TUB OaiAJl.-v DAILY' limit WEDNESDAY, AKit'ST 21, 1901. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES AdTArtlaetaaals far theso enlnnint will hm tmUrm nntll 13 m. for tho venlng adlllon una nntll Hull) p. m. tor nerilif mm A Similar dlllnn. Ildtea, 1 l-2o word Oral lnartlnn, le a vraral Itiarrnttar. Nothing tnken for Icaa than 3 So (nr (he flrat luarr tlna. Theaa lrtltneili nanat ba ran cnnseontlveli', Adrertlacra, hj reitucaf lug a asm tierrd check, eaa have ananera ad Mrraacal to a anraberctt Irttcr In ear aC Tha nee. Anincri aa addraaaad will he deliver a sraaeatatlaa at taa eaeek muXr, WAXTED-MAI.E HELP. WANTED, experienced Bonp snlesman; re ply, stutlng age, experience, references, Biliary expected. Addrtss C 07. Dee. II M 192 M ANTED Htnrk nursery pays cnih weekly If you Bell Htnrk trees. Louisiana, Mis souri. Dansvllle, New York. H-Ml'OD 810 W ANTED, men who would like to be bar bels; wo teach the work In two months, donate outfit of tools and grant diplomas; no trade nffers better Inducement. Call ot write, Moler Uurbcr College, 1J3 Fnr nam st. H-MM 22 W ANTED, harness makers nnd stork sad dle hands; none hut good mechanics and steady men ncd apply; A-l wages. Ton Ison lJros'. Saddlery Co., Dullns, Texas. H-M4M 23 - i - - -i i i riUNCB OF OMAHA dlgnr. Our own manufacture; union made; Efc strnlght. W. F. Stoecker ClKar Co. 11-557 21 "WANTED, n snlcsmnn for nltv nnd country to take orders for tailor suits nnd pints. Apply nt once to IICo Tailor, 1C07 Farnam St. U-570 21 WANTED, 1 good all around butcher, Rood wages Address 11. M, Wcstphalen At lantic, la IJ MGSI 22 3 COATMAKEIIH: permanent Jobf at Hellly's, 131 S. 11th St.. Lincoln. Nei. WANTED, clothing salesman, thoroughly experienced, for first-class retail trade; good nferrnces required: tiermunent po sition. Address Mock Uros.' Clothing Co., St. Joseph. Mo, U-M5D9 21 WANTED. 2 good brick wheelers, 2 brick pitchers.-,1 brick setter. Yankee Hill Itrlck Co., Lincoln, Neb. 11 MOM 23 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no eanvnsslng; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Hureuu, Chicago. H MC02 21 ,v WANTBD KEMAliK HEM'. WANTED.2V0 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 87C. C-6S2 0 aiHLS. all kinds work. Canadian Olllre. C-tiW WAN.TED, by or before Sept. 1. woman housekuelwr In (.mail family: pleasant nnd permanent homo 'to right part)'. Address E 3, Uco. C M331 VA"NTED, cook and second girl. 3510 Far nam St. C 337 jf&NTED, ladles who would like to learn vhajrdrvsslng, manicuring or mussngc; wo $teach the work In four weeks, donate out lit of tools utul grant diplomas; positions guaranteed. Call or write, Moler College, 1C23 Farnam st. U MI12 2J OIItL wanteX! for general housework. 2210JJ Farnam St. C J22-20' WANTED, n housemaid. Apply SC'.M Fnr- COMPETENT girl wanted; 2 In family. 123 S. 30th. C-583 2! WANTED, ten experienced shoo stitchers, F. I. Klrkendall & Co. C-D23 20 HOOD- Klrl for, general housowork. 1021 Park avenue. C-tMD9 23' FOH IIET IIO DM US. IF YOU want o'our houses well rented piucu uieiii wnn uenawu & y. v-esi TO MOVE right, ifef Omaha Vun Storage Co., olllce 1MA Furnum, or tel. 15&3-KU3. D-35 HOUSES, stores. Uemla, J'axton block. S D-S7 SEE HENIIY H. PAYNE, CO! N. Y. LIFE, 0 D-tiVS HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. D U9 HOUSES and Hutu. Wngwult, Uarkcr blk D-CW HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Drown block D-431 b-HOOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jackson. Ttiluphouu A, Truynor, 4'Ji or L-2683. D CM 21 S. 20TII AVE., S-room house, ALL MODEltN, In good .condition; rent, $.'5; notu how closu lu this house Is to bu mod ern at llub price; It Is a bargain; want only Al tenant, Willi ruicreiices. OMAHA LOAN AND TltUST CO., ltsth unit Douglua Sta. D-M792 10-KOOM, oust front, brick houke, 312 N. 22 1 st,, near Davenport. Inquire ut No. 301 D-M2,i FOH HUNT, housu and burn, all modern, 2137 South 33d st. Apply Wi Mnrchants Nutlunal Dank Uldg. D-30U 7-HOOM Hut, bl7 South 16th. Clurk I'owell 3U New York Life. D-001 ' nitV duslrublo Hat in nood renutr. woll located. M. J. KcimmCl & Sou, 31u Urowu block. D-k'Jl 1707 VINTON street, storo with two tlve loom Hutu above. Tha whole building bus Just been ualnted and nanered throuxhout. Will mako a very rcasonablo rent to a good tenant, or win rem soparaiciy. THE OMAHA LOAN & THUST CO.. Ititll und Douglas Sts. D-M10 MODERN 7-room house, neur park. 1509 So, 2bth. D-179 ONE 1 & 6-room flat, modern. 1112 S. lith. HOUSES for rent In . all parts of the city llrcunan-ljvo'o Co., 309 South 13th street. D-fSO 2011 HAHNEY nn 1305 So. 32,1 at., 10 rooms cucn; sivuiii ucui, siuiui wii)uows. D-3S1 22 OEOHOE G. WALLACE, HHOWN 1ILOCK 271S Decatur, o-r., city water $tf,,u0 Jia:! Mnnle. B-r.. city water... ir. en 4i20 N. 2lth, 6-r., modem conveniences.. 15.00 2311 Kuhler, 5-r., modern conveniences.. 11.00 MS S. 33d, 9-r., modern conveniences. hot water heat 30, 1323 Capitol Ave., Hat, fi-r modern 2J.S0 u ra C-UOOM modern cor. llftt. 2401 Lenven worth, D-3M 815 FOR R15NT. E-room housn. 1st lloor. nen Hluh school, south front, city water, kewcr: also 3-room hoUbe, city water, 25th unit Hees strets. J. a. i.ovgren. w i-ux ton block. D Ml 13 21' TO LET, after September L 0-room modern nouse, witn nam. a. w. Lor. 3:11 nnu rn clflc sts, D-Mt0l CENTRAL, stear.i he.it. nil modern, seven room house; three-room cottnuo. Tlzard, I ri. Mill. U M003 S3 KOK IlKNT Fim.MSIlllH HOOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam E 69j THE THURSTON, cool, ulry rooms. E-OtJ THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1111 soutn mn. is Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2023 St. Mary's n M A23 ROOM, steam heat, bath, $8; room C, 2CJ N. 13th. b-md sio NICE rcom, gas, buth. etc. 13H Davenport, IVRGE front room nnd alcove, well fur nlilied. modern: uuitublo for two. 2013 Cnas st. E MI37 FOR teachers, large front room with al cove and deep closets, mjtir High school Doara aisr (urnisncu. -vueo. :iin m. E-57 .5 I'Ut.MMIED ROOMS A.MJ HOARD. UTOPIA. 1T21 Davenport St. F-C07 DE8IRAULE rooms. The ITatt, 212 S. 2Sth St F-700 ROOMS nnJToalu-ThTnose.lo?rr!nrney street. F-MKW 8$' dLENCnVNranslenYTi7a"lay. 1609 Doug F-G3S THE Merrlam, summer resort, 23th & Dodgo F-C93 TWO large front rooms, with board. 1000 Capitol Ave. F""M2 - DESIHAHLE rooms, llrst-class bonrd 2VI Hnrncy. F-379-:0 I'OR RENT r.NFliRNISIIHH ROOMS. DESK room space, per month, ground lloor room In Tho lieu building, facing Fnrnnm street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. It. C. 1'etcrs & f o.. Ilental Agents, Ucc Uuiiding. O 114 I'OIl HUNT STOKES AMI OFFICES. FOH KENT, storo In first-class location; rent rensonnble. Apply H. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Hec Hldg. 1265 FOH KENT, the building tormeny occu- fAiia dlnvlna n M .1 n f rt -i ntil Vt I rl Vt a U formerly tiffed n The Hog prw room. water, secretary, room 10), Ilco Ilulldlng. I U1 OR RENT., olllco with vault and part first floor or all top floor, 1414-lfi Harney St Midland Glass and Paint Co., H10 Harney St. I-ISS FOH RENT, store hulldlne. 703 S. 13th St.; electric elevntor; llrst noor. 2U.w; secono nnd third Honrs 40x0. Enquire Anheuser Dusch Hrewlng nssoclatlon. 1215 .loncs at. ACS EMS WA.VTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every Aiivril), canvassing iikitiih in i-vrr county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CENTl'ItY FAHMEIl and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE coun T tit H-vnr.lt in,t roMPI.ETK STOCIC DOC TOIL This splendid book contains l.W) Imperial octavo pages, Si"0 obleet-tcachlng engravings nnd Is the only book on ltvo stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical, money-saving use of every fanner and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. .Canvassers make easily r to $100 per month. Addrest, Century Farmer Solicitors' Hurcau, !ce Ilulldlng, Otnnha. J 187 AOENTS wanted; the Fidelity Trust nnd investment company oi cnieago ih ex clusive agent for the sale of the stock of the Chicago-Texas Oil Syndicate, one of the strongest oil companies of Toxax, nnd wants rcllnblo mule nnd female ngents; no capital required; will not Interfere with other business; no limit to what active ngents can earn. Address, giving refer ences nnd get prospectus. Fidelity Trust and Investment Co., Stock Exchange bldg.. Chicago, 111. .T-MIU9 22 STORAGE. t ACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 911 Jones, general storage ami lorwaruing. 701 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1311V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-8C3. STORAGE Household poods nnd other articles stnreri nt low rates, j. j, uerigiu & Co., 1119 Farnnm St. Tel. 353. 703 FOH SAl.K FUHMTUHK. nilinAOO Furnlturo Co.. 1110 Dodite. Tel 2020 New ana zuuunu lurniture uougut, sold, exchunged. u 701 FOR SALE, furniture at a bargain; dining room, revolving uookcbsc, loiuing oeu, etc. 812 S. 22d St. 0-&S9 21 FOH HALJ HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC LIGHT omnibus i, nil. buggies for sale at H, Frost's, Htn ana i.oavenwortn. I'aita SOME secondhand buggies, good as new, n,.t ill..... tiavtfnltiD In thfit llrtW 13.13 Jones St. Ask for O. M. Hurt. P-M161 FOR SALE, good secondhand, full, leather, extension-tup nuircy uncu,. x1. .u. Youngs, MJO'J Florence boulevard, r 326 ONE hand-mnde, top delivery wagon, 2 linrso size, for uairirace. nuKerv or gro eery use; nearly new and at n biiTgaln; ntiove is our own muKe. urummomi car rlnge Co., 18th and Harney. P-M600 27 MULES for sale. In carload lots or spans; tug siock to select irom. watworin-iin- llker Co., Union Stock yards. P-MCOu S20 FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND saio cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, -707 SAFES, standnrd malces.sold.rented, 114 S. 13 y 70s DIG lino of secondhand wheels, $3, $3, $8, $10. umnnu iiicycie lo 4utu anu cuicugo a is. TRADE your old wheel in on a now one, umuna uicycie lu, iotn anu cnicago sts Q-710 FIR timbers for house msvers, etc., 40 to las. Q-M335 CHOICE lot of milch cows for salo cheap, 8. i , uampoeii, center sc. y rai UPON receipts of price, $1 per bushel, wo win am,,, if j vAjiivcp uiiiiiiiu, Liiiu fully picked, home grown plums. Cash lUliy lllwnvu, iiuiiic 5tunn jiuiiiJi. V.11BI tho only reference taken. Theo. Wll Hams, Ilenson, Neb. Q M 153 23 HANDMADE violin, $20 and up. R. R, Clausen, waft raciuc st. simple ;oj Davenport Ut. Q M5U 22 FOR SALE, flrst-olnss upright plulio, in goon conumon, ui reasonamo puce. Ad- uress vi M, uec. y Mm 2)' $M,000 SALOON and store building; 7 living rooms oimi.iirs; grounii tmxtKi; corner Kith ami uotigias, suiter uros, y vm FOR SALE, chean. four-chnlr combination case, four chairs, pier mirror, natracK und bootblack stand. P. II. Phllblu. 1505 Farnam. 4-M594 2: PEHSO.NAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns und superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, iTcnzcr UIOCK. u 713 VIAVA. woman's way to health: rational wuoiesome nonui treatment, sis uce uuig, u ill M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only nerfect uc co.-dlon pleating plant lu the west; mull urucro Buuciteu. fciUllu :uo, Uullglus UlocK, u 11 FRENCH ACCORDION PLHATINH! mull orders solicited. Omuha Pleating Co., 1524 uuugiua. U 7W PRIVATE hosnltal for ladies before and during conllnument; babies adopted. 2303 uritui Diieei. u ilu SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for r-ni. wntto sewing .Mucnine, iwo uuug lus. tci. U 71a MME. SMITH, baths, J1S N. 15, 2d floor, R? PRIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur Ing contlnemeut; babies udopted. 2G20 liurdetto st. Mrs. uurgut. u w av OMAHA Accordion Pits Co., 1521 Douglas, u ITS DO YOU want a claim In Oklahoma? For a small fee l can locate you on goja covcrnment innu, u tv, worid-iieraiu. U-M3S7 25 NOTICE InteTidlng purchasers at tax sales of any ot tho Linton properties are hereby notllled that tho validity of such sales Will lie couiosiru m uiu nisuio courts. (Signed) A. r . Linton. WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; we repair nnd sell needles and onrts for every machine 'manufactured Phone 1CC3. Nob. Cycle Co,, It & Harney u-u an DON'T ask your dealer to sell you tho Prince of Omaha at six for a quarter, as ho cannot sell it to you. It sells for 5a niraiKiu. j. per l.OUO. vv. r, HtoecKO vigur v;o., niuticri. u os .i Mti.NEV TO l,OA.-HEAL ESTATE. FIIVaTE money. F. D. Weed, 1521 Douglas. t -i I I w AND 5U per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 1CIS. W-7J1 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George company, itwi Farnam street. W-721 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Furnum smitu fi co., ikw Farnam St. W-723 WANTED, city and farm loans: nlso bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters : Co., 1702 Fnrnnm St., Hee Hldg. V 7 LOAN'S on eastern Nobruskn and western Iowa arms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay Jloo or any multiple ; any Interest date; no delay. Hrctinuu-Love Co,, 303 H. 13th St., Omuhn, Neb. W-7M tS0,O SPECIAL fund; lonns $500 up; lowest rates, uurvin uros., 1604 Farnutn. W-U9J $500, $too, $5Cf private money to loan; 1. 2, 3 or ft years. W. L. Selby, Hoard of Trade Hldg. vv MONEY" to loun on Improved Omaha real estate, urennan-i.ove uo., wj soutn i:itn. W-723 4'4 TO i P. C. money, lleinls, Paxton lllk. ,, RIVATE money. Sherwood. P37 N. Y. L. 73U W. U. MEIKLE, 401 8. 15th St.. loans money on resiuonce property at a per cum. W-V.l JIOM1V TO LOA.-UIIATTEI,S. DO YntI NEED MONEY? We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, Horses nnu oilier cnaiicis. SALARY LOANS Without mortuago to people holding pormn- ncni positions, iou enn get tue money in ft few hours nftcr making application nnd take 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 mouths or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for pspers and we give you tho full amount In cash. There uru no lower rates than ours; our terms are the easiest; our business Is contldentlul und our motto Is "try to please," OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN Co., 119 Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1!92.) 300 S. Kith St. X-732 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., in two nnurt. tunc; niso to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments nnd low est rates in Omaha. Private Interviewing room, American Loan Co., room 312 Hrown block, cor. 10th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on lGlh St., opposite Y. M. C. A. lltdg. X-733 LAHUEST 11US1NESS In LOANS TO KAl.AItli;u l'lsurLH, mercnants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 10 olllccs lu princi pal cities. Tolm.tn, 110 Hoard of Trado Hldg. X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. live stock, etc. ijuick Bervice nnu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, K13 (top lloor) Paxton block, northeast corner lflth nnd Fafnam; entrance on ltith street. X 735 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. u. v. llecd, 319 s. u, X-736 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, Jowelry. Dun urtAin, It. 8, liarker out A. iJi WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note nt lowest rates; strictly confi dential; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303, Paxton block, 3d lloor. Reliable Credit Co. X-739 MONEY' loaned on plnln noto to snlarlcd people; business confidential; lowest rates. bl4 Paxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-791 THE MOST SATISFACTORY" PLACE to make loans on furniture, piano or salary, ROOM 314 HROWN 11I.OCK. entrance od. poslto Y. M. C. A. DIdg.. 16th St. Try It and ycu will bo sure nnd repeat the dose. A. MHVJ nitSINESS CILVMCES. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY", fine Iowa towii, doing gooa uusiness; oe'ti reason for selling; can do naa ngnt. j. it. 'Johnson, N. i. Lite. v M&33 COAL AND FEED business, best location, sooii undo, owner nns other cntcrnriso: might consider good land. J. 11. Johnson, is. v. i.ue. i-jiuji FURNITURE of 11-room flat, completely equipped witn urst-ciass lurniture, nnu location, filled with roomers only, reason able rent, furnace heat and bath, lino ponmg, bargain, j. ll. Johnson, is. y. Life. v AIDSI CIGAR, news and laundry pnekngo bus! ncss, lino location, goou truuc, low rent; it's u bargain, J, ll. Johnson, is. y. liio, V JEWELRY STOCIC in live country town. doing good miBiness; owner onugeq to discontinue; lime money win uuy it. j H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M530 jrOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest xai drug store; hardwood lloor, Matthews US IU41.11111V, euuii xuuiiiAin, uiv.i 111 u tvclv county seat. Tbyrold-Lymnh Co.. 1 too Uco Hldg. v 710 TELL ME WHAT Y'OU HAVE TO SELL. T12LL HQ WHAT YOU WAIST TO 11UV. IF I UOIVT l'TNLI YUU A JJ1SAL. YOU MAY SAY 1 NISVKK THY. J. H. JOHNSON. S41 New York IJfe Hldg. Tho Real Estate and Huslness Chance Man, solicits your uusiness. Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and Rooming Houses lor aaio or uxenange. Y-942 A VERY nttractlvo Investment is offered in the stock ot tna uoiden Jtod Ull com pany of Omaha; absolutely safe und sure to nav larcc dividends: only a limited amount for salo nt pur. Call or write for full information, unice iuii uuvenport st. v Ml&J LINDELL HOTEL, Hrst-class, good busl- ness. rurnlsnings complete: price, jz.ooo: Investigate. William Madgctt, Hastings, Neb. Y M1G0 WANTED, ladles of ability to manage nrancn olllccs. 'ftiyroid-Lymph uo Ml uco mug., umanu. y MI32 CIGAR nnd news stand, with soda fnun tain, line furniture of 3 rooms, good Inun- going to DufTalc; sell cheap. J. II. John son, B41 IS, 1. 1AIC. X iSJ.' FOR SALE, furniture of 14-room flat, com pletely cqulpiicd; Hlled with first-class roomers and boarders; gross Income per montn nw; rent, line location; steam heated; lady obliged to go east; a raro Durgniu; seeing is ucncvmg. j. 11. .ionn son, N. Y. Ufo. Y" M350 OIL and gasollno business, established 13 years; controls boo customurs; route in heart of city; team, harness and oil tangs, wagon, iiuo u-ganon cans iinu every, thine eomtilete! an excentlonnl onnor tunlty for ono with small cnpltal to get into paying uusiness quicKiy; owner ieuv Ing city; must be sold at once. J. II, jonnson, is-, x. .ite. jjj $250 HUY'S llrst-class barber shop In' ex ccllent town. If taken at once: grand on portunlly for good barber. Addrest E 9 core nec. v msm ss HARDWARE stock. $3,000: stanle goods best licatlon In city 25,0) population; an nual sales, tl5,(x; must sell on nccoun of other business; lino nrotioslllon. J. II Johnson, N. Y Life. Y-5b9 FOR RENT, only blacksmith shot) In smn town, Address E 28, Hee. Y-.M59S 2I), WELL-ESTABLISHED corner drug store 111 uiiiuini lor sine, uxtures, .il. I-. . Hee. Y M595 S20 FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. 2.600 FOR 9. room, all modern, house; best bargain In Kountzo Plnco; lino location; $l,0t.J cash, balance long time. See me quics ir you want It. J. 11, Johnson, N, i-ue. HE-M531 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, C01 N. L. LIFE HE-742 FOR stock ranches, hay lands nnd Irrigated farmn In Lincoln county, Nebraska, write to Buchanan V Patterson, real eMate ugems, isurtn i-iatte, won, HU 331 SB C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T, MORTON. 913 is. x. J.ue, uuy anu sen, inquiries invited, ivrl 104 A30 HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city; also aero property unu tarm lanus. tub u. tr, Liavia uo., itoom &u uee uuiiding. RU-741 OH SALE-HEAL ESTATE. HOl'SICS, lots, farms, ranches, loans; nlso lire insurance, tiemis, i-axion liiK. RE-711 RANCH nnd farm lauds for sale by the union j'Hciiic ruiironti company, ii. a. MrAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pa cltlc Heauquurters, Omaha, Neb. RE-74J CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrimm St. RE-74J FOR SALE. IRRIGATED LAND. Why rrnt when you can buy Irrigated land for $24 per ncre, with u perpetual water right that, utiarantees you n crop eery year? Lund within live hours' rliiu oi tlio ,...u. M...PI..,, I., ,1... ...Itl II t 11' Th I'fru 111).. nub ill ifse lands can only 00 nought of W, II. Uretn or D. it. liiuk, 105 N. Y. Llfo bldg HE-MUtt A31- TWELVE of tho llnest nnd cheapest lots in We City in Dioca jo, wiicoxs nral addition, 1 block north of Vinton St. uts taring 24th street, east front, nil on uradc $'100 ots tucing 25th clreet $5oo iw cash, balance on easy terms. ,lso homes in any part ot the city, cheap, on easy torms. can anu see w. n. ttua SELL, I2G Humgu U'dg., City. RE M 193 THE Sutohen home. In Kountze Pluce, a desirable 12-room, moiiern resilience, 21st and Etumct, hard wood linlsli, good barn, large yard, lour lots; house unusually well built and decorated, beatitltul yarn. Price, only 12,uoa owner might ton shier uart In trade. Hvron Recti Co., 2i S. llth st. RE-.M697 27 Hlty YCLES. CLEARING sale at big reduction lu prices: .Nonpareil, now is.iv; Huupiciu Special, iM.W, now UJM: Hudson, $ly.w, now $;3.0o; I'Vutherston, M. E,, w.e0, now :UOO; Fenthersum M. 2.', jlO.w, now J3j.oo; Andrue, 4o.0O, now ?JJ.U0; ituguy lloadstef, 10.w, now $32.ju; Rugby Racer. Mi.w, now i'Jo.w. Secondhund wnecis trom $u. up. Tires, $1.50 und up. lieudquurters tor re nuirliiK and sundries. LOUIS FLESCHElt, 1622 CAPITOL AVE. 114 24 OSTEOPATH V, JOHNSON Institute, 315 N. X. L. Ulilg. Tel. luoi, ncu joiiusun, a. kj., lames uept.; Uia E. Johnson, Osicopathlst, Mm: 743 DONOllUE, Osteopath, Paxton Ulk. Tel. 1307 -71'J A. T. HUNT, D. O., 3o3 Karbach Ulk. Tel,25o2 (A) MRS. JOHN R. MU81CK. D. O., osteo- painiu puysiciun, iuugius uiock. o'JJ SIIOHTIIA.M) AMI TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. i os UOY'LES' College, court reporter principal, Hee Hldg. 750 NEH. Huslness & Shorthand College, Hoyd s Theater. Too GREGG Shorthand. Om, C. Col., 10 & Doug. 7U1 LOST. LOST, August 19, between the hours of 3 und 4 p. 111.. either on I'lurence boulevard between Grand und Ames Aves. or In South Omuha street car or at transfer Dodge and llth, 11 lady's gold watch, en graved on tho otitsldo letter "N," on the Inside "Nvlslu J. Morrison," Finder will bo suitably rewarded uv returning sumo to Collins & Morrison. 120i Farnam St. Lost 5fi(! 21 SCOTCH collie dog (shepherd), light tan, snaggy coat, wnite ureusi nncl paws; name Hruce: tag 1.745. Howard for re turm 3013 Chicago. Lost MtiOl 22 MCICEI, PLATING. STOVES,. lamps, etc., replatcd. Omaha i-iating uo., uee mag. Tel. aa MSit FUHMTUHE HIOPAIHl.Mi. TEL. 1331. ?.I. 'S, WalUiu, 2111 Cuming St. -1 67 CAKI'EOTEUS AMI JOINERS. ALL kinds of carnenter.work nnd rennlrlne promptly nttenucu to. j. t. ucnutrce, 20th unu Jjuki' ats. s,u I1ETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. P. MOSTYN, 517 Knrbach Block, umnnu, iscd. itcuume operations; busi ness conlldentlul. 570 S1S IIOII.IIH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tnnks, siacKs, etc. tci, jow. j;ui anu izurd sts. -753 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; phlrts, 7o; collars, 2c; suffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 617. FISHING AND PLEASURE HESOHT. IF YOU want good bass and cronnv flshlns go to ianguon, xuo. very nest 01 notei accommodations. Plenty of boats ami minnows, write it. A. Ulttmar for rates ;i2 PATENTS. WILL HUY any good Invention or patent. Auuress lock uox iw, ues amines, in. -74I1 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS, vitrified brick. "Drop mo n unc. ueo. it, iTauaaii, uivi is. .uin hi. 531 20' ' FAWNIIHOICEHS. EAGLE Iinr. Olllco. reliable, nccommodnt ing; ull huslness confidential. 1301 Douglas. 751 STAMMERING ANII STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Hide. 755 WANTED TO IIOHHOW. WANTED, tc borrow $1,000 Iiohht money at 7 per cent on good rental property In South Omaha, 2 to C years. Address E 7, uee, 3oi l'o POST!) F F I C E N OT1 C 1 J. (Should bo rend DAILY by ull interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 24. 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY In ull cases) at tho general postolllce as follows: Parcels, post mulls close one hour ourller than clos ing tfmo Jhown below. Parcels post malls ior (ii'rmiiuy ciosu ui u p. in. .Mouuay unu wen lies (jay. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign nrancn nan nour inter tium clos Ing time shown below. TrniiMiitlnntlu .Hulls, WEDNESDAY'-At ti a. 111. for EURO!' IMC s.3 per s. s. uceunic via ijueenstnwn; at 11 til (uniii.liimnnliirv 111 i .11 I , 1.. (fcivtn.n..j ... in., i f, ROPE, per s. s. tfeolnnd via Cherbout :u- irg b nuiiiiiitmiiion ami .uiwerp mum must iflrrrtn.l ,,n.i a. a ypolnnil"! Til IMItlniV- A .irt n iti f.i' i.Mfnmi M'" per s. h, uoiumiu i via I'lymotith, Ch bourg and Hamburg (mall for Frani must bo directed "per s. s. Columbia ' at 7 a, m. for FRANCE, per s. s. La (la rognL via jiuvre tniau ior otner pntts Europe must bo directed "per s. s rillu.niini,"l' at llVflO fl ni I n t 1 i.i.ewutiiii' i " v ... ,,,, iu, 11,11.1 , per s. s. lyimlmrdla via Naples, (mall must 1 . , .11 ... I .. T . , ... V, .. 1 1 . , , , 1llirv.ltil l'i.i P. r. .'llllilll lull , a,lTl'IMlAVAI 7:30 it. in. f,... Ml-Tlil. II LANDS direct, per h, s, Mansdiim ima II Ill UN I UU IIIIL'UlfU P. P. .YIIUlHimill n Q1f m m (uiinnlniYinntnrv lit n 1: for KTHOPK, por h. 8. Jucunta via Quoeit lUWIi; rtl J.ov l. III. ,111 VlJllu,SU reel, ner s. S. Ftirnessla (mnll mnut ill be dlrecttd "per s. s. Fiirnesrla"); ut 11 a. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Hekli (mall must bo directed "per s. s, Heklu") PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamor takes I'rinted aiaiter, commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only, Tho same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe wiU not be sent by this shin unless specially directed by It. After the closing of tho Supplementary PO.HTOFI'ICE NO I ICE. Trans-Atlintlr Malls named aboe addi tional suppu mrntiiry nmlls are 1 pen" 1 ! the piers of the Atncrleun, English. French nnd German steamers and rem.Un open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. JlnlN for South nnil Central America, West Indies, Eto, WEDNES DAY"-At ?:3 :t. m. for INAGt'A and HAITI, per s. s. Mt. Vern .11. nt 10 a. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per . s Silvia; nt 12 m for (THA, YtTA TAN. CAMPECHE, TA HAt'CO nnd (.111 APAS, per s. s. Havana (mull for other parts of Mexico must be directed ' per s s. llnvnnu"). THfHSDAY-At C:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Hub on. FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s s Yuc.ttan via Tnmlilco tmall must b, . I- reeled "per s. s. Yucttun"); nt I p m for ARGENTINE REl'irilLIC. I'll . OFAY nnd PARAGUAY, per s A n blstnn ut 11 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND tier p. s. Comm. from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 9 n. nt. (suppiementa y 9.30 it in.) ror ruHiu ltu ii (via sun Juan) CfltACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. M'tritcalbo (mall for Havnn.li'i n id Curlhanenu must be dliectcd "per s s Muruculbo"); at 9:30 a. in, (.supplementary 10:30 u m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VAN ILEA nnd CARTHA GENA, icr s. s. Athos (mull for Costa Rita must be directed "per s, s. Athos"), at 9.30 a. m. (supplementary lo:3o a. 111. 1 for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Alps, nt 10 u. m. for CUHA, per s. s. Mexico via Havana; at 12;30 p, m. for MATAN.AS, CAI1IARIEN, NTEV1TAS, OlllARA and HARACOA, p. r s, s. Curltyba (ordinal y mull only, which muit be directed "per s, s. Cuiltybn"); nt 1 p. in. (supplementary 1:30 ii. in,) for HER JH'DA, iier s. b. Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North aydiiey, and tneiicu ny steamer, closo at this olllco dally nt 0:30 p. in. (counecllng close lure every Monday. Wednesday una Saturday). Mulls for MlqUelon, by rail to Huston, in ail thclice by steamer, close ut this olllce daily at 0:;W p, in. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa :."iu., nnd thence by steamer, closo ut this olllco dally at 0 a. in. (the connecting closes are on Monde., Wednesday und Satur day). Mt'll for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed fur dispatch by steamer, close al this olllce dully ut 1:30 p. in. und 11 p. m. Malts (or Costa Rica, llellzc, Puerto Cottc2 anil Guatemala, by mil to New Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close nt this olHce dally nt 1.30 p. in. (connecting closes here Mondays for lloll.f, Puerto Cortea and Gunti'inaln und Tui'sifav for Costa Rica) 'Regis tered mull closes ut ti p. m. previous day Trnni-Piielllt! .tlnllN, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, Willi ll goes via juriqn:, nun isew v.caiand, which goes via San Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dully ut 6:30 ii, m. up to August "H, Inclusive, tor dispatch pur . s. Wurrlmoo (supple mentuiy malls, via Seattle and Victoria), closo at C.30 p. in. August "IS (mall must hr directed "via Vancouver"!. Mulls for China nnd Japan, via Tacoma, Close noru uauy in ;. ii. in. up to Au gust Mb, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. (jlvmnlu. Malls lor Hawaii. Chlnn nnd Japan and J'hiilppines, Ma aau erancisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. in. up to August :s, in elusive, for dlsnatch tier s. s. Gaelic. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here uauy at u:ao p, m. up to August "2U, Inclusive, for dlsnatch per s. s. MnrlDnsii. Mnls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Philip pine isinniis, via nan rrnncisco, close hero dally at (1:30 n. m. up to August "SO, in elusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Marti Mails for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, close nere tinny ui tiwo p. m. up to Sep tember 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver' ). Mull, except metchundlso which cannot be forwarded via Cunndn, for tho U. S. Postnl Agent at Shanghai, closes at 0:30 p.m. previous day. r Malls for Australia (except West Australia. which is rorwuraed via liurope), now Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 0:30 p, m, ufter August 'MS and up to September 7, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Um hrln, duq nt New York September 7, for dispatch per s. s. Ventura. Trnns-Puclllc rnnlln are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is nrranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at U p. m. previ ous dur. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. postrna-trr PostolTlce, New Y'ork, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1901. LEGAL NOTICES. ADMIRALTY SEIZURE - STEAMBOAT "JACUU RICHTMAN. CITATION. United Stntcs of America, District of Nc- nrasica, us.: Whereas. A libel has been Hied in the dis trict court ot tho United States for the dis trict ot Nebraska, on the 30th dny of July. 1901, by Caleb Haley us Ubellant In a cause of tort, civil nnd maritime, against the steamboat "Jacob Hlchtmun," her nppnrul. tackle and rurniture, and praying the usual process and monition of the court that all persons Interested In snld steamboat, her tackle, nppnrel, mnchlnery nnd furniture, may bo cited to appcur and answer tho pre mises, and nil duo proceedings being had, that said steamboat may be decreed to bo sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to law. Therorore, in pursuance or said monition under tho soul of snld court, to mo dltected und delivered on the 31st day of July. 1901. 1 do hereby give notlco generally unto all persons having or pretending to havo any right, title or Interest In snld steumbnut, called tho "Jacob Hlchtmun," her tucltlo, apparel, machinery nnd furniture, to ap pear before tho snld court In tho city of umana. in sniu district, on tne .u o.iy ot September, 1901, next (ir It he a court nay, nr nine on next court dav thereafter), at 10 o'clock forenoon of snld day, then and there to unawer the snld libel, and to mako known their allegations In that bchnlf. Dated ut Omaha in said district this 7th day of August, A. D. 1901. T. 1,. AW 1 ll .I, United States Marshal for tho District of Is'ebrasKa. aucmjui (() VEHNI ENT NOTICE, OFFICE CONSTRUCTING Ol'ARTER master. Fort Leavenworth, Knnsus. Au gust -u, lyjl. I -ii iiii,iintiin, 111 iiii'iiu,..-. will be received here until 11 11. m., contrul time, .Iondny, September 9. 1901, for con structing an addition to and nlternttons In l...H,.nr 1.1.11, ll.,.- lt.nl,, .lit,. f IIII' (HVIIIIJ miiii.ti iriintiiiih, ,,ii..w,,,Pt plumbing and steam hentlug. at this pust. Ridden will stuto In their bid tho time In ...I.I. 1. ,l..i. ...lit ..i...1a... Il, tl',,.1. ..u .Ittln Willi II IIIVJ till! 1 'Iiij'ii'iu lilt' mnn, i.n iiittv will form an Important factor In tho iiwurd. luforniatlon furnished 011 application here. U. S. reserves rlcht to nccent or reject nny or nil proposals or any part thereof. En velopes to be Indorsed "PnuinBuls for uddl tlmiH und ulteratloiiH to i'ubllc Hiilldlugs," uildressed D. E. McCarthy, Q. M, 'a .11 ti r.T CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omnha, Neb., Aug. 20, 1901. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate. Htiblcct to the usual conditions, will be received hero until 10 o'clock a. m., September 4, Idol and then opened. In tho presence of attending bld dirs. for twentv-elsht (28) artillery horses; for delivery at Fort Riley, Kun.. or promi nent railroad points. I'. S. reserves right to reject unv or ull proposals, or uny part thereof. Illunk forms for bidding and cir cular giving full Information and require ments: v be furnished on it mil lea t Ion to this olllce. Envelopes containing proposals should Do marked "Proposals for Horses, ' and addressed to JOHN W. PULLMAN. Chief Q M Aug.21-22-23--Hept.3 RAILWAY TI.MU Clllli, ILLINOIS CENTRAL Ruiiroml City Tlckut Ol llce, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy Streets. Leuve, Arrive, Chitohu express a urn u .;w pm Chlcugo Limited. ....... .-a i.4j pin u t.Vj 4,,, M.wiu.i.iolis c x-aut Express ,;W u 9i4 Pm MiiiiK-aponi; Ac St. Paul Limited u 1:15pm n S:0J am Fort DmUe Local from Council illuffs b 4;u0 pm n 8:15 am Fort uudgu Locul from Council liluffs it COO am a Dully, b Daily except Sunuuy. Leave. Arrive St. louls Cannon liall Express a 6:15 pm u 8:20 lira Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7.0) am a 0:00 pra u Dully. OMAHA ie ST. LOUIS HAIL road Omaha. Kansas (,'ty St. Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Routo"-Tickot Of- ittlftAV' nee, mo rurnum at. Tele. ItJK phone. 322, Depot. Tenth und Murcy Sts. Telephoin. lephoin., 029. Leave. Arrive Bl. l.OlllH I..UI1IIWI. Express .....a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a ;oo pm a Dally. - .... x-. tr! H.ULW.W 'I l1 1: ( A HI). CHICAGO & NORTH- stem Railway "The Northwestern Lino ' City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 1'. u nam St. Telephone, 661, Depot, Tenth and Murcy Streets, Tela phone, c-y. Daylight Chicago Spe- ,,5 al . ,...,a 7:00 nin Chltago Pnss-iiitJt u 1.15 pin Arrive. nll:30 pm a s;4i) a m t.aeiern j.xpress, Ucs Moines, Murshaiitown, Cedar Huplds utid Chicago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special. Chi cago and .cast a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm nisi .Man. ciiicngo to Om..ha Omahu-Chlcago L'1'd...u 7:15 pm l ust Mall Ctdur rapids I'asjiiur. u Dally. a 2:45 pm a b.W uiu u 3;M um a 5:jo pm FREMCrsT, ELKHORN .t Missouri Volley umirouu "The Northwestern Line" General unices, United States .Naliunai Dank Ilulldlng, 3. W. Corner Twelfth and Fur num sis. Ticket Office, 1101 Furnum St. leietihoi.n. mi Dpiuii. lbtli und W ouster tots. J lephollc. 1L&. Leave. Arrive. Hiack lil'.ts, Deudwood, . . Hot Springs u 3:00 pm n 6:00 pm yomhig, Casper una 1)iiiii.iii. .1 I'lil tun a 5:00 UIU Hustings. York!' David city, tfupeiloi, G-miuvu, Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norlojk, vciuiru una Frvniont u 7:3o um bl0:23 am Lincoln, jt.'jo & Fro- inoni t 7.30 am mu:: uni Fremont Lucal t 7,30 am s Dan, b Dully excop'. Sunday, c Sun day only d Dally vLticpt Saturday. Daily except JluliUuy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & uinun.i Halluay "Tho North western Line" (leneml Olllccs. Ncbrusku Divi sion, Uth and Webster Sts. City llckot OIllLe, 1401 Furiism bt. Telephone, 5bl. Dcjiot, lot H und Webster Sis. Telephone, 14j). Leave. Airlve. Twin city Passenger... .u C:oo um a a.iu pm Bloux City PussetiKor...a 2:Ij inn ull.lo um Emerson Locul b 0:3o pm b ;ju am u Dally SIOUX CITY .V PACIFIC Rallrnud "Tho North western Line" General Ulllces, United Slut en National Hunk Uuiiding, a. W. Coiner Twelttn ...1 l.tt rtiti til SIM 'I'li.Lt.i ulllce, nul Farnam St. Telephone, 501. De pot, Tvlilli and Ma icy Sts. 'Iclcplicic, t.9 f ...I Vn A r-li-., Twin City Express a 6:jj uiu alu:.'5 pm Twin City Limited a 7:5j pin u &.U aiu Hlotix city i,uca. a a.w uiu u u.w pm u Lully. HL'RLINGTON A Mis souri River K.tllruud "'Ihe Huililiyton Huute Geuerul utitces, North wist Corner Tenth and Fuiuuni Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1502 Furnum atuet. Ti.iviiiu.iiu -m. lfurlliigton Station, Tenth und Majon Sticets. Teleiuione 12J. Lrf.'UYv.. Arrive. Lincoln. HustlngB und McCoon. a s:40 um a 7;3j pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rudo, Utuh, Cuiitornla.a i:2j pm n 3:ou pm Alllancu Expiess u inn a 3.uo pin Lincoln & Ulack Hills. .a 9:oo jim u G:15 um Moiituiut, Pugei Sound.. a 9:oo pm u 0:15 um Lincoln Fust Mull b JilAl ivii u 9;li um Wymote, Ucalrlco und Llncohi a V. 10 am bll:5j am Denv'T, Colorado, Utan and LMilforma a C:I5 am Fort Crook, So. llend, Louisville. 1'lattsm tu.h 3:20 pm b 11:05 um tlll,ii'iin l.-Hj'i.n?tlh A Paclllu'junctlun a 7:40 pm u S:20 um Ucllevue. i'.uttsmoutli a Pacific Junction a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunaay. KANSAS CITY. ST. .m Mi.i.li Ar (Tmittrll iilnrr Railroad "Tim Uurllugiou ltoute" Ticket Olllce, ItoJ Furnum Sticut. Tvlephouo 250. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele phono 12S. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a vvai um a 0:05 pm Knnsas City Night Ex..alo:30 pm a C:1j am Dl. mull row.. Joseph and SL LouU.a s:10 pm nlltlo am u uauy. CUII.AUU, a.uiwl,i-ivji ivn a: rliiltifiif 1 ( ii 1 1 t-fi; ,1 ..'Cli.i Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Furnum Sticot. Telephone 2o0. Depot, Tcuui and aiubon Streets. Telepholiu 12-i. 1...fi.'.i A r.l.. jjuyugiu v-ii.i.u Djio- clal a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago VcEllbulea Ex. a 4:oi) pm a 7:43 am Chicago Locul Express. a 9:30 um u 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:00 pm u 7:45 am Fust Mull a 2:15 pm a. Dally. CH1CAQO. ROCK isl and Ac Paciilc Railroad "Iho Grcut Hof.k jniunii JIUUIU Ctl Ticket Office. 1.12.1 in V.a'n Street. Telephone, "-ut(Jt' Tu,"h am! l)lione, Gy. c EA&1. V- Arr,VC" PlilAnnn rio, .11.-1., C .fl ... ... v-iiiv.,if iujiihiii t,.u... u.w um a ;ny iiin ljes Mi dues una Daven port icnl a 7:25 am u 9:.v, nm Chicago Exjircss bll.lSurn bn r.0nni Des Alclnes Local a 4:.'0pni bll:5'Jn x-l.,i.utaw . ia.i i , v na ti V.W 1,111 Den Mollies, ito-jlt lsU und und Chicago a 7:40 nm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltm...a 2.0Jum Lincoln, culor-iuo Spgs., Denver, Pueblo und a S:l0nm a j.5j nm W est a 1:30 pm a 4:15 Colorado. Oklahoma & 1 ,J pm UNION PACIFIC-THE OVEIU land Houtu"-Gcneral Ofllces N. E. Cor. Ninth and l"irnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllce Vrl Furnam Street. Telephone 3UL Depot. Tenth and Murcy st- leiupiiune, U9, . . Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland i;imuea..a wu am a 7:ao nm Thu Clilcago-I'ortlanii n.!n. V.An"'---'" SIS ?"? 1?? Pm Tho Mull und iSxprusa ,aIl;J5 , a 4..,fi Tho Colo.-udo :Lciai ..hU:33 u u:Eo Lm l it.t llaiitrlrn utul v Stromsburg. Express.. b 4:03 pm bii:30 nm "ha Puclllc Express.... u 4:25 p.n "" JU I,m ,'ho Atiamiu Ers.r.iss. .. am.- imr.,1 iKini.i Lnnii 1. ci " am T T Grand Uland Local b 5:30 pm b 9 33 !t.L u Daily, b Dally except fcumiuy. J""J"' um CH 1 1 ' A G f MlLWAlAcHF A St. Paul Itallway-Cltv Ticket Offlco, 1D04 Fjrtmm klt',,,11 , I l?'ST.PAVl . ..v.i.., . I.-IVIIIIIJI1I. 'M Dopot, 'Ieulli and Miihoi'i Streets. Telephone. V.'a " Leave. Arrive Chlcnuii & Omnlia Ex..b 7:15 am 1) 3 40 nm cnicago Limiicu r. an u Dully, b Dally except ounuay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. ro.in-uonorul Olllccs and Ticket unices, Southtus Corner llth und Duugiu 01s. jeicpnono, 101. Dupoi v-iuuu aiuiiun, Leave. Arrive. fit. I.i.uIm nnd Kansus City Express a 10.00 am a C;25 pm K. C, St. L express.. u iuijj pin u u.u u Leave from 15th. Webster Btrcctst NelirusKa i.oeal. Wfcplug ater b 4:10 Jim nlO:IS am 11 Dan.. . duiiv except sunuuy WAR ASH RAILROAD Tkkct Olllce. 1115 Furnum rstreot. Telephone, 322. De put. Tenth and lMurcy Sts Telephone, i-j. Leave. Arrive ct. t .i..i iirt.ittnnn Hall" Fvnrcs '"".V... a 5:15 pm n 8:20 am "Direct" Hoiifc to "timsBurr r.xliltiltlon ANCHOR LINE trniushlpa fr.iia Sevr Y'ork Wcelily for (il.AStiOW VIA LONDONDERRY, Ealoon. 150 und up, Second Cabin, S32.C0 and up. Third class, iii unu upwarus, For Illustrated folder and further Informa tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Furnam St.. GEO, E. AUUOTT. 1J74 Farnam St.. Om.iha. RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE KESULTS. cyfflG)ffic)ffi'Sll)2'j0 59 1 f2jT7rrsr-. SL0UP IN HIS OWN DEFENSE Another ( hnnlrr In llir ( intriiverr Oer Sitiirrlittrndenry nt Stntr llnleliery. OMAHA, Aug. 10,-To tho Kdllorof Thn Hee: In tho Issue of The lice of Attetist 1G Iherc appeared an article headed "Hr palrlng Sloiip's Uniuage." This article doe.i mo nn Injustlco, ns I nm accused of being responsible for a stato uf affairs for which nm not to blnnie, nnd which existed long before I becntno the Incumbent of the offlcs of superintendent of tho fish hntcherlrs. I :now the nnimiis which prompted tho writer to pen the Article mentioned, and that Is to boost O'Hrlen'a waning reputation. for they see tho linmtu riling 011 tho wall nnd In order to rrente n favorable Impres sion In the minds of the public In regard 0 O Ilrlen. this and aevernl other articles have been published. 1 care nothing nbotit he controversy brou.qht nbotit by O'llrlen's appointment. It is none of my business ami politically I rather like tho Idea of having a democrat appointed by n re publican governor, ns I ntn n democrat my srlf, but when they attempt to repair his reputation nt the expense of mine; wnca they try to make me the scapegoat for n. condition of nffalrs caused by O'Hrlen's nog- ect nnd Incompetency, I feel called upon, In Justice to myself, to register a vigorous protest. In the first place let me say that I wits not appointed by Governor Poynter. hut by tho flsh rommlssi'iii'T', nnd they hart the solo right to appoint or to remove n man from Hint position under the old lnw. My name was chosen from among Beveral placed beforo thcni. This occurred after the In vestigation of O'Hrlen's ofllclul conduct held on July ti, where he handed In his resignation. Tho nrllcle stated thnt I have been a saloon keeper. What of that? So has O'llrlen! Hut I have always con- luctcd my business In n decent and orderly manner, have never yet been lined for oiling liquors to minors. As to tho number of fish on hand, let mi say Hint the total was greater when I left than ut tho tlmo when 1 entered upon the discharge of my duties, with the exception of about fifty trout breeders, which died nt tho Statu fair, nt Lincoln, in consequence of being plnccd In newly painted nqunrltlins against my Instruction. It Is truo I have delivered fry to one of the flsh commissioners, so has O'llrlen. They were there for the purposn of being distributed, and a flsh commis sioner hnd ns much right to apply for and receive fry ns nny other Individual, nnd nil were served ns long as the supply lasted, hut 1 wiib never nccuscd of selling flshca and pocketing the proceeds. O'llrlen hud a large appropriation for repnlro, etc., but no repairs wore mnilp, and Btlll tho nionoy Is gone. Whom dirt It go to? When I entered upon the discharge ot my duties, on August 1. ISM, there only remained nbout $2,000 out of nn appropria tion of $1,500. Tho balnnce had been used up for some purpose in tho preceding five to six months, but no repairs were mailt'. Out of what was left I construclert sev eral stone wnlltfi. separating the different trout ponds nnd which were on tho point of falling down. We also built sidewalks around tho different buildings nnd other repairs of n minor nature. In addition to this alt necessary labor, flsh and team food, bridge toll, telephone chnrges, ac quiring nnd distributing llshrs nnd other running expenses had to he pain) out of this fund nnd every dollnr is accounted for nnd there was nn rnkenff either. I found tho hntiso in a dilapidated condition. It needed painting badly to make It (It to live n. . There was no money for that purpose. p'o ivc painted it ourselves, ns well as thn interior of the hatching house The cellar wiib full of water; we dried It out nnd put down n grr.vel bottom. Altogether tho plnco looked 100 per cent better when I left tlmti wheu I went in and I did ns much ns any man could have dona with the small amount available. If they would reverse the, hcudlng of Iho artlclo nnd call It "no pairing O'Urlcu's Damage" it would bo mora correct nnd to the point, for tho nhoo fits better on the other foot. I nm ac cused of Ignorance in matters pertaining to flsh culture. Mention Is mado of ob noxious weeds being allowed to grow In thn ponds. Tho wrltor of tho nrtlrle does not seem to lie posted nbout flsh culturo or he would know that nquatlo plunts nro often plnccd In ponds to afford simile and hiding places us well ns nourishment for some llhhes. Furthermore, thero was tho assistant superintendent, Mr. C. U. Strclght under whoso supervision this part of the huslness was conducted precisely in the prime manner ns he had been doing under O'llrlen. I do not claim to bo nn Ichthyologist, neither Is O'llrlen, and although he proba bly understood the little practical details better than 1 did whon I first entered upon tho duties of tho olllce, I claim to huvn as much scientific knowledge about tho subject of flsh culture ns he has, lu conclusion let mo say thnt I rare not how much thoy may booBt O'llrlen and I would not ha'fV' said anything If they hadn't dragged In my nnrne, hut I wnnt to tell them that If they persist lu dolug so I will get back nt them In langungo considerably morn forcible and pointed than I am using on tho present occasion, Trusting that you will give this Bpnco In your columns, I remain yours respectfully. ADAM J. SLOUP. DRINK MO HE IIEEH THAN EVER. Four il"i-Gro Iiik Stntea tinnliln If Kmuily I li- llrniniiil. "Do you know that the people are drink ing mOro beer now than ever before?" said G. F. LIvcsloy of Salem, Ore., to ii Mil waukee Sentlnnl mnn. Mr. Llveslcy is ono of the most extcnBlvo rnlsers of hops la the United Stales. Ho has hop farms scat tered ull over the Btatn of Oregon, and Is on his way homo rum Now Y'ork, whero he' Iibb boon looking nftcr tho market. "Unless tbo acreage for hops Is materially Increased wo shall not ho nblo to meat tho demand," he continued. "When I was lu New York last week they shipped a, lot of hops Unit wnro grown In 1801 to Eng land. Tho stock Is nil cleaned up bu tho Pacific slope, and there Is but n limited supply lu New York. You may not rcallio It. hut It 1b a fact that there urn hut four states lu this country whoro hops nro raised. It Is truo you grow b few hero In Wisconsin, but the quantity Is so small that It rutB no figure. Orogon lends th list ns the hopgrowing ntnto, then como! New York. California and Washington. Tho climate of the seneoast seems to be better adapted to hoprnlslng limit that of thu In terior. Wo rnlso In this country nbout 300,000 bales of L'OO pounds each. Wo Im port some hops from Germany nnd export to England. This Is a peculiar feature of tho business, but you aeo some of tho olrt fnehloncd German brewers insist on using German hops. "The lncreaBo In thn beer business Is phenomenal. Wo manufactured 40,000,000 barrels of berr In this country last ynar, which Is tho best on record. I can only nccotint for thn Incronen on tho ground thnt tho habit of drinking beer Is growing upon thn people. Tho Orlentnl trade has had nothing to do with It. In tho Philip pines they hnvo gone Into thn browing business on 11 small scale, and I havo marts fcoveral shipments of hops to that country. Even tho Clilnnmnn hits taken to tho foam ing bovoragn and Is learning to brow beer. I shipped two carloads of hop to a brewery In tho Flowery Kingdom a short tlmo ago. "Wo aro receiving calls for our hops from Australia, hut wo have none on hand with which to fill the orders. I havo not boon homo since Februnry, but I havo hart reports from my agent In Orogon, who says thnt tUe growing crop Is In' good condition.'