THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. COMMERCIAL &XD FINANCIAL Pricu f All Gralni 8m Upward oa Bond ofTrj.rU. WHEAT OPENS MORE ACTIVE AND HIGHER Lnrnl fioserninnnt Report Cnnses Ail r-ii In Corn-tints SIhut Sjm pntlictla Tendrncy vlth Other Ccrrnls. 1 nil CHICAGO, Auk. 12.-Ab a result of the lulllsh showing of the government re- ,ort, Issued Saturday, prices 01 mi nr"'i" in the Board of Trnile soared uiiwnril to day. September wheat ciose i higher, corn cloned l'tfll'sC higher, oats wore up lfll'KC, while ptovlslons were from l,c to l"c IilBhcr. , The ilucllnu In tho spring .' heat con dition or 15 points since July J and tho henvv disaster to the corn crop, In nililltlori to higher cables, caused wheat to open ac me und higher. The unexpectedly largo loss In I ho sprint; wheat crop Marled shorts to covering and there was fair In vestment buying. September opened l'vff J'.e to 2'4ij2c higher at ,Zru ilc. Later In Hie session the prlcu advanced to il'fcc, due i.. t....- .... .,,1.1 flw. iinnviii.rtoillV IU IIIHVJ VlVtU lillirn ......-. ..i.C, huge ikercusu In the visible supply, which amounted to 2,150,i) bushels, 'the clo-e was llrm and 'lull. e nmner at 1.1:4c. wotld'h alilpnunts lor the week amounted to 1u,IOS,(do bushels, against 6.0Ii,om bushe M u year ago, whllo exports were seven boat loads. Tho amount on pnssngo was .... ............ l I fi . ' IM M i It am nets of wheat and Hour were equal 10 l,69wo bushels l'rlmary receipts l.lSS.OOU bushels, ugalnst l.iuy v j u " ear ugo. Minneapolis and uulum re ported 6 cars, aBnlnsl 307 last week, and iiv ,. vmir nif.i. Local receipts, -M June packed factory, 15jl5!ic; Imitation creamery, lt'dli'-i1!. CHEESE-Keculpts. 1.251 pkgs.i slow; large fancy colored, S'c; fancy large whit. S'ic fancy small colored, a4ci fancy small wnlte. 94c. EGuS-Recelpts, 7.11 pkgs.; steady; state and Pennsylvania, lWl&c; western candled, 12UlCVsc; western uneandled, i'aHu. . POULTRY Alive, firmer; chickens, 12'4fi 134c; turkeys, 9V4c; fowls. 9Hc. Dressed, steady,: springs, iZHUe; fowls, sHOSc: tur keys, TfodVjc , . METALS-Tiudlin: In the local market was slower today than for some time past. Buyers und sellers are holding uloot pend ing dcllnlte Information from the center. In London pig tin scored a net rise of ill 10s und tuturcH were 15s hlgncr, thus spot stood at the close 117 and lu u es at iieru me marKei ruieu ij . , but sympathetically steady at $2..WJI2i.-0 lor spot. Tin plates wclo quiet. ery fuiv nl.lo .,..,,. f,,.- ....In tlr. COIllK'T WHS featureless and unchanged iyx"t for Utke Superior and Jl0.'-'ai7 lB.'-2 a f ir custlng and electrolytic. Loudon price showed a decline of 2 Cd to X.V, lor spot and 66 88 9d for futures. Lend was iir,a n featureless and unchanged at J4.3i her , while tit London values declined Id .'(I t; 11 16s. Spelter was without change at 13.90 43.95 and quiet i at London, Clu l.s lid. Iron continues dull, with values In buyers favor. Pie iroi. warrants, 10.10 i No. 1 northern tcundry, $15.M'1S.6U; No, 2 south ern loundry, 1 0'il4.o; No. 1 s iiit-crn foundry, Jll.75''jl5..!5; No. 1 southern s ti foundry, H.7jyi5.25. Glasgow wai rants closed at 63a td and Mlddlcsborough at 4is Hd. OMAHA MAHICC7. CniiilllliiH of Trade nnd Unotntlnna on Mniilr and I'linej- I'rodnco. KOGS-Uecvlpts fair; loss ofT. 124il'13o. LIVi: J'(JLL1 HY-llens, GgCVju; young nnd old toostcrs, Jc; turkeys, UMSc; ducks and geese, oc, spring chickens, per lb., 110 12c. IIUTTKU-Common to fair, 12ffl2tjc; choice dairy, lu tulis loiKc; separator, '."o. I'linSH riSll-lllack bass. ISc: whttci baits, l'W; bluetlsh, 11c, bullheads, Wc; blue irs, with li of contract H".",10: r nn tho crupples, 10c; clscoes, 6c; halibut, lie; Corn opened active and hignor on uio , . , micidock. 10c: Mse. 9c: red local estimate of the K""m",i.V, ,?"t snapper. 10c, salmon. 14c: sunilsh. 6c; trout, thcrn was a rush to buy dtirliiK ''"f ivc; whlteitsh. lvc, hour. Tim advance rulHcil tho 'nrlt 1'IOEONS-Llve. per dor.. COc. above tho prices at which B0'', VliALS-Cholce. Wtf'Jo Hatuiday and selling against these prii- HAY-l'rlccs quoted by Omaha -Wholesale leges along with general prollt-iaKing lhiy iraicr3 association: Choice upland, caused a reaction. September opened -a' jio.50: No. 2 upland, D.60i medium. coarM. i-Hc higher at muiinc. uunng mc m- 8, nyc straw. "lhest prices re lor ter part or ine seamun " ,i , , I ,la ol ooa coior unu quuiur. ueiimuu current that tno govcrnmem. , " lair, ueeeipis. ji cars damage was exaggerated and September . f It. firmness. selllnK dOWIl tO . The closowns iWis: higher At G0ic Local receipts were 120 cars, 3 of which were contract. .... Oats opened active and higher, thn gov ernment report Indicating a yield of only a little over C00.0o0.O00 bushels, being1 tho lull Influence. Shorts covered freely and i An Iriiivlnir liv InC'll bllllA. A 113 y r, : """, : :(;.".' nn Vo v large, but iiierA was enough steady commission houso LETT U C E I'e r bu JOe. buying to keep things moving. September tanged between 'MWiiMc. closing 13lWc higher at 3'iHc Hccelpts were Ssl cars. "T."-.'.!.!--. aCtlVO UtUl weie influenced but bltghtly by the sttua- WHEAT-60C COHN-OSc OATS-41HC, old, iJUAN W. VEGETADLES. QUEEN COllN-l'er dor., HMc. CAHHOTS-l'er doz., 20c HUETS-l'er half bushel basket, 40c TUHNirS-Per basket. 30c. CUUUMBEltS Homo grown, per aoz., m HADIBHES-ler dox., 16320c l'AHSLEY l'er doz.. 20c. NEW POTATOES-We'iKl.OO. CAU11AGE Homo grown. 3Vic TOMATOES-llome grown, per 18-lb. nearby, 17e! frefh western. 17c! fresh south western, isw; rresn soumern, i.c. I'ttKrSKnnll nnd weak: S'tw York full creams, fancy, small, 9'tc New York full creams, fair to choice, vavc. Toledo flrnln nnd Srril. TOLEDO. Aug. 12.-VHEAT-Actlve and strong; cash nnd August, 74Hci September, 7SUe; December, 75J4c. COUN Active and higher; cash and Sep tember, firtcj December, 62V4C. OATS Dull and higher; cash, S6c; Sep tember, 37c; December, 39c. KYE-Wc. CLOVEHSEED-Cush, primo and Octo ber, :0.53. Visible Supplr of firnln. NEW YORK, Aug. 12,-The statement of the visible supply of grain in store and afloat on Saturday, August 10, as compiled by tho New York exchange, was as follows: Wheat, 2S.219.C0i) uu.; decrease, 2,250,00) hu. Corn, 13.2Sfi,wJ bti,; Incrensic, 731,000 bu. Oats, 4,l5,0w bu.; increase, bu Rye. 722,uir) bu ; Increase, t1,CM bu. Itarlcy, bu.; Increase, 7.W0 bu. Mlitnenpolln Wlirnt, 1'lour nnil Ilrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 12. - WHEAT -Cash, 72tic; Sepumber, 711c; December, 74Uci on track, No. 1 hard, 74Vc; No. 1 northern, 72dc; No. 2 northern, 70-c. rLuUU-MIgh; first patents, M.gjfJt.O.,; second patents, 3.76'tiC.Si; first clears, 13; second clears, J2.30. IHtAN-lli bulk. tl3.oOQ14.25. Dnliith rtrnln Mnrket. DULUTH, Aug. 12-VHKAT-No. 1 hard, cash, CITdc: No. 2 nrthcrn. 67c; No. 1 northern. 73sc: September, 73Hc; December, 7l',ic. OATH a'UfiS'.Sc HYB-;7'c. COUN-SSc. sixty davs. tl.Mtt on demand: New York exchaliKe. IMOx' discount. HALTl.MOllE. Aiir. 12.-Clearlngs. I2.&30.- OSS; balances, W7fi,012, money, AWiO per cent. ST. LOl'IS, Aug. 12,-Clearins, 7,277.954, balances, 1931, lGs; money, 6'n7 per cent; New i orn excnange, sve discount uiu, ins count nsked. CINCINNATI, Aug, 12.-Clearlngs, t3,076. W: monev. mr rent: New York ex change, par, new YOllK, Aug. 12.-Clearings, 102,.1, 130; balances, 5,tH9,583. IIOSTON. Aug. K.-Clearlngs, J15,t,163; balances, l,529,G3t!. I'enrln Slnrkrt. . ner lb.. 2Uc Home grown, per do., ilnn in the grille Heavy offerings basket. $1.00. ir n 5r vSwrk"cn y n the session ONIONS-Home grown ,au8lcTsomo 'unevenne'ss7 In prices, but at . CAULIFLOWEH-Hom ! .'"0". VKW HEANB-Wax, per half-bu, basket, $1; linVil Vinsinir me 1 uhcr at $14.07.4. Lard string, per nan-Du. nasKci. iuo. a net gain or be. at .!. PrrtrV2: i. ner hnlf-bu. basket. 76c, is.i'ki nil., xi; ner nnu-Liu.. nuc; an advance of 7HC nt i.w. watm between $7.97 nnd Ji.iu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: . heat in ears: corn. IX enrn; oats, 625 cars, hogs, 20,(Kl head. .,.,. 'Hio leading futures ranged as follows. WATERMELONS Texas. 20ffI35c, as to "I". ... . . CELERY Kalamazoo, per ouncn. awauo. 1-RU1TB. API'LES-l'cr bbl.. 2.So2.50, CHERRIES Native, per S-lb. basket, 85o; Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Jan. Luril Sept. Oct. Jan. lllbs Scpt. Oct. Jan. 73 ff?74 74H 73 73H i 75 41 76 "CTi, 75 76H 79 4)!4 804 79 .9?i 60i',-lJ fdVi 60 & SH 62V4JlH 2H H 041(054; 65i 6IH 37 flM 37'4 36'4 36i.1 3SH 3?'. 37T 37'4 40 3 40i 39i 40 14 12H 14 12V4 00 II 071,4 16 20 15 40 15 15 15 35 8 75 8 S 72H 8 774 S S7', S S7'4 8 fO 8 15 8 S7H 8 8 i& 8 90 790 7f6 7 90 7 95 8 0(1 8 024 7 95 8 024 7 90 7 95 7 87V4 7 95 Rtrme. it: cholco ElDcrtos. $1: fancy. $1.20. "14''4 PLUMS-Callfornla, per crate. $1.25ifl.50; 73'i homo grown, per 8-lb. basket, 25c. I 77-i PEARS-IJartlctts. $2.25fl2.50. f6U 5 T4 TROPICAL FRUITS ORANGES Valcnclas, $5.00; Med. sweets, '4,60. , LEMONS uaiuornia, extra tancy, o.avir 6.00; choice, $5.60. HANAKAS-l'or cuncn. accorning 10 buo. riii('Anci. Am?, l' l'atti.k-Keceinis. SS's 26,0uu; rough, steady; others slow to 10ij,16c higher! cood to nrlmo steers. $o.G"fti.2.: 13 974 .,our to medium, $1.30(35.45: stockers and 15 02V4 feeders, $2.25f4.0O; cows, $2.401H-40; heifers, I $2.2d(h4.W; canners, i.wrj-.i; uuus, i.i'w 8 72V4 4.30; calves, $3.oui(C.25; Texas fod ateors, $3.W4.60. HOUH Receipts toaay, a,uw; cnuinmeu for tomorrow. 23.000: left over. 1,625; best 7 I'M stronger and others weaker; mixed nnd butchors., $5.ioue.orj; gooo. to cnoico neuvy, M $0.O0'36.lo; rough heavy, $f).60o.7&; light, 5.G0'fl5.90: bulk of sales, $5. 85a 6.00. Kn. i. 1 SlIEKP lteceipis, ls.iwu; Hironger; luiuua. Cash quotations were a follows: . 10S15C higher; good to choice i wothers, $3.i0 vt.nnii steadv: winter rjatcnt". J3.10 eFt-1.23: fair to choice mixed, $2.8jQ3.ti0; west- 3.50: straights, $3.203.30; clears, 2.80ff3.10; crn shoep. $3.2otf415; yearlings, $3.904.60 spring specials uranus, n.wmw. native lamps,; wniu lumua, o.w WHEAT No, 2 spring. 74Vlc; No. 3 spring, 415.45. 7U4f(73c! No. 2 red. 74c. Official Saturday Receipts : cattle, 3.',iuu; CORN NO, oaiiic; rio. J jtbiiow, idjiu i nogj, iu.v.-j; aneep, nu. diim,uhi,. 8 80 8 iO 716 7 62 OATS No. 2. 37fi37V4c; No. 2 white, 393" 39!sc; No. 3 wnite, sa'iwsc, uvrVi. 2. r.'Ai'iifiOc. UARLEY Good feeding, COftGlc; fair to choice malting, 63i(64c. SE10DS No. 1 mix, $i.6: iso. 1 nonnwest- 632; hogs, 6,665. flt. Loula flrnln nnd ProvUlana. - . -. . n .MtimT. 1III,A, No. 2 red cash, elevator. 72ic; track. 734 71c; September, 72'ic; December, ibc; May, rh?&klWJlhy' '"0i ClVer' "cORN-HlS , 62c: track AtOVIONS-Mc8 pork, per bbl.. $14.05 B.624c: September, 62c; December. (&c; it.&AELrlnX ,ed OATS-Hlgher: No. 2. cah,..37H37Hc; shoulders Eld V.xed). 57.r.w. bnort clear i'ttnS ; " MUwic:' es luuAtu;, . .... nVpi'i m o Mi! WHISICY-Ilasis of high wines, ji.ra. tfi iv'i'Tniin market si-r.AR-Cut loaf. 6c: granulated. B.62c: EhtP-N maJ1'i,lt:-. mar wtrl m confectioners A, s.jjc, on a, B..4C. . ,... extra fancy and Following nro tno receipts nnu snipmonis stralcht. $3.153.35: clear. $2.704i3.w. for today: I TIMOTHY SEED Firm; prime, to arrive, ueceipis. qaipmeius. J5.s0iff6.55. Flour, bbls 20.000 16.0CS POHTVMRATL -IIlKher at $3.10, Wheat, bu 258,000 451,000 H RAN Higher; sacked, east track, 90c; r'liriv Wll lra.ojii lyj.WO I lrlo Kir. O.Us, bu 448.000 194,0 0 HAY Dull and lower; timothy, IlLBO Rye. bu 23,000 11.000 14.00; prairie, $9.&0S11.5O. liarley, bu 11.000 3.000 WHISKY Higher at $1.30. PEORIA, Aug. 12.-CORN-Hlsher; No. i, 60Hc. OATS-Inactlvc; new No. 3 white. 3Sc on track. WHISKY-On the basis of $1.3130 for fin Ishcd goods. ."ttlrrnukre Crnln Mnrkct. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 12.-WIIEAT- Hlgher; No. 1, 7ITf 75c: No. 2 northern, 74c; September, 73lStfi73;c. BARLEY Higher at 63StVlc; sample, 603 60c. CORN September, 60c. 1 1, KEW YOniC STOCKS AM) nONDS. Government Cron Ilrpnrt Cntisen He pressing; KfTpet nn fitoeUs. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-Tho government crop report had a dcnresslne effect on etoclKs at the opening and some sharp ueennes were made, particularly in hock Island, Union Paclllo, Missouri 1'aclnc and Atchison. Tho selling continued pretty general throughout tho first hour, traders onering stocKs down more conildentiy when grain prices roso strongly. Trading then lapsed Into scml-stagiintlon, but fluctuations were unimportant until near tho close, when the shorts bought all around and lifted tho market substantially nbove Saturday's c oslng. This movement was not sufficiently explained, but there was a vaguo report current that the steel strike was sottled. Largo dealings wero made In United States Steel stocks at tho opening, the first transaction In the com mon bclns 8.000 shares at from 42 to iZVi The fact that the strike order was not obeyed In some districts aroused a better feeling towatd the stock nnd it was in pretty fair demand throughout the day. Final rrlces for tho common and pre ferred wero the best and Indicated not gains respectively of l: nnd 2 points. Free selling of sugar attracted soma at tention, tho nrlco droDiilnc 4 nolnts. A report was circulated that the president of the company was seilnuslv 111 and pro fessionals were also Inclined to put out short lines on uiu strength or tno rortu coming onnosltlon tilant. Tho stock ro covered H nolnt when tho Illness of Mr, Havemycr was denied. Pcople'H Gas showed no trace of Its recent liquidation and moved strongly upwnrd, ending ihk higher. Western Union was unusually tiromlncnt In the Into dealings and lm nroved materially. Tho late upward move mcnt in tno rnuroau list carriea a numuer f stocks un from 1 to 2 above tno early low prices, with tho Improvement most ronouncca in .Missouri i-ncinc, union 1-11, lllc. Southern Pacific. St. Paul and Atclv Ison. Tho closing wns active and strong. Tho bond mnrkct was quiet today, tut few changes of Importnnco were made. Total sales, par value, $1,015,000. United States uonas were an uncuangeu on 1110 last call. Thn Commere al Advertiser s London flnnnclal cablegram says: Tho stock mar knt continues firm, but this firmness is no accompanied by any business to apeak of in view or tomorrow s seiiiemcni, nome largo gold arrivals helped conditions. President Krugcr Is reported nH being In a comatoso condition. American stocks hesitated at tno start on disappointing crop reports. Now York sent in the morn ing neavy selling oruern, piiriicuiuriy in tho Atehlsons and Union Pacific. London regarded this as a ruso by Wall street, Intended to cause a panic over here, but speculation was so small, that tho effect wah small, xao eieei hiuckh icu 111 u mmi rnilv nnd on thn announcement that tho strikers" movement lacks cohesion tho mar ket hardened quietly to tno nnisn. ino Hank of England has received 80.000 gold In bars and has bought 445,000 In India and 30,000 In Australia. It Is expected that the bank will receive 3,000 African Sold that atTlved on Saturday, also 500,000 ue this week from India. Paris exchange IS io.ol, ueriiu uai;iiui!hu .v.io73. The following are ine closing pnecs 011 the New York Stock exchange: On tho Product) exchange today tho but ter market wns steady to firm; creamcrlra, :t'i'f30V4c: dairies, 13IT17C. Cheese, un changed, 9410ic. Egfja, unohanged, HV4c, m:w vonic giinkrai, tiitnttniin of tlir liar on Varlona Commodities NEW YORK. Aug. 12.-FLOUR Receipts. 0.207 bbls.: exDorts. 14.371 in s,: sales. 15 pkrts.; market fnlrly active and 10c hlg IRON COTTONTIES-$1.20. AOOINO-6i'ij7Uc. HKMP TWINE 9c. provisions Pork, steady: Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, llrmer nt JS.57'4. Dry salt meat itinxed). stronuer and higher: extra 81AHKET. I rhorts, $8.25; clear ribs, $8.60: cloar sides. $8.75. IJacon, nigner; extra snorts, iJ-n; rins. ij.mi: clear sines. METALS Lead, steady at $3.301j3.40. Spel ter, steady at w.w. rriiTi.TrtY steadv: chickens. 6c: snrlngs. 10c; turkeys, 5c; young, 8l2c; ducks, 5c; springs, c; geese, jc; springu, vs. 23.207 mils.; exports. ddis.; saies, is.iw r,nrfTRn steadv: creiTmery. 16fr214c: PKRS., inarKci. lainy active ana iuc nigner j-,,.,, on wheat advanco; winter patents, 3.GC i-rfAn-Hteadv! nearby. 11c. 3.90; winter straight?, $3.40WJ.Mi winter ex- UECEIPT8-Flour. 10.000 bbls.: wheat, trns. J2.50Q2.SO; winter low CTades. tifOri aaooo bu.; corn. 56,000 bu.; oats, 166,000 bu. 2 40; Minnesota patents, $3.90ff4.20: Mlnne- HlPMlbNTS-Flour. 9.000 bbls.: wheat, nuiu Munyin, ..unu,i. """i 93,000 DU.J COril, DU. ; OaiB, BU.UW DU. sales. 60i) bbls., fair to good, $2,7003.10; ' clinifO to fancy, $3.1533.35. . , . , dm In nnd PrnvUlous. CORNMEAI-8trongcr: yellow western. Lte'l'ool urntn nnu lrnnsioua. $1.25; city. $1.22; nrandywlno. $3.3033.33. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 12. "WHEAT Spot, KYis Firmer; io, 2 western, oic, r. o. a, firm; No. 3 rod western winter, os lua; ro. afloat; state, Kff56c, c. I. f., New Y'ork, car 2 red western, 6s 12d. Futures, quiet; Sep- lemncr, es ayia. CORN Snot, llrm: American mixed, new. 48 iui; American mixen, oiu, no siock. i u- tures, quiet; wepiemoer, is iiua. uoioDcr, 4s jitso; ovcmtie.-Nr, ds oa. I 1WS3 .dlllllltlt, lll.lj UJ t;i. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull at 8 6d, HOPS-Dull at C3s 4d. PROVIHIONS-Heef. firm: extra India record-breaking mess. 4Ss 9d. Pork, firm: prlmo mess, west- eili, wa uu, iiuiiin, nuui i lui, 11 lu lu iuo., ciulol at 62s 8d. Lard, firm; prime western, In tierces, qulot at 44s; American refined, In calls, steady at 44s. Racon. Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quint nt 44s; short cut. 16 to it ins., quiet at 47a; long clear middies. lots RARLEY-Steady; feeding. 52c. c. 1. f., RtitTaio; malting, cotHie, c. i, r., iiurraio. WHEAT Receipts, 1S3.S30 bu.; exports .589,045 bu.; sales, 1,795,000 bu. futures. Spot, steady; No, 2 rod. M)"c. f. o. b.. afloat. i No. 2 red. MKc, elevator; No. 1 northern, Puluth. 82c. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard, iDuliith, Wc, f. o. b., afloat. Options had n 1 strong 3c advance and a big trade, part'y ror ouisicio account, on recoru-ureaKins clearances, a heavy visible supply dtcreaso the government crop report, nigner cames and coverlnc. They finally ena,l off a shadn under realizing, but olosed very llrm at 2V402SC net advnnce. September, 78U' closed at 7914c; December. 80!lffl8t4c. olosed L1,? L' J?.&"x , a1.1?? .6.d ,in., a Cllp I VI v Ml llHWUit-n, uu iv iu tln. niftniv vus ffti j . t j. . . - . ....... i Hiinri Ripnr uucks. ii in inn., nuirt n i 4iK c""-''". "w..Vii P?rts. 141.TOI cre-ttV bellies. 14 o 16 lbs., steady at 51s Id in.: niuiis. ii.uuu uu. miiirpK h int i rm" I . ...u . . . l ...... ..,.w., , nnnn nri-N, SUlllire. 11 IU ID 1 MS.. (1U181 HI JIS bu.! sales. Sdl.OOO bu. futures. No. 2, 63'4c, elevator, and C2c, f. o. b., afloat. uptlon marKot opencu excited and very strong on tho crop report, higher cables and u big speculative demand. Liter It yielded Cd. HUTTER Firm: finest United States. 94s rood United States. 78s. i;itr;r.t)ii. r irm; American nnest wnue, to realizing and closed unsettled at Km, net advance, acptember, 63Hq64c. clos.d TALLOW Firm; prime city, '23s 6dj Aus at 03ho; October, 64Viy644c. closed at 61Vic; trallan. In London. 37s 6d. December. b5'i66C. closed at C5Hc. Exports of wheat Into Liverpool last week OATS-Recelpts, flO.iOO bu.; nxports. 40 wero 103.900 quarters from Atlantic ports bu. Spot, stronger; No. 2, 40c; No, 3, 39V; and 64.000 from other ports, Imports of No, 2 white, 43ijc; No. 3 white, 43c; track corn from Atlantic porta lost week were mixcti wesHuru, janfuoi irncit ivmio west- if.uoo quarters, em. 42fc60c: track whlto state. 42ii50c. On. tlons active ind nigner, on tho government Kama City Grain and Provliloons reiuii uiiii nirriinii ill umcr iiiiirr.vii HAY Firm: shinning. T2V41i?75c: stood to cholcn. 904193c. HOPS Firm; state, common to choles, IV fi crop, utiiaui i".v crop, juhioc; oiu oius, 2CCo. Pnclllc const. 1900 crop, 13174c; 199 cron. Illl5c: olds, 24ffic. HIDES Firm: Qalveston, 20 to 25 lbs,. 1531S','jc: t;niiiornia, ;t to ns., 13Vic; n..-i "I In ( Ilia . 1 ..r- ' . . . ' ' I It A V PhnlM . i... .V. .. , A. - V. , .. , LKATtircii tstenuy; ncmiocK sole, nuenos .i i,, """"" cuuico hi tvrra. llnht to heavywelKhts. 23U(2U!.v "?! .?'Ji0tJ:.. KANSAS CITY. AUc. 12. WHEAT Sen tember. 6ST4o; December, 70Tic; cash. No. : hard. 6SH369;o; No. 3, 67(g.S"4c; No. 2 red, CORN Sentember. rl974e! neeemher ivijk; casn, .o, 'i mixeu, &attruoc; ro. w nue, w. OArS-No. 2 white. 3$c. ii i r.-;u, j, tH3jD.c. iVluT&ViirV&c: ' B ---.. iiUTTElt - Creamery. 16H019c; dairy TAi,Luw-K rm city, tide: country, imc uipna 'f. I . ........ r. . .. ... . iuc I oiiciJsi iiiiiuui)-, oepjemner, .(; UC xrnt.AMRRS Mtendv: Now Or rnm mn , Heme, goon to cnoice, wb EGOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas . . I Gtitril n 1 1 n T ew 1 nn 'nhnnpa nr lrin nan 1a PRtJYiaiuNB-iieet. stcnay lamiiy. jis) '". 'rf A.r". rVnir.V.H 1 (S12.00; mess. 59.50ifl0.CO: beef hams. $:o.60 riVrPTR wheni AKt-c h em S2.00; packet. $10.0011115.50; city, extra lndlu Jf'f'.V V "if": m 5!. M' 2f0 crn. 180. mesi. $16.00ls.OO. Cut meats, easy; pick- ,i?pV,i?vheat lit 40rt h enrn it led bellies. JS.75ffl0.75; pickled shoulders. fSV,,P.Mn.,ts rS-heat, 134,400 bu.; corn. 40. $7.0O5y7.25: nloklfd hams. $11.23. Lard, firm: 000 oatSl "wu uu Plilliiilrlplitii I'rndncr Market. western steamed, $9.05; refined, firm; conti nent. sa.20: South Amorlca. $.7fi: corannund. S7.00S7.V6. rorK. nrm: tamiiy, w; PHILADKLPIHA. Aug. n.nuTTER Bhort clear, $16.00C17,00; mes, $15.25016.:5 Firm: fancy western creamery, 124c; fancy 3,ik. pugs,; nrm; western prims, si'jc; rancy nearoy, :tc, creamery, 10a2i'4c; EGGS Firm and good demand; fresh DUTTER Receipts, ttato dairy, liyii'lc; ,piv York ilonry .tlnrUet, NEW YOIlIv. Ant- 1!. MONEY On call. closed nt itizu, ner cent: last loan. 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4Vst5 per cent. STERLING KVrMIANOE Steady, with actual business at $l.87iW4.S?i for demand aim ai H.fVjVH.SoVa for sixty nays; pnsieti rates. $l.86'iH.0S and $l.88i,4a4.!9; commer cial bills, $,S4i,i'(t4.!3. niijv e.ii nar, &,sc; Mexican dollars, c IIONDS Government, steadv: railroad. irregular; state, steady. i ne closing quotations on oonus arc as follows: U. S. ref 2 107VN. Y Central H....101H do coupon 107 'N. J. C. Ken.! Jo :, re luSiij.Va l'ncino 3i 71 ao coupon Di'i) 'ilo 4 101 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Moderatt Run of Buef Cattle and Acllre, Btcadj MarkU BUSINESS MOVES ON VERY SATISFACTORILY Mirep nnd l.nmlin In Active llrmnnd ami Prices Strong; to n Dime HlKlier Receipt I.iirxrflt of the Month. N Y. C Ai St I. 4H..I07U S' & W. con. 4s 101i Orfiton Nav. Is Ui'U lo Is :02, Oregon S, L. Cs...i'5 do consol ts lt'i; Heading gen. Is 9.',i llli. (1. V. Is I0IH Se 1. 1 M i. 3s 111, it L & H F g. s... 13.1 do new 4, rg....7 do coupon n? do oil i, rei 113 do coupon Ill ilo It. ttg lu7; do counon 107V D. of C. 3. 83s 124 Atchison Ken 4s. ...103V -ilo adj. 4 !,, CsnaJa So. Is no Ches. & Ohio 4lii..l0i rft. Paul coiirols . 17. ao 6S iw st r, f & I ls......II3-li C. N. W. c. "sISSii do Is 1I6Vj Mo S, V. de4i. ts..:2J So. P.iclfle 4s 5: Chicago Ter. 4s.... V3 So. Hallway &s tli'i Colorado Sc.. 4s 87S !). H. & T. 6s t Denver & II. O. Is.lH 'Tex. A 1'KCifle 1S..114U i:rl- general 4s ts Tex. A Pacific 2s... PMj F. W. D. r. ls.ldl Union Pcinc 4s 104U Oen. Klectrlo ts....S0O Wnbssh is 115U Ion a Centrnl Is HS',4 "do 2 110'j I.. & S. tint. 4s m'A West Shore 4s IK'i M . K. & T. ! SI ,Wls. CnlrI Is Mi, do 4 Ob Va, .Centuries W'i SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. V.. Receipts were: Oniclal Mondny Same day lart week.... Same week before Same three weeks ngo. Same four weeks ago.. Same day last year.... Average price paid for hogs at Sou h Omaha the pnst several days with comparisons. 1 tatst tv i 1 V tr 1 Cattle. Hogs. Sl eep. .9i jjj i j m .2.6:5 4, -01 9:,w s5 p-. J li.I'l 4,356 4,2S 6 61:1 weights compared favorably with recent offering!', and the top price paid, $5.95, was 6c higher than Saturday, with the bulk of the good stuff selling at steady to strong figures and largely nt $1.75 and above. Light mixed grades nnd "dr weather" hogs sold slowly from the start at prices no better, If as good, than last week. The market finished strong un decent grades, with the bulk selling at $.V754iuM, with $.75 as a lender, while the thill stock sold down to $5.25 and mostly nro.ind $S.6W 0.65, according to weights and quality. Representative salts: No. Av. fli. Tr. ;,J ll 45 J 2J 11 W W S l 175 ... 5(0 t: UJ 11 5 M) ;t ij) ) li in ... & ro a nr :io & 0) 67 1V4 ... SM bt 17 ... 5 10 71 m 2i & M 30 Ml VJ 5 M St Ml ISO & 3,fi5 1,233 1,512 3,1 17 2, lib 6 Ml .U 4.99, III 1,513 6 -'7 July 15... July 16... July 17. . July IS... July 19... July 20... July 2i... JU V 22... July 23 . I 1901. ir.lf93. 1595.11197. lc96. 195 3 M, 3 71 3 171 S Wl 4 5 b 77UI 5 6I4 5 02 6 bo 5 5S'j IBS 6 CS'i 5 67H I 3 Ml 3 20, 3 07 4 l 4 941 4 Oil 1 3 SI 2 97 4 H 4 87 4 16 3 S2 2 95 4 S3 I Mi 4 2S 3 M). 3 3.'l 4 98 6 0 4 191 3 86! 4 211 3 81 4 34 3 79 3 S2 JU y 23 .. fl 70 S 15 3 8 July 24.. .' 6 6.1V 5 15 4 361! Jt. y l.6 S Wl 4 31' 3 f 3 351 2 3 38 3 271 3 2 CS 2 Ml 4 94 4 85 4 81 Rid. Offered. London SI 00 If Quotation. LONDON, Aug. 12. 4 p. m. Closing: Ccn.v, money 9J 3-11 do pfd uj a?rount 9iu mo, l'ncino rra Anaconda S'k Ontario W Atchison 7ii Pennsylvania lt.iltlmore A Ohio .. t,S': Heading Canadian Pacific. ...llo'j Ches. fc Ohio Chicago O. W... C. M. & St. P.. Denver t It, O. do nfd Eric do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 1. A- N M.. K. A T do nfd N Y. Central .. Norfolk A W.... do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd So. Hallway .. do rM Bo. Parln. .... Union Pacific . do pfd V. H. HtMl ... lo pfd Wabash do pfd &414 t'titnlsh 4s li irtand Mines .. 62HI 45 . 2 .HO . 4 . t"2ii . :ri. . : . so .1021 9 . ZZ'i . 7J4 . ii , : K"t, , 2i , 85S , M 9"H . 90S 4(U . Dl' . 21 . sat; 41H per HAR SILVER-Quict at 2613-16,1 ounce. MONEY fcf?i2 per cent. Tno rate of dis count In tho onen market for short bills Is 2-V,j2 7.i6 l,pr cent; for thrco months' bills, 2 I-16S2W per cent. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stork brought lu today by each rond was: Cattle. Hoes. Shcep.H'r's. u.. .11. a St. P 3 O. Ai St. L 4 Missouri Pnclllc B rnlon Pacific System 13 C. & N. W F.i E. At M. V 2S C, St. P., M. & 0 12 It. V M ii .. H. A Q 2 K. C A St. J 7 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 i. ., it. i. v i'., west., ft Illinois Central 1 tirvr York Mining- fllocUn. NEW Y'ORK, Aug. 12. Thn following ar the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Ilrtcce Ilrunswlck Con.., Comstock Tunnel .. 25 .. 43 .. 40 9 Con. Cal. A Va 1 Deadwood Terra Horn Silver ... Iron Silver .... Iailvlllo Con. ..175 67 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'lioenix Potosl Savsgn Sierra Nevada Small Hop's . Standard ... 13 ...82 ... 75 ... 8 ... ... 5 ... 8 ... 60 ...330 Forelgrn Flnnnclal. LONDON, Aug. 12. Money was fnlrly easy today and continued in rood suntily. Discounts wero weak on bill-buying for thu continent and gold Import prospects. Thcro was little doing on tho Stock cx chango today, tho carry-over monopolizing attention. Consols and gilt-edged securities wero firm. Home rails wero In small de mand. Foreigners were firm. Argentines Improved, Copper was steady. Americans wero uepresseu on account or tno untavor nblo cron renort. Thoy closed steady, Grand Trunks arid Canadian Pacifies were firm. Tho amount of bullion taken into tho Rank of Englnnd on balanco today, 553.000. PARIS, Aug. 12. Business on the bourso todav was featureless and tho transactions wero scarcoli more than nominal. Gov ernments were well maintained. Indus trl.ilK and Itlo TlntoB wero weak, but ral lied toward the close. Mines -wero bought for English account. Dclieers were in cnocl demand. Three ner cent rentes. lOlf .,- for thn account. Snanish 4s. 70.79. RERUN. Aug. iz. uusiness was quiet, on tho bourso today and there wns a dis inclination to operate, owing to the clos ing of tho bourse tomorrow. Canadian Pacifies wero dull. Tho close was weaker nn nccount of unfavorable reports regard inir tho American croDS. Exchange on London, 20m 454pfga. for checks. Discount rntes. snort Dins, iyi per gem; unco months bills, 24 per cent. ROME. Aug. . 12. uoia premiums 1 quoted at 4.42. Atchison so. Facine 6in do Did 00. naiiwny ,, .j Baltimore A Ohio... H do pfd 84Mi , 2V rx. ft t'acinc ii',t ,108'4 Tol., St. L. & W... M . CCli do pfd 32i.i . 44V, Union raclfto KM .24 'do pfd ti . 7614 Vabush 10 "i . I'.Vi do .pfd 35 . C3Vi Whee . A K E 17 .120 1 do 2d pfd . 2IV4 Wis. Central 2 . 81U do pfd O . iSK P. C. C. A St. I..... 7! Chicago A N. W....1S0 Adams Kx 175 C.. It. I. A P 1T American Ex US Chlcoto Ter. A Tr. 17V4 U. S. Ex 85 do nfd "Si eiis-i' ariro l.x iv) C. C. C. A fit. L.... W Ama!. Copper UJ m Amer, & i' i'vti f ? Vi do pfd 83 22U Amer. Lin. Oil 25 00 1 do pfd M Del. L. A W 222 Amer. S. A n 81 Denver A It, i 00 pin 3)i do pfu w "Amer. iocaco ....131 Hrla Anac. Mln. Co 44 do 1st rid o nroojjiyn . 1 (rj do 2d pfd 45',iColo. Fuel A Iron.. 92 at. Nor. dM l'7li Con. Gas 220 HoclclnR Valley H Con. Tobacco C0V4 do pfd io pia 119 Illinois Central "en. Ulectrlo 250 Iowa Centra 37 O ucose Sugar It do nfd is'-4 nooning i;oai 15 Iike Erie A IV 9 Inter. Paper 21", do pfd i I no ran ,s , x, n 101 inter, rower to Manhattan L IMtt licloUo (las 8: Met St. lly '65 National Ulscult ... 41 Mr. Central -J'i national i.rn.i :i m .-ationai salt ii'j 1074 do pfd 75Vj loo'.j Mi. American 88 I'acino Coast 61 82 I'm III,: Mall 29 do pfd. Canadian Pacific., Canada So Ches. A Ohio Chicago A Alton. do pfd Chi.. Ind. A L... do pro Chlcaro A E. 11 . Chlcogo O. Wl... do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Colorado So., do lit pfd... do 3d pfd.... Del. A Hudson Mex. National . Minn. A St. I... Mo. Pacific .... M.. K. A T do Pfd N. J. Central .. N Y. Central . Norfolk A W... do pfd No. Taclflc pfd. Ontario A W... Pennsylvania .. Heading do 1st pfu.... do 2d nfd St. LAS. F... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. I Southw. do pfd., St. Paul , do pfd. ...158 People's Oas llfti Philadelphia Rank Statement. niTTT.ATiMT.PHTA. Anir. 12. Weekly bank tntement is as follows: Loans and dis counts, decrease, $17,000; lawful money re- servo, increase, ibb,isj; aue irom uinei banks, decrease.- $1,660,000; due to other hnnlcs. decrease. J1.25S.000: denoslts. de crease, $303,000; circulation, decrease, $S,0u0 3 36) 2 92 4 76 i t . 7 . SC. . 71.. !3.. 64.. 70.. 70.. ii.. !.. 61.... I'J.... 47.... C3.... 7! ... 80.... 83 ... 67.. . ..10! IN 5 70 ..1M ... 6 70 ..m IS) 4 70 ..211 10 I 10 . .219 120 5 70 ..177 2, 5 70 ..JM r0 5 tVH 2i so 5 :n, .. X 72'i 40 5 .2tj 80 & 72i2 o ( 40 5 75 ... 55 80 S 75 TW 1W 5 "5 253 l'.'O 5 75 2J2 121 J !5 .201 I M 5 ,5 .218 80 5 75 .210 40 5 75 .212 fO i '.3 X, 1)6 .'5 ....219 ....224 ....21) ....201 .211 238 310 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 8. 15 ... 5 75 79 M0 120 6 . 5 71 3.W 2K) 5 75 f.l 276 lfln i 73 6! 263 80 5 7S 76 ! ISO &7S M 733 to S 73 240 10 I 75 M 237 40 5 ti 73 tl) 3 :s 61 261 100 5 ,8 61 2t8 160 5 (5 72 217 lo J '.5 60 r.l 80 5 ,'5 M 271 $0 5 75 r 232 ... 5 78 50 2'8 16) i 77' CI 218 ... 5 "'i 61 270 160 4 7ij 71 240 ... 5 -7S f,7 :9 ... 5 li 61 SM 80 a 77'j M 137 SO J 17 241 ... J 771, 82 267 5 ll'l 70 220 ... & -1, 61 20 ... 5 771, 78 230 80 0 ill C7 38S ... 5 81 76 221 110 i 0 70 2.M JO 5 80 43 30 8) 5 80 3 0 120 3 e 85 2'7 ... 1 8i' 51 2-,8 ... S-. 70 217 ... 5tf n K'li .i 1 ... A 1 1 (i it . . . .. JU ' ' 8 M ? e S ; ?! 1 'r1 1 S-i J ! SHEEP-Notwlthstniidlng the fact that Ju v r 1 1 5 5 i-i i 4 ? ?u lh ru WA rgest in the inonili. Hie Ju v , i'v . 11 S l ! l v, " 71 4 03 icin.iiid from killers wns proportionately July 30I R Ul? K J ?t '-x ?t5i ' 77 4 it nn'' a'rong, active trade resulted. Ju t- .ti" gf1! 5 5?, V! ''.4! t rl, " 77 I A" ITIces have been on the upward move August l'.l 6 eUi S W 4 "1013 791 2 771 4 41 r icveral days and today the supply win AuStisi tJi i-ffi1 i i & 5 7? 345! 1! c oated u,i quickly at prices strong to a ASSIiila 2:1 6 l-1-4! I ia i K 2 ill 2 tg 4.M "'i'a'lso sold siroilg to 10c higher. August 6.1 5 SI I I 4 411 2 71 3 531 2 Wl 4 65 with quality, however, somewhat ucuer ? ugilsl t s ?( ,'ftftl1 '3 77 :t P :i 02 i ' Ihan last week. Tho market all around Auctn! 7 8 is 1 r 111 i 111 it t 1 '."l 1 la was Ht'llvp .mil closed up strong. AuguJt 8 5 fis-i ?,r, 181 '12 75 M Quotations: Choice yearlings. $3.;oif3.(.". ; AuguJ to. 5 73i 6 off 4 a- 3 67 3 491 4 4?!'1" yearlings. $3,3513 50; choice Auusi 5 71 1 4-Mi 1 si s us 1 ssi 3 tr, 4 w . j:-hjrh?ctt.': 6 '2 !'. 4 37 3 3 16 4 1 12 2 . i 15 1 3 67 O 3 Total receipts 107 The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num uer or ne.ta indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Buyers. Omaha Packing Co 202 Swift nnd Company 438 uunaiiy pacKing Co 511 Armour &. Co 696 R. Decker ft Degan 258 Vansant ft Co 20 IyObman ft Co 129 W. I. Stephen 13 Livingstone ft Schaller... 39 Hamilton ft Rothschild.. 40 R. F. Hobblck 6 F. ft S Wolf ft M 69 M. Hros Other buyers 128 682 1.091 2.063 1,011 6 7 3,2(6 4.76; feeder wethers, $2,7643.00; feeder lambs, 3.oottJ.:ji.i. Representative uies; No. 477 Wyoming wethers 01 Idaho wethers 6o9 Idaho lambs. 318 Idaho lambs 661 Idaho lambs 6 Idaho bucks 12 Wyoming ewes 20 cull ewes 82 ewes 121 Wyoming ewes 210 Wyoming i-wcs i 401 Wyoming ewes . 3o3 Wyoming ewts 20 ewes 3S.S Wyoming wethers.. 317 Wyoming wethers.. 474 Idaho yearlings SS7 Wyoming wethers.. 4iS Wyoming wethers.. 412 Wyoming wctners.. 492 Wyoming wethers.. 46 wethers '.ft u'nlhm . . ..... I 6u0 lambs 1.692 1 20 lambs 109 lambs Ui7 Idaho lambs 101 1.676 6 6 Total 2,578 4,851 10.3 $ CATTLE With only a moilnrate run here todny and n good demand for beof i-tock of all kinds tho cattlo market was In very iair condition. Ulivers worn not after fnt Rtiiff early In the day, and as supplies were only moderate nctivo trading resulted and prices on suita ble beef steers ruled fully steady, and the market closed firm all around, Included In the receipts wero several bunches of range beef that found ready sale. also, at steady figures. wow stuff was In very fair demand nnd sold freely at fully steady prices throughout tno mnrKei, and an onriy clearance was effected. nulla, calves and struts fetched usual prices and wero picked up early In the day. Tho stock cattlo market showed no sneelnl chango from last week. Supplies about equal tno rather moderate demand and prices wero quotably unchanged. Repre sentative sales: REEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No, Av .. 113 .. 101 .. t .. 62 .. 63 .. 155 .. 104 .. tiS .. 76 .. 101 .. 103 .. 103 .. 110 .. 113 .. SS . . 96 .. 100 ... 99 ,.. V) ,.. 96 ... 96 ... 7i) ... 128 ... 67 1.. 67 ,.. 66 ,.. 61 Pr. $3 25 3 40 4 70 4 70 4 to 1 . I 25 1 25 2 40 2 83 2 S5 2 85 3 00 3 () 3 2o 3 25 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 50 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 90 CHICAGO I.IVH M'OCIC MARKET. Cattle Mostly Slow Hoksj Sheep Higher. Stron a (,0'4 Pressed S. Car, ,. MM do pfd .. 87 Pul man P Car .. 90 Republic Steel . .. 32'i do pfd ..143T. fiurar .. 40i Tenn. Coal A'; .. 76 Union Hag A P 144 ,.. 5Ul do pfd .. SOU U. S. leather .. 78VJ do pfd .. ', U. 8. Ilubber . ,. 23 1 do pfd 1 U. B. Hteel .... 15i do pfd 18SV4 Western Union 40 ... 8. '.4 ...:o.-, ... im; ... 71 ...130V4 704 13 7fV4 78 M'i 4'S s 92H Trust receipts. Ronton Stock Quotations. nOSTON. Aug. 12.-Call loans. 3'4J4 per cent; time loans, 405 per cent. Official closing: A.. T. A 8. F 72U West End M do pfd 4'4 Atchison 4s 103 Amer. Sugar 130ft N. E, O. A C. 5s... f.H American Tel 160 lllnsham Mln. Co... 41 Iloston A Albany.. Ul Atnul. Copper 113 lloston Elevated 18 Atlantlo 35 Iloston A Me 192lj Calumet A Recla.,.710 Dominion Coal 38 Centennial do pfd IU Franklin Federa Steel 43U Humboldt do pfd 921.4 Osceola .. FltchburK pfd 1414 Parrot ... Oen. Electric 250 Qulncy Kd, Elec. Ill 330 Santa Fe Copper.. Mexican Central N, E. O. A Cv. Old Colony Old Dominion .. Union I'acino ... 54 503 30 3i4 Tamarack Utah Mining Winona Wolverines .., 2ii4 IT 31 94 M 170 313 344 2',i 63 Dank Clearings. , PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 12.-CIearlngs. $10,351,285; balances, $2,063,418; money, 404' 4 per cent, ... . n , , .i c-n CIO. UitlVnliu, Aug, n. L-iruriii(is,, j..,o,.n3, Cnttnn Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 12.-COTTON-Spot nulnt and steady: middling upland. 8c; mid' dllng gulf. 8Uc: sales, 1,070 bales. Futures opened steady In tone, with prices 2 points higher to 2 points lower, this being In keep ing with English cables, which showed firmer ruling of near months and nn eas'er ruling of late months than expected ny in imHn here. Hnnn after the call wenkren .invotnnerl under nervous Reneral tclll"g, brought out by reports of good rains In all parts of tno central ana western ou w except central Texas, wnero uruuui cuir tlnued In nil counties, with tho single ex ceptlon of Rrenham. which rccelve.l 1 ve hnlf an tn' of rnlnfnll vesterdaj. Th' forecast indicated further showers In that region, all of which tended to mane long uneasy and to create prejudice In favor o n lower market. The selling movcm-Mi carried October off to $7.22 and January t $7.29. It was seen that new cotton wi coming in much moro freely than nt th same time Inst year, that cotton good markets In this country wero listless nnl heavy and Hint spinners were nuying n ong hand to mouth lines for tho present. Early In the afternoon tho market turned qu'to a shnrp corner on New Orleans buy m through room brokers and worked bac1' to the highest level of thn forenoon. Th to was little cotton for sale on the upturn. Slight reactions were frequent In the ufte" noon. Relief that tomorrow's weekly gov ernment crop report will show 11 mar e 1 Improvement in the crop condition, excert over central Texas, deterred conservative operators from taking a hand either wny for the time being. Thn market wns finally quiet, with prices net lira pnlnts inwi. Futures closed quiet; f-eptemner, l.wr; ec tober. 7.27c: November. 7.28c: December. 7.31c; January, 7,33c; February, 7.31c; March, 7.37c; April. 7.39c. GALVESTON, Allg. 12. CtJTTUN Firm at 8'tc. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 12.-COTTON-Market quiet; middling, So; snle, none; receipts, 75 bales; shipments, 651 bales; stock, 6 204 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 12.-COTTON-Flrm; sales, 600 bales; ordinary, 6 13-16c; good ordinary, 7bc; low middling, 715-lSc; middling, 8 l-16c; good middling. 8 7-1'c: middling fair. 8 11.16c: receipts, 53 ba'es; stock, 63,566 bales. Futures, qu'et aid steady; August, 7,1'c, nsked; September. 7.30Q7.32c; October. 7.18c; November, 7.17 7.1c; December, 7.16i!j7.18c: Januarv, 7.19ff 7.20: February, 7.20ff7.21e: March. 7.2107.f3. LIVERPOOU Aug. 12,-COTTON-Spot. moderate business: prices higher; Ameri can middling fair. 4 12-321; middling, 4 7-lfid: low middling, 4 7-32d; good ordinary, 3 31-33(1; ordinary. 3 31-32d, The sales of tho diy were 7,000 bales, of which too were for ure -illation and export, and Included Cfl Amer ican. Receipts. 2,100 bales, all Amertcn Futures opened quiet and closed stendy; American, I. m. c, August, 4 24-tMd, sellers-August-September. 4 20.64ff4 21-6ld, buyers; September. 1 20-64fi4 2t-6ld. buyers: Octnl er, g. o. c, 4 S-61d. value; October-November 4 S-Cld. buyers; November-December, I 4-f4d, huyers: December-January, 4 S6-6l(!f4 .14-6(d, buyers; January-February, i 3-Ctff 1 .6(d, buyers; February-March, 4 4-6l. buyrrs, March-Aprll, 4 4-6154 S-fll, buyw. B tt Yorlt TTIrr Good Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-There has been some Improvement today In the general run of the market for cotton goods, but It has hardly amounted to a change In tho general disposition of buyers. The tone Is unal tered throughout and prices show no change. The print cloth division Is very dull. In woolen goods the American Woolen company has advanced niece ones yaru. No. 75!:'.!! 19 60 20 39 CO 19 7 24 22 22 20 7 27 1 1 4 1 11 34 6 Av. Pr. .1133 3 73 .734 4 CO 1175 4 40 1140 4 40 971 4 45 895 4 t5 7W 4 75 1057 4 8J 43 1098 b 10 (0 1159 & 15- W 1333 6 (i C20 3 00 .... 800 2 73 .... 980 3 75 ....1105 5 00 .... 910 3 00 ....1334 6 IS ,...112i 6 ?5 ....1135 5 25 ....1120 5 30 ....1130 5 33 ,...1304 5 33 .... 933 3 (0 STEERS TEXAS. .... 933 4 10 21 1130 4 84 .... 988 4 o) 21 1069 4 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 6 9 2... 3... 69... 20 16 23 638 4 oO 1228 6 30 951 2 5 ION 2 85 720 3 85 940 2 M 837 2 83 80 2 85 1009 3 90 936 2 95 856 3 00 1. 30.... 17!!:: 6. ' .1210 3 CO ... 999 3 03 ... 900 3 10 ... 860 3 33 ...1220 3 25 ...1090 3 30 ...1136 3 ... 837 3 85 ...1220 3 85 ...1170 4 W ...102S 5 10 STEERS AND STAGS. 4 1276 4 25 37 1235 5 40 COWS. 11 915 1 50 1 1050 2 50 2 033 1 75 1 920 3 !0 13 907 1 ko 2 1100 3 80 3 940 3 (0 14 812 3 50 1 1010 3 00 1 SI0 2 CO 1 860 2 00 1 1010 2 CO 1 730 2 ! 1 9'JO 2 60 7 951 2 10 13 1008 3 r 7 841 2 10 8 943 2 63 3 830 23 3 1133 2 73 1 640 2 23 1 930 2 "5 2 890 2 25 1 1180 2 75 1 1010 2 23 20 897 3 73 1 1030 2 33 1 US0 2 75 4 (05 3 35 1 Uf) 2 75 2 885 2 40 27 679 2 80 4 103) 2 4u I..,, 1003 3 10 13 929 2 15 1 1000 3 20 16 879 2 5o 3 993 3 .'o 1 1600 3 ,'0 1 116) 3 75 HEIFERS. 1 650 2 40 4 917 3 23 3 713 2 40 1 880 3 2, 4 432 3 86 1 5,',0 3 40 3 634 5 ,5 2 790 0) i 720 3 ;s :: 745 .0 HULLS. 1 f'70 2 00 1 1100 2 80 1 970 2 .0 1 1C20 3 ro 1 1270 2 "tS 1 880 2 (0 1 1260 2 "S 1 106) 2 73 1 114 ) 3 35 1 1330 3 8i 1 12J0 3 10 1 1050 2 90 1 USO 2 1 1560 3 00 1 mo 2 0) 2 1510 4 ,K 1 ICO) 2 U 1 mo 4 CO 1 1200 2 5o CALVES. ( 350 3 'O 3 168 3 CO 1 ISO 4 J. 1 140 8 23 7 181 4 75 1 120 3 3.-. 1 130 5 i 1 150 5 50 STOCK CALVES. 295 3 73 1 260 3 73 STAGS. 1... 1... 3... 4... 14... 3... 1... 1... 6... 1... 2... 3... 9... 3... 20... 1... U... 13 . 26... 15... 36... .1210 2 75 70 3 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 1TOI I IU J... 766 3 28 I... MO 2 M I... C34 2 50 13... 580 2 50 8... 940 2 (0 2... 670 2 60 4... 470 2 "0 1.. 683 2 10 420 3 70 410 2 73 674 2 75 632 2 80 30 3 80 750 3 15 480 3 20 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 820 2 73 , 910 2 75 633 2 75 , 716 i 75 740 2 SO 956 3 90 , 6:0 3 11O , 716 3 O) , 691 3 03 . 943 3 03 . C63 3 '.0 . 831 3 23 i. ...... i I 1 balances, $1,S9.','.99; posted exchange, J1.S6; j for men's wear 6 cents per 20 feeders 5 heifers. 13 steers.. J2 COW8... 4 cows. . . 1 hteer. .. 1 feedir. 2 cows... 19 steers.. 1 steer... 1 feeders. . 915 17 feeders.. 973 17,,. 2 2 4 NEBRASKA. l mm.... 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 1 bull.... 6 steers.. 6 feeders cm I ,s .... 621 3 3 .... 700 3 a .... 73 i ti .... IK, 3 II .... 748. $ 30 CS4 3 35 .... Wl 43 M 3 50 .... 100 10 .... 435 3 50 CHICAGO. Aim. 12.-CATTLE-Recelpls 26,000 head, Including fO) Tcxann nr.d :0) westerns; choice steady, oiiicr.i now u 10f(15c lower; good to prime stcrs, 5.6,)ii 6.25; poor to medium, $l.'.'5?J5.40; stockers and feeders, $2.25Jc3.8r., cows. $..40j6..'5; heifer-, $3.60ii6.30; canners. $l.(fyf?2.2o; bulls. ;2. Ci 4 35; calves, J2.00'n6.0'l; Texas steers, $i.iO'j 4.65; western steers, $16555.(0. HOGS Receipts, 36,0oo head; estimated tomorrow, 25,0m); early market steady to strong, later slow; top, $6.15; mixed end butcher., $5.l"TilT 6.124: good to choice heavy. $5.9506.15; rough heavy. $5 45H5.B; ILht, $5.C5't5.90; bulk of sales. JB.70tf5.85. SHEEP AND LA JIBS Receipts, 1,00 head; strong to 10ffl6c higher for good to choice sheep; good to choice wethers, $1.20 fl5.25; fair to choice mixed, $4.25ft5.0; w st em sheep. $3.25Ii4.10; yearlings, $3.75774 S3: native lambs, $2,2515.50; western lambs, $1.35 Gjb.40. Knnsnn City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12.-CATTLE-RC- eclpts, 8,000 natives, 6,0oO Texans, 1,300 calves; stockerH and feeders, 10c higher; other cattlo steady to 15c lower: cholcn export and dressed beef steers, $5.60tfi 6.00; fair to good, $4.SQHu.40; stockers and feed ers. $2.7Ofi4.O0: fed western steers. J4.40df 6.50; western range steers. $3.30? 1.60; Texans und Indians, .8Uy4.ou; Texas cows, jz.wij; z.yv; native cow, -.o.-j( i.v, ueueip, .iki 4P5.O0; canners, J1.50oj2.40; bulls, J2.50fl-t.60; calves, $3.60 5.25. HOGS - Rocelnts. 13.000 head. Market steady to 6c higher; top, J6.12V4; bulk of sales, $5.75'it..ijii; neavy. nMmn.t.:. mixen packers. $5".6Ca6.0O; light, $5.3585.65; pigs, '.60$!5.25. . HIIHI'JP ANU I.A.Mtm ueceipis, b,w ' head. Market strong; lambs, $4.("if5.25i na tive wethers, $3.25?(3.75; native yearling), $;'.MVjK00; ewes, $2.7&83.25: western wethers, $3.oOiJ3.40; western yearlings, $3.25i3.60. w York Live Stork Mnrkct. VF.ff YORK. Ane. 12. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,193 head; trndc slow; good to chM o steers barely steady, others W15e off; bulls and cows steady to lower; slerrs. Jt 5Jf 6.65; oxen and stags, $4 00571.40; bulls. 52 40 W3.25; cows, I.3o'o',". maimy i.i(j.iw. Cnbles unchnnsed. No shipment) today. CALVES Receipts, .i,l-'4 nenci; vea s strong, other calves steady; veais, ji o cr 7.60; culN, $4,004(1,60; graesors and butter milks, $3.lB3 15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15.1552 head; sheep steady; lambs opened llrm o 26c higher for top grades, medium limbs 25fi35c higher, latter closed lower: fourte n cars, partly lain arrivals, unsoin; sne p. $2.25St4.00; few export, $1.50; culls, H.50(ff2 0J; lambs. J4.60fi6 25; culls. $2.25. HOGS Recelnts. D.15N head: market irine weak: western hogs. $5.95: state. !6.,.0fJJ25; choice state, J6.30. St. I.ouls Live Slock Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 13.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 4,600 head, Including 3,Os Texans. Market dull and slow; nntlvo steers easler;natlvo snipping ana export sicorn, i.ijj.i.oj, dressed beef and butcher steers. $t.(KW5.40; steers under 1,000 ls.. $3.bXi5.ri; stnclcrs and feeders, $3.O0iJ4,13; cows and heifers. $2.X)fi5.(i0; canticrn, $1.2Vi.25; culls, J'.f,i)jf 2.69; Texas nnd Indian steers, J2.2tfft.3j; cows nnd heifers, $2.20(i3.50. HOOS-Rcccipts, 3.5(H) head. Mnrket firm: pigs and lights, $5.S0'r(.-.S5; packers, $5.76 6.93; butchers. 53.95i!ifi.l2Vi. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 1,600 head. Mnrket strong; native muttons. J2.50 J'3.25; Iambs. $1.2."j1i6.20; culls and bucks, $1.7503.00; stockers, $1 5ofl2 23. St. .losrph Mvr Stork Mnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug 12 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,216 head. Market steady to 10c lower; natives, J3.26fl6.90; cows and heifers, Jt.004j-I.65; bulls and stags, JZ.OMf 1.60; stock cm and feeders, J2.25ff3.S5; veals, .1.00. HOGS Receipts, 3.991 head. Market steady to strong; light nnd light mixed, J5.CO(U6.00; medium and heavy, $5.85U6.13; pigs. $2.5096.15: bulk. $ SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 2.073 head Markot 23c higher; Idaho wethers, $3.65; lambs, 15c higher; Idaho lambs, J5.23. Stock In SlKht. The following table shows the receipts o cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal live, stock markets August 12: i atti". nog' lug the cnll the tendency was dot nward and at the close, the market ruled quiet, with prices not 5 to 10 points lower For eign mnrket news was less favorable than anticipated. Demand for ";''' sluggish. Total s i es were lS.OoO bags. In- ,f eluding. September. 4 95c; November, 5 .iocs July. 6.65c Spot. Rio, quiet; .No . Invoice, 6 11-160. mild, quiet. Cordova, Mlll'ic Hinportitt-il mid Drlril TrnHs. NEW YORK. Allg. 12. EVAPOIIATED APPLES-Owlng to 1 steady Jobbing de mand the market holds quite firm nnd val ues are well sustained, but not quotably higher; itatc. common to good, IW'C' prime. 7fl7'.c; choice. 7VtSt?. fancy. Stf-ViC, 1 cvm tl.'ni(VI A Mllll'l) FRUITS-Ruled dull and featureless, prunes. 3H'jr7c per lb.. Apricots. Rovai, s'ifi.4i', amor rark, mii.o. Peaches, peeled, 77ifilSc. impeded, 6fl3'sc, Simnr Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 12.-Sl'OAR-Raw, quiet and easy; fair refining, 3 9-rc; cen trifugal, 9,1 test. 4'sc; molasses sugar, 3 6-lCoi rctlnivl, quiet. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 12 - SUGAR -Quirt; open kettle. 33-lfIflc; oreti ktttle, crntrlfi'gal, 3's4' rriitrlfugal, yel ow. p4fll 9-I6o; si romts, 2'i1T3TsC. Milnrscs, dull! ci.'iitrlfugal, 5115'C. I'.lliln llutler Mnrkrt. ELGIN. III.. Aug 12.-IU'TTER-Flrm nt 21c; no offerings and no s lie1. Sties for the week, 611,10) lbs. Stiltrinrtll of Phillips l'lrlil. CHICAGO, Aug. 12 -The statement of the George II. Phillips company, giving In detnll nil the transactions of the llrm during the famous May corn deal, was finished todav nnd placed In the hands of the scciclorv of the Board of Trade, whom anyone of the customers of the tlrm con cerned In the pool" nt that time will bn privileged to look It over The statement. wiilrli is a voluminous one, cuiiiaiu? u iuu account of the entlro proceedings of tho deal. Phillips was ordered to prepare this statement bv the directors some time ago on complaint of one of Phillips' customers connected with the pool who wns not satis fied with what he received as his share when the deal was over tthlu stntr Senator Arrrstril. COLUMBUS, o. Aug. 12 Application for a rcqiisltlon from the governor of Indiana was received at the ofltce of Governor Nnsh tnd.-i fur State Senator Frank D, Archer of Belmont county, Ohio. It Is claimed Hint he misrepresented his flnnnclal standing to two Belford, lnd.. men, who went on a street Improving bond as a result and were compelled to stand good for J2,ono. An effort wns made lo keep this matter secret here. Think Winters n ItHnsmn. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Aug. 12.-John Winters, 'he man who stole J280,() In gold bars from the Selby works tn San I-run-cl.-co, Is thought to be nn escaped convict from the Kansas State ponltentlary. lho records thetc show thnt "John Winters es caped from the Institution Juno 6. 1899. while working on the prison farm. He was sent up from Cloud county, Kansas, for burglary and had four weeks yet to serve, i Will llrlnn Asknanln to .lustier. JACKSON. Miss.. Aug. 12.-Governor Longlno Is In receipt of a letter from Cir cuit Judge Larkln of Greenville, announc ing it to bo his purpose to hold ti special term of the circuit court of Waohlngton county on the second Mondny In Septem ber for the purpose of bringing to Justice the assassins of the Italians murdered at Erwln, Washington county, last July. KnnsiiN Woninn n Suicide. TOPEKA. Knn., Aug. 12. Trouble of a domestic nature caused Mrs. May McOulrt of 816 Monroe street to send a revolver bill, let through her heart this morning, ending her life Instantly. A lutter by her side inndu the simple explanation that sho was weary of life. Wrrek of CoUonlirlt Train. TEXARKANA, Ark.. Aug. 12.-A Cotton belt train was wrecked near McKlnncy to. day and two unknown men killed. Phy sicians from Texarkniia have been hurried to the scene. All tralllc Is blocked and passengers nnd mail are being transferred. Crnrk Uncern to Meet. NEW YORK. Aug. 12.-FIoyd A. Mc Far land of Son Jose. Cal.. and Jimmy Mlchaol of Wales wero mutched today to meet In a fifteen-mile motor paced race at Mad ison Squnro Garden next Monday night. PoMtofllrr Hobhrit, MICHIGAN CITY, Ind.. Aug. 12,-Tlvs postoltlco hero wns entered Inst night by burglnrs who forced open tho steel vault and safe, securing $8 8) In stumps nnd $100 In cash. -There are no clues. THE REALTY MXRKF.T. INSTRUMENTS placed on on flic Monday, August 12, 1901: Wnrrnnty Herds. Commonwealth Real Estate company to Julia Demnry. lot 12, b.o.'k i Syndicate Hill... 20 W. II. Vore nnd wlfo to 11. Menrlinm. lot 2. b ock 24. Boyd's add. 40) C. R. Kountso and wife to Kite Kolash, sH lot 6, block 15, Kountzo s 3d add Same to Charles Ncpodal, nh lot 6, block 15, snmn.. South Omaha... Chicago Kansas City.... St. louls St. Joseph Totals ". She'P 4,rii ion: 3 1,CY0 18.0"' 13.00) f.000 S.rnO 1 61 3 991 2, 73 T J. Fitzgerald to John Fltzgornld, lot 21, block 5, Matthews' subdlv E. J. Rvnn to T. J. Fitzgerald, lot 23, block 6, same .-; Genovlcvo Tyleo to s-nme, lot 24. blick 6, same '.' ' McCoy ft Olmsted to C. J. Kclrle, lot 3, block 35, Florence .. N D. Mnnn to J. A. Wlese, lots 5 nnd 6, block 13, South Omaha..... W. L. Buckley to I. J. Anthes, ni2 lot 5. block S9, same ......... y.. H. S. Thomas to Frank Vak. nlO acres of s25 aorcH of e50 acres of swU 24-16-12 C W. Wlchterman et al to Nicholas Rosman, lots 1 nnd 2, block 6. Brown Park I)ed. Master In chancery to W. T. Graham, w3S feet of o74 feet lots 23 and 24, block 6, HntiHmm Place JoHoph Carr, administrator, to 1. P. Mnhammltt, lot 22, Albright ft A.'s Same' to' same, Tot 3, block 11, Lowes st add 4S1 48T 35) 115 21S 600 2 50) 600 GOO 1,6X1 41 JO IT 200 Total amount of transfers $12,118 Trteptioni 1010. Boycl Commission Co Successors to Jaraes E. Doyd 4 Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION GRAIN PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Unhid of Triide HulldinB. Direct wires to Chicago and New Toxfc Corvespondence. John A. WuiTen A Cu OLDEST! SATKST1 IIC8TI WALL STREET Money Will F-nm 'aT Monthly Haturna The Investor's Fund Pays Qeml-Monthly. The, oldest established Ir. Amorlca. No certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made to all subscribers every II Says No trouble. No ' df . Mony rtfundd on demand, Write today for particulars, free to any address. v C, 13. MACKIJV Jt CO., llmUon Uiillillnci Nrrr York. 2,665 .2f.(T0 . 8 00 . 4.5M . 2,216 .42,881 43,2.5 40.606 651 3 20 694 2 85 889 3 50 Wl 2 60 822 2 40 Si) 3 00 6S0 2 75 1130 2 60 1081 3 10 920 3 10 5 30 .1100 2 40 . 800 2 25 . 5t0 1 60 .1270 2 5) .1033 3 51 710 3 3) 1 cow 10!0 3 85 1 row 1360 2 40 28 feeders. 1' 41 3 40 2 feeders 1041 3 O) 5 cows ....lolu 2 60 1 feeder. . 910 3 .7) Ford ft Black Neb. dcows 1002 3 05 11 cows.. ..U60 3 (6 Krout. Bros. Neb. 25 cows 886 3 1 5 16 cows 10.6 3 30 9 cows 991 2 85 HOGS The run today was of fair pro portions for Monday, while quality and till nml l-.osln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Aug. 12-OII-Cr. d't bil nnces. $125; certificates, nn hid; hhimen , 268.608 bbls; average, 9.29J bbls. ; tun-. 201.314 bbls.; average, 79 063 'bbls. NEW YORK. Aug. 12-OIL-CnttonsTd, steady. Petroleum, dull 'Ill!n' Turpentine, qu ft and e.isy jrywic I ON DON, Aug. L'.-OIL-C'ileiltla linseed, spot. Ifis 3d. Turpentlll" spirits. 26 Hi I. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 12 --OIITurpcntlno, '"SaVANNaYi. On.. Aug l2.-OIL-Turp. n tine firm. RoHn. steady; A B C, fi.'O; I) Jlf'5 E. $110, F. lHff12); O $ .n H", 351.30; I. JI.I5. K. $1.70, M. $2.20; N, 12 60; W. G . $3.33; W W . $3.25f3.30, CotTrr MarUrt. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-COFFEE-Tho mnrket opened steady, with nrlces un changed to 6 points lower and was dis posed to weakness all day through local and some foreign liquidation, absence of export demand and heavy receipts, Follow. SUMMER SPECIALS. $44.00 New York and Return Daily $25.75 Buffalo and return daily. $21.50 Louisville, Ky. and return on salo August 21, 25 and 26. $24.75 Cleveland, 0. and return on sale September 7 to 10. Ilomcseekers' Excursions On sale nrst and third Tuesday each month. Tourist Rates on sale DAILY to all sum mer resorts allowing stop-overs nt Detroit, Niagara Kallc Buffalo and other points. For rato, lako trips, Pan-American dcHcrlp tho matter and all information, call at CITY" TICKET OFFICE, 1415 FARNAM STREET, (Pnxtcn Hotel Block), or wrlto HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D Omaha, Nebra&ca. I