Noon Lunch Hour and Those Who Enjoy It ' M.n l.l i I T Till': Yoi M! V- Mi: o i HltlS'llW SSIK'I T10N Photographed for Tin- lice by a Slalf i i t I 1 lay Hi: neon lunch! How llllli' it Im plies, Iitit how much 11 includes; so miirlt, in fail, that in all the rush anil hurry of tilt- busy commercial then' is mi 1 1 tn u liuii tin- tollci i. being so diioctly Impretsed by his sur roundings iu during this Intel val uhirh illvlik's his clay's wmk. Out of tlio lv.illa tioil of the possibilities of this period 1 1 : i .-. developed a material betterment in the condition of tin1 toller anil opportuiiltlci for still grentci iinpi ovemeiit. Tiiui' was when the unoii lunch Unhide! little mine than It Implied, a imrr lum h of whauver might be most cniivcniontlv earrieil 111 a small basket or box, or oflen a plec- of paper, for the communis under which it hail lo be eaten were not conducive of any Inclination to prolong the period necessary for Its consumption, but rather to abbreviate il. A stool behlinl 1 h" ciuiiitt r or machine or a box back In the store room or some other room behind the scenes of trie law coniim rclal establishments uf fonlcil the only place where the employe might enjoy this nnomlay refreshnu lit as lie sat In silence or spoke In subdued ton s Iniluceil by the pluianl which servtd as the exclusive wall ile. (.latum ami aiitiMin . d III lurgo-lcttt n '1 i mph.iMs thai iin I most be maintained m that part of the bulbliiii; or that louil talking was absolutely for bbbleii during the noon hour When the lunch was llnlsheil the crumbs were brushu'l oil. ami, il then was no errand to m i upj the remaltnlir of the time, work was re suiued for want of something better to ilo I'luiimt- Has ( nine l,lllel. The UiM few j ears has seen a general I evolution in these coiiilltlons, lloweer, ami the noon lunch has come to mean not only material looil, but mental, moral ami physical refreshment as well. To thousands of men and women It nlfonU the only occa sion of the day for boclal Intercourse with Ih-ir felb;ws and to thousands more It makis possible (he etforts of the afternoon, while to a great majority It is a rest and change that relieve the day's work of that element which otherwise might make it drudgery. In the various branches of the commercial system, embracing as It does all liaises of work ami workers, the noon hour means more or less, ncioidlng to the capacity of the individual to enjoy or Im ptovo It, but so far as opportunity is con cerned they are divided Into two classes, those who go out to tlielr lunch and those who carry It. "Where do thi y all no? one invi lull talily a.-kh as nm watclns tbo butty. ng Huong of men and women that make up the multitude which lllls the stroiU b t ween II !!U and 1 ::o of every week day hi o all multi-stand the ocaslon for tins activity few ri allo the full, real nig liillcance of It Were it possible to follow In m a!l i. in would llinl that tile majoiit.v spi ml the time in about the same pl.'ue and the Kline manner every day. The third mid fourth-etui's resorts attiact th Ir own and the Mu p windows ami (sights of the stieets alfoid ample Interest for many, but the large pripoillon of the workingmcn and women pi i fi r the clean, ipiict places of whl.h every city affords a few ami It is fiom these places that the spirit of self improvement and organizations for mutual beuelH have sprung, (in- Miiilei-u I iinI 1 1 ill iim. In nearly every city of the land of nny -I.' the lunch and rest looms provided by the various Christian ami benevolent or gunl.atiniM for the lieiu lit of tin ho people are the tmn-l popular loans ami are fre ipienteil by thousands every week, separate Institutions being maliilalui d fer the men and women. Here, !y iltlt'crclit tystfliH, good meals ar, si rvi d at a rate at which they could be gotlin lio place i lso and fir those who prefer bringing a lunch tables are provided where they can i at It. fice of charge. This tiatuie is an attra'tlon in Itself and tl.e luniiw fairly bit., with the i imversat Ion of the groups which Mirnund the small table- lien the Incident-, of 111 morning are t.uki.l over ami enju.ved mid the cm d 'he r sti plb s the "ilbh if meal" to main a it-past while the congtnlal nun paulom-hip c ntributes that other eb mi nt so essential lo the completeness if tie' meal The ,u ninpanying rest rooms nr. iipnpptil Willi t ntiifnl table u'ii. In and chairs, and for those who do nut cute to sleep the Inst of cuiient hlainlard lit. r ature Is supplied Untiles and a piano are not lufieiiueiitly provided for tenatbn and the mii i nuiiillngH ale maile as attract ive as piwllili-. ( ligiinl.atluiis are tbu natiital nutgiowth of daily meeting under Hid II cln nmsl.inees and a wide ar.oty if clubs has ii suited. Many of these are of a icliglous character, the liflcen-miniite bible i lass or song service b. Iiik ho d dally. The icadim; each noon of a chap ter from some popular book Is enjoyed by llitl, clubs and Is one of the must popular illveislons of which the liiulti.l time ad mits. Tin se i.pporluuilii h are till improved to the utmost and all who embraie them re turn to their afternoon duties refreshed mil prepaid to do them justice. ItccoKiil.liii; th - nine of Hiich diversion and icM, many of I he lal'Ko commercial I'Stabll-bmeiits have provided similar conveniences fur their etn plnves, i specially the faetotbs where thn wmk and the time do not admli f the help leaving the hulldlm; at the noon hour, and If all of Ihc advantages of Ibe uptown rest and lunch rooms are not provntid most of the eld-lime restrictions li.iv, been re tuevi I .ml to tliOHe who rlilh 'lull' lunch the pi rn d admits of as line h tt-d and ri . 1 1 at .on, if not as many al .nt.iui s, as to those who net their dinners ..nt Willi tin arrival of the tio. n le.ur tho lunches ale all IuciiikIm nul and usualU Kieat hellers piovlde colfee fi.r all. Con Kclilal spllllH In groups of l rum two lo cl to a doen seek some comfortable cornel iiml hoiiu ibe n oius rliiK with lniiKhti r or the bum ot ci nversatUiu. I lire lite recn-.i lion Is usually of a more hilarious eharai tor, for the HiirrnuniliiiKs will admit of H but the tendency of tin hi- little itatheilui; is none tin' less elevalliiK and they hiv been the foundation of loi'Kcr oi ion whlili will foiever prevent the return of fi rmer oppressive conditions and do mm h to stimulate their mi inborn to the blub. I poH-llillllli h thai are dally beltiK pbu i .1 within their reach. I'eiliaps no liillueme I lielliK exerted ill behalf of these men and woiuiii like that of the Voiiiik Meu'M and YotniK Women's Chrlsllaii ussoclat Uni Coinp.iHi d ns I hey ate of members froin every blanch of indiislry. they realize vv lul ls to be dune and to a la IK'' exli lit have chosen the in inn hour as the lime for in complishiiiK it. Thri.uuh the -Nt.-n--ti.ii brain lies of both Ihisi- Ions m on hour clubs lire ulforiliiii; .muiiik men and women inlvatiliiKeH of which lln- necessiiy of their earultlKS would olherwlse deprive thrill Tlii'inmh the-e i lubs t housauils an prepailiiH Iheinselvis evi ry .viar for mi in ben-hip In oih'i- orKaiil.ailon.M that are an iilhilntitiK the disiiiii lion bitweeii the work ilii; eliis and those who have bad time ami opporliinli.v for s. If 1 nil ore and silf-eleva Hon 1 ;I-Ak NOUN UL'NCII KOIl THK OIKLS IJ.MI'I.OYIII) IlY ONU OK OMAII 'S 111(1 KACTOItlHS l-holographed for The lice by n Staff Artist. Timely Gossip Concerning People Now Before the Public H i:ltY CIIISIIHl.M of Cleveland. .1 uraduaie if Yale, is wnrkiiu in tin rivit wirks owmd by his mlllli ii alre fa tin i- in tin- Ohio city and earns $1.7.'. a da. Yoiiuk Chls licilm does no 111 ike-belleve wolk. but Is always on duty at 7 o'clock In the mniu Ihk, his Hi-it rinlnat lun helm; to b arn rivet malilllK IhnroUKllly, lie does not liKiee with Schwab, the Stool trust imin, that eilucntlon is a bar to proj;robs in maiiu facturliiK. , .lames II. HnKKln has Increased his great estuto (if lllinemb i f. In Kentucky, by rilj nercH. liavltiK boiiKht nnother farm for 152,000. Mr. HiiKKin has Kradually In creased his In Minus until he now owns I.SflO acres in a sIiikIi- tract, lie Is ac iiililiiK an 1-t.tnie InrKe enough to accotn inoilate hurdnds of thurouKhbred mares and youtiKsiers, as well as kIv-Iuk land for the product Ion of foul for them. In the Inst live years ho has Invested $."iO(i,00o In land In l-'ayetto comity. The frontage of IUinondorf Is now nearly live mllos. When the Kleat cheinlsl. f'hevreul. whose statue w.i-. rmiMl) utiveili .1 m I' . attained his luuih birthday In- was enter tained at a pub Ii.- dlnii.i. .it wbi. ii hi smi a IiIkIi olliilal In Hn- I pariim-ut if Jus tier, 117 yeais of iiKe, was also pn-sint The old man made a -p- .- h and In tilluiK an niii-ciloie uiadi- a slight slip, wliii h his son cirrectiil. Old Chcvreul tut in d around quickly and said in a slurp true- "Mush, youtiKsti r. when I inn talking." and lln "yoilllKSti l " held Ills tc.llKUe. John Morlcy, talkltiK wllh a trletnt about his literary wuk at I l.i warden, said that his liilu.r had been greatly lesf.eiud by Mr. (ilmlfstnnr's personal habits of order nnd regularity. Throuiih the lust sixty years of his uireer he not only proHervul every liupnrtant letter or document tint i cached h im. but neatly Imli.iHed It with his own hand nnd stowed it nway in ( rder of dale. Amour, the papers ilockeled mid Btori'il at llnwnnleii In order of date Mr. Morley found notes of n speech dcllven d by Mr. (iladstono nt the Oxford union Just eeventy years a(i. Prof. Itudnlph Vlrchow's (-Ik)h let h birth day will bo celebiated In llerlln nn Satur day. October 12, when he will personally ret live ib-U-Kati-s with conprai ubiiory ml droisis from various S'lcntifle IkhIus, fcr i-Ikii its will a-, IP i in. hi I'n f Vinlinw ib not wlihoiit a i i-1 . 1 1 1 1 wnilitul viur. pei tally In lln.urlH Winn iskt.l l In- othir day what In- tin iixhi of Km li s laicsl pro mini lameiiiii in i on iiinption In- saul "Kin Ii is not a pipe One taiiiiol hay be citusi. if his views the thltiK Is seltb-tl, Itoma Im ula i hi 1 1 i 1 1 tin- has spoki in." Mrs. Poller Paltner. whose wit Is equal In lu-r diplomat y. was recenlly nsked by a sporty old prince, who meant lo he williiiil wheth.-r she would not cubic him to Up loiintin i.f perpetual youlh. win re un doubtiilly bhe tiiust have drunk deeply "Yuir IiIkIiik fm," leHpnmbil the Anii-rl -an woman promidly, "they who have iilrcmly attained their Kt-coud chllilhooil neeil in I lo be KUbU'il to the fountain of youlh " It Is not generally known Hun a statue if I,i nl Salisbury as a chrlsilan warrior appears In one of the nlilus of Hie Inier esiiiK,' mid beautiful ren-d. s in the i Impel of All Snulii' coIIcko, Oxford. About forty enrs n kii the premier was elected a fel low of this t'ollcKo ami u limit lint hump time an i laborate stone n r. i n was i-ieeteii in Hn- i hapi-1 In . to Hie ft Hows' limine The st ulptor evid-nlly preferred to m, ilie his own saints in of a . . . I Ilk- those i am lll.t i bv lln ami .Salisbury was, i In n in nil up tin vacair. nap, and is linn hi. iininin tali, d as a Chrlsi mii wan im-. John W. Howler. i!i-n. ii " iiitomlciii i. ml director if phy-lml iiuiiiIiik in Hn public KytuuaslutiiH of IIo-h.ii Ii is pted a flvi-juii us dlnetor nf plijslcal tralnlnit at Oiiiimnuih colli u... l-i ihu a u i ii inn or isvj Mr Howler vvun ti lliirvnrd lo m-slsi Dr. U . SaiKent. in Hie fall uf lsim ho tralnnl the llnrvurd font ba'l leuin. In ).S!i.- In. bet ami' superintend, enl i.f lln- Chin lesbanli viniaslum nnd ie vb.iu theie mil only atl.lettxi, but n sjs iim if class wmk for i-mall boys and men win did not euti r lulo athletle spnrtn. Two yeus aiti) he was nppolnied ip n ral siipi i lnti iiib-iit nml dltector if plnsl-jil iralnliiK' In Iho puhlie Intloor Kymiiasliui s of llostnn. s The llimnclal career of Itimsull Sai-o. savs the Now York Herald, la not malehel in history and H not appreai lu d In stnulnrd nctlin. Moid in a wildci-iu ss of nhsoluto poverty, denied in uirlv vouib the tai? i of a ii. mini ii i In.. I I'liuallnn e Vl beciimi. wuiiihv at '.-' a m st-rfu' p ii n i .i ..I 'In, nam .1 I r n Mil III i I lie- Iniinl Si. ids at :::', Wils a Umler in n.iun-s ai ii, , ullir a c ueer (f uxtv-livi- I - as tnelilialil, htalf-inilll, Dl ii I) i ler. lailiiad m iMiiate and eapltall-t, s to da al Hn- am- nf sr. urn- of iho nr.-t pow- i fill and in live Humes In ln st htu pi'inloiis iiuauelal nml cnmmi-ri b. 1 em lln wolbl has ever wit In ssed. Il!s wmll'i" ci-rinlnly ?i:.o,(iiK),(i(ifi, ami i may be $2'i'. t.lill.iKiU i.r MM e. Wll-n ItUSRcll Sane was ii buy I here were no null! tulics 'n tins ciuiilry. There were no mill onil .. m, Ht aiuslilp nml nothlMt which win I i !,i t-hci) as nini-liliii l y loil.iy. Our nn d m cIvillienHoii liad nol yet bei n oni, --,, child uf today who lides In si p ol on ai idieiilc car, vvhiiH. H-hoi I bookM nio fui -lllhheil by the illy, who has nt Paid llblillics ei.liluliiinu I hi iihuihIm of v.ili.ab b iiks, iniiKiilnea, pel b tilt als ami papi-iK ealinol leadlly couipreheiiil the piup.-.t before the boy ltiiKse KuKi', ns ho Ilvi d on thn farm In Oneida coiinly, New York, more than four score yeurs ami. Tlu-nt wen no iiuiHiiziiies nnd few papers. He In can at l per im nth and binird In u more In Tiov l-'ioiii i; n't lo. Ii in Hn. mmiiliiK until an I i im in n't b i k nl nlijlii he " i-i I ' I in Hn I oil line h, 1, v I stands