THE OMAHA DAILY 11EB: SUNDAY, At' (J CST 11, 1001. J AS AN ACT OF WAR If Ctlomb ani Hilts Hade Reported Inva aioa it it & Strious Mittir WASHINGTON IS HEARING ABOUT IT Ktnte l)i-"irtiurnt Herri vm l.oim Lettt-r from Consul Ornrrnl nt I'tiiininu nml from .1. Ild tTiird Simmon. WILLHMSTAD, Island of Curacoa, Aug. 10. Tho Venezuelan fiovernment announces that a now Colombian Invasion occurred Thursday niornlnt; near Colon. WASHINGTON. Aug. IO.TI10 situation In Colombia and Vcuejuela continued to oc cupy much of the attention of officials hero today and, while it was not felt that nffalra had assumed a serious aspect, yet It was appreciated that both tho olllclal and unolllclal advices Indicated a condition of affalra which might mean war between Colombia nml Venezuela, complicated by revolutionary outbreaks In both countries. During the day tho Stato department re ceived a rather lengthy mall communica tion from Consul Ocncrul Oudger at Pan ama and, though this wns dated nearly a month ngo, It told of tho landing of a revolutionary expedition and expressed the current belief held at Panama that this would bo followed by other expeditions. Tim department also received a letter from J. Edward Simmons of New York, president of tho Panama Hallroad com pany, confirming his communication of yes terday relntlvn to th truublo on the Isthmus nml stating that the superintend ent of the road had advised lilm as to tho depredations nf an Insurgent band, which did not number over fifty men. Co I ii III III II ll m' Sim'iiiiiI Cfiiulnir. Tho nBpect of the matter was presented In press dispatches from Wlllemstnd, stat ing that the Colombians again had Invaded Venezuela. There was no olllclal confirma tion aa to this, but If It should prove cor rect there seems to be Uttlo chance of avoiding an open conflict between theso two countries, ns such an Invasion by Co lombia would be In Its effect an act of wnr. Hut the authorities hero prefer to tako a conservative view of the situation until olllclal advices nro In hand. When Inquiry was mado as to why our olllclals at Bogota and elscwhero did not send full Information It was stated these olllclals were not there to communicate news, but only to advise this government ns a pre liminary to any olllclal action which might become necessary. At the Navy department no further steps wero taken toward sending ships to th Isthmus. It was decided definitely, how ever, to send tho battleship Wisconsin down to Ban Diego, Cal., In case tho de alrablllty of that move hecamo evident by tho tlmo It reached San Francisco, and tho State department was so advised. Thcro waH sonio comment nlso as to tho possi bility of sending down some of the ships of tho North Atlantic squadron, but nctlng Secretary Hackett treated these sugges tions as rather premature. Thero Is no doubt whatever that an amplo forco will bo sent from tho squadron If Us prcsenco nccms desirable. Tho Colombian legation had no news to day to confirm tho press report of a now Colombian Invasion of Venezuela. Mr. Her ran, tho first secretary of the legation, who Is now In charge during Dr. Sllva's absence, said: "Tho point at which an In vasion Is now feared Is near tho bordcr- land in the vicinity of Mota river, south of the lako of Maracalbo." 8nmc. Flcthtern nt the lleml. The Colombian minister of war, Gen tral Gonzales Valencia, who has a good record as a fighter, and has rendered dis tinguished aervlcos during tho guerrilla warfare of a year past, and Mr. Herran thought It qulto likely that he had botn called upon to lead the army of Colombia. Mr. Horran is expecting almost hourly to hear from the Colombian consul general at New York and also hopes for some news to ahed light on tho altuatlon In the Isthmus from tho Incoming Colombian mall, which la expected soon to arrive. Mr. Herran discussed generally the ability of Colombia to cope with tho actual war with Venezuela. Ho pointed out that Colombia has a population of 5,000,000, against tho 3,000,000 of Venezuela, and an army of nbout 40,000 men, who have been for tho most part In active, servlco against revolutionary bands for the last year. Mo expressed hla earnest hopo that a condi tion of actual war would not result from the present troubles, but bellcvod his coun try to be fully ablo to tako earo of Itself In that emergency. . If trnlllo on tho Isthmus should bo topped It probably would bring nbout nil inquiry by the United States government to tho government of Colombia bh to tho ability of tho lattor to copo with tho situa tion, for tho primary duty Is on Colombia, and only when It falls will tho United States step in. When a similar troublo aroso In 1883, tho United States did not act until tho Colombian government re quested action, making It plain that tho trouble had got beyond tho power of lu authorities. AK'Hit Here MmiiI Cnutlon, NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Dr. A. J. Uc.ilrepo. diplomatic representative In this city of tho Colombian revolutionists nnd their legal adviser, sent n communication today to the revolutionary generals who nre op erating In tho Department of Panama, di recting them not to allow their forces to interfere with tho railroad or tho tratllc at tho Isthmus. A copy of the communl- Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the vaste or Impurities In Ihcblocd. H they are sick or out cf order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess cf uric acid In the blood, due to nfrlert kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady teart beats, and makes one feel as though hty had heart trouble, because the heart is tver-worklnc In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly n constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble, lfyou are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the hlehest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar su es. You may have a sample bottle by mall Home of Swuan-Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out it you nave Kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr, Kilmer fc Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. aK"-"iik:i!"tosTHU cation was sent to the State department at Washington, Dr. Ilcstrepo says that he has advices which refuto tho report that n train was halted by some of the liberals near Pan ama. The men were simply guerrillas, ha declares, and not revolutionists. He says that from their Irregular character they helza opportunities for looting. Dr. Hestrepo Insists that no attack upon either Colon or Panama Is at present Intended by the liberal forces. Tho revolutionists, he explained, control practically all of tho department, except these two cities. They have about 8,000 men lu tho department, commanded by capable generals, he avers. When the proper time comes, he says, tho revolu tionists will attack the two cities In force. It h reported here that the Colombian government authorities are preparing for such an attack by heavy shipments of ad ditional munitions from this city to tho government forces. Itnuuer I'nliiln Tmwiril I'niiiiiilil. SAN DIEGO. Cal , Aug. 10. Tho United States Eteamrr Hanger, now at this port, will probably leave for Panama In a day or two to protect American Interests dur ing tho present revolution In Colombia. Captain Field, commanding, has orders to bo ready to go to nca nt once. The vessel ran leave within twenty-fou. hours If or dered. It Is taking three months pro- visions. ARMOR PLATEMS ALL RIGHT Tun TrfitN Mini.- 1'ililny .Sntlifm'titrll) Trove IW-ftlnthiK l'imllillUles of tin- Steel KIiIIiik. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Tho successful tests of armor plate, one for tho battleship Mainu and tho other for n Husstan vessel, were conducted at Iudtnn Head today. Lieu tenant Clelnnd Davis superintended the tests and representatives of tho armor plate company nnd Captain Karon Krrescn, naval attache cf tho Russian legation, together with several Russian armor Inspectors, were present. Tho American armor tested was a six Inch Krupp plate representing tho first group of such armor manufactured by the Ilothlchcm Steel company for tho new bat tleship. Three shots were fired from a six Inch gun at a velocity of l.'.'OO feet per sec ond. All tho projectiles vicro broken on Impact. The plate showed a high resisting quality nnd proved equal to any ever tested at tho proving grounds. As a result of tho test tho group of armor, representing nbout 400 tons, designed for tho Maine, which is now building at Cramp's In Philadelphia, will ho shipped thero immediately. Tho Russian test was of a ten-Inch Krupp Plato manufactured by tho Hcthlchcra com pany for tho Russian government, repre senting a group of armor of 300 or 400 tons, Intended for Russia's Imperial vessel Em peror Alexander HI. At this plate three shots were fired from a ten-Inch gun, with a velocity of 1.730 feet per second. Tho re sult was highly satisfactory and the plate bore every evidence of fully meeting the requirements. PRESIDENT'S DAY ARRANGED OlllcInU of l'nn-AiiuTlcMin Kxpoaltlon I'nrsmiilr MeKlnley to Conic In Knrly September. CANTON, 0 Aug, 10 Arrangements were mado this afternoon for President's day at tho Pan-American exposition. President Mllburn nnd Director General Buchanan of tho exposition, Mayor Dlehl of Buffalo and John I. Scatherd came hero for that purpose. They spent most of the nftcr noon at the McKlnloy home. Resides se lecting the day, September C, it wbb ar ranged thnt tho president should leavo hero Wodnesday morning, September 4, and reach Duffalo the name day. Tho full pro gram has to bo worked out In detail later, but opportunity will bo provided for tho president to son tho exposition complete and to tho best ndvantago both day and night. Thursday will bo largely given over to the special program for President's day; Fri day the party will spond at Niagara Falls. Part of Saturday will probably bo spent at tho exposition nnd they will leave for Cleveland Saturday afternoon nnd remain In that city for the Grand Army encamp ment. Tho trip will bo mado by train. TO RELIEVE CAR FAMINE Trufflci Onii'luln ItcpresentliiK Ten Hmiiln Hold Council to Dcvlsr Menim. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 10. Operating and traffic olllclals representing ten railroads met hero today to discuss plans looking to a solution of tho problem which confronts them becauso of Inadequate terminal facili ties to hnndlo tho volumo of grain nnd other trnfflc which Is now congesting tho local railroad yards. Tho Santa Fo, which is tho largest grain originator, demands some remedy for exist ing cotdttlons or It will discontinue receiv ing grain for shipment to Kansas City ex cept under guaranty of Immedtato disposi tion. The Santa Fe had 700 loaded grain curs In Its yards today. Tho average de tention this year of cars hero Is from seven to ton days, while In Chicago the. average detention Is three days. Tho roads realize, that terminal facilities hero havo not been Increased In proportion to tho Increase In the volume of traffic. Tho grain men have tried to better the condition?, but becauso of tho scarcity of cars their offorts havo ac complished nothing. FATHER OF WALTER T. PAGE (ienrriil Hlclmril I,. I'litfe, I'nnioiiN C'oiifrilcrntr, Dion nt Ame of Moot) -Foil r. NORFOLK. Va.. Aug. 10. General Rich ard L. Page of this city dlod at his summer homo at Blue Rldgo Summit, Va., tonight In the !'4th year of his ace. He becamo a midshipman In tho United States novy In 1824. In 1861 he rcalgned hU commission ns commander In tho United States navy and joined tho confederate service. Ho was commttnloned brigadier general In 1S)3. Ho commanded tho outer defense of Mobile bay at Fort Morgan and with 400 men held Fnrragut's fleet at bay for two wocks. Gen eral Pago was a brother-in-law of Charles Lee, attorney general In Washington's ad ministration, and of "Light Horse" Harry Lee, father of Robert E. Leo. Walter Tay lor Pngo, Omaha manager of the American Smelting nnd Refining company, Is his son. A 1'nrtuite to lie filven Awny, A noted philanthropist has decided to give away his fortune to charities and no doubt much good will be accomplished. There Is another agency that has also accomplished much good, namely, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, the medicine with fifty years of cures back of It, It promotes appetite, In sures digestion, cures dyspepsia, regulates the liver and keeps the bowels regular, also prevents belching, heartburn or flatulency. Don't fall to try ft, but be sure you got tho genuine. I'M rat Trnln Since Delnirc DENVER, Aug. 10. A special to the Nowb from Albuquerque snys: Tho tlrst train on the Santa Fe road tlnre Sunday nlgnt passed over tho bis waBhout today. It was necessary to build soven miles of now track. It will bo weeks yet before the dam age can bo entirely repaired. For the lant threo days 600 teams havo been minted In transferring malls and passengers. It U still raining every day In central New Mexico and tho agricultural and stock prospects were never better, ESCAPE FROM PENITENTIARY Pair of CotiTicta ThUht to B Headed for Omrha with Pritoa Ttani, SMOOTH CHARLES BENNETT IS ONE Mirrirr Mini Prison Authorities llxiicot tlint PtiKltlt e Will L'niiiiiiiinlente tt ltl Women Friend In Tliln City nml 'I'll n lie ruptured. Charles Dennett, tho smooth young man who passed himself off as the traveling agent of a well known Cincinnati Jobber and Induced a number of Omaha and Coun cil Blutfs business men to cash his worth less drafts last wlutcr and who subse quently pleaded guilty to a charge of for gery and was let off with n one-year sen tence, has escaped from the penitentiary. Sheriff Power yesterday morning received a telephone message from Lincoln advising of the escr.po of Dennett and another con vict namca Edward Canday. The men left the penitentiary with a team of horses and a light wagon and aro supposed to be headed for Omaha, whore they have women friends with whom they have been corre sponding. Dennett Is 24 years of ngo, but appears to be older. His complexion Is light, hntr brown, eyes blue. Ho weighs 110 pounds and Is llvo feet eight and one-half Inches high. Canday, otherwise known as Harry Tut lle, has dark complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, weighs 13S pouuds and Is llvo feet Hlx and one-half Inches In height. Dennett Is what tho world calls a good fellow, a rounder, a night owl and a sporty "gent." He left a trail of champagne bot tles and lacerated hearts In his wake, for whllo ho lasted here he was actively en gaged In entertaining and the dealers who furnished tho refreshments nsscrt that bogus checks were the only recompense they received for their mcrchandlsn. His escapades have gone down Into local his tory ns tho most daring on record. IV n One of Ii'ii pell Prisoners. LINCOLN, Aug 10. (Special Telegram.) Charles Dennett, alias Smith, and Ed Tuttle, tho latter serving n third term, tcnpcd from the penitentiary last night by climbing over the eighteen-foot wall. Roth wero on night duty In tho bakery. Dennett was convicted of larceny In Douglas county and sentenced to ono year. Tuttlo was convicted of burglary In Cass county and sentenced to threo years. Tim bers for tho construction of n new build ing for tho Leo Droom and Duster com pany wero used by tho convicts In making their ascent over tho high stone wall. Up to noon today no clue as to tho where abouts of tho men had been found. AID FOR THE COUNTY FAIR Aitliroprlntlon Made with Umlr rstnml Iiik tlint Alt-Snr-llen I tn He llenclltetl. Tho Douglas County Agricultural society is to receive $3,230 from the county In aid of its fair, to be held In conjunction with tho Ak-Sar-Rcn carnival. At tho last ses sion of tho legislature tho law making It mandatory on tho county board to make an appropriation equal to 3 cents for each Inhabitant of tho county In nid of tbo agricultural society wob amended so as to leave such action dlscretlonnry with tho commissioners. An appropriation of 3 cents per capita would nmount to $3,907, but tho board voted yesterday to allow only $3,250, and this amount was granted after It was understood that the fair would bo held wlt.h tho Ak-Sar-Den carnival. CHANCERY REPORT IS FILED Mnster MnkrH Showing In I.KIxntlon Involving CSrosii Ilron. Cnt tlc Company. W. W. Morsman, mastcr-in-chanccry, has filed his report In tho caso of Gross against Gross, a caso which has cumbered the docket of tho United States circuit court for somo time. The master finds tho law and tho fact to bo In favor of the plaintiffs unci that tho ranch of tho Dadgcr Cattlo company, constating of several hundred acres of land and many head of cattlo, shall bo considered tho property of all of tho par ties to tho suit and that the proceeds of tho business conducted by Morris Gross shall bo divided between himself and his brothers, Joseph and Herman Gross, after n mortgago of $10,000 in favor of the An thony Trust company is paid off. BIG WEEK FOR LOCAL TRADE Hmilt rirnrliiKi Show Striking In. iti'iiup Out Cnrreftinntlnf Week of n Yrnr Ago, Hank clearings nt Omaha for tho past week show an Increase of moro than $000, 000 over tho corresponding week last year. Tho clearings nro a correct reflex of trade, which in nil lines has lieon generally better this year than last. Tho figures for tho week arc as follows: 19)1. 1900. Motldnv 11.000.021 S3 Tuesday l,005,2fi9.SO SVS,42I.5S Wednesday 1,070,771.55 9I7,W).57 Thursday i 077.O54.2t SiW.liSfl.0l Friday 975,r.92.90 73(1,638.03 Saturday 1,004,031. OS 1,127,106.73 Total $G,13I,719.W J3,5IG,D70.0S Increase, 1G2S,U3.12. NOW THEY CAN MIX PILLS I"I rut Ainiiiiil Commencement of Omiilin College of l'liarmucy In Crlehrntvil. Tho first annual commencement of tho Omaha Collcgo of Pharmacy was Friday night at the Crelghton Medical college, at which blx students were graduated. The collcgo Is a comparatively new Institution, but has a largo roll of students who are taking the two years' course. Tho exorcises last night opened with an address on behalf of tho faculty by Edmund Thorp, Ph. G., followed by tho valedictory address by C. K. Sheffrey. Tho principal address of tho evening was mado by Rev. F. H. Sandcnon. I), D., pastor of tho First Methodist church of Fromont. The subject of Mr. Sander son's nddrcss was "Our Golden Age." He said, In part: "Somo peoplo nro always living In and peaking of 'the good old days of tho past,' but theso back numbers nre never aboard the train, nor do they feel tho rumble of Its progress. They resemble tho ancients, who plart-d ths golden age is the earliest period of human history. They believed In evolu tion Inverted, 'Modern ancients,' who live only In the halcyon and rose-colored porlod of their Imagination, see nothing good In tho present and prognosticate no gcod for the future. The clock of tlmo has stopped for them and they realize Douglass Jer rold's conscrvate, who had bo great rerpect for the old moon that ho would not look at the now one. "Thcro are thoec standing In the world'B wntchtowor who refuse to bellcvo that thero aro no better thlnrM for them. They havo faith In themselves and In tho onward march of humanity. This is the golden ago of all time so far. THe Is shown In the realms of statecraft, morals, fashions and science," . The graduates this year ere Frank Dobao, Catalogue Sent Free on Application Crockery Dept. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY AND Tt'KBDAY. A clenrance sale of unusual value for the finest high grade ib-cor it' ll Kngllsh Seml-Porcelnln IMuncrwuro. This lino Ik full gold nnd light gre-i underglnze colorn on a beautiful intel. Prices for a few numbers only cn be noted. Dinner Plates IOC Tea i'lates 0, at VC l'lc Plates- Covered Dish Q n nt OOC Set of 6 Tens- gQc Tce. '.ZZZZ". 6c Chop Dish- i(j0c .ruc.h?.rh-. 20c TS I!??"- 35c 2-qt. Water Pitcher 45c Thin tVnc'chVii'a' White Tea Cups and Saucers, Ofln set of fi OUC A line of decorated Plo nnd E,-, Tea Plates, each Fancy Oatmeal E, Dishes JC Crystnl Colonial 2-cit. CCXr Water Pitchers oui Jet enamel Tea Pots qe- each OOW Fancy colored Salts and Ar Peppers, each Standard Lemonade e GlacnoH, each Ol As-nortcil nnd designs Ac Crystul Vases, each '-ts Trunk Department There Is no place In Otnnhn where you will tind n better lino nf Trunk-. Telescopes, Suit Cases and lino Leather Hags thnn you can get here nnd at the lowest prices. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. A fancy metal covered Trunk, well mndo and good Mze, j An Imitation Leather Suit Cns", linen lined with leather corners, lock nnd key, ollvo color, in two slz, s -special low price your oq choice for I.rfiCj A lot of full Ionthcr Dags In the x ford and cabin shape In threo sizes, regular prices from $2.13 QU to $3.23, your choice for Deforo buying anything In this lino look over our stock wo can bbvc you money. m El Clarkson: V. W. Roblsud, Howell: George Cooncy, Columbus; W. E. Hughes, Fremont; Roy Crook, Meadow Grove; C. E, Sheffrey. Oxford. MEETING OF LEAGUE CLUBS llepulillenii OrKimlsntlnnn to Convene nt Lincoln for n Session AugtiHt -7. A call has been Issued for the annual convention of Republican league clubs of tho stato to bo hclcTat Lincoln August 27, the day before thoepubllcan stato con vention. Tho call states that each republican club is entitled to ono delegate and ono additional dolcgato for each fifty members or fraction thereof, In addition to tho president, secretary and treasurer of each club, who are cx-oftlclo delegates to tha convention. The executive committee of tho lcaguo will bo In session nt tho Llndcll hotel nt 10 o'clock a. m., August 27, for tho purpose of receiving credentials and Issuing tickets of admission to delegates. Under the constitution of tho lcaguo no delegates from any club will bo seated until the dues of the club havo been paid. Theso dues are 25 cents for each delegate entitled to a seat. Good speakers will bo present to ad dress tho lcaguo delegates In tho audi torium on tho nvcnlng of August 27 and It Is tho Intention of tho president of the organization to make tho gathering ono of the largest assemblies of working re publicans to bo hold this year. RESISTENCIA TURNS TO SPAIN Clrenlntrn Petition DtrrctliiK Spnnlsh (.'lull's Treslilrnt to Intercut Consul ' In Tiunpii Strike. TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 10 The members of La Rcsistcncla Clgarmakcrs" union, whose leaders havo been deported by tho citizens, are circulating a petition directed to tho president of the Ccntro Eapanol, asking that ho call a special meeting of thn Ccntro to tako action demanding that tho casa be taken up at once by tho Spanish minister at Washington. It 1b stated by citizens, however, that all tho deported strikers who nro natives of Spain are naturalized citizens of the United States. Tho Centro Espanol la an organization in tho nature, of a club. Its membership includes nbout all tho Spanish peoplo tn tho city. AVlint u Tale It 'tclla. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a Jaundlcod look, moth paches and blotches on tho skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Lifo Pills regulato the liver, purify tho blood, gtvo clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich comptcxlon. Only 25c nt Kuhn & Co.'a drug store. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Auk. f. At New York Arrived Lnurcntlan, from ulasgow nnd Londonderry; Augusta Vic toria, from Hamburg. At Havre Arrived La Champagne, from New York. At Port Dlakely Sailed Drlg Tanner, for Honolulu. At Klnsale Passed Cuflc, from New York, for Liverpool. At Cherbourg Sailed Columbia, from Hamburg, for New York. At Urow Head Passed Etrurln, from New York, for Queenstown nnd Liverpool. At Yokohama Arrived Dracmar, from Vladlvostock, etc. At Calcutta Arrived Almond Drnnch, from Port Rlakely, via Muroran. At Hong Ilong-Sallcd-Fllntshlro, for San Francisco. At London Sailed Mnnltou, for New York. At Movllle Sailed Furncssla, from Glas gow, for New York, Liver Pills That's what you need : some thing to cure your bilious ness and improve your diges tion. You need some liver pillsAyer's Pills. 23c. All druggists. Want your mniituclia or liaard beautiful uniTTii or nca uiick7 men mo BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Mile ora "'. o Diwuri, a, s A Co..NMMbl. N.W. W. R. Bennett Co. GREAT REMOVAL SALE Tho Jtomovnl Sale & in full blast. Head of depart mmits aro n roused and dispute each others supremacy as regards who shall bo first to close out their respective stocks, The rlva'lry Is very koen, hence the great array of 11AROAINS, each Item a MONEY SAVER. Do not fall to tako advantage of this treat "Removal Sale". Como early nnd make your shopping pleasurable as well as profitable. Woodenware Dept. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. A large sire Rolling Pin etn for OC A large Wooden Spoon c for ' OC A large Salt Hox n tor IUij Poplar Dread Hoards for 60C A largo Splco Cabinet, with eight drawers, well made and nicely llnlshed, a very handy article for A the kitchen, ouly 40C Wp carry n MOST COMPLETH LINE OF USEFUL ARTICLES In this de partment ut tho lowest prices. Wp have tho largest and best lino of WASHING MACHINES in Omaha. Price, from $2.9S to $0.So. Sporting Goods Dept. FISHING TACKLE. Twist Linen Lines -, 4.- feet OC Drald Linen Lines c 25 feet OC Oiled Silk Urnld- nfir 75 feet OUC REELS. ffii.- 19c and 25c SMSf.. 45c up RODS. piece?: IOC UP Four- tfiOr pleco UUL- SSKiboo i-oo up & 5c up Hooks, all sizes nnd prices. Shotguns, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammuni tion of all kinds, Dase Rail goods, Dlcy ile goods', Sportsmen's Clothing, from Cap to Roots, etc., etc. W. R. Bennett C Cheap Summer Excursions via ,', i kvi km rj u KW'i i a m St. Paul and return, August 11th to 31st $12. G5 Minneapolis and return, August lHh to 31st 12.e5 Duluth and return, August 11th to 31st 1G.95 Waseca and return, August 11th to 31st 10.36 Watorvlllo nnd return, August 11th to 31st 10.6S Madison Lako and return, August 11th to 31st 10. CS Now York and return, every day.... 44.00 Louisville and return, August 24th to 26th 21. 50 Ruffalo and return, every day 25.75 Circuit tours via tho Great Lakes to Duf falo and Intermediate, points. Stato rooms resprved In ndvonce. Call at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars, or addresB W. H. Drill, D. P. A., I. C. U. R., Omaha, Neb. OVERWORKED MEN, DELICATE WOMEN, SICKLY CHILDREN, TAKE MAIM AM WIND. No other preparation has over received so many voluntary testimonials from emi nent peoplo aa tho world-famous Marlanl Wine. Mariatri Wine WORKS WONDERS. Sold by all druggists. Refuse substitute. Morlnnl & Co., 52 W. 15th At., New York, publish a handsomn book of Indorsements of Emperors, Kmpress, Princes, Cardinals Archblshopb and other distinguished per sonages. It is sent gratis and postpaid to all who write for it. IIHUCATIOXAI,. Bi'owtiell Hall nxcellent advantages in music, art, tho modern laugunKes, Lutln and Greek. LntcHt methods In teaching tha nut j ral sciences and mathematics. Head of music depart ment, Miss Ware, three years u pupil of tho latu Oscar Ralf, Berlin, Germany. Miss Waro'B methods nnd theories In no cordanco with thoso of tho well-known masters of tho world, In every depart ment thoroughness insisted upon as ushku tlal to character building. Hpeclul atten tion to development of Individuality and also to development of a hi-iiho of sncliil responsibility. Gives good Kcnrial i-dnca-tlun and prepares for any cullrun oimn to women, Instructors collcii" tirailuateit, fiend fur catnloKUu, Address Miss Maeriitf, l'rluclpul, Omahu. Cutlery and Jewelry Department Prices cut to make moving easy. An pxcelUnt opportunity to supply yourselves with cutlery, such aa Hrond Knives, Mcut Sllcers and Hutcher Knives. Our elegantly llnlshcil bone handled ffro. 8C Up I1HAUTY P1NH. iho most useful ami ornamental arti cle ever devised fr,r woman's use as long :is they last, per doz...-Jt . . ALARM CLOCKS. J never fall to awaken tho sleeper at just the proper tlmo-Soth riCl. Thomas make guaranteed at .VOC , HATPINS. A beautiful selection In tho latest styles of ladles' Ilatpllis-you should rco thorn Sic quality l()c EYEGLASSES' ' AND 'SPECTACLES Wp nre hondquarterH for overj thing in that line nnd can avo you 60 per cent on price. Stationery Dept. Writing Tablets, extra linn qualities, regular 10c values Monday 'ppclal at each 120 nheetH white wove Commercial Note Paper Monday, special ()c 73 whlto wove Envelopes e,, Monday, special at Fountain Pen, with two extra gold plated pens nnd one filler, com plete Monduy, special 19c Our one-pound packago of extra Him grade Note Paper, worth 23e per pound Monday ppcclal E5r pound Fancy Scalloped Shelf Paper assorted colors Monday special at r per dozen Paper Napkins, assorted doslgns, regu lar 20o quality Monday Bpcclal Kin at nor hundred v,v- Pocket Memorandum and Tlmo Hook Monday special at Or each ltlnnk Rooks, consisting of Journals, Ledgers and Cash ruling, canvas cov rrrd and 2W pages Monday 1f- Bpcclal at IVU The Wots Rrush Tube, tilled with per fumed whlto mucilage, for nflloo tchool and home use. regulnr 10c valtip Monday, special, only per bottle OC TEMPTATION TONIC rsvri A' I I L?ft t0M Nit I t" i mi in n i nm Selling Agents for m ( lint'CATIO.XAl r XlUMUhed 1887. Chicago Musical College COLLHOn nLUa., mm oonu or muuicai. uiiiectobsi Dr, P. Zle nftld Mum Von Schllltr Dr. Louli Falk William Critic llrrnliard l.litcmann S. R. Jtcobiohn Rudolph Osia Clwrlti (lauthltr lltrmin Devrlei Hart Conway, Director School ol Acting. 36th Season Boglns September 9 'pin Chic un Mmlcil Oolloun U ttm Urged mid mo,t cnmplets tclionl of IU ''"lluiu!" rVr'iiiic""! fuealtr ever nicnihlot Ins school nt iniiolral lnnilnr. 'I lie iimr l!iilliit IliuMliiif l tba lineal tructuro la mlittuct) ilarolPd uiclu. Iroltlnit iiiiKlcnl liiMllulmn. 1 fin Ttitm nl liinlrurtlmi nml nrruiik'oiuent ot courses rei'rcorit tlisoutcotna of llirr-nv ymrii or o.irlrnco. I'lm (.Tim n( tuliiiiii nro iho lomut coiniiioti!urte with thn lilvh nrude ot Iniiruviiim. Tntlm tiuilJtnr oocuplfj r i luiWcljrljr til, lo.thutloa. AMERICAN KIMIMLl HAH, IJIIDlJJMlblltlAt. 0111000. rh Leading, hool C0NSEEM MUSIS HAM ATIO AIT In tt Writ fitly riulnnit luilru m, Trl.i' Itiliilnu dt 1nr A it van) !(' MCU1 fmipt tn I nl u I M Miiji f llfitlKM Nifiu, 111 Itim I f lui OtHtMittr t, I Vi I ('Ui ijtip niMlrxt frva. JUU.N J, It AT I hi AK1T( IMrUr, I ' Orders lJromptly Attended to Music Department Great removal and slaughter s.ilij of muslcnl instruments. nnslstlim of Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Dnnlo, Mandolin Datijos. Zithers, Atltnh.irps, Accordeons, etc., oto. Hulow o quote n few of tho very low pr cos prevailing1 throughout thla deimtt ment. Como, examine prleis anl compare with others. Violins f o ., langlng from IO Up Mandolins An elegant llbbud, highly polished, lor j o'lii'rrs ' for' $5.25 ' 'UK ' $7 23, '$? IS and Up to $27.00. guitars An elegant Guitar, quartered oak back and sides, sprucn top, ftuii colored wood Inlaying around 10 nl hole-, top ridges lululd with ,ancv colored wood, body hnnd po! lied, losewood tlngcrbonrd, pearl position dots, nickel lalli'lccc, regular t u prlco $n. is only .UO Other Guitars from $1.93 up. llatij.m-MapIv fhell with nlckol band, Imitation ihorry neck, calfskin head, Mx-si rew brackets, rogu- . owl lar price $l.75-only I. O Anothrr -'.nmp descrlpton as abovo wlth Much head, ngular t price $1 2:nnly 5C Arconlrnns -10 keys. 1 stop, 1 sot of reeds, good loathe i,tiiul bellows -regular price 51 . is niV only IfOC Another sump description as above mahogany ltnlhi-l cafe. ii.dlows bound with beautiful flower dt'olcn nickel clasps regular pi lee 4 tt $1 OS-only 1.1U Another 10 keys, 2 slops, 1 set 0f reeds, lent her bound bellows, 0 nlckol trumpets, nlckrl ournerH a very hand somo Instrument regular 4- price $1.75--only IO Another same description ns above with (1 colored red and blue nickel trumpets regular price $1 95 i go only 1 IO Tobacco and Cigar Department A nleo lino Smoking To- osn bacco -per pound Chewing Tobaco "Star" H,-, per pound HIUC Chewing Tobacco "Horse- (n shoo" per pound .'r.?..:? 50c encRf".: lc, 2c and 3c A big lino of Pipes ! from up The World's Greatest Ideal French Tonic. Stimulator, Invigorator Tb p'y gonulno imported French Tonlo nnd positive remed Mobility and Impotency. A NKRVK TONIC. Hrlnga tho pink glow to pnlo cheeks and restores tho tiro of youth. Aslc for our book of testimonials. TEMPTATION TONIC has effected cures in either sex wheru nil other known treatments havo failed. TUMPTATION TONIC has long enjoyed tho reputation as a tonlo for mon nnd women of wenkened vitality. Compounded by U M. LAGAATtD, Paris, Franco. Temptation Tonic Is for Sale Everywhere. In caso your denier should not havo our goods, wrlto to us for prices &nd full Information. Corcspondcnco answered In strictest conlldcnco by our American agents. Madison Specialty Co,, America, Omaha, Neb. Uncle Oscar TIIF, MAN THAT KNOWS A GOOD THING when ho sees It will not fall to se euro an Uncle Oscar cigar for n centa when ho wants to enjoy a luxurious smoke. For nn ufter dinner, or for smoking at any old time, you can't beat our make. Thero Isn't a clKar mado that can compete with tho Undo Oscar for tho price. HeilC & Co., Make rs Allen Bros., Distributor, Omnlut, Neb. a2 Michigan Houl., Chicago, Ills. School of Acting Elocution E. Now Illustrated Catalouo Mailed Free. DVORAK Dramatic School. KIMIIAI.I. IIALU4J Wabash at, Chicago HI I'all term opeus Kept. 8. Bond for Cataloguo. ICUWAHI) UVOUA1C, U I rue tor, t