Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drugs.
Btocktrt stlls carpets and rug.
Fine ADC beer, Neumayer'i hotel.
Victor heaters. Hlxby & Son, agents.
Wollmun, scientific optician, 409 Broadway.
0. 15. Alexander & Co., picture! and
frames, Tel. 3Cfl.
Or. A. I. Hnnchett Is home from his trip
to the northern lakes.
Mr. and Mr, It. II. Bloomer arc lime
from Hot Sprlmjs, S. D.
Get your work dotio nt the popular Eate
laundry. 721 Hrondway. Thonc 157.
The Hankers' union will meet this cv.n
Ing In ri'RUlar session ut Its hall.
MaBsle Illanchard Is homo from a
visit with her sister In California.
Mrs. John Mulqueen nnd daushter are
home from u sojourn at Colfax Spring.
The regular mcctltiB of Council Utuff.t
lodne, Star of Jupiter, will ho this evenliw.
The regular mcetlnB of Myrtle lodne No.
12, Degree of Honor, will be this evening
at ll"3 Fourth avenue.
Mrs. John T. l'hllllps and ihniKhtrr or
Ottumwii, la., arc suests of Mis. - M.
Scott of Tenth avenue.
Mrs, Acnes Keys of Davenport Is Kiiest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blnn
chard of Washington avenue.
The members of Jewel court. Tribe of
lien Hnr, will Join Mecca court of Omaha
in a picnic today at Lake Manawa.
State Senator and Mrs. A. S. Hozelton
lire homo from their trip through el ow
stone park and other western points.
Two children In the Illrtch family at 2(511
Avenue '' Were reported to the Hoard nt
Health yesterday us sufferlnR from scarlet
f evt r.
An Information charglm; S. HtnUrlckij
with assatilt and battery on a youth nanxd
Leonard Hansen was filed In Justice
Hryanfs court yesterday.
Dr. Heller was called out Into the coun
try yesterday to Attend Mrs. U.,
who accidentally slipped and fell, stistaln
ItiK a fracture of her collar-bone.
Fred Welmcrs' case, In which he Is
charKed with the theft of u horse belonging
to George Murphy of Neola, was continued
In police court yesterduy to Saturday
The condition of School Treasurer W. K.
Hnverstock remains practically unchanged,
He has not fully regained eonsclotlsno. s
and has not yet regained the use of his
right side.
The Woman'H auxiliary of Grace Kil
copul church will meet this afterno .n ut
:i o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. A. At
kins on Nlcholns street, formerly t. e
Jeffries residence.
GeorBe Iawrence, chnrRi'd with stealing
brass belonslnB to the WestlnBhouse com
pany, was released yesterday on his own
recognizance and his hearing in police court
continued until Saturday.
A large quantity of railroad brass, stolen
from otic of the enrs In the Buffalo Hill
train, was recovered by the police In a local
Junkshop, The brnt-s was valued at about
!. Tliero Is no clew to the thiol.
Word has been received here of the
death In Cincinnati, O., of the Infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hart. Mr. Ha t
w"is formerly train agent on the I'nlon
l'aelllc with headquarters In this el'y
City Engineer ICtnyre completed yrstcr
day the tabulation of the live bids openel
by the city council Monday night for the.
streets ordered Improved. The tabula oi
shows Wlckham's bids to bo by tar ilu
A horse belonging to an Omahi tlrm
and hitched to a buggy fell on Brudwny
yesterday, the shaft penetrating I h netk
about elBht Inchc, Dis, McHo'ourts and
Canlleld were calli d and attended to Its
Injuries sattafnetorlly.
J. H. Marr was arrested yesterday after
noon on comprint of his wife, Sadlj C.
Marr, who charged him with threatening
to kill her. He will havo a hearing hefoie.
Justice Hryant this morning' and In de
fault of ball was committed to the .county
Dave Mooney was arrested last evening
on suspicion of being the person who
passed a few days ago live forged checks
for 112 ench In Missouri Vnllty. Three
of the turtles on whom the checks were
passed were In the city yesterday and
claimed to Identify Mooney as the person
for whom they had cashed them.
Willie, son of Mr and Mrs. William
J. Schulter, 312 North Ninth street, died
yesterday morning of spinal ni nlngltls,
aged 2 years anil 3 months. Tho funeral
will be this afternoon at 1 o'clock from
the residence and burial will be In Walnut
Hill cemetery. This Is the second be
reavement suffered by Mr. nnd Mr'
Schlutcr within a few months, their oa y
other child having died recently.
D. G. Pugh brought suit In the district
court yesterday to restrain Sarah A. Piof
tltt and others from entering on bis land
and using same as a highway ard also to
have declared Illegal and void ihe locnt'on
of a highway across his land, us laid ojt
by the appraisers. I'ugh Is a resident of
llockford township and objects to a road
way which has been laid out by the county
authorities across the corner of his farm.
N. Y. numbing Co.. telephone 250.
(tiimtlnii if Who I'll) 'for Dlslirx.
Justice Hrynut has been called upon to
decide whether a waiter In a restaurant can
havo the cost of dishes broken by him
taken out of his wages. This Is the point
at issue In a suit brought by A, Ehlers
against Metzger & Co., the Ilroadwny res
tauraleurs. Ehlers sues to recover $0.23
and tho proprietors of the restaurant de
cline to pay. the amount on tho grounds
that it docs not even cover their loss
caused by tho dishes and other crockery
waro broken by Killers.
Heal Instate Triinnfr rn.
These transfers wero filed yesterday In
the abstract, title nnd loan otrico of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Hannah M. Barnes ct at to William
H. Mewhlrter et ul, lands In 2o-7t-.".8,
w. d $ 1
William 1J. Mewhlrter to James II.
Mewhlrter. n'.i neU sei4 nnd sVi nh
nwH swi 2.J-74-3M, w. (1 1,200
Same to Henry J. Mewhlrter, n'4 nw'i
seVi and iiVi n4 nw!,4 sw'i 2j-74-38,
w (I ,2O0
A. A. Clark and wife to Clara Coyan,
lot t, block 111, Ferry add, w. d 278
Total tour transfers t 2.G79
Mnrrluur Llci-iirtci.,
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name nnd ltesuience.
Jerome F. Todd, Neola, la
Sndle A. Maxtleld, Neola. la
William Id Hock, Council Bluffs
Ireno Myers, Council Hluffs
uornenus van Leiivnn, Council Hluffs 23
Hlvlra J. Miller, Council Hluffs 2
Made (or IhQH who know whsfi flood.
Ganymede Chocolates
Mi Opera Bon Sons
Made 13 y
John G. Mv?id & (k..
"The Candy Men.'
Council Hluffs
Iowa Steam Dye Works
U04 Hrimuwity.
Make yom old clothes look like new.
Cleaning Dyeing nnd Repairing.
Funeral Director
(Successor to V. C. Kstep)
38 li:AIU, sTMHU-r. 'Hbaa IH.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska,
nd Iowa. Jamea N. Canady, Jr.,
U'li Main St., Council Bluffs.
Jot Shaddon is Deipondtit Ow Health
and Finaicw.
Itefuwen Imitation to Dinner nnd
SunlloMN nn (Inner of l.nudnntiui
I in tend Heroic .Mraeure
Mnr Snip Illin.
Despondent over his crippled condition
and Ittianclal troubles, Joo Shaddon. a
farmer whoso homo Is near Keels In this
county, swallowed an ounce of laudanum
shortly after noon yesterday at the Ncu
mayor hotel with the Intention of ending
his life. That ho had taken the drug was
not discovered for fully an hour after and
It was only by heroic measures that ho was
saved from crossing tho divide. His con
dition last night was stilt precarious, al
though the attending physician had hopes of
pulling him through.
Shaddon Is crippled from the effects of a
whlto swelling in tho hip Joint which at
times ylves him severe pain. Since his
recent .return from Nebraska, where ho has
been proving upon a claim about eighty
nillos from Ilrokcn How, ho has been work
ing on the farm of his stepfather, Peter
Peterson, at Heels. Ho has been In the city
for a few days past and It Is said has been
drinking heavily. From what Shaddon had
told some of his friends It appears he and
his stepfather did not get nlong well to
gether and that caused him to leavo tho
latlcr's farm and come to the city. His Im
poverished financial condition also made
him despondent and It is said that during
the last three days he had repeatedly
threatened to kill himself.
About noon yesterday he was In tho bar
at tho Ncumayer hotel with John Page, a
farmer living nenr PJgeon. Pago asked him
to go to dinner with him, but Shaddon de
clined the Invitation, saying he did not
want any dinner Pago then asked him to
take a glass of beer.
Poison Instrnd of llrrr.
"I havo drank all the beer I will ever
drink," Shaddon replied and pulling a bot
tle from his coat pocket said: "This will
end nil my trouble." Ho then told Page
ho Intended to take his life, ns he was tired
of living and offered Page some papers In
which he said ho had written everything
down. Page refused to take the papers and
told Shaddon not to dare to think of taking
his life. Pago, who Is an elderly man, says
he had no Idea that Shaddon really In
tended to do as he said.
Shaddon on leaving Pago went Into the
yard back of the saloon where ho swallowed
tho laudanum. An hour later he was found
In the year of the hotel across the alley by
ono of the employes, F. Scott. It was at
first thought that Shaddon was simply In
toxlcatod nnd he was placed In the barn.
When Page heard of Shaddon's condition he
at onco realized that ,the man had taken
the drug as ho had threatened and Dr.
Colo, whose office Is nearby, was sent for.
The stomach pump was brought Into action,
but as tho drug had by that time perme
ated the system It was only by tho most
heroic treatment that Shaddon was brought
back to consciousness.
Hnnl Work to Nnre lllni.
It was with great difficulty that the man
was kept from going to sleep again nnd for
several hours it took tho united efforts of
the doctor and a number of men to keep
him awako by slapping his faco and walk
ing or rather dragging him up- nnd down
the barn.
Shaddon was removed to St. Bernard's
hospital last evening and It was said there
were chances for his recovery.
Davis sells glass.
Irn. Ailnms llrltf-vrrt Vrrnrn on Chris
tian I.lnrs Would Urine
Her Ilncli.
Ira Adores, a brlckmnker employed In the
Heasley yards and living at 1518 Sixth
avenue, made a round of the newspaper
offices yesterday In search of someone to
wrlto him "a row lines of poetry." The
poetry ho wanted ground out had to bo on
"Christian Hues." ns by It he hoped to
Invoke tho return of his wife, who had left
his bed and board. Ho was much disap
pointed when he found none of the local
newspaper offices denlt In poetry made to
order at such a short notice. One editor
volunteered to loan hlra a "Lay Sormon,"
but nothing but poetry would suit Mr.
According to Adams' story he had been
married four times nnd twlco divorced and
he still believed marriage was n good
thing, despite tho fact that his present nnd
rourth wife h?d seemingly deserted him.
"I lovo her still," he said, "and If she
will come back I will readily forgive her. I
would like to convey ray sentiments for
her In a poem on Christian lines, as this
would do more to bring her back, I believe,
than all I could say otherwise."
Shortly nfter Adams married his present
wife a man whom she called "Uncle
Charley" camo nnd made his homo with
them. Mrs. Adams' nfrectlon for her undo
aroused the suspicions of Adams, but his
wife told him when ho remonstrated with
her for her display of affection that sho
acted so only because sho expected to gel
her uncle's money when ho died. The pros
pect of Inheriting a legacy from the uncle
did much to nllay Adams' simpletons and
matters moed henceforth more smoothly
In the Adams household.
Last Saturday morning when leaving for
his work Adams' wife kissed him goodbye
and told him she hoped If they were ever
separated she would meet him In heaven.
When he returned at noon for dinner his
wife had apparently left for tho celestial
home as all the furniture was gone, as In
fact woro all his belongings, oven his
clothes. There were no slgnt jt Mrs
Adams or "Uncle Chnrley." Adams hns not
set eyes on elthor of them since nnd Is of
the opinion that his hotter half has gone
on n trip to Missouri In company with her
Monday Adams discovered where his wife
had stored their furniture, but he has not
yet located his wearing apparel and thla he
Is anxious to do, as ho was left with only
tho working clothes he had on when Mrs.
Adams left homo. Adams' fourth venture
In matrimony occurred last December. Ho
lays nil the blame for his wife's disappear
ance nt the door of "Uncle Charley" and If
he found the latter he would greet him with
something more aggressive than a poem
written on "Christian lines."
I "or lluniilnw KlnntlnK Saloon,
Carl, William and Emanuel Neglthnrn,
three brothers who have been running a
floating saloon on a steamer on the Iowa
Ide of Cut-Off lake, were arrested last
evening in a warraut Issued from the court
of Justice llryant. The complaint was Hied
by Mrs. Sarah A. Plummer, who lives on
the Nebraska side of the lake and Is said
to conduct a pleasure resort where temper
ance drinks alone arc sold. The arrest was
made by Constables Albcrtl and Ualrd The
three brothers, although much surprise!,
Sffercd no resistance and willingly accom
panied the officers to this city, where they
each gave bonds In tho sum of $200 for their
appearance Friday mornlug. Tho steamer
nnd Its contents were taken possession of
by the constables to secure tho costs In
the case and J. W. Scott of this city
was placed In possession.
Wmi I Ten Tliittinnnd Dollnrn Dnni
nes for Injuries Itccelvnl In
mi Hlrrntor.
James Jncobsen begun suit In tho dis
trict court yesterday against E. L. Shugart
for 110,632.75 damages for Injuries received
In an accident In an elevator In the Shugart
Jacobscn was employed as Janitor of the
Shugart block ami on November IS last,
while climbing into the elevator In tho
basement, was caught between the floor
of the cage and the basement celling. He
was crushed and severely bruised and sus
tained tho fracture of ono leg. Ho claims
that tho accident was duo to tho fact that
the only access he had to the basement
where his duties required him to go fre
quently was by the elevator. Tho elevator,
he asserts, when nt Its lowest point stood
about three feet from tho basement floor
and that to enter It he was obliged to
climb between the floor of the cago and the
basement celling. He also alleges that
tho elevator was In an unsafe condition;
that Its oables were slack and the control
ling lever Insecurely hold, milking the
elevator liable to stnrt from a sudden Jar
such ar would bo caused by a person climb
ing Into It. Ho declares ho wns unaware
at the time of the unsafe condition of the
elevator. Jacobscn Is 36 years of age nnd
alleges he Is permanently Injured as a re
sult of the accident. In nddltlon to $10,000
damages he asks $400 tor loss of eight
months' time and tho halancc to remunerate
him for medical attendance.
Davis sells palnu
Miss Anna May Kowler was married yes
terday morning to M. Walter Hughes at
tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It.
E. Kowler, 1317 Avenue C. Tho ceremony
was performed by Judge E. E. Aylesworth
of the superior court In tho presence of a
largo gathering of relatives and friends of
tho happy couplo. Miss Gertrude Fowler,
sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, nnd
Oliver DcJnn of Otnnhn was best man. Tho
bride wns charming In a gown of cream silk
mull nnd carried a bouquet of bride's roses.
Following tho ceremony nn elegant wedding
brcnkfnst wns served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hughes
will make their home In Omaha.
City Council Inniirrtx I'nvemcntn.
Tho" city council met yesterday nftcrnoon
and Inspected the paving on Story street. It
was found that three lots would not bear
the cost of tho Improvement and the city
will have to stand tho burden, amounting
to $024.
Mayor Jennings was given a leave of ab
kenco for fifteen daysnd will leave today
to Join hls'famlly at Buffalo. City Engineer
Etnyre was" allowed additional help to look
after tho sidewalks now In course of con
struction. The council adjourned to Mon
day night, when tho contracts for tho pav
ing, bids for which wero opened last
Monday night, will bo awarded.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 541 Broad'y.
Sister Wnntu Ilnrlow'ii Pnifr,
Mrs. A. O. Arnqulst of Lincoln, Neb.,
slstor-ln-law of Peter Barlow, tho Illinois
Central switchman drowned a week ago
while bathing In tho Missouri river, was In
tho city yesterday and called on Chief of
Police Albro with a view to securing tho
effects nnd papers of her brother-in-law.
From her It was learned that Barlow's wife
and four children nro living In Cambridge,
Minn. Mrs. Arnqulst thought Barlow held
Insurance in somo fraternal order and for
that reason was anxious to secure his pa
pers. Attention, Owners of Tnlltlnu Mn
'clilnent We are anxious to find who has purchased
an Eaglo graphophono of a certain number.
Would owners of such machines bo so kind
as to look up the number of their machines
and to let us know It. stating their address,
and If it corresponds with tho number wo
are looking for wo will present thorn with
4 (four) records free of charge. Address
Bourlctus Music House, headquarters for
talking machines In western Iowa, S35
Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Tnx for MnlntnlnliiK I'nrkn.
At the monthly session of tho Board of
Par Commissioners last evening the tax
for the maintenance of the parks for 1901
wns fixed at 2 mills and tho secretary tn-
b n,t . n fln.tlfi. e n m a In 1 1, n nltv nniltl.
! ell. Except for the allowing of tho usual
i grist of bills and the salary list this whs
the only business transacted by tho uoaru.
Miiikiiih County ('ro)in llettrr,
ONAWA, la., Aug. 7. (Special.) Crop
prospects In Monona county are better
since the rains. Wheat threshed on the
Bonlner farm yesterday averaged twenty
nine bushels per ncro and the corn crop
Is not as bad ns at first reported. J. E.
Hamilton of Sioux township says his corn
will go sixty bushels per acre. He says
there Is plenty of good corn In tho hills.
Judge Davison Oliver, owner of several
farms In tho county, says he has given
his fields n thorough examination and Is
! confident that corn will average forty
bushels rer ncro. Pastures have Improved.
President Commutes Sentence.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. President Mo
Klnley has commuted the sentence of Pri
vate Frederick Morris, company K, Forty
ninth volunteers, to life Imprisonment,
which he will servo In tho penitentiary at
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Morris was convicted of murder by n
court-martlnl at Tuguegararo, Luzon, and
sentenced to death.
War Snrvlvom llrmemliereil liy the
iein'rnl (loreruiuent.
WASHINCTON, Aug. 7. (Special.) The
following western pensions havo been
Issue of July S, 1901,
Nebraska: increase, restorntlon, reissue,
elc William N Nichols, Kearney. 10. Orlg
Inal, widows, etc. (Special accrued July 17)
Hnllna Mettlen. Wnyiio, JS,
Iowa: Original John Brady. Keokuk, $!;
Chirk Cox, Hue City. 6i Christian F. Bloom,
Oyuns, Jd; Jacob Meyer, Missouri Valley,
It'., Increase, restoration, reissue, etc.
y.achary T, Fuller, La porte City. 110; Jen
nings P. Osborn, Karlhnm, Ml Martin A.
Owen. Burt, IS. Wnr with Spain, original
Jtnm Beydel. Hills Siding, ii. Orlginnl.'wld
ows, etc. Nancy A. Webber, Stockport, S,
South Dakota: Increase, restoration .re
issue, ntc Moses 1L Hurpless, Armour, 16.
Montana: Increase, restoration', rclssuo,
etc. Hiram S. Llhby, Oiiiiderson, IS.
Colorado: Original Normnn F. Hnzen,
Lnwson, fi: Roburt Blair. Whitewater, IS.
lucreuse, restoration, reissue, etc. Joseph
W, Tnleott, Denver, Ji.
PrtpmtUii fcegun for Rousing Celebration
n Return of t'ia Nominee.
Internrlinn Klcctrle llond Hot An
other Frniu-lilxr Nnlt Hckuii to
Trst Validity f Vrterlnitr l,mv
-CiiukM MitklttK SUolotons.
(From n Stnrt Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. ". (Special.) Actlva
preparations wero begun this afternoon to
give A. B. Cummins n rousing reception
upon his return from Cedar Itaplds with
the nomination for governor of Iowa
wrested from the machine. Members of
tho Cummins club who remained at home
aro raising funds for a big bonfire, which
will be held In honor of tho victor. Every
store In the city will be decorated, to
gether with all the public buildings. Ar
rangements ore being mndo to secure a
number of cannon, which will bo used to
celebrate the victory. Democrats as well
as republicans nre uniting to mnke tho
demonstration one long to he remembered.
Think Tlirj- llnvr Cnnntorf olter.
Mike Scdcnce, a Bohemian, was arrested
nt Solon this morning on Dusplclon that he
Is tho fellow who recently worked Dcs
Moines nnd other points with tho $1 bill
racket, skillfully raising them to fives.
Cnuuht Mitklim Skeleton.
W. K. Fletcher, who claims to bo a
student of Still College of Osteopathy nt
this place, was found by tho police today
at a point In the dense woods west of
Orand nvenue boiling up humnn bodies
for the purpose of preserving the skele
tons. Tho city health department was no
tified nnd Fletcher was ordered to clean
up the place, remove his pots and kettles
nnd abandon that locality within twelve
hours. No arrests have been mnde. though
the student will likely be mnde to ex
plain whore he secured the bodies. When
apprehended ho confessed having been In
the business for some time, selling the
skeletons to Still college, but declared
that bo obtained them from railroad
wrecks. Officers aro making an Investiga
tion. t.'olfnx Wnntu I. In".
At a special meeting held at Colfax,
a village twenty miles east of here, a
proposition for the Des Moines & Eastern
Electric railroad carried by nn over
whelming vote. Women were allowed to
vote on the ta nnd that vote showed a
figure nearly double that cast for the
franchise. The Des Moines & Eastern Is
an Interurban line, backed by Cleveland
capitalists, among whom Is a Mrs. Wil
liam Butler and Ben Johnson, The pro
posed road will connect Dcs Moines on the
west nnd Newton on the east, thus giving
tho Iowa Central nn Inlet to Des Moines.
Special elections will be held at Mltchell
vlllo and Altoona this week.
Kptvortli Unguem Meet.
Tho sixth Annual .assembly of the Iowa
Epworth leaguo and training school will
convene at Colfax tomorrow. Every part
of the state 'will boi represented. Parties
havo arrived lreijdj' from Fort Dodge,
Sioux City, Stratfordr Rock Rapids, Bur
lington, Dubuque, Clinton and other points.
Dr. Robert Mclntyre will bo tho principal
speaker tomorrow, addressing the assembly
on "Tho Bright Sldo of a Soldier's Life."
Tent Vetorlnnry I,vr.
Dr. W. Smith, a veterinary surgeon of
Wintcrset. has prepared a potltlon which
ho will fllo In the district court at this
place sometime this week nttacklng tho
validity of the Iowa veterinary law passed
at tho twenty-eighth general assembly.
The suit was Instigated after a conference
between the state board and Attorney
Steele, representing Smith, and Is for tho
purpose of determining the rights of vet
erinary surgeons who wero practicing five
years prior to tho enactment of tho now
law to register at this date and becomo
legal practitioners. The new law requires
Biich parties to register January 1, 1901.
A great many failed to do this and tho
state contends that they havo lost tho
right given them by the law and will be
required to tako another examination.
(Continued from First Page.)
dent Shaffer's strike order named August
10 as tho dutc for extending the great steel
bnttlc. President Schwnb wns seen on his
return to his npnrtmonts in tho Lorraine.
He had spent tho evening In conference
with J. Picrpont Morgan.
"I am very sorry to hear it," Mr. Schwab
said when given tho details of President
Shaffer's strlkq ordor. Ho boemcd greatly
surprised at tho date fixed, but said ho was
not nt liberty to discuss the matter.
Outside Influence Snlil to lie Wurk
liiKT to Hcnil Off the Steel
NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Tho Commercial
Advertiser says: As far as can be learned
no communication has been received by J.
P. Morgnn & Co., or by any of tho steel
companies here, from the labor leaders
since the conference of Saturday lust.
Peace, however, may not bo far away, nfter
nil, It Is learned that Independent Influ
ences nre at work which may surprise
everybody within tho noxt few days,
Mr. Morgan will not say a word, but it
's believed In some quartors that ho has
received Important communications from
persons strong enough and Independent
enough to bring about a settlement before
Shaffer's order to strike takes effect. Thoso
who know Mr. Morgan say that ho will
welcome any mnvo that will hasten the end
of the controversy, providing the funda
mental objections ho urged on Saturday
last aro respected,
That something Is being done -In tho di
rection of amity Is apparent from the man
ner of the Bteel men hero and the course
of the steel stocks on the exchange.
.Movement for .New MuehliilMn' I'nlon,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. That a move
ment has been Inaugurated by some of
fin fin flftnfinrim
itore children would be borne if the
be sure that the pains, worries ana iriouiauons ai
gestation could bo avoided.
(that marvelous liniment) U unique In relieving and
relaxlni; all the sttalned tendons nnd musclei, as well
at tne distended oreani. 'i ncro is noinins
MRS. LUCINPA PASC1IEL, Mmbetlon. Ark., prom the Vwe (lemetit when ihe yn" 1 hate hid
I children aad w.s eUlyl In Utr (im twenty-four to thirty noun. Thii time 1 used only one Lottie ct
Mother'! friend' with my teventh child n! wai In Uhor enly about tour liourt. Mother'! Friend ' U Jutt
wtial II It mctnmen.led te be. I will peter r without It taln."
Sold by all belt drug-si1 or tent by eipreai prepaid on receiptor price. ftl.OO pr bottlri Bool,
Motheihood," written lor women ef all acea, mailed free.
TIIK KKt.lH.ATHK am.. Atlanlii. lift
the machinists In Buffalo to start a new
machinists' union was admitted today by
j President O'Connell of tho International
Association of Machinists. Vlco President
Mulberry of the association Is now In
Buffalo looking out for tho Interests of the
machinists' association Mr. O'Connell said
he had little knowledge of the secession
movement nnd denied thnt any speelnl
agents had been sent from this city to dis
band the lodges,
I'lvf lliinilreil of Tliciii Mnke the loM
Important Move of the Day
In the .Strike.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7. Today's fea
ture In the local strlka was the walkout
of 500 sand teamsters nnd nil tho tlrtmen
of the Pacific Const Steamship company's
vessels In port. By the strike of the sand
teamsters the hauling of building
Is brought to n standstill, savo In a tew
Instances where contractors have their own
The strike of tho Pacific Coast Steamship
company's firemen wns unexpected by tho
steamship people, who hud made no prep
nratlons to obtain nonunion men. When
tho strike of tho City Front federation
was ordered the firemen refused to go out.
Tho men had n contract with the em
ployee similar to that of the sailors and
they decided to fulfill tho terms of tho
ngreemcnt. The striking firemen say thnt
nfter mature deliberation they find It neces
sary to Join their fortunes with the other
fcdcratlonlsts, who nro striking for tho
principle of unionism.
In a shooting nffray near the mall dock
this morning Wilfred llnrtou, colored, n
nonunion stevedore, was shot In tho shoul
der nnd painfully Injured.
Filipino crows havo been secured for
the steamers Colon nnd City of Sidney
and these vessels will depart promptly.
Tho Sidney will go Friday.
The steamer Australia sailed today for
Tahiti with Ihe French malls.
Milking ClKnriiutkerN Jlnj- Soon He
sume Their Work In
TAMPA, Flo.. Aug. 7. La Reslstcncla
union of clgnrmakcrs changed Its posi
tion with relation to tho strike several
times today. This morning the strikers
wero taking nn obligation to lenvo Tampa In
n body nnd never return under any circum
stances. This afternoon they Issued n statement
saying that It their leaders nro returned to
them they will then bo ready to settlo the
trouble. Thoy declare they will do nothing
until this Is done. Citizens say they will
have a long wait. It seems to be settled
tonight thnt tho deported strike leaden nre
beyond rench nnd this Is Impressing Itself
upon the strikers' minds. La Reslstcncln
hns been telegraphing to Key West nnd
New York all day trying to employ attor
neys to come hero nnd tnke tholr cases,
but with what success Is unknown. This
action was upon tho belief thnt the men
were In Jail. They are not confined In Jail.
From their vacillating moods It Is be
lieved that tho strikers nro wavering nnd
will soon be ready to resume work whero
they left off. Tnmpa served them with
notice today that If thoy deslro to leave In
a body they can do so without objection
being raised.
Aner SeeeithiK Hlement with Crit
icism of the llennou for
AVI th il rn trliiK.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug, 7. A statement
has been Issued by International Vlco
President Mulberry and Orand Lodge Rep
resentatives Reynolds and Warner of
Cleveland and New "Vnrk regarding the at
tempted scccBslon of some members of the
International Association of Machinists In
the city of Buffalo.
"For somo time," tho stntement says, "the
president of local lodge No. 215 has nt
tempted to dlctntc the policy of tho assocln
tton In Buffalo and vicinity. After being
expelled from the convention for conduct
unbecoming a member, he returned to
Buffalo and attempted to start a secession
movement In Buffnlo lodge No. 245. He
and a number of his followerH woro ex
pelled from tho association nnd tho charter
of No. 245 was revoked. The local members
of No. 215 met nt Internntlonal hnll tonight
and formed a now lodge of tho International
Association of Machinists."
Tho seceding members of the association
claim to havo a large number of machinists
In their ranks.
Stnrt to rittsliurK ' Indirect Itoule
i:plnliin Wlutt Help Feder
ation Cnn fJlve.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Aug. 7. Presi
dent Oompcrs of tho American Federation
of Labor left this city this morning for
Washington. From there ho Is going to
When asked whether the federation will
lend financial assistance to tho striking
steel workers ho said: "Tho constitu
tion limits tho federation to collecting an
assessment of 1 per cent per capita per
week In all affiliated unions for a period
not exceeding trn weeks In any ono year to
assist In the support of an affiliated or
ganization engaged In a protracted strike
or lockout."
Tho membership of the federation Is said
to bo 1,500,000. Tho maximum amount
thus collected would be 1150,000. Of this
amount It is said that 175,000 has already
been collected for the benefit of tho ma
chinists who have been on strike.
IteiiiiinK Strike I'mctlcnlly Over.
READING, Pa.. Aug. 7. Tho strlko of
the Reading rallwny shop hands, It Is bo
lleved, Is practically over. Tho company
regards nil tho strikers ns no longer In Its
employ. Many new men hnvo been put
to work and many of tho strikers havo
gono back to the shops.
Nlilpphut Duel to He ItnlNeil.
LONDON, Aug. 7. At a meeting of tho
Londcn and India Dock company tho chair
man. Mr. Stott, announced that hn had this
dny formnlly notified the shipowners and
brokers that on January 1 tho shipping dims
iould bo raised from is to Is Cd per ton. Mr
Stott explained that Increased dock accom
modations was Imperative and that they
could not hope to rnlso tho capital neces
sary to bring this about unless they In
creased their revenue.
US Hill
mother could
one .
"if irai $q ny,"
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method nnd bcncllcial
effects ttl the well known remedy,
Smut or Fios. tnnnufnetured by tho Flo Syhui' Co.. Illustrate,
tlio vuluoof obttilnltiR tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plnuts known to bo
medicinally ln.xntivu nnd presenting
them in t lie form most refreshlnp to the
tnstn nud necoplnble to the bystctn. It
is thu ono perfect streiiiftlionitiff laxa
tl , clentisitifr the system efTecUiallv,
dispelling eolds, lieudnches and fevcrr
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to O7creotno linbltiuil constipation per.
mnncntly. Us perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and Its acting on the kidneys,
liver nnd boweln, without weakening
or irritating them, inako it the, ideal
In tb'j process of manufacturing fign
arc used, ns they arc pleasant to the
taste, buttliomedlcinnlqualiticsof tiic
remedy are obtained from senna and
other iiromatio plants, by a method
known to the California Fio SYnur
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
cTccts and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full unmo of tho Company
printed ou the front of ovcry package.
UAN fkanoibco, cal.
ftorsalo brail lucelats. Price Wn pernotU
$44.00 New York and Return Daily
$25.75 Buffalo and return daily.
$21.50 Louisville, Ky. and return
on salu August 21, 23 and CC.
524,75 Cleveland, 0. and return
on saio September 7 to 10.
Ilomeseekers' Excursions
On sale first and third Tuesday each month.
Tourist Rates on. sale DAILY to all sum
mer resorts allowing stop-overs at Detroit,
N'lnKaru Kalla, Uuffalo and other points.
Kor rate, lake trips, Pan-American descrip
tive matter nnd all Information, call ut
STHKKT, (I'axton Hotel Mock), or wrlto
IIAIlItY B. MOOUES, a. A. V. D Omaha,
Cough cure
Cures QuEckly
It has long been n household favorlto
for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pneu
monia, Asthma, Whooping Cough and
all other Thnat and Lung Troubles
It is prescribed as aspecllic for Grippa
Mothers endorse ft as an Infallible
remedy for Croup. Children like; It.
9rapurel hv E- nWHt A Re.. Chloag
Removes Tan, l'impltm.
KrecMei, Moth Patchra.
v IUhIi ami Skin i)l.
tn, and ever?
blemlih on beauty,
nd clftln detec
tion. It has stool
the teat' ot 33
years, and Is so
harmless we tLMs
It to be sure 't
Is properly made.
Accept no counter
feit ot slmlUr
name, Dr. U A.
Kayre said to a la
dy of the haut.toa
(a patient)!
"As you ladles will use them. I rocom
mend 'QOUHAUDS CREAM' aa the leaat
harmful of all tho Skin preparations." For
sale by all DruKKlsta and Knnoy Good
Dealers In tho U. 8. and Europe.
PEHD. T. HOnt INS, Vrop'r,
17 Oreit Jones St.. N. T.
nnut MARH.
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone ITU
Re-No-May Powder
Not only relieves, but positively cures all
disorders ot the feet, stops odcrous perspi
ration, cures tender, swollen and painful
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Cousul'.atlou Free trom 2 to i
When ordering by mail add S cents tot
He-.No-May Skin Food for facial rose sate,
Re-No-May Cream toftent and waxlleai
tfce haida and fact.
$13 Buffalo & Return $13
$3! New York& Return$3l
Tim Wiiliisli from Chicago will sell
tl kets at lint ubovo rates, Aside from
th' in.' rates, the Wabash runs throuuh
trains over Its own rails from Kansas
City. St Louis nnd Chicago to Buffalo
and otters many special rules during
ihti summer months, alovlntr stop
overs ut Nltij.'ira Kit I la and Durfalo.
Aril your neatest tlckut fiKont, or ad
drebb Harry K. Moores, General Agent
IMsscnKcr Department, Omiihu, Nob.,
or i' S. Crunc, O. 1. and T, A. St.
I Ills, Mo,
-er w mnummumammmam aBSftaasMaatssaataMtejtBtiBiaM
The Bee
Here is where
you will find it
in the princi
pal cities
Kimball House News Stand.
Public Library.
Vendoine Ilotol.
IJostoii l'ress Club, 14 Hosworth Streot.
mil,00 .Hotel News Stund.
Uurtulo Uureau, cure F. J. rickman.
CA.Miiitima:, .mass.
Harvard University Library.
Clim B.V.MJ.
Cahlll Ilros.. lTus Feijon Street.
(-hc)'cuuc club.
Auditorium Annux Nuwa Stand.
Auditorium Hotel Newa atund.
Unind laclno ilotol N-vvs atand.
uteat Nurlium i.otel News Stand,
ii ".ny. llou,,e Nuwh Stand.
A!.t05lcu atuitu. wo. 211 Dearoorn Bt.
" u U Advo'ilsets' Club, Palmer
VVeddell House.
Ihe Holloiiueii.
Mnm,V,',(''.iil fravelers' Association,
Masonic Temple.
Printers' Homo,
t olti Ai Hurdy.
llrlsco & Amniorman.
Cltll'l'LU C'UliEK, COL.
V. A. Loper. 3:t llennott Avonue.
f rown Hotel Nuwh Stand.
M?", 'i!,u"..ff.Jve"ilncK' Street.
M i l.?t. U.0" 1Uo dl';""n Street.
v?.M.,?lBlu,.,tl"10'' Uil i'lrimor Street.
UiiiUMur Hotel Mows Stund.
Tlshol & Co.. Deuuwood.
J. 1', Curwlle,
Mux Fibhcl. Deudwood.
Moses Jacobs, itock inland Depot.
V. A. Moore, 6th Avunuu und Main Street.
HOT Sl'IuTLs, 3. U. GlLsoi..
emit ilairft-na.
limine Johnson.
f'. .Uulllll.
C. 11. Weaver i: Co.
L. u. coupui ot .o te(J Central Avenua
li.A. S.ij CITY,
ilobert Held, io.j .lcUua stroot
cantes House. Mews Stand.
ftuw atuuu, union station.
ftiissuun nepuuucuii duo, 803 Baltimore
AVeiue. I'uono Library.
Iwoy Y. m 'o. A., room 27 Union DepotJ
ansus City, .Mo. ' '
Li:.l.(i'iO., KY.
t. M. C. A. HeadliiL' ltoom
C. K Applcgate, lZi O Stroot. Deliver
Auellt. "
Oliver & HniiitM, lOti S. Sprins Stroot
l.o.MMi.N, i;.m;l.,d. .
Charles A. Ulliln American Kxchanare. 1
Cockspur St., Ml'llfalarur S(j y, yt " '
Public Llbrar.
West Hotel Mews Stand.
frank Mlultern.
X1SW 0H1.E.M, LA.
Ernest fit Co., Hi lloyal Street.
Cooper Union Llbrury.
Fifth Avoiiut- Hotel News Stand.
Fifth Avenue Hotel lluadlni; Hoom,
Kmplro Hotel.
Jjroomo Street Ultra rv.
Holland Houno Iteiiuinn Jloom.
Hoffman Hout.e.
Imperial Hotel News Stand.
Press Club, 12u Nassau St.
Westminster Houd lleudlni; Hoom.
Hotel UrunabW.
Y, M. C. A., -3d und th Avenuo.
W. Webb, 2103 S'ashlnuton Avenue.
II. C. I'cnn,
New York Herald Ileadlnn ltoom, to Ave-
do 1'opcra.
Thos. Cook & Sons, 1 Ave. de I'Opera.
W. 13. Jones, 231 Alder Stroit.
I'ortlund ilotol News Stand.
Mercnntllo Library.
Public Library.
Salt Lako News Co., 77 Wcai 2d Street
L. F, Hnminell.
Harrow Bros., 43 West Hcrnnd Streot.
Knutsford Hotul News bland.
Public Library.
Pulaco Hole!.
Eastern Nuwa Co., 3uOVi I'lko Stroet
J. M. Lyon & Co.
rirrettson Hotel News Stand.
McVnd.1 ii I' lioud Nwa Stand.
MOIli i, Nr.wH Htiinil.
!"?.'.. 1: Knt.-kcrhoplcLT.
oyMAL"'A. Hea;ilnL' ltoom:
m nil If a vt.
John W, Graham, 723.725 Itivervlew Av
Htiaw i Ilordcn.
Henry Court.
Brandow's News Staiio, 721 Kdmond St
Nuwh Stand, Union Depot.
Junction News Stand, Ml Kdmond Street
Ht Job Mercantile Co.
J. llnrger.
Y. M. C. A. Heading ltoom.
Press Club.
Windsor Hotel.
Ryan Hotel.
B. 7. Jett, f02 Ollvo Street.
News Stand, Southern Hotel.
Plnnters' Hotel Nowa Stand.
Public Library.
Union News Stand,
Wlllard's Hotel Newa Stand.
Arltnzton Hotel!
Congressional Llbrnry.
ntKRH House. i
Uepubllcan .National Committee.