THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1901. OPPOSE YORK'S NEW SEWER Ktcdentt of Btiw Oretfc Vi'lij Appeal to Supreme Cturt. SECRET SERVICE TO PROTECT STATE GAME null llnti-herles Will Vlclrt tllK Mlilt for the Htnle 'nlrl.iin cnotrr CniuHilnteft Are ActUc. (Front a 8tnff Correspondent.) LINCOLN', Auc S.-(Speclal.)-An Inter fMln and Important losal controversy has been brought to the attention or the su prsmo court by persons who own land In th valley of llcavr-r creek, near the city of York. The prayer In for a perpctua Injunction against the city. restraining It from pouring sewao Into the creek. Th can- wan tried In the district conn ronntr In February and the Issues wrro found to be In favor of the defendant. From that Judgment nn appeal has been taken to the supreme court. The re"8 who a-e resisting the city are John Todd, Francis M. Linn. lMwar.l Hates and Abra ham I). France. With the city of orl the following defendants nre named: Charles A. McCloud, C.oorRO . Tost. !. P. Van Wlckle. James II. Frlckey, John W Moist, Ernest Staehe, II. S. Ilnrrlson. 8. It. Mansflcld and Samuel E. Cain. All along tbe Heaver creek there has been nn uprising against the construction of the new sewer In York, for which a contract has already been etnercd Into. It Is claimed that filth and Impurities, mixed with water, will be discharged by the city Into the creek nt the rate of 1,200,000 gal lons per day. The creek which Is the ob ject of such vigorous defense Is a small ttream flowing, In a southeasterly direc tion through York county, Into Seward seventeen months to serve. Page, con victed of horsestealing, had but a few months to remain out of a year sentence. Lincoln l.lhrnry Committers. President Oelsthardt of the library board has appointed the following committees for the year Finance, Hushnell, Dobbins, Drock; books and periodicals, Mrs. Rich ards, Mrs. Raymond, Dobbins, Hyatt, Kastcrday. bulldlnsi and property, Oelst hardt, Hyatt, Hrock; employes, Harr. Mrs. Raymond, Hasterday Mr. Hushnell was ap pointed In placo of Mr. Gere on the special committee on plans und buildings. OBJECTS TO'SOLDIERS' VOTES Orniid Islnnil Mnn Protects Amtlt liimntr of Home HiivIiik ny m Itonil lime ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. S (Special.) What may result In some Intensely fought and Interesting litigation was begun here tcday In a protest tiled by William Slolley, a farmer of Washington town ship, one of the first settlers of Grand Island. The county Is having a bond elec tion today for the construction of a court houte and the choosing of Its location. The Soldiers' home Is situated In Wash ington township and early this morning foity members of the home wero taken to tho polling place In carriages at the, ex pense of a committee, working for the new site, otoltey appears to be favorable to the old location If a courthouse Is built, but he 13 opposed to bonds being Issued at all. This morning he filed tho following protest heforo the election board. The latter received the protest, but decided that It could take no action: WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Hall County, Neb., Aug. S. - To the Hoard of Klectlon, etc; I hereby, for myself and In behalf of- this great majority of the tax payers of Washington township, enter our protest aw to tho voting of any of the In mates of the Soldiers' nnd Sailors' home nt the election taking place In our town ship this day, respecting tho Issuance of nonus lor Hie uuiunng or n new courinnune In Hall county, Nebraska, ami the location HITCHCOCK COACHES DOLE Tell? Hiwaiian Oirirmr 'of Errors Hi Ought to Aioid. TWICE DECLINES TO ALLOW BOND ISSUE tslntul Kicctitltr Propone Wnr IJfTeot .Nrr-iletl 1'nlillc linprotc mcntft, lint Interior De partment Objects, ennnlv nnd thence to the Illue river. Where I of the samp, unless such citizens nre bona county and tnence to ino "-r wide citizens of Hnll county. Nebraska. tho principal complaint arises tho stream Is ahoiit ten feet wide and six Inches deep, with n normal dally How of about 2,000.000 gallons for one-half of each year. In extra dry seasons the flow falls down to nbout 2.nn0 gallons per day. The. cur rent Is slow nnd follows an extremely crooked and tortuous course through farm land, natural groves of shade trees nnd grazing country, where livestock Is kept for feeding. The discharge of the sewage, It Is claimed, will cause the creek to emit unwholesome and unhealthy gases and stenches, which will disgust nnd disturb tho occupants of the land, endanger their health and reduce thn value of their prop erty. Testimony of expert engineers and phy sicians la cited In support of the conten tions of tho plaintiffs. Among those, quoted are Engineer Roscwater of Omaha, Dr. Taul Grossman of Omaha. Dean Charles E Hrsscy r.nd Prof. F. E. Clements of tho University of Nebraska, Trof. Johnson of the Grand Island college nnd Drs. Footo nnd Crummer of Omaha. Secret Service for finme Wnrdeii. A regularly organized secret service will oon do an nnjunci to mc uum ui ouvi pamo warden of tho state. Heretofore It has been customary to announce publicly the names of all deputy gamo wardens appointed by tho governor. Under tho new order of things the names of appointees will bo withheld from the public. Any special deputy gamo warden will have full power to mako arrests for violation of tho gam law, Tho chief gamo warden declares that If tho Evans taw Is to bo enforced this Is tho only propor coursoto be pursued. He pj ,it..wlll, bo. comparatively easy under thn now method to' catch' the persons who violate tho law. Special deputies will be nppolnted In every county In the state and they will bo Instructed to keep a sharp lookout at nil times. These special war dens recolvo no regular compensation, but In cas! of tho conviction of any complained against by them they receive as a fee a portion of the fine that Is assessed. Fish Commissioner O'Hrlcn was In tho city yesterday afternoon conferring with Chief Warden Slmplilns. He said whllo In tho city that tho hatchorles this year would send an excellent collection of sped jnenn of tho (lnny trlbo for exhibition at tho state fair, Mr. Slmpklns will have Im mediate charge of this exhibit and ho has nlready begun preparations for supplying nn abundnnco of water. I.nnenstrr County CnntllilntrM. Candidates for Lancaster county offices nro beginning to show increased activity ns tho tlmo for the nominating convention Approaches. There will" bo contests for treasurer, register of deeds, county com missioner, superintendent and surveyor, but tho chief interest Is centered In the raco for the nomination for treasurer. For two weeks past It has been a contest of Fred lleckmah ngalnst the field, but some of tho other candidates nre now beginning to show some, material strength. Tho oppo sltlon to Mr. Ilcckman lies principally In the fact that he has been three terms In tho office of county commissioner. Following Is a complete list of nil can dldatus heforo tho convention, which meets one week from today: Comity Judge Frank R, Waters; no op- position to renomlnntlon County Clerk Douglas A. Frye; no op position to renomlnntlon. Sheriff Zebulon S. Ilranson; nc opposl tlon to rcnomlnatlon. County Treasurer Fred Ileckman, Pre clnct C, Fourth ward; Captain C. N. Halrd, Precinct A. Fifth ward; D. C. Derry, Unl verslty Place; John Harrop, Precinct A, First ward; W. J. Weller. Oak; A. M Trlmblo, Garfield; Hen Knight, Stevens Crcelt. Register of Deeds Stanley Wicks, Pro clnct A, First ward; J. D. Moore, Precinct II. Fourth ward; H. W. Davis. Precinct H, Fifth werd; J. H. Ames, Precinct C, Fifth ward; Walt L. Dawson, Precinct A, Sixth wurd; Callen Thompson. Precinct n. Sixth ward; W. H. Odell and J. C. Scarborough. Precinct A, Seventh ward, Frank C. Ilurke, Hilda. No. 1 Wesley Cochran, Have- lock; T. P. Chenowoth, Oak County Commissioner C. W. Chambers Preclnci C. Third ward; Louis Helmcr, Prcclnot n, Third ward; C. M. Parker. Pre cinct D. Fourth ward; A. H. Hutton, Pre clnct C. Fourth ward; A. D. norgelt, Sec ond ward; Hans Framstead, Precinct H First ward. Superintendent of Schools W. A. Hawes Fourth word; Prof. Jones, Htckmnn. Ccroner Dr. F. A. Qraham; no opposi tion to rcnomlnatlon, County Surveyor W. S. Scott, Fourth ward) Theodore Ilurti, Third ward. Kline ril of I'nnl (', HiiiiKrr. The funeral of Paul C. Hunger will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from tho noma of tho parents, Twenty-fourth and Randolph streets, and later services will be. held In the First naptlst church Tho Alumni association of the Lincoln High school, of which Paul Hunger was president, this piornlng passed resolutions on tho death of lt lender. Tho Young Men's Republican club has rppolnted the following honorary pallbearers: A. W, Lane, W, L. Crandall, Fritz Westcrman Georgo Tobey, D, A. Fryo and Victor Bey rnour. i;eiled Convict t'ltllKht. Clyde Page nnd Freil L. Denny, two of tho convicts who vaulted the penitentiary wall a few days ngo, have beeu apprehended by Sheriff Funkn of Huffalo county nnd Warden Davis has left for Kearney to bring them back to the prison, Denny was sunt up for cattlo rustling and bat Wo assert that these Inmates of said home came here from other parts of our stntn to bf, taken c.iro of, have no moral or legal right to participate In the elec tion taking place this day In Hall county. We thfrefore icqucst your board to reject all such votes, if offered, and wo notify you nnd nil persons concerned thnt we Hhall appeal to the proper courts for ad justment should such votes In any manner Influence the result of th election of to day, as referred to In tho above. WILLIAM STOLLKY, For Himself ond the Large Majority of Taxpayers of Washington Township. At 10 o'clock this morning forty of a total of slxty-flvo votes cast were thoso of members of thn home. In the entlro homo thcro are nt present over 200 votes. ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. 8. (Spo clal Telegram.) Results of tho special eloc- tlon are In doubt owing to no returns from seven country precincts. Nine out of twelve precincts glvo the 1100,000 court house bonds a majority of 2.0 and tho new site a majority of 170. Tho election will be very close on both propositions. I, ii st liny of Siimlny Sclinol I'nlon. HUMHOLDT. Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) Delegates to the Richardson County Union Sunday School association selected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year yes- erday: President, W. L. Porter. Salem; vice president. Miss lone Norton, Hum boldt; secretary, S. P. Strlngfleld, Stella; rcasuror, Miss Hattle Hutterlleld, Hum boldt; superintendent normal department, F. P. Pago. Dawson; superintendent pri mary department, Miss Nellie Weaver, alls City; superintendent home depart ment, Miss Llna Tlmmcrman, Salem. In the evening the delegates listened to a sermon by Rev. Mr. Garvin, the Prcsby terlan minister from Nebraska City. Thurs day morning the program was as follows: Dovotlonal exercises, Mrs. Dora Hacon, Humboldt; report of delegates to state convention; nddrcss by Ira Dyo of Peru on "Our Relation to State Work;" fare well address by retiring president, D. W. Nolll. The session adjourned to meet next year at Dawson WASHINGTON, Aug. S. It developed to day that the governor of Hawaii has twice proposid the Issue of bonds to effect needed public Improvements. The secretary of the luterlor on both occasions declined to en tertain the plan. Governor Dole first requested on Juno 4 the approval of the president for a pro posed Issue of an unstated amouut of so- called Hawaiian treasury notes un dcr act ,79 of the provisional Ha wallan government, u part of the civil laws of Hawaii In ISO". The object was to procure a temporary loan to re plenish the territorial treasury. Secretary Hitchcock replied that the fact that tho amount was neither stated nor estimated was of itself a sufficient objection. The governor had enclosed an opinion of tho territorial attorney general, which the sec retary, 'n his reply declining to tnke up the plan, says does not directly express the opinion that the proposed Indebtedness can be lawfully Incurred under existing luws. He enclosed a certified copy of act 71 of tho laws of 1896, providing for a loan of 12,000.000 and statements of the treasurer showing thut there remain unissued bonds amounting to $770,000 authorized by the act; that the assessed value of the terri tory Is $07,094,101 and that the outstand ing bonded indebtedness after payment of the $4,000,000 assumed by tho federal gov ernment will be $910,000. Somcf IiIiik Hint Cnnnot He Iloiie, The governor then recommends Issuance of territorial bonds for $799,000, chargeable on the general revenues of the territory, but not on the credit of tho public do main; to be redeemable In not less than five, payable In not more than fifteen years from date of Issue, provided that the territorial legislature shall pass the necessary appropriation bill providing for tho expenditures set forth In section 55 of tho territorial act. Tho secretary of the Interior In his latest reply says thut new legislation Is ludls ponsablc to tho bonded Issue and that tho governor has not Indicated that such lcgls latlnn has been had, nor can It be safely anticipated. Tho purchaso by employes of the Ha wallan territorial government of lotB or of other public property nt public auction has called forth a communication from Secre tary Hitchcock to Governor Dole, In which he says that, even It there be no legal ob Jectlon to these purchases, permitting them to do so Is n matter of questionable pro prlcty. In response to an Inquiry from tha Interior department Governor Dole reported that In cases of exchanges of land author ized by the laws of Hawaii, It has been his custom to havo private parties convey title to such lands to the territory of Ha waii and not to the United States. Secre tary Hitchcock In reply has requested that no further conveyances of this kind be made until further advised by tho depart ment. Governor Dole has reported to the In terior department that the Hawaiian ter ritory will adopt the rules and regula tions of tho Interior department In exo cutlng Its bonds and contrac(s"ln future. to learn of the whereabouts of $60 of the lodge's funds, of which he was custodian. Mason Is married and has lived In Tccumsch eighteen months, brings smT'TbY damages Oliver Slionse Wnnts Ten Tliiitivuiiil from HurlliiKtoii nnd sheriff for I'nlse Imprisonment, HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. S. (Special Telegram.) Oliver Shouse, the Hast ings traveling man who was arrested at Blue Hill on June 29 on the charge of having been Implicated In steal lug several thouand dollars' worth of railroad tickets from the Chicago. Hurling ton &. Qulncy Railway company at David City about two months ago. has Just filed suit In the district court ngalnst the Hur llngton company nnd Sheriff Ren, wherein he nsks $10,000 damages for false Imprison ment and Injury to his good name. When Shouse was arrested he was Identified by a Denver ticket broker, who clnlmcd that Shouso was in Denver and sold him somo of the stolen tickets. Shousn claims that he has never been In Denver In his life and the fact that he was able to prove an alibi was the cause of his being released as soon as he was. Iteiinloii Clotci nt I'rnnUlln. FRANKLIN. Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special Tele gram.) The Grand Army of tho Republic reunion closed today. It was the most sue ccssful meeting of the kind ever held In this section of the state. Tho attendance was much larger than expected and the crowd was handled In good shnpo. Rose grove, where the reunion was held, Is bo coming quite popular and Franklin will work hard for the Interstate reunion next year. The merchants closed their places of business each afternoon during the reunion giving their clerks tho privilege of attend ing the meetings. A good rain fell last night and during the forenoon, but this aftcrnoop the sun came out and tho roads nnd grounds were soon in tne ticsi oi conui Hon, so that the program was carried out as advertised. I'nnernl of Chrlstlnn .Otteinen. SIDNEY, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special Tele gram.) The funeral of Christian Ottomen who died Tuesday, took placo this afternoon from tho Lutheran church The deceased was 05 years old and a member of tho Grand Army of the Republic. He has resided hero since 1S70. He leaves a wlfo nnd nine chil dren. Ho has been engaged In the cattle business two miles east of town. Tho cauao of his death was paralysis of the brain. Union I'nclflc Ofllclnln nt Sidney. SIDNEY, Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special Telo gram.) President Horace Hurt, General Manager E. Dickinson, Chief Engineer Uerry, Superintendent Robert W. Haxter and Superintendent Charles Waro arrived tonight with two special cars nnd will re main until tomorrow morning. Sunpccteil of ltoliliery. NORTH LOUP. Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special.) Two men, giving their names ns Johnson and Wels, were arrested yesterday on sus picion of being Implicated in the recent robbery of a Jewelry store In Grand Island. They tried to sell rings to Jeweler Harry Dlxon, who suspected the men nnd notified Chief Patterson, who put them under arrest. They aro In Jail awaiting tho arrival of Mr. Lggs owner of tho robbed store In Grand Island. If ho can identify the rings as his property tho prisoners will be taken to Grand Island to stand trial. Smnll (i nil n flood Aronnil Onnianrl. OSMOND. Neb., Aug. S. (Special.) Con rad Wagner, near town, has finished thresh ing his smnll grnln nnd finds that wheat nvcrnged on a 250-acre field twenty-one bushels per acre, while his oat crop aver nged eighty bushels and one peck per acre. machine measure. Ho had over 100 acres of oats. Corn looks well and will yield hotter than expected a few weeks ago. Humboldt Tenclicr Hesltins. HUMHOLDT, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) Miss Nlnn Honan of Peru, who was re cently hired to tako charge of the fourth room of tho city schools tho coming year, has resigned her position and Wayne Coons, who was selected for tho third room, has been advanced to take her placo. This leaves a vacancy In tho third room yet to bo filled. Stnrl .Vimv .Slieep lliineli. OSMOND, Neb. Aug. 8. (Special.) C. A. Kissinger, president, and O. M, Smith, cashier of the Farmers' State bank of this place, has Just closed a deal for 9.000 ncres of Knox county land. They will start a shtop ranch. Mr. Kissinger will leave for tho west In a few daysi to pur chaso stock. Unlit nt Slieltnii. SHELTON. N.jb., Aug. 8. (Special.) A shower of rnln fell here this morning and prospects are good for more before night. Somo fields of corn nro earing out In good shape, but many will not make anything and are being cut up for fodder. Much prairie hay Is being cut and baled. Scrntch Cn linen Dentil by I.nckJmv. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) Albert E. Karris, who was slightly Injured In tho hand whllo employed In the construc tion of a sewer a few days ago, died late yesterday of blood poisoning and lockjaw Do had lived In this city flvo years, coming hero from Greeley county. Xew llnrnl Prrc Delivery Hoiitex FAIRFIFLD, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) C. E. Llewellyn, special ugent of the Pojtoffico department, was hero Tuesday and estob llnhed two rural free delivery routes from this office. John Hrodcrlck and Christopher Jenkins were appointed carriers. CAPTURES COUPLE IN OMAHA Sheriff Rrturim with I'nlr Who Itnn Avwiy nlth It Ik from Fremont. FREMONT, Nob., Aug. 8. (Special.) Sheriff Kreador returned last night from Omaha with young Hetts and Corn Miles, who was with htm, and the pair ure now In the county Jail. The girl's true name Is Cora Sweeney and she lives In MI(6ourl Valley. The girl says thnt after leaving Fremont they drove direct to Omaha, stop ping nt Benson to feed. Sunday they drove around Omaha and out to Krug's park. They then turned the team over to Leonard, who was unable to sell It nud left It tied whero It was found by the officers. No complaints have yet been filed ngalnst the pair. Tho boy expects his father to fix things' up for him, but It Is rather doubtful if the authorities will permit It to bo dono and young Hetts will probably havo to tnke his punishment He claims to bo but 16. Tho girl Is considerably older. SUICIDE OF PAPILLION WOMAN Mrs. Chrln livers ThUch Carbolic Avlil mill Dies from the KfTcrtH. Hnln nt Allium, ADAMS, Neb., Aug. S. (Special.) A shower of rain amounting to one-fourth of an inch fell at Adams last night. It Is the first rnln since July 27. While the rain Is not ns much as was needed, It will do considerable good. Ileiiv) It it I nt Sutton, SUTTON. Neb. Aug. 8. (Special.) Rnln began to fall hero this morning and con tinued for two hcurs. It started again at noon r.nd the streets and ditches nro full of water. It will probably rain all night. llinnliolilt Gels SIlKht WetlliiK. HUMHOLDT. Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special.) A drizzling rain has been falling today and, while the amount of precipitation has not been great, It will be of great valuo to crops of all kinds and pasturage. Tho prospects arc good for more rain yet. Hnln nt l'lilrinon t. FAIRMONT, Neb.. Aug. 8. (Spcclnl.) Ninety one-hundredths of an Inch of rnln fell hero this afternoon. II Is still cloudy and It will probably rain again this evening. It will help plowing and tho lato corn. Injured liy I'lilllntC from Scnffnlil. TECUMSEH. Neb., Aug.' 8. (Special.) John Aberncthy fell, off. .a hcaffold whllo doing' carpenter work at'nis homo In this city this morning and broke one of tho bones of his left forearm. Hnln III JohtiNiin County. TECUMSEH, Nob., Aug. 8. (Special.) Rain fell over Johnson county lost night and today. At Smartvlllo tho precipita tion is reported nt ono and ono-half Inches. PlnltNinonth GctN AVet, PLATTSMOUTH, Ncb Aug. 8. (Special.) A gcntlo rain began falling In this vi cinity today soon after noon and continued for two hours. PAT1LLION, Neb., Aug. S. (Special Telegram.) Mrs, Chris Event took n dose of carbolic add this morning and died from the effects at 1 o'clock this after noon. There is no question but what the act was premeditated. She was an old resident hero and leaves a husband and ucvcral small children. SiiHiiect Arrpsti'il nt Wymore, WYMORE, Neb., Aug. S. (Special.) Mar shal Frank Acton arrested a stranger ln3t night by orders of tho authorities at Marys vllle, Kan. Ho Is supposed to be one of n gang of confidence men who havo been working In this part of the country recently. The man under nrrest. in company with! two others, tried to work a land schemo en n farmer near Herkimer, Kan., but the farmer not having tho required nmount of money with him went to town to get It and whllo there told friends of his Intended deal nnd they kept him from returning to keep his appointment. After wnltlng n short time, the men came to Wymoro, nnd leaving their team In ono of the livery barns, sepa rated. Utter ono was arrested whllo trying to leave tho city on n freight going north He had n largo sum of money, somo valu able rings nnd n forty-four caliber Colt's revolver in his possession. Tho other two men havo not been apprehended. The prisoner was taken to Mnrysvlllo this morn ing. Ho would not give his name. Omit iieil In the lllue lllver. WYMORE, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) Ed Craig, a young man from nenr Ellis, Nob., was drowned in the Hluo river at Blue Springs last night. Hn was on his way to visit a sister cast of town, when, meeting an old acquaintance, they decided to go in swimming. Crnlg could not swim well nnd getting In deep water was drowned. Tho body was soon recovered nnd taken to the undertaker. I'HXSIOS I 'OK WESTKHX VHTHIt AXS. Wnr Sort Ivors Ilcmemlicreil liy (lie ticnernl Government. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. (Special.) Tho following western pensions hnve boen granted: Issue of July 22: Nebrnskn: Orlglnnl-Chartes Mnllntte, North Platte, $0. Increase. Restoration, Re issue, etc. Benjamin P. Goddnrd, Omnhu. $1'.; William Gllmoiir. Jr.. Plattsmouth. $10. Iowa: Original John W. Konklc, Whit ing, $G; William T. Israel, Brighton, $12. In crease, Restoration. Reissue, etc Anthony R, Betzer (deceased), Buchanan, $S; Robert Ledwlch, Broken Bow, $12; William Fllsher, Wnshta. $8; Joseph K. Knott, Doon, $10; James W. Lynn. .Montezuma, $17; James Breakey. Rudd. $S. Original widows, etc -Elizabeth M. Betzer. Buchnnnn. $S; Sarah Morris, Delta, $S; (Special accrued. July 21), Mnrv A. Southern. Monterey. $S. War with Spain Franc A. D'Lashmutt (mother), Bur lington, $12. South Dakota; Increase, Restoration, Re issue, etc. John W. Robinson, Hot SprlngM, $10 Colorado: Original Jose Santos do Iler rera, Gulnare, $12. Increase, Restoration, Reissue, etc. Robert Purvis, I.avctn, $12. Original widows, etc. (Special nccrued, July 21). l'cnrl J. Grout. Sednlln. 8. Montana: Original John W. Gllkey, Whitehall, (6, Denth lien f lotta Man Out. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. A race with denih from Boston, with Claremont, In., as tho destination, ended hern todny with the death of John Foley. Three weeks ago iho decedent, who was n Harvard graduate and who had been employed In const survey work bv the government, wiib seized with quick cotiH.imptlon at Boston. Wishing to die at homo lie was enrrled aboard a train Tuesday Ho became so III last night that It was decided that ho must stop In Chi cago for rest He was placed In an ambu lance, nut aien vvnue on ino way to me hospital, JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA In the Schlitz brewery yon will find a plate glass room. In It are cooling pipes, over which the hot beer drips. Above it js an air filter, and no air comes into this room save through that niter. No germs can reach beer handled with such rare caution. But, after the 'Jeer is aged, we filter it, then bottle and seal it, then stcriliic every bottle. We take triple precautions because beer is a saccharine product. Impurities multiply If they get into it. There is no grade between absolute purity and utter impurity. Every bottle of Schlitz is absolutely pure, and purity is healthfulncss. Your physician knows ask mm. Phone 013, Schlitz, 719 South 9th St., Omaha, CooSed in Filtered Air Try n vnnc of M'hllif llorr, Tcln!linm D1H. Master Specialist. 13he Famous Plunged HOT SPRINGS DAKOTA Climate, Waters, Scenery, Hotels, Haths, Amusements, vou will find are all right. The route to this resort is '-The North - Westt.rn L i n f." with trains equipped with the "Best of Everything." Ticket Office, 1401.03 Fornam Ci. Depot. 15th end Webster Sts. OMAHA. NED. Fill In from Second Slur). WYMORE, Neb.. Aug. 8. (Speclal.)-Otle Van Camp, a girl 1.1 years old. whllo play ing on the upstairs porch of tho Eureka building last night, fell over tho railing to the ground, striking on her face. She was somewhat shaken up and her faco Is badly bruised. I,imIk WnntN IM Money. TECl'MSEH, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.) O. E. Mason, a young carpenter of this city, has left tho placo unceremoniously nnd tho local lodge of Maccabees Is anxious HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys; If it stains tho linen It Is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It, or pain in tho back Is also convincing proof that tho kidneys and bladder aro out of order. WHAT TO IJO. Thcro Is comfort In the knowledga so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Uoot, tho great kidney and bladder rem edy, fulfills every wlBh in curing rheuma tism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder nud every part of tho urlnar passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effectB following use of liquor, wlno or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times Muring tho night. Thn mild and tho ox traordlnary effect of Swamp-Hoot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar sizes. You may iavo a sample bottle of Swamp Root anil a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall. Ad dress Br. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N Y. When writing mention that you read this generous offer In Tho Omaha Morning Bee. Kinnimuiuiiuuiaiiuimmiinninimrg SAMPLE A 1 10 page Illustrated book. FREE ADVICE b; our Physicians nnd a FREE i of our mciTlulno uUo Fro.n Hnmn Trnntmnnt A 110 nc i dnscrlhln,-; symptoms anil cause o( diseases with best treatment, also many valuable receipts tnd prescriptions In plain language, saving you heavy doctor's bills, ask for lU Dr. Kay's Renovator fig Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia. Constipation, Hendache, Palpitation of Heart r-Vj Liver und Kidney dlsenses and Imd results of I.a Grippe. Kend for proof of U. p hoqu us .ricis. or i.uu aim wo win snr.u nr. nay s uenovaior ny return mini, B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Springs, N. 3m CXXUXXXXXXaXXj 33 lirjrirrTTiiiit Address. T. BROKERS. ALEXANOEN JACOBSEN CO., BROKERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. SUITE 105 Bcs Bldg Omaha. Correspondence solicited with larne deal ers and manufacturers Interested In ouf method of personally Introducing Mid fol lowing up the sale of llrst-clars merchan dise of nil klndm TO THK TRADE In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Uluft iseurasKu alia Wesurn Iowa. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. W estem Furnace & Foundry Co. 1218 Harney St. &Tli8 Under Feed Furnace BURNS SOFT COAL. BLOOD POISON "1 onre lllooil I'olnon tijr My Orlitinitl Perfected System of Aiitlloxlnn Treatment, Thus AvnltllliK the Horri ble Kffccta of Potsononn I)ruu." On account of Its frightful hldeousness. Contagious Lilood Poison Is commonly called tho king of nil venereal diseases. It may be hereditary or contract . a unce the system Is tainted with It. the disease may mani fest Itself In the form of ncro fula, eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen Joints, erup tions or copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers In tho mouth or on the tongue, nore throat, swollen tonsils, falling out of the hair or eyebrows, and finally u leprous-like decay of the flesh and bones. If you , have nny of theso or similar symptoms, you aro cordially In-; vitcd to come to our offlccs Im mediately, If examination proves' your feirs unfounded your mind Is quickly relieved, but If your constitution Is Infected, you will be told bo frankly and shown how to got rid of it. My BDecial treatment for blood Dolson Is practically tho result of my life work, and Is Indorsed by thn best physicians of America nnd Kuropo. It contnlns no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of nny kind. It goes to tho very bottom of the disease nnd forces out every particle of Im purity, soon every sign und symptom disappears completely nnd forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the boncH nnd the whole system nre cleaned, purified, nnd re stored to perfect health, nnd the patient prepared anew for the duties und pleasures or lire. WE ALSO CURE TO STAY CURED Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, And all nssoclato diseases nnd weaknesses of men. Wo chargo nothing for private counsel and give to each patient u legal coiitrnot to hold for our promises, la It not worth your while to investigate a cure that has made ilfo nnow to multitudes nt men? If you cannot call nt our oHlce, write your symptoms fully. Ilent IliinUn nud I.enillnir llimlnex Men In Tltli City- CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL Office Honrs: From 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. lO A. 31. to 1 l. M. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, m r-arnanui, uet. idioanawtn sis,, umaha, Ntb. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. UANUPACTimritH AND JOBBER OK MACHINERY. OBNKHAIi RRrAIRINO A PBOIALT1 IRON AND BKABS FOUNDER!!. 101, ItlUS 1BOS Jnokm StvMt. O m a V . Neb. Tel. B.1S. L Zabrtski. Af.nt. J. B. CawcUl, lf PTATION TONIC The World's Greatest Ideal French Tonic. Stimulator, Invigorator The only rcnulno Imported French Tonic nnd positive remedy for Debility and Impotency. A NERVE TONIC. IlrliiKs the pink slow to pale cheoks nnd restores tho lire of youth Ask for our book of testimonials. TEMPTATION TONIC hns effected cures In cither sex whero nil nthor known treatments have fulled. TEMPTATION TONIC hna lone enjoyed tho reputation as a tonic for men and women of weakened vitality. Compounded by I M. LAGAARD. Paris, Franco. Temptation Tonic Is for Sale Everywhere. In case your dealer should not havo our Roods, write to us for prices tnd full Information. Corespondonco answerod ,ii strictest confidence by our American necnts. Madison Specialty Co., Selling Agents for America, Omaha, Neb-. I'll l 11 pnim.iiiiu-cgtfll Uiil...e.,1n.Ulltf III ill i; li OILS. urn PALACINE OIL "The best in the world." No odor, no smoky chimneys. Republic Oil Co. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES! ' .... , i. t Western Electrical flfUMNVHIl Electrical Supplies. knctrta WlrlBc B,lli ud Ou XigktUA Q. W. JOHNSTON. MrT. 1410 Howard SU DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Co. Importers and JotMract Dry Goods, Fumishiixg Goodi AND NOTIONS. Win IN OMAHA ' VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co. HOWAim STIIKET, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE, TENTS AND AWNINGS. i Omaha Tent & Awning Co., OMAHA, NUD. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS COOD8. I SEND FOR CATALOKUI3 NU.M1IKII MM, DR. McGREW (Age 52) SPECIALIST In lic Iri'iilnif lit of nil fornix of Dls (Hum iiidI lllNOrilrrM of .Men Only, lilt Voir' cMirrliMire, in yi'nrii In Oiiuiliil. VARICOCELE ANO HYDROCELE A ncrmunont euro eunrnntcpd In less than 10 tluys, without cutting or pain. QTQiPTIIDC cured In less llian 5 days O I nib I UnC without nnln or lilndriuicn from business. Kidney und bluddcr dlseuHos. QYPUII IQnnd all illood DIhoiihch cured ulrnlLluhv n treatment which Is fur morn Manufactory and successful than "Hot Springs" treatment, and- nt less than half the cost. All lircnkiiiB out nnd hIbiis of tho dlseasa disappear nt once. A curs tnnt is Kuuruniccu lor inc. nUCD On nnn cases cured of nervous UVun ZUiUUU dehllltv. loss of vitality and MANHOOD. Iinslifiiluess. Gleet nud ull unnatural weaknesses of men, CiircH 4. it it I'll it I I't-il. ('oiiNiilliitlon Free, CHARGES LOW. Treatment liy mall. V O. Ilox 764. Office ovo' 215 Month nth street, botweon Fnrnam and UuukIub SIb, OMAHA. NI;II. NO CURE, NO PAY. MKN.-!f 70Q hftfft mftll, wetk orgftni, loit power or wfakraloc rirlBi, our Vcuum Organ Pneloptr will rntoro you without drug! or elf ctrlcUj i Htrlcturn ad VnrlroeeU rmnanentlr ctirM In 1 to I vrekli 7 1,000 In ui not ono failures Dot on returned effect ImmrdltUi no U.O.U. freudi wrllo for free rertloo Un, rtnt ireled In rlln emelou. 10CL APPLIANCE CO, 138 Tkirp Elk,, Indlinimlli, Inf. Inexpensive Offices TIIEIIK AIIU NO DAniC Oil unuksiraiju: iiooms in thi: iikk iiuildino. vou i'av according to tiidih size. t1ikm3 a he a kbw veky nice opticus which rent kor only 10.00 a month. this includes moiit, water, heat, jan. ITOIl SERVICE AND A Me THE CONVENIENCES OF THK REST IIUII.DINO IN TOWN The Bee Building R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents. ijr,,""l,I Floor lieu Hlil.