Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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David nclls flriiBs.
Btockert selli! carpets nntl rugs.
Fine ABC beer, Neumayer's hotel.
Victor heaters. Wxby ft Son. agents.
Wollman. ecientlflc optician, 409 llroadway.
MIr.i Grace Hcpnfoos Is visions In Crcs
ton, la.
A. V.. IJrock i.i BoJournlnB at Colfax
hprlng, la.
The Irfidles of the Maccabees will meet
thin afternoon.
Mm. C. V. McDonald returned yesterday
from California.
C. K. Alexander & Co., plcturei and
frames. Tel SCO.
MIm Ada Htevenson of Washington ave
nue Is visiting In Chicago,
The reuulnr meeting of Excelsior Masonic
lodge will be tht evcnlnc
The Salvation army has taken perma
nent rooms at 210 Broadway.
Miss Mildred Klsscll Ik homo from a
visit with friends In Chicago.
(Jet your work done at the popular Engle
luundl.v, 2I llroadway. 'I'lione W
Miss Sexton of Sioux Tails Is the guest
of Mrs. ttvti Murray of Willow avenue.
Tho Jesuit fathers will hold a mission
nt St. Francis Xavier's church during Oc
tober. J. C. Madsen reported the theft of his
bicycle from In front of lleno & (. o. a store
yesterday afternoon,
J. A. Doyco of Kearney. Nob., Is the
Bucst of Captain Oenrtse J Iranc nml
family of Park avciuie
Sheriff Cousins returned yesterday from
u two weeks' sojourn at Colfax .Springs
much Improved In health.
Charles AltmansperKer. son ami daughter,
nro homo from a month's visit In Salt I.nko
City and other Utah points.
Carl 8orenson secured yesterday n build
ing permit for a one-story framo cottage
on Lower llroadway, to cost $730.
James Fitzgerald, a swltchmnn who was
charged with beating his wlfo Sunday, wus
fined f 10 and costs In police court yester
day. The Twentieth Century rlub of the First
Christian church will meet Thursday even
ing with Miss Nellie Ferguson on Clrnco
r.Virrf.t liiithprfnril. who recently Joined
an engineering corps In Wyoming, has been '
compelled to return homo on account f
Illness. I
The condition of Mrs. A. D. Annls, who j
Is at the Woman's I'nristinn .Association
hospital, was reported to bo much Im
proved yesterday.
The Union Hand Sunday school of Wood
bury avenue will picnic at F'llrmnunt park
Thursday. A basket lunch wll bo followed
by a program of sports.
Mrs. Charles M. Wershcnk of New York
City arrived yesterday for nn extended
visit with his brother, Harry Schmidt utid
tamlly, of Orneo street.
Miss Jennie Oulttar returned yesterday
from Chicago, where f,he vllted friends and
attended the International convention of the
naptlst Young People's union.
Joe Udgett. tho retired farmer who went
nn the rampage last Saturday after Im
bibing too much liquor, will hnvo i hear
ing In police court this morning.
W. A. Maurer yesterday pild into thi
custom house of this city about M.C0O us
duties on several carloads of earthenware
shipped from Uermany and England,
Hev. W. J. Catfeo of the Broadway Meth
odist church and Mrs. Calfeo are attending
the Kpworth leaguo meetings In Lincoln,
Neb. They will return Friday evening.
Itoss McCoy, a fl-year-old boy living at
2000 South Ninth street, will have a hear
ing In polce court this morning on a
charge of stealing a newspaper from n
The wills of Oeorge W. Grayblll of Under
wood. Joseph Hancock or Garner townsh'p,
Fred Holto of Mimlen anil David DeVol or
this city were admitted to probate In ths
district court yesterday.
Following tho regulur prayer meeting to
morrow evenlnir at the First llantlst
church u business session will be held, at I
which all members are requested to be
. 4. a imnn...,.t hilalnn.u tt.lll nr..... '
11 c,.i:it I, tin iiuirvi ,an, i.uoitttan .....
up ror action.
The runeral or Mrs. Nancy Merrlatn will
be at .1 o'clock this afternoon from Grace
Episcopal church, interment will be In
"Walnut Hill cemetery. Tho body will bo
taken to the church at 10 a. m., when
friends can view It.
Five vagrants were given three days
each on the city rockplle yesterday by
Police Judge Aylesworth. One, J. A. Pey
ton, said he was too strong to work and
refused to break rock. Ho was sent to
the county Jail for ten days.
Dr. J. H. Lowrey of Neola, la., tiled
papers In the county recorder's olllce for
the adoption of Gladys, Kmmii, Nettle and
Myrtle Scott, whose ages range from 3 to
12 years. The children aro da.ighters or
Mrs. Mary A. Scott, who Is separated rrom
her husbond.
Mrs. Uuiru B. DeVol, aged 41 years, died
yesterday morning at tho home or her an,
J. W. DeVol, C10 South Twenty-third stteo'.
Her husband, three daughters and two
sons survive her. The runeral will bo this
morning at H o'clock from tho Latter Day
Saints' church on Pierce street.
N. V. numbing Co., telephone 230.
For the Eyesight
wo carry everything needful, nrn.imontul
and useful, Most cases of defective vision
admit of complete correction and tho exact
glass required for this result Is In our as
sortment. It costs nothing to learn what
you want and only a small price to got It.
All our lenses aro mado with scientitlc
accuracy and mounted nnd finished with
the highest mechanical skill.
Graduate Optician.
-118 llroittltvit.t , Opi. (ilrn Ave.
Council muffs.
Made (of thou who know what'i good.
Ganymede Chocolates
an! Opera Bon Bons
Mado By
John G, Woodward & Go,
"The Candy Men."
Council muffs
Iowa Steam Dye Works
H04 Hroiulwuy.
Make jrotu old clothes look Ilka new.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Ustep)
3S t'JCAHI. STKRKT. tboa T.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
nd Iowa. James N. Caaady, Jr.,
I2i Main St., Council Bluffs.
Adjutait General Byin ail Family Are
Early on the Ground.
l'lfty-rirst mfrt Vii tj -Second to Ilejtln
Outdoor Lire Woilncsilnj Schedule
of Hour of Service;
Adjutant General Hycrs took up his quar
ters yesterday morning at Camp O. M.
Dodgo. Ho was accompanied by his wlfo
and two daughters, who will occupy tho
brlgado headquarters with him until tho
closo of tho encampment.
Tho regimental headquarters tents for
tho Fifty-first nnd Fifty-second regiments
worn raised yesterday and taken posses
sion of by Colonel Jamrs Hush Lincoln of
Ames, In command of tho Fifty-first, and
Lleuteuant Colonel S. J. Parker of Hamp
ton, who will be In command of the Fifty
second In the absenco of Colonel W. U.
Humphrey, who Is In New York.
Tho camp grounds, with tho sprinkling of
uniformed officers and forco of workmen,
tiro already proving an attraction and wcro
visited last evening by a considerable num
ber of people.
Company L of this city will go Into
camp early Wednesday morning and will
havo clmrgo of all tho camp property until
nftcr guard mount that evening.
Tho original plans of tho car.ip have been
changed by Adjutant General Pycrs and tho
Fifty-first regiment will be nt tho north
half Instead of on tho south.
Under the general -inter issued by Colonel
Lincoln these will be the hours of service
for tho Fifty-Ill at reclni'-nt during tho en
campment: A. M.
First call B:S0
Hoelllc, followed by nsacmbly 6:15
Mess call (breakfast) 6:55
Assembly (i:i0
Sick call 0:39
Fatigue call, followed by assembly.... 8:45
First call, followed by drill 7:45
Assembly 7:50
Adjutant's call 7:55
Recall 10:00
Olllcer's call 10:30
School call, for non-commlssloned of-
ilcers 11:00
First sergeant's call 11:45
Mess call (dinner) 12:00
P. M.
Assembly 12:05
First call, rollowed by drill 2:00
Assembly 2:05
First ndjutnut's cnll 2:10
Second adjutant's call 2:15
Jlecall 4:30
Guard mounting 4:50
Assembly 4:55
Adjutant's cnll 5:00
First call (parndcl 6:30
Assembly 5:35
First adjutant's cnll 5:40
Second adjutant's cull 5:45
Mess call (supper) G:10
Tattoo 3:30
Call to quarters 10:15
Taps 10:30
Ilody or Cnrl Stimcr In TnKcn Hack n
Home in Lincoln After
The young man drowned while bathing
Saturday evening at Manhattan beach, Lake (
Manawa, was Identified yestorday morning
as Carl Stoncr, son of Henry S. Stoner,
a contractor living at 1009 Washington
street:, Lincoln, Ncb by O. J. Wilcox, a
rrlend of tho family. Mr. Wilcox came to
Council niuffs In place of tho father, who
was unable to leave home, and accompanied
the body back to Lincoln last evening.
Coroner Troynor held an Inquest over the
romaius yesterday morning, A. M. non
ham, Charles Armour and J. W. Dell com
prising tho Jury. The evidence of three
witnesses, employes at Lake Mnnawa, was
j taken and tho Jury returned a verdict that
young Stoncr was accidentally drowned
! while bathing. Tho testimony of tho wit
I ncBses Indicated thnt the young man had
evidently been seized with cramps while
C. K, Woolman, manager at the Manhat
tan beach bathhouse, testified that he had
seen young Stoner about 6 o'clock Saturday
evening and that he had remarked a pe
culiar expression on his face. He had seen
him later lying on some boards under the
dock. C. R. Martin, another employe at
tho bathhouse, had seen tho young man
lying on a bargo between 7 and 8 o'clock.
Stoner, he said, rode out on tho barge,
which was being hauled across the lake,
nnd swam back and lay down under tho
dock for an hour. Tho young man told
Martin that he had had a cramp In his heel
while swimming In from the barge. He told
Martin ho guessed he would take one moro
dlvo and then go In. This was tho last
Martin saw of him.
Edward T. Wright said hp was sent be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock Saturday evening
to tow tho bargo across tho lake. Stoner
was lying on It and ho rodn out into ths
lake about twenty-two yards or so and
dropped off the stern and began to swim for
tho shoro. When Wright last saw tho
young fellow ha was about 100 feet from tho
Young Stoner was only 17 years old, but
unusually large and woll built for that
ago. When tho body was taken out of the
water Sunday evening, covered as It was
with sand, It had tho appearance of that
of u young man nbout 25 years old. It
seems that young Stoncr had a fondness
for running away from homo and had
caused his parents much anxiety and ex
ponse In consequence. Ho left his homo
In Lincoln Thursday and went to Wahoo.
Ho is supposed to havo left Wahoo either
Friday or Saturday.
Wife Promptly .Sm fur Divorce nnd
Involve n Yonnir Wnninit
School Teacher.
Dr. George Nusum, county physician at
Neoln nnd a promluent politician in that
Bectlon or tho county, has disappeared and
his whereabouts nro unknown. His wife,
Mrs. Aga Jano Nusum, whom ho married
September 12, 1804, In Poomer township,
filed a petition yesterday for n divorce and
tho custody of their threo minor children.
Mrs. Nusum, In addition to charges of cruel
m uiuuman conuuet, names u young woman
im cuy. wno nns Been teaching school
in Noola, with whom she nlleges her hus
band h.1S miRhnhnvrol lilin.nU Ch.
.(,..Bw.t kj.ic ivena
that her husband be ordered to pay her $50
luumu tor me support of herself and
Mrs, Nusum went to visit her parents In
llootner townehln nhnnt t...i, .. mi..
morning following a letter was found nailed
io wie gatepost or nor father's home. It
was from the doctor, In which he said that
ho had first thought of coramtttlns; suicide,
hut ho had now gono away forever.
Mltmrlmi'a lleport for July.
The monthly session of th lihro, k.,.i
yesterday afternoon was ilnvnia , n . u
- " ' . w l, ,lj
transaction of routine huslness only. Ths
iioranan-s report :or July gives these sta
tistics- Number of visitors, 4,412, number
of registered book takers, 9,561; number of
books taken, 3,554; paid out for rented
books to date, $lfj9.39: received on rented
books to August 1, $1S.66. There ore 18,
172 volumes In the circulating library and
6,462 In tho government department. Tho
report of the finance committee showed the
balance In tho library fund on August 1
to bo J1.073.C1.
City Council Arrnnxes Ttlth 12. A.
Wtckhnnt for Severn! Thor
nnnlilnrcs Tho city council awarded the contract for
the paving of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth
streets and First, Fifth and Willow av
enues to K. A. Wlckham on his bid of $1.74
cash, with 4 per cent added for certifi
cates, for Galcsburg block top course on
Council Bluffs brick bottom.
Alderman Clark was appointed acting
mayor hy resolution during the absence of
Mayor Jennings from the city. This action
was taken, as It was not decmod advlsablo
to have the city without a head during tho
encampment of tho militia. Alderman
Clark, by tho resolution, will havo full
chnrgo of the police regulations during tho
mayor's nbsencc.
Contractor's Wlckham's bill of $481 for
tho brick culvert at Pierce street was or
dered paid out of the bridge fund.
Tho ordinance reducing the roadway of
Avenue C, between Thirty-second and Thirty-seventh
streets, from seventy to sixty
feet, to conform with the remainder of tho
nvenue, was passed,
J. F. Nevlns was granted permission to
operate n saloon at 60S West Broadway.
Tho resolution fixing the assessment for
tho paving of Park avenue from llroadway
to High School avenue was adopted.
Superintendent Tarklngton of the motor
company nsked permission to use tho gran
ite paving blocks taken from Pearl and
llroadway and other points along its lino
on Fifth avenue. Alderman McDonald ob
jected to using grnnltc on resident streets
and no action was taken on tho request.
The city solicitor was Instru ted to begin
condemnation proceedings of the Kverctt
property on Twentieth street required to
open that street In view of his report that
tho lot could not be purchased and paid for
nt this tlmo out of any of the funds. The
city solicitor mado tho same report as to
the property needed on Hall street to open
that thoroughfare between Hcnton and Har
rison streets. Condemnation proceedings
will bo commenced In this case also If the
owner of the property Is willing to wait for
his money until an appropriation can be
made next spring.
The request of W. II. Brandt, n saloon
keeper, that bo be refunded $3.50 which he
paid as llccnjo for a Tlvoll game, was
granted. It appears that Brandt Is the only
saloon keeper who paid a license for such a
game, of which thcro are several In tho
It was decided to meet Thursday night
as a committee of the whole to take up the
matter of several petitions for arc lights In
different parts of the city.
Three carloads of earthenware and china
ware were received nt tho customs house of
Council Bluffs consigned to W. A. Maurer
of this city, and upon which duties wcro
paid amounting to upward of $1,600. The
goods wcro shipped from England and Ger
many. A. W. Moore sells Bu3h & Gerts and
Chlckerlng pianos. 1017 Third avenue.
.Majority In Favor - of JndRC ti. E.
Aylesworth for Itenomlnntlon o
Snnerlor Court Ileneli.
The democratic city primaries last night
resulted In a declslvo victory for Judge E.
E, Aylesworth, a majority of the delegates
selected to attend tho county convention
here Thursday being favorablo to his nom
ination for Judge of tho superior court as
against T. E. Casady, tho other candidate.
Tho contest In some of tho precincts was
most spirited. Judge Aylesworth had tho
support of tho Eagles, who turned out In
full force to tho caucuses In his behalf
These aro tho delegates selected:
First ward: First precinct C. II. Hul er.
I C. Besley. W. II. Bradley. William
Harghuuseti. P. D. Moomaw, John Far'ow,
Chnrles Iacey, C. II. Huber. comml tO'
man. Second precinct Ed Stockert, s-..
Jesse Caldwell, John ClaUFon, J. H. Mc
Pherson, William Green, Alex Miirquarett,
Robert Bain.
Second ward: First precinct Tl. II. Hunt
ington. W. H. Ware, Chris Anderson. Em 1
Schurr, Charles White. August Paris; W.
H. Fisher, committeeman. Second precinct
L. P. Servls, Abe Bennett. J. W. Plnivll.
J. C. Martin, C. Dlstmnnn, W. M. Shaffer,
Frank Daub.
Third ward: First precinct J. F. Puryear,
George Hughes, Jnme K. Macrae, M x
Ainnn; jonn o jseiii, committeeman, sec
ond precinct P. Gunnoude, Ed Pierce, P. .1.
xuciirme, j, t, Muiqueen, uon nryani, ii
1j. Tlnley.
Fourth ward: First precinct B. S. Ter
wllllger. C. R. Tyler, V. Badol'et, J. M.
Fenlon, Emmet Tlnlev, 8. G. Underwood,
E. P. Senrle, O. P, Wlckham.
Firth ward: First nreclnct Lee 1, Evans.
Thomas Oullfoyle. M. B. Brown. John II
Kllgore, Joseph Welch. C. J, Dobbinc. Pat
rick Lynch, Charles Shearer, Hi-cond pre.
clnet Alexander Hamilton, Lars II. Nelson,
Jtaipn .Miner, cue Hansen, wii'inm Jtvan,
Fred Jacobsen. James Klrley; M. O'Rourke,
Sixth ward: First nreclnct W. C. Boyer.
W. II. Payne. Al Wells. C. Mtrcar, F.
Dempsey, C. Graves, II. Kahler.
Henl llHtnle Transfer.
Theso transfers wero filed yesterday In
tho nbtrnct, title nnd loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Pottawattamie county to V. Hill, lot 4,
Auditor's fundi v. ncU set; 16-75-13,
w. d $ 75
Charles T. Oflleer, administrator, et ill
to John Bereshetm and L. F. Murphy,
receivers, lots In Council Bluffs ami
land In Pottawattamie county, w. d. 1
Mary E. P. Bailey to Kate E.,
swU pwH 27-77-4I, w. d 700
Ir.i J Taylor to William M. Tnylir,
neU neSi S3-75.41. w. d 1.T0
Sarah B. B. Bohrer and husband to
James Hoon, lot 12, block 10, Beers'
subdlv., w. d 20
William Arm! nnd wife to Stato Sav
ings hank or Council Bluffs, loti 1 and
2, block 1, Bushncl'i's add., w, d 1
Martin Sorensen and wire to Jens T.
Jensen, lot 1. block 5, Babbitt Placo
add., w. d 350
H. C. Dyo and wlfo nnd Emmet Tlnley
and wire to F. C. and E. H. Lougee,
lot 5, block 15, Crawrord's add , w. d. 5
Eight transrers, total $2 991
To Kent nil ii Snle of I.liiuors.
Fremont Benjamin, an attorney of this
city, began nult In the district court yes
terday to restrain Charles Blerwlth, owner
of tho Metropolitan hotel on West Broad
Does your head ache? Pain
back of your eyes? Bad
taste in your mouth? It's
your liver! Ayer's Pills cure
all liver troub eS. All dnif'eljff.
Vt your mouitnoli or bonrd a bMuiKul
brown or rich bUoltT Then u
way, from selling Intoxicating liquors. Ben
jamin alleges that Blerwlth has violated tho
provisions of tho mulct law In almost every
rtepect, A. P. Langmade, owner of the
building, Is mado party defendant to the
Mr. Mnrj- IIIrrIiis TrnveU from Ire
land In Srnrch of lluslinnd
nnd Is Shocked.
After traveling all the way from Dublin,
Ireland, In search of her husband and lit
tle daughter. Mrs. Mary Hlggtns on reach
ing Council Bluffs yesterday learned for
the first tlmo that her husband, John Hlg
gins, had commenced suit In the district
court here to secure a divorce from her.
In his petition filed a few days ago Hlg
gins alleged that hts wlfo had treated him
cruelly and Inhumanly nnd beaten his rela
tives. He also alleged that she had dr
serted him.
According to Mrs. Hlgglns' version of
their troubles, her husband deserted her
In Ireland, tnklng with him their little
daughter, Mary. She learned that he had
gone to America nnd as soon as she could
securo the means followed him. She went
to Boston, whore she has relatives, and
whllo there recently learned that her hus
band was In Omaha.
On reaching Council Bluffs yesterday she ,
commenced habeas corpus proceedings to
recover possession of her child. An order
to produce the child In court was Issued
by Judge Wheeler, but up to last evening
the sheriff's force had been unable to find
her. John Hlgglns Is a brother of M. J.
Hlgglns, who was convicted nt the last
term of court on account of his relations
with a young woman with whom he Is al
leged to have contracted a bigamous mar
riage. Davis sells class.
f'otini'll muffs Keeps the Trophy
W. F. Lohr and A. J. Cunningham, repre
senting the Sioux City Whist club, failed to
wrest the Schmclzcr trophy from Council
Bluffs yesterday In tho challenge game. J.
J. Shea and J. P. Organ represented Council
Bluffs. Forty trays, making twenty matches,
were played. Council Bluffs won six games,
Sioux City four and ten were tied. Sioux
City won on points with plus eight, while
Council Bluffs had plus six. The games wero
close, being won hy single tricks except In
ono hand, where Sioux City scored a gain of
Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, 541 Broad'T,
Arrested for Theft.
Ed Hlgglns, n young Ind living nt Ninth
avenue nnd Fourth street, Is under arrest,
charged with the theft of $1.10. Hlgglns
wns employed at Lake Mnnawa some
weeks ago and stole a watch nnd chain
nnd tho cash from the vest pocket of a
carpenter working on the new clubhouse.
The wntch was found on the boy nnd lie
returned the chnln the next day. He fnllcd
to roturn the money.
Illkn of Two Cities.
The Elks of Council Bluffs and Omaha
will hold their annual outing at Lake
Manawa next Saturday. Tho special features
will bo n base ball ame and shooting nnd
bowling contests. An elegant bnnquet will
bo served at which tho menu will be Inter
Bpcrscd with music, speeches and toasts.
Special cars will leave Broadway and Pearl
street, accompanied by a band of music, at
2:30 p. m.
E, V. Arnold nnd Miss Madeline E. Rink
were married last evening at the home of
tho bride's father, S13 Avenue E, tho cere
mony being performed by Rev. G. W.
Snyder, pastor or St. John's English Luth
eran church, In the presence or a largo
guthcrlng of the friends and relatives of
the bride and groom.
John Won Id Divorce llrldKet.
John Prendergast wns married to Bridget
Prendergast at Gretnn, Nob., November 15,
1893. While in Portlnnd, Ore., tho Febru
ary following, his wife, he alleges, deserted
him without cause or reason. His petition
for divorce was filed In the district court
.MarrhiKe Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name nnd Residence. Ago.
Mauley McCarthy. South Omaha 2!
Lorettn McAndrews, Council Bluffs 24
E. V. Arnold, Council Bluffs 27
Madeline E. Rink, Council Bluffs 21
O&vls sells pulnu
Quarrel with III Wife and Leaves.
WATERLOO. Ia., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Louis I. Wheeler, who ran a restaurant In
this city and at Cedar River Park, Is miss
lng and with htm n shotgun, rowboat and
$50. Ho engaged In a quarrel with bM
wlfo because she went to town to see a
show parade. Ho Informed hor that he
would lock up the placo and ho did, It Is
thought he floated down the river to Vin
ton, his former home. Mrs, Wheeler has
gono to Brandon, to the residence of her
AVnr Survivor Ilemeniliered hy the
(I'eneral Government.
AVASHINOTON. Aug. 12. (Spoclal.) The
following western pensions have been
Issue of July 2fl:
Nobra'sku: Orlglnal-Ivl J. Griffith. No
hawku. $0. Increase, Restoration, ReleHue,
Etc. Calvin D. Sliultz, Omaha, $S. Original
Widows, Etc. Amy C. Spr.igue (specUI ac
crued July 29), Seward, JS.
Iowa: Original John D. Vouncr. Clinton,
$6. Increase, Restoration. Etc Thomas A.
Fullerton. Grand River, 12; John S. Parker,
Athelstan. $S, Benjamin A. McClelland, Wll
sonvllle. $8; Alfred Green. Jowell, J8; Ex'a
Browne!!, Wlnterset, JS; Thomns Kemppes.
Charleston. $12, Orler B. Davis, Linden. $S
Original Widows. Etc Richel J. Mont
gomery. Des Moines. $; Nancy A. Bennett.
Exlra, $S; Eliza Irwin, Red Onk, $S; Mflln la
Wilson, Cnrdova, $S. War with Spain,
Widows, Etc.-.Matllda C. Brown (mothtr),
Shannon City, $12.
.VI j lerliml Shot,
NEWBl'ROH, N V Aug. 12,-Samuet
Verplatick of Flshklll Landing was seri
ously and mysteriously shot this after
noon whllo driving with friends, among
them Rev, and Mrs. J. Howard Suydam.
They had been paying a visit to Mr. Ver
nlanck'B farm and whllo on their way
home two shots wero fired from tho road
side nnd Mr. Verplnnck fell back In his
carriage fatally Injured. Mrs. Verplatick,
who whs one of tho members of tho party
at the time of tho shooting, Is state regent
of the Daughters of the American Revo
lution. Sheriff .liny Have jtwniiil Term,
MONTGOMERY'. Ala.. Aug. 12.-The con
stitutional convention today provided that
Alabama sheriffs may succeed themselves
ror one term. I'nder tho present consti
tution sheriffs can serve only one torm or
four years,
Tho convention refused to repeal an or
dinance heretofore adopted providing that
the government suspend a sheriff pending
impeachment proceedings, for permitting a
prisoner to be taken from him and lynched,
.Vlln .VIiirHHil fine lliintlnu,
Mlss Anna Morgan, daughter of J, Pier
pont Morgan, Is one of a party that started
from this town today for a week's hunting
In northwestern Colorado, Prof, Henry
Fosboro or Columbia university Is In
charge of the party. The deer season
will not open until August 15, but there
Is no law against shooting hear, mountain
lion, lynx, bob-cat and coyote.
BepreicnUtires of State Asioclitlon Hold
Seiilon ii Dei Miines.
No Old Holdlcr' Hay nt Mute 1'iilr
KnlichU of Pythian' Headquarters
Wanted at Capital Klneil for
Seirina; 01eninnrnnrlite.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DES MOINES, Aug. 12. (Special ) A
meeting of the executive committee of the
Iowa Insurance Educational association
was held In Des Moines today. Those pres
ent at the meeting were: W. M. Black. Des
Moines, president; V, L. West, Cedar Rap
ids, secretary; E. S. Phelps, Burlington, and
A. A. Clark, W. D. Skinner, John Berry
and C. W. Fracltcr of Des Moines. This as
sociation Is for the purpose of looking after
fire Insurance matters for tho Iowa In
surance companies. One particular object
Is to maintain a lobby to work against
any bill like "the valued policy bill," which
was Introduced at tho last session and only
prevented from becoming a law by the veto
of Governor Shaw, The association will
employ a press agent to look after the
newspapers and furnish them with material
favorable to the Insurance companies nnd
will employ and maintain the strongest kind
of a lobby at the legislature next winter.
The meeting today was preliminary to en
gaging In this work In a formal way.
.o Old Soldier' Day.
Inquiries commenced to come In to tho
office of the assistant adjutant general for
Ioa concerning tickets for soldiers for
tho soldiers' day at the State fair, when
tho fact was disclosed that the board has
decided not to havo a soldiers' day at tho
State fair this year. This Is the first time
In many years that the fair management has
not provided for a special day for tho
soldiers and there Is much disappointment
among the old soldiers on this account,
Tho officials of tho fair stnte that last
year, while there was a day for the old
soldiers, they did nothing nnd never called
their meeting to order. Hence they will
try It one year without nn old soldiers'
day. In fact, It has been found almost Im
possible to prevent misuse of the old sol
diers' tickets. In former years they worn
distributed through Grand Army or tho
Republic posts. There was objection to
this method rrom those old soldiers who
aro not members of the grand army.
Commander Mctzgar haB mado protest
against the dropping of tho soldiers' day,
but the program Is made up and cannot
now bo changed.
Track l.nlntc at lotra Fall.
Track laying on the Des Moines, Iowa
Falls & Northern railroad Is reported as
progressing nicely nt Iowa Falls. The
Globo Construction company has the work
In charge and has hired an Illinois Centrat
engine and crew to handle tho business.
This has given rise to tho story thnt tho
road Is In fact an Illinois Central branch,
but this Is denied and the truth will prob
ably not be known until tho line Is turned
over by the contractors for operation. A
large forco Is at work all along the routo
toward Des Moines.
After Grand l.odgre lleniliinnrter.i,
A largo delegation of Knights of Pythias
left Des Moines this morning for Cedar
Knplds, where an effort will be made to
capture the permanent headquarters of the
grand lodge, If this matter Is finally do
termlned at Cedar Rapids Des Moines will
stand a good show of landing the prize.
Polk county has no candidates and will
ask for nothing hut the location, Cedar
Rapids, Waterloo, Des Moines nnd Mar
shalltown are the other candidates.
PronecntliiR Butter Offender.
The State Dairy Commission has
prosecuted a number of offenders
against tho law prohibiting sales of oleo
margarine Two persons, named Peterson
of Ottumwn, wero found to be engaged In
selling tho prohibited article and were ar
rested. They gave bonds, Intending to
permit tho bonds to apply as fines and
this will be done. John Reaves of Agency
was arrested for the same offense. He is
a butcher and the case is clear against
him. Ho was bound over to tho grand
Jury, as he has announced his Intention of
fighting the case.
CominlnMloneil hy Governor.
Ell Grimes of Des Moines was today com
missioned by Governor Shaw to Investigate
tuberculosis and smallpox In foreign lands
and report thoieon.
The commission was issued today to
Francis M. Shrlver of Glcnwood as member
of the dental board to succeed Brooks,
A requisition has been Issued on the
governor of Minnesota for the return to
Iowa of Frank King, wanted In Delaware
county for burglary,
Tho Gathraann-Schnorr Clothing company
of Bloomflald has been Incorporated with
$3,000 capital.
loTra'n Kdneatlonal Institution.
Prof, Richard C. Barrett, superintendent
of public instruction, Is preparing ror the
publication In his next biennial teport or
valuable historical matter relating to tho
educational Institutions of Iowa, This was
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nntl beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
ByrtUP or Fiao, manufactured by tho
Camfohhia Fio Svmup Co.. illustrnto
the valueof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive prlnciplos of plunts known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most ref rc&hinfr to tho
tasto and acceptable to tho system. It
is tho ono perfect htrcnptheninfr laxa
tl", cloausinp; the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever?
gently yet promptly and cnabllnff ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the Ideal
In th-s process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they arc pleasant to tho
taste, but thu medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtal.ied from senna nnd
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Svnni'
Co. only. In order to get It-i bcnollcial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember tho full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
r.ouiavTLX.s. rr hrw Yonr, w. y.
ItoTMlavall Duglti. Prlco Wo. perbotU
s Some "Soon-to-be Mothers"
k icucrcs mi uci
ioo ii botUe, he oulJ
St tr etii l.1 on tttt
momM. enl
Wentworth Military Academy
Oorfmtnnt nuwrvUlon nnd .julrmtit. Amy ofllcwrdttaUtri. Prtpnrm ftr UnlveraltlM,
MatlnnM Anulrmtro nr tot li e. COL. SANOFO'W SELLERS, M, A Supt., Llitngton, M.
. ... ........ . i-,iut-u,nii in 1 nuns nunrn nntl t.iria. .Modern and truKreaIV
Preparatory and colleEo courses, music, art, elocution, physical culture. Kirty-MV
clith annual lon nn line ,ii vim mr.i h...i . ifi,.I. " ' " "
1 AAWi!iiVis 291,1 ''Fftr Pnprecedented pronpcrlty. 23 ProfcMom from H tlnl-WfJ-lW".)1?'
W lM vraltleannd .'. Kiiruprnii Cnn.rrvnt orln. rirriiinii-Amrrl
K? feitfij" T"J ff 1 V c" t'oiKf rvmory. Win. II. Ilnrhrr, nl Htainlnrr,
UiVJ'4tjIJHuUi',' Prc,cl In person durlnn May. Ure.t, Uictt. licit. Addreit.
rSiii5a(B-.,tr- JOHN W. .MILLION, I'rr,., ColleKO PlaiM, -MKXICO, .MO.
St. Paul and return, August 11th to
31st ia.65
Minneapolis and tcturn, August 11th
to 31st 12. C5
Duluth and return, August 11th to
31t 16.05
Waseca and return, August 11th to
31t 10.36
Watervllle snd return, August 11th
to 31et 10,68
Madison Lake and return, August 11th
to SiHt io.CS
New York and return, overy day.... 41.00
Loulsvl'le and return, August 21th to
26th zi.r.O
Buffalo and return, every day 25.75
Circuit tours via the Great Lakes to Huf
falo and Intermediate points. Stnto rooms
reserved In advance. Call at city ticket
office, 1102 Farnam wtrcet, for particulars,
or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A.. I. C. It. It.,
Omaha, Nnb.
Monthly Regulator. Salt and Suro. Never
Falls. Druggists or by Mall. Price, $2
Sendfor Woman's Saleguard (treo).
WILCOX MED. CO.. 320 N. Mn St..Phlla., Pa.
SnliI liy Simit.M.YN .t MrCOX.VKLL
DIILO CO., S. W. Cor. Kith mid Doduo
StN., Omnlin. .Vvli.
All tllonnrno nnrl
" VXik " iMBtaato aim
Disorders of Men
10 year? In Omaha
tlXm HYDROCELE curod.
WM-W7!MLJl " Method new. without
.VjJl'A''il' CJttluK. vjiJu or loai
i mwiij' itn.v oi nine.
CVDUII ICt cured for llfo ana tnepoleon
O T r niLO thoroughly cimnaed from
the ijilem. Soon every nln and aymptom
dliappeara completely and forever. No
"HUE A KINO OUT" of the dlaeaae on the akin
or face. Treatment conialnn no dangaruua
druci or Injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Kxceijes or Victims
TO NBHVOUB Dcbilitt or KxiiAOtuori,
WasTiKO Wbakneui with Kahly Dicat In
Yocmi and Midum Aoso, lack of vim, vigor
and BtreuKth, with organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with new Home
Treatment, No pain, no detention from busl
nets. Kidney and Bladder Troublaa.
CMiultiiwi fret. Treatment by Mill.
Call on on or addreii 1 1 Q So. 14th 8t
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb
MEN. If you hT mall, wok
organ., loit pitfur or F&knlnc
umni.our vacuum urflAnieTfiorr
ir -Sf EI will rntora jou without druici or
ly jl. ) I elrttrlcllyi Btricluro nJ Varlcofflo
TS I iirrmanenllj cured In 1 to wool,
I 4M ,ilm i tl l,i h.t nti. tnlUirmi tint
one rf tuinedi errrrt inunedlMai no
C O.I), fraud t mile for tru partleu.
Ian, rent itnled In pMIn envelop.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO. 130 Thorp Gil., lnanniponii,ind
You Spend Half
Your Lifetime
In your office,. Why stand the agRrnvatlon
of dirt and cold of miserable olevator
service bad llRht nnd ventilation? There
In no office building In the town kopt like
The Bee Building
The beet Is none too good for you, and
you will find It a good business tnvcatmen'
to take a half hour nnd look nt tho three or
four vacant rooraa. Wo koop I hero filled
Bee Building, AK.Mit.s, Grotuul Moor.
RENOVATOTl In' iKorntes and reno7ateh the
yom purities and enrlchei the blood, cures
tho worn dyspepsia, constipation headache,
liver ornl kidneys. 3So audit BtdrUBKlfcts. Free
R advice snai pin und book maeaaw
Ur IJ J Kay Saratoga, NV glll
0s9f aD 3) meet
!?r i ii i h i i i
a m
tcratufn this esse by using externally the unique
"Mother's Friend" S
its beneficent Innuenco mVes child bearing n pleasure, as
VUU3HC8.1, nrau.icnr, patus nnd nautea.
lure llitm. Clio. L.AVTON, Itulk-1jt, Dajien, O."
Irl tl
Irtrf rrkr.l per hotllr.
Itltlt.t" MMht,n., I,
nvV tot cimcUAt 1
THK nn.jnriKi.n nr;i;uTx)n ro Atlanta, o.
OUeat and ltrrMt
military school !m
vnirai wen,
COLLEGE systte
Send for lllustrutcd catalogue.
IIIHA.M '). (JltOVKs. I Iilrtit.
Brownell Hall
Excellent ndvnntaKCs In music, art, the)
modern laiiKUaKcs". t.atln and Greek. Latest
methods In ttnchln; the natural nclcncea
and mathemutlcs. Head of music depart
ment, MIk.h Ware, threo years n pupil of
the late Oscar Unit, Berlin, Ormnny.
Mlt.i Wrire'H methods and theories In ac
cordance with those of tho well-known
mnstcrM of tho world. In every depart
ment tlmroUKhncss Intdstcd upon as essen
tial ti. character bulldliiK. .Special atten
tion to development of Individuality and
also to development of a houcc of Focial
responsibility. Olvcs Rood general educa
tion and prepares for any coIIcko open to
women. Instructors coIIcrc Kraduatea.
Send for catalogue. Address Mlzs Macra.i.
principal, Omaha.
"CDe School Chat makci manly Boy."
A hlch Kruiln rlinol preparlnir boj frnmf to I
S nitre 1,111 1111 minuitwa inn or iiiti
etmrato School Koimi unci Dormitories for tti
little linys. Vurj careful mural nnd eooUl trnlntriff.
t'lft jonro of nuccrmstul work. He nd for catalogue.
Rev. Henry D. Robinson, Warden, fiaclnc , Wit.
Lake Forost University
l.oeat.on in nne wood on blucTiof Lake Michigan,
fifty minute, illltunt from Chlcaio. 8I1I7 at rea of
CampUN. fleven new hultdlnffs.liieludlntf LolaDurand
Hall tor women. Well equipped Library and (tjmna.
Hum. 1'hji.lcal Culture directors for both men and
women HUli prude of entrance renulremente
en.urea consulate .tandlnir recniinlted by all beat
pnlloaen. It, .Gently flirted l'rrldent. .
Itlrhard n Harlan, ron of Juntlce llarian of U. 8.
Supreme Court, cornea In September, hor catalogue!
and circular addre.s the Treasurer
I.oKp Fiweat University. I.fikn Forest. IU.
Hoys live with masters In Christian
homes. Heprcsonted In best eastern and
western coUcrcs, Intermediate department
for younRer boy. HeRUlnr conches for base
ball, foot ball, track and Rymnastlcs. Glee,
mandolin and dramatlo clubs,
2S rnlloa rrom Chlcauo on Lake Michigan.
Address Hox 31. CON11AD HIHBELKIl,
Head Master. Lake Forest. Illinois.
Oramatic School.
KI,V,ilALI. IIALU4J Wabash av, Chicajrolll
Fall term opens Sept. 9, Send for Catalogue.
KDWAllI) DVOKAIC, Dlrcotor.
Northwestern University,
At r.V.t.8TON aud CHI OA 00, ILL.,
Corarrlne College of Liberal Arta, Modlcul School,
I-iw School, hitiool n( I'liarruacy, Dental bchool.
worann's Medical Bchool, fccuool nt Mualo aoq
fichool of Oratory. Alro H conducta nn Academy of
tbohlKheetprnrlo. IhoOnrrett ltlhllcat fnatltntMi
locntod on th Cnllt f!mnn. !nlle,n year tiectna
September !3rd. For Information nddreai
Till': UKGIMTIIAU, - nvunsfon, IIL
Thf LeaillMftekMl
DRAMATIC ART In the Went, rirty eminent inttructort
Teacher.' trttlnlnir dept. Many Free AtlTaatacea
Hprclal rule to talented purl 1 1 of limited mean., rail
term beclna . rd Catalogue mailed free.
Wistern Military Acidimy,
Ktnh1lh'l rnputntloti, Ttioroughlf tqutrpM. Ks
rolfnt location, Convenient to Ht, Inut. Ownd and
inniiigol ht tAchfira ot Ionic 6irlaof, who Uk
I'Aron(il rhnrti "( lti fAiletn ami annum rtonl
rfririniblllt for tilr mr ..( lnt ruction Auk for
IrcuUit iLHllir M. Ji kfOX, rmi. a
if tin? l.iil vi'ikI t y nf ( Itli.'nKii, a home
school for Rirls. Scholastic work, muslo,
art. nil of high Rrade. Now building. Otiona
Hupt 11 CatnlORUe. Huv. Wm. I'. McUce,
Dean, Mt. Carroll. 111.
ilnivt MARK.
A. Mayer Co.,
Phone I7I
Re-No-May Powder
Nat only relieves, but positively curea all
disorders of tho feet, stopt odorout per9l
ration, cure3 tender, awollen and paiaftat
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Cousultatlon Kroe from 2 to 4.
When ordertoa; by wuil add 6 cent fat
Ite-No-May Skin Pood for facial maaaag.
He-No-.May Crcain loftaoi ud whiuu
the haoda aud fac.
WHITE DOVE clIHK oevrrfalli to ilcitroy crav
InK for kirtinc drlr.. ih appetite fnr which cannot
eilit after uilnn tliln renirrly, Olvrn In an ll'iola
Mill or wllhcuiVnuwlcilneot nttlmti eleae t tl al
fUirnrian McOonnell and Kuan i r ... itrugitiili
rorr medical aoviOE. wnteui
rnlifc ill your aymptoins. Kcnovntlngtha
jstcm Is. the nnlv safo und suro motbod of cur
iae all Cbronlo I)Ueane. Dr. Kay'a Itenovator
Is the only perfcotayttem ronovutor, Frcoaanv
(lea and book. Dr. U. J, Kay, Saratoga, ti,