1 R Till-: ILLUSTltATKI) KKK AtlU'llt IS. I'.DI Lion Coffee 1 6 cvint t s of jmri' 1 1 1 f e i me nou! Coated Coffees .ir only about 14 oiiih r- of rottec and two OUIK I'S of CL'L'S, L'lne, etc., of no value to on, lint liinni-ymtlii' pocket of the master. I Am THE Fled Slama Charles K Stonecka Tt TOItS Wli I't pll.s u TIIH IIOMUMI S SI N'DW SCHOOL. Carpenter's Letter ('llllllllUCll ft oil! Seventh Page I mill shipped to China. Thu best of thum will 8-11 linn- for tW) a ton ami tho ox ports ninoiint to many thonsnml dollars a yenr. Through Hi" Queensland government I liuvo been alilc to get photographs of these riirlniiH sou woims nnil also soinu lutormu thin hh to their hnhltH from tlio govern ment c( mmlKHlomtr of fisheries, W. Savllle Ki-nt. who has recently maclu a special Htiidy of them. llo Hays they II vo on the foramliietera of mleroHcople shell anlmnls whl li are foiiml in groat itnantlilcH In tho watorn of thu cm nl roclm. Knch slug has hunilreilH of llttlo fiTili-trt about It mouth with which It liriiHhcH the rocks nnil ilraws the fooil from them Into Its throat. It might he lielter to say that each sea worm has hiimlreils of trunks corresponding t" iIhihii of an elephant, save that they are of liillnltcslmal Hi.. 1 ami that wlt'i each of 1 hem It picks up Its fooil nnil pits It In Its mouth. Tin re nro illlTereut varieties of licche do up r, tho reil ami Mack bringing tho highest price. TI1010 are some kinds which nro not worth the gathering and of these 0110 Is known as thu cotton llsh, liecauso It ejects n tunas of white, cottony stuff, tid hoilng with extreme tenacity to nil It toiichen. Tho matter ejected Is ho strong that the making of cement from It Is talked of It has also some of tho properties of rtitihcr nuil tt ts a iiui'Stlon whether It might tint hn UHed for similar purposes. MiniU I'Iiim at ifsoo a 'Ion. Another I'hlncBn delicacy whlcli l found In and aliout Torres strait Is hharks' (Ins. Tim waters of tho Harrier reef and nhout Now (iulticu nro lllled with sharks and they can ho caught hy the hundreds. Their litis nro eagerly Ixiimlit liy the Chluise. who will pay ns much as $sno a ton for thum, A recent shipment hero Bold nt $S8o a ton nnd In tho reports of the Australian government I nee It suggested that tho Iti tliistry he encouraged. The litis are dried In tho huh and then bagged up for shlp inent. In eootilng them after tho Chliu at faphlon they am llrst hulled with wool ashes In several waters and then t-craped and washed mil II perfectly clean. After this them Is anotlmr belling lu nrliiK water to take out the ash taste nnd they ore then stowed In 11 noup and nred with i-nili meat and 11 llttlo ham. I'l'lnee or Willi" InIiiiiiIn, I am surprised at the number of Islands scattered ocr this part of the globe. The South I'aclllc ocean Is peppered with them iitul I sh.il! be traveling In and cut among Islands for weekB on my way to Javn. From the steamer, ns It lies In tho Thurs day Island harbor, a half-dozen Island groups are In sight. To the right Is Hern iHlntul. where the Australians are now mining for gold Close liv and below It the Prince of Wales Island, which gives the name to the Torres Strait group. A llttlo further over Is llooby Island, and to tho northeast are Murray Island, Dartiley Island nnd others. Kach of these Islands has Its own curious people, who In tunny rases nre not unlike the aborigines of Aus tralia, save that they seem to bo innro rlvllled Some linvo huts of straw thatch, which look for nil tho world like hay "lacks hollowed out for houses. Murray Island has a court house, where tho Kng llsh Judges hold forth, which the natives consider 11 wonderful structure. It Is a mud building of one story roofed with straw thntch. MIkIoii of (In- South Sena, Tho missionaries nro at work lu all the Islands and also In Ilrltlsh and Oermati New Oulnea. In Dutch New fluluen there nro no stntlons that I know of, but In Knlser Wllhelni's Land three Protestant nnd two Catholic missionary societies nro nt w ork In Ilrltlsh Now flulnen the work has none 011 for twenty years, and there nre now a largo number of native evangelists. Mr Pnuncey, one of the missionaries, who lias spent ten yenrs there, tells 1110 the people nro being slowly hut surely clvllUed, nnd that n number of them nre Christians. One mlBslonary society has 10,000 native Chris tlnns nnd 1,600 church members. It hns more than 100 native preacher" mid lu Its Sunday schools thete are !mn scholars, while In the common schools the scholars number L'.fiOO boys ami 1,000 Klrls. On one of tho Islands otf southern New Culuen tho Itoman Catholics nre doing n ureal ileal of work. They have eighteen priests and a number of lay brothers, they havo twenty-threo chapels and a number of Hchools, In which there nro 1,00a schol ars. So fnr the missions nro entirely Fiik llsh and French, the Americans not having entered tho field. FRANK O. CAUPKNTHIt Daughters of Presidents The recent death of a daughter of Presi dent Xachary Taylor raises tho ipiestiou of how many presidents' dauglitois nro now living. lu thu I.iiuIho Homo nt Washington Is a charming nnd interesting woman, now an octogenarian, who once diffused an iitmos phero of gaiety ami brightness throughotli tho executive mansion, lending something of her natural brightness ami churuiing personality to such of thu Whlto House functions as she presided over, for In those lays it was not at all tho functions by any means that women were present. In deed, excepting the dinners given tho cabi net olllcers nnd the diplomatic corps, there was but one occasion, during .Mrs. Semplo' residence at the White House, when women were present at public dinners, and that w.ia when tho Prince de .loiuvllle was en tertained there. To the public dinners, which were given fortnightly, men alone were bidden, and when (he president received he stood well out In (he middle of the room, while the women of his household stood modestly In the bnckgroiiuil. It wns owing to the scml luvalldisin of President Tyler's wife that the duties of llrst lady of the laud deoled upon Mis Sctnplo, nnd nemo was holier lilted to fit 1 It 1 1 them than tho gifted and beautiful daughter of President nnd Mrs. Tyler, who was for a time virtually tho mistress of the executive mansion, 0110 of tho fairest and noblest It has ever known. Mrs. Semplo was a young matron then Mr. Semplo, who was paymaster In the United States navy, was absent much or the time. Mrs. Hubert Tyler was 11 mem her of (ho presidential household, tint was occupied with her young family, mid Miss llllznheth Tyler, who afterward married Mr. Waller, was then but a young girl Many are the Interesting reminiscences which Mrs Semplo can relate of tho life at the White House sixty years ago. Though it was quite simple, still there was a eer tain dlgnltlcd ceremouiousness attached to It. 'Pie early breakfast, midday dinner, nftern ion drive nnd ii o'clock tea made up the daily routine. The women wore low-necked gowns short-walsted, and with scanty, clinging skirts, too short to conceal their dainty high-heeled slippers. The hair was w.rn parted smoothly on the forehead, and a cluster of llttlo curls almost hid the eats Pretty faces and bright eyes were enlniii. ed by the guy Mowers and ribbons heaped In profusion on enormous Leghorn bonnets extending fnr over the face, and cushions of hair, or eiderdown, held (he huge ' leg of mul ton" sleeves In shape. The men were resplendent In buff waist coat, green coats, frilled shirt fronts and collars so high Mint they half concealed the cheeks and made (he turning of the head a dlllleult task. It was during Tyler's administration that dancing wns Introduced nt the White House, mid owing to his daughter's grace mid wit the functions at (ho exccutlvo ninn slou lost some of their prim stiffness. Mrs Semplo was her father's constant companion and her ambition wns to be ns good, rather than ns clever ns her f I'her For all that, her rolgn at the Whlto House was one of intellect as well ns beauty This Intellect yet shows In tho noble brow nnd strong features, bo strikingly llko John Tyler, nnd a beauty still belongs to tho octogenarian, as it did to the young girl and to the matron. The once brown curls, though snowy white now, are scarcely less glossy than of yore nnd none would dream that the large, lustrous dark eyes nro Blghtlpsa, Another of President Tyler's daughters Is still living, Mrs. MnrRsret (or Penrli Kills of Mecklenburg, Va the only sur viving daughter of his second mart Inge to .Miss Julia Cardltier. Mrs. Kllzabeth O.inilt Idgo (Hetty Taylor), daughter of President Taylor, lived in Winchester, Vu ami has Just passed nwa) Mrs. Nellie (irant Sartorls lives in Wash ington, ns does Mrs. Stanley Ilroun who was Molilo Oarflold. A few years ago Miss Fanny Mayes, daughter of President Hayes, was married at Fremont. )., (o Fnslgn Hnrry Hton Smith. Hllen Munition Arthur roi'iie In Now York. Mrs. Mary Mnrrlson McKoo hns her home at Saratoga Spring. Ruth, Ksthcr nnd Marlon Cleveland and (ho little 1-year-old girl of the late President Harrison ropro sent th" daughters of the ex-prctldcnts of tho United State. 1 A codil looklnit 3WjvW-5sl tier"" mul pimrlnnli ijiV lug liariii'H l-i tho ?A mirtt kliiil nt u coin r;1T,Jj tiinution, ifeisSV I Eureka ! Harness Oil i 11 not only limhrltiolinriii" nnd (hfl lnir" ' iH'ttcr. lint luiikci th 1 IiiiIIiit unit mul pllntile. puts It In cnn. il Mil l i Ulllen In lust twice nt long ftlA i ImiM'li i'S U orillniirlly wniil'l. JM I MiJtlil1 ,, rn nHTihero lu rim-ill IKm VSlVt li M.Hby ll JV SkRV( STANDARD Mll V. oil. CO, tW'"lj Your lhm Chance! yk$f' "A Household Word." m (filler's mfm $3.20 pNi snot Co II II tiAKER vto WEARER No, We Don't Sell you a $3.50 shoe marked up to Jj.00 nnd JO 00 but wo do sell you the same ipiniltj shoe others nsk J.V00 nnd J6.00 for nt KM your choice of mi lenther Wo charge $2.5' lor inu same snoe oiners sell ror J3.50. Investigate (his. Regent Shoe Co, xin .iuutii t.vru srnicior. Bend fr Illustrated Catalscu. Pure Rye per gallon Charges Prepaid. Pure, health-giving, Invigorating PRKVKNTINO DISKASi:. Pre-eminently i slP'l MKOICINAI. WI11SKKY, Put up In four full iinrts, or one gallon Jug. rrTj h iH III I IIV III! I Z'i Nil, liltli Mi eel, Oiiiiilia, elrnl.n Orders west of Nebraska must call for i gallons to bo prepaid. WE TEACH YOU FREE IB. to CIO. PER DAY. llfcfc uou, niliir, lrkrl i.nj UcUl rutin. ,u iiii'iiu UID a04 flllUf I'rof. (irar't Slmhlnr. ri4in Hiieti.i, Jrw.lr, ifttiltvirt, SlcfeUa, til mrlH ..Hkli Ml EiriUlIMI 'II.4.J pl.l., 111, tD lD.lb0.il. DlOJ. w ii. ' m( milt UUIOII. ftll lllfl. (mPlfl'f til ttmli. (Klhva niftlfl&la tit., r!jr lr i)i, l lir lln)ul, u .llnlnn i.rncf.t. qolrl o rin iii'tmi-. r. Miiii'i.. -m Kltl:K. I', lilt V V A l it., I'lullnu urk liMiN.N.V l l, Ji Mrm, Vln1ini ' NiiiiiIiImu )rili tins tieen used for over PIFTT TKARS by MILLIONS of MOTIIKHS for their CM III.' DltKN UIIILIC TKKTMINn. with l'KR KUC'T SUCIMISS. IT SOOTHKS the CMllVl), SOFTKNH the HUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN IMMUCS W1NP COLIC nnd li the l.iit renv edy for DIAItltllOKA Sold hr drutclits w,i"I"r ..t1' rt 'if.,"1? w,orl'1 -"lire and ask for "Sirs. Window's Soothing Byrun" and take no other kind Twenty. cents Perfection in Brewing Hlue Itltibon Bottled Heer, the perfect brew. Perfection of beer cnn only be at tained liy the most perfect surroundings, modern principles In brewing, up-to-date utensils, perfectly pure wnter nnd the choicest barley, tnnlt nnd hops. The hnme of Mine Itlbbnn Is one nt i he most perfectly appointed breweries In the world The lirew.ng. bnilllMg nnd .ster ilizing of Hlue million Is the pride of the brewery In n word. Hlue ltlbbon Is all that Is possible In a h'gh grade beer. See that the best, and only the best, enters your homes. Ordering a enso wins n new customer Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12(10. ...he. Rvo.f..a I. ROOT, Printer 4M-416 South Twr.tth Site1 Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NliU. Choice Confectionery UOLO At GOAL. Chocolate Bon-Hons STRICTLY HIGH OtlADti Sent by Czpresi In 1, 2, I and 6-pound boxes Cue pound. W. S. Balduff, inO Knrmini St., Oniiilin. MONARCH of all BEERS A Summer Drink That teaches tho thirsty spot and make you stronger and healthier for the think ing MUTXS FINK llOTTLLI) IIHKIl Hrewcd nnd bottled in Omaha by Metz Bros. Brewing Co., inn" .1:11 ni:i:it. HKKWrci) AND MOTTLED IN OMAHA 'l't Illume III. SThe Chicago Record lr6i of these Type vri.icrs in daily use If you want n typewriter, why not come llrst where you can see UVHUY (lOOD SOHT OF TYIM3 WKITKIl In Its best form? TYPi:WUITi:it SUPPLIKS of all kinds for all machines. TYPEWHITKItS KKNTEI). TYl'KWKITKItS HKPAIK12D. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued is yours for the asking. Write or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Go,, 1814 l'arnajn St., Omaha. I TiiiAi.Tt:f,AT.ni:'.T h ill 1. r iu son ( r hid rmi' ,( lnlfriii.1 I He nil, I 1 livliini; 1 I'lli'a i' it 1 in iii, 1 nr.. rjtw4 Ci'ium. Jlmt'tulali'l I'lTlliil'-'Ilt rill W lileuteli''', erti ttrillritlt'o., :i." h 1.1 l , elnni,ll, . KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KKAHNKY, NEI1 I A boarding school for boys under th I " ft Oymnnslum. Manual 1 - .-in inn on account or J PtlllnU'lllPtlt t.natr.1 ................ i-"iini vain lur illus trated catalogue to IIAUUY N. Ul'SSKLh, Head Master 1 I i.m maii'ia Hen 11 itfu n t or 1 i .1 i . II. I ItilMi A o., Kisses arc Sweetest when taken from luouthothdi knuv iMh-HHIH Arnica Tooth Soap 1 vh4 ii I U lent t)iM 1 1 etifc-i tn'it- thu .'iifli - t t,H I n .1 ti m nit- .1 1 Im-K r,U .I - .1.1 ilrm:- DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. 1