Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Advertisements for these column
will ba taken until Vi m. for the
enlnc edition and until USUI p. in.
fur mnralBc aait Knnday edition.
Rates, 1 1.3a a word drat Insertion,
lo a warA thereafter. Nothing taken
for leaa than 2So for the Oral laser
tlon. These advertisements maat be
rna conaenntlvelr.
Advertisers, by reqaeatlaa- a aam
tiered check, eaa have atrswers ad
dressed to a numbered letter la ear
t The flee. Answers aa addressed will
be delivered mm arsssatatlaa mt tha
ahaak alv.
ANTKD, by nn elderly German womnn, n
plaro hm nurse, Inquire 2031 Sherman Ave.
A-977 5'
WA.TEI MAt.U hum.
"WANTED, experienced sfnp salesman; re
ply, stating ago, experience, references,
salary expected. Address G 67, llec.
t ll-M 192
"WANTED, young man stenographer: stntn
age and Hillary. Add. I) IS, lire. II M7C5
WANTED, men that would like to be bar
hers; wo will teach the work In two
months, kIvo outllt of tools and pny J12
weekly when competent. Call or write,
Molcr Hurbcr College, 1023 Furnnm st.
u-itsa 8'
X3AKEHS wanted. Lauder HnklniTcn., 13th
and Mason. H M970 7
"WANTED, two or more experienced, re
liable poultry hucksters, with established
routes, Apply to Swift and Company,
South Omaha, Neb. II-.M9M 12
"WANTED, a cook, prefer man and wife, at
ArllnKton hotel, Stuart, la. H-M3H 0
"WANTED, ladles or gentlemen for home
work, 11.50 to 12 per day, experience un
necessary, permanent employment. Call
at 1722 Dodge, 10 a. ni. till 2 p. in.
wa.nted-pemale help.
WANTED. 20C girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S70.
CO GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Office.
WANTED, laillcs to learn hair-dressing,
manicuring or facial massage; only four
weeks required. Call or write, Molcr Col
lege, 1023 Famam st. C Mb22 8'
"WANTED, Kir). 123 8. 30th. No children.
C-MSS7 6
GIRL for general housework; good wages.
soo ao. at. c M916 ;
"WANT good dressmakers at 1020 Doug'as.
"WANTED, girl for general housework,
German preferred. 332S S. 21th.
C-97C 7
WANTED, nurse; rofcrences required. 3020
Fumnm. C 978
run iiK.vr houses.
IF YOU want your houses well rented placu
them with Itciiuwii & Co. D-CSI
TO MOVE right, get Omnhn, Van Storago
Co., olllcu 151114 Farnam, or tel. 1559-1)03.
HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city.
Hrennnn-Love Co., S20 South 13th street.
HOUSES, stores, liemls.
Paxton block.
SEE I1ENU.Y 11. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIFE.
HOUSES, etc' P. D. Wea'd, 152i Douglas.
HOUSES and tints, lllngwalt, Darker block
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, llrown block.
l-ROOJiLbrick house., modern. .2717 Jackson.
Telephono A. Trnynor, 491 or Ij-25S3.
10-HOOM, cast front, brick house, 308 N. 224
St., near Davenport. Inquire next door.
FOIl RENT, house and barn, all modern:
2137 South 33d St. Apply 402 Mercimnts'
National Hank llldg, D 300
7-ROOM flat, fil7 South 10th. Clark Powell.
311 New York Life. D-G31
FOR RENT, nlco 0-room modern flat with
Hteain hentj water and Janitor service. In
Davldge building, opposite city hall, J35.
(room modern hnusn with nice shudo tree
and luvn, 3008 Mnsnn Htrect, J35.
219 8. 29T11 AVE.. 8-room house. AM,
MODEItN, In good condition; rent, J25;
tioto how close In this house Is to he mod
ern at this price; It Is a bargain; want
only Al tennn with references.
ICtli and Douglas Sts.
A DESIRARLE tenant furnished In 21
hours. List your houses with me. My
permanent rental service, the best. Farms
In Minnesota on easy payments.
FOR HUNT, desirable 5-room house, with
bam. WO S. 21st st. D-MM0
13"C S. 32d St., 11 rooms, molern, steam
heat, on highest ground In Omaha. 14
block from park. Key next door south.
VERY deslrnblo flat In good repair, well
located. M. J. Kennurd & Son, 310 llrown
block. D S34
in i RESIDENCE for rent; Hnnscom park;
3-; 'Phono 2113. Address, Mrs. L.
D. .Vogul, ZHli and Walnut.
IS2I Wirt street. 10 rooms, modern, In first
class repair. Iirgo barn, 110.
2"0 N. ISth St.. 12 rooms, modern, two large
bams. J list tht place for party running
transfer or dray line; $25.
211 N. 20th St., 10 rooms., modern, brick, In
tlrst class repair, J20.
102: St. 20th St.. R rooms, modern; will bo
put in tlrst class repair; 41S.
1010 N. 27th St., two-story. 7 rooms, city
nuii-i, huu ii'iuir, tl.
M2S Iike St., S rooms, modem, brick. In
good repair, J 15.
tt N. 31th St.. 0 rooms, modern; In first
iitics ii'iiuir. tiu
1121 Cass St.. 10- rooms, modern, first c'nss
V ,11 1 i , f vl
1H2 8. 3".d. 8 rooms, modern, brick. In goo,
repair; 30.
f2 Popiileton Ave.. 10 rooms, modem, with
210 Popplel
barn, )J5.
iileton Ave., lo rooms, modern, with
So, 2i)th St., C rooms, city water, goo'
Repair: )ltl.
S"0 So. 13th St.
D-MS93 10
TOR RENT. Ui Park Ave.. 8 rooms, ex-
eentlonallv lino as to condition nnd loca
tion. W per mouth 1). V. Sholes Co., 3t0
N. V. Life, Tel. &'9, I) Mtias li
JORNEH 20th and. Woolworth ave,, 7-room,
an moiieru, nice mwn nnu snane. wiiea
-ton, 42S Pftxton blk. D-Mta
r-HOOM Hat, modern. 1112 S. llth. D-975
ELF.GANT S-room houso, all modern Inv
provements. 4W N. 21th st. D-M9S9 7
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Famam
r. 0.0
THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms,
THREE rooms, light housekeeping. Ill
South inn. V403
Uousekeeplng rooms 10 up. 2023 fit. .Mary'.
TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen only,
2010 uavenport. r- o u
' niREB room. lght honsekeeplng. ill
'South llth. 1 B-515 A10
Tool, well ventilated rooms. 149 J"',
UTOPIA 1721 Davenport St.
OLENCAI11N, transient, Jl.SSdny. UOfl D'.ug
THE Merrlanii summer resort. 23th & Dodve
TWO large front rooms, with board. 19 9
Capitol Ave. F-MU7
DESHtAnLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S.lhlh
St F-701
DESIHAULK rooms, first-class board. 25.31
Harney. F-M987K
IIOOMS and board. The Iloe. 2000 Harney
st. F M) 83
DESK room spate. $J per month, ground
lloor room In Tlio lies building, facing
Famam street; no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co,,
Itental Agents, Hce Ilulldlng, Q 110
3 UN Ft MINI SHED chambers for house
keeping; water and waste pipe, 319 N.
17th. a-636
FOH HENT Unfurnished rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping, Wlthnell llldg.,
15th and Harney. Bee Janitor.
FOH ifENT. store In Ilrst-closs location';
rent reasonable. Apply H. C. I'eters &
Co., ground lloor, Ueo llldg. 1200
KOH HENT. the building formerly occu
pied by Tho Hoo nt 910 Famam St. It has
four stories and a basement which was
formerly used as Tho lleo press room,
This will be rented very reasonably. If
interested apply at oneo to C. C. Hoso
water, secretary, room 100, Hco building.
FOH HENT. office with vault and part first
floor or all top floor. 1111-16 Harney tit.
Midland Glass & Paint Co., 1110 Harney
St. I-43S
W ANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions for THE
TOR. This splendid book contains l.tlO
imperial octavo piges, W object-teaching
engravings nmj Is the only Look on live
stock ever published adapted to the every
day, practical, money-saving use of every
farmer and stock owner. Steady employ
ment with assured good Income. Agents
In the country with horse and buggy es
pecially desired. Canvassers mako easily
C0 to 11(0 per month. Address, Century
I'nrmer Solicitors' Bureau, Deo building,
Omaha. J iS7
WANTED to rent furnished house, 8 to 8
rooms, for one month. Address D 11, Hee.
K MDiS 8
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912
yil Jones, general storage and forwarding.
OM. Ven Stoi. Co., 1511H Parn. Tels. 1559-S03.
STORAGE: Household goods nnd other
articles stored at low rates. J. J. Dcrlght
& Co., 1119 Famum St. Tel. 353, 703
foii sam: furniture.
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020. New & 2dhand furniture bought, sold,
exchanged. O 701
LIGHT omnibus nnd buggies for sale at II.
Frost's, 14th and Leavenworth. P M28
AWDUST, chenpest posts, poultry and hog
fence. 901 Douglas. Q 7u0
2DHAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
SAFES, standard makes.sold, rented. 114 S. 13
q 7W
RIG line of secondhand wheels, 1.1, $3, V), J 10.
umana uicycie 1..0., juin aim unicugo sis.
TRADE your old wheel In on n new one.
umana tncycie uo., mn ana cnicago Sts.
CIOAH nnd news stand, with soda foun
tain, line rum I uire or s rooms, good laun
dry package business, good location; party
going to Iluffalo: scli cheap. J. H. John
son, 811 N. Y. Life. Q MI70
OIL nnd gnsollnc business, established 13
years, controls to customers; route In
heart of city; team, harness nnd oil
tnnks, wagon, fiuO 5-gal. cans and every
thing complete; an exceptional oppor
tunity for one with small capital to got
Into paying business quickly; owner leav
ing city; must be sold at once. J. H.
Johnson, N. Y Life. Q M6I0
FOR SALE, Iowa unfermented grnpe Julco
iiininrnH. jiuuiesa ivj eirsi avenue, UQtin
ell RlnKs. Q-M073 A12
FIREPROOF safe. Garvin, 1613 Farnam.
CARLOAD fresh cows and springers. E.
ruruy, ilia turning, varu, :5th and Hurt.
CJ-M3J0 8
FOR RENT, largo barn 5th nnd Jones, $33
kt iiuiiuii, u , onoics uo,, .iw n. ,
.Ife. H M939 G
DR. HOY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu
ous nnir reraoira uy eiecinciiy, H. v;,
Frenzer block. U 713
VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational,
wnoiesome nome uraimuii. a me lll.lg.
SHOE repairing. M. Sperduto, 818 N. lh.
I 6iS A 5
SUPPLIES for all machines; m.irhlnes for
rent. White bowing .Machine, 162J Doug
las, ici. ;n. u us
I'RIVATE hospital for ladles befoto iiml
during conunemeni, uauies nuopteu. vjim
uruiu t. u iiti
M. GOLDMAN & CO,, only perfect nc-
coruiou pieaung pinni in tnu west; mail
orders solicited. Suite 2(0, Douglas block.
oruers solicited, umana I'lcating to., 1524
Douglas". u 71S
MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d lloor,
room 2. U MS39 7'
WE RENT sewing machines for 75 centB
per ween; we repair and sell needles nnd
parts for every machine manufactured.
'Phone 1C03. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and
Harney. U 137 A 10
WANTED, bids for concessions at mrnster
.1 IV II i.ln, 1.. 111.... . . . i
.V. W. I. II. 1MI.-1III., 1-IUllMlIIUlIin, .Hill,
Aug. 17. Address J. A. Outsche.
U-M3J5 0
WANTED, to correspond with a young
lady between 18 and 23 for nmusemtn
and what may follow. Addresj Hox 7,
Kenuard. Neb. U-M'JSJ S
THEY cost $37,00 per 1,000. and It's cheap,
too; they aro sold by dealers for 5c each,
and that s chenp, too: consider quality nnd
price and you will bo ours forever; It's
tho "Prince of Omaha" clgnr, union mode,
W. F. Stoeeker Cigar Co,
Save the bands of tho Stoeeker cigar, wo
need them. V MK3 10
PRIVATE money. F. D. Weud, 1521 Douglas
5 AND it per cent loans. W. II. Thonm',
First National Hank building. Tel. lt-4
$300. $400. $500 private money to loan: 1. 2, 3
or 5 years. W. L. 8elby, Hoard of Trade
Hldg. W-722
JtONBY to loan on Improved Omnhn real
cstnte. Hrennnn-Iove Co., 309 South 1.1th.
W.liNTED, city loans, bonds and warrants.
George & Company, 1001 Farnam street.
WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W.
Ftirnaro Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St
150.000 SPECIAL fundi loans 1500 Up, lowest"
..tVl'n, IIU Ut.'lti;. Mlirlll IU3. lUld r ill -
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms at 5 per rent; borrowers en n
pay lluo or any multiple; any Interest
date; no delay, Hrennan-Love Co., ;n S.
13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-720
4'.4 TO 3 P. C money. Uemls, Paxton blk.
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. I
WANTED, city nnd farm loans; al-o bonds
nnd warrant. H. C. Peters & Co., 17JJ
Farnam St., Ueo Hldg. W 731
$S0.f) SPECIAL fund; loans $&00 up; lowest
rntes. Garvin Hros.. Farnam and lfith,
Com'l Nafl Hank Hldg. W-SVJ
We loan $10 nnd up on luriilturc, pianos,
horses and other chattels.
Without mortgage to psoplo holding perma
nent positions. You can gel the money In
a few hours after making application nnd
take 1, 2, J. 4, 5, 0 months or more in which
to pay It back, and you need not pay for
It ono day longer than you keep it. s o
charge nothing for papers and we gtu
you the full amount In cash. There are
no lower rates than ours; our terms are
the easiest; our business Is conlUc.itldl
and our motto Is "try to please."
119 Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel. 22.5,
(Established lfcW.) 3vO S. 10th St.
On household furniture, plnnos, horses,
wagons, etc., In two hours' time; also to
salaried people on their plain notes, with
out security. Easiest payments and low
est rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing
room. American Loan Co., room 312 llrown
block, cor. 10th and Douglus Sts.; entrance
on 16th St., opposite Y. M. C. A.
X 733
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, Hoarding houses, etc., without se
curlty; easiest terms; 10 offices in princi
pal cities. Tolman, 410 Hoard of Trade
Uldg. X-731
live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top
lloor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th
and Farnam; entrance on 10th street.
X 733
EY loaned on plnnos, furniture, Jew
, horses, cows, etc. C. P. Reed, 319 . 13.
MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, H. 8, Uarker blk
WE LOAN money to salaried peoplo on
their note at lowest rates; strictly contl
dentin); pay weekly, semi-weekly or
monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d lloor.
Reliable Credit Co. X 739
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
people; business confidential; lowest rates,
bit Paxton block, The J. A. Hutton Co.
maku loans on furniture, piano or sal.iry,
ROOM 314 HHOWN ULOCK, entrance op
posite Y. M. C. A. bldg., 16th st. Try it
und you will be sure und repeat tho dose.
FOH HALE or trade, half or whole Interest
In drug store; hardwood lloor, Matthews
gas machine, soua touniain, etc.; in a
lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co.,
600 Ueo Hldg. Y-740
FOR SALE, bar and fixtures, complcto cut-
nt, inciuuing national casn register; gooa
bnrguln. Address Lock Uox 56, Sldii'iy.
Neb. Y-M799 6
FOH SALE, chenp, hand laundry In good
running order; must sell on account of
sudden death. P. Stlchweh, Grand Island,
Neb. Y-MSOl 7-
A GOOD meat market fully equipped; liv
ing rooms connected; good uusiness; tor
salo or rent. II. A. Hansen. Hlkliorn,
Neb. Y-M829 9
PHYSICIAN'S location; will sell, horses.
buggy, olllce llxtures, etc.. In thriving
town of 2u0, southeastern Nebraska; good
territory; no opposition; collections
prompt: n flno chance to locate In best
farming section of Nebraska nnd procuro
a guod paying prnctico at once. Address
J. H. K.. Room o"j8 Kurbach Ulock, Omaha,
Neb. Y MSS3 6
Kit New York Life Hide.
The Real Estate and Huslness Chanca Man.
solicits Your Huslness.
Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and Rooming
Houses for Snlu or Exchange.
HOTEL furniture nnd llxtures of 20 rooms,
completely equipped, only house In good,
llvo country town, doing nice buslno a;
can bo had reasonable. J. H. Jobinon,
N. Y. Life. In?i9,l
RESTAURANT nnd confectionary business
in live Iowa town 70 mile from Hluff'.
netting $150 to $200 per month: bear cloi'es.t
Investigation; half cash, half time to re
liable party. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life.
COAL nnd feed plant, paying buslnosf. no
better location, might consider some good
real estate. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life.
Y M943
FOR SALE, to first-class Job printer, Inter
est In paying Omnha printing office.
Owner has other business requiring pnrt
of his time. D 40. Hee. Y-972
FOR EXCHANGE, tine, clean stock gen
eral dry goods, furnishing goods, staplo
and up to date. Invoice about $10,OM). Will
exchange for part cash and good prop
erty. Good stock alMut $0,(00. In jj ol
order. Owner must have nbout $1,700 enll,
balance good property. If you want goo i
deal write to Somers & Hrown, 507 Man
hattan bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
Z-M9S2 14'
FOR SALIC, nlmost new Gabler upright
piano; will take horse nnd buggy on
trade. D 31, Hee. Z-S0.T
TO EXCHANGE for merchandise, 640 acres
of good land, $11 per acre. If you wish to
liuv. sell or exchange property see or
write T. M. Cllne, 123S O St., Lincoln. Neb,
HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also
tiro Insurance. Hemls, Paxton Hlk.
HE ill
RK 742
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fiirmim St.
HOU8E8 nnd lots In nil parts of c ty; also
acre property and farm lands. Tho O. F.
Davis Co., Room 552, Hee Uulldlng.
HE 741
SEVERAL thousand acres of the choicest
meadow land thut will go from 2 to 1 tons
per acre, located In Marshall county, .Min
nesota; parties In need ot hay should cor
respond, Also thousands of acres of the
choicest Red River lands for sale at from
$10 to $30 per acre. Any one wanting u
goon investment or a iiiiiu 10 iniiKe a
home should nddress Carey & Dakln,
Ureckenridge, Minn. HE 012 AO
N. Y. Lite, uuy una sen. inquiries invucu.
RE 73 A30
RANCH AND FARM lands for snto by the
Union Pacific Railroad company. H, A
McAllaster, land commissioner, I'll on
Pacillc Hcaduuarters, umana, .Net.
FOR SALE at n sacrlllee, elegant 10-room
house, line neighborhood. D z, Ueo Office.
RE-973 3
LOST, cow, yellow, dehorned. Dext'r U
Thomus, oil a. :aih nve. Tel. 2377
LOST Sunday night, u dark rough cloth
Eton Jacket with dark cloth trimming In
or near Krug's park, Reward tf roturird
to F. (1. UrlaU, 502 8. 13th st. or 70 N.
25th ave. iiti-y.'j a
nn NOT sell vnur 1unk before you Jtet
prices of the Great Western Junk Hoiue.
812 Douglas st , Omaha, 'Phone "ito. a
Fercr, proprietor, -23S AiJ
JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. U prig-lrel
1061; Alice Johnson, D. o., Iadls" dopt .
Old E. Johnson, Ostcopnthlst, Mgr
uujioiuui ostcopatn, raxton hlk. Tel. iv7
-7 9
A. T. HUNT, D. O..M3 KorbnchblkrTel !tf52.
MRS. JOHN r7"mUSICK, D. O.. ottej
pnthlc physician, Douglas block.
-32u A19
WILL HUY any good invention or patent.
Address Lock Hox 760, Des Moines, In.
Washington, D. C. H. J. Cowglll, ngent,
315 Hamgo block, Omnha, Neb. 7.7
$5 Tills advertisement Is good for $3. Sues
& Co,, patent attorneys, lire bldg., Omaha,
Neb. No fee unlcsu success tul.
-M29I A is
LADIES! Chichester's Engllsli Pennyroynl
Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Tnke
no other, Send 40 stnmps for particulars.
"Relief int Ladles," In letter by return
mnll. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Phi adelphla. 1'a.
Ot'R new book sent free, senled, fully
Illustrated, treats of all conditions of men
tells how to attain "Perfect Manhood."
Should be In the hand of every mnle
ndult. Address Erie Medical Co.. "Hook
Dept.." Huffalo, N. Y.
CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 RamgeT HhlgT"
ACCORDION pleating: cheapest, best,
quickest. Mrs. A, C. Mark, S. E. Cor. inh
nnd Farnam. 733
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life.
UOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
Ueo Hldg. 739
NEH, Huslness & Shorthand College, Hoyd's
Theater. fflO
GREGG Shorthand, Om. O. Col., 16 & Doug.
A HIO reduction In prlro on bicycles. New
bicycles, $15 nnd up; second-hand ones, $3
nnd up. Will sell cheup. Must reduce
stock. Headquarters for repairing and
sundries. Tires, $1.75 each. L. Flescher,
1C2J Capitol ave. -951 10
OMAHA Steam Uiundry; shirts, 7c; collars,
2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517.
OMAHA Holler Works, steam bolters, tnnk",
stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Ms.
EAGLE Lonii Olllce, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business conlldentlul, isul Douglas
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, liMi
and Lake Sts. 370
DEST for you, because? best made. Satin
Skin Soap. Cream add Powder. Use li
ptoof. 77J
LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even
ing. R 15, Com. iut. Hank. G. It. Rathbun,
IF YOU want good bass and croppy tlshlng
go to Langdon, Mo. Very best of hotel
accommodations. Plenty of bouts and
minnows. Write H. A. Dlttmar tor rates.
400 ACRES o miles south of Grotna, Sarpy
county, Neb. Duff Groen, Room d, Iiurker
Ulk Omaha. 534
IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2370 Harney.
7S0 A10
STOVES, lampB, etc., replnted. Omaha
Plating Co., Ueo Hldg. Tel. 2.135. Msji
TEL. 1331, M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming SL
, 737
Only $15
for n lino Aluminum Plate.
Don't havo any other kind
Tho only 'PLATE THAT keeps
the mouth cool.
Bailey the Dentist
Third Floor I'nilun Illock,
PHONE 1085.
rreinont, Elkhiim A Missouri Vnlley
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Dcndwood,
Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm
V yomiug, uasper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm c SiO'J pm
Hastings, York, David
City, superior, Geneva,
Exeter and Suwaru....o 3;00 pm b 6:0) pm
NonolK, Lincoln und
ITCinom v i .ovum diu; am
Fremont Local c i'M am
Allmaourl I'lU'lllc.
Nebraska Local, Via
ll'n....l.,.. tV'nli.f n 4!ln nm olA.Jt n.
II vrpiitb .v. ... uiit
Cllliuuo, St. I'lllll, .Mliiiiviliioll .V
(I ni n lin.
..... .i... It n l.fl.l nM A. .a
iwm i-up3t,ii,ci....ii m.w uii. u tfiiu inn
Sioux Ciiy Passenger. ,.u 2:45 pm nliuo am
Lmerson Local b iiM pm U b;w am
a IVllll)- U MUH) hawvi uuiiii, i; auil-
day Jiily. d Dallv sxeept Saiuruuy. o Dally
except Monday.
t'nloii Pncinc.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited n ::i um n 7:30 pm
Fast Mall... a Xs5o am n 3:25 prn
Mall and Express uum pm a 4:2a pm
culorado Spetiul ull:3j pm a 0:W um
Llncoln-Stromsbcrg Ux.b 4:05 pm bl2:3u pm
I'aclllc .si Atluntio Ex... u 1:23 pm u 0:50 um
Grand Island LjcuI b 5:30 pm b S:35 uni
llllllilla Cent rill.
Chicago Expresb a, 7:00 am a 6:10 pm
Chicago. Minneapolis &
St. Paul Limited a 7:4a pm a 8:03 am
Minneapolis i'c St. Paul
Express tiiW am b 9:40 pm
Fort Dodge Local, from .
Council Uluffs a 0:00 am
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express , a A:13 pm a S;20 am
('lilotiuii, HiieU I tu li il A, Piu'llle.
Chicago Daylight Spe l . 6:00 am 2:0) nm
Des Moines nnd Daven
port ljcul a 7:28 am blt:33 nm
Chicago ExpreM. bll 15 am a S 10 am
Des Mollies Iocal a 4.20 pm a 4.43 put
Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:w pm a 1.25 pm
Des Moines, Hock Island
and Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:33 pm
Rocky Mount'n Limited s:w am o.w nra
Lincoln, Colo Springs.
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:30 tun a 4:13 pm
Colorado. Oklahoma nnd
Texas Flyet a S:20 pm a 9:50 nm
I'liletiuo, Mil nnu hee A St. 1'iiul,
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a S:05 nm
Chicago A Omaha Ex...b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm
Mtiu ily A. Pnellle.
' Twin City Express n 0:36 nm n!0:23 Pm I
Twin City Limited a 7:53 pm S:15 am
Sioux City Local a S:uu am a 3:50 pm
.Missouri I'lU'lllc.
St. ImuU Exprefs nl0:W nm b b:55 pm
K. C. iV St. L. Express. al0:W pm u 0:15 am
tiilriiKo .V .Nortlm I'.itcrn.
Chlcngo Special a 7:00 am nll:3) pm
Chicago Passenger a l;13 pm n S:40 am
Eastern Express nl0;55 hih n' 1: inn
Eastern Speiinl a 4:53 pm n 4:o: pm
Fast Man a 2:43 pm
Om.iha-chlcngo L't'd...ii 7:15 pm a i:M urn
Fist Mail n fc:30 am
Cedar liapUU Passenger a 5:30 pm
Olilllllll .v st. i, mils.
St. Louis "Cannon Haifa 5:15 pm n s::0 nri
Kansa City nlid Qulncy
Local a 7:23 nm a 9:00 pm
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
IvniisiiM City. St.
.liisciili .1 Council
in u rr.
Leave. Arrive.
k- , f; U?yi .Kfv-"n, :S 11 2 V- 1 S"
it "i ' li" p5,..lKl,t Kx--"li:S ! S.VHr l!m
St. Louis Mytr .....a o lo pm ull;l5 am
llui lluutoii A .Missouri HUer.
Kansas City Day Ex n 9:20 am a 6:03 pm
Nebinska Express a 8:10 am a 7:35 pm
Wymote, Beatrice and
Lincoln , a 8:10 nm bll:55 am
Denver Limited i t:2l pm u 3W pm
Ulack Hills and Pugct
Sound, Denver Con
nection n 9:00 tim n 0:15 nm
Lincoln Past Mall b 3:10 pin n 9:17 nra
l-iirt I'rnntf ntul IMnttu. .
inoiitii h i.m i.n hit 'OR nm i
llellevue pAcliio" JcCia -,M on S Sm
lltllevue & Pacillc Jct..a 3:10 urn
Clili'iiuo. IliuiliiK tun .v (luliicy.
Chicago Special a 7:00 am al0:20 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm n 7.15 am
Chicago Local a t.30 am u 4:05 m
Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm n 7:15 am
Fast Mall it 2:15 pra
n Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
Direct Route to C2tai;irv nliltiltloii
jtcniualilpa ff.itn Nevr York Weekly for
Ealoon. $30 and up. Second Cabin. $32.50 and
up. Third Class, )-i and upwurds.
For illustrated folder and further Informs..
Chicago, or
J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St..
GEO. E. AUUOTT. 1214 Farnam SI.. Omaha.
Rtcofd Voyage d Pt. 7Houfi. 22 Mlnutet.
UUlfON to LIVbHfOOL tin III! F M I O wu
New Englsnil, Twin Seren, 11.600 " Aug. 14
Commonwealth ' 12,000 Tom Ami. 28
PORTLINn lit llvcuonnl
Vancouver .... Aug. 3 I Dominion .
Cambroman.... Aug. 17 I Vancouver
Aug. 10
For Isrtlierlolenaillas. lUtttt
Coapany'a Olllm, Dcirbor a St.. Ctlcate. lilt.
(Should be read dally by ull interested, a.i
chnnges may occur at nny time.)
Foreign mulls for tho week ending August
10. 1"01. will close (PROMPTLY 111 ull casus)
nt the general postolllco as ioIIowh: Parcels
post malls closo one hour earlier than clos
ing timo shown below. Parcels, post malls
lor Germany close nt 5 p. ni, Wednesday.
Regular and supplementary malls close
at foreign branch halt hour later than
doting timo shown below.
Triuts-Atlnntlc .Hulls,
WE DN ICS D A Y A t 0:30 n. m. for EUROPE,
per s. k. St. Paul, via Southampton; ut
S::m a. m. (supplementary lo a. in.) for
IRELAND, per h. s. Germanic (mall for
other parts of Europe nust bo directed
"per s. s. Germanic1'); nt 10 a. in. tor
HELOIUM. per s. h. Vnderlnnd (mnll
must be directed "per s. h. Vaderland").
THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per
b. s. La Normandle, via Havre (mall tor
other parts of Europe must be directed
"per h. h. Lit Normandlo"); nt 7:30 n. m.
(supplementary U a. m.) for EUROPE,
per s. s. Deutschlnnd, vln Plymouth,
Cherbourg und Hamburg; at 12:9) p. m.
for ITALY, per s. s. I.lgurlu, via Naples
(mall must be directed "per H, s.
SATURDAY At 7:30 n, m. for NETHER
LANDS, per s. s. Stnnteudam (mall must
be directed "per s. s. Staatendam"); nt
9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. h.
Astoria (mall must bo directed "per s. s.
Astoria"); at 9:3u a. m. (supplementary 11
a. in ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Caunianla,
via Queenstownj nt 10 u. m. for ITALY,
tier s. s. Werrn, via Naples (mnll must
be directed "per s. H. Werra").
PRINTED MATTER, ETC -Tills r.tiamcr
takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa.
pers und Samples for Germnny only. Th?
same class ot mall matter for other parts
of Europo will not be sent by this ship
unless specially directed by her.
After the closing of the supplementary
Trans-Atlantic innlls nnmed above addi
tional supplementary mailt are opened on
tile piers of tho American, English,
French und German sleumurj una remain,
open iriitll within ten minutes of tho hour
of sailing of et crime r.
Mnll" for Sit ii t li mill Ceutrnl Aiurrlrn,
West Indies, Etc.
TUESDAY At 9:30 n. in. (supplementary
10:30 a m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex
cept Costu Hlcu) and SOUTH PACIFIC
PORTS, per h. s. Advance, vln Colon
(mull tor Guatemala must bo directed
"nor s h Advance"); nt 12;30 p. m. (blip
plemeiitary 1 p. m.l for HERMUDA, ST.
DI TCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per h. h.
Madlunn (mnll for St. Kltts. Hrltlsh,
Dutch und French Giilnnn must bo
directed "per s. Jlmlluna"); at C,:"A
p. m. ror J..M,HA. per s. s. .uininu
Fnrragut, from Hoston; nt 11 p. m. for
JAMAICA, per s. s. Harnstnble, from
WEDNESDAY At 9 n. tn. for ST. KITTH.
GUIANA, per s. s. Uller; lit 9:30 n. m. for
INAOUA and HAITI, per s s. lielvemon;
nt 10 u. in. (supplementary 10:20 it, 111.) for
lllldur (mnll for other parts of Vene
zuela. Carthagena nnd Savnnllla must be
directed "per s. h. lllldur"!; nt 12 m. for
HAfcCIl nnd CHIAPAS. Dcr 8. ft. EsllO-
rnnza (mail for other parts of Mexico
must be directed "per s h. EHpernhza").
PARAGUAY, per s. s, Uevellus (mail fn
Northern Hrnzll must le directed "per
k. s. Uevellus"): nt 0:30 ti. m. for JA
MAICA, per n. s. Admiral Schley, fr. m
FRIDAY At 12 m for MEXICO, per x s.
Mntunzus. via Tumplco (mnll must b'
directed "per s. 8. Mutnnzus"i; nt 11 p. in.
for NEWFOUNDLAND per s. s. Cartha
genu, from Philadelphia.
SATURDAY At 9 n. m. (suppleinilltnr
9:30 n. tn.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO
und VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia
(mall for Savanllla nnd Carthagena mint
be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at
9:30 n. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m) f'ir
1LLA und CARTHAGENA, pur s. s.
Altai itnall for Costu Rica must bo di
rected "per s. 8. Altai"); nt 9:30 n. m
(supplementury 10:30 a- m.) for HAITI
and SANTA MAHTA. per h. 8. Andes;
at 10 a. in. for CUHA. per h. Mexlui.
via I In vn mi; at 12:30 p m. for MATAN
nnd HARACAO, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary
malt only, which must be directed ' p-r
s. h GUiida"): nt 1 p. m. (hiipjilemcntHry
1:30 p m l for HERMUDA. per h. t.
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydnev. and thenco nv Hteamer, closo at
this nftk-o dallv at 0:30 p, m, (connecting
. lno hern everv Mondav. Wednesdav and
Saturday). Malls for Mlquclon, oy rail to
Hoston. nnd thenco nv steamer, uioso nt
this cllico dally at 6:30 n, in. Mails for
Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmpa, Fin., nnd
thence bv steamer, time nt this office
dally nt O m. (tho connecting cbtc
here on Monday. Wednesday .nd S.tturdavl.
Malls for M- xli.i C.ty. i.eran l. . li
loss speojally mldi. ,fcu for ilUpuich ov
steamer, close at this olllce dallj al .M
p, ni. nnd UM p m Malls fur Costa Hioi,
lSellze, Puerto Cortes and Uantemala, by
rail to New Oiiealis, and thence by steamet,
close nt this ottlfu dall) ut 'Viiu p, in.
teonnectlng close here Molinnys tor Hollze,
Puerto Cortex and Guatemala and Tues
days for Costa Hleui. 'Registered mall
cloics nt 6:o0 p. m. previous day.
Triiiifl'uelili- Mulls,
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd Phil
ippines, via San Francisco, ein.r here
dally nt fi:30 p. m. up to August "S, In
clusive, for dispatch per s. s
Mails for Hawaii, vU San Francisco. clne
here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to Augut '3,
,.f0.V 'fpajf h l'',r MriiPos.
Mails for ll.iwall. .lanati. China nod Phil
ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close
hen- dally at 6:30 p. m. up lo August 12,
Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Cltv of
Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vnnco.iver,
i-inse nere iiauy nt t:w p. m. up m ugu-i
1:t hiplii.hi., .iiu..r.,i ,. m h tn.
13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. i-.m-
press of India registered mall must be I
directed "via Vancouver'").. Mall, except I
merfchnndlso whlih cannot be forwarded
via L-auaila, ri.f the C S. Postal A no it
nt Shanghai, olosAi nt 0:30 p. tn. ir vlo,s
, day. "
Malls for China nnd Jnpan. via S'litfr,
close here dally at 0:,tn p. m. up to Au
gust II. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.
lilziuini Maru (registered mail must ho di
rected "via Seattle"!.
Mails for Australia (except West Austratl.t,
which Is forwarded via Europe i. New
.calami, FIJI, Samoa und Hawaii, via S.iu
Francisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p, m.
nfter July M? and tin to Atimisi M t .
elusive, or on arrival of s, s Lucanla. d c i
at Now York August "17. for dispatch I
per s. s. Sonoma.
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which goes via Europe, and New X.ealniid. I
which goes la Han Franclsem 'ind FIJI j
Island, tin Vancouver, eluoe acre dallv
nt 0:30 p. m. up to August 17, Inclusive,
f"" "HoiMtcli per s. s. Warrlmoo (suppl?:
inentnry malls, via Seattle and Victoria.
cort, llt , AxiKtM ,mi,n ,MUHl ,
. ,recled "via Vancouver").
lulls for China nnd I, i . via Taroma.
close here dally at 0.3 p. m. up lo Ati !
gust "IS, inclusive, for dispatch p,r t. s
Trnns-Parlfle malls are forwarded to port j
of sailing dally and the schedulu of closing ,
Is arranged on the nresiimnt on of their tin-
interrupted overland transit Registered
iiut-i i iiimu ui ci iiiiiu tiiiunii iti-jsifiu' vu i
hiall doses nt 0 p. in. previous day. ,
. ..VJ.'"''? W' YZlStWhi 1
Postolllce. New ork. N .. August I, 1 01
No. lOPfi. Miller et ni agtlnst HnrrK Ap
peal from lingo. Alllrmed. Pound, C. De
vlil..,. V.. I-.,-. ,..... ...I
1 A ideaillng sliould lie liberally oonstru 1
when uttucked for the llrst time nfter judg-
? At. il (.(-, I i..,lnli l.n. Itn.,,1
formed is not within the statute of Iran Is.
No. 101W. Ollllsple ngnlnst Morsmiu. Er-
"hison,0,!:Bl,,r;V""d,' OI,1,1',m' ( --
1. in un'er'nir proeeedlng In which iio m - I
tlon for it new trial wus tiled in the c.i i t ,
below and no exceptions tnken to tlio nil-
Ings of the trial court the only nuestlen ,
that can be examined In this court l.s us to
whether the pleadings are sulllclent to hiis-
mi inr 14- mm III
No. 1U193. Newsntn et nl nunlnst Walter
et nl. Appeal from Lincoln. Atllriueil.
Dullle. C.. Division Nn. 3, Unreported.
1. Tho failure for inOro thnn live yoir1
to iiHis between two nnd three miles of i
puinie road orlglunlly laid out u dlatnne
of nbout thirty miles, Which failure was i
not caused by nntural obstacles, will have j
me ehect to vncnte SUCH unused pott on.
No. 102112. Johnston acatnst Pavton. ICrrnr
from Custer Alllrmed. Ames, C, Divi
sion No. 3. Unreported.
Art nppeal from n Judgment of n Justbc
of the peace cannot be prosecuted uu'is
the undertaking therefor, provided by stat
ute, Is (lied with tho Justice within tin
days after tint rendition of the Judgment.
It Is Immaterial thut the party desiring 1 1
nppeal was Ignorant of tho dnto of the
rendition of the Judgment, because of belnx
mistaken 'as to the length of time the Jus
tice Intended to at did defer his decision
nfter the close of the trial.
No. 10211. Sullivan Transfer comrnny
ngainst Posku. Error from Lancaster.
Reversed and remanded. Hastings, C, Di
vision No. 1, Unreported.
Prior to net of 1901 no anneal to dlstr'ct
court lav from ludument In forclb'e ent V I
1 .i..:.i..... .. 1 . . 1 . n . . ..... 1
mm ill'lilllli'l hi il Jiiniiuv ut 11111 lujwr.
Armstrong ngainst Mnyer. 3 N. W., 1(1.
No. 10225. Miller it Co. against t.-Utire
et ul. Error from Custer. Alllrmed. Pound,
C. Division No. 2. Unreported.
1 A defendant In replevin from whom
property bus been tnken nnd delivered to
the plnlntirr may recover n judgment for
return of nil or a portion thereof or Its
value under a general denial without cltlm
of or prayei for a return.
2 Where reverrnl of 11 Judgment Is s'oucht
by reason of errors required to lie cut up
In a motion for n new trlnl the record must
show n ruling upon auch motion.
No, 10249. ngulnsl Cogllzer. Error
from Cuss, Alllrmed. Albert, C, Division
No. 3. Unreported.
Tho finding of n trlnl court on a question
of fact will not ho reviewed In this court
in tlie absence of 11 duly authenticated bill
of exceptions.
No. 10211. Nebrnskn Loan nnd Trust Com
pany against Dlckerson et nl. Appeal from
Sherman. Alllrmed, Hastings, C. Divi
sion No 1. Unreported.
1. Objections to tho regularity of n de
cree, which Is not nppealed from and whero
personal Jurisdiction Is shown, cannot ha
heard on appeal from nn order conllrtnlng
sale of rent estato made pursuant to tho de
cree. 2. Objections to nn nppralsal como too
late when not presented for moro than two
months nfter the sale.
NO. ICON). The University of Michigan
ngnlnst McGuckln et nl. Appenl from
Douglas. Alllrmed. Commissioner's opin
ion. Division No. 3. Opinion by -Albert, C.
1. In this stnto. marriage. Is n civil con
tract, nnd whenever tho mlmlH of parties,
capable of entering into such a contract
with eueh other, meet In n common cm
sent thereto at the same timo there l.s a
valid marriage.
2. In thu ubsunce of a bill of exceptions
the findings of the trial court on a ques
tion of fact will not be reviewed.
3. Answer examined , and held to contain n
sufficient averment of marriage between
the defendants, when assailed for tho llrst
ttmo on nppeal.
No, 100X1. Cochran et ,nl ngainst Cochran.
Appenl from Dougliis. Alllrmed. Commis
sioner's opinion. Division No. 2. Opinion
-by Sedgwick, C. Reported.
1. Upon proceedings in error from u de
cree in eqjlty tlio error unsigned In tho
motion for a new trial being that the de
cision Is contrary to law, tho lludlng that
.execution was duly Issued out of tlio
proper court directed to tho sheriff und
nguinsi inv proper uoicnuuni in execiiiiuu,
and thiil the execution wus returned tin
satlslled, is u sufficient tlndlng that tho t'e
feud'iut had no property subject to execu
tion. 2. If u defendant owns real estate, having
the entire benetlclnl Interest therein. Him
legal title being in another, a court of
equity may In proper proceedings subject
such reul estate to tho payment of n Judg
ment ngainst the owner llndtug
that the titio was so pinceu in nnotner
with fraudulent Intent.
3. If tho court Hods nil of the facto from
which the law will Infe.r a frnudulent In
tent 11 decree based thereon will not be ie
versed us contrary to law because the
court fnlled to statu In Its llndlng that the
fraudulent Intent existed.
No. 10107 "Ml'Cormlck & Urn. ngnlnst
Carey. Error from Cass, Reversed. Com
mlsHloner's opinion. Division No. 3. Opin
ion by Albert, C. Reported.
1. In proceedings to revive a dormant
Judgment 'the defendant, by pleu of pay
ment, udmltH tho validity of tho Judgment
sought to be revived.
2, On lHsue Joined on such plen It is error
for tho court to deny n request of a party
to tho proceedings for n trial by Jury.
No. 10101. Statu ex rii Hunker against
West. Error from ' Cuming. Affirmed.
Commissioner's opinion. Division No, 2.
Opinion by Oldham, C. Reported.
Where i vacancy occurs In a board of
supervisors In n county under township or
gnnla.ttlnn the remaining members of the
bourd constitute tho proper authority to fill
niu.ii vacancy.
No. 102IS. Gilbert ngainst Garber et nl.
Appeal from Webster. Reversed, with
directions. Commissioner's opinion. Division
No. 2. Opinion by Oldlium, C. Reported,
1. Tho power of a collecting agent by the
general law Is limited to tho receiving for
the. debt of his principal, that which tho
law declares to bo u legal tender, or which
is by common consent considered nnd
treated as money and passes ns such nt
2. Ono who makes payment In n second
person, not the owner of tho note, nnd not
In possession of It, of money, to bo applied
in pnment of tho debt thereby evidenced,
ass tines the burden of proving that tho
party to whom payment was made .was
empowered, to collect the money. (Richards
v. Waller, 19 Neb., C39: OS N. W Hep., 1033,
3. A course of dealing by which n loin
company has received and receipted for In
terest payments of a negotiable promts
tnrv nolo from the mortgagor or his ns-
signs will not of Itself be suitlrlent proof of
its agency tn receive and receipt for th
payment of tho principal of said noto when
said note is In the hands of on Innocent
person, for value, before maturity.
4. Evtdenro examined and Held tint Milft
rlent to show nn agency for the collection
of a negotiable promissory note,
Ecimtor Cullcm L'lpriines Oplnlti Afttf
Talk with tha rtrtidtnt.
Denies Unit An i'nlU luillcntliiu In
terfereuee ulth Strrl StrlUo
Whs Itntlllueil In li)
Seuiiinr lliinnii.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-.fter n visit to Prcsl
dent McKlnley nt Canton Senator Cultom
says tl ere Is not likely to be any gcueral
tsrltl legislation next winter, but that soma
ol the pending loininerclnl treaties ought
10 lt.tSS the nelllltl. The lnn.lnt nl.n f jIItikI
of . ,.... , . . ....n,... i ,.,i,.,, n,,,.
or k ' I'ollc) In other lines,
T u senator returned homo last evening
and went at once to Highland Park, wuero
he Is spending tlio summer.
Asked as to the story that Senator Hsnna
had gone to Calitun to get uld Irom tho
president In settling tho steel strike Sen
ator Cullom said. "1 know there Is nothing
In that report. Senator Hanua, President
.McKlnley nnd myself talked of the strike
a? wo did of other mutters of current In
terest, but there was no suggestion from
Sciintor llnnihi at nny time that he wuj
mixing up in tho matter nt nil."
Speaking of the nrtlou likely to bo l.ikeu
by congress nt the next session, Senator
Cullom said.
We shall havo to enact some legislation
regnrdlng the Philippines, but not much, t
I'orto illro Is now nil disposed of
hero Is nothing to do for It. As far
ns concerned. It has accepted tho
American ptoposals, nnd we have nothing
mort, t0 , t1H,, t0 lct u ni0I10 nJ 0.
It to work out Its own salvation. From
all tho Information I elm got, tlio feeling Is
growing stronger In Cuba every day In
, ... .... .
",u'.l ' "-"" l" coumr,.
It will grow stronger ns the Cubans ilnd
,llclr '"""'" "' onjoylng tho
u,nent, , ,ro- ,rntU, wn lllls countryi
which they are debarred from."
"Wli.U prospect Is thero of tnrirt lcglsla-
Hon by congrejs next winter?" was asked
of the senator,
"I do not think thoro will bo any, nt
lt'I"t 1101 1,1 lue forl" of Kcnernl revision of
thu tariff. Of course I nm not In a position
to speak authoritatively when 1 say that.
There are some things wo ought to do
which will amount to a partial revision of
mnff. There aro at present pending
before the senate ten commercial treaties,
These treaties are all of a reciprocity
,,,,., . ,, ,i,., . .,i,i,i ,..m i,,.... .
It t'")y rntlilcd, will change
tho nrlff with the countries with which
,0y are made. It seeir.3 as though It
would lie ivise lo ratiry at least somo ot
them. A feeling has grown up abroad that
the United States Is disposed to net In
what may be called a hoggish manner tu
its trade relations and If thean reelnrneltv
.rpnti. run lie drawn sn nn to be for the
,rc!Ull cnn be drawn so ns to lie for tno
muiuiu iiiiviiiuiiKe in ooiu euuuiries rnior-
Ing Into thorn, I think it would be beneficial
nil around."
Their Secret In Out.
All Sadlo'ille, Ky., wuh curious to learn '
tho cause of tho vast Improvement in the
health of Mrs. S., I. Wh(ttaker. who had
for a long timo endured untold suffering
from n chronic bronchial trouble. "It's
all duo to Dr. King's New Discovery;"
writes her husband. "It completely cured
lior and also cured our little granddaughter
of a sovero attack of whooping cough." It
positively cures coughs, colds, lagrlppc,
bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles.
Guaranteed bottles COc and $1.00. Trial
bottles freo at ICuhn & Co.'s drug store.
Authorities Estnlillnli nn A Be Limit
fur Aiillrniitn fur (Htvernmciit
Pontiil l'nnltliina.
I)y n circular dated August 1, 1001, tho
president of tho United States has made n
far-reaching Inuovntloii in tho rules gov
erning the admission of persons to tho
classified service of the government and
tho fact has Just been mudo public In a
bulletin Issued by thu civil service commis
sion to secretaries of local boards.
By the terms of tho bulletin only per
sona between tho ages of 18 nnd 45 years
can bo examined for theso positions. Tho
change hns tho effect, In lowering tho ago
for carriers three years and In reducing
tho ago for clcrkB to 43 or less. Previous
to this order carriers wore required to
be between tho ages of 21 nnd 4ft nnd clerks
not less thnn IS years old, with no limit
as to the maximum ngc.
It In stated that tho change In tho reg
ulations wns mndo necessary by the largo
number of old men who wore getting upon
tho government rolls, particularly In tho
east, where It began to look nn though tho
public was ranking the civil service clerk
ships of the United States n sort of rofugo
for nutlquo specimens of masculine hu
manity. As there was no limit to tho
ago nt which clerks might get upon tho
rolls thoro Is no method of letting them
out whon they have outlived their useful
ness and ns a result tho clerkships were
being filled with men who nt best could
perform good service for only a few, years.
It Is nlfo understood that tho chaneo has
been brought nbout through the cffbrlB of
somo clerks to estabjfs'h n 'pension Jund, to
bo maintained by tho civil Hervlco employos
of the government, Ihe members of the pon
slon society to pay to U10 United States
treasury a certain proportion of their wngos
each month for n specified time, tho money
thuB collected to, be used to pension em
ployes nfter their rctlrcmont nt an ago to
be detormlned by tho United States govern
ment. The change In tho regulntlou la
hailed with delight by the promoters of the
pension scheme, as it will In n fow years
reduco tho average age qf civil service em
ployes to n point where the plan can bo
successfully Introduced without working too
great a hardship upon tho younger members,
postolllce officials at Omaha complain
somewhat becnuso of tho fow men who tako
examinations for clerkships compnred with
tho womon who aro now on the ellglblo list.
Ono of them, speaking of this featuro of tho
matter, said:
"Tho ellglblo Hat of clerks and carriers ot
tho Omahu ofllro is practically depleted of
men, while there nro moro women on tho
list than we know what to do with. Each
year sees n Inrgo Increase In th cumber
of female ellglhles, with .-. responding
Increase In tho number of males. Wo
already havn moro women In tho Omaha
ofnc, In proportion to the total number
employed, than nny other office In tho
United Slates, and In somo positions they
do ok well ob mon, hut there aro somo places
whero femaln clerks rnnnot be used. They
can ell stamps, keep records and work In
tho genernl delivery all right, but they cer
tainly cannot rustle sncks and handlo heavy
pouches llko the mon, and theso are tho
peoplo wo need on the eligible list ot clerks
at this timo."
Sun tn l Willing- Id Help Farmers,
CHICAGO. Aug. S.-1'nul Morton, second
vice president of the Kantn Fo road, de
clared loduy that If necessary his road
would carry corn Into Kansas at reduced
rntfJi, provided tho corn crop proves nn
almost total failure ami would nllow farm
er!) to keep their cattlo to fatten.
Hull (iilenKo I'onrr Housn.
CHICAGO, Aug. 6. Four highwaymen
entered the power houso of the' Suburban
Electric Hallway, company today. ' They
bound und gagged two employes who were
In Ihe building, blew open tho saf and
escaped with 1700.