Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    'Villi OMAHA DALLY MKVjt TUESDAY, AUGl'hT I J), 1001.
Artrtlscminla for tht-ae column
trill b tatcrn until 12 nt. fur Ihn
Tenlnic edition ami until H.ftO p. m.
fur moralair anil Knniln? edition.
Hate, 1 l-2o a word flmt Inaertlnn,
la ward thereafter. Nothing tnkrn
for leu than 2f.o for tlir Hrat Inarr
tlon. Thne nil rrrllirnicnU null be
rim ooiisrcntl vly.
Adrertlaera, lijr rrqtieatlna; nnin
tiird eliM-l, ran hnre nninrri ad
treaaed to a numbered letter In Vara
f The flee. Anarrrra ao addreaaed will
be delivered oa praaeatatloa ml taa
aaak oalr.
.S I T WAT 10.NS WA M'l'l).
WANTED, position by n. thoroughly com
petent young mitn ns bookkeeper or cash
ier; three yents' experience with lame
wholesale house, whom 1 am now wlthi
age, zij good penman; best of references.
Address D CJ, Hoe. A MUD lfl
SITUATION' wnnted hy nil experienced
printer la city or country ofllce. Address
At U. Kiicmpfcr, Itlnlng City, Nub.
A-MSuQ 13
WANTED, n position as 'collector; can
furnish satisfactory references; have
horse ami buggy; apeak Hoheml.ui, Go -mun
ami Polish language. Addres D
61, Dec. A-MI211P
DRUG clerk wants position, 1!4 years' ex
perience; tatary moderate starter. Ad
(jruHgj: ljjlo. ... 'V-jg-JitL,
WA.vniii mami help.
WANTED, experienced noap sulcsninn; re
ply, stating age, cxportonce, leferences,
alary expected. .Address CJ 07, Hec.
'WANTED, nn Upholsterer who can cut and
Iny carpets anil make shades. First-class
man can havo steady work nnil good
wages. Frank Pryor, Pueblo, Colo.
1I-M12S II
YOWNO n-n, our IlltuRnUcd catalogue ex
plain how wo teach barber trade In eight
. weekn. innllml rr..,v Mf.lnr liurhnr I'nl.
weekH. mailed frui.
M(ilcr Harbor Col-
lciji', 1C23-Farnatn st
H--.Ml 10'
VVANTKU, Stnrk urxery pays i.nsh wtekly
; If ynu sMI Stark treiy, l.oulJlamv, Mis
jiourl. Uai;svlllt, New York, ,
h-M.'W SI
WANTED, a solicitor for tallorlim- to take
orders for Knits and ' pants. Apply nt
, once. H, I.leberthnl, 10)7 I'.uiuim, Uniaha.
; II-.1.':i ll"
tWANTKI), younc; man. Rnoil, nulck i cji
r man, must bo good at llRliro'd. Addn ss
- i; 2, Ueo, H-M:ra 15
'WANT1CD, good all-round harnessmaker.
Address Y. H, Holmes, Ulahuhard, la.
H-.M.ino IV
A . T I ! Il-F K M A li K Hill, V.
Wanted; 20c t-iris.
1521 Dodge. Tel. S7ti.
GIULS, all kinds work. Canadian Olllce.
' O-teJ
IVANTHIX nurse; references required. 3tiJ0
Fnrnnm, C !)7i
IS A NTH D, second girl; references rerjulred:
njiply to Mrs. I,. L,. Kountze, oath street
and Uowey avo. C U.J is
WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslni;,
mantcui'lnR or facial massaKo; pnpuro lor
lulsy ueasqn this tall; tour weeks required
by our method. Call or write, Muter Col
lege, 162.1 Farnam St. C Mltil 1J
EXI'EHIENCED nurso for youiiK child;
food salary; permanent position. 531 S,
will St. C-191-13
WANTED, dlnhiKrooin clrl capablu of tuk-
Inj: ohavBO of lltteen waitresses. Apply,
btatluK asf, provlous expurlonoe, salary
ami references. Address D t!l, . Hee.
C-M23S 17
COMPETENT Klrl for Rcneral houjework.
Apply Mrs. H. T. Yates, H.2J Cass.
C M3J0 13
WANTED A yoilna bJH to assist In UkIu
housewurk. Imiuiru'at -llu Decatur St.
A GOOD Klrl wanted at tho Cnche, !0.Ti
and Harney. C 32s it"
GOOD Klrl for Kencral housework; three In
lamny, m, .1111 . sju nve. u AI332 It!
WAKTHij; uy or Detoro acpt. 1, woaian
housekeeper In small family; pleasant t. ml
pormanuut homo to right party. Address
s , lice. C M 31
rou' ii(nNi:.i.
IF YOU want your nouses well rented place
I ilium wmi uenowu. en to. u l
TO MOVE rlRht, i'et Omaha Van StorsKo
r wo., oiuce jjiiya raiiiuiu, ur iui, nuu-i)ti.i,
HOUSES for rent In ail parts of the city,
lireiinau-Luvu Co,, CM South 14th street.
' HOUSES, stores.
Demls. 1'axton block.
D i7
SEE UENltY H, l'AYNE, (1 N. V. LIFE,
HOUSES, "etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Doulas.
HOUSES and Hats.
Itlncwalt, Harker block
D t!J
- HOUSES wanted.
AVallace, Drown block
"g-ItOOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jaekron.
TOicpuono A. irayuor, iui or it-a.
. 10-HOOM, east front, brick house, ;iwi N. 22d
t.r ..n( I lnVKliniilt. Iiwitllnt iijivi
FOH HUNT, housu and barn, all modern;
2137 South 33d St. Apply Mi Merchants'
i National Hank illdK. D 305
I-HOO.M llat, C17 South ICtli.
311 New York Life.
Clark Powell
U9 S. 29TI1 AVE.. 8-room house, ALL
AiuuisitiN, in Kiiou cnmiitiuu; rent, ?25;
note how close In this houso Is to bit nul.
cm at this jirlco; It Is a barsaln; want
uiiiy -i ic 11. mi, nun roierences.
tot li ami Duuulaa Sis.
MIOOM llat, modern. 1U2 SMlth. " D-375
VHJtY deslrablii llat In jjood repalt, well
located. M. J. Kennard & Son, sio urown
uiock. D VJI
1707 VINTON street, stoto with twn llvn
room lints above. Thu whole htilldlnc lias
jusi ueeu i.iiiiieu ami papereii inrouguout.
win muitu -i vqi) rea.ioiiauio nun to
Kood tenant, or will rent separately.
' ' lUth niHl'DOURlns Sts.
' D-M10
MODEHN 7-rooin' house, near park. 1WJ
so, XMIi, - D 17'J
FOH KENT, (i-room house, all mcd ru Im
liuYciiiuiii, mrK'i rouina, mi i, .jti tf,
D -IS5 13
5-UOOM modern. Iioute. UK S. 31st Ave
Curtlss Turner park. Information, 'phono
r iia, jj s.'o 1 1
Foit iii:T-i t:nMsiii:n hoom.s.
DEWKY, Uuropcan hotel, 13tlr nnd Farnam
THE THUHSTON, coot. olr' Tooir.a.
TllHEE rooms, llKht housekeeptnK. Ill
ooiiiu unit E 512
Housekeeping rooms to up.
Zili St. Mary's,
THHEE rooms, Unlit hoiiKckeepluu, 1112
South Uth. E-513 A1G
ROOM, steam licat, bath, (S; loom 105, 21 0 N
13111. I-M2I'J SPJ
FUHNISIIED rooms for Kcntlemen; do
tached house, lawn nnd shade. 2215 Far'
nam. is mws is
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St.
OLENCAIHN, transient, J1.25 day. 1C) Drue
i' u.'a
THE Merrlatn, summer resort. 23th & Dodce
l' WJ
TWO laree front rooms, with board. 19
Capitol Ave. F-MCI7
Ft HNIMIIill 111X1.11 AM) IlOAItl).
b K sink ilLE rooms. Tho Pratt, 212 H. :5th
St. F-701
ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 tlarn-jy
St. F-M930 :
tlOOMM and board, everything new; kocp
n cow. 2113 Capitol Ave. .1"
"THE F'ARNAM," 19th ainTl'arnam sts.
F-M307 17'
DESlRAHLE rooms. llrst-clnss board. 25M
Harney. F-MM7 15
DESK room spate, 15 per month, ground
floor room In Tho Uee building, facing
Farnatn street: no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service. 11. C. Peters & Co,,
Ittntul Acnts, Heo Ilulldlntf. O 410
ItlOIIT housekeeping. 202 1 St. Mary's Ave.
U-13J 13
2 HOOMS for IIRht housckeeplni;. K0)
Leavenworth, G 1S5 lfl'
FOIt HUNT, three unfurnished rooms for
HkM iiouccKenpitif;; strictly modem. MH
S. 28th st. 0-M2r3 11
IOHT housekeepltu?. 2021 St. Mary's Avo.
u 13. n
?'OH KENT, store In first-class location;
rem reaionnmc. Apply n, I'ctcrs At
Co., urouud lloor, Heo Uldtc. 1 2
FOIt HKNT, tho bulldlnt; formerly occu
pied by The Uua nt S10 Farnatn Ht. It has
tour atones and a basement which was
formerly used as Thu lite press room.
This will bo rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at once to C. C. ltose
waler, secretary, room iw, lieu bulldltiK.
1 u3i
FOIt HKNT, oiriro with -nult nnd part llrt
uoor or an top uoor. 1111-10 iiarnny t
Midland Ulass it l'alnt Co., IW Jiurncy
WANT1CD. canvns.slnf,' , agents In every
eounly to solicit sunscrlnttOns for Til
TOR. This splendid book contains 1,1'JO
Imperial octnvo pifc'es, object-tcachlnj
tturavlmts aim Is tho only book on 11 vo
stock ever published adapted to tho cviiry
day, practical, money-savhu; use 'of uVcry
farmer and stock owner. Steady employ
ment with assured Rood IncomV. Audits
In the country with horso mid bOx-ify es
pecially desired, i.'anvaisrs make easily
50) to $UO per month. Address, Century
Fanner Solicitors' Uurcau, Ueo building,
J 147
WA.N'rill) TO III3M'.
WANTH1J. furnished house, 10 rooms, for
Milium 01 Bi'iHcmiicr ami jiossiniy uotnue..
Address 65, Hec. K lib' 13
WANTliD, board and room In private fam-
iij ii) muy ami iwo cniairen. Address,
with prl'ie, J, ll., 23.S lice UIiIk.
K-321 12'
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 012-
" tiuucp, Kvouiiii Biuriiiju unit iorwaruuiKt
OM. Von Slot. Co,, 1511V4 Farn. Tels. lESD-n,
STORAflE: Household couds and other
articles stored at low intes. J. J. Derluht
ct uu., iiu eariiam 01. iti. os. 703
WA.M'i;i)-Ttl HWY.
WANTED to buy, 2d-hand pianos nnd or-
Kims, u oi, nee. N MltJ'J
LiK) OR 3' yards of dirt at sstli nnil l,mn'n
luii Aii-, x) run 11. iiasiuiKS, .12 SO. 11th
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 14IO rwii-r, ti
IIHl Nfntt' Xr Vll,rti,Y ,,i.M I r.. 1 r
.v.v. u. .vt.iunu lUlllHUlU UUUBlll, SOIU,
LIQIIT omnibus and but'Kles for sale at H.
i- iosi s, inn anu leawnwortn. f iltss
SOME second-hand buccles. cood us now.
linn outer Murrains ill uiat I. no, at 1307
joiies ni. ami lur u. liari.
FOR SALE, very cheap,- a team of black,
very jieium carriacu mirses; jersey eow
witli 3-weeks-old calf. Mrs. J..M. Metcull,
mil nun i-icrcc. i' itui
FOR SALE, wood secondliaud, full-leuthvr,
t'Aieiibiuii-iuii surie)- i;uchj. i-, m
Youuks, uWJ Florencu boulevard. P 3JU
D1IAND aafo cheap. Derlght, HID Farnam,
S V'ES, standard makesfsold,rcnted. 1H.S. lj
y ao
DIG line of secondhand wheels, 13, Vo, f, Sl(i.
umuua uicycio i..o., iin ami uuicaKo hts
THAI)!) voilr old wheel In oh n haw hlin
unmiiu. uieyciu uo., lutn ana uiucuko Hts,
W no
Wo havo a few very lino morleiiKis on 'im
proved cay property tor Halo at bMi to- I
nur .cent, cull ami inspect them, i-ayne-Knox
Company, mulu Hour N. Y. i lto
UltlB. J M33I 17
. -i. . 1. ,
FOR SALE, party wishes to chide and will
sell four houses, 2 three, 1 live and j ten
room; tneru is uiiout w,tj dtick in rouiuia.
lions of these houses. L. L. Jonnsnn Co,
jii , min si. y Mte'J h.
FIR timbers for house movers, etc., -(O to
,1 ii., criuiuiiK ami iiok leuoe. pit noug.
las. li-M3,lj
DR. ROY, chlro'HJdist; corns anil supcrflu
ous nair reuioveu uy cieciricity. ii. u
Frcnzer block. ' U 713
VIAVA. woman's way to, liiAlth; ratiftnal
wnoicsomo uomu ircawiieu.. ueo isi it;
f ill
M. GOLDMAN .1 CO-, out perfect nc-
coruiou pieauiiK piuiu in ino wesi; man
ordcrb toiiciiea. ciuuu .u, uougias mocx
oruers souciieu. uniana l'leaiinc .uo iu2i
uouBins. - u lis.
PRIVATE hospltni for ladle, before and
ilurlnt? coulluemclit; bablts .iidbpted. istn)
unint wt. -. v. u 718
WE RENT PfwIiiK machines for 75 cents
per week; wo repair. tmd sell 'noodles1 and
parts for ovory machlnn manufactured'.
'Phono 1CKI. Nob. cyclu ;o.. Cor. 15th and
iiarncy. Wr-ia7 aiJ.-
SUPPLIES for all machines;, .machine for
rout, vviino sewing .Miicniuc, H'2a Doug.
Ins,' Tti. 22.11. ; v U-15
MME. SMITH, buthsy lib Ni-16, 'id floor, iTT
PRIVATE homo for Indies before nmUdur
lng contlnement; babies adopted. - j0:0
Hurdetto St. Mrs. Hurget. U-177S9'
OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1524 Dutmlas.
DOES your husband go out to his club very
much? You say yes? Ruy him u box of
Prlnco of Omaha cigars and he won't. W.
F. Stoecker Cigar Co, makers. IJ 28S 17
PRIVATE money. F. D, Wead, 1521 Douglas
G AND Btl per cent loans. W. H. Thomas,
First Nutlonat Uank buildlns. Tel. If.K
J3W. J40O, J500 private money to loan: L 2, 3
nr 5 years, w. L. Selby, Hoard or Trade
HUlB. ' 1 W-722
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Urennan-Love Co., 309 South 1.1th.
4'i TO & V. C money. nml, Paxton blk.
' W-727
PRIVATE Inoncy, Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U
.V NTED, city loans, bonds and warrants.
rge u i.oinpaiiy, vmi l-arnam street.
WANTED, city lohns and warrants' W.
i arnam siniui ft uo,, u:u t aniuin si.
WANTED, city nnd farm loans; alo botida
nini warrants, it. j. i-u'.ers & Hi,f no:
Farnam St., Hee Hldg. W 731
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and westein
lowa rarmn nt o per cent; borrowers can
pay llOj or any multiple i any Interest
date; no delay, Ilretinan-LOVe Co., W9 S.
13th St.. Omaha, Neb. W126
150,j Sl'IJCIAL, fund; loans $500 up; lowest
rates, uurvm llroa., lwt lariuuii.
1)(1 YMtr VI.'.MIl 1II1MHV?
Wo loan )10 and ut on lurmiuie, pianos,
nurses uuu oilier cliaticis.
SAl.AftV i.han'S.
Without moriKatje to ptoplo nultlltig pernia
neni position. iou can gel inu uwiiiu in
a tew hours utter muMliy iipiii.cution and
take 1, 2, J, 4, i), t moii'ns ur mure in which
tu pay it uacri, and )0U neeu nut pay lor
It uliu day longer than you keep it.
charge nothing lor papers am. we give
you the full amount in cash. There are
no lower rules man ours, our teiius are
the easiest; our billiie.s Is uontlucutUi
and our motto Is "try to please,"
11U Hoard ot Trade JJidu, Tel. ;.Vo.
(Established llr2.) 30ti S. luth St.
A Hi
On hourehold lUrillluro, piano?, horses,
wagons, etc., In two hours time; also lo
ruiarieu people on tneir plain notes, with
out Ktctli'ity. Easiest puyuients and low
est rates hi omuna. Private interviewing
ruum. American xoan Co., room al2 ilronu
uiulH, cur. loth aim Uuugias sis., entrance
on lbih rt., uppositu Y. M. C. A. lllil.
SALARIED i'LUt'itE, iiicTChaiits, team
steis, uoatdlng liuuies, etc., without se
curity; euslcsi tci'UKl; iu unices In princi
pal cities, lulniun, HO Hoaru uf Trade
H!U, X-731
live stock, etc. VtuicK setvicu uuu lowest
rates guaiutitccil. j. v. 'jayloi-., Cxi (tup
tlobO i'ax ton' block, iiortheast corner itttl
uuu Funiuuij eiuiuiicu un mill street,
MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew-
tiry, aureus, cowu, eic. u. c. neeu. 6VJ o. u.
MONEY' loaned on plahos, furniture, horses,
lows, jeweiry. uuu urccn. n. s, liaracr dik
WE LOAN money to salaried people on
uieir iioiu ai lowest rates; sirictiy conn
dentlal; iuy weekly, seml-woeKly or
monthly. Room 3U3 Puxtou block, 3d lloor.
Reliable Credit Co. X 731)
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
pcoinu; uusuiess conuiieniiai; lowest laiea,
111 Paxtou block. The J. A. llutlun Co.
X 781
mnxc loans un rurnlture, piano or sul.iry.
ROOM 3U UROWN HI.UOK, entrilllco op
posito Y. AI. C. A. bldg., loth at. Try It
uuu ou will bu sure una repeat tho dose.
FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest
in drug store; nuruwood uoor, Matthews
gus machine, sodu fountain, etc., in a
lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co.,
N Heo Hldg. Y 740
SlI New York Llfo Hide.
The Real Estate and Hustncss Cnanco Man.
solicits jour uusuiess.
Merchundisi! Stocks, Hotels and Rooming
Houses lot suia or uxcuange.
WANTED, ladles of ability to manage
branch oinces. rnyroiu-iympn un., ww
Hee Hldg., Omaha. Y-M132
A VERY' attractive investment Is offered
in the stock ot tho Golden Rod Oil com
pany of Omaha; absolutely snfo and lure
to pay largo-dividends; only a limited
amount for sale at par. Cull or write for
full Information. Olllco 1911 Davenport st.
L1NDELL HOTEL, llrst-class, good busi
ness, rurnisnings complete; prlcn, j.',wo;
Investigate. William MndGett, Hastings,
Neb. Y-M1W
FOR SALE, bakery In best town of north
ern Wisconsin; now ami up-to-uatu; no
crop tullures here; particulars on applica
tion. Address D CS, lice. Y-M271 17
FOR EXCHANGE. line, clean stock gen
eral dry goods, furnishing goods, staple
and up to date. Invoice about J10.O00. Wbl
exchange lor part cash 11 net good prop
erty. Good stock about Jii.500. In gnod
order. Owner must have about J1.70O wish,
balance good property. If you want goou
deal write to Somers & Urown, 307 Man
hattun bldg.. St. Paul, Minn.
55-M9S2 14"
FOR EXCHANGE, 3,6no acres ot land nnd
some good town property In western
Iowa; will take mereliamllse or planing
mill; whut havu you? T. M. Cllue, 123d
O bt., Lincoln, Neb. Z Mil 13
TO EXCHANGE, set of banjos nnd mando
lin for set of clarionets. C. M. Harring
ton, Fremont, Nub. Z M153 15
FOR oxchiinKC general merchandise; stock,
$l,(nw, Wnnt So acres In Gage, Seward or
Saline county. Livery barn nud stock,
$3,5u, for cattle or land. T. M. Cllne. 123S
O St Lincoln, Neb. 7. M33U 15
HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also
tiro Insurance. Uemls, Paxtun Hlk.
Wo are offering n now C-room house, con
taining Imth. sewer, closet anil g.ib. all
llrst-cmss 11. turns, larxo porch, cellar
bricked ami cemented, lot uux13j ft.; per
nianent sidewalks.
The Hyron Rctd Co., 212 So. llth St.
RE-M20.) li
RANCH AND FARM lands for snlo by tho,
Union Pacltlc Raluoad company. 11. A.
icAiiasicr, mini uoiiimissiuntir, Union
Puchlu licudnuurteis, Oiuuliu, Neb.
CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St,
, RE-74i
HOt'SES and lots In ult parts of city; also
utre property and farm lands. Tho O. F.
Davis Co., Room 552, Heo Uuildtng,
N. Y. Life, buy and sell. Inquiries Invited.
RI3-7S3 A30
JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Hldg. Tel.
16tft; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.;
Old E; Johnson, Osteopathtst,' Mgr.
7 IS
DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk, Tel. 13(7
; -7.9
A. T. HUNT, D. 0 203 Knrbach blk.Tcl 2352.
pathic physician, Douglas block.
-i 320 A19
LADIES I Chichester's English Ponnyroyal
Pills ara tho best. Safe, reliable. Take
no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars.
"Relief fot Ladles," In lettor by return
mail. Ask your druggist, Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pn.
DO NOT sell your Junk before ynu get
prices of the Groat Western Junk House,
MJ Douglao St., Omaha. 'Phono 2165. A.
Ferer, proprietor. 23S A15
IF YOU wnnt good bass nnd croppy nshlns
go to Lnngdon. Mo. Very best of hotel
nccomrnodattons. Plenty of boats nnd
minnow. Write It. A. Dlttmar for rates,
A. C. VAN SANT'S scliook 717 -N. Y, Life,
UOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
Ueo Hid p. .69
NElt. Jluilucss & Shorthand College, Doyd's
Theater. -fa
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 18 & UotiB.
WILL llt'Y any good Invention or patent.
Address Lot k Uox 7i0, Dea Molnc., In.
5 THIS ndverUspmcnt Is good for Jf. Sues
& Co,, nutcnt uttorneys, Hcc bldi?,, Omaha,
No feu unless succcsstui.
M23I A1S
LADY'S Bold watch; Elgin. Reward for
ruturn to Ueo olllce. Last-MUS PP
ALL kinds of carpenter work nild repairing
piomplly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, iv fi
and Lake Sts. 570
iOO ACRES 5 miles south of Gretna, Sarpy
county, Ncti. DufC Green, Room S, Harker
lllk. . Oinnhu, 5JI
TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln,' 111! Cuming St.
CLOSING .nut htock, sifclal prices. Neb.
Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney.
AIJ2 13
I.A L'.MIIl V.
OMAHA Steam Ijnundry; shirts, "c; roltars,
2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Lcuvcjlwurih. Tel. 517.
OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tanki,
stacks, etc. Tel. 135V. 12li and Izard Ms.
EAGLE Loan Olllce, rclla.blo, accominodat
lng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas
MC1C13I, P1.ATIM1.
STOVES, lamps, etc.,
Plating Co., Ueo Hldg,
Tel, 2oj.
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ranisto Hldg.
We have given
Nltro Oxydo Gas over 4.0,0
times In Omaha. It's the
anaesthetic known for pnlnlosa
extraction. Costs but $1 1").
Bailey the Dentist
Third Flnor 1'nxton HlocU,
PHONE 1033.
I O H T O F F I C 1 3, 0,T I V K .
(Should be read DAILY bv all interested.
as changes may occur-ut any lime.)
Foreign malls for the week ending August
it inni. will close (PROMPTLY In all eases)
at the general postplllco asjollows: Parcels
post malls close one nour earner innn cion
lnK time jhown liolow. Parcels jiost malts
for Germany olusw nt u p, m. -Monuay ami
Wednesday. .
Hi'uuliir um HiinnlenienlnVv malls oloso
at foreign branch half hour later than clos
ing timo' shown below.
Trnnsiidnntlo Mnlli.
TUESDAY At 6:30, a. m for EUROPE, per
s. s. K. M, Theresla rla Cherbourg,
Southnmptdn and Hroinon. (mall for Ire
land must be dlrecti'd "iter s. s. K. M
Theresla"). . . -
W E D N ES D A V A t 0:30 n. tti. for HP HOP 13.
per s. s. St. Louts, via Southampton (mall
for Ireland must bo directed "per s. s. St
Louis"); ut K:30 n. m. '(supplementary 10 a
111.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Majestic via
Queenstown; at 10 a. m, for HELG1UM di
rect, per s. s. Kensington (mall must bo
directed "per s. s. Kensington"),
THURSDAY. At 13:30 n. tn. for EUROPE,
per s. 8, Aug. Victoria, via Plymouth,
Cherbourg and I lumburrc (mall for France
must be directed "per s. h. Aug. Vic
toria"); at 7 a. in. for FRANCE, per h. s.
La Hretagne, via Hnvro (matt for other
parts of Europe must be directed "per
s. h, La Uretagne"); at 2:30 p. in. for
ITALY, per s. s, Duchessa dl GCnou, via
Nnptes (mail must be directed "per , a.
Duch'essa ill Genoa").
SATURDAY At P.30 a. m. -fm EUROP1-3,
per s. s. Finbrla, via Queenstown; nt 7.3o
n. m for NETHERLANDS direct, per !. s.
Potsdnm (mall must bo directed "per s. s.
Potsdam") ; nt 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND
direct, per u, s. Anehorla (mall must bo
directed 'per s. s. Anehorla").
takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa
pers and Samples for Germany only. The
same class of mall mutter for other parts
of Europe will not bo sent by this ship
unless specially directed by It.
After the closing of tho Supplementary
Trans-Atlnntlo Malls named nhnvn addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
tho plcra of tho American, English,
French and German steamers and remain
open until within Ten Minutes of the
hpur of sailing of steamer.
Malta for South unit Cenlrnl America,
Ws Indies, Etc,
TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary
10:30 a. 111.) for CENTRAL AMERICA
(except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA
CIFIC PORTS, per s. h. Alllancn. via
uoion (mail for Guatemala must bo di
rected "per s. h Alllanca"); at 12:30 11. m.
for lilt AXIL, per s. h. Hrltlsh Prince
(maH for Northern Hn17.ll must bo di
rected "per F. s. Hrltlsh Prlnco"): at 12:30
p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS
tier s.- m. Niyw York: at 6:30, p. ni. for
JAMAICA, pons. 8- Admiral Dewey, from
Hoston; ;it 11 .p. m. .for JAMAICA, per
s, s Urania, from Philadelphia.
WEDNESDAY At 9.30 n. m. for INAOUA
and" HAITI, per s. s. I.auenburg; ut 10
11. ni. fox GRENADA, TRINIDAD,
ClUDAD 110LIVA.H. per s. s. Grunada,
via Trinidad; , at li m. fo"r f'UHA,
and CHIAPAS., .jier s. s. Mon
terey imall .or, othor.. parts q
Mexlco raw. lujdlrecttd "per. s, s. Atoii
tnrey''); fit '13 jti. for AZOIU3S ISLANDS.
p,r h. s. Tartar. Prlncof a 12 m. (s'lpnlc.
. mlitnr- 12;30,p. in.) for HAHAMAS, per
'. s. Antllla (mall must be directed "per
s. s. Antllla").
URA.IL, per t. h. Paruunso; at 10 u. in.
for UARUADOES nnd HRA7.IL, per
s. s. Capri (man for Northern
Brazil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay
and Paraguay must tin directed "per s. s
Capri"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:31)
p. in.) for BAHAMAS. (U'ANTANAMO
and SANTIAGO, per R. s. Saratoga; at
0:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, tier s. s. Ad
miral Ramnson. from Hoston.
FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s.
Seneca, via Tamptco (mall must be' di
rected "per" s. s, Senuca").
SATURDAY At 9 a. 111. .for PORTO RICO,
per s, s. San Juan, via San Juan; at 9
n. m. (supplemetnr.'' 9:30 n. in.) for
CURAQAO and VENEZUELA, per 8. b.
r.iilln (mall for Savanllla nnd Canthngdna
must bu directed "per s. h. X.ulln"Ji at
iiixo a. m. (sipplementnry 10:30 n. m:) for
per s, s. Aleno (mall for Costa It leu must
bo. directed "per s, s. Alepu"); at 10 n. m.
for CUDA, per s. e. Morro Castle, via
Havana: at 10 a, m. for HAITI., per h, s.
Oranjo Nassau (mall fpr Curncno, Veno
r.uela, Trinidad, Hrtlsh and Dutch
Guiana must b directed "per s. s. Oranjo
Nnssau"): at 11 a. m. for -ARGENTINE
per s. s. flnxon Prlnco.
Malls for Newfoundland, by roll to North
POSTOl'I'U 15 Ml I K E.
Sydney, and thence by jtfiimer. ilo-i it
this olllt e dally at 6. .To p, m. tconnii. tl',.
close here every Monday, "Wednesd i and
Saturday). Mails for .Mloueloii, by rati to
Hostnli, and thence bv slcaiuer, olnsi at
this olllce dally at 0..) p. in. Malls for
Cuba, bv rail to Port Tampa, Fl.i , ah 1
theme by steamer, close at this unite
dally at "fiiW p. 111. Mall for Cuba, b)
dallj at M n. tu. Uhe connecting closes
me on Monday, Wodnesdav ami Satur
day). Malls for Mexico I'ily. overland,
utiles specially addressed for dispatch by
steamer, close at this olllce dally nt t:;
p. in. and 11 p. nt. Mails for Cnst.i Rica.
Hellze. Puerto Cortoi! and Guatemala, by
rail to New Orleans, and thence by
steamer, close nt this olllce dally at 1 30
p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays
for Hellio, Puerto C'ortez and Guatemala
nnd Tuesday" for Costa Rlcai. Regis
tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day.
TriiiiN-Pni'lllo Mulls.
Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip
pine" Islands, via San Francisco, close here
uiiiiy tit :;) p. in. up to August 111
elusive, for dispatch per City
Malls for China and Japan, vbv Vancouver,
close hcii dally nt fi:W) p. n. up to August
13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Em.
press of Jupan (ri'rtlsiored malt must ho
directed- "via. Vunootiv r"). Mall, except
merchandise which cannot- bo forwarded
via Canada, for the V. S. I'ostal Agei)t at
Shanghai, closes nt 6:3i p. in. previous
Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle,
close hero dally at 0:,Ti p. m. Up to August
11. Inclusive, for dlsjr.itch per s. s
Idzuml Muni (registered mall must be
directed "via Seattle").
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which is forwarded via Europe), Now
.calami, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San
Fraiitisen, close hero dallv at Hi 30 l. 111.
after July "27 unci up to August "17. In
clusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lucunlu.
duo ut New York August "17, for dis
patch pei s. s. Sonoma
Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlja,
which goes via Europe, hint New Zealand,
which goes via San Francisco) nnd FIJI
Islands, via Vancon'vrr, closn here dally
nt :,':ii p. in. up to August 17. Inclusive,
for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supple
mentary malls, via Seattle-and Victoria)
close at C.30 p. in. August "is jimill must
be directed "via Vancouver").
Malls for China nnd Japnt), via Tncomn,
clpse here dally nf C:3n p. nu up to Au
gust "IX, Inciuslvb, for dlsputei! per . .
Malls for Hawaii. China rimT 'JidiAn '"nnd
Philippines, via Sim I'YanclfK'o, close here
Until' ., ll'?,! 1, (11 11,1 l. .VlUrOiif "' I'ti.
chlsivc. for illspatcli per s. s. Gaelic.
Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco. clos
here dntly at (i.KO p, m. up to August "20,
Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. ,M.a.t lp.osu.
Trnlis-Paclflo tnnlla are forwarded to pfrt
of salting dally am) Iho schedule of io-.
lug Is arrniiged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit
"Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previ
ous tiny.
CORNELll'S VAN COTT, Postmaster.
Postoltlce, New Y'ork, N. Y Aug. 9, llrtl.
United States of America. District of Ne
braska, ss. :
Whereas, A libel has been filed In the dis
trict court or tho United States for tho dis
trict of Nebraska, 011 the 3uth dai' ot July,
1901, by Caleb Haley as llbellant In a eausii
of tort, civil and maritime, against thu
I steamboat "Jacob Rlchtman," her apparel,
tackle ami furniture, and pruylug the usual
I process ami monition of the court that all
I persons Interested In suld steamboat, tier
. tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture,
may bo cited to appear ami answer tho pre
mises, and nil due proceedings being had,
that said steamboat may bo decreed to bo
sold, 11 til the proceeds thereof distributed
according to law.
Therefore, In pursuance of said monition
under the seal ot said court, to mu dhected
and delivered 011 tho 3tst day of July, 1W1,
I do hereby give notice generally unto all
persons liaving or pretending to have any
right, title or Interest tn said steamboat,
culled the "Jacob RlclUmnn," her tackle,
apparel, machinery and furniture, to ap
ni'iir beforo tho said court In thu city of
iimnliii. In said district. 011 thu 2d dav- of
I September, 11KI1, next (If It bu a court day.
' or else on next court day thereafter), at 10
o clock lorenoon 01 sum nay, iiieu ami inero
to answer tne said unci, ami 10 mane
i-iinmi their allcgatlonti in that behalf.
Dated at Omaha In said district this 7th
day of August, a. u. 1 hi.
' T. 1.. MATIHWS.
United States Marshal fbr the Dlstrlotof
rseurasKii. iiusjuui
Direct Route to OUskiiW BxliHiilton
jtcnuisblpa from JVew York Wecltty tot
Saloon, $50 und. up. Second Cabin. 532.50 and
up. Third Class. 20 nnd upwards
For Illustrated folder "'J further forma,
ttou apply to HENDERSON UROTHER3,
Chicago, or ...
J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.,
GEO. E. AUDOTT. 1321 Farnam St.. Olnans,
Record Vopaqe. d Oat. 7 Houn, 22 Miruitai.j
New England, Twin Screw, 11,600 " Aug. 14
Commonweallh ' " 12,000 Ton Aug. 20
Dominion .Aug, 10 1 Vancouver Sept. D
Cambroman .. Aug. 17 1 Dominion. Sept. U
ror f artber inforaiitlcn. address
Compioy's Olllce. Ueirhorn Si.. Clilcaio, Ills:
western Railway "The
Northwestern Ulmy
City Ticket Olllce, 1401
Fa nut in at. Telephone,
Ml. Depot, Tenth and
Marcy Streets. Tele
phone, G29.
., Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial , '...a 7:00 am all:30pm
Chicago Iuss-ng.T a 4:15 pm a :io an:
Eastern Express, Des
Moines, Marshalltown,
Cedar Rapids and
Chlcugo ul0:53 run ft 4:03 pm
Eastern Special, Chl
cugo and j'.iiBt a 4:33 pm u 4:05 pm
Fust Mall. Chicago 10
Otn..ha a 2:45 pm
Omaha -Chicago L't'd...u 7:45 pm a b-.oo um
Fact Mall a. fM am
Cedar rapid Pui'-snscr. u 6;ao pm
u Dally,
MlbbOuti vulluy Rullioad
"The Northwestern
Ltlio " General Ulltces,
United Stuteu Natlonui
Hunk liutlding, M. W.
Comer Twellth ami Fur-
nam bt, Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam Ht,
I'clcphof.e, 501. Depot, lilh una Webster
Sts. 'J .-k'phunc, 1454.
' Leave. Arrive,
HiaCk Hills, Dcndwood, . '
Hot springs .,.a 3:00 pm ft B:W pm
Vyoini11g, Casper,, mm '
IWugius a 3:00 pm 'fi t;00 pm
Hftstluub. York, Duvid' , v ' '
CHy. pupedor, y-uu'iu. t ,. '"
iCxcter urtd tievvaid. . . .b 3:0') pm b fi:07 P)n
..,rr,,llf laininh ., .i
1'femont b 7:30 uin 1)19:25" am
Llncoin, '.vr.vp ac Fru- . , ' .' ' '
'Jioni ,o cmDm DJV-4 am
Fremont L,ocal, c.;;30ain- ' ' , '-
I. !.TV . ll.ll!' i.'f.n., -.ii.l.till' nMll.
Jay only U Dilly .;ypl baturiiUy;. e
Dally except Mundui-, , . ' - '
Minneapolis A unuihu
Hailvsay "Tho North,
western Lino" General
Olllces. Nebraska Dlvi
biuu, 15th and Webster
Sts. City Ticket Olllce.
i401 Farnam ftc Telephone, GtJl. Depot,
lolh and Webster Sts, 'x'elo(ihunu, IVM.
Leave. Arrlvo.
Twin iity Passenger.... n 6:oe am u !;io pm
Sloilx City Passenger... 11 2:15 pm ull:lu am
Emerson Local b S:3o pin b um
u Dally
lUillroad "The North-
western Line" General
Olllces, United Stutes
Nutluual Hank Hulldlnu,
d. W, Coiner Twelit
.ind Piiriiniii sin Tick,.,
Uillce, nul Fnrnnm SL Telephone, Ml. De-,
iiui, xcmii uuu .-.mrcy Die, ieiupnine, (i.j.
Leave. Arrivn.
Twin City Express a 6,u5 am alo:25 pm
Twin City 1, united a 7:55 pm u has um
Sioux City Local u t:lJ um a 3:iu pm
u 1'Uiiy.
W A H A 8 II
KrCXI Ticket Oltice, 1415 Fu
tYiMil Streot. Telephone. 322,
rJ)V.IWlri pot, Tenth and lUarci
J yiZXu Telephone, m.
larcy Sta,
Leave. Arrive,
Bf i.nnla "f.ninon Datl"
Exbrcs a t'bi " 8!30 um
it.VII UA1 1 I .VI I. LAItli.
tuurl River Railroad-
' lhe Hulliiigton Route '
General unices, Nortli
west Cottier Ttlith and
Furiiam Streets. Ticket
Ollict, i2 Kiirliam Sltect.
'leupneno . uuritiigiou station, Teiitll
unJ Ma.ll Stieeta. Tvlrplioiiv l-'.
Ia'uvi., Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings and
MeCoori ,. .v ;40 mil a 7;3i pm
Lincoln, Denver, Colo
rado, Utah, California a 4;2o pm u 3:iw pin
Alliance Express .. ...n I.;;, put 11 3:00 pm
1. in,. . ,11 .0 mack Hills. .a 9;W urn 11 C: lo am
Muntniia, Puget Sound.. 11 9:uu pin a ti:45 am
Lincoln Fast .Man 1 piu u ai um
Hjinore, Heatrico uuu
t.inroi a 8:40 am bll:&3 am
DetivT, '"olorndo, Utan
una t'.iinornia . m
Fort Crook, So. llclid,
Louisville. i'latlsm'tn.U 3:20 pm bll:0j um
Uellevue, I'.attsmoUtU .i
l'acltle Junction a fio um u tuv am
Uellevue. I'.attsmoutti &
1 acitit junction a .i;iu am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
sph & Council Hlufts
Rnllroud-"Tho Hurllngloti
Route' Ticket Ottlcc, 1503
Furnum Street. Tclopliono
M. Depot, Tenth and
Mason Streets. Tele
phone 12S.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a li.j'U am n pm
Kansas City NUht Ex..al0;30 pm u C:U am
St. Louts iiyc:. for at.
Joseph and at. i.ouia.u anv tun uiiiu um
a Dally,
&. qulncy Rallroiid-' The
Hiirllugton Route 'Ticket
Olllce. I602 Furnum Street,
Tell'plione 25o. Depot,
'lentil and hlusun Streets,
Telephonu 12J.
ivcavn. Arrive.
ilni liLiit ami Rne-
clal .....j, -a 7:00 am aio:20 pm
Chlcagl. ViStlt'Ulea fix.u 4:00 pm a 7:4j am
Chicago IjCftl Expresa.a ;w am ji i:ou
Chicago Limited a i:W pin a 7: lo
Fast .Mull
a 2:)5 pm
laud Route" General Olllces,
N. il. Cor. Ninth und Farnam
Streets.- City Ticket Olllce, 1824
Furuutn Street. 'tVlephoiie, 31S.
Depot, Teuth and ilurcy lits.
iviephone, 029.
Leave. Arrlv,i.
Tho Overland LlmlteJ..a b:20 am tt 7.30 pm
Tho Chlcago-l-oruaiM. -
Bncclal ...a. S:zo urn a,:30pm
The Fast Mall am u 3:1D um
The Mall .and Express .uiirJo pm u 4:.'5 pm
The Coldfudu Staicial...ull:JS pm n o:W am
1 lncoin. ueairicu nu
stromsuurif ExpresK-.b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm
The Paclilc Express. .. u 4!2o pm
Tho Atlantic Exr.resJ... A 6:S0 urn
Grand Ijoimh " I'm j.m um
u Dull, u '-any bvh uii.
and iV Pnclila Railroad
"The Great Roi.k
Island Routu" citv
Ticket Ofllce, 1323 Far
nam Street. Telephone.
42S. Depot, Tenth at(u
Marcy Streets. Tele
plione, 02!).
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Diyllght 6:00 am a 2:00 am
Lies .iioines ami uavi'ii
tiort Local a 7:2j am bl 1:3.1 am
Chicago Express bll:lh um 11 H;10 am
l)es Aloinen i.ooai ,.11 -i.;u pni u 4i4j pni
Chicago Fast Expres..u 5:w pin tt 1;23 pin
Ucx Moines. Rock Isl
and und CnIcugo..a 7:40 pm u 9:33 pm
Rocky Mountain Llni...a" 2:00 am a 6:00 am
Lincoln, Colorado Spgs..
Denver, I'ueblo und
West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm
Colorado. &
Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm n 0:50 am
u uiiiiy. u uauy except sunuav.
ivauronu uity Ticket of
llce, 1102 Farnam Street,
Telephone, 240. Depot,
Tenth und Marcy Streets
lA'uve. Arrive.
Chlcugo Express u (.w .1111 u a;lo pm
Chlcugo Litnltcu..-.. " 1.10 pm a b:uj um
Miniii.iiiuiiiu x- H.. aui
Exkiresi ..........b 7:00 urn b s:40 pm
fliiniieapoiie a ni. x uui
Amiieu i.iJiHu n s:oj am
Fort IJoiIko Lnaal from,
Council jJlufts b 4:u0 pm a 8:15 am
i'Oll JJOOll l.ocill IIUIU
Council UluffH a 6:00 nm
u Dally. i Dally excupt .iumiay,
Leave. Arrive,
St. Louis Cannon Hall
Ex'press ..........a 5:13 pm a 8:20 ara
Lotal ...s 7.00 am a 0:00 pnj
u X.J i tj
road-General Olllces and
lienor, unices, Southeast
L mnJ U. Wl' "-PO.
. Lcavu. i.ri,,.
St. L.011IH ami Kansas
City Express. 11 iu;uo am a 0:25 nm
pm a u;i nm
1 I.euvo from iSlh
' Webster directs:
NubrasKa i.ocal, vta
road-Omaha, Kansas CRy
& Eastern Rallroud-"T,a
ft Hlllrll) 17 i .. rill..
'"Hlt3 "XICKL'l fit
lice. 1115 Farnam . -rlif
phone. 222. Dupot, Tc,ith
und Marcy Stfc. Telephone,
St. Louis Cannon Halt
lixprcBS j. ....... .a &:1j pm a tiizo am
ivminnn vii oiiu -.wiui.
.,,,11 7;00 am a 5:00 pm
a Dnjlv.
tc St. Paul Rat Way-city
irinb-i nm... i,t, ... r
'"" uiuto.-iiwi U arnam
Struct. Tiilmilwim. .ki
Depot, Tenth and Mhsou
Streets. Telenbnnn 1: n
Streets, Telephone. u.'9
Leave. Arrive
Chlcniro & Omaha Ex..b 7:13 am b 3:40 pm
Chicago L,imitcu r.x ",uv ''!" " an.
a Dally, b uauy excepi sjuhuuj-.
lliiiiioroiiN AiiMiior lo Siiiilli Ciiriilliui
Deti'utlvo Seek Inn liifoniiii
tlon 1111 Cudnli)' I'nse.
A man dnvs'n In Tlndall, S. C, awoke from
his Rip Van Wlnklo sleep tho other day
nnd learned tlmt there had been a kid
naping case In Omaha. Ho thou took his
pen In hand und wrote Chief Donahue ui
"I (im a detective I hope to die It this
is not truevrand I want to 'know all about
the Pudali)! hb'rtiietlon Minn, ns I think I nan
ilo, you Ijornvvgood .In niy line."
Thla'Vas signed Isra liuiluo. -The chief
nns'w'ereil, Inclosing ono' ot tici Pat 'Grow'
clrtiilfir1!, uill old hm tn look' Up the
rtnuiin. papers f December nnd Junmiry In
H,o'in'u puDIle library. "This Is tho beM I
oaiuJo,or,.your".l)( added, "as. I am a vory
husy man -hnpo to die if I'm. not..'
Internal lin'illl I'nldif AvraliueH to r.'oin
, il with .Now V oi lt l.utvn 11 ml
" HeitiliiiinrlerM Will Slny.
Tho Switchmen's International Union of
America has mndo arrangements wlicroby
It has licen cunbled' to conform with tho
provisions of the Now York stAto law reg
ulating fraternal Innuranco companies nnd
therefore will not havo to renlovo Its head
quarters from Huffalo.
The International uHlcorn announco that
the Insurance feature will bo ready tq bo
Introduced 111(0 ull of the local unions tiy
October 1 ami that from ami after that dato
all members of the union wfll havo to carry
Insuruuro lu nu anfount not less than J.'OO.
Tu Siivi Her C Ill III
From frightful dlsflgurpmont Mrs. Nan
nlu Gallcger of La Grango, Ga., applied
Ducklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on
her head and face and writes Its quick
cure exceeded all her hopos. It works
wouflerfl lu sores, bruises, s.kln eruptions,
ruts, btirnB, scalds nnd piles, 25o, Curo
Kuaranteed by Kuhn & Co., druRKlat,
Self-appointed detective
Mysterious Negro Insults Womeu nd
Thrtntois to ArroH Them.
Puller llnc lit (.'imtody 11 ( .stntlnn it
olorrd .VI 11 11 Who la .MmpriMeil of
HrhiK the Guilt)' One lnvi--1
1 u it 1 1111 In Pniirrraa,
For several weeka reports hove bron
coming to tho police from Walnut Hill nud
vlclulty, sometimes ns many ns three a day,
of a mysterious negro who accosts women
and girls on tho street nt night. Ills
method was lo flash n star upon them, rat
tle a pair of handcuffs and somotlnies dis
play what purported to bo u detective's
commission, signed by Chief Donahue. Ho
VMiuid then threaten to arrest them for
sumo Imaginary offmso.
Of Into he has bceu getting bolder In his
ndvnnees, He has been known on several
occnslons to nccost a vvoiunn accompanied
ny n mule escort, and once, when the man
rcscnti-d the affront, lie drew n butchcrknlfo
from his pocket and threatened nnsnult.
Tho police, believe now that In the person
of Charles T. Hlnkle, colored, under nrtest
nt tho city jail, they have this "Jack the
Noctnmbullsl." The evidence nRnlnut htm
Is tuning nnd of vnilotts kinds. In his
pocket when arrested was found tho
butchcrknlfo and the spurious "commls-
slim." The latter, which boro tho forged
fllgnnluro of "J. J. Donahue, chief of po
lice," nttthorlted "tho benrer, (liorge M.
Thomas," to tnalto nrrcsts, to enter ami ex-
ploro houses nud rooms In quest of stolen
goods nnd to search "suspects" on the
Ills Honiip la General.
HUt It seems that 1 1 Initio, alius Thomas.
didn't confine his activity to Insulting
women. Ofllcer Ferris tcllo this story:
'About 2 o'clock Sunday morning while
I was walking my bent on Weft Cuming
street my attention was attracted by a noise
In a drift? store at Fortieth and Cuming.
ftcr listening n few minutes nt the front
window I satisfied myself that thcro was a
burglar Inside, I trlud the door cnrefully,
but fdund It locked, and then crept nround
to tho rear.
"Just ns I emerged Inlo.tho ntley 1 saw
someone climbing out of tho back window.
I called to htm tn halt, but Instcnd of doing
so ho dropped lo the ground nnd ran. I
fired one shot after him. Then I thought
perhaps ho might havo accomplices and re
turned to tho npen window, hut all was
quiet Inside. I eutercil and searched every
nook nnd corner, but could find no one.
As I climbed out I saw lying on the ground
beneath tho window n straw hat, a note
book with advertising matter on the cover,
one of the bogus commissions' tightly
folded, several lendpenclls and two strips
of tin. These 1 brought to tho ntatlon."
Inside the swentpnd of tho hat wns printed
with 11 rubber stamp the name Charles T.
The name wns looked up In tho city dlroc
tory, vvhoro It appears as follows: "Hlnklo,
Charles T., Janitor J. It. Lchmcr, r.
H37 North Twenty-fifth." An officer was
sent to this address, where Hlnklo was ar
rested. Thu type In wh'lch tho name, wna printed
In the hat is the same on that which ap
pears on the forged commissions, where
the words "Poltco Hendqunrters" aro
stumped In n vory crudo mannor on the top
of the sheet.
Fiercely Obnoxious.
About nn hour after tho Incident nt
Fortieth and Cuming streets a young man
giving the nnmo of James Leo approached
Officer Renfrew nt Twenty. sixth and Cum-,-liig
strcntH nnd said that a bareheaded
negro hnil Just n'ttemptcd tn arrest htm
Bcven hloeks farther south. "I wns taking
n young woman home," snld he, "when this
fellow come Up to us nnd wnnted to know
where wo vvcro going. I told him It was
none of his hifslness. Then ho said ho was
nu officor and that I was under arrest. As
wo were within a few doors of whero tho
young vvomnn lived, I told her to go homo
and then tho negro took mo hy tho arm
and led 1110 away, . Ho asked mo a lot of
questions about who' tbo young woman was
and where she lived, which I refused to
answer. I told lilni I didn't bcllovo ho was
an officer and nuked him to show me his
authority. At that he rattled some chains
or handcuffs which ho had under his cont
and said his star .and papers wcro at For
tieth and Cuming streets nnd that wo
would' go up thcro and get them. Then I
whistled as It giving a signal nnd ho madn
a -quick motion townrd his hip pocket, but
seemed to thlpk better of it and a minute
Inter told mo I could go."
Tho, Iricldenr related by young Leo oc
curred about 2:30 Sunday morning, a holf
hour nftcr .tho negro's brush with Officer
Ferris nt Fortieth nnd Cuming streets.
A young wo inn n named Amelia Corey, ono
of those who had complained about being
accosted by a negro on Walnut III11, will
he nt tho station this afternoon to Bee It
sho can Identify Hlnkle. Jnracs Leo Is
MiUifled that Hlnklo Is tho mnn who "ar
rested" him.
Lnto yesterday Hlnklo madn a full confes
I'roiiiliirnl Who
"Won Ihr Iron CrnMN In llir
Frniico-l'riiftKliiii AVnr.
Herman Mucntoferlng, formerly c.iBblor
of the Omaha Printing compnny, died Sun
day of pneumonia ut his home, 120 North
Twenty-sixth street. Ho had boon nn In
valid for several yenrs. Tho funeral, which
will bo private, will bo from tho houso
tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. MUenteferlng wns a nntlvo of (lor
many, npil during tho Frnnco-I'russlnn wnr,
In uhlclphe served ns nn officer of artil
lery, he received ns n testimonial of brav
ery the Iron cross, Shortly after tho closo
of" thd war hti"cnniD to America and bought
a farm In Kansas, but tho grasshoppers
devastated his crops three years In suc
cession, NO he ntinndoned itgrlcultura and
cam's ta Omuha, Identifying himself with
d printing Mnn.
He had ninny friends .in Omaha and was
a . prominent member of thft Elks lodge.
Ills widow and two sons, survtvo him.
M tO-
llc I In- Man WI111 Flliu-Flniuiilfit
Oimiliii Soclitly Women nn
Picture Deal,
L. P. Fergontroin, nrrestod In thn real
denco district of South Tenth streot whllo
soliciting photographs to bo enlarged, Is
locked up at tho pollco station, bonked na a
suspicious character. It Is believed tbnt
Frrgcstrom Is the man who last winter
bilked about forty society vvnmou of Omaha
by this mothod, tnklnj; family portraits
under proteose of having thorn enlarged nnd
collecting pay for tho work In ndvanco.
About a month after thn photographs
woro rollectcd complaints began to pour
Into tho pollco station, as tho enlarged
versions of thn works nf art had not comn
to hand. A bushel basketful of thorn worn
afterwards found In thn oathln ot a livery
stable on Leavenworth street.