THE OMAHA DAILY BE35: SATI'llDAY, AVGCST 10, 1001. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Unrkit Eithir Narrow in Abseace of Ghnj in Crop Situation. NARROW RANGE OF PRICES THROUGHOUT J-crllMK Sternly nt the Close III Wlicnl Corn Miulrrnlrl)' .Votive, btit In -i Local 3lnrl.fl 1'riM IiIoiin mill On In null. CHICAGO, Auk. 0. In the nbscnce of changoH In the crop situation the grain markets were rather narrow today, clon ing steady, wheat a nhau lip, corn un changed and oats U'ttc higher for Septem ber dellveri. . , .... Provisions closed unchanged to i'4o lower than yesterday. Traders wen; Inclined to limit their trade. Then. wnH but 1 tt o outside Interest In the market, while news or Influence was about evenly divided between the bulb and beam. A narrow range or prices was the result of this situation. The market opened easy In sympathy with Liverpool, Scptein- 'bcr Uc lower to unchanged at "OVdiUvv. Kear that the northwestern crop would .be injured by liciivy rains, together with heavy seaboard clearances, caused nn ' arly rall to 71'dc. There were plenty of Halter ing prospects neiu oui in letters ami iiu-k-'sages from farmers. and agents In the coin try, however, anil September soon worked back to 70Hc. hater a rally to 7frV'c'K-' occurred, helped by the fact that :il car loads were reported taken for export, reel ing was steady at the close, September being n shade over yesterday at 70,,fi i'i-V1. Heabonrd clearances In wheat anil Hour were equal to I,ll5,un0 bushels, while pri mary receipts were 1,112,000 bushels, com pared with 1,4X1,001) last year. Northwest reported 162 cars, against 235 a year ago. Local receipts were 1ST cars, 33 of contract grade. Argentine shipments lust week ag gregated ."KW.noi) bushels, compared with .81. m bushels for the corresponding week of 1900. While corn was at times moderately ac tive It was a local market, with the gen eral speculative ntmosphcrc dull. As In wheat Oils was due largely to a desire to nwalt the verdict of the Agricultural tie 1'artment'H crop bulletin, expected tomor row. There was very little country buying while local people wen; disinclined to tell. Snow's forecast of the government report stating that It would probably show a con dition of tii or perhaps SO per cent, which would be the lowest condition ever re ported, was a potentdnlUeiiei! In sustaining prices, although the usual crop damage stories were received from the corn belt. Receipts were 2 ears. September sold be tween fiHic and fAfSMie and closed un changed at B7'c. Oats were dull, but Independently firm on triiylng by clevntor Interests and traders ordinarily busy with hog products. The volume of trade was light, however, and speculation offered no features of Interest. September sold between 35c and ..Vhc and closeil ',i-?fic higher at SS'.&v. Receipts were 271 cars. 1'rovlslons were dull. The market, how ever, ruled steady on purchases of lard by a local packer. A slight recession of prices followed the competition of this buying, but the close was steady. September pork " higher at J13.W, September lard a shade tip ut JK.fi2HflS.ii5 and September ribs un changed nt J7.77W. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 210 cars; corn, 130 cars; oats, 110 cars; hogs, 16, 000 head. Avtlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close.lYes'y. Wheat III Sept. 70,ft(,r?Uj;fi Dec. 72ift73 7.H 7rs HHH 72WJ; 7 i 7i; 76i &7; 5"4 : 3iT .May m till 767t. 76 ii) Com Jli Sept. 57-VflTM 6SUI B?i 57- Oct, 5S ai B'- Dec. 69fT, m f! 09'!, C9! Oats i Sept. 35 iU 25 25 S5H Dec. 36 X sr, SlSVi May 37i-ff-'i 3 3738iiRi4 Pork Sept. 13 13 So 13 ?5 13 S3 Jan. II f0 14 9) II SO II 5 Iird- Bopt. 8 IS 8 70 R r2U 8 65 Oct. 8 72H 8 73 8 70 8 70 Jan. 8 70 8 75 8 70 8 70 Jllhs- 13 771.4 It SO s 4 8 6 14 8 70 7 77H 7 70 Kept. 7 M 7 fO 7 77 7 72U Oct. 7 87H 7 R7H 7 82V4 7 S5 Jan. 7 70 7 75 7 70 7 72',4 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: KLOUR-Steady; winter patents. J3.IOf? 3.60: straights. J3.O0B3.3O: clears. J2.70ff3.10; spring specials. JI.i0fM.20; patents. J3.10W 3.70; straights. J2.80ff3.20; bakers. J2.2032.65. WHEAT-No. 2 red, 71'.ic CORN No. 2 yellow. B7$Lc OATS No. 2. 35lfr36e; No. 2 white, 3Sfr ISo; No. 3 white, 37Uff3Si;c. UVH-Nn. 2. 57!i'!,.4c. BARLEY Fair to cho'cs malting, nffftCOe. SEEDS-No. 1 flax. J1.63; No. 1 northwo it em, J1.63; prime timothy, J3.40; clover, cor. tract grade. $10.25. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bhl., J13. 0 I3.$5. Iird, per 100 lbs.. J8.61ffs.62H. Short rlbf. sides (loose), J7 70ff7 R5. Dry sal ed shoulders (boxed). $7,251(7.50; short clear sides (boxed), J8.25ffS.35. WIIIBKY-Hasls of high wines. Jl.tS. Kollowlng aro the receipts nnd shipment'. lor limiiy. Rcce'pts. Shipments. 29,000 lfi.OO 222,000 160.0 0 19J.0M1 222 0 0 3r),000 2f)2,"" 130,(00 20,0 0 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Hye. bu Darley, bu,. 7,roo On the Produce exchnnce todav the but- tcr mnrket was firm; creameries, HHflaiHo; dairies, 12f17c. Cheese, quiet, 9ic Eggs, tlrm: fresh, 13t4fJ14ttc NEW YOHIC (iU.MCIIAIi MAHICKT. (luotntloim of the nny Com iiiotlltlm. on Vnrloua NEW YOHK, Aug. 9.-FLOUH-Hccelpts, 21,279 bbls.; exports, 1.92S bbls.; murkot fairly active on winter patents and gen erally tlrm ; winter patents, $.t.S5lf 3.80; winter' strnlghls Jl.FdfTl.tO; M n nesota patents, $3.80i5flOO; winter extras, $2.wi2.8o; Minnesota bakers, J2.85i3J5; win ter low grades. $2.3Cij4.00. Hyo Hour, steady; farr to good, $2.704j3.15; cholco to fancy, J3.15 (Ti3.:i3. CORNMEAI Firm; yellow western, $1.23; city. $1.12; Ilrnndywlne, J3.10J?3.25. HYE-Steady; No, 2 western, 0c, f. o. b,, afloat; state, 651?56c, e. I. f., Now York enr 1 lots, nAHLEY Quiet; feeding, 52c. v. I. f., lluffalo; mulling. OOftOoc, c. I. f Huffnlo. HAHLKY MALT Dull: western. iV.jr72o. WHEAT Hecelpts. 47,750 bu.; exports, 31, 917 bu. Spot, firm ; No. 2 red. 77?sc, f. o. b., nlloat; No, 2 red, 75c, elevator; No, t northern Duluth, 7STic, f. 0 b., nlloat; No. 1 hard Dill 1 tli. MiTie, f. o, h ntloat. Options were genernlly tlrm nil day on rains In tho northwest, bullish crop news from Russia, local covering, fenrs that the government crop report may be more bullish than ex pected and very heavy clearances, Closed partly ike net higher. September, 75i4fff 7ti'ie. closed at 7STc; October, 76c, closed nt "fi'iic; December, 77iiC'j17SHc, closed nt 7SHe. COHN Hecelpts, 15,900 bu.; exports, SB.r.tO bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, iic. elevator, nnd 60V. f. o. b., atloat. Option mnrket was quiet but steady on prospects for a bullish crop report, covering nnd the strength In wheat. Closeil sternly and uuchnnged, Sep tember, fit MliJlSI'jC, closed at GPic; Decem ber, laiffi'l'do, closed nt 63c. OATS Hecelpts, 49. W0 bu.; exports, 443 hu, Spot, llrm; No, 2, 39c; No. 3. 3SUC; No, 2 white. 42V4Jfl2c; No. 3 white, 42c; track mixed western, .W1(40o; track white, 41f 49c. Options, llrm but quiet on talk of a bullish crop report. HAY-Steady; spring, 724f7oc; K00,i to choice, 9093c. HOPS-Steaily; state, common to choke. 1900 crop. ISITlKc; 1899, lOffUc; olJs, 2fio Paelllc coast, 1900 crop, 13ifl7V4c; 1833, Ufatoc; olds, 2fic. HIDES-Steady; Clalvcston. 20 to 23 lbs.. IS'JlSVic: Cnllfomln, 21 to 25 lbs., 19V.C: Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14V4C ' LE AT II EH Steady: hemlock sole. Jluenos Ayre light to heavyweights, 234(f2ll4e; ncld. 2.H4H2IHC. ' ' PHOVISlONS-lleef. steady; fnmily. Jll.M (li 12.00; mess, $9.5lKiil0.CO; beef hams. $20.Wiii 23.00 ( iiacket. $t0,lWi 10.60; city, extra India mess, Jlli.WW18.00. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. J8.7.WW.75; pickled shouldors, J7.MJ7.25; pickled hams, $11. ?5. Lar l. steady; western steamed, JS.90; refined, quiet; con tinent, J9.05; South Amerlcn. S9.iv; com pound. $7.f4i7.12Si. Pork, dull; family, $16.25Wlti.50: short clears, $tc.oill7.50; mess, $15 MMHii W. TALLOW- Firm, city ($2 per pkg,), 4Tic; country (pkgs. free), 4JfT5(ic. Ill'TTEH -Hecelpls, 3.9HJ pkgs.; steady; state dairy. WilOo; creamery, IC&2014C; western June factory, 15lil5V4c; Imitation creamerv. H5il7l2e. , CHEESE Hecelpts, 3.340 pkgs.: dull nnd weaK; inncy largo coioreu, aHtc; rnncy large white, 9tUf9;c; fancy small colored, 95ic; fancy small white. 0iii9c. EOOS Hecelpts, 5,430 pkgs; steady; stnt nnu j-ennsj ivnuin, iwoim;; western, canaien, KJflfiHc; western, iiucandlcd, SfflS'ic, , MOLASSES-Steady. 1'OUt.THY-Allve, Irregular; sprlnners, u flllc; fowls, Pc; turkeys, Sc. Dressed, weak; rprliiRcrs, 12fjllc; fowls, 8'4'aOc; turkeys, ETALS The metal market was void of special feature today. Pig tin In London was 1 higher and firm, closing spot at .Ul&lOs and futures at 112 5i. Trade was quiet. Locally the tin market wa quiet, without Important price changes, spot clos ing at J27.COfi27 25, Copper In London was Is better, but very quiet, with spot at the close quoted at 66 26.1 and futures rl 10s. The same nominal condition prevails In copper here at JK6OJM7.u0 for Lake Su perior and Jl.37',4iil.B2',i for casting nnd electrolytic. The lead market was dull and nominally unchanged at Jl.47'4. London lead was also unchanged at 1116;id. Spelter ruled featureless n j.!.90f(3.ui here nnd nt London closed at 'Is 6d. Domes tic Iron markets contlnm lotnlnally un cnanged. l'lg Iron warrants, 10.00; No. 1 northern foundry. il5.WVfT15.o0; No. 2 southern foundry, 11.50; No. 1 south ern foundry. $14.7515.20; No. 1 southern foundry, soft. Jll.7t'fli.?:. Glasgow war rants closed at 63s tkl and Mlddlesboroush at 4is M UM.VIIA WIIOMISAI.U SIAIUCKT. Coiidltlon or Trnde nnd (liiotntlons on Mnplc nnd rmicy Prodticr. KOOS-Itecelpts liberal; loss off, 12'.4f(13c. LIVL POI LIKY-Hens, toG'2c; young and old toostirs. 3c, turkevs, t'a8c; ducks, and istt'se, oc, siirlng chlckeris, per lb., 114 12c. nL'TTKIt-Comnion to fair, 12ai:Hc, choice oulr. In tubs. U'jlOc, separntoi, . I'ltKSIl KlSM-Hlack bass, ISc; white bass, 10c; blllellsh, lie; bullheads, loc; blue litis, 7c; buffaloes, fitjc, catfish, 12c; cod, 9c; crapples, 10c, ciscoes, 5c, hillbut, 1 ci iienlng, Cc; nnoUocK, 10c, pl., 9c; reu snapper, lbc; salmon, lie; tuniuh, 6c; trout, ivc, whttellsh, loc. 1MOKONB Live, per doz., 00c. VKALS-Oholcc, IJ9C. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale llay Dealers' association; Choice upland, llo.SO; No. 2 upland, J9.5o; medium, J9i coarse, J. Hyo straw, $.5i'. 'ihese prices are itit hay of good color and quality. Diinand 1 111 r. Itecelpts. 11 curs. OATS-10", old. COHN 6c. WI1KAT-65C. ' . HHAN-JlO. V, veoctahlks. OIli:i:N COUN-lVr doz.. 12Uc CAHHOTS Per doz., 20c. nLh i-S Per halt bushel hqfket, 40c. TV ltNIPS-Per basket. K. Cl'CL'MUKHS-lIome grown, per doz., 20 LKTTI'CK-Por bu.. 20c. ItADISUKS-Per dnz., 15920c. PAHSLKY Per doz.. 20c. NEW POTATOL:S-!icil$l.00. i.AHHAOK-Homc grown, 3i4C4 . TOMA TOliB tlomo crown, per is-io. busket, il.W. ONION'S Homo grown, per lb 2V4c. ,.CAULirLOWKH-IIome grown, per doz., itCt HEANS Wax, per half-bJ. basket, 11; string, per half-bu. basket. 75c. PKAB-Pet bu., $1, per half-bu., 60c. CANTALOL'PK Per basket, 75c8$1.00; crates. $2. WATKUMELONS-Tcxas, 20a.15c, as to ttlzc CELnilY-Kalamazoo, per bunch, 23i33i)c. FUU1TS. APPLKS-Pcr bbl., J2.25Hi2.M. ClIi:itniI2S-NatIve. per 8-lb. basket, 3oc; Missouri, per 21-qt. case. $2. PEACIUJS- California, per box. 90c: free stone. $1; choice KlDurtos, $1; fancy, $1.20. PLUMS California, per crate, $1.251.50; home grown, pi.r )-lb. basket, 25c, l'HAHS IlarMetts, J2.2.'.'&2.r,0. THOPICAL FRUITS. OrtANOES S'nlenclas, ja.00; Med. sweets, 51. .111. LE.MONS-Callfornla, extra fancyj J3.50 6.C0; choice, J5.&0. BANANAS Per bunch, nccordlng to size, J2.iy(l2.60. . FH1S California, new cartons, 75c; lay crt., ffic: Imported, per lb., 10fiH2c. DATES Persian, In CO-lb. boxes, Sairs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. C1DEU Per bbl., J4.50; per half-bbl., $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb,, 15c; rtl berts, per lb.. 13c; almonds, per lb., 16Q2uc; raw peanuts, per lb., 5(ho5C; roasted, tili'tf) 7Uc; Ilrazlls, Uc; pecans, 1U122C. HIDES No. 1 green, CV4c; No. 2 green. 5V4c; No 1 salted, 7V4c: No. 2 salted. 6Hc; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12V4 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hldeB, Sfll3c; sheep pelts, 251j75c; horse hides. $1.5&a2.25. St. I.onU (iraln nnd PrnrUlonn. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 68c; track, 70i(ft 7i'4c; September. 69T4c; December, 72Hc; No. 2 hard. 7U?i71c. COHN Higher: No. 2 cash, 69c; track. 604ieoV4c; September, 69Vic; December, (JOn 6oy,u; aiay. wc. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. Sfi'.ic; track, 3H37c: September, 3014c; May, 39V4'4c; No. 2 while, 37',4Gi38c. IlYE Firm nt G3c. FLAXSEED Firm. FLOUIt Dull, steady; new red winter patents. $3,4053.00; extra fancy nnd straight, 3.03tf3.75; clear, J2.G0S2.90. TIMOTHY SEED-Scarce, firm; first car new prime sold at $5.55. COKNMEAL Higher nt $3. HKAN Scarce, strong; sacked, cast track. S5c. HAY Steady; timothy, $I2.50rgiS,00; prairie, $13.O0tffI5.O0. WHISKY Stead V at $1.20. I HON COTTONTIE8-$1.20. UAUOINO--,i,W7i4c. HEMP TWINE-90. PHOVISIONS-Pork: Steady; Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, dull, J8.4off8.47H. Dry salt meats (boxed), easy; extra shorts, JS.12V4; clear ribs, J8.27V4; clear sides, JS.62V4. Bacon (boxed), easy; extra shorts, J9; clear ribs, J9.37V: clear sides, J9.50. METALS Lead: Firm at J4.3CK34.40. Spelter. Dull nt $3.80. POULTHY Steady; chickens. 6c: springs, 10V4c; turkeys, Cc; young, lOiJ 12c; duetts, 6c; springs, lie, geese, 3c; springs, 5c. Hl'TTEH-Stcmly; crenmery, 1C321V4C! dairy. 134M6V4C EtIGS Steady; nearby 11c. HECEIPTS-Flour, 1,000 bbls.; wheat, 131, 000 tin.; corn. 27.000 bu.; onts, 110,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls.: wheat. 46.0UH bu. ; corn. 37,000 bu.; oats, 60,0u0 bu, Liverpool C.rnln Pro vlnlona, LIVERPOOL, Aug. 9.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter. 5s Sdt No. 1 sprliif,, northern. 6s 7d. Futures ttcady; Septtmbcr, 6s 7d; December, 6. Vid. COHN Spot, tlrm; American mixed new, 4s id; November, 4s 9d. PHOVISIONS-Lard, American refined, In palls, quiet, 43s fid; prime western, In tierces, quiet, 44s 9d. Ilnms, short cut, quiet, 63s. Hacon, Cumberland cut; quiet, 4tsiid; short clear backs, steady, 44s, Shoulders, square, dull, 3Ss, tallow Australian, in t.onuon, tlrm, 7s 3d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady. 7s Oil. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), dull, 3 5s. PEAS-Caundlnn, 6s 4d. Receipts of wheat djrlng tho last three days, 3B9,om) centals, Including 184,000 Amer ican. HccclptK of American corn during the Inst three days, ('A) centals. Clnrlnuntl firnln nnd Provisions, CINCINNATI, Aug. ,-FLOUR-Flrm, WHEAT Sternly; No. 2 red;'70fi71c. CORN-Qulot, No. 2 mixed, 69c. OATS Firm; No. 2 mixed, 37Uc. RYE-Stendy; No. 2, 56e. PHOVISIONS-Lard, steady, JS.30. Racon, steady, J9.25, WHISKY Distillers' llnlsbcd gro.;s, tlve, on basis of $1.29. SUOAH-Steady. nc- 't'olrdii lirnln and Seed. TOLEDO, O.. Aug. 9.-WHEAT-DU1I. but tlrm; cash and August, 71V?c; Scptembe.-, 72o; December, 74Hc. COHN Dull, tlrm: cash. 5CUe: Sentembcr. 6Sc; December, 69',-jc. OATS-cnsn, aisc; aeptemner, 35',4c; Dc cember. 37ic. RYE-67HC, C LO VERS EED Cash, prime and October, J3.40. . llnnra;iotls (.'ruin Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 9.-WHEAT-Cash. 69Sc; September, 6S'e: December, 69Hc On track: No. 1 hard, 71'nc; No. 1 northern, COjc; No, 2 northern, CSc. KLOl'H-Flrst patents, J3.85ia3.9j; second patents, J3.iWi3.75; first clears, J2.9Oft3.0O; second clears, $2.20. UKAN-ln bulk, J13 OOUH.(K). tliilulb (iriiln Mnrket, Dl'Ll'TH, Aug. 9.-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1 hard. 727,jc; No. 2 northern, 6Yc; No. 1 northern, 70Uc; new No, 1 northern, 70Hc; September No. 1 northern, 69Jic; December No, 1 northern. 70itc. OATS-36iiy36?Bc. CORN-55UC I'eorln Mnrket, PEORIA, Aug, 9.-COHN-Flrm; No. 3, w9c. OATS Firm; No, 3 white, 36Hc. billed through. WHISKY On tho basis of J1.29 for fin ished goods. Cincinnati l.lvc Stock Mnrket. CINCINNATI, Aug. 9,-HOOS-ActIve and higher nt ll.ooge.ft). CATTLE-Steady at 12 OOJJ5.25. SHEEP-Flrmer at Jl.6 O3.40. LAMBS-Stcady at J2.Wa5.75. VOLUME OF BUSINESS GOOD Hesitancy 'in Gtneral Trade it Das to Uncertainty f Labor Troublti. RELIEF IN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY llntter Wrnther Help" AKrlenllnrnl ClnssFS Cotton Production Oood Mrrnglh OIrn lo AVhciit by Domestic Deitiaiid. NUW YOItK, Aug. 9. R. O Dun & Co.'a Weekly Hcvlcw of Trade tomorrow will gay: There Is no complaint from nny part of the country over the volume of current distribution of merchandise and what hesi tation Is observed In general trade Is chlelly due to the uncertainty as to the duration of the labor troubles In the steel manufac ture. Cotton productions continue good, better weather has helped the agricultural classes. Monev Is ea' Hid stocks of merchandise carrle'd are not above the average for this season of the year, particularly In the west atidinouthwest. Hcllcf Is felt In all depart menta of the Iron and steel Industry, now that uncertainty is ended and the position of the contestants made clear. Now the Issue must be determined permanently and a settled condition will greatly facilitate operations. Structural, wire and plate mills are not affected, nnd the production of rails wilt not be materially curtailed. Supplies of, bars nnd tubes will be restricted, and quotations In these lines tend to follow the advance already secured for sheets nnd hoop's. A bad feature Is the Increased Im portation of tlnplntes, which had been manufactured in sufficient quantity to about meet the domestic demnnd, Imports In tilt, last fiscal year being valued at only $3,770. 0fi2, against J35.74S.9J') ten years ago. Pur. chasers of many forms of llntsbed steel are showing much eagerness to place con tracts, while, on the other hand, pig Iron Is In les request. Having no further ammunition In hcut and drouth reports for hoisting prices, speculators have turned suddenly to the other extreme and demonstrate that early frosts threaten all late planted corn. The result has been ,a quotation at this city of mre thnn 00 cents all the week nnd the prnctlcal elimination of exporters fron. domestic markets. A healthy demand from donystlc millers and phenomenal Atlnntlo experts give strength to prices of wheat. As the season advances It becomes morn apparent that foreign crop losses will necessitate unprecedented shipments from the United States and with the settle ment of the strike on the Pnelllc coast there will be n movement of great magni tude. Eastern showmnkcrs find conditions favor nble. while reports from the west arc more encouraging. Orders from the drouth nfTcctcd regions are not countermanded and early cancellations are being restored. i.eatner is steaiiy and no alteration in prices Is anticipated. Prospects continue to Improve In the mar ket for woolen goods, nnd as the manu facture enjoys greater activity prices for raw material nre hardening, Little changes nre reported In actual business, but there Is n growing disposition to hold for the better terms that muny In the trade consider Inevltnble. Cotton aoods nre quiet and weak. r auures tor tne weeK were its in the 1'nlted States, against 177 last year, and thirty-one In Canada, ngalnst twenty-threo last ;'car. WKKICIjY CI.UArw.VfJ; taih.u. AKgrennte of Ilusliiess Trnnsncted by the Aassnclnlril Ilnnks. NEW YOHIC, Aug. 9.-The following table, complied by liradstrcet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities fof the week ended August 8, with the percen tage of Increase and decrease as compared with tho corresponding week lust year: CITIEr. Clearings. Inc. Dec New York lloston , Chicago Philadelphia St. Louts Pittsburg San Francisco Raltlmorc Cincinnati Kansns City Cleveland Detroit Indianapolis Minneapolis Louisville New Orleans Houston Columbus, O Providence OMAHA Milwaukee Buffalo Oalveston J1,237,582.I00 75,9 141,163,715 31.5 140,303,813 18.3 88.153,580 14.2 38,991.484 34.6 33,681,219 31.1 22.731,516 31.1 21.612.914 20.6 17,971.900 33.9 17.926,924 18.5 14,637,540 1ft. 0 13.601.915 39.4 10.7S0.0S7 86.6 9.172.715 S.09I.3S1 15.1 7,776.526 8.9 7.ft-,4,690 48.5 6.680.200 49.6 6.207,200 14.5 6.142,454 11.9 6,021,969 8.5 5,663,232 17.1 5,150,000 24.2 4.748,403 16.3 4.926,430 12,3 2.033.244 26.3 2.359.173 6.2 3.357,441 3,233,142 33. S 2,177.053 32.2 2.431,761 1.5 2.129,150 8.6 2,210,972 27.7 1,529,161 17.7 1,678,239 49.2 1.(551.300 1,466.998 48.6 3,011,36.-, 82.3 1,394,823 11.2 2.019,545 7.4'i.OlO 19.5 2.070.420 15.3 5.519.6GS 2S.6 2.742,818 12.3 I 1,427.279 15.6 1,212.091 21.1 1,433,450 10.9 1,551,343 39.2 I 1.021.368 17.1 1,201,323 .",6.1 1,359,932 13.1 1.108,550 23.1 2,811,583 1.8 1,041,247 4.1 1,211,074 30.2 1,014,593 5.0 1,081.601 21.0 729.9311 766,841 12.l I 688,115 1.3 505.198 451,056 15.2 '8,42S 42.7 752.312I 5.9 St. Paul Denver Savannah Hartford Richmond Toledo Memphis Washington , Peoria Rochester New Haven Worcester Atlanta Davenport Salt Lake City Springfield, Mass... Fort Worth Portland. Mo Portiaoid, Ore St. JMh Los Tilngelei Norfolk Syracuse Des Moines Nashville Wilmington, Del..., Scrnntoii Grand Rnplds Dayton. O 8enttle Tacnma , Spokane Sioux City Topeka Wllkesbarrn Fall River Augusta, On Lowell New Redford Knoxvllle, Tenn.... Birmingham Wlchltu Btnghnmtnn Evnnsvllln Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Fin.., Kalamazoo Akron Macon Chattannogn Hockford. Ill 682.4511 16.4: . 312,0001 .1 8.7 953, lb2 645.527 24.5 7.7 Oil. 3 18.9 8.4 3(1,011! 470.S6S 626,500 516,0iV 443.6.V); 9.4 18.7 27.6 3(J.35S 3ft). 923 canton, o 3S.4i.. . Springfield, O 252,8501 43.6 i'-nrgo, n. D 331,09s, 210,C9o 630,1 92 i 1SS.373 621,4ai 541,575 4 1 1,598 1 216.1271 186.7151 628.517 59S.271I SIojx Falls, S. D... .17.9 08.0 1. line hock , Fremont, Neb Helena ..I 21.8 33.2 Springfield, III , 29.0 20.7 fil.5 15.5 oungstnwn Bloomlngton , Jacksonville, III..,., 24.8 uoiorano springs . Wheeling Chester. Pa I 268,499! Totnls. tr. s J1.9T.,,529.3.')2 I 691,916,9321 r.2.07T 22.41.. Totals outside N. Y DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal ... 16,891.2511 26.0. 11 AT, ,r. Toronto Winnipeg .. 11.051,134 2.018.307 ...J. Halifax Vancouver . Quebec 12. 1,831,6961 1.01.V7S0I S3 1.491,0411. 1 1 n mil ton ... 672.417' 890,2941 St. John, N. B... 10.7 "l0.3 3.1 victoria .... 676,9301... Totals .IS 35,075,822 21.5. llHAHSTnKUT'S FI..CIAI. HHVIEW. SlrrwiiKth nnil Conllilenre Apfirnr After Middle of Week. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Bradstrect's Finan cial Review tomorrow will say: Strength and speculative confidence reap peared after the middle of the week, ac companied by nn Increase In the activity. The change In this respect wns tho more striking becnuse the week opened with a depressed feeling In the Stock exchange circles. Bearish feelings predominated when tho market opened Monday and there was heavy selling for both long and short In the steel stocks, Nevertheless, after a time It wns seen thnt tho I'ntted Steel stocks were receiving powerful support. about 40 for tho common and below 9o for the preferred. Tho steel slocks hardened and rum.irs that there were renewed prospects of a settlement caused sham advances In Fnlted I mates meet snares, tne common rising to I 43 nnd the preferred to 92. This would have naturally caused sharp advances In United Slates Steel to cover shorts, and In the general market, but the railroad list was also lulliienced In a bullish way by Impor tant factors. The chief of these was the better View the street takfs of the corn crop situation. Actual improvement In the corn outlodk Is on the whole slight. On the other hand the favorable conditions In regard to wheat have assumed greater prominence and the fact Insisted on that the west and its railroads nre not entirely dependent on the corn crop for prosperity Is accorded due weight. M4V YOHIC STOCKS AM) 1IO.MIS. Prices Decline (Irndunlly I'ntll Clo IliK Hour Is Benched. NEW YOHK, Aug. 9-From ft condition of decided strength In the early denllnga the market began to show an exhaustion of the buying power nnd prices declined glnd ually until tho final hour, when there was an effective bear drive against the grain carrying roads. This was made on the be lief that the government report to be Issued tomorrow would reflect greater damage than current expectations. This supposition was also effectually backed Up by the esti mate of a recognized uxpert who predicted n possible change for wheat of 7a per cent and corn M. These nvir ages were given some credence by bear traders and they promptly put out lnrge amounts of stocks which brought about uecllnes from the highest prices of the day of from 1 to 2 In the principal grain-carrying roads, with St, Paul the chief sufferer. The gennral decline wns ma terially assisted uy a tirop or t points 111 People's Oas on reports of complications with the Chicago city authorities. United States Steel stocks contributed but little novelty to the duy's dealings and moved within a range of 1 point. Early Improve ments of "Si nnd si per cent respectively for the common nnd preferred were wiped out nnd they closed HJiH per cent lower. Ho ports of control by the Gould Interests of Mexican rntlroads promoted a good demnnd for g of the southwestern stocks at the outsfl and Missouri Pacltl6 nnd Texas Pa cific rose 2ji2',n. A sympathetic effect touched the general list by these movements and thero. wns some substantial gains In some of the prominent stockr. the fnct that there were announcements of gold ex ports, titcrllug exchange rntes being lowvt nnd expectations of n good !ink statement tomorrow nlso wen; contributing Influences to tho rise. The Junior Vnnderbllt stocks responded notably to heavy purchases of New York, Chicago & St. Lotilj common and second preferred, which Improved 2tli' 3H The forecast of the bank statement Indi cates n gain In cash by the banks nn thb Interior movement nnd operations with the subtrensury of $2,341,610. Some surprise was expressed at the gain of only J474.WO on sub trensury account by the banks In view of the disbursement for pensions and Interest In nddltloii to the payments alone of $2,149, ) gold on Pacific coast transfers. The payment of tho United States Steel pre ferred dividend of J8,863,2S4 may cause some unexpected changes in the principal Items of tomorrow's bank statement. Sterling ex change rules rencted today and less appre hension was displayed as to tho likelihood of early exports of gold. Demand bills were steady nt the closo nt JI.S7ft, tho day's reac tion being due principally to a lessened In quiry. The closing of the stock market wns weak at the lowest. Railroad bonds were dull and earlier firm, which was dissipated by tho reaction in stocks. Totnl sales, par value, J1.020.0I.O. United States bonds were nil unchanged on the Inst call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Kitchener's proclamation calling on the Boers to give up their fight under threat of banishment caused a better market feellnc here todav. Consols led In the Improvement, but gen-' mil iiusiness coniinucu 10 no restricted. American stocks were still neglected, pend ing the settlement of the strike nnd tho re ceipt of the crop report, but ns a. general tiling prices In this department hnrdenea. Call money rates ranged from H4 to 2'A per cent. The following nro the closinir tines nn tho New York Stock exchanso: Atchison .... 72 Fo. Pacinc ,.. 63S .. IMS .. Si'.a .. 42 .. M ,.. S3 ... 9-.H ... ... 20V, ... 3St ... 17ii ... 29 ...131 ,.. K ...10 ...nn; .. 2.f.!i ... S3 ... 23 ... ... 511, ... 'J1'4 ..13: ... 41 do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio do pfd Cannillan Pacific. Cnnailn To Ches. & Ohio Chlrago Ar Alton. do pfd . 94U So. Hallway . tti do pfd . OrtTcx. & Pnclflo .. ,1"7'a Tel., St. I & W. . C71 do pfd . 44i Union Pacific .... . JS'.i do pfd abash & L. 3l!i do pfd el Wheel. & I,. E.... Chicago, lnd do pfd. Chicago & 1:. 111. ..120 , do 2d pfd........ Chicago O. W 21i V. C. C. & at. I.. do 1st pfd Sl' Ailnmt Ex do 2d pfd American Bx Chicago ft N. W...100 "T. a. Kx f. It. I. & P VA Well'-Fiil-go b.. Chicago Ter. tc Tr. is Amnl. Copper .... do pfd 3, Amer. Car & F. C. C. C. & at. I,... trtU' 'do pfd.-. Colorado So te Amer. Un. Oil... do 1st pfd 52 do pfd do 2.1 pfd 22HiAmer. S. A II... Del. & Hudson 1591, do pfd Del. L. & W SCI "Amer Tobacco Denver & II. a. 41 'Anac. Mln. Co. do pfd Krln do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd... Hooking Valley SOU Brooklyn II. T 73i 36 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 94 . 3i Con. Oas :0 . 45 ,,,(on. Tobacco .lit - I do pfd . r.i Oen Klectrle . ft ,. .. M ..11) ..250'4 .. IC'i .. 16VS, .. 21 .. 75 .. ?i) .. a .. 41 do pfd Illinois Central ....1W Hocking Coal Ioa Central 3S"a Inter. Paper do pfd 5 do prd .... 60 Inter. Power ... ....123 Laclede Oas .... ....PVOtf National Hlscult ....SWA National Iad . ....lMi.i National Salt .. .... 2i'l do pfd 10 No. American .. ....10s Pacltlo Coast .. .... P'J'.i Pacllle Mall .... .... l 'People's (las .. .... 12'ti Pri'fsed S. Car.. ....Wl do pfd Ike Krle & W do pfd L A N Manhattan L... ... 21i .. 75'i .Met. at. Ky Mex. Central ... Mex. National Minn. &. St. L. Mo. Pacltlo M.. K. & T , .. fit ..lUS'i .. 41 do pfd N. J. Central .. N. V. Central , Norfolk At W... li ....150?; Pullman P. Car 2u3 .... 50; Itepuhllc Steel l'Ji .... tl . , dn pfd 73 do pf.l Ontario ,fc V... .... HiiRTir 132i I3i, Tenn. Coal fc Iron. 59', Pennsylvania .. Heading .... I'.'i Cnlon nag & P lHi .... r.',4 do pfd 70ii .... 51 V a. leather 72?. ..... tri; do pfd 79' .... ",ti V. S Itubtwr 17'i do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd fit. L. A: P. K.. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Bi'l do pfd 5: Bt. L. Kouthw. .... 2S' V. H. Steel 414 do pfd M . cln nfd. Bt Paul ....151 Wetern Union .... 9.? do pfd, ....IS3'i Ex-dlvldend. Trust receipts. Sew York Money .Market. NEW YORK. Auir. 9.-MONEY-On call. cioseu sienuy, jiij'a per cent: lust onn. 2',j per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4Vj'tj per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at de cllne. With actual business In hankers' bills at JI.S7T4 for demand and Jl.83l4 for sixiy nays; posted rates, Jl.88!-,y l,t9; com mercial bills. JI.84mi4.S5. SILVER-Bar. ti,A.c: Mexican dollars. 46c. BONDS Government, steadv: state. In. nctlve; railroad, firm. 'lhe closing quotations on bonds nro as IUItll P. U. 8. ref. 2a do coupon do l, reit do coupon .107H N. Y. C. Is 104i .iui'4-.n. j. (.'. gen. s...,iu .IHSU No. PaclOc 3i 72 VUlil do Is ;(ii do new Is, ree...,i3i do coupon 117 iln oil Is, rei 1U do coupon t',3 do It. rre M'i do coupon 10"i D. of C. 3. Ms. ...1.121 Atchison gen. 4 103?i do adj. 4s 'J! N Y. C A; St I, 4s 107l w. con. (s .nil'. OreKon Nav. Is 107i Mo 4s 1 illi tireBon r. 1.. os....;3 do consul ds ll"i iicniiinB Ren. is ysi Itlo O. V. Is ifd rft I. & I M e. Is. .11 rft I. & S P k. 6i..i2i St. Paul consols ..ITS Canada So. Zt 110 Clies. & Ohio 4149.. 1'ii do lis ISO at P, C & V la. inn 111'. C. N. W. c 71..HJH In 5s do S. V. deb. os..;23 So. Pacldu It . 01', .Hi', Chicago Ter. 4 ... 93 So. Italic ay Si Colorado So. 4s k .S. It. & T. C Denver & O. 4s tfllli Tex ft IMclftJ ls..11Si, ilo 2rf trO Pnlnn Pacific Wabash Is us Mo 2s jtoi, West Shore la jjjiv. Wis. Central Is tis V'a. Centurlefl op. Krle general Is ji, P. W. & D. C. Is.pil Oen. Bleetrle ln....'0 low 11 Cmtral Is 1151 L. & N. unl. 4s I'Ji'j M.. K. T. SI do 4 93 Bid. Offered. lloston' Stocks nml Bonds, BOSTON. Aug. 9.-Cnll louns, 4U4 per cent; time limns, IH'&J per cent, ofdclal cloainc; A . T. at. p... .. 7Ii Atchison Is u: .. l, N. K. C! & C. Is... Ill ..1SI Adventure 31 ..IW's Anial. coppr 111 ..178 Atlantic! 31 .. J?'i U'nl. A; llecla 723 ..116 Centennial :7, .. 3HJ Franklin 17 .. 9e, Humboldt 2'. ..HI :Osceola 1 90 ..ZJ Parrot to1 ..:M Wulncy 170 .. 83iilSanta Pe Copper... S .. SHlTamarack .110 ..W Piali Mining IS't . Cflij Winona I'j ...95 1 Wolverines Ci ... a I do pfd Ainer. Simar .... American Tel.... Itonton Klevnted. Dominion Coal . do pfd p. a Steel do pfd Kltehburg pfd.... Oen Klectrle ... Kd. Elec. Ill Mex Central .... N K. (1. & C... Old colony Old Dominion ... t'nlon Paeln .... West Knd Asked. Bank Clrnrlngrs. CHICAOO. Aucr. 9-Clenrlnirs. J2I.701 Pfi! bnlances, j;,004,2ii7: prsted exchange, !4.5W 4.8S'i: New York exchnnge, toe discount. CINCINNATI, Auj. 9.-Clcarlngs, j:,45l,- ISO, money, 34156 per cent; New ork ex change, pir. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9,-Clearlng, 16.2J5.1S: balances, J60I.353; money, 6'u" per cent; New York exchange, J5c discount bid, par asked. NEW YOHK. Aug. 9,-Clearlngs, $178,517. 315: balances, $11,553,127, BOSTON, Aug 9,-CIearlngs, J21,l61,55l; balances, Jl.237,531. BALTIMORE. Aug. 9.-Clearlngs, $2,973, C6S; balances, $126,351. London Mock (Imitations, LONDON, Aug. 9. I p. m. Closing: Cons., money .. do account Anaconda Canadian Pacific St. Paul Illinois Central IOUlnvllle .V. Y. Cfntrnl . So. Pacllle pfd. 91 1S-1 Uric . . 91 I do lt pfd.... ... 9 I do Jl pfd ..lil'i M., K : T.... ...15.1 1 do pfd ...SISH.Norfolk .t W... ...101 I do pfd ...mijiOntarlo & W... . M . tt , tl' , 4S'4 . 91 . aai . 2t). . :fu . 30 . fi . SOI 4 . :ii . 4 Pa . 70 . 41 99 Heading Pennsylvania So. Purlilo V. B. rttefl do pfil AU'lilrnn 1 dn pfd Baltimore & Ohio ('lies, fi Ohio Chicago O W Denver & It. tl... do pfd do 1st pfd., do 2d pfd... So. Hallway . 44 9?a do Pfil 7u1I"nlon Paclfi 9;4 do pfd VI Wabash 4H 9!i del pfd ntilll 4s... Band Mines BAH SILVEH-Stcady at 2 15-HV1 per ounce. .MONEY 2 per cent. The rute of discount In the open mnrkci for shotl bills Is 2ST1214 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 7-lWi 2 9-16 per cent. .cw York MlnliiK .Stocky. NEW YOHK, Aug. 9-Tlto following are the closing quotations on mining' stocks; Adams Con ,, Allre Hreece llrutifwlck Con.. Comstock Tunnel Con. Cnl. & Va.. Dead wood Terra Horn Silver Iron Sllvr Iadvllle Con.... ... 23 ... 45 ...140 ... 10 .. 6 . ts ...173 ... ts Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr 1 Phoenix 1 Potest Savage Sierra Nedi -mall Hopes... iStandnrd , ... i: . . .SW ... 60 ... ft ... 3 ... S ... 10 ... (0 ...333 Cotton .Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 9 -COTTON-Tlie market for futures opened quiet and llrm, 4?ft! points up, on room trading and llebt southern buying, the s'lleis b n f h principal binrs and continent houses. All the llrst hour 11 llrm undertone ob a ncd. Prollt-taklng set In and selling on the re nctlon theory helped to depress values, which broke 8tft7 point by midday. 'I h market was Dually steady, with prices no. f.TUO points higher. Spot closed quiet; mid dling upland, sc. middling gulf. Mic. Snlcs, 121 bales. Futures closed steady; Augu t 7.13c; September, 7:13c; October, 7.22c; No vember, 7.23c; DecemhT, 7.25c;, 7.27c; February nnd March, 7.33c; April, 7.33c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 9.-COTTON-Stculyi sales, bn es; go id ordinary. C'.c; low middling, CU-ltic; good mldd.lni;, ST.lilp. mlildlllu- ln'tr. f. ll.lle: ri'Cn HIS. li 0 bales; hock, mwui miles. iuturcsi, steauy; 1 August. 7.79us.O0c; September. 7.22Jf 7.'.lc. October. 7.10Jf7.11c: November. 7.'97.U: Le- cember, 7.09S7.10; January, 7.12$f7. 13c; March, .IDSti.lti. ST. LOl'lS. Aug. 9.-COTTON-QllIet; middling, fce: sales. 40 liales; rcelpts. 2,1 bales; shipments, 01 bnlei; stoik, 4j,t'it5 bales. OALVESTON, Aug. 9.-COTTON-QUlot nt fc. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 9.-COTTON-Spot. moderate business: nriccs l-32d higher. American middling fair, 4T(.d; good mid dling. 4 7-lfid; middling, H; low mlddllug, is-32rt; gond ordinary. 3 2l'-32i; oriunnry, 3 21-.",2d. Sales, $.000 bales, ot which 50) weio for speculation nnd export, nnd Includ-d i.ioi American, itcceipts, 2,i ini s. ri eludlnc KM Amerlcnn. Futures opened qu ot and t-tendy and closed barely steady; Amei- cau in i dling, l, m. c. August, iia-tii t 4 18-Old, buyers; August nnd September. 4 10-61(1, buyers; September, 4 13-61(1, buyers; October, g. o. c. 4 20-Bid. sellers: octoner nnd November. 4f?4 1-r.ld. sellers; Novem ber nnd December, 3 63-Gd, buyers; Decem ber nnd January. 3 t;i-64d, buyers; Janua y and February, 3 03-t;iJ?4d, sellers; February and Marcn, id, sellers; Marcli nnd 44 16-64(1, sellers. CofTro Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 9. COFFEE The cof feo market opened steady, with prices. 5ft 10 points higher on tlrm cablo news, smaller primary receipts than generally expected, a fair demnnd from a well known "copper house nnd a steadier spot demand, Dis appointing Into advices from Havre cautcd tho local market to become somewhat easier In the enr)y morning, but the closo was steady nt the opening linsls, fyfilO points higher: totnl sales were 39,600 bags, a com paratively large day's business; sales In cluded September, 6.ic: October, 6.05c; Do cember, 5.205. 25c; March, 5.43c; May, 5.55 (f(5.60c; June. 6.00c; July, o.70c. Spot, Rio, steady; No. 7. Invoice, 5 U-16c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8V4c. Oil nnd P.nsln. OIL CITY, Pn , Aug. 9. OILS Credit bal ances, J1.25; certificates, no bids; shipments, 9S.C00 bbls.; nverage, 78,900 bbls.; runs, 91,723 bbls.: aver; ge, 53,351 bbls. NEW YOHK, Aug. 9.-OILS-Cottonseed, nominal; yellow, 3SV4c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, Jl. 401. 45. Turpentine, 375T37HC LONDON, Aug. 9.-01 1.S-Calcutta lin seed, spot. 66s. Linseed oil, 32s ld. Tur pentine spirts, 27s 7Hd. Rosin, strained, 4s 7,4cl. SAVANNAH. Aug. 9.-OILS Turpentine, firm, 34'4c Rosin, firm, unchanged. CHARLESTON. Aug. 9. )l ...s Turpen tine, firm, 32c. Rosin, llrm, unchanged. .SiiKiir Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Aug. 9.-SUGAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, 39-16c; centrifugal, 93 test. 4Vc, Molasses sugar, 3 6-lfic. lie lined, dull; No. fi, 1.73c; No. 7. 4.05c; No. S, 4.65c; No. 9. 1.50c; No. 10. 4.43c; No. 11, 4.10c; No. 12. 4.40c; No. 13, 4.30c; No. II, 4.30c; standard A, 5.15c; confectioners' A, 3.13c; mould A, 6.70c; cut loaf, 5,S3c; crushed, 5.85c; powdered, 6.45c; granulated, 5.35c; cubes, 6.00c. LONDON. Aug. 9. BEET SUOAH-Au-gust, 9s lV4d. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 9. SUGAR Qulot; open kettle, 3 3-lCc; open kettle, cen trifugal, 3i(,!4it,e. Molnsscs, dull; centri fugal, 51514c. l'lvnpornteil nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. EVAPORATED APPLES Out-of-town orders continue on a liberal scnle for evaporated apples and the general tone was firm. Deslrablo grades hold the chief attention and nro held higher. The close wns llrm. Stnte, com mon to good, 4Vn5c; prime, 7"l7'jc; choice, 7:t1!ie; fancy, RtiV.fcc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FHIMTS-Inaetlve, but nominally steady at unchanged prices. Prunes, 3Hfi7e. Apricots, Royal, 8liiil3c; Moor Park, M'12e. Peachee, peeled, ll12c; impeded, 6'ii9Hc Xeiv York Dry Court .Mnrkrt. NEW YOHK, Aug. 9. There has been no mnterlal chango In the mnrket for cotton goods. The general demand has been quiet, with i-ellern as a rule adhering to previous prices for both staple and fnncy lines. Print cloths are easy nnd not quotably lower. Linens nre llrm. with an Improved demand. Burlaps are dull and tending In favor of buyers. MANCHESTER, Aug. 9.-Clnths steady, with little doing. Yarns quiet and un changed. Visible Supply "f Cotton, NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 9.-COTTON-Secrutary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the totnl idaiiiin nu 2.037.0.H bales, against 1.278.427 lant year, of which 76S.427 last year llgurca ns American. KniiHiis ( tty (irntn ntid I'rni Islnus, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 9.-WHEAT-C.V-4C; December, CSc; cash, No. 2 hard. 6t,VG7c; Vn a. or.ibffifiiV: No. 2 red. 70M.i71c. COHN September, E3?ii5V!t.e; December, 5SV-; cash. No. 2 m'xed, SSVifUtc; No. 2 white. 3SM:iff59c. OATS-No. . wnne, aj'.iifiuc. RYE-No. 2, CSn. 1 1 AY choice timothy, Jll.50; cholco prai rie, Jll.Wi. Bl TT EH crenmery, iiiviwiac; dairy, WW l'.i'c EOUH Firm; iresli 11 ssour nnd Kansas Hinck ouoted on 'ehimge. 10c nor doz.. Iosh off. ensts returned. receipts wnent. iwi.wio ini com. 16.. too I1.1. , oats. 22.KIO bu. Biup.MWN in wieni, nu,; corn, 71.2UIJ bu.; outs, 40.00) bu. Pblliiilelpbln Produce llnrKet. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 9. Bl'TTER Firm; fancy wt stern creamery. 2P4C; fancy western prints, 2HiiC. iiiiiiM r irm; iresn nearny, 17c; fresh western. I7e; fresh southwestern. 12-c : fresh southern. 12c. CH EESE- Qulet; New York full creams, fnncy i-mall, DMflOu; New York full creams, fair to choice, 9'.it)94C Mlluuiii. re (irnln .Unrket. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 9 -WIIEAT-Lower: No. 1 northern. "2v; No 2 northern. 718 7l'4c; September, 7fAc. HYE-Illcber: No. 1. 57U!iiI7Lc BARLEY-Steady; No. 2, 62c; sample, toff COHN-September, 57,c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Btef Steers Sold Strsnr; to i Dim Ilightr and Cws Steady. HOGS OPENED FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Llulit Hecelpts of Mieep nml .Mnrket Aetlie nnil n Dime llluhcr on Until AWlbers and I.unibs .o 11tos Were tlfTereil to Test .Mnrket. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 9. Hecelpls were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Ofhclal Monday Ufllclal 'i'ueday Ofiicial tuiiesday... Olliclal Thursday Ulllilal Friday d.LJu ;i.o:(.) .1,11 J 2,oi nl U.lUl O.ImI U,3.'l ll.JJ ti.OJl t.,ji: 4, In U,9J'i 2,'M 1.1N5 21.179 ;a,i2 27,212 17..W0 13,0U(i ;w.o.ii Sou.h com- l'lvo dayh tlila week-Jj.J I1.7US SaniH days last week 10,'.!.i 'Kl.tOI Same week before ll,7ol 43.012 Same three weeks ao. . .12,7.':i i9,0lf hnllio lour 'veeks ago....U',UM 3I.JI7 Srtino days last yeai ls.Joii ;l-,un' Average prlco paid Tor hogs at Omaha, tho past sevcrm dnys with p.iribuus. I 1901. 190O.lt99. 1S9S.1V.7.,P9'1. 1S95. July July July July JlllV IS... 77J,i 3 Hl 3 77 3 lil 3 20i 3(w 3 32, 3 U3 4 8 3 07 4 81 2 Ml M 2 90i 4 sa , 4 Ml 2 971 4 94 2 9S I 8 4 S5 2 8J1 4 81 It). 17. 61 6 02 I 2 hi, 4 01 , 4 16 3 EJ' 4 3 'J( 4 94 4 S7 4 99i IS... 19... Jaly 20 4 19 4 21 4 34 3 86, 3 35 July 21.. July 22,, July 23 , July 24. July 2si., July 26. 5 07 4 3 Sl 3 38, 3 791 3 27 iru 70C 5 15 3 82 3 251 5 15 74i4( 5 M tol 6 02 4 361 I 3 36 2 92 4 76 4 31 3 89 4 27 3 87, 4 321 3 2i 4 33 3 671 4 32 3 72 j 3 7li 43:; : 4 191 3 79 3 37 3 4J, 3 29 3 36 3 44, 3 50 4 81 4 89 4 93 4 i4 4 li.' 4 41 4 4j July 27... 1 July 23... 2 8:., 2 76 I 71 July 29.,.' 5 July 30. ..I 6 July 31... 1 6 August 1.1 6 August 2.1 0 August 3.1 5 August 4. 1 August 5. 5 .Mimmt tl. 1 r, August 7. 1 6 August 8. 1 6 August 9. j 6 47 61 a Mil 664 5 15 : Til 'b I 6 1S 4 .ui a ii 3 45 1 n 5 4 33 3 67 3 4i 3 61 3 67) 3 71( 3 Ml 3 77 1 3 4.1 I 3 45 2 S3, 4 61 4 43 : a.l 2 l'6 4 Co ;i vi. 4 2 921 4 "5 : 75 1 f.o I 4 4o 51 I ' .V) 1 5 04 fiS 5 14 l" ' 15 4 45 4 3M I 3i 3 Ml 73, 6 OI 4 32 3 C7 3 49 Indlcntcs Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road warn Cattle. Hogs Sheep. C, M. .t St. P '. 1 5 O. & St. I. 1 Missouri Pacific 2') 2 rnion Pacllle System 12 20 4 C. it N. W 3 F., E. & M. V 17 21 f. St. P., M. ft 0 4 6.. It. & M 9 12 C B. ft Q 4 S K. C. Si St. J 3 1 C, R. 1. tk P., east 4 10 C, R. I. & P., west. 1 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts 76 13 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Buyers. Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Ctidahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Cudahy, from K. C... Cudnhy. from country, R. Becker & Degan Vnnsnnt & Co Iibmnn & Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huntzlnger Livingstone ft S6hnller. U F. Husz 11. F. Hobblck..., Other buyers 2S S37 '0 313 1,79) 517 2 053 74T 193 2,1'S 105 3H Crt 121 10 5 2 ... iai .... 29 13 16 49 Oi Total l.SfC 7.001 592 CATTLE There was a light run of cat tle hero todny and as the local demand wns In good shnpo prices on the better grndes of fat cnttlo improved and tho mnrket ruled active from start to finish. It was evident this morning that packers were anxious for good to choice beef steers and as u result sellers held their cattle nt strong to a dime higher prices than they sold for yesterday nnd packers paid tho ad vance. Cattle that wore not strictly choice but still In fairly good condition sold as high ns J5.65. The commoner grades nlso sold higher today owing to the fact that thero were not enough of the good kinds to fill packers' orders Receipts Included about ten cars of cows and heifers nnd while the market was not very actlvo Just about steady prices wcro paid and most everything wns disposed of In good season. Sellers in some cases thought they had a hard time In getting steady prices, but finally sold out at a satis factory figure. There wns no particular chango noticeable In the market on bulls, cnlves and stags. There were not many stockerB and feed ers In tho ynrds today nnd good lightweight yearlings sold at good strong prices. Heavy Hturf. however, is ncttlected and the demnnd from the country Is very light for that class of sturr. Representative saies: BEEF STEERS. No. 3 2.... 5 1.... 2.... I.'.'.'. 1... 31.... 30.... 50.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... 3... 1.... 1.... 1.... Av. Pr. .... 770 1 75 .... 673 2 25 .... 808 2 CO ....1010 3 80 . . . . 950 3 90 ....117) 4 00 ... .11.10 4 CO ....120.) 4 80 No. 19 41 18 18 17 60 18 10 89 Av. Pr. 1101 4 15 U71 5 10 107 5 10 1114 5 10 1183 5 70 1258 5 20 1103 5 ;-o 131 5 65 1214 6 C5 ....1C91 4 80 .1011 4 95 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,725 too 101... COWS. .1090 5 10 810 1 (0 920 2 78 870 3 73 811 1 25 850 1 15 1.... 1.... 6.... 1.... 5.... 60.... 1.... 102: 2 75 2 73 ... 7?0 ... 910 ... 783 ... 780 1 73 2 00 2 CO 2 00 1020 920 816 3 75 ! 85 SM 3 si 1000 2 90 910 2 ?0 1123 3 IK) 1001 3(0 960 .1 00 810 3 Ou 790 3 0-j 1000 3 00 971 3 00 810 3 lJ 1090 3 05 11X0 3 03 970 3 28 1310 3 : 1160 3 23 1041 3 30 10(5 3 30 700 3 1 0 1120 4 00 ...1030 2 25 ... SO) 2 25 ... 926 ...lino ...IMS ...ino 5 2 33 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 8 J 10 1 1 1 10 ...lOfO 2 50 ... 710 2 0 1... 1... 12... 1... 1... 1... 21... 1... 1... 20... ... 795 2 to ...1120 2 80 . . . 970 2 50 ...1027 3 50 ... 918 2 50 , . . R53 2 85 ... 9,'.3 2 10 ... 930 3 10 ...1250 2 f.l 22 ... WO 2 C5 3 ... 900 2 73 1 HEIFERS. . . . 620 2 00 1 ... 70) 1 73 7 ... 620 I 50 105. v BULLS. 420 , 621 . 610 2 60 2 60 4 'J 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 5.... 4.... ...I",) 2 00 ... 5(0 2 (0 ...1350 2 23 3. 690 2 50 1.. 1.. 1G00 2 CO .1620 3 30 ...12S0 2 V, 1. 1450 2 W) ..1000 2 35 2 63: 2 ....13V) 2 O 1 910 2 70 103i) 3 10 130 4 (0 ....i2v) 1.. CALVES. 256 3 ' 1 207 I 21 STOCK CALVES. 1... 4... 1... 1... ... 1... 2S0 3 (0 2 3.V) 3 93 312 3 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 79) 2 30 1 1070 2 7.1 700 2 10 1 300 .1 00 673 2 65 3 460 3 25 1020 2 tO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 6i)0 2 75 2J COO 3 20 I; S'.0 2 ,5 0 773 !8i j 780 3 00 4 607 3 20 ; 825 3 00 23 703 3 10 3 6f0 3 i.O 16 560 3 23 JO 774 3 10 11 5S9 3 30 0 915 3 15 W. L. Fletcher-Colo. 15 cows 933 2 85 1 hull 1700 1 75 1 cows 9S0 2 85 21 steers.... 10OI 3 60 W. Stephens Neb. 1 heifer.... 880 2 50 6 steers.... 772 2 25 3 heifers... C2f. 2 25 IIIII ft Sori-Neb. 5 steers. ... 900 3 60 f, steers. ...1050 2 75 5 Nlr-ri.. 69 1 2 25 HOOS Thero woa n pretty folr run of Iimit nt the vards today, and. as Chicago was reported stronger, values at this point improveu rousiueiuuiy uuni'i ui niuurii" of 1111 active demand. Packers started In bidding 6c to 10c higher on the hotter grades and quite a number of the heavier i,,.,i iinmiH nt a fair v early hour The kind of hogs that sold yesterday at 35 67A and o.,u hoiu luuuy i.un.-ijf i.uu, J5.75 to J5.80. The lighter hogs the packers did not sfcm to want and very few of them HOIU on ino cany nium.-i. r;n iih.- hogs they offered J5 72 nnd Ji Later In the morning less rnvoraiiie teporis wcro received from other markets nnd as a result paikers lowered their bids at this point and very little wns done for a time Tin- situation did not Improve as tho morning advanced und sellers finally cut their mixed hogs louse at J5.70 nnd J5.724, with the choice heavyweights going from J5 75 to J3.S5. The lightweights sold from a.70 down. The market, then, opened 5Tf irc higher nnd closed with part of the ndvanco lost Everything was wold in fairly good season. Representative sales: .So AV Hh, I'r No Av Ph, Pr it) UI ICO i W t(l 266 80 6 7 M HI 1M & 9 71 Ui ... i'.i ?S S4 20) 4 fS ( JiJ 1M J TJ H 1D4 10 JiM HI 231 SO It ?5 73 1.41 l!0 5 65 f l 27 200 5 73 rl 1M M JJI4 M 2l 9i 8 75 33 118 ... 4 70 7 733 J 78 84 JTl 40 i i 74 Ms 110 i 78 33 318 40 8 70 (9 IK. 120 5 78 7 J(7 IJfl 8 T . W ,80 5 7. rt jh ijo 8 To at :is 40 & 75 83 180 0 10 to 1M' '40 8 74 73 2M S 8 VS M 144 40 8 75 7? HI IM 8 70 S Ml IN 5 75 K ,1M 8 70 1 4 1M 8 78 77 303 SIO 8 70 313 1W 8 78 83 Ml 10 8 .'fl 71, !(0 40 8 78 89 M 5 70 ff 711 Jt 5 i M 2 ... 8 70 ! 1) 5 74 71 J31 44 8 7il C W. 80 8 '.J 70 281 Mil 8 70 81 M0 5 t 71 112 10 8 7.) 3(1 'JOO 8 T.I l 3W ID i 70 64 0 5 7 83 174 ISO ." .' . fiS U 40 6 78 70 230 im .Mo rs :o w 8 ns (0 3 160 8 70 71 203 1W 8 77ii 44 fV) JO 5 70 0 132 0 5 77 216 41 8,70 89 210 200 8 771J 1 2i!7 ... 5 7.ij M 241,,.. 5 "7', 62 38 1 80 I ".Jl, 81 233.80 5 77, 77 117 10 I ;2't 61 244 ... 8 77', f 313 :) 8 72 S 71 3" 4) 5 "i7, (a :i3 io 8 ;:' a sit 80 . 8.1 214 ... 5 721, t9 289 40 i 77', 74 210 160 5 ?2' CI. ...... .289 ... 8 V0 87 5S7 40 J T24 70 20 ... 5 M 81 2e2 80 5 4 243 h 8 M 100 3u 12) 172', (10 117 SO SM 61 206 M 3 7S4 61 289 SO 5 8.' f. &V) 200 i K' a 247 80 5 .0 73 213 280 5 73 1? 31.1 ... 5 ) ,-.3 210 4) i 78 f.: 7M ... I 83 75 224 !) 5 75 8J 330 ... 6 M 70 273 ... 5 73 M 314 ... 5 85 89 303 80 3 76 61 336 43 3 8:, 61 .... 216 40 5 75 82 319 ... 8 W f2 2.'7 160 5 ?5 SHEEP There were only four cars of shicii and lambs in the vards todav. and. I the demand being ill good shape, the mar- ivei ruieu active nnu n nunc nigner iimu yesterday. A good lunch of yearlings sold ns high ns J3.50 nnd n bunch of Inlr tit good lambs brought JI.73. Owing lo 'Im light supply prnctKcally fe-crythlng wns sold In good season. Quotations: Choice yearlings. J3.e01f3.tVi; ; fair to good yearlings, J3.35tf3.60; cholco wethers. J3.353ji0; fair to good wethers, J3.15t(3.25; choice ewes. J2.73ti3.00; rulr to good ewes, J2.26W2.tVi; cholco spring lambs, 1 l.!wtf.).0ii; fair to goorti spring Inmbs, JI.Uf ,4.7.1. t. eder wethers, J2.76'ff3.(0; feeder Iambs, J.t.i"i!.,.50 Renresontntlvo sales: I .Ml 45 feeder ewes 41 feeder Jambs 10 cull ewes 40 cull ewes I SS Idaho ewes 1 114 Idaho ewes AV. Pr Jl M 3 W i t 1 50 2 75 2 75 3 60 3 Ml 4 75 .. 10(1 .. SI .. 115 .. Ill) .. 10 .. 10s .. 83 .. 92 .. 5S 105 Idaho yearlings. 4 212 Idaho sheep and yearlings 293 Idaho lambs CIIICACII LIVIl STOCK .MAIIKI'.T. Cnttle 4ltil.-t nnil Wrnk Hok Sinn- . Sheep lllKlier. CHICAGO. Aug. 9,-CATTLE-Hecelp s. 12,600 hend. Including 75 Texnns; grod heavy steers steody, all others dull nnd wm.j good to prime steers, J5.i)f6.18; p or lo medium, J5.()fi5. 10; Blockers and f'o o s, demoralised. J2.ST.fj3 86; cows, .'2.60)i4.3 : helftrs. J2.UOWI.75; dinners. J1.W2.25; bull. J2.6offl.50; cnlves, J3.10U6.25; Texas slccr.i, J3.1-l.60. HOGS Receipts, 1R.0.0 head; left ov. r, 6,310; estimated tomorrow. 12,000; opened fSi loo higher, closed slow; mixed and hutches, J5.00ii6.(); good to cholco heavy, JJ.fWi 14i; rough henvy, Jo.40f5.S0; light, J5.70'a5.9. ; bulk of sales, J3.7505.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts, 4 OH) head; sheep strong to loo bUlior; lamb, best higher, others dull; good to cholco wethers. J3.60Ii'4.25; fair to choice mlxe ;, J.1.2.Sfl3.75; western sheep, J3.25't4.iO, lings, J3.75J(I.35; native lambs, JS.OOtffi 3; western lambs, JI.25iiS,10. Ofllclal yesterdny: Receipts Cnttle, 10.9'5 head; hogs, 2.S.559 head; sheep, 12,737 boa I Shipments Cattle, 6,362 head; hugs, 6,511 head; sheep, 2,317 head. Kiiiinit City I.lvr .Stock Murket. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 9. CATTLE- Re ceipts, 4,001 natives, !0.) Texan an 1 0 calves; best grades strong nnd active, others steady; native steers, J4.frj"i 91; stockeri and feeders, J2.SOji3.70j western steers, J2.C0 ft 1.75: western cows, Jl.75ff2.85; native cowh and heifers.; Texas nnd Irdlin cows, Jl.; Texns and Indian stoers. J2.80f3.2o; Colorado cows. J3.2Sft5.00; Col -rado steers, JI.60; bulls, J2.60l.5O; calves, J3.OOJi5.23. HOOS Receipts, 8,300 head; market gen. ernlly 6c higher; top, J6.10; bulk of nlo. J5.65i5.93; heavy, J6.O0f70.!0; packers. J5.7K) 5.95; mixed, J5.55ffrj.93; ,Bht, J5.35ff5.75; p'gi. J3.Wi5.25. SHEEP AND UAMBS-Recelpts, 1.0V) head; market firm; Inmbs, J4.0Of-.i.00; mut tons, J3.OOfJ3.75. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9, CATTLE-RccelpU. 1.900 head, Including 700 Texans; market strong, with Texans 10c higher: mtivo shipping nnd export steers, J4.E6ff 1 6'q dressed beef nnd butcher steers, JI.O0f3 23; steers under l.onn Ihs., J3.40ff6.oO; stockers nnd feeders, J2.30fn.OO; cows nnd heifer., J2.0OfJ4.60; ennnors, Jl.O0fi-2.fO, bulls, J2.0HJ 3.25; Texns nnd Indian steers, (3.iOi(4 40; cows nnd heifers, J2.20ff3.45, HOGS Receipts 6,200 head; wenker; pig nnd lightB. J5.76G5.65; paokcrs, 15.70fj6 9; butchers. J5.90ff6.10. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Iteceipts, 1,401 head; mnrket steady; native muttons, 13 (0 ffi3.25; Inmbs, J3.60fJI PO; culls and bucks, J2.00f3.00; stockers, J2.00jJ3.25. New York I.lve Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 9.-CATTLE-necelpts, 3,911 head; slow to a shade lower; steers, 14.75fj6.70; bulls, J2.60fr3.60; cows, J1.75ff4.0O. Cables quoted live cnttle higher at London at 12ffl3c per lb.; dressed weights at Liver pool, ll'ifj12V5e; refrigerator be'of higher; shipments tomorrow, 2,334 cattle, 203 sheep and 1,411 quarters ot beef. CALVES-Recclpts, 20 head; firm and all sold: veals, J4.50fj7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, fi.750 head; sheep dull: lambs steady; sheep, J2.50 4.4iO; Inmbs. $3.76f?6.00, mainly J4.25fJ5.75; culls. J2.35. HOGS Receipts, 1,701 head; nominally firm. St. Joseph l.lvc Stock Mnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 9.-CATTLE-Hcceipts, 3,350 hend; market ntcady to strong; na tives ,J3.40fiC90; cows and heifers, Jl.OOffi 4.60; bulls and stags, J2.Omi4.70; stockers and feeders. J2.00ff3.75; veals, J2.00Cio.(W. HOGS Receipts. 9U) head; market opened 6ffl0o higher; closed steady to 60 higher; light nnd light mixed, J5.55fiC.0O; medium nnd heavy, 55 75(jjC.121.i; pigs, J5.25ffo.50; bulk, ' SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 396 head; murket steady; top lambs, J5.25. Stock In HlKlit. Tho following table shows the receipts of cnttle, hogs and sheep nt the flvo principal live etock markets August 9: Cattle, Hog. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City. Bt. Louis Bt. Joseph..... Totals .... 2X00 6.612 1.1 re 44 0 I.Ort ..12,500 .. 4,00) .. 1.900 .. 3,350 1R.000 S.300 900 1.1(0 3 6 ..23,756 34,942 Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, Aug. 9. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report on tlin wool trade of tho United States: Tho market Is less active than Inst week, but still strong, with free selling. Mon tana, California nnd the growing districts nro short of wool, which Is being rapidly concentrated In Boston. The stock on hnnd In Boston January I, 1W1, wns 76,309, 600 pounds. Tho total stock today Is 78,215, 257 pounds. ST. LOUIS, Aug 9 WOOL Unchanged; medium grndes. I1fll7c. light fine, lljjlto; heavy lino, 9611c; mb waHhed, 12ff24c. His Objection. Philadelphia Press- Poppors No, wn haven't christened tho baby yet. My wifo wants to give him a fancy namo out of a book, but I won't have It. Aseum -Why not? Poppers Because then ho'd grow up to bo homely as blue mud and tough as nails. I never knew It to fall. Boyd Commission Co Bucceesors to Jntnea B. Boyd A Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION (IIIAIN, PI14IVIHIO.VS A XI) STOCKS. Ilunid of Trnde llalldlns. Direct wires to Chlisgo and New Yorh. ornrspondcn'.e John A Wuircn 4 Co. CURE YOURSELF t II(o lllgtt for unnatural illirhirgei.luOanniktlons, Irritations or ulcerations of mnenua intmbranea I'aliilMt. and no. airlu STHtEv,;CHiuicuCo. ,nt r rlionom. Mold tiy Drnnrlata. 'or etnt In plain vfraDpar. or siprcti, p;:rttia, vm lf.00. or s bottito, a.S. OlitiUr ial ta mm- Jaalalutoiyi. V Jf u niliur. Tl I'mmdu Cfti,tAiUa; amr.iKC:ijviri.o.aVfl La. D.S.I, aB 1