a? THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TllTJ H SPAY. A U G VST 15, 1001. 1 1 FECIAL NOTICES Advertlicnienta for tlieae column mUl be taken until 12 ni. (or the i renin 011111011 nnil nulSI H:M) p. tn. ,lur moraine nd Stindnr edition. Kales, 1 l-2c a orl flml Insertion, tie a orel thereafter, flothlua; taken t.for leal thnu 35o for the Oral Inaer t tlnn. Thre ad vertlaeraenta mast be F, raa cnrmecntWelr. Advertlarra, by reqneaMnit a aan fcerea check, can have anawera ad tfreaaed to a anmberrd letter la ear The llee. Ana era ao Mddreaaed will be aellrrred am prcaeatatUa at ta akitk amis-. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position by a thoroughly csm- pctcni yuung man us nookkeeper or cann ier, threo ycora' experience with Urge wholesale house, whom I din now with, age. 23, good penman; boat of refi rentes. Address D S3, lice. A-.M18) 16' WANTED, position In private family by middle-aged lady. Address E 8, Bee. A-367 It WANTED Al ALII HELP. i' WANTED, experienced soap salesman; re ply, suiting age, experience, reierences, salary expiatta. AUurosa G 57, ''j. YOUNG men, our llluitrated catalogue ex plains how we tench barber trade in eight weeks, mailed tree. Moler jlarlier col lege, 1623 Furnam at. B-M10J li' WANTKD, StaTk nuriery piys eniih weekly If you sell Stark trtix, Louisiana, Mis souri. Dansviilc, New York. IJ-JISO Sl WANTKD. a solicitor for tailoring to tako order tor nulls and pants, jipply ut once. B. Lieberthal, 1007 Farnam, umnha, U-323 11 WANTKD, young man, good, riulok ion mnn, must bu good ut ilgurcs. Addr.ss E , Bee. D-M333 15 WANTKD. irood nll-round hurncssmaker. Addrius W. 10. Holmes, Bianchard, la. u .ii.su i) "WANTKU. experienced men to black ami put up moves, .tuiton uogcrs Ac hum. li-MJi; 15 WANTKD, bookkeeper with at leant two ynirn' experience witn responsiiiic utilise; mate age, experience aim smuiy Address K D, llee. U-MJlXI fb 3IIOK SALESMAN wanteil.' man acquaint ed with Nebraska trade, to take nil eiiin mission a line of medlum-pr.c d mu . boys' and youths' shoes. V. II. At W. ti Jordnti. Btlilwuter, Minn, B-M376 17 wanted-pemalh help. WANTKD, VK. girla. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 870. C CsJ to UIIl Lb', all kinds work. Cunadluu Oll'.co. WANTKD, nurse; rcterelicca required. 'MX) J'aruam. Jis V ANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslug, maulourlng or taclai masrage, prepare lor busy hcahou this lull ; lour weenu leijulted hi ujr method, call or write, .Moler Col lege, itet Pallium at. C .Mltil 1j WANT 13 D, dlnlugrooin girl capable ot talc ing cnurgu ot in teen o'altivsHea. APiuy, siatlrig age, previous experience", titiaiy und references. Auurcss i bl, Bee. C il3s 17 AaPrnK.!v Wnnlt, nt thU CTtCUh i1?;'1 unu iiurnt). i. j.s ji .T.AH ihi Rftl,n,,i I, n . . ..... i. . i. i . I luinliy, ja. l.ll a. live. U-.M432 lC hutmcKvcper in small tunuly; pliujiuu tin. I permanent home to rum party, .mdies 15 J, ucu. u .M 31 WANTKD, good . girl for general lui.s.- wurk; lour in nwiiiiy. uju a. .otn u.e. POll HUM' JIOUS13S, IP VOU want your' Houses well rented place them Willi ucik-wii a: to. u osi TO .MOVE risllt. got Omaha Vun btorage Co.. otilcu liuv-j i-ariuni, ur' tel. loU-frui, D b HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brejuian-Lijve to,, wj ooutn iutn str--et. u-esi HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxtuu block. D-tU BEK HENUV B, PAYNE, CM N. Y, LIKE. ' u-w.1 JIOUSKS'. etc. P. D. Wend,' 1024 Douglas. .i l oyj HOUSES und flats. Blngwalt, Barker bock U.VJ HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-6j1 t-HOOM brick liouse. modern, 2717 Jackson. Tclepnonu.A. iruynor, ivi or u-.-ow.. D-f91 il!) tt. -29TH AVE.. S-room house. ALL MODKllN. In. good condition; rent, J2i; tint., limv t'lristl 111 this llOUSU is tri lit. mnd. em at this price; It is a bargain; wuut only ai tenant, wim'roicrenccs. OMAHA LOAN AND TltUST CO. Kith und Douglas Sis. D-M79i 10-KOOM. east front, brick house, 308 N. 22d St., lieu i' uavenpou. jnnuiro next door. ' D-Mi?J 9ri7 nllfti ft.li! Ml. AlinlV ill Mrnh.intu MAHonat iiank uitig, u . MtOOM Hat;. 617 South I6th. Clark Powell. 311 New York Life. D-6JI VEHY deslrablo flat In good rcpatt, well located. M, J, Kcnnard & Son, 310 llr'own DIOCK. d wi 1707 VINTON street, store with two flvo- room Hats above. The whole building has jum neon paiuieu unu papered turougnout. Will make -i very reasonable rent to a good tenant, or win rent separately. THE OMAHA LOAN & TltUST CO.. ltit.li und Douglas Sts. D-M10 MODERN 7-room house, near park. 1509 So. 2Mb. D 17n . T CENTRAL, unequalled, all modern, steam in-. ii iiuuiii jiuunu, u-ruuiu nai; j-room cottage Tlzard, 221 N. 21th st. D-M361 20 t POR RUNT, modern house, 7 rooms, nnd storeroom, bnjh nnd pantry. Inquire 1411 inton. u ! -ROOM modern house. 116 So. 3lBt Ave.. facing CurtNs Turner park, infortr.nt o i, pnonu i"wjo, uv;a ir ONE I A 6-rooin nut, modern. 1112 B. 11th. D-h7j i-ROOM modern hourc. 118 S. 31st nve.. Curtlss Turner park. Information, 'phono i'- wo. D Alil 11-ROOM stnno house. 415 N. 25th St., very line. n. t. t-iarke. 427 llamge block. D-M37 17 POIt IIENT-PUIIN'ISIIEII ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotol, 13th and Parnam. E-6j5 THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-69-1 THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 South Hth. E-513 Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2623 SI. Mary's, Tllltl'j: ro South 11th rooms, light housekeeping, U12 1.-015 A16 ROOM, steam heat, bath, $3; room o3, ? 9 N. 13th E-M2I0 B10 PURNISIIED rooms for gentlemen; de tached house, lawn and shade. 2215 Par nam. li A1JUO 13' NICE room, cos, bath, etc, 1314 Dav.Mip rt. i; 3s mi DO NOT sell your Junk before you pet prices of the Great Western Junk House, 812 Doughir. St.. Omaha. -Phone n. A. Ferer, proprietor. 23J .US FIIIMSIIEU ROOMS AM) HOARD. UTOI'lA. 1721 Davenport Bt. F-697 DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. 21th Bl. I"" IIOOM3 and board. The Hose, 2020 Harney, rt, r aiWJ rt-- "THK PARNAM." 13th and Fnrnam sts. DESIRABLE rooms, llrst-class board, 25SI Harney. F-.M3.9 GLKNCAIHN, transient, $1.25 day. 1C03 D'.tig THK Merrmm, summer resort. 25th & Dodc TWO large front rooms, with board. 13 9 Capitol Ave. ir TAIITIKS vlsltlnt? tho Pan-American ox position can .secure pleusant accommo dations at rttfMonablo terms. 2W Prospect Ave., Buffalo. N. 5". P-Sll-H' LA HOE room, alcove, newly furnished. 1915 Hurt St, P-319 POIl Hi:.T-f.M',Ull.MSIIUD HOOMS. DK8IC room space, $5 per month. Bround lloor room In Tho Beo bulldliii;, lacing Kiirnnm street: no expense tor light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co,, Bcntal Agents, Beo Building. U 416 2 HOOMS for light housekeeping. 1 leuvciiworth. U-1S3 19 l'OK HUNT, three unfurnished rooms for light huUEcKecping; strictly inouern. mi H. 24th St. 0-M3J 17 poii m:vr sTOHP-s a.ad oppicks. KOH BKNT, atoru In llrst-class location; rent reaionalile. Apply it. C. Peters at Co., grounu Hour, lite illdg. 1 Mi POIt BKNT, tho building formerly occu pied by 'Die bea at 91b l arnam bt. It has lour Hiorles and uaseinent which wan formerly used nt Iho Beo press room, 'mis will ue renteu very rcaoonably. Jf lillerebted apply at oilcu to C C. jtose water, xtcreiury, room Ha), ilea building. 1 iiit KOll BENT, onicc with vnuit and part llrst ttoor or ail top lloor. llll-lti llurney St. Midland uiasu iSw 1'aliU CO., litu ilurQuy H' I lis AtSU.Vl'S WATKU. WANTED, canvassing ngcntn in every county to solicit suuKcriptiuns tor Tilt!.' 1 WbtVi iiiii I'L'.SlUltl l-'AUMKH ulid lilo NEW CYCLOPEDIA UP LIVE blOCiv and CU.dl'l.LiE STOCIC DUC TUB. flilH splendid oook coutulns l.luu llllperiai uCIUto pigLS, tr.'t OUJeut-leaclllIlg eiiHravinns am. is the only uook on llvu stock ever iiuousneu uuapteu to tnu every uu. practiciii, money-saving usu ut eveiy laimer uuu siock owner, aieuuy eiiiuiov- meht witn asiiieii nuuii inconle. Agents in the countiy with nurse and buggy es pecially uesired. canvassers make easily w to JH per niuiitu. Auuresi, Centuiy runner auneiiuru uurcau, ueu uunuing, uiuupa. j uj WA.VrEII-TO HUNT. WANTKD, by n physician, otllce rooms wiin i. (iLiiu.il. .uuiess U, U BO list til K-i7J A' LA D V and gentleman would llku to en- uuue nice Uollt lomil and ii.CjVc. ultn uuuid, icicrcnccs exenangeu. .ua.ess is u, iiee unite. iv Al.b. la STOHACE. h'AClPIC Stotage und Warehouse Co., 91 wl j0m.s, geneiul slorugu unu lorwurdm ni; lei n.M. Von Stoi Co.. 151PA Parn. Tels. IKBn.SM 7IW STOUAOE: Household goods and othe articles stored ut low taies. J. J. Durlghl & I.O., iliu i'urnuiu bl. Tel. 3U. M WASTIill TO UUV. WANTED to buy, IM-hand pianos and or guns, u oi, uee. IS .MltiJ POll SAI.E-PUlt.MTUlli;. CHICAOO Purnlturo Co.. 1110 Dodge. Tel, m.v. Nuw .v zunatid turnlturc buuKiit. suid exenangeu. u iUI POll SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC LIUHT omnibus and buggies for salo nt II Prost s, ntn unu Leavenwortn. 1' .Mj3 SOME second-hand buggies, good us new und other uurguins in mat i.ne, ut 1307 Jones si. .sk tor u. .ti. nun. P-M10I KOll SALK. very cheap, a team of black very geutiu carriagu norses; jersey cow witn u-weeks-oiu cuu. .Mrs. j, .m. .Metcaii. 11th und 1'iercc. i- ai3Ui POIt SALK, "good secondhand, full leather, extension-lop Hurrey cueup. r, m Youngs, innc I'loreltco bouluvurd. V 32ti poii sale-:i1iscel,i,a.m:ous. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Parnnm HAKES, standard makes.sotd.rented. 114 S, BIO line of ecoudhund whools, $3, $5, $3, $10. Omalia Bicyciu i.o Jtmi uuu tuicago is, THADK your old wheel In on u new one omuliu uicycie uo., itiin anu cmcugo is MORTGAGES POR SALE. Wo have a ttw very tine mortgages on Im urnved city iproperiy lor saio ut sM to i tier cent. Call and Inspect them. Pavne Knox compuny,' main noor r. v. i.ita bldg. Q-M33I 17 POR SALE, party wishes to grade and will sell four Houses, ; tnree, i nve unu I ton room; thete Is about 40,000 brick in fyunda Hons of these houses. K L. Johnson Co., 311 S. 15th St. Q-M3i0 16 P1R timbers for house movors, etc., 40 to 71 ft., cribbing nnu nog icnce. wi Doug- Ins. Q.-M335 FOR SALE, Northwestern Reports, vol. 1-!S. Inclusive; good condition. Box 1S3, Wuhoo, Neb. , Q-M352 15 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous liair removed uy ciecinciiy. il. i., Prenzer block. u iu VI A VAT woman's way to health; rational, wnoicsomo nome treatment. i lite tinig. U-711 M, GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac- toruion pieaung piaui in tno west; man orders sullcltcd. Suite 2uo, Luuglas. block. U-717 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mail orderr. st Douglas, orderr. solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 u 71S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during couuncmeni; oamca uuopieu. -3'.fl Grant St. U-716 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; we repair unu sen jieeaiesi nnq parts for every machine manufactured, 'Phono 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th und Harney. U-1J7 AW SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for ront. vmte aawing aiacnurc,. Hfti las. tci. i'4. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d tloor,R 2 a Ut-M12i Si imiviTK home for ladles before and dur um connnemeni; names uuupiru. ,n;u Btirdetto St. Mrs. Burget. t'-17f SU OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co.. 1524 Dnuplas, . u-ns DOES your husband go out to his club very inuehT You say yesV Buy him a bx of Prince pf Omaha cigars and he won't. H. p. stoecker cigar co. makers, nxy u WANTED, board nnd room In private fam ily ny iaoy and two rntmren. Aour s, witn price, j. it., 23 uee btng. U-M373 15 WANTED TO IIOIIIIOW. WANTED, to borrow $1,000 noma money nt 7 per cent on good rental property In South Omaha, : to 5 ycurs. Address E 7, Bee. XI 20 MOJIEV TO LOA. ItEAI. ESTATE, 'l IV ATE money. P, D. Wead, 1524 Douglas M ll'J AND SU ncr cent loans. W. II. Thoma. Pirt National Bank building. Tel. ItrK V li'l 1 a WANTKD, city lonns, bonds and warrants. George et tumpuny, nwi tarnatu street. WANTED, city loan.-i and warrants. W. l'arnam ammi At lo ij.v inrtum si. w-t:s WANTKD, city and farm loans; aho bond and warrants. It. C. Petrs & Co., 170J 1 Parnom St., Beo Bldg. W-7J1 . LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa farms it t & nrr cent: borrowers can pay I1W or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Hrennun-Love Co., Sc9 d. istn at., umina, isco. v $50.C0 SPECIAL fund; loans $iCM up; lowest rates, uarvm uron., vm turnora. W 995 i, 4W, tm prlvute money to loan; 1, 2,,? r I vears. W. L. Selby. Board ot Trudo or BldK. W-J22 MONEY to loan un lmoroved Omaha real estutu. urennan-Luvu lu oouiu um, W 7iU 4V4 TO 6 V. C. money, Bemls, Paxlon bm. 1 1 11 P1UVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. 1 W-730 .uU.MJV TO t.O.v.s CHATTELS. 11(1 YOtf N'KEli MONEY7 Wu loan io unu up on lumwuie, pianos nurses ana uiuer vuaiicis. Without mortgaged p.-opio Holding perma- netit posliloiis. l'ou cun get thi nujtiey In u leu hours utter making upilicutiun and a.VLAI. 1 LOAiNS, taku l, i, , 4, j, o munuis ur inure in wmeu to puy it Duck, uuu you neyd not pay lor It ono day longer than yoll ketp it. SmSn. ninSnfV..r..?. , Thlre arS you tne tuil amount in cash, mere are no lower tatea man ours; our leuus uio tne easiest, our uusinehs Is contlaeatlai und our motto is 'try tu please." O.MAllA jUOllT(J..UE UUA.N' CO.. 11: Board of Truuu liidK. Tel. '.2. (Kstubllshcd 1892.) SOU S. Hth St, CONFIDENTIAL LOANS On household turnlturc, pianos, horses. wauoim. u.. In two Hours' time: uiso to nana ltd people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments uud low est tuleb in Omuiiu. l-rivuto interviewing room. Aineilcan l.Outi Co., room J12 Brown mom, cor. ibtn ui uougias eta,; etitrunce uu ibili at., opposite Y. ji. C. A. Bldg. - A-33 LA11U EST 11 USINKSS IN LOANS TO bALAitlED i'bUi'Li!., merchunts, team- slers, uoaidlug noubes, bit'., without se curity; eusiesl telins; 10 unices in princi pal cities, iolm.iti, -ilu iiuuru of iraue 1J1U1., -. Id LOANS ON bALARlES. PURN1TURE, live stock, etc. yuitK service unu tuwesi rules guuiantceu. j, v. lAtLUf., wj riup tluor; raxtou ulocl:, northeast corner lbtn uuu I'uiiiaiu; cutruiicu on ititu stri-ei. X-735 MONEY loaned on plunos, furniture, Jew- eiry, nurses, co wu, eic. t. A. Ub MONEY loaned un iilanos. furniture, horscb. tows, jewelry. Durt ureen, u. a. uuriier uiu A. HI WE LOAN money to salaried people on tucir nuio ut lowest rules; strictly conn- ueiillai; pay weekly, semi-weekly ur monthly. Room 303 I'uxton mock, 3u Hour, iienaoiu treint to. A. (.u MONEY louned on plain note to salaried peopiu; uusuiess conuueniiui; lowest rates. Oil I'UXIOU uiock. The J. A. uutlun to. X 791 THE MOST SAT1SPACTORY PLACE to iiiuku louns on rurmture. piano or saury. ROOM 314 BROWN BLUCtf, entrancu op posltu Y. M. C. A. bldg., loth st. Try It unu jou win be sure unu repeat tnu uuse. BUSINESS JIL.UES. I'OU SAl-i: or trade, half or whole Interest in drug store; hardwood floor, Matthews gas machine, sodu louutaln, etc.; in a lively county teut. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 wee mug. k-iw TELL MB WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. TELL AIE WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, IP 1 UO.N T t'iNU IUU A DUAL YOU MAY SAY I NEVER TRY. , J. II. JOHNSON, 811 New York Life Bide. The Real Estate und Busluvbs Cnancc. Man. solicits xour uusiuess. Merchandise Slocks, Hotels und Rooming Houses fot bale or Kxcnangc. Y-942 WANTED, ladles of ability to manago branch otllces. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. mai Bet Bldg., Omaha. Y-M132 A VERY' nttructlvo Investment is offered In the stock ot the Golden Rod Oil com- n'av ffi?01ilwffli-,M to pay largo dividends, onij a limited amount for sale ut par. Call or write for full information. Otilco 1911 Davenport st. V .11 VI LINDELL HOTEL, llrst-clnss. Rood busl ncss, ftirmsmngs complete; price, .',wj; investigate. William Mudgett, Hustings, Neb. Y Mlb'i POR SALE, bakery In best town of north- ern isconsin; new auu iip-iu-uuic; no . crop failures here; particulars on nppllca- t ion. Auuress um, iiee. i auu ir GOOD "business chnnco In Colorado. Pine dairy lor ale. three miles from Denver; 22 cows, Shorthorn bull, 5 horses, milk wagon, cans, 5o-gallon route, farm Im plements, Ranch, 55 acres, mostly nlfalta, to rem cneup oilier luciiiuui mm yui- side range, Now house; city water. Pull particulars write Lucy t tienncit, iiuga. water; jenerson touniy, toioriuiu. i-Mj-ia van SALE, furniture of 11-room flat, com- tilnti'lv eouliitied: Illled with llrst-clasH roomeri and boarders; gross Income per month $lso; rent, im; unu location; sieam heated: lady obliged to go east; a raro bargain: seeing Is believing. J. 11. John son, in. x. i.ue. i-Jiii KOll EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE, set of banjos nnd mnndo- lltl for set ot Clarionets, t. m. iiurriuv- ton. Fremont, wen. i niitw io irnn muhniii'ii. l-enernl merchandise: stock. H.imj. want su ucruH in uuki dui u Saline county, i.ivery uurn unu siock, $3,500, for cattle or land. T. M. Cllne. 1238 O St., Lincoln, Neb. S M33u 13 TO EXCHANGE A lino 10-acro tract south of SOUtn umaiia. on jinn nireei. ii ,-a-rh.nw for resldcncu In Council Bluffs. Must know at once. These 10 acres nro close to city. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Vnriiam. jja la POR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ; p. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 912 and 913 N. Y. LIKE. TEL. 314. 9 rooms, Btctim hent, modern, especially well built nnd well , arranged. Gas plant of your own, conservatory for flowers, beautiful yard with shade trc:s and shrubbery. This property Is on sightly ground wott of Mr. Joalyn's a real home. Owner Is leaving the city. You can buy It at u big sacrifice, $3,0X1. S-room modern house In Hanseom Pnrk, north and east front, with shado trees, only $2,7C0. A rental property In good repair on paved street, with permanent wnlk, piylng !46 per month; located near 20th and Clark Sts,; only $3,000, For a suburban home we bnvo 6 ocres cast of tho old GrltTln farm, very slght'y, close In; $1,100 cash buys It. .$0Ul for an east front lot near Park Ave, nnd Irfavenworth; 2 feet above the street. , C. P. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 912 and 913 N. Y. LIKE. TEL. 311. RK-366 11' ' C F.'I N. Y. IARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 911 Life, buy and sell. Inquiries Invited. RE-75I AW POll SAI.E-HEAL ESTATE. BOYKHS 11AUOA1NS. l f.rnn. I, ...nlT 1,1 1 .11 1 '. 1 1.. I t n 1 , ' . ... .... ,.., wo iois, ingeiner, vixui, wim nvuiu imn.i- i cottage, city water Inside; nice lot of shade und fruit trees and other shrub bery; n most desirable plnre, both for residence and business $3,50; a real bar gain; close to Kountze's park. 1 IK . o lUUIlin Ull seCUUU lli'Ui im . tiv.. E-rooni hous.i and larf., lot 41x132, on Bristol St., !,). t.room houst- iro beautiful home II !? pnutirui home, Jl.Wi. good barn, lot 50x127, Lot. 66x132, with two houses. 6 and 8 rooms, uurt Ht., near z:u St.. d,wj". S-room house, lot 40x112, well, city und cistern water, $1,000. B-room house, lot G2i4xl25, city water, 6th ni., near Indiana Ave., .'.uw. 5-room liouse, city nnd cistern water, lot vuxiio, on Zith Ave., norm oi turning oi.. ir sold in one week. 4-ioom house, city and cistern water, good uarn, lot axia, HjU, in roou conuuion. Two vacant lots, corner 27th nnd Saratoga Hts., together, 100x127, JtX. SoJthiust corner 21st and Cuming Sts., lot 00X132; sou with or without miliums. Brick store building, lot 20x132, $.',500; Cum ing bi , neiweon Jist ami zzu sis., goau business location. ' 10-room houe, 26th and Sprngtie, lot SOxlOO, wen and cistern water. J.'.iw. Lots In Bedford Place, from $200 to $30'), according to size and location. 6-room home, well and ctstcrn water, lot wxl!9, on Military Ave., z,3J0. Several Ktnus or small and inrgu iruu, V?n,;,,111,ustV;.,2,t,. X,5-i, firt iTnnltlin, between 2oth nnd .tth Sts., i.,ux). v-rooin nousu, lot 30x132, on in custcr, near sist., ys&w. Above prices uood onlv to September 1. 1901. kO - ncro farm in Woodson cJunty, Kansas, nli. ..... Ynt- tvnter rnuntv m-ut SVroiiortv i l trade ror Omaha proport) . Land, unimproved, In Custer county, Neb., und several other counties, both Nebraska und Kansas. CUIUS BOY KB, Southeast Corner 22d und Cuming Sts. 'Phone 2049. UK- hoUSKS, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro Insurance. Bemls. Paxlon Blk. ltu ;4l RANCH AND PARM lands for sale by the union incinc iiauioau company, u, a. McAlluster, land commissioner. Union Pacnlu lleautiuurtcrs, umunu, jseu. JUv-lij CHAOi j.- WILLIAMSON. 1203 Parnnm Ht. RE Hi SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIKE. lllJ 712 HOUSES and tots In all parts of city; also aero property andlarm lanas. Tim u. i;. K.J,t JVUUIU 03-, JK'U UllilUlIlK. llli 741 12-ROOM house, must have cost $5,00) to iiiiiui. un Tuxiio. uouu cievaiiou. wiin l.i.nu nn.lli ...it it ll mnv li ti.wl tnt jj "w.'oo. ' Beautiful building lot, 29th and Harney, ! ir.ari Nice pair of brick houses, renting for $7.0.00 ti yenr, $5,650.00.' 11-room house, neur Crelghton college, for $2.7W.l)0. B-room cottage on 19th St. boulevard f r 51,200.00. ono customer now oners mat price, but has not suillclcnt money for llrst payment. C-rqom cottage, 26th and Seward, now reniing lor tuv.w a year unu water rem, Price. $W0.00. 50-foot lot und C-roOm house near 20th and t'asteiiar, si.suo.liu. P. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. RE-371 16 LOST. LADY'S gold watch;,' Elgin. Reward for return to ueo olilce. Lost MU3 Ii LOST (Saturday or Sunday last) at tho entrance to l-orest Lawn cemetery, two wetming rings, marked v. b. to T. B and T. B. to P. a Finder will bj re warded by leaving Tsamo ut Bee otllce. . Lost M.,59 15 LOST, Scotch colllo'tmale), light tan paws unu Dreasi wime, cimicK learner collar, . .. . . XT.. . 7 : .. .. II...... . . . ' iitH .'u. mo, nuuiu: oruee. ivowuru xur re turn to 3012 unicugo St.," Lost M3I3 15 11 ' LOST, n g?ld watch 'und'-chaln. Return to nee uuieu uuu receiyu rcwurcj. 1 r LOST OR STRAYED, a roan cow. with snort norns ami tips sawed orr, from lurJ Cass bt.: party returning cow' or giving lniormation leuuuig to recovery win re ceivo suitable reward, ji. t. Clarke. , Lost-M376 13 OSTKOIMTHY. JOHNSON Institute. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. icti. Alice JoiniHon n o iniiio .lam Jfft- VI'jC0Jh,isu,M 1 cconatlVlst Mrr P ulu Jomiso"' usuopatmst Mgr. M3 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel. 1367 743 At x. HUNT, D. O., 303 Karbach blk. Tel 2352. Tjy MnS. JOHN R. MUSICIC, D. O., ostoo patnio pnysician, uougiad uiock. ' 32$ AID SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 755 uflVi i.R. mUp-B enurt ronflrtor nrlnrlniil 1 m,i,r ' reporter principal, v Ni.-n. Dullness & Shorthand Collece. Hovd's Theater. ' -769 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. .bi PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patont. .l.l. II. T.IA t . . . .wuicaa uua iuv. ma .iiuiuuij, JU. -746 $5 THIS advertisement Is good for $5.- Sues to., paicni uiiorneys, ueu uiug,, umana, Neb. Nu tee unless succusstul. -M29I Ali PISHING AND PLEASURE RESORT. 1F y0lj wnllt BC01. bass and croppy lishlng g0 t0 i.ungdon, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats und minnows. rite It. A. Dlttmar lor rates, -7 NICKEL PLATING, STOVES, lamps, etc., replated. Omaha Plutlng Co.. llee liiug. uei. 2J3o. iiw MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal 1'llis are tne uesi. oaie, rename, Take no other. Send 4c stamps for part culars. "Relief fot Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, I'a, LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; thlrts. 7c; collars, c; cuns, le. iuv ijcuveii uriu. itil, ul. u. IlOlt.EIl MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, .steum boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. iei. uiv. i.in anu nurd hts. 7! PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olilce. reliable, accomrnodat ing; all business connacniiai. jaoi uottgiiiB i5t STASOIEIIINT. AND STUTTERINg" CURED Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramso Bldg. PUII.MTURE REPAlitl.n, TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cqtn'.ng St. . 757 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL klhds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, m h and Lake Sts. 370 FARMS POll RENT. 400 ACRES S miles south ot Gretna, Sarpy county. No. Duff Green, Room S, Barker Ulk., Omaha. -531 Don't Think Por n mlmiti that by waiting your teeth will need less work. A stitch In time saves nine. Small gold lllllngj, $Uo. Gold crowns, $.). Bailey the Dentist Third Ploor I'm tun Illork, PHONE 1083. Statement of tho Condition of tho ."Mutnnl I, nnn nnil Ihtlldlnu Assnclnllon of Omaha, Neb., on tho 30th dny of June, 1901: AHSP.TH. Plrst mortgage loans $31,925,00 Stock loans 1,304.60 Heal estate 0.4H.7S Furniture and stationery U "ash 4.229.03 Delinquent Interest, premiums and titles S.S0.S6 Expenses and taxes paid 51.27 Ither ns.ints 6.r.l.ni Ileal estate .sold on contracts 5,901.15 Total $60,370.93 LIABILITIES, atiltftl stock mild tin I50.23S.W lteservo fund , 1,173.35 Undivided prollts 8,372.95 Due shareholders on incomplete loans no.M Other liabilities 415.65 Total $00,070.93 Hecelnts and oxnendlturcs for tho vcar ending Jttnu 3a, 19tii: lll'JITlill'TH. Balance on hand July 1, 1900.... Dues Interest, premiums nnd lines... Loans repaid ,...$ 221.S6 .... 11.799.02 .... fi.RS7.10 .... 26,002.13 .... 2,ii3.V00 .... 441.95 .... 2,Si3S.03 ... $52,425.69 ....$ 2.86S. S6 .... 1,591.39 .... 3S.12S.3S .... 4,229.03 .... 5,603.0.1 Heal estnto sales ..; Hents Miscellaneous Total EXPENDITURES. Loans Expenses Stock redeemed ush on hand .. Miscellaneous Total $52,125.64 State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: l. Oconto M. rMittltigcr. secretary or tno above named association, do solemnly swear lh.lt the foregoing statement of the condition of said association t true and correct to tho best ot my knowledge nnd belief. (Seal) CI. M. N ATT I NO E H, Secretory. Qllli...l1.n.1 n(.1 ... lxttim l.la llllll 4tit day of AugUBt, 1901. Approved: TIIKODORE L. RINOWALT, CHARLES P. SOUTHARD, OKU ROE 1IE1MROD, Directors. O, C. OLSEN. Notary Public. POSTOPPICE XOTICI (Should be rend DAILY" by all Interested, as changes mny occur at any time.) l-'iirnlmi mulls for Ihe week cudlnc August 17. 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY In nil cases) nt tho genernl posrolllce as follows: Parcels post malls close ono nour earner man cms Ing time Jhown below. Parcels post malls lor uermany ciose ni o p. m. .lonuay uuu Wednesday. Tleciilur nnd stintilemcntarv malls oloso at foreign branch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trnnsntlnntlc ."Mulls. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Aug. Victoria, via I'lymoutn, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mull for Franco must be directed "per h. V. Aug. Vic toria"); nt 7 a. m. for PRANCE, per s. s. La Bretagne, via Havre (mnll for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. La Bretagne"); at 2:30 p. m, for ITALY, per s. s. Duchessa ill Genoa, via Naples (mnll must bo directed "per s. s. Duchessa dl Genoa"). SATURDAY At 4:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. h. Umbrla. via Queenstown; at 7:30 n. m for NETHERLANDS direct, por s. s. Potsdam (mall must be directed "per h. s. Potsdum"); at 9:30 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Anchortn (mall must be dlrectcil 'per s. h. Anchorlu"). PRINTED MATTER. KTC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. Tho same class of mail matter for other parts of Europo will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantic MalLs, named nbovo nddl tlonal supplementary malls aro opened on tho piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of thu hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlln fur South mid Central Anicrlen, West Indies, lite, THURSDAY" At 3 a. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Pnraenso: ut 10 a. m. for BARBADOES and BRAZIL, per h. s. Capri (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay must bo directed "per a. h. Capri'); nt 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, OUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Snratogn; at 6:30 p. m. for Jamaica, per s. s, Ad miral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s, s. Seneca, via Tatnpico (man must no tu- reeteu "tier s. s. beneen i. SATURDAY At 9 u. m. for PORTO RICO. per s. x. San Juan, via ban Juan; ut 'J a. in. (supplemetnry 9:30 n. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s, s, Zullu (mnll for Savanllla. and Cnrthngcqa must be directed "per 8, s. Zullu")', ut 9 30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 u, m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VAN ILLA, CARTHAOENA and GREYTOWN, per s. e Aleno (mull for Costa Rica must be directed "per H. b, Aleno"); nt 10 n. m. for CUBA, per s. s, Morro Custle. via Havana: ut 10 a. in. for HAITI, per s. s, Ornnje Nassau (mall for Curncao, Vene zuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guluna must be directed "per . s. Ornnjo Nassau : nt 11 it. m. for ARGENTINE REUBLIC. URUGUAY und PARAGUAY, niM x. . Saxon Prince. Mulls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, und tltenco ny steamer, ciosu in this olilce dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malts for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, und thence by steamer, closo at this oillco daily nt 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, closo at this oillco dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls tor Cuba, by dally nt 6 u. in, (tho connecting closes nro on Monday, Wednesday and Satur day). Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at this olilce dally ut 1:30 ii. m and U p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cnrtez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office, dally at 1.30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rlcu). Regis tered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. Ti-miK-Piu'llIu Mnllx, Malls for Hawuil. Julian. China nnd Philip- pine Isliinds, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to August 12, In clushe. for dispatch per h. b. City of Peking. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, flnsi. her., ilullv nt 6:20 n. ill. 11 11 to AUUUSt '13. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em press of Japan (registered mail must bu directed "via Vancouver"). .Mall, except merchandise, which cannot no torwarueu via Canada, for the U. S. Postal Agent ut Shanghai, closes at 6:30 p. m. previous day. Mails for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, close horn dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to August 14, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Idzumt Maru (registered mail must be directed "via Souttlo"). Malls for Australia (ex"ccpt West Australia, which l forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd IIuwuli, via San Francisco, clnsa hero dally at 6:30 p, m. after July "Si and up to August n7, In clusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lticanla, due, at New Yurk August Mll, for ills natch nor s. s. Sonoma. Malls for Australia lexcept West Australia, wmcn goes via isurope, anu wow r.eaiann. which goes via San Francisco) and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to August "17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Warrlmoo (supple mentnry malls, via Seattle und Victoria), close at 6:3o p. m, August 18 (mall must be directed "via Vancouver"), Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, eloso here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust IS, Inclusive, for rflspntch per k s, ulympla. . Malls for Hawaii, t hlnu and Japan nnd Philippines, ila San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 n. m. up to August 22. in . iiuiv.. fur dlsnntch tier s. s. Gaelic. MhIIs for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m, up to August "26, Inclusive, ror uiipaicn per s, s, .nariposa. Trans-Puclilo malle arc forwarded to port. I'OVroi'PHIl MITIt'15. of sailing dnlly and the schedule (if cl s nig Is arranged on the prc'sutupti'in f f their uninterrupted overland transit. Beglstered mall closes ut 0 p lit pri'l ous day. COUNELIfS VAN OOTT, Postntasirr Postotllce. New York. N. Y . Aug !, 1901 LEtlAI, .NOTICES. ADMIHALTV SEIZURE STEAMBOAT "JACOB HICHTMAN." CITATION. United States of America, District of Nil lirnslta. ss. i I Whereas, A libel has been filed In tho ills ' trlct court ot the United States for the dls , trlct of Nebraska, on the 9Uh day of July, 1M1. I iv Caleb llalev as llbellant In a causa ..f mil rUII ntiil mil rl 1 1 m i'. uciilnst the ste.imbuat "Jacob Rlchtman," her apparel, I tackle and furniture, and praying me usu.ii process and monition of tne court that nil persons Interested In said steamboat, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, may be cited to appear and nnswer me pre- , tnles, and all due .proceedings being nnd, that saldteamboal may bo decreed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to law. Therefore. In pursuance of said monition under the seal or said court, to me dltectcd and delivered on the 31st day ot July, l'.'d. I do hereby give notice generally unto all persons having or protending to have any right, title or Interest In said steamboat, called the "Jacob Rlchtman," her tackle, apparel, mnchlnery and furniture, to ap pear before the said court In the city of Omaha, In said district, on the 2d day of September, 1901, next (If It be a court tilt', or elsfi on next crturt day thereafter), at 10 o'clock forenoon of said day, then and there, to nnswer the said libel, and to mnka known their allegations In that behalf Dated at Omaha Iti said district this 7th day of AugUBt, A. D. 1!H. T. L. MATHEWS, United States Marshal for the District of Nebraska. Aug.sDLt I'ROPOSALS. Scaled proposals, In triplicate, will be ry reived here, until U a. in., Setitcmbi r 11 1901, for constructing, plumbing, heating an 1 electric wiring, barrack building, brick, a Port MncKcnzle. Wyo. United State, re serves the right to accept or re.lect any ur all bids, or any part thereof Information furnished upoirnppllcatlon. Envelope , con taining proposals should be Indorsed I'm bosals for Construction, Plumbing, lleathvi nnd Electric Wiring."' nnd addressed Cap tain It U Brown. Quartermaster Sheridan, Wyoming, August 15, 1911. A15.1 41 S10 11 M Direct Itoute to- niasgorr Bililbltlon ANCHOR LINE uteninablpa from New York Weekly for (il.AStiOW VIA LONIIO.NDEIlllV. Saloon, $i0 nnd up. Second Cubin. $32.50 and up. Third Class. 26 nnd upwurds. Por Ulustruted folder uud further Informs, tlon upply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J. S. McNAI.LY. 1323 Parnam St., GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1224 Parnam St.. Omaha. iRtCord Voyige 6 Dam. 7 Houti. 22 Mlnulei.j BOSTON to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Commonwealth, Twin Screw. 12,000 ioni, Aug. 28 New England. 11,500 Tons, Sept. II PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Vancouver . Sept. 5 Cambroman ... Sept. 21 Dominion Sept, 14 Aancouver Oct, 6 Tor further liformalton. iddrcjt Conpiny't Ofllcti, H Dcirborn SI.. Cblcito, llll. RAILWAY TIME LARU. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllcc, 1401 Puiuum bt. Telephone, 561. Depot, Tenth uud Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leuvc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- clal a 7:00 am ull:30 pm Chicago PaBsngr u 4:15 pm u 8:40 um Eastern Express, Des Moines, Mursbalitown, Cedar Rapids und Chicago ,al0:55 am a 4:03 pm Eustcrn. Kiiiiulnl. Chi cago and iast a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm rust Mali. Cntcaso to Om..hu a 2:45 pm Omaha-Ch caco L"t d...a T.io pm u b:uo um tost Mall a 8:30 um Ct.dur laplds i'ui'jnscr. u 5:30 pm u Dally. PREMC-NT. EL1CIIORN & Missouri Valley ltallroad "The Northwestern Lino" Generul Olllces, United Status Natidliui Bunk Building, S. W. c'nrner Twclith and Ful- uurn .mm. -rii.Ui.t (juice. 14U1 Puruam Ut. 'icluphur.c, 661, Depot, 15li and Webster bis, J .lephone, HI. Leave. Arrive. Itl.inlc I ll. Ik. Iloiidwund. Hot Springs . a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyumlng, Cusper and. Douglas d 3;O0 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, iorl;, David Cltv. ouDeilur. G-uevu. xuter und Soanl...,u 3:00 pin b 5:00 pm Not-fulk. Veiaiirrc ami Fremont b 7:3o am bl0;23 am Lincoln, "A fl-ou & Fre mont b 7;30 am bl0:2j am Kriimnnl t.iwnl -.fc um c Dally, b Dally excop'. Sunnay. c Sun- oay oni u uiiuy vimvvi auimvu.. Dully except Monday. 1'mt'Adfi. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & umuhu Railway "Tho North western Lino" General Oltlcus, Nebraska Divi sion. 15th und Webster Htb. tlty Tiekui umcu, I4U1 Parnam ftL Telephone, au. Depoi, 131 h und Webster Sts. Telephone, 1438. 1.VUVC. AIT1VC. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:oo um a 9:10 pm Sioux City Pussenger...a 2:4j pm ullilu um Emerson 1-ocul b 5:30 pm b b;30 um u Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Gunoral Utllces, United States National Bank Building, S. W. Comer Twelfth and Farnum Hts. TICke (jtliee. iul Farnum SL Toloplione. 561, Du pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephcno, 629, Leave. Arrive. Twin City 53xpreb3 a 6:i3 um al0:23 pm Twin City Limned a 7.55 pm u 8:15 am Sioux City Loctu saw um u J.io pm u r.uily. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and A; I'uclllc Railroad "Tho Great Ror.k isiuiiu iiuutu titv ii.iiui wiiiee. ijj liar nam Street. Tulnnh ntm 428. Depot, Tenth and j, iiuccia, ield piiuiiv, (j-j. Leave. EAa1. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Spe... a 6:00 am n 2:00 a Des Moines ami DavanA port Uirnl a 7:2i nm aM'inm Chicago Express bll:15iini bli.conm iea .)iuiiii-n ijciu u ti.cpni UllitiOam Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:uo pm u i; nni Des Moines. Rock Isl- " 1 and and Chicago. .a 7:40 pm a 8:10 am Rocky Mountain Ltm...rt 2;0)am n 0 53nm L.u.eoin, tuluiMiio Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West ............. ..... .a 1:30 pin a 4H5 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texus Flyer. .a 5:20 pm n 9:50 am a uuny. ii uui'y extent suuuay. UNION PACIFIC"THE OVER, land Route" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnnpim Streets. City Ticket Ullice, 1324 Parnnm Street. Tclcnhoim sis V Dpot.. Tenth und Marcy Sts! ? Telephone, 623. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited.. a 8.20 am a 7:30 pm The Chlcugo-Portlanii , Special .. aSijOum n 7:34 pm Thu F-ist Mnl).. i 8:50 am u 3:25 pm rru.. moil tui r.vnrena .all:33 tun a ir. t..J Tho Colorado Special ..illl:33 pm a c:50 um l.inrnm. iicuuiuu iii Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:05 pm bl2:S0 Dtn Tho Paclilc Express. .,u 4!2j pm Tho Atuiiliu E-fJiress... a 0-50 am Grand Inland .Local b 5:u0 pm b 9:35 am a Dan b Dally except bunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. rrmd-Gcnerul Oiices and Ticket .Olllces, Southeast Corner Hth und Douglas Sib. J elephone, 104. Depot, UIIIWI, OkUblUli, Leavu. Arrive, nd Kaiisus City Express a iu:oo um u C:25 pm K. C, St. L. Express. .a 10:50 pm u" 6:1? om Leavo from 15lh and, Webster dtrrets: Nebraska i.ocal. Via Wi-epi.:; "uter ii 4:10 pm nlOHS am u Dully, 'w Dally except Sunday. w St. Louis a ItAlt.WAV II. Ml. (..till., lit BLINUTON & .Mis souri Biver ltallroad Ihe Burlington itoute Uelieral Olneei, .North west Corner Tenth uliU Purnain streets. Ticket Oiucc, 1502 Putnam Street. 'ihi.iiiu.ii.. m. uuriiugiuu siaiion, lcniu und .Villain Sttccts. lelepnone 12j. Lcuvb. Arrive. Lincoln. Hustings nnd McCoos ,..ad;4i)nm a 7:55 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo- rudo, Utah, Californla.u 4.25 pm a 3;W Pm Allliuao Express a I.Jj pin a U;(K) pm Lincoln & Black Hills. ,u aittl pm u 6:15 am Montana, Puget Sound.. a s;oo pm a tiiii am Lincoln I'ust Mall L 3llO pm u 9117 am Wymoto, Beatrlco nnd Liucolii ., a &.io mil uii:u am Driivur. I'olnri loradn, l.tiui nnd tailforma , a CMS am l'urt rrooK, ao. uciid, Louisville, i'luttsni tu.ti 3:20 pm bllrtXi am BcIIhviic, I'.attJnicuth .V Paclilc Juiictlun a 7:40 pm a S:20 am ucnevue, I'.aiisiuouiu At 1'acltu Juuetlou a 3:10 am u Dnlly. b Day except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO sep'h & Council Blurt J Railroad -"The Burlington Routu"-Tlcket Oillce, 15UJ l'arnam Street. Telephone 25o. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 126. , Licuve, Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . a v.m am n O.iV. pm Kunsus City Night Ex.tU0:J0 pm a (Ssl5 am Bt. Loi.ls rtyct, for St. Jopeph and St. Louis. a b;10 pm iillslS am u Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & qulticy Railroad "Tho Burlington Hottto" Tlckf t Olilce. 1502 Parnam Stnot. Telepnono 250. Depot, 'lentil uud Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Uuyllght t:hi.ago Spe- cUI a 7:00 m alO:20 pm Chicago VLCUt'Ule2 Kx.n 4:W pm u 7:43 urn Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 am a 1:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7!oO pm a 7:15 urn 'ust Mall a 2:43 piu a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroud-Clty Ticket Ot llce, 1402 Parnam Street, Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Stieets. Lcuvo. Arrlie. ChicniTrT.xprcss am u a:m pm Chicago Litmieu. - "" " "i Mlnneiuiolls .v rM Lxres .,V,Vb 7:00 ara b iM pm Mmiicapoliz A St. Paul Limited a 7:4jpm a 8:03 am Port Dodco Local from Council liiuus u i:m pm a s;u am "url Dodge Local frum (.ouncll liiuus 3 u.w nni ' u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Leave. Arrlvn St Louis Cannon Ball HvnrpKM .a u:15 urn n S?0 n r Kansas tiiy unu uumcy Local a 7;0) am a 9:00 pm a Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route"-Tlckot Of lice, 1115 Parnam St. Tele, phone. 322. Depot Tenth und Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. I.eavo. Arrlvo St Louis Cannon Ball Express , , i" :.'o am Cansus City and Cjulncy t.ocni . i-w um ii pm u Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE aV St. Paul Rallway-citv Ticket Office, 1501 Parnam Street. Telephone, i. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone, 629 'CBCAc sin Leave. Arrive. rhlcnuo & bmaha Ex..b 7:13 am b 3:40 pm A Bx,.v.n ; jW ;m a - n uaiiy. u umi) ..--,.- - W A 11 A K 1 1 RAILROAD St. Louis "Cannon uaii n g!20 (l Exprts .UCK IN OKLAHOMA DRAWING )rncle Collli"- AiitHr iniinnnn t Secure n CHolee llunrter Si-etliin of l.nnil. A vacancy which has Just occurred In tho ofllco force of tno mcni imc .oi...... agency tolls the Btory of tho luck of an other Oinahnn in the Oklnuomn land draw ing which lias not beroro como in ngiu. " Oracle Colllns-nnd Hint's his real Chris tian name, too who has been a ticket clerk under Goneral Agent Rutherford, left Omaha enroute to Lawton. where ho has drawn n choice quarter section of land. Mr. Collins was early in tno registering. ti.it iront ntilet about It.. Ho romaineu Jiero nt his work nil through tho excite- . ment ot the drawing, hut has now squarcu . . . .AnarA.rnit In (Im matters up so ns io u """ servlco of tho samo road former sotiin. Tho lucky ticket man win go "rsi- io ioub. after his proporty. He win ino on u ni nnco nnd will then work for tne hock Islnnd In n territory Immediately adjoining his new llomo. Thus ho can handle both at once. Mr. Collins Is a young man nnd married. Ho has been In Oniauu out a low months. . , Ed Howe of EI Reno will Buccccd Mr. toi tluB here. Ho nrrlves today. Mr. Rowe in nnn nf tho llfteen ticket clerks who wcro kept buBy in tlio-F.t Rono Hock Island ticket olhco during the rtisn rccenuy. Another Rock Island empioyo to gci lucky was E. M. Duncan, traveling pas senger agent nt Topoka, Knn. Ho also drew n good quartor section. Mr. Ruthcrford.vho Just roturned irora that district after a week s may, imia startling talcs of hnppcnlngs tlicro. espe cially In n business way. A bank inni was Btartcd In Lawton on Tuesday, August 0, had $1,000,000 In deposits when It elosod on tuo following Saturday aftornoon. SWEDES READY FOR THE FRAY Gitrflelil CI11I1 OrKimlir.es mill Appoints Drli'Kilte to llrpulillenn Con volitloii ut Lincoln. The rrgulnr monthly meeting ot tho Swedish-American Oarflcld club was hold In room 330, Beo building, on Tuesday and tho following members wcro appointed ex ecutive committee for tlm ensuing year: John Norbcrg, Victor Danlclson, Joel John son, V. (1. Llndgrcn and Louis Potorson. Tho following delegated wuro selected to represent tho club at the republican Btalo coavcntlon to bo bold in Llticoln Tuesday, August 27: E. M. Stctiberg, presldont; John N. Wcstberg, Becrctary; Joel Johnson, V. O. Llndgrcn, John Norberg, Prnnit John son, Louis Peterson, Victor Daplolson, August Johnson, C. F. Palm, John Stoel and A. W, Johnson. WANT TO J0lfj THE ARMY tNilonrl Spiirulu. RecriiltliiK Qftloori Una I'.iioiikU Appllentlons In Keep Him Iliis.i. Colonel William P. Spurgln, recruiting nITlccr nt Omaha, Is having a busy time those days. There was a tlmo during the hnt days of .July when tlioro was little doing in tho way of adding mon to tho lighting fnrco of tho United States, but with tho return of coolor weather thero Is a resumption, of enlistments. Tho station at Omaha has sent men to Fort Leavcuworth, Fort Illloy, Fort Thomas, Ban Francisco anil Vancouver barracks atneo It was established nnd has officers In two towns In Nebranka nnd ono In Iowa enrolling recruits, ' Police Cu plu I n A rriiluned, NEW YORK. Aug. H.-Pollce Cnntnln Diamond, who wum Indicted yesterday for neglect of duty, was formally arraigned before Recorder Doff today. Ball was fixed ut $i.fo nnd. was furnished. Ho will plead I on Friday. A w B. fflS"' tTl Ticket Olilce, 1415 i nrnam tVUWi S.ireot. Telephone, 322. Do- V Vi2ai Telephone. 629. m u-, Le.ve. Arrive.