Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1901, Page 10, Image 11

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Jndfe EitolU Qrantt Iajaictlon in Eii
teat Street Cm.
Property Dnnrri MnM I'rfltliin for
,ew Pnvcmriit nr llnp thr Thor
oiifrlifure rlimcil nn IlrliiK Un
unfc for TrnfllCi
The 901 holes In tha asphalt pavement
on Sixteenth street between Douglas and
Izard streets will not bo filled up at prcs
ent. Judge Kstelle yostordny granted tho tem
porary Injunction applied for by Charles
Karbach to restrain tho performance of tho
contract for repairing the street awarded
to the Grant PavlnR company by tho Uoard
of Public Works and npproved by the coun
cil over tho mayor's veto.
"My decision In this case," said Judge
Estellc, "Is based on section 77 of the char
ter, which prohibits the council from tak
ing final action on a proposition that In
volves an expenditure of tho public funds
without first having tho certificate of tho
comptroller that the funds are available for
tho particular purpose. I don't bellcvo tho
council has any right to enter Into a con
tract unless tho funds nr available, and
the only evidence , of this would bo tho
comptroller's certificate."
limed nn llnr Point.
Having decided tho case solely on tho one
point tho absence of the comptroller's ccr
' tlflcnte tho court did not pass upon tho
question bb to whether tho condition of tho
pavement was susceptible to repair, but
Judge Kstello remarked that In his opinion
that was a question for the city council to
Councilman HascalT, who was In court
when the decision was announced, remarked
to the Judgo;
"Why, all of the contracts for city sup
piles hovo been let by tho council without
having tho comptroller's certificates that
funds wcro available for the payments. Aro
such contracts also Invalid?"
"That question Is not beforo the court,"
responded tbo Judge.
Mayor Moors was also In court and heard
tho derision with satisfaction.
"Tho property owners nlong Sixteenth
street," cald the mayor, "will now have to
petition for repaying or I will closo tho
street ns being unsafe for traffic. I don't
proposo to have tho city become liable for
any moro damage suits on account of that
worn-out and dangerous pavement. The
rtrcct needs a now pavement and tho abut
ting property ought to pay for It, Instead
of putting tho expense onto tho taxpayers-nt-largo
by putting In new work under tho
guise of repairs."
l'rnnk lllolcky, ('online rolnl Trnvrler,
Una HoiikIi llxperlrncr In
(Iroc'crn' I'nrntlc.
Frank Illotcky, n commercial traveler,
started to go to tho Rrocers' picnic, yes
terday, when something happened that
causod him to change his mind and In
stead bo went to tha pollco station and
eworo out a wnrrnnt against "John Doe,"
charging ctsault.
"I don't know tho man's nnnio," he said
to tho city prosecutor, "but the officer will
know It when ho comes across blru because
he smells like rotten eggs.
"I wan riding a horse in tho grocers'
parado nnd Just as wo got to tho Web
ster street depot u lot of fellows began
throwing rotten eggs at us. I, among
others, asked them to stop, but they
retorted that they were only paying us
back In our own coin. Ono of tho eggs
struck my horso and exploded. I shook
my (1st at tho follow that throw It and
Bald something to him and the next minute
he'd grnbbed my horso by the tall and
pulled It down upon Its haunches and I
fell out of the saddle. Then wo grappled.
Ho struck mo two or threo times In tho
v face, but I got n body hold of him and
cmshed about a dozen eggs ho had In his
coat pockets. From tho odor that aroso
I should Judge that most of them wero
overripe. I got away from him as quick
as I could and enmo down horo."
Tho warrant was given to Emergency
Officer Baldwin, who Is supposed to have
an especially keen olfactory senso.
A WOMAN'S onATiTimi:.
A Montana. Woiunn Write In Praia
of Xerliro llrrnlntile.
BUTTE, Aug. 26. Nowbro Drug Company,
City Dear Sirs: For several years I have
been troubled with dandruff, causing me
much annoyance, and my hnlr becamo vory
thin. I havo used Newbro's Ilerplcldo for a
month and the dandruff has entirely disap
peared nnd my hnlr Is becoming much heav
lor than formerly. Now hair Is growing
where there was none, nnd I nm very thank
ful to you for tho benefit I havo received
from Nowbro's Ilerplcldo. Vory truly yours,
No. 085 Utah Avenue, Butte, Mont.
Additional Accommodation!.
On account of the very low rates made to
Colorado points
will place In service, commencing August
1st and continuing to tho lOtb, and Sep
tember 1st to lpth, a Tourist sleeper on
train "No. 3" for DENVER, Waving
OMAHA AT 4:25 P. M.
Tho rate will bo $1.50 for a lower or up-
I per. double berth, sufficiently commodious
to accommodate two persons.
Reservations should bo mado as far In
advance as possible,
' City ticket ofUco, 1321 Farnam stroet.
Telephone 316.
, Cool Mlllliraof a.
Do you reallro bow cheap tho round trip
rates are? Less than bait fare. Via North
' western line August 1 to 10.
Omaha to St. Paul-Mlnurapolls, JJ.S5.
Omaha to Duluth, Superior or West Su
perior and return, $13.85.
' Two fast tralqs dally.
A night train and a day train scrvlc.
"Tho best of everything."
Why stay at homo In the beat? do to
Minnesota. Fish and hunt and bathe.
Northwestern Lino ticket office, 1401-1403
Farnam street.
Mortality Mntlatlcft.
Tho following deaths nnd births were re
ported to tho city health commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon
Deaths Joseph Welshartlnper, 2526 Marcy,
nged 41i Baby Iluclow, 2110 Decatur, aged 4
Births I). C. Tldeman, 3(X)9 Corby, boy;
A. F. Kulokopsky, 1010 North Sixteenth,
CIiiii-Xb-(1hc1 Soelrtlr
Of Omaha and South Omaha.
Annual picnic,
Jeffries Grove, la,,
Sunduy, August 11,
Special trains will lcavo union depot,
via Illinois Central railroad, at 10 a. m.
and 12:30 noon.
Pound-trip tickets, SI.
Stud articles of Incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
We will give them proper legal luiertlon.
Telephone 233.
Ilnsluesi lMncntlon Pamphlet Arc
rirt to Chimp t'mlrr linn of
(lovrrn in 7IU Inspection.
The first newspapers In Omaha to fall un
der tho ban of the postofflce department
under tho terms of tho recent order
of Postmaster General Smith are tho busi
ness college publications. Coincident with
tbo publication of tho order the publishers
of these papers received notice to file with
the assistant postmaster general reasons
why their publications should not bo
stricken ftom the INt of publications enti
tled to bo rated as second-class matter. A
day or two ago tho reasons wero filed ntid
forwarded to Washington. In tho mean
time no Issue of tho publications will bo
published, although under the ruling of the
department they would bo entitled to see-ond-cln(s
privileges until such time ns a
final decision Is reached by the department.
Tho postmaster general has Just Issued an
explanation of his recent order affecting
second-class matter and this explanation
upholds the petition of Assistant Postmas
ter Woodard, who when tho order was first
received said that ha believed that It would
cause newspapers to discontinue the prac
tice of offering prizes to subscribers nnd
Inducing subscriptions through guessing
contests, for the third paragraph of tho ex
planation distinctly mentions guessing con
tests as ono of the practices which mu9t bt
discontinued In order to entttlo newspapers
to remain on the list of second-class mat
ter. In the explanation tho time of the en
forcement of practically all of tho provi
sions of tho recent order Is extended until
October 1, but at that time all publications
must comply with tho terms or ho debarred
from second-class privileges. Newspapers
and news agents stnrtlng huslncss beforo
October 1 must comply with all of the pro
visions of the new regulations, so they will
be at n slight disadvantage compared with
older concerns during tho months of August
and September.
Pastor Tlmliill of Trinity Mrtlioillnt
Church linn .NnmrtliliiK to Hay
of tlic IJvniiKcllMt,
OMAHA, Aug. 7. To the Editor of Tho
lire: I nm n citizen of Omaha and am
with you somewhat sensitive ns to the good
namo of our splendid city. I should not
enjoy hearing anyone abusing Omaha or
snylng It Is tho worst of cities that would
not bo true. I bcllevo Omaha to be as good
ns the average city of Its size, for nil
cities aro mado up of the best and tho
worst of people. Hut I nm sorry for tho
attack you have made In The, Bee on Mor
ton Smith nnd I can but believe you havo
dono so from mistaken Information. I
hopo so. I havo heard Mr. Smith preach
many times most of the time since his
stny hero and I never heard him abuso
Omaha In tho way you chargo him. I rave
not been nt all the meetings at nono of
the Sunday evening meetings but I nm
all but absolutely suro you aro mistaken
In the mntter. I hopo you will ascertain
tho facts In the ense nnd treat the matter
accordingly, for the good of the truth, the
meetings and our city.
Pastor Trinity M. E. Church.
Itnllroad Itcportn Inillentc n ftrntlc
llnlnfnll In Vnrlnna lnrta
of A'clirimUn.
Reports received by tho B. & M. from
Its lines In southern Nebraska show that
thero wero light showers nearly all over
that section of tho state during the twenty-
four hours ending at 6 o'clock yesterday
No great amount of rain fell at nny point,
but cloudy, threatening weather was gen
eral throughout tho southern portion of
tho state. Rain was reported from Ne
braska City and Beatrice and mnny other
points nnd there wero few stntlons along
the southern division of tho line -vhlch
reported clear weather.
Work Still tinea On.
Telegrams havo been sent from Salt
Iake announcing that tho Oregon Short
Lino had discontinued work on Its Los
Angeles line, but emphatic denials ot lhl:
statement havo been made. A crew ot
tracklayers was moved from Callcntes to
Blackfoot and this gavo rise to tho rumor
that work on the Los Angeles lino had been
discontinued. Vice President Bancroft ci
clares that there Is no truth In this rumor.
Surveyors aro working on tho nouth
end of the line to Los Angeles and hun
dreds of men aro grading at various points
along the route.
tin Western Tour.
President Burt of tho Union Pacific, ac
companied by General Manager Dickinson,
Chief Engineer Berry nnd Samuel Hlgglns,
superintendent of motivo power, left yes
terday for Ogden. The party will mnko n
general Inspection of tho lino nnd will prob
ably remain away from Omuha about a
Wonlil llnvu Cost II I m III" Mfr.
Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky writes: "I
have been using Foley's Kidney Cure and
take great plcasuro In stating It gavo mo
permanent cure of kidney disease, which
certnluly would havo cost mo ray llfo."
Take none but Foley's.
ron a siimmuu outino.
To thct ( rent fruit Lake Itmlona.
Cross tho Rockies on a forty-threo foot
trade, light easy curves, elghty-pouad
steel rails, a perfectly ballasted roadbed,
gigantic embankments ot disintegrated
granite, through tunnels, bored in solid
granlto and ovor stone and steel bridges.
A fascinating panorama ot marvelous en
gineering. To sea this bo sure your ticket reads
over the Union Pacific railroad. Lowest
rates mado tor summer excursions In many
years. New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam;
phono 316.
Tho Douglas County Vetcrnn association
will hold its eighth annual reunion at
Elk City August 20, 21 nnd 22.
Sealed proposals for excluslvo rights for
booth privileges, concessions, etc., will bo
recolved at Elk City until 12 o'clock noon,
August 12th, 1901. All concessions to bo
paid tor at the time ot nwardlng.
Address all communications to Fred
Moulton, Elk City, Neb.
Utah's Iilenl Climate.
On tho shores ot the grent Salt Lake and
for fifty miles therefrom, In every direction,
the climate of climates is found. To en
able persons to reach tho famous health,
bathing and pleasure resorts of Utah tho
Union Pacific haa put In effect summer ex
cursion rates lower than made In many
years. New city tlckot office, 1324 Far
nam; phono 316.
Will Enjoy Cool Weather.
Ask George F. West, City Tlckot Agent
North-Western Line, 1401-1403 Farnam
street, Omaha, for particulars ot popular
Lako Superior trip he has to offer during
tbo month of August.
Lake nkntm!.
The Ideal cummer resort. Quickly and
easily reached from Omaha via the Milwau
kee railway, tho only through line.
City office, 1504 Farnam itreot.
and Men G W Arlington for
Recriation and Sport.
Spcclnl Trnln (tier tlu Ulklinrn Cnr
rlea the nxcnrslmilsts to the
I'lcnle Cf round Klitliorntr Pro
Krnni of Various Hients.
Forgetful housewives were the only ones
In Omaha yesterday who had nny fault
to find with the retail grocers and their
clerks, for with the exception of one or two
places every retail .grocery store In tho
city was closed nnd the masters and men
wero nil at Arlington, where the third an
nual picnic of tho Retail Grocers' associa
tion was held.
Tho trains carrying tho party to tho
picnic grounds wero scheduled to lenvo at
S:30 o'clock, but It was 0 before the party
got away from the Webster street depot.
All attendance records for occasions of this
kind wero broken by tho crowd which
started nt that hour. Thero wero ample
preparations for earing for tho people, but
to convey tho 1.S00 who left required three
trains, nnd then standing room only was to
bo obtained In mnny of the cars.
The regular members of tho Retail Oro
cers' association and the Grocery Clerks'
union met at 8 o'clock nt tho corner of
Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets nnd mnrched
to tho depot. Along the line of march,
with but ono exception, tho grocery stores
wero closed, This exception afforded tho
first nmuscment of tho dny for tho crowd.
The proprietor and his clerks wcro on tho
sidewalk to sco tho parade nnd as that
camo Into sight the men In aprons were
assailed with verbal Bhots, every ono of
which scored a center and tho clerks sought
the security of the Interior ot tho store to
avoid tho comments ot the marchers.
Arriving at tho depot, tho band played a
selection nnd thero wns n grand rush for
the cars. Tho marchers wcro Joined in
this rapid movement by several hundred
persons who had not marched, Including
women nnd children.
The trnln wns In charge of special off!
cers of the Elkhorn railroad. Tho time
at Arlington wns spent with games and
contests of strength nnd skill.
Mnny members of tho party carried bas
kets and hammocks with them nnd varied
tho strenuous life of tho expert with swing
lng In shady places.
lliiiulrc Fire Department Or Is Its
Wires Crossed on Account of
a False Alnriu.
Tho members of tho Dundee flro depart
ment wero on tho verge of mutiny Wedncs
day night nnd only tbo efforts of cooler
heads prevented a riot which would have In
volved tho government of that municipality
If thero Is anything In which the residents
of that happy burg take pride It Is their
now flrc-llghtlng machine nnd Its equip
ment. In fact so great Is their admiration
for Its unspotted brightness nnd pristine
purity that they have been known to let a
houso burn down beforo they would drag
the new boso through tho mud. So with
this admiration known It Is no causo for
wonder that a wavy of excitement swept
through tho doors and across the placid
portals ot tho western suburb Wednesday
when nn alarm won pealed forth from tbo
fire bell hung In tho towor over tho sacred
Tho men who had so bravcH' and devot
edly signed tholr nnmes to the roll of vol
unteer firemen heard tho alarm with amaze
ment. Shocked to silence they stood for a
moment ipcll-bound. Then with onu com
mon Impulse they ran toward tho tower.
Some of them actually ran three blocks be
fore they camo within Right of their Mecca
and theu they stopped, for down nt tho
tower they saw n number of equally devoted
firemen standing quietly watching two
youthful scions ot n neighbor Industriously
pulling tho bell rope, whllo two of the trus
tees of the village stood at ono side urging
tho young heroes to greater rapidity of ac
Slowly, but determinedly, the depart
ment approached tho clanging hell. With
voices In unison thoy domanded to know
tho causo of tho alarm. Ono of tho village
board replied that tho boll wns being rung
by the ndvlco nnd consent of tho municipal
authorities for tho purpose of seeing how
quick tho department could be brought out
and for tho further reason that tbo boys
Eccmod to need exercise.
Then camo ono of thoso times when tho
minds of men seem to flow Into ench other,
and without ndvico or instruction a union
was formed with n common object. With
ono accord tho members of tho violated
volunteer flro department declared, "Wo
don't want any moro such calls. ou are
not fit to direct thedestlnlcs of this model
village and wo would seo your old houses
reduced to nshes beforo wo would permit
our bright new machlno to be brought Into
action whern It would havo to throw real
wator upon a hot flro."
Then they mado a motion as though to
wreak fearful (vengcnnco upon tho dis
turbers of their rest, but by the ndvlce
of mediators they decided to wait until tho
houses of the offending officers should
catch flro before they resented tho insult
offered to their machlno.
Oclier Itospnthnl Htnniln C'lmrRoil with
StenlliiR n Hull nnd Chain
from the City.
Ocher Rosenthal was given thirty days In
pollco court yesterday for the larceny of
a ball and chnln w'orth J3, tho property
of tho city. Rosenthal explained In exten
nation that n month ago he was a city pris
oner, engaged with a gang of his fellows In
cutting weeds on vacant lots and alcaK
suburban streets, nnd that during this tlmo
ho beenmo very much attached to tho ball
and chnln. so much bo that It finally re
quired a blacksmith with a cold chisel to
sever tho attachment. Ho wbh sorry he had
taken tho Jewelry, hut the, temptation had
been strong. Ho felt that he really could
not lenve tho city's employ without this
memento of his service.
He will now havo an opportunity to over
como the temptation.
Mnyor Moorcs l'.xprcssrs Himself us
HlKhly IMenseil with Work of
Fire Department,
Flro Chief Charles A. Salter received yes
terday morning a letter from Mayor Moores
congratulating him and his men on tho
way thoy had handled several fires re
cently. Tbo Anderson flro nt Sixteenth
and Davenport streets, tho Mercer fire at
Eleventh and Howard streets and tho fire
In a feed store at Thirteenth and Harney
streets July 23 were mentioned, In clos
lng, tho mayor says ho feels that no mis
tako was mado when tho now head of
tho fire department was appointed a few
weeks ago.
To Ileal a Hurt
Use Banner Salve, the great healer. It's
guaranteed for cuts, wounds, sores, piles
aud all skin diseases. Use no substitute.
Today the fltnnilest I, nt of Im
ported Dress floods Samples
that .Ma toll.
Wo will placo on sale tomorrow tho
grandest lot of Imported black dress goods
ends wo havo ever shown. There aro 4
nnd 5 pieces of each kind that match. Not
a plcco worth less than 1, on salo at 10c
Wo jlaco on snlo tomorrow thousauds of
remnants and short ends of dress goods nnd
suitings bought from a New York cloak and
suit manufacturer, all go In two lots at 2c
nnd lie each.
An Immense lot of nil wool samplo ends
of dress goods from 2 to 6 yards In length
at 10c a yard.
Another new lot of silk remnants In nlco
bright colors suitable for trimming, on sale
nccordlng to length nt 2c, Cc, 10c, 15c nnd
2Gc each.
$1.50 SILKS AT 2.-C, 3DC AND 4DC YD.
Thousands ot yards of high grado silks In
dress, skirt and waist lengths, worth up to
$1.50 a yard, nt 23c, 30c and 49c yard.
Remnants of cambric lining, l&c yard.
Remnants of standard prints, 3c yard.
Printed lawns ami dimities, lo yard,
Bleached muslin nnd cambric, yard wldo,
best qunllty, 6c yard.
15c quality India llnon, 34c yard.
Fine lawns and dimities, bnndsomo color
ings, late patterns, 5c yard.
25c black India llnon nnd batiste, 6c yd,
12c nnd 15c percales, ynrd wld.s, Be yard.
25c French ginghams, new patterns, SVic
40-Inch Victoria lawns and white laco
lawns, In stripes, plaids and laco effects,
40c quality, lOo yard.
English tovcrt cloth remnants, 8V4c yd.
Fluo tnblo damasks, In l'a to 3V4-yard
lengths, on sate nt half prlco.
J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers, Pcct & Co. Men's Clothing,
Nclirnskn ICnlKhts Templars Will Cut
Much riitnrc In the Louis
ville GnthcrluK.
Nebraska Knights Templars nre planning
to tnke Louisville, Ky., by storm at tho
time of the triennial conclave, August 27
to 31. A special train for the accommoda
tion of Nebraska Mosons will lcavo Omaha
on tho Burlington at 5 o'clock tho after
noon of Snturdny, August 25. Tho 'train
will arrive In Chicago at 7:30 tho next
morning and will leave for Loutsvlllo two
hours later over tho Pennsylvania lino.
Louisville will bo reached at 6:30 tho samo
Nebraska headquarters In Louisville will
bo In tho Hoys' High school, 630 First
street. Rooms havo also been secured In
tho school building for tho entertnlnmcnt
of the women who may accompany the
party. Mt. Calvnry commandcry No. 1 of
Omaha, which will travel on tho Nebraska
special ns escort to the grand commander,
hao leased tho rcsldcnco of Dr. Leather
man, 1029 Fourth avenue, wbcro fifty guests
will bo cared for.
Tried Them All
Albany, N. Y., June 10, 1S99.
Mr. Henry Snyder, who rcBldcs nt 423
Ornngo street, this city, nnd who Is em
ployed nt Rnthbbne, Sard t Co.'s founnry.
Bays: "I nm working around n hot furnnce
nnd get to sweating, then going In the
drnft. I contracted n severe ense nf kid
ney trouble, which on several occasions
confined mo to my house. I used every
medicine that I saw advertised for kidney
trouble, but got no bettor. I saw so tnnny
testimonials from peoplo whom I knew
nbnut Crnmcr's Kidney and Liver Cure I
decided to try n bottle. After using threo
bottles I was entirely cured, nnd have fln o
recommended It to my fellow workmo-1,
who Ukewlso have been cured. I cannot
any too much in prnlse for Cramer's Cure."
If you will send your address to the
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y., thoy
will eend you a samplo bottle, froc.
Cramer Chemical Company,
Albany, N. Y.
Thousands on thousands ot remnants o
goods, silks, etc, from our Immense stoc
will bo disposed of at a fraction of their v
Short lengths of all tho 10c, loo and 10c
wash goods, all will go at 2'c.
Long lengths of nil tho percales, of tho
Fortunlo Flannel styles, nil of tha wash
goods up to 12Vic, will go at 3VaC
15c to BOo batistes, organdies, dimities,
grenadines and all will go nt Cc.
Long lengths of 25c Imported porcnles In
dnrk and light colors, fine goods, all go at Ho
Remnants ot wool dress goods will go nt
Ec, 10c, lGc nnd 25c.
Itemnants ot silk will go at exactly half
By the Ynrd
10c wnBh goods, all colors, 3i$c.
lEo and 10c wash goods, lic,
15c nnd 25c wash goods, Cc.
All our Imported dimities, batistes, or
gondles, Jaconets, lawns, nnd grenadines,
etc., goods that sold from I9o to f.Oc yard,
nil will go at two prices 7',4c and S'c.
7V4c full standard prints, 2Hc.
10c 94 percales, 3Vic.
lGc draperies, 5c.
25o draperies, 10c.
iiuboiuieiy pure Honey
nnd Sngnr Goods
Pure niaplu sugar drip mixed candy;
worth 25c; per pound, 7V$c.
Honey flako popcorn; worth ICc; for Cc.
Grocery Prices
Threo Inrgs bottles pure tomato catsup
Three-pound can grated pineapple 12',-sC
Campbell's assorted soups, three for 25c,
Three pound cans Pioneer brand pumpkin
9 cents,
Four cans oil sardines for 25c,
Six-pound box Now York lump starch 31c,
Threo pounds Santa Clara prunes (largo),
25 cents.
Three pounds Alden evaporated peaches
25 cents. '
Four pounds ruby prunes 19c.
Asslstnnt Pity llimlneer Crnl De
clares lie Knous .XothlitK of Any
Trouble tilth llrlcklnj crs.
"The city engineering department knows
nothing concerning a strike among the
oricmnyers who arc worklrm on tho new
sewers," remnrked Assistant City Engineer
.rnig. ine men aro all worklni? now
nnd I don't think thero was any troubles
among mem. '
A rumor was circulated to tho effect
tnat the bricklayers on city work had
struck becntiso they were not willing to
worn unner inspectors who are not mem-
bcrs of tho union, but tho contractors deny
ine story.
At its Tuesday evening meeting the coun
ell passed a resolution which requires all
inspectors to be union bricklayers, Mayor
Moores has signed this resolution and It
will bo but n short tlmo till non-union
sewer Inspectors will be a thing of the past.
Publish your legal notices in Tbo Weekly
Hce. Telepnono 23S.
Without n rlvnl. The Ideal pres
ent for any season. We nro tho
only ngents in Nebraska nnd
Western lown. We nlso have on
view a full line of Vose. Ktncr
fton, Ivers & Pond, Sieger. A B.
Chuse, Jcwett nnd Packard
plnnos. Instruments of sterling
worth at low cost. New plnnos
for rent. Artistic tuning and
repairing promptly done. You
uro respectfully invited to visit
our warcrooms nnd wIUiphh a
performance of the SELF
by mums of which any ono can
piny tho piano. The only at
tachment of Its kind Indorsed by
the world's greatest plunlsts,
I'adcrt'Wtikl, ItoHcnthnl, Sauer,
and Moszkowskl. Catalogues,
price and terms furnished free
on application,
The Leading Piano House In tho
1313 Fariiniu St., Omaha.
Telephone 1025
IOWA llll..CII.
337 Ilroadway, Co. Hluffs.
Telephone 378.
The best
is cheape st
in the end
Wlirn Huloctlnp; a KODAK Oil
CAM Kit A, et fioincthlni; made by
a reliable llriu. We carry only
cameras of the best makers
Promo's, Toco's, Kodaks, etc.
See our special Tele Photo, 4x,",
with ense, $1-1.00, reduced to $11.1)0.
All other material for the Ama
teur photographer at lowest prices.
1215 Farnam Street.
Wholesale and retail dealers In Pho
tographic Material.
t all klndn of wash goods, prints, dress
k havo accumulated during tho week nnd
mlno for yourselves.
I 10c shaker flnnnol, 29ic.
15c Bbaker flannel, 7c.
Cc unbleached muslin, 3Vsc
Furnishing Goods
Lndles' 15c vests, to closo, HSc.
Men's COc and 75c summer balbrlggan un
derwear, 10c.
Ladles' flno summer corsets 19c.
50 dozen men's working shlrts.worth 7."c;
75 dozen of lino negllgoo shirts worth $1.00;
75 dozen laundered fancy shirts with sep
arate collars and cuffs, sold ut 75c aud $1.00,
all go at ono price, 23c.
Men's 15c socks 7c.
Ladles' ana children's 25c iiose, 10c.
Hoys' wash pants 10c,
Hoys' cloth pants 15c.
Hoys' 75c cloth punts 25c.
Hoys' long pnnta crash nulla, ago 13 to IS,
worth $2.50, to close COc.
Hoys' long wool pnnln. worth $1.50, at 60c.
Men's pnntH, worth $1 f.O. at 55c.
Men's paiim, worth $2 50, ut 7Cc.
Hoys' tine $2 M) pants, USr.
Closing nut nil tuituiiioiUn at lesn thnn
Queen brand Heeded raisins flu.
Shredded cocoanut, per pound, 15c.
Grand Meat Sale
Chipped beef, per pound, 15c.
Imported Italian Hummer sausage, per
pound, 25c.
No. 1 cured hams, per pound, 12c.
Salt pork, per pound, Sc.
Veal loaf, per can, 10c.
Potted meats, assorted, per can 3',c.
Fish and Cheese
No. 1 Norwny herring, each, 8c.
No. 1 shoro herring, rneh 2V4C.
Codfish, per pound, ti'jt.
Wisconsin cream cheese, per pound, 10c
Ncilfchntel cheese, each, 3c.
Sap Sago cheese, each. 7c,
McLaren's Imperial cheese, per Jar, 15c.
The prevailing fashion per
mits a man to dress in taste
and stylo without sacrificing
his comfort. If you are undo-
cided as to what you want for
the few remaining warm days
come in and consult our line of
Men's Serge Clothing,
Men's Summer Shirts,
Men's Summer Hats.
Men's Summer Shoes,
Men's Summer Neckwear
Men's Summer Hose.
Men's and Youths' Pants
1,800 pairs ol imiuufaoturors'
samples and odd Buit pants
worth $2.50 to $4.50on salo
05c and 1. 50 a pair.
armure, black falllo, black satin do lyon, black satin duchesse, blnck 27 and
3C-lnch taffetas, black grcnndlno, 45-Inch w ldo. This is tho greatest lot of line black
silk you ever saw some aro worth $1.50, b omo $2.50, nil go at COc. Haydcn Uros.
havo secured the snto for Omaha for tho FAMOUS LAUIUSL SILKS.
About tobe Married-
This is tho caso with n number of people Just now Thlf
means n. gift of Homo kind. Nothing nicer than Hllver oi
.cut glaus. Wo havo n beautiful
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
1510 Douglas St
That win In tho stretrh. at 25e, In lisle
llslo webb, and that IiIkIi back that wo
The prlie biuk ihe first iluy you wenr n
BEhavi uhlriM 11, ui you unlit -It wo ould
Jiule fur us.
Kith anil Chicago
Mnll Orders Filled.
Jewelers and Art Stationers, I5lli and DoutfUs
Mall orders given enroful attention selection parkagos sont to responsible parties.
We've Got It
If your druggist tcllH you ho hasn't grt
certain urib Ioh nnd known nothing about
them write uh. wo carry everything
drug line. lmn't be fooled, or per-uudeu
to tuko something elcc. We want mull
orders and know our prices will Justify you
In sending your orderH to us but don't for
get to enclose tho cash as wo do no cridlt
6wi Gem Cuturrh Powder Wic
jl.uO Wobt's Hrnln and Nerve Treatment 17c
51 () L'nclo Bam s Tobacco Curo 6oc
Mc Stuart's llluckberry Hutxum "J0o
$2.00 Cotton Hcot, Tansy und Pennyroyal
iMllH. Knrl Cramer's uenuino il.ftft
25o farter'e Little Liver Pills 13o
25r enstoria, gruuiuo 3 Do
U.00 Crumer'H Kidney Curo 7Sq
ii. ii) Porunu 7Sn
23c Laxative liromo Quinine ,,, lf.c
Her b .Malt wnisxey 75c
Cut Price
Urn,; Stcr-
Tl. 747. S. V. Car. lrtlh nnd OUIcutfO,
Goods dcllTfrad VHSa to aojr part ot city,
Friday and Saturday for only
All pIzcb, 30 to CO waists. And havo plenty of the abov
sizes, excepting 31 nnd 36 waist. To thoso who can wenr 30, 31,
32, 38, 40, 12 nnd 44 waists can secure fine all wool worsted, chev
iot nnd cnsslmero pants at 25c on the dollar.
JUST THINK $3.00 all wool black clay worsted, bluo serges
and nil wool cheviot pants for tioc.
An 18-ounco black clay worsted pants, extra lino Btrlpo and
check worsted pants that regularly sell up to $1.50, on unlo
nt $1.50.
Men's odd samplo coats nnd vesta, worth from $3.00 to $7.50,
on salo Saturday at $1.95.
Thcpc samples consist mostly of small sizes, 33 to 37,
breast measure. Any ono who can wenr tho nbovo sizes can
procure flno all wool casslmere, choviot and worsted coats nnd
CBts for less than cost of tailoring. They aro mado up In
sack and frock styles.
Wo will nlso placo on sale Saturday, all of our men's light
colored summer suits, such mnkes ns Stcln-llloch Co., tho H.
S. & M. suits that are worth and havo sold up to $10.00, $12.50
and $15.00, on sale at $5.00. $
Letting Down Prices.
You can get better goods, bigger values nt tho nig Storo
than any other place in town. Note tho following prices and
be convinced that tho goods are right. New stylish up-to-dato
shoes at bargain prices. Wo lit tho foot the head and tho
pockethook. For Krlday, tho following bargains.
Ladles' genuine hand' turned laco, on salo nt $1.90.
Ladles' black and tan oxfords, worth up to $2.50, on sale 9So
Ladles' bluck, tan and chocolatu vlcl laco shoes, worth up
to $3.60, on salo at $1.96.
Ladles' llrooks Hroa.' Shoes In all sizes and widths, thi
same that you havo always paid $3,C0 for, Thursday, at $3.00.
Tho onoVKH Shoes In all stylos and at tho lowest prices
in Omnha "
Men's black and tnn CHOWN SHOES, on salo at $1.9(1.
In tho bargain room for Friday.
Lndles' blnck vlcl shoes, worth $2, $2.50 and $.1, on Rnle $1.48.
Ladles' black vesting top lnco shoes, w'th $2, $2.50, $3, at $1.18
Ladles' tan and chornlato of same, $1.1$.
Ladles' chocolate laco shoes, with French bo?Is, on salo $1.43
Llttlo gent's satin cnlf lnce, ft-18 shoes, u $1.00 value, at 65o
Child's laco shoes, sizes S-ll, worth 75c, on salo ut 39c.
C-8 of samo Hhoe, 29c.
A good Btrong, durablo Hhoo for misses, sizes 12-2, at 75c.
Big Sale on Black Silks.
10,000 yards flno bluck silk, nt one-third value, tho finest
blnck penu do sole, black gros grain .black futile, snlldo, black
line of both. Look for name
wrbbs. COc patent leathnr rmK nest
have been telling you nbnut, nt 7ie
imlr. If you consider comfort And wo
get you to look ut them, It menus a
They make shlrtB.
Our mirrored rut glass rnnm Is replnto with n tempting ar
my of i-xiiulKlto nit gliiHH In . x.'luslvr .iPHlgn, which for vnrlety,
churiictiT and print runnot be ilupllniteil anywhere. Howls,
r.Mcry illHhfH, viikpb, tumbli-rn, wnttr pitcher, lU-ciinterH. rura
f.'tt,, Irr, tubs, butter illalH'n, rn-'HiiH and HugarM, ;tr. 0 ex
tend n cordial invitation to all to mako a visit to thlH room.
Mnwhlnncv & Ryan Co..
In 10
You can stop nny
kind of n hendacho,
if yon tako Shrador'n
10-Miniito llcadaclio
Powders. Sold at all
drug fitoro3, or fiond to
W. J. ShradQr Medicine Go,,
New Vork Room 10, No. 30 Knst Htfc 3U
, or 1003 N, 2U!i St., Omaha, Nob.