Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1901, Image 19

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
L PAGES 11 TO 20.
ESTA1$LISI1ED jrisTE 19, 1873.
HAYDENs The Leading Dress Goods House in the West HAYDENs
While we have always led every other house in the west in dress oods. we can truthfully claim that we are second to only a very few in the east. This year we have outdone ALL other years in quality, stvle and enormous quan
tities. We have opened in our own dress goods department 1LM! cases of new fall goods, collected front the leading mills of the world, and -1 of the most famous mills in Europe are strictly eon lined to us for Omaha: I?. Priestley
& Co., Bradford, Eng, Sam'l. Courtauld, Essex, Eng., C. Coutiere & Ck, Lyons, France, Lupin, Paris, besides we represent Vvaz Merc's 8 German and Austrian mills. We represent every leading mill in America, and the pro
duct of some of the largest is strictly confined to us for Omaha. ON MONDAY we will have our first opening of the season, and will display this grand stock in our high grade dress goods department.
Nothing Under 50c Per Yard, and Nothing Over $10.00 Per Yard in this Department. See Our Bargain Room for All Wool
Dress Goods Under 50 Cents Per Yard.
Broadcloths, Venetians, Doeskins Kerseys, Vicunas, Panne Cheviots. Cravenetted suitings, etc.. and everything in tailor suitings from $1.00 to $7.50 per yard. Prunellas, Melroscs, Batistes, Violcs, Eollenncs, Lansdowns, Eta
mines, Solids, Wool Taffetas, etc., for medium and light weight dresses.
Come and examine the greatest stock of dress goods that was ever seen in Omaha.
One More Week of the Special Sale
Big Store's Linen & White Goods Dept.
Wo lmve still iulto n lot of lino white Roods left In plnln mid fancy do
BlgtiH, which wo will close out nt wonderful low figures we quote u few of these
prices below nnd have ninny more:
40-Inch lawn, extra tine grade, worth 35c,
at 16c.
India llnon nt 5c, VAc ami 10c yard.
India batiste worth COe yard, lit 30c.
Opera batiste, very best grade, IS-ln. wide,
worth Wc, nt 6"Hc.
Swiss mull worth 50c, nt 25c.
Persian lawn, DOc quality, at 27',4c.
Check nnl:i80ok at. special, 414c.
Htrlpo dimity worth SOc yard, at 15c yard.
English long cloth, 12-ynrd tolt. Soc.
Htrlpo awlss for draperies, worth 15c yard,
nt f)c yard.
Extra lino dotted swIms at 12(4c yard.
Madras cloth (or suits, at ."Wc yard.
Hero are a few record breaking prices In
our linen department which wo wish to call
your attention to.
Hero's u bargain for Monday In pattern
cloths, Borne that are. slightly soiled. Wo
will place oti salo 2, 2',4 and 3-yard cloths,
both In bleached and sliver bleached, which
havo sold as high us J5.W, for only $1.75,
12.25 and $3.00.
62-ln. all linen damask at 35c.
Gl-ln. nil linen damask at lOo.
70-ln. nil linen damask at 59c.
CS-ln. all linen dnmask at fiSc.
72-ln. ull linen damask, worth $1.00, nt
72-ln. nil llnon damask, worth $1.25, nt
72-tn. all linen damask, worth $1.50, nt
68-ln, heavy creum damask at 25c.
CO-ln. heavy cream damask at 32V4c
48-ln. heavy cream damusk at VJc.
Monday in the Bargain Room
Two notablo events will occur Monday In our bargain room every yard of
vash goods that sold up to GOo will go at 5o per yard.
Nothing over Bo In wash goods dimities, organdies, batistes, Jaconets, etc.
Wool Dress Goods
We will open up our new fall popular
prlcod dress goods nothing over 00c In this
department all wool henrlettna, all wool
Txpajr Onllia Halt on th Pniioi County
No Funds Vny for Work anil Other
LcKal OlillKntloiiB Interposed to
Prevent Crndinn thnt U Said
to Ilo Uiiitcvcaanry.
Judgo Eatollo yesterday morning entered
an order restraining tho county board from
awarding contracts for tho grading work
upon which bids wcro opoued yesterday. Tho
order was mado In a caao Instituted by
Lon Tumor, a taxpayer, nnd the henr
tng on Mr. Turner's application for a
temporary Injunction has been sot for Fri
day, August 23.
Mcnnwhtle tho county board Is forbidden
by the court to let tho contracts. Tho
bids for the work aro as follows;
7.. Cuddlngton 13.7
Daniel Ilannon .... 13.45
Calvin Kitchen
A. A. Ixmoreaux.. 14.0
James W, liucon
15.2 15.5
Grndlnir Comes IIIkIi.
The 30,000 cublo yards of grndlng wns to
have been done on tho county lino between
Douglas and Sarpy counties, the 20,000
cublo yards on the Dodgo street road and
the 10,000 and 8,000 jobs on two other county
roads. From tho bids It will bo seen that
the work would cost In" the neighborhood
of 110,000. Tho county clerk was Instructed
to advertlso for bids on this work by a reso
lution ndoptod July 13 by tho nlnrmatlvo
votrB of Commissioners Hoctor, Ilofcldt and
Connolly, with Commissioner Ostrom voting
In the negative and Commissioner Harto ab
sent. That tho county was without avnllablo
funds to pay for tho proposed work, that
the purposo of the majority members of the
board In letting it at this tlmo was to give
employment to a largo number of men Just
procedhiR tho county olcctlon and thnt part
of the work was to bo done within tho city
limits of South Omaha were fncts pointed
out in an artlclo published In The Ileo on
Mr. Tumor's petition for an Injunction sets
forth substantially tho same facts pub
lished in The lice on Friday.
llrnsona Are Stated,
It says that tho county board has no au
thority In law for cutorlng Into tho pro
posed contract for the following reasons:
First About 80,000 cubic yards of grading
is proposed to bo done on the county lino
between Douglas und Sarpy counties, part
i ih0.!:OR b.clnK within tho city limits
of South Omaha, without having the ex
penso shared by Sarpy county und South
Hccond-Thero is no money nvnilablo In
the Douglas county road fund to pay for
the proposed work.
Third Taxpayers have
not reported the
CS-ln. extra heavy damask at fi5c.
72-ln. extra heavy damask at 75c.
72-ln. extra heavy damask, special at
Colored tablo linen In blue and rod
checks, guaranteed fast color, on sale Mon
day nt 25c yard.
Toweling, 25 ynrds In bolt, nt S5c bolt.
Check, all linen toweling, worth 124c
yard, nt 9c ynrd.
Wo also call your attention to our special
low lit ores on muslins, sheetings and ens
trigs. This sale Is for Monday only. Mall
orders given prompt attention.
10-1 bleached sheeting, regular price 27',e,
nt 25c.
9-1 bleached sheeting, regular price 25c,
nt 20c.
S-4 bleached sheeting, regular price, 2JV4c
nt 10c.
9-1 brown sheeting, heavy, at 15c.
45-Inch casing, at 10c.
42-luch casing, nt llVic.
Itcndy-mado pillow casing, best grade. 11c
Extra tlno yard wide muslin, no starch,
for Cc yard.
Yard wldo blenched muslin, good quality,
at 0V4c yard.
Bleached muslin, worth ?c yard, at 1C
yards for $1.00.
Kxtra brown muslin, Be yard.
Cambric D. & II., 6&c yard.
Hcmnants of tablo linen, toweling, pillow
casing, sheeting, on sale Monday nt The
Dig Store's main department.
granlto cloth, satin solid, satin prunolla
and 10,tiOO different weaves nt 10c, 15c,
25c, 2Dc, 39c and 19c per yard.
roads upon which the grading Is proposed
as being In an unsatisfactory condition and
thero is no necessity for doing thu work
at this time.
Fourth Tho county board has not In
structed tho county surveyor to examine
tho roads and report nn cstlmnta of tho
cost of the proposed Improvements, us tho
law requires.
Kvldcuei Hint Iuvnilrrs of Vencxiicln.
"Were Ilt-Kiilnr Troops of
Tluit Conntry.
NEW YOIIK. Aug. 17. Colonel L. Gon
zales, consul general of Venezuela In this
city, says ha has received information
from his government which enables him
to malto tho following statement:
"Colombian officials havo been busy dis
crediting tho report that tho recent In
vasion of Venezuelan territory was made
by a Colombian army. In reply to theso
denials tho significant fact can bo pointed
out that Senor Horran, Colombia's charge
d'affaires at Washington, has not yet con
tradicted tho report of his government's
participation In the Invasion nor tho pres
ence on tho Venezuelan frontier of Gen
eral Gonzalez Valencia, former minister of
war of Colombia.
"But thero are moro convincing proofs
than this mere circumstantial evidence.
Tho govornment has been practically as
sured by our consul at Snn Cristobal that
among tho troops who Invaded Venezuela
wero tho Colombian regiments known as
Sucre, Ilombona, Glraldot, Vencedorcs,
Toncrlfo nnd soventeen moro commanded
by Colombian army officers. Somo of tho
latter wcro Generals Gasparlnl, Tedro Loon
Canal and Illascos.
"My advices say thnt tho killed, wounded
and captured of tho other sldo woro tho
uniform of tho Colombian army. Two
prisoners woro tho Insignia of tho Grena
diers of Cucuta. Tho Venezuelan authori
ties on tho frontier have ordered an Inves
tigation which Is expected to yield furthor
evidence of Colombia's complicity in tho
two unsuccessful raids on our frontier."
Senor Tomas Herrlas, charge d'affaires
of tho Colombian legation at Washington, Is
In this city awaiting tho arrival of his
family from Colombia. He said yesterday:
"Thero 1b no doubt that Venezuela has
given help to tho rebels In Colombia."
Clinnilierlnlii'a Co lie, C'limrra anil
Dlurrlioeii llfiueily.
The uniform success of this remedy has
made It the most popular preparation In use,
for bowol complaints. It Is everywhere
recognized as tho ono remedy that can al
ways bo dopended upon and that Is pleasant
to toko, It Is espoclnlly valuable for sum
mer diarrhoea In children nnd Is undoubt
edly tho means of saving the lives of a
great many children each year. For salo
by all druggists.
Manufacturer ' Aooolntlon Will Vrue
Nest CoiiKrt'ss to
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 17,-Presldent
Search of the National Association of Manu
facturers has called a meeting of the execu
tive committee of that organization for Oc
tober i for the purpose of taking up tho
Remember Our
Furniture Dept.
You waste neither time or money when
you come here.
New goods arriving dally, hundreds of
new pieces to select from see us bef ire
you buy.
Wo luiVc contracted wlt'i Vino of the larg
est chair factorcs In thu country to hand o
so many of their chairs and rockers every
month. Ily doing so wo get a low price, and
aro therefore enabled to sell nt retail much
lower than similar goods can bo sold where
bought In small lots. This fine rocker lias
quarter wnwod oak back, has a 20-Inch 3
ply veneered scat, high arms, well brae d,
with splndlfs, high back, carved apron
nnd lower' slat a handsome, strong, well
made article, which usually sells for $3.50
our price, $1.95.
Solid oak cano seat chair, brace arms,
Solid oak cano seat rocker, brace arms,
3-pancl oak screen frame, 75c.
Same screen tilled, $1.S5.
Send for freo Furniture catalogue.
Special Ribbon Sale
10 cents
for goods worth lEc to 40c yard.
question of reciprocity. The question will
bo considered In nil Its phases, after which
a call -will bo Issued for a national reci
procity convention. This action Is taken as
n result of dissatisfaction of manufacturers
who aro In tho export trado and congress ht
Its next session will be naked to glvo the
Bits of
A terrible strain Is sometimes felt by tho
blue-coated guardians of tho Sabbath pcaco
nt Ocean Grove, N. J., relates a Now York
letter. Ono of them is now suffering from
nervous prostration, becauso ho caught a
boy selling peanuts under tho very shadow
of the tabernaclo a Sunday or two ago.
A rigid law at Ocean Grovo is that no ono
shall pass along Its streots or bypaths clad
In a bathing suit. Two young woman, who
nro living In a tent ucar tho beach, did not
know of this Iron rule, or were willing to
risk it. On Suuday last thoy encased them
selves in u couple of modest bathing suits,
mado a ntsh when tho policeman was not
looking and got across the lino into tho
comparative lawless and ungodly freedom of
Asbury Park. Tho sequel Is told mo by a
"Tho girls had their swlra and started to
go homo. Soracono told them that they
would be stopped. 'What shall wo do V
they usked. They wero advised to wait un
til tho officer's back was turned and then
in alto a rush for It.
"They did so. The officer walked down
toward tho lake, und thero wcro two
streaks of navy bluo headed for a tent In
Ocean Grovo.
"Hut alas, tho deep duplicity of holy
slcuthdom had been too much for them.
"A big guard stepped from behind a tree
right In trout of the girls, waved his club
at thorn and yelled, 'Stop, thero, or I'll grab
you by tho back hair.'
"That scared them to a standstill. 'Won't
you let us go home?' asked the youngest.
'It's only to that tent yonder.'
'The policeman was a lantern-Jawed fol
low with a hymn book In each pocket nnd
his boots stuffed with tracts. 'You have
profaned a holy day and broken a rulo of
tho camp grounds. If you go a step further
I'll arrest you,' ho said.
"Tho girls turned to tho crowd. 'What
shall wo do?' asked ono of them in deep
distress, 'If you only say so, ma'm,' said a
husky young man, as ho bsgan to take off
his coat, 'I'll chuck this psalm singer ono,
h!lo you make a break for it.' Tho girls
begged so hard that ho put on his coat and
stood back.
"After a long argument thero was a com
promise. A lady In tho crowd was per
mitted to go to tho tent and get the girls'
everyday clothes. When theso were brought
the thrco went back to tho Asbury beach
und tho girls put on tholr other garments
over the wot bathing suits.
"Then the policeman stood aside In an
attitude of holy devotion and tho girls went
slowly and solemnly up to their tents. In
this manner Is life regulated nnd made a
serious problem at Ocean Grove."
Onco upon a tlmo F. Hopklnson Smith,"
the art critic and lecturer, happened to
reach a city In the northwest on. a bit
terly cold day to fill an engagement be
fore a wotnan'i club, relates the Chicago
Hnyden's Greatest
Wash Goods Sale
Embroidered, mull, dottel foulard, em
broidered batiste, foulard da orient, black
grenadine, crystal dlmltv. dotted Swiss
nnd mnny others of the ilnest wnsh goods I
made, all go on sale .Mommy in our main
wash goods department. These arc nil high
grade w.ish goods, sold from 25c to $t 0)
it yard all season, now In broken lines and
the price Is to get them out for fall goods,
all nt Vin' yard.
All i.f our eliolcext styles In dimities,
batistes, grars cloths, etc., that sod for
15c to 22c u yard, all on sale Monday at
9c yard. '
This Is a bargain opportunity for next
season'n dress buying.
Bed Spreads
1 ciso extrn heavy bed spreads, each, 39?.
1 ciiki' extra largo Marseilles pattern,
each, Imc.
1 case 71-Inch wide, 214-yard long, extra
heavy bed spreads, each t3c; regulnr price
1 ease Marseilles bed spread., each $1.50;
worth $2.50.
1 ense extra large frlngo bed spreads,
each, $1.10.
China Department
Plain white semi-porcelain cups nnd
saucers, l'4i each.
Decorated seml-porcolain cups nnd sauc
ers. 2He each.
Tablo sets, polished crystal, llnlslicd In
bright gold, 9c each.
Kino blown tumblers. 6 for 11c.
Gnllon milk crocks, 3c.
Tin top Jelly tumblers, 2c.
Senil-Porcnlaln Plates Dinner size, lc;
tea size, 3c; plo size, 2c,
Mason Jnrs Pint size. Be each;
quart f-lze. RHe each; 2-qunrt slz", Glo each.
100-pleco Imported English decorated din
ner set we have only n few of them and
whllo they last the prlco will bo $4.9S.
Decorated toilet sets, $1,79.
Another Special Sale
Gold filled frames, best quality; spectacles
or eyeglasses; Ilnest quality special ground
lenses, $3.45.
Crystal ground lenses, nltimlnco frame?;
spectacles or eyeglasses, $1.59.
Strong nickel frames, good lenses, 5Sc.
Colored glasses, "cyo protectors," nt 13c.
Department In char go of experienced,
practical optician; complcto satisfaction
desired rollef to tho Industries at stake.
The sentiment of manufacturers, says
President Search, is In favor of securing
treaties of commercial reciprocity with
othor countries with n view to tho extension
of America's trade In foreign lands. Within
tho last few months, ho says, Russia, Italy
Chronicle. Tho trnln was a llttlo lato and
Mr. Smith, without stopping to refresh
or warm himself, hurried to tho houso
whero ho wns to entertain a select party
of women.
After ho had changed his traveling dress
ho found that his tcoth wero still fairly
chattering with cold and ho felt that ho
must bo warmed up boforo beginning his
effort to Interest his audience. Across
tho hall wns n woman's dressing room.
Ho approached tho door and, naming his
hostess, asked if alio wcro present.
"No," said n young woman, coming for
ward, "but I am her dnughter. What can
I do for you, Mr. Smith?"
"I am very cold," was Mr. Smith's re
ply. I want somo whisky."
Had n bombshell exploded In tho room
tho result could hnrdly havo been moro
startling, for tho hostess waH tho very
head nnd front of tho local Woman's Chris
tlon Temperance union organization. Tho
young woman was evidently staggered, but
she rallied to tho situation.
"I sco," sho said, "you nro 111, Mr.
Smith. You shall havo tho whisky."
Sho crossed tho room to a medicine
closet, took out a small phial, filled a
teaspoon from It nnd, returning, said In
a commanding voice:
"Open your mouth, Mr. Smith."
Mr. Smith obediently opened his mouth,
received his teaspoonful of whisky, thanked
tho fair physician and "went without fur
ther comment downstairs.
Tho Stcol Engraving Woman sat by tho
open casement, upon which rested ono
slender arm, relates tho Atlantic Monthly.
Her drapery slcovo foil back, revealing tho
alabaster whiteness of her hand and wrist.
Her glossy, abundant hair was smoothly
drawn over her ears nnd ono roso nestled
In the coll of her dark locks.
Suddenly a heavy step was heard upon
tho Btalr. A slight blush mnntled tho Steel
Engraving Woman's cheek.
"Can that bo Hcglnald?" sho said.
Tho door flow open and on tho threshold
stood the Gibson Girl.
"Excuse mo for dropping In upon you,"
Eho said, with a slight nod, tossing n golf
club down upon tho sofa near by. "You
sec, I've been appointed to write a paper on
'Extinct TypeB' and I am anxious to scrnpa
acquaintance with you."
The Steel Engraving Woman bowed a
trlllo stlffiy.
"Won't you bo seated?" sho said with
Tho Gibson Girl dropped Into a low chair
and crossed ono kneo over tho other, then
sho proceeded to Inspect tho room, whis
tling meanwhllo a Btjatch from tho last
comic opera. She woro a short pklrt nnd
heavy, square-toed shoos, n mannish col
lar, cravat and vest nnd a broad-brimmed
felt hat, tipped Jauntily upon ono aide.
She stared qulto fixedly at tho fair occu-
ffpHjHv LTapaaaar
Hardware, Stored
and Hoitsefurnishiiigs
We hnve over 500 enst cooks nnd ranges,
and steel ranges In our wnrehoiise, bouwht
nt a very low cash price. Tho Indications
arc thnt theso goods will be much higher
and hard to get for this season. Wo fell
them for lebs than wholesale prlco. If you
need a cook stovo or steel range, now Is
your tlmo to buy nnd savo monoy.
Wo can sell you a splendid steel range
with high warming closet, gray Iron top.
wnrranted not to crack or wnrp, largo.
21xlS, 1S.14 oven, asbestos lined, duplox
grato for wood or coal, handsomely nickel
plated, weight 500 pounds a regular $33.00
range, wo soli them for $29.93.
Same with cast or nickeled copper reser
voir, for $C.0o more this ranges would ba
cheap for $15.00.
A good No. 8, warranted cook stove for
A nlco 6-hole rango with white enameled
reservoir, $15.93.
2-hole laundry stove, No. S, for $:.95.
Special discount on all gasoline stoves
and refrigerators, screen doors, etc.
50c Belts 10c
We aro closing out our stock of ladles'
fancy belts, only 10c.
240 yards of Holding Hro.' best sewing
silk for 10c; regular price 25c.
25c black silk veiling, fc yard.
75c mousscllno do sole 75c liberty silk 75c
chiffon all on salo at 29c yard.
Spcclul salo on copyrighted books 25c
novels, 6c.
Men's $1.50 White
Shirts at 49c
200 dozen men's nnd boys' white shirts,
tho Griffon brnnd shirt, one of tho best
shirts made, all sizes from 12 to IS, on
sale at 49c.
Closing out all tho men's silk front nnd
colored laundered shirts, that sold up to
$1.25, at 49c.
nnd somo other countries have dealt a heavy
blow to our foreign trado by levying n
countervailing duty. Mt will bo endeavored
to show to congress that American Indus
tries have suffered by the present tnrlff
laws and their Interpretations and congress
will bo asked to glvo tho required remedy.
Touching Episodes
and Incidents.
pant of tho apartment, who could with
djtllculty conceal her evident nnnoyancc.
"Dear me! you'ro Just as slender nnd
ethereal ns any of your pictures," bIio re
marked speculatively. "You need fresh air
nnd exerclso, und seo the color of my hnnds
nnd fnco bcslilo your own."
Tho Steel Engraving Woman glanced nt
her vis-a-via and shrugged her shoulders.
When tho sun sot tho Steel Engraving
Woman might havo been seen again
seated beside tho open casement.
Her taper fingers lightly touched
tho strings of her guitar as eho
hummed a low lullaby. Once moro sho
heard a step upon tho stair and onco ngaln
tho color mantled her damask chock and
sho murmured, "Itcglnaldt" A tall nnd
ardent flguro came swiftly toward her. Ho
dropped upon ono knee, as if to pay duo
homage to his fair one, and, raising hor
whlto hand to his Hps, whispered, "My
queen, my lady love!"
And nt this moment tho Gibson Girl was
seated upon n fenco, swinging her heavy
boots, whllo an athletic youth besldo hor
busied himself with filling a corncob pipe.
"I say, Joe," ho said with friendly ac
cent, "Just you hop down and Btand In
front of mo to keep tho wind off while I
light this pipe."
And the night brcczo sprang up and mur
mured, "Hall tho now woman behold sho
comes apace! Woman, once man's superior,
now his equal."
The thunderstorm hod spent Its rago nt
Inst. Small pools of water )ny upon the
sidewalk nnd causeway.
Tho black clouds woro rapidly disappear
ing from tho sky. Tho silver moon nnd
shimmering stars wero endeavoring to ro
nssert themselves. Tho fovorlsh city panted
Its grateful thanks, llko an nnlmal re
freshed. JConobla came to tho window nnd throw
wldo tho casement. A sound of woo foil
upon her cars. Along tho avetnio thero
slowly came n human form.
Anon It raised Its hands nnd appealed
to tho lofty heavens. Anon It gesticulated
despairingly to tho moon and tho stars.
And a man's volco cried: "I will never
forglvo her! Heaven hears mo! I will
novcr forglvo her."
"A human tragedy." mused Zenobla
"the old, old story of faithless fovp."
As the man ncared her sho noticed that
ho shook with emotion. Hut ha trod tho
nvcnuo with a henvy, manly step. Oppo
site hur mansion tho storm had left a
pool upon tho sidewalk about two Inches
deep. -Tho man stopped heavily Into this
pool nnd tho water splashed Into his fnco.
"And ns thn waves close over my head,"
he cried, "I Bwear I will novor forglvo
"Loaded I" aald JCenobla, haughtily, nnd
withdrew from the casement.
And tho human tragedy staggered down
tho avenue.
Magnificent Silks
Kor lnrgo nnd varied nssortnicnts, for excellency of quality, for designing nnd
styles that arc the highest type of art Ilnyden Hros. have long been recognized
as leaders, hut we believe that the magnificent line of new full silks thnt we aro
now showing will surpass In beauty anything that was seen nt any former
season. See the great window display on south half of lGtli street front
Over m full bolts of M and 1 STnch bhtck (
bolf of black And colored "Wlnslow tar-
gVeat 'display ami then' lot us show you
UMWeoWa new Uiie of
waists, worth $l.t. on sale at fjc.
oMAN UPES in pink, blue nnd
er mm white and colors, on sale nt ,te.
NEW GHENADINES that are exclusive,
all 45-ln . wide. In patterns of 6 "''" H
Great Cracker Sale
i l iiior rnrlond of nice fresh
crackers and cakes; they will bo on sale
Monday nt prices that will cioso uiciu .
quickly. Tho trust has advance, iho
prices on theso goods, but wo still sell
them cheaper than the trust's pr co to other
dealers. If you want nice, fresh crackers,
buy them nt Hayden s.
Ginger snaps
Mixed biscuits
Hutter crackers
5c lb.
Soda crackers
Pnceda biscuit, 3'jc.
Krostcd creams or lemon creams, sc.
Oatmeal crackers or graham crackers,
ntc . . ..... cn
Sugar una inoinsses cuuki.-o, o73.
Ornngo sweets. S'.ic ...f
Pretzels, 10c; lemon nnd vnnlla wafers,
,5c; animal crackers. Wc; shred w ;hca bis-
13c; lemon snaps. &a Grape-Nut Kood, Uc.
Special Grocery Sale
10 bars best laundery soap, 25c.
3 largo bottles puro tomato catsup, I5c.
3-lb. can fancy pumpkin, 9c.
5 enns oil sardines, 23c.
lOo package washing powder, 8 l-8c.
3-lb. cans California egg plums, 12',4c
IC-oz. package corn starch, 3!4c.
Scrubbing lye, por can, 6c.
Fancy Santa Clnra prunes, 124c
Choice ruby prunes, 4&c
Fancy evaporated pears, 8'1-Se.
Aldcn evaporated peaches, 8 1.3c.
15c Linen Collars at 5c
500 dozen men's nnd linvn" fnllnro m,i.
ply, every collar warranted now nnd per
fect, all tho now styles, sold for 15o evory-
!?Oll ilnynn tnniy'u ?m . . 1 .. n..
straight, every pair wnrranted now and per-
1....UU .u nun hi. ov, on saie at aoo.
EdiUr of Weitcrn Laborer Arouses Talk in
Typographical OiroUi.
He I'lililUlien Iteport of Alleireil III
'I'ri'iitiiient of Iniimtca of the Home
for OUnlilcil l'rlntcrn Inventl
Katloii la In 1'rofrrcaa.
F. A. Kennedy, editor of tho Western La
borer of Omaha, seems to havo been thu lly
In tho ointment at tho recent meeting of
tho International Typographical union ut
Birmingham, Ala., nnd tho International
body took action on a recent urtlclo pub
lished In tho Omaha newspaper which, In
tho opinion of several members of tho
Omnhn Typographical union, was, to say tho
least, hasty.
Tho trouble originated a year ago ovor
tho nllcgod misconduct of tho Printers'
homo at Colorado Springs, Colo. At tho
last convention of tho International union
a "round robin" signed by several inmates
of tho homo was presented to tho body, set
ting forth that tho present manager of tho
homo wns not conducting the institution to
tho best Interests of tho inmntes. Tho com
munication was suppressed, tho secretary
being instructed not to print it in tho pro
ceedings of tho convention. Lator in tho
year Frank Kennedy wroto to somo of tho
pcoplo who signed tho "round robin," tell
ing them that if they would send a copy of
tho communication to hlra ho would publish
It, which wns done.
Doctor Mnkca a I'rotent.
Last month Mr. Kennedy published a
communication from Colorado Springs, In
cluding certain letters which had passed bo
tweon Dr. W. A. Campbell, at that time
physician at tho homo, and tho officors of
tho International Typographical union. In
theso lottora tho doctor stated that tho man
agor was not treating the Inmates as sick
peoplo should bo treated; that ho was com
pelling men In the last stages of consump
tion to cat tho food prepared for tho healthy
Inmates or go without food, and that this
practlco had been carried on to such an ex
tent that he was compelled to draw upon
tho tonics In tho medical stores to glvo
them proper sustenance. Tho doctor further
said that tho board of trustees, In pursu
ance) of tho "round robin," had "Invcati
gatcll themselves and found themselves not
Speaking of tho action of tho Interna
tional union Mr. Kennody said: "I will
leavo tonight for Colorado Springs und by
tho tlmo I return I expect to know moro
about tho conditions at the home. Tho
letters of Dr. Campboll apeak for them
selves and wero published with tho hopo
that tho International Typographical union
would tako cognlzanco of thorn and ap
point an investigating committco from that
body to Investigate, as It appears from tho
letters of tho doctor that tho board of
trustcca has mado tho light of tho pres
ent manager its own. Tho manager has
succeeded in getting out of tho homo tho
most of tho men who signed tho 'round
rollu.' Two of them havo alnco died of
$1S.OO, $25.00, $35.00 nnd $50.00 each.
Once more tho fnmous black lVnu dn la
Tu goes on sale this Is that silk for drofsen
that is 43-ln. uldo and Is worth $5.W por
yard, will soil Monday for $2.50.
HLACK TAFFETA Moro sold here In ono
day than others sell In n week-thls Is tho
reason whv: ... ,
Illack taffeta, puro silk, 2l-ln. wldo, worth
90c. on sale nt 42Hc ... . ,,
lllnck taffeta, tmro silk, 27-In. wldo, worth
$1 en, on salo at 69c. ...
Illack taffeta, puro silk, 27-ln. wide, worth
$1.25, on sain at t'.9c. ...
Illack taffuta, puro silk, 38-ln. wide, worth
$1.75, on salo at 98c.
Hlack tnfTetn. puro silk, 61-ln. wldo, worth,
$3.00, on salo at $1.00.
Tea and Coffee Sale
Wo sell tho best grado of coffco in
Arabian Mnchn, 31c.
Java and Mocha, 33 l-3c.
Epicure blend Java-Mocha, 25c.
Jamosa Java and Mocha, 20c.
We sell good coffco for much less.
Golden Itio, 15',5c
Santos blend, 12V4c
Crown blend, 11c.
Common Itlo, 10c.
A broken Mocha nnd Javu, 7V4c
Extra cholco Jnpan ten, only 45c,
Sun cured Japan ten, for Ico tea, 35c.
English breakfast, n cholco drink, 39o.
Moyune gunpowder, first crop, 3Sc.
First crop Japan tea slftlngs, 19c.
Cheese Specials
Iowa cream cheeso, 10c.
Fancy Ohio Swiss cheese, 16c.
Wisconsin cream cheese, 124c
Durham brand Ncufchatol, each 3c
Fish Specials
Family white llsh, per pound, Be.
K. K. K. Norwuy herring, por lb.. 10c.
Fancy family mackerel, per lb.. 12Mc
lirlck cod llsh, per lb., 7J4c
Fresh Fruits
Fancy California peaches, per doz., lOo.
Cholco Juicy lemons, per doz., 12Hc.
Meat Specials
No. 1 California hams. SWe.
Our special honey cured
bacon, 14c.
Salt perk, 7Hc
C-lb. palls leaf lard, 55c.
New bologna, 6c.
consumption nnd others nro in different
parts of tho country. It Is shameful to say
that sick men, on tho vergo of death,
should recolvo tho samo food and trentment
ns thoso who aro In good health and It
seems that Dr. Campbell was removed for
demanding that n distinction bo mado.
Thero nro no charges of corrupt practices
ngalnst tho present board or tho present
manager, but it is thought by somo thnt
tho Invnllds nt tho homo nro not receiving
proper treatment nnd wo will bco If tho
matter cannot bo investigated by an Inde
pendent committco somo othor tlmo."
Tyiioitrniilileal Villon Convention
((ultn, to Meet In Cincinnati
JVcxt Year.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug. 17. The forty
sovouth annual convention of the Interna
tional Typographical union camo to an end,
at 11 o'clock thlB morning, adjournment
being tnkon to moot next year in Cincin
nati. An nmendment to tho constitution
was adopted by which tho plurality ruin
will horeaftcr apply In tho olcctlon of tho
president and sccretary-trcaBiiror, tho
samo as to tho other International offices.
Majority rulo hna heretofore prevailed. A
proposition to levy a special asscasracnt
for labor ngltatlon was adopted, ns was
nlso n proposition to mako machlua
tenders' assistants members of tho union.
Tho latter prevailed ovor tho adverse re
port of tho laws committee. A proposition
excluding tho testimony of nonunion
printers when n union man Is on trial waa
Troop Kill Son of General Antclraii
mid Take Filipino Olllcera
MANILA, Aug. 17. A company of th
Twcnty-alxth infantry had nn engagement
with Insurgents yesterday In Camnrlnea
provlnco, Tho troopa killed Zobastcan
Angoleaso, a son of General Angleaso, and
seven privates and captured a major, two
captains and nlno privates.
Anothor detachment captured Magnsln Ca
balles nt Lumbnng, and also solzed a large
quantity of supplies.
Clll Governor anil Member of Com
iiiImhIiiii Well lleeelveil In Vlnn
Province, In Luzon,
MANILA, Atift. 17. Civil Governor Taft
und the Phlllpplno commission wero en
thusiastically received at Vlgan, provlnco
of South Ilocas today. A governor for tho
provlnco and other officials woro appointed.
Tho commission will reach Ilcnguel prov
lnco tomorrow. Tho commissioners aro
ngrccably surprised at tho advancement
shown In tho places visited.
Only I'urtliilly Sueee! nl,
NEW YOIIK, Aug. 17.-Whllo messages by
tho wireless system of telegraphy weru
successfully received from tho Lucanla last
night It was said on board tho Hteamr at
Quarantine today that nothing transmitted
from tho shoro could bo understood on
board tho Lucanla.