Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Speculative MarkoU Open Eajy, bat Eictme
Etc&dlod Liter.
Whent Blurts 1,'nphnnKed nnil AMcr
. JJrnp Hnllle nt Clone Corn Vnlites
Depressed by floverninrnt He.
ports Provisions) 13r
CHICAGO, Aug. 21. The lending spcculn
tlvu marKcts opened easy today, lint
Steadied Inter, the Franco-Turkish rupture
lending n supporting Inliucnee. September
,-whcat closed Ho higher, September corn Ho
lower, September o.UH unennuged and pro
visions for Junuury delivery iyi'aGc to 7Wc
111 Klit r. , , , ,,
September wlieat opened unchanged to '4c
higher nt 7(W70',c on buying by shorts, who
bud a prollt In night, light seaboard clear
ances, heavy receipts and goncrnlly favor
able weather scon turned the scale nnd on
u moderate volume of snlcs the market de
clined tc U9V'. Hero tho market Htcadteil
and ruled dull for u tlmo under local eon
dltloiiM. Tho report of tho severuncc of
diplomatic relations between Turkey and
1'ralico later came to the nld of tho billli.
Offerings HUddcnly dwindled to almost
nothing nnd n small demand from nervoiM
shorts was sufllclent to cause n rnlly of lu
from tho bottom. The close was siciiuj.
.., "v-j""",, "7,""i" v,iril clear-
cr" LopoItr1 9 ''ihiLi,"' the smallest In
ances were 200,000 bushels, the smauesi in
weeks. Ir mnrv rcce nts were i,.i,vw
with tinu ti-m ii jtui .i". . 1. 1
The government report showl f ""'
able improvemeni in, cr"i' ,,
fAuguat had a depressing cltuct on v um II
fday. Heavy (iiiantltler Were ll'Ji"'.'.
enfly nnd during this invmcnt thft lirs
embraced the opportunity of taking n I jcr
on tho Hhort side of tho market. I ho
creation of tho latter Interest, due to the
partial recovery later, when wheat turned
jlrm, as the shorts were nulck to run to
cover. September sold between urVc nnil
iKSHo nnd closed easy, under yesteruaj
nt S7',(iC. lteeelpts were 141 ears.
Oats opened easy and rilled enslcr for a
tlmo in sympathy with wheat and corn. A
. "Sadler ton!) crept In later in wmputhv
, with the whent rally and on a fair Konpral
I tlemand from people who sold yestcnl.n.
illccclpts were 171 cars. September sold
between 3riUf.i3.VHc nnd 350 and closed nil
r chnngeil at Sl'mC. . .
I'rovlsiona opened easy, sharing In the
. cenerallv bearish feeling niul having the
!:7.i.i ..i ini.aiiiii'ii nf lirnvv hoir receinis, i
ITlicro was only a small Hpec;ilatlc inter-
est represented In the pit and n Html II do-
'mand ror tno iocui uciumu i""."" "n.V"
Iclcnt to cause n recovery In prices. Tim
Ibulge met with practically no selling pro
'ceduro nnd tho close, therefore, was steady.
.January pork oloscd 7'.c hjgher nt U.m,
I January lard 5c up, at IMS and January
irlbs 2Vfa.ric improved nt t..9.ifiS.oo.
Kstlmnted receipts tomorrow: Wheat, li0
cars: corn, 230 ears: oats. 225 cars; hogs,
'30.000 head. . .
Tho leading futures ranged as follows.
i Artlclcs.l OpenTnVhT Low. Cleso.Yes'y.
Sept. Dec.
, Jnn.
59 tlVt
61 (IK
57 57'i
3S)i ZiVtWA
It 45
II 45 I
15 40
8 f3
S 92U
14 45
14 50
15 6714
14 37W
14 424
14 47141
11 to
15 40
8 85
8 924'
8 77H
15 lb
8 O'i'.i
8 90
8 U7',i
8 to
8' 25
8 35
8 00
t 8!
8 l
8 (0
9 00
8 87W
8 77W
8 23
8 2714!
s -'-va
S 32V4
8 Si'.i
8 CO
8 32V,
7 H214
7 95
No. '-'.
Cash nuotntlnns wero ns follows:
l.'l.nim-Diill: winter pntentH. S3.40CT3.50;
l 7!lfV7Ule.
' CORN No. 2 yellow. 57!WdSc.
OATS-No. 2, S5M13o: No. 2 white, 3iT
CTSSUr; No. 3 white, 371 3814c.
llVI,!Nn 3. r,7ffi'81f.e.
iiiiii if'li'nlr In clinten mnltlliir. r9ffl64c.
SEEDS No. 1 llax, tl.Sll Nn. I northwist-
cm. S1.G7. Prime ilmothy, t5.40K6.fO Clover,
..,r,.i orn.ln linni
ntrvriHinNRM,.KM n-irk. ner bbl.. tUM
tfHI.95. Lard, per 100 lbs.. S4.R714'6R.90. Fhor'
libs sides (boxed), S.e.10183l. Dry R3lt a
muldfi-B (boxed). S7.S597.50. Short cleat
ul.lnu (boxed). SS.SOfi K.'.l).
wiiiHlv V ttiislH nf blch wines. J1.20.
SUOAR Ci't loaf. 6c; grnnu'nted, B.52c;
confectioners' A, 5.39c: off A, 5.24c.
Following uro tho receipts nnd shipments
fot today:
Receipts. Shipments.
Iflour. bbls. ocno
Vlient. till 175.001)
rn v
Corn, bu 323.00) rO.OO)
Oats, bu 623.0D0 314.000
livn lin 16.000 3.003
ra noi
Jlarley. bu 35.000 :C0)
On tho Produce exchange today the but
ter market wns dull and easy; creameries.
J4W2014c; dairies, 13rtl7c. Cheese, steady nt
OWlO-c. Eggs, steady; fresh, 14c,
m:w York (ii:m:iiai, .maiucht.
Qimtiitlniis nf tlie Dnr
Com modules,
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. FLOUR Receipts.
285S bbls.: exports. 14,f.49 bbls. Mnri'et
pteady and fnlrly nctlve; winter patents
iS3.tDil3.S5: winter strnlshts. 13.3W4.i0: wltv
ter extras. J2.50H2.K0: winter low grn'oi.
S2.30R2.tO; Mlnnesotn pitonts, $.1.75114.00:
.Minnesota bakers. $2.SMf3.15. Rye flour,
tinner: fair to good, $2.8ft3 2i; cholcs lo
'fancy. $3.30573.60.
C'ORNMEAlQillet; yellow western, $1,22;
city, i.--; iiraiuivwine, uwaiw,
RYE Steady : No. 2 western. 02c nsked f
o. b., nfloat: state rye, C656c, c. I. f., N'w
Tork enriots.
' UARLEY-Dull; feeding, f2o, c. 1, f., nuf.
Inio: niiiiiiug. uoifiBc, c. i. r., New Yor"
171-.,. f I, nllonf K'n 1
'V,c. t. o. b.,'nllont. Options oponid easy
' ,. ..... i
i i canies. uui liner recovered nnil cocnuis
ntronii. Among tho buvlnc motives
i ,nn.i wn ui...i ...i I.....I..A.
;iato war rumors, sharn rn
.51 . . . "
in tho northwest, stnnlbr soutliwest offer
,lngs nnd active coveilng: closed I'rnt nt
;HHo ndvaneo: September. 75 r-l1l70 9-16c,
;nt 76i.c; December, 77 7-ie(87s;c. closing nt
'V'niiMiinelni r 70n tin v.ia,.
tiu. Spot. stea.iy; No. S. 02c In elevnVoV ni. 1
Wt li "Vi. '.mVi.r ,PulnTrTI aVor
in early decline under rnln news from t a
Vest, rnlllflil with Whent. nnd on nredlrtlon
.......I1..K l.n,illi... ..t.l..t.k..t.. . l .
til piiiiinci hii,.iiv, Mini C1U.1RI1
litcmly nt n partial ta net adviinro; Sep -
tember. 6ll!ii61lc. closing nt BlVn? ftp.
tober. 62mii2Hc, ulcslng at 62?4c; Decern-
ber. t.JlJirakc, ciohihk ut raie.
da J s Receipts, ii;,t.oj nu.; exports, 815
nil. spoi, easier; nu, i, imo; iso, a, W'.
fin, 2 white. 42tr42!4o: N". 3 White, li4j;
irarK, mixen wesicrn, u:i'iiiuc: iracK. wnun
western. 40UtM:ic. Ontlona nu et.
Mtendler. with other markets.
HAY-Stendy; shipping, 7214Q76c; good to
Choice, iKxni'ac,
HOPS Unlet: state, common to choice.
J900 c:rop, 13M17c: U99 crop, 104f !3c; old,
6c Pacitlo coast, 1900 crop, 131714c; 1899
crop. Utilise; old, 21i(!c.
HIDES-Stendy; nnlveston. 20 to 25 lin.,
ISc; Cullfornla, 21 to 25 lb., 1914c; Texas dry,
h to 10 lbs.. 1414c,
LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole. Ritenoi
xness, $16.0ftjri8.OO. Cut ments, firm; plckljd
iiellles. 8iinoi.4c: Pickled shoulders. 7ii7i.c!
pickled hnms. He. Lard, ilrm; weitrn
eteamen, u.wi; renned, easy; continent,
I9.J0; 8. A., $10.00; compound. $7.12i8? 3714.
I'ork, flrr.t; family, $!6.25iffl6.75; sh rt
clear. SU1.25(17.50: mess. S15.5a4?16.5o.
TALLOW-Strady; city, S2 per pkg.) Be;
country, ipsg. ireej ctu'ic.
ancy liirce. colored. DV,c. fnnev luriro.
white, DHc: fancy smnll, colored. &41T9;o:
Jnncy smnll, white. 9Hc
iiuus-iteceipts, pKgs,; strong; state
4l," 11 ?'c" 1 ?,1 i N S "BUTTER-Common
'uJlir'-"'I''...V. '.'.r..'. .'.. C imrU choice dairy. In luhs
i..rlot whlnh tvna rnna ilnred weak, and ' "I'D" ? IHH-
hen n damper on reports of th.- .Hplo- "--.. . " .fi ci
vtnttt ijit lid iiriti mimf niiirm he. haiiui
bushels, compared w th h.: " "" 3 IMOKONS-Uve per doz.. 60c.
last year. I.ocal recidpts were li cars i.i VKAI-S-Clmiee. ini.
ot contract grade. .Minneapolis a nu IIAY-Prlre. .mnimi hv Omn
reported 392 tars, making " "'.r S" Hay Dealers" ansoclatlon:
three no hits of 550 enrs, ngalnst jj lasi ,10m. ;. 2 nnlii,i. J!
s, s:i.2Ui;i.:; ciearu, 6sy:(i(o9c: Heptcmuef, bs-Jic; Liccemucr, ojjic;
prlng speoinis. i..iim.uu. ",,,Vi,,.',,o T- ''-c- .
.70; striilRlilH. J2S0fi:i'iO; bakers ,S2.20fl..Gu. OATS-Markct higher: No. 2 cash, 38c;
WII HAT No. 3 spring, G9!4OiO!4c: No. - truck. 3Sfff39e: September, 37c; Mny, 40c;
AsIr."',.lJW1n. 10 h,'uv'we'Khts, 2J14ajll4c; TOLEDO. Aug. 21. WHEAT Higher, nc
eld, 23S9I.MWC. tlvo for futures; No. 2 cash. 724c bid: Sep
1'ROVfsiONS-llecf. steady; family, Ml 50 tember. 72c blii: DeeJnVber. 75ic. 1
fll'-MX); mess, S9.5OU1O.0O; beef hams, $20!0J CORN-Qulet; No. 2 mixed. 5Si4c.
t2.oo: nai'ket. 310.ougii.m: 0 tv extra, inn la oats Uul : No. mivA.i
UUTTER Receipts, 4.651 pkgs.i sleady:
CHEESE Receipts, 4.4C7 nkgs.: steady: liRAN I'nchanMAl,
nnd Pennsylvania, lRftlOc: western candled,
17017'ici western unenndted, 12i?17c.
MOCA83E8-8toady; New Orleans, 35
POULTRY Alive, steady to firm, exe-pt
chickens, which aro wenkcrj springers, Mff
He; turkeys, loo; fowls, 10c. Dressed, ilrm,
springers, 12H'illc; fowls, BViQlOc.
METAl4-Whlle tin values In New York
and In Ixindon continue to decline, It s
more from a lack of business thnn from
any other motive. Trading was extremely
dull again today In all metals, wi ll n-
sign of an Improvement, unless some delimit-
conclusion Is reached as to the sttel
strike. Tin wns 2s Gd lower In Ij-ndon.
spot elng at 115 15s and futures nt
110 17n td. Here values were a sh.ul
lower, b'.tt the market was dull, closing at
26.50. C'orvr wns without change totally
and nomlnnf at $16.fWM7.0) for Uike Sj
perlor nnd fl.37'-49.t6.b2V6 for c.istlng nnd
electrolytic. fndcr liiiuldntlott prlc s In
Ixindon closed 10s lower on copper, I Iris
spot stood at irt 5s nnd futures at JJ61 12i
6d. Load was d. II and unchanged nt H.u7
here nnd unhcnnR.'d at JC11 Is 3d In tendon.
Spelter was unlet at home ar,d nbn ad,
closing nt M.M4fc.T&7W anil 17 2s Ml re
spectively. Domestic Iron mnrkets were In
active and nominally unchnnged nt J9 0W
10 00 for pig Iron warrant?: No. 1 north
ern foundry, JI6.00fllS.G0; No. 2 southern
foundry, JI4.0flflll.t0; No. 1 southern foun
dry, Jll.755?15.23.
Condition of Trnde nnd (Imitations
on Stnplc nnil Fancy Produce.
RonM-i'..p..irt- '-ir tns o" imQUc.
LIVE POULTRY-Hons. 6'Sfi7c: young
nnd old roosters, 3c: turkeys, tWScj ducks
ami geese, 5yi4c; spring chickens, per lb.,
to fair, 1231214c;
15ui6c: separator. ..
-Black bass, ISc; whits
bullheads, wc; oiuc
rntflsh. 12c! cod. Oct
crappus, toe c scoes, sc; nai out, nc,
i,errl'f. : naddock, 10c; pike. 9c: red
.imnii. ite: un lnh. S trout.
h.i Wholesnl
Choice upland,
eourie. S7.M. Hye siihw, Jt.00. Thp prices
arn for hay ot cood color and quality, D-
mann rair.
OATS-Old, Wc.
OrtEKN COHN-I'cr dnz., 12HC
CAllHOTS-Per dor., JOc.
llHETS-Per half bushel basket, OC.
YUHNIPS Pcr basket. 30c.
CUCUMIiEHS-.llome crown. Dor dor.. 20
i.iSTi iiuis per bu., 20c.
HADI3HES-Pei- do.. 15320c
I'AHSLEY Per doz.. 20c.
NEW POrA'i .1.
fAnDAOE Homo grown, 3V4c.
TOMATOES Home grown, ncr IS-lb.
basket, WaCOc.
cimuism iiomn grown, per in., 3C
CAULIKLOWEn Homo crown, ner doz..
basket. Si;
BtrmK, pcr half-bu. basket, 75c.
iEA8 -Pi bu.. SI: per half-bu..
CANTALOUPE Homo grown, per don.,
5ctttl.2j; crates S2.50.
WATERMELONS Texas. 20a35c. as to
CELEHY Kalamazoo, pcr bunch, 25Q3jc,
APPLKR-Pct bill . 52.2n2.50
CHERRIES Native, per 8-lb. basket. 35c:
Mls&ourl, per 24-qt. case, JZ.
PEACHES- -California, pcr box, 90c: free
stone. Si; cholco ElDertrs, SI; fancy, SI. 20.
PLUMS-Catlfornln. tier crate. S1.25U1.50:
homo giown, per 8-lb. bosket, 25c.
l'UAiia unriicus, .,".
ORANGES Vnlenclas, S5.00; Med. sweets,
UANAKAB-i'er Duncn. accoruing to size,
FIG8 California, new cartons, 75c; lay
ers, C5o; Imported, per lb., lC12c.
DATES Persian, in 69-iu. uoxes, sairs, oc.
NUTS Enclish walnuts, tier lb.. 15c: fil
berts, tier 1L.. 13c: almonds, pcr lb.. 163200:
raw pennuts, per lb 5Q5!4c: roasted, 614
:n. 1 veal calf. S to I'lV, lbs.. 8c: No. 2 ve.
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Oc; dry hides, 8013c; sheep
pulls, 25&7Sc; horso hides, Sl.5002.25.
St. I.onts Grntn nnd I'rovlsiona.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. WHEAT-Rccclnts,
122,324 bus.; higher; No. 2 red cash, eleva
tor, 70c; track, 7114c; September, 70i4&70!ic;
December, 73ij73!4c; May, 77?ic; No. 2 hard,
corn strong; No. -i casn, isc; truck,
No. 2 white. 391440c.
RYE Lower, WYzC
FLAX SEED no inarKct,
FLOUR Oulet: new red winter patents.
S3.50g3.G5; extra fancy and straights. $3.10
3.25; plenr. S2.70.ri3.00.
HEED Timothy, scarcer would sell nt 13.00
I1RAN Easv: sacked, east track. S2T85c,
HAY -Timothy, stronger, S10.0015.00;
prairie, S13.00?i 15.00.
WIII8KY-8toady. $1.30,
PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing,
$15.76. Lard, higher, but dull. $8.70. Dry
salt meats (boxed), steady. In good de
mand; extra shorts, $8.50; clear ribs, $8.6214;
clear suies. n.Bi. h icuh luoxeni. nieuiiy.
In nnil .Inmnnil. Avtrn aVinrtu ti RO i.lAiir
r"'8' 'fi2': clear sides, $3.75.
METALS Lean: steady, j1.3015n.10. spoi
ler: Steady. $3.80.
POULTRY Dull: ch cltens. cue: snrings.
9V4c: turkeys, young, 7Q9c; ducks, 6c;
geese. ;tc: springs, tc.
ill' TTKit-stcaay; creamery, nnsaw,
dairy, 14f(17e
KOOS Steady: western, lie.
RECEIPTS Flour. 10.000 bbls.: wheat.
122.000 bu.: corn. CO.000 bu.: onts. 20.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour, 13,000 bbls.: wheat,
37,000 bu.; corn, 54,wo ou.: oats, si.q'jo du.
Uvcrr.ool (irnln ami Provisions.
No. 2 red western, winter, steady nt 5s Sd;
No. 1 northern, spring, unlet nt 5s J.d:'Nn,
1 Cnllfornla, quiet at 6s. Futurts steady;
Sentcmber. 5s 674d: December. rs Hd
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
new, 4s lHd; American mixed, old. no strcit
Mtturcs steady; scptcmucr, 4s iu!ti; ucn
ber. 5s lllid: November. 4s ll&id.
ii'iAJi'ti at. Louis tnncy winter, strnny
nt 7s Oil.
HOPS At London. Pnc flc const, dull. 3
l'ROV SIONS-Reef. Arm: cxtrn Ind a
mess, (used. Pork, Ilrm; prlmo mess, B'Jn 9d.
llimin. snort cut. 14 to in ids,, stcauy. 51s liil nteauy: American rcuned. in nans.
4l3d; prlmo western, In tierces, stendyj
sitaii, 111111 1 mini uni, .i
: short ribs, stendv. ltl to 21
I lllM.. 4US fid 1 lOllg Clear ITIIlldlCS. light. .S tO i
l3,J, 458 6,(l! B,11or,l11clenLl'nck 'P, to -V, lb.V
I J!tal.i1. rlnr I.aIIIau Ii in IK lnu nlull.l
- .. ... .
B"u'u?"'.?nuare, a to ij ios., nuiei, .i.b.
i Aiji.uw l' irm. .ts yd.
f'll l.'l.'ir i.nn iirtal i.'h n niilnl
-. ...j. . . ... V , ,v. ,, ,,..VV, .(V,
I'KAS-Canadlan. 6s 6d.
Hl'TTEU Good united Stntes. 75s.
Receipts of whent for the last three dnvs
Xtnfcan. '-"''k
. ?. rccciptB of Amrrlcnii corn for tho
,lusl n,re0 u"ys were pmoo centals.
Knnsn City Grnln naA Provl.l.ins.
I . I ffttf . Tl . U.... !l',;i!dlJ..
I iniimcr, w(sv , iri.i:niuvi . rr;iiwji; , .'lay
1 7214c: cash No. 2 hard, t?jVjc; No. 2 rod
CORN September. 671it574c: December,
D7Vitift7c: May, iiuil'tio; casn .-no.
mixed, iwvic. io. wnue, uvc,
iia i o rsi. . wnue, myjc.
RYE No. 2.
timothy, $13.50; choice
oralrle. $1:1.00.
iiu i i i;ii i-rcamery, loni'a'-'oi uuiry
fancy, 14H16c.
EGGS Firm: fresh Missouri and Kansn
stock uuoted on 'change at 12c dozen, loss
off. cases returned.
, RECEIPTB-Whont, 167,000 bu.; corn, 17,600
on.; oats, ;i,mi nu,
SllIPMENTS-Wheat, U2.E0O bu.j corn
w.uuu du.; onts, 12.000 bu.
Toledo tirnlit nnil Seert,
0.1 1 .
RYE-No. 2. 5714c
CLOVERSKED-Dull; prime October, $6.1:
Mlnnenpolla Wheat Market.
uitKii, iac, Bopicnuier, wyiSHiC: December,
ij'.jui',c. un irack, rno. 1 narn. 7lc: No,
nuiilivill, 119741;,
IMillndelpliln Prolines Slarket,
1 firm, good demand; fancy western cream
ii "lit. VAc: llraziis, iac; pecnnB, luyac.
CIDER-l'er bbl., S4.G0; per.hnlf-bbl.. S2.75.
B47H HIDES-No. 1 green, 14cj No. 2 green,
16 KiAui No. 1 salted. 7V4c: No. 2 salted. C14o:
ery, 214c: fancy western prints, 21Hc; fancy
nearby prints, 24c.
EadS Firm, good demand; fresh nenrby
nnd western. 17c; fresh southwestern, 12V4c;
fresh southern, 12c,
CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams,
fancy small, 9c, New York full creams,
fair to choice, SVdOHc
.Mllviniikcr (Jrnln .Mnrket.
MHAVAfKEE, Wis., Aug. 21. WHEAT
Higher; No. 1 northern, 71p72c; Nj. 2
northern, 70371c; September, 70J7OSC.
UYE-Ixjwer; No. 1, SS',4y59c.
HAHLEY Easier; No. 2, Uci sample, 4
COHN-September, 57'.ic
Dnlntli 1 1 nil n Jtnrket.
DUIA'TH Aug. 21.-WHEAT-NO. 1
hard cash, 73Uc; No. 1 northern, cash, ilc;
to arlve, 704c: September, 70Uc: August,
70c; October, 70!,ic; December, 7Hjc; No.
2 northern. 6c.
OAT8-;r.S'd 3574c.
Prorln SlnrUrt,
PEORtA, 111., Aug. 21.-CORN-Lowcr;
No. 3, 57HC
OATS-Easy; No. 3 white, S6UQ3614C blllcl
WHISKY-On the basis of 51.30 for fin
ished goods.
ni:v vtmrc sroms and iiomjs.
Kvldcnem of tlpprntlons ! Pools
A in on ir l.nmer Trnilcrs.
NKW YORK. Aug. 21. The dny's market
for stocks was practically ti duplication of
ycisterday'H except that tho tlnal reaction
on traders' prollt-taklng was rather mor
marked, with the result that the table rf
net changes Is moro mixed between small
gains and losses thun yesterday.
The prevailing tone of the market wns
firm to strong, up to the Irregulnr closing
on the rfnctlon. Thn character of the buy
ing made it very evident that it represented
the opinions ot professional traders ns to
future values rather thnn the convictions
of Investors. There wns some evidence also
of operations by pools formed by the larger
clnss of traders. What Influenced these
opinions was left to conjecture. There
was milte nn active demand for tho Wubash
securities, which lifted them at one tlmo
There wan continued buying of the coal
ers, which was based on the showing dis
closed by tho Erie's annual report, whlolt
shows a substantial increase in gross enm
ities, notwithstanding u considerable falling
; off In the tonnuge transported, a demon-
(irauon oi ine greater siauiiiiy oi nuoi
maintained among the anthracite cnrrlera
by reason of the extension of community
of interest. The coming monthly ineroaso
of 10c on nnthraclto also counted.
Tho Erie stocks themselves sold orr on nc
count of some unexplained remarks of tho
chairman in ills report regarding tho ap
proach of n time when urrangemcuts for
new capital can be made. There was somo
continued buying from western sources cf
the graln-cnrrylng roads, which wns ap
parently for short account. Some revision
I pessimistic views regarding ine corn
rop seemed to be the cnuso of this cover
ing. The United States Steel stocks woro
utmost dormant nnd were merely steady.
These stocks have apparently arrived at a
tago where tney are uuanecien ny strixe
news. The sterling exchange mantel re
sumed Its downwnrd course again toduy
and offerings of bills ngnlnst grain export
were reported in increased supply, wltn n
snrinkllnc of cotton bills. Tho continued
easu of the London money mnrket nnd the
further drop In call loans mere toiiny to l
point gives ground for Home expectation
thnt the Hank of England rate will be re
duced tomorrow.
The railroad bond market was decidedly
moro nctlve today, but the tone was steady
III llllll , au,.a, .. TU...V, v-t.u,vw.
United Stntes bonds were all unchanged on
tho Inst call.
The following nre tno closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atchison 76U So. I'acltla
.. BTTi
.. 3!?
,.. 8-,',
,.. 20
... S.",J
,.. 9'J
... Mi
... 217.
,.. 40U
... m,
,.. 42
,.. 70
... 87
... 29 U
... 814
... 21',i
... tiOUj
... 5;ii
,.. 4)
... 74?;
do pM 'ftm Ko. Railway
altlmtire & Ohio. ..ICQ I do pfil
do n.'d 91 iTex. & Pacltlc ...
Canadian Pacinc....lll'4 Tol., St. U & W.
Cnnnda So 70V, do pfd
Chen. A Ohio KM Union Pacltlc ...
ChlcuKO & Alton.... 1 do pfd
do Did i'.j wncarn
Chicago, Ind. & L. 35 do pfd
do rfil 72',4 wnofl. & I.. K...
Chicago & K. III. ..127 do 11 pfd
Chicago O. W
z-tk wii. Lentrai
S!U do pfd
06 J P. C. C. & St. L.
do 1st pfd.
do 2d nfd.
Chlcaito & N. W...19:
Adams Kx
merlcan Kx
c. n. 1. & p ttt
Chicago Tcr. & Tr.. tMi
V. H. Kx.
do pfd as
WclM-Fargu Ex,,
Arnnl. IVmnnr ...
C. C. & St. l... 6."
Colorado So
l.Tk'Amer. Car & F..
do Ut pfd.
do 24 nfd
do pfd.,
Amer. Lin. Oil...
do pfd
Amer. H. & It.,,,
Del. & Hudson....
Del. L. & V
Denver & It. O....
4.' do nfd
do pfd
3H4 'Amer. Tobacco..
3b Anac. Mln. Co...
66li Ilrooltlyn It. T...
to 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
El',4 Colo. Fuel & Iron... 9C
Ot. Nor. pfd
,lS4'i Con. Qas
Hocking Valley ..
. 00 Con. Tobacco
. V do pfd
.145 0n. Electric
.... 6IH
.... .V,
.... l'J
do pfd
Illnols Central ...
Iowh Central
. 3314 Olucose Sugar .
. 71 Hochlnr Coal ...
. 62 Inter. Paper ....
.124 I do pfd
.103T4 Inter. Tower ...
.117?k Liclfde Gns ....
.:fS',i National lllrcult
. 25H National !ead .
, 11'4 National Salt ...
.1071i do pfd
.10SU No. American ..
. 27 Pncirtc Coast ...
. 54K Pacltlc Mall ....
.161V4 People's lias ...
do pfd
Lake Krl & W...
do pfd
. & N
. 77V4
. !:!4
. 31
. 41
. 2)14
. 43
. 75
. 97
. M
. 40
. mi
. 2U
. T&Vi
Manhattan L
Met. St. Ity
Mcx. Central
Mex. National ....
Minn.- & St. L. ...
Mo. I'nctnc
M.. K. & T
do pfd
N. J. Central ....
N. Y. Central ....
Norfolk & W
".5t ,1'rcsned 8. Car..
ts I
do pfd..
do nfd
Pullman P. Car...
Republic Steel ...
do nfd..;.
No. 1'acltlc pfd....
Ontario & v.
...14514 Swear
47H Tenn. Coal & Iron
. (hi
. 1V4
do 1st pfd it-;i
do 2d pfd 5.1
Union Has & P...
do pfd
U. S. Leather ....
do pfd
U. S. Rubber
do pfd
U. 8 .Hteel
do pfd
... 7V!i
St. L. & S. F tni
... 17
... 81',!,
do 1st pfd 7S
do 2d Pfd 6Si
... 18
... C6
St. L. Kouthw 30
dn pfd BIN
... 93
St. Paul
do pfd m
Western Union
... s.
Trust receipts.
New York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Aug. 21.-MONI3Y-On call.
steady at 2i2i ner cent: last loan at 2U
per cent: prlmo mercantile paper. 4145J5 per
tunl business in bankers' bills at Jl.fcGW
4.86(4 for demand and at $I.S41Uf 1.8114 for
sixty nays; posted rates,; and !..:
commercial bills, S4.83ai5i-4.S4U.
8ILVER Bar. 68ic: Mexican dollars.
UONDS Government, steady; state, Inac
tive; railroad, nrm.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
U. 8. ref. 2s, res...l07'N, Y. Central 1S....104H
no coupon iu.r h, j. 1.. gen.
do 3, leg lChU No. Pacltlc 3s 72
do coupon 10SU' do 4i Wt'i
do new 4, reg 137 jN Y. V & Ht I, 4s. .10CH
do coupon in jf. it xr. con, 4a... .103
do old 4s, reg; Ill .Oregon Nnv. Is Uu
do coupon Ill I do 4s 102'i
do s, reg 1V74; Oregon S. I 6s ....IS5
do coupon 107?4 do consol 5a I17'i
D, o C. J .1 Iteuding Ken, ts.... ?i!
Atchison gen. 4s....l0i
Il!o O. W. la 101
do ndl. ts 9!
St I. & I M c. 3h,..1!6H
Canada So. Is 103
Chcs. & Ohio ,4s MS
Ml 1, ( n 1' R. CS,.,i:i
St, Paul consols ...184
do b l-l
. & N. W. c. 7S...117
do S. V, deb. Ss..i:3!j
St P, C & P Is Hi
lo 5s 11CH
So, Paelllo 4s 9li
Chlrnito Ter 4a j
Colorado So 4a '!
no. nauwny as 117
S, It, & T. 6s 5',
Denver & It, n.
Texas & Paclllc Is.US'i
f;if aejitral 4s BSV
no zs Sf'i
t'nlon Paclllrto 4s,..IC4'4
V, W. : u; C. U,..)(HTt
Oen. Elertrlo 5s S'O
Wabaili Is
lows, (VnUkl la 115
do U
West Shore 4s
Wis, Central la...
Va, Centuries
A N. unl. 4s ton;
. S1H
M., K, Jt T.
do 4s.
... 91
Huston Stnrk Qiiotntlons,
BOSTON, Aug. Sl.-Cnll loans. 3141J5 per
ceui; 111110 luana, iiuj per cent. Ullicuil
A.. T. & 8. V 7CiWestlnKh. Klectrlc. 7014
do nfd 9i Atchison 4s ...102
Am. Sugar 13114 N. U. (I, & C. 6s... Kij
Am. reiepnone mi Auventure J7j
lloaton & Albany. ...ut .Illngham M, Co.... Il
lloston 12 LI Amul. Copper HJ1J
liosion Ac Aie .iiiiinnc ,. 3;.
Dominion Coal
.. is ral. a: Ilecla 745
,.115H Centennial 30
.. h Krankllii
.. 93i; Humboldt 75
.,1(5 Osceola , 100
do pfd
U. 8. Steel
do pfd..........
Pllchburg pfd...
Oen. Klectrlc ...
Kd. Klectrlc III.
Mex. Central' ...
N. K, It. & C...
Old Colony ....
Old Dominion ..
Union Paclnc ...
West Knd
Si9!4 Parrot sin viuincy 170
., 2 Kantu Ye Copper... 7Vk
Bik.TamsracK 315
t'tah Mining
Volverlnei ,,,
.. 3ni,
... 3IU
... 99
... 91,
.. 3i,
Hunk ClrnrliiKs.
OMAHA, Aug, 21. Rank clearings today,
$974,254; corresponding day Inst year, $978,-
3X; increase, u.iui.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 21.-Clearlngs
ib.n,jii; uaiances, j;,tii.'.7ii(.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2l.-Clearlngs, $6,205,728
balances, $1, 093,213; money, 4QC per cent
New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium
.HALTIMORE, Aug. 21.-Clcarlngs, $3,507,-
.rt, u.iitiiicrs, tdj),ooi,
NEW YORK. Aiic. 21.-Cle.trlngs. $153,091.-
951; balances, $7,427,72S,
iiUBiujs, Allg. 21, Clearings, .-v,u.;i,iii ,
balances, Jl.W.'.m.
Cincinnati, Aug. 21. Clearings, w.vio,
50: New York exchange. 10Jt25c discount;
money, 3'4U6 per cent.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2l.-ClcnrlllRS, $23,051,027;
balances. J2.0.I3.67.1: nnsted exchnnge. $1.8514
4il.87i; New York exchange, 30c discount.
London Mock Qim-ntlon.
LONDON, Aug. 21.-4 p. m.-ClosIng:
onrols, money
40 V,
N. ft W
... 5H4
... 9M,
... 3.',
... 7414
... 2l
... to
... 371,
... 3Vi
... M'ti
... C.i'
... 9:14
... 43u
... 9ft
... :j
... 4t
... 70H
... 4:
No. Paclllc pfd.
Ontario A V....
Pennsylvania .,,
.Uehlfon ,,
dn pfd...
lialtlmor A Ohio.-
do 1st pfd
dn Id pfil
Canadian Pacltlc...,
Che. Ac Ohio
lilcngo O. w
So. Hallway
Ml. Paul
do pfd
-nver R. 11
So, Pacific
dn pfd
do 1st pf'l.
lo 3d nfd
fnlon Pacinc ..
do pfd
U S. Slocl
do pfd
dn pfd
Illinois Central ....
& N ,
M K. Jfe T
Spanish 4s
do pfd
Hand Mines ....
, Y, ccntrul ,
II AR SILVER-Stendy, 27id pcr oz.
MONEY 1H, ner rent. The rnte of dis
count in the open mnrket for both short
and tlirco months' bills. 2U per cent.
. York .tllnlnic Slinrrs.
NEW YORK. Aug. 21. The following ore
ic closing quotations on mining stocks!
Adam Con..
.... 23
.... 43
Ilttle Chief ...
Phoenix .......
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes .
Standard ......
.... 13
.... 7v
.... s
.... 3
.... S
.... 9
.... 40
llmnswlck Con.
,. II
. a
1. 39
,. 3
onutock Tunnel.,
on, Cal. & Vn...
Dendwood Terra..
ofiT Sliver
ron Silver
Leadvllle Con
Foreign Klnniiclnl.
LONDON. Auc. 21. The nbundnnce of
untilv and tbn Indnlteslmal demand con
fined money. On the Stock exchange today
tno business onu uttcnaanco were poor.
There wus a good tone, but tho transac
tions were featureless. Consols were firm
owing to the cheapness of money. Homo
rnlls were dull nnd Irregular. Foreigners
were neglected, with tlie exception 01
tnllans. Rio tintos eased. Americans
were maintained, Union Paclllc wns fnvor
nbly nffected by tho rumor thnt tho stock
holders will benefit by the Northern Pa
elllo deal. The closlnc was Ilrm. Gold pre
miums are quoted today us follows: Buenos
Ayres, ihi.du; .Manna, as.;u; l.isnon, in
dla council bills were allotted today at
s 3 l-32d.
PARIS. Aiie. 21 At tho bee lining or
uslness todav thern wns 11 hardening ten
dency, owing to buying orders, and prices
remuineu nrm in snito 01 n lew realiza
tions. The news of the breakdown of tho
negotiations between Kranco and Turkey nt
Constantinople cnuscd rentes to relapse, but
Turuisn securities were 111110 iiiiiucnceii.
Snnnlsh 4s were favorably affected by tho
increased Spanish bank rate. Spanish rnlls
wero nctlve. .Portuguese ami iinuans wero
Ilrm. Rio tintos wero wenner on lower
copper. Katllrs were tinaecmeu. inreo per
cent rentes, 101 f 10c for the nccount; ex
change on London, 25f 23c for checks. Span
ish 4s closed 71. w.
BKRLIN. Aug. 21. Transactions were
mlieil on the bourse today. Tho tendency
wus generally Ilrm, apart from small de-
llnes. tiio cnunges in 10cm snares were
nllrnlv in favor of the holders. Italians
hardened. Cnnndlan rnclflcs nnd Trnnsvnal
oonds were steady. Northern I'acinc im
proved In sympathy witn wew iorK.
Townrd tlie close local banks nnd mines
rnllled. Exchange on London. 20m 414 pfgs.
ior checks. Discount rates: snort tuns, i
pcr cent; for threo months' bills, 2?4 per
MADRID. Aug. 21 The Bnnk of Spain
lias Increased Its rnto of discount from 314
to 4 per cent.
Cot tin Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Auc. 21. COTTON Market
opened quiet but ilrm, with prices a to R
points higher and nftcr tho call turned
strong and scored additional gains on brisk
buying for both accounts from nil quar
ters. This further1 ovidenca of Inherent
strength originated chleliy In bullish Liver
pool cables, thouch bad Texas and South
Atlantic states crop'"ft'ccounts helpsd ma
terially to crcatm bullish continence, tic
forn mlddnv October? nnd reached fi.72c nnd
Jnnuury B.illc on active support from the
room nnil outside interests unci ror a t mo
all Indications pointed to a slgnnl ud-
dltlontil gnlnbcforo tho close of tho sea
son. Rut nfter the Kngl sh marKet nan
closed tho talent turned for profits under
which prices slowly ensed off. Tho bum
vas accelerated by reports of light to gen
eral ruins In Texns. Moreover, private
afternoon Texas telegrnms declared rain
wns still railing over the northern nra
central sections. As the New Orleans mur
ed resnonded readily to the wet woither
newsroom operators were the more willing
o 00 lnliucnccil. Yet evidence or great
strength in southern spot markets nnd an
advance of lie lu spot cotton here tended
o muKo snort sc 1 nc unnonulur. In the
last hour efforts were made to rally the
market to the high point of the day. but
support wus slow In comlnc forward, whllo
prollt-taklng on each point rise 111 nil e the
tnsK 11 illinctllt one. At tho c rise t he mar
ket was steady and net B to 7 points hither
iuto trnuing was mostly prolessionni,
though the south nnd warehouses sold.
snot cioseu steiKiy at l.c nilvance: mid
tiling upland, S3-ICc: gulf. S 7-IG3: sals,
3.725 bnles. I' Utiires c oed s endv: All
gust, 7.37c; September, 7.3'ic; October, 7.4!c;
rMOvemuer. f.ozc: uecember. 7.Blc. Jnnuaiv.
7.B7c; February, 7.57c; March, 7.61c; April,
ST. LOUIS. Allir. 21. COTTON Mn rle t
o nigner: minnilng, 8l8c; sales, none; re
cviiiin, jiu u:ne; snipmcnis, j, 111 naies
stock. SS.Bns bales.
tlALVUSTON. Aucr. 21.-COTTON-Flrm at
increased demand: nrlces hlcher: Amerlenn
middling, fnlr, C7-6ld: goad mlvldllng,
4 13-32H: middling. 411-lCd: ow ml'dlln-.'.
4 15-32d: good ordinary. 4 7-32d: ordlimrv.
3 31-32d; sales. 10.OX) bnles, of which 1,0 0
wero tor speculation nnil export, nnd ln-
ciuueii v.wi unics American: receipts, none.
Futures opened oulet but steanv and close 1
quiet but steady: American middling, I. m
Ui-biii. Diiycrs: Ausust nnd HentcmhT.
4 33-r.lifi4 3l.fiid. sellers; September, 4 S3-6lff
idi-niii, (.eiiers; ucioncr. g. o. liniilJ
buyers: October nnil November 4 ir..iun
4 lli-CId, sellers: November and December,
4 16-nid, buyers; December nnd Jiinunty.
4 13-fi4d, buyers; January nnd Febmty,
1 i.i-imii, uii.vith; I'cnrunry nun Mnrrli
4 13-815(4 14-hld. se'lers; Mnrch nnd April,
t i-i.tjii it-oiii, uiiyers.
Jt;V U (Li ' ANH. Allir. 51 friT-rnM.
Firm: sales. 400 bales: nrdlnnn'.
oruinary. bii-n.o: low middling, 8S-16c; giod
minuiing, n ii-u,c; miililllng fnlr. 8 IC-Tc;
receipts. 820 bales; stocks, 43,133 bales, F,i
turcs. steady; November, 7.41ir?7.43c; Decem
ber, 7.41f7.42e; Jnnuary, 7.43f77.l4c; Febru-
uij, i.ioiy i.iuuj iMlirCIl, ,.1m(i.45C.
Corree Mnrket.
NKW 1 ORK. Amr. 21 mift,M!r,!Tlio
mnrket for coffee futures niinm.H uinrult-
With IirlCOS IlllChnnireil In r, nnlnln ni,
ii.i jiiiK mi imini nccount, prompted nv a
reduced crop movement nnd Ilrm Rrnzlllnn
mnrkets. Other cable news cnntnlm.d
nothing of feature. Deliveries from ware
houses reached only n small total and spot
roffeo In tho Street mnrWnl rnlol .lull Tl,
mnrket for futures continued steady nftor
the opening on light foreign nnd local di
mand, lluctuntlons keeping within a B-poInt
,.iir,u .my. ,msing prices wero net tin
flinnRed to B points higher nnd total sales
j.iou nnjfg. incuming: Hepternner, 4.Wc;
October. 4.00c; Novrmber. uc; December,
6.10c: Mnrch. E.33o. Mnv K r.n.. Hnm m
quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 5Hc Mild, dull; Cor
dovn, S?ll!4c.
Sumir Mnrket.
.-......, .inn. .u-oiinwi-iui
riMlnt! Tlllr rellnlnn- n 71tt,. mnlnaoAc a,,...
3 3-lCc; centrifugal. Ofi test. 4c. Refined.
easy, lower, iso. u, 4,uoc; No. 7, 4.rrK: No. s
4.55c; No. !). 4.40e; No. 10. 1.33c; No, 11, 4..10o
mould A, S.fiOc; cut loaf. 5.75c; oruHhofl,
cuben, 5.n0c. Molasses sugar, 3 3-lOc; rennca,
AUEUSt. 2Gs tUil.
Nl'-W DllLUANS, Aug. 21.-8UQA
guiet; centrifugal yellow. 41Mf4 5-16c
wwii- ii 1 r,i nufiiti yeiiuw, iwu i u-idu ; iuc
onds, 2!t03Hc. Molasses, quiet; centrlfusnl,
Oil nnil Rosin.
OIL CITY, Aug. 21,-OILS-Credlt
steady; nrlmn crude. 29c, iioinlnnl; prlmo
yellow. 4014c bid. Petroleum, dull: refined,
New York. J7.50; Philadelphia and Haiti-
more. 7Ao rhtlHdclphta and Haltlmoro, In
mon to Rood. 11.401.45. Turpentine, quiet,
LONDON, Auk- 21.-OlLfl-Cn!ruttu lin
seed, snot, &6a. Unseed, 31s 10d. Spirits
ances, J1.25; ce'rtlllcates. no bid; shipments.
86.975 bbls.: nveraci. nri I.1 IiIiIh runs. 110.173
bbls.: average. 83,103 bbls.
Drj-Lot Steers Ar 8tndy, bat Other
Uos An Weaker,
Cows nnd Heifers Are Disposed ut
iv Mil Dltlleull)' niul nt Loner
Prices hlieep Receipts Are
Light, .Mnrket Wcnk.
Receipts were. Cuttle, lloss. rilie-n
OiiiLiai .Mommy i.Ujo J.usj li,9;4
Olnciui iuesouy 4,oi'J ti.iw l, Hi
uiuciiu weiinesuuy s,12j i,:i i,m
Threo days this wcek..l2.l! 1U.410 21.424
b.Ullii uas last WCCK....12,bUj 2u,olJ VJ.WJ
oitiuu wcuK ueioro iv,im ls.oij li.iai
b.mio tmeu weeKs ngo.. b,2j'J li.SU iJ.i'Jj
oumu lour weeks ugu.... i.jiJ 2b,04f 21, bW
naiiiu (uijs last yeiu ....ll.uJ 1i,2ju iS.o'JJ
Averuuu in ice puiu tor nogs at buuin
Oinuii.i tuu past suvcrul dus with com
I 1901.ltiJ0.lf.33.lS33.lS.37.183C.lfO3.
S 151
5 13
i 15i
6 10
4 19
4 2ti
4 'M
4 43
4 4o
4 3S
4 37
3 73,
3 tii
a tin
3 'ill
3 i
2 77 4i
4 13
2 81, 4 B4
1 ho
2 W 4 63
3 t'2 I B7
2 4 65
3 4B
3 4,
3 17
3 B3i
3 4j
3 to
3 131
3 61 1
3 B6
3 Oil
3 6S
3 70
3 71
3 68
3 73
3 701
3 76
S 04
l 14
5 15
3 81
2 751 4 bo
y. 6 73v' B 04, 4 32 3 ti
4 45
2 761 4 67
2 80
5 7i j
I3i o 774j
HI B 73,1
lo b 77v
Itii B 77lji
lil S 89
201 6 8B?i
21 5 7Sli
4 3S 3 4S
2 !0 4 60
4 Ml
J Ml
. HI 4
2 83 4 bi
4 97 4 43
I Hi
4 441
3 75
3 78
3 74
CO 4 1
4 S
5 W
4 4
4 55
4 Gl
4 56
4 40
4 36
2 84
4 K
4 47
3 66
2 92
2 88
6 03,
6 02
4 4:1
3 1
3 75
2 7U,
2 itj
Indicates Sunday.
The official number
of cars of stock
brought in today wus:
C, M. & St. I'. Ry
O. ii St. L. Ry
Missouri Paclllc Ry....
Union Paclllc system ..
V. .K- A . . 1. .........
V.. K. ,t M. V. K. 11....
.... 23
.... 8
.... 10
.... 37
S. C. & P. Ry
U., St. 1'., M. & O. Ry.
13. Ai M. R. R. R
C, B. & Q. Ry
K. C. Ai St. J
C, It. I. & P., cast
C. R. I. & 1'., west
Illinois Central
Total receipts 129
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
h lunuwn, cucn uuycr nurcnasine 1110 num
ber or iiciiu indicated:
Cattle. Hoes
, Sh'p.
umiuia i'acKlng Co 276 1,03;
swirt nnu uo., it, u
11. Hammond Ln....
Armour & Co., K. C...
R. Becker & Dcgan ....
Vunsunt & Co
.obniiin & Co
W, 1. Stephen
Livingstone Ai Schaller
Hamilton & Rothschild
F. Husz
Cudnhy Bros. & Co....
B. F. Hobblck
A. S. Mawhlnney
'woir At m 2
Other buyers 400 .... 1,167
Totals 3,515 8,230 2,493
CATTLK Recclnts today were much
smaller thun yesterday and were also very
in u c n less tnan 11 week ago today, but
fot tho threo days this week totals com
pare favorably with sumo period last weak.
A fair proportion of today's offerings was
mauo up irom tno ruuge.
Heavy receipts nt eastern markets had
a moro or less bear Influence here, conse
quently the market on beef cattle while In
fair condition, all till 11 us considered.
showed n decided tendency to weakness on
nil except choice dry-lot beeves. Prime fed
steers soio uuout stcaay ana less nnlshid
stocK irom mat to a uime lower, accord
lng to weights and nualltv.
Tho run or the stocK wns or rair propor
tions ana ior uic nrsi nnu 01 1110 wecK
has been considerably nbove tho demand.
Medium weight grades of cows nnd heifers
show a decided decline again today, prices
Being gcnernny u aimo lower tnan yester
day. Dry-lot cows and heifers were scarce
and prices neiii rtuiy steady on finished
stock. Canncrs, bulls, stags, veal calves
wero slow sellers at weak prices.
The feeder division was only moderately
supplied nnd tho demand hns picked up
consiocraDiy tno insi row days not only
on stockers, but on choico feeders. Tho
murKct today was active ut prices strong
to 10c higher on all suitable offerings. Rep
resentative suies:
1. 0 Gli
2. 6 7li I
3. i 7'Ji
b'. 5 84
6. 6 ill
7 5 tij
8. B OS-,
No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr.
1 m 2 73 20 12IS & 3
2 117a 3 Si 24 ll'.'S 5 :0
21 115-S 4 IS 34 133) 3 3'j
23 sl'J 4 60 19 1191 6 XS
38 1011 4 10 IS 1152 5 f.
16 1012 4 70 20 1222 5 43
75 1160 4 7D 36 H'JJ 3 43
13 12150 4 73 21 1201 5 t
76 13J3 4 18 im i 30
16 1120 B 10
8 MO 1 yO 1 760 2 73
2 603 2 23 7 7S7 2 73
1 760 2 15 7 721 2 90
1 6S0 2 30 2 COO 3 CO
1 720 2 10 7 780 4 30
9 666 2 63 46 79f 4 70
3 733 1 00 16 973 2 M
3 733 1 (0 16 (32 2 30
4 .-. 9.'.0 1 E'l 7 907 J oi
4 930 1 30 11 961 2 CO
2 830 1 71 2 090 2 W
3 843 1 73 4 '922 2 V)
2 933 2 M 6 913 2 W
1 920 2"W 11 997 2 S3
1 S70 2 to 31 m 2 f0
3 936 2 00 7 1042 2 63
2 1023 2 00 2 930 2 73
3 1036 2 ll 3 1030 2 73
2 ; (65, 2 00 1 1120 2 73
4 977 J 13 1 1200 2 73
1 1120 2 17 10 1133 2 73
2 1010 2 20 16 1110 2 90
1 1100 2 '.0 4 1037 2 V)
5 990 2 20 1 11&0 3 23
8 937 2 2.1 1 1) 3 00
2 1060 2 23 8 1112 3 20
2 S63 2 V, C 1113 3 20
2 1110 2 21 h....: 10S0 3 33
10 S10 2 21 3 11C0 3 60
1 912 2 23 1 12S0 3 73
7 W 2 23 E 1181 4 (0
3 913 2 40
5 104 2 0 1 690 2 V)
1 1310 2 .') 1 910 3 23
1 1263 2 3.1 1 1260 2 ,V)
1 13 2 41 1., 970 3 10
1 1170 2 el 1 1090 3 00
1 1050 2 40 1 S60 2 70
1 1310 2 10 1 1310 2 73
1 IW IM 1 1010 2 10
1 430 2 ml 1 110 4 7.1
1 180 4 ;0 2 223 4 ,3
1 110 4 7 3 2 123 5 M
2 193 4 IS
17 763 2 30 6 330 3 l)
1 720 2 CO 1 760 3 10
1 W) 2 63 3 706 3 CO
1 12"4 2 t3 S C3I 3 On
2 5(0 2 Ii 16 707 3 M
1 730 2 73 3 307 3 23
6 C23 2 13 1 370 3 23
3 673 2 S
31 310 3 ?0 1 210 4 04
3 313 I 10 1 320 4 M
1 Ami 2 mi 4 S37 3 f.3
2 373 2 30 27 921 2 ."5
U 643 2 63 1G 613 3 40
2 720 2 73 12 Ml 3 40
1 300 2 73 4 (03 3 13
10 4C0 S 80 1 KM 3 ;,0
3 673 2 VJ 20 C32 3 CO
3 470 2 to 1 9MI 3 SO
1 510 3 00 12 600 3 30
4 I'7 3 00 ft 676 3 33
1 470 3 01 5 S70 3 35
2 63.1 3 00 6 s70 3 U
1 770 3 l'J 17 865 3 a3
2 800 3 l"0 2 625 3 fO
8 612 3 20 15 CJO 3 h)
3 766 3 29 307 3 73
4 667 S 21 15 643 3 73
19 803 S 23 14 635 3 73
6 351 3 13 H 301 4 (0
2 1190 2 00 4 1175 4 0)
1 132) 2 60
1 cow.
Av. Pr.
Av. Pr.
...1103 S3 20
... 850 2 10
3 cows.
6 cows.
KM 2 10
15 feeders.. Ms) 3 GO 1 feeder... 830 3 23
Scows 1130 2 33 1 feeder... SS0 3 00
1 cow lluo 2 33 6 cows 9G0 2 70
t, cows 1020 2 70
T. 11. Hancy Nebraska.
B helferH.. 621 3 10 1 feeder... 610 3 10
19 cows 893 2 70 H cows,..,, 950 2 70
9 cows 1003 2 40
J L. Bnlrd-South Dakota.
18 steers. ...1172 4 30 46 steers. ...1130 4 15
Kent & IllBsell-Wyomlng.
20 cows 1000 2 BO 2 cows 1010 2 00
Callahan & N. Nebraska.
i feeders,. 790 2 00 7 feeders., 890 3 50
1 feeder... 8U0 2 50 3 steers.... 680 2 00
2 steers..., 950 2 90 1 steer tv) 2 75
2 cows M0 2 50 1 cow SSO 2 40
1 feeder. . 8.10 3 fw
SI. 3. Frnncls Montnna.
45 steers. ...lllo 4 40
U W. Carpenter Montnnn.
14 hclfors... 620 3 00 1 steer 670 3 00
1 COW 3M) Z 2.1 4 COWS Nt3 . 1.1
R COWS 1020 2 50 8 COWS 893 2 10
IS steers. ...IMS 4 45 1 steer 1300 4 40
7 steers. ...1372 4 ts .' cows jw
Wnlkcr Bros. Idaho.
21 feeders.. 1072 3 63 2 feeders.. 1020 3 CO
J. i. Bonsell Wyoming.
6 feeders.. 918 3 45 19 cows 917 2 75
ItiKlSThern wns not a verv heavy run
of hogs hero todav, but with several stale
loads carried over from yesterday the num
ber on snlo wns of fnlr proportions. Pnck-
lnt nn nnnnrtiinltv tn bear nrlces nnd
the murket was lust about ns dull nnd wcnk
ns It tisunlly gets. Indifferent trndlng
marked the trade and while bids enrly were
a lint dime lower trndlng wns done nt a
basis of about BJIlPc lower than yesterday's
irenernl mnrket or tho decline for the two
days has averaged about a shilling lower.
some prlmo nogs were pickcu out at
prices about a nickel lower than yesterday,
tops touching $6.00, but the bulk sold down
to nrettv close to n inmo lower.
The mnrket closed dull niul unsatisfactory
all around. Representative sales:
No. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Av. 8I1. IT.
Ml 137 120 $ CO f. 236 120 5 77i
e.i 1B 1:0 Ii 60 U,
1! 120 6 w
40 5 771,
40 6 771,
... 5 7Pj
iO i W
... 5 (0
SO 5 V)
... 5 10
80 3 SO
.117 ... S 60
.2U4 120 3 i3
M. 214 200 S 65
tl 19 1W t KM
205 80 S '.0
67 223
5 70
6 70
7 1.12 120
..232 I61) 5 114
2S 3
...n.i 111 &
...707 120 I 12),
...224 120 i 75
...236 40 & 75
...223 120 I 7t
...23S iO i 75
252 120 3 to
2W 40 3 80
62 274
ci ns
i 30
5 W
2.1 216
73 220
53 200
40 i 75
30 3 75
40 5 !S
.232 160 3 10
73 222
6 80
6 80
t3 2t!l
74 22U 12)
IS 213 ...
69 221 ...
5 i5
5 73
6 75
4) 5 80
80 5 M
I) 3 (0
40 5 SO
H) 8 $0
63 21 21 I 75
45 2S3 M 5 75
55 244
t0 5 75
40 5 75
40 S 75
247 200 5 f0
42 220
$) 5 fO
40 5 80
SO 3 '
63 209
6S 224
22 304
78 J
14 215
M 20s
74 224
..22 160 i 75
.247 M 5 73
6 U
5 tO
5 .0
41 214
40 4 TH
(7 244 ...
S 77U
73 H Iff!
t IN 40
i '7k
74 224
13 208
42 25J
40 5 711.4
71 240 120 5 SO
75 230 W MO
CO 249 44 5 W
82 VA IO 5 So
.. 5 77i,l
80 S 77'i
73 231
6 77U
.232 160 5 77!i
.237 120 5 77'i
72 i23J 120 6 SO
50. ....... 264
52 261
44 MS
40 5 80
80 5 80
40 5 M
..518 ISO 5 84
245 200
6 7!li
212 80 3 80
.206 80
65 214 ... 6' 80
...267 1) 5 77H
72 231 ... 5 80
,M 101 O I.',,
72 249 ... 5 8J'l
87 222
w 6 ir,4
80 5 77ik
...2.19 80 6 82Vs
...241 ... 5 82Vi
233 120 5 77H
..240 ... 5 8;i-j
,2W 40 6 774
...216 160 5 82V1
40 5 III,
57 271 120 3
6 "Hi
69., 276 40 5 83
63 289 160 5 35
60 292 ... 5 95
.203 I'M 5 Jiti
231 SO & 77 VI
40 5 nv.
64 282 ... 5 95
66 243 ... 5 75
SO 5 77 Vi
SHEEP A half dozen fresh loads nnd n
few head carried over from yesterday mndo
up today's offerings in tho sheep division,
but conditions wero such that there was
little active demand from kilters. Eastern
markets reported another sham decline, in
prices nnd a weak feeling prevailed here on
both mutton sheep and lambs.
There Is some Innulrv for feeders, espe
cially feeder lambs, and the arrivals in that
lino have not been sufllclent to supply tho
demand at current prices.
Quotations: Choice ycurllngs. J3.50Jf3.C5;
fair to good yearlings, J3.3J5i3.50; cholco
wethers, J3.35(ff3.50; fair to good wethers,
$3.153.25; cholco ewes. J2.75413.00; fnlr to
t nr.Tfi CK, .UaI.a lnMUa
ISuuu v f.,Mri,..w, Lnuil i) outing ,u,uio,
J4.856.00i fair to good spring lambs, J4.40
4.1a: iccocr wetners, fi.ianf j.sA); recaer lamps,
3.0ifi-3.&0. Representative sales
No. Av.
46 western wethers 91
250 western wethers 105
3 15
3 15
3 15
3 50
4 25
2 25
2 75
2 75'
o 75
2 85
3 15
3 75
533 western wethers.... 104
225 western feeder lambs 91
54 Idaho lambs 56
69 feeder buck lambs CO
183 cull feeder lambs t 60
41 cull feeder lambs B6
274 western owes S6
148 feeder wethers SS
311 Wyoming wethers 96
21 native sheep 107
Steers Wcnk, Fnncy Hokm Stendj- nnil
Sheep Stronger.
CHICAGO, Aug. 21.-CATTLE-Reccipts,
25,000 head, including 1,000 head Texans nnd
4,000 head westerns: steers, weak: butchers'
stock Texans and westerns, steady for
choice, others slow; good to prlmo steers,
J5.C0B6.30; poor to medium, J3.60535.25: stock
ers nnd feeders, J2.235il.33; cows and heifers,
J2.GOy5.10; cauners, Jl.505j2.50; hulls, J2.255T
4.30; calves, J3.005f4.25: Texas steers, Jl.OOjj)
a.uu; western steers, jt.WKao.w.
HOGS Receipts, 33,000 bend; tomorrow,
26,000 head, estimated; left over, 5.300 head;
fancy steady, others wcnk; mixed niul
butchers, J5.65ji6.20: good to choice heuvy,
$5,7556.31); ro.igh heavy. J5.60(ff5.70; light,
$5.60456.05: bulk of sales. J5.85f?6.03.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000
head; stronger, steady to slow; good to
cholco wethers, J3.255i3.90; fair to choice
mixed. J3.00f(3.40: western sheen. J3.15fi3.90:
yearlings. J3.255i4.C0: nntive lambs. J3.0O1?
0.35; western lambs, J4.005j5.25.
Knnsns City Live .Stock Market.
ceipts, 10,000 natives, 1,300 Texnns and 180
calves; Texans steady, others generally 105?
15c lower; cholco export and dressed beef
steers, J5.40fff5.90: fair to good, J1.655J6.30;
stockers and feeders, J3.WKg3.40; western fed
steers, JI.40fin.5O; western range steers,
J3.505Jt.BO; Texnns nnd Indians. J2.80ff4.0O;
Toxns cows, J2.405i2.90; native cows, J2.405;
4.00; heifers, J2.754.90; canncrs, J1.505J2.35;
bulls, J2.505J4.00; calves, J2.5055.0O.
HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head: market
opened lower nnd closed stendy; top sales,
J6.15; bulk, J5.835i6.10: heavy. JO.10fiO.15;
mixed packers, J5.85Q6.12i4; light. J3.504j6.00;
pigs, J4.505jO.4O.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; stock sheep strong, others steady;
lambs, J4.00ff5.00; nntive wethers, J3.005J3.1O;
native yenrllilgs, J3.405j3.fi3; western weth
ers, J3.O05ia.40; western yearlings, J3.2553.50;
ewes, J2.75Z3.15; stock sheep, J2.00fj2.65.
Ncvt York I.lvr Stock Mnrket.
NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-BEEVES-Re-celpts,
2,768 head; steers rated 10c lower;
rough butcher stock, generally steady;
yards not cleared: nntive steers. J4.755T5.33:
slugs and oxen. J3.155j-1.60; bulls. J2.255j3. 10;
dry cows, J1.705J3.65: lntest cables quote
American steers, ninii;y4o; rerrigcriunr
beef. 9?ic per lb.: exports today, 4,285 quar
ters of beef.
CALVES Rece nts. lnclud ng 11 lean
direct, 3.141 head; veals, Ilrm; others somn-
wnat stronger; all soiu; veais, )i.imi
pcr 100 lbs., few nt JS.12iifjS.25; grnssors and
buttermilks, J3.005J4.00. ,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lnclud
lng 4 cars direct, 9,402 head; 52 curs on sale;
both sheep and lnmbs. 14c lower; market
dull, particularly for sheep; about a dozen
rn nt Htnek unsold: sheen. J2.2a?i3.50; few.
J3.73; lambs, Jt.005f3.50; 1 car. J3.60.
IIOUS Receipts, ncaa; no sums im
ported. fit. Joseph Live Stork Mnrkvl.
n nf.. ....ui 't(V Irnirnr' ti:itlvR. XXnil
Ci3.S0; cows nnd heifers. Jl.Oufi 1.7a; bulls nnd
stags, K.tKvM.1'', siocnors nnu iriie,
5J3.80: venls, J2.23f(5.25. ,
Htimcly to Go lower; llsht and Hglit mUed,
$5.7WiW; medium ami heuvy, tf.jCy);
IIIIIH. S litll.10i IIUIK, d.rHH,.,v,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.4.0
head; mnrket strong to 10c hlisher; lambs,
steady; top natives, Ji,
' Stock In Sight.
The following tnblo shows the receipts
.,,,, A ,r.nm ,l,iil ulti.nn nf llm ftl'A lirlll-
,11 tutiiu ...... ... ...w ,
clpal Ilvo stock markets August 21:
cnttic. Jiogs, rsneep.
South Omaha 3.123 7.221 1.753
Chicago 25,000 33,1100 18,0i
Kamms c ty n,") ""
St. Louis 6,300 S.iiOO 2.300
St. Joseph 3,250 7,333 l.liO
47,973 61,150 21,522
' St. I.ihiU Live Stock Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 21,-CATTLE-Re clpts,
B.300 head, including 3,0"0 Texnns. Market
slow, with natives 10c lower: native ship
ping and export steers, Ji.83W5.75; dressed
beef nnd butchers' steers, JI.25Ji5 5); steers
under !, lbs. J3.354fl.e5: stockers and
feeders, J2.10ift4.00: cows 11 ml heifers, J2 00
fii4.75; c.inners, Jl,25f2.25; culls. J2.25ff3.0O,
Texas and Indian stoers, J3.10'(ft.25i cows
nn,l heifers. 12 0ML1..1S.
HOaS-Recelpts, 8,600 head. Market 10s
Wo Sell
t he finest ("olTee in the world.
(Jiiinliu Tea & Coffee Co., 1107 Douglas Street,
Omaha, Ncbr., Phone U'A.
lower: pigs nnd lights, J5.75fi5.90: pickers,
J5.SOflti.0ii; butchers,
1 SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 2,?D
head. Mnrket stoutly; nntlvo muttons, 12.SI
4J3.2S; lnmbs, JI.oiS.10; ctilW and bucks. J2.t
j3.00; stockers, J2,H0fl2.1tt,
' WiiiiI JlnrUet.
BOSTON, Aug 2l-Tho American ool
nnd Cotton Reporter will sny tomorrow of
tho wool trnde: While the demnnil for wool
during the Inst week hns been quieter,
there hns, nevertheless, heo-11 moro than nn
nvcrngo business transacted and prices on
nil lines huve been fully maintained. The
demand has been widely distributed and It
has practically nil been for consumption,
thorn being no speculative tendency ob
servable ns yet. Thero Is a Ilrm undertone
to the mnrket nnd consumers who nttempt
to seciirn wools nt any concessions from
going prices do not succeed in securing
wool. Tho rank and lllo of them nre con
tent, however, to pny current rates, Thero
is no disposition on the part of holders ot
wool to force the mnrket they all have nil
they can conveniently attend to for n while
In shipping what they hnvo sold nnd nro
content to uwnlt developments. The bulk
of tho territory wool hns been purchased
outright nnd is In strong linnds. The situa
tion ns regards both wool nnd woolen goods
looks strung and healthy. Tho mills nro
nro llllcd with orders nnd thero Is no up
prehension of n wlilcsprcnd cancellation
movement. There Is n lnrge stock of wool
In Boston tills could hardly bo otherwise
In view of tho fact that the territorial clip
hits been practically nil bought outright
nnd the most of It shipped to Boston. But
with the largo consumption which It Is be
lieved will ilcvrlop between now nnd next
clip time, the trade feels thnt the bulk of
the supply hero will tic wanted. The sales
for thu week amount to 4,672,1)00 pounds do
mrsttc mid 620,000 pounds foreign, making
11 tntnl of 5,192.000 pounds, against a total ot
12,93j,(HX) pounds for the previous woek nnd
n totnl of 3,620,000 pounds for tho corre
sponding week last year. The receipts tn
Boston this week amount to 32,236 bnles.
against .13,239 bales Inst week nnd 18.763 last
year. The total receipts since January I
hnvo been I34.SU bales and 9S.5SO bales for
eign ngnlnst 260.775 bales domestic, nnd 112,
098 bales foreign for tho corresponding
period of 1900. Tills is nn Incrcnsc of 173.536
bales domestic and a decrease of 13,518
bales foreign. Shipments of wool for tho
week ending August 19 nrq ns follows.
Tuesday, August 13, 911,631 pounds; Wednes
day, 447,544; Thursday. 1,259,120: Friday,
2,43i,B13j Snttirday, 1.210,530; Mondny. 910,370;
total. ,,221.707. This shows an increase of
1.0(H.5rf pounds onr the shipments of 6,158,
153 pounds for the previous week. Since
Jnnuary 1 the totnl shipments umount to
161.tl4.028 pounds
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21.-WOOI,-Fntrly nc
tlvo and unchnnged; medium grades, UK
5117c; light fine, 11145114c; heuvy line. 9Vu
lie; tubwnahed, I2fl2ic.
lOvnpornlril nnil Dried Fruits.
APPLE8 Receipts continue light nnd ns
thero continues it coml inhblnc dcniuml
sentiment Is bulllshly Inclined, with values
decidedly In sellers' fnvor. Tho close, was
nrm, nut without change In nr cc. S ate.
common to good, 5(n7c; prime, 7'-45JSe;
cnoice. siic; tnncy, SV4W9C.
Inactive but steady at old prices. Prunes,
3i5j"7c. Apricots, steady. Peaches, peeled,
114J17c; impeded, 7$fS14c.
Neir York Dry Cood Mnrlirt,
Thcro has hcen moro business today than
of lato In the gcnernl run of cotton goodi,
but tho mnrket continues quiet. Tho nd
vnnclng tendency of raw cotton tends to
correct somo weakness In occasional lines
of cotton goods. Print cloths nre dull at
previous prices. Prints sicndy, Hvcr.ixn
sales. Men's wear woolens nnd worsteds
firm In stnplo lines; fnnclcs irregular. Dress
goods dull and featureless.
Condition of tliv Trensnry,
WASHINGTON. Aug. 21.-Todny's stntc
mcnt of the treasury balance In th ge -ernl
fund, exclusive of the $150,030,X)fl gol 1
reserve in the division of redemption, show:
Avnllnble cash balance, J175,711,4$S; gild,
9101.6 12,007.
Over Thirty Tliousniiil of the Ttlrds
In n SIiikIi Inelosuir.
"No zoo I ever s"-' ""i I - "
ns tho duck ranch I visited nt Rlverton,
Vn., Inst week," says Ju.uct i . i .. . i
tho AVashlngton Post. "Tlie propritnr
asked me to guess how many ducks wcri
In tho immense Holds and pens he showed
mo, nnd I promptly said 20,090,000. Ho in
sured mo thnt there were only 13.60).' All
nro of the Pekln breed, nnd nro pure white.
They nlo hatched from eggs laid by rid
ducks on tho farm, and nre fattened n-d
killed for market when 1 or 114 yearn o'd.
The methods of hatching, renrlng nnd fat
tening tho great numbers of birds are In
teresting, but tho remarkable feature of th
business Is tho economy of Its manage
ment. In the first place, there are mnnv
eggs placed In every Incubntor which W'H
not hatch n duck. Tn sevci or eight days
the mnnagcr can tell the ones which will
not hntch. He snld that n week In the In
cubator does not hurt them. When It 's
evident that they will not products a lvt
duck they nre taken out nnd are In shed
up. shells and nil, with meal of snmo kind
nnd mndo Into feed for the youns duc't
lings. "Every feather Is saved when tho ducks
nre plucked, and tho whole output sold to
a Boston Ilrm. The duck man's nnme Is
Morgan, nnd he Is n vers clever, shrewd
fellow. Ho said that on nccount of hi i
health ho had decided some years ago tn
rest for a year, nnd hatched out 150 ducks'
eggs. Just for amusement, with nn Incu
bator. Since then ho hns not returned to
his former business. Ho sells 40,000 durks
every yenr nt prices ranging from IB tn 40
cents n pound, and tho ducks will average
four pounds.
"In wet weather, to keen the ducks fr-m
becoming ill by taking In unhenlthy mntter
wltn tncir rood, the grnln nnd olher stuff
Is spread on top of gunny sacks laid on
hay. It Is, in consequence, nerfectly clean
when the ducks pick It up. He has no pond
on his plncn, only wldo troughs tilled with
running wnter, nnd In this the ducks swim
without damage to their plumage nr the
opportunity to find poisonous substnnces, in
Winters) Ortsi Fifteen Yrnrs.
MARTINEZ. Cnl Aug. 21.-Jnck Wln
terh, tho man who got nwny with J320.000
in gold bullion from the Selhy smelting
works nnd afterward confessed, wns sen
tenced today to fifteen yenrs nt Folsom.
Tho prisoner nsked tn ho sent tn San
Qiientln, but tho request wns refused. Ho
wns taken to Folsom today.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
day, August 21:
Wn r r il n ty Deeds.
TVitter-Shnlcs company to E, M. Rosh,
lots 1 nnd 2, iuock i&, l'.itricK's 2d
mid , i BOO
C. E, Elvlng and wife to P. J. Fager
berg, a tract nt Vinton and Twenty
third streets 115
A. P. Ttikey et nl to O. II. McMullen,
lot 11, block 7, Clifton Hill 1.550
E. A. Chasn to N. C. Flood, lot 1.
block 6, Kountzo'n 4th ndd, and other
property M0
John McCrrnry tn a. II. Spencer and
wife, lot 11, block 1, Marysvllle add.. OoO
tlnlt t:inlm Deeds,
C. A. Richard nnd wife to M. S.
Morry, lot D. Morton's subdlv 1
Shevlff to Fred Krnuse, n 50 feet lot
4, block 2i, Omnha.
t 170
Total nrnount of transfers I 9.236
Trtpilisss ion.
Boyd Commission Co
Buccesson to James K. Uoyd A Co.,
Ilourd of Trmlo nlldlnsj.
Direct wires to Chicago and New Tork.
orponiicncc. John A. Wairen A Co.
Moucy Will Unm lllv .Monthly llaturii
The Investor's Fund Pays Scinl-Monthty.
The oldest established In Anmrlca. No
certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay
menu made to ull subscribers every IS
?i.vs No trouble. No delay. Money
f.Vunded on dunahd. Write today for
particulars, free to any uddress.
Hudson llulldlmr. Now York.