THE OMAHA DAILY KEE; MONDAY AIT. I'ST 10, 15)01. SPECIALNOTjCES Arivrrtlsftnenta for thrati cnlnmni tt1I he ItUrn until 12 tn, lir Ihn evening edition anil nntll H HI) p, tn. fur iniirBinK unit S it ml it edition. ItMte, 1 l-3c rroril flrst Inaertlnn, lo a Trorrt therenrtT. .Volhlnic Inkrn Inr leia thnn 2rio for the first lurr tlnn. Three ailrrrtliementa mini be run consecutively. Ad vertlarri, ij requesting nnm-brri-d check, can hare amwcri ad dremed In a numbered teller In ear of The Her. Anarrcra a addreaaed will be delivered on preaeatatloa at t hack oalf. SIT V AT 1 1) A S WA XV 1511. UY SCHOOLGIRL In small, homelike fnmlly, to work for board. Address H 21, Bee A-M570 19 A LI2 1 1 r.M. '".iNTED, experienced soup salesman; re fly, statltiK age, experience, references, mlfiry expected. Address C 07. flee. d-mdi WANTED- Stark nursery pays cash weekly If you sell Stark trees. Louisiana. Mls sourl DansvUle, New York. D-M203 Sin WANTED, men who would llko to be bar bers, wc tenth the work In two month, donate outfit of tools und grant diploma, ito trade offers better Inducements, cull in write, Molor Barber College, pus Far utn st B-MIll ."J CIV'IL service government positions; !i.fV') appointments miuli last yoar; probably 1"0"V this yent; common t-chool tallica llun required 'or the examination; cata logue of Information free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington. U. C. H--M51I lie ANTED, hurnms makers ntlil Muck sad dle linrids, none but good inechunles and i.t'udy memieed apply; A-l wages. Tcn 1 u. Bros'. Saddlery Co,, Dallas, Texas. B-M l'J5 23 PRINCE OF" OMAHA clgar Our own trutiufnitire; union made; oc struUhl. F HtocckerClgnr Co. B-037 21 W NTED. good all around shoemaker, good wags and sternly work. Apply III S. (Jib 11 M.173 !!) WANTED, a boy llfteen to eighteen, with some hustle to him. nno who has read "A Message to Gnrcln and can carry one. Address, In your own handwriting. E 21. care Ilee. D-M575 ! wavied-female help, WANTKD.&J0 girls. 1521 DodKc. Tel. S76. C-teJ SO UIIIliB, all kinds work. Canadian Office! j c-uyj WANTED, by or before Sept. 1, woman Inusekeeper In small family; pleasant und permanent home, to right paity. Addiuas E 3, Hen. C-.M331 WANTED', crfok nnd second girl. MP) Far nnm Ht C 337 WANTED, Indies who would like, to learn halrdtesslng, manicuring or massage; wo teach the work In four weeks, douata lit of tools und grant diplomas; pohltlnn.i guaranteed. Call or wrlto, Molcr College, lfi23 Farnnm st. '. C Mll'.'iJ' WANTED, girl, general house work; three,' In family, no children; good wages. Mrs Hubert H. Hingwalt, WD Worthlimfm street. C .1!3I '.ij v ANTKD, girls to work Omaha Printing Co, in bindery. C-MI51 1!) Olid, wanted for general housework, 2210'', Farnam Bt. C 122 20' . WANTED, a housemaid, nam. Apply 3U2t) Far C fdB 20 i on Hi:T-iioisi:s. IF YOU want your houses well rented place, thum with lienuua ,t Co. D ODI TO .MOVE right, got Omaha Van Storage, Co., olllue lallia Farnam, or tuj. liiU-iiOJ, " D-osa HOUaES, store Uemls, l'axton block. D-0S7 HUE HENHY U. l'AYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. D-&4 HOUSES, etc F. uTwoad, 1521 Douglas" D (j'J liOUSES und Data. Hlngwult, Hurker blk. U-Oj HOUSES wunted. Wullucc, Drown block. D-Wl e-HOOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jackson, luiepnunu A, Tray nor, -191 or I.-Zosj. D-Rt3 219 H. 2aTll AVE., ji-rooni houso. ADD MuDEKN, In good comdtlou; rent, .'a; unto how lIuho in this Iioubo Is' tu bo mod ern at tins price; it is a uai'galn; waul only Al tunuiit. witli references, OMAHA LOAN ANU TtlUST CO., ' loth ana Douglas Sts. D-.M792 10-HOOM, east front, brick house, 3U!i N, 22d ut., near Davenport, inumre next door. D-.M279 Full It 10 NT, huusu und harp, all modern, 2137 Sojth 2iU st, Apply lv2 .Marchunts ttldg. DM 7-HOO.M Hat, bl7 South ltith. Clark Powell, 311 Now York Ufe. D-iDl EHY deslrablo flat In good repair, located. M. J. Kennard .v Son, a J'J J well Drown tjlucli, D-691 1707 VINTON street, storo with two llvu tuoui (lata above. Tho whoiu building luia lubt been palntud und papered thruughoat. Will mnkli a vury reubunablo tent to u guod tenant, or wilt runt separately. THE OMAHA LOAN .St Till) ST CO.. 16th and Douglas StB. D-M10 MODEHN 7-room house, near prk. 1509 Mi. i'Mlli II 1T'l D-179 CENTHAI.. uueiiualud, all modern, steam heat 7-room house.: 5-room lint; 3-room cultuge. Tltard, 221 N. 21th si. D-MbM 2u ONE i & 6-room Hat, modem. 1113 3, Dili! D HOl'SES for rent In all parts of tho city. Hrunnun-lvWe Co., 309 South lath struct. D iVM IVIMIAHNEY and 13 So, S2d St., 10 ruoms each; steum heat; storm windows, D 3S1 22 b-UOOM modern houao. 110 S, 3lst ave facing CurtUs Turner park, lnformat on, pnono i' u .ujit iu- NICE 6-room house, nil conveniences, luwn, etc Will Drown, Jr., 721 S. 37th. D-toi-a-if Til S. 20T1I. corner St. Mary's Ave. S toom modern, detached $33.00 ?J00 Farnam, 9 rooms, modern 37.50 4117 I'jinain. s rooms, modern, de- detached, barn, shade 30.00 SSiU St. Mary's Ave.. 9 rooms, modern. oak finish 30.00 CCIO Dodge, 9 rooms, modern 22.00 L05 S. 33d St . & rooms, cottage, city water 12.W) S313 Dcwoy Ave., R rooms, cottage, city wutcr 10.00 OAHV1N IIHUS. 10l FAHNAM ST.. COMMEHCIAI, NAT' I. HANK HLDG. D-3S3 19 aEOUOE O. WAt.DACE. HHOWN Ul.OCK 271S Decatur, S-r.. city wuter Jlf..00 2223 Maple. 5-r.. city water 15.00 4i20 N. 21th, 6-r.. modern conveniences.. 15. CO 2314 8ahlor, 5-r., modern conveniences., n.oo bis S. 33d. 9-r.. modern conveniences. IIUI ntuii .. aAit'J 322 Capitol Ave., flat, 0-r., modern... . 22. W D-125 ElOHT-HOOM strictly modern brick house, 2Mb and Popplc-ton Avo.. JlO. D 123 19 S-HOOM modern cor. worth flat. S101 I.eaven' d-3;hi an FIVK-HOOM cottage; gas. water, lawn; Mini- arhnnl and two cur lines: lino neigh borhood. J13. Sweet .V- Hendlev, 013 Now York Life Tel u?2. u 4ai-ia- THE OMAHA HKAI.TY CO., 131 DOl'GLAH, U'PSTAIHS. Center st., $U. 8 rooms, .7 Franklin St., 15. 5 roonu; alto barn. ; 'Ii st. and poppleion ave., J3J, s rcoms, it em, 19 Hurt fct . $23, 8 rooms, modrrn, t N, 27th ave,, $50, 16 room. d-mw ;i) nut itnvr hoises. SIXHOOM house. 6H Pierce St. Apply c has D. Illrkett, Room .IS, Unrker BloeK. D-Min-lP 721 fl. 37TH Nice fi-room house; nil eon Vi nlenees, la-n, etc. Will Jlrown, Jr. D 101-3-16' roll HUNT, S-room house. 1st floor, nenr filch school south front, city water, sewer; ulso 3-room house, city water, 24th and flees strets. J A. Lovgren. 421 Pax ton block. D-M413 21' TO I.KT, nfter September 1. 9-room modern hnuse, wills bnrn. H. W. Cor. 32L and Pa cific sts. D-Mlos FOR llE.vr-rtll.MSIIHIl ROOMS. DEWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnnm E om THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-fiM THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1111 South 11th. E 513 Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2C23 St. Mary's. E-150 A22 HOOM. steam heat, bath, $S; room ICG, N nth. K-M2I0 Slu NICK room, gas, bath, etc. 1311 Davenp rt. i:-5"vS S13 HANDSOMISI.Y furnished rooms In Dav Idge block, lint 6. K-MHl-W' l,AUCri: front room and alcove, well fur nished, modern; suitable for two. 2i13 Cuss nt. 12 MI37 Tillll'JK splendidly furnished rooms, with all the modern conveniences, s.nslc "r ensulte. Also largu barn fnr tent. No. m South 2Gth uve. i:-MH3:0' l lt.MSIini) IMKl.MS ANU IIOAII1). UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-007 DKSIIIAULD rooms. The Pratt. 212 S. 25th St. F-TuO HOO.MS anilVoardi" Tho llos'c, 2020 Harney . street. K-.M9W OLKNCAIllN, transient $1. day. ICuO i Doug K-RIS THE Mcrrlam, summer rrsort, & Dodgo F-iVJ TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol Ave. '''"'V?17 LARGE room, nlcove, newly furnished. 31D Burt St. V-Z9 DESIHAHI.E rooms, first-Class board. 2V4 Harney. F-379-'.0 NICELY furnished room, with board. 2023 Hurt st. ! ow is rou iti:T-c.M'ritMsiii'.n houms. DESK room space, $S per mouth, ground Iloor room in rue lieo nuiiiung. laenm Farnam street; no cxpunsu for light, heat or Janitor service. Ii. C. Peters .t Co., Hental Agents, Hco Hulldlng. O ll'J HOO.MS sultnblo for light housekeeping in witlinrii bldg.. loth and iiaruey, aru In Pusey blk S. 16th. O-MIIO 20 rou imT sroiu:s a.mj offices. FOll HUNT, storo In first-class location; vent reuuonnme. Apply it. i.. rciers Co., ground lloor, llee Hldg. I 25 FOH RENT, the building tormeriy occu pied uy The uee at yiii Mirnnm i. u nus four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Uee press room. This will bD rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Hosc water, secretary, room 100, Hco Hulldlng. 1201 FOR RENT, otllco with vault nnd part first noor or an top poor, un-iu uarney hi. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Harney Bt. I I3S FOn RENT, storo building. 703 S. 13th St.: electric elevator; first floor, suxw; reconu und third floors, 10x90. Enquire Anheuser Uusch Hrcwlng association. 1215 Jones st. 1-351 21 AOK.VIS WANTHD. WANTED", canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for tjik TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nnd the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK- and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, 5on object-teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to tho every day, practical, money-saving usg of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse, and buggy es pecially desired. .Canvassers make easily ICO to $100 per month. Address, Century t-armor solicitors uurenu, Hco minding, Omuhu. J-4S7 AGENTS wnnted; tho Fidelity Trust nnd Investment company of Chicago Is ex clusive agent for the snlo of the stock of the Chicago-Texas Oil Syndicate, ono of the strongest oil compnnlos of Texas, nnd wunts rellnblo male and femnle agents; no capital required; will not Interfere with other busluetrs; no limit to what active agents can earn, Address, giving refer ences and get prospectus. Fidelity Trust and Investment Co., Stock Exchange bldg., Chicago, ill, J-M4U9 22 WAVUIU TO HIJXT. WANTED, 7 or S-room modern house, closo in; iiLiai nod preicrreu, nest relcremes; ,10 Addrets E 17, Ilee, Tel. 1472. C13 N. Y, Life. Htdg. K-M452 20 WANTED, comfortably furnished small house for six months by risponsd-la family of three; excellent ifcferer.cos, Taylor, with Anthony Ioan and Trust Co., 313 N. Y, Life. K-M574 20' vroiiAHi:. PACIFIC Storago and Wnrehouse Co., 912 Oil Jones, general storage and forwarding. -701 OM. Van Stor. Co., lSllli Farn. Tels. 1559.S03. 702 STOR AOE Household goods and other articles stored at low rules. J. J. Delight & Co., 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 353. -703 WAXTDIJ TO IllIY. WANTED, circular Iron stairway, second hand. 9 to 10 teet high; must be cheap. E o. Hcts N-.MI03 19' I WANT to buy Six) yards of dirt at 2th and Poppleton ave. llyron H. Hustings, 212 S. 11th 8L N-M435 J SEVERAL teams of line, large horses wanted to purchase, young und sound. Send full particulars und price. J. Curlyle. 1U5V First Ave., Seattle, Waah. N M4SS-20 FOR MALE-Fl llNlTUIli: CHICAGO Furniture Co.. Hlo Dodge. Tel. 20C0 New and 2dhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O 7m FOR SALE, furniture at n bargain, dining room, revolving bookcase, folding bed, etc. 842 S, 22d St. U-559 21 ON ACCOUNT of lenvlng the city 1 will sacrifice my high-class furniture used two months, consisting of one heavy brass bed, one hair mattress, one chiffonier and dresser, solid mahogany; one dining room table und leather chairs, one china closet, one hall tree, one Davenport pnrlor suit, also parlor nnd dining room rugs, ulso rockers and feather beds and pillows. Cull at )icv. No. 200$ Dodge St. O 400 17 FOR .SALE-HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC LIGHT omnibus nnd buggies for sulo nt II. Frost's, Hth and 1-avenworth. P-MS2S SOME secondhand buggies, good as new. nnd other bargains hi that line at 130? Jones St. Ask tor O. M. Hurt. P-M161 FOR SALE good secondhand, full leather, extension-top surrey cheap. F. M i'. a P-T.M iouugs, Mm-; Florence boulevard FOH SALE MINCE I, LAX DO 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-;07 SAFES, standard makes, sold.rented. 114 S. 13 y 7w BIO line of secondhand wheels, $37$i, $8, $l6! Omaha lilcvclt Co,, 16th and Chicago Sts, q-7w roit .i,i.MiM.i:i.i,AM:t)i r.. TRADK your old wheel In on n new one t. iha Illeycle Co., 16th nnd Chlcngo fits. W-71'J Km timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 ft., cribbing and hos fence. Doui; las (J-M3S., PKACHK9: PUACIIKS! Freestone-, uood llavor, Joe for Climax basket, 11 50 .'-bisket crate, J1.25 per bush"l. Apples priced ac cording! to itunltty. All f. ii b. ears here. All fresh. Send pay. KoreM Hill Frail Farm. Fa'l Clly, Neb. lj-5w 19 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. S. T. Campbell. U13 Center St. Q SOI LPON receipts of price. Jl per bushel, wo will ship, by express from Omaha, care fully plcktd, home crown plums. Cash the only reftteneu taken. Thro. Wll Hums, tienson. Neb. Q .MIVW 23' I'KIIJiONAI., DIl. HOY. chiropodist; corns and supertlu ons hair removed by electricity. H. 12, Frenzcr block. U 71J VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 31s Ilee lildg. U-711 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant in the west; malt orders solicited. Suite, 2t.", Douglus block. U-717 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1.2I Douglas. U 71S T'HIVATK hospital for ladies before and during confinement; bnbles adopted. :M Oram street. U 71ti SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for r.-nt. White Sewing Machine, lti.'O Doug las. Tel. 2231. U-715 MME. SMITH, baths. IIS N.Tj, 2dlloor.R 2. U-M123 S?' PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2i20 Uurdcttc St. Mrs. Ilurgot. U 17 S9 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co.. 1521 Douglas. U-71S DO YOt want a claim In Oklahoma? For a small fee I can locate you on go d rovcrnment lund. E 9, World-Herald. F-M3S7 23 NOTICE Intending purchasers nt tax sales of any ot the Linton properties are hereby notlllrd that tho validity of such sales will be contested to tho highest courts. (Signed) A. F. Linton. U-M15S- WE RENT sewing mnchlnes for 73 cents per week; we repair and sell needles and narts for esory machine manufactured. 'Phono 160;!. Neb. Cyclu Co., 15 Harney. P-M433 317 EXTRA largo Elk head for sale, cheap. Address E 19, Uee. U-M300 20 DON'T ask your dealer to sell you the Prime of Omaha at six for a quarter, as he cannot sell it to you. It sells for 5c straight. $37 per 1,0"). W. F. Stoockor Cigar Co.. makers. U MS 21 MO.MIY TO I.OA HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1521 Douglas. W-719 5 AND 5'i per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Hunk building. TellCIS. WANTED, city loans, bonds und warrants. George Company, 1001 Farnnm .rcr!j WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnnm Smith Ac Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-72S WANTED, city nnd farm loans: nlso bunds nnd wnrrants. H. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St.. Hoc llldg. W-731 LOANS on pastern Nebraskn nnd western lown farms ut 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $luo or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Hrennan-Lovo Co., Sua S. 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. W 726 $50.or) SPECIAT, fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates. Garvin Uros.. 1604 Farnam. W-995 $300. $400. $50T private money to loan; 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. W. L. Selby, Hoard of Trade Bldg. W 722 MONEY to loun on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-723 4Vi TO 5 P. C. money. Hemls, Paxton Hlk. W 72f PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W ToO W. H. MEIKLE. 101 S. 15th St.. loans money on resiucnce properly hi a per ccni. W 1:4 MO.M:V TO I.OA.V CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, horses nnd other chattels. SALARY LOANS Without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions, tou cup get tne money in a few hours after making application nnd take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It ono day longer than you keep It. We charge nothing for papers and we give you tho full amount hi ensh. There are no lower rutcs than ours; our terms ure the easiest; our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to plenso." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN Co., 119 Hourd of Trade Hldg. Tel. 229j. (Established 1S92.) 300 S. 16th St. X-733 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., In two ho urn' time; also to salaried people on their ylaln notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Drown block, cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.; entrance on 16th St., opposite Y. M. C. A. Bldg. X-733 LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 10 nlllces In princi pal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES, FUHnTtURI live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 033 (top floor! Paxton block, northeast corner 16th nnd Farnnm; entrance on 16th street. X 733 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Rccd, 319 S. 13. X 736 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnltui"-. hnrsjs, cows, Jewel-y. Duff Green, R. !, Barker blk X-137 WE LOAN money to silarled people on their note at lowest rates; strictly confi dential; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthlv. Room 303, Paxton block. 3d floor Rcllnble Credit Co. X-739 MONEY loaned on plain note to rnlarlcil oeople business confidential; lowest rates, bll Paxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-791 The most" satisfactory- PLTrEto make loans on furniture, piano or salary. ROOM 311 BROWN BLOCK, entrance op posite Y. M C. A. Bldg.. 16th St. Try It and you will bo sure and repeat the dose. X-M!il9 III SI.MS CHAM' HOTEL furniture and fixtures of 26 r"om. completely equipped, only house in good, live country town, doing profitable bml ncss; rnt low, furniture and lease bar gain. J. H Johnson, N Y. Life Y-.M529 2) BAKERY "AND CONFECTIONERY. fn Iowa town, doing good business; bet reason for selling; can be had right. J. II Johnson, N. Y Life. yjf,2 COAL AND FEED huslness. best lorut'on good trade, owner has other ente'prlse; might consider good Innd. J. II. Johnson, V Ufe Y-.M527 DRUG STOCK. $irtnodtnwn, nlc hutl ness: If you have good, clear land n Blaliif. Loup. Garfield or Wheelir coun y Nebraska, write me J. H. Johuon N Y '-lf' Y-.M5:6 19 WHO LKS ALETO B A CCO a ml oirnr l.,wi. ncss, with team, wagon and cltv route; paying hiifiirjs: If ynu want nlre bus nss better Investigate. J. II. Johnson N Y Life Y -MVS lo FURNITURE of 11-rrom flat. comp!eev equipped with llrst-rlars furniture tl ir Incatlr n. filled with r miners only, rea on able rent, furnace heat nnd bath, fl'-- penlng, bargain. J, 11, Johnson, N Y Dlfe. , Y-Miil nrxi.M'.sx (-iiam'i:k. CIGAR, news nml laundry pacience busi ness, line location, guod traibj. low rent. It's a bargain. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life Y-.MM3 HOTEL, only $2 house In city 2f..d") souK dec trie lights, steam heat, bftth, IK sleni lug rooms, gor.d business, completely equipped; owner obliged to leave city; sell furniture, piano and lease at bargain; line opening. J. 11. Johnson. N. Y. Ufe. Y-MVtt 19 JKWHLHY STOCK In live country town, doing good business; owner obliged to illscontlnje; little money will buy It. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M530 FOR SALE or trade, hnlf or whole Interest in drug store; hardwood iloor, Matthews gas machine, toda fountain, etc.. in a lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph v., t) Bee Bldg. 710 TELL ME WHAT YOt HAVE. TO SELL. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL YOU MAY SAY I NEVER THY. J. H. JOHNSON. MI New York Life Bldg. The Real Estate and Huslness Chance Man, Solicits Your Huslhens. McrchandlK- Stocks, Hotels lund Rooming Ileuses for Sale or ExeJiruigc. Y-94? WANTED, ladles of ability to manage branch offices. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 6-D Hco Bldg , Omaha. Y M133 A VERY attractive Investment Is offered in th stock of the Golden Hod Olt com pany of Omaha; absolutely ivifu nnd sure to pay large dividends; only u llm t -d amount for sale nt par. Call or write for full Information. Olllce 1311 Davenport St. Y-M15) LINDELL HOTEL, first-class, good busi ness, furnishings complute; price, J2.000; Investigate. William .Miulgctt, Hastings, Neb. Y-MIM FOR SALE, furniture of tl-room flat, com plete!) equipped; tilled with first-class roomers und boarders; rcross Income per month $10; rent, $50; llm loyntlon; steam heated; lady obliged to go east: a rare bargain; teeing- Is believing. J. II. John son, N. Y. Life. Y M350 CIGAR and news stand, with soda foun tain, line furniture of :i rooms, good laun dry pnekngo business, good location; party going in uuiinio; sou cueup. j. u. John son, Sll N. Y. Life. Y-332- $25-1 BUYS first-class bnrlH-r shop In ex cellent town. If tuken at unci-; grand op nortunlty for good barber. Address E 9, care Bee. Y M3S2 12 OIL and gasoline business, catubllshed 13 years; controls fino customers; route In heart of clly; team, harness and oil tanks, wagon, fA) 6-gallou cans nnd every thing complete, an exceptional oppor tunity for one with small capital to get Into paying huslness quickly; owner leav ing city; must be sold nt otico. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y 393 FOR SALE and exchange, nil kinds of merchandise; also big ranch, tools nnd stock, $12.0c worth $20.(.. T. M. Cllnc, 123.S O. Lincoln, Neb. Y Mill 19 Milt SALE HE A I, ESTATE. If ynu want to buy A house and lot, i vnennt ot. A farm or A garden tract, Don t rail to see us, as wo Have a good list of bargains. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. Hth st. HE-MI3J 20 GEO. E. GIBSON, 1009 Farnam. will sell you a ii-room nojso ami lot on monthly uuvments for Or n ti-room, new, modern houso nnd full lor lor i,.'ii; sman cash payment and monthly payments. Or a D-room modern cottage nnd lot, all on Kruuuu uoor, ti,?Jjo. grocery stock and buildings; nlso 9-room house nnd good will of business; tho business will pay three thousand dollars u veur See me. GEO. E. GIBSON 1609 Farnam. -itn. I.jIJ iu 2,5CO FOH 9-room. all modern, house; best l, 1.. TT... ........ ttt.. . ... . .. tiAiKiiii in j-vuuiii.e i-iiiL-u; one locuiiou; $l,WO cash, balance long time. Sco me quick If you want It. J. TL Johnson. N. V. Life. a HE M531 rou b,u.kiiw a i. -i.-cif iTd WILL exchange clear, improved and tinlm- jiiuvi-ii eny property ior oucumiKTed Im proved city real estate, orticres partially encumbered. WYMAN. SHRIVKR CO., New York Life Building. RB-331 19 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. L. LIFE, HE-742 FOR stock ranches, hay lands a.nd Irrigated rarms in Lincoln county, nebraskn, wrlto to Buchanan At Putterson. real estate agents, North Platte, Neb. RE 391 26 C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 x. i,ne, uuy anu sen. inquiries invited, RE 7s3 A30 HOUSES, lots, farmt, ranches, loans; also ure insurance, norms, l-axion ill it. UK 741 HOUSES nnd lots In nil pnrts of city; also acre property nnd farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room C52 Beo. Building. RE-741 RANCH nnd fnrm lands for saJo by tho Union Pacific railroad company. U.- A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pa clflc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. HE 745 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Furnnm St. FOR SALE. IRRIGATED LAND. Why rent when you can buy Irrigated land for $25 per ncre. with u perpetual wuter right that guarantees you a crop every yeur? Land within live hours' rldo ot the best market in the country. These lands can only be bought of W. II. Green or D. R. Buck, 406 N. Y. Llfo bldg. RE-M103 A3P TWELVE of tho finest and cheapest lots In the city In block 16, Wilcox's First addition. Lots facing 24th street, east front, all an grade $600 Lots facing 25th street $500 $110 cash, balance on easy terms. Also homes In any part of the city, cheap, on easy terms. Cull nnd see W. II. RUS SELL, 12(1 Hamge Hldg., city. RE-MI91 IIICVCLES. CLEARING sale at big reduction In prices: Nonpareil. $25.00. now $l).00; Shnplelgh Special. $30., mw i2.'l.ii. Hudson, $lo.iji, now $23.00; Fentherston. M. E.. $300. now $20.10; Fentherston M. 22. $40.lm. now $33.iO; Andrae, $I0.(, now $32.oo, Rugby Roadster, $40.00, now $;rj..'i0; Hugbv Racer 115.00, now $35.(0. Secondhand wheels from 5. up. Tires, $1.50 und up. Headquarters, for re pairing nnd sundries LOUIS FLEHCHER, 1622 CAPITOL AVE. 114 24 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y, L. Bldg Tel 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O. ladles' ilept Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr. 744 ' DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Hlk? Tel. 1367 -719 A. T. HUNT. D. O., 303 Karbuch Blk. Tel.253: 750 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. D. O., osteo pathic physician, Douglas block. 326 A19 SIIOHTIIAMI AMI T VPKWIUTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -7te BOYLUS' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. 753 NEH. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -jo GREGG Shorthand, urn. C. Col., 10 & Doug -761 MCKEL PLATI.VG. STOVES, lamps, etc.. replated. Omaha Plating Co.. Beo Bldg. Til. 2135. mr f PATENTS. WILL Hl'Y any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Box 760. Des Moines, In . -746 Ft '.t.MTUti: ItEPAIIllXG. TEL. 1331. Jl. S. Walklln, 2111 Cumins 37 -757 WAvnin to noititow. WANTED, to borrow $l.noo home timm-v nt 7 pet cent on k.o, rental prrprty Ii South Umaliu. 2 to 5 ears. Addrrss K 7, Bee. ,tM ft) ,Al Mill V. OMAHA Stnm laundry; shirts. 7c: col'nrs 2c; surfs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth Tel DI7 -2 HOII.EH .M K Ells, OMAHA Holler Work", steam boilers, tnk stacks, etc. Tel. rM. 13th and lzird 9l. -7oJ 'Aims roit itH.vr, 4- ACHES J miles south of Gretna. S.irpy oonnty, Net. Duff Green, Room i. Barker Block. Omaha. 531 S T.UIMEItlMi AM) STl l-t'l'.lt I.Mi, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Hldg. 751 t'A WMIHOK Hit S. EAGLE Iar. Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing, all huslness confidential. 1301 Douglas. -731 riMIIMi AMI PLEAS! RE RESORT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing go to Dingdiin. Mo. Very best of h .tel nccninmodatlotis Plenty of boats a ,d minnows. Write H. A. Dlttmar for rates. CA It I'ENTEII S AMI .lOIMHIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd rennlrlnir promptly attended lo. J. T. Ochiltree. IDth una iiKi- tits. 1170 I.IHiAI. Mi l ICES. ADM t KA 1,1 1 SEIZURE - STEAMBOAT "JACOB R1CHTMAN." CITATION. United States ot America, District of Ne braska, as.: Whireas. A libel has been tiled In tho dis trict court or the United States for tho dis trict of Nebraska, on the 30th day of July. by Caleb Haley us llbellant in a cause of tort, civil und maritime, auulust the i steamboat "Jacob Rlclitmau," her apparel, ' tackle and furniture, and praying tho usual process and monition of the court that all j persons interested In said steamboat, her , tackle, apparel, mni hlnery nnd furniture, ; may be cited to appear anil answer tho tire- mises, anu an due proceedings being find, that said steamboat muy bo decreed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed ! ncconllng to law. 'Iherefore, In pursuance of said monition under the seal of snld court, to me directed and delivered on the 31st day of Jul. 1W1. I do hereby give notice generally unto all persons having or pretending to have any right, title or Interest In said steamboat, called the "Jacob Hlehtman," her tackle, apparel, machinery nnd furniture, to np pear before the. said court In the city of Omaha, in said district, mi the 2d day of September. 1901. next (If It be n court day, or else on next court day thereafter), at lo o'clock forenoon of said dav. then and them to nnswer the said libel, nnd to mako known their allegations In that hchall. Dated at Omaha In snld district this "th day of August. A. D. lWd. T. L. MATHEWS. United Sfntcs Marshal for tho District of Nebraska. AugSD15t O V E 1 1 M E.N T " OT 1 V E. PROPOSALS.-Sherldan. Wyo . Aug. 13, 01, oealed proposals, In triplicate, will bo received hero until 11 a. m. Sep ember 14. VOOl. for constructing, plumblni;. heating mid electric wiring, barrack building, brick, nt Fort MacKenzle, Wyo. United States re serves the right to accept or reject any or nil bids, or any part thereof. Information furnished upon application. Envelopes con taining pioposals should bo Indorsed. "Pro posals for Construction. Plumbing. Heating and Electric Wiring." and addressed Cap tain R. L Brown, Quartermaster. AIM 4t S10 lEiI Direct Route to Glsittun exhibition ANCHOR LINE jtrnmaliilvia Irota len York Weekly for GLASGOW VIA LONUU.MJKIlll Y. Saloon, $50 and up. Second Cabin. $32.50 and up. Third Class, 2ri and upwards. For Illustrated folder and further Informa. Hon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.. OKO. E. ABBOTT. Ull Farnam St.. Omaha. I'OSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur ut nny time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 21. lfUl, will close (PROMPTLY In ull cases) at the general postoillco as follows: Parcels fiost malls close one hour earlier than clos ng tlmo Jhown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close- ut 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls closo at foreign brunch half hour later than clos ing time- shown below. Tin 11 nu Ha 11 tie .Hulls. TUESDAY At 6:30 u. m. for EUROPE, p r s. s. uinn via soutnampton and Bremen (mull for Ireland must be directed "per 3. s. Inhn"i; at 7 n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Aller vhi Naples (mall must be di rected "per s. a. Aller"). WEDNESDAY-At K a. in. for EUROPE. per s. s. Oceanic via Queenstown: at -3 a. m. (supplementary in n. in.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Zealand via Cherbourg. Southampton und Antwerp (mall must In directed "per s. s. Zeeland"). THURSDAY At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Columbl 1 via Plymouth, ch r- bourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be directed "per s. s. Columbia 1 . nt 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. La Gas cogne via Havre (mall for other paits of Europo must bo directed "per s. s La, Gascogne"); at 10:30 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Dimbardla via Naples I mail must be directed "per s. s. Lombardlu"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. M.iasdam (mult must be directed "per s. s. Maasdam'i; at :3o a. m. (supplementary lo a. rn.i for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucaulu via Queen-i-town; at 9.30 a. m. fur SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Furnessln (mall must be illt-ei-ted "per s. s. Furnessln"); at 11 a m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s Hckla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ilekla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe wl'I not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It After the closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls nnmed above addi tional supplementary malls nro opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers and remain opto until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of stenmer. Jlnlls for South 11 ml Central Atnrrleu, West Indie, i;te. TUESDAY At 9 a. tn. for BRAZIL, 1 tr p. s. Coleridge (mall for Northern Hi a II Argentine Republic, Uruguay and Piru guai must bo directed "per s C I. Idge"). at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 30 n. ml for CENTRAL AMERICA n-x.-tit Cost 1 Rica) and SOUTH PAC'IFl ' PORTS, per s. s. Finance via Colon imul. for Guatemala must be dlr'Cted "per s. m Finance")1 at 12.30 p. in (supplementary 1 p m I for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Monmouthshire (mall for Guade loupe. Martinique. Barbados, British Dutch and French Guiana must h- il -rerted "per s. s. Monmnuthrh re "1; nt 1 p. m for GUADELOUPE, MAR I'lNIQI'F, BA HI! A DOES. BRITISH. DUTCH anil FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Talhman. nt 6 30 p tn for JAMAICA, per s. s Admiral Farrngut, fr m Boston; nt 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per H. s. Harnstnble from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAY-At 9:3n a. m. for IN OUA and HAITI, per s. s. Ml. Vcruon. at 10 a m for NEWFOUNDLAND dn-'i. per s b Silvia; at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPEi 'HE, TABAPCO and 1 HI APAS. per s. Havana (mall for . the parts of Mexico must be directed "pe: s. s Havana") THURSDAY -At fi.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. Admiral Schley, from Hos'on. FRIDAY-Al 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s Yucatan via T.unplco (mall must h i'I rected "per s. s Yucit.iu"), at 4 n in for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC IRC Gl'AY and PARAGUAY per s A a blstan. ut 11 p. m for NEWFOUNDLAND per s. s. ("orean. from Philadelphia SATURDAY At 9 a m. isupplcmentn'y 9S0 u m i for PORTO Rico (via San Juan) CURACAO and VENEZUELA, ner s. e, Maracatbo (mall for Savanllla a ad po-Torricr. miiice. Cartha-tena mint l ,ilre. i-.l ,- Marat ulbo ,nt'.;i,t m ininpl. tn YlV. .". '"r KnRTl'NK IM WD AJJ.'VlA SAVANILLA an.l CHIH GKNA, pet s s Atho nn.ill f-r c -1 1 It lea must Ik- dlritteil . r - I at 9.t a. in. (supplement. ir 1 1 10 , m for HAITI and SANTA MART A. p. 1 s Aljw, ut 1" n. m for CI ' It A. per Mexico vIm llavanu. ut 12 .,0 p m f,.r MATANV.AS, CAIBAHIEN. Nt EVIVA". G IHA HA and HARACO.V. p r s Curltyba (ordinary mull on.y. which mu be dllt'Cted "irr s. s. Cnrltyb.i '1. nt I p in (supplementary l.ii p in 1 r..r HKlv Ml DA, per s. s. TrhUdid. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by sti-am-r. clou at this olllce dally at C:JU p in (ennm ctln close hire every Mondnj. Wcdniml i .111,1 Saturilayi. Mai's for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, a in! thence by steamer. oloe ut this olllce dally at C.jn p. m. Malls Tor Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin . ami thence by steamer, close at this otbVe dally at ti a. 111. (the connecting closes are on Monday, Wednesday and S.iti.i du) M tlls for Mexico City, overl.uul unless spei laity addressed for dl-piitih hi steamer, close at this olllce dally at 1 1 in. und 11 p. in. Mal!i iur Ci.stn HI-., Holhte. Puet to t'orte. and Guateiu.ila. uy rail to New Urle.ins. and Hit lie- by steamer, close at this olllce dallv at 1 ;) p. m (connecting eloses hero for Belize .Puerto Curler, and Ouuu ma'.a and liiesi'av- Tor Costa Hi. .11 "Hrus tcreil mall closes at 6 p. m prcvluiu di Triins-l'iiellle Mnli. Malls for Australia (except Wist which goes via Europe, uinl New . Hand, which goes via Sun Fraiu-lsi-o. anil FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close lurt dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to August "H in. lusi.e lor dl.'.iHtch ier s. s. Wurrlmo., ,0 ,1,01 mentnry malls, via Seattle und Victor, i i lose nt r, 30 p m August !!! nn.ill must tie illieeled "via Vancouver 1 Malls for China and Japan, via Tn na close here dally at 6:;tO p. nt. up ii u gust IS, Incl.islve, for illspati-h pi r s s ulymplu. Malls for Hawaii. China nnd Japan and Philippines, via San Francisco, cloxe here dally at 6.30 p. tn. up to August 22. ln cluslxe, fur dlspati h per s. s Guelli Malls for Hawaii, la San Francisco, close bote dally ut !.: p 111. up to August 26. Inclusive, for dliputoh per s s M.irlnnsn Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Friinclscu. -.wi n dally at 6-30 p. m. up to August la I -elusive, for dispatch per s s. Hong Marti. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver closo lu re dally at 6:30 p. in. up t S p tember "3, Inclusive, for dDpati h pi r s Empress of chlnn (register, d mall most in directed "via Vuncouvot 1. Mall, except merchanill'-e which cannot be forwarded via Canada, for the U. S. Postal Agent at Shanghai, closes at 6.30 p. tn. previous day. Mulls for Australia (except West Australia which Is forwarded via Europe). Now Zealand. FIJI. Samoa und Hawaii, via 1 : Francisco, close here dally at (i:2i p after August '1S and up to Seplem 7. inclusive, or on arrival of s. s l f.i brlu, due at New York September 7, tor dispatch per s. s. Ventura. Trnns-Paclllc malls are foi warded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previ ous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster PnstofHce, New York. N. Y., Aug. 16. 1901. I IIAILW.W TIME ( Alll). CHICAGO & NORTH w -stern Railway "1 he Northwestern Llnu ' City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fdinuiu St. Telephone, 101, Depot, Tenth aim Marcy Streets. Tele- P no nu, uii. u-uvc, Spe- a 7:00 am a 4:15 pm Arrive. nll:30 pm a S:1U am Daylight Chicago clal Chicago l'assngir Eastern Rvnr.v ues Moines. Marshall tow. 11. e.euur itap-us and Chlenirn al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eauterr. Suoclal. Lhl cago and .cast a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm t "si -Man. inicugo to Um..lia Omaha-Chicago L'1'd...u 7:45 pm l-aat Mall Cedar rapids Pasnsot. a 2:45 pm us uiu a a ;'M am u Ij-.m pm u. iuiiy. FREMCmT, ELKHORN & Miubouri v'alley itauroaa "Tim Northwvsturn Line" General Ofllces, United states National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth und Fur- i,at u... Ticket (Jnicc, l4ul Furnam St. Telephone, 661. Depot, 15th ana WoDstcr els. J ilephone, 14s. Leave. Arrive. Black liCIs, Dendwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper ana Dougius d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hustings, Xoric, David City, oupcilor, Geneva, Kxeter und be-wurii....t 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, veiuigro ana Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Lincom, -a quo & Fr- mom b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c l;sn am c Dally, ti Dally excop. auuuay. c Sun day oui d Daily cz.i:cpi Saturday, a Dally except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Uniuhit itutlway "Tho North western Line" General urates, Nebraska Divi sion, loth and Webstar Sts. City Ticket Uttlcc. tioi 1-ariiam 8f- Telephone, 561. Depot, Uih unu Webster sis. ;ieiepnono, ki, Leave. Arrive. Twin -lty Passenger.. Sioux City Passenger. Emerson Local a Dally ,a C;w um .a 2;)5 pm .b &:3U pm a ii:lo pm allilu um b b:J0 am SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Unices, United States National Dank Building, S. W. Coiner Twoirtn and Farnam ots. Ticket ultice. Farnam St. Telephone, HI. Do pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, t.29. i.euvo. arrive. Twin City Express a 6:00 um Twin City Limited a 7:u pm Sioux City Local u. saw am u Dally. alo:2J pm u b;la am u 3:50 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of- ..... ...... . J . . L U lice. 1102 Farnam Street Telephone, 245. Depot, I.CUVU, ,, a i:u( am a 7:45 pm . ;aul b 7 ',03 am , Paul Arrive. CI. ,. w orsS a a;lo pm a S;w um Cnlcugu Llnille-d. MlniicuiOlis iV H. Exiirest Mmiie-apohs a at b 3:40 pm a 8:05 nm a 8;1S am l.lllinoci e-r.r, 1 o.'tl from .a I:lopm Council Ululla b 4:50 pm t.-., 1 in1.,., i.oi-.-il from Council Bluffs ft G.00 am a Dully, b Daily except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. St. louls Cannon Ball Express a 6:15 prn a 5:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local - 7.0) am u S:00 pro a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and A: Pacific Railroad Ti f . T(Jrell Hciclt lslund Routo" cm Ticket Otllce, 1323 Fur. nam Street. Telephone. Ui. Depot. Tenth unu Marcy Strceis. Te-ic Dlluno. C2-J. Leave. Arrivo. Chicago Daylight Spe... a 6:00 am a 2:00 um D. M-.inos and Daven port lAca u7:25nm a 9.33 nm Chli ago Express till. 15 am bll,V)nni Dew Mulnes l-ocal a 4:2") pm bll -frj airi Chicago Fast Jixpresi..a i.ov ,,i 4l ..' D.s Moines. Rock Isl- 1 und nnd Chlcugo. .n 7. D pm n f 10 am Rocky Mountain Llm.. a 2:0)nm aCMnm'oin, Colornuo Spgs., De-nver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 1-15 nm Colorado, uklahotr.a & ' ',J pm Texas Flyer a 5.20 pm a 9-:o am a Daliy b Daily excem Sunduv. UNION ICIFlC."THEVElT. Und llouiu'; -General OOlcei. iy L. Cor. Ninth and Farnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllce, UU Depot. Tenth and Marcy ats 'le-ie-phone-. C29, Lcuvo. Tho Overland Limited, .u b:.m um The Chlcago-Portlunii Special a S;23 urn The J'art Mall ' l:IW am The Mall und rixpresa .all:3j pm Tho Cuio.-ado Spciul ,.iU;35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express .b 4:05 pm The Pacific Exprcjs....a 4:23 p,n Tho Atuntle Esnresa... nr.ind Island l.ocal b S:30 nm Arrlvo. a 7.30 pm a 7:30 pm a 3 25 pm a I .25 p,n a 6:50 um bl2;33 pm a fl-CO am b 9:35 am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, 4fe it Ui.w 1 nu. t itii. I.Lt.Ntj n N .V Mid t. uii lnoi Railroad 1 lu 1 .11 iiKt.X) Itoule liv 11.1. c-iiicer, North in 1 -1 vii... i , nth und 1 .1 1 .t.ii Mitels Ticket Ullo. .a. 1 arnum Mrtot. 'reieiiiu-iiL- -oo, Luiiii.gniu stutljii, Tctitb i.u .M.ioOll Sttcet. nifi' iuim izi. ixiaxi.. Arrlvo. Lincoln. Huailnit'i "J McCooa as:4oum a 7.33 pm Linci-it,. Deliver, Colo rado, i titli, Cuuior. la a l.2i pm 11 3.W pm Ai.i.uiL- 1. . i..! . a w put u o.i.u pm Hiii.k HI1U..U 9:uu pin n 6. is am Montana, 1 ufvi i-kmnd..a VM pm u t,.li am Lincoln Fast Mall t 3.v0 pm u ii.17 uiu Wlinulc, Ue.itlicu utld Lincoln a 4:40 um bll;GS am Deiivr. Coi.Tuiio. Clan ui.d e .uiforin.i a 6:15 am Full Clonk, So Bend, Louisville i'I ilis'ii in.o 3:2v) pm bll:0S ara f via . I .atum. u'.h Pacitit: JuiiLtluii ... .1 7:lo pm a S:2v) uia Bcllevue, P.itttsmouth ,u 1 11 Junction a 3:19 ntn a lui y b Daily except januay. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- t. semi ,t c.uncll HI 11 ft .4 Laiiioud ' llle Hurllngton 1.. a- Tl. k. t Ufllcc, 1SDJ 1 art aim Street Tclephona w" uii 01, 1 emu una .Maso I c Streets. Tclu- 12s. Leave, a i am 1110 Jo put Arrive. a b.vo pm a C.15 am Clij D. 1 x Kansas Clb Nu''1 ' St Louis F -v. i ' y Joseph nnd SI U ill a Dally a 0.10 ptn all. 15 a .a CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ,v guinc) Itailio.ui- Tho Hurilngli.n Route "-Ticket Olllce, 1j02 Farnam Street, 'i'tlephono 260. Depot, 'lentil ulid ilaaun Stteoli. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrlvu. !'.! light eial ... ChlCULTL, ano Sue- a 7.00 am alO:20 pm u 7:45 am a 4:05 pm a 7:45 um a 2:13 put Ml'Ulei 1Cx.11 4:0J pm Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 am ChUugu Umlted a i:U) pm 1-u-t Mall Dully. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL r .ad Ofllcea and Ticket Ulllccs, Southeast Corner Hth and Douguu his. Telephone, 104. Depui, iiih.ui station. Leave. Arrlvo. Si I m nnd Ualisas City Express a lu.00 am a 0:23 pm K. C, St. L. Express, .a 10:50 pm a C:15 am 1 avo from Dili und ebstir c?trct: Nebrusa.i uocal. Via v it t: a Dally. vain b I 10 pm nlOMSam Dallv except Sunday. OMAHA ST. LOUIS UAH.. road-Omaha. Kansas City ,i East, rn Railroad "Tha ttu,"tt',.lV.,mo'-Tlclet Of llce. 1115 Farnam St. Tole phone. 322 Depot. Tenth und Marcy Sts. Tc epho Leave. Arrive. Cannon Ball a 5:15 nm a St. I.011H Express Local a 7.00 am a o.-oo pm a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Pant Hallway-City Ticket Office, 1501 F.irnara t-tre-t-t. Telephone, 'M. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 623 t nr. . ' . . 4 1 chinnnn x, Hm.-iha Ex. .b 7 tlS nm b3:40nm Chicago Limited Ex . a 6j00 pm u S:0o an. a Daily, u uauy i'jwi-i W A H A S H H.ULROAD Tlcket Olllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone. B29. Leave. Arrive. 6ExLprc.s "Cnnn" .......a M V a S:20 ara TO MAKE PERFECT ISIIII.S. A School Hi Enulmxl Makes n Nolni.ln Depiirture. i,i. arhnnl where the ologlcs nro ta booed and where mathematics Is an un known terror hnB been for several years a nourishing Institution tn tun oeaucuui r i.-...i Rm-innil. The ono aim Ot this school Is to develop girls Into physical perfection and nothing Is allowed 10 ime-.-fero In the smallest degree with tho attain ment of this object. A Chicago matron whose l-ye-ar-old daughter has Just begun a two-year courne there Is of the opinion thnt her child will graduate Into n happier woman than many n seminary girl who lias binned midnight oil, which, by tho way. Is an unheard-of abomination in tho Kent school. Tho founder and head of the school la a Swedish woman, who has attained a iifiqiiinii ns an au thority on physical culture and who had broad experience as a teacher in London before sno opcue-u m-i college, which Is backed by several woll known English women. Every applicant submits to a medical ex amination, and It organic disease la found Is not accepted as a pupil, but It thcru la nothing moro serious rut ot order than nerves, digestion, circulation, etc., the girl Is admitted, provided there Is a vacancy for her. Her corsoU come off at once and are not put on ngaln durln,; the two years. She does not don n hut from tho hour she enters the- school until the hour she leaves, no matter how bad the weather may bn. Her diet Is liberal, hut strictly hygloulc, and any exceptions In It are made only by the physlrlan's orders. She wears a uni form, consisting of n loose, blouse of dark blue wool with knickerbockers and a light weight knee kilt, black woolen stockings nnd low tan shoes. Sho goes to bed every night at 9 and gets up at fi, and unless it Is actually storming she spends nlmost every moment of the day If tho open air. Simple Instruction in nnatntny la given and the pupil Is taug'it to swim, row. rldo horso and wheel, run, vntilt play cricket, tennis and hockey. The applications for admission are alwi -m lar in advance of aceomi.-o.l-ii-onr, and iteps being takea for large '.tension of i';t school. LABOR AMI IMIlSfRY. The Penryhn slate quarries In Scotland, largest In tho world, employ over 3.C0O men. Compressed nlr Is used In stone carving. A mason can hitch his tools onto a com prejstd air power nozzle and drill Into granite like u dentist cutting Into a decayed tooth. The result of the referendum vote of tha clsarmskers has postponed tho holding of tho International convention for thrco years This means the saving of several thousand dollurs to tho organization. An Increase of 2 per cent In wages has been conceded Its employes by tho Ameri can Tlnplate company, which controls thu tlnpluta Industry of tho country Thlrtv thousand men. It Is said, will bo benefited by the udvanru In wages. A new mining mnchlno Ih being Intro duced In tho Indiana fields which It U claimed will cut 5,000 tons of coal a day. It will tnko tho place of four or live of tho machines now In use and each machlna will dlsplnco from six to eight men. Since eighteen months ago the Inter national Boot and Shoe Workers enrolled about 150.U") members and havo rolled up a surplus of $35,000 In their treasury. They have unionized abojt 150 factories In tha United States and twelve In Canada. A company bus been Incorporated at Columbus, o . to manufacture machines which tin- designed to take tho place ot newsboys They will bo placed on cornors huunted by "newsies" and the customer dros a penny In tho slot nnd gets a paper. A new factor has been broight Into tho great labor struggles. The supreme court of Connecticut has Issued a sweeping In Jum Hon to n company whoso employes nro on strike This injunction names each of the 210 strikers and enjoins thorn from picketing, boycotting, threatening or In uny way molesting nny one in the company's employ Property of tho Individual strik ers to tho valuo of $35,000 has been at tached. What threatened to bu a big street rail way strike was nipped In tho bud in New Orleans lust week by th prompt action of thu mayor, ho demanding In unequivocal terms Unit the street cur company and tho street cur men get together. The company has been paying 121? cents per hour and working tho men from twelve to fourteen hours a day. A compromise wu effected which gave the men u ten-hour day and 18 centB nu hour. All other dcmund of tho union were gruute-d ' . mm cb.c iMlLWAUKffl