THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATU11DAV, AIT (JUST 10, 1001. 11 i. SPECIAL NOTICES Avrliraan(B for thea column b taken nnlll 13 an. for the renin edition and anlll N no , n. for rilii and Sunday cdlllna. ttatee, 1 l-2o a word flrat Ineertlan, la a Trard (herenfter. Nettilna; tnkrn for ttmm tfaan SRo for the flret tnirr tlnsa. These adrertlaeaienta aanat be rwn eoaseontl vein lAdvertUrra, by reqnaatfac a anan rered check, ran hare anavrera ad et rraaed to a aambered letter ta ear f The nee. Anavrera aa addreaaed will 'be deltverad areaeatatlea at tha aaeak oalr. SITtfAT .0 O.VS WALTER. WANTED, situation nn housekeeper, enn do nil kinds of housework, Address D 45, Deo. A-116 9 WANTED, iiosltlon hs cashier, nsMitnnt ur bookkeeper In hHiik; three years' experi ence; best of retire ncca. Address U 41, Dec. A-MI511.' WANTED, position by a thoroimhly com petent young mnn us bookkeeper or i-a-'h-icr; three yenrs' experience with lirc wholcsnle house, whom I am now with, uge, 23; good penman; hast of references. Address D B., Hop. A M16) PS' WA'.THI-3Ll.i: HELP. WANTHt?, experienced sonp snlesmnn; re Ply, st.tlng ngo, oxpcrlcHco, references; sale.ry'expected, Address O 57, Ueo. 11 Miji WAN TI'Ml fiftt ,ti trt . nvtirtr nnrpf . re- llarlo poultry hucktters. with estub.l'hed rotites. Apply to Swift and Company, w irni onmha, .Neo. ismj 4 u WANTED, nn upholsterer who cap cut and man can have steady work and good wages. Frank Pryor, 1'ueblo, Colo. 11-M12S II WANTED, advertising solicitor. Omnha iircclory Co. 11137 11 HOYS WANTED. Owing; to our over Increasing ontlral busl- ncsfi wp nro In need of two reliable boys whri wish to learn the, manufacturing op tloal business. J, C. Ilutesoii A. t'o,, l.iJO Juglusst. U MI4 11 WANTED, 11 tirlght young man, 2ft to 3S I 'years old, to take nn agency for one of thu best old line life Insjrauce cumpanloH; 0110 who nail experieneu as salesman pre ferred. Address D CO, Ilee. 1I-M1I5 SALESMEN wanted to travel for manufac turer selling chewing and smoking to- baixo to the trnde, Address with stamp nux 64, jtingnnmton, Mew ir.rK. 11 Mil's 11' ANTED,, man to travel In Nebraska; reasonable Miliary and expenses; experi ence unnecessary; distribute and adver tise; ngn over 21; self-nddrcssed envclopo for reply. Mgr. E. Wlmmer, 3W Dearborn, uuicago, ij sinn m "YOUNG men, our Illustrated catalogue ox plains how we teach barber trade In eight weeks; malleil free. .Molcr llarber Col lege, 123 Forillim Bt. U M1G3 IS MAI.UMME.V WAVrKU, WANTED, nn np-to-dnto salesman to hnn dlo one of the beat 5-cent cigars ever oriervil to the public, excellent oppor- 1 tunny. Aiiiiress, wim rercrence, .Mutual Uigur v.n iwn i.ocusi ti(., ni. i.ouis. M130 10 WANTED FKJIAId; IIEI.f. WANTED, 20C girls. 132t Dodgo. Tel. S70. T C-6S2 '0 aiHLS, all kinds work. Canadian Ofllce. C 0i3 WANTED, nurse; refe'rences required. 3G20 rnrnam. C 9J WANTED. Hnclinil nlrl? rnrprpnpn r.,n.ilrA ipply to Mrs. u L. Kountzc, 39th street uuu iiuwtj uve, C 9.J 11 tlVANTED. flrst-clnss maHsousc. Call room ..v nee uiug. C 119 ll "WANTBD. confpettfnffcook nnd nurso girl. ..11 i.annoii couri. C 11& 9 I IVANTEn-nirl nr iT.iinral 1,,.,. ......!. ltefereucee rcitulred. Mrs. Warren Swltz- ier iiiin m. jNiurya Ave. C 15S 9 "WANTED, competent cook, nlso nurso girl. -in i.imiiuuii wouri, U .M170 1. ANTED, 25 experienced shlrtmakerB; sieuay worK nt good wages. Apply to Dymu & Hammer D, G. Co., factory 12lh uuu xiiiwiiru Bin. is MlbX 11 ANTED. Indies to learn hnlnl muslin?. manicuring or facial mussugc; prejiure lor busy setisun this tall; tour weeks required by uar method. Cull or wrlto. Muler Col- lege, loj l'tirnnm t. C Mlul 13 FOR RENT-HOUSES. 3F YOU want your houses well rented plnco lliviil wiitii uriiciti v-u. u tl TO MOVE right, get Omaha Vnn Storage Co., ofllce. 151114 i'arnam, ur tel. i69.b6J. . D 655 HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city. Urcnnun-Lovc Co., 320 Suuth 13th street. D-6:6 r 2IOUBE8. stores. Bcmls, Puxton block. D-fi,7 BKI3 11KINHY IS, 1'AYlNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-IM HOUSES, etc. F. D, Wend, 1524 Douglas. D-CS9 aiOUSES.'nnd Hats. 'Rlngwnlt, Darker block D M)J HOUSES wanted. Wnllacc, Hrown block. u 6.U 8-ROOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson. rciepiiuuc a. ir.-iynor, rJl or li-Z33. D-t91 10-ROOM. enst front, brick house, 3CS N, 22d "i,p ui-ui iuvciipun, iiiquiro next uoor. D-M:73 rSU I tlCNT. houso and bnrn. all modern; 2137 South 33d St. Apply fJ Merchants' ittiiuiiui iiaiiK sung. XJ (W 7-ROOM lint, C17 South 16th. 311 New' York Life. Clark Powell, uan w.VN..V.1 , AyK-. R-room houe. ALL MODERN, lu good couilltlon; relit. 23: note how'Clnso lu this house Is to bo mod M,Vv."tM,r.L,.,cM.1,.Lt ,M,'U ""rgaln; want "Ull I i ill t" III t. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO 16th nnd Duuglns Sts. . D-M732 A ir;aiiiAiiur. tenant inrnlshed In 21 hours. List your houses with me My pormnnrnt rental service the best. Farms 111 itllllllVPimt uu rury I'nyiucuiS. WH EATON, 42S PAXTON I1LOCK. D-M8R toil RENT, desirable 5-room house, with uurn, mi Ot iisi si. u MM!) FOR RENT. XS24 Wirt street, 10 rooms, modern, In first- vmb iL' lAirga oarn, iu. BOS N. ISth St., 12 rooms, modern, two large burns Just the Place for party running transfer or dray line; $25. CIK fth 8t" ! rSm8' '""Jern, brick, In Vlliea IVMlll, 4?-V, 1027 N. 20th St.. S rooms, modern; will be I',,, iii niai tines repair; ?19. 1010 N. 27th St.. two-story, 7 water; good repair; $15. rooms, city ,B3ood'n?e?p.l1r.$kr00m,' m0,'Crn' br,cl' ' ui ,n. Jim .. o rooms, modern; In first 1423 Cass St , 10 rooms, moern. (lrst c'um repair; $50. IH; 8. 3Jd. II rooms, modern, brick, In good I VJ'CI 1, , t602 Popnleton, Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with barn, $35. J210 Popnleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with U.1TII, ?C1. (23 So. 30th St., 4 rooms, city water, good repair, i. . HRENNAN-LOVE CO.. 309 So. 13th St. D-MS93 1) ROOM Hat, modern. 111! 8. lllh. D-97S lo.tll)OM modern rldence. rentrallv lo- eatodt board for mmi and wife acceptad ior rem. itingwait uros., uarxer diook. D-M123 FOR IlENT-IIOl'SES. CORNER 26th and Wooiwnrth nve., 7-room, nil modern, nlci lawn and shade. Whea Un, 4J3 l'tixton hlk. D-MWS rtr. H 37.1 Hi . II rnmns. nuidern. stcum heat, on highest ground In Omaha, H u ock irom purK. lvey next uour wum. D-S44 9 VERY desirable flat In good repair, well located. M, J. Kvnnard A Son, Jlo Urown block. uyji ITnr VINTON ulri-ef. slnrii with two live- room Hats above. The whole building has Jusl been painted and papered througnoui. Will mue very reasonable rent to a good tenant, or will rent separately. HIH U.MA11A LOAN & TRUST CO., Mil und DoughiB Sts. D-Mk) NICELY furnished five-room cottage, to couple for three months. Inquire E, A. Johnson, 20.'1 Lenvcnworth st. D-M162 11 1 11 " - I'OH HH.VI FLH.MSHER ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Varnam. E-tt.6 THE T1IUH8TON, cool, nlry rooms. K 'j0 TIIHEE rooms, llht housekeeping. Ill-' soutn 11th. E-515 Housekeeping rooms It up. 2623 St. Mary's. THHEE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 South lllh. li-6lj A16 TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen" only. 2uio Davtnport E-Mll LIGHT housekeeping. 221 St. Mary's AV. niii 11 'tUMNIIIJU IIOO.MS AM) IIOAIll). UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St K-97 ULENCAHtN, transit lit, J1.25 day, 1C09 Dnug ! BJ5 THK Mcrriam, summer resort. 25th k DoiIro TWO large front rooms, with board. 1? 9 lapuoi Ave. r .luii DKBHIAULE rooms. Tho Pratt. 212 9. 25th St. 1-70 J DESIItAHLE rooms, llrst-chiss beard. 2531 Harney. i siasi u- HOOMS nnd board. Tho Itose, 202) llarnoy st. tr".Miw na- (Ml llf.M'-l'NKf HMSIIED IIOOMS. DESIC room spate, 3 por month, ground itiinr rimm In Tho ilee bullillliK. lacing l''arnnm street; no expense, tor liijht, heat or janitor service, it. c. I'eiert, v-o. Hental AgentH, lleo JJtllldlng. G lit! t. itN'irmiNIHItKt) chnmbers for liousc- ki'cnlng: wuter und wasiu Pipe, .iia 17th. U-o3u FOR RUNT STORES AND OFFICES. Full KENT, store In Ilrst-clasa location; rent reunonniilc. Appiy ii. w. i-eier Co., gruunu uoor, lieu illilg. I 2U FOR KENT, tho building formerly occu pied ly ilie i-ej ui Jio rarnam oi. ii nun lour stories aim u uasemeui wnicu wan formerlv useii ns Tho lieu nress room. 'nils will be rented very reasonably. It Interested npply ut onco to c. c. iiosu- wuter, tiecrciary, room iw, lice building. i :oi FOR KENT, ofllce with vault and part first tloor or all top uoor. nil-IB iiarney i. Mtulaud Ulusa Ac 1'ulnt Co., 141u liurney St. i 1 AO EM'S WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agcntB In every county to soncii subscriptions lor riirj TWitt'lltfril CJdM'XUKX FAHMHll UUU the NEW CYULOi'eJUlA OF L1E blOCiv uud CUiili'LUiij STUCK JJOC 'lull. This siileiiuid uook contains .iV linperlul octau pises, objeul-teachuiK elixravniKS auu Ih ihu only uook on UVu stock ever published adapted to the every uuy, pructicui, moncy-suving use of every iaiinrr.auu uiock owner, oteuuy cmpio) mtnt wim unsureu good Income. Agents In the country with norse und buggy tu- peciuuy uesiri(i. ianvaasera muno uusuy Oo to ilw per muuin. Auuress, Ceiuuiy Farmer solicitors- iiurcau, Hee bulloing, umunu, j is i WANTED-TO RENT. YOUNG man wishes small cottugo or suite, iui intuitu ior iiiii nouscKeupiiig, lor sen unu muiner; reieiellces. u ih, iiee. K -1171 12' STOHAOE. PACIFIC Storage und Wurehouso Co., 9 2- iin juiics, ueut'iui Bioruuu uuu iorviuidiii, -J-l OM. Von Slot. Co., 15UV4 Furn. Tels. 1659-&C3. 7ua BluitAUf;: Household goods und other uriiciks aioruu ui iuw lutes. J. j. ijeiini u Co.. IHU f uriium bt. Tuu 3s3. 7uj WANTED TO JIDV. . ..,.... . T ; r WANTED to buy, 2d-hnnd pianos nnd or- guns, u 1,1-, Lev. N- -tlltij FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge, lol. .v.ii. iew oc iuiiunu luiuiiuiu ouuai)i, su.u, ixcnuiiguu. u ,u. 1''ou Al.E-llOKSE8, VEHICLES, ETC. LIGHT omnibus and buggies for Halo at H. Fi'osi'b, 141(1 uuu ivtuvtiiwori.i. rMm SOME eccond-band buggies, good us new, and other bargains lit mat, at 1307 Junes st. Ask ior O. M. Hurt. F-ML1 FOR SALE M1SL l!al,t,ANtiU Us. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog lence. wi uougias, w ivo 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Furnam. y 7U7 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 8. 13 y ivs 111(1 line of (.econdhnnd wheels, $3, $5, $s, $10. Oinahu Hicycie uu., luin uuu uuicugo ots. y 7trj TRADE your old wheel In on u now one. omanu Hicycie 1.0., mm ana unicugu sis. y 71U FOR SALE, lowu unfermented grupe Julco business. Address 702 First avenue, Coun en minis, 11 Mtif3 AU FOR SALE, boat; elegantly furnished housebuut uf 3 rooms and kitchen; will nrrlve In Omaha lutter part of August. Atldresa Houseboat, Uee. Q M113 11 PERSONAL. DIl. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous iiiur triuuvi-u uy fieciriciiy, . is, Frenier block. U-713 VIAVA. woman's wny to health; rational, wnoicsume liuiuc titriituieilt, in lite Illtlg. U-7U M. GOLDMAN & CO., onL- perfect nc cordiou pleating piuui in tne west; mull orders solicited. Sulto 210, Douglas block. U-717 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders soiicncu. umana ricnung uo i5 Douglas. U-71S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during conuncmcuij uimin uuupieu. isce Grant St. U-716 THEY cost $37,00 per 1,000, and It's cheap, too; they nre sum uy iie.iiem mr oc eacn. nnd thars cheap, too: consider quality and price nnd you will be ours forever: It's tho "Prince of Omaha" cigar, union made, u F. tttotckrr Cigar Co, Save tho bands of tho Stoecker cigar, we need them. u si33 10 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; we repair ami sen neeuies una parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone ion. Neb. Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. U-137 A16 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent, wnito sewing Machine, jerj uoug jas. Tel. 2231. U-715 iOUNO man. 27. refined, respectable nnd handsome, wishes to correspond with honorable yojng lady who has means; oujeci matrimony, Address v a), uee. U-MHi 10 PKHSOVtL. MME. SMITH, baths. US N 15, 2d floor, H 2. I .mom: v Tit ma. heal estate. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas irj t AND 5j per cent loans. V. II. Thuina-, IISl .National UUIIK UUIIUlllg. 111. IH. v is 1 Mill. IIki 15(ai tirlvutH miiiipv In loan: 1. 2. 1 or u years. w. 1 stjuy, uoaru 01 -imiu 1 MONKY to loan on Improved Omaha real eoiuie. ureunun-LJVu uu., nuum kin, 114 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgu c i.omtuny, ltwi rurnam WANTED, city loans and warrants. AY. I'arnam smun At uo., u.u 1 urnum 01, 1. ! LOANS on eastern Ntbraskn and western Iowa farms nt 6 per cent; borrowers van iiav 11UJ 01 anv multiple, any interest aaie; 110 delay. llrtnnan-Lov i.o.,,. . lath St., Otnand, Neb. . -r!. 4V4 TO S 1'. O. money, llemls, I'axton bill. 1'llIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. w ,3V WANTED, city and farm loans; nlfo bond and wiirrautn. It. U. I'eUra it Co., 17Ji turnani si., ueo mug. f0,t"-V SPECIAL f und; loans m u PI lowest rates. Uurvln ilros,, liw t'arnam W-995 .IIO.NEV TO I.O AS CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? . We loan t0 and up on luruiiuiv, pianos, nurses una oiner cnuiieis. HAI.AltV LOAN'S. Without mongage to p.opiu nuiuing pcrmn- lieill positions, lou can get iu uwnc 11 lew nours alter maKiu uppucaiiuu unu taku 1. 2, a, 4, j, 0 months or more in whtih to pay it bach, and you need not pa tor It one uay longer than you Keep it. We cnarge nutluiib tor paper ntu. wo giu you the tun amount in cush. There are tin Inner l-.ileM 111,111 l.lim: nur lel'IIIS Ul'O tho easiest, our busiueks U coutuciitlai uiiu uur iiiuiiu in 11 j m itw". OMAHA .MOitTOaOtl lAJAN CO., lM iimini 111 'I railu li.ilu. Tel. Z'ija. (Estublishcd 1S9.'.) 3Uu S. llli St. .-V oat CONFIDENTIAL LOANS . On household lurnlture. pianos, norscs, wagons, etc., in two hours nine, uiou iu sulnrleu people on ineir plain notes, with out security, uusicsi pujiiiuuio uuu wn ,,Nt ihi. m in Oniiihu. l rivuto Interviewing room. American Loan Co,, room ali! iirown biucK, cor. Iblli and uougias bis.; niiruiu-u on loin oi., opposite i, -u. a. num. LAltGEST DUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED I'EUPl.fc.. tiiercliaiiis, team sters. Hoarding nouses, etc., wltliout se curity: euslesi terms; tO unices lu princi pal cities. Molmuu, tlu liuuru ut Tiudo Hldg. A iJt LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, livo slock, etc. ijuiCK sen'leo and lowest rates gu.ituutecd. J. TAl'LOE, 633 Rop lloorj i'axton biocl:, uorlheust comer loin and I'uriiaui; uuiruncu oil loin sircei. .V I JO MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norscs, cowl), eic. v. lieeu, jia o. 10. V loll MONHV liinnril nn nlnnns. furniture, horses. cows, jewelry, uuu urecn, u. a. iiuraer uih WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note at lowest rates; strictly conn uentinl: pay weekly, seinl-weeKly or monthly. Room Wi i'axton block, 3d tloor. Reliable credit uo. ai.ij MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Business connuennui; lowest run a. 614 I'UXIOII DIOCK. '1I1U J. A. HUllOn . X-79I THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE to make loans on furniurc, pluno or saury. ROOM 311 DROWN ULUCK. ontrunce op. poslto Y. M. C. -V. bldg., luth at. Try It uud jou will be sure uuu repeui inu uusc. A .1111 RUSINESS CHANCES. FOR HALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; hnrdwood floor, Mutincws gas machine, soda fountain, etc.; lu a. lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co,, 600 Hco Hldg. v 740 TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO UUY, j IF I UUW i FlDiU 1UU A IJtiAlj YOU MAY SAY 1 NEVER TRY. J. H. JOHNSON, 841 New York Life Hldg. The Real Estate, and KiiHlness chanco Man. Moiiciis lour Liusiuess. Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and Rooming Houses foi saio or uxenangc. Y-513 WANTED, ladles of nblllty to matin ge brancli unices, i nyruiti-iyinpu t-u.. aw Ueo Hldg., Omulia Y-M132 1.1,'AniNG and unlv hotel III town of 2.500 In enBt central lown; iwo-atory nricg; ior rent at once: immediate possession, i. llox 760. Des Moines. Y-M127 11 A VERY nttractlvo Investment Is offered n the stock of tho Golden Rod oi com pany of Omaha; absolutely safe and Hire tn nav largo dividends: only u limited amount for sale ut par. Cull or wrlto for full Information. Oftlco 1911 Davenport st. Y ftllJ'l l.INDELL HOTEL, tlrst-cluss, good busi ness, lurnisnings compieie; price, j,w;; Investigate. Wllllum Madgett, jiastin gs. Neb. MltiO FOR EXCHANGE, FOR EXCHANGE, fine, clean stock gen eral dry goous, itirnitiiuiK Kutitia, ntuiun and up tn dnte. Involco about $10,000. Wl',1 exchange for part cash and good prop erty. Good stock about $6,500. In rrco 1 Ortier, tIWII I uiurv ,m.c ,u,um i.t,-iiia babtneo good property. If you want good deal write to Seniors & Hrnwn, o')7 Man' hattun uiug., at. i-uui, .mnn. Z-M9S2 14 FOR EXCHANGE, S.D00 ncres ot land nnd some good town property in western Iowa; will take merchandise, or pinning mill: what havo you? T. M. Cllne. 1233 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. Z-M14 13 TO EXCHANGE, set of banjos nnd mando- Un for set or clnriouets. u. M. Harring ton, Fremont, Neb. . mi&3 15 FOR .HALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES FOR HALE ON EASY PAYMENTS. $3,000.00 for property 1433 S. 16th St.; rent tJj.uu per iiiuiiwi, $2,500.00 foi 9-room modern house, 3020 Cass st. $2,400.00 for small houso and lot, GfixW ft., S. W. cor. 25th nnd Chicago sts. $1,875.00 Six-room house, ZjO1.' Ht. Jlary's r tl.i;V).(iO Sevon-rnom house. 316 N. 25th St. $1.275.00 Four-room house, 311 N. 25th st. RESIDENCE LOTS, $700.00 for 96x140 ft. 41st nnd Dewey ave, tTuo.on for 55x150 ft. 33d and Hurt sts. SUU,iu ior loxiou it. un rraimiiii, ueur .uni tary roan. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnnm St. 111 .11113 11 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union l'ACinc Hitllroiiri comnnni'. II. A McAllnster, land commissioner. Union l'ncfuo lleadauartcrs. Omaha. Neb. RE-745 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnam St. HIS id SPECIAL RARGAIN IN KOUNTZE PLACE. 10-room house, with nil modern conven iences, good cemented bnstment; loca'ed at tno s, k, corner or l"Jth nnd Wirt streots, ground 9:) feet on Wirt by 121 feet mi 20th, nsphalt pavement nnd per manent Hldownlk; house and barn newly painted, property In excellent repair, cost owner $14,000; owner Is leaving city and Is going to sell nt a great sacrifice; price, J3.DO), If desired. $1,0C0 cash, balance m tlmo. If you want to get a benutlful home with large grounds Investigate thU property. R. C. Peters & Co.. 17C2 Fnr nam St., exclusive agents. RE 136 11 SEE HENRY I). PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-742 HOUSES und lots tn all parts or city; nlso acre property and farm lands. The O, F. Davis Co., Room 552, Dee Rulldlng. RE-744 C. F. HARRISON ft GEO, T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life, buy and sell. Inquiries Invited. , RE 7S3 A30 HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans; also tire Insurance. Hernia, Paxton Hlk. RE-rtl Foa malk-iikal estate. ROVER'S DAHGAINS. 6-room house, cistern wulcr, lot Sl'ixlJS, Jl.SUi. Two lots, together, 91x121, with store build Inn, b rooms on second Moor and n 4-room cottage, city water Inside, nice lot of shauu and trutt trees and oilier shrub bery; 11 most desirable place, both lor residence und business, $3,uo; u real bar gain; close to Kuuntze's park. 6-rooni houso and Ij.iri., lot 41x13'.', on ltrlstol St., 11,'A'J. wice 5-rooni House, good barn, lot ovxi.'i, benutlrul home, Lot, 60x132, with two houses, 0 und S rooms, nun St., near 22U St.. o,ai. 8-rootn house, lot 4lxll2, well, city nnd cistern water, 1,6W. 5-room house, lot UJ'.sxU'j, city water, 2tith at., near lndiuna Ave, t-,wJ. 5-rootn house, city and cistern water, lot .u, on sun .we., norm or uuming iamj it sola lu one week. 4-room house, city uud cistern water, good ourn, nn .'oxis.'t fiM, in kouu couilltlon. Two vacant lots, comer Wth and Saratoga ois., togeiuer, iwxi.i, w, SoJthcast corner 21st and Cuming Sts., lot tijxu.', sell with or without bulailng. Urlck more building, lot '.u13.', J2,;ij; Cum ing bt , between ilsi and ;.'d Sts., gojd business location. 10-room house, ith and Sprague, lot JOxlOO, wen and cistern water. tl,li. Lots In lledford Platfe, from $2u0 to JJy), iiccoidlng to slzo uud location. I C-room hotue, well und cistern water, lot wxiw, on .Military avi., u,xn. Sevcrm Kinus ot Hinuil una luruu fruit, 6-room house, lot tiOxL'i, well water, on iuiiiviiii, ueiweeu .Jin uuu .utn ms.. 7-room houso, lot 3uxl32, on Webster, neur 2lst., j,ttv. Abovo prices good only to September 1, 1001. KiMicru tarin in Woouson county, Kansas, ?h miles Uoiu titles Celilei, uuunty seal. in iiuuu lor uuiaiiu pruperty. Lund, unimproved, in Custer comity, Neb., uuu Huturui oilier counties, uotn fsebtasK.t unu jvuusas. . CtllllS IlUiEll. Southeast Corner 2Jd uud Cuming Sts. Phone HV. 11E-157-1) LOST. LOST, canur bird. Fiut No. 1, Normui.iUe. i-usl jiii w LOST, fox terrier pup, ull white except uiutn. hjiuik un ueuu, illu.y Bui, tag ii.'. Iwiuin lu JJi oo. bjni oi. una iu- ttivc revvurd. A. i. Austin. Lost-133 IU LOBT, lady's small-Sized upen-taced gold nuicu. Kcwuiu ior lotuiii to Wesicili ruinlturu (.o., uli Dougu at. Lost-151 lu LOST, two pet ferrets. Return to Central iiiurKci unu leceivo iuwuiu. i.ost Jut, t- LADY'S gold wutch, Elgin. Rjwurd I.r leiuin iu iiec uiilcu. i, si .mij l. OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, CIS N. Y. L. Uldg. Tel. low; vncu juiiiikon, jj. O., jttulen' dept., OlU JUIUIOUII, UjII-OPUUIIBI. xil nr. 7.S DONOHUE, Osteopath, Puxton blk. Tel. Uo7 1 'J A. T. HUNT, D. O., 3Vu Kurbucll blk. Tel 2152. 7jv T . 1 JdllS. JOHN It. MUSICK. D. O.. ustoj- patiilu puyslciuu, uuug,ua bluck. 3.'ti .14 PATENTS. WILL BUY nny good Invention or patent. uurtb Mitit iuA IWI.V-.3 .uullies, IU, , 1 MASON, FENWIC1C Ic LAWRENCE. ivusniugioii, u. i.. ii. o. Cuwgii., u.tu, H10 llUllloU uiocK, uinallii. Neu. ,.1 J& Tills advertisement is guqd for 6. Sues a iu., puttiii uiiuilieys. ulag., omuiiu. .icu, .mj- icu unless uccesaiu.. 7 ..I2JI All' SHORTHAND AND Til 1'E WUCITNO. A. C. VAN SANT'S BClJOol. 717 N. Y. Lite. 105 UOYLES' College, courl repurter principal, ueu xiiug, ,m NEU. Husluess Ac Shorthund College, liuyu s xneuier. ioj CRKGU Shurthaud. Om, C. Cut., 10 Ac Doug. 101 1IICYCLES. A 11 1G reduction In price un bicycles. New bicycles, via uud up; tttunu-nunu ones, m uuu up. W'lll sell chtup. .tiUat reuuej stuck. Hcituuuitriers. lui' repuiiiug una sunurks. llreb,' each. u. r'Krtchui, cupltul uvo, 'Jsi lu JUNK. DO NOT sell your Junk before you get prices uf tne ureal western junk House, tli uougiui, at,, omuiiu. rnone uo. a erer, pruprlctur. A15 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collurs, iV, cults, tc. uuu ueuvcuwurin. xei. uu. 7o- HOII.ER MAKERS. OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stucke, etc. 'ioi. usj. i2tu unu uar.i ais. t.3 PAWNUHOKUHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business Luuiiuvuiiui. j-uj uuugma wl UAIU'ENTERS AM) JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing pruinpiiy iiiieuutu tu. j. i. ucniiirue, .u,n uuu iiko bts. 370 FARMS FOR RENT. 400 ACHES 5 miles south of Grctnu, Surpy county, ieu, uuu. uivuut itouui e, uuiKur Hlk,, onmim. 531 NICKEL PLATl.VO. STOVES, lamps, etc., replatcd. Omnha I'latlUg Co., ueo mug. i.ui. sojo. .mmi STAMMERING AND STLTTERINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Hldg. DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 1576 Harney. 746 A 10 FURNITURF. REPAIRING. TEL, 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cumins St. . 757 FISHING AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want go-id bass and croppy fishing go to Langdon. Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations, Plenty of boats nnd minnows. Write R. A. Dlttmar for rates. -702 Take Nitros Ozyde Gas for painless extracting. Tin safest anaesthetic known. Made pure by us, only $1.00. Aluminum Plates nre best for the month, Full set. $15.00. jl Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'axton Block, 'PHONE 1063. r I'llMlll'KII. I! MI l lCU. (Should be rrad dally by ail Interested, a.i Chang s ni:i nu'iir at any time) Foreign malls fur the eel hlnic Anc st lift. tWl, will close tl'llnMI'Tl.Y In nd easesi ftt the general t-osiunue as lullows; rantis post malls clusc one hour earlier than cl '9 lug time shown below l'nrols posl m.iiis tor Germany close at o , m. Vednesda. Hcgulnr and supplonientnry inalh close at tureU'i branch halt lejur later than cloalny time shown below. Triinx-Alliiiillf Mnll. SATt'HDAY At 7;S0 I., nt. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Staatrtidnm (mall m ,st bo directed "per s. s. Stnatendam i. ut 9:30 a. m, for SCOTLAND direct, per s s. Astoila (mall must bo directed "per s. Astoria'-); nt 9.30 a. in. (silppiemenlarj 11 a. in,) for EUROPE, per s. s. Canipanl.i, via yuecnsttiwn; ut 10 a. m. for ITALY, ti, r a. h. W'erra. via Naiilen (mall must be directed "por s. s. Werrn '). PRINTED MATTER, ETC -This .-nmc takes Printed Mutter, commercial ra pcrs and Samples for Germany o:it . Th Mime class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not bo rent by this ship unless specially directed uy nir Alt Vfter the closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlnntlo mnlls nnmed nbuvc addl- 1 tlonal Ntipplementitry mnlM are opened on mo piers oi tne American, r.iigii.iu, French and German steamers und remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of tailing ot iteatuer. Mnllk for South uud Central Atiirrlcii, Writ Indies, Etc, SATl'RDAY At 9 n. m. (supplcmcmnr) U:3) a. m.) tor PORTO It ICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s, s. Philadelphia (mall tor Savnnllla and Cnrthagena must be directed "por . s. Philadelphia"); at !:R0 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. hi.) f'r FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, S A VAN ILLA nnd CARTHAGEN.V per s. s, Altai (mall for Coatn Rica must be di rected "per s. s. Altai"); ut :S0 a. in. (supplementary 1:J0 u. m ft f. r HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Andes, at 10 a. m. for Cl'HA, per s. s. Mex,i, o. via Ha.'ana; ut I2:."u p. in. fur M ATA N -ZAS, C.MHARIEN. Nl EV1TAS. (11 HA HA and HAHACAO, per s. h. Ollndu (ordinary mall only, which must bo dlrecle 1 ' p r s. s. Ollnda"); at 1 p. m. (supplementary l:Co ;.. in.) tot HERMl'DA. por s. t. Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rat! to North flvdnov. and tlienco ty st".ihler. cloie at this olilcu dully ut 0.30 p. in. (connecting J ClOhe licit! CM'l) .MtllllUIJ, t CUIlt't)U.t- uuu Saturday). Malls tor Mlijuclott, uy tall to Huston, uud theilcu by slcuuur, cluso it this Lttlcti dully at u:30 p. m. Mans for Ctlbn, by fall to Port 'lampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close nl this nttlco dnlly nt 6 a. m. (the connect he clnci lieu: un Monday, Wednesday and Saturtla i. Malls lui Mexico City, overland, i,n K-ss tpeclully ittldit'sscti fur dlspulch uy steamer, close at this olllce dally at l.oO p, iu. uud 11 ;w p. in, Malls tor Ctistu Rica, Hcllzc, Puerto Curlez und (luntemalu, by rail tu New UrleaiiH, and thence by steumci, closo ut this olllco dull ut "U-'tu p, in. (couuucllug clones here .Monday!, ior Uellze, Puerto Curtez and Guutemnla uud Tues days for Costa Rlcu). Mtcgisicicd mall closes at C;w p. ni. previous day. TruiiK-l'iiellli! Mulls. Mnlls for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd Phil ippines, la San Francisco, ciust. hero dally ut (i:20 p. m. up to August 5, In clusive, for dispatch per b. s. Ame, lea Maru. Malls tor Hawaii, via San Francisco, close Jiero dally nt (1:30 p. m. up to Auguit "5, tor dispatch per s. s. Maraposa. Malls l'ir Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally' at t!:30 ii. m. un to August 12, lnclusli-e, fur dispatch per s. s. City of Fekln. Mnlls for China nnd Jnpnn, via Vancouver, clo.-io here dully nt t!:3u p. tu. up to August 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em press of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mall, except merchandise which cannot be forwarded via Canada, fur tho U. S. Postal Agent at Shanghai, cluses ut 6:30 p. in. previous day. Mnlls for China und Jnpau, via Sonttle, closo hero dally nt fi:.'10 p. m. up to Au gust "ll. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Idzuma Maru (registered mull must bu di rected ''Via Scuttle"). Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicli is rurivurtieu via curopoj, rw .eulatid, FIJI, Snmon untl Hawaii, via Frunclhco, close hero dully ut i0;B0 p. tn. after July 27 nnd up to August 17. 1 ) cluslve, tir nn arrival of s. h l.ucanla, diie at Nev York August "17, -for- uisputcji per s, s. Sonoma. . Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zeahind, which goes la Ban Francisco) and FIJI Island, t'ln Vancouver, closo iiere dally nt 0:30 p. m, up to August 17,' Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo '(supple mentary malls, via Scuttle untl Vlctorlut, close ut 0:30 p. in. August "Is (mall must be directed ".via Vancouver"), Malls for China nnd Japan, via Tacoma, closo here dally nt 0.3ti p. m. up to 'Au gust "18, Inclusive, fur dispatch per t, a, Olymplu, TrnnH-Pacirtc malls aro forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at C p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllcu. New York, N. Y.. August 2. L01. I.IKIAI. NOTICES. ADMlRA"ll SEIZURE - 8TEAMROAT "JACOR R1CHTMAN." CITATION. United Stntes ot America, District of Ne braska, Hs. : Whereas, A libel hns been flie'd In the dis trict court of tho United Stales for tho dis trict of Nebraska, on the .loth day of July, 1901, by Caleb Haley as llbellaut In u cuusu uf tort, civil nnd maritime, against tho steamboat "Jacob Rlchtman," her npparel, tackle and furniture, und praying the usual process and monition of the court that nil persons Interested In said steamboat, her tackle, uppnrel, machinery and furniture, mny bo cited to appear nnd nnswer the pre mises, and all due proceedings being had, that said steamboat may be decreed to bo sold, untl tho proceeds thereof distributed accordliiK tu law. Therefore, In pursuance of snld monition under the seal of said court, to me directed and delivered on the 31st day or July. UU. 1 do hereby give notice generally unto all persons having or pretending to have any right, title or Interest In said steamboat, called tho "Jacob Rlchtman," her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, to ap pear before the snld court In tho city of Omaha, In snld district, on tho 2d day of September, r-"Ji, nexi in u no a court uuy. or else on m next court day thereafter), at 10 orenoon Of said day, then and thorp ior the snld libel, and to make o clock I' i. iiltpi?iitlfiiiR In that behalf ii.ij.. ... " ..... .,,.,., .i.i -i. Ijnted ni tJinanit in situi uibiiil-i una day uf August, D. VM. MATHEWS, I'nlted Stntes Mnrshal for the District of- Nebraska. Aug8D15t HOND SALE. , The llonrd of Education of District No. 5. Plalnvlew. Nob., will sell to mo nignest bidders on August 20. 1901, at 2 p, in., the i..,. iu nf in illutrlct. no bond to exceed $1,00. or be less than $700. Rids will also be revolved for building. J A. Williams, Dl- rector. AugSdttm Direct Route to ninur Rxlilliltlon ANCHOR LINE Jteninslilpa from nerr i oris wteuiyiui GLAStiOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Balnon, (50 and up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and up. Third Class, :U und upwards. For Illustrated folder und furthor Informs. Hon uppiy lo 1U-...N d'.iiu.n iiuui iiiii.-;. Chicago, or J. 8. MeNALLY. 1323 Fariiam St.. QEO. E. AUDOTT. 12J4 Farnum St.. Omaha. Record Voyage 6 Dan. 7 Houri, 22 Mlnutei. bOSION ta LIVhHI'OOL vis QUEENST0WN New England. Twin Screw, 11,600 " Aug. 14 Commonwealth ' " 12,000 Tont Aug, 23 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Dominion .Aug, 10 , Vancouver Sept, 5 Cambfoman .. Aug. 17 i Dominion, Sept. 14 For lurthcrlclornitloi.idireu Conpaa)'t Olllcti, 6 Dearborn Si.. Cblcito. Illi. RAILWAY TIME (Altll. M1BSOUR1 PACIFIC RAIL- roud-ueneral unices and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner lllh und Duugiui btu. 'jeiepnuuo, let, Uepot uiuuu atatiuii, Leave. Arrive. ,.,v,i Kansas Cltv Express. :w am a u;zj pm K C. St. L. Express.. u m;w pm a u:i; am Leave from 15Ui and Webster otrcctss v!.,hrjuuj i.neaL Via ' Weeplnc "tvatcr b 4:10 pm alO:45 am a Dally, S Dally except sunaay. IIP St. Louis lt.ll.WA TI.Ml. I. A III.. CHICAGO A NORTH-w-terii Itnllwiiy "The Northwestern Line ' City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 1' iirnam St. Telephone, ubl. Depot, Tenth and Alarcy Streets. Tele- Plione, IW). ,. , . l.iuvo. Arrive. D.t light Chicago Spe- c nl . a 7:00 am nil '34 pm Chicago Passong.'t a 4:13 pin u S;4D nm Eastern Express, Dei Moines, Mnrsh.tlltowu, Cedar Rnplds and Chicago n0:"j am a 4:0o pin Eastern Spoctnl, Chi cago nnd .ust .a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pin Fast Mull. Chicago to Cm, .ha a 2:15 pin Omaha-Chlcngo L't'd...a 7:45 pm S;i) mn l't.rt Mall u b.'M um Ctdar r iplds I'usncer. u 5:3v pin u Dully. FHEMCT, ELKHORN At MI'BOurl Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Olllcos, United States Natiotiu, Hunk llulldlng, S. ,W. i'., met- Twalfth anil I'tir- J" ,f'?' sls j .i,', Ticket Olllce, 1401 Fnrnam St. 501 Depot. 15th and Webster Phone, 1454. . , I-iivii. Arrive. Uiuck lil'.ls, Dcodwood, , Hot Hptings a 3:00 pm n 5:00 pm Wyoming, Cnspcr and Douglas d 3:00 tun e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, .Upeilor, G-neva, ilxeler and Sewanl....b 3:00 pin b 0:00 pm Norfolk,, viiuigru unu Fremont ...b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Lincoln, a:.yo' a Fre- mom b 7:30 nm blo:23 nm Fremcut Locnl c ,':30 um c Dally, b Dally excop. Sunday, c Sunt day' onl d Dully v.ept SAturday. Dully except .Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & umnhit Hallway "The North western Line ' General Olhccs, Nebraska Divi sion, luth and Weuster Sts. City ticket Olllce. l4Ul I'uriiant L Ttlephuue, tul. Depot, Utn unu uibstor Sts. Mcicphoiic, ltS. Leave. At rive. Twin city i'URrt'iigcr....a 0:w um " 9:10 pm Bluux City Passenger... a 2:4j pin um Lmi rson Local '. b 6:30 pm b s:30 am u Daily BIOUX CITY Ac PACIFIC llui mud " I he isurtli western Line" - General unices, united aiuic Nuiloniil Hunk Huildlng, a. W. Corner Twelttn and Furnani Sts, Tlciiei cilice, Fnrnam. St. Telephone, dgi. De pot, 'J'eiith uuu Alurcy Sts. iciupncnc, o.l Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express ti 6: am nlo:23 pm Twin City 1. milled a 7:iw pm u t.U nm Sioux city Lucu a :w am a Wj pm a 1 ally. ULRL1NGTON U MIS tool i River "Hie Uuiiiugton ituuie General unices, iNoith west Corner 'lVntli uud I'Uinum Streets. Ticket Oitlcu, 1003 Fariiam btreut. Hui'llligtun Statluu, Tenth uuu -il.l iieeU. lelupilono iM. ueuvi.. Arrive. Lincoln, lluhtlng untl McCuuk HJ um a 7:3 pm Lincoln, Deliver, Colu- rado. Utah, 4:2o pm a 3:00 pm Ahliincu r-xpicss u 4i pin u a;y pm Unooiii Ac llluck Hills. .a 9:v0 pm a UsIj urn Muntunu, l'uget Suund..u u:uo pm u 6:15 am Lincoln Fust Mull b 3;w pm u 9.1, um wymote, Heutricu und Uncolii it b;40 am blliuj am Deliver, ''oloradn, Utan uud l aillonuu u 6:15 um Fort Crook, So. Ueiid, . Loulsvlllu. liiiitsm'tti.l) 3:20 pm bll:0j am Hellevue, i'.uttsmuuth & Paclilc Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 um Hellevue, l'.nttsmouth it 1'iieliic Junction a 3:10 urn a Daily.' b Dully except Sunduy. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO- st'iili & council iimrri Rutlroud-"Tho Uurllngton Route" TlcKet Olllce, liuj Farnum Street. Telephone !2i0. Depot, Tenth and .Mason Streets, Tele phono 12S. Leave. Arrive. kvatisns City Day Ex i suo am a 6;oj pm Kansas C id Night Ex..alo:30 pm. a 6:15 am St.. iouls Flyc:. or i.. Joseph nnd St, a Dally. Louis, a a:10 pin all. '13 dm CHICAGO. BURLINGTON a tjuuicy juiuruKu -iue Uurllugtun Route" Ticket Olllce, I'M Farnum Street. Telephone 250. Oeput, 'lenin uud Mnson Streets. Telephone Us. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- cfai a 7:00 am ul0:20 pm ,.. t-'pfiiiuieil iEx.u 4:00 pm n 7:45 am Chlcugu Locul Express. u 9:30 um a 4:00 pm Ohlcugo Limited u 1:50 pm u 7:L um Fust Mail a 2:15 pm a. Ually. CHICAGO. ROCK tsi:. und it 1'aclilc Rullroad "Tho Greut Ror.k Island Route," citv Ticket Omce, 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone 4!. Depot, Tenth unu Murcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leuve. Arrive. EAal. Chicago Daylight Spc.u 6:00 utn a 2;00 am Les Moines nnd Duveil purt Locn; a 7:25 am bH:35 am Chicago Express tillila um a huu um Des Moines Loeil n 4:20 pm u 1:15 pui Chicago Fust Expresi..u S:uu pm a i::'j nm Vch Moines. Ruck Isl and und Chicago. u 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm WEST. y Rocky Mountain Llm...u 2:00 um a 6:00 um Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado. Sc Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm n 9:50 am a Dnlly. b Dully except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL iiaiimuii-uuy -iicKot Ot flee, 1402 Farnum Street. Telephone, 215. Uepot Tenth untl Murcy Streets' ivcavu. At rive. i chlcuiTunxprcsa u CMUill.0 limited a ,:U Mluni..1Uis ti'.. x-aui um u j:1u pm pm U !;uj 4 ,.i,.'m aitUUUtn b II: lit nm Mmiie.ipolls Ac Ht. Paul Limited a T;45prn it 8:03 am Fort Dodgo Local from Council lilun.i u t:uO nm a km.-. un Foil Dodge l.ocul from i.ouuL-11 iiiuiis :t u:uu um a Dully, b Dully except Suiuluy. Leuve. St. Louis Cannon Hall ExnreHi a 5:15 nm n j,-a n Kansas City nnd Qulucy 'ni.' ") a f):00 pm l' uriinm Street. Telephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Alarcy Sts Telephone, 625. ' ' rr.... 1 1 I...I....1 .. J..ATL. 7:30 pm Tho C'hlcugo-I'ortlanii i lie wvenuiiu ,,tnnnu..i e..v inn Special a s:20 um Tho Fast Mull 'i K;5u mn The Mull and Express ,uil:35 pm a 7:30 p, a 3:25 pm " VP pm Tho Colo.-adu special ..itu;jj pln u 6;W -" Lincoln, neatneo nnu Stromsburg express. ,o 4:05 nm hir!.in The Puclhu Express.. ..a 4:25 p,n H Tho Atuiuic ;;xjiri'ss... u o am Grand Island Iicul b 5:30 pm b fl:33 um l-.i.t- t. Ill, tl i-iVjxi CJ 1 ., .. mmm OMAHA it ST. LOUIS It A Ih. road-Omuha, Kansas riy & Eastern Rnllrond-''The Qulncy Route"-Ttclcor rft flee. 1415 Farnnm St. TeSi" pilUlllt. i. UePOt. TnntU und .Murcv Hta. ''rl.Anh j -""l'IIOI)t 1-eavo, Arrlvo St. Louis Cnnnon Hall "no. viipiibh fL GllFI tm n o.aa Kansas City and Qulncy arn a 7:00 am a o-.w pm Emm TlrWnt rifflna irm r ""'t-irT. iz. v mmi imnw iv-t. lv iZ'ST.PtUl' f Depot. Tenth and Masoii nirecis. -leieninm.. fit, Leave, Arrive Chicago it Omaha Kx.,b 7:15 nm b 3:40 nm Chicago Limited i;x.....u o;w pm u s:uj an a Ullliy. u uany cawcih WAHAHH RAILROAD Ticket OMIcc. 1115 Fnrnum V11M 1 ttlr,..f 'l'l,..,,n... wo vi'5!!'M''s po'i Tenth anil iSInrcy Sts J yiZZ!ZX2. Telephone, C23. Ho- Leave. Arrive. Bt Louis "Cannon Hall" Exprca ,, a Pm a S'20 aln lraaiiri'4i. UNION PAClFIC-'-THE OVFR. land Routu'-General ojllee, N E. Cor. Ninth and S DIM Vld. V-JIV 1 IPKOI llflln PAVING ON SIXTEENTH STREET Coiiiii'lliuiui Ivnrr Tnllt uf the Prti- iui'il lpinlt' mill I'riilui lilp ( IikIiiu, 1 am certain thnt the city council will stand behind the mstor If lie will Immedi ately proceed to close sixteenth street nnd ran prove thnt by this moans the property owners will ho forced to sign petitions for the repnvliiR of that street between Doug las and Cuming streets," said President Karr uf the council yesterday tnornlnr,- "Tne ono rrnon wo attempted to have, the street repaired was because tha prelim inary work neoessnry before rep.ivhig would begin would take too long and In tho mean time the city would be liable for uny Aills which would result from damages to poopll or property on that street caused ny dofoc tln pavement. It wns the contention of the majority that $J.0.i0 would plate tho street lu shape so thnt It would bo pt.sabl3 for vehicle without danger nnd thai then tho people Interested would hnve thno to circulate pultlons for repaying and tho work could be stnrtrd net spring. Wo ennvass".! ihi Munition carefully nni ft.und that the majority of tho property oi.ncrs nlotig tho vitrei would absolutely toftiso to sign n pollili.n for repaying at this tlmo nnd thai stren would either hvc to ho closed or ho repairs inAdo nccordlng to tho contract Jtlsl declared Illegal by the district court. "Tho property owners nlor.g thnt -ten nro cortaliil.v nblo to pny for thr r . ,t:ig nnd by nil means they should be , irnl to do so If It were possible, but I not see how thoy cnii bo required tb slcn a pe tition ngalhst their wills ami 1 for one do not wnnt to see tho street closed nt this time, when wo nre making preparations for tho Ak-Snr-llen festivities. Hut, as 1 said. 1 think the council will stand by tho mayor If ho will take Immediate ncllon In tho mil It r. "In tho monnllmo 1 think tho council will undertake to euro tho defects in the contract matle void by the court. Thoro Is nt least $7,000 avntlnblo In tho city treasury for tho repair of streots and we will havo tho comptroller so certify. Then wo enn mako a contract with tho company for tho repair of Sixteenth street, which will rouulru tho expenditure of nbout $3,000 of the fund. This will require conslder nblo time, as tho council only meets onco a week. Ilctween now nnd tho tlmo of tho sIkhUik of the now contract the. mayor win , nlcntv of tlmo to try tho effect of tract tho mayor will closing the street nnd If it proves to bo effective there will be no necessity tor signing the contract for repairs. "There will bo no trouble with tho bloclt between Douglas and Dodgo streets, ns tho people there nro willing to sign, but their signatures will avail nothing If the others ilo not, nnd very fow of tho property own ers north of Dodgo street nro willing to sign for anything." MERCHANTS' REDUCED RATES It 11 1 1 run lis .11 11 Ur 'iiiimihI(Iiim to Conn (rj HllSllK'KH Mpii 4'oiiiIiik Into Oiiiiltin. Serrctary Utt of' the Commercial club yes terday mailed to mcrchnnts of tho towns tributary to Omnhn n circular nnnouncing tho concessions In railroad rates granted to those coming to this city during Hie fall buying season, as exclusively told in Tho Ret- Wednesday. 'I He occasion for making the concession Is tho nnnunl fall meeting of tho Jobbers' and .Manufacturers' usaoclation of Omnha, from August 23 In 31 Inclusive, nnd the re duction In rates nmountn to 0110 nnd one fifth fare for the round trip. Tlio circular gives the following condi tion: In order tri secttro thd reduced rates visitors must buy tlckits at their home stations for Omnha, buying onc-wny tick ets nt regular rates or. August 23, 24, 25. 26, 7.' 28 or-2!i, and tnko ft receipt from the agent for the money pnld. Theso re ceipts must be brought to Omaha nnd Im mediately filed with tho secretary of tho CommcM'Inl club. Tho secretary will then nrrange for tho return of each visitor upon the payment of one-llfth of the regular faru between Omnha and the station from which the ticket Is purchased- Returning, tho re duced rate tickets will bo good only on Au gust 28, 29, 30 und 31. In addition to the nnnouncoment of tho reduced rates tho persons receiving the rlr culnrs nro Invited to make tho Commercial club rooms tholr headquarters whllo In tho city, and a showing, of the advantages of fered merchants In Omaha Is briefly made. The terms of this clrculnr In no way conlllct with n former circular sent nut by tho Jobbers' association, which applies to mcrchnnts visiting Omuhn between July 20 nnd September 15, 1001. SPEAKS FOR MEN TEACHERS SiiKKCfttltiii Hint ."It'll .11 1 Kli Accept I'lisltluiis ir Conditions Wore Different. OMAHA, Aug. 8. To tho Editor of Tho Hco: Your editorial In Sunday's Ueo on the modern school superintendent was ono of tho best editorials on tho subject that has appeared for some time. If wo could havo a series of such It would, I nm sure, be npprecjlntcd by many of your readers. Many subjects In connection with school management could bo treated. ror ex- mple, tho studied effort 011 tho part of tho Dupcrlntendent, school bonrd nnd femnlo teachers' society (the so-called principal club) to bar young men nnil In fact men In general from places on tho leaching corps of tho public schools. We hear It repcatod that men will not teach nt tho snlarlos paid. This, however, cannot ho the truth, for men nro teaching In other plnees nt lesn sitlnrlai Him tho bonrd pays its women teachers lu this fducntlonnl Mecca. In Kansas City ouo-liolf of the corps of tench- ib In the High school and one-half of tho prlnclpalshlps nro held by nlen. In tho Philippines wo learn thnt "nrmy onicer" schools hnvo been quite n success nnd yet the snlnrles (higher living expenses nnd the discomforts being considered) nro no greater tluin In Omaha. Many of these men, If they were sure of n fnlr field nnd no favor, would Kindly tench nt home, but ns long ns wo have superintendents who aro nfrald that some grndn teacher or principal knows moro than they dn nnd ns long on bonrds continue by mentis of a sham civil servlro to fill up vaenncles with tholr fo mnlo relatives nnd friends wo mny expect tho present state of things to continue, Yours for a rhange In syatem. WALTER null WELL. Finns Tlireiiti'ii fimemn'c. RED LODGE, Mont.. Aug. !), The twenty FlnlnnderH employed In Rocky Fork Conl company mines worn Inst night thrown Into a wllil stilt" of excitement and freniy by the Ehootlng nnd killing of Alex Mutsnii by Under Sheriff William Oebo. Malson resisted arrest and nttneked Oebo, The Finns were holding n chnrlvnrl for a newly wedded couple and were llnnlly dispersed by officers who nrresled the leaders. Alex Matson refused to accompany Sheriff Oebo nnd Mntsnn got the ollleer down and waH beiitlng htm when the Is tier drew .1 re volvcr nnd shot Mntsnn dend. The Finns are In 11 frenzy nnd threnten to lynch both (Jebo und Policeman MoAllster If the verdict of the coroner's Jury exonerates tho undet sheriff Serious trouble Is ex pected. lliitllmlilpx nt 'I'lirurt Prni'tlt'i' WOODS HOLD. Mass,, Aug. n.-Tho battleships Alabama, Kearsarge and Minima cluiHi'ttH paustid Woods 1 loll this forenoon nn their way to an anchorage, above Nobska, where thoy will receive on bonrd an equipment for wireless telegraphy. Tho ships havo been engaged In target praotlrn off No Man's Land and' In a dny or two will proceed to Nantucket for further maneuvers