THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUG C&T 15, 1901. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bear Liquidation bj Longs Otntoi Weak lets in Whiat Pit. STRONG AT OPENING, BUT SOCN BREAKS Corn Start St run it, liut Soon Weakens mill l.nrjge (luuntHIrn Thrown on Market Ont Follow Other (rain. CHICAGO, Auk. II. Heavy lliiuhlntlun by longs caused weakness Iti tilt- wheat lilt tucloy ami September closed lower. September corn was c lower and oats V lower, wlillo provisions closed unchangod in Si' lower. Higher ethics gave wheat innminlnry lUrength nt the opening, out till- feeling w:iM quickly displaced. h a de cided brenk In prices, occasioned by the weakness In corn nnd realizing by outsld cis. Considerable long stun enmn on tho market, but support appeared lucking, com mission houses being tin! most nctlvo buy ers, September opened 3'Jl4c to Tsftlc higher nt 7111(714,0, but heavy selling on the p.irt of lucnls noon brought the price dow n to 7J"t'. Thu close wns stcudy nnd 'iV lower nt 73u. The seaboard reported 41 boatload taken for shipment, whlln (.leoriiiiren or wheat and Hour were equal to M7,'') bushel. Primary receipts wcro l.lTfl.OO bushels, compared with l.'CT.fiou bUHhels n year ago. IlecelptM of 210 curs were reported at Mln ncapoll.s nnd Dululli for todny, ngnlnst 120 earn Inst week, nnd 2i:i ears n year nso. J.ocal receipts were 1S1 cars, with 20 of con tract grade, t'nder the Influence of higher prices for whei t corn opened strong. The advance was not so marked ns In wheat and on tho Ilrst sign of weakness In the latter heavy quantities of the yellow cereul were (lumped on the niaiket, nnd prices declined. Sep tember opened U1jHc to V(l4c higher at TO i?mH'4c, but under urgent selling orders the prion dropped to .IStf.ViV Improved buying brought about n rally nnd the close was ii lower at 5:)JYo914c, Re ceipts Wete 09 cars, with 1 of contract. Oats opened a shade higher In sympathy wllh the courier grains, but weakened lutir lMuct.iutlons were within n narrow range nnd the market was without any special features. September ranged be tween SOVdc nnd JIHr, closing c lower nt'jC. Receipt were 227 cars. Piovlslons opened unchanged, but the market soon developed weakness on heavy recclptH of hogs. The decline In Brains wns nlso n bear factor. September pork sold between $11.0714 nnd $14.22V4. closing with n loss of 6c nt $11.15. Lnrd ranged between SS.70 mil $"U714, closing 6c lower nt $S.721jfj h.7.1, Ribs closed unchanged, after selling be tween $S and LS.07H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 165 cars; corn, Hi cars; oats, 335 cars; hogs, Z9.n0 head The lending futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Closc.Yes'y. Whrnt I I Sept. 7Wi 7li' 72 73 ! 73 ', Dee. TOifn; 7M 75 751i 75'4f(7.5 May I S0V4 M'4l "S"?) 79), Corn- I I Sept. .W.fiOl TO'J5S fit; 59 tJ'V Pec. fi2'(,Ji, 62V4 6)-4 filN2'i'!i May Will el's, 6ii GI Ol'f, U Oats 1 Sept. 37V4 37m 36, 364 .T'. Dec. 3S ."SI, 374 a' 37'f. May iOmVi 4014 311', 10 VjYiV Pork Sept. 14 2214 1I22V4 14 0714 14 IS 14 20 Jan. 13 50 IS 60 . 15 40 15 45 15 10 Lard Sept. 8 7714 S 7714 R 70 8 73 R frt Oct. R 85 R 5 7714 S S24 S S7Vi Jan. S 95 S 03 8 8214 8 8714 S 0214 Ribs- Sept. 8(0 8 0714 M 8 8 '5 Oct. S 1214 8 1714 8 10 8 IS j .S 1214 Jan. 8 CO S 05 7 90 7 I7V( 8 Oi No. 2. fash ouotntlons were ns follows: I.'LOt'U Strndv: winter pnttn s. 3.1f 3.t0; straights, J3.20ff3.30: clearx. J2.S03J3.10; spring specials brands, JI.IOff4.20. WIIKAT No. 3 spring, C9!4y73c; No, I red, 73ft 73Hc roitN-No. 2, 6SHc; No. 2 yellow, K8WT .DS'Kc. OATS-No 2. 3fr4fri37e: No, 2 white. 3S'Ji'J' MHc; No. 3 white, 3Sif39c. UVU-No. 2. iVto, HAHLKY Fair to choice malting, r7t?ile. SKKDS-No. 1 flax. Sl.GI; No. 1 northwest ern.; prime timothy, J3.C3JJ3.75; clover, contract grade. JI0.25. I'HOVISIONS-Mcs.s pork, per bbl J14.50 011.15. Uird. per 100 lbs.. SS.7053S.72!.'.. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.OOffS.10. Dry salted Moulders (boxed). J7.t5Jf7.50. Short cleir Bidet, (boxed). JS.tS'flR.55. U'MISICY-Hasls of high wines, $1.29. SrciAH-Cut lonf. Gc; granulntcd, 5.52c; confertloncrs' A, 6.39c; off A, 5.24c. Following nro tho receipts nnd shipments ioi iou:i . Receipts. Shipments. 43.000 is.OO) 565,010 lfr,(0) 197.0C0 r,).v) 632,(ie0 35 1,0.10 12,(01 Flnur. bills.. "Wlnnt. bu... Corn, bu Onls, bu live, bu Darley, bu. 30,000 jl.fO) On the Produce exchnnce tnilnv (ho hm. ter market was llrm; creameries, UUff.'lo; dairies, mtftlSe. Cheese, steady, OijilO'-ic. Kggs, steady. HAHMc .KV VOllIC K.RRAIi MAnKnV. luotntlonn of the nay on Vnrluaw l.'nminnillHFK. N'RW YORK. Aug. ll.-FLOUR-Rccelpts, 21,521 bbls.; exports, S.362 bills.; snles, 9,500 pkss.; shade ensler, but not uuotably lower; J!'!; ,P,lten.,B. W.tiO(rt3.W); winter straights. JJ.Ioa.l.So; winter extras. J2.30if('2.80; winter low grades. J2.30fi2.4o; Minnesota patents, S3.9vi(4.20; Minnesota bakers, J2.fi5g3.15. Rye Hour, steady; receipts, 500 bbls.; sales. 600 bbls,; fair to good, J2.70iJJ3.10; choice to jinn., to.uvjf (.avi HARIjUY Quiet:' feeding, 52c. c. I. f., Ruf- faAn.:,mnl.,,l,,K' "W?5. c- I. RillTnlo. WlIKAT-RcceTnts. 09,900 bu.; exports, 101, 13S bu. Spot, weak; No. 2 red. 79ftc, f, o. b.. afloat; No. 2 red. 7SV4c, elevutor; No. 1 northern Duliith, 81c, f. o. b., nflont; No. 1 lmrd Duliith, 89ic. f. o. b ntloat. Options after opening llrm on higher cnbles were weakened decidedly by liquidation, smaller seaboard clearances than usual, foreign selling and Increased country offerings. Closed weak at 'i'riic net loss. Scnti-miier 7Sfc79c. closed at 78Hc; October, 78 11-HVF CA. . ?OT'n. 1. T closed at MH4c uuiiN-lteceipts, 32,200 nu.; exports, 23,703 bu. Spot, weak; No. 2, C3!ic, clevntor, and C2c, f. o. b afloat. Options had a firm opening on tho cables, but also turned weak through nctlvo liquidation, small clearances, absence of bullish crop nows, the wheat break and short Belling, it llnnllv rallied, however, on eoverinir nml closed unsettled at M'c decline. Septem ber, 62U0634c, closed at 631Jc; October, CI wiit, tiujra in uo;c, (jfccmner, wa'jiie, closed nt 66c. OATS-Recclpts. 93,000 bu.; exports, CO bu. Spot, dull; Nc. 2, 40c; No, 3, 39a; No, i white. 44'tH4V4c; No. 3 white, 43Vic; track mixed western, 394fMlc; trnck white, 42 bOc. Options quiet unil barely steady with other mnrkets. HAY-Stendy; shipping, 72H'JJ75o; good to Cliuiui, wivuu, HOPS Unlet: stntc. common tn ehnlen 19iX) crop. 13ltl8c: 1S99 crop, 10ijl3c; old olds,' 206c. .Pnclrtc coaHt. 1900 crop, 13tfl7iSc; igw crop. 11415c; olds. 2h6c. 11IDKS Firm; Oalvcston. 20 to I5lbs . 18!flS14c: California, 21 to 25 lbs., i(c Texns dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. ' W,i ' l.HATJiKlt Hienny; nemiock sole, lluenos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 23Vift24i4c: neld. 23WW24V4C ' ' TAUI.OW Firm; city, 415-16c; country, 6 tlWC RICK Firm. PROVISIONS-Rcef. llrm; family, $ll.20tf 15.M; mess, $15; beef hams, $2().0iij 22.00; packet, l0.00ff 15.60: city, extra India mess. $16.03018.00. Cut meats, unlet: pick led bellies, $S.76f?10.75; pickled shoulders, ji.iwii i'a; picKiea nnms, ju. i.nrrt, steuay; western steamed. $9.0609.10; roll tied, qutotj continent. J9.25: South America. S9.S3: com. pound. $7.00ij7.25. rork. ilrm; family, $16.23 16.50; short clear, $16.25(ffl7.50; mess, $15.00 16.50. HL'TTKR Receliits, 7.0f5 pkgs.: firm; state dairy. 14jfl9u; creamery, 16fi20V4c; Juno packed, factory, lfi4fl5V4o; imitation (.1 L,lllllM J . 1UI7?1- CH1'2K8K Receipts. 2.203 nkgs.: dull and weak; fancy, large, colored, 94c; fancy, Inrgc, white, aViQ01ic; fnncy, small, colored, v tT" EOOS Receipts, 5.521 pkgs.; firm: state huiI Pennsylvania, Jitiuc; western, candled lSfjlOtiiC; western, uncandled, ICjJlOc. M01,SSKS-Stciidy. POl'l.TRY Alive, steadier; springers. 12W l7l3i.4c: turkeys, 9jo; fowls, 914c Dressed, firm; sjirlngerti, 13'tfllc; fowls, SfiOVJc; tur keei, 7iiiSVc, MF,TAl,S Tin In London was reduced i:i2s6d on spot nnd 117s6d on futures, due, It Is said, to liquidation nnd under a Inek of support. The close was easy, spot manning nt .una as nun futures at tin. i.iicully a sympathetic decline took place, cui,,MhAi-Firm; yellow western, $1.25; tiiy. i.:i-; iiranuywine, ?3.301(3.33. HYK Dull; No. 2 western. 60c, f. o. b iilloat; stuto. K.ii(56c, c. I. f New York, car lots. but trading wu slow nnd the close tiulet nnd easy nt J.iO.tVtf-'C.S.'. Locally copper was dull at numlu.iliy unchuuged prices on thu basis of i6.2.Vf It.oo for L.iko Superior und 41.37l4'ilB.i;.'l.4 tor casting and electroly tic. Prices nt London were as lust quoted, but tin undertone was easy, spot closing at 4' mm 3d nnd futures at Xiwl.sOtl, Lead was featureless nt home nnd abroad nnd unchanged. The London price was 11 Ijs Ik' for s,iot and here $ f.3 Va- Spelter was nominally unchanged lure ut $3.9eV 3.95. London closed nt 16 12s 6d. Iroil was Inactive, but values were In buyers' favor nt I'j.Ufti lo.oo for pig Iron warrants; No. 1 foundry, northern, $lo.uH15.50; No. 2 foun dry, southern, $ll,00ftH.tio; No. 1 foundry, southern, $14, 75f 15.23; No. 1 foundry, south ern, soft, $ll.7itl5.25. Glasgow warrants closed nt 53s 9d nnd Mlddlesborough at 4M, OMAHA WIIOM.AL.t; aiAKKBT. Condition of Trade mill duotntlons (ill Staple nn it I'niiO' Produce LOnS-Recelpts fair; loss olT, lii'IUc. LIVK I'OULrilY-ttens, 0U0;to; juung otid old roosters, 3o; turkeys, fasc; ducks and geese, 4c; spring cnicKeiis, pet iu,, 11W 12c. RUTTKR-Commoii to fair, 12K12Vioi choice ouiiy, in tuns 1&4i6c; separator, FRKSH FISH Ulnck bass, 16c; whlto buss, lwc, biuellsh, 11c; buillieads, loo; uiuc fins. 7c; bunalues, 6',ic; cattish. 12c; cod, 9c! crupilis, luc; clscocs, 6c; halibut, lie; herring, 6c, naooocK, 10c; plKe, 9c; tea muppei, loo, salmon, 14c; sunush, Dv; trout, ivc, xllltelisn, loo. I'lOLUNS Live, tier doz., COc. VKALS-Cholce, tft'Jc. HAY Prices iiuoteu by Omaha Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland,, No. 2 upland, J9.W; meaium, $i.w; course, $(.w). Itye straw, $u.(j. Tliejj prices are tor hay ot gooa color and quality. De mand fair. WHKAI'-GGc. CUltiN 66f. OA'l'd toe old. VEOKTAULES. OHIJKN COItN-Per doz., 1214c. (JARROTS-I'cr dox.. I0o. liUc'l'M Per halt bushel basket, 40c. YURNIPS-Per basket, 3jc. L'UCU.MRUKS llomu grown, per doz., 20 Q3AC. LETTUCK-Per bu 20c. RADISH KH Per doz., 15020c l'ARSLljy-Per doz.. 20c. NHW I'U'l'Alulis- joiuLl.ft" CAHIJAGi:-Homo grown. S4c TOMATOKri Homo grown, per 18-lb, basket, il.W. ONIONS Home grown, per lb., 2Wc. CAULIFLOWKR-Home crown, per doz., 7Cc. HICANS Wax, per hnlf-bj. basket, $1; string, per hulf-bu. basket, 75c. PKAS-Pet bu., $1; per half-bu., 60c. CANTALOUPK-Pcr bnskut, 75cQ$1.00i crates, $2. WATKIIMULONS Texas, 20(3Soc, ns to size. CKLURY-Kalamnzoo, per bunch, 253i)c. FRUITS. APPLKS-Per bid., .'.2o'u2.M CilliRRIKS Native, per -lb. basket, S5c; Missouri, per 21-qt. case, $2. I'KACHKS-California, per box, 90c; free stone, $1; choice Kloertos, $1; fancy, $1.20. l'LUMS California, tier crate, $1,20.1.60; home grown, per 8-lb. basket, 23c. PDAKS Hartlotts, $2.26'V2.60. TROPICAL FlttUTB. ORANGES Vnlenclas, $5.00; Med. sweets, $4.u0. Jl AN ANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, CHICAGO, Aug. 12.-CATTLi;-RccciptB, 26,000; rough, steady; others slow to Uxftloo higher; good to prime steers, $5.656.23; poor to medium, J4.30ft5.45; Blockers and feeders. i'2.,jii.w. cows. S2.403il.4U: heifers. 2.2oij; cunners,; ouns, u.ww ,3o: calves, ja.0Wi6.26; Texus fed steers. $J.WU4.60. lious ueccipts tooay, 3t),ini; osumaieu for tomorrow. 25.0w: left over. 1,525; best stronger and otheis weaker; mixed nnd butcber, li.Wao-Vb; gooa to cnoica neavy, $6.w5(6.15; rough heavy, $5.60!U6.73; light, $3.60515.90; bulk of sales, $5.8556.00. SHKKP ltecelnts. 18.000: stronger: lnmbs. 105) 16c higher; good to cholca wethers, $3.70 5j4,25; fair to choice mixed, $2,835(3.60; west ern sheep, $3.25'JX15; yearlings, $3.905j4.50; native lambs, $2.e5js.45; western lambs, $3.75 4j j. to. Otllcla Siituruay neccipis: (.nme, m.iw; hogs. 10,922, sheep, 731. Shlpjnents: Cattle, 63j; begs, 6,563. St. Louis Cm I n anil Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 cosh, elevator, 72(4c; September, 72c; December, 75ViJi5V4c; May, 79?ic; No. 2 hard, 72-Vcf iVic CORN Lower; no, 2 casn, 6ic; tracx, liidj 12c: September. 61Vlc; December, 62'ic; May, OATH Firm; no. 2 casn, mc; tracK, asc; September. 37ic; May. 40jic; No. 2 white, 39'4C. jtiii aieany ai wic FLAXSEED No market. FLOUR Qulci, steady; new red winter patents, $;i.5553.70; extra fancy and straights, $3,155(3.33; cleur, $2.70$3.00. TIMOTHY HEED Lower spot ana to ar rive. $7.15. COHNMKAL uncnnngeu. HltAN-Easy: sacked, east track. f5c. HAY Timothy, strong. $12.50U 15.00: prai rie, dull, wenk, $12.505113.50. wiUHlvl Hteauy. i.30. IRON l'OTTONTIES-$l.20. HAG01NG-65i7Uc HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing. $15.75. Lard, lower, $S.5714. Dry salt meats (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, $3.25; clear ribs, $8.50; clear sides, 5-S.75. Racon (boxed), un changed; extra shorts, $9.1214; clear ribs, $9.60: cleur sldeB, $9.6214- METALS Lena, llrm at J4.40. spelter. llrm. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 6c: snrlnns. 10c: turkeys. 6c: young. 85iS14c: ducks. 5c. springs. 6c; geese, 3c; springs, 4c, 11 UTTER Firm; creamery, 1702214c; dairy. 1417c. l.:r;i?N Hlenrlv? nwrliv. lie. RECEirTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 131.- ooo mi.; corn, 24,ikw nu,; oats, 4s,ooo bu. SHIIMENTH Flour. 8.000 bbls.; wheit. 82,000 bu.; corn, 33.0C0 bu.; oats. 77,00) bu. Knnan Cltr Grnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY". Aug. 14.-WHEAT-Sen- tember. 67V45(67'MiC : December. 70Wc: cash. No. 2 hard. 68i5(69c; No. 2 red, 721473c. CORN September, 68T4559c; December. o9yc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 58i5i59c; No. 2 whlto. 5914c. OATH NO. A wnite, 40C. RYE No. 2, 625(63c. HAY' Choice timothy, $14.50: cholca prairie, $14. UUTTER-Creamery, 145J14V4o; dairy, fancy. 145i'lc. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas ctock quoted on 'change at 11c per doz., loss on, cases returned. RECEIPTS Wheat, iu.ui nu.: corn, w. COO bu.; oats, 22,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 201,800 nu,: corn, 40,800 bu.j oats, 19,000 bu. IMilliuleliilila Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 14. BUTTER Firm anil uood demand: fancy western creamery, 21V4o; fancy western prints, 21V4c; lancy nearby prints, 24c. EGOS Firm nnd good demand; fresh nearby, 17c; fresh western, no; rrcsh soutn western. I2w,c: rresn soutnern. izc. cheese Dull anu wean; New York run creams, fancy, small, 9)4c; New York full creams, iair to cnoice, siUJnc. Liverpool (Srnln Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 14.-WHEAT-Spot. stenily; No. 2 red western, winter, 5s 9yjd; No, 1 northern, spring, 6s lOd; No. 1 Cul- ltorma, s. rutureB quiet; Bcpiemuer, os CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, now, 4s mid; American mlxca, old, nominal. Fu tures quiet; September, 4s lld; October, bs Ha; Novemner, as ?iu, Toledo (irnln anil Seed, TOLKDO. Aug. 14.-WHEAT-Actlve nnd ensy; no. l, itc; September, 7oc; December, 77Hc CORN Quiet and active, lower; Septem ber. 6STdc: December. 61c: May. 63c. OATS Easier; September, 36',-4i:; Decem ber. a.s;c. CLOVERSEED Quiet, easier; prima Oc tober, $6.5714 bld Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Ilrnu MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 14.-VHEAT-Sep. tember. 70ic: December, 7ITc; spot, No, 1 northern. 7OTio: No. 2 northern. -6l)c. FLOUR First patents, $3.00(33.93; second patents. $3,75513.85; flrst clears, $3; second clears, j.'.oO. HRAN-ln bulk. $13.505711.00. Milwaukee (Irnln Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. Aug. 14.-WHEAT-Un- settled; No. 1 northern, 74i,'5c; No northern, 735r74c: September, 73c. RYE Lower: No, 1, 5914c. RARLEY Firmer; No. 2, 635761c; 405ile. CORN September, 59c. snmple, Duliitli nrnln Market. DULI'TH, Aug. lt.-WHEAT-Cash. No 1 hard, 75(,c: No. 2 northern. 67tc; No, 1 northern, 72le; September, No, 1 northern, l.Htc; uecemutri, nu, t uiirilirrn, MViC, CORN-57?ic. Peoria Market, PEORIA. Aug. 14,-aORN-Qulet. OATS-No. 3 white. 371ic. WHISKY-On the basis of $13) for Pn- isneu goons. Kvapnratril anil Dried Frultk, NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-EVAPORATED APPLES The market remains nulte llrm nt fully sustained prices; demand Is fair and holders are Inclined to nsk higher rates or ucsiranie qunuiy, nimv, euiiuuuii " good, 6f.7t.'; prime, 7145jsc; choice, 85!Bc; Ftlt'ITS Ruled CAIjlI'UltMA UHlVtU nulct but steady at unchanged prices. Prunes, 3i7c. Apricots, Royal, 8H5J13c; Moor Park, S-Tf 12c. Peaches, peeled, U81c; unpeelcd, C5J914C. M1W YORK STOCKS AM) I1HXIH. Trade it Spirited, UH llnlln llesuin- liiK AetUc OpernllmiN. NF.W vnrttf ah. u Tmilltiii nt tlme tndnv ten nlrlt.1 mul emnmlnsioll hoUSrS reported nn Increase In outside orders. D velopments over night did not shed niucli light on either tho crop or strike situation and as theso Influences are rapidly lifln? their earlier Importance, bull traders re sumed active operations, With tho course of the day there was a revival of ln.e ist In some usually dormant stocks, which gave rise To reports of pool manipulation, es pecially In the United Stntes Leather Is sues. Current rumors regarding the divi dend status of St. Paul made that stock the feature of the day and Us fluctuations gov erned the movement of other stocks oloselv Generally speaking, the propert.e( whlih wcro notably strong yesterday le unieil tneir niivancc todny, mu ine averuge rise wns not so pronounced. The great bulk of the day's tleil'nus were transacted during the forenoon, when the hltrli nrleej of the day were made. Lon don wns again n buyer of the general di list nnd shorls tovcred con tracts In the grangers anil Pncincs. a wide otK'iiInc wils looked for In St. Pall', owing to the nctlve Inquiry for the stock la London, where It wns 2 points hlgner I lie first snles were 7.(") shares at K2;ilWI, a gain of Hi. Opening advances otherw so were mostly fractional, but n strong und r tone prevailed nnd there wns heavy buying In the active list. Traders met the rlo with stocks purchased nt lower prices early In the day nnd the bears were disposal tn sell the market on nccount of Its nr tty general stcinl" Improvement since Manila 'a opening. These offerings reduced und in some Instances wiped out ultostethcr tho advances. Sugar, which had stnrlo I off 114 higher, was depresed sharply, nn 1 tho Steel stocks were rather heavy. Prices soon worked upward again, however, the trunk lines, grangers, Pacltlcs and coalers being taken freely nnd (stabllshlng ad vances of from 1 to 2 points. St. Pnul ran UP2S to 164'4 and the preferred gained Mi points. After mldrlnv the market worked slowly downward, but there were occasional rniucs, wuicn were in n measure uue io tho timidity of the short Interest on indica tions of Inside sunnort to stocks. The demand for stocks died out pretty woll In the late afternoon and the bears made1 n successful raid against the mntket, da pressing St. Paul 2 points from the highest nnd putting the nctlve list genernlly down n point or over. The Pulled States Sttel stocks, which hnd made gains nt the outset of only each fell Into neglect during the course of the day nnd were heavy. The common sold 14 under yesterday's cloo nnd tho preferred but were consistent y supported In the. late drive and did not ex ced their enrly low level. In the final denllngs buying to cover caused a gcncrnl rise, St. Paul going back again to 16114, the ugliest ngure oi me uay. una the entire market closed steady. The rlnslnc nllv brought United Stntes Steel common up ti 44, its best price, nnd tho preferred rose to 93 points. The bond market today was generally firm, but business continued In larger vol ume. Total sales, par value. $2,015,0(0. United mates Donas were nu unchunged on tho last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho market Is Btlll very slack hut llrm. Amerlcnn shares were fnr from brisk, but were coulldent from the very stnrt. London, for once, led uio wii), ieeiiii inni ine worst is now known. New York seemed to be nnxlcus to check the sneed of the nrlvnnrn l,nt u-n continued to buy In a narrow market, caus- iiik prices io ciose ui me nest Tne Hank of England has received 4,670 gold In bars and has bought on tho steamer Vcnturla, sailing from Sydney for San F rotietsen. soverlgns. Parte exchange Is 25.2114; Ul'lllll, ..".1.74. The following nre tho closing prices on tho New Y'ork Stock exchange: Atchison 74H St. Paul pfd.... 111 55H 29? do pfd llnltlmore & Ohio. do pfd Cnnnrllnn Purine... ivm no. i-acino 9i4 So. Hallway !4 do pfd 11214 Texas & r.iclflc.... 69HTol.. 8t. L. & v. 4S? dn pfd 371i Union l'aclllo ?( dn pM 35 Wabaih " do pfd... 12! Wheel. & L. K 5214 do 2d pfd illi Adams Kx 4,;:i American Kx 1M U. a. Ex..... 4lVi Canada Bo M 3:ii; 9714 " IS 29 170 193 87 144 11274 Clies. & Ohio ChlcnKo & Alton.. do pM Chleago. lnl. & L. no pfJ Chicago & i:. CIiIchko O. W III.. do lnt riil , dn 2.1 nfd , Chicago & N. W... C. R. I. & P Chicago Ter. & Tr 13li Welli-Fargo Ex.... H'i Amal. Copper i 37?i Amer. Cur & F i S3 t do pfd , , lili Amer. Lin. Oil , ' t:?4 do pfd . 22V Amer. S. ,fc 1! lWVi dn pfd 224 Amer. Tobacco .... i till Anac. Mln. Co , 91 Ilrooklyn R. T . 3.H Colo. Fuel & Iron.. . 65Vj Con. Oas , MV Con. Tobacco .ISO I do pfd , 52tt'Qen. Klectrle .141 Olucixse Sugar , S'J lllocklng Coal . 7Ji Inter. Paper 59 I dn pfd no piil f. t'. r Jtr St. t.... . 29 . SI 22 . H 5114 .loo-v, .1 i -4m, . 7114 . 9!U .r.jy . 67H .11514 to2 . C51i . mii . 23 . 774 . VI . ST . 41H . 20 . 43 . 79 . 97?i . 07 . 3914 . 1104 . 41 . 81 .2161J . 15Vi . 74 Colorado Ho dn 1st pid iln 5,1 nfd Del. & Hudson Pel. L. & W Denver & R. 0.... do nfd Hrle do 1st pfd In 2d nfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking vauey ... Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Krle & W... do rf.l .125 Inter. Power lOJVi Laclede Oas 117-H National Illncult .169 iNatlonal Und .. , 2414. National Salt , do pfd ,105 No. American ... I. N Manhattan L. Met. St. lly Mex. central Mex. National Minn. & St. U Mo. racldc M K. & T '.. do pfd N. J. Central .V, Y, Central Norfolk & W dn pfd N'n. Pacific nfd... .101H raelflo Coaat . 251 . 12 ',4 .159 .15 . 5H . 87 ,100 . 3ii; .144't, raelflo Mall People's Uas ... Prrsaed S. Car.. dn pfd Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel . do pfd Ontario A W Sugar Tenn. Coal Iron 13114 lli Pennsylvania Rending . 41i Union Hag & P..., . 77V4 do pfd . tlli V. S. leather . 3Vil do pfd . 78 U. S. Huhber . CTA do nfd . ir . 7d; . i?.y . sis . is . S9 . 4JT4 9214 . 93 dn lnt pfd do 2d nfd St. L. & S. F do lHt pfd do 2d ofd fit. L. Southw . MVU. S. Steel .... . 62 do pfd .16414 Western Union dn nfd Bt. Taul Offered. The closing quotations on bonds nro as follows: U. S. ref. 2i do coupon do it. rtg. do coupon do new 4, 107PV. Y. Central Is.. J. C. sen. Cb.. .101H .129 . 73 .10PI .10714 .102 .110 .102H .123 .nm . 03 .Ml',4 .116 .123 . IS 1 .11314 .U6, . 03 .116 107 N. tnsi No. Pacific 3s I'JS'i 137 137 113 P.3 lu7i 107i 124 104 97l dn 4s N Y. C & St L 4s N. & W. eon. 4.. reg., do coupon do oil , re. Oregon Nn v. Is..., do coupon do 4s do Teg do coupon D. ot C. 3. C5s AtchUnn gen. In.. do ndj. ( Canada So, 2s Chen. A Ohio 44.. do f C. & N. W. c. 7s.. do S. F. deh. 5. Chicago Ter. 4i Colora.k) So. (.... Denver & R. O. 4s I".rlo general In V. W. & I). C. It. Oen. Electric 3s..., Iowa Centrnl Is L. & N. unl. 4s.... M.. K. & T. 2a do 4s Oregon M. L. Cs... do consul 5s Reading gun. 4i... Illo O. W. Is St L ,t I M c. fs. St L & S V" g. 6s. St. Piiul consols.. lO'l 107 120 St P, O ,t p Is.. .I35', do 5s. , , .122 So. Pacific 4h , W, So. Hallway 5s . Sf'i S. It. & T. f.s ,10SU Tex (t Pacific Is., . 8.M41 do 2s .114 Union .Pnclllo 4s.. 700 'Wahash Is .115 I Mo 2 .iOP, West Shoru 4s , 81 .Wis. Central Is,., . 9i Va. .CentOrles . 57V4 .11', . KS,i .104V4 .118 .11044 .11214 . si, , 9U Offered. ItiiNtnn Stock tlnotntlnns. ROSTON, Aug. 14,-Cnll loans, 301 per cent; last loan, 414'Uo I'or cent. Olllclal closing: A.. T. S. F dn pfd Amer. Sugar ..,,.. American Tel nnston & Albany, lloston Elevated ,. llotton & Me Dominion Coal .... do pfd U. S. Sleel do pfd Kltchbiirg pfd Oen. Electric Ed, Elec. Ill Mex. Central N. K. O, i C OM Colony Old Dominion Union Pacllla . 7H1 . 95S All .16114 1 .179 19214 . 31 .116 . 4SM . 92. .115 .255 .250 . 24 . 5!i .104 . r-'U . 971. West End Atchison 4s . 9Mi .1113 N E. O. (t C. 5s.. . 52'j . 24 . 40" .113 5, .710 . 27'S . 17 ,. 25 . 97 ,. m .170 . 6 ,.314 . 2M4 2'4 ,. 61 Adventure Hlnsham Mln. Co. Amal. Copper Atianim , Calumet & Hecla.. Centennial Franklin Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy , Santa Ke Copper., Tamarack Utah Mining Winona Wolverines FnrrlKit I'tniinelnl. LONDON, Aug. II, There was no special demand for money today and discounts wire easy. On the stock exchange the tona wns more cheerful all around, Consols were well maintained. High class securities wrr 111 demand. Homo raits and foreigners wero quiet, but steady. Rio tlnlos were lowor Argentlncs were Improved. Mines wet a good. Little business wus done In Ameri cans, but they were buoyant, particularly St, Paul, on dividend rumors, Steels ein tinned good. Grand Trunk and Canadlin Pacifies were Arm throughout. The of bullion taken Into tho Rnuk of Eunand on balances today was i.'C7,0l0. Gold pre ulums nre quoted nt Rucnos Ayrrs nt 133.M nd ut Alndrld. 40.07; at Rome, 417. PARIS Am. U-.I'i-Iito nn (he lir.lirs ti dily opened Irregular. Parquet Siiicks howed a dronptng tendency. Later there 111s 11 rauy anil prices ciosen nrm uu round. Rentes were mnlntnlned. Knlllrs ,ere llrm .nut netle Industrials recovered hariilv Itln tininfl nilvnnri-ii. Three ti r :ent rentes, lOlf t5c for the account. Ex change on London, 23f 2140 for ch c's Illtri.tV I,,.. 11 f'rlr.A n !,,, today were llrm, In sympathy wLh t.e notion nun rscw 1 ora iiiurKRis, niiims 1 ltd Irons were principally favored, the atter on the fnvorable report from th Itigllsh Iron mnrket. Ooverninents wuio lillet. Canadian Pacltlcs were llrm. Trims aals were weak, I.iiimIiiii Muck iiotntliius, LONDON. Aug. II. 4 p. in. Closing: fonsl, money.. .. 91 Denver & It. O. do nccount 91 1 16 ..IMS ..1671, 1 do Pfd . 94 . 3('i . 66', . 31 . 54 14 . 5l4 . 90 . St'i . :i, . S7i, .l'W'i . 9l't . 21 . 41 . 69H . 42U Annenndp. Erie , do 1st pfd do Vil pfd , M . K. & T CinAtllan Pacific. St. Pnul fi N ..103' ..1171 Illinois Central . No-folk & '.... I do Pfd N. Y. Central ... ..r.6 .. 44 .. 9i'i Pennsylvania .... Ontario & W Itead';g I ito let pfd So. Pacific I . 8. Steel do nfd I do 2d pfd , il'nlon Pacific ... I do pfd Wabash I do pfd Mnnnlsh 4s Nn. Pacific pfd.. .. 9;i .. K .. $,t ..101 .. 4Ili Atchison do pfd Ilalttmore & O... Ches. & Ohio Chicago O. W.,.. mi laand Mines RAH SILVER-Stendy nt 26 13-lGd per oz. MONEY 114 ner cent. Rate of discount In the mien market for both short and three months' bills, 2J4 per cent. e(v York M 1 11 1 11 K Stocks. NEW YORK. A tie. II. The following arc the closing (imitations on mining stocks: Adams Con 23 il.lttle Chief 13 43 Ontario S23 Alice Ilreece ..141 Onhlr SO i 3 S Ilrunswlck Con . in .. fill ..190 ..63 ..173 .. U .. C Phoenix Potosl Sange Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard Comstock Tunnel.. Con, Col. A. Va... Deadwood Terra.. Horn Silver Iron Sliver . 50 .323 Iadvllle Con Hunk delirious. CHICAGO. Aug. 14.-CIcnrlngs. $24,S09.423; balance!-, $1,5(,772: posted exchange, $I.S for sixty days. tl.iO on demand; New York exchange. 3c discount NEW YORK, Aug, 14.-Clearlngs, $168, 6fi0,M9; balances, $6,071,420. CINCINNATI, Aug. 14.-Clcnrlngs. $2,759. fiEO; money, 3l4ti6 jier cent; New York ex change, par. ST. I.OUIS. Aug. 14,-Clenrings, $7.035,R36; bnlanccs, $730,119; money, 61(7 per cent; New York exchnngc. 25c discount bid, 10c dis count usked. HALTIMORE, Aug. 14,-Clenrlngs. $3,094, 978; balances, $161,176; money, 414tj5 per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 14.-CIearlngs. $12,903,205;- balances, $2,13l,3."4: money, 4V4 per cent. ROSTON. Aug. 14.-Clcarlngs. $10,873,320; balances, $2,065,161. rnmlltlon nf tlie Treasury. WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. Today's state ment of the treasurv balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption. shows: Avnllable cash balances. $171,303.- 523; gold, $105,016,71 Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Auc. ll.-COTTON-Opcned steady, with prices 4 to 6 points under last night's close, but later recovered tho loss and closed very steady. The early weak ness wns due to surprisingly wenn. ingusn cnbles nnd to reports of more rains where needed in tho soutliwest. 11 wns apparent from tho first that the nit contingent wns desirous of taking protlts on the lenst dc cllno rather than to Increase commitments or the bear side. The chief reason for this lnck of confidence lny In the fact that crop accounts were very much mixed. Too much rain wns nguin compinineu or in 1110 uaro llnns nnd pnrts of Georgia, centrnl Texns was still without rain In many counties, shedding wns reported In portions of tho ctntrnl belt and crop estlmntes wcro being cut down west of the MIsslsslAil river. The olllclal advices gave showers In south central Texns. but the forecast pointed to clearing conditions tonight In that region, Soon nfer the call prices stiffened up to nearly the final bids of yesterday, and wlillo there were reactions from this level Inter, the mnrket dlsuttlVed n, steadier un dertone thnn In some ,tlme of late nnd dur ing tho afternoon held well up on covering, light Investment support and some buying for southern nccount. Jleports thnt n wind storm was working Its way up through the Mississippi valley led to some misapprehen sions, ns did n rumor Hint exporters were more willing to consider offers from spot cotton holders in the south. The Fall River mills situation was not materially changed. In the last half hour October ad vanced to 7.21c and Januarv to 7.2Sc on a scare of shorts, brought nbout bv damage reports from the storm center In tho lower Mississippi valley. The closo was very steady, with prices net 2 points higher to 1 point lower. Snot closed dull; middling uplands. Sc; middling gulf, Sl-Jc: sales, 200 bales. Futures closed very steadv; August, 7,13c; September. 7.15c: October, 7.23c: No vember, 7.2tc: December. 7.21c: January. 7.27c; February, 7.27c; March, 7.30c; April, 7.32c. GALVESTON, Aug. 14.-COTTON-Flrm at R ll-16c. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14.-COTTON-Dtlll: middling, Sc: snles, none; receliits. 406 bales; shipments, 1,287 bnles; stock. 43.412 bnles. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 14.-COTTON-Qulet nnd steady; sales, 1,600 bales; ordi nary, 5 13-lSc; good ordinary, 614c; low mid dling, 7 5-16c; middling, 8 1-16c: good mid dling, 8 ll-16c: middling fair. 8 11.16c; re ceipts, 413 bales; stock, 46.919 bales. Fu tures steady; August, 7.72J?7.74c: Septem ber, 7.27f?7.29c: October. 7.15ft7.16c: Novem ber, 7.147,160; December, 7.14fr7.15c; Jnnu ary, 7.17i37.18c; February, 7.17Q7.1Sc; March, 7.19i7.21c. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 14. COTTON-Spot, moderate business; prices l-16d lower; American middling fnlr, 4 29-32d; good mid dling. 4 23.32d; middling, 4id; low middling, 4 5T.'d: good ordlnnry, 3 29-32d: ordinary, 3 21-32d. The sales of (he day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation nnd export nnd Included 7,500 American; re ceipts. 2,0110 bnles, Including 200 American. Futures opened quiet nnd closed quiet but steady; American middling. 1. m. c, 4 17-610 bid; August nnd September, 4 14-6ld nsked; September. 4 14-4d. sellers: October, g, o. c, 4 4-6ld, value; October and Novem ber, 4(fl4 16-64(1, value; November and De. ccmber, Id, buyers; December and January, 4d, buvers; January nnd February, 4d, buy ers; February and Mnrch, 4tfill6-6!d, buy ers; March and April, 4 1-G-id, buyers. Wool Market. ROSTON. Aug. II. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will sny tomorrow o' the wool irr.oc: 1 no market is act vo anu strong. Ar. enormous business has lo 11 transacted, which has been more broadly distributed than at any time this year. Tho demand has been from all classes of mills large nnd small the former taking on somo good-sized blocks of wool, not'iblv of Oregon wools, the nggregato transictlnrs In which nre claimed to amount in about 5.000,000 lbs. It is known Hint some lng deals arc now pending on spot wonts and wools to arrive, which will very likely re sult In continued large Riles for a few weeks to come. On foreign woo's some large transactions ore likely lo materialize at any time The season In Montnni Is rnpllly drawing to a clojo and by next week innit of the Montana buvers will have rench"d home. It is estimated tint hardly mor) than 6 per cent of the clip of tint Ft t hns been consigned, tho grent bulk of having been purchased outright. All the other states nnd territories have llkewlso been pretty well cleaned up. Tho receipts of wool in lloston this week amounted ti 33,933 bales, ngnlnst 35.62S bales list w - k nnd 19,139 bales a year ugn. The snles fir the week In Ronton amounte 1 p ll.ff.O lbs. domistlc nnd 1.390.000 lbs. foreign, rank ing n total of 12.H3".ls1 lbs., against n totil of li.iiio i inr tne prev ou.i ween aid a total of 2.237.KOO for the corresponding wie.k last year. Shipments of wool for tho wee't ending Augutt 12 wero 6,15S,P3 lbs. This shows nn Increase nf 752,20) lbi. over tho shipments of the previous week. Sl-ci January 1 the total shipments amount t) 153.J92.621 lbs. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. H.-WOOL Quiet and steady; medium grades, Ufjl7c; light fine, llfillc; heavy fine, 9yilc; tub washed, 12W 21c- Siipcur Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 14.-SUOAR-Ruw. quiet and steady; fair rellntng, 3 9-16c; cen trlfugal, 96 test, (Ha; molasses sugar. 3 5-16c; refined, quiet; crushed. 5.85c; pow dered. 5.13c; granulated, 5.3Jc. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 1I.-8UOAR-fiulet: centrifugal yellow, I'sTT lic ; seconds, 21455-3HC MOLASSES-Qulnt; centrifugal, 5llc. (T York Dry Roods Market. NEW YORK. Apg. II. Some Improve ment Is noted today In homo demnnd for cotton goods, but the mnrket continues quiet. PrlceH nro unchanged for both sta ple and fancy lines. Print cloths are quiet, with sellers at nrevlnus nrlces. In men's wear woolens and worsted staple lines are firm and tending against buyers. Dress goods continue dull. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good to Ohoici Beif Bteidj-Othen a Dime Ltwir. HOGS OPEN NICKEL LOWER, CLOSE STRONG C1111 s nnd Heifers Ten to Fifteen Linver, I'l eders Strnii) Sheep Mar ket Slntv anil Wenk to n Dime l.nnrr All Around, SOLTH Receipts today: Olllclal Monday Olllclal Tuesday Official Wednesday .... OMAHA, Aug. II. Cntllc. Hogs Shei p. .. 2.700 4 , 01 10 9.11 .. 5,&(i0 S.lsl li.vii .. 4,100 7.V31 6.1rt Three days this week. 12,Ci0 20,515 Same days last wcek....lO,i37 2.5IS Same week before 6,2oli 2I.SI9 Same three weeks ago... 7,510 26,' (7 Same four weeks ngo....lO, :&,6in Same days last year 12, US 13,7 5 2;i.0.i3 17.7H SI, Si 21. !U 13.321 LI. 0.5 Smtli com Average prke paid for hcg.( at Omaha thu past several d.iys parlsons: I 1901.1W).!1$9D.1SW.1S97.189.1S05. July 27, July 2S July 29 July so July 31, August August August August August August August August August August August August August August 5 6ST1 6 061 4 32 4 33 4 32 4 32 3 27) 3 41 3 177 3 29 3 72 3 36 3 7l Z tl 2 !E I 9 - i'.'l 6 471, 5 56Vi i in 4 91 I it 5 Ul I 3 W, 2 4 117 5 6614 6 15 5 18 6 16 5 10 S 01 5 14 5 15 5 04 4 19 3 79 3 74 3 (i! 3 61 3 il 3 "i 3 81 3 6; 3 45! 3 47 3 E7 3 63 3 431 361 3 ID 3 tn 2 77 4 41 I 4 IS 2 84 4 51 i S3 2 ttil 4 61 3 02 I 1.7 2 91 1 r 2 75 I to 1 4 45 2 76 I i.7 2 S0 2 MJ I 60 2 74 I .11 2 S3 1 62 6 76 5 79U E 81 6 d0 5 63 6 65. ( 20 4 33 4 43 '45 4 38, 8. 9. 4 37 4 32 I 2S 4 29! 10 s 00 4 99! :i 67 11 3 27 3 61, 121 E 74 4 35 3 4si 3 56) 3 741 3 0I I3i 5 77ii 14 6 73 4 9' 4 91 - 1 3 ill .1 l! I 43 I 3 68, Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of -cars of stock Drought In today by each road was: Cuttlc.Hugs.Sh'p.H'scs. (,., m. oi at. p. uy 1 O. At St. L. Ry 4 Missouri Paclllc Ry 12 Union 1'ncllli system ... 59 C. it N. W. Ry F-, E, (St M. V. R. R 36 S. C. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 12 R. & M. R. R. R 45 C, R. & Q. Ry 11 C, R. I. & P., east 1 C R. I. ft P.. west 3 Illinois Centra,! Total receipts 184 7 n 3 14 16 1 o . . ,, 29 6 1 11 2 15 4 11 a l "TtK 23 1 f'n receipts was liaslug the num- bcr of head Indicated: Ruyers. Cattle. umiiha Packing Co .'..,691 Swift and Company 711 Cudnhy Packing Co 1,057 Armour A Co 1,127 Omaha Pack. Co., K. C. 91 Hogs. Sheep. 972 1.839 2.501 2,612 4,606 ",88S 309 R. Rccker Aj Degan 32 Vansant & Co 23 J. L. Carey 26 I, 0b man & uo ih W. 1. Stephen 93 Hill & Son 130 Livingstone & Schnller... 61 Hamilton ib Rothschild .. 19 L. F. Husz A II. F. Hobblck 5 Wolf it M 23 S. & S ino 1,076 Other buyers 3j3 Totnls 4,132 7,957 6.779 CATTLE Cattle supplies wcro ngnln liberal and. Included n fair number of gross- ers. besides n very decent supply ot dryiot stuff. The mnrkefopenod lato nnd slow nt prices generally steady to 10c lower on fat steers, at which basis. tho bulk of the trading was done, the market dragging more or lets throughout. Liberal receipts of cow stuff, mostly from tho range, enabled buyers to squeeze prices and the general trade wns nil of a dime lower, Tho market on cows nnd heifers, unless of very decent quality, wna Blow and wenk. The receipts of bulls, stags, calves, etc., have been heavy this week, nnd prices nre unevenly lowor, according to weights nnd quality. In tho feeder division tho supplies, while not overly large, were sudlclent to hold values comparatively steady, with n weaker tendency on oft grades nnd weights. Rcpro scntutlvo sales: REEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 t65 3 30 48 1471 fi 20 4 94.", 3 30 4 1510 5 20 I SI'l 3 30 47,. , 907 20 2 61S 2 50 45 11IH 5 20 1.... 670 4 () 20 1117 5 20 16 11X3 4 r, 22 1271 6 20 42 1011 4 2S 19 102.) 6 20 II 11 4 3: 19 1126 5 23 16 122S 4 40 SO 1214 6 25 21 1125 4 44 19 1183 E 25 21 1269 4 40 49 1140 5 25 20 878 4 50 37 1237 b 23 4 1063 4 IO 41 11M 5 40 2 ,1300 4 75 1! 1181 5 43 24 922 4 0 18 1(00 S 50 39 I64 4 93 18 1177 5 50 30 914 6 CO 49 1S51 5 f 0 42 1191 6 03 C9 1362 C f-5 13 1163 5 CO 40 1336 5 S3 17 1195 & 10 E2 13i)2 5 60 39 1051 6 10 13 1263 5 65 39 1061 6 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 23 73S 4 CO 19 739 4 50 4 537 4 20 STEERS AND STAGS. 49 1307 1 15 COWS. 1 950 2 00 1 10SO 3 75 1 9S0 2 00 23 941 3 75 6 Hi 2 25 8 SSI 2 JO 1 1020 2 25 3 936 2 85 20 920 2 30 C3 951 2 90 23 915 2 33 1 1110 .1 (0 17 453 ! 50 22 D.'-S 3 13 4 905 2 50 32 646 3 15 1 1150 2 W 56 073 3 15 1 1010 2 Vj 2 10S3 3 33 3 100 2 50 4 ICO) 3 43 1 1030 2 fO 2 615 3 50 1 920 2 iO 1 1490 3 63 22 910 2 CO '1 1490 3 65 1 14V0 2 f5 2 1175 4 00 20 9ol 2 70 7 722 4 15 1 331 2 75 HEIFERS. 1 460 2 1 430 3 75 1 530 2 50 7 674 4 25 5 516 3 CO 7 674 4 25 4 527 3 10 8 742 4 60 3 786 3 10 HULLS. 1 EIO 2 25 1 1360 3 ZA 1 1330 3 40 1 174) 3 CO 1 1420 2 40 1 1230 4 10 1 1230 3 M 1 IISO I "0 1 ! 2 75 1 U00 4 23 1 1S30 3 2.1 CALVES. I! 201 4 (0 1 l"i) 3 (0 1 260 4 50 1 130 5 :s STAGS. 1 py) 3 00 1 1020 4 :o n 102: .2 53 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 950 2 V5 3 750 2 1 0 1 930 2 40 12 S51 3 '0 1 570 2 f.0 31 CO) 3 20 STOCK CALVES. 1 310 2 50 4 220 3 50 JiO 3 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 MO 2 25 1 102 3 13 6 560 2 25 2 1000 3 t3 1 670 2 23 2 797 3 23 4 725 3 M 19 719 3 33 1 710 2 III I W) 3 40 1 720 2 50 7 4M 3 45 3 CeO 2 to 8 fi(0 s 50 14 5! 2 S3 6 196 3 50 3 ES3 3 CO 4 S03 3 f 0 J S60 3 00 3 910 j so 0 1035 3 10 2 970 3 fS NEBRASKA. 23 cow's .1031 .1150 . 921 . 720 .. 495 17 feeders.. 823 1 feeler... 810 19 feeders.. f3l 1 feeder... 930 1 feeder... 970 3 15 2 5) 3 10 2 '6 3 25 1 cow.. .. 27 cows. . . . 1 cow 7 heifers., 10 steers... 41 tows. ... 1 cow 1 cow 1 cnlf 19 steers.., 2 cows. .. 83 2 80 2 00 3 no 3 75 ..10: I lord & Rlack-Neb, 1 steer 710 2 steers,. ..100) 1 calf roo 805 2 ro 2 01 2 25 2 6) an 2 m 1050 2 fl 310 :i to J. Mnrsdeti Wyo. 1150 3 50 17 Meer3...Al5 990 3 15 M. C. Sulllvan-Wyn. .1172 3 75 4 10 20 .iteers... WARE COSTIN CATTLE CO.-Neb. .1012 2 50 51 cows nor o ri 57 cows u.1 COWS 1V1U . t,"l llOGS-Fresh receipts wero not excessive, less than loads arriving, hut conditions were against sellers and a slow trade re suited. Added to the fresh supply wero about 1.000 head carried over from yester day. This latter stuff was mostly on tho light order. The general market finally settled down to n basis 5c lower, selling from $5.35 to $5.90 and largely around $5.7ofi 5,75, The market opened slow and late and was more or less of a drag throughout tho morning, The lighter stuff was moro or ids neglected nnd sold unevenly lower and closed very weak. The better grades, while moving slowly, were picked up In reasonable season at the decline; noted, but the feeling early was weak nil nro.lnd. Later, with the limited supply, trade be came more active and tho tltilsh was con siderably stronger thnn the opening on good nogs, iicprcjcntniivc sales No. Av. Sh, Pr. No. W. Sh. Pr. 15 10: 3 UO 66 221 to 3 73 60 200 1 40 41 212 31 21 73 217 62 216 tn 272 54 SIS 0 M 120 3 73 J 75 3 75 72 204 120 3 fO 100 191 120 3 UU :..., ....1SS SO 3 60 SO 5 73 56 70 ....210 160 3 63 SO i 73 ..216 120 3 65 Ml 223 120 3 05 ti 0M SO 74 204 10 5 C7'J 6.1 23S 160 5 75 68... SO 5 I7"j 70. , ...2t9 10 R 75 ...214 IN J IS ...2J1 120 3 73 ...212 9V) 5 :5 70.... ".... 7!.... 22.... :.... S2.... S3.... SI.... 53.... SO.... 61.... ro.... 61.... SO.... 79.... 73.... ;.... 43.... 76.... 49.... 41.... 21.... 3.1.... 62.... 13.... 70.... 14.... 73.... .201 .2tH .216 5 17', 71... 69... 60... 71... 40 I 70 SO 5 70 23 70 247 2'V ;. im ..210 120 5 7') 71.. 20 S) .1S6 3 70 W 209 72 251 M 231 i ;, 3 77', J 771, ., 7' 1 , 5 T, 1 j 5 t;i .1 77l ,.2v6 ..219 ..221 SO 5 70 5 70 5 70 3 70 SO SO 76.. 49.. 6(.. (6.. 47.. 70.. ...IP! ...241 ...2W ...301 ...211 ..206 215 120 5 70 4) ...216 l' 5 70 ...212 160 5 70 MO 5 77i 60 5 7714 40 5 77i .. 5 77i .195 SO 5 70 SO 6 70 .Iff, 216 .216 120 3 10 33 21 ..20! 4) 6 10 SO 5 70 51.... 57.... 61.... 3.... .VI 2 3 SO ..220 .326 SO 3 SO .236 SO 3 !0 ..216 160 5 70 5 70 5 70 3 70 5 70 3 TO 5 70 ..208 Si) 239 SO 5 $0 ..211 f.2. 21.1 S) .225 .223 .226 .134 !1.... 15.... 71.... 51.... K.... !i 200 5 SO .311 SO 3 Si) S.I 5 SO 4) 5 SO 40 5 S5 215 '.21 .273 203 SO 5 '.iti .S65 120 5 72S 74... 210 1W , 5i) 11 u ; tji, 43 210 1M 3 00 87 221 ICO ).... .227 0 72i,j 16 .233 5 ,ii. 0. ., .251 67.. ill.. 61.. f,S.. 53.. 51.. 70.. 70.. ..25! .234 HI. 62... .25S 160 SO 3 72'4 7: 3... 217 ... 226 SO 1... ....215 ....ill ....212 ....211 ....2'V, ....271 ....270 ....27i .... 4 ) 5 '5 4) 5 75 , , 5 :r, ... 57714 ... 5 711, ... 5 SJ'i . . . 5 0 I) 5 $3 SO 5 40 272 lMI 5 121, 83... (ft... ft)... 65... 64... CI .. 59... 66... ...212 160 2lj .237 120 2'k .217 .227 12i) 3 IN 5 73 .213 8d 3 1 5 ...267 120 ...241 60 5 -,3 40 5 75 SHEEP -Conuinred with Mondnv and ncs- terday the run of sheep looked small, but buvers took udviintnun of the situation to shade prices and the market ruled weak 10 a nunc lower on mutton snecp. Lnmbs also showed 11 nlmllar decline to sheep. A part of tho holdings arrived late nnd weak reports from other points tended to cause an easier feeling here. Stock lambs and sheep nre selling prac tically steadv at recent nuotatlons, wllh only a limited demand to work on. quotations: Choice yearlings. J3.ootjj., fnlr to irood veurllnirs. I3.35M3.60: choice wethers, $3.3503.50; fnlr to yood wethers, j.i'j1IJ,2j, choice ewes, 2.iaVJ.uj; iair 10 good ewes. J2.251f2.65: choice snrlni: lnmbs, 4.854f&.(); fnlr to good sprlr.g Iambs, U.Mt 4.75; feeder wethers, $2.7543. a); feeder luinba, .i.wnja.uo. iiepresentntlve sales: io. Av. Pr. 113 3 0) 127 3 50 (5 I 65 83 1 7o 91 2 75 63 4 61 4 60 63 1 60 IS 6 00 87 1 61 f,0 1 f0 92 1 60 90 1 M W 2 60 93 2 60 63 3 ID 63 3 00 63 3 00 91 3 :5 95 3 25 C6 3 25 0 western ewes 11 western wethers 502 western lambs ilS Idaho feeder ewes In0 Idaho ewes , 63 Idaho lnmbs 69 Idaho lnmbs 167 Idaho iambs t20 Idaho lambs 4a Idaho feeder ewes 63 Idaho cull ewes 41 Idaho cull ewes 19 Idaho cull ewes 73 Idaho ewes 59 Idaho ewes 86 Idaho feeder lambs 26 Idaho feeder lambs 24 Idaho feeder lambs 85 native wethers 21 native wethers 3 Idaho buck lambs CHICAGO MVIJ STOCIC MARKET. Btcera Stendj-, )tlier Cattle Slo H.iK Close Stroim, CHICAGO. Aug. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 22,000 head. Including S00 Texans and 10) westerns; choice steers steady, others slow; butcher stock about steady, Texnns active, westerns steady; good to prime steers, 5.50 J6.40; poor to medium, $4.00J?5.30; Blockers nnd feeders, slow, except choice, $2.15ff I 10; cows, $2.60f"4.30; heifers, $2.25fi5.:0; ennners, $1.60102.40; bulls, weak, $2.2"i'ii4.2; caivis, $3,004(6.00; Texas fed steers, two cars aver aging 1,325 nt $5.25; others, $3.25J4.90; west ern steers, $l,40iJir.CG. HOGS Receipts, 33,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 2S,0o0; left over, 5,000; opened weak, closed stronger; top, $6.20; mixed nnd butchers, $5.50(06.1214; good to choice heavy. $S.66.2(); rough heavy, $5.45Ji5.55; light. $5.45516.9714; bulk of sales. $5.SMj6.00. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 22.000 head; cholca sheep nnd lnmbs nenrly stead v, others wenk. good to choice wethers, $3,60 (1.20; fnlr to choice mixed. $3.20(03.65; west ern sheep, $3.10iri.23; yearlings, $3 1 Off 1. 2.5; native Iambs, $3.WQ5.60; western Iambs, $12) Q5.G0. Nerr York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 14. REEVES Re ceipts, 2,826 head: slow; steers, weak to 10c lower; bulls and cows, steady to shade easier; steers, $l.30(JjC.60; bulls, $2.40J3.50; mainly, $2.60fl3.10: cows, JJl.50fi3.45. Cables quoted llvo cattle slow at lOHQlZc; few tops, 1214c; refrigerator beef, weak; ex ports, 4,100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, JI.295 head; veals, steady to 15c higher; grnssers and butter milks. 25c higher; veals, $5.O0(f?7.65; culls, $4.004.60; extra veals, $7.75; grnssers and buttermilks, $3.25ij4.(X. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 9,241 head; oheep, dull and lower; very few wanted; good to choice lambs, steady, others slow and uneven In price; mnrket closed steady on nil grndes; sheep, $2.o0j 3.60; lnmbs, $1.0006.10; few heads, $6.25; culls, $3Wi3.60. HOGS Receipts, 4,007 head; steady for nil weights; state, $1.2586.30; western, quotable nt $5.906.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 8,000 natives, 3,000 Texans and 4 0 calves; Blockers nnd feeders lOfilSc higher; Texns steers stendy to strong, native steers steady to 10c lower; choice export nnd dressed bcPf steers, $5.40i3.80; fnlr to good, $4.65775.40; Blockers and feeders, 52.!0(7fl.30; western fed steers. $1.1075.50; western range steers. $2.25Gi.60; Texans and Indians, $2.75ff 4.15; Texns cows, $2.41W2.90; native eow, $2.5084.00; heifers. $2.S5fi 1.90; ennners, $1.90(f 2.40; bulls. $2.60114.00. calves, $3.00175.35, HOGS Receipts, 9.000 head; market st 'iidy to Ec lower; top. $6.0714; bulk of snles, $5 it'll) 600: heavy, $6 (H)fi6.07'4; mixed packers, J5.6'i 4)0.00; light, l5.35g5.SE; pl?s, $l.50Cfi5.:i5. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts 6.0 0 head; market opened steady, eloped Ke inwer: lnmbs, $4.2515.25; native wethers, $3.25f3.60; native yearlings, $3.101.75; west cm wethers, $3.007i3. 10; western yearl'ngs, $3.25fj3.50; ewes, $2.75103.25; Etock ewes, $2.0) 02.60. Sit. Louis Live Stock Mnrket, ST. LOUIS, Aug. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 6,200 head. Including 2,200 head Texans; mar ket steady on best natives, 10c lower on others; Texans, steady tn ensler; nntlvn shipping and export steers, $l.90i73.S5; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.W4j,'i.E0; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3,005(3.00; stoekers nnd feeders. $2.30ff4.O0; cows and heifers, $2.001(4. SO; ennners. $l.2!Vf(2.25; bulls, $2.1010 3.15; Texns nnd Indian steers, $3.001.30; cows and helfe's. $2,101(3.10. HOGS Receipts, 6,90o head; market weak to oc lower, but closed llrm; pigs nnd lights, $5.S,5(?(5.90; packers, $5.t01(5.9.; butchers, $6.00 (&6.16. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 3.500 head: market dull, slow; native nut tons, $3.0Of3.65; lambs. Sl.OofiS.JO; culls and bucks, $2.O0g3.0O; stoekers. $2.0C'(j2.25. St. Joseph I, lie Stuck Mnrket, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 14. CATTLE Receliits. 2.2l hend: market steady: mtlvi $3.10ig5.W; Tes.nns and westerns. $2.S.5fir-,73; row arm neirers. 12. mt nu nnd stniri $2.0iXf4.STi; stoekers and feeders $2.'Ofi4 0; venls. X2.7hifn.2f). HOGS-Recelnts. S.379 hend; ninrkd Men ' to 5c lower; light and light "Mcd. $7. fif? 6.00; medium nnd ne-ivy, 15.7.(1.1.); pigs. 12 50115 15. DUIK, a.,tiVIIj.-11 SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 2.'71 head; sheep steady tn me lower, iambi steady tc weak; sheep, top, $5.:d. Stock In Slttlit. The following table rhnws the receipts cattle, nogs and Mieep at ine nve prnu i live stock markets August II: Caul". IIot! Fhe ral O) South Omaha 4. too Chicago 22 0 jo Kansas City 11 St. Iiuls r.,9f St. Jotcpll J.2'J ,'2 .'. 0 . 0 .5 O .573 Totals -H3'V! 65,7,2 40,301 CofTee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. ll.-CfJFFEE-Thn market opened strode with nrlces un chunged. but soon stiffened up 5 points on several options on good buying orders from room trndcrH ond morn or less demand from German In'erests nnd held the ml vanro nil dav Prominent bear houses told heavily on the call Foreign news con tained nothing of enough Importance to In fluence the local situation either one way or th other, changes In speculative mar kets being nnrrow and primary receipts about as anticipated, while tho IochI mar ket for 'spot supplies ruled quiet. Trading In futures was tolerably nctlve nil day, to tal sales amounting to 36,00) hags. The mnrkrt wns finally steady and net tin changed tn E points Jilgher. Sales, in cluded: September. 4 V,c; Oc itobe r. 4.90c; November, 4.95c; December, 5.Vu5?f;.lt'c, Jnn liary. 5.16c; March. 6.;rtlYi.3.e; .May. Mc, June, 5.500. July. 5.55c. Spot. i. nuie ; No. 7 Invoice, 5V; tnlld. dull; Cordova, &tf 1 (III nm! llosii.. OIL CITY. Pa.. Aim. ll.-rOII-Credlt bal ances. $1.15; certificates, no bid: shipment", iu.:i-i nuis., average, !.'. nnis., iui, 1W.S07 bbls.; average. S2.159 bli's SAVANNAH, Ga . Aug. Il.-OIL-Splrlts ttirnentlne. llrm. 33.o. ltnsln. firm, ullloti A. P. C. $I.W. D. $1 05; E. $1.10; F. $1,151(1.20; (1. $1,201(1.25. II. $1 26(11.30; I, $1.101.I5: K, $1.70; M, $.1,155(2.20, N. $2.65, W. U Si.OOJ W. W , J3.35. NEW YORK. Aug. 14. -Oll,-Cottonsrod. unlet: prime crude, nominal: yellow. IW4M1 3i'c. Petroleum, dull. Roslu, quiet. Tur pentine, quiet. LONDON, Aug. 14,-OII Calcuttn Unseed, spot, 36s. Linseed oil, 32s 3d. of turpentine. 26s 61. 'I'll III SIIAMVS POCKETS. Wiiiunn Iln Xo Itlulit to Explore lis Depth... The other day, says the New York Sun, a magistrate of this town gave the opinion, perhaps It Is more nccurato (o say the dic tum, that a woman hns no right to "go through" her husband's pocket. We don't know that there is any light on tho subject In the Yea 1 llooks. Most of women's rights have grown up since then, and whero did the tyrant man wear his pockets In earlier days? Is there anything In Krolssnrt or nnybody else to show where Kdwnrd tho Rlnck Prince In nil his nrnior kept his change nnd how he Got at It 7 Where did Godfrey of Iloulllon hide his latchkey? It Is Idle tn tell us of pouch nnd girdle. Robin Hood knew where to find tho treasury of tho gentlemen whom he Invited to con tribute to the support of n poor man whoso leech had forbidden him to eat anything but venison, but did the sheriff of Nottingham have anything that could properly be called n trousers pocket? Did IUticblrd or Henry VIII In all his glory nnd his plethora nf matrimonial ventures ever hnve In hose or doublet a pocket which could really be de scribed ns n change pocket. "Ho. good my nlmoncr, lllng nie n rose noble to yon merry minstrel." Oh, we have read historical novels and know their lovely language, but we defy unybody to prove that any lnw of tho enroment of wives in the pockots of their husbands can bo traced until tho origin end history of the pocket have been more fully cxplnlncd. Yet unless human nnturo was very back ward tho women must have exercised from Immemorial times the privilege, slncn grown Into a right, of Inspecting tho hoards or caches of their husbands. They may not have looked for love letters, writing schools being then uncommon and tho club or ndzo taking tho place of the complete letter writer, but wo may bo sure that they ab stracted acorns, thus laying unconsciously but solidly tho foundation for tho beneficent prlnclplo of nn nllownnce. Thero were pockets In the earth or the tree or lake; it Is no parodox to say that pockets came be fore clothes. And when the noble savage made him a colt of the skin of a gnat woman wns there to sharo his tolls, nlso his receipts. Wi hnvo no oubt that I'ocn hontns, that Virginia nonpareil, went through Mnster Rolfo's pockots ns artis tically as If she had been bred within tho sound of How Dells. Ily prescription and age-long custom a married womnn has obtained the right to search lr her husband's pockots, Eco nomically tho custom Is or hns been Justi fiable. Woman hns had to take her own wherover she could And It. Morally tho custom Is salutary. It shows n man tho necessity of wary walking. It holds a fellow to a standnrd, warns him to bo enrcful In his correspondence, corrects his avnrlcc or hlB prodlgnllty. A woman begins, If wo may hazard a theory, by searching her boy's pockets, sure to con tnln many surprlslhg nnd somo noxious objects. Sho has to becomo n censor and Inspector of niatcullne treasures. Then In tho present day, when most men who nro not sailors nr soldiers havo lost tho art of sewing, she Is the pocketmakcr, ho pocket pntchor. Sho makes tho pockets. Sho keeps them In order. Sho has 11 clear tltlo to toll, rent or whatever you want to call It; tho woman's penny. Without her tho supercilious hcait wouldn't havo any pockets. She Is Justified In charging him a fee, n slight Interest on tho endowment of all his worldly goods. Sho hns tho right to garnish his pockets. nesldes, they are her pockots. Without enlarging upon tho necessity of n common household fund nnd of a special privy purse for tho wife. It is enough to say that since for mysterious reason, into which heaven forfend that wo should enter, sha has no pockots of her own, his must bo hers. Sho hns tho right to use them, to collect her Just dues from them. If ho doesn't like It. lot him stuff his Ill-gotten gains Into saddlebags and carry them se curely locked around with him or Jlnglo his loose change Into n safe deposit vault every day. Rut see what comes to tho niggard. Every day you read of somo churl who tucks nway money In n mnt tress or an old stovo or a cracked coffeo pot. Fate finds him out and punishes htm, Fire or tho Junkman or tho ragman gets tho dollars ho grudged his wife. The right of visitation of n husband's pockets Is Impnrtnnt to social Justice aud domestic economy. It may ho wilvcd, but It Is only suspended, not lost. Catholic Foresters Elect Officers. DETROIT, Aug. 14. The Catholic Order of Foresters, In nnnunl convention here, elected the following officers today: Presi dent. Thomas 11. Cannon of Chicago; high sccrctnry. Thomas R Thlelo of Chicago; high treasurer. Thomas II. Callen of Mil waukee; high physician, Dr. J. P. Smith ot Chicago. TIIK REALTY .MARKET. INSTRUMENTS plnced on record Wedflcs. day, August 14, 19)1: Warranty Deeds, Newton Land Co. to 1. W. Carpenter. 50x117 feet com. 17 feet h of nw cor. lot 39. In sub of block A. lieser voir add .;. M. E. P. Rollcv to I glint a Moskovltz. lots 1 to 1. block 1. llallev O s sub. F T. Vaux and wife to If. R .'"', , 60 feet lots 11 nnd 12, block 31. houth Omaha . ;v Mary Heliultz to Frank Se nilis, lot -. 1,000 1,600 600 block '0 E V Smllirs add.; e4 lota 11 and 12, block n. ll-dlck s slid 3,400 Hull I I II I 111 lict-u. tr S Mortgage Trust Co. to M. A. Det'wller et III, lots 7 lilld 8, block 50, Omaha 15,000 Total .mount of trnnsfers $21,603 OLDEST! S A Fl'STI nHST! WALL STREET Money Will Lnru llltf .llnullil) ltcturn Tho Investor's Fund Pays Sciul-Manthly. Tb.- oldest eutahllshed In Amorlt.i No ecrtlflcntt-holder over Inst a cent. Pny meats made lo all subscribers every It 4nys. No trouble. No diay. Money refunded on demnnd. Wrlto today for particulars, free to any address. C, E. .11 At iv 1, CO., Jliitltoii llullilliiu, 5'i'W York. -( Tesepaone lOSU, Boyd Commission Co (Successors to James K. Iloyd 4 Co,, OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION CIlAfN IMtOVIHIO.VK AU STOCKS, Ilufcril of TrmU nnlldn, Direct wires to Chlcigo nd .Vsr YorfcV Cetuipondcnce, John A, Wurreu A Co DIocK . n. li. lingers 1 F. O. Olspn nnd wife to U L rly, lot 33. block 2, W. L. ';"' " 'i' Hugh McCaffrey Co. In Hug h Mc af fiev. s S feet lot I. bl'iek IW, unj 14 nt 2. block 171. Oinahx; e M foot of lot 3 nf lot . and w 22 feet of ...... , .. I- ..1 ii (1 I'nniiol add.: lot 1.