'THE (XM-AIIA DAILY BEll: Til HSDAV, A I" C LSI' tt, inui. M fl Ik f U . I I1UVUI11IUU i&UU UllV M 1IU1U Great Floods Along Ync Ts Engulf thi Uhinno. F.IVER RISES FOR HUNDREDS OF M LE: fa 1'arir Frrt Above Viirninl In Unity I'lnem, thr ltlninlc;lip !ay, nml M'liolr Totrim Arc .Null. tiKTKnl, VICTOIUA, U. (!., Auk, 7. Orcat flood caused by tho overflowing of tho YnnK Tse havn reused the death of mnny thousand! In China. Tho river has risen forty foot and for hundreds of mllci tho country la a Rreat Inkn with only tops of trees and nn ncrnnlonfil roof showing. At Anklni? the town la flooded, aomo of tho housed to their roofs. At Kill KnnR the natlvo town la flooded and two feet of wnte.v. Rtnnda In the forrlun settlements. Lower down tho river tho destruction waa much renter anil boat in nil entlmnto that 20.000 worn drowned In the district. Chow; Teh wm wiped nway hy llooda nnd 10,000 drowned thcro nnd many other polnta havn heen Inundiitnd. Invnl vIhk awful lona of llfo and great dc HtriiRtlon to property. It wnri feared that nn embankment near Wu ChonK would break nml eauan tho drowning of hundreds of thousands. N'ewa waa kIvcu In tho l.mprerm of Ja pan's advlceH that lions IConK pollen seized on July (J In a hoiuo In Kin' Hoad West many new mntmerH, old hammer nml needlo guns, several rlllea ami f'hlncan horae plH tolH with nintiiuiiltloii of exery kind nnd re Inuillmc nml recnppliiK tools. A Chlneao Junk owner says his vessel hail heen bartered by Huroptana to laml tho nrms In Hamal. IRELAND TALKS TO UNION Ari'lililslmii li I'rlnrlpnl Minil.er at Com enllnii of ('iilliiilli' Total A Illtllllll'IX. HAHTFOIU). Conn., Aiir. 7 --Special re Unions services In the morning, n business meellnK I" the nfternoon, with encournR ln reports from olIlecrR and an Immense gnthorluK' at lnrHonH' theater to listen o an nddri'RR hy Arrhlilahop Ireland, conMI tutcd tho day's proceeding In tho conven tion of tho Catholic Total Ahstlncnco Union of America, now In session here. Ilev. I). F. Mc(lllllciddy of Worcester, president of tho union, presided nt Its huslnons meotltiK and after his report thi rcporla of thu vlcn prealdenta wero made. Tho report of tho secretary, Itov. A. I. Doyle, of New York, furnished Interesting flRtiroH on the statn ol tho order. It was shown that tho society now nuinhnred S3, HI members In 070 branch orRanlzntlmiH nnd that the Increase for tho year past had been 4,l!)0 mctiAberu and ninety-three now noddles. Tho audience nt I'arHntiB theater for tho evonltiR scrrIoh packed tho nudltorlum. Illshop Tlerney presided and after addresses by Itov. Father McCilllleuddy, ,Iudt;o Walter K. Olbhotifl of ChlciiRO. J. W. lieh of Philadelphia and Mrs. l.eonnrn I-ako of St. l,ouls, a vice president of tho union, Areh blHhop trolnnd was Introduced timid Rrcat applause. Archbishop Ireland recounted tho oventa nttaudlng tho foundlnR of tho union In WnshltiRlon thirty years ago and traced Ita growth through tho early years down to tho present lime. In speaking of tho work of the union ho said that In years pnst tho criticisms had been Justly made that tho proportion of drinkers nmong Catholics wnu greater than among portions of other re ligions, hut that now nuch n statement would ho untrue, the change being duo to the Catholic Total Ahstlncnco Union and other similar organizations In tho church. Tho speaker did not, however, fall to pay a tribute to temperance snclotles In churches of othor denominations. In clos ing Archbishop Ireland made an eloquent plea for temperance among tho men of tho twentieth century, In view of the demands of tho nge for c.lenr-hcaded and active men. WILL MAKE GOOD THE THEFT Rnlliy Company l'ronilae to Mottle Promptly vltli CniiMlmirrn fur million .Stolen. HAN FllANCISCO, Aug. 7 In convema Hon with a reporter of tho Associated Preaa today President llalaton of the Holby com pany said tho only fnct that tho detectlvea havo reported to him today Is that tho paroled "onvlct who was suspected in some quarters of having been Implicated In thu robbery left for Hlerni City, Cnl,, several weeks ago nnd Is still believed to be In that vicinity. Mr. Itnlston stated that hln company will be responsible for every cent of tho stolen bullion and that n settlement with tho consignees would he made as soon as tho affairs of the company could bo ad Justed, which would tako n few days. The company la rated by thu commercial ngon cIor as one of the strongest on the coast. Mr. Ralston said Hint every possible cluo was being run down nnd that every seaport, country read nnd railroad on tho Pacific coast Is telng wntchtd. It was earned late tonight that tho police department has In custody a man who was arrested on suspicion of being Implicated In the Helby Smelter workti robbery, In which KKo.OOO worth of gold bullion was stolen. Tho Identity of tho suspect Is not known. Tho police will not vouchsafe any Information on tho matter. ADVANCE GUARD IN THE LEAD Mnkrs liiiml III Nnino In (Iio Illuming ill 1 1 it i-l a- in, lleiitliiK I'lnli Cn:it. CHlCAHt). Aug 7 Advance (lunrd. noted ns a slow beutnuer. but n great stretch runner, showed t new trick at Harlem today. Hutered In n mile and an eighth against such cracks as Pink Coat. Vesiivlau and Precursor, the colt set his own pace nearly the entire instance nnd won handily ridden tu stall oft the challenge or Pink Coat In the stretch. Weather elenr and track rast. itesults: First race, live furlongs: I. Hatnuelson, 102 (Wlnklleld), fl to 1. won, Pyrrho. 10! (tlormley), 13 to 1, secoiul; Dnreen, 107 (C. Mitcncii), i.i to v inini. Time: 1:01:1-5. Lapldus, Mary Pine. Pert Hargent, Jimmy Howe and Hlmoon also ran. Hecond race, six furlongs: The Pride, 105 (Doniin ck). i;i to (I. won: Andes. 10 1 u)t si. 9 to 1, second; Fleuron, 101 IT. Kulghti, 9 to 1, third. Time: i:l2 4-(. .Max llcndlx. 1'rlm cess Otllltc, Maggie Davis, llcnuty Hook rtonnlo V, Maiden Lane, Lenox and Mn. chuska also ran. lOva Norton left at post Third race, steeniochase. short course Fllon rt'Or. IBS tKlllson). 9 to 5. won: Frond 102 (Lloyd), 3 to 1, Hecond; Dlek Furber. 13S ir. umy), -.n to i, uur.i. Time: aiai t-s. Crest nnd Allco 11 threw the r Jockeys. Fourth race, one mile nml an eighth purso: Advance llunrd, 114 if Mitchell), 7 to 6, won; ring coat, us (uupec). 3 to l second: Vesuvian. lit (T. Kulnhl). 7 to third. Time: 1:04 3-5, Precursor also inn Firm race, six rurlougs, selling: Me Che.inay, W ((lormley), 9 to 5, won; Lord Quex, M (Knight), 12 to 5, second; Com missioner Forsler. W (Domlnlek), 10 to 1, thlnl., Time: 1:13 3-6, South Trimble and Talpa also ran. Hlxth race, one tulle and n sixteenth, sell ing: fonstellntor, 101 (Hanscb), S to 1. won: 'Nettle Urgent, 94 (tlormley). 7 to 1, second; Chorus Hoy, 102 (Otlsi. K in i, thirds Time: 1:47 3-5. Tho Phoenician. Serrano, Anjou, Lovo's Lnbor and Fantasy also ran. At Delinnr I'nrk, M, Liuiln. ST. LOUIH, Aug. 7.- Form players got tho best of odds nt Delimit- park this after noon, favorites winning four out of six races carded. Track fast. Itesults; First race, six furlongs, selling: llrlgaud Queen, 107 (Dale), 10 tu 1, wun; Innuendo, I C lit linlli, 4 to I. second; J. V llnvs. 11" i.ltMlm v.. ... I. . I. third. Time. IK l-o Noster. Jin K XX lilts. Al(, Hlr J'iseph I.lHter, l,atnas( otln. Fuelno. Annolee, Torttigas and Invocation nltu run. Second race. Hve urid a half furlongs, nell Ing: Miss Doru, 107 (l.tndseyi, 3 to 1, won; Horn I Athlete, HF7 (K. Jones), 3 to 1, sec ond; Hunter llnlne, no (Irvlm, 5 to 1 tliird. Tltne; J .if). Irnsutn, Hen Hl'tnilRleHll, Wis- sendlne and l.nily Uroekway also run Third rare, one mile nnd seventy arda, soiling: I'lriile s UatigMer. 102 (T O linen). 7 to 5, won; Tom Cromwell, 112 (Dugnni. la to 1. second; Kate Freeman, 100 tl.lndsey, ! to I. third. Time; I w. Warren Point, Qiiiiniili I'jrkcr, lloncywoiid, Tidal Wave, Marie O. Ilrown. Hlr Philip Hldney and Fiddler III nlso ran. . Fourth race, six furlongs, purse; Hani, M (I1.HI), to i. won; Matthngati, Uj fl-lnd-seyi, 10 to I, second; Lord Neville, 100 (1. tVHrlen), H to 5. third. Time: l:ll. Hazel Hiighlett. l,a Desirous nnd Vide Vance also ran. Fifth race, one mile and n sixteenth, purse: Lunar, 1W (Dale). 7 to 8, won; Idu 1- edtord, 110 (T. O llrlen), S to 2, second; Han Paxton, ! (llnttlstei. 9 to 2, third. Time: 1:1'J'. l'eter Durycn and I.ce Iirtino also ran. Hlxth rare, six furlongs, sidling: H. Q. Itan, llo (F. Jotiesi. 2 to 1. won; Henhnm. 107 Klllmorei, 2 to 1, second, lllndoonet. llo (lllossi, 'J lo 2, third Time: 1:154. Me loxoii, W. T. Kemper, Tartar, lluliy Hlley, Kid .McCoy, (Irandtna II, Dovernor John, Judge Magee anil Hchncll Luufer also ran. At .wiriitiKH. HAItA'I'OdA, N. Y.. Aug. 7. The mild larks had an Inning today, heavy rain dur ing the previous night having made the truck very deep. The Hplriuwuy stakes for 2- year-old llllles was the stake event nnd this brought out a good lluld. Disadvan tage was the favorite, but both Itosslgnol nnd Amleltla were strongly h ipported. itos slgnol went olf In the lend nt the start and was never headed, winning In a gallop by live lengths from Disadvantage, while Aml eltla wiih an Imlirfereut third. IteHiiltn: First race, selling, for 2-yeiir-olds, live and 'i half furlongs: Hchwulbe, M.I (Coeli ran), lo 5 and I to 2, won; Dark Hecret, 100 (Hhaw). R to 6 nnd 2 to 5, fecund; Ilutt ynh, !U (Michaels), :!0 to I. third. Time: 1:10. Huns Wagner, Htep Onward nnd llo.e Court also ran. Hecond race, steeplechase, over short -ourse or two miles, lor 1-year-olds und up ward: liulllngdoii. irj (flni ii), 7 to I and 1 to 2, won, Fulminate, 132 (Hetderi. 12 to 1 and I In I, second, Xanzlliar, 112 (Davtum, 15 lo I ami ti to 1, third. Time; l'y.i-u. air Hubert, Trillion, Champion. Ilackelt and Curfew Hell also ran. Third race, the Hplnaway stakes for fil lies, 2-yenr-olds, live and a half furlongs; Itosslgnol, 112 l.Myers), fi in 1, won; Dlrad vantage. Il!i to Connor), 9 to lo and 2 to C, second, Amleltla, llo illullmati), 4 lo 1 and 7 to 5, third. Time; l;(J2-5. Cu.lthiu-.1H, Whlto Owl, Hanover Queen, Rockwell and Ambition also ran Fourth race, tor 3-yenr-olds and upward, selling, one mile and a sixteenth: Admoni tion. 111! (Caywood). 7 to 5 und 3 to n. won; Diilamln, I itt (Hhaw), 3 to I and 4 to 3, sec ond; Mttle Daisy, to! (Michaels), U to 5 and ( in iv, wnru. lime: imKi. I.arvn, Ihc lllack heot, Armor and Infallible also ran. Mfth race, for maiden 3-venr.nlitH olr furlongs: Annie of .Mv i:ve. iio (I.. Hmlihi 3. to I and even, won: .Sharpshooter, ill (lAiie). Il to r, anil to fi, second; Larnn !!'''.,, IM ('(""ion, 12 to 1 nnd 4 to 1, third, 'lime: l:x. Appreciation, Hock strotn, Hklpawuy. Maria llnlton. v,.ii, (ilrl and l.audenlnle also ran. At W-1 minor. DICTHOIT. AUK. 7.-'enlher n in tin,! track fast ut Windsor today. Ilesilts: i iini race, one mile, selling: Jena. 93 (A. Ueher), K to I. won; Porter il, 9i (J. .Mar tin). 5 lo 2. Rcennil: l..nl, , ui,...., un (l)onovan), to to l, third. Time; 'l:ll I'Jeanor Holmes. I'nc e Hill. Kurl Vnnm Mice and American Pride also ran. Hecond race, neven fnrlnm-a ontli,,,.. Nllm H. I,.. 1H2 ((livens). 5 to ! wnm .Ti,'. Jarl.oe, Hw t.McCann). 3 to 1. second; U. (. I'ox. 113 (Unwell). 5 to 2. Dilr.l 'ri,. i .u Marlon Lynch, Lady Kj-ell. Pine Chlp. Uen ce.iH Aurora also ran. n,T''lr'' .r"!''' firlongH. selling: Helarlc. 97 (A Ueher), 7 to 5, won; John Todd, lot (Porretlo), X to 1, second; Dominie Ml ( White, . I'.tol third. Time: I :l"u. Prlnco ,iih.t neurinun, lluni inr. Mnmi una also ran. Fo.irlh race, nno mile. urlllnn. i .AvTW'',,,:rV12 to econd; Little ,".v,r,"w, o io i. mini, t mo: uro"' 1 opntast and Ollle J. also run. iMith race, nm nil! r,.i Ing; Hallled. Uri tii " o" " " Hn;.10t1.Ill4,.Yo.,,!,B, " ,0 6- "iconif; Miss" Hoak, 112 (.Steele), even, third. Time: 2:00 Osmon, Madeline O nnd King Klkwood also I tl Mi iHIMmriCPi ",xrfllr'"'Bs; Joe Martin. 10J uvn. J.cr)i to.6' wni Frellnghuysen (Ucberl, I to 1, Hecond: Irish Jewel, o (Martin). I in t ihi.i m.i. ,!S.., At llllliillton. HAMILTON. Ainr. 7.U'r...M,n. i track slow. HesultH: """ i irsi race, six f.irlongs: ICuclalre won Hneohud second. Algle M thir.l. tZm! ?' Halm"!''..?:1 JL'f ''!r'"; thir.l. Time: b:M!4 " ' 1 bird nice, nun mllo, iti.i.. .. real second. Winn i,L 'iuS:.,1 ! "K 1:41 Vfe. ."on. i ime; lourll) race, one tulle and an eighth1 ! reo Lance won M' 'r."1'.'' thir.l Time: mu ' '''" Fifth race, six anil n Imlr rnrin, thrul "WlnJ'&d! h ' OMi','. r"',' "te.'ldeehaHe. short course- not.in.Sh:-"No,i,mV.ken.2;"r,,;1' lUU ,lltl HASTINGS RACES DRAW WELL no TIkiiiniiihI ivupir WMnrs Cm,, tests on ()ifiiiiK )M- f I lie Mco. IIAHI INHH, Net).. Atlif 7. (HimtI., i Tnin. Krnm.)-Tho nrst day's races of the Nn lirasku racing circuit nn 1...1.1 1,..,.. ii.i- afternoon nt the Hastings Driving Assocla- .i,u ..ni 1.110 neie wuueHseil by 2.000 neo. pie. The races eonslst.-il of ill-,. and one pacing for n purse of $250. and one Honour, iiiiu nn- 11 iiurso or nn. 'en.. weather was tavorahln nml irn..i ... good condition. In tho llrst heat of the llrst race William Toll. beloni-Miiir to .1. 1,- iiri or Liberty, Mo., was run Into und the wheel irom the sulkv stnnshed. HesultH 2:15 trot: Ited CnfTory won. Lucy Wilkes T7m"('''''"'iUty "1,r1, N'orvl,,u U'ourth, .;..i Puce: 11. i). I'nrsons won, Manila F second. . I. Htolmll third. Fannl fourth. Time: 2:221. I or 3-year-olds nml iiminr ir,.i- 11...1 won. All Itlght second. Lllllo It third. Tlmo: Ituiiultig, three. iiunrtcm of n miin ,.n.i pent. Iiest two In three: Hrailnr ,..,.1 IMme: l:l,!!.',(l """ "",l' J,m w,,," eccoiid. Hon. XV, I'. MeCrenrv niiinini...i 'l,'::",,?.l;,,.,ws " looked ........... Ki(.,ii inieresi, as somo fast time Irf nronilse.l i.'..r,', i...V"' houie In the city will be closed In the 'urter. noon and everyhody will enjoy u holiday. ttlmleii Keeim It I'p. ieu.. Alig. 7. (Specljl Tele-gram.)-.MIi.den won the llrst of the gam .; of base nail with Friend this afternoon 7 , . . it- ic i,-ri,it,i .. .. .. .: r V A v u v u u 1 u j nun nn s: .Morrison. Hurmnn. Twn in?V " .V"1" "' "urman, Illlss. struck out: Hy Morrison, 9; bv Hullne. (1 First l.il nn hully. 111 i'.....f.. 1 rN' t u.. s n' .V' .-V,' '. . lor es: V "nil inn Hill II , I'TllMKl. .Miir, rlsot, and XX lutcomb. empire: Mlll.ourn I he uniui tennis play tomorrow. Mlllismi I.eiM i tin, I'li-I.l. i wht HtiDtiK. 1.,., Aug. 7.-(Speelal Telegram.)-' 'he iinnie .if iim,?i.ii 1... ....,.! Fort Dodge and Muiihoii today was for- . .-.I ..uniui in mo tost inning. Man son let 1 the game on a close decision at plate, in which n Fort Dodirn hum. r,..,n... was called sate. The score at the time Wiih 7. ' . 1 "rl uo'lge. liatterle.1: l-ort Dodge. ThompHon nnd Cnrlseh: Man. son. .NoyrH nnd Harper. Thrri I l.enuiir. At Kvansvlllo-Kvansvllle, 3; Davenport port T" K'"n0: KvnMVl'". 7; n.ivei A I 11,wi,i .... .. . . . V. 11 V . ' """r in; hock island, t ton J,looni,l,R,n,1-u"';kford, 11; llloomlng. nt i.Ih ,'? ,Ial"-'''''rre Haute. 7; Cedar Itnln I'l-cvcut II 11 Ten, llLtl l ALO. Aug. 7 -Tho Hrand circuit trotting races announced for today for the Fort F.rlc truck, have been poitpot rd linlll Inmnrnwi" m 1 .'in ti Itnln Stnp TcniiU 'I'oiiriiiiiiient, ijUl THAM I 'TON, L. I., Aug. 7.-Heavy ttinn nil- lllin illJUUIIK ITt'Vrri It'tl Ul I' tlmmtlon of thn Un Inlnntl chiunplonnhlii ,1 liilin iuiii .lili.lU.ll. Wt'slrrn Anaoelnt Ion, At Columbus-Fort Wayne, f.; Columbus 4, At Murlon-.Mutthcws, 9; Murlon, 3. IOWA WEATHER AND CROPS Varioui Countisj Show Fair ImproTimtnt Tine; Drtnth Period. CORN OUTPUT IS STILL UNCERTAIN Much Dcpi'iul nn Fnvornlile t'nnill ilons DtirliiH AiiK"st Thrrshlim Itrtnrns nnroiiriiRliiK Jlorc Ilnln Is .Needed. DES MOINES, Aug. 7. (Special.) J. 11. Sage, Iowa section director of the govern ment climate and crop service, Issues the following report for the week from the counties of the state: Northern.! District. Howard (Crosco) No snaking r.iln Hnce July 4; condition of corn not Improved and yield still uncertain, t.otatoes npp ar to he a failure, retailing nt It per bushel. Winneshiek (nidgewuy)-Ualn .62; dro ilh ended; com stands ut M per cent; In my Held nt 100; enrs growing fast; apples very light. (Hesper)-Italn saved corn nnd helpul other crops except potatoes; oats, barley, wheat, Max and timothy good nvc rages. chlcknsaxv (New Hampton) lliln 1.75 oi 27th and 2Sth; late corn will make u third to half n crop; pasture bare and cittle be ing fed. Fayette. (West t'nlon) Itnln 2 40; ver benellclnl to corn, which will be txvo-thlrds to three-fourths of nn average yield; slack ing nearly finished. Clayton (KiKnoeri itnln .13 and inn shower on Saturday; corn tha.t Is not llted Is doing fairly xvell, Hremer (Waverly) Haiti .fl; the ral s will help corn, hut It needs more. Fayette ( Fnyctte)-Corn may yield ha'f a crop; oats txvcnty-flvp to thirty-five buh els; only .19 of nn Inch rain since July 1. .North Oiitrnl District. Kossuth (Algona) The h axy rain h b done much good to corn, which now prom ises nbout fi") per cent of nn nverage crop, pasturage- benefited: pnlntocH nearly n fail ure. Emmet (Esthervllle) Holn .91; corn look ing bettor und will be ?0 per cent of uv -rage crop; wheat yielding eight, to eleven bushels per acre; en's and barley nb Jilt twenty. Hancock (Corwllh) The heavy rnln has done great good to corn, which Is now d Ing well nnd promises nn average o op; pastures nnd potatoes Improved. (Hr.tD Haiti 3M; cool and sufllclent moisture for all growing crops; If front Is not too early three-fourths of a corn crop may b ox peeled; ulnat yield flxteen, o'lts lilt ty three, barley twenty-three liuihcls per acre; pastures Improving. Floyd (Charles City) Fine rain nn1 everything looking brighter; corn Is badly Injured and will be mostly cut for feed; late planted corn may till out so as to nuke a fair crop. llutler (Clarksvllle) The ra'n last xvek did not help pastures much; some fields of corn nearly spoiled for fodder by chliu ti lings. Franklin (f,enevn) R-iIiih revived all vegetation: corn Is tnssellng out with fresh new pollen to fertilize tuw shoots; w II need more rain to 111! out nnd mnture the ear; oats about thirty bushels yc ntrt. (Hampton) Corn better than suppis-d; oats twenty to forty-live bush-Vs wte'e threshed; late corn now tassellng and with late fall will be medium crop, Wright (Dows) Haiti Lot-.; very beneficial to corn: cron not damaged ns much as re ported heretofore; threshing from h c' xvell under xvay. Humboldt (Humboldt)-Haln 2.37: corn making good progress; much of the folder will bo saved and will be good. KnsKiith (Hurt) t orn i one well: on y harm done corn Is on sandy and grav 1 land; small grain nbout an average. North vi est District. Dickinson (Snlrlt Lake) Corn Imnrox-ed. but will not be full crop; grain yield ejulto good. Dsceo a (Sibley) lln n 1.13: corn a good color; pastures good; oats yielding thirty lo seventy, barley txveniy-eigni io nuy, wheat eight to twenty-thrco bushels per acre. Hl.r.tx (Ireton) Weather verv favorable for corn, whlclx'ls fast recox-erlng from ef focta of drouth; wheat fair quality and oats very good. (Orangu City) Wheat yielding fourteen to txventy bushels, per ncre, oats thirty to sixty, barley twenty-flvo to thirty- live. Damage to corn crop cannot yet no determined, as some cam nro poorly flllod out Clay (Spencer) Corn has made marked Improvement, some Holds will make from n fourth to a fun cron; others llttlo more than fodder; oats yielding twenty-live to llfty bushels per acre of good quality, wheat ten to twenty, barley twenty to thlrty-llvo; lato potatoes much Improved. t) linen (rrltnghnr) corn improving: Kite potatoes n failure; threFhlug yield good. Ilucnn Vista (Alia) Itnln has helped corn and late potatoes, will take another wick to leu now much they aro nenellled. cneroKee (wasnui) mini ,2s; corn not Improved ns much as wo hoped. West Ci-ntrnl District. Sao (Sac City) Verv bad week for corn: good Judges claim only 10 per cent of a corn crop in this vicinity; rain .30 on the 3d. inn (iiaiuo i ree ic ) 1 1 a I n ..I. Woodbury (Sioux City) Haiti for week. 1.6S Inches, of which .lis fell on 3d; tempera ture excess, i; generally ravornnie wock. (Correcltonvllle) Not over one-third of ri corn crop (that Is corn seed exclusive of tlin feed): into poiatoca a failure: wheat and barley nn average yield; outs, 75 per cent. Monona (C)uawiO Haiti. 1.03: corn s hoxvs poorly; ears not illllng. Carroll (Carroll) llnln. .47: showers and rooler xvcather very favorable for corn nnd pastures: mean temperature, 7fi degrees, Crawford (Dcnlson) Hnln. ,M; oats and wheat a little light In weight; late corn con sidered ware; part or n crop of early corn assured, ,udubon (Audubon) Com Imnroved and promises 7.1 per cent of a crop or better with favorable weather: .mis an averace crop of extra xvelght; wheat above average fourteen lo thirty bushels per ncre. Miieiny tiiarian) iiain and cooler wentlier greatly Improved outlook for corn and potatoes; pastures reviving; wheat yielding iweive io cigniecu uusiieis per acre. Harrison (Logan) Rain. .41: week lint nnd very dry here, but nhowcrs around us; nico ram on ,m. Central District. firun.lv (firiin.lv Center) .Tlnln 1 AO- nnler nnd more hopeful outlook for the corn crop. xvenster teori uouge) iinin corn im proved and prospect good for 50 to 70 per cent of n crop; corn on sandy bottoms Is killed; oats yielding twenty-one to thirty live per acre; wheat eight to twelve. cnlhoun (Mansnn) tin night or 27th wo hud 2.W Inches of rnln nnd nbout nn Inch on night of 2Sth; corn nnd pastures revived wonueriuiiy ; sman grain yieiiuug better than expected, fircone (Jefferson) Haiti .35; the cooler weather has been a heln to corn and with plenty of rnln will have some corn. (Dana) A lino shower tho 3d. Hnono--(Madrid) Drouth broken nnd corn Improving. Hiory ( Ames) corn improved, nut win not mnke over 70 per cent of full crop. Marshall (MarHhalltown) -All tlii.-nlilni: reports favorable; oats thlrty-flvo bushels hy weight; good progress in suicKing. nam on 3d 0.11. ((lllmnn) -Corn Improving materi ally, but outcome very Indefinite nt present. rnmu. l ramai urass nun corn greauy re-vli-,1,1- I'lirtmiH onlitt.iiiM ui-,, uli'mi In farm ers nH lo per cent of diimngo to the corn crop. llnrilln t Iowa I' al s) t orn com nic on tlnely since last week's rain; 1 think the damngo can be estimated nt 25 per cent; oals yielding thirty to forty; wheat nbout eluht to llftcen bushels nor acre. Poweshiek (Orlnnell) -llnln ."; threshing well advanced: onls seldom better as lo duality and yielding thirty to llfty bushels per ncre. Jasper (Newton)-Hnln for xveek ending tho 3d S.SA; this put n nexv fnco on the fields and Is doing much tu repair the loss In corn nun pastures. Unit (entrnl District. vt..i.. ....... fr-...v...n... n... o m . IJUU l.ll.t- I I.U Ul.lUI'J I tlllll .!., ,11.1111 .v.l. peraturo 75,7 degrees. (Houte A) The rains xvlll help late nlnnted corn of xvhlch half n crop Is hoped for. Delaxvaro (Delaware) Haiti l.M; revived corn nml nil growing crops; Impossible to estlmato damage to corn, but we can not hopo for more man naif n crop; nam in teen to forty bushels per acre Scott (Davenport) Hnln l.tO; mean tern perature 77 degrees; sunshine A3 per cent Linn (Mount Vernon) llnln. .24: corn 11 v Ing on the liberal moisture of June and may make half n crop; oats have yielded llnely. Jones (Olln) Haiti, .33; corn has gained many points, and millet has also Improved; much more rain needed for pastures; onts yielding twenty-live to sixty bushels per acre. Muscatine (Wl ton) Hnln. 2.S3; corn greatly Improved; enrs starting where none xvero to be seen n week ago; pastures revived. cedar txxesi lirauch) Small grain nn nvernge: potato crop neurlv ruined: corn promises about 40 jier cent of n crop of tho Brain. Tlpton) Three lino shoxvern; corn greatly Improved; late potatoes ruined ly bugs anil drouth. lown lAmana) Itnln, .51; mean tempera ture, 71 degrees, rain brought some relk'f, bJt tnnre Is needed. Miutlirnst District, Louisa (Wapello) Hnln. 1.30; corn look ing better; not enough rain to revive pas Hires, but will be helpful. Keokuk (Martlnsburg) Haiti revived corn some, bi-t It Is Impossible to make n good crop, oats about half yield, but quality good. Wapello (Agency) No change In situa tion, farmers feeding stock, pastures brown and bare. Henry (Mojnt Pleasant) Pastures mak ing slow growth; corn promises nbout half crop; early ears set before the rains. Leo (Keokuk) Haiti, 1.92, nverace dally excess of temperature, 3 degrees; rains re vived pastures, gardens and late potatoes; farmers report that early corn will mnka half a crop; late corn tassellng on short Htid slim stalks nnd contrary to expecta tions will not bo ah good as early. Van llureti (Milton) A tine rain on 23th (2 Inches) put new life Into corn and some llclds will make fair yield If more rnln comes soon. (Honapartc) Haln, 48; laid the dust on day; drouthy conditions un changed here (Pittsburg) Drouth not fully broken yet; early corn looks green and vigorous except the tassel, and It Is going to be n crop of cobs and fodder, with but few grains; the whole crop is very seriously Injured In this vicinity. South Central District. Mahaska (Oskaloosa) Rnln, .67, giving relief to tho corn crop; but the crop will be very light. Warren (Indlanola) I think corn xvlll make half a crop under average conditions; old corn selling at 60 cents; hay 110 a ton; not many cumc going on iceu; siock nogs plenty. Mndli Madison (Earlham) Corn did not atinenr io oe mucn helped ny snowers, iruit nnd gardens nbout ruined; spring planted lrult trees nbout all dead. Union (Afton) Haiti, 3.S.S; nil condition favorable for itrowth of unmatured crona: cannot make nt this time reliable estimates or corn; so many conditions are to b real ized to bring forth anything like a crop that there Is no basis on which to est! male; xvlll tako thirty days berore reliable estimate can be made. Lucas (Charlton) Huln. 4.13; mean tem perature, 75.9 degrees. (Wnrreti) All vege tation revived; corn Is looking much Im proved. Monroe (Alhln)-Hnln, 2.33; late corn much Improved and Into potatoes xvlll be benefited. U'nyne (Seymour) Corn has freshened and grown considerably since the rains; oats yielding fifteen to txventy-Heven bushels. (Allerton)-Haln, 1.11, which lias Improved corn nnd started crass. Hlnggold (Mount. Ayr) Hnln, 2.ii); every thing recovering nnd corn doing well; onts yielding twenty-five to forty bushels per ncre. Adnlr ((Ireenflclil)-Corn looking well here; south hulf of the county xvlll have u three-fourths crop or more; reports Indi cate It Is not so good In north half. Decntur (VonWcrt) Drouth broken and corn looks to per cent better; oats averug Ing seventeen to thirty bushels. .No u thu p District. Mills (Kmerson)-Not exceeding half nn Inch of rain since July I, and corn Is nearly n failure; many ears are only cobs, xvlth here and there a kernel; spring xvhent yielding llfteen lo eighteen bushels per nere. of good quality. (Glenwood) Corn has good color and Is earing fairly xvell; potn toes nlio.it one-fourth of u crop; apples holding their e,wn. Montgomery (VllllscaX f well In this vicinity, and I think will mnko two-thirds of n crop. (Klllott)-Drotith broken by rains the 27th ami "ih- damage by wind. Page (Clarlnda)-Hnln. 1.91; week favor able for corn nnd pastures. rremont n liurmnn)-Haiti, l.BS; some of our best fnrmers estimate less thnn half n crop of com, pcaehcH Improving xvlth cooler xvcather and rnln. iass (xx iota) Corn Improved In lookR. KANSAS MAN MADE TO GO HOME riiotiui A.lrrliol.l lleturns from TrmiKvnnl tq TopeUn nt Column ml of fli-lllsh fiovrriimriit. TOPEKA. Kan,. Aug. 7. Thomas Adnr. hold reached hlsf homo here today direct fr.m the Transvaal, where for eighteen months he has been mlnlstcrlnc to tho slelc and wounded ,5oers. as a Hcd Cross sur- .... m, rni m n.iiiin Ainca wtin inn Irish-American hospital corps. Mr. Adcrhold fiays the Honrs urn no fr from defeat oh they were a year ago and mat tney nro confident of winning. His return Is due to being captured by the Uritlsh nnd being sent from tho country. Tho English wore very bitter at those aiding the Doers nnd only hy persistent efforts of thn American consul was Mr. Adcrhold permitted to cscnpo a term at t. Helena. MEMORIAL ARCH FOR HARRISON Member of (he Coiiimlslnn l'nvoi- hut ns the lint Form Possible. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Auir. 7 Tho nn. rlson monument commission has $30,000 In tho fund and hopes to raise 1150,000 to $250,000. When the Ktvle of tl. n BlrnnlnrA xvlll bo considered. Mnmbcra of tho com mission incline toward a memorial nrch to cost $200,000. Tho principal contrib utors to the fund are: Senator Charles fairimnus, $1,000; W. H. McKcen of Terro Hnute, $1,000: John Wa namntfnr nf 1'hlla. dolphin, $1,000; John W. Noble of St. Louis, $1,600; John W. Foster of Evansvllle, $1,000; Clem Sttidebnker of South Bond. $1,000. CUBANS STAND WITH CISN0YS Convention Members lirovnl of AltltiKlr of Cilhrmn, Who Mnllune.l Marti. HAVANA. AllB. 7. At tOitnv'n monll the constitutional convention firnnr presented his resolution that Senor Olberga oo cniteii upon to rxplntn wheat ho meant In his rerent declaration that Marti was tho ovil renins of Cuba or to withdraw from tho convention. The convention ndnnted n mnilini-illnn nt tho resolution, expressing sympathy with tho nltltudo of Senor CIsnoyH nnd disap proving the conduct of Senor Olberga, hut at tho same tlmo asserting Hint It had no power lo go further Into the matter. KING PHILLIPS HAS ENOUGH Snj-d Corn I'nols r Ton lllsky for lllm liver tii Muter An other. CIIICAOO, Aug. 7 "No more corn pools for mo." said (leorgo Phillips today. "I knew Hint I wiib standing over a can of gunpowder nil of the time nnd it was only by tho merest chance that 1 escaped total annihilation. I wns forced Into tho May pool, hut I won't bo forced Into another. They nro u risky and not to my liking." Thn corn king mudo this emphatic declara tion apropos of the resolution against pools passed hy the bonrd of directors of the Hoard of Trade yesterday. llerrlril 1'iirdoim II, V. Klnit. PIEUIIE, S. I)., Aug. 7 (Special Tele gram.) Qovernor Hcrrled Uot night granted a pardon for Honry V. King, sentenced from Spink county on a charge of manslaughter. The board of pardons had recommended It on proof that the con viction xvns secured Inrgely throuxh tho testimony of Mansfield, who was held on the snme charge, and further on account of the n.nntnl and physlcnl condition of the prltnner. Hitmen lit ruts n l"rrriurt. FHEEPOHT III.. Aug 7 A big crowd wit nesscd miignllleent racing a( Taylor s park today In the 2,20 trot Prosperity Hill won the rare after losing two heats. Time: S-lf 2:1M, 2.1!li. Clematis wan second. Time- 2174,. Charles Stiles xvns third, Time: 3:lfi. . , , In the 2. ; pace Donna Mcfiregor took the last three heats. Time: 3 Mi, 2 l'i, 2-1S4, Ardell Simmons was second. 'I line 2 I7'i. Krgglenienl was third, Time 2 1SX. In the iinllnlHhe.l 2 IP pace Huron Mit plne won the deciding heat, Sampson sec ond, Fled Fox third. Time 2 1S. WINDOW GLASS COMBINATION It it the Litest Pombllity in Field of - Manufacturing AffiUritiont PITTSBURG CAPITAL INVADES OLD WORLD President t'linutlirrs I Alrrnily In Ilrussels nml linn Opened Nro tlntlniiK in Acquire the filnss Works There. nnUSSELS, Aug, 7. A representative of American capitalists named Chambers, who is negotiating to acquire the Charlerol Glass works, had a three hours' conference with tho proprietors of the works this afternoon. The decision arrived at was not announced. The glass company owns forty furnaces nnd values them at 500,000 francs each. Itefcrring to the negotiations the Journal says: In tho Improbable event that the transfer is consummated the Americans would not close up the factories, as has heen rumored, but the whole product of tho factories would be thrown upon tho American market. It adds that several Belgian mnnufnc turers have decided to sell If their terms ar! nccepted. PITTSnUHfl, Pa., Aug. 7. The Times tomorrow will say: Another vast Indus trial combination one of the greatest that has ever been planned Is evidently under way and two prominent Pittsburg men arc taking n leading part In tho consum matlon of the project, which has for Its object tho control of the world's supply of window-glass hy one corporation. Tho proposed combination Is to take in all of the window glass manufacturers of th9 world and If effected tho business xvlll he conducted from Pittsburg, ns the nu cleus of tho organization Is the American Window-glass company of this city. This comrnny practically controls the window glass business of the United States and the only factories In Kuropo that amount to anything arc "located In Helgium. A combination of these, Judging from tho Item from Brussels, ts now under way and ns one of tho men, who Is accredited with bolng one of Pittsburg's leading finan ciers, has participated successfully In previous deals of a like nature. It Is safe to assume that the present organization will he consummated. Thn Plttsbitrgers who nro conducting negotiations nm Presi dent James A. Chamhcrs and Vlco Prcsl- dent M. C. McMulien of the window glass company. They left this city for Kuropc about ten days ago. BARNETT OF 0MAHA ELECTED Westrrn rn Press Assnelnllnii ISlvrs lllm Vlrr Presidency ntniKl vlth llmplnyem, COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.. Aue. 7 The Western Negro Press association today elcct'.d F. U. Harnett, Omaha, vlco presi dent, a resolution was adopted pledging tho support of the association to the em ployers rather than labor unions, "rune. dally In those portions of the country wnerc colored workmen are denied admis sion Into labor organizations nnd aro de prived of tho benefits which would nccruo irom mcmocrsnip in such organizations." Other resolutions denounced whltn nm. pin who burned negroes at. the stake and condemn Senator Tillman. (iiinliout Ordered tn Colon. WASHINGTON, Aug 7. An order wns issued by the acting secretary of the nnvy today for tho gunboat Machlas, now at the Boston navy yard, to proceed without delay to Hampton Roads and thcro to prepare for departure to Colon near tho eastern termi nus of tho Panama railroad. For .HtenlliiK Trousers. Kd Wilson, n colored man from Jonlln. was arrested last night by Patrolman Hcldy for stealing n. pair of trousers from a North Hlxtecnth street store. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. H. F. Flick of Lincoln Is n Millard guest. J. K. Jenkins of Schuyler Is at the Mil lard. Dr. and Mrs. George Ireland of St. Ud ward, G. D. Haywood of Papllllon, Wllllum McKver of Columbus nnd F. N. Hall of Lincoln nro statu guests nt the Murray. Police Contain Thomas Haves, accom panied by Mrs. Hayes, will leave Sunday for a ininy-oay visit in isew vorx state. The contain has not visited the scenes of his boyhood for many years, while Mrs. Hayes hub neen away rrom ner om nomo tnirty- one years. Nebrasknns nt the Merchants: S. II. Scace, A. M. Jacobs, Wayne: O. S. Ilnuser. Nellgh; II. A. Hill, Creston: W. II. Cow-gill, lt.,1.1...... It' tl ....ll.. . T-. M UlllUICKI-', 1. 11. UI iuu, r Ulll'l 11JI. , IJ. Gates, Albion; J. R. Morrison. Gnndy; Peter miner, jnnsen, J. xv. Farrell, urleans. led Phillips. Ornnd Islnnd: Charles Schxvlnk. West Point: F. J. young, Pllgcr; G. It. Wy coff, MudiNon. Movements of Ocrnn Vcsarla, Aim. 7. At New Vork-Salled-State of Nebraska, for Glasgow: 8'. Paul, for Southampton; Germanic for Liverpool: Vaderland, for Antwerp, via Cherbourg. Arrived Majestic, from Liverpool: Kolserln Maria Theresa. from Bremen; Kensington, from Antwerp. At Aniworp Arrivcii tjwiizerianu, rrom Philadelphia. At Queenatown Sailed Saxonla, from Liverpool for Boston. Arrived Hhynlnnd, from Philadelphia for Liverpool, und pro ceeded. At Southampton Sailed Lahn, from Bre men for New York. At London Arrived Mesnba, from New York. At Glasgow Arrived Kthlopla. from New York. At Hone Kong Arrived previously Tar tar, from Vancouver, H. C. Sailed -Rmpress of China, for Vancouver, via Shanghai, Na gasaki ana YOKonnma. At Liverpool Sailed Georgian, for Nexv York. 5a has imitators some dealers xvill substitute if you don't watch out. He sure you get Coke, the original guaranteed cure lor DandrufI, falling hair, scalp exema. etc. A dash on the hair after bathing pre vents colds. Awarded medals and all honors at Paris Expo sition over nil competitors. Sold Dverywhere. Hook about It free. "Ooie Dandruff Cum l uiilmiallr uid by members of Cnnrrn. , , . "JodoW, Eraiu, Knrfiuinnf (initial liartert, llouio of UtprMtnUtlrea. " A. R. BREMER CO., CHICAQO. Coke Shampoo & Toilet Soap cleam the hair and scalp, clears the complexion. Great (or th-e bath. for aal. n Ito.tou fflnit. IJruii Dept. w ILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthlt FUoulitof. St tud Sure. Netir Falls. Drugglilt or b Mall. Price, f 2 Ssndtor Womin'i Safsauard (tret). witroy mep r.n s? m ifiihSi .phiis.. Ps. H ii III tiy SlinilMA.V A .llnCOXMlM, Dlltll) CO., 5. W. Cor. Kith nml Doilsro !., Omalisi, Kelt, Ideal Outing For Busy Business Men. Business nicn who can got nwny from their store or nflice for only u week or ten days nt most, should investigate the Burling ton's excursion to Yellowstone Park. It leaves Omaha, Tuesday. August 20. Gets hack August 2!l. Less than ten days for the trip to and through the Park. The cost less than .?1()t) includes every thing railroad fare, sleeper both ways, meals en route, hotels nnd stage through the Park. Booklet giving full information on request. TICKET OFFICE, lf02 I'n run in .it.. Telephone 250. BURLINGTON STATION, lOtli nnd .Miisoti Sts., Telephone 128. Dn. a. n. KEAnLni. VARICOCELE Aro rcu afflicted with Varicocele or It reaulU Nervoui Debility and Loit Man hood? Are you nervous, Irritable and deipcndent? Do you lack your old-time enerrf and ambition? Are you eufferlnc from vltul weaknesi, etc.? There li a deramcement of tho sensitive organa of your Pelvic Byatem, and even though It fltet you oo trouble at preient, It xvlll ultimately uuuian you, deprran ycur mind, rack your nervous tystem, unfit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be eured be fore tt Is too late? WE CAN CURE YOU TO STAT CUUED UNDER WRITTEN OUAIl i'.NTEK. We have yi to see the case of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medlolnfl, elee trie belts, etc., will never cure. Ton neod expert treatment. We treat thousands of rases where the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, never falls, without out Mng, pain or loss of time. STRICTURE Homo treatment: new, J1J7 ri CCT Infnlllnblo nnd Radical and UUfcfc I rure without Inftru- ments; no pain, no detention from bualnes. URINARY Kidney and Hladder Troubles, mental strain or rrlefj BEXUAL KX Weuk Hack, UurnfiiK Urine. Frequency of CESSES In middle life or from the offooU UrliifttlnR, Urine High Colored, or with 0f vouthful follies in Iky sediment on standing; Gonorrhoea. WEAK MEN AIIE VICTIMS TO NER. uicei. VOUB DEIH1.1TY OR EXHAUSTION CYPU I EC cured for life and the poison WASTING WEAKNK88. INVOLUNTARY' UI rll SmiO thoroughly cleanned from LOSSES, with EARLY DECAY tn TOUNCI the system. Soon every sign and symptom and MIDDLE-AGED; laok of vim. vigor. ?.'5tt.p.PS1I?.otJlP,1S.t.?lir. ?rJ ,forevr- H i "id strength, with sexual organs Impaired BREAKING OUT" of the disease on tho and weakened prematurely In approaching iktn or face. Treatment contains no dan- old age. All yield rapidly to our now irerous drugs or Injurious medicines. I treatment for loss of vital power. Home Treatment luccessful and strictly private. Our counsel Is free and sacredly eonfldsntlal. CURES GUARANTEED. Consultation Free Trataeat t: Mai rill nrC I rfclir Call or address .V. II. Cornrr Diiuitlim Inexpensive Offices THERE ARE NO DARK OR UNUESIRAI1LE ROOMS IN THE RUB IIUILDINO. YOU PAY ACCOimlNO TO THEIR SIZE. THERE ARE A FEW VERY NICE OFFICES WHICH RENT FOR ONLY $10.00 A MONTH. THIS INCLUDES LIGHT, WATER, HEAT, JAN ITOR SERVICE AND ALL THE CONVENIENCES OF THE REST Hl'II-DlNO IN TOWN The Bee Building R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents. Mor 0 Kefunded.w; tl 3 antroDr.Kav'Hltonoviito. ' In fn.A rtw.,.,.i.i.fi ....r.Ltl imion, liver nnd kidneys. Ilent ttirdt, ln.xitl-i tilood purilior Known (tr nil ohronlo iIiki'&if. Ktnoralcii nnd Invluoratcs 'lio whole b.Y3ti in uii jure vory worttra.'s, utt trial Ijojc at onii If not imtUtlrd with It notify 111, wo will return monny ly return mall. Write Toumyaijitmni. fori-rfo McdlculAUvloo, samiilonnd proof M 4 Wo at flruiftflsts. Ur. U, .1. lay, Surifi e N V CURE YOURSELF t Uae UgU for unnatural dlichnrgei.lntUinniatlcitii, trrltatluDs ur ulcerations of in u on ui mfn-r.riie 1'ilnlpj,, and no. ai'J'lo. Itfut or pnlionoui. Sold by lirania tltlKIC ' Id 1 ufttlai, tii,rotn ot u itrlour. I'llflOU OoUUltAB lTHtEl-'CHtUluCO. kcmciNHHTt.o. u, a. i. or tent In rll TfrP, il.oo. or S bottle.. ft.H Inalsr tnt on mM PA1 PnNA 'ure curp nn'1 preventive HLuUll for Oonorrhoen. Kleet, un natural dlHcharRefi or Inflammntlon. Irritation or .ileerotlon of tho mucous membranes No botllo or syringe, but tho neatest, most convenient modern method lleoommended by M D'R. Ily mull tl U), 1'alcon fipeclnlty Co., 1417 (lencva street. Bloux City, la RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates ths trutcmi purines aud enriches the bluod; cures too worst djspepslu, constipation, bendafihe, liver and kldnejs. Efto and II atdrufgUta I'ref w iwiTicc. sample unii uoos. IIa M Dr. II. J, Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. BBsm enovatoR DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men WEAK MEN (VITALITY WEAK). made so by to cleat application to business or study; serero One personal visit Is preferred, hut U roit cannot call at my office, write us your symptoms fully. Our homo treatment la Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. mill I'liiirtriMitli lript. DR. McCREW (Age 52) SPECIALIST In (lie (mi tine ii of nil form nf Dl. nnPH nml DUurilrrn of .Urn OiiIj-, Uf. 'r' eirn rlc iur, in rnr In Oinnhil! VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A nci'mHnent our, iriinr.ini.,.,1 i.. i... i 1 10 da)H, without cuttitiK or pain. 0 1 II I U I UtlL without palti or hltidrnnco 'from liuslncHH. Kliltiry imd bladder dlRonsps, VVPUII Cnd all Kluod Dlntaocs curod OlrniLIOliy n treatment whlnli in fur nint ii Hatlsfactury and hiiccnNsful than j "1 lot HprlnKf" treatment, nnd nt lens than Iiiiu int. i-iMti. 4u uii'uniiiK uui anil SIKHS of tho dlKeasn illsajipear nt oncu. A eura that Is K-iarnutcfU for life. over 20,000 Sffi nnd MANHOOD. I n difulncMM, CJleet and all umi.it ur tl wi Hltnetiv-ii of men. I iiitn (Jiiiii niitei'il. t oiiNiiltiitlnn I'rer, CHARCFS LOW. Trcatmuit by mall, V Q. nnx rg Olllee ove' 'M South llth ntreet, betxvuoii Furimtn nnd DoukIiis Sts, OMAHA, NEH. NO CURB, NO PAY. Ur.H. II you butt imll, wtk orguit. let Power or wo&Wlnr CO 12? drA10,.rVtiiuuiOrnDMlir f "III rettor rou nltliout 4ni er X 1 lcrtrlrllv, RlH.i... . --. i. Ji"L J'.'!;?l?,nU' cwi I" to "l tliX2 75.000 In uaa, mi .n,.... tZ S.nr'i""niMl ttrtlrimil4t bo . -ViSiiSm ln. nt la la lln BTtlors. lOCAUI'PlliiCeCO,l3ITIi.nhl.JiHUMMlll,ln. Famous Waukesha There la no more justly fumoua health and pleasure resort than Wnukesha, and nowhere will be found better service, mora beautiful location, or greater oppor tunities for amusement and rest than th FOUNTAIN SPRING HOUSE For Illustrated booklet and rates, ad dress. J. C. WALK lilt. Mgr., Waukesha, Wis. UJ m mi M nvfttm ts tha . Inir all f!hrnntn nl It tho only perfect system renovator, huiun. elas and Uoolci Or. ii. J. Kay, tiaratim N. t 1 .'