THJ5 U31AHA DAILY I3.K. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1U1. MILIEUS TAKE A CLOSE CAME Heir; Hittiuf, Lifchtning Fielding and Ting f Pagiliam. SUSPENSE INTENSE TILL VERY LAST One (if thr l'rrt(l-t Ciinlmt f die .Scnuon Mnrrcil !) iliH'li I art-nil) Wrnnnllnn li)' llitlli Mile". The screaming bits of femininity ami the faithful old cranks who gave up tho circus nnii all Its Joys to ro to Vinton Street park yesterday afternoon were well repaid for their efforts. The l'lourmakers and the Illue Jackets kbvo ono of tho boil exhibitions of tho national game seen In Omaha for some time. It was a game that would oo the delimit of any true Yankee tt was anybody's until Stewart bit the air hard three times In the ninth Inning. There were long drives, lightning stops and halrralsltii; catches. Doth teams Bwarmcd around tho umpire, threatening to kill him, and the spectators hissed the Oles and threw cushions at them. Fleming and Iiroshear were the stars with the "saplings, " each of thorn getting Ihrco cafe once. Tho "Hluejayu" outbatted tho "Swedes," nut their errors and ina bility to bunch hits tell tho tale of woe. Trouolo began In tho first Inning, both for tho Kourkes nnd for little Mr. Tyndall. lleldcn started things to moving by swat ting a long one that netted him three bags. McCredlc handed Cal a little easy ono ami went back to tho bench. Everything lookod calm mid peaceful, but It was tho calm before the storm. Congalton hit one back of first. Granddad Stewart woke up and after a hard run for him got his hnnds on tt and then tried to dive out of the carriage gate Tho ball was ambitious and outran blm. Tyndull called tho Miller safo and then a small-sized circus started right there on tho Held, with little Mr. Tyndall as tho leading clown. Calhoun talked too loud to stilt the head ring master, so ho seat the heavy hitter to tho bench. Tho dust settled after a tlmn and they went at It again. In the fourth the locals made everyone feel good by gutting a couple of tallies themselves, Toman got a baso hit, Oondlng pushed a long, heavy drive half way to tho pitcher and was thrown out, but Toman reached second. Alloway walked nnd so did Gcnlns; then Fleming did exactly what Manager Hourke told htm to got a long single, scoring both men. Hut this ended affairs us far as Omaha was concerned. Stewart's men could get hits nnd men on bases, but then Sworm stcd, tho heavyweight shadow, would loom up and end all hopes. We all thought It was our game until tho eighth, when Drashcar led off with n slnglu. Koho let four bad uned go. It was up to Ferguson, who was substituted on first In Law's placo when McConncll got a split finger. He Is a pitcher and all thought ho would be easy, but he wasn't. He smashed a liner to rlghtfield, scoring Drashcar and winning tho game. The "Illuojays" tried hard and that was all they did do. Score: .MINNEAPOLIS. All. U. H. O. A. E. Helden, If 6 1 I! 2 1 0 McL'rertle, rf 5 0 2 1 0 0 Congalton, ct 4 1 1 2 0 0 Untshonr. 2b 5 1 .1 3 :i 0 Law. lh I 0 0 13 2 0 Hone, ss 2 0 0 0 2 1 Coclunan, 3b i 0 0 1 5 0 McConncll, c 2 0 0 2 0 0 Ferguson, lb 2 0 1 3 0 0 Swormstod, p 4 -0 0 0 3 0 Totnl 37 3 "5 27 18 "l OMAHA. AU. n. II. O. A. E. Oenins, cr 5 0 1 0 0 0 Fleming, If 5 0 3 3 1 1 Calhoun, it , 0 0 0 2 0 0 nucklcy, lb ;..4 0 2 6 0 0 Letcher, rf 5 0 2 0 0 0 Stewart, 21) 2 0 0 3 11 MoAndrews, 3b 4 0 2 2 1 1 Toman, bs 3 1113 0 Oondlng, c I -0 0 10 1 0 Alloway, p 3 1 0 0 3 0 Totuls 35' 2 U 27 10 3 Minneapolis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 umaha 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Three-base hit: Heldcn. Two-baso hits: nucklcy (2), McAndrcws. Stolen basex: Fleming. McAnilrcws, Stewart, Cockman (2). Sacilllce hits: Stewart, Congalton. lilt by pitched ball: Toman, Itohe. Wild pitches: Allowny (2). First base on balls: Off Bwormsted, 5; oft Allowny, 1. Struck out: By Swormsted, 4; by Alloway, 9. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Tyndall. lies Molum Mne to . 11 1 li 1 11 ic. DKS MOINKS. Aug. 9. Tho locals found Cognn almost ot will todny. On tho other hand, Olade wns 11 mystery to tho Saints. Attendance, 4U0. Score: K.H.E. Dcs Moines ...00002421 9 14 0 St. Paul 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0-O 5 4 Ilattertoj: Dcs Moines, Cllade nnd Coto; St. Paul, Cognn, Wilson and Luttlmer. V stern l.ramio (iniut-n PoMpoued. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 9.-The Kansas City-Colorado Springs base ball gnmo wns postponed nit account ot rain. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 0. Tho St. Joseph Denver gamo was postponed; ruin. We tcr 11 I, enutic MtiinilliiK, Won. Lost. P. C. knnsns City 5.") 82 .0.!" St. Joseph 49 37 ,5ii9 Minneapolis 43 I.' .5tjt St. Paul 45 44 ,fj5 Omaha 42 41 .4S8 Colorado Springs 3i 45 .444 Des Moines 37 4S 4J5 Denver 33 4$ .407 TOMMY HUGHES IS TOO WILD Cntcntc"'" Nntlonnl i'enni linn In Re tire Former fliunliii Tivlrlcr tn Heat l'Mtnum-if. PlTTtjni'RO, Aug. n.Hughes was wild nntl Taylor was substituted In the fourth Inning In today's National lenci in u n m n Only four scattered hits were inndi' off him. Chicago's hits wero bunched. Hltcliey s errors cost two runs. Attendance. 2.3 0. Score: , cniCACJo. 1 riTTsnuiio. It.ll.O.A.n.l h.h.o.a.i;. Harlac), If.. I 3 t 0 0 Clarke, if... 1 0 1 0 0 (Irfcn. cf.... 1 2 0 Ollcuum't, cf 0 0 ! 0 0 Chure, rf.. 1 1 2 0 0 Unvls. rf... 0 0 2 0 0 Dexter, lit. . 0 t 9 0 0 Wacnfr. ss, 0 1 1 3 1 Itsymer, 3b. 0 0 1 1 0 lltiinit'd, tb 0 0 j; 0 0 CMMs, !b... 0 0 I 1 1 ltltchcy, !b. 0 1 4 McCor'k ss. 0 1 3 3 I U-rtch, 3b... 0 10 10 Kalioe, c.... 1 I 3 1 1 VfftKer. c... 0 1 3 " 0 HiWhM. p.. 0 0 0 t OTunnthlll, pO 1 0 3 0 Talr, p...O 0 0 2 0 .. Totals .. 4 8 :7 3 3) Chicago 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 Pittsburg I 00000 00 0-1 Threo-baso hits: Ycager, Chance, Kuh e. "Lrp NVIGOHAW THE MlECuJ TEREMf Caution. Wltrh II.tcI Is not Pond' Rxtract but an Imitation of It. Kef use tho weak, wnterv Witch Haiti nrona- rutloni reprcieiiUa to bo "Ilia sme a" Pond s ICxtrAct. Thoy genornlly contain "wood alcohol "which irritates the skin and, taken Internally, is a deadly poison. uenuine ionu'i jgxtraot It sola on it In aealed bottles enclosed In uulT wrappers. Sacrllke hits: Yeager, Chance, S olen bjses. Clarke, Ilnrtsel. Doub n piny: Mc cormick to Dexter. Fir.t base on bal s: Oft Tannnblll, I; on Hughes, 5; oft Tnyior, 1. Struck out: Hy Tiinnt-htll, 3; by HukIihs, 2. Wild pitch: Hughes. Time: 1:15. I'm plrc: O Day. M. I,iiiil III lliittltiir Trim, CINCINNATI. Aug. 9.-Tho St. Louis Na tionals lilt (luez at will today. His sup nnrt mm rank also. Murnhv Kent the hits scattered In all but ono Inning. Attendance, 1,200. Score: ST. LOttlS. 1 CINCINNATI. li.'.l.O A.U.I ll.H.U.A B, rinrklt. If. lfirlr,k. cf 1 l'nrMen, 2b. 0 1 .McUdnn, lb 1 Donjvnn, rf 1 Walnce. fx. 2 Kruiter, 3b.. 4 Hyan, c.. . . 1 2 2 0 0 DnbbK, cf.. 0 0 3 0 0 0 llnrlV. If.. 1 4 0 3 0 Ilrekl-y, lb. 1 1 0 9 10 0 10 6 2 3 0 0 mttlnf'dt. 3b 1 2 3 3 0 1 Kox, 2b .... 0 0 1 1 0 0 Iterctn. c... 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Murphy, p.. 1 1 0 3 0 i Totals ..13 13 17 7 1 Totals ..1 11 27 7 6 St. Louis 2 4 1 0 1 0 2 0 3-13 Cincinnati 0 1 o 0 4 0 0 1 0-6 Earned runs: Cincinnati. 6; St. Louis, 9. Two-base hits: Heldrlck, Wallace (2), Htrln fcltlt. Three-base hit: Hr kley. Hem runs: Crawford, Kruger. Stolen base: Har py. First base on balls: Off Oilcz. 3: olt Murphy, 3. Struck out: By Cluez, 2, Time: 1:60. Umpire- Ilrown. PlilIHe Take ni .MiirKln. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. D.-Hnrd hitting by the Nntlonnl Phillies enable 1 thsm to defeat New York easily today. The vlfltnrs could do little with Towr.send s pit' h and their work In the Held wns rnggtd Attendunre, 4,3U. Score: l'llIL.VUEI.I'IUA. h.h.o.a.i: Thoman, ef. 1 Wolv'fn, 3b 1 Kllck, rf.... 1 Delah'ty, If. 3 MrKurl d, e 2 Jrnn'gSi lb. 3 Itallin'n, 2b. 0 Cru9, tn.... 2 Townse'd, p 0 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 S 1 1 I) 0 3 A 2 0 3 NKW YOIIK. h.h.o.a.i:, Vanll'n, .s bach. Strati. 3b.. 0 Hickman, rt 0 Oal, f... 0 Ctaniel, lb.. 0 Howrrn, c.. 0 NVlnon, 2b.. 0 l)eeiin, p.. 0 cf 1 1 0 If. 1 1 1 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 11 0 0 1 2 1 1 4 0 0 3 Totals ..13 17 27 11 i Totals ..2 5 21 17 5 Philadelphia 0 3 4 2 10 12 '-13 New iorK.. '.. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0- 2 nun. neiuaen, iuwi.senu. amen uutc; Delahnnly, Jennings. Double plays: Scl- oacn to wnvis to .-seison, uavts to uuuze , Townscnd to Cross to Jennings. Lett on oases: mw i urn, 4; I'liiinuvipinn, it. 1'irni It... l.ntlu. 1V , U....1 ..... ...ifi- mi iiiuin. t, icf'fsit li, i, niiuun mu.. Hy Deegnn. 1; by Townsend, 6. Passed ball: McFarlanil. Wild pitch: Dccgan. 1'lmo; i.ui. i iiipire . Liwycr. llroiikl)ii llentn lloalmi Out. HltOOKLYN, Aug. 9.-Todny Nntlonal league gamo wua decided In the ninth, lioston got a lend of one run by bunching two singles and u double. Then Brooklyn won out on a free pass, a bunt, a sacrlllco and Sheckard'H timely double. I lot h pitch ers did nupcrb work, Donovan having a shado thu better of It und striking out cloven men. Ho nlso got In two runs In the seventh with n timely two-bagger. At tendance, 2,S0o. Score: DROOKI.Y.W 1103TON. H.H.O.A.I. H.II.O.A.E. 1 Kecler, rf... 0 1 .Sheckanl, It 0 1 Dolan, cf... 0 0 .1 Kelly, lb.... 0 0 3 Daly, 2b 0 2 0 Lluhlen, as.. 1 i 4 1 I Lowe, 3b, Irwin, 3b... 10 11 0;lxni;. m, Mc(l;ilre, o. 1 0 11 1 O.KIttrldKc Uonovun, p. 0 McCr'ry .. l 1 1 0 0 Single, rf... 0 1 Tenney, lb. 1 0 o'Dpmont, 2b. 1 2 O.Coolcy, cf... 1 1 0 .Murphy. If. 0 2 0 0 0 0 Willis, p. 0 0 o 0 ... 0 2 1 3 0 2 0 2 0 3 tr . 11 Totals Totals .. 4 8 27 6 3 One out when winning run-wns made. McCreery batted for Donovan In tho ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 24 Loston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23 Earned runs: Brooklyn, 2; Boston, 1. Two-baso hits: Cooley, Sheckanl, Donovan. Stolen bases: Tenney, Murphy. First base on errors: Brooklyn, 2. l.eft on buses: Brooklyn, 9; Boston, b. Double play: Long to Detnotit to Tummy. First baso on balls: Off Donovan, 3; olt Willis, tl. Hit Ly pitched ball: By Willis, 1. Struck out: By Dunovan, 11, by Willis, 4. Tlino: 1:49. Um pires: Emsllu and Nash. .utliiiiiil LeiiKiie SttiudliiK. Won. Lost. P. C. Pittsburg 62 35 .tl'S Philadelphia 63 37 .C&t St. Louis 53 39 .671 Brooklyn 47 43 ,r-22 Boston 42 4.i 43 New York ; 37 46 .440 Cincinnati 3t 62 wl Chicago 37 CO .332 Thrce-I League. At Evansvllle Evnnsvllle, S; Cedar Rnplds, 7. At Decatur Decatur, S; Hockford, 7. At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, 4: Bock Island, 2. At Tcrro Haute Tcrro Haute, 9; Daven port, 6. ' DETROIT AMERICAN WINNERS ClilcnKo I)i'oi (inmc; to Them by Score of Twelve tu One. '71 I DETHOIT. Aug. 9. The American homo team this afternoon won the last game ot tho season with Chicago, und as a result the two teams break oven on the season's play. Grllllth was again put out ot the grojnds, this tlmo for questioning a very bad decision of Umpire Sheridan. Five singles and two thrce-baso lilts In the sixth Inning gave Detroit seven of their runs, Attendance, 2,800, Scoro: DKTHOIT. , CHICAOO. rt.H.o.A.n.l h.h.o.a.i:. Barrett, cf.. 1 2 3 0 0 Hoy, cf 1 2 2 0 0 Holmes, rf. 1 2 3 0 0Jon?s, rf..., 0. 0 0 0 0 Caney. 3b... 3 2 0 3 0 Mertea. 2b.. 0 10 3 2 Cllraon, 2b. 3 2 1 3 0 McFurl'd, If 0 1 3 0 0 Klbcrf'ld, as 2 2 6 3 0 Iubfll, lb... 0 1 10 1 0 Nance, If... 1 l o 0 0 Ilartm'n, 3h 0 0 1 1 1 Crockett, lb 0 1 11 I 0 HluiKart. m. 0 0 2 2 1 Huelow, c... 0 0 3 3 OjHulllvan, o. 0 2 6 0 1 Miller, p.... 1113 0 Patterson, pO 0 0 3 1 Totals ..12 13 27 0 01 Total .. t 7 24 :0 6 Detroit 0 0 0 1 2 7 0 2 12 Chicago 1 0000000 01 Two-baso lilts: Holmes, Sullivan. Thice baso lilts: Hoy (2), Crockett, Holmes, El berfeld. Homo run; Oleason. Sacrlllco hit; Patterson. Stolen bases: Casey (2). First bnsu on balls: Oft Patterson. 1; oft Miller, 4. Hit by pitched bait: Shugart. First baso on errors: Detroit, 4. Struck out: By Patterson, 4: by Miller, 2. Doublu plays: Casey to Buelow to Crockett, Mcrtcs to Isboll to Shugart. Tlmo: 1:53. Umpire: Sherldun. Cleveland Hunches Hits. CLEVELAND, Aug. 9.-Tho Clovcland Americans bunched four hits nnd nlded by a baso on balls und a sacrifice, scored four runs in the second Inning today, which gavo them tho game. Moore wus in line form and nllowed only threo scattering hits up to tho ninth Inning, when wo wero bunched. Attendance, 1,000. Score: CLKVKLAND. MILWAUKEE. h.h.o.a.i:. Hii.o.A.n. Sacrifice hits: Stahl, Schreck. Stolen la ml Donlln, Collins. Seymour, William", Stihl. Double play: Parent to Frotmin. Frit base on ball,: Oft Winters, 3; off Nop, 1. Hit by pitched ball; Parent. Struck out! ily Winters, 1: by Nops, 3. Time: 1 4 . Umpire; Cuntllllon. Second (Inme, HOSTON. HAI.TlMOItrJ. H.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E. Dowd, If.... 0 0 0 0 0 Mi-nrw. 3b 1 0 3 2 1 rinni, cr....o 0 3 0 0 Dnnlln, lb . 0 1 Collins, 3b.. 0 I 1 J o'svymour. rf 0 0 1 Freeman, lb 1 1 11 0 0 will'ma. 2h. 1 1 2 H'tnphlll. rf 2 1 5 0 OIKelster. ss. 0 0 4 1 0 Parent, .. 12 14 0 Ilroille, cf... 0 0 2 0 0 Ferrl, 2b .. 1 1 2 3 0 Jackson. If. 0 1 4 0 0 Crliter. c... 0 3 4 0 0 Ilrn'h-n, cO 1 2 0 0 Mitchell, p.. 1 2 0 1 li.McUln'ty. p 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 Totals . . ft 11 37 tl P Totals .. 2 4 24 9 I Boston 0 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 Baltimore 2000000002 Earned runs: Boston. 1, nnitlmore, 1. Two-baso hits: Freeman. Lon-.t Three base hit: nresnahan, Home run: Williams. Sacrifice hit: Hresnahun. Stolen b .; Crlger, Williams', Hemphill. First base on balls: Off Mitchell, 6; off McQInnlty, ;. Struck out: By Mitchell, 3; by McOlr.nlly. 2. Time: 1:15. Umpire: Cantllllon. Phillies Tnke Until. WASHINGTON, Aug. O.-The Phlladelph a Americans todny won both gnmcj of tha nrst double-header played In Washing on this season, by superior stick work. TMe home team wan unable to hit opportunely. Davis dropped a homer over center Ilel I fence In the first game, making the longest hit ever made In American Lngue park. In the second game Washington wus never within hailing dlstnnco of victory. Attend ance, 3,100. Score: I'lnt Clinic. PHILADELPHIA. I WASHINGTON. H.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E. Fullz, rf....O I I 0 1 Wnldron, cf 2 4 3 0 rt Davis, lb... 2 1 10 0 0 Parrll, 2b.. 1 10 3 1 CrOM, 3b.... 1 3 3 I ti Duntjan, lb. 0 1 0 0 0 ImIMi; :b .. 1 2 2 2 1 Clraily, c... 0 0 2 2 0 Heyhold, rf. 1 2 0 0 OGear, rf 0 0 2 1 1 Mclntyre, If 0 1 2 0 0 Foster, If... 1 1 4 0 u Ely. 0 1 0 4 OCous-hlln, 3b 0 1 3 1 0 Powers, c... 0 10 1 OC'llng'n, ss.. 0 0 3 4 0 Hcrnard, p. 0 0 0 1 3 C.irrlck, p.. 0 0 1 2 0 Totnls .. 5 12 27 12 ll Totals .. 4 8 27 13 2 Philadelphia 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 .1 Wnshlngton 2 000000 1 14 Earned runs: Wnshlngton, 2: Philadel phia, 4. Two-baso hits: Wuldton, Foster. oughlln, Ely, Powers. Three-b.tse h.t: Mclntyre. Home runs: Davis, Cross, Soy bold. Stolen bases: Davis, I-aJole. Sacri fice hit: Dungtin. Double play: Clear to Dungan. First base on balls: Olt Carr'.ck, 6: oft Bcrnhnnl, 1, Struck out: By Car rick, 2; by Bernhard, 6. Left on basis. Washington, ; Philadelphia, 9. Time: 1:45. Umpires; Haskell und Connolly. Second flnitic. WASHINGTON. PHILADELPHIA. H.1I.O.A.E.I H.H.O.A.E. WaMron, cf 1 I 2 0 0 Pultz, cf.... 0 0 2 0 0 Farrell, 2b.. 1 2 2 4 1 Davis, lb... 1 1 13 1 0 Dunican, lb. 0 0 10 1 0 Cross, 3b.... 1 10 2 0 Uraily, c... 1 2 3 1 0 Uijole, 2b... 4 5 3 0 0 Gear, rf 0 0 3 0 0 HeyboM. rf.. 3 4 3 0 0 Foster, If... 1 1 1 0 0 Mclntyre, If 0 1 2 0 0 CoiIKhlln, 2b 0 3 2 3 0 Ely, ss 0 1 0 6 0 Cllng'n, si,. 0 1 3 4 0 Powers, c... 0 14 0 0 Putlcn, p... 0 0 1 1 el'lank, p.... 0 2 0 2 0 Leo 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .. 9 16 27 11 0 Totals .. 4 9 27 14 ll Batted for Putton In tho ninth. Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 19 Washington 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 14 Earned runs: Philadelphia. C; Wnshlng ton, 3. Two-base hits: Wnldron, Farrell, Orady. Homo runs: Lajole (2). Stolen bases: Fultz, Scybold, Mclntyre. Sacrlllco hit: Ely. First baso on balls: Off Plank, 1. Struck out: By Patton, 3; by Plank, 2, Left on bases: Philadelphia, 6: Washing ton, 6. Passed ball: Grady. Time: 1:45, Umpires: Haskell and Connolly. American Lcnuue Stauillnir. Won. Lost. P. C. Chicago 68 32 .04 1 Boston 61 37 .!W Baltimore 49 38 .664 Detroit 49 43 .f33 Philadelphia 42 II .488 Cleveland 37 60 MH Washington 3S 51 .414 Mllwnukeo 33 60 .U1 Snntliern Lengur. BIRMINGHAM, Aug. 9.-Score: R.H.E. Nashville 0 0100012 i 10 0 Birmingham ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 2 Batteries: Nashville, Blackburn and Fisher: Birmingham, Wllhclm and Culver. SELMA, Aug. 9.-Score: rt.H.E. Chattanooga ..0 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 S 12 2 Selma 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 9 1 Batteries: Chattanooga, Bruner and Roth; Slma, Bailey and Moor. Knur (or Indians). BLOOMLNGTON. Neb.. Aug. 9.-(Speclal Telegram.) Tho Haskell Indians easily de feated Bloomlngton at base ball here today, 16 to 1. The game was very one-sided nnd but for careless plays by tho Indians Bloomlngton would have been shut out. Score: Indians 3 0 1 0 6 3 2 1 116 Bloomlngton 0 0001 00001 Batteries: Indians, Gardner nnd Felix; Bloomlngton, Croley and Bcttls. Struck out: By Croley, 6: by Gardner, 9. Hits: Oft Croley, 8; oft Gardner, 2. Friend Cietn One from Kearney, KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special Tele gram.) Friend defeated Kearney at base ball. 9 to S. Score: R.H.E. Friend 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 0-9 14 4 Kearney 3 110 110 1 0 S 11 6 Struck out: By Friend, 5; by Kearney, 6. Home runs: Maryott, Saline, amy. Three baso hit: Obonlon. Two-base hits: Obon lon (2), Morrison, Parker. Batteries: Friend, Morrison nnd Whltcomb; Kearney, Saline and Uurman. Umpires: O'MiUley and Newer. llnmlinlilt Close Winner. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. 9.-(Speclal.)-Humboldt defeated Nebraska City nt basa ball on the Auburn grounds yesterday, 4 to 3. Score: R.H.E. Humboldt 2 0 0 1 1 0 01 7 2 Nebraska City 1 0 0 0 2 0 0-3 3 2 Batteries: Humboldt, Linn and Segrlat; Nebraska City, Byers and Haas. Struck out: By Linn, 11; by Byers, 4. Umpire: John Murtgan of Auburn. 1 1 o'Hogr'ver, If 1 0 3 o O.Conroy, .. o o Picker' g, cf 2 3 McCarfy, If 0 0 O'llrlen. rf. I 2 lleck. 2b.... 1 I-nCh'ce, lb. 5 llraillcy, 3b, 1 1 Wood, c 1 2 Hhlebeck, fa 0 1 Moore, p.... 0 1 1 1 0 Hun ley, p.. 0 1 1 0 0 7 0 3 6 1 0 2 9 I 0 4 Aiulers'n, lb 0 1 Glllrt. 2b.. 0 0 Hallm'n, rf. 1 1 Mnloney, c. 0 2 Krlel, 31.... 1 0 0Ilruette, cf 0 0 Totals .. 8 13 27 10 sj Totals ..3 3 2(12 0 Cleveland 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 1 R Mllwnukeo 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 Earned Cleveland, 2. Two-baso lilt: Wood. First base on errors: Milwau kee. 1. First baso on balls: Oft Moore, 6; off llawley, 5. Stolen bases: Pickering, Ho grlever (2i. Sacrlllco hit: Moore. Struck out: By Moore, 9. Doublo play: Pickering to LnChance. Left on bases: Cleveland, S; Milwaukee, 7. Wild pitch: Moore. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Mannassau. Divided Pair nt lloalmi. BOSTON, Aug. 9. Tho Boston nnd Haiti more Americans broke even today. Tho first gamo was n slugging mutch, In which Baltimore excelled, though the bnd fielding nnd dumb team play on both sides ndd d largely to tho score. Boston won inn sec turn by good hitting in tho llrst and fourth Innings. While standing nt tho bat In the fifth Inning of tho llrst game a foul tip struck Third Baseman Dunn of the Balf mnres on tho proboscis und broke It. Ho was sent to tho hospital. McOraw took his placo In tho game. Attendance, 6,161, gCor. : 1'lri t (iiiiue. Wayne Takes One from Stantnu. WAYNE, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special.) Wnyro defeated Stanton at base ball here today. Score: R.H.E. Wayne 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 - 7 10 3 J Stanton 00000000 1 136 struck out: By Hlierbahn, s; by Stlmp son, 7. Batteries: Wayne, Sherbnhn aid Skeen; Stanton, Stlmpson and Dlttmnn. Superior Taken Another. SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. fl.-(Speclal.)-Superlor's batting won another game of base ball from Fnlrbury today, In Bpllo of tho number of errors. Score: H I I E. Superior 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 6 10 7 Fatrbury 000 1 1 1 2 0 0-5 5 6 Batteries: Superior, Case nnd Folmer; Fnlrbury, Jarred and Ilcck, (ilenvtnixl Defeats tllrneoe. ONAWA, In., Aug. 9. (Special Telegram.) Glenwood defeated Hencoe at base ball here today, 4 to 3. This was the Glenwood team's forty-first gnme this season. Wed nesday of tlila week It dufeatcd Missouri Valley, IS to 1. and Thursday Ltttlo Sioux, 15 tn 0. Batteries: Glenwood. Wllklus and Wllklns; lllencoe, Shea und Shea. Umpire: Bert Blair of Whiting. UALTIMOHE. H.H.O. Dunn, 3b.... 0 0 1 McOraw, 3b I Donltn. lb.. 3 Seymour, rf 3 3 Wlll'ms, Jb, 1 0 Kelster, .. 0 1 HrcKlle cf.. 1 2 Jackson, If. 0 Hresn'h'n, c 2 Ncps, p.. ..2 1 0 3 16 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 2 0 Totals ..12 10 27 Baltimore Boston ... .... Earned runs: Two-base hlU; V iiosmv A.K,1 n.II.O.A.R. 1 1 DowJ, If.... : i o 0 0 2 0 Stain, rf.,., 0 3 0 0 u 0 0 Collins, 3b.. 1 3 1 3 l 0 0 Freem'n. lh 2 1 13 0 o 0 Hemphill, cf 0 2 10 0 2 0 Parent, as.. I l 6 4 1 0 v IVrrls, 2b... 1 2 5 4 : 0 0 richr'k'tt, c I 3 1 5 1 0 1 Winters, p., 1 1 o 2 o 2 0, Totnls .. 0 14 37 18 5 ...1 2 0 0 3 4 0 1 1-12 ...2 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0-9 Bcs on, 4, Haltlmor , 1 'rvvman, Donlln, Seymour, Mnnle unci Mnrrled Men Piny. BMITHFIELD. Nob., Aug. 9.-(Speclnl Telegrnm.) Tho single men nnd married men played base ball today. The married men won 4 to 3. Battnrles: Single men, Wostfall and Wellons; married men, Cur rier and Wllhclm. t'lysars Win SIott Game. ULYSSES, Neb., Aug. 9.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Ulysses defeated Gresnam at bnso ball here today. 16 to 8. Batteries: Ulysses. Duffer and Welghardt; Gresham, Cluypool and Dundbler. Nebraska Indians! Wlilp llnda;rrs. PORT WASHINGTON, Wis.. Aug. ). (Special.) The Nebraska Indians defeat-d Port Washington yesterday, 8 to 1. and Wont Bend today, is to 4. These are the two best teams In eastern Wisconsin, Western Aasoclatlnn. At Wheeling-Matthews. 3; Wheeling, 2 At Toledo Toledo, 14; Columbu", 4, At Marlon Dnytnn. 6; Marlon, 6. At Fort Wnyne-Grnnd Rnplds, 4; Fort Wayne, 2. Inerenxe Amount ot 1'iirclinae. NEW YORK. Aug, 9.-The Coney Island Jockey club has decided to Increase the amount of purchases for ovornlght events at Its fall meeting at Sheeprhead bay race track, so that the average will be about Sl,0u). SIX HEATS TO DECIDE IT Buffalo it Test of Endurance. ANTIZELLA FINALLY LANDS THE PURSE Wniilinn Opens Favorite, hat Loses First Three llentn Through l'n stcndlness Lust llnj's Races nt Frceport. nUFFALO. N. Y.i Aug. !. Tho third day's racing of the Grand Circuit under tho auspices ot tho Buffalo Driving club at the Fort Eric course, while It lacked the absorbing Interest of the first two days, furnished good sport. The attendance was 5,000. The track was In fine condition, but the weather was decidedly cool and not conducive to fast time. Tho first race and the event of tho day, the Electric City slakes, for a purse of $5,000, was won by Neva Simmons In straight heats. Coun try Jay was favorite In tho pool, selling at $25 against tho field for $30. Country Jay and Simmons fought the first heat out In the stretch, the latter winning by halt a length 1p a slashing llnlsh. Neva Sim mons sold for $100 and the field at $79 be fore the second heat. She won easily. Coun try Jay again finishing second. The Judges were not satisfied with the showing mado by either Country Jay or Iva Dee and Hudson was substituted for Maccy behind tho former nnd , Mcllcury took Iva Deo In charge. The change had no apparent effect, for Simmons landed the heat and race, Alberta D nipping Country J at tho wire for the place. Metallls was a warm favorite in the 2:19 trot and ho justified tho confidence of his friends by landing the money In straight heats. Wauban opened favorite In the 2:16 trot, but ho lost the first three heats through unsteadiness, the first and second going to Antzella nnd the third to Volo. Curtis managed to keep Wauban In his stride tn the fourth heat and ho won It handily. The grey gelding acted badly again In the fifth, Volo passing under the wire first, All Right second and Wauban third. The Judges took Curtis down for the final heat botwecn the heat winners, Antlzella, Volo and Wauban. It proved to be the best mile trotted todny. Wauban wont In tho air In the stretch for an Instant, and Antl zella landed the heat and race, Emma M showed the most speed In the raatch race, losing tho second nnd fourth through unsteadiness. MncDonald man aged to keep her on her feet In the final and she won by four lengths. Results: 2:24 clnss, trotting, purso $5,000. Electric City stakes: Neva Simmons, b. m., by Simmons (Price) 1 1 1 Country Jny, s. g., by Jay Hawker (Mncey and Hudson) 2 2 3 Alberta D, ch. g., by son of Viking (Shllllnglow) 6 3 2 Ouoddy Girl, b. m. (Kelly) 3 6 6 George Smith, b, g. (Welgle) 4 5 4 Iva Dee, b. f. (Spear nnd McIIcnry).. 6 4 5 Time: 2:lli. 2:llV. 2:12. 2:19 class, trotting, purse $2,000: Metallls, bile, h., by Mambrlno King (Shllllnglow) 1 1 1 AHco Carr, blk. m., by Gambetta Wilkes (Hudson) 2 2 2 Truffles, gr. m., by Tllot Medium tA. McDonald) 3 3 3 Re-elected, gr. h. '(Maccy) ds Hullmnn, br. g. (Pusey) ds Time: 2:14. 2:14, 2:11U. 2:16 class, trotting, purse $1,200: Antlzella, b. h., by Anteeo (Miller) 1 12 6 4 1 Volo, b. g., by Mambrlno Boy (McCleary) 4 2 16 13 Wauban, gr. g.. by Pilot Medium (Curtis) 2 r 4 1 3 2 All Right, b, C. (Hudson). ..3 3 3 2 2 dr Ebbn. g. m. (Wlntngs) 5 4 6 3 6 dr Vic Shelter, br. g.:(Vanbok- klen) 6 6 6 4 ds Onconta, s. m. (Olney) 7 ds Tlme: 2:13?4. 2:l0'3, 2:12h, 2:14. 2:12, Match race, pacing, best three In five, for .-,000: Emma SI, h. m.. by Ceclllnn Prlnco (McDonald) 1 2 12 1 Lolltn, blk. m., by Sidney (Snow) 3 12 12 Tlmo: 2:09i. 2:16, 2:11, 2:14V4, 2:16U. At Freeport. FREEPORT, III.. Aug. 9.-Ra!n fell dur Ing tho last day's meeting of the Great Western circuit, hut not enough to Inter fere with tho sport. Results: In the 2:25 trot George Muscnvllle was first In three heats. Tlmo: 2:21U. 2:144. z:19. Lady Constantino, wan second and Klondike third. The 2:10 pacing was won by Personetto. Time: 2:lHi, 2:11. 2:11. Kusscl wns second and Pat Wilkes third. LAST DAY OF CIRCUIT RACES With I'nst Track nnd Perfect Weather Meet at llnstlnii" Closes Successfully. HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 9.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) The final race of tho Nebraska circuit meet, which had a three days' pro grum here, camo off this afternoon before nn audience of nearly 4.000. The track was fast and the wenther perfect. Summary: Pacing, 2:20 class, purse $250: Freak won, Norval Chief second, Clnudy C third, Time: 2:244. Pacing, 2:35 class, purso $250: Ll:ilin E Crnlghton won, Gates A.lar second, Mamie F third, Lottie Lee fourth. Tlmo: 2:20ti. Pacing, free for all, purso, J250: NpII Cat tery won, Direction second, Lou Sprague third, Riley C fourth. Time: 2:16. Running, half-mile, purse J50: On Hand won. Druggist second, Charley Mitchell third. Time: 0:60. Running, three-quarters of a mile, purse $50: Fred Reed won, Jlmmlo Watson BSC ond, St. Paul third. Time: 1:194. ltneen nt llnrtlimtoii, HARTINGTON. Neb., Aug. 9.-(SpecItl Telegram.) A splendid rain Inst night put the track In splendid condition for this, the last day of the races. In the 2:40 race for a purse of 175 Alerlck took first money, In 2:45; Llzzlo Baxter second. In tho free for nil for a purse of 1125 Davy Crockett took llrst, In 2:32; Norway Chief second. In the frpe-for-nll running rnea fn- n purso of $100 St. Elger took first, In 0:52; Fav Wood second. Yesterday In the 3:f0 pace nr trot Llt'Io Dick took first. In 2:37. with Lizzie Baxter second. In tho 2:30 pace or trot Davy Crock ett took first. In 2:29'. with Monkey Myois second. In the pony run Matty Powell tork first, In 0:524, with Zenlous second. Itnnilster Mntlnee Today. The weekly mntlnpe of the nondstrr club Is to bp held this nfternoon and four goo I events will make up the program The track has been put In excellent condition and ome good tlmo Is nssured. Hla'k Blondon will seek tn lower the colors rf the Missouri hor e which cle'eated Hue's Keith's thoroughbred Inst wrek and n worse score than 2.10 Is looked for. There are four entries In the paring race nnd n many more In tho gentlemen's ronlrtT race. Considerable Interest Is taken In tho latter event, ns ench owner feels sat slled that he can make good the sune t r' y claimed nn the turnpike over his neighbor. WHITNEY rTuNS NEW ONE Two-Venr-Olil Yankee Wins Five. 1'nrlonu nvrnt nt Saratoga Qnlte Brilliantly. SARATOGA. N. Y.. Aug. 9-YAnkee. the 2-year-old Hanover-Correction colt, jointly owned by William C. Whitney nnd John E. Madden, nnd a cnndlilato for the Futurity, made his llrst appearance In the Inst race todny. Yankee's debut wns a successful one, for he won hy two lengths, with much In reserve. For tho first half-mile of Hie raco Mounco, who rode Yankee, hnd him .inder wraps on the extreme outside of his field nnd when he let go his restraining hold on the rolt he shot to the front with a suddenness Hint was slHrtllng. Behind him nt the finish wero several likely young sters, Including Cornwall, who was badly Intcrefered with, and Tribes Hill, who stumbled nnd nlmnst fell Just as ho was making his run. Results: First race, for 3-year-olds and upward, six furlongs: Snrner won, Connie second, Rlnglcnder third. Time: 1:14 4-5. Second race, handicap for all ages, ono mile and a sixteenth: Trigger won, Caviar second, Kilogram third. Time; 1:49, Third race, for 2-year-olds, live nnd a half furlongs' Dixie Lino won, clay Boy second, Rocky third. Time. 1.09 Fourth race, one mile nnd a sixteenth, selling: lnshot won, The Amazon second, Animosity third. Time; 1:48 2-5. Fifth race, for maiden 2-year-olds, live furlongs: Yankee won, Cornwall second, Tribes Hill third. Time; 1:02 2-5. At tlelmar Park. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9.-Mlss Dora was the only favortto to win nt Dclmar park today. Three second choices and two outsiders scored In the other events. Ann, In the fifth race, wns backed from 20 to 1 to 2r4 to I, and In some Instances clear off the boards, She showed prominently to the stretch head, where she blew up and finished outside the money. Track fast. Results. First race, five f.irlongs, purse: Lillian M won. Mada Bell second, Atelle third. Time: l:03i. Second race, Ave and a half furlongs, sell ing; J. V. Hays won, Pomella second, Miss Cooney third. Time: l;23'4. Third race, five and a half furlongs, sell ing: Miss Dora won, Colonel Stone sec ond, Potheen third. Time; 1:10. Fourth rnce, seven furlongs, selling: Uterp won. Bcnham second, Warren Point third. Time: 1:2SH. Fifth race, one mile nnd seventy yards, selling: Barrlca won, Irving Mayor second, Empyreal third. Time: 1:17. Sixth race, six and a half furlongs, sell ing: Imp, Clonsllla won, Kiss Quick sec ond, Cella third. Time: 1:224. At Harlem. CHICAOO. Aug. 9. Jockey Wlnkfleld was beforo the Harlem Judges today for a poor ride on King Dellls, the heavily backed fuorltc In the second race. The colored rider took his mount all over the track, found every possible pocket and then finished fifth. He escaped with a repri mand. Mondnre, Donation nnd Brief were tho winning favorites. Weather cloudy nnd track fast. Results: First race, seven furlongs; Mondoro wan, Captain Hnnim second, Little Lois third. Time: 1:27 1-5. Second race, six furlongs: Trladltza won, Emma R second, Tho Phoenician third. Time: 1:14 2-5. Third race, steeplechase, short course: Donation won. Crest second, Dick Furber third. Time: 3:3S. Fourth race, six furlongs: Light Ball won, Goal Runner second, School for Scandal third. Time: 1:1.1. Fifth rnce, five furlongs, selling: Lord vjuex won, Phnr second, South Trimble third. Time; 1:00 4-5. Sixth race, one mile nnd seventy yards: Brief won. Searcher second, Illllouen third. Time; 1:45 1-5. At WlniUnr. DETROIT, Aug. 9. Weather cloudy and track fast at Windsor. Results: First race, for 2-yenr-olds, selling, seven furlongs: Hcroks won. My Sunny South second. Nugget third. Time: 0:49V1. Second race, six furlongs: Velma Clark won, Tretuer second, Howell third. Time: -.13?i. Third race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Pacemaker won, Ceylon second, Ur ganda third. Time: 1:49. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Sister Kate won. Athara second, Tempt third. Time: 1:14',;. Fifth rnce, five furlongs: Erne won, Sly Muld second, Paul Creyton third. Time: l:oi?4. Sixth race, one mile, selling: San Andres won, Ed Roth second, Alive Mnntell third. Time: l:42V4. At llnnilltnn. HAMILTON, Ont., Aug. 9. Weather clear and track fast. Results: First race, five and a half furlongs: Blackford won, Gray Bill Htgglns second, Remsen third. Time: 1:08. Second race, for 2-ycnr-olds, five fur longs: Bourbon King won, Santa Bonlta second. Caller Herrln third. Time: 1:03H. Third race, for 3-ycur-oIds and upward, one mile: Beau won, All Saints second, Cherry Wild third. Time: 1:42 4-6. Fourth race, for 3-year-olds, iivo nnd a half furlongs: Anna won, Elzra second, Colombia third. Tlmo: 1:074. Fifth race, six furlongs: Pnk Maid won, Ocle Brooks Becond, Scorpion third. Time: 1 15. Sixth rnce. steeplechase, short courie: Venedan won, Basle second, Auld Lang Syne third. Tlmo: 4:324. nermann Beat Alt-America). The big bowling game last night at C ark s was Germany ngalnst All America. The Germans won by 51 pins. Score: GERMANS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totol. Wlgman 169 153 177 499 Brunke 20S 179 161 518 Lehmann 153 155 150 45S ""rug 179 14S 172 499 Kolls M 1S4 147 499 Totals S77 S19 S07 siiol ALL AMERICA. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Read 121 144 156 121 Smcad 147 146 174 467 Seaman 19S 192 161 651 Emery 1S1 226 U2 6S9 Clarltson 136 141 147 424 Totals 783 849 83) 2I52 COURTHOUSE BONDS CARRY Proposition for New Site at firsnil Island Get IHk Majority. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special.) Tbero are sufficient returns In at tho present time on tho spcclnl bond election to lnsuro tho carrying of tho bonds by at least 100 votes. The new site for the courthouse, nearer to the business center of tha city, was chosen by at least 160 majority. It Is proposed to begin the work of construction on tho $100,000 building at once. Tho old site, It Is strongly suggested thl.i morning, Is to be retained for a public square. Fels-Napth. Fels-Naptha soap needs no argument with the woman who uses it according to the simple directions. She finds that with no boiling and but little rub bing, in half the time with half the work, the clothes come out whiter and sweeter than ever she saw before. Not half the wear either. Actual fact, or money returned by your grocer. Fcls Co. PhlUdelphl Claims Marriage Wns Forced. SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special.) Kathryn D. Smith, wife of Harry Smith of Nolson, has applied for a divorce from her husband In the circuit court of Minnehaha, county, South Dnkota. She alleges that sho was forced to marry Smith against her will. Whllo sick and In a weakened condition, In both body and mind, she says her father com pelled hpr, at tho roqueot of Smith, to go through the form of a marriage against her will and free consent. Harry Smith Is a member of the firm of Smith Bros., proprietors ot tho largest general mercan tile store In Nelson. The woman who now sues him for dlvorco In his second wife. Smith married her In Ohio last Do-comber. Visitors) n Clny Comity Institute. EDGAR, Neb., Aug. P. (Special.) Tho following visitors have attended Iho Clay county teachors' Institute during the pres ent session: President Fllson of Hastings college. Prof. Senthy of Nelson, Superin tendent W. T. Bottcnfield ot Nelson, Chap lain A. A. Crcssmnn of Crete, Prof. Fred Hemry of Texas, Prof. C. W. Homry and Inspector Crabtreo of Lincoln. .rw Firm Inroriiornteil, COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special.) The Tolcgram Printing company has Just filed articles of Incorporation with tho fol lowing officers: President, Edgar Howard, vice president, L, A. Ewlng; business man ager, Lloyd Swain. Tbo capital stock of tho company Is $6,500. It will publish the Columbus Telegram and do a general printing buslnres, I. on llolllnir Closes, PHILLIPSBURO, Kan., Aug. 9, (Spe cial.) Tho district log rolling of the Mod ern Woodmen of America hold at Norton closes today. For three days largo crowds have been tn attendance, listening to speeches and witnessing horse races, ball games and other sports. Injured hy Fnll friini SenrTolil, HARTINGTON. Neb., Aug. 9 (Special Telegram.) Yesterday a Bcaffold gavo away beneath Nick Ottella and ho fell from tho roof of Frans Nolson's house, a dis tance of twenty foot. Ho managed to strike nn his feet, but sustained Internal In juries from the shock. ltiarnii(lnr Unified, HUMBOLDT, Neb,, Aug, 9.(Speclsl.) Tho quarantine on tho Brocelen home has been raised, tho two emallpox patients hav ing recovered, ll INEXPENSIVE LITTLE JOURNEYS. BUFFALO, N. Y. Hound trip rate from Oinnlin, $25.75. Tickets with longer limits cost a little more. A pleasant way to make the trip to Buffalo at this time of year, is to go to Chicago via the Burlington Koute, thence to Buffalo by, water. The Pan-American Exposition is now complete. Af ter a few days there you can visit Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, the Adirondacks or the seashore. TICKET OFFICE. 1502 Fornam Stroot. Tolophono 250. BURLINGTON STATION, 10th and Mason Sts. Tolophono, 128. P. S. Attractive low rates to many other eastern re sorts, as well as to the Black nills, Colorado and Utah. lmfflpg Rocky Mountain fli Summer Resorts lJJLBi, Colorado. Wyoming, Utah 0feIrorV Reached best by the The Union Pacific. Do not make a miptake. All Western States and Points of interest reached, with least inconvenience via the Union Pacific. Round Trip Rates Between Omaha and , Pueblo $15.00 Colorado Springs $15.00 Denver $15.00 Glenwood Springs $25.00 Ealt Lake City $30.00 Oeden $30.00 Tickets tn Sal Aug, I to 10 Inclusive. Sept. I to 10 Inclusive. ruoblo $13.00 Colorado Spring $19.00 Denver ' $19.00 Glenwood Springs $11,00 Salt Lake City $32.00 Ogde $33.00 Tlckeli on Sale Aug. II to Jl Inclusive. GOOD TO RETURN TO OCTOBER 11, 1901, New City Ticket office 1321 Fornam St. Tel. 310. Union Stntion 10th nnd Murcy. Tel 020. PAN AMERICAN LIMITED 'TO- Chicago via Leave Omaha 6:00 a.m. Arrive Des Moines 10:05 a.m. Davenport.2:3 1 p.m. Chicago.. ..6:58 p.m. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES ALL SEASON Direct Connection with all Eastern Trains. ONLY one: night out TO BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. CITY TICKET OFFICE '. 1323 FARNAM STREET. AFASTDAYTRAIN DAILY via "Northwestern Line" Detwocn Omaha and St. Paul nnd Minneapolis IlDffst OWrvstlon- Psrlor Cor "Tha lMt uf hftritblut" TICKET OFFICE 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. DEPOT-UNION PASSENGER STATION. MA TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO Hi