THE OMAHA DAILY HEE; P TUB AY, AlOl'ST 9, 11)01. 9 f SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements far these culnmn will be taken nntll 12 ni. for Mm renin edition and nntll 8:ft0 p, m. tor morilig and tlnndajr edition. Rates, 1 l-2o a erotd Ilrst Insertion, Is a Trsrd thereafter. Nothing taken for leas tlinn 2rio for the flrat laser tlon. These advertisements mill be ma cnnaeatlrlr. Advertisers, bjr requesting aam brrrd cheek, can have answers ed tressed to a numbered letter la car t The nee. Aaarvera a addressed will be delivered praaeatatloa at ta beak aalr. SITUATIONS WAKTIII). WANTED, situation ns housekeeper, enn do nil kinds of housework. Address I) 43, Hftf. A-118 8 WANTED, position ns cashier, assistant or iiuiiKKccper in iiang; trirec yenn expert- enco; heat o references Address i 11, uce A-MI50 li' WANTED MALE 1IKI.1V WANTED, experienced snap salesman; re ply, stating ngc, experience, reference!), salary expected. Address C 67, Dec. H-MI92 W'ANTED, two or more- experienced, re IlJiblu poultry hucksters, with estnb.l-hcd routes. Apply to Swift und Conipiuy, South Omaha, Neb. II AID: I 12 W'ANTED, an upholsterer who ciin cut nnd lay carpets nnd mnko shades. First-class man can have steady work and god wages, Frank 1'ryor, Pueblo, Colo. H-M12S 14 W'ANTED, city salesman for plumbing nnd steam supplies; nono but experienced man need apply. Address D 4, Hoe. 11-118 8 W'ANTEF), advertising solicitor. Omnha Directory Co. It IS? It HOYS WANTED. OwIhk to our ever Increasing optlcnl busi ness, we are In need of two reliable boys who wish to learn the manufacturing op tical bUHlmss. J. C. Huteson Co., lr20 Douglas St. U Mild 11 "WANTED, a bright young man, 2.'i to Xi yenra old, to tnke an ugency for one of the be,st old line life liisirnncc companlHi otic who hnd experience as salesman pre ferred, Address D to, Ree. It .Mil.", W'ANTED, 2 musicians; a double bnsn plnvcr who doubles tuba In banil, a see ond violin who doubles strong cornet In hand; small but sure, salaries; I pay nil expensed, work the year round; must join lit once. Mario Fountain Theater Co., Hamburg, la. II-MMQ'J W'ANTED, llrst-clnss Inundrvnuiu at once. Hebron Laundry, Hebron, Neb. I1-M130 0 &A LEHMAN, by lon,' established manufac turer of flavoring extracts, spices, etc.; give fully your experience to Insure rep y; good salary. Ilox 617, Chicago, 111. H-.MH7 ' SALESMEN wanted to travel for maniifnc lurer selling chewing and smoking t-i-baceo to the trade. Address with stamp Ilox fi5, Htnghamton, Now York. U-M1I1 It" NAI.I'S.III'X WANTED. WANTKD, nn tip-to-date salesman to han dle one of the best D-eent clears ever offeted to the public Excellent oppor tunity. Address, with reference, Mutual Clgnr Co., lWti Locust St., St. Louis. -MI30 10 W A XV K I ) F 10 M A I, H 1111,1'. WANTKD. 20C girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S75. C-tVT..' CO GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Olllce. C-0S3 WANTKD, nurse; references required, SG'JO 1'arnum. C 'Jib WANTED, second girl; references required: ";'-" -.- u. ivuunisc, jihii street tund Dewey jive. C 9!r 13 9.l,t? B,rl fJr Kfi'eral housuwork. 1024 l'ark ave. C M13 ! WA-s''!1.'1:-l:)! ."'"'elnss masseuse. Call room Heu -K- C 111) U eompetent cook and nurse girl. 2211 Lundou cojrt. C-lli 0 for rent house.s. IF YOU want your huuucs well rented place them with Renewu 'i Co. D &l TO MOVE, right, get Omahu Van Htorngo Co., olUcu lull- Farnani, or tel. lUW-kia. D-Ui HOU8KS for rent In nil parta of tho city, Hrcnnan-Love Co., South Uth street. D-O'.C llOUSKS, stores. Hernia, Taxton block. . D-G7 BKE 1113NHY H, PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. . D-tisi 'HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcatl, 1C24 Douglas. , U US!) HOUSES and Hats. IUngwalt, Unrkcr block U-f'Jj HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Hrown block XJ ti.ll ' -rlc!c fc-u0. nodcrn. 2717 Jacksoli! Telephone A. Trnynor, m or L-25S3 D-C91 I0-nOOM. east front, brick house, 3C8 N 2i'd at., near Davenport. Intiulro next door. D-MJ79 V9M nKNT houso and barn, nil mojeTtv National Hank UUIk. D 308 '"PO" '. 7 South 16th. Clark Powell," 311 New York Life. D-0)l FOIl KENT, nice 0-rootu modern Hat with ?ln.."Lhc'.'l,,iiV;"t,!r luul )MMar service, in DavldRe hulUUitg, opposite city hull. J.V.. 8-room modorn house with nice slmdd trees nnd lavn, 3l0S Mnson street, JOT. JOHN W. HOIIHINS. Ib0. FAICNAM ST D 'I7.S S ' "U1 . AVI5 8-roo hotme7TL"L 9 i 'i " h'001 f'i'-ltlon; rent, f. note how eloso fit this house Is to I o modi em nt thin price.; It Is a bargain wai t only Al tenant, with reference?. OMAHA LOAN AND Tilt 'ST CO ltlth and Douglas Hts. CO' , D-M73J A DESIIIAIILE tenant fuml.dicd Ui hours. List jour houses with me. Mv iw.,,", i(,,.-.v:n Willi me. Mv icrniunent rental service the best. Farms iiwiui-'aui.l I'll etic) IU ineu 1 4. WIIEATON, 42S I A.vroN m.ocic D-MS.'I FOU HUNT, desirable 6-room house, with barn. 830 f. 21st st. D Miio lOU HENT 1524 Wirt street. 10 'rooms, modern. In ilrst class repair. Largo barn, J 10. N ISth St., 12 rooms, modern, two large r.r.,,,r..JVJtiih.0 I!,nce.('.ir l"irtV "iiinlng vji fuay line; ;, .1r:'.,f. VS- modern, irlck, In -tttf t I v I 'illl i lilKl,-.! room7 niodern; will bo i'u. in nidi huso icjiair; tli. W!2. 2;'h,.,Sb iJ-?ry. ' on. city !'g3ooI,are0pa1r;,lkr00m8' m"crn' b,lck' " Melas r'ella.r'.'jH? ,00mS' motlern! ' ' I4repa?r "jlo! ' J rooml1' "od-,"i. flret c as UH, 'V,,? roo"Bt modern, brick, In goo, It!02 roppleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with 2210 Poppleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, wl th 623 fin. 20th St., 6 rooms, city water, good repair; io. imKNNVN Zvi: CO , S09 So. 13th St. D-Mtf 10 CORNER 2Cth and Wooiworth nve 7-room. i i tin ii.i.i. . i, ,..,i miu ciiuiie. II iic.i. A ton. 42S Paxton blk. D-M.WS ' 4117 FARNAM St., 9:room modern house, barnt nlro location, J30. Garvin Uros., 1001 Fupmni st. D- MJ 3 rc-it hi:.t iioisns. i:3 H. 32d St., 11 rooms, modern, steam hent, on highest ground In Omaha, t blocK from park. Key next door south. D-Sllfl' VKHY desirable flat In good repair, ell lot ntetl, M. J. Kennard st Son, alo Hrown bl'ck. D-&9I 10-HOOM house, all modern. 220 Harney t. D-M12 !' 6-IIOOM flat, modern. 1112 S. 11th. D-D7S 10-KOOM motlcrn residence, centrally lo cated; bonrd for man and wife accepted for rent. IMtMwalt Hros., IJnrker block. D-M123 1707 VINTON street, ntorc with two five room Hats above. The whole bulldlliK has Just been painted and papered througnout. Will tnaXe i very reasonable rent to u good tenant, or will rent separately. IHU OMAHA LOAN & THCHT CO., ltith and Douglas Sts, D-M10 l-oit iinM-Fi it.M.tiir.n uoumm. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th nnd Fnrnam. E-C.S THE THUHSTON, cool! airy rooms. EflW THKKE rooms, light housekeeping. 1113 South Uth. t: 613 Housekeeping rooms IS up. 2623 St. Mary's. E-I'X) A2i THIIEE roomi, light housckeeplnu. 1112 South 11th. E-oIj Aitf COOL, well ventilated rooms. 1419 Jones. E-MIi'jI 9 TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen only. 2010 Davenport. E-Mll LIOIIT housekeeping. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. K-135 11 iun.Mfiii;u ami iuiahd. UTOI'IA. 1721 Davenport St. F-C37 ULENCAIIIN, triinslent, 11.25 day. 1CO0 Doug F JJS THE Merrlam, summer resort. 23th & Dodco F 9 TWO largo front rooms, with bonrd. 199 Capitol Ave. F-MD47 DESIIIAIILE rooms. The Pratt, 212 8. 25th St. F-70) DESIIIAIILE rooms, llrst-ctass board. 2. 31 Harney. F-M937 12 ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 Hnrnoy st. F-M99J S5 I'MUl HHT L'M'tllXISIIKn 1IOOM3. DES1C room fpate, V per month, ground floor room In Tho Heo bulldlni;. facing Farnam street; no uxpensu tor light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co,, Rental Agents, Heo Uulldlng. (1116 5 UNFURNISHED chambers for houstf- Kecpintt; wuier nuu wusie pipe, jij 17th. O 536 FOIl HEM' STOIlllS AMI OFFICE!. FOR RENT, store In llrst-class location; rem reu)onauic. Appiy it, -.. i-ciers at Co., ground lloor, Heo illilg. 1206 FOR RENT, olllce with vault and part Ilrst noor or an top no or. nu-jti iiarney i. Midland Ulasu & l'aint Co., 1110 Harney St. I I2S AtiH.Vt S WAAT111I. WANTED, canvas-iliig agents la every uuuiuy ;ti soueu siiiiscripiious lor 1111', TWHiM'l itiTU CENTUR1 FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE M'lOCK and CO.Ml'LLlE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,4'Xl imperial octavo piges, svj objeut-tcachlug en'raviriKH huh is the only uook on live htock ever published adapted to the every day, practical, money-suvlng use of every tanner and stock owner, steady employ ment with assured goou Income. Agents In the country with horse una buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily 6 to fliu per monin. Auuress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Ruieau, lieu building, Omaha. j 137 WAXTI3I1 TO KENT. WANTED, by oarty ofthree, three deslra- uiu lunula mm uuum, illUSl OO COnVCIU- cut to car line 11 ml ilmi-ciasa in uveiy particular, pr.vato tamlly preferred. i- K-M12I STOIIACJE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co,, 012- -uiivo, iiciii;i,ii niuiuv uiiu lorwurumg. -7 .1 OM. Von Stot. Co., 1511'fc Fam. Tels. 1559-S03. iua STORAGE: Household goods and other unities Miureu ai low tales. J. J. Lerlht A: Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 33. 7iu FOll SALE FUltMTUHi:. ClHCAqo Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. To.. .u.u. ixew at iiiiunu luriuiuro oocibnt, so,u, exuhauged. o 70 1 FOll SALE IIOIISICN, VEHICLES, ETC LIGHT omnibus and buggies for sale nt II. i' roars, inn una ieuv.nworiu. fiiila FOR SAl.l'-.MlHCEI,I,A.M:oUfl. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, ioultry und hog leiicu. vui uuugius. ,uu 2DHAND sufe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. y JU7 SAFES, stnndnrd mnkes.sold.rcntcd. Ill S. 13 y (Ud 1IH! line of secondhand wheels, tf, Si, (S, 10. Uinulia uicycie to,, itiin una cmcagu sts. W 1W1 TRADE your old wheel In on a now onu. .......1... .....I.. I.'.. , ,i.i.... .... Ull.'Uliu jjivj bii. twill ititu-. ti..uuu nia. y-7iu CltlAR and news stand, with soda foun tain, line turnuure ut a rooms, good laun dry puckago buslnciu, good location; party going to jiuffaio, hell cheap. J, II. John uon, sll N. Y. Life. Q JU7o OIL and gasoline business, established 13 scars, controls v.v customers; route In heart of city; team, harness and oil tanks, wagon, SCO 5-gal. cans und every thing complete; an exceptional oppor tunity for one with small capital to got Into paying business, quickly; owner leav ing city; must be sold at onco. J. H. Jolinsuu, N, Y Life. Q M61U FOll SALE, Iowa unfermented grape Juice business. Address 7v2 First avenue. Coun cil Rluffs. Q-M673 A1J FOR SALE, boat; elegantly lurnlshTl houseboat of 3 rooms and kitchen; will rrlve In Omaha latter part of Augjat. Address Houseboat, lice. Q MI43 IP PERSON A l nil nnV elitrnitnHllit . urtrn. n.,.l ......... . . ous hair removed by eloctrlclty. R, 12, iTonzcr iiiuun, u 113 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 34S H,o Hldg, Ur-7ll M, OOLDMAN & CO., out.- purrect nr cordiou pleating plant In the west; mail orders solicited. Sulto 210, Douglas block. c-717 FRENCH ACCORDION PLKATINfi; mall orders solicited, Omaha Pleating Co,, 1524 Douglas, u 71K PRIVATE hosnltal for Indies before nnd during confinement; b.tblcs adopted. Bffl urant at. u Tin THEY" cost W7.C0 per l.dW, nnd If chenp, ton. thev nrn sold bv dealers for So each. ant) that's cheap, too: consider quality nnd puce nnt; you win lie ours lorever; 11 s tho "Prince r' Omnha" clgnr, union mado, W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. Save the bands of tho Stoecker cigar wo need tlicm, c M9.'3 10 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; wo repair nnd sell needles and parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phono 1663. Nob. Cyclo Co., Cor, Uth and iiuruvy. u m A16 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Hea nt 91U Farnam St. It has tour stories and a basement which was fotmcrly used as The Rcu press room. This will lie reutttl very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, luom lvO, Ueo building. 1-261 PEHSO.VU., MMC. SMITH, baths, IIS N. 15, 2d lloor, R 2. L -.MU.. si SL'PPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. Wnlte Sewing Machine, R2j Doug Ins, Tel. 2231. V 715 YOUNO man, 27, rellncd, respectable and handsome, wishes to correspond with Honorable yojng lady who has means; object matrimony. Address D 67, Hce. U-M141 10 .MOiEV TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas V-il9 i AND ii per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First lutiunal Hank building. Tel. M . w-m 30.i, 40o, K-00 private money to loan; 1, 2, 3 or j years'. W, L, Seloy, Xlonrd ot 'lrado Uldg W'iZl MONEY to louti on Improved Omnha real estate. Rrenuun-Lovc Co., 3D9 noiltti 13th. W-7AI WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. Ueorge i Company, ltwi fnrnam streoi. W i2l WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith Ac Co,, 13-0 Farnam St. W-72S LOANS on eastern Nobrnskn nnd western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent; borrowers can pay Jlw or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. llrennan-Love Co,, 3(.9 S. 13th St., Omana, Neb. -76 4W TO 6 P. C. money, llcmls, Paxton blk. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-730 WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds and warrnnts. R. C. Peters At Co., 17UJ Farnam St., Uee Uldg. W iJl 50, SPECLM, fund; loans 5u0 up; lowest rates, Uurvlu Uros., 1601 Furiium. W 905 ."tlONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NKKn MONEY? Wc loun 10 and up uu turnlturc, pianos, noises anu otuer cnatteis. SALARY LOANS. Without mortgage to peoplu Holding perma nent positions, you can get 1110 irvincy in u few hours utter making applicutluu and take 1, 2, 3, 4, b, ti montiis or more in which to pay it back, und you need not pay for It 0110 duy longer than you keep it, W charge nothing lor papers anu we give you the lull uinouut in cash. Thero ale 110 lower rates thun ours; our terms are the easiest; our business Is conlldentlul and our motto Is "try to pleuse." OMAHA MORTUAGE LOAN CO., 119 Uoard ot Trade Ridg. Tel, 2393. (Estubllshed 1H92.) 301 S. lbth St. v u mNM.'ll)KKTIAL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., in two nourte tune; uiao iu salarlcu peoplu on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Oinuhu. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Hrown biuclc, cor. ibtn und Douglas Sts.; entrance oil 16th St., opposite Y. il, C. A. illdg. t X-733 LARGEST HUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PLOPlK, merchuius, team sters, uourdlng huuees, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 otticcs In princi pal cities, Tolinuu, 440 Hoard ot Trade illdg. X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live siock, otc. wuick service aim lowest rates guar.nleed. J. W. TAYLOE, I1J (top lloor; i'uMoii block, northeast corner ltitli und Furuam; entrunco on loth street. X 735 .MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- eiry, norscs, cons, etc, . x , iieeu, jtj a. u. X 726 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jeweiry. jjuii urcen, it. s, uurKei oik X-737 WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note nt lowest rules; strictly coutl ileutlai; pay weekly, geml-wcclcly or monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d lioor. Reliable Credit Co. X 739 MONEY leaned on plain nolo to salaried people; uusiuess conuuentlai; lowest rutea. lll Paxton block. Tho J. A. llutton Co. X-794 THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE to maKe loans on furniture, pluno or salary. ROOM 314 HROWN HLOCK, entrance op posite Y. M, C. A. bldg., loth st. Try it und OU will be sure and repeat the dose. X-M519 HLSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest in arug store; naruwood noor, lattliews gas machine, soda fountain, etc; in n lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., tuO Ueo Uldg. y 740 A GOOD meat market fully equipped; llv- iik luuiiis tuiiueuieu; kuuii uusiuess; lor sale or rent. H. A. ilansen, Elkhorn, Neb. Y M829 9 TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELU TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT 'IO UUY, IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL. YOU MAY SAY I NEVER TRY. J. II. JOHNSON, Sll New York Life Illdg. The Real Estate and Huslness Chance Man. solicits lour iiusiness. Merchandise Stocks, Hotels nnd Rooming nouses tor anio or uxenangc. Y-9I2 HOTEL furniture nnd fixtures of Si rooms, completely equippeu, oniy nousc in goou, live country town, doing nice bujlno s; can bo had reasonable. J. H. Jobntou, N, Y. Life. Y-ME15 RESTAURANT and confectionary business In live lowu town u mues irom uiun.'. netting $150 to (200 per month; bear closest investigation; half ensh, half time to re liable party. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Llfo. Y-M9I1 COAL nnd feed plant, paying bushiest, no better mention, migui consider some goou real (.state. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. l.lfu. Y M943 FURNITURE of 11-room brick Hat. cle gaum and completely equipped, lull of first-class gentlemen roomers; best loca tion, lady going east; It's a money-maker; If you want It bo quick. J. II. Johnton, N. Y. Llfo Y-192 FOR SALE In good trndlng point In north eastern Nebraska, new stock general mer chandise; invoice $3,500. German settle ment. M. E. Bmlth & Co. Y-M120 6 WANTED, ladles of ability to manage branch olllces. Thyroid-Lymph Co . nuo Heo Hldg., Omaha. Y M132 LEADING nnd only hotel In town of 2,5) In enst central Iowa; two-story brick; for rent at once; Immediate pcmsesslnn. L. Hox 760, Dps Moines. Y M127 11 MILLIONS to be made; I want help to In corporate 300 acres of tellurium, gold, sil ver, lead and copper ores; persons with J100 or more mny Joint at Ilrst cost. Ad dress Paris R. Hlntt, Central City, Colo, Y-M152 9 FOR E.XCHANRE. FOR EXCHANGE, fine, clenn stock gen ernl dry goods, furnishing goods, staple nnd tip to dnte. Invoice nbout JIO.ivx). Wl'l exchange for part casn nnd cootl prop crty. Good stock nbout IK.COl. In c o.l order. Owner must havo about $1,700 cah. balance good property. If you want gooi deal write to Somera & Hrown, 6u7 Man- uaitan oiug., ni. ruui, .Minn. Z-M9S2 14' FOR EXCHANGE, 3,600 acres of Innd nnd some good town property In western lown; will tnko merchandise or planing mill; what have you? T, M. Cllne, 1?33 u st., i.inroin, .-en. v. M14 13 FOR SALE, nlmost n piano; will take horso trade. D 31, Dee. GaMct upright and buggy on Z-S63 TO EXCHANGE, set of bnnjos and mando. tin for set of clarionets, c. M. Hnrrtng. ton, Fremont, Neb. Z M163 i5 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' HOUSES FOR SALE "ON EASY PAYMENTS. $3,0(0.00 for property 1433 S, 16th st.; rent j3o.oo per month, $2,5(0,00 for 9-room modern house, 3020 Cass St. $2,4(J.0O for small house and lot, 66x66 ft., H. W. cor. 25th nnil f'hlen $l,S75.0O six-room house, 2502 St. Marv's nv fl.C.iO.l'O .Sevni-room house, 310 N. 25th st. $l,-75.t0 Four-room house, 311 N. 25th st. RESIDENCE LOTS. $7oO.( tor 96x110 ft. 41st and Dewey nve. $700.00 forf'.lxl&O ft. 33d and Hurt sts. $300.W for 50x150 ft. on Franklin, near Mili tary roud, UEOROE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-MIL' U FOll SALE-lll'.AI, ESTATE, FOR SALE cr exchange, u well built eight room, on niodern house, in goa.i repair, at 2215 Run street, near business center of city, high si html, t'reighton college, etc. Lot 30x132, nllej In rear, permanent sidewalk arid pavement, ull paid tr. Owner Is anxious to sell nnd will accept one-half in smaller house and lot, vacant lots or western lands. Look It over nini make us nn offer. Price. $),('. PA YNE-KNOX COM PA NY. Main floor, New York Life Uldg. RE M7 9 SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-74 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. he its HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also utie prupcriy nnu iiirm iiintis. tho o. r. Davis Co., Room 052, Hce Uulldlnc. RE-711 C. F. HARRISON .i GEO. T. MORTON. P13 i. 1. t,ue, uuy anu sen. inquiries invited. RE-7S3 AW RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union Pacific Railroad company, u. A V.IcAJ.lastcr 'bd commissioner. Un on Puerile Headquarters, Omahu, Neb. RE-713 HOUSES, lots, fnrms, ranches, tonus nlso mo iiisiirunce. licmis, i-axtou hik. RE-741 .rou 00-FOR $fX). IIEST LOT IN u(iit"rzi; m..iri' South front, on Hlnney street west of IDth v.. v' imv"ig tuxes an paiu; uotning like It for $90it. GARVIN RROS., 1001 FARNAM ST. RE-117 S GOOD 10-room houso nnd lot, close In, for $3,500. Hicks, S2i Hoard of .Tratle. ill 131 S' SPECIAL 1IAROAIN IN KOUNTZE I'l.ACE. 10-room house, with nil modern conven iences, good cemented basement; locaied nt the S, E. corner ot 2'Jth und Wirt streets, ground 9! feet on Wirt by 121 feet on 20th, asphalt pavement nnd per manent sldcwulk; house anil barn newly painted, property In excellent repair; cost owner $14,0tju, owner Is leaving city nnd Is going to sell at n great sucriilce; price, $5,5iu, If desired, $1,0(0 cash, balance en Mine. If you want to get n beautiful home with large grounds Investigate thlt property. R. C. Peters & Co.. 17i'2 Iur nam St., exclusive agents. RE 136 11 LOST. LOST, July 30, between Omnha and Iviko .iiuiiawa, inuy gold uroocn; green stones In circle utitl pendant. Reward for re turn to Ree oftlce. Loat-115 8' LOST, canary bird. Flat No. 1, Normaudle. Lost Mini 10 FOUND. FOUND, Spit 2 dog, nbout n year old. Apply -mi uuubu 91, nnu puy ior nonce. Found M14I 9 FOUND, lndy's pockctbook containing small nmnuut. 01 money; pay tor advertisement, describe property. Cull upon J. H. ilrooks, 2622 Davenport. Found MRS 9' OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Uldg. Tel. wi, ni.u -uiuisuii, jj. j,t lauies ucpi.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcoputlilst, .Mgr. -71S DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel. 1307 7t9 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 203 Karbuch blk. Tel 2t62. AIRS. JOHN R. MUSIC1C, D. O., osteo- iiuiuiu pnysiciun, uousiua uiuCK. -326 A13 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Adarcsb Lock Dux 7t0, JJcs Moines, la. its MASON, FENW1CK & LAWRENCE. n usuiugion, u. .-, ii, j. uowgui, ugeut, 415 Ratline fjlock, Umaha, Ncb, 1(7 $5 THIS advertisement Is good for $5. Suca iu iu.. puicni aiiorueys, iieo uiug., umuua, Nct. .sc ico uule-s i,uci.uaaiui. '" . . -.M29I AlS" SHORTHAND ANU TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. ROY"LE8' College, court reporter principal, iieo uiog. 7 N'EII. Huslness & Shorthund College, lloyd'u rncuicr. iw GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. 701 IIICYCLES, A BIG reduction In price on bicycles. 'New bicycles, $16 und up; second-hand ones, (3 mid up. Will sell cheap. Must reduce stock. Headquarters for repairing sundries. Tires, $1.75 each. L. FluSchar, 1623 Capitol uve. 951 10 JUMi. DO NOT sell your Junk before you get prices of the Great Western Junk House, M2 Douglas St., Omulu. 'Phone 2165. A. Ferer, proprietor. 23s A15 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; curfs, 4c, 1(50 Leuveuworth. Tel. 517. -Hi BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, Bteum boilers, tanks, stacKs, etc. Tel. I3c9. 12tli and tzurd MS. ii3 PAWNllltOICEHS EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommojat Ing; all business coniiduntial. iM jjougias lOl CARPENTERS AMI JOINEUS. ALL kinds of carpenter work und lepnlrtng promptly attended 10. J. T. Uelnltret, ,u,h uud uiko ots. ;o FISlllNti AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want goad basb and croppy ll3hlng go to Langdun, Mo. ery uesi ot hotui uccommuuulious; Plenty 01 bouts nuu iiiinuuwb. wruu R. A. ultimur iur ruiea. 10- FARMS FOll RENT. 400 ACRES 5 tnllea south of Gretna, Sarpy county, .Scu, unit uiuun, itoum i, Ii.ukci HIk., uniul.a. on bTA.11.11 Ell I NCI ANU STUT'l EHINO. CURED. Juila Vaughn. 420 Ramge Uldg. HltESS.IlAKl.VO. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 25'G Harney, 'W '10 NICK EI, PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., replutcd. Omaha Plutlug Co., Uuu Uldg. tel. 2. FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cumins St. . -757 POSTOFFIOi: NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, a.i changes may occur ut any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 10, 1W1, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho general postolllcu as follows: parceis post malls close one hour earlier than clos ing time shown below. Parcels post malH for Germany close at 5 p. m, Wednesday. Regular nnd supplementary mnlU closo at torehtn branch halt hour later thun closing time shown below. Triina-Atlnutlu .tin Us. SATURDAY- At 7:30 1.. m, for NETHER LANDS, per s, s. (mall must bo directed "per s. s. StHatendam"); at .... .. w ..... 1.,, 4.-1, ,ui a, r, Astoria (mall must be directed "per m. h. Astoria"); ut 9:30 u. m. (siipplementary 11 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s, s. Cumpaul.i, via Queenstowni ut 10 u, m. for ITALY, lMJSTOFI'K E NOTICE, per s s. Werra. via Naples (mall must be directed "pir p. s Werrn"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC -This r .nmet takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Pa tars and Samples for Germany oil. Th some class ,f mall matter tor other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her After the closing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic mnIN named above ndtll' tlonal siipplementary mnlls .en opened on the piers of tho American. English, French nnd German steamer ami r mam open until within ten minutes or the hour of sailing of steamer. .UnlU for South nnd Cenlrnl America, Wi'M Indies, Etc. FRIDAY' At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s Mntauzns, via Tnmplco (mall must b directed "per s. s. Matanzas "); at 11 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND per s. s. Carthu gena, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY' At 9 n. m. (siipplenn ntarv 9.30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Huvanltla nnd Carthagena mut be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia '); nt 9:30 11. m. (supplementary 10:30 11. 111.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VAN ILLA and CARTHAGENA, per s. e. Altai (mall for Costn Rica must bo di rected "per s. s. Altai")-, ut 9:."0 a. in, (supplementary 10:30 u. m ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per g. s. Andes, nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. 3. Mexlto, via Havana; at 12:30 p. 111. for MATAN '.AS, CAIBARIEN. NUEV1TAS. G1IIARA mill IIARACAO, per s. s, Ollnda (ordinary mull only, which must bo directed ' p r s. s. Ollnda"); at 1 p. m, (supplementary 1:30 p. in.) for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trlnldud. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thencu by steamer, closo ut this oltlco dally nt C:30 p. 111. (connecting eloe hern every Monday, Wednesday mm Saturday), Malls for Mlquelon, oy tail to Boston, uud theiico by steamer, close ut this ttilcu dally at U.JO p. m. Mails for Cubit, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and thence by steamer, closo nt this olllce dally nt "G a. m. (the connecting i loses here on Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Mails for Mexico City, overland, un less specially uddressed for dispatch by steamer, eloso ut this olllce dally ut 1.30 p. 111. and 11:00 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez uud Guutemalu, by rail to New Otleuiis, und thence by stenmei, closo ut this oltlco dull) at 'M p, m. (connecting closes hero Mondays lor Belize, Puerto Corte-! and Guatemala und Tues days for Costa Rica). Registered mull cioscs ut t;uu p. m, previous nay. Trnnn-I'iiolllo Mnlla. Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippines, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 11. m. up to August 5. in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Amcilcu Maru. Malls' for Hawaii, vh Han Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in, up to Auguu '"S, fur dispatch per s, s. Muraposa, Malls fur Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 12, Inclusli'c, for dispatch per s. s. City of Pekln. . Malls for China anil Japan, via Vancouver, close here daily at G;3o p. in. up to Augutt 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. Em press of India (.registered mal) must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mall, except merchandise which cannot bo forwarded via Canada, for the U. S. Postal Agent nt Shanghai, closes nt 6:3; p. 111. previous day. Mnlls for China nnd Jnpnu, via Seattle, Close hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust II, Inclusive, for tllsputch per s. s, Idzuma Maru (registered mall must bo di rected "via Seattle"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via Europe), New 'Zealand, Fiji, Samoa und Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. in. after July 27 nnd up to August 17, In clusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s Lucaula, duo nt New York August 17, for dispatch per s. h, Sonoma. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, Which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Island, vlu Vnncouver, close nero dully at 6:30 p. m. up to August "I", Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supple mentary malls, via Seattle und Vlctorlu), close ut 6:30 p. m. August "is (mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for China nnd Japan, via Tacomn, close hero dally nt 6:3o ;. nt. up to Au gust IS, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Olympla, Trans-Pacific malls nre forwarded to port of sailing dully und the schedule of closing Is arranged an the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. PoBtoince, New Y'ork, N. Y., August 2, lfOl. lAILWAV TI.1IE CARU. AVEUSTER DEPOT 1RTII A WEBSTER. Fremont, Elklioru .t Mlaaourl Valley Leave. Arrive. Bhtck Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pai a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and DoukIus d 2:00 pm e C;0U pm Hustings, Y'ork, David City, Superior, Genevu, Exeter uud Suwuiu....l 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Nottom, Lincoln und Fremont b 7:30 um blo:26 am Fremont Local u lau am Ml-Huurl Puclllo. Nebraska Locul, Via Weeping Wuter o 4:10 pm ulO:45 om Clilt'iiKti, M. 1'uul, Mluuenpolla A Oitiuhii. iwln City Pussenser....a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm oloux Cay i'UBseugUr...u 2:lu pm uliao um ninci son i.otul u a;3o pm u s:jj um a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun duy .uly. d Dully except Uaturuuy. o Dally except Monuuy. UNION STATION IOTH ANU SIARCV. Union Paellle. Lcav. Arrive. Overland Limited a b:M am a 7:30 pm Fast Mull a s:50 um u 3:25 pm Mali und Express ull:3j pm 11 4:25 pm Coloruuo Special u11:3j pm a 6:50 um Llncoln-Stromsbcrg Kx.b 4:0j pm bl2:3o pm Pnclhc A: Atlantic Ex... a 4;2o pm u 6:50 um Grand Isluud Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 um Illinois Central. Cnlcngo Express a 7:00 nm a 6:10 pm Chlcugo, Minneapolis &. St, Paul Llmltud n 7:15 pm u 8:05 am Minneapolis Ac St, Paul Express b 7:00 nm b 9:10 pm Fort Dodgo Locul, trom Council niuiis a o:w am WmIiii-iIi. St. 7ouls "Cannon Ball" Express a pm a y.vo am L'illellKli, R110L lMlunil A I'jiclllu. Chicago Daylight Spe'l.. 0:00 am 2:0) nm Ues .Moines uuu uuveu- port Local a ,:;.iam t)u:3S am Chicago Express bll :15 am u S;I0 am Deu Moines lcal a 4:10 pm n 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 5;0o pm u 1.25 pm Dcs Moines, Rock Island and Chicago i 7:10 pm n 9:35 pm Rocky Mount'n Limited 2;uo am C-.oo um Lincoln, Colo Springs. Denver, I'ueblo uud West 1 1:30 pm a 4il5 pm Colorado, Oklahoma and Tvxus Flyei n 5:20 pm n 9:50 am CliiciiMo. .'II Inn. 11 lieu .t St. Puul. Chicago Limited u 6:00 pm u S:05 nm Chicago & Omuha Ex...h 7;15 um b 3:40 pm Muu I lf .V Pnellli. Twin City Express a 0:53 nm nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm a X:15 am Sioux City Locul a S;v0 am a 3:50 pm MIkniiui-1 Piii'IUo. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a u:25 pm (v. C. A. St. L. Express. ai0:5) pm 11 6:15 am CIiIi'iiko A' NoitlmeKlern. Chicago Special a 7:00 nm all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:4U um Eastern Express nl0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Speciul a 1:55 pin u 4:o5 pm Fast Mull a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chlcugo L't'd...K 7:45 pm a b:oo um Fist Mnll a S;jo am Cedar Ruplds Passenger n 5;30 pnt Ollililiu A St. V.oula. St. Louis "Cannon Iinll"a 5:15 pm a 8:20 an Kaiisui City and Qulncy Local a 7:25 am a 0:W pm a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON STATION IOTH A MASON Knusn City, St, Joseph . Council IUuiTn, Leave. Arrive, Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am n (,:03 pm Raima City Night Ex..ulO;3o pm u 0:15 um St, Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm Hil;15 am Chlfii(;ii, HurlliiKtun A tluliiey. Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0:2n pm Chleato Vestlbulcd Ex.. a 4:W Din a 7:43 am Chicago Locul a i):3o nm n 4:05 1 m Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:15 nm ir.i h 1 .Man a 2,ii pm u Dully, b Dully except Sunday, TI.Mi: ( Alll. tllirlliiBtiin A .Mlxiitirl Itltcr. Nebiaskft Express ... .a 8:10 am n 7.35 pm Wjinnrc. Beatrice and Lincoln . , n S (0 am ull:J5 am Denver Limited ti,; pm n s.ou pm Black Hills and Paget Sound, Denver Con- liectlon a 9:W pm n ft-.n nm Lincoln Fast Mall .... o S:W pm a 9.17 nm Fort Crook und Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:C0 am Ilellevue S: Pacific Jet. .a 710 pm u S:20 urn Uellcvuo St Puclllo Jet. .a 3.10 am Direct Route to Olasgnrr dhlhltloii ANCHOR LINE .trntnslilpa froct Ncit York Weekly fur GLASGOW I.V LONDO.MIEItllY. Saloon, $50 und Up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and up. Third Class, $26 uud upwnrdt. lor Illustrated foldei und further inform. Uon upply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, . Chlcugo, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Fnrnam St., OKO. E. ABBOTT. ItU Fnrnam St.. Omaha. LEGAL NOTICES. ADMIRAL' Y SEIZURE - STEAMBOAT JACOB RICIITMAN." CITATION. United States ot America, District of Ne brnska, ss. : U liercas, A libel hris been Hied In (hedls tr et court or the United Slates for the ills !I !'l.of ,::t'i1)rn!,i1?" " H'e.ioth day of July, 1901, by Ca eb Haley us llbellnnt In a cause of tort, civil nnd maritime, against the fltenniboat "Jacob Rlchtinntt, her nniuirel. tackle mid furniture, nnd pruylng Ihe usua process nnd monition of the court that nil persons interested In snld steamboat, her tackle, apparel, machinery and f.irnlture. mny be cited to appear and nniwer the pre mises, und all duo proceedings being had, that said steamboat may be decreed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed according to law. Therefore, In pursuance of snld monition under the senl of snld court, to me directed and delivered on the 31st day of July, isoi, 1 do hereby give notice generally unto nil persons having or pretending to hnve any right, title or Interest In said steamboat, culled the "Jacob Rlehtmiiu," her tackle, apparel, mnrhlnery nnd furniture, lo ap pear before tho said court In the eltv of Omaha, In snld district, on the 2d dav of September, 1901. next (If It be u court duy, or else op next court Hay thereufter), nt 10 o'clock forenoon of said dny, then nnd there to nnswer the snld libel, nnd to muke known their allegations In that behalf. Dated at Omaha In said district this 7th day of August. A. D. 1901. T. L. MATHEWS, United States Marshal for the District of Nebraska. AuuSD15t BOND HALE. The Hoard nf Education of District No. .I, Plalnvlew, Neb,, will sell to the highest bidders nn August 20, 1901, nt 2 p. in., the bunds of the district, no bond to exceed $1,003, or be less thnn $700, BUI'S will nlso be received for building. J A. Williams, Di rector. Atlgtidttm SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. No. 10197. Hiirmnn ngalnst Ilarmnn. Error from Johnson. Alllrmed. Commissioner's opinion. Division No. 2. Opinion by Sedg wick, C. Reported. 1. One who us surety for a decedent Is compelled to pay n clnlm while pending ngalnst the estate of his principal may tako an assignment ot tho clnlni nnd pro ceed thereon In tho nnmo of tho original claimant, or may bo substituted und pro ceed In his own name, 2. It Is immnterlnl whether tho surety pnys the claim before or after tho hearing thereon In probate court, nnd In either case he may appeal In tho nnmo of the original claimant. 3. Evidence found to support tho findings of trial court. No. 10211. Grotto ngnlnst Well .t Co. Error from Douglas. Alllrmed. Commis sioner's opinion. No. 3. Opinion by Dullle, C. Reported. 1. A retiring partner remains liable for nil the existing debts of tho llrm lo the same extent us if he had not retired, The agreement between him nnd the remaining partner, that tho remaining partner will assume and pay nil existing debts of tho llrm while valid as between themselves, cannot change their relation to the cred itors, unless the creditors become partite thereto. 2. ' The creditor of the firm should nfter notice comes to him of the retirement of one partner nnd tho nssumptlon of tho llrm debts by the other member deal with reasonable diligence In the management of any securities in hit hands for the pay ment of his claim and exercise due cnuMnn In seeing that no ndvantngo Is taken nf tho retiring partner; but this Is ull Unit can bo required. No. 11310. Argnbrlght ngalnst Stnte. Er ror from Nemaha. Affirmed. Opinion by Holcomb, J. Reported. 1. An uppltcutlon for a chango of venuo In n crlminnl prosecution Is nddresnod to tho sound discretion nf the trlnl court nnd Its ruling thereon will not bo disturbed when iiq nbuso of discretion Is disclosed. (Welsh agulnst State, Nebr., , S2 N. W. Rep.. S2.) 2. it Is not error to overrule nn applica tion for n change of venuo In n criminal trial, when from nil tho evidence Introduced In support and In resistance of tho appli cation there Is not shown to exist nny rensonnblo ground for tho belief (hat the defendant cannot have a fair and .Impartial trial In tho county from which n change of venuo is applied for. 3. Where, In a criminal prosecution, In structions given the Jury t-re nsslgned as error nnd nn appeal such Instructions held properly given and on n subsequent trlnl the snme instructions nrn given nnd ngnln nsslgned as error tho decision of the ques tion on the nppenl will tie held to be the Inw of the ense nnd followed In review ing thn enso on the nppenl last tnken, 4. It Is not error to refuse to give nn In struction stating n proposition of law w'hlch Ih substantially covered nnd Included In un Instruction already given. 5. Misconduct of counsel for the state in the nrgument ot the enso In order to work prejudicial error must have been In disre gard of tho rules of legltlmnto nrgument of tho evidence nnd sufficient to undulv In fluence the Jury nnd prejudice the rights of the defendant. 6. Where counsel for thn stnte referred In nn nrgument to the Jury to fncts, not In evidence nnd upon objection Hint. the. stnte ments were unwarranted by the ovldeneo tho district court Instructed tho lurv to disregard such Htntements there won left no ground for complaint for thn rensnn that the court when npnenled to granted all ro ller praveq ror. tuoover against tiiaie, n Mich., 1RI.) 7. Alleged misconduct of nsslMnnt coun sel for the state examined nnd lipid Insuffi cient to have Improperly Influenced thp hiry nr prejudiced the rights of the de fendant. ! Record exnmlnrd nnd held no nrrjudl clnl error wur committed by counnl for state nsklng questions of witness claimed to hnve been 'prci-'nnnt with assumptions nnd Ins Intuitions, the objections Interposed to such questions having been Hitstalned by the trial court. 9. Thn refusal nf the slnte tn, on n second trlnl. cnll certain wllnesscR wh"e testl- monv nn n former trlnl nnd been Im peached, there belnr many other retlnhle wltntsses bv which the snme fncts couM bo proven, held not n suppression of evidence, nor preju'dlcllil to the rights of tho de fendant. 10. The defendant on n former trlnl wns found gulltv nf murder In the 1rt degreo nnd nn error to this court the evidence was evnmlnd and found sufllclent to support thn verdict' A subsequent trial resulted In n like verdict, nnd nn error It N attain urged Hint the evidence is Insulllclent to snpiinrt the verdict. The evidence nn the Inst trlnl being substnntlnllv the same nnd fullv ns rtrong nnd convincing on the nnrt nf the stnte ns In the former, held, that the de. elslnn first had on the sulllcleney of thn evidence hns nropnrlv become the law of the case decisive of the question nnd to bo followed In the subsequent review of tho cnc. 11. Held, further, ns nn orlglnnl nnd un decided question from an examination of the record that the evldenen is sulllelent to support the verdict nf guilty of murder in the first degree ns found by Ihe Jurv. 12. Held nlsn from nn exnmlnntlon of thn reenrd Hint the verdict is not tho result of nnsslon and prejudice on tho part of tho Jury. No 119Y7. Nightengale ngnlnst Htnte. Er ror from Douglas. Alllrmed. Opinion by Sullivan. J. Reported. 1. A deputy rlerk of the district court has nuthorlty tn swenr tho county attorney to an Information In n erlmlniil cn. 2. Tho overruling nf an objection tn nn Improper question propounded to 0110 of thn witnesses for the defendantn In n crlminnl ense Is nnt reversible error If thn nnswer of the witness hns nn prejudlclnl tendency. 3. The trial 1udge may. In a crlminnl ense, In order to prevent a mlscarrlngn of Justice, cross-examine witnesses for tho accused but the rlsht tn do so should he exercised sparingly nnd with grcnt discretion. I. The court n part of Uh charge gnve tn the 1urv an Instruction nn thn subleet nf rensonnblo doubt nlmnst Ideutlcnl with thn one set out in thn fifth point nf tho ryl Inlmn tn Willis ngnlnst State, 13 Neb., 102. Held not error. 5. An Instruction In which the court Hold to the Jury that tho evidence tended tn sn ehow llmt tho defendant was, when the crime wr.s being committed, at siloh 0 dis tant nnd different nlaco Hint he could not havn participated In Its commission, Hnd Hint they should acquit UlllesH the evidence satlstled 'hem beyond n rcasonabln doubt that" ho was present when the crime was committed. CROWDING Ol'T COMPETITION Omnht Jobbers Secure Incrmlnj- Ehutt of Countrj Trd. LARGER STOCKS OF DRESS GOODS LAID IN tlrcnt Variety nf Rtinlltj- nnd Color .Milken I'.xtensMe Pnri'linae Neo cnr Urolith Dnea Not Affect II11) lux PoMer. Thp fall season of Omaha's wholrsalo trade lias opened with H10 coming of cooler weather. Generally Ihe trade starts with the last week of July, but merchants would not come lo tho city during those hot days when thoughts of flannels nnd furs wero enough to Induce nervousness. Hut this week tho early men on the market began to put In .in appearance and orders for Imme diate delivery of fall goods are now being recclcd by dealers In all lines but milli nery. The millinery se.uon will open with tho fot'jinl opening receptions of the whole sale h'uses, which are set for August 27. There hns been a contldcrnblu olinnge In the chnracter of dress goods since lust season nnd this reason will be an Inniien tlnl onn In Increasing sales considerably. The chango not only goes to the colors, but to tho quality ot the goods ns well, making It nbso'utely necessary for merchants to In In a larger stock of new goodi Hum Is usual in tho seasons when tho change Is not so great. Another thing which will Increase (ho trade of Oiimha Is the concession offered by the iiinniiKers ot the railroads to merchant coming to this city during the tlmo from August 23 to September ,3. This Is the Ilrst season this concession lins been secured for this city and Its continuation depends tu a Inrgo degree upon Kb success tho first sensou. St. Louis hns hnd tho system lit vogue for several years anil It has brought to that city many hundreds of persons who would otherwise havo gouo to other places. Omnliii .Supplnnt Chlcugo. Ono of tho pleasing features of tho open ing of this season la the presence of many Inrgo buyers who Imvo In previous years gone to Chicago and other eastern points nnd vho for the Ilrst tlmo ore Investigat ing the stocks carried In Omahu. In every case they havo left good orders, showing that tho stocks nnd terms offered by Omnha dealers nro sulllclont to draw from older towns the trade wh'ch they havo hnd for yenrs. Among tho heavy dealers In tho city aro Wenta & Sen of HolHtcln. la. This firm hns since Its establishment purchased all stock from Chlcngo and Its representative-! came to Omaha nt tho Invitation ot ono ot tho managers of nn Omahn houso with hut llitlo thought of placing nn order. no foro they left their entire fall stock whs contracted for. Ilolstrln was In the reports ns being tn it drouth-Btrlckcn part of Iowa, but Mr. Wonts says that these reports wero exaggerated nnd that tho country Immediately surround ing Holsteln can ho depended upon to produce nt least ono-hulf n crop of corn, while other grain will not bo entirely lost. FnrmcrR nrn In good condition to stand n bad senRon nnd there will bo nn serious results from tho shortage. Ilia order shows that ho bcllcvcB what he suys, for It Is ono that could only be handled In n prosperous community. Guy AlniBbiich"of Almshach & Johnson of Ornvlty, In., was another buyer who this year deserted Chicago for Omnha, as wero nlso Wells & Walton ot Clearfield, la., and George J. Bnrtle of Crcston. A Nebraska buyer who has always dealt at St. Joseph catiio to Oroahti this season for tho first time In tho person of F. E. Rice. While Omnha Is cutting into tho terri tory of towns which have never considered It n rival, It Is holding Its own In Its own territory and driving tho outside towns from tho field, according to tho statement mndo by tho representatives of tho Omaha houses, IOWA'S INTERURBAN LINE Arrnnirnirn4n (nr Construction front Crcston tn AVIntersct Are Now AVell Under Wny. Lyman Waterman of tho New System Traction company has begun arrange ments for the construction of tho electric line from Crcston to Winterset, la. Con Htructlnn will begin In Creston, where tho city lines will bo completed before tho hulldjng ot the lino to Winterset U started.. Power for this line will bo supplied by the Electric Light company at 'Crcston until such tlmo ns the line Is built to Macksburg, Hero tho power plant of tho company will bo constructed. Tho ar rangement with tho Creston light company will permit' tho now company to enrry Its construction material over Its own lines from Creston, ub tho power can -bo turned on as fnst an rails are placed In position. This will permit more rapid con struction as well as reduce the cost, Tho power plant at Mncksburg will be ono ot tho most complete of Its kind tn tho state and will supply power for tho entire thlrty-ecven miles of road, and, In addition, will probably supply light to such towns ulong the route as desire It. Tho civil cnglneerfl aro now nt work on tho profiles and plnns nf the lino pre liminary to tho lotting of tho contracts for conotmctlon, TAKES FRIGHT AT A BALL ConMnlilc C. T. I'erKiison 11ns 11 House vol (esq no Eipeilenee t-rf til n HldttlHi Pacer. Constablo C. T. Ferguson Is walking with n cano as tho result of nn unfortunate exporlcrire with a spirited colt nnd some amateur bnpo ball enthusiasts on tho boule vard Wedncsdny evening. Ifo wan driving the colt to a cart, when someone throw a ball, striking her on tho hip. The filly seemed to know that this entitled her to take her bneo, nnd she wnn In such hasto to do It that she ran ttireo blocks, kicking viciously nt every other leap, Ferguson camo out of It feeling very much like an umpire who lins mado an un popular ruling add he Is now serving writs by proxy. Ho says tho thinks It a breach of corn! manners to play ball upon tW Btrects, Dliirrlinen QiilcUly Cured. "Mr. Jacob Rlcltcrmnn camo Into our storo some time ago sufforlng with diarrhoea so badly that ho wns passing blood," says J. A. Freedcl & Co. of Rome, Wis. "Ho had been under tho doctor's troatmont, hut got no relief. We fixed him up a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera rind Diarrhoea Hcmodv ond he purchuscd a small bottlo of It ond In twenty-four hours ho was well," For sulo by all driiggUts. Fine lee Trust .M annuel. TOPEKA, Aug. S. Judge Llndsny nf tho pollco court today lined W. L. Dickey, innniiger of the People's Ico company, $200 for maintaining n trust contrary to tho city ordinance. Mr. Dlckny appealed from thn decision to tho district court. A grent denl of feeling has been aroused over tho Ico cumpany'B nation in raising prices, nnd tho trial was largely attended, increme Cnpllnl of tttuolc Ynrils, JEFFERSON CITY. Mn Aug, R.-The Kansas City Stock Yards company of Kan sas City, Mn, was today granted u c-r-tlllcatn authorizing 1111 increase of the capi tal wtock from $7,500,090 to IS.'JJO.CC).