TOUCH NORTHERN BLIZZARD ! O-lbi Hill Pla-eri G: Serere Oaill in the Tw.n dtlis. THEIR FINGERS NEED THAWING OUT Locnl Fnns PI ml Comfort Onl In An. Ilrliintlon of ferle of fifteen finnifi nt Home to Close the ?nioii, Omaha bate ball fans did not receive tauch encouragement from the way ia which their favorites acted during tbi last week, but there Is no reason to b l:eve that the spell of bard lo-fc Is to be vety Ion? winded. It certainly was a ihaas tor tie local to get walloped so bsdljr In Minnesota, especially when It nsu r.ifc! otter the beautiful showing of tbe te.rn on the home grounds during the six d.r It played here But Just as soon as tbe boys go; n:rth they seemed to go all to pieces. Mayte it was the weather, perhaps something else. Anyway good fielding hie fe-etn at higher premium on the Gate City nine since as: Sunday than at any time before this tea- , son. In the first place, the team set s'arted , wrong on this trip, the last away frjtn 1 home, and one of tht kagst After tb Sunday game with Minneapolis the men lay around Omaha all day Monday Instead of being taken up to St. Paul at once for the Tuesday game. So wbeo they anally , arrived 'h-re It was about like stepping , off the train onto the diamond and playing j ball the first thing. I It was a tocg. tiresome ride up, too, and the el'n errors of that first game were prorably excusable to a degree. Then again. Calhoun, the trusty eld Crs: bate man. was left behind because of an a I meat and Iluckley played the p"ttl:s. This made some dlffernce in the team 1 work all through and especially where Me Andrews was concerned in the plays. Thst thirl baseman had hfo high threw do h s on all the week and th rsult shows up strongly In the error column after hli nam Buckley was not accustomed to tbe skyward shoots Indulged in by the erratic i Mai in throwing ever from third aad he therefore did not get some of the wl'd skyscrapers that Calhoun would hsve pulled down Just because he wculd b'.ve been expecting them. j An I'nf ortmintr I.oslns. That dirty doten of errors und&ub ed!y ! lest the game of Tuesday, and then cn ' Wednesday came some battery mistakes that did the business. This wis a most unf:rtunate losing. Oms hs made six hits to St Paul's four and three errors against ' eli. but still tbe score was 4 to agalr.s: the o ma has it was because cf Alloway's gift oi basts at critical times. Only one cf those runs wan earned. On Thursday again ill luck In distribution entered Into the game. Instead of scat tering their errors over a respectable area of Innings, the Omahans bunched them all where the hits came from their opponents. and lost on form . That was the last game these two teams will play together this season, and the ' bitter rivalry for a majority of the vlc- tories ended with the Polar Bears in the lead. They have won ten of the eighteen games. Cooni. Alloway and Herman having tried In vain to make a winning, Eddie Gordon tcok his turn on Friday. The collegian started out beautifully, doing star work for two innings. Then in the third the very first three chances bis team had turned Into errors, and this so completely unnerved the student that he made one himself nnd fell to pieces In his pitching. He rallied for the first two outs of the next inning, but then broke again, and from that time on It was hit after hit. till the Millers bad batted out fifteen safe ones. This all makes It look rather blue for the chances of the Omaha team, but there Is fair weathr ahad. The fans are re membering those fifteen straight games at home that end the season, and they can see no hidden snags In the clear water. AH through tbe season the Omahans have been best at home, and they are still. Then, anyway, they have been against the two teams that are the toughest propo sitions in the league Just now. Minne apolis and St. Paul are climbing up all the time. Kansas City and St. Joseph, the other leaders, have not at any time proven as disastrous as the northern squads to the Omahans. CATCHING BASS AT CUT OFF Dr. Ilar. tilth CnstltiK Roil nn-1 lliii-W-TVJl Fir, Find iort Very Good. Omaha fisher fans will be surprised and glid to learn that there Is some choice bass fishing right within the very limits of their city. Those who have given up casting a fly on tbe shimmering surface of Cut Off lake have been unwise, for some fine specimens of the finny tribe are being pulled cut of there nowadays. Dr Charles W Hayes tells what Is prob ably the best Cut Off lake fish story of the week He went out there the ether dsy after bass. Being a wily fisherman and i UK. A 1). &K.VKLE?. I ir Mutt Itellahle Sprclalttt lu III rutrt of Men. 6TRICTURE with a new Hctne treatment. No pain, no detention from baslaess. URINARYtldurr and BltJder Troubles. Weak, Ba-k. Burning Urlae, Frequency of Urine High Col ered or with mtlky se.iiaent oo standing. SYPHILIS cured for life and thoroughly cleansed frcm the syitem Soon every llgn and symptom disappears completely ind forever. No -'BREAKING OUT" of the Clseaso on the skin or face. Treatment contain no dangerous drugs or injurious medicine, WEAK MEN from Excesses or vie tlms of Nervous De t Hy or Exhaustion. Wasting Weakness, .th early decay in young and middle igel, lack of vim, rigor ard strength. With organs Impaired and weak. Cure r-arantc-ed. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW 7uT'"ili. S""&7 5-h : s spoon nor still flsaed tjt equipped him self with casting rod and & choice back tail fir Tes frc i boat he began eat- ' lee. , Jjst half aa hour's labor rewarded Dr. ' Hay? j sufficiently to have jetltied htm hail ht fished all th morning, for av I spaakiag black baas were strung oat la t water at tbe ead of hit boat. Tb qtiiatet 1 weighed Bin pounds, which means they were kooi siieo oi s tor any waters ana esp-tlally for tat little laXe. 7h tain? . that marred tbe aSalr mas tbe fact that 1 the doctor lost the second Joint of hu red. j a very expensive split tan boo and dlScul: I to replace. PLANS FOR THE RACE MEET I'ruKrnm of lltenta Which Will Add Hie Feature to Al.-nr-llen Week. Preparations for the big ten days' racing meet to be held in Omaha during the Ak-sarBa festivities are proceeding. Entry cards are being circulated the coun try over, and horses of the highest grade are being secured. Advertising Is very extensive. Already the big lithographs are out, and la this work the Omaha Jockey club aad the Ak-Sar-Bea people are ex chaaglag courtesies. Each Is glviag the other space on its lithographs. Running races exclusively will form the cards for the meet, as was the case during the last series a month ago under tbe auspices of tbe same club. Purses amount ing In all to 15.000 will be hung up, aad there will be five races each day. Dis tances will range from half a mile all the way along to a mile aad a quarter. The Omaha Driving park track will be the scene of the meet, and the course Is now in the finest of condition. This Is certain to continue now duriag the fall. Strict track management is promised, and every accommodation will be provided for the horses and their tenders What speaks racst promlslagly of all (or the success of the meeting is the larg number of entries already secured. By last Saturday night Just 153 horses had been booked. George D. Perrlae. corresponding secretary of the Omaha Jockey club, says they are coming from all over the country. The dates are most fortunate, as there are no running races of any Importance booked for that time which tll In any way con flict with the Omaha sport. The fine class of horses that came here for the shorter aret In July and the speed shown then would Indicate that the larger affair will bring out the very best talent. Some horsemen have already taken up training quarters near Omaha with their strings. W. V. Walters is now at Fre mont with his stable of seven runners. Three of these stand out before the rest in prominence. Chief cf all Is the fumous brown mare. Queen L, who a few days since won a mile and a quarter race at New Orleans. She Is said to be invincible at the distance. Then Mr. Walters has the gelding. La quolse, the horse that goes a mile In time that is close down to the limit. Settle B completes the trio. That Is the little bay mare known chiefly because of her trick cf running with mouth wide open aad ears flat back, and also because she always has In reserve a sprint for the list hundred yards that Is phenomenal. Her distances are anywhere frcm half a mile to six furlongs. This string of horses has Just finished a circuit of all the prlnclpa1 races In the country, taking In Denver. Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and other places. It Is a good example of the nature of horse flesh that will attend the meet here, as there are many others coming that are Just as good. One large bunch Is coming from Kentucky, another from Ohio, etc. CRESCEUS COMES TO OMAHA Grent Trotting Stallion Wilt Go nu Inhibition .Mile Here Knrly In November. Cresccu3. the great trotting stallion. Is coming to Omaha. J. A. Tuthllt of the Omaha Jockey club and the Gentlemen's Roadster club of this city has Just re ceived a letter from the manager of tbe horse stating that he desired to complete arrangements for an exhibition with Cresceus here about November 1. Local talent Is certain to receive the proposition with favor and to offer every Inducement that will make sure the ac complishment of the design. An exhibi tion mite on the Omaha Driving park track is projected. This will be at the close of the stallion's tour of the United States, being then on his way back from San Francisco. Cresceus Is the horse that by defeating The Abbott at Brighton Wcdneslay In two straight heat" established beyond a doubt its rtght to the title of the greatest trotter either In race contests or those against time. In the first the horse lowered Its own world's record for a race mile, 1.034. by going the distance la I.031;. Will Plaj the Huhber. The Lee-Glass-Andreesen and Carpenter teams will meet today at the Driving club grounds, Council Bluffs, In the third game of the season between these clubs. Each having won a game, this premise n be J an exciting contest. Dr. SEARLES SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: ..WE CURE., Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all Reflex Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men. VARSCOCELE Are you aClcted with Varicocele or lis results Nervous Debility aad are you nervous. Irritable and despondent! Do you laeic your old-time energy and ambition! Are you saffering from Vital Weakness, etc There ;s a derangement of the sensi tive organs 'of your Pelvic System, and even though It gives you no trouble at pres ent, it will ultimately unman you. depress your mini, rack ycur nervous system, un fit you far married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before it U too late? WE CAN CURE YOU TO STAT CURED. We have yet to see the cue ci Varicocele w cannot cure. Medicines, . Electric Belts, etc.. will never cure. Teu need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cases where the ordlciry physlclia treats one. Method new, without cuttlcg, pain or loss of time. TUE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST IS, 1901. CUP BOUTS ON THE LINKS Fr.xs Contest fir Wexta Golfers Anai Enthaiius at shi Country dab. HASDSOVE TROPHIES REWARD SK'LL Prmnlp Clin lit ii I on Organise n Trnui nnil Thrmi Dunn the Gauntlet to I.ocnl Talent .Suv Interest In the Scotch Gallic. A woman's golf team of permanent or ganisation aad doughty membership Is the latest feature at tbe CotJBtry elab. Such a band of cup defenders was formed last V. ednesday after a discussion of some months, at the conclusion of which it was decided tbat it was high time for the club to be represented by feminine champions as welt as those of the sterner sex. So it was advertised among all golfers that on the afternoon cf August 11 an eighteen-hole competition at medal play would be held for the purpose of determin ing tbe membership of a ladles' team of eight players. All women were eligible to enter the coatest. The eventful afternoon, oae long to be remembered in Omaha golf circles, came at last, aad a score of ladles weat round tbe links on their extreme mettle. The eight hlgheet scorers were to comprise the team. But when It was all over it was found that the number of scores scheduled was sot enough to sake up a team. Though there had been twenty starters, there were only seven scores on the bulletin board All the other names had been scratched off by their owners because they didn't thick their scores were good enough. Now the club is in a quandary. Those seven are undoubtedly entitled to a place on the team, 'aad have been awarded It, but how to complete the eight is a puzile. It Is very unlikely that timid and sensitive women golfers can he per suaded to ret out and compete for only one, but tbat Is probably what will be done. The eighth party selected, this eight now issues an open challenge to all ladles' clubs In the Transmtsslsstppi Golf association. That the Omaha representatives will score easy victories over all daring but rash teams which have the courage to accept the challenge Is amply proved by the scores which the seven made Wednesday when they won their places on the team. The figures, out and in and total, medal play, follow- Out. Belle Dwey S7 Mr?. Sprague 60 Kiln. Methane &t Mrs. Redlck Lucy Gore Mrs. Guiou 7 Margaret Wood S In. is m To tat. VK lis 113 11 m in 1K Thanks to the generosity of some of the masculine members, two new competition cups have Just been Installed In the custom ary little hard wool shrines at the Country club. This Is generally applauded as en teprlslng, aristocratic and generally "east ern" by the golfers. It Is certainly most conducive to extra efforts at the game. When there was but one cup to fight for and that was won there was nothing left over which to compete, so golf was then merely golf till the next cup contest. But now there are two more cups and one Is for the women. The greatest fea ture of all Is that both the new attractions are monthly prises, so there will be cup competitions almost all the time. As with the Douglas County cup, the winner gets his or her name engraved on the side In big scrolls. But, furthermore, and this Is sot true of (he other, the player who succeeds In winning-elth:r of these cups three times, be they in succession or otherwise, has won It to have and bold forever. William J. Foye, twice In succession Douglas county's golf champion, Is the doner of the ladles' cup, which Is a beau tiful thing. Once a moon now the women will go after this prize with vim. All competitions fcr It are to be medal play. The other cup s also very handsome. It is for men and W. H. MeCord and Harry Cartaa. In collaboration are the generous ones. This cup. too. Involves medal play. Both tups are matters of the last week cnly. but a little golf awakening due to their 'ncep'.lon has already been noticed. Players must keep In form practically all the time now la order to be fit for the monthly contests. NEBRASKA LEADS IN TENNIS Honor In Tri-State Tourney Come to Till. State Omaha Will Enter Next Year. The trl-state tournament held In Sioux City last week has demonstrated that Ne braska Is able to produce a better article of tennis than any of Its neighboring sister states. Every honor of Importance la the contest came to this state. Earl Farns worth of Grand Island and Ike Raymond of Lincoln renewed their hold on the doubles championship, defeating R. A. Tomllnson of Alden, Ia.. and H. L. Lynde of Des Molaes In the finals. The struggle was a desperate one. ihe Nebraskans losing the first set and securing the third and fourth after the games hal mounted to deue Nebraska was equally suc-cssful In the Coaanltatlon Free. Treatment lr mall. Cavil or aildreo 110 S. 14th St. OltS. SLLUILUS SEVRLCS, OMAHA. singles, Raymond winning in the finals from Tomllnacn wh" hal been pl'kei for 'he winner. This matrh also was evenly contested, the Nebraskan losing the sec ond and third sets, but securing the fourth, fifth and the match by sheer pluck and en durance. This outcome left Raymond pitted against Farnsworth, the champion, the result in either case bringing the trophy to this state. The result of the tourney was most grati fying to Nebraskaas. but considerably less to to players la Omaha. In all these gath erings of honors this city has stood for nothing. Although Omaha players are con ceded to be strong and clever, the la formal championship of the state must in evitably be considered to lie with Farns worth and Raymond, who have upheld the name of Nebraska so creditably abroad. Tennis. In Its secoaJ birth, however, is still In Its tender infancy In this city. The tourney concluded at the Athletic asso ciation on last Moaday was the first of Im portance held In Omaha for a number of years. The association showed a credita ble zeal In inviting the trl-ttate tourna ment to Omaha in August, 190:. even though the more central situation of Sioux City decided the players to go there. The as sociation is looked to in this city to lead In the game and wilt undoubtedly send a representation to the Iowa town another year. Players who witnessed the finals la th city competition betweea Austin and Young last Monday have a well-founded hope that such a mission to Sioux City w-ould not be In vain. The veterans played ia their old form and Young offered th former state champion an entertainment that taxed his resources. Austin's matchless form car ried him through, however, and one must take a considerable Journey to fiad the equal of his game. LONG TRIP OF CHESS GAME Tun (inn Content lieEun In Wlicon.ln Vllt Ciinniln and GnH llcfore Headline Nehrnoka. A traveling chess game reached C. Q. DeFrance of the Nebraska association last week. At the top of the sheet were the words: "Please send to Dr. F. R. Porter, Ortllia, Oat., copy of your move and pass the game along to one of your friends." Mr. Stanford N. Collier, Vicksburg. Miss., made Black's fourteeath move oa July 15 aad It reached Mr. De France Just two week's later. Here li the score: BLACK. WHITE. 1-P-Q 4. 1-P-O 4 : p-Q b 4. :-r-K : Kt-Vl B 1. 1-Kt-K B :. 4-B.JCl J. 4-B-K :. i-l'-K J. 5-Catl -Kt-K B :. -r-5 B 4. 7-B-Q 1. T-Kt-3 B J s-Catlei. J-P-Q Kt I. t-P-Q R J. P i B 1. 1 B x Q B P. 1-P -T Q V. U Kt x P. Jt-Q Kt-K 4 li-K B-K i. II-P-K R 1. IS B-K R 4. IJ-Kt-K Kt 1. J4 B-Kt 1. 14-C) B-Kt Z. U Kt-K B 1. T9 be contlased ) Here are the players: 1 Alva Ketchurn. Madison, Wis. Rev. Th. Eggen. Madison. Wis. 3 E. C. Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. T. L. Aarons, Milwaukee. Wis. 3 C. B. Bird. Wausau. Wis. Dr. J. B. Trcwbrldge. Hayward, Wis. 4 E. C. Arnold. Larimore. N. D. J. E. Lewis, Grand Forks. N. D. 5 W. A. Dillon. BtsmarcK. N. D. George E. Mariner. La Crosse. Wis. 6 E. R. Sherburne. Hayward. Wis. F. Arthur Hill, St. Paul, Minn. 7 George E. Hart. Sheboygan. Wis. J. Dvereaux, Shell Lake, Wis. S P. Peterson. Shell Lake, Wis. Dr. F. R. Porter. Orillia. Ont. 5 J. Tunstall, Jamestown, N. D. J. H. Eellows, Toledo, O. 10- John A. Ford, Dallas. Tex. Martin D. McGrath, Brockhaven, Miss. 11 J. C. Devereux, Brockhaven, Miss. C. A. Olver, D. D.. Jackson. Miss. l'-H. O. Hltxheirn. Jackson. Mlas. Thomas Helm. Jackson. Miss. 13 B-KR 4. N. J. Smith, Jackson. Miss. Captain Frank Johnston, Jackson, Miss. 14 Colonel R. V. Boothe. Vicksburg. Miss. Stanford N. Collier, Vicksburg, Miss. 13 C. Q. DeFrance. Lincoln. Neb. The game was seat to Nelson Hald, Dan nebrog, with the request tbat he play and pass It on. This calls to mind a scheme Mr. DeFrance has had under consideration for some time. A list of players, but oae In a town, or no two In the same town, play consecutively, say about sixty to 100. Have it understood that tbe recipient Is to play in his turn and mall It to the person whose name appears directly under his. Have a Ruy Lopez started, say to 3 B-Kt 5. and as many games to start elmultaneouily as there are players in the printed list. Each player In the beginning would be supplied with a traveling game sheet and be Instructed to make Black's third move and mall to the proper person on a given date; after that the games could progress as rapidly as possible. Under such a plan the Ruy Lopez, or any other opening, could be teeted by sixty to 100 correspondence tandem games all going at the same time. It would not be necessary to have any re ports made except when one of the players resigned or mate was effected or announced and then the scores should be sent to the central office. Under this 'plan, too. each player would be given the opportunity to choose his favorite defease to the Ruy Lopez In one game and all the games would be following each other 'round the circle. .Miiachuet t-Io lvn. RUY LOPEZ. DlacK Cook, t-tu 1-P-K 4 :-Q Kt.B :. J-Kt-B t. 4- Kt x P. b-k :. 5- Kt J, "-Kt P x B. S-Kt-Kt GuU. lt-B-B 1. U-Q-K. iJ-B-Kt X. u-r-Q i. H-P P. M B P x r. tt-B-3 ;. tr-Kt-B 4 19-Kt-K X -Kt x Kt. -K-R. White Coyl. Ioa. 1-P-K 4. ; JB-Kt i. ' 4-CaiUt. 5 P-Q 4. ' KQ.K - :-K t Kt. , f-P X P. i -Kt-B :. , N-Kt-Q 4. i IX B-K Z, i ti-Kt-ict :. , 1I-Q R.K. ll-P-B 4 1U-B i B. I 1 Kl-Q 4 i r-r i p. , U-Q-B t. I 19-Kt-K 4. I V Kt-B . eh. Reigni. From Brooklyn Eagle. White mates ia three moves. Composed by George N Cbeaey, Syracuse, N. Y. BLACK. m m m 1 w m m s m & m m Z m a i iMl -hLaBr kr-JI th- W J"s V45 m Rtf m r s 4i WHITE The rilKrliu ami the Puritan. Detroit Free Press This is the story of William, the weary pilgrim, aad Jeretoam. the Puritan "Fnthee." quoth W,lliam "the guer doa of a haadout, or cold bite." "Nay. nay. frleads." quote Jereboam. "For this is the Sabbath day!" "Oo uato others as ye would they do unto you!" quoth William. "Verily, a good rule, friend!" "Verily, friend!" quoth Jereboam. "And being pood It works not upon the Sab bath'" Now this could William not gaiasay. fsr It chanced that he. too. was brought up la the strictest sect of the Pharisees. Patronize American goods, especially when you kaw they are the best, like Cook s Imperial Ex;ra Dry Cbampasoe. HOW AUGLST1NE COOES FISH I i Olmr lr&n from tbe Ealtic Sea Bout Mitiouri BiTir Citi. CHEF WHOSE ONLY UTENSIL IS A KNIFE I'letnrciijue Character Who MnUon All Welcome, anil for n Hottle of lleer Will Jerve n Peat Pit for n KIiik. There's only one fish cook In the uorll. His name It Aucuttlne Faust and he li sj . on the east bank of the Missouri rivtri about six miles south of Council BluSt. 1 The man (s familiarly knows as Aa custine and some of his most intimate frlende will probably be surprised to itara thAt he has any other name than that ef the rood saint. This particular cook doesn't wear the in evitable white cap and apron of the chef who essays a French accent and prepares dishes thar are notable chiefly fcr the loss name that appcirs en the menu. He doesn't hate a score of assistants who break their neeks every time he give an order and spend their days and nlchts pol ishing new-faazled kitehen utensi.s that were unknown to tbe cooks of fifty years a$o. Augustine is a Prussian, a native of Komgsber?. Eighteen years ago he left his home on the Baltic ea and came to the United States. He wa a fisherman In the old country and his love for the water led htm to settle on the Missouri. Some afternoon when you haven't any thin; else to do drive out to Augustlae's and try some of his roasted Qsh. One taste Is enough to make you an Augustine fiend the rest of your days. It is eiy to find the fisherman's little hime on the river's edge. The road to Augustim's Is about as well known a the road to Mania lay. I.atrhstrlne llnntt Oat. But to tell something of how the sturdy little Prussian goes about It to entertain his visitors. He Is host and cook In cn. A hearty reception awaits anyone who drives to his door, especially If the visitor has a few bottles of cool, refreshing beer. He will build a roaring log are in front of his cabin aad amuse you meantime by tell ing thrilling stories of how the Prussians Juggled the Frenchmen during the Franco Prussian war. Then he win set a rude board table with tin plates, sttel knhes and forks and wooden salt cellars and pepper boxes. He will then Invite hU guests down to the river and give them their choice between a score of glistening channel cats that are imprisoned ta a great wire box. Not the least picturesque part cf ths visit to the old fisherman's place is the swearing that he does while he Is landtag the wriggling fish. If you have ever tried to pick up a three-pound catfish you will realize that Augustine's expletives may be condoned. With one stroke of a tharp Vnlfe the entrails of the fish are removed. Long sticks sharpened at both ends are then thrust Into the mouths of the wriggling beauties and forced through their bodies into the tails. Small nails are used in fastening tho heads of the fish to the sticks so they will not slip when placed in the heat. A few gashes are made in the fish and an abundance of coarse salt rubbed over ttem. Here U III Secret. This Is all the preparation Augustine's fish require. When he has done with the work he will hold the Impaled fish high in the air for the approval of his guests. Then comes the Important work of prepar ing the fire for the fish roast. Coals are raked In a great heap on the side of tbe fire from which the wind is blowing and the sharpened sticks arc ituck into the ground near the embers; a large wooden door is then placed behind the fish to re flect the heat. Augustine stands over the roasting fish with all the glee of a colored mammy who is cooklne 'cossutn. He turns the sticks ! as the fat begins to fry out aad explains how th 2esh cooks in its own grease and I is free from artificial tastes. The cook will tell you that It takes half I an hour to roast three-pounders If the fire ' Is right and that It Is Impossible to cook j fish a la Augustine unless they are fat. I He will try to tell you that a skinny fish ' burns before the fire, but If you haven't a smattering of German you may mistake I his conversation for a dissertation on why tbe cat came back. nen tae usa get uitei utu.ntu have been turned around half a hundred times Augustine gets excited. His eyes grow bright with expectation and he be comes as nervous as a baker who Is timing a bride's cake. "He's pretty near done! He's pretty near don!" Augustine will exclaim as he orders his guests to bo seated. His little red beard will take on added luster. After a few farewell turns of the sticks the little Prussian will test the fish with a stick and announce: "He's done." Cold Hottle I'll ) the llixt. And then comes the best of all. A great brown fish Impaled oa a pole that serves the same purpose as a stick In an "all day sucker" will be laid on your plate and you will be told to "get after him " Augustine's order to eat is entirely un necessary. The man who would not fall to such fish never lived. A three-pounder of Augustine's cooking fades In no time before an appetite that has ben sharpened by the drive tnto the country. "How do you like him" is the question Augustine propounds to guests whose mouths are too full for conversation. The unvarying answer is a cold bottle, which keeps the Prussian silent for a few minutes. An enjcyable part of a feast on Augus tine's beach Is the poat-prandlal exercises Augustine is always ready to entertain hu puests He will sing "Wacht am Rb ne' if you request It. You can forgive his stng ing after having eaten his fish and may be able to stand for a few verses of "Ho h dtr Kaiser." Carry a lantern with you when you go to Augustine e. The road which leads from his house is narrow aad bis guests netr leave beloro midnight. Augustine will do anything ta the world for visitors but lend them lanterns. He loaned sixty-three lanteras last year and is still waiting for the bread which was cast upon the waters. .ev Tare for Miiiiltu llltes. Prof. Dr Voges. the director cf the Na tional Board of Health of Buenos Ayrcs is tatd to have found a remedy for mosquito bites. He says tbat he discovered it by accident during bis trip to Paraguay to study tbe pest. He had been supplied w)ta all sorts of remedies, anions them naphth alene, an ar.icle of no value whatever acaisst tbe pest, but cn ustsc it for mosquito bites be found It of surprising effect. It neutralized tbe pelscn, even when the spot bitten was greatly inflamed. If freib bites are rubbed with naphthalene he de-lares no swelling follows. The pro fessor considers naphthalene almost a spe cific agitnit mosquito poison. What r. Tale It Tells. It th;t mirror of yours shows a wretched. sallow complexion, a Jaundiced look, moth i patches and blotches on the skin. It's l ver trouble, out Dr King's New Life Pills rege late the liver purify the blood, give clear tkln, rosy -aeeiti rich complexion. Only . :c at Kuhs Co s drug store. j Doctors Who AND Doctors The Doctor that ?u etW l the v... ;..,, al .Uty anl ex periotico. The Doctcr that fail is the uu w !. l .. not jmsoss the.e qualification, but tries to imitate his ptviUi-e.-i-ir. I '.w stucess of the Doctors of th State-Electro Medical lnt!tutc has bv-n o rreat that tnuuy are tryinjr to Imitate their methods; they even opy rwidlly their. medio 1 announcement. But their orltrlnal and stietvs.'.ful un th Hl rt up-to-date treatment for dleaea of men can only Ik? had nt 130.$ Fa-u in, sr. oiimha. .NVK It no one be de ceived by leuorant Imitator or faM pr. t. t, lcr. for It is their skill and tpeclal treatment that cures men to stay vtirvd uti l u t their medical announcement and wrltlty Master Specialist I do rot treat a".; diseases, but c-re c 1 1 t;eat. I treat men nrlv. and cure them to stay cured. In tlmost every v. nation specialty w.jric .s r.iw called for anl demanded. This Is notably true when llf- or death Is ir. . ,.a.j It la then thi.t the best treatment tbe medical profession affords Is sought attrr. and this can Mine only from the true, specialist, wh'.s deep knowledge, exfert -kill, vast experience and thorough cl entlilc equtpmnts have given him complete mastery over th diseases that con stitute his srecu!ty. Whatever may be your ailment, get help from one who h made such cases a spe cial study. If your eyesight Is falling go to a reliable optician or oculist. If your heating la defective consult a competent aurtat. If a bad tooth is distressing you engage the skill of a dentist. Or If you are burning with fever or shaking with chills, tell yojr troubles to a family phsiclan. They can do more good than I can, tor I do not treat such complaint, nor pretend to cure them But If you hav oti of the serious diseases prLilltr ti men such as VARICOCELE, KIDNEY o.- URINARY TROUBLES. CONTAGIOUS I1LOOD POISON. SEXUAL DEBILITY or allied troubles, which t d-pletlng your vitality, or If your cass has been aggravatf d and made worse by the us if rfitic. free samples, trial treat ments ur similar devices tf this Is your unfortunate condition 1 want you to write, us cr come to our offices, where you will be welcome to private counsel, a careful personal examination and an honest ar.d scientific opinion of your case free of charge. These disease? and weaknesses of men. and they alor. ae my specialty. To thm I have earnestly and exclusively devoted the best years of my life, during which t'roe I have discovered and developed varlou forms of treatment which make thlr cure an unqualified and ab'olute certainty. Is it not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes of men1 U ID IP AO CI C Under our Electro-Medial treatment this Insidious disease rapidly IHiiIUUuCIbC disappears Pain ceases almost Instantly. The pools of stag rjmt bljCKl are driven from the dilated ve.r.s ar.d a!', soreness end swelling quickly subside. Every Indication of varicocele so-, ar.ishes, and In Hs stead comes th pride, power and the pleasure of iierfectheutth ami restored man lui jil. CTDIOTIIDC Our Electro-Medl-al Treatment dissolves the stricture completely OlillUlUnC ar.J removes every obstr:-tlun fro mthe urinary passage, a hay all Inflammation steps every unnatural dls. harge. reduces the prostate gland, and heals the bladder and kidneys. Inv.gorates the sexual organs and restores Ilea th nd soundness to every part of the body .iKtoted by the disease. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON' mcr.t for this dlseuse is practically the re- uit of our life work, and Is Indorsed by the best physi -lar.s of this and foreign coun tries. It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of any kind. It soes to the very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, and the patient prepared anew for the duties and pleasures of life. CCVIIAI nCDII TVMen many of you are now reaping the result of your OCAUHL UCDILII I former folly. Your manhood is falling and will soon ho lst unless you do something for yourself. There Is no time to lose. Impoteney, tike all sexual diseases. Is never on the standstill With it you can make no compro mise Either you must mmtr it or it will master you. and fill your whole futura with misery and indescribable woe We have treated so many cases of this kind that we are as familiar with them as you are with the very daylight. Once cured by us you will never again be bothered with omissions, drains, prematureness, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling mmory. loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study, business, pleas ure or marriage Our treatment for weak men will correct all these evils and re store you to what nature lntendd a hale, healthy, happy man. with physical, mental and nasi powers complete. DIIDTIIDC Cured to stay cured by our Electro-Medical treatment without the use nUr I Uilb of the knife, and without detention from business. DCCI CY filCCAvCC Many ailments are reflx. originating from other dls nCrUCA UlwPH-Ji.O eases Kor instance, sexual weakness sometimes comes, from Varlcrele cr Stricture, Innumerable blood awl bone disease! often result from cor.tagicus bleed taints in the system, or physical ar.d mental decline frequently fol'ow tmpctency In treating diseases of any kind we always remove the origin we euro the cause CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL CONTRACT your trouble. HEPi:ilC.VCnSi nest Ranks and lluslne.. 3Ien lu This City. Consultation Free, Office Honrs From S n. ni. to 8 p. ni. undnj s 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam Str., Between 13th and 14th Str., Omaha, Neb. WEAK, WASTING, STRICTURED MESS 19,846-CURES LAST YEAR- 1 9,84G 'Stricture. Ia Instantly RllTed and the Obstruction Dissolved Like Snow B.netth the Snn-II FIFTEEN DAYS. Varicocele Ia Cured and Weak Men Are Restorad by the Masic St. James Treatment Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Part. HOME TREATMENT "Cr.?nlt-nl" dissolve Stricture like innir beneath the inn, cures VAIllCOCHLC and EM.Mtr.KI) I'KOSTATi:, nnrt M r-iiith-ns the Seminal Dacts, topplna" drnlus unit emissions IN FlfTKB.N' DAYS. .Nu ilrns to ruin the toliincli. bat a direct local and positive Mpllca tlon ti, the entire Urethral Tract. '.very sufferer frcm Strict jre. and the cffsrrtr.g Var-ee.e Prr statins and Semlna' Weakness, should write to the 3' Jimes Association. C St James Bul'.diric. flrrmr.atl OK f-r the ti. strated wcrk sh'wlnc the t arts -f the human s-.stem Involved in l'rthral Ailments, which tbey in piaio p--Kage. prc,3ia F3E TREATISE GOUPOri idrtt fvlxin'y written, when tlity tl jrtIy t. uitrasei la &!M3a, ibl'c Urtthral Al rr.tnu. ST. JAMES ASSOCIATION. Please send to raa acooy of 70u- Ma.e Ssual System, e- Nam curely sealed. PREAID. FPEE ALL CHARGED , AddrCSS rON!VI.TATIO.V AAD ST, JAMES ASSN. 62 ST JAMES BLOB., CINCINNATI, 0. Jf V ILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator Sif?fid Sure. Nt.r Falii. 0rug;i$U or by Milt. Prici, 12 (iiiiiuf " Jinan irc WILCOX MED. C0..32 h. 1 Sth SU Pails.. Pa. Soli! by SHCIIMW A .McCONMn.I, UIUC CO.. . W. Cnr. lUlh nud M., Omaha, .leb. 0 Succeed Who Fail. One personal visit Is alwa" preferred, but If you cannot call at our office, write your symptoms fully. given to all patients to hold for our promtses. Do not hesitate. If you cannot call today, write and describe Cured While You Sleep, IN 15 DAYS! IT Mill CSS It USCB It ti. -iTIfCT t 1$ li OUSSUVIJ, FREE send to raa.e at.p.. ants, eecureiy wrapped Cot iit thu ecjpon asi It to t& Et Jm Anwiitl-n with rcvir am and trai rca a eryjr of rhlr nha'-aslTt trta'.li '"t pins cf tfct malt iriteni larc.rnl la YTt?. (I,nUd,nK Corapote Illmtratoi Work upon the KXAMISATIOS TREC Famous Waukesha There Is no more Justly famous health and pleasur resort than Waukesha, and c-jwhere ul srre beautiful 1 tant.'es f jt 11 be found belter service, a iful location, cr zreater cposr- tmuseruent and rest than the FOUNTAIN SPRING HOUSE Fcr illustrated booklet and rates, i- dress. J. C. WALKER. Mgr. Waukesha, Wis. NO CURE, NO PAY, aU-ll JO t imt:t. 4k orri&, pr er wt&tajce w.j ror j.i iitMi Cm.ii er Ifrtrtc'.lj, Strirtur a VmneoisU t--tn4H,.,l.7 rjrtij It I Ul ostsii J. MS ta m, c t et Uilurti ool as rtr :ras, tift iikMUUi ' D f rs4 . n f of (ft prU lri, out tti.4 la tua sprussci eo miur i!uiiiMDiit,t4. W9 9-