Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Visiiuri Tafct a Qm tbat Setui io
Thoir frm Start.
viMin-m .oi .ll'.irkfil hj- ,nj- Very
l'nM llnll IMn Inn, fr Whleli
Slippery (iroiiiuU May lie
Well, we can't win all Jho iltn, but
wns a nam game to lose. Loono fielding ami
hard hatting by the "All Statu" tell tho sad
story. Omnhft was the lomr from thu atari
Tho gam began wrong and ended the same
way. Uynn hit a hot ono to McAndrcwu
who mado n b'rtd throw of It and tho captain
was nafc. Oonjlng mado a blnglo mid Ul
AnBou'8 pet" to second. Kelly got
mnf?io scoring an. Drain securer! a loint
drive to loft center for two tinam, scoring
Kelly. Thlnp looked bad, but Shannon hit
ono to l'op Jetchr and Dutchy Shr.rfTor
struck out.
Jn tho third the ijcntlemcn from the north
went at It nf;aln. Dlllarrl, the hl boy from
the bis league, pot a nlco little onc-bagyer,
but wao forced out at zc?oml on u grounder
ny Keuy. Thiit nltv, quiet younB man gain
" iurn in aco a terr tnrv to even im
Then that heady man with tho heady nnmo
rullcd his left ear and Bwnttcd out another
ono of those fuvorltcp of hh and Kelly was
put on tho bench. Thou a Uttlo grounder
went wandering down toward Captain
Stcwnrt nnrl he prompily gave It a lift on
out to Letcher. Wo all groaned, but It was
nil wasted and thu trouble ended with no
more tallies.
"iro misery waB In storo for us
Chech feared Hourko'a gang of club HWlng
ers, so ho started out thu next Inning for
nnntnor run to make UiIuks n llttlu safor.
Ho picked out one of tho Wizard's cholco
ones and swat It safely He visited Calhoun
for n moment, (hen went on down to second
Dlllarrl got bis big trro In action nnd help-oil
Check luck to the l)6nrh, whcio the blue
Jaekets hail been endeavoring to send him
for somo time. Then Kelly landed on Her
man with a right swing that made I'oninn
dour dlmy. When the mist hurl cleared awny
n llttlo tho saintly Kelly was trying to get
.uac 10 (an mm nnd Dlllnrd waa telling his
mates how easy It wns,
They took pity on Herman, tho Irish lad
mr n ume. nut in tho eighth tho two
Diitchles got to wrangling nnd It ended hv
Shacffor lifting a nlco little cnlo-over ono
up against, left field fence and wouldn't stop
till he landed over In front of the left
bleachers. Hill Wilson drovo ono out to the
fence, scoring Kelly. Hut he tried to do the
neny act nnd wns finished at third by
I'lenung and Mae. This concluded their
turn lu tho performance.
I he Ilourkes seemed to be taking llfo
easy ror n time and uveryonu had tho blues.
Out In tho fourth Calhoun got real angry
and swatted Mr. Chech straight from the
shoulder. McAndrcws got renl jealous, no
ho motioned Tatsy Dlllard to "step back,
please," but 1'iitny refused to step, Mac
bit his upper lip and sent thnt small piece
i uorso nwny out toward tho "Mlzzourl,"
po ha coulri talk to Uralii, while Cal went
nrtcr a rlrlnk.
Along about the sixth two old veterans
on Hourkos payroll woko up to tho fnet
that they ought to bo doing something. So
i.eicncr swung real hard once and saw how
iaf. no could run to pecond. Cranddnd
Stownri got off tiu bench' und traded places
ui irienc. mat maun two scores.
A , A ftf A ...lU.:.. : ...
-nfif wraiuii puHurii inings along, a
lima nnn sent tho captain to the bench,
Aiie." getting overyono nervous tho
OmuluH nil smiled and refused to do any
more. It wns too had to lose, after making
iwoivn hbio nits, nut Herman didn't seem
to worry Ryan's gang much and neither did
the number thirteen, for Ihoso fellows with
tho lovely stockings got twelvo plus one.
Hut wo will do botler tomorrow with tho
rioiirmnkers. AJloway makes his debut and
he thinks bo can do tho trick. Score:
i ST. 1'AUI-.
AH. It,
i r
, 6
nynn, if
nillard, cf ..
Kelly, lb....
Ili-aln, at
munition, rf.
KlmelTer. L'h.
Holly, RH,....
"Wilson, c
Ulicoh, p.,.,.
cicnlns, cr
Fleming, If
Cniiioun, Hi...:.,
I.etchcr, rf
Hlcwnrt. xt
AleAnrlrt'ws, an..
Toman, ss ..
Onnrtln.i, e
ilerinan, p .'.
10 ti
All. U.
H. O. A. 13.
10 0 0
2 n 0 n
:i it oo
o o
12 3 0
0 1 (5 1
8 2 4 0
13 27 16 i
II. O. A. K.
a 5 o o
13 10
110 0
2 2 4 1
2 14 1
0 2 0 ()
0 5 0 1
10 2 0
0 0 0 0
12 27 il "3
0 0 0 1 0 (1
0 2 0 0 03
Bt. l'nill 2 0 12
"Oinulia , u uoi
humeri runs: Ht. l'nul, 5; Omaha. 3.
Stolen bases: Kelly (2). Two-base hits:
nynn, urnin. Hiinoircr, Chech, Klcmlnir.
(""il i nrcc-uiiHo nun:
Kel)y, MoAnrlrews.
rltrurk out:
! i' iiermnu, 4. Doublo. nhiy: McAndrews
iu irnviii ill ltlliuilll. I'UFRClI nan
Hy Chech,
port xv&9 poor. Attendance, 2,lO Score
... H.II K
imiisiiit ciiy.... in 020000 I ; 0
Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1 3 4
Mnttrrle. Kansas Cltv. Ulhsnn nnd He
Mile; 13nver, Krlsk and Sullivan.
.lllliueitiHilli Win 1111 IIIin,
UKS MOINKS. Aug. S -The base hits to 1
the story of the gnme. The local showid
n seil lack of headwork. Score:
.Minneapolis ...02000230 C 7 10 'l
Des Moines ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-2 S 1
llatterles' Jllnnrapolls, Whltrldge and
McConnell; Drp Molnei, bnmmar.n, Klelnow
and Cute. Attendance: 400.
WVntern lriiunr Mil nil Inn.
Kansas City . ...
Si. Joseph
St. Paul ,
Colorado Springs
lies Moines
. . .30
v. r.
Kiiiimin City Hall (ironniU.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. S.-(Speclal Tele-gnim.)-i:xposltlon
park, from time !m
meniorlal the home of base ball In Kansas
City, has Im-ou sold in a syndicate of real
state ipeculators nnd will be cut up Into
building lots next winter. It wns thought
that Jainen Mnnnltig, now of the Washing
ton club. Willi hn ilii 11 l,.fi... . I... .....i.
hail a cinch on the grounds for some years!
provides for its termination m il
.i1.".? bnH , ?PHJ5.?n' d'irlnB which the
park may be sold. The park Is only n small
part of 11 large tract which tho syndicate
I'nlrlinry Ton l-'nst.
KDflAH. Neb.. Aim. S. iv.ifni-
ami l-'ulrbury plnyeil Ims.i ha 1 at Hdgar
yestcrtiiy afternoon. Fnlrbui-v won i to 3
Hattrtlfs: Kalrbury, Albertson nnrl fr-c k -ICilgar,
Scjtt and Ulaaler. Tinplre: Howard.
fTTIT r-t k -ri T-tt-r v- v . ...
I.XXJLJ UillJVllJV WJli 1J 1 Jijrj.KS .1111 ).A 1 . A riJI'ST O Hft1
It nwny by stupid work on tho bases.
lenunnec, score:
. . .. II II O A c. Il.H.O.A.E.
lltirkMt. U . 0 0 1 0 ODobbs, cf ... 0 l SO 0
1 v iiitriey, ir. . 0 1 3
0 llreklcy, lb. 0 1
0 1 Crawford, rf 0 1 o
0 0 MaRrxin, .. o 0 Z
6 0 Stelnf'dt. 3b 0 0 5
1 0 Tux, Hi 0 0 i
0 0 t'leti, c 0 0 11
0 Halm, p o 1 0
lM'lri.-k, rf. o 0 3
I'mlilen. il.. I) 1 0
McOunn, lt. 0 0 14
Donovan, rf. 2 2 .1
Wollac. s. 0 0 3
KriiKir, lb. . 0 2 0
Nlchol. c.
Sudliuff, p
0 0 3
0 0 0
Total. ..2 S 27 IT ll TolaH .. 0 5 27 4 1
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Cincinnati o 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 o
liarneil run; St. I.ouls, 1. Two-base
hits: Ilnhn, 1'adden. Three-base hits:
pobbs, Donovan. Stolen base: Donovan.
Double piny; I'adden to Wnllace to Ic
Oann. First base on balls: Off llnhn. 1.
Struck out: Hy Hahn. 12; by SJdhoff, 2.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Urown.
Antlminl l.i'iimu'
Pittsburg 62
Philadelphia 52
St. Uiuls 52
Hrooklyu p;
Hoston J2
New York 37
Cincinnati 20
Chicago m
Won. Lost.
FtughketpiU OondttiomHold Him Down t
2:06 1-4 for Milt.
. York Tnl.n
lie Other or
Onp nnil Ilrnot. Iju
Tmi (Jnni-
Xi'iv York.
NKW YniMv AlIK S llr,,nUlvM nnil VpW
York Nlltlimnlu I
f Vnw 'lfu r .1 1 tl (Kit
bit Kllson In the llrst, while on the other
hand Taylor wns lilt at critical perio Is.
ihu home team batted Hughes out of the
box In the third Inning of the second gam?.
Newton was effective while ho p;tche 1.
.Matthewsrin hold Hrooklyu safe nt all
stHgi-, Thu New York rluli uiinouucril tc
.."y .,'".,.t George, Davis Is still mating, r of
the ball fam. William Joyce comet ren
with Secretary Knowles this morning. Ho
SnVS tllUt he U hil-i mi n I Imll mUiInn
- I'liMt (innie.
lt.It.n. A.D!.
nfcicr. rr... 011
Hlieckanl, If t 1 2
uolnn, cf. ... 0 2 3
Kelly, lb.... 0 1 10
Pair. 2b.... 0 0 i
Pdhln, en.. 1 2 1
Irwin, 3b 0 2 0
Mctliilrr, c.o 2 7
Klttii-ii, p... 1 2 0
11 0 Vanll'n, cf. 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 HWImc-li, If.. 0 2 10 0
1 0 ritninn, 3b... 0 13 11
0 0 lllckniun, rf 0 1 u 0 1
S 0 PavK S9.... 0 0 4 3 1
2 1 l.ini1, Jn.. 0 0 11 1 0
1 0 Ilont-r'n, v.. 0 0 4 1 V
1 0 Nlon, 2b.. 0 0 0 6 1
1 0 Taylor, p.... 0 0 2 0
Tolnli .. 3 13 27 11 1 Totals ..0 4 27 17 4
Ilrooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
-c lurn y u u u o u o u u u
Karned runs: Hrooklyu. 3. First bnie on
errors: Hrooklyu, 3; New York, 1. Left
on bnses: Ilrooklyn. 10: New York. 5.
Hases on balls: Off Kltson, 2. Struck out:
Hy Kltson. 5: bv Tavlnr. 3. Home run:
Shecknrd. Two-buse lilts: Davis. Kltfrm.
acrllce i t: Iveeler. Trlnl nlnv: T.ivlnr
in uavia 10 uanzel. Double p ay: Do. an
III KellV Htnlrn litiunu, ll.ii'lH
Wild pitch: Kltson. Time: 1:45. L'mpltc
.L'i'iiml (iniiir.
WiKhliiKtnii Doiiiitea Until of Tlinr
tlii)'s (inines lis llcvtnril for
(illllll flu 1 1 1 mm.
I'HII-ADMI.IMIt A An.. 0 nu... m. 11. ..1.. 1
.. . v: ...... ...(,, o. i 111; 1 llllll'.IIJI'
w, .1.1. . n:'llnH k two games from
MlShlllUlon till II V liv lianl l,llil,,,r I., .!,
finuic wns loucneu up iiutle freely,
as Was also Knurr, but the latter mnimgpd
1 . 1 "llK "" scatlerert. CarncK
lastcil only two liinlngs in the second con-
ieM nnn was loplacerl by Oeur. Shortstop
C inginan was hurt In a collision with
Pitcher VUltso ami retired In the seventh
unit,. Aiiunuuiice, 6,1131. score:
I'Mrst C11 me.
,. 11.U.0..1.1:,' it 11 o. v 1:
rum. CI ... , U 1 1 0 n IVal.lmii ..f I I I o
t OParrcll, :ti.. 112 3 3
2 0 PuiiKiin, lb. 1 2 11 0 u
4 0 (Irmly, c 0 1 I 1 U
i utliur, rf U 0 2 0 0
11 1 Fostrr, If.... 0 3 0 0 1
5 1 Coughlln, 3b 0 1 .' .1 11
1 uninK'n, M.. 110 4 0
2 I Lee, p 2 3 0 1 0
Total ..II 11 :? is "ji Totals ..".13 24 13 1
Philadelphia u 0 3 3 1 1 0 0 '-11
"'"'Ingtoii u 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 S
Ka.ned runs: Philadelphia, i; Washing.
iiiiJ' T"'"-h.iHe hits: Farroll. Koster,
i ' s'i1i,n' ,l:ru' ,-,uvlK' Ur,,". l.ajolc, Sey
boid, lily Home run: Davis. Sacrlllce hit:
1M. atnlen h.ises: Foster, Davis 2),
Cross (2), Seybold, I'uwuw. Double plays.
Ulngman 10 Farrell to Dungan, lily to
I-uJole toDavls (2). Left 011 liases: Phil
mielphla, ,; WnshliiEton. 10. First base en
.Minn. .ju ieo. n: on l.-rnser. 1. Illl Li
lly Frascr, 2. Struck out: Uv Lee.
lime: 1:47. Umpire: Con-
i.ii, lb.... 3
Clous, 3lii... ,1
lAloli-. 2b... 1 J
HO'bold, rf.. 1 2
Mi'lntre, If : 1
HI, rr 0 1
I'owtre, c... 0 1
Knmr, j. .. I 1
3 10
by Fraser.
.See j nil Ciiihc,
3 c
2 3
4 6
0 0
2 1
3 2
.1 0
0 0
0 0
6 0
0 1
0 0
nnll'n. cf. 1 0 2 fl Krplrr. rf... 0 1
Hclbnch. If.. 1 1 0 0 0Slickard. If 0 0 1
Strang, 3b... 1 2 2 4 1) DoUn, cf.... 0 0 2
lllrkr.inn, rf 0 1 10 0 Kelly, lb.... 0 2 9
Pnvis, ss. .. 1 2 .4 4 ODalv. 2b 0 0 2
SnnMl. lb... 0 1 7 1 OPnhlpn. 0 0 4
llower'n. c 0 lit 2 0 Irwin. 3b...i 1 2 1
Nclnon. 2b.. 0 0 1 1 1 Karrell. o... 0 3 S
MatthVn, pO 1 0 1 Olluuhra. n... 0 0 0
.NVw ion, p.. 0 1 0
'fotala .. 4 9 27 U l.'McOalra s. 0 1) 0
I 0
0 0
1 0
1 0
1 1
4 0
3 U
1 0
2, 1
0 0
I Totals .. 1 9 27 19
Hatted for Newton In tho ninth.
New York 2o2nnnnnr
Hrooklyu 00100000 Or
Lnrnerl ri.ns: New York. 2. First base on
errors; New York. 2; Hrooklyu, 1. Left On
nases: isew ork. 3: Ilrooklyn. 8. Fir t
nnso on bulls: Oft MattlieWFon. 1: off
jiugnes, on Newton, 2. Struck out: Hy
Matthewson. 0; by Hughes, 1; by Newton,
o. Two-ba.10 hits! HiivIh l.'nrrll l!i
Stolen bases Vanllaltren, Davis, Sncrl
tlco hit: Strang. Double nlays: Huches to
l arroll to Kel'y, Nuwton to Kelly to Far
rell, Wild tlltnh: Mulllixwunn Hii..i,l
ball: Farrell. lilt by nlt'chnl hnll: " l!v
Newton. 1. Hits: Off liiieliex s In thron
Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Dwyer.
CIiIi'iiko FlelilliiK Too Poor.
PITTSHLMtO. A.itr. S Rnunn lil,.i
good game for tho Chicago Nationals, hut
received DOOr SUlinnrt. Mrrnm mul I...I
bus.; running wero responsible for tho loss
of the game. Attendance, 2,300. Score:
I'rnsuund. ciucauo.
Jt.H.O.A.E.1 Il.H.O.A.K.
Clarke, If.... 2 0
llraum't. cf 1 2
Davis, rf.... 0 l
nunrr. ss.. 0 1
UranafM, lb 2 1
Itltchry, 21i. 1 (
Iacli, 3b... 1) 0
Connor, c. 0 1
eolr, p 0 0
hlllrpl ... 1 0
Clival), p . 0 1
4 0 0 HartKcl. If.. 1 0
l J O.Orei-n, cf... t 3
i 0 0 Chance, rf... 0 1
3 3 I'lDexter, lb... 0 1
S 0 olltaymcr, 3b. 1 1
3 2 lClillila. 2b... 1 1
: 3 l.MrCor'k,
& 2 OKlIng, c
1 o.Kason, n
1 0
1 1
0 0
1 1
1 0
C 9 21 .0 2
son. Time. 1:25. Umpire: Tyndall.
. . . ...
. n.i.irr- in irnei. niih lint, 0nc
l'lnyer In Ark rated mill Colorado
SprliiKM 1'nrfeKs.
SI. JOShPlI, Aug. S..sp,.Cni Telegram.)
-A riot was s arte.l at tho ball groiimlH
this afternoon by Shortstop li,,,, Hliuv of
Colorado Springs, who applied an enithi't
to Umplro' Huck Kl.rlght. The urn
lined Shay anil wns In turn stnu-k with 11
base bnlU lint, l'ltcher McNedy jnl, e l
Sliuy nnd other players took a hand. Four
policemen tried to arrest the combatants
Hnd a general light resulted. McNeely was
urrcsted and looked up. Shny was imt out
of tho grounds. The visitors were short on
players una the game was given to St
Joseph. Tho scoro was 1 nplece when the
row begun.
KiinmiH City SIiiiIh Out Denver.
KANSAS CITY, Aug, .-Olbson wns In-
yinciuie louay. allowing the vMtors but
three scratch hits ami shutting them o it.
1-rlsk also pitched good ball, but his hui
f Thenars Hundreds of Omaha People
Similarly Situated,
Cnn thsrn be nny stronger proof offered
than tho evidence of (lmhtin residents?
Aftor joiiihavo read Hie following rpulctly
I answer tit? question.
. Mr. C. 0, WJkluud, S30 South 23rd St..
engineer at the Sbeely building, nay- "I
first folt sharp pains acrdss tho small of
my back, I thought nothing of It at the
tlme, but It gradually grew worse, nnd
tho heat In the enclno room during the
I day and the sudden change, when I went
! out .nights probnbly aggravated If not
caused tho trouble, I 'saw Domi'a Kidney
Pills advertised nnd got, 11 box tit Kuhn &
I Co.'s drug atoro, corner 15th and Douglas
, streets. I did not tako nil of the box
1 before tho trouble disappeared."
For salo by al dealers. Prlco 60 cents
,per box. Foster-Mllbiirii Co.", Huffalo, N,
Y solo agents for tho United States.
Ilemembor tho uarjo Doan'sand tako
no substitute.
Totala .. 7 It 27 11 2l
Hatted for Poolo in tho fourth.
Ittsbui'K 0 11 n .. 11 1 1 n ?
Chicago 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 o-ti
liurned run: Pltlxlmrir 1 ir......i..u.
lilts: Hrnnstleld, Chesbro. Itayiner. Three.
tinse hit: McCormlck. llome ruin n.....n.
rnont. Sacrlllce hits: O'Connor, Chllrls.
Stolon bases; Clarke. Hranslleld. DoiiIiIb
plays: Wagner to Hranslleld (2). First
bote on balls: Off I'onle. ! nrr rhnoi.r
ore ivason. 1. lilt by pitched ball: Uy dies
bro, 1. Struck out: Uy Poole, 2: by Ches
bro, 3: by Kason, 1. Passed hall; O'Con
nor. Time: 1:55. Umpire; O'Day.
Iloatonliiiin II 11 n eh l.oaes.
BOSTON. Aug. S.-Tho homo Nutlonal
team dropped a double-header to Phllailel
phla becauso of Inability to hit and weak
iienui b. i-niiaueipiiia piayuu an nil-round
superior gnmo unit wn especially strong in
the box, Orth having the Hoston batters
completely at his mercy. Attendance, 3,000.
First (innie.
iiiiiiiron. ci. . 1 i I Oliiltr, cf.... 1
ruireil. :u. . 1 3 3 3 I PhvIb, 111.... 3
Dungar, lb. 0 1 M OCroim, Sb.... 3
Oraily. c... 112 2 1 Uijolc, 3b... 3
ncr, n-p... u 1 0 3 0 Seybolil, rf.. 12 1
oter. If... 1 .1 j 0 vMrlntyre, If. 1 1 4
Coushlln. 3b 1 2 13 0 lily, an 0 1 3
rf 0 2 2 1 0 rimers, c... 1 1 3
larrk-k, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Wlltso, p.... 1 1 1
-..Wii-I, II'SH 1S13II MH
.... Totala ..14 IS 27 14 4
Totals .. 7 15 21 :S 31
Philadelphia 4 5 0 1 1 3 0 0 -14
Washington 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0-7
Earneil runs; Philadelphia, S; Wnshlng-
,..,"',;; iwo-liiise hits: Wnldion. rarieil
(.), Cllngman, Davis, Cross (2). Lajole. Kly.
Powers. Sacrlllco lilt: Soybohl. Stolen
bases: Gear, Fliltz, Mclntyre. Doublo
plays: Lajole to Davis to lily 12). First
bimo on halls, oit Carrlck. 1. Hit hy
pitched ball: Hy Wlltsc, 2. Struck out: Hy
Carrlck. 1; by Wlltse, 3. Time: 1:53. Um
plro: Connolly,
ClileiiKo llntx llrtrolt 11 1 Will.
DHTItOlT, Aug. 8.-AI1 tho Chicago
American team excepting Shugnrt had their
batting clothes on today and both Slever
und Cronln were hammered all over the
Held. Jones and Sugden fdund both
pitchers to their liking und hit safely each
time up. Hartman was benched-In the llrst
Inning for eensolesa kicking. Attendance,
(Irnnil Circuit .MpHImk lleaiiinril After
Day's Interruption nnil (inod
Croviit Is In Atlcinlnnee
from llnfTiiln,
POUGHKEGPSIK, N. V., Aug. 8.-Sevcn
thousand people were disappointed In the
exhibition by Creeceus at the Hudson
Hlver Driving park this afternoon. Paced
by a running horse and driven by his
owner, George 11. Ketchntn, tho champion
went his mile ln 2;064. He started
shortly after 4 o'clock, after Mr. Ketcham
had driven hlni three warming-up heats
In 2: 18, 2:32 and 2:17, mid on tho trial the
rmiulng horse picked him up near tho
quarter, which Cresccus made lu 31 ',4
seconds. He went to the half In 1:03, to
the three-quarters In 1:35U nnrl to tho
wire In 2:06. There was faint applause
when the time wns posted,
Mr. Ketcham said to the Associated
Press correspondent:
"My horse did the best he could under
the conditions nnd, although the time
seems slow, he wns more distressed than
ho has been after any mile he has gone
this season. Neither tho track nor the
weather was favorable to record-breaking
speed. The former was soft ami I was
obliged to take the second horse's posi
tion all the way, the polo being too badly
cut up to follow. The air was depresslngly
muggy and lacking In those qualities of
dryness nnd heat which uro essential to
fast trotting.
"The time Is In no sense a reflection
on my horse's condition and I think he
will bo nt his best when he meets The
Abbott nt Hrighton Hcach next Thursday."
II 11 (Tn 1 0 Meeting ItoNiiini-n,
HUFFALO. Aug. S. After a postponement
of one day on account of rain tho Grand
Circuit meet under tho auspices of the
Huffalo Driving club was resumed ut Fort
Krle track this afternoon. Weather con
ditions were favorable and a line card of
four races, including one trot and three
pacing events, brought out a crowd of
The fenture of the day's racing wns tho
Iroquois hotel stakes for 2:24 pacers, which
wus won by Shadow Chimes. In the sec
ond heat Shadow Chimes made a new
record for green pacers, covering the dis
tance in 2!07U. Tho former record wus
held by Charley Hoyt. Chimes' lime by
quarters wes: 32, 1:03,A, 1:35. 2:0712
2:24 class, pacing,
selling: Hardly won, Outburst second,
Klsle Humes third. Time: 1.124.
Sixth race, seven furlongs, selling; Schnell
1:n.uf.l'rtt'0"' '-'"las second, Sue Johnson
third. Time. l:2S.
A I WliuNor.
DKTHOIT, Aug. S.-Weather lino und
track fast at Windsor today. Hcsults:
First race, selling, four and n half lur
longs: Knrnest Parlmm won, Vela second,
Chatizon third. Time: 0:S6Vi.
Second race, six furlongs: Aaron won,
Jim Ooro II econd, Temple third. Tlmo:
Third race, seven nnd n hnlf furlongs,
selling: Mrs. Pomeroy won. The Urotuu
Demon second, Prince '.eno third Time.
Fourth rnce, one mile nnd seventy vnrtls,
handicap: lithe! W heat won, O'Neill sec
ond, Hohul third. Time: 1:434.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Nellie Waddell
P14V4 St;V0' secom1, Oeorglo third. Time.
Sixth rnce. Jive furlongs: Henry 'Itt won,
Newton W second, Ainalgarl third. Tlmo:
Seventh race, six furlongs, selling: As
snssln won, Kp second, Mldlo third. Tlmo.
At Snriitomi,
SAHATOOA. N. Y., Aug. S.-Smnll fields
went to the post In each of tho live events
decided here this afternoon. Tho track
was heavy and holding and the speculation
was light. The stake feature was tho
Catsklll, for 3-year-olds, In which six selling
platers, tho largest Held of the day, took
part. Carbuncle was a strong in
favorite anil won easily from Howdy, with
Uarbara Frlctschle thlnl. IlesuHs:
First rnce. handicap, for alt ages, six fur
longs: Otis won, Helle of Lexington sec
ond, King Pepper third. Time: 1:17.
Second race, handicap for nil ages, ono
111 le nnrl n furlong; King Hramblo won.
Alslke second, Vltelllus thlnl. Tlmo
2:00 4-5.
Third race, the Catsklll, for 3-year-olds
.I."! iiiniiin, pix ninoiigs: ('arl)iincle won
uowriy seionil, Harbaru Freltschle third.
niit- . lilt .0,
i-ourin race, ror 2-ycar-old illlles, Hvo und
a half furlongH: Lady Viola won, Sister
neiiiiin, ivory iiciis third. Time
l:ll 45.
Fifth race, for 3-year-olds and upward.
;'iiiiik, one muo aim a furlonu: l.Hfl
Included in
Furniture in
Special Sale are 17 pieces of Gold
Frame Parlor Goods.
the 3,000 pieces of
our irreat August
Mercer second, Scurry third
At lliinillliin.
Aug. S.-Track fast.
Il.H.O.A.K. I
Hoy, cf 3 2 2 0
Jones, rf.... 4 i 2 1
Mrrtrs, 2b.. 2 2 3 3
MrParl'd, If 3 2 10
lrbell, )b-3b. 2 2 12
lliirlrn'n, lb. 0 I 0
HUKdrn, lb.. 2 4 11 1 0 Croekett, lb. 1 111
ShuKart. ss. 0 0 3 3 0 Hue low, c... 0 1 &
nuiiiiuii, c, illl
Grlrlhll, p... 3 1 0 3
0 narrett, rf.. Ill
0 Holmei, rf.. 2 3 1
0 Casey, 31 0 1 0
0 lllenaon, 2b. 2 3 1
1 Elberf'ld. 0 0 3
fl Nance. If... ! 1 3
OHlever, p..
1 Cronln, p..
0 1 0
0 0 1
Totala ..18 20 27 10 2 Totals .. 8 12 27 16 4
Chicago 4 1 0 1 3 0 0 6-1S
Detroit 4 000100308
Huso hits: Off Slever. 12; off Cronln, 8.
rwo-buse hits: Hoy, Hartman, Sugden.
Mertes, Casey. Three-hnso hits: Sugden
Helmet). Sacrlllce hits: Casey, Grllllth
Sliugart. Stolen bases: C.lenson, Nance.
Ishe II, Sullivan. First hnm. nn iiiu. n
Slever, 1: off Cronln, 3. First base on
errors: Chlcugo, 3; Detroit. 2. Left nn
liases: Chicago, 5; Detroit, 6. Struck out:
Hy Slever. 3: by Cronln, 2. Time: 2:05.
Umpire: Sheridan.
Ilimtiin llorea a Hole.
HOSTON, AUC. 8. Hllltlmnre Amnrliic
won by good bnttlng ln the seventh Inning
of today's game. A lilt, a base on balls nnd
uii cum kiih' ineiii nn nnriitional tally In
till) ninth. Howell wns Im-lnelhln tl,r,
out the game. Attendance, 3.360, Score:
ll.ll.O.A.U.I U.H.O.A.R.
3 0 Dow-il. If 0 0 0 0 n
u 0 Htalil, cf.... 0 1 2
0 0 Collins, 3b... 0 1 1
:i 1 Kreem'ti, lb. 0 1 13
3 0 Hrinphlll, rf 0 1 I
0 0 Parent, us, .. 0 1 3
0 0 KcrrlH, 2b... 0 1 l
1 0 CrlKer, e...,'0 1 6
2 0 YounK, li..,. 0 0 0
4 I
3 ds
t; dr
600 (first heat
s.. by on-
4 3
2 4
5 ds
0 dr
niinn, 3h.... 0 1 1
lx.nlln, lb... 0 0 13
Heymour, rf 0 1 1
Wlll'ms, 2b. 0 1 4
Kclater, it.. 2 3 4
liredle. cf... 0 1 0
Jackson, If,. 0 2 1
lirrsnah n. c 0 0 3
Huwell, p... 0 0 0
Totals ..2 27 12 0 Totala ..0 7 27 IJ i
Hnltlinore 00000010 12
Hton 00000000 urt
Knrneil rimie Tlnlilnw,p.. 1 m .
hits: col l is K V'n'-H;.,.1""-"."
Jackson. Sucrlflce hits: Youinr. Hresnuli!, n'
talole.n hiibes; Seymour, Crlger, Ilcmptillb
F i-Bt base on balls: Off Young. 1: off il iw.
l. hlruelc out: Hv Younir i- i,v u,,.
Ilmu. 1:00. Cmpiro. Oantllllon.
0 0 Slasle, rf... 0 1 1
0 OTcnaey, lb.. 0 0 10
e 0 Di mont. 2b.. 0 0 '
o o c-ooley. cf . . 0
0 o Murphy, If.. 0
1 0 Liwe, 3b.... 0
3 0 Iaiiik, h 0
J l Klttrldg'. c. 0
l o.l'lttlniser, p. 0
0 2
1 2
0 1
0 2
1 C
1 1
Ttiofivs, cf. 1 3
Wolvt'n, 3b 0 1
l-'lti-k. rf l l
Dclali'ty, if. 3 1
McParl'd, c 0 2
Junr.Kn, lb. o 2
ltallnian, 2b 0 0
CroM, t l o
Orth, p 1 2
Tctalu ..711:
Philadelphia ...
Earned run:
lilts: Wolverton
hit: Ha Imaii. Stolen
(2). First b.iso on balls:
r ii.ii mine on errors: l'lillailelphla, I, Loft
w.t ..,nvn. ,l,I.IMI'lllt. 1U: lllri ,1,1 "I
Hy Pittlnger. I; by Orth. 4.
L'mplre: Kmslle. '
10 01 Totala ,
....0 0 3 0 1
0 4 :
0 1
n 12 o
! 0-7
000000 II 00-0
Philadelphia, 1. Two-baso
iMicK, urth. Sacrlllco
bnses: Dolalmntv
w I'liunger, 4
Struck nut.
Tlmu: 1:30.
M-eoml Ciune,
MIIL.Dnt,l'!IIA. I
ll.H.O.A.n. I
Thomas, cf . 0 0
Wolv'l'n. Sb 1 1
Plick, rf 2 2
Delah'ty, If. o o
Douclan, c. 1 3
JnnV, lb- 0 0
llallman, 2b 1 1
Croat, .... 0 0
Uuirglesliy, p o 1
Totuli .. 5 S
Philadelphia ..
F.iirned run
I J vpiaule. rf.... 0
i 3 1 Tenney. lb. . i
I 0 0 Domain, 2b. 0
10 0 I'ouley, cf . . 0
1 0 o Murphy, If.. 1
7 10 llwe, 3b.... 0
110 ling, an 0
3 o Moran, c... 0
2 2 0 Mchola, p... 0
7 12
en, J. iimu. lioo. Cmii ro. Cantllilnn
Clreliiin IMteher'd Heeoril.
i. l.l'.Vr.l..VND. Aue. 8 Ilnwll,, ,v,r.
nnn. I, I.,.. - ", . uuo i
lutuiu mr inu merlenn
league hy striking out eleven ni this
',i a,V l"or,V "le feature of
HUspenrled by President Johnson, watcher!
)?, WhJII V!" Kra'ls'""l- Jlllwnukcu
v.. i '"'"iikii crrurs, wane threu
of CleviiIuiiU s were gltts. Attendance, 1500
Scoro; ' ,,,vv-
Hril)ette, cf 0 0 1
Conroy, .. o 1 o
Krlel, 3b.... 1 l
HUbert, 2b.. I 2
Maloney, c 1 0 3
Oarvln, p... 0 0 3
If. 0 1 2
rf 0 0 1 0
lb v 2 13 1
11.11. 0. A l'
v i-icaerg. cr. 1 0 1 o
O.McCart'y. If 1 l ; n
O'llrlen, rf.. 0 0 0 0
Heck, 2b Ills
LtCh're, lb. 2 7 l
llrailley, lb. 0 7 1 1
Connor, c... o o 13 i
."hlePeck, s 0 1 u 3
Duwlltig, p.. o 1 2 o
Totals ..3 7 i4 14 Totals .. S 0 7 a i
Cleveland o 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 5
Milwaukee u 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-3
Kurneil run: Cleveland, 1. Twj-bnse hit:
Shiebeck. Three-hase hit; LnChance. First
baso on errors: Cleveland, 2; Milwaukee. 1
First base on bulls: Oft Dowl ng 1- off
Clarvln, 2. Struck out: Hy Do whig ' Ho
grlever. I allmaii. Hrt.yette (3). Garvin (2).
1'rli.I. Muloney; by (Jarvln, Dowllng, Shlo
beck. Stolen bases: Frlel, Qllhert III hv
pitched hull: Dowllng. 'u(i on basest
Cleveland. 7; Milwaukee. B Double la?:
Onrvlu to Anderson. l'.ise,i i.iiJ: ',lurV
mir l"l Mi.lnn.... mi
..... ...... a line; i;ao
Ainei'leiin Leugne
1 Totalt .
.0 2 2 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
Philadelphia. 1,
.2 27 12 3
0 0 I 0-J
0 10 0-2
1 Inmn rim
Mitrphy. Tbree-bnso hit: Flick. Two-baso
a u: iin.1 man. Ktolun iinse! .lpntiii,.u
First base on balls: Off N'leli.ilH s i ... I
on bases; Philadelphia, ij- Huston. 3. First I
errom, j-niiatieipniu, Hoston, 1.
lilt by ball. Hv Nichols, Jennings. Passed
,n V fJlJ'i'l' ,xv,,M1',lf's Nichols. Struck
out: Hy, 3; by Dugglesby, 1. Doublo
plas; tross to llallman to Jennings, Dug.
fleshy to cross to Jennings. Time: 1:21.
I'mplres Kmslle
Ml, I.iiiiIh NIiiiU Out Ileilw,
CINCINNATI. Am. Kiini,., .....
holt pitched good b7.ll in.lav" n ho N.1-"
.?,n.2i ,'?.?".0 '.:nu,.V !u,t e latter had IIij
more run
Hnltlinore ...
Cleveland ...
Milwaukee ..
Won. Lost.
5S 32
P. C.
.5 7
. 118
At Decatur-Decatur, 5; Rockford 3
i.iV., ,I,1?on'!"B,("?-lnomlngton, 8- itorlc
Hockllis.,;,,l,.en,1 BUmUi "''""'Bton,0!,'!
port.P"" ,laute-T(;rrn ""e, Ti Daven-
..'A1' KvniiBvlllc-Cedar Haplds, S: Evanj.
uie, .
Wni n r IlenU Sliiiiton.
WAYNE, Neb.. Aug. 8,-(Spectal Telo
gram.) Stanton ami U'uvn. i.j .... ..
"locals "h chaU, ce h. best gamen . of ha? o'ver' n.ayed 1.
uru In the opening Inning, but hroaJ Ihv . "l ? ground's today
The Pan-AmorlrHn.
'Ill DU J.'.Wfi
Hluirlow Chimes, br. h., by Chimes
., .4 j l
Audubon Hoy. oh. c. (Ilmlsnni i t
New Richmond, gr. h. (Henedlct).2 2 3
Star Pugh, ch. g. (Lockwood) 3 I 4
Maiden Queen, ch. m. (Oray) 5 ds
Time: 2:07'i, 2:07;, 2:0014. 2:07'i.
2:C9 class, pacing, purse 32,000:
Cleorge, b. g, (MeKlnney)4 r. 1 1
Carmine, b. si. (Golden) 2 5 2
Snhyiix. ch. c. (Hneerl 7 n .-.
oiaeKer inyior, n. n. (Jlacey) 3 4
nyuiiey i-ointer, n. h. (MotTett)
Hey Direct, blk. h. (Cecil)....
Hernlce, br. in. (Smith) v....
White Hose. ch. m. (Munson)..
Time: 2:07,i. 2:07ii. 2:nRli. 5r!1
$22000-C,aSS' pac,"K' ,h0 Kmr)'r! State, purso
I'nn Pntch, br. h by Joe, Patchen
(Mcllcnry) j i
Captain Sphynx. b. g. (Vejic) 2 2
II J P, br. g. (Jemlson). ...'... :1 3 3
Henuty Spot, b. in. (Schbckcncy) 4 ds
imc 2.-17V4. 2:io. 2:Mli,.J .
2:10 class, trotting, pursc lj
mi i ueruil) ;
Onwnrd Sliver, ch
fVni-,l Iflnnpnl
Cornelia Hello, b. m. (Klrki.,,2 1
Sister Alice, b, m. (Golden). ...3 2
Dolly Dillon, b, m. (Sanders). .8 5
Temple Wilkes, h. g. (Golden).! 3
Alan, b, g, (Turner) 5 4
Valpn, b. m. (Miller) 6 dr
l-uinre, 11. in. (UOCKWOOfl)...'. ..7 lis
Time: 2:11, 2:ii4, 2:iiyi, 2:1014, 2:12.
I'oiir ThonaMiul People Take llollilny
lo Wlturss Kvriiln nt Cir
cuit Meet.
IIA8TINGS, Neb., Aug. S.-(Spec!nl Tele
gram.) Today wns Hastings day at tho
HastlnES elreillt meet nnil nenrlv I mm iu.n.
pie wero In attendance. The weather waa
delightful, but a ruin In the nornlng inado
the track heavy. William Jackson of Tren
ton, Mo,, owner nnrl driver of Little Rtivnn.
was lined $25 for nddresslnc the liulireH In u
nn ennui: muniicr wniie nriving in a race.
Tho feuturo of the day was an extra run
ning race, half-mile, for 350. It was be
tween Onhnml nnrl Charley Mitchell. Tho
latter named won In 0:51. Tho results of
today's races follow:
..l'lrst. rni:C( 3 i'eurs and under, pace, purso
$150: Hilly the Kid won, Holrlrego second,
Heuben's Hoy third. Time: 2:32V.
fieconrl race. 2:23 pace, pilrso $230: Llttlo
ijuuiur won, impress second, Jessie Kllng
third, Mabel Carter fourth. Time: 2:2514,
uniru race, 2:25 trot, purse 1230: Llttlo
.'..j . " . !ec"n"i Tony Wilkes
1111111, iiimij- luurin. lime: j:o.
Fourth rate, running, one-hnlf mllo nnrl
repeal, nurse $,n: aiador won, May 1 Go
nctuiiu, mm u iiuru. nine: Oiol,
At Frcrporl,
FREEPOHT, III., Aug, 8.-In tho Great
Western elreult meeting at Taylor's park
today the 2:15 pace, purse $300, was won by
C F K. Uest time, 2:12. Fred the Kid sec
ond. Hilly IC third. Tho 2:15 trot was won
by Senrmont. nest time, 2:1IH. Hlack Hob
ert second, Ida Sultan thlnl.
Iteiiiiett'N Prlite lliinn Until - 11 1 llnrleni
TrneU Kent 110k y Dlea of
I.oeKJn vi.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8, Abo Frank and Ed
Austin, the two colts for which George C.
Hcnnett Is said to have refuted an offer of
550,000, were tho drawing magnets at Har
lem today. They were coupled In tho bet
ting In the Youngster stakes, and were
favorites at 1 to 2. Abe Frunk was looked
upon as the winner, although shouldering
128 pounds, nnd as good as even money for
plaee was laid on his stabln companion.
Abo Frank even failed iu get tho place,
being hen ton a neck by T. H. Stevens'
Gallagher, held at 35 tn 1 In the betting nnd
hardly given n thought. Abe Frank was
held back to save tho dny at tho end, when
Austin began to quit. Sullivan, however,
took no chances and hustled Austin right
along and won by n length, although Oal
laghcr wns fast overhauling htm, Tho
stuke was worth $2,300 to the winner.
Jockey Sullivan wns the stnr of the nftnr
n"n. riding one winner nnd three seconds.
Woodford ei Huckner's Kentucky died fit
Hurlem today of lockjaw. Weather clear
and track fast. Results:
i1F.'rs,,.rnM,' live furlonsi; nuzzer won.
!-P iV second, Whlllle third. Time
Second race, six furlongs: George Arnold
Time- pis"" f,t,con'1' Htl Cuthbert third.
Third race, 0110 mile: Agrpgor won. An
Ihr'ielte second, Danish third. Time:
i-ourth race, the Youngster stakes, live
furlongs; Kd Aust n won, Gnllnuher sec
om Abo Frank third, Time: 1:011.5,
I'll til moo. one ml In nnrl rnivuni.. .
fhlrd.h Tlme:T:4i lis" ,J"U'B secVM.tlay
. Hixtn race, onu mile: Evelyn nvrrl won
Hnvlland second. Elmer I. i,irH -e;..?"'
1:40 3-5.
Al llrliniir Pnrli.
ST. LOl'IB. Auk. 8. Tahv Tn.n 11,.
only favorite to win at Delmar park today.
Track fast. Hcsults:
111 rn.l.'c' ono ,,,nlle nn1 t''nty yarils,
rirst race, seven furlongs: Samlvel won.
Jlagog second, Tamary third. Tlmo: l.
aecond nice, four fiirlnnint- i..,ti,,i..,.
won, Wedding March second, I.ndy Patro
ness third. Time: O.-.VW,,
w-ini1"'!1."00' 0,u', '"lie and n sixteenth:
1 u! wi""' """'"lelris secontl. Obstl-
..... .joiiun 1111111, nine: i:t;i'i,
l,-n,,l. ...... .1 .... . '
ki iT ""V-.."..",IVS ,""L. . 'inc won.
j-.j-.j- ""inn - nnn inn inirri. rime
ruin race, live nnil n l.,.le r...i
reiiUr,""","'.0"' V?" K,,n co,uh Leila
Sixth rare, slv fiirlnnr... 111.
Moronka second, Erllnboro'ugh third Time:
I'lny Ilnne llnll mill IiiiIiiIui.
In Oilier Atliletle.
t.rrf.u. m. 11.. An, c a . . .. 1 .. 1 .nt..
llomestuke Hold day this year was 'one of
'L' ''lost successful events ever hell In tho
li, 1 . 1"escmy ot tills week nil of
i.t . 11,1 couli oe spareii. tog th r
"in 1110 lownspeopie, went to Mender's
... iv iui 11 uiiy 01 sport, a game of bus
nan was p ayed between the minors of the
upper and lower levels, the game being won
by tho upper level, is to 11. Arthur Flllon
'm n All'" llr?t,l'rlze for tho obstacle race.
rhe liX).yard handicap foot rnco was won
by Holvey; prize, $15. Coniiy Col, Ins. the
swift university student, who Is spending
thu summer ln the Homestake mines, won
sevcrul races, He Is tho genorni favorite
nere iinu races are made up frequently for
n i . I ri-cniK nun run. - 111 tlie mine.'
Hold day sports he won llrst In thu high
Jump, making live feet one and a ha'f
inches, prize $7; running broad Jump, dli
tnnci) twenty-ono feet, prize $10, und the
hop. skip and Jump, making forty-llve foot,
prize $10 Olal Johnson, ii?o n former
student of the Vermilion university, won
llrst In tho broad Jump, making nlno fct
six Inches, prize $7. The scrub HO-ynrd
foot race, was won by Nnrtham, prize $10,
""'! J;e sack race was won by Moye, prize
V. Tho most exciting events during the
day wero the pulling matches between th
different nationalities that work In tho
mines. The first pull wns between tho Fin
landers nnd the Swedes, tin, ir.i.. .i.,i....
out. The Slavonians nnrl ltnllni! .vr,r
have pulled, but some of tho Slavon'nus
wore barred out nnd n team was mmlo ui
of Irish nnrl Germans to match tho ltnl
Inns, tho latter being the stronger Th
miners took In over Jlflo n renoim- r- .1 .".
(Jn, ... t..,
Win Four of Hit I)n' Seven llnees
ut Hrlglitim .McclliiK, London,
LONDON. Aug. 8. The Anicrlenn Inekeva
took four of the seven rnces at the'rirleh
ton meeting today. Torrent (L. Helff) wen
tho Hrookeslde plate nnd Simon Glover
(Helff) won the Hrlshton hlirh wninhi
handicap. Frank Gardner's Encnmbo (Clem
Jenkins) won the Southdown plate. Rich
ard Croker's Viper (J. Helff) won thu
Worthlngton plate.
Piny nllonnl LenKiie Hull,
OAK DALE, Neb.. Aug. R.-(SpeclaI Tel.;
gram.) Crclghton won tho fastest amateur
baso ball gamo of the season here today
from Oakrlnlo. Cheatwood pitched for
Crclghton and did not allow Oakdalo a hit.
Crelghton 1 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 " IJ"11
Oakdale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Hatterles: Crelghton. Cheatwood nnrl
Carroll; Oakdale, Galloway and Alberts,
HascH stolen: Purine (1), Wight (2), Loftus.
Two-baso hit: Caley. First huso on balls:
Off Galloway, 1; orf Cheatwood, 3. Struck
out: Hv Galloway, li; by Cheatwood, s. lilt
by pitched ball: Hy Cheatwood, 1. Time:
l;0o. Umpire: Smith.
MIiiiIpii ICeeim Up (M Gnf,
MINDEN. Nob., Aug.i 8. (Special Tel
grnm,) Mlnden won from Friend nt hire
ball again today In 0110 of the swlfte-t
guinea played on tho homo grounds this
season. Score:
,,, , R.H E.
Mlnden 0200 5 000 7 7 3
Friend 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 S I
Two-hasp hits: Cardwell, Hurmnn. First
b'lso on balls: Off Hllss, 3; off Moore. 2.
Hatterles: Mlnden, Hllss nnd Moore: Fr end,
Moore nnrl Whltcomh. L'mplre: Mllbourn.
Southern Leuifiir.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. S.-Scorc:
Now Orlenns 0 002010000 l'1!)'1
Shreveport 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 6 3
Hatterles: New Orleans, Danehowcr nnrl
Abbott; Shreveport, Fisher and McOulre.
H1RMINGHAM, Aug. S.-Scorc;
Nashvlllu 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -3Us'I'l
Hlriulnghain .1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 4 0
SELMA, Aug. S. Solma-Chattanooga
gamo postponed.
There is no reason
why these goods
should be sold for
even one per cent less
than their rcmilaf
Except for the fact
that they are a part
of our stockpile whole
of which goes in the
Read over the parx
tial list and if you will
have any kind of a
furniture need
(Jold Sola
(old Chair
(lold Divan
Oolrl Roman Scat
(lold Seat
Vernls Martin Chair ....
Mahogany Pianola Cnse.
Mahogany Music Cabinet
Flemish l.lbinry Table .,
Oak llulfet
Oak Desk
Vernls Martin Table
Art Table
China Cnse
Mahogany Sideboard
Flemish Sideboard
Oak Rocker
Oak Sideboard
Tuxedo Sofa
Inlnld Cofntr Chair 22.00
.Mahogany Davenport ...
Mahogany Rocker
Mahogany Rocker
Flemish Rocker
Mahogany Ilnokcnre ....
Parlor Suite, Inlnld ....
Parlor Divan
Parlor Arm Chair
Mahogany Pedestal
Mahogany ClilfTonlor ....
Wnx Oak Chiffonier ....
Leather Cuch
Mahogany Couch
Vclour Couch
Vclour Couch
Oak Dining Tnblo ......
Mnplo Htircau
Hrass Hed
Illtio Hed
Weathered Oak Rocker
Roan Lea Sent
Flemish Hall Rack
A ftiivlnu of from sr, it) l.-,o 011 riery
100 mirth mi liny.
$125.00 $sr..oo
80.00 MOO
15 00 12 tiO
22 00 13 50
45.00 27.00
18.00 11 00
3S.00 2-1.00
33.00 2.1 00
20.00 1 1 50
45.00 31 00
25.00 Id 7i
15.00 !l 7j
75.00 48 00
100.00 t'.'i 00
75.00 0 00
1.00 2 l.i
33.00 23.10
160.00 112 OO
22.00 I.", 0.1
75.00 45 00
25.00 1S.00
15,00 11.00
15.00 0.7.1
45.00 35.00
"5.00 IS. 00
10.00 5.7.)
10.00 I. IS
15.00 0.75
25.00 18.00
10.00 31 00
52,00 3H.O0
85.00 57.00
22.00 13.00
fl.00 C.OO
25.00 R50
fiO.OO 4 1.00
60.01) 2S.50
35.00 21 23 13.00
15.00 10.50
1315 Furnam Street.
the 100.0ol.StVfll,'',, KV"y grn,1 f ,,,rnlt,,rc ln ,lle t" 2.00 rocker to
away second, La Spara thlnl.
won. Hurnetts
a thlnl.
aeconu race, six r.ninntTH uni,,.,. ti..,
T?.H,! w,"' J.,u.n.,rc,,; Ualne "cona, i'otheen
........ iiiir. t.iui.
Third nice, six ami n hnlf f..rinn...
ing; Delsarto won, Staff second. riol,ien
Easter thlnl, Tlmo: 1:2,1.
Fourth rare, sly fnrlnni-a aAinnn.
r,'.li? JnliV. M-',8." Go,l)""V 'ond. Te'nn;
tlfth ruce, ono mile and twenty yards. I
llnnkell .rP Invliiellile.
FRANKLIN. Nch.. Ann. ft. rSnnnlni Tni.
gram,)-Thn base hnll gamo today between
tho Haskell Ind ans nnil Krnnlilln u.u 11..,
best game over played here. Tho Indians
won, 5 to 1. Three costly errors by tho
homo team gave thu Indians three of their
runs Scoro:
Haskhll 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0-5
Franklin , 1 0000000 oi
Hatterles: Haskell. if in 1 1 a n n 1 T.n 1 1 ,
Franklin, Robinson and Iluydcn. '
Tie filinie nt AVIiltluK.
ONAWA. In.. Amr. 8 rSnenlni Toin-o .
-Illeiicoe and Whiting played hnse hall t
Whiting today. I-or eleven Innings the two
teams fought for tho gome. Then with thu
scorn stand nc 1 to 1 the i,,n i,,.,i .' i '
called to let Hlencoo catch a train.
Hatterles. Hlencoo Shea ami Shea; Whit
Ing, McDonald nnrl Foss.
Untry 1,1x1m Out for I'lelil TrliilN,
pJiVVH8"1'110' la- A,,S- S-(Speclal.)-Lntry
lists nrq out for the lown field trials
to be held at Linmetsburs August 13, II and
h'.i Ac.conlliiB to tho reports of tho secro.
tarlcs the entries In the trials this yeararo
nearly double thoso of last year.
Vi-liriiKkit CKj- Wins 11 IIiimIIiiu,
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb. Aug. S.-iSpeelal.)
-Nebraskn C ty defeated Plnttfmnuh nt
bowling hero last night, Score: Nebraskn
City. 2.2H; Plnttsmouth 2.11.T The second
gamo will bo played In Nebraska City
Western Aamieln t Ion.
At Wheeling-Wheeling, V, Matthews. 2.
nutLl!, 'Ura " 5i I orl Uuync Wl
Low Rate
To Many Oiti
Here uro a few only a few of the low rates offer
ed by the Burlington. Complete information at any
Burlington ticket ofliee:
August 1 to 10.
Bet urn limit, October 111.
August 1 to 10.
Beturu limit, October ,'M.
August, 1 to 10.
I.'etui-n limit, October .'ii.
August 1 to 10.
Bet urn limit, October 31.
Good lor stop-over going at Custer (Sylvan Lake).
August 1 to 10.
Beturn limit, October 31.
August 1 to 10.
Beturn limit, October 31.
August 1 to 10.
Beturn limit, October 31.
Good for stop-overs at Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Washing
ton, Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Ticket Office,
1502 Farnnm St.,
Telephone 250.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.,
Telephone 128.
mir mr iiruni arm. I no ippeiite for lilch cannot
elt trier tiling ttitt reiimly (llvnn In tnj liquid
wiili or wltliourlnowloduotit ratl.uti t4telc..i l at
FkEE jtO'olAL AOViOB. Writs u.
iz. i. vC"Vw,i:t' mm auru iuuinon or r.n.
cles Tona no'oir ' "nV'ii.,VK"uKL0''-7'