Justice Gray Is tho only ono who lndi eaten his 'position' In this case." Mr. Llttlelleld considered the other cases friends here from Heidelberg, Germany, thnt he will go to Vienna on SeptembT S for the winter semester nt the mfdlcnl college there. After nn Investigation Coroner Swanson decided thnt nn Inquest over the remain of Mike Girmus was not ncccsnry. Qlrmus fell oft a porch nt the Metropolitan hotel and died from tho Injuries received. for DISCLAIMER BY J. E. NORTH ho was, the country nnd the world Is per haps most Indebted to tho fact that Alex- ttdcr Hamilton was a lawyer. He was at tho head of the American bar. Hamilton was ii gteat scientist In the domain ot civil law. His lnlild was acute, logical and al together objective. Hamilton was an old boy ut 18. There Is no evidence that he linn Unit I'lent)- of Time for Def inite Action Oeliernl Xw friim (he City oi Packers. Snyii He Did .Not Support Wenvrr or (he Electors itenreneiithia; Hint III Sebrnskn. COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 22. To the Ed itor ot The lice: In your Issue ot the 10th there appears an editorial under the head- Tho mayor has completed the signing of lng of "What Makes Traitors," In which the Issue of the 150.000 4M per cent gen- you refer to me as one of the Open sup- ever had any boyhood. At the ago ot 23. In Indebtedness refunding bonds. All porters of Weaver In the presidential elec- tho raid. of. war ll.iltan had folt the that remains to be done now I. for tho city Hon In 1S92 for the purpose of wresting necessity for a nation! mm, tut on and clerk to attach the seal of the city to the Nebraska from the republican co "mn In h..i iiii.i . .u. ......i.i ..... narrhinent. In less than an hour after this you nre mistaken. I did not support ...... ...... tu.m .imu, i iuu inui3iuu in rr . ut. n....... . .um,, m.i ........ ....... tho instrument finally adopted. Hamilton no'tmyor nau m m "- "V, ,. " ' was nobly ambitious, but Wisely cautious; 1VW l,n,e5 or rautB " r"" B; " " """ . " rt , ' ' ' ot the bonds to the effect that a certified as I did In 1806 for rnlmor and Ilucknor. copy of the sessions laws would be needed nut In 1000 the republican party, ns I un- before the bonds would no accepted, demand it, enaorsea me jcnersonian oem- Lnat June. In open competition, O. W. ocratlc doctrine of sound money. Expan- Hooblcr of Omaha bid a premium of $313 Biou of territory and tho tariff question for this lssuo nnd the council awarded being out ot the Issue, I voted for William the bonds to him. Ever since tho award McKlnley, and In tho present status Of po there has been trouble Of some sort about mical parties In this country I shall con tho Issue. First, there were histories to tinUB t0 volo (D0 republican ticket. t. J .. nM,i nrt Anal tnr nnnrnVAl. And I ..il.l. t . 1 1 1 . m ... . 1 .1 I ... n 1 it... uogers oi uenver, wno spoKe on "ine uaw , . ,,.1. v,j .h hnntls. . .. xt... n tut nt. i . . i k... il I men u iiiiiufii imc i i i has rewaruuii wuii i uuilu huiu viiuvji volnnil tnr liavlm voted tnr James U. w- ...bv.wm. i iit,.f .un mniiA. nnd then anomer. so mat i vt'Af.n ..p..iitrini I fif a ihi. ... I'nr ConKrexR at HI. I.ouU. lnc cny has been to a big expense. Then ponalon f my voto to correct such state- Tho commlttoo on memorial from the Hoobler wanted a ccrtlllcd copy of tho mpnt antl tru,t you may give the .same Bt. Louis exposition reported tho following city cnaner anu Aiiorncy lui.u ... ""- space In your pnper. Respectfully yours, resolutions, which were adopted: to Lincoln 10 secure mis. J. E. NORTH. Itesolved, Thnt a committee compo.ed of When the request a"or P,SI wlsh lo m for aovfrnor tto ono member from each state mid territory of tho session laiss was made 10 ine mayor that ue never even suggested to mo that or the union be uppolnted by the prestueiii j,e threw up nls nanas ana maao a iew th uc,nocrals should vote for Weaver. sometimes most tentative when he was really most nssurcd. "Of tributes to his lcgnl Abilities there Is no cud. John Mar shall ranked him, next to Washington, the greatest character In history." Tho concluding paragraphs ot the paper wero quotations from Hamilton's contem poraries praising him as a man, a lawyer und a statesman. Mr. Estabfook was followed by Piatt of tl his association to co-operate with tho ,.,, uo wVith wmild not look nuthorllleii of the IyOUlslnna Purchnse Lx- well In Noto by the Editor We cheerfully print ..... I . i . it.- ffn.1 Uln At IIURIIItMl I-IIIII fill II V II II 11 inn UlllltU onmi " .... ' ------- - . . .i i . . . i .1 .. fftin intra commission. lmvlng In charge tne ceieurniion u was siaieu . Nor.h.fl Hi.Maimer. which in no way ot the centennial ot mo purcnasc vy tins ftr0 needed to see It tno L,incoin cnaricr ' '. . arl,Pu nnn United Btntrn from Krance, of the , , b rcncalcl nnd tho South Omaha Rffcct8 the waln, I,olnl owt article. Ono Loulslnna territory, for the bringing nbotit Dccn p,, Jc" . of tho circular letters slgnod by Governor "f...tV.'?.,,A,!.ltll"s.0,r i.."158 " .!"W, ChnLl.CI..P.r.PCr,Lr . I".?' Mt it..d.. "wl appealing to democrat, to vote for ,..U JUiintB 111 Dli iJH.n ill . . ...... proposed In the memorial of tho Loutslnnu I'urchuoo Expusltlon company presonted ut this meeting to UiIh nssoclntlon. Hcsolvcd, further, Thnt the president and the executive committee of this association ho requested to take all necessary steps to promote ann carry out me pinn oi nom """ " Weaver electors to keep Nebraska out of Councilman Ed Johnston nnd Attorney thp republican column is still on file in this Harry Cohn spent yesterday at mo omce orace nn(1 .peai(g f0r itself, of Iho city treasurer figuring up tho nmounts UUC irom special snoiu., r:..re.l Wtllimil (he Al.l nf . 1. 1 I. I k nn ii iln. I - - taxes, wmvu imc uci. u- n Doctor. and navine lug such universal congress of lawyers and clared void by tho courts. The task ap- JU"8"- pears to be an endless one, as some of the t am jU8t up (rom n hard Bpell of tho Tho secretary was instructed to send a. taxcs have Dccn refunded as they became nux (dysentery), says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a cablogram ot congratulation and greeting n-iimn.cnt. It will take several days to woII known merchant of Drummond. Tcnn. to tho International Law association now arrive at tho exact amount. This work Is ,.j USC(1 0tl0 -mn bottle of Chamberlain's meeting in Qlasgow. Tho report of tho t0 bc pU8hed In order that there may be an Co)C( rjholora nnd Diarrhoea Remedy and John Marshall day committee was called iguc 0j bonds to relievo tho city from wftg cllre(1 wuhoul having a doctor. I con tor, but William A. Kctcham of Indian- pnyng ft high rnto of Interest. The new MfT ,t tQe bc3t ci,0iora medicine In the apolls objected to lla being read because charter permits the city to issue bonds for world .. Thero ts no need of employing a ho as n member of tho commlttoo had not hla Dumoso at a rate of Interest not ex- jn.,nr ,.,,, tM. rpmp,iv iB ,,.-,i. fnr nn scon it. Couslderablo fooling was shown Cecdlng 4 per cent. As the figures are . . nreScrlbo a better medicine for by sovoral members regarding the matter running now there Is no telling just now . . comDiaini m Bny (orm, either for nnd the ronort was Dostnoncd until tomor- mnnv dnllnrs tho Issue will amount to. .,.. . ,,,,,. t. .., ii. i. I m nllinr rnsea . .. . . . .. v.- ..nn nftft tuiiuicn m ..u...w. .v ...v. .... " -.. rQW T,.B mcc..nc tnen IOOK a recess until It mav ho S50.0Un ana ll may uo u,vu. ,,. ,,, v. v... n which had been passed upon and said in the w 0clock m A tabulated statement will, however, be " ' - " " tinanffiitfi rnnn i nn nr inn r.nuri. il wub i Ma. . t. . . s . .u... muv.v uu .v.. w- i nn trrnnrn rnnnrii mpi inn eiii anu i nrrtnitrpn wunin a luw uajoi hardly worth while to speculate- as to tho ngrcMj upon tho f0nowlnB nominees, whoso Cliitnulnw Ferrr Termlnl. the Pontoon Urldgo evening thnt more than itnys-rirynn. i...... . u ...mn.1 nt Ihn hrtilfrn wnllld be f 1. TIa,I Phil. .Int. " UlUI u, IICUQUIVI, inuiiiii .....i.v, . ....... . phla. hardly worm wnno to speculate ns to tno af.rci:i upon tho following nominees, whoso cummin Ferr result of those cases, li s conclusion as lo , fe prcscnled t0 tho convention nn,nrV Watklns of Porto Hlco's status Is, briefly tomorrow: President, U. M. Rose, Little J'Zlv ZlA u.t ever "So faf as the operation of ho constitu- Uock Afkj. BCCrotaryi John ,nl,c)., noUl- 1 Jfn.1 of HYMENEAL Hon was concerned, this territory was to nil legal InljntB nnd purposes n part of thu United States. It matters not how tho con. Btltutlon reached tho territory so far as this caso was concerned, so long as it was there." Mr. Llttlcflcld next discussed tho thlr PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. J. MIIos of Hastings was at tho Her Grand yesterday. Dr. E. B. Grnhnm of Sidney was a Mil- ACtlT.AKfn K7.ti Antr 09 f QnA.tnl TaIm. phanired from Missouri avenue to O trsct.l ..''. '. ' , While the bridge Is not yet constructed it HRy8' ftnd M,M Abbe ,)ryan 'wa3 at th is under way ami is uoi.ib - homo of tho bride's parents yesterday thn material arrives. It Is asserted by n... vTar,, r, -., ,.. nt lh nhri. thoso who have made Investigation that by Uona church of Ashlahd, offlelated. The a little work on O street it can be made brde ,a tno younRCBt daughter of Wl'llam a much better route to mo river man mia- Dryan, a wealthy retired farrow nea nnrl avenue. Tho big sandbar nt MIS- Ashland nnd a distant relative of the sourl avenue will In a measure protect th prceldonttat candidate of that nftms. The western anchorage of the brldgo nnd glvo I Kroom Is. superintendent of schools at a better roadway to tho city. Preparations cedar Bluffs, Neb., which will be tho home l-.nlh atnnmlmxnt to thn constitution as It has been construed by tho supremo court lar.1 guest yesterday in Porto Ulco and the Phlllpp nes. I e , i f uM';' ' quoted tno amenamoni nnu gavo a. mow, w D Smmoni, of jvittrlco was regis I -. TU Ytn. anlrl rflfoCf Tiff 1(1 1 A ..I & ll... X 1 1 1 .1 ,tl .4 slavery as It existed In tho United States: Nebraskans at the Murray: J. C. Bush, for tho opening of O street aro now being ot tho newly-wedded pair. maae. i . . . . . - I m . c ir I f ii lit, t'uir .i. it. i. ,i..ii. ihn mmnrinr or tno v..-....-. .... . cuv sarins niwn-r. i ..... ....... buuiu. nu io ,: . ,,Lni more, i-rtenu; j. a. uwen, wnyne; u. is. i Plllnlno nhyslcally nnd until tho Philip Allen. Lincoln: J. Farmon nnd wife, Bea- h nn-nlrtir of the Missouri avenue pibes produoe a Ffed Douglass or a Booker trice. . . th ,vor the Cuy Is saving $300 Breed, nanilrnff, Which Camaea Kail T. Washington ho nas doming to tear u '""i'V ' X .V mnVPrt .A thnnar nr a rear which was formerly paid the private ,nB ntr and Finally Baidnea.. ........ . . t i..lt m Mni- NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES An-thM Hot1 by Matirtti Ml Trnild Into En tilth. NEW WORK BY AUTH0S OF EBEN H0LDEN a First Juvenile Book of the Heaaon Set ot Little "Sunshine Hooks" Su ot 1'iibllnhlnB Homes and Authors, The world has produced few novellsli the equal ot Maurus Jokal. the Hungarian. For tho space of an ordinary Ilfetl.no he has been sending forth a stream ot fiction from a seemingly Inexhaustible fount until his reputation as a most realistic and fas cinating writer ts second to none among those people to whom his works havo been accessible. Unfortunately his romances were all written In the Magyar language, his native tongue. Owing to the dlfllculty ot rendering that language, almont Oriental In some of its characteristics, Into English his writings havo for tho most part re mained as a closed book to English rend ers. During the last few years several of his best known and most popular novttl have been translated and published In this country tnd havo mot with such popularity that two new works arc announced for this year. One ot them, entitled in English "Manassi'h," Is at hand. It ts an absorbing story of life among a primitive and happy people hidden away In far Transylvania, whose peaceful llfo Is never disturbed, ex cept by the Inroads of their turbulent neighbors. The opening scenes aro laid In Home and the view of the corrupt, Intrigu ing society there forms a picturesque con trast to the scenes of pastoral simplicity and savage border warfare that succeed. In some ways this story might be described as lighter than many of the novels of tho author, but it contains the wealth of inci dent characteristic ot all his writings. In tact one Is constantly amatcd at the vntt amount of Incident that Maurus Jokal is able to crowd Into one novel. At the same tlmo there Is never nnythlng In the way of wearisome detail, hut the whole story Is full of action, incident crowding upon In cident In rapid succession. Readers who are unacquainted with the great Hungarian writer will find much In his works to ad mire. L. C. Page & CO., Boston. Price, $1.50. Don't pay 25c. for a toilet soap when the best costs but 10c. You might as well pay a quarter for dime. The costliest soap is no better than Jap Rose Soap This is Kirk's best soap. Made of pure vegetable oil and gly cerin. Delightfully perfumed. So pure that it is transparent. Yet it costs but a dime a cake. 1308 Famatti St. Tele phono 234. ATI0NERY(2 royalties and serial rights. Only fifteen or, Its annual meotlng here. The visiting mem- twtniy receive an important pan m ineir. Ders wcre taken for a carriage rine bdoui IncntnrR frnrri American royalties, while only three or four dan usually count on ge iting more from America man irom r.ug- num. town. The following program was ren dered: Address of welcome, President E. A. Blncki response. M C. Barrow: poem, W. BUI I ui x c nun 1 Mil rtcm mail tu in iuu mimi i " . - of tho Merchants' hotel yesterday after- property owners tor me privilege oi bcihur intellectual comparison." Stniidlnit Committee)' Ilenortu The convention met at 10 o'clock. At ths " 1 'cnnelualon of Mr. Llttleflcld's addrcas re- .u ,-tini.ii .i.n,iin nnminliteas wcro me following rueurasanns: x. j . DOrlH DX IUU lUIIUTCIIlK Pl.l B I II ........ .1.. 1.1 T l..nln. tl Hi 1. n .1 1 I '.' ... . i .... ... - ' were submitted without being read: fine; ail. crnm'O'Ne.ii; C. "wl Wood; While th l. aoe. - 8Rme hair brush by different persons. The Jurisprudence nnd law reform: legal ed- Amorei J. T. Itoyston. St. Edwnrd: C. T. great deal, a showing of economy is maae way tQ av0,d CRtcnn8 aadruff or any other i.Biinn and admission to tho bar; com- Husband. PlUser; G. W. Qlascr. Wlnsldej by the administration. It has been sug- from mother's brush Is to Insist . i..HH into nf t lift rv inw i i ppxffti noon, Hev. Bawson omclatlng. Mr. Lusk T0 Vhe rWcr. Under the new order of things """J?" ' " iVA Zn la sherlft of Burke county. The couple nre 1 ne ,.i n,n.ra are at lib- ftUthorltlr on Ma i"u"l ay that dan- gucHts at tho Merchants. the garbage master and others are i at 110 flruff u M conUKiovlsnM-any other malev- Reglstercd nt tho Merchants yesterdny erty to haul refuse to the river wunoui oe- oJchl a,gea80 and tnat ono common source wcro the following Nebraskans: Y. J. nK molested or charged in any manner. .nrend of dandruff Is the use of the iH.il 1. nun ni 1 1 M I. n i. M I . VB AH. I .... . . i k , n n I . ...... j.j geste.1 that the amount savea po expenueu . use of Newbro.g Herplctde. It not . . ... i lHin.n.l Inuf nhtlllftrV! law reporting and digesting. FORECAST IS MUCH THE SAME ,Pu",Bf h TweUlh 8treet hlU 10 4 pa"" only kills the dandruff germ, but it is also The commercial law commilice in us re- uio uui, an antiseptic mat win prevent ine caicntng Irving Dacheller, author of "Ebcn Hcl den," one of tho most popular novels pub lished lnBl l.a.nn la ...III. ta.ta. . . - "D'r And I." The widespread Donularltv i. D. Appleton A Co. announce a new book T Carroll; address, W. C. Dfmlng; s ng. ft the earlier work wluTn'cUne WiS &AWhW "The rr,nlr ' " r"" imuriuuy 10 ine new. nut it 1 tne pinncis aro prcsi-ntia irom ine imm i n... wilt not bo dependent Upon the reputat on of vlcw rtt num?n. interest, it ls many of anything thnt mv hv. .nn. 'cars 8'nce a book treating of other worlds it V my navc 8ne beforo It ,hl,n lln, ln rt matr ht onc. FClentlllo it nns a charm all Its own sufficient to nnd popular hns nppchred. nnd, In the carry It Into favot with the lovers of good meantime, there hns been an Immense ml- fiction. "D'rl And I" Is a hrnW tain nt Vlnce In nstrodrtmlenl knowledge, so tl.at thn w.r nf isi -n ft. - 6cr,ler ta, fr Mr. Scrvlss' book seems calculated td miet tho War of 1812 and the scene nre laid In n gennulttc nnd vory wide demand, tho same north country which was de- a London dispatch says that Henry plced in "Kben Holdon," extending, hsw- Tltldlng Ulckens. K. C, sixth son of the ever, beyond this to the French domain ln fJ?ah"0nTi',,,,,,1LH,. nb!TJL JIm 'TrMl fanaiia Tho ,,,, . . . for tno first time. Accompanied ny his Canada. The story was first published daughters. Olive nnd Klnlne, he will sail serially and in that form eallod forth tho for Quebec on the Tunlsinn on August highest praise, so that there is no question 15 10 visit the Orent Lnkes, St, Pniil. Clll- about Its rtipdvina- riohi ..,i . , cngo, New York nnd llosion. Mr. Dickens tr . Z tJl V, , Bn . ? . f ooA Wc,comc Is prominent nt the Indon bar and a in nook form. Mr. Dacheller has created In member of the Athenaeum club and nlso "D'ri" another character equally as Inter- chairman of the UOs club, which reverently eatln as "Unele Rh ' Th. i. r..n f assembles In Itftchcster and visits Ol.ids- ..... ,c vm.oo .ini.uiiui ifpas rcpre- political History of tne Levant, tlie pe sented, French. English and American, eullar relation to that hlstorv of the social There are two French dcmclsellr a In the n'ot n(1 religious life of Its Queen City has . .. .. .. . . ' 1 naVp haen l fnrtfi tli llinrv milt " n l nttraetiveness. and bwfiht h.i supplied this nd tri his' "Con- with the sturdy homely Character of "D'rl" stantlnople." published this month by the tor a oacagrouna tho csntrast Is most "even company. Moslem ana Christian, pleasing. Lover, valor, war, devotion, S,'"" hiimanifv tnaiiv ..i t,.,... ' . . . . witn no piejuoico of race or faith. No on numanity, loyally and humor are blondcd knows better than Dr. Dwlght, familiar '' uoruiuuiouB wnoic, oi'io ny sine witn tnem irom nis noynnoa, tne innuences are Yankee and the cavalier, tracklesa that have combined t6 produce the present Ii t. i I .h'i T"r 6elt0lA Dr. W. A. P. Martin, who returned to as here. The volume Is handsomely bound Pekln after a brief three months of rest In and Illustrated. Lothrop Publlshlnc Co.. this country, hns had the satisfaction of an Boston. Price $1.50. nssurnnce from Prince Chin that the i vomicae imneriui univerpiiv, m wnicn ne is ' I nresldcnt. shall hp r.onenrri. Thla will mivn "Runaway Robtnton" is the ttrlldng title added Interest to the new book by Dr. Mar- of an ctjUfclly striking volume by Charles H2w.02mnnvUon" HQM..J.. !... u. . . . . , .. , iteveii company, on Tne Lore or Cattiny. . Snyder that hns just come to hand this No orie knows that lore better than the miliar Sans of Cloudlesa Skies. port expressed dissatisfaction with the now Kop NebrUn nnd loirs It la the Fa- bankruptcy law anu neciarcu wl n. a mnda strone efforts to secure amendments, but In vain. The committeo Is still of tho opinion: l . . First That a bankruptcy law Is wlto and hnfMiflxinnt Inctslntlon. Second That the Ideal bankruptcy nw m 23. Forecast for Selling Doctored Milk. 0f any disease whatover through contagion Yesterday Mrs. r. II. Toner brought to of another's brush Sanitary Inspector Jones a sample of miiK sold to her by a regular dealer which evi dently contained drugs of some kind. Tho milk had been kept exposed to aunugnt and heat for a number of hoUra, but would Seasonable Fashions WASHINGTON, Aug. Friday nnd Saturday: I'nr Nnhrnakn Deneratlv fair Frldav antl I . nu. .....,n f thn nmn.iirr was I one that: (a) Allows every honest Jebtor Saturday; northerly winds. moti a,.aRreCable odor. Inspector Jones to procure n speedy dlschargo from n s For i0WttPnlr Kray an,i Saturday: hfl. lhft ..mt)Ie ln his ofBco and proposes obligations upon the 8urrcnu""",,'" light northerly winds. to have it analyzed by a chemist. The milk property: (b) gives Wertl,J2 For Illlnols-Gencrally fair Friday and deo,erWno 8oM ths nuld to Mrs. Toner will picto rcmeuy ub"". ; saturnay cooler in weiern anu soumeru . cailcd un on the carpet by the inspector. traul on the part of the debtor; W P"; portions; winds becoming fre.h northerly. be Ml n..nd Iletl.r nid. lanes nil iinuu un - ji'or .vcsieru i cab uvuci any iuu rn-i . . . i creditor with relentless sovcrlty. . d Saturday; cooler Saturday in Those who are now using tho ferryboat Thlrd-That our present bankruptcy law, nortnern portlon; variable winds. aro loud ln their demands for a better roaa f fninii thean conditions, needs careful ana . Mnuf MaTtpnPair Frtrtav ami Rainr. to the river. The road from J street soutn trenchant amendment on tne lines m.u iu.a . coo)or n nortnern portion; caHerly I to Missouri avenue is very sicep .. . . .1 I 1 . . . 1 l mmm nllllltlfV 1 1 I 0nr n nn Tina nnnrovtiu, inflcim waeon nan a nuru biiun tho association should, .M th n pnod team. It is asserted thnt through Its committee the commercial law aonerfty ,alr Fr,,ay nnd Saturday; cooler; tho expenditure of about $100 by the city for tho ensuing year, contlnuo Its line ot 80lltherly wmds. becoming variable. on this road would place It In a nt condltldn work looking to tho perfecting of tho banK- Fof Arhnnsaspartly cloudy Friday; Sat- for travel. As It Is now only light rigs can nmlrv law. iir.lxv nrnhnhlv ahnWnrs and cooler! south- pt nn tho hill. The council IS to lie aSKetl Miisra ltriirnvcii I.lttleileui. eriy wnds, becoming variable. I to take some nction inasmucn as me 7u . m. nf iho floor For Missouri Fair rinay a At t i n Vr. ...... ,-r,i mv note of cooler Saturday; winds becoming northerly, bar passable ntld sain. i '.wi-i. i- Pnr Knnsas nenerallv fair Friday and w..Kn.i for Assault. dissent to tno general -- --- a.....J. -nl, a.lf,lv, tlnrfhnrlv wlnila owed ho presentation of 'the Insular Saturday; ler S.tutd.ri "0'h'n Warrants were Issued yesterday by Police cages' by Mr. Llttleflold. When the matter or North Dakota and Mon ana-Cooler arregt of Jack nnd Tlm came to my attention I looked with a great and partly cloudy Friday Protablr show- JU k KJoe enncM6y, john Glllnn nnd den of plLsuro to tho fact that he had VFrU " McCla.V. It I. nllego.1 that these mn chosen this dlffleult subject for tho Informa- dftI'?rSaSt"tdhay7n assaulted Anna Weinberg at Thlr ty-aec .ui. ,,.nMntlnn. I regret to have baturnay iair, nortneasiorij wimis. ctreet a few ntahts ago, Tho girl, UU IT yuiilli:j ut .f,maiin. hilt 1'or uoiorauo u listened not to a Pw "" "":" VrUUVl probably showers ratner to wnnt i uuno.uv. and 1 . . i ..ll .. H.ltl.li .tm.tls.t1 er . -- -- ,ht or Saturday: Vorlable winds, bscom- N''-iRe awry ox "."- " ' the assault Mnlc City Onasln. Torn Oeary has returned from n trip to Oklahomn. Mrs. J. D. Mnyers, Twenty-eighth and 8 Htreets, Is senousiy in. I wish to raise my voice in protest against variable- winds, thu use of thla platform for a purpose of saiurnuy, nrmu.u . Sf. i inn ember to have rend that l-c-nl Hreor.l. when the' celebrated case of Copou agnlnU OFFICE OF THE WEATHER ItL'REAU. wnen tne E0"-U,B' . . j11B.ico Mnf. OMAHA, Aug. 22.-Oftlcla record ot tern- Virginia was decided by Chief Jumico Mar uc' lUlllh.)rccpu.uon compared with shall ho was burned In cftlgy in tne cuy oi 'h(j corrcspondlng day ot the last three n.wimnrn Ho was denounced In overy years: SSSZl n V rg.nl. nnd yet we look ,empcrnltirP... X ' upon that groat uccisiou as onu n - MlI1mUm temperature.... CS 7(1 7i 7t rii..iinn nf the Bovernment. Ana tnat n unn temperature 74 .9 , ,h. nniv instanco whore denunciation Precipitation oo not the oniy l"8la", ' . ,h llnremo Record of temperature nnd has followed tho action of the supremo 0mnna for this day nnd s sober second thougnt oi tno ptiopie ' Totnl CXC0S8 since March 1 ,.as visiting friends. 3904 Fancy Walat, 32 to 40 Bust. Woman's Fancy Waist, No. 3901 To be . I .1 I 1 ...l.L mm nl.ln l..d. If 1 MO V him. The police are now icoiuns mr mi inaue wnn jiuuuu m rimu oiut.to. waiBis are must in uciuauu, uuiu lur i.ii.io costumes and tho odd bndlco. The smart rooler at who Is only about 15 years old, told the Greni Crlnilnnla have played so largo a part in the world'i history that ono cannot obtain a thorough knowledge of past times without tho aid of such a book at "Dumns' Celebrated Crimen." For examplo, any-first class history will tell us much about the Itorglas, but hardly enough to satisfy us. No more extraor dinary family ever lived than this and thero Is no more fascinating chapter In nil history than tho one which tolls of thorn and their ambitions. Messrs. Darrle, then, havo done well in publishing this book. There are some subjects which never loso their Interest and among thorn are storlo of great crimes and criminals. The Now York Herald. Illustrated pamphlet sent on request. Agents wanted. OEOilOE DARRIE Sc. SON, 1313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. nennhileana Call Conrentlnn. HURON, 8. D., Aug. 22. (Special.) Au gust 31 has been fixed as the d.ito for a mass convention ot the voters ot Deadlo county opposed to McCoy, the republican nominee for Judge of the Fifth Judicial cir cuit, to select twelve delegates to tho Ju dicial eor.ventlon to be held In Aberdeen on September 6. week. It Is a book that will delight every voternn scholar nnd educator and no man whose possession It may come F.an. .71lrro,.,or!n "!0 cicariv tnat inteiiec- mnA .t ti.. fi. i. i. i iZji i tuai iuu ot ine empire wnicn ib, alter an, at and at the same time It Is the kind of a ihn hai. nt ih. ihkui om,i Aiifi-.i nc book that will prove dlverttne to cldts. Any thins that Dr. Martin writes is welt It ts filled with Jingling verse, some of It WCir.th 1re.nd'nS,' b"' lnl " book Is his very good and possessing real poetic merit. Sr,.Vi?A;.'ShY AhS.Viunl '"e"c"' ine story conveyed is amusing, neing a ort Another new Russian author, who will b of take-off On "Robinson Crusoe " and at Introduced to American readers this fall, the same time containing many hlti at lsT?lm.ltrlI1 MerelKoawkl. who has secured different persons and things. The volume JUK Is finely printed and appropriately illus- The first, to be published In Heotombcr by trnted. Upon tho whole it In a moet nt- Q; Putnam Snns. Is entitled "The Death tractive volume and one that ought to Er ' ii i.n fh.,l.Lii.S.L draw no little attention from book buyers, (whose earlier name In Christian hlstorv Drexel Diddle. Philadelphia. whs the Apostate). The Second romnnCo. inu ju-Durrccunn oi inn uoas. nns ror Its Port Or! fh HnnnfDBnnn. n t. il int... auiisiiiuu uuuid is ine un- ui n bci. ui i nn nero i.eonariiti nR vinci. wnn ihn ini-rt little books, nvo In number, enclosed in a "The Anti-Christ," has for Its leading fig- box. They are plainly hut bound and the neatness of their Will arrmt the eye at once. The titles of sometime fellow of All Souls' college, Ox- the books are "Experience," "Soul Growth," thorliatlon for all ine Hearts ucsire. "men. women nnti Mercjkoswkl. His translation of thin first Loving," "Worry and Cheer" and "A Dip work Is described ns "full of poetic charm In the Pool." These little books are Ju3t ft"'' K0,- Tno narrative reads like an orlg- the thing for an attractive present to some menu wmi u m-uruLmio wiem suu Tn0 a0Ovo hooks are for sale by the "" ,w,r'r" DU'," " , Megeath Btatlonefy Co., 1308 Farnam Bt WlUl LtlUHUli. I un iuvl null. 111C IIUIU HCL jelosed ln a ' Aim-i;nrisi, nas ror its leaning ng- attrnrflvelv ur." Peter the Great, Mr. Merejkoswkl haa attractively eiocted M nls representative for Europe appearance and the United Btntcs Herbert Trench, inn ifiiow oi in nouia college, Ox Mr. Trench has secured the sol alt- iMWiiMi versions of can be had for J1.50 brings them within the reach of everyone. Tho Abbey Press, New York. Cnrrent Mnffnshtm. Wyomlnsr Edltnra In flesalnn, CHEYENNE, Wyo.. AUr. 22. (Sboclal.V The Wyoming Press association is holding rawbMMft. RefUtered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone I7lt- Re-No-May Powder relieves nnd cures all disorders of the fett 0UO to excessive perspiration. Price 50 Cents. Sold by druggists and glove dcnlcra every where. Sent by mall for Go additional t cover postage. BOOKS ltvlevTil on thla Pnaja can be kM ( aa. We can nlso fnrntsh any book abllahed. Barkalow Bfos,' "Bookshon," IBIS V'arnaai nt. 'I'hona 32IK molel shown Is In tho latest style And can be relied upon as correct for the coming ns well as the present season. The material of which tho original Is made Is cream Cluny lace over white, with revcrs, yoko 8 02 .07 .0) precipitation Ince March 1, xf it. lively has Kone to Chicago to nnd vest of white taffeta, full front and look after some business matter. pUffg 0f crcalII moussoltno banded with Strei-t Commissioner Clark Is engaged black vejevl Hubon, but all dress silks aud these days in puium, n. t.u,a.l n . . a ,ullabl hrlohf A daughter lull been t orn Jo Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heck, 1610 North Twenty-tilth street. In fha n,i !!ii..,i sintos as to tho correctness of Mnrmnf nreclnltntlon. ihi. rt.olalon. It has a political as- nallclency for the day ininnh Tl... Hf T.inn.r nnn nf the Well Kn Wll 10 Inch democra'tl'c politicians, Is hustllnK for the this great aecision. " . Tota, glnco March 1...... 13.09 Inches nomnntlon for county commissioner. poet and It is but nntural that nil oi us D,,1c,ency 8lnce Mnrcn j 7.87 Inches p w speed, general malinger of the free Amerlcnns should take divergent views. ,)pflciency for cor. period, 19.W.... j.jj Inches j,.,, commission compnny, has returtu.l but I protest ngalnBt tho use of this plat- Deficiency for cor, period, US9.... l.Bllnchea rom aviv through the Ulnck Hills coun- form on tho part of any man however cap- lleuoru Irom Stutloim nt 7 i. m. try. form on tho part of any man however cap able" ii. r. Thninna M. Patterson of Pennsyl vanla Irttorposed a point of order, which was sustained by the president, and recess was taken until 8 o'clock tonight. Women Lnwycra Not Klliclble. Tho section of legal education ot the American Dar association met this after- nnnn at thn Taber Cirand onera House. Her man M. Stevens of Minnesota presided. BTATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 3'2m 5. .nl i n i 53 It a Omahn, clenr i................. North I'latte, pnrtiy cinuuy. "Credit for Oillce Study in Law Schools" t'heyenne, partly cloudy una iho sublect of a paper by Harry Sanger Salt I.nke City, clear ... y Richards of tho Iowa State university. Its Xn. cleir '..:..V:::: discussion was led by Trot. Huffcut of Cor- wunaton. clear noli. .... . . JC'lcngo uoy .................. Prof. William P. Rogers of maiajia state g.. y--. nlveralty rtad a paper entitled 'Is Law -Davenport, clear ICnnsaa uuy. cienr tint I Helena, partly cloudy university a FUld for Woman's Work 7" . ....ll h.. anlilnil tne Kenerui cuuncu una mvm... 1 . . -..i... women aro not ollglblo for membership In wamarck, clear".'.'.'.' the 'association Under the present consiuu- malvcston, ciouuy lion. This decision waa reacnea in me - ,,,....., traem h,,cnitatlon. 51 .00 St .20 52 T 02 .01 St . 82 .C) R.S ,00 f.o .as 91 .00 76 .00 T S .() 82 .00 SS .00 51 ,00 52 1.10 The lining is suugly fitted and closes at the center front. On It are arranged the various parts of waist proper. The back Is smooth md seamless. Tho fronts have shapely rovers and simulated vest portions that aro attached invisibly beneath the edge. The front Is gathered and Joined to a pointed yoko portion aud closes Invisibly beneath the left front. The sleeves are novel and becoming. Tho upper portion ot lace Is slightly full, while the puffs ot Thn fprrvboat Cnstalln has been nrrnngsd moiusellce art) hold nnd handed by strips so that thore Is now plenty of room tor 0f aco banded with velvet ribbon, but plain lands of hay coming from lowa to mis oncg nro provded and can be used whon ' , .-..t ..u.i i,, preferred quTnlltle. of nnthracltf I cnaT The prl o To cut. this waist for a woman of medium Is still W.M per ton. but a raise Is expected te 3V4 yards of material 18 or 21 Inches September 1. wide, 2V, yards 27 Inches wldo or ltt yards Wen Robinson, a former pcillcc "nicer, H incbca Wde will bo required, with yard lisfe. bu'i the Xte of huThenr. has , Sol of tnffeia for yoko, reyer. and vest portions yet been set. Itt yards ot moussollne tor full front and JamoB V. Hnwklns, nn nttorney formerly puffs nnd one pleco of velvet ribbon to trim located nere. out now county attorney oi . illustrated. 1 Ate An county. Is here for n few davs I visiting frienus. A reception In honor of Mrs. C. D. Gib- ann and Mrs. Lucy Rhrtver wilt he held ut the King's Daughters chapel HI ay evening at S o'clock. D. J. Simpson, general purchasing nsant for the Armour Packing rompiny, pjnt yesterday nt the Armour plant. He left last night for Chicago. Adah chapter No. 6!. Order of the East- ot Mrs. Jane R. Oti ot Dyersvllle, la., who tad applied tor membership. The council I A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official ern Star, will give an Icecrenm 3oclnl at pattern wanted tnd bust measure, tho home of Mrs. Lillian llnld, Twenty- nnll. rt.v. f.om . vnl, ..... .,, i .ii. nn Tiin.Htv .u.nin. I about ten aays irom oate oi yot 1UUIIII I.I... ..' .... .(..n.. . . , . . , . . . ... August 27. before txginning to iook for tne pattern Dr. William Henry Locchncr writes to Aairess, rauern urpanraoni, uuaua uee The pattern 3004 Ib cut In sixes for 32, 34 36, 38 nnd 10-Inch bust measure. For 'he accommodation of The Bee read ers these patterns, which usually retail at from 2v o 50 lents, will bo furnished at a nominal t-rtce. 10 cents, which covers all expense, in order to get any pattern en close 10 rents, give number and name of Allow your letter ...... . ,, i ft. n . ...... i . . . . . ouccrii, III 11B oeiHCIlluur laaur, IUU- aa a fa, n i tinues Its search for the hnlpful under the I HOSpB S "13110 0316 guise oi mo ocnuiuui. it aicuyer a spuiis ... ui . , . , of Inspiration ln the words of the Nor- " 0 nrc PHIVS of the frtct thnt nt no weglan poet. Ibsen, who writes from across time con you buy n Rood plnilO, orcnti tho seas: "Genius, unexcrted, is like a Or plnno plnyor ho ndvantnKcoiiftly ns poor moth that flutters around a can'JIe nQV. nn,i t tills finle wo are not dOlnir until It scorches Itself to death;" a not lur. haMavm for ,1ny-WP nro loAklnit in an article irom ino pi-n oi i rcsiut nv . . . . , Hadley of Vale university, who says: -- -vwik muiu jiiirh nnu iiionina Theories whleh are, easily acquired and " couie, ntiiKiing on tno stroncoat poa- glibly recited are met, In practice, with a sllilc foundation thnt lm Hh tindorpln- contempt which Is well deserved," and a nng n t)le n jmt mcrc(i B0 Qt pnoic third, in an editorial containing the- , , COitnt1encc-Attcnd tho nnlu trenchant sentenco: ''Fine qualities cannot . . , . : ' " . .. ' bo bached by the checkbook." The -" i-mmi in niiuiiHi nnu pneo literature which contains such gems of ivtihy pnynicius t'lnnoa rented, ttlucd right thinking and right living ts hound to nnd retlnlBhr-d by ilrat-cInHS workmen. be useful and popular. The fiction in the September Atlantie In cludes Miss Alice Hrown's "His Enemy." A UACDC W. R. Llghton's "Blg-Oovf rnor-Afrald-of- Hit A M Vr U av a-f the-Cottonwood" and Mlsa Virginia Wood ward Cloud's "LUa Wetherford." In tho Vlll fi and ktt. h 3-Ih ft nilir III. brilliant Instnlltnent of Miss Johnston's ' ' '" "Audrey" the heroine has a chance to re pay some of her obligations. I.lternrr Noted, Th novels of Maurus Joknl have many admirers In Omnha. Among the numbor juct tholr ahofB than after 8t)ptetilbcr 3 is a prominent railroad man who nover ... ... .. ... 44 .', ' ... i . . . . , . . . i . ... I t'in.f In ..nil I'nna nHAnllAn . .... misses tno piensaro oi rcniiinR inc wiirna iv ii....v .- wu iuihiuuii iu uui of the great Hungarian a- rapidly ns they COmpkto lino of nilhaea' and cliildron's are trnnslnted Into English. ... , , , . nudynrd Kipling's new book. "Kim." $1.60 Hcliool aliooa In ciilfukln nnd plump will be published In October. U l to bo kit! uppers, with a genuliitj rock nolo lllustrnted by the author s father, J. L. . , Kipling. The first English edition Is snld leather nolo H Bhoc llllldu to fit KroWlllj; to consist of R0.00O copies, while the first fCL,t tirotier In kIiihic with lirnrwl lint. Amerlcnn edition will be nearly double ICLl' I,roI,tl ,u """Pt, Willi tiroritl l)0t- that number. toms and toes e recommend thla nhou One of the last books completed by Wnl Misses School Shoes Only a few moru daya till school brt- gins You hnvo more time Bow to sis ter Tleaitnt was "The Story of King Al fred." In his Introduction Sir Walter saldi "I desire to write such n history of thi great king ns shnll be ncccrsslble nnd In structive to the great bodv-every year growing greater of those who read books and wish to be acquainted with the na tion's history. The plain nnd unvarnished story should be sufficient." Inquiries recently mnde by the London nookmnn show that there nre not moro than forty novelists In England who can live In a reasonable way nn the profits of their books nlone, although elghty-dvo live on the combined receipts of their for cvrry day school wear hh having more valuo thnn any ahoe of tho mimu price MlHsea' sizes, 11 to 2, $1.50 ladles' sizes, 2 to U, $2 children's sizes, 8Mt to 11, 11.25. Drexel Shoe Co., CalaloKue bent Ir'rua lot th Aaklnsj. Uaiaka'i Up-to-date Shoe lloaae. 1418 FAUMAM STREET.