THIS oaiAHA DAILY BEE: TIlUTlSDAr, AUOUfcT S, 1'nM. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for thrns column tI be likrn onttl I'i m. fa the evening edition and nntll R.30 p, in, for moraine anil Hnnilar edition. Rate, 1 l-2o a nord tint Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing InUrn for less than 2Bo for the first Inser tlon. TIin advertisement must he run ronaecntlvel'. Advertisers, by reqneaMns; u nnm tiered check, can have answers ad dressed to a nam bp red letter la ear f The ttee. Answers so addressed will be delivered presentation itf the keak aalr. SITUATIONS WA.VTKD. WANTKD, situation ns housckerf er. cnn do nil kinds of housework. Address I) 45, Bee. A- 116 !) WANTED MALE IIKI.1 WANTED, experienced soup snlosmnni re ply, stntlng age, experience, references, salary expected. Address C 57, Hee. ll-Mtfi WANTKD, mrn that would like lo he bar birs; we will tench the work In two months, give outllt of toolM and pny $12 weekly when competent, ('nil or wrltu, Molor Hnrbcr College, 1623 Furnam st. H-MS23 WANTKD, two or morn experienced, re Ilnblc poultry huckMcrs, with cstub.l'hed routes. Apply to Swift nnd Compinj, South Omnlm. Neb, H-M0l 12 WANTKD, ladles or gentlemen for home work, Jl.dO to $2 per day, experience un necessary, permanent employment. Cull at 1T22 Dodge, 10 a, in. till 2 p. in. U-Mittt (. WANTKD, bnrber; $15 n week; muHt be llrrtt-rluss and up to date; must bo potior; no other need npply. Married man pre. ferrcd; good, steady position lor right man, I. M. Cooper, Nebraska (.'Itv, Neb, I1-M121 S WANTKD. cylinder pressman, Steady po sltloiii Address Baker-Vawter Co., Atch ison, Kah. H M120 WANTKD, utl upholsterer who can rut nnd lny carpets and mnko shades. Flrst-clnss man cnn hnvo steady work and good wages. Frank Try or, Pueblo, Colo. II-M12S II HA M'.S.M H. WA.VTI5II, WANTKD, nn up-to-date salesman to linn din one of tho best 5-cent cigars ever offered to tho public, Excellent oppor tunity; Address, with reference, Mutual Cigar Co., loofl Locust St., St. Louis. M130 10 WANTUD-l'HJIAI.i: HELP. WANTKD, 20C g'.rls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76, o'ii no QIHI.S, all kinds work. Cuundlnu Olllco. C GS3 WANTKD. Indies to learn hulr-dresslnir manicuring or facial tnussugo; only four weens rotiuireu. can or write, aioier col lege, nvij i'arnnm hi. c Mti.i ' WANTKD, girl for general housework, ucrinun preferred. ;a s. 1 1 i . Lz?'07 WANTKD, nurso; rcfercnccti rotiulred. 320 j'arnatw. C 97S WANTKD. Mpennd fflrl' rnff,ri)innu nmil npply to Mrs. L. L. Kountze, 33th streeJ una wewey nvc. c ail IS uu;jj girl for general housework. 1014 I'nrk nvc. C 1113 a WANTKD, first-class masseuse. Cnll room 220 Ileo lildg. C 119 11 WANTKD, competent cook and nurso Rlrl. 2211 Laiulon coart, C 113 IP roil iiH.vr houses. 1FJX0U want your Imusos well. rented plno'e them with Uenuwn & Co. D OSI TO MOVK rlsht, get Omiihu Van Storage Co., olllco 151114 Furnam, or tel. 156'J.MS.l. D-W5 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Brcnnau-Love Co., 320 South 13th street. D-6 C IIOUSKS, stores. Homls. Pnxton block. D-8 ,7 SKK HISN'RY H, PAYNK, C01 N. V. LIFK, D-IWS HOUSK8, etc. F, D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D-(ftll IIOUSK8 and flats. Illngwnlt, Harkcr block D-C9) HOl'SKS wanted. Wnllnce, Drown block. D-OU 8-HOOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson. Telephone A. Traynor, 491 or L-25SJ. D-(91 10-HOOM, east front, brick house, 30s N. 2:d st., near Davenport. Inquire next door. D-M',79 FOlt IlKNT, houso and barn, nil modern: 2137 South 33d St. Apply 42 Merchants' National Haul: llldg, D 300 7-HOOM flat, 017 South ldth. 311 Now York Life. Clark Powell, D-0)l FOIl IlKNT, nice fl-room modem flat with steam heat, water nnd Janitor service. In Davldgc building, opposite city hall, jus. S-room modern house with nice slmdo trees itnd lawn, 30OS Mason street, J23. JOHN W. ItOUHINS. IW2 FAP.NAM ST. D-WS 8 219 8. I9TH AVK 8-room house. ALL MODKIIN. In good condition; rent, J2.V, Itoto how close In this house Is to bo mod em at this prlco; It Is a bargain; want only Al tenant, with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. ICt Ii nnd Douglas Sis. D-M732 A DKS1RAHLK tenant furnished In 21 hours, List your houses with me. My permuuent rental (service the best. Farms In Minnesota on easy payments. WHKATON, 42S PAXTON HLOCK. D-MS.'l FOU IlKNT. desirable 5-rooni house, with bam, KM b. 21st st. D-MSIO 1305 H. 32d St., 11 rooms, modem, steam boat, on highest ground lu Omaha, '6 M.w,. ..v.,, iiuAi noor Kiiuin, , D-SU 9' VKHY desirable flat In good rennlr. wnli located. M. J. Kennnrd A Son. 310 Uniwn block. n S9l FOH UK NT. 1S2I Wirt street, 10 rooms, modern, In llrst- vitinn ic'ijuh. iuKe oarn, tu. 2SV N. ISth St., 12 rooms, modern, two largo i,.uun. jum ma iiiaeu iiii liariy running iiuiiait-i or uruy line; i. 2211 N. 20th St.. 10 rooms, modern, brick, In tlrst class repair, 20. 2027 N. th St.. S rooms, modern; will be inn in nr. 11 ciuss repair; ?is. 2010 N. 27l1 St., two-story, 7 rooms, olty n,nvi , H,JI"1 IVim , flu, Iia Lake St., 8 rooms, modern, brick, In 939 N, 2Uh St.. 0 rooms, modern; In llrst i.iua ii''iiii, fin. 2123 Cnsa St , 10 rooms, modern, flrt c'nss 1H2 S, ITJd. 8 rooms, modern, brick, in good ' i 1 ' COO; Poppleton Ave.. 10 rooms, modern, with imru, , 2210 Poppleton Ave., 10 rooms, modern, with INtlll, f.t, S23 So. 20th, St., fl rooms, city water, good repair; id. llRKNNAN-LOVK CO., 300 So, 13th St. D-MS33 10 CORNKR 20lh nnd Woolworth live., 7-room nil modem, nice lawn and snnne. wne.t ton, 42S Pnxton blk. D-.M9' 1707 VINTON street, store with two live room flats nbove. Tho -whole building has Juit been painted and papered throughoti Will maVe 'i very reusonuble rent to a good tenant, or will rent separately. THE OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 10th and Douglns Sts, D-M10 4117 FARNAM St., 9room moilern house, barn, nice location, Yo. t Oarvln Ursa,, 1604 Farnam st. D-.M9 9 foil IlKXT IIOISKS. l'j-HOOM house, nil modem. 2205 Hartley D-M12 !) si 6-ROOM Hat, modern. 1112 8. Uth. D-'J75 10-ROOM modern residence, rentrally lo cated; board for man and wire accepted for rent. Hlngwalt Hros., Darker bloek. D-MI23 roil iti-jvr riJt.M.tiiiii) itoo.i. DKWKV, Kuropean hotel, 13th and Fartiam. it, o.o TIIK THUH8TON, cool, nlry rooms. K-CM THHKK rooms, llBht housekceplm,'. 1112 soutn mn. it su lIousekcepInK rooms 6 up. 2023 St. Mary's, H-1C0 Mi' TIIKKK rooms, llBht hoUSCkeepltiK. U12 K JIj A16 South 11th. COOL, well ventilated rooms, HOO Jonos. li .M'JJl r'0 furnished rooms for Kentletnen only. SOlo Davtnport. K Mil rt iixisiiini itooMs axii no.viin. UTOI'IA, 1721 Dnvcnport St. F-C57 OLKNCA1HN, transltnt, U.23 day. 10 Dous THU Merrlam, summer resort. 25th & Dodo TWO largo front rooms, with board. 19 9 uapiioi avo. r .m;hi misirtAilLK rooms. Tho ITatt, 212 H. Kth St. F-70) DKSI11AI1LK rooms, llrst-clnss board. 2111 Harney. F-MU87 12 HOOMS nnd board. Tho Ilosc, 202fl Harnoy St. F-MKM S.) 'on itnxr DM'i.itxiMinn uuuiis, DKSIC room spnte, $5 per month, ground tloor room In Tho Hee building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor svrvlvc. It. C. Peters Ai Co., Itentnl Agents, Heo llulldlng, O lit! 5 UNFUHNISHKD chinbera for' house keeping; wuter and waste pipe, 319 N. 17th. O-S30 FOH HKXT STOllUS A.M1 Ol'FICKS. FOH IlKNT, storo In tlrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters. Ac Co., ground lloor, Hee llldg. 1 2C6 FOU IlKNT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Hee at 910 Farnam St. It has four stories and h basement which was formerly used nt The Hee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ut once to C. C Kosc water, secretury, room 100, Hee building. I-2(il FOH IlKNT, olllce with vault and part tlrst lloor or ail top lloor. 1111-10 Harney St. Midland Ulasa & Paint Co., 1110 Harney St. l-O Auu.vrs WAXTBH. WANTKD, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscriptlous for T11K TIVEa"! lKTH CKNTUKY FAllMKH and tho NKW CYCLOPKDIA OF L1VK STOClv und COMPLKTK STOCIC DOC TOIL This Kpleudld book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pigcts, &) objectteachlug cngravlugH ana Is tho ,only uook on llvo slock ever published uiUpted to the every day, practical, money-saving use uf every fanner and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy es pecially (lea I red. Canvassers make easily Co to $100 per month. Address, Century farmer nouciiors- uurcsu, Heo building, Omnlm. J 4S7 WAXTKII TO HI'.XT. WANTKD to rent furnished house, 0 lo 8 1 uoiiih, ior one mouiu. Auuress u i, Hee. K M!SS it ONK or two rooms, furnished or unfur- iiisueo, in pnvuio (amily; good location tor gentleman and wire. Address D tJ, Uce. 1C-M1 & WANTKD, board and room by gentleman nun ins who in private. lamiiy; will ex change references. Address D li, Hee. K M999 8 WANTKD to rent or lease, sulto of oftlco ,-ooins, Hecouii noor, convenient lo post olllce. Call on or address J. W. Jolinutun, Millard hotel. WANTKD, by party of three, three deslra- uii) rooms witii uoard. .Must be conveni ent 10 car line aim urst-ciass 111 every particular. Pr.vute tamlly preferred, D 47. K-M12I STOIIACK. ACIFIC Storago and Wnrchouso Co., 912- vii jouca, tjeucrai siorugo and lorwarumg. OM. Vcn Slot. Co., 151114 Farn. Tels. 1059-SO3, -702 8TORAOK: Household goods nnd other urtlcles stored nt low tales. J. J. Derlght & lu., itij farnam t. Tel. 3iS. 703 I'Oll HAI.K I'UIIXITUHIJ CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodeo. Tel, zv.-u. new cc zunanu lurnuurc uougnt, so.ii, txcuai.geu, O TOI FOR BALK Gas range, sideboard, chairs, iauie, cook mow, upngni roiuing bed, wusiuug niHL-iiiiie iiiui oilier luiuiiure, very cneup, sis jym st. u-uui FOU SAI.K-IIOltNUM, VKIUCLKS, IJIU. LIGHT omnibus nnd buggies for sale nt II. trost's, mn and ljeavutiworiu. r Ata KOH A I. K Al I s C U I, I, A m: o u s . SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry andhog leute. wi iuuhiii". w o" 2DHAND safe cheup. Derlght, 1119 Farnam 8 FKS, standnrd mnkeM.sold, rented. Ill 8. 13 (J IV3 inn line of M-romlhaml wheels. S3. !5. IS. J10. Omalui Hlcyeie i.:o., jutn unit unicago ais. Q-7U9 TRADE your old wheel In on a new one. Omaha Hlcyeie uo,, lutn and uuicugo sts, g-710 CIGAR and news stand, with soda foun tain, II no furniture or 3 rooms, good laun dry puckago business, good location; party going to Iluffulo; sell cheap, J, H. John sun, Ml N. Y. Life, q MI70 OIL nnd znsollne business, established 13 years, controls two customers; route in heart of city; team, harnoss and oil tanks, wagon, 600 5-gal. cans and every thing complete; tin exceptional oppor tunity for one with Mil all capital to got Into pnylng business quickly; owner leav ing city; must bo sold at once. J. H. Johnson, N. Y Life. Q MWO "OR BALK, lown unfermented grnpo Julco business. Address 702 First avenue, Coun- ell llluffs. Q-MG73 A12 CARLOAD fresh cows nnd springers. K. Purdy, 2413 Cuming. Yurd, 15th and Hurt. Q-MJMi 8 TWO fresh cows for sale. M. Sroka. 2912 VJ-997 7 Hnncrott hi. FOR SALE, gas stovo and household ef fects. Mrs. C. F. Hrtnkman, 2117 Sherman uvenue. Q-M133 8 FOR SALE,. Incubator; capacity 200 eggs; chean for cash. Apply Charles West, 60th and Military ave. Q-M131 8 PEllSOXAL. DR, ROY', chiropodist; corns nnd kuperflu- ous pair removeu oy eiecinciiy. it. k. Frenzer biocit u 71a V1AVA. woman's way to health: rational wholesome home treatment. 31$ lite llldg, u ui SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines-for rent, vt 11110 oewing aiacinnr, It; J uoug- las, 1 CI. .-ii. i' 7J5 At. uui.umak A; CO., onl.' perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglau block. l .17 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week; we repair nnd soli needles and jiarttf for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 1003. Neb, Cycle Co,, Cor, 15th and uarncy, u jjj Aitj I'KltSOXAI.. FIIKNCH ACCOKDION I'DKATINO! mall ordorr solicited. Omaha l'leatlnK Co,. IK4 Doui;ias. . L' 7ls FlttVATK hospUnl tor ladles bofofe and during confinement, babies adopteM. .3'0 Urant St. f "IB T11KV cost J37.W per 1,000, and It's chean, too; they arc sold by dealers for 6c each, nnd that s cheap, too; consider quality und price and you will be ours forever; It's tho "Prince i'i Omaha" cigar, union made. W. F, dtoecker Clgnr Co. Sae the bands of tne Stoecker cigar, wo need them. C-MM 10 WANTKD, to correspond with a yoJnfi Indy between Is and 25 for iimusem n. nnd nnat may follow. Address H x 7. Kennard, Neb. L'-MKB S MMK. SMITH, lmth, US N. 15. 2d floor, II 2. t aiiz.1 a. JIO.MOV TO MIAX-IIKAI. I5STATI3. PIUVATK money. F. D. WcaU, 1521 W-i.-J 5 AND 6I4 per cent loans. W. H. Thtmia 1'iut .National J la 11k building. Tel. . $3W, JtC'i, I5W private money to loan; 1, 2, 3 or 0 years, 1 Seloy, Hoard 01 'lrudo JJlfl Si u W-.- MONKV to loan on Improved Omaha real cstatu. Drennan-luo Co., 3(J tsoutli Uth. U 7-'J WANTKD, city loans, bonds nnd warrantB. Uoorgu At Company, lwl i-nrnam ytfeek. i2l WANTKD, city lonns nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith At Co., ism i-urnitin bi. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at r. per cent; borrowers van pay Huu or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. ltrennau-Lovu Co., a S. 13th St., Oinnna, Neb. ' Vm ii TO 5 1'. C. money. Dcmls, Paxton Idle. PIUVATK money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. U WANTKD, city nnd farm loans; nb o bonds and warrant. It. C. Pe'.vrs A: Co., iM Farnam St., Uee llldg. V ,31 $50,0ui SPKCIAL fund; loans J500 up; lowest rules, uarvin uros., iw f arnam. W W3 JIO.MiV TO I.OAX LHATTIiL. 1)(1 YOU XKKI) AtON'KY? We loan I0 and up on tumlture, plnrtoa, nurses and utnvr cuutieis. HA LAKY LOANS. Without mortgsge to people Holding perma nent positions, iou can gei ir.u iiwhlv m u few hours after inaKing application and take 1, 2, 3, 4, u, 0 inontns or more 111 which to pay tt back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep it. e charge nothing lor papers am. we give you the full amount In cash. Ihero are 110 lower rates than ours, our terms 1110 the easiest; our business Is und our motto is "try to please. OMAHA MOuTCiACIi: LOAN CO.,, 119 Hoard of Trade Hidg. Tel, i2jn, (Kstubllahcd 1S92.) 3Wi 8. lBth 1 bt. jv 1- CONFIDENTIAL LOANS . On household furniture, plunos, horses, wagons, etc., lu two hours' time; uiso u salaried people on their plain notes, with out security. Kaslest payments and low est rates lu Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Hrown block, cor. ltitn and Douglas Sts.; entrance on Kith St., opposite Y. Al. C. A. UWU' LAHGKST HUSINKSS IN LOAN8 TO SALARIED PEOPLE, incrcliaius, team sters. Hoarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 10 olllces In princi pal cities. Tolmun, 410 Hoard of Trade llldg, X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURK, llvo stock, etc. (JuleK service and lowest rules guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 033 (top tloor) i'axton block, northeust corner Itfth und Farnam; entrance on ltith street. X-735 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, uorses, cows, eie. j. v . ii, an a. i, X-730 MONEY loaned on ldanns. furniture, horses. cows, jewelry, uun ureen, it. b, uarKeroiK -v tat WE LOAN imoney to salaried people on ineir notu ui lowest rates; sincuy conn dentlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303 Paxtoiv block, 3d floor, Reliable Credit Co. X-739 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business eonudentiai; lowest rates, bit Paxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co, X 791 THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE to make loans on furniture, nlano or saury. ROOM 311 HROWN HLOCK, entrance op posite Y. M. C. A. bldg., 10th st. Try It una jou win bo sure una repeat tne nose. X-MM9 hlhi.i:ss CIIA.NClOS. FOl SALE or trade, half or whole Interest lu drug store; hardwood floor, Matthews gas machine, soda fountain, etc.; In a lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., &00 ueo mug. A GOOD meat market fully enulnncd: Itv Ing rooms connected; good business; for saln or rent. 11. A. liunsen, i;iKiiorn, rsen. 1 aismi TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SKLI. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT 'IO HUY', 1 1 I UUS 1 1' IINU 1UU A UVj.U YOU MAY SAY I NEVKR TRY. J. II. JOHNSON. Sit New York Life llldg. The Real Estate and Huslness Chance Man, Solicits Your Huslness. Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and Rooming Houses fot sale or Kxcnango. T-912 1IOTKL furniture nnd fixtures of 20 rooms, completely equipped, only hotlso In good, live country town, doing nice buslne s; can be had reasonable. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. -.Mtil. RESTAURANT nnd confectionary business in live Iowa town 70 miles from Hluff.. netting $160 to S200 per month; bear closest Investigation; half cash, halt time to re liable party. J. r. joiiiibuh, i, 1, 1,11c Y AI9I4 COAL nnd feed plant, paytiu; bu-dnefn. no better location, might rontder some good real estate. J. H. Johnson, N, Y, Life, Y M9I3 FOR SALE, to first-class Job printer, Inter ..u. in !ivlnz Omaha nnntlne olllce. Owner has other,buslness requiring part of his time. U 40. Hee. .Y-972 ." tt-i'un'iti'RK of 11-room brick Hut. ele grintlv and compieieiy eiiuipiiuu, 11111 111 flrst-class gentlemen roomers; nest men timi. lndv milnc east: It's a money-maker If you want It bo quick. J. H. Johmon N. Y. Life Y-492 FOR SALE In good trading point In north eastern INPIirasKa, new aim-n. uruumi niv. .hundlse: Invoice 3,&oo. German settle ment. M E. Smith & Co. Y-M120 9 FOR RENT or sale, n large, new hotel, 2' ,rt,l.nnrna, plIV Of 1.IHM1 oeOllie: IIV I llur roads; only hotel in city; large transient trade; 12 home. Address Mteinnriiu Plnlnvlcw. Neb. y-aii.-. WANTKn. Indies nf nhllltv to manng branch olllces. T hyroid-Lympil uo.. uuo Hee Hldg., Omaha. Y-M132 LEADING and only hotel In town of 2,600 in east central Iowa; two-story brick; for rent at once; immediate possession, u, Hex "60. Des Moines. V M127 11 I CONTROL 3 miles river front und range with good feed ror several thousand cat tle. AVould llko to take l.Ooo head or more between now nnd March 1 on Joint ac count. Correspondence solicited. Judson W. Elliott, Uox 111, Minneapolis. Minn. Y-M120 8 FOU EXCHANCK. FOR EXCHANGE, tine, clean stock cen oral dry goods, furnlrhing goods, staple 1 and up to date. Invoice about 10,o:o, Wl 1 exchange for part cash and good prop 1 erty. Good stock about Irt.fOo, in g o 1 .trili!. nu'iinr must hiivn nlimil ti rvi ,...dl. balance good property. If you want gooj deal write to Somers & Ilrown, 507 Man hattan bldg., St. Paul, Minn. K-MBS2 1 1 FOR BALE, almost new Gabler uprliTht piano; will tnko horso nnd buggy on trade. D 31, Hee Z-S'J3 TO EXCILANGE for merchandise, CIO acres of good land. (11 per acre. If you wish to buy, sell or exchange property see or write T. M. Cltnc. 123S Q St., Lincoln. Neb. Z-MSll S FOR EXCHANGE. 3.500 ncrcs nf land nnd some good town property In western lowaj will tnke merchandise or planing mill; what have you7 T. M, Cllne. 1"33 O t., Lincoln, Neb, J5-M1I 13 I'Oll .SAI.K-IIKAI, i:TATH lOH 8A1.K or exchange, n well built eight room, nil modern house, lit good repair, at ?M Hurt street, tionr- tiurtness tenter of city, high school, Crvlghtoil college, etc. Lot 3HX132, alley In rear, permanent sidewalk and pavement, all paid for Owner Is anxious to sell and will accept one-half in smaller house and lot, vacant lots or western lands. Look It over anil make ua an offer. Prlco, $uu PA YN K-K NOX COM PA N Y. Main lloor, New York Life wdg. UK-M7 SKK IIKNHY II. PAYNK, 0)1 N. Y. Ltl'K. nK-71.' CIIAS. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. UK-713 HOLSK8 and lots In all pnrts of city; nlo atro properly and farm lands. -The O. F. Davis Co,, Hoom 652, Hoc llulldlng. HK-7II C. F. HAlllllSON & OKO. T. MOItTON. 1I3 N. . Life, buy and sull. Inquiries invited, HK-7i3 AM HANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paclllc Hallrond company. II. A McAllnster, land commlssiomr, l.'n on I'acfflc Hcndfiuartcrs, Omaha, Ncb ltK-715 1IOUSKR, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nre insurance, nouns, rnxton niK.- HK 711 FOH J9m-FOn t'.A HKST LOT IN' IfllltN'TZK PI-APM South trout, on Hlnney street west of IDth nirirvi, i.iving- luxes Hll paid, IlOUllllg like It for nij. UAHVIN UllOS., 1B0I FAIINAM ST. nt: 117 s MEDICAL. LADIKS1 Chichester's Kngllsh PetinyVoynl I'llls aro tlie best. S.ue, reliable. riiKe no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief fot Ladles," In letler by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Phl'ddelphla, Pa. Ot'lt new book sent free, sealed, fully mummied, treats of nil conditions or men tells how to uttnlu "Perfect Manhood.' Should bo n the hands of every male adult. Address Krlc Medical Co., "Hook Dept.." Huffnlo, N. Y. LOST. OST, long black lady's pocketbook, con- i'iuuuk anout iai; it gentlemen s moy ting. Return to 814 Farnam and get to ward. Lost AtlOOO 8 AST, July 3it, between Omaha and L-ike .Miinawn, lady s gold broocn; green stones In circle and pendHtit, Ruward for re turn to Hee oftlce. Lost 115 8 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. llldg. Tel. JWii; Alice jonusun, u. u., ladies dept.; Uid K. Johnson, Osteoiiathlst, Mgr. -718 DONOIIUK, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel. 131 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 306 Knrbach blk. Tel 2262. I JW MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, D. O., ostoo- pathlo physician, Douglas block. -320 A19 I'ATEXTH. WILL UUY' any good invention or patent. Auuresb lock Jdox iiA', uea flumes, iu. -748 MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE. wusmngion, l. c. 11. j. (.owgui, ageiu, S15 Ramge block, Omuhu, Neb. lit $5 THIS advertisement JsRood for J5. Sues : co patent attorneys, nee uiug umauu, Neb. No tea unless successful. M291 AIS ACCORDION PLEATIXU. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, beat, quickest. Airs. A. c. .uarK, . a, cor, inn and Farnam. i'jo 8IIOHT1IA.VD "AXD TlfPKWUiTl.NG. .i'A ,. C. VAN SANT'S :SJl00l "717 . X. Life. UOYLKS" College, court,r.eporter principal, Heo Hldg. ; (o'J NEH. Huslness & Shorthand College, Uoyd's Theater. ' iw GREGG Shorthand. Om..C. Col., 16 & Doug, .01 HICYCLES. A HIG reduction In jirlce on bicycles. Aew bicycles, lib and up; grcouu-nunu ones, w und up. Will sell cheap. Alust reduce stock. Headquarters for. repairing and sundries. Tires, J1.75 each. u. Fli-scher, 1C2J capltoi ave. uji 10 JUXK. DO NOT sell your Junk beforo you get prices or tne ureal weaiyrn juiik jiouse, si: Dougtuii St., Omaha, Vhutle 21t5. A. Feror, proprietor. 233 A15 liAUXDKY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; diirts, Vc; collars, .'c; cults, 4U. jiou uveuwgrtn. lei, an. , in IIOII.EK AIAKEHS. OMAHA Holler Worl". steam liollcrs, tanks, uiacits, etc, xei. ij.j. j.ui uuu izuru 01s. 'i.3 rAWXDIlOKUItS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business coiinueutlui. ioi uougais ' . .at CAlU'ENTtniS AM) JOI.VE11S. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing piumptly ultenuLU enutu 10, j. x. uclultrue, una l.UKC Ol!, .3.0 SATIN HlilS SPECIALTIES. HEST for you, because best made, ifuti.i ar.ui. coup. Oleum una ruivuvi, U u pi oof. 1i FIMIIIXti AND Pt.EASL'IlE REbORT. IF YOU want go-jd buss und croppy tislilng go to Luuguuu, Mo. Very us,i ot lipid iiccoinmouatiuns, plenty. Of bouts uuu iiiiiuiuwa. uritu It, .i, ulttmar lor runs. IU. FARMS FOR HE. VP. 400 ACRES i miles south of Oretns, Sarpy county, iseo. uuil uie.n, liuum a, limi' Ulk., umuha. -jji STAJLilERIMl AM) STIiTTEHIXtJ. CURED. Juila Vaughn, 43p Ramge Hide DltESSMAKIMi.t IN families. Miss Sturdy. ,5JG Harnoy. 7M A10 Mt'KUI, Pl.ATINti. BTOVKS, lamps, etc., reflated. Omaha Plating Co., Hee llldg. lei. 2j3j. .Mo, FUTIXITL'R 13 n EPA I It I NO. TKL. 1331, M. S. Wnlkllll, 2111 Cuming St. -737 Only $15 for n fine Aluminum Plate. Don't have any oilier kind The only PLATE THAT keeps tho mouth cool. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'axton UlooU. PHONE 10S5. m m b posrori'icu Atincn (Should be read dally by nil I'vteristed, a.t chnuges ma; occur nt any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 10, lifOl, will clone (PROMPTLY In all iassl at the general lostolllce as tidlnus; Puree. s poet malls close one huur euriler than clos ing time shown below Pare Is post lualis for (In-many close at 6 p. in. Wednesday Regular and supplementary inull close at foreign branch hall hour later than closing time shown below. TrMin-Alliintli' Alillls. VKDNKSDAY-At (1:30 a. 111. for EUROPE, per s, h. Si. Paul, via Solilhamptoji, nt a. m. (supplemenlary lu 11. m.) for IRELAND, per s. s. Germanic (mall for other parts of Europe 111.1st be directed "per s. n. Germanic '); nt 10 a. m. lor UKI.Gll'M, per s s. Vaderlaiid (mall must be directed "per s. s. Viderliind"). THURSDAY At 7 a. in. for FRANCE, p. r s. s. La Normandle, via Havre (mall tor other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. La Normandle"); nt 7;3o a. m. (supplementary 9 n. m.) for EUROPE, per m. Deulsclil.ind, via Plymouth, I'herbo.ii'g and Hamburg; at 1; .10 ). m for ITALY, per s. ?. Llgurta, l,i Naplis (mall must bo directed "per s s, Llgurln"). SATURDAY At 7:30 n. in. for NETHER LANDS, per s. h. Staatendiun (mnll must be dlrectetl "per s. s. Stiintendatn' ), nt 9:: n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per h. s, Astoria (mall mint bo directed "per s, s, A-ttorla"); at 9.30 a. tu. (siippleinentury 11 n. 111. 1 for EUROPE, per s. s. Ciunpanln, via ijuconstown, nt 10 a. in. for ITALY, per s s. U'erra, via Naples (mall must w directed "per s. s, Worrit"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls fl-'nmct takes printed .Matter, commercial ra. pers nun mount's lur vti'iiuauy imii. hi- iniui. class of mall matter for other narts of Europe will not be sent ny mis snip iiiit.tfd illt'ftrtoil liv' lu,r Aftcr'the closing of tho siipplemcntniy Trnns-Atlnntlc malls named above nddl- tlonul supplementary malls are opened on (he piers of tlie American, Engll.'h, French nnd German steamers und rtm.un open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlln for South nnd Central America, Weil Indies, Etc. WEDNESDAY At 9 a. in. for ST. K1TTS, HRITI8II, DUTCH Illld FRK.NCH GUIANA, per s. s. 1'llcr; at 9:30 .11. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Uelvernon; at lo a. in. (supplementary 10:30 11. m.) for CURACAO nnd MARACAlllO. per s. s. Hllilur tmull fur other parts of en -v.uela, Carlhagena and S.ivanllla must bo directed "pef s. s, lllldur"), nt 12 m. for CUDA, YUCATAN, CAMPKCHE, TA RASCO und CHIAPAS, per s. s, Espo rnnza (mall for other parts or Mexico must be directed "tier s. s. Kspernnza ). THURSDAY- At 12 m. for HRA'.IL. AR GENTINE REPUHLIC, 1'III'lll'Ai ami PARAGUAY, per s. v. Hevellus (mull for Northern Hrazll must bo directed "iwr s. s. Hevellus' ); ut 0:30 p. in. for JA MAICA, per s. a. Admiral Schley, fn in Huston. FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Mntauiiar, via Tampico (mall must l directed "per s. s. Matunzns"); nt 11 p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND per s. H. Carthu Rcua, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY-At 9 n. in. (supplementary 9:30 11. 111.) for PORTO RICO, CI llACA'J nnd VENEZUELA, lor s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Carthugenu must he directed "per s. s. Philadelphia ); nt 9:30 ti. m. (supplomentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VAN ILLA and CARTHAGKNA, per s. . Altai (mall for Costa Rica must bo di rected "per s. ,,. Altai"); at 9:30 a. 111. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for HAM I nnd SANTA .MART A, per s. s. Andes; ut 10 a. m. for CUHA, per h. b. Mexico, via Ha i'ii nn; ut 12:30 p. m. for MATAN ZAS. CA1HARIKN, NUEVITAS, GII1ARA and UARACAO, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mall only, which must bo directed "per s. h. Ollnda"); at 1 p. in. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for UERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by Bteamer, .close nt this olllco dally nt 0:30 p. m. (connecting close hern every Monday, Wednesduy und Saturduy). Mails for Mlquclon. oy rail to Hoston, and thenco by steamer, close at this clllco dally ut 0:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, close nt this olllco dully at 0 11. m, (tho connecting closel here on .Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mulls for .Mexico City, overland, nn loss specially addressed for dlspulch Jjy steumer, close at this" olllco dally at 1:30 p m. und ll;tw p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Hellze, Puerto Corlcz und Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close at this olllco dalli i:3o p. m. (connecting closes here Monaays lor Belize, l'uerto Cortez und UUuteinalu und Tues days for Costu Rica). . 'Registered mull closes ut 0:00 p. 111. previous day. TriliiM-Pliclllv Mulls. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phll ltmlni'M. vln San Francisco, close here dully at 0:30 p. m. up to August 5, In clusive, for dlsputch per a. s. America .Mnru, Malls for Hawaii, vu San Francisco, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to Auguu 'j, for dlspntch per s. s. Marnposn. Mnlls for llnwnll. .Inimn. China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. in. up to August 12. lnclusli'e, for dispatch per s. b. City of Pekln. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. in. up to August '13, Inclusive, for dis'piltcli per s. s. Em press of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). .Mall, except merchandise wdilch cannot bo forwarded via Canada, for tho U. 8. Postal Agent at Shanghai, closes ut 6:30 p. m. previous ilnv. Mall's for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, Closo licro dally at o:;w p. m. up to Au gust II. inclusive, for dispatch k-r s, s. Idzuma Maru (registered mall must, bo di rected "via Seattle"). Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via . Europe), Now Zealand, FIJI, Samoa tuid Huwuii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. after July "27 and up to August 17, in clusive, or on arrival of s. s Lucunln, due at New York August "17, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, Which goes du Europe, und New Zealand, which goes via Han Francisco), snd FIJI Island, via Vancouver, closr nero dally nt 0:3u p. m. up to Aimust "17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Wurrlnioo (supple mentary malls, via Seattle and Victoria), close at 0:30 p. m. August IS (mall must be directed "via Vancouver' ). Malts for China and Japan, via Tacomn, close hero dully at 0:30 p. m. up to Au gust "is. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Olympla. Trans-Paclflc malls aro forwarded to port of railing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged an the presumption of their un interrupted ovorlund transit. "Registered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postinustcr Postolllrc, New York, N Y., August 2, 1101, Direct Route to (JmsKurf Kxlilliltlon ANCHOR LINE .itcniiialilps front Xew York Weekly fo (iLASliOW VIA LOXDUXDERRY. Saloon. 150 und up. Second Cabin. $.12.50 und up. Third Class, iv and upwards, For illustrated foldur und further Informa tion upply to HENDERSON HROTHER, Chlcugu, or J. S. McNALLY, 1323 Fumum St., CJEO. 15, A.UHOTT. K'! Farnam St.. Orn.iho. tlOjION to LIVtHHOOL la i)dEEN4fnvl N(w tnjiand, Twin Screw, II, C0U ' ug. H Commoimaalth " " I2.00U fons Aun, 28 r-OHIUND t) LIVenr-OOL Dominion .Aug, 10 Vancouver Sept. 5 C.nnbrnnan , Auj)L I , Dominion Sept. 14 For fnrltier lifurmtdon. adifrrti 3 Coapiny'i (lllkfi, 49 DtirboraSl,. Colcno, lilt. I.IRi.VL MlTILK.S, ADMIRAL! V SEIZURE - STEAMBOAT "JACOH RICHTMAN." CITATION. United States of America, District of No. t)t4'lHl(i't St4 Whereas. A libel has been llled In the dls trlct court of the United States for the dls trli't of Nebraska, on Hie .311th dnv nf .lull ,1001. by Caleb Haley ns llbidlunt In 11 ciiutj , of tort, civil and maritime-, against the I ui!ifnluinl ".llieril. lllfdittmiti It., n,.. .,,,.. I tackle und furniture", and praylpg tho usual process and monition of tlie court tiut nil persons Interested In suld sleumboHt, her tackle, nppnrel, machinery und Mrnlture, may bo cited to appear und answer the pro mlses, unit nil dun proceedings, being hud, that suld Hteumbout may be decreed to bn Hojd, and the proceeds, thereof dlstributiMi according to law Therefore. In pursuance of said monltlmi under the seal nl said court. (0 me directed ' and delivered on tho 31st day of July. laoi! I I 110 uereuy biiii luiiieu Ki'llt-Tllliv unto nil I persons l-nvlng or pretending to have uny right, title or Interest In said steamboat, , I culled the "Jacob Hlchtman," her taokle, i iiti.xi, xoi'icr.s. niprel, machinery und furnllure. to np- I i" i'i i'mv mi- !iiiii court m ini- 1 n 01 Oinnhn. In said dlMriet, on the 2d day of Mepienioer, i;ni, next i u He a court '(f, or else 011 next court dity thereafter), at to 1 o flock furonoon of said day, then and thev to nnswer tlie said libel, and to make 1 Dated nt umniia in said district this 7111 day nf .August, .A. D. 19C1. I T. L. MATHEWS, Unlled Slates .Marshal for the Dlstilct of . Vni.t-nsiin AiieM)i:.t ' ........ - - -u . HOND SALE. The Hoard or Kdilcallon of District No A. Plalnvlew. Neb,, will sell to the highest blddtrs on August 20. 1901, it t 2 p. m.. tin bonds of the district. 110 bond to exceed $1.0.0. or be less than $700. Rids ; w 111 also be j rei'etveii ror nuntiing. j. .. u iiiuius, 1.1- rector. AugSdltin RAILWAY TI.Mll K.llt. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and .Vi Paclllc Railroad "Tho Great Hor.k Island Routo" citj Ticket Olllce, 1323 Fm nam Street. Telephone, 423. Depot, Tenth aim Marcy Streets. Tele phone, c.-j. ... .. l-eu. Arrive. EAa 1 . Chicago Daylight 8pe...u C:w am u 2:00 nm tu Milium and Daven port Loca.. a 7:25 am b!l:35 am Chicago Express !jll:la uiii n urn Des Mulnes Loi'll u 4..M pin a 4.4i pm Chicago Fust Express.. a 5:ou pm u 1. pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago 11 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm . . ,.,,...i., t ,,,, Rocky .Mountain L m u 2:00 nm a C:W nm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo nnd West n 1:30 pm a 4. -15 pm Colorado. Oklaliotnu & Texas Flyer. 1 6:20 pm a 9:50 nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO &. NORTH, western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Olllce. 1401 l'ui nam St. Telephone, 501. Depot, Tenth und Murcy Streets. Tele phone. 029. .. . Liuve, Daylight Chicago Spe- .c nl 11 7:oo um Chicago I'asseugr u 4:15 pm Lantern Express. Des At rive. all:30 pm a :40 am jio nes, .Miirsli.illtown, teditr Rapids and Oilmen iA,r... , n j.a. EnMern Special. ' UiU cugo and jiast a 1:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mull. Clucnno to win.kiia , pmaha-Chlcago L'fd...a 7M5 pm I'nst Mall Cedar rapids Paingor. a 2:45 pm a 8.W nm a 8:30 am a 6:30 pm u uuuy. FRKMOroT, ELICHORN fi Missouri valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Olllces, United Slates National Hank llulldlng, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Fur- iiuin fets. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fanium St. ielephor.o, Ml. Depot, 15th and Webster fats. '1 Jlephone, llw. Leave. Arrive. Uiack lillls, Dead wood, Hot Springs 1 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Cusper nnd Dougliio d 3;00 pm o 6:00 pm Hustings, York, David City, sjupoilor, Geneva, .ixeler uhd Seward,. ..ti 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, emigre ana Fremont b 7:3o um bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wur.oo & Fre mont b 7:30 am blo:25 am Fremont Local t, um s .Dally. l Dally excop'. Sunuay. 0 Sun day only d Dully except Saturduy. e Dally except Mui)duy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omuhu Railway "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces, Nebrusku Divi sion, 15th and Webstur Sis. City Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam 8L Telephone, 501, Depot, iDiu una Webster am. Teiepnono, HjS. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger., Sioux City Pusscnger, Emerson Local a Dally ,.u 0:00 um a 9:10 pm ..u 2:45 pm allilo um ,.b 6:30 pm b fe;3u am BlOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rullroud "The North western Line" General Olllces, United States National Hunk Hulldlug, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Furiium Sts. Ticket cilice, iii,i Farnam St. Telephone, 501. Do pot, Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, o-J. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express 11 6:00 am nlo:2i pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pui u s!15 uin Sioux City Local a :w um a -:3U pm u Luily. UURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tlie Uurliugton Route" General unices, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street, 'iLtlXl'HU ,1 UUlUIIISlUli OIUIIUU, ACIIIU lilid AUuuli Streets. Telupnoily 12i. lcuyi.. Arrive. Lincoln. Habtngs and McCoos. at:l3am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado. Utah. Calitorula.u 4:25 pm u 3i0iJ pm Alliance Express a 4.2o pm a 3:00 pm Llii"0m & DiucK j nils, .u u:uu put u t:ti um Munlana, I'ugd Sound. .a u:oo pm. a 0145 um Lincoln Fust Mall b 3:vo pin u 'Jilt um Wymorc, Heal rice und Lincoln 1 8:40 am blf.55 am Denver, f'oloruun, Utun - und cultbruiii. a 5: It am Fort, Crook, So. Hend, Louisville, i'lattsm'tn.b S:20 pm 011:05 um Hcllevue, i'.attsmoutU & Paclllo Juiictlun a 7:40 pm a S:20 nm Hellevue, P.uttsmouth & paclllc Junction a 3:10 aut- a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO acpli ic Council Bluffs Railroad "The Hurllngton Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Furnum Street, Telephone zm, ucpui, xciiiu uuu Musou Streets, Tele phone 124. Leave. Arrive, Kansas City Day Ex....u yi.ii am 11 o:oj pm Kunsas CRi Night Ex.,al0:. pm u 6:15 um Bt. Louis Flyci, for it, Joseph nnd St. Louis. a a;IO pm all lb urn a Daily CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ii ouiiicy Railroad "The Hurllngton Route" Ticket Olllce. 15ou Fanium Street. Telelibune 250. Depot, lentil and Miibon Streets. Telciilione 123. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chivtigo 6p- cial a. 7:00 am uiojo pm Clilcago '.'ccUl'u.c'. iSx.u 4:00 prn u 7:45 11111 Chicago Local Express. 11 u:30 um u 4:03 pm Chicago Limited ........u 7:50 pm 0, 7:45 am Fa bt Mull a 2:13 pm u Dully, UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER laud Route" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Furnum Streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone, 31$. Uepot, Tenth und Murcy Sts. 'i otophone, 0211. Leave. Arrlvn The Overland Limited. .u 4:20 um a 7;30 pm The Chicago-Portland Special -1 !:20 utn a 7:30 pm The Fust Mall 'i um u 3:25 pm The Mall and iCxpriss .,ill:3j pm u 4:25 prn The Colo.'ilUd Sjiecml ...U1j pm u t:W um Lincoln, Hoatrleu und Stiomsburg Kxyicss-.b 4:05 pin bl2:30 pm The Pucilrc Kxprcis....u 4:2j p.n The Allium. linrM... 11 0:50 um Grand Island Local h 5:30 pin b 3:33 Um a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL rondGeneral Olllces and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 11th and Dougui, Sts. lelephono, 101. Duoot union stution, ' LCftVO. Arrlvn St. Luiils and Kansas City Express u lo;00 11m n C;25 pm K. C St. L Express. .u lU:5i) pm n 0:L am Leave from 13th Webster (Streets: KrbrasKii i.ocal. und Via Wi'oplmr Vi uter 1) 4:10 pm nIO!45 am a Dally - Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city tfi Eastern Itallroad-"The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. rice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele, phone. 322. Depot, Tenth und Murcy Sts. Telephony. O. Leave. Arrive. u, t n,ita r,,nnnti Hall Kspri-fs ..a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Loci) u cOO am u u.w pm u uaiiy. IsassmkSSi!. 1UBSP it n,v, timi: t aiih. II. 1.1 NO IS CENTRAL ll.illu.iduty. Ticket oi ce. 110.' l uruani Street, niephone, H&. Depot. Tcnlh anil Marcy Streets Arrive. -iiuiim i.prr " 'lv Chicago Limited.. ......a i.4j pui ui,tll .Mintiea.iolli Ac ' .11-x- LVi'muY m " 0:44 'm Mtni.i .ipoitr .v St. 1 nul 1 nit 1...1 o t 1 1 a Fort Dodae Local from - wt'iii u o.uj nm Council tlluffs b 4;C0 pin a 8;15 mm Foil Dodge Local from 1 Council Hturfs n 6:00 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. p,. xlU, cannon Hall Arrive. i;vpress ,, e.u , ft 8:20 nm I ,,iur,i? it, uiiii wuincy Local ...i7;00um n 9;00 pm 11 Dally. CHICAGO. MILWATJIvEP A St. Pnlll TFAUl Depot. Tenth and Mason Hiieeis. lelephono, C29 Leave. Arriv Chicago & Omaha Kx..b 7:15 nni h 3.40 nm Chicago Limited Ex.. . a 0:00 pm a 8:03 an. a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. W ADAS II RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth nnd lfnrcy Sts, Telephone, r09. Leave. Arrive. 8t. Louis "Cannon Hall" Kxprcs ....a 5:15 pm a 8:M am INDIAN RENTS A BED CAR Thrre-l.ruurd Horse, llnnnhty Chief frnm the Xortli, Crenfes Sensn li.iu nt Union Depot. Hadgerninn Mike, otnerwlso known ns Chief Three-Legged Horso, n minor clan lender of tho Sioux Indians in Wisconsin, passed through Omaha yesterday en routo for Indian Territory, where, he will visit with his nice brethren, llndgerman was tho lilt of the hour nt tho station. Coming iu over tho Northwestern, ho de scended from n Pullman sleeper with all tho haughtiness and prlda of a former raco grandeur. No ono about the station did mora thnu stare at tho big Indian, but ho knew tho perquisites of his position ns a traveler. Ho had no sooner entered tho Iron gate than ho wet down his luiud luggngu with 11 thud nnd beckoning sternly at n porter In blue uniform and red cap, commnndedi "Carry that grip." Tho porter obeyed with nlncrlly nnd wns nt tho bidding of Three-Legged Horso till tho chief left tho station on tho other road. When Mlko bought his ticket for the trip Into Kansas City it wns hnrd lo persundo him that ho had not been "short-changed" nnd ho hnd each one of tho five bystanders, count up the silver lu turn. Hp was nlso careful to get a "bed enr" for tho rest of his journey. Tho Indian talks Kngllsh fairly well nnd snld It wns his first trip west slnto he rodo hero on horseback, "when there didn't have no fences." lie explained tlio origin of his pecullnr cognomen by saying that llndger man Mlko wns merely n nickname given him by tho American lumbermen In Wis consin. Tho word Iladgermnn signified that ho was from that Btnto and "Mlko" wns ad ded because ho spolto Kngllsh with nn Irish accent. SAMSON GETS MANY-' LETTERS Editors from All Over NelirnsUn 11 ml limn Co 111 1 11 r, tint One Sends Heari'l. Samson Is kept busy reading replies com ing to him from tho editors of Iowa nnd No braska In response to his Invitation to visit Omaha Monday evening nnd become familiar with tho mysteries of tho Knights of Ak-Snr-Hen. Generally tho replies nro accept ances, but thcro are soino notable excep tions. Among theso is one from tho editor of tho Greeley (Neb.) Citizen, wherein It is positively slated that "I will not bo present nt tho den that night." This poaitlvo re jection of Um overturns of the merry mon arch of Qulvem, Ih softened tiy the lines of explanation which follow: "For you folka nre rnther too savage toward those of my sex," and the fnlr writer goes on to explain that tho Citizen's policy Is dictated by an "editress," but not nn editor. So far arcoptances have been received from editors In Iowa ns fnr enst ns Cnrrnll nnd Irom those froindlio western borders of Nebraska. It Is probable that (it least 200 writers will be present on .Monday night to tako pnrt lc tho Initiation nt tho den. Tho party will assemble at tho Her Grand hotel at 7:30 o'clock nnd nt 8 will start promptly from the hotel lo tho den. It Is going to bn necefsnry to mnko two trips over tho Arctic route, as n large num ber of the visiting editors will not reach Omaha until !):30. Theso Into arrivals will proceed directly lo the den nnd will bo given tho work Immediately upon their nrrlval. At tho close o'f the Initiations there will probnbly he addresses by some of tho as sembled thinkers nnd the usual bnuquct will be spread. TOO MUCH TUMULT FOR HANS Aued 1 11 nil Former FIiiiIn llnilroitd Trnel Not n TIiIhk of .lny These llns, Hans Hansen, a fanner from near At luutla la,, created n Bceno at Union sta tion yesterday by Jumping off thn west bound Rock Island train nnd shouting that ho had been robbed of $S0. Hansen wan euroute for Rokcby, a small station south of Lincoln, but he Immedi ately refused to travel farther and said he would return homo as quickly as pos sible. Ho was aged and evidently unused to traveling. Getting on at Atlantic In the morning, ho had purchased a ticket to Fnlrhury, many mlleH further than ho wished to go, So when tho train pulled Into Omuhu at 1 30 tho conductor took Huns to tho ticket window in the Btntian to try. and fix tt ui). "ut on the way In tho old man huw a group uf Indians In fantastic nttlru and ho wns struck with wonder. He gazed at tho aboriginal tourists, till almost tlmn for his train lo lpnvo und then It wns too late to exchange the ticket. Hansen went bnck mi his car with all his money In his hand. In n mlniito ho Jumped out again and snld that lit) had been crowded by four fnt men who robbed him. Then tho train loft and tho fat men remained on It. Telegraph messages which pursued It to Lincoln brought a reply from the conductor that Hans hnd Imnglned It all. Tho old man bought a fare back home and snld ho would never travol again. S( Ol Itl.Mi VOI'lt MCAI.P. Will Remove Hie Loose Diui.lrnfT Sollies, but It Won't ('lire OillldrnfT. If your hair Is brittle nnd thinning you have dandruff. Tho merely scouring of tho scalp of tho loose scales won'L cure dnn dniff, becauso dandruff Is nothing but scales of acalp belnj! thrown off by a pcstlfurou llttlit germ In burrowing Its wny to tho root of the hair, whoro It saps the vitality, cans log falling hair und lu tlmn baldness. Now you rnn't stop dandruff, nor falling hair, nor prevent baldness unless you destroy that gerin, and tho only preparation that can do It Is tho now scientific discovery, Nowbro'n Hcrplcldo. In fact, no other hair preparation claims to kill the dnmlrut germ all of them will clean the scalp; soap and water will do that, but only Nowbrn's Herplcldn gets nt the root of the trouble and kills tho dandruff germ. is